Vikoristannya іkt at the lessons of physics and informatics. Stagnation of IKT in physics lessons and information communication technologies in physics lessons

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"Effectively victorious information communal technologies with new physics ".


The concept of modern education is to pose a number of problems for the school, the appearance of which, most often, it is unfortunate without the widespread introduction of new computer technologies at the moment.

Years at the level of physics is necessary for the minimum amount of information in the early years of the day, so that the mastery of the head is guaranteed. The professionalization of the middle school and also the active introduction of new forms and methods of modernization. It’s a good idea to see an effective victorious achievement of computer technologies in the process of starting.

The questionnaire, carried out with students of 10-11 classes, showed that it is important to learn the difficult things and take interest in the subject, not to realize their creative potential in the world.

The reasons for leading to the loss of interest before mastering new knowledge with the traditional approach to the Victory:

The stagnation of the traditional navchannya rozrahovannya to increase the information flow at an interconnected hour, which does not allow the increased recognition of their creative potential.

It is not in the general world that the elements of the past become stagnant, as it is the most important component in the process of new physics, in laboratory and practical robots: on account of the lack of possession, or forgiveness of the very experimental poor model, vitrate of the great parameters.

Formal decision to the revision of physical institutions (decision only on the porch and unwillingness to reconsider the result in practice);

Weak equipping of demonstration possessions due to lack of finance;

It is not a matter of showing deyaky physical experiments in the minds of the school, because of the dearness of the high school.

The relevance of the project is summarized:

1. Necessity of liquidation and development of modern physics in schools and didactic potential of technologies of informational support.

2. I will require the establishment of program-methodical security for new students of physics and education of ICT.

For the current system of physics, the characteristics of the attack are:

1. Mіzh the didactic potential of the technologies of informatsionnogo suspension and molded by the era of physics in schools.

2. In accordance with the educational needs of the informational support and the daytime of the necessary program-methodical safety for the new schoolchildren.

Appointment of deterioration allows in the formed system to formulate the problem of the project, as it is in the design and construction of a new effective approach to the introduction of physics from IKT victories.

The theme of the project is "Effectively victorious ІKT at new physics"

Ob'єkt doslіdzhennya : The process of learning physics in grades 7-11.

Subject Doslіdzhennya : Navchalne middle school course in physics.

Meta project:

Demonstration of the effectiveness of the research and development of the ICT and the effectiveness of the research

The beginning of the middle, has been broken down from the knowledge of information technologies to allow the system of physics research, as not only to publicize, concretize, systematize the knowledge of physics, but to teach the motivation to add. Vivchennya central discipline.

The most significant goals of designing the initial process from the development of educational and information technologies are used by the advanced motivation of scientists, in the automation of the initial process, development of reflection, creative thinking

The achievement of the set must be transferred through the decision of the offensive buildings:

1. rozvitok osobistostі order hto navchaєtsya, pіdgotovka Yogo to samostіynoї produktivnoї dіyalnostі in minds Suchasnyj іnformatsіynogo suspіlstva: rozvitok mislennya, estetichne vihovannya, formuvannya umіn priymati correctly rіshennya abo proponuvati varіanti in skladnіy situatsії, rozvitok umіn zdіysnyuvati experiental-doslіdnitsku dіyalnіst.

2. Realization of social substitution, amalgamated with informatization of the day-to-day suspension.

3.Intensification of the process of education in the best way of the system and uninterrupted education:

Advancing the efficiency and quality of the lighting process for the realization of the possibilities of information and communication technologies (ICT);

Activation of educational performance for the ІKT victories;

Loss of interdisciplinary links for rakhunok vikoristannya ІKT;

Realization of ideas for open-mindedness on the basis of victorious cut-and-paste technologies.

resource project : Availability of a cabinet, possessed by a computer, a projector, access to the Internet, the ability to store an interactive board.

Idea for the Polyaga project in the offensive:

The effectiveness of the science of physics and the knowledge of science in the future, as well as the construction of the beginning of the middle class, will spiral to the system of new physics in the history of ICT.

Scoring result:

- vikladachevі - Possibility of projecting at the beginning of the middle; Possibility of realizing principally new forms and methods of new methods; additional possibilities for training and development of special features of education; creative joke and organization of the social activity of scientists and readers; distribution and vibrating of the best options chief programs; Victory of intellectual forms of pratsi;

- scholars - access to non-traditional information dzherel; advancing the efficiency of self-sustaining robots; there are absolutely new possibilities for creativity, because of the fixation of new professional skills;

- daddy - the possibility of taking part in the process of repairing by monitoring the level of success, ending with participation in social projects.

1.Application of a computer in the classroom as a universal technical training

Traditional audio visualization can be successfully replaced by a computer, screen and multimedia projector. The current program of safety allows you to demonstrate at the level a great number of scientific material: small pieces, diagrams, tables, texts (formulas of laws, formulas, etc.), video recordings, animations, physical models. I myself can complete the equipment electronic resource presentation, yak will be demonstrated during the lesson. It is essential to the type of lesson the informational change of slides will change.

For example, at the stage of teaching a new material, I demonstrate a video recording of information (in the same way, as the demonstration of real information takes about an hour, other details of the experiment cannot be caught by the scientists, and in that kind of process, I’m not willing to see it) to see the peculiarities of the phenomenon, repeat the process more than once, accelerate it). At the stage of consolidating new knowledge, I lead a group (the principle of gris: on the screen of the winery, food from the vivchenoi by those - follow the educators - the winners on the slides show the correct view, which is supervised by a thematic little one or a photograph). In the end of the lesson, I dynamically repeat the basic steps of the lesson with the students, demonstrating the information slides.

Podіbni (traditional by day) lessons allow the reader to see the kind of tools in the robots of the craft and the boards, make the lesson clear, learn the interest of the learners to the subject.

1. Vikoristannya computer, projector and interactive board.

2. Preparation of the presentation before lessons.

3. Testing of scientific institutions.

4. Control robots.

2. Vikoristannya computer models in physics lessons

The computer model allows you to control the behavior of objects on the computer screens, changing the values ​​of numerical parameters, embedded in the basis of the display mathematical models... The models of the model allow one hour in the course of the experiment to create a dynamic mode in order to induce graphical deposits for an hour a number of physical quantities to describe the experiment. Some of the models are of particular value, since, as a rule, they are difficult to read when prompted.

You can see the built-in views and the buildings for scientists up to computer models:

Computer experiment;

Experimental development (tobto a development, for the verification of which it is necessary to think over and put a specific computer experiment);

Rozrakhunkovі zavdannya with a given computer reversal (scientists will learn 2 - 3 zavdannya, as a part of it is necessary to display without the computer’s victorian, and then reconverting the test drive by delivering

When such buildings are folded, it is necessary to provide both the functional possibilities of the model, as well as the range of changes in numerical parameters);

Heading with the daytime data (when such jobs are shown, the student is to blame for the change, of which the parameter itself is not used for setting up and independently vibrating its value),

Creative work (within the framework of this project, one will be taught at one point or another);

Before the end of the day (in the course of the visit, in the course of the visit, which scientists need to plan and carry out a number of computer experiments, if they allowed the confirmation or to simplify the regularity.);

Problems of management (for an additional number of models, it is possible to demonstrate, so called, problem situations, that is, the situation, such as to produce the scientists to the point of being able to wipe it off, but then to propose the development of the reasons for such situations in the situation

Industrial results for the current year:

1. Created base of computer models of song themes.

2. Model vikoristovuyutsya in the classroom.

3. Digital educational resources

Prepared software products allow you to spend an hour on preparation before the lesson. stench good quality scientific and illustrative material before handlers, additional information, additional material, which broadened the horizons of scholars or more material losses.

I am also vicorist software products, like revealing interactive practical robots, Various models, tables, little ones, graphs. The stench allows you to deliberately explain the manifestations, processes, and also demonstrate to the last.

In the classroom, actively vikoristovuyutsya electronic resources "Vidryta fizika 2.6", "Physics, 7-11 classes" Physicon, "Physics, 7-11 grades. Library of nauchnykh posibnikiv "," Lessons of physics by Cyril and Methodia "," Electronic lessons and tests "Physics in schools", "Virtual physical laboratory", "1C: Tutor. Фізика + Options ЄДІ "and інші. The resources of the program can be used to study at the stages of preparation and conducting physics lessons, as well as for independent robotics in the early hours. Multimedia complexes to replace electronic handlers, video fragments, interactive models, laboratory robots, right, start and test, allow you to include these changes in any stage of the lesson: in explaining the new material, in the explanation of new material, a little overturn.

These programs are also intended for lessons in workshops, as they will be fixed for the revision of the plant with a further conversion to a computer model, which will stimulate the self-efficiency of scientists.

Interactive laboratory robots allow in the general community of viconati a practical part of the initial programs, especially in quiet ones, since it is impossible to carry out the information through the active reasons in the laboratory mind.

However, it should mean that all the re-insured forms of practical work take place from the IKT vicarians, and there is a lot of clear-cut technology, including staging by the head of the plant and organizing the initial developments.

4. Vikoristannya Internet - resources

Great opportunities in my practice are giving me the opportunity to use Internet resources, which will allow them to carry out new forms of education in the apparently new way.

Internet - basic, additional information

Internet - ADI

Internet - workshops, lesson

Internet - professional, pre-university training

Internet - Olympiads, competitions

For organizing the cob knowledge of scientists with resources, I put a list of electronic addresses on the Internet with a short summary specially for scientists.

Such a list can be found on a special stand in the physics room.

I will add butt of such annotations when vivchenna physics.

1.http: // - Danish resource to revenge the availability of materials for visualization of materials in physics for 7, 8 and 9th grades. There are a lot of yakisny and rorakhunkovyh buildings, as well as applications for solving problems for 7 and 8 classes.

2.http: // - Animation of physical processes in optics, chemistry, mechanics, thermodynamics. Є theory of skin іf proponent topics, a close-up experiment.

