Doslidnitska work "computer and health of children". Science and research work "injecting a computer into the life and health of people" Informatics projects injecting a computer into a schoolboy

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Tasks: 1. Read the literature on this problem 2. Designate the speedy factors of the trial at the computer 3. Collect and analyze the data about the signs of the diseased students, as they show in the process of working at the computer 4. Give recommendations for the application that change in the manifestation of a sign of ill health

Basic rules for hygiene of the eye Comfortable working place Special food for the eyes Preparing for the polypsy of the eye Gymnastics for the eyes

Computer stress ____________________________ You turn on the computer, and on the screen there is a replacement for the initial procedure - "Disk C: not found" or "Boot sector is failure" ... But you've already forgotten, if you duplicated your information .. At the moment, psychologists call your camp "hostile stress." ______________________________________________ Information loss Robot failure, computer crash or hangup Information transfer. spam

Psychological symptoms, which may be more familiar to a person: garne self-feeling or euphoria at the computer; impossibility to bulge; zbіlshennya kіlkosti hour spent at the computer; knowing the homeland and friends; look empty, depressed, distracted not at the computer; nonsense to robot sellers or members of the motherland about their activity; problems with the robot chi navchannyam. Unsafe signals are also: intrusive exercise, postyno pereveratit e-mail; revisiting an upcoming online session; zbіlshennya hour spent online; zbіlshennya kіlkosі pennies, yakі vytrachayutsya online

GIMNASTICS FOR THE EYES 1. flattened the eyes flattened the eyes, and then opened them Repeat 4-6 times 2. Stretch 1 hvilini with the tips (pads) of the fingers 3. Robi circles of the eyes: left-uphill-right-down-right -levoruch-down. Repeat to the right 10 times 4. Pull the arm forward. Stitch with a glance behind the fingernail, fully approaching yoga to the nose, and then just like that, rightly moving back. Repeat to the right 5 times

Questionnaire Hour of work at the computer. 1. How many years a day do you sit at the computer? a) type 1 - up to 2 years; b) type 2 - up to 4 years; c) child 4 - up to 10 years 2. How many years do you work on the computer? a) from 4 years; b) from 10 years; b) your variant of vіdpovіdі ___________________ 1.Is there a postal problem to play in the game? a) so; b) no; c) I don't know 2. Can you walk through the gris with ease? a) so; b) no; c) I don't know healthy and septic technologies when working with a computer. 1. How many years is it recommended to sit at the computer? a) 1 year; b) 2 years; c) 10 years old 2. Do your eyes get tired when working with a computer? a) so; b) no; c) I do not give a value 3. Do you do gymnastics for the eyes? a) so; b) no; c) How do you see 4. Do you know how a threat to become a computer to your health? a) so; b) no; c) I'm all the same



MOU "Likiniy-Dulevsky Lyceum"

Science robot


Kryukova Natalya Yuriivna

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………. 3



2. 1. Influx of the electromagnetic vibration monitor .................................................. 6

2.2. Sitting position stretching for three hours .................................................. 7

2.3. Eye fatigue ............ .... eight

2.4. Revantation of the swirl of brushes ............................................... .................... eight

2.5. Stress when consuming information .............................................................. ................. 9

CHAPTER 3 ................ eleven

VISNOVOK .................................................. ...................................... ... thirteen

REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………. 15

ADDITIONS ............................................... .......................................... sixteen


"Peaceful atom in leather booths" - it went out this year transforming into "modern computer technology in leather houses". The computer has ceased to be a luxury item, and has become an essential item for the wealthy. Ale, do not make peace. Although it is important to re-evaluate all the advantages that are connected with the possibility of using computers and Internet resources, new problems enter our life with them. Adzhe be-like a manifestation of my own return bik.

computer (English) computer- "calculation") - a machine for carrying out a calculation. For help, calculate the building computer and process the information according to the assigned algorithm. In addition, more computers in the building store information and search for information, display information on a variety of sites and display information. Computers took their name from their main function - the calculation. However, at this time, it is important that the main functions of computers are the processing of information and management.