3.http: // - Resource to avenge a great number of pre-divine tables from physics: "Masa", "Shvidkist", "Energy", "Dani about the Earth, Sonce, Vsesvita", "Physical constants", "Masi and smiri molecules", "Power of gases, ridin and solid til" and a lot of it.

4.http: // - Science electronic library to avenge the latest scientific innovations in small articles, as they are common news. You can learn everything about the rest of the evidence in science.

5.http: // - A resource that can help school children know whether they know information from physics material from history of physics. There is also a short physical encyclopedia for children, a great encyclopedic vocabulary, biographies of vchenikh - physicists

Internet resources are often stagnant:

"Information and Education Portal of the Republic of Belarus",

"Physics in animations" (,

official information portalЄDI (,


“Vidkritiy College. Physics "(,

methodically discussing physics teachers (,

"Fizika Ru" (,

Osvitniy portal (, Astrofizichny portal (,

"One collection of educational resources" ( and іnshi. The materials of the sites are to be tested during preparation before lessons, for the control of the beginners' activities, for the preparation of scholars before the Olympics and EDI, distance learning, for the pre-day robotics.

1. Vikoristannya resources during preparation before the lesson.

2. Post information for the course.

3. Preparation of scholars before the Olympics and competitions.

5. The design capacity of the scientists.

The primary project is the value of the spilny performance of the scientists, which is great spilnuyu meta, adjusted to achieve the final result. Tsya dіyalnіst allows you to show yourself, to try your strength, to conserve your knowledge, to show your result. The product of design power is additional information, poster, model, babies, information, presentation.

Design capacity of development and development: self-reliance in cases (in pairs, groups, individually); vmіnnya obsluhati іnshih; vmіnnya to see your own thought; communication and efficiency in the reach; vmіnnya looming mind and turn to itself.

The motivation before the introduction of physics in the educational institutions is to develop during the preparation of home projects. Vikoristovuchi of the development of digital media, editors and resources, additions to MS Office. I formulate to the scientists the specific knowledge, and the technology to select the scientific knowledge is selected by myself, I will appreciate the final result. It is important to showcase materials (diagrams, diagrams, text information, animations, video, illustrative graphic material), but it is logical to display and not specifically required information.

Industrial and current results:

Participation in competitions of pre-slidnitsky projects;

Participation in robotics MAN.

6. Distance learning

Modern technologies allow organizing the remote form of creation. Distance learning (DN) is a price, if a week or a student is distributed spaciously and if all or a large part of the basic procedures are available from the week of information and telecommunications technologies. Distance learning gives you the opportunity to learn the most necessary knowledge.

From the traditional forms of navchannya BEFORE coming to the next characteristic rice:

- there is the opportunity to engage in your own hour, at the required pace and time. At the same time, the triviality of mastering the course can be varied;

- start, you can master the course at once with the main skills or the head professional skill;

- Possibility of formulating an individual initial plan with a set of ambitious courses;

- The scholar can immediately go to the very latest informational dashboards (libraries and databases, electronic and electronic books). With the help of the Internet, you can spilkuvannya like with viclade, so we will learn. Light, powerful and special contact;

- It is efficiently victorious when it’s an hour to start, so it’s an hour to be victorious. Decrease vimoga to the main areas and exploitation;

- storing new information technologies informational support;

- Yes, the equal opportunities of rejection of the versatile, illuminate the posture of a small life, I will become healthy and of those special features.

The effectiveness of preschool education, however, as a traditional education, is to lay down the quality of the vicarious primary materials and the majesty of teachers. However, when organizing BEFORE going to great respect at the next moment:

- in the center of the process of navchannya there is an independent educational activity;

- it is necessary, that the study is self-sufficient to gain knowledge, creep with the knowledgeable information dzherels, in the process of communication with the central information, vicorist different ways cognitive performance, mav necessary for robots with a computer and in the net of the Internet;

- self-reliance on knowledge is not guilty of being passive in nature, navpaki, the one who is thinking from the very ear is guilty of learning to actively learn the knowledge, so that the transfer of knowledge is passed on to the problem of future problems;

- organization of self-reliant competence of scientists in the scale of transmission of new pedagogical technologies, information on the form of science, which stimulates the development of internal reserves of skin education. Naybіlsh in the distance in the whole period of life in small groups, the method of projects, prelude, problem methods; report synopsis of busyness to the necessary material - unbearable views, food, creative work;

- a change of types of activity of distant scientists through a stretch of distant employment;

- the transformation of the types of activity of the most distant teacher;

- a list of materials or materials needed for the occupation (web site access, powerful web pages, texts, laboratory materials required, CD-ROM).

Industrial and current results:

On the current day, the site, on any given day, will have all the information for the project;

Conducting distance Olympiads from physics on the basis of a personal site;

Victory of electronic listing (e-mail) for consultations and re-evaluation of scientific projects of scientists, testing and self-preparation before the EDI and Olympiads;

Distribution of materials for preparation before lessons, Olympics, science projects on the sides of the site.

It is among the useless ways to improve the effectiveness of the lesson, to check information technologies for the current loan of one of the provincial events. Crazy, maybutn - for information technologies. With the help of this year it is possible to see the lifeless didactic, organizational and methodical problems.

The design of the initial middle school with the IKT vicarious - є the formation of the physical culture of the scientists in the ї forms (the primary discipline - prescriptive education - come in), de management of the design, to look at how the process of development is adequate.

Effectively organizing the initial process, in which the power of new information technologies can be developed, allowing for individual and collective work with the scientists, as well as the integration of development and strategic development, knowledge of the subject of learning Vona is a kind, unique for this middle class alloy of okremikh, pedagogical and in. Components, which will provide an overall initial effect, which will advance the motivation of scientists to the development of discipline and creativity.

If I look at the curiosity of the lucky reader, I can recommend the market with multimedia novelties as soon as possible. Years are especially rich and, most importantly, they improve their technical and didactic capabilities.

The stagnation of computer technologies does not change the term of availability, but most often the stagnation of electronic education programs at the level of the computer is more than an hour, if only give the reader more opportunity to see the information about the theoretical nutrition. With a large number of multimedia courses, additional help will help the students to understand more in detail in the physical processes and phenomena, to learn important theoretical nutrition, as they could not have been able to learn without testing interactive models.

The greatest efficiency of the computer's control at the level is attainable in the offensive drops:

- victorious multimedia courses in case of various topics, appearances, which are most often displayed in detail only in electronic lighting programs, as it is uncomfortable to learn in real experiments;

- increased visualization of objects and appearances in the context of hand-crafted methods of operation.

- testing the possibilities of varying the time scale of the pod, reconnecting the computer model, experimenting and testing the versatility and repetition;

- automation of the process of control of the level of knowledge and knowledge of scientists;

- testing and correction of results in initial performance;

- vikoristannya programmedovisches, virtual laboratories for organizing creativity, initial and educational performance of scholars.

The intelligence, pedagogical efficiency of the program mediums is not only from the electronic tools themselves, but from the preparation of the readers for the robotics, because of the obviousness of the possession in schools.

A computer is a tedious instrument in the hands of a competent teacher, and you can't even claim to be the Vchitel himself.

List of Victory Literature

2. Apatova N.V. Information technology in school education. -M .: IOSH RAO. 1994 228.

3. Astaf'eva E.N., Filatova L.V. Information technologies in the systems of advancing the qualifications of professional education // Informatics and education - M., 2001. - No. 4; - 35-40.

4. Afrin EI; Vikoristannya e-mail in physics lessons. // Food Internet coverage. - 2003. - No. 1.

5. Baranova Yu. Yu., Perevalova EA, Tyurina EA, Chadin EA. Methods of victorious electronic handlers in the initial process. // Informatics and education. - 2000. - No. 8. - G.43-47.

6. Bespalko V.P. Warehouse for pedagogical technologies. - M .: Pedagogika, 1989 .-- 192 p.

7. Gomulina M.M., Mikhailov SV. Methods of victorious interactive computer courses with elements of distance education // Physics. - 2000 - No. 39. - 68-71.

8. Guzev V.V. Methods for organizing the formation of the formation. - M .: Narodna osvita, 2001 .-- 128 p.

For those who are in charge of the school, including the victories of physics, the formulation of specialties, building awareness in the flow of information in the minds of uninterrupted education. The understanding of the values ​​of the people of the world is possible only with the general cognitive, moral, ethical and aesthetic attitude of the schoolboy. In connection with the minds of the mind, it is possible to concretize with more private goals: education among schoolchildren in the process of positive development of science to science and to the physics of winter; development of interest to physical knowledge, science - popular articles, life problems. Physics is the basis of natural science and modern scientific and technical progress, which is the basis for such specific goals of science: learning by scientists the role of physics in science and technology, development of environmental culture, problems of science

At the current stage of development of the school, there is an introduction to the re-implementation of the traditional system of education into a new system of education - the creation of a competent, productively mischievous people, adapted to the new minds of living in suspension. In the natural process, the orientation towards self-rejection of knowledge by scholars, towards self-awareness and self-knowledge, is becoming a natural attitude.
In connection with the cims in the Danish hour, it is especially respectful to come to an individual (oriented to specialty) approach to the new scientists, to the development of minds, for that purpose the child has discovered the intelligent potential ways of self-reliance and creative development. One of the most important straightforward paths that will solve the task
Through my robots, I will give you feedback on information and communication technologies in physics lessons. Your knowledge of the bachelor is in order to help the scholars through the information and communal technologies to help them get started with the knowledge of the subject and to formulate their interest in physics. Kintsev is the result of organizing the given activity to improve the quality of science at the lessons of physics as one of the most important direct in the Concept of modernization of Russian education.


Front view:

Vikoristannya IKT at physics lessons

Physics teacher MBOU "ZOSH №14"

Imeni A.M. Mamonova, metro station Stariy Oskol


Chapter 1. The role of a computer in new physics.

Chapter 2. Victory of information and communication technologies in modern physics.

2.1. Computer experiment, which is based on the pre-modern performance of scientists.

2.2. The role of a computer in different stages of the lesson.

2.3. Computer testing - an effective way to control knowledge




For those who are in charge of the school, including the victories of physics, the formulation of specialties, building awareness in the flow of information in the minds of uninterrupted education. The understanding of the values ​​of the people of the world is possible only with the general cognitive, moral, ethical and aesthetic attitude of the schoolboy. In connection with the minds of the mind, it is possible to concretize with more private goals: education among schoolchildren in the process of positive development of science to science and to the physics of winter; development of interest to physical knowledge, science - popular articles, life problems. Physics is the basis of natural science and modern scientific and technical progress, which is the basis for such specific goals of science: learning by scientists the role of physics in science and technology, development of environmental culture, problems of science

At the current stage of development of the school, there is an introduction to the re-implementation of the traditional system of education into a new system of education - the creation of a competent, productively mischievous people, adapted to new minds of life in suspension. In the natural process, the orientation towards self-rejection of knowledge by scholars, towards self-awareness and self-knowledge has become a natural attitude.

At the call of the cim in Denmark, a special respect comes to the individual (oriented to the specialty) approach to the new scientists, the establishment of minds, for that purpose the child has discovered the intelligent potential ways of self-reliance and creative development. One of the most important straightforward ways to solve the problem is to provide information about the process in the process of starting.

Through my robots, I will give you feedback on information and communication technologies in physics lessons. Your knowledge of the bachelor is in order to help the scholars through the information and communal technologies to help them get started with the knowledge of the subject and to formulate their interest in physics. Kintsev is the result of organizing the given activity to improve the quality of science at the lessons of physics as one of the most important direct in the Concept of modernization of Russian education.

Chapter 1. The role of the computer in new physics

Naybіlsh valuable results of insight into the importance of numbness and breadth of targeting, building and understanding. Alle at the practical school of knowledge, the main thing is the knowledge, the interest of scientists at the same time develops inadequately. The price is tied in the first place for the fermentation in the large school of the explanatory and illustrative method of creation.

In Danish hour, the actual problem of enlightenment and creativity is the mastery of knowledge by schoolchildren. It is very possible to preserve the development and self-development of special features of the learning of all individual features. Basically, the teacher’s zeal for the whole field is in the fact that the development of knowledge is especially significant for the teacher. The price can be reached by the students of the schoolchildren of a positive position to the beginning, organizing the study by such a rank, which would maximize the development of their activity, independent creative aim, but for the whole process of need to focus on the process of organizing the process of organizing the process of organizing

The guru has the maximum role to play the role of the robot in organizing the educational activity of scientists, and not on the basis of information. The teacher, on the other hand, cannot expect to draw on his activity from the basic material with the necessary part of the activity from the organization of independent robots of scientists over the whole material. The fundamentals of didactics are good, but only self-directed and individual, it is necessary to bring the moral and general knowledge, simple tips, to the approval.

Accepted decisions in the case of difficult difficulties, can be done by way of shlyakhs, passing on one of them. A computer that can help a computer is quite difficult for a reader, the operative power of which is the essence of a great didactic potential. To that, there are a lot of pedagogues and lay on the electronic calculating machines of great hope, vazhayuyu, so that you can speed up the development of knowledge, as at once the school and what kind of students in the growing generation of successive generations

Quick development calculating technology and expansion functional possibilities allows you to widely use computers at all stages of the initial process: for an hour of lectures, practical and laboratory work, for self-preparation and for control and self-control of the level of mastery of the initial material. The victorious computer technologies have significantly expanded the possibilities of lecturing experiment, allowing the model of development processes and phenomena, the full-scale demonstration of such laboratory minds is technically even foldable or simply unfeasible.

Great opportunities to take place in victorious computers during new physics. The efficiency of the stagnation of computers in the initial process is based on many factors, including both in terms of technology itself, and in the quality of vicarious programs, and in the form of methods of learning, as a teacher.

Physics is an experimental science; At the current office of physics (like, in other words, and in any other office of natural sciences and science specialization), the fault of the victor is not only installationі attach for demonstration experiments, and і numerical technology with a multimedia projector or a demonstration screen.

Intelligent visual material, multimedia and interactive models bring the process to a clear new level. It is not possible to skip the psychological factor: the occasional child is on the point of taking information itself in this form, below the old schemes and tables. When the computer is victorious at the level of information, it is not provided with a static non-sound picture, but with a dynamic video and sound scale, which means that the effectiveness of the acquisition of the material is improved.

Interactive elements of the initial programs allow you to go from passive to active learning, so that you can see the possibility of self-modeling appearances and processes, take information unintentionally, by turning, if necessary parameters.

In the capacity of one of the forms of presentation, which stimulates scientists to creative activity, it is possible to propose the establishment of one student or a group of scientists of multimedia presentations, which will support the education of those to the course. Here, leather studies have the power of independent selection of the form of submitting material, compositing and design of slides. In addition, we have the ability to vicariously use all the available multimedia in order to make the material the most species-specific.

There are clear ways of storing information and communication technologies in physics lessons:

· Computer model;

· Computer demonstration;

· Laboratory - computer workshop;

· Solution of tasks in electronic tables Excel;

· Computer testing.

Computer demonstration

The main experience of the technology is those who can organically fit into any lesson and effectively help the reader and learn. We are also very important with the furnishings є those who are aware of such physical processes or manifestations, which are ill-conceived visually in laboratory minds, for example, the ruff of a companion near the Earth. In this particular type of computer demonstration, there may be unappreciated meaning, as it allows you to "grip" the clock and the spaciousness of the frame and at the same hour to remove the visibility and the succession, adequate to reality. On the other side of the road, there is a great number of computers. To deliver one computer, a video projector, or a complex - a computer plus a television set, and start working on the whole technology.

Computer model

Computer model є by pushing scientific direct, which has already been developed in dozens of rocks. The stagnation of the computer technology in schools, especially in special classes, is much more powerful, as a computer is modeled by a straining tool to gain knowledge. It is stagnant as it is individual, so is the group form of the root of computer models by scientists.

computer test

The initial process of testing in this type of form has been victorious for a long time. The traditional form of testing is a highly laborious process, a kind of great team-hour contribution. Vikoristannya kompyuterіv rob the process of testing the flooring with a technological one, in the most possible way, it is possible, in the main element of control of the level of knowledge of scientists.

computer workshop

This is a great technology for a teacher and special education teacher. It is necessary to have a computer class and a class on a group. So, as a part of the technology, an active role of a scientist is laid down, a view to take a superbly effective for his creative development. The computer is here to look at it for you to see the quiet of the physics department. Ale, zastosovyuchi computer workshop, the teacher did not follow the traditional form of the laboratory robotics, but more beautifully learned the form in the practical lessons. For example, leave one group to visit a workshop with a virtual laboratory, and start the same workshop, albeit with a traditional physical possession. Then you can change the group to remember.

Solution of tasks in Microsoft Excel

The Microsoft Excel program is even more effective in terms of the economy of the beginning hour (the speed of projects), and is also handy for the graphical presentation of physical processes, for the analysis and adjustment of the graphs. Such a methodology provides educational interest to students, so as, to see those children, because they do not like to see a factory, in this particular type they would like to see the proponated options for testing Excel at the lessons of learning

Bezperechno, scho in school the computer does not see all the problems, it’s not necessary to be overwhelmed by the lack of functional technical support. Not less important modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the process of navchaniya, which allow not just "input" into the skin science, but also a reserve of knowledge, but, albeit, in the first place, use the mind to show the educational activity of the scientist.

Chapter 2. Victory of information and communication technologies in modern physics

For the promotion of information and communication technologies in the new process in the educational process in schools, it is necessary to think. The physics cabinet is equipped with 11 computers for scientists and an automated handheld computer, connected by a local grid with an Internet connection, as well as a multimedia projector itself, laser printer and a scanner.

Stagnation in physics and information technologies allow me more success zavdannya:

· Development of imagery of misinformation of scholarshipsorganizers of a wide range of visual information submissions;

Razvivati ​​creative mislennyaby way of victorious dynamic methods of processing and presentation of information;

Zdіysnuvati vikhovannya kollektivizmu and komunіktivnostіin the process of exchanging data between scientists, an hour of negotiation about the opening of the video files;

Vihovati p_znavalny interest,spiral to the natural craving of schoolchildren to computer technology;

· Development of new methods of creation, organized on individual educational needs of specialties.

Virishennya qikh zavdan becomes mozhlivim vikoristannya at the same time with video computers using such methods of processing information, such as mathematical model, Computer graphics, multimedia, computer processing of the results of laboratory experiments.

2.1. Computational experiment yak with pre-slidnitsky performance of scientists

Computers at physics lessons, persh for everything, allowing you to see the first plan experimentally, to the slightest degree of scholarship. A miraculous way for organizing a variety of activities є computer models. The computer does not allow the model to be installed on the computer screen, I live, I will remember the dynamic picture of physical predictions, or appearances and appearances for the reader of the wide range of possibilities, as well as the detailed lessons.

It means that when the computer models come up with computer programs, it’s like a physical experience, or an idealized model situation, that’s being developed in physical tasks. Of greatest interest in scientists is the use of computer models, within the framework of which it is possible to control behavior on the computer screen, change the value of numerical parameters, laid down in the basis of all kind of mathematical model.

The models of the model allow one hour in the course of the experiment to create a dynamic mode in order to induce graphical deposits for an hour a number of physical quantities to describe the experiment. Some of the models are of particular value, since, as a rule, they are difficult to read when prompted.

Computer models can easily fit into a traditional lesson, allowing you to demonstrate rich physical efficacy with lively livelihoods, as you can easily explain yourself on your fingers. Besides, computer models allow organizing new, unconventional visual performance.