Electronic computing technology is increasingly entering all spheres of our life. The computer has become the mainstay not only in science laboratories and science laboratories, but also in student audiences and school classes. There is an unceasingly growing number of fahivtsiv, who work with a personal computer, as they become their main working tool. No economic, no scientific access is now impossible without a prompt and clear informational communication and without a specially trained staff.

Nebuvala otrimannya visual information and її transfers to the addressee, and, also, the possibility of the most effective practical choice of information - the axis of the main cause of the global computerization. However, trying to reset the computer screen without adding the necessary rules is not bad for health. In the first black, in people who regularly work on the EOM, there is a broken dawn, an ache of hands and a ridge, a burning volume. The main factors of the computer's irritating impact on the body are the electromagnetic fields and the slightest flicker on the screen, the operator's posture was not disturbed. In front of the injection of these factors - it means to save your health.

The topic "Injecting a computer into life and healthy people" includes a problematic follow-up: "How does a computer inject into healthy people?" і "Information of high school students of the Likino-Dulevsky Lyceum about the problems of injecting a computer into healthy people."

object of follow-upє high school students of the Likino-Dulevsky lyceum.

Subject of inquiry- an estimator, which signifies information about the injection of a computer into a person.

Meta of our work:

1. Z'yasuvati, like a computer for life and health of people;

2. Appreciate the levels of information, knowledge and competence of the senior students of the Likino-Dulevsky Lyceum with the problems of the impact of the computer on the life and health of the people.

Follow-up task:

1. Vivechit literature, as a way of looking at the problem of the computer's injection into the life and health of people.

2. To increase the breadth in the youth medium of awareness of the problem of the injection of the computer into the people as a whole.
3. Reveal specific criteria, factors that affect the body of a person that works at a computer.

4. Promote ways to solve the problem of the computer's injection into the life and health of young people.

Actuality of work on the problems of the computer's contribution to the life and health of people, it is considered to be of practical significance. Computers have already created a revolution in the world. For the rest of the decade, the computer has become an invisible part in the life of a person. Zavdyaki youmu, we appreciate the greatness of the amount of information, as we can win for the implementation of our ideas. Ale, the order of brought squalor, the computer slyly pours into our health. A lot of words from the press in other ZMIs are said about the bad impact of the computer on healthy people.


Why is the robot at the computer in charge of healthy people? There are constant discussions about the mischief of computers. You can learn about the positive impact of computers on health. Ale chi so tse?

When working on a computer for years, the eyes do not have the necessary phases of relaxation, the eyes are strained, their efficiency is reduced. The organ is very important to look at when the information is entered, so that the churn of confusion often translates a glance from the screen at the text and the keyboard, which is on different type and differently illuminated. Why does the dawn of languor manifest itself? Sygorodnі Vzhi Milyoni Korirthwashіv to feed on Zoruennya Zoru, hard at the post'ktіv at the Far Ring і zmіn at the Pozhnі items, Rosіrna Zmіn zamarnvnya items, їh dvious, nonsense Vіdchuttya in the regions , pain with Russian eyes.

Most of the people are turbulent by all sorts of changes in the computer. The study of x-ray vibrance showed that it is on a level background of the earth. Electromagnet viprominyuvannya vіd computer good ї akostі vіdpovіdaє standards. However, from the side and rear walls of the low-capacity computer, there can be movements of low-frequency electromagnetic vibrations. When used with a working computer, in addition, the physical characteristics change over time: the temperature can rise to 26-27 degrees, the moisture content decreases below the norm, to 40-60%, and the amount of carbon dioxide decreases. The order of zim repeats ionizes, the number of positive (important) ions increases unfriendly to practice. They, settling on the powders every now and then, sip in the distal paths. Deyakі people, including children, are especially sensitive and sickly react to changes in the future. They have a tickle in the throat, coughing through the dryness of the mucous membranes.

Another one important factor- nerve-emotional tension. It's no secret that interaction with a computer, especially with game programs, is accompanied by strong nerve tension, which leads to strong reactions. Working at the computer, children feel their own emotional stress. Studies have shown that the very clearing of acne is accompanied by a significant increase in the place of hormones in the measles of the epidermis.