I will aim yak butt two types of such performance, tested in practice:

1. Lesson-doslіdzhennyain the 11th grade on the topic "Photoeffect". Scientists are encouraged to independently carry out an increase in the amount of the photostrum from the frequency of the falling light, to the computer model, and to process the necessary results. The computer program "Physics in Pictures" allows literally for a little chillin to carry out such additional sessions. At the end of the day, the lesson is to approach the ideal, so as to learn the knowledge in the process of independent creative robotics, to know the necessary results for rejecting the concrete, visible on the computer screen, the result. I am in a vipadku є deprived of the pomichnik from the creative ovolodinny knowledge.

2. Lesson revision of the building with a computer change... At the 10th grade, with the first tasks on the topic "Rukh til, set to the horizon" The possibility of a subtle self-change in a computer experiment takes away the same results as it can, to gain an intellectual interest, to rob the robot of creative scientists, and often closely follows the character until the scientific advancement. As a result, a lot of scientists have been able to create their own designs, virishuvati, and then to re-verify the correctness of their world, vicorist and computer models. For effective research in the field of work with computer models, ready-made individual distribution materials from the staff and food of the growing level of folding. Quite a few materials can take revenge on the vision of the building:

1. Introductory introduction. (Appropriate model, control of the experiment, management and power supply for the control of the model).

2. Computer experiment. (Carry out a simple experiment on the basis of the model data for the proponated plan, food before them and the results are valid).

3. Experimental development. (Splanowati and conduct a series of computer experiments).

4. Testing the factory. (Vibrate correctly, vikoristovuyu model)

5. Pre-work of art. (Conduct an experiment to bring the deyak to the proponated regularity, or simply; self-formulate a number of regularities and confirm them by experiment).

6. Creative zavdannya. (Come up with a problem, solve the problem, set up an experiment to reconcile some of the messages).

Significantly, the number of computer models that can cover the entire school course in physics can be found in the basic electronic views: "Physics in pictures", "Vidkrita fizika", "Zhiva fizika". Experience the great power of modeling physical tasks in the middle of Microsoft Excel. We will program the middle of the computer model є move the program.

Noise, a computer laboratory cannot be substituted for a physical reference, and it is not necessary. It is no secret that scientists with the magnificent satisfaction and efforts to vikonuyut practical, experimental and laboratory robots, dede without a perfect fit with attachments, mechanisms.

So, in the 8th grade, when a mathematical pendulum is implanted, a companion for the laboratory robot "Pre-aging of the period and the frequency of the mathematics of the mathematical pendulum as a result of the increase", and at the same time, the computer is carried out to achieve the depletion of the life. The significance of the real and computer experiment, let us talk about errors in the analysis not just about abstract mathematical values, but about the obligatory factors of carrying out a real computer experiment.

In the computer model "Reconstruction of energy in the case of collegiums" (the topic is displayed in 8 and 10 grades) graphically shows the performance of both potential and kinetic energy at any moment of the hour. In a computer experiment, it is possible to change the power of the system, so that there is a lot of energy, the rigidity and power of the system. And here I am aware of a wide range of possibilities for a thoroughly structured lesson: the possibility of carrying out a lesson with classes of new stages of education.

In the 11th class, with the introduction of those "isoprocesses", the computer models allow the modeling of the process of the reduction and expansion of the ideal gas at a fixed value of one of the parameters: vice, temperature, lassitude. When a graphic is placed on the order for the animation model, the process is made to change the two parameters and, from the same, the most recent viglyad the graph itself. Immediately vivoditsya energy diagram, і science can bachiti, as the amount of warmth changes, the robot is vibrated and internal energy given to the process... There is a practical reversal of the first law of thermodynamics. I also used the data for the models of the processes during the execution of the works and for the completion of those.

Principles of storing a computer model at the level:

1. The model of a manifestation must be victorious in that case, if it is not difficult to carry out an experiment, or even if the manifestation is too fast, and it is impossible to quilt in detail behind it.

2. The computer model is guilty of additional help in sorting out the details of the pre-sentient phenomenon, or to serve as an illustration and development tasks.

3. As a result of the robotics model, scientists are responsible for the development of the phenomenon.

When using a robot with a model, the individual features of the skin science and the differentiation of the establishment of a reasonable level of foldability, as well as revenge the elements of self-creative creativity.

Physics is an experimental science. Vyvchennya physics is important without laboratory robots. The overcoming of the school in the priority national project "Osvita" and the removal of 1 million rubles for innovative processes allowed the polypsychite of the material and technical base of the physics cabinet: it was provided with the possession for the demonstration of laboratory robust. Ale Priyshov, for help, a personal computer allows him to carry out laboratory robots, which are carried out in situ within the framework of the school and is not accelerated or unhealthy. They can learn at their own examination of the parameters of the progress, support, how to change in the result of the phenomenon itself, the analysis of the problem, the operation of the appearance of the change.

With the introduction of those "Electrodynamics" in the 10th class, I conduct the laboratory robot "Rozrakhunok electric lantsyugiv". The extraordinary given to the robot is the ability to draw off the graph of volt-ampere characteristics from the internal support of the attachments themselves. To encourage graphs of scientists to use the possibilities of the program "Excel". Within the framework of the cycle, I guide those with the scientists until the infusion of electric and magnetic fields onto the collapse of the charged particle.

It is practically unwise to do without a computer experiment with those "Quantum appearances" in the 11th grade, since it is unwise to carry out a real experiment on these subjects in school minds.

To conduct a virtual experiment, you can use programs such as "Physics in Pictures" ("Physicon") and "Stratum" ("Perm State Technical University").

A systematic, competent computer experiment should be carried out before schoolchildren have learned to consume a computer for a new building, including from physics. From scholars I often feel the propositions of virishity or converting the system to computers. Optimally, the programs for conducting the experiment allow the scientists to independently vibrate the program for the revision of a particular project.

2.2. The role of the computer in the early stages of the lesson

The computer is not in a lot of part when explaining the new material. Tse and start of PowerPoint presentations, and demonstration of materials with the programs “1C Osvita. Physics ". In the traditional form of teaching the lesson multimedia presentations, it will take more than an hour to live in order to explain new material, to understand the knowledge, to revise the knowledge of learning.

Presentation to the lesson is a multimedia synopsis for revealing a short text, basic formulas, armchairs, little ones, video fragments, animations. Call such scenarios to be used for multimedia presentations using PowerPoint programs using Microsoft Office. For PowerPoint, you can use diagrams and graphics, gotuvati slides, prospectuses, as well as organizing slideshows.

Novelly theoretical changes in science appear in the course of organized active cleaning of computer material: I, with my word, in the capacity of supplying food, direct the training and thought to the required theoretical applications. The screen form of the computer (and audiovisual) information gives a sense of the potential for the spilical - my class to be cautious - and think over the facts, joke about the problem of the initial situations, the time of the survival of the moment of science

Materials with the programs “1C Osvita. Physics "vikoristovaya when using home translation. Video fragments and animations of the given software product are not provided with an audio sequence, so that we will fall asleep with explanations of what to see. From the standpoint of the audience, I propose to sound the video, which I showed it at the foreground level, and then again, look at it, and again with the sound. By this rank, the scholar can himself assess the vernacular and the increase in his views.

At the end of the skin treatment, the presentation will be given to the scientists by themselves, which will then be discussed with the scientists. I show you brilliant presentations to the students, who will come to the whole class at the onset of the day. The cabinets are systematized by the scholars of the presentations by topics and classes.

At the stage of publicity and systematization of knowledge of the new and memorized tables, one hour with the scholars, a multimedia projector. For example, in the 7th grade with the vivchennі those "Aggregate stanie rechovini" vivodzhu on the screen a document in Word format To take revenge on the table

Then, spilno with the scholars, the table is remembered: the stink in the zoshites, the teacher on the screen.

I have great respect in my robots for the vicious aspect of the lesson, and for the great pupils of a child I can not be, but from self-sufficient people, who are good at analyzing their own little things, behavior, self-sufficient, independent, realizing themselves in their own minds. The robot itself with a computer in the classroom forms a napkin for a joke that is necessary for you at the moment of information. Dzherelom such information can be a book, encyclopedia, Internet, interactive computers courses. For example, there was a shortfall in the handbook of the physics of the views about the living and the particularity of the character, which was previously compensated for by showing the video plots, as she recorded from the TV, with the power of the pop-ups, the witnesses. Now it has become possible to vikoristovuvati "Interactive encyclopedia of science and technology", the Internet.

The lessons of self-help information about the victors of all young dzherels are most loved by my scholars. So, for example, when I finish vivchennya with those "Energia" in the 8th grade, I teach the lesson "Vikoristannya energiya vodi, scho collapse and vіtru". Scientists are taught to independently know information about the development of power stations. At the same time, a part of scholarship will be victorious, and a part is a resource of the Internet (Dodatok 1). The philosophical idea of ​​such a lesson is in the fact that you will "flip" the scholars in the direction of the book like dzherela knowledge and bring to the thought about the need for victorian all available dzherel information. One of the goals of such a lesson is the introduction of a critical approach and comprehension of the information.

For a joke of information in physics lessons, an active vikorist electronic handler is active. For example, when vivchennі sound kolivan in the 8th grade I ask the teachers: "So is this a big time of sensitivity?" For a correct view of the food chain, use the resources of the programs "Vidkrita Fizika 2.0" (rozrobnik TOV "Fizikon"). Scientists, who already know the principles of information, launch I'll pop the system programs and know the output on the power supply. Then we go to the negotiation of these types of properties.

2.3. Computer testing an effective way to control knowledge

The reworking of knowledge, min and navichok є, without question, is an important element of any initial process. In my robots, the vicorist development goes to control the knowledge: once in the first part of the lesson; For a systematic, glibokoi conversion of knowledge of scholars, I will greatly help a computer. Vin allows the speed of vitrati for an hour for a change. Modern electronic handlers give me, as for the reader a great vibe of different types of tests of their buildings and buildings for converting knowledge. With such a form of control, the possibility of sub-active assessment is enabled, so as the icon is displayed by the "unpretentious" computer. It is important є the fact that learning pratsyuє manually for a new rhythm. I vvazhayu for beautiful vicoristovuvati not only ready to form control, but to destroy it myself. It's a year old to finish filling up a lot of shells, as the teacher will remember the food for his bazhannyu. For example, "Q-test". This program allows you to put up awkward tests for industrial control of the knowledge of scientists literally for a lot of chilin. When vivchennі those "Robot and pushing the strum. Thermal diya struma "proponent test, breakdowns in the" Q-test "program, 10 meals, for skin 4 options, including only 1 version. After passing the test, the results are entered into a text document. The accumulation of test results allows me to monitor the development of software material, to plan an individual robot with scientists.

2.4. Zastosuvannya Microsoft Excel for the revision of tasks from physics

In the case of virishenna rosrakhunkovyh zavdan, especially in the senior classes, I practice the storage of Microsoft Excel. The victorious electronic tables allow you to be seen from the routine problems, so there is a lot of money to be made, by being graphs and diagrams for a very clever understanding of the process of analyzing the essence of the pests. For example, in the case of the gravitational manifestations in the 9th grade, in the case of the new school, the school was promoted to schoolchildren, Excel programs, Virishity and zavdannya: I will see the first cosmic knowledge for all planets of the Sleeping System, I know their radii and accelerate a vivid fall on them, get the graphs of fallowness and analyze them. Then, vikorystovyuchi otrimanі results, vyrіshiti nasvdannya (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Solution of tasks "Rukh of piece companions"

2.5. Victory of the computer in the position of the robot

One of the forms of creative robotics for schoolchildren in physics lessons and in early hours є preparation of thematic additional topics, abstracts, crosswords, puzzles, usnyh magazines. Here I know additional computer technologies. When you see the given type, you can create a thumbnail for the root table, master the text typing, insert small tables and tables into text document, Koristyutsya in small fonts, store headings, make out multiple documents, for example, when preparing to scientific and practical conferences. (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Registration of the title arkush of the robot at the scientific-practical conference

Victory of computer technologies in the classroom, obviously, allows a great number of problems in modern physics to be seen. Alle, it is necessary to denote one foldability, about the yak, which has already become obscured. Tse vvevnene volodinnya computer as a teacher, so I will learn. When such lessons are carried out, the teacher will continue to stagnate at the level of volodinnya by using robots with a computer, which, in the main, will be taught in informatics lessons. Informatics, according to the basic basic plan in schools, is conducted from the 8th grade, that is why I have those who teach the propedeutic course of informatics, starting from the 2nd grade in 2000. Tse allowed the same cob school Formulate in the school an understanding, that a computer is not a game prefix, but a hard work and even more help for the new generation of people who are not educated.

My scholars prepare presentation materials, abstracts not only for physics lessons, but for other subjects, actively working on the computer in accordance with the requirements. From my credit in school, the 3rd school newspaper "" is issued with electronic supplement. With a handful of our high school students, they published a newspaper only in handy form, ale photo and video materials, selected by the boys for visiting the life of the school, accumulated. Scientists proponated demonstrations in holi schools in the format of presentations and video clips. We started the output period - 1 time per month (Fig. 3).

Small. 3. Title page electronic supplement to the school newspaper ""

Materials for presentations are prepared not only by members of the editorial board, but by those who need it, including the administration of the school. To that, the skin of the electronic supplement is cleaned up.

In such a rank, the storage of information and communication technologies is not only widely known and rapidly developed directly in education. Mіy dosvіd "Victory of information and communication technologies in physics lessons" Several times for colleagues in the district, I conducted a "master-class" and appeared in visits to the past of the district methodical communication of teachers of physics.

A lot of rocky things at school, I promote the community's activity as a computer. I am very impressed that they have received my lessons from the victorious information and communication technologies.


At the robot, I went through the information about the information and communication technologies in the modern physics, and it came to the news that the order of the new technologies, forms, methods, and the results of the new information and information technologies

For schoolchildren for 5 years of success in classes, de I teach lessons on a daily basis (100%); the rate of knowledge from 55% at the II stage to 63% at the III stage; The naval step is from 66% at the II stage to 51% at the III stage.

Shoriously my scholars take part in the regional Olympiad in physics. From 2004 to 2007, rock winners and winners of boules 7 ops.

Scientists of the 9th and 11th grades vibrate physics yak sleep for a vibor

2003 - 2004 navchalny rik, sleep for vibor


a lot of quiet, hto folded



steps to the beginning

Middle ball







Great result in the district of Bryukhov Oleni, 11 class

2004 - 2005 Navchalny Rik, analogue of ЄDI, sleep for vibor

2005 - 2006 navchalny rik, ЄDI, sleep by vibor

Average test score - 56.8

2007 - 2008 Navchalny Rik, analogue of ЄDI, sleep by vibor

Oleksiya Salnikov has a brilliant result - 26 points out of 32, average test score - 18 (in the region 17.24), average rating 3.5 (in the region - 3.44)

Knowledge of the subject, interest in physics allow scientists to prodzhuvati knowledge. For the last 5 years, they entered before the main pawns, creating physics, or with the result of ЄDI - 11 specials.

Assessment of the quality of the preparation of scientists in the order of the best and most important. I see a feeling of great satisfaction, if, when I’m in a lesson, learn to say: "Thank you for a lesson!"

At a later date, I will sell the robot using information and communication technologies in pedagogical activity. Widely expanded at a time we have rendered crosscutting technologies for remote sensing. In the case of such technologies, I am defending the success and competitiveness of my scientists, which could have been used in this way for individual educational tractors. The directors of the KPMO project in schools are developing a computer technology park. Vikoristannya Interactive Doshka at the lesson of the process of creating an apparently new level of education.


1. Bordovskaya N.A., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

2. Varlamov SD, Emіne PA .. Surkov VA Using Microsoft Office in schools. An initial-methodical guide for readers. Physics. M: IMA-press, 2003.

3. Williams R., McLean K. Computers in schools. M .: Progress, 1998 ..

4. Visotsky I. R., Computer in education, // Computer science and education, 2000, No. 1.

5. Dyachuk P.P., Larikov A.V. Stagnation of computer technologies in the middle school. Krasnoyarsk: View of the KDPU, 1996 ..

6. Ignatova I.G., N.Yu. Sokolov. Information communication technologies in education // Informatics and education-M.: 2003 №3.

7. Kavtrev AF, Computer models in the school course in physics. Magazine "Computer tools in education", No. 2, St. Petersburg, Informatization of education, 1998 ..

8. Kavtrev AF, Dosvid victorious computer models in physics lessons in schools. "Diplomat", Zb. RGPU im. A. I. Herzen "Physics in schools and universities", St. Petersburg, Osvita, 1998 ..

9. Lvivskiy MB, Lvivska GF Vikladannya fiziki s vikoristennyam komp'yutera. // Informatics and Education - M.1999, No. 5.

10. Plotnikova I.A. Test control methodology in senior classes // Informatics and osvita-M .: 2000- №1.

11. Pidlasiy I. P., Pedagogy. New course: Pidruchnik for students ped. universities: At 2 kn.-M.: Humanist. ed. center VLADOS, 2000-Book. 2.: The process of wicking.

12. Pidlasiy I. P., Pedagogy. New course: Pidruchnik for students ped. universities: At 2 kn.-M.: Humanist. ed. center VLADOS, 2000- Book. 1: Headquarters. Process navchannya.

13. Polat E. S. Information technologies in the system of education. M., 1999.

14. Usova A.V., Bobrov A.A. Formation of the first-class navigators in physics lessons. - M .: Education, 1988.

15. Khoroshavin S.A. Physical experiment in middle school: 6-7 class-il .: Education. 1988.

16. Sholomiy KM, Psychology and computer, // Computer science and education, 1999, No. 6.

Municipal budgetary

installation "Gimnaziya №7"

Vikoristannya ІKT

in physics lessons

Dobrodumova N.P.,

teacher of physics of the category

m Torzhok


In suchasnіy kontseptsії povnoї serednoї osvіti in Russie put zavdannya formuvannya in vipusknikіv The Teaching zakladіv umіn, zokrema, vikoristovuvati multimedіynі resources that komp'yuternі tehnologії for obrobki, peredachі, sistematizatsії Informácie, stvorennya bazi danih, prezentatsії rezultatіv pіznavalnoї dіyalnostі scho dozvolyayut їm uspіshno virіshuvati practical work applied character in a wide range of versatile professional situations. Today's not a lot of modern methods of developing physics, information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as a wide arsenal of digital educational resources. The quality of the day-to-day initial process is undoubtedly tied to the polishing of technologies and methods of modernization, so that it’s possible to lay down the resources of the ICT complex with the help of readers. There is one of the regularities that characterize the current initial and volatile process in our experience of the backbone informatization of the suspension, in order to pose new problems to the system of education and development of the growing generation. Equipping the cabinet of physics transmission is a wider range of ICT during lessons on more topics of primary programs. Price and testing for an additional computer, and conducting demonstration slides and virtual laboratory robots, demonstration of presentations, training of scientists before thematic presentations, the possibility of a simple robust model of this natural process The computer is the most needed and the most effective of all the available dosages technical assistance, Yaki mav teacher.

Meta robots : To show that IKT victoriousness in physics lessons allows you to advance your interest to the subject, expand the possibilities of demonstrating the illusions through the virtual images victoriousness, advancing the interest to the present.


The Gymnasium is a basic innovation pledge, which means that all offices are owned necessary for a successful start-up process.

The success of the ICT storing is not only from the teacher, but from the manifestation of technology and quality software security.

    VIKORISTANIA ІKT in physics lessons

Do you see that the course of physics of the middle school includes the partitions, education and intelligence of such a development as an open-ended figurative design, in the form of analysis, analysis. In the first place Ide about such issues, such as "Molecular Physics", acts of the heads of "Electrodynamics", "Nuclear Physics", "Optics" and in. Strictly it seems, in any part of the course in physics, you can know the chapters that are important for the mind. It is a pity that a lot of scholars do not have the necessary rosy cuffs for a great deal of intelligence, the processes described in these razdilakh. In such situations, for help, come up to date with technical assistance and, in the first place, a personal computer.