It is possible to get ahead of it, to surround the trivality of the robots of children at the computer, to do gymnastics for the eyes, to properly obshtuvat the work space, to beat only the best programs that show the age of the child. It’s even more important to want to know that anxiety, disrespect, then begin to appear already on the 14th whilin of robotic children on the computer, and after 20 whilins - in 25% of children, the symptoms were fixed on the side of the central nervous system, so and from the side of the zoning device.

In this rank, trival and uninterrupted work at the computer stimulates the development or worsening of chronic illnesses. Impulsive signals, which are used by computers, are injected not only into the operator, but also into all those who are in the premises, they are installed. With all the privacy of the computer - another threat to the people. The daedals of the greater breadth of computers and the use of them for the education and development of greater health problems, especially for children.


Without a doubt computers- the great guilt of a person. At this hour, one cannot do without them every day, every day, every school. This miracle of technology allows a lot of things to make life easier today. Ale at once with grudge for progress, computers zavdat shkodi zdorov'yu - suffering from zіr, ridge and navіt gloomy hands. The image that collapses on the screen to bring up people stop crying and cause dryness of the eyes, and the decision to leave the screen of the monitor, spray neuro-somatic damage in the body, after which the nervous system is exposed.

The main shkidlivі factors that work on a person at a computer:

    infusion of an electromagnetic vibration monitor;

    sitting position stretching for a good hour;

    perevantazhennya suglobiv brushes;

    stress during the input of information.

2. 1. The inflow of the electromagnetic vibration monitor

The skin is attached, which vibrates or slows down electricity, creating an electromagnetic vibration. Tse viprominyuvannya concentrates just near the attachment at the sight of the electromagnetic field. Deyakі attach, on the zrazok of a toaster or a refrigerator, create even low levels of electromagnetic vibration. Other outbuildings (high-voltage lines, micro-furnaces, televisions, computer monitors) do more high rivers viprominuvannya.

You can’t smell, feel, sniff, try for taste, or touch it, but, no less, it’s present everywhere. Although no one has yet been brought to the fore, there is a big problem. Podіbnі poboyuvannya mostly po'yazanі z wrong understanding of the very term vpromіnjuvannya. For many of us, this term is associated with x-ray changes (otherwise we call it ionizing reactions), that is a high-frequency form of radiation, as it is known, there is a greater chance of catching cancer in people and creatures.

Well, really, skin, who knows the principle of a computer monitor (also called a video terminal or a display), wait for it, there is no sense to talk about x-ray vip production here. The number of ionizing vibrations is insignificant, which is created by the cathode-promenade tube in the middle of the monitor, effectively screened by the fold of the tube.

Dosit shkіdlive vypromіnyuvannya deіє on vіdstаnі pіvmetra vіd ekranu, negatively vplyvayuchі on shkіru i ochі the one who is sitting in front of the computer. On modern monitors, special filters are installed, which will change the tension of the vibration, but it’s all the same.
Rare-crystal monitors also have a few shortfalls. In the middle of them - a small kut to look around for a dazzling image: Looking out at the new one, people make a fuzzy picture. Tse to harm the dawn.

How can you protect yourself, if your mother is brought to the right with computers or electromagnetic fields?

1. Shards of electromagnet vibrance come out of all parts of the monitor (they showed that vibration vibrance from the sides and behind the monitor is higher, lower in front), most safely install the computer pratsyuє, do not push to the side, or from the back of the car.

2. Do not leave your computer or monitor turned on for a long time. If the computer does not win, turn it off. Tsya may not be too easy (and you may swear by some kind of influx on the term of computer service), but all the same, it is not necessary to pay too much for protecting against the potential insecurity of the electromagnetic field.

3. Keep track of them, so that you can sit as far as possible in front of the computer screen, but not in a crowd of handfuls. When working at a computer, it is recommended to place a monitor on the wall of a twisted hand (hands of a grown-up with twisted fingers).

4. Children and women are guilty of spending at the computer no more than a decade a day.

5. Stop the special screen. Deyakі firms that oscillate monitors for computers, have developed such models, as if to reduce the magnetic fields created by them.

6. More often include in the diet of syrup and other dairy products (amino acids bind to harmful radicals, especially to live in environmentally unfriendly minds).

7. More collapse - you need to get up behind the computer, walk, deep breath. Navit such a simple gymnastics activates the vital processes, sprays the body’s vibrations into the form of slags.