A lot of evidence in the minds of a school physical cabinet cannot be demonstrated. For example, the phenomenon of the micro-light, or the quick progression of the processes, or the access to the attachments, which are visible in the office. As a result of learning, it is difficult to recognize the difficulties in their wives, which is not in the minds of their imagination. The computer may not only open the model of such appearances, or it also allows you to change the process through the process, "scroll" to the optimum for mastering the speed.

Physics is an experimental science. Vyvchennya physics is important without laboratory robots. Equipping a physical cabinet does not allow you to carry out laboratory robots, but to use more folding equipment. A personal computer will come to help, which will allow you to carry out the folding laboratory robots. They can learn at their own examination of the parameters of the progress, support, how to change in the result of the phenomenon itself, the analysis of the problem, the operation of the appearance of the change.

Crazy, a computer can be stashed at the lessons of the other types: when self-taught new material, when solving tasks, for an hour control robots... It is also necessary to realize that the victorious computers in physics lessons transform them into the creative process, allowing the principle of developing education to be accepted. Є Possibility to provide the necessary material, the taxes are very well, intentionally and available. Vikoristannya ІKT at the lesson advances the motivation of the scientists before the process of starting, they start thinking for the study by the scholars in the knowledge and knowledge of the world.

2.3 Options encourage lessons from the electronic handler's application

    An electronic handler is victorious when new material is implanted and registered ( 20 min. robots at the computer ). Learned to learn from a collection of traditional methods, or for the help of other handwritten texts. During the transition to the introduction of new material, scientists in pairs sit on a computer, include it and fix it with a structural formula and structural units of the paragraph on the basis of the teacher's plan.

    The electronic model of the handler can be victorious on the stage of fixing the material. At this point new material vivchaєtsya in an extraordinary way, and when all scholarships are fixed, 5-7 min. on the basis of the certificate of the visitor to give the recognition of the knowledge according to the formula of the paragraph.

    Within the framework of the combined lesson, with the help of an electronic handler, there will be a repetition and publication of the material (15-17 min.). Such an option is short for lessons in the student's repetition, if in the course of the lesson it is necessary to "overturn" the decile paragraphs, to understand the genus, to repeat the most important facts and subparts, but the reason for the linkages. On such an equal basis, the mother may be guilty of correcting it spirally (in the course of the teacher's explanation), sometimes in pairs (according to the teacher's preferences), nareshti, individually (according to the teacher's instructions).

    Some lessons can be attributed to the self-dependent introduction of new material and the folding of its own structural formula of the paragraph. Such a robot is carried out in groups of scientists (3-4 people). For a lesson (10 min.) Scientists go to the electronic formula of the paragraph, break it down with their own version. Tim himself will learn to learn from the early days of the robot at the level, fixing it from a young school age. EU vikoristovuєtsya yak zasіb control mastery by scholars to understand. Todi to the warehouse of the electronic handler to enter the monitoring system. The results of the testing of the skin object are fixed and processed by the computer. We can give a tribute to monitoring by learning, by a teacher, by methodical services and by administration. A lot of correctly published works are given knowledge about those, as in the original material, at the same time you can wonder, as the structural odds were not learned in the world, but in the development of the material. In such a rank, learning in such a world can be cheruvati by the process of initiation.

The teacher, in his own capacity, on the basis of personal information, also has the ability to manage the process of learning. The results of the class for the wicked in general allow the reader to make the need for organization of repetition according to the number of structural units for reaching maximum rivnya navchenosti. Looking at the results of the research on structural units, it is possible to create similar patterns on the skin surface and take the general methodical solutions in the plan of the individual robotics. Nareshty, you can quilt the dynamism of teaching the subject. The consistently high results of these scholars give the reader the opportunity to vibrate for them on an individual subject-matter basis. Information technology provides scientists with the opportunity to better understand the nature of the object itself, to actively participate in the process of its knowledge, independently changing its parameters, so to understand the function. By the way, information technology can not only make a positive contribution to the minds of schoolchildren awakening the day-to-day functions of the object, but, more importantly, but on the rosy development. The victorious information technology allows quickly and efficiently the development of materials by scientists, which is of great importance in the process of creation.

There is a great deal of respect in pedagogy and psychology for the year to come to nutritional development in the process of creating the creative health of scholars. Here I go for the fact that training is one of the necessary and most important ways to ensure the high efficiency of development and development of the creative potential of scientists. For the solution of the problem of "computer" and "human" misdirection, it is necessary to use information methods of modernization and tradition. Vikoristovuchi development technologies for different ways Take away material: reading of the handler's pages, explanations of the teacher, rejection of information from the monitor's screen and in .. On the other hand, the control programs are guilty of pushing the keystones, the possibility of prompting their own powerful algorithm to do, and not to impose on another preparedness by the programmer. The managers prompted the powerful algorithm to start systematizing and setting the knowledge to real minds, which is especially important for their comprehension. When planning lessons, it is necessary to know how to optimally learn such programs with the latest (traditional) methods of learning. Evidence of a ringing sound with the possibility of computer diagnostics of grants, which is allowed by scientists in the process of robotics, allowing them to conduct a lesson on the skills of individual specialties of scientists. The control of one and the same material can be achieved with a lower level of blood and pressure, at an optimal pace, for specific skin people. In such a rank, it is necessary to transfer the information technology to the best way to provide the necessary information for the development of the forefront control of knowledge;

In my practice, I use multimedia scripts specially for specific lessons. Such scenarios are multimedia notes for a lesson, showing a short text, basic formulas, armchairs, little ones, video fragments, animations. There are three main meals, like posting in front of the teacher, like verifying independently gotuvati demonstration materials for the lesson:

    Yak tse zrobiti?

    Do you take the material for the demonstration?

    Yak vikoristovuvati scenarios for an hour lesson?

I will try to show you, like virishity of food.

Call such scenarios to be used in the form of multimedia presentations using Power Point programs using Microsoft Office. The program is designed to be simple and easy to construct a lesson. For a little chilli, you can create a new scenario for the lesson, include a new slides in a new one, combine slides with a few presentations, visualize them. With victorious programs, the reader will see a wide space for creativity. You can prepare a lesson about specific features of the class, the pace of passing the material in a stream navchannom rotsi. Post a meal about dzherela information and materials for slides.

    Presentations (Appendix 1) I demonstrate without the presence of the middle in the physics cabinet, behind the addition of a multimedia projector connected to a personal computer. The image is projected on an interactive board, which allows you to practice with babies, graphs, etc. In the traditional form of teaching the lesson, like the teacher’s zmushuє gradually go to the crady and the board, victorious such scenarios vivilnya for a great number of hours, which is possible to live for a prescriptive explanation. Scenarios become stagnant both with new material and with repeated past. At the same time, when a computer demonstrates physical manifestations, it is not as a substitute for a real physical demonstration that a computer can see a demonstration of physical manifestations, but as a supplement.

One of the most promising directions is the study of information technologies in physical education and computer modeling of physical phenomena and processes. The vicious people at the head of the computer models, the teacher can understand the material more clearly, demonstrate the new and unsupported sides of the unaccompanied earlier in a way, well, in their own mind, I think about learning the matter before the subject matter. Significantly, the number of computer models that can cover the whole course of school physics, take revenge on a wide variety of laser disk"Physics in Pictures" (Science Center FIZIKON, Moscow). When I show you this disc at physics lessons, I will show you that, if you teach models for independent education, then the initial effect appears to be superficially low. Scientists have buried themselves to finish the model of 3-5 chilines, with the stench of being aware of the head rank with її regulation, do not delve into the essence of the modeled process, for example, but at the same time draw in the interest to this model and don’t know what to do. Control nutrition, how the scientists ask themselves about such (knowledge) from the model, show how to understand and understand the physics of the process, or the phenomenon, as a rule, not to be recognized. Computer models easily fit into the traditional lesson, allow you to demonstrate on the computer screen (or on great screen behind the help of a projector) rich physical efficiency, as well as allowing the organization of new, unconventional and innovative performance of scientists.

Computer models allow you to remove the dynamism in order to remember the visuals of physical experiments and manifestations, to create subtle details that can be visualized with cautious realities. The computer model allows changing the clock scale, varying parameters and experiments, as well as modeling situations that are not available in real experiments. The scientist can, at his own examination, change the parameters of the progress, support, how to change in the result of the phenomenon itself, the analysis of the problem, the work of the appearance. Vivchennya budovi and the principle of children’s physical attachments is not a part of a physics lesson. Zvychayu, vivchayuchi that chi іnshy prilad, demont yogo, I develop the principle of diy, vikoristovuchi with a model or a diagram. Crazy, the computer can be stashed at the lessons of the other types: when self-taught new material, when solving tasks and before hours of control robots. Stagnation of the computer at the level allows you to individually go to the skin doctor in the process of getting started. The computer gives you the ability to create a lesson more tsikavim, lustful and happy.

With the help of a computer, I will manually implement the principle of precision in the field. On the flywheels of the program, the folding of the models of physical phenomena, for example, Rutherford's reports, the electric arc, the model of the atom and the th nucleus, models of the stanіvina and іn. Models of action, in them it is possible to vibrate the action, for example, to show how the nucleus of uranium spreads. It’s not just a picture, it’s like it was about ten years ago. Viklad new material, lectures can be supervised by materials from ready-made software. Tse video, presentation, demonstration to the end. To show all day-to-day attachments and attachments, I select the signs from PPZ "Fizika" under the editorship of N.K. Hannanov, I use the technique of peering through the interactive laser screen to "Vid" ply. Great storage at the lessons from the illustrative material was put together by me and my scholars in POWER POINT at the presentation.

Practical admission I will show you, for an effective study of scientists in the beginning of the work with the registration of computer models, the need for individual distribution materials from the staff and food of a reasonable level of folding. The main views of the buildings, which are victorious with robots with computer models, are changed:

1. Introductory introduction. Tse zedavdannya in order to help learners learn the features of the model and mastery and regulation. To take revenge on instructions from the control model and control food.

2. Computer experiment. Within the framework of the whole research study, it is proposed to carry out a series of simple experiments on the basis of this model and on the basis of the control nutrition.

3. Experimental staff. The browser will show the virishity of 1-4 without a computer victorian, and then, the victorious computer model, reconsider the correctness of its decision.

4. Pre-work of art. It’s better to think about it yourself and to carry out a number of computer experiments, in order to prove it or simply to do something like regularity. Naybіlsh zdatnym scholars are taught to independently formulate a number of laws and confirmations by experiment.

5. Creative zavdannya. Within the framework of this research, we ourselves will come up with an idea, a formulation, and a computer experiment to reconcile the results.

The proponents of the project will help the scholars to quickly understand the computer model for the keruvans, receive the learned mastery of the initial material and awaken the creative imagination. It is especially important for those who learn to recognize knowledge in the process of independent robots, as the knowledge is necessary for rejecting the specific result that is spared on the computer screen. At such a level, a teacher is deprived of the role of assistant and consultant.


Otzhe, victorian ІKT in the process of victorious physics permits:

    Significantly expand the number of managers of the building, as they can be included in the overview of the information on the calculation of the numerical, model and other capabilities of the computer;

    the opportunity and the warehouse for the initial experiment, the developers of computer models for quiet processes and manifestations, experiments with those in the school minds of the head laboratories, the bully would be unhappy;

    expanding the dzherela otrimannya knowledge in the process of navchannya by way of victorious informational - previdkovy systems.

    Victory of computer technology in the capacity of being able to create the process, improve the process of viciousness, improve its quality and efficiency.

    Victory of computer technologies in the quality of tools for modernization, self-awareness and performance.

    Vikoristannya using new information technologies for creative development of science.

As a result, IKT victorious studies in scientists have grown in interest to physics, yak to experimental science.

I share my robotics with my colleagues. In 2011-2012, 2012-2013, in the main rock, I gave a lesson and come in from the IKT victors for the readers of the city and the region.

Have a presentation before the lesson on the topic "Interference"


    1. Osvіtnіy standard of middle (new) enlightenment education from physics. Physics: she is a methodical newspaper for the Victory of Physics, Astronomy and Natural Science. - M .: Vidavnichy dim "Pershe Veresnya", 2004. - №34. - P.9-13.

2. "View of physics 1.1". 2004. TOV "Fizikon", www / phisicon . ru... A new multimedia course in physics, breakdowns from the core of professor Kozel S.M., (MIPTІ). Mechanics, thermodynamics, collation and chemistry, electromagnetism, optics, quantum physics.

3. Polat E.S. that in. New pedagogues information technologies in the education system. - M .: Vidavnichy center "Academy". 1999.

Vikoristannya IKT at physics lessons

Bulchun Inna Olegivna

physics teacher of the MOU Bert-Dagsky ZOSH

Tes-Khem kozhuun of the Republic of Tiwa

In the current light of information and communication technologies, it takes more and more meaningful things. The process of schooling in the whole sense is not to blame for the introduction of life, that nutrition is injected into the structure of the day-to-day lesson itself for an hour. This is one of the facilities of our pedagogical performance - the formulation of specialness, building adaptability in the modern world.

Cycle of information technologies at the level of:

To make a lesson with pleasure (from the point of view of victorious technical problems);

Bring the lesson to the sight of the bitchy child;

Establish vіdnosini vzaєmorozumіnnya mіzh teacher and learn;The main role of the ICT in the robot is the reader:

a) economy for an hour;

b) the possibility of a motive and figurative payment of material;

c) converting and fixing ZUN using different methods and by means.

The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bVikoristannya ІKT for the modeling of physical manifestations, demonstration of the attachment and the principle of physical attachments of the vynikl at once, as only the numerical technology was introduced in schools. Already the first lessons from the IKT victorious students showed that a number of problems can be resolved with others, once they were learned from the victorious school physics.

We can see two main problems in physics:

1) Bagato of appearances in the minds of a school physical cabinet cannot be demonstrated. For example, the phenomenon of the micro-light, or the quick progression of the processes, or the access to the attachments, which are visible in the office. As a result, scientists have seen a number of difficult things in their lives, which is not in the minds of their imagination. The computer may not only open the model of such appearances, or it also allows you to change the process through the process, "scroll" with the optimal presentation of the initial material for mastering.

2) Physics is an experimental science. Vyvchennya physics is important without laboratory robots. It is a pity that the equipment of the physical cabinet does not allow you to carry out folding laboratory robots, it is not possible to introduce previous robots, Scho vimagayut more collapsible everyday installation. IKT come to help, as they allow you to carry out the folding laboratory robots. They can learn at their own examination of the parameters of the progress, support, how to change in the result of the phenomenon itself, the analysis of the problem, the operation of the appearance of the change.

A little bit of it is necessary to tell about the distribution of computer lessons. Also, there are electronic handlers from physics, based on an individual corystuvach: "Physics in pictures", "1C: Tutor", "Vidkrita fizika" by "Physicon" optical disks... Most of them are broken professionally, they have beautiful graphics, there are garnishes of multiplications, the stench of rich functionalities, in a word, may be a lot of dignity. Ale in the big vipadkiv stench does not fit into the subject of the lesson. With the help of others, it is unwise to reach all the goals set by the teacher at the lesson. Computer lessons allow for special training. Prior to such lessons, I began to write rosters, using them both for reference, and for virtual (to be implemented on the monitor's screen) experiments, some vicarious and Internet resources, as well as creating new information about information

1. Theory of viability: Internet handler from physics

2. Lessons from molecular physics

3. Physics in animations

4. Фізіка.ru: site for scientists and victories of physics

5. Herudite: biographies of the winners and winners

6. Site with demoshttp: //

Our school has come to great respect for the special-oriented science, de center of knowledge є to begin by himself - his motives, goals, his unique psychological warehouse, that is, the student is special. Stagnation of information and communication technologies fororganizing a special-purpose organization of permissiveness:

  1. advise on the motivation of the scientists until the beginning and the beginning of their activity;
  2. to stimulate the initial process, to develop the special features of the skin science, to develop their creative health;
  3. open mind for self-control of the course of the operation;
  4. differentiation and indivisualization of the initial process, triggering for systematic control (reflexion) mastery of knowledge and level of skin science;
  5. make a quick correction during the initial process.

I especially want to be aware of the fact that the model of young appearances, in any case, does not replace the help, "alive" slides, but in the absence of them, it is allowed to explain the change to a greater extent. Scientists can independently create multimedia models of interaction, physical phenomena, and change the parameters of interaction, in fact, the result. Thanks to the integration of textual information and multimedia (sound, video, animation), we will rob the process of learning more through the barriers of computer graphics, allowing for more beautiful development in a targeted way. Included in the multimedia synopsis of general tables, formulas, necessary illustrations and animation models for a greater intensive organization of the initial process.

IKT do not clicks, replace the best child with the classic formations, the smell of poklikani help the reader to explain the topic of the best in an efficient way only todi, if it is necessary to demonstrate the process, create an image, etc. In other words, if the topic itself requires the multimedia of the manifestation, the material should be explained. If you explain in general terms without multimedia, you will certainly seem to be twisted. If it is necessary to show the ghosting of the human eye, for natural reasons, the object, for example, is the molecular structure of the speech.

Show my robots how such lessons can be wicked into the educational institutions of reference interest, hearted about all the weak lads, allowing you to see the principle of developing knowledge, how to bring knowledge to the point

It is a pity that on this day we can’t expect them to be faster for low reasons: lack of technical equipment, labor, the appearance of a viable computer class. Vikoristannya ІKT on a busy day, in a specific skin problem, is brought up to the problem of vernacularity of the diagnosis and development of computers and real experiments.

As far as the teacher wants to be tsikavim for his scholars, to develop his pedagogical majesty and the level of intelligence, he is guilty in theory, as it is possible to vicariously cite ІKT at the lessons, as a maximum of the possibilities.

List of literature:

L.I. Governorova, K.A. Potokhin "New information technologies in the process

vikladannya fiziki "

"Vikoristannya ІKT in physics and informatics lessons"

Completed a teacher of physics and informatics

Boychuk Sergiy Volodymyrovych


Basically, the zavdannya of the current school in the organization of navkannya in such a rank, that all schoolchildren can see it, right away from their health, the manifestation of the physical chi rosumnuyu, I can read it. That before the teacher is worth more important and foldable zeal: the guilt is not only due to the knowledge of the scholars, but the goiter is guilty of its mislity, mirkuvati, analizuvati, robiti of vasnі visnovka.

The rapid development of the numerical technology and the expansion of the functional capabilities allows the widespread use of computers at all stages of the initial process: before an hour, practical and laboratory work, during self-preparation and for control of the computer self-control. The victorious computer technologies have significantly expanded the possibilities of explaining the experiment, allowing the models of development processes and manifestations, the natural demonstration of such laboratory minds is technically even foldable or simply unfeasible.

Stagnation of a computer in the process of sanctification goes in three directions: for victories in informatics, for victories for other objects and in the position of robots. The basic principle of robotics is to work on quiet software products, like being victorious in a great professional activity. Price of popular texts, graphic editor, Electronic tables, DBMS, for multimedia products. Possibilities of the victorian PC at the beginning of the process quickly changed. Apply the victorian:

    Vivchennya new material

    demonstration to the end

    Laboratory robots

    Lessons for retreat and repetition

    Virіshennya tasks

    Preparation before EDI

    control knowledge

    Internet Olympiad

    Distance Lessons So also ІKT?

Be it pedagogical technology - the whole information technology, the basis technological process new warehouse removal and revision of information.

Big in the distance is the term for the technology of modernization, for the victorious computer, є for the computer technology. Computers (new information) technologies are created - the whole process of preparation and transmission of information, whom I’m looking for, by means of a computer.