2. 2. Sitting position for a long time

Pratsyyuchi on the computer, we are caught in an unhandled position for a trival interval of an hour. As a result, after sitting for a long time in an unshakable position, there are pains in the cramps of the hands, chin, back, and headaches. It can also be the cause of various illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, negatively signify on the blood circulation of the whole organism (blood stasis).

It would be better if a person sits at a computer in a relaxed position, but it’s not for the body, it’s intimidating and unacceptable: straining, hurting the head, arms and shoulders, staring at the back of the ridge - osteochondrosis , And in children - scoliosis .

Often troubling the robot at the computer can be the reason put the piston or curvature of the ridge .

Trivala is surrounded by a pose that makes breathing difficult and can lead to attacks cough .

In order to change the shkidlivy by injecting a non-handed pose, it is necessary to choose correctly I work with furniture. It will help to save the correct position of the body when working at the computer and change the focus.

1. The armchair can be on rollers, with an adjustable height of the seat and back, without padlocks, which wrap around its axis.

2. The steel is responsible for the mother of a special hanging board for the keyboard. Ideally, the steel is to blame but a troch lower than the line of the waist, so that the screen is roztashovuvavsya troch lower than the line I see. Under the table, there must be enough space for the hour to wake up tired legs.

3. Correct posture. Moreover, "correct" - do not zavzhdi means "handy". It is necessary to straighten your shoulders, straighten your back, your legs are to be bound with all your feet to rest on the ground. And yet, in the best view of an orthopedist, one cannot sit for a long time.

4. Correct organization of the work regime. The first for everything, it is necessary, if possible, to surround the computer with a computer, and the robot itself should be constantly changed by breaks (45 minutes of work - 15 minutes of repair, moreover, it’s not just to vimikati the monitor, but to stretch, get up, or else go out into the street). And for 45 hours of uninterrupted work, change your posture at least 3-4 times: shake your shoulders, move your legs, shake your head - all the more you can help yourself to sink in, so it’s like - vikonanny is right. The stench can be the simplest: so, get sick and turn your head to improve cerebral blood circulation and є nefarious prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

The trial of the robot at the computer negatively affects the points and stars.

Revantation of the eyes to bring to waste the guests Zora . It is rotten to appear at the dawn of the near future color, fonts, layout of windows in the programs you have selected, incorrect screen coloring.

Also, trying a robot at a computer can reduce the risk of such full-time illnesses like myopia (Short view), farsightedness , glaucoma .
Pratsyyuchi behind the monitor, the man blinked richly. Tse to bring to overdrying of the conjunctiva of the eyes. Sounds like a piss in the eyes.

The input of the computer changes by zir when working on a daily monitor with a high distribution building and high frequency scalloping of the image, which significantly reduces the effect of merehtinnya.

In children, the eyes are especially often touched, the shards of their eyes and m'yazi, as if they were cherishing them, they have not yet noticed. Reading over the world, not sitting for an hour in front of a TV set or a computer, makes the young eyes of a serious strain. Most often, the stumbling block of the dawn is brought to the point that the children become flirtatious and playful. As can be confirmed by the skin of the father, these traces are not blamed for ob'yazkovo only when working at the computer.

If children overdo it in any busyness, stinks often become draughty. If the child is more aroused, lower the sound, and for which there is no other obvious reason, then the whole thing can be called out to the trival yoga sessions at the computer. Above the world zahoplennya by a robot behind a computer can also help already the obvious problems out of the blue. A lot of children suffer from insignificant deficiencies, which can be called "unacceptable". In the future, there will be a need for a correction of the dawn, but the introduction of medicine, it is possible, to go astray to the reach of a youthful or mature age.

But if the children are heavily choked with a computer, if they spend the whole free hour at the keyboard, then this “unacceptability” can grow into more, which needs correction in the early years. Although it has not yet been brought to light that computers can definitively evoke an aggravated dawn, ophthalmologists say that they are overwhelmed by them in an early age, they can have a negative impact on the ointment on a singing subject, especially in such activities as reading. As it turns out, the problem of correcting the gap will have to be solved with additional eyepieces. Fortunately, more of these problems can be easily overcome.