When preparing before the lesson with the IKT victories, the teacher is not guilty of forgetting, that the LESSON is not guilty, but the plan is for the lesson to go out for this purpose, when looking for new material, the teacher is guilty of understanding the basic didactic principles, the following principles: at the same time, the computer will not replace the teacher, but only add it.

To such a lesson, the following is imperious:

    the principle of adaptability: attaching the computer to the individual features of the child;

    kerovanity: at any moment, the reader can correct the process of getting started;

    Interactive and dialogue character of the session; - IKT may be "vidgukuvatisya" on the day of the teacher and teacher; "Enter" with them in dialogue, and become the head of the specialty of computer science techniques.

    optimal communication of individual and group robots;

    welcome to the school of psychological comfort when using a computer;

    None of the options available: zmist, yo interpretations and additions are incredibly great.

The computer can be victorious at all stages, both during preparation of a lesson, as well as in the process of starting: when new material is explained (introduced), closed, repeated, control of ZUN.

The character of the victorious ІKT in my lessons can be of great importance - central, developmental, communal, diagnostic, cultural. It’s worth keeping a look at the building when designing a lesson from a computer’s vicistories. I conduct lessons of a demonstration type, lessons of study and rejection of new knowledge, integration, lessons of computer testing and in. Yak programnezpechennya vikorystovy ready products, distributed by virobniki. I fix the Victory ІKT with the analysis of those methods of submitting material, seeing problematic moments and nobility and transmission. At the same time, there is a well thought-out possibility of urgency of the type of lesson through the use of ІKT. Zrozumilo, zasosuvannya ІKT maє buti methodically primed.

I will pererakh the main straight lines of information and communication technologies in my lessons:

1.Construction of the lesson from the sources of software multimedia using: Computer presentation The initial material is one of the ways to visualize the material. (Video and animation fragments - demonstration of physical phenomena, classic slides, logical schemes, interactive tables, etc.).

2. Multimedia lesson vikoristy practical in all stages of the lesson:

With the introduction of new material, the presentation news;

When the material has been covered, it is possible to see the master's mind and navigator;

When repeated, it is practical to get rid of the knowledge, diminish and navichok;

When publicity and systematization of knowledge.

Great opportunities to take place in victorious computer technologies at new physics. The efficiency of the stagnation of computers in the initial process is based on many factors, including both from the level of technology itself, and from the quality of victorious programs, and from the methods of learning, as a teacher.

Having shown robots in school, showing how, in the development of an educational interest, one can pay more for the change in material that is readily available. The construction of turns of cognitive interest only up to changeable material can lead to the lack of situational fixation at the level. If you do not start to get into active activity, then be it some kind of zesty material in them you will have a glaring interest in the subject, but it will not be of great interest.

In addition, the introduction of information and communication technologies in physics lessons is effective in the formulation of educational interest to scientists:

    the emergence of new forms of presentation to the wolf of the original material;

    organizing new forms of educational activity;

    promotion of the quality of the primary activity;

    stimulation of speech and self-awareness;

    development of the emotional sphere.

Lessons from victorious multimedia opportunities are even more appropriate for children, the stink of activating their interest to the subject. With the explanation of such topics as "Budova speech", "Budova of the atom and the atomic nucleus", "Electromagnetic interactions" and Sniffing, analyzing and intelligence and day-to-day. Such models can be intelligently helpful to scientists who are not abstract and spacious. I present such models in the form of multimedia presentations of lessons, as they are in no way guilty of being a “book on the screen”. The stench is guilty of additional handlers, vicarists of all the possibilities of modern computers. Garna presentation is not to blame for the style of the rose, but for the initial situation, but for the model, for giving space for it.

Physics is an experimental science. Vyvchennya physics is important without laboratory robots. A personal computer will come to help, which will allow you to carry out the folding laboratory robots. Bagato appearances that are inaccessible for vivchennya in classes through the availability of possession, interconnection for an hour, or not for direct caution, can be completed in a computer experiment. To compensate for the visibility of physical attachments, vikoristovy and live models of physical manifestations, as well as great interest in science. At the same time, when a computer demonstrates physical manifestations, it is not as a substitute for a real physical demonstration that a computer can be seen, but as a supplement. His robots have a vikorist one: "Virtual laboratory robots from physics." Features of the programs:

    Theoretical views and parts for revision.

    Realistic model of interactive experiment.

    Experimental staff.

    Visnovok results of robots for a friend.

Vikoristovuchi computer model, scholars independently can carry out a small amount of advance and correct the required results. Computer programs Allow for a little chillin to carry out a further session. In the process of independent creative robotics, the knowledge that is necessary for rejecting the concrete, visible on the computer screen, the result, is necessary for a wide range of science in the process of independent creative robotics. This lesson can only be taught in a computer class.

Vikoristannya ІKT yak dzherela dodatkovy material. The site "Klasna fizika" All material can be divided into 4 blocks: 1. Theoretical. 2. Practical. 3. Cognitive 4. Health saving material for protecting health and life.

Vikoristannya of methodical programmers. His robots have a vikorist disc “IKT in physics lessons”. Interactive navchalny messenger... Naochna fizika. 7-11 grade. Electronic lessons and tests: Molecular structure of matter; Internal energy; Light. Optical appearances; Kolivannya and khvili; Electric strum; Otrimannya and transfer of electric power; Electric field; Magnetic fields.

Features of the programs: Informal form of submitting material to the course; video fragments and animation with demonstration of experiments and pre-visual processes; vocabulary of physical terms, adjudicator of formulas, biographies of senior physicians; interactive and interactive have the right to change the views and the robots over the pardons;

Vikoristannya software products in the classroom, allowing the students to learn the processes as accurately as possible, to see them in real life. The process of activating the educational activity and the development of the motivation of scientists before the removal of new knowledge.

Vikoristannya ІKT in physics lessons, for example, physics - chemistry (molecular physics), physics - literature (facts about them), physics - mathematics (optics, mechanics, problems) (the decline in the number of other subjects) was miznoy, in the lessons with the ІKT I use my mind for the formation of such minds.

Adequate knowledge of the process at the level of physics for the development of the program and technical resources of the ICT allows, in the terms of the term, to memorize the scientists with the necessary physical knowledge. At physics lessons in grades 7 - 11, you can widely present presentations, which allow you to advance your interest to the subject. It is possible for the reader to show creativity, individuality, and a formal approach to the lessons.

Vikoristovuyuchi informatsionno-komunikatsіynі technologies in the lessons of informatics, you can ask for a significant improvement in the motivation of scientists until the beginning, interest in the subject, advancing the quality of knowledge. Vikoristannya ІKT allows for the development of processes in a special way, developing and advancing information competence of scientists, their communication health, and logical thinking.

The celebration of the latest information and communication technologies is well thought out, well-known and well-known. Only in any case, the efficiency will be high and will bring satisfaction both to the teacher and to the scholars.

I want to be specific about my knowledge of information technologies in the practice of information science.

At the first stages of the stasis information technology for the establishment of didactic material. For a whole lot of vicorist offensive technologies and programsMSOffice:

    text editorWord;

    electronic tablesMicrosoft Excel;

    technology of scanning and processing of text and graphic information;

    technology for the preparation of the presentation of the initial material for additional programsPowerPoint;

    Information resources of the Internet.

Vikoristannya resources in the Internet. The great interest of the wiklik is in the study of information on the assignments of topics in the Internet. This kind of individual stink smells from the satisfaction and the ready to receive the request at the end of the day. Rozpovіdі wikklicyut without power supply and draw in them until they grow up. The winners have an opinion of both additional reasons and hearing.

Interactive tests.

Test control (and more computers) allows:

    more rational vikoristovuvaty hour lesson;

    hunt for a big obsyag zmistu;

    stand up quickly Zvorotn_y zv'yazyk with knowledge and results and mastery of material;

    zoserediti respect on the glades of knowledge and intelligence and make correctives in them;

    secure an overnight reversal of the knowledge of scholars of the whole class and formulate their motivation for training before a skin lesson;

    in bagatokh vipadkah podolati sub'єktivizm of displaying evaluations;

    іndivіdualіzuvat the robot with the scientists,

    development in the field of competence and accuracy; give interest to the subject;

    set up a sprinkle of the same type of options in one test in a short hour.

Often the handlers or the handlers are the ones who may be able to see what they see in them. Conducting a lesson on the topic "Formatting the text" is not a matter of sense, because before the eyes of the scholars there is no need to worry about images. Adoption of material in this vypadku will be mati even low vidsotok (10%). Lesson from the vicarians of the traditional nauchnyi, the nauchny are meaningfully moved by the admission (30%). When storing multimedia programs at such lessons, it is more important to increase the development of mastery of material, but not when storing traditional skills of learning (> 50%).

In my lessons, IKT is a secondary element of the initial process, and not the main one. The lessons from the IKT vicarians became essential for my Vikhovanets, and for me the norm of robots.

Perevagi vikoristannya ІKT for me, yak a polyaga учителя teacher in offensive:

    economy of the beginning hour (up to 30%);

    Possibility of securing audio - visually collecting information;

    being included in active activity;

    development of communal minds at the level;

    zd_snennya differentiated and individual approach to navchanni;

    rational testing of different forms, methods and acceptance of robots;

    the establishment of a positive emotional background to the lesson;

For scientists ІKT:

    will ensure more effective accessibility of information;

    close the lesson to the perception of the bitchy child;

    allowing uchnevi pratsyuvati at your own pace;

    development of non-standard design;

    vikhovu independence, health and acceptance of solution;

    form singularity in its possibilities, zdіbnіst.

In such a rank, most ІKT є are necessary in the minds of modern education. Hoping to the power of the robots, I can tell you how these lessons are wicked in the educational institutions of interest, include in the robot all the weak lads, take the form of competences that are not necessary for the subjects that are not required The quality of knowledge is at the same time growing, so you can talk about the rationalization of new forms, methods and technologies in the initial process.

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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