    Choose a good monitor. Monitor with a high razdіlnoyu zdatnіstyu zavzhdnіst ruchnіshne for the eyes, lower monitor with low permission. The optimal screen size for a baby is 15 inches, and for a schoolboy a 17-inch monitor.

    It is correct to reach the monitor - close to 45-60 cm.

    Proper lighting - natural light, which falls evil. At the dark hour, finish the lamp is responsible for displaying only a document, but not the monitor screen. Tse dopomozhe niknut v_dbliskіv, scho complicate the work.

    Saving hours of work on the computer is an important factor in the preservation of health. Schoolchildren can be allowed to spend up to two years in front of the monitor, breaking the skin for 10-15 minutes. An ideal "discharge" between computer activities can be physical activity, as it does not require a load of dawn - a walk, playing a ball on the floor.

    Right for the eyes, as if helping children to overcome problems related to computer problems. Tse mozhut buti just right, like, for example, fast for objects that collapse in the field of dawn, or the concentration of the dawn on distant objects. Cherguvannya work at the computer with other types of activities, but still often include a good eye, which is a good right for the eyes.

    The eyes (that and the whole organism) need an additional support in the middle. Unfortunately, our body cannot take away all the necessary speeches. Blame the deficiency of the necessary, brown, important vitamins and microelements to lead to a stepwise, albeit insufferable deterioration in health.
    For example, biologically active additives, kissil and compote "Vitaminny for the eyes" to contain all the necessary components to help the eyes in case of advancing urges to the healthy apparatus. Vitamin-mineral complexes of direct action are essential for the skin, who want to save their health.

If you don’t care to go to the other side, children will swear at the head, if they will stare and pierce their eyes, or if it’s not possible to blame difficulties on reading or other school activities, then it’s necessary to get an optometrist or an ophthalmologist.

2.4. Swapping of swamps of brushes

Trival of the robot at the computer can become the cause of serious neurological disorders. Particularly sensitive dilyanki body and fingers, hands and front of the face. Hands vykonuyut the main part of the mechanical work when working at the computer, with which it is important not the amplitude of the physical effort (won, as a rule, to do it is low), but the hour of work. Like the pads of the fingers are the most sensitive little things of the human body. Concentrated on what equal large number sensitive nerve endings (zvezdjaki tsiomu finger vykonuyut function dotik). When you work hard at the computer (on the keyboard), the nerve endings of your fingers are succumbing to a steady ruffle. From time to time, it is necessary to bring up the nerve pathways to link the fingers with the cerebral cortex. As a result, the damage to the coordination of the hands of the fingers and the judgment of the hand and the front of the face is blamed. English scholars have named tse disease RSI (repetitive strain injury), which is transferred as a chronic disease of the hands.

In people who earn a living by working on computers, the largest number of health scars is due to diseases of m'yazyv and suglobiv. Most often, it is simply the name of the shii, bіl at the shoulders and across, or swaying in the legs. Ale buvayut, prote, and more serious illness. most extensions carpal tunnel syndrome (Carpal tunnel syndrome), when the nerves of the hands pokodzhuyutsya after frequent work on the computer.

In the most important form, this syndrome manifests itself in apparently more severe symptoms, which help the person to practice. In children, such problems are rarely blamed, nevertheless, they themselves choke on them not to spend an hour at the computer, as professionals have grown up. However, all the same, you can feel the need to follow the camp of a child, as if you had to sit at the computer.

2.5. Stress when consuming information

1. Not all koristuvachs work regularly backup copies your own information. Ale w i viruses don’t sleep, and winchesters of the smallest firms, break, break, and the found programmer can sometimes press the wrong button ... As a result of this stress traplyayutsya and іnfarkti.

2. The person who works at the computer, zmusheniya all the time to take decisions, in order to keep the effectiveness of yoga robots. For an hour, it’s easy to finish the traces of that small amount of time (especially on aphids of chronic pain). To that, the work of the robot at the computer is often the cause of chronic stress.

3. Necessity to reshape a great number of heterogeneous (and most of its non-necessary information), so itself lead to the development of stress.

In this rank, in fact, just try the robot at the computer, you can make a real splash on healthy people. In our time, the number of computers in all spheres of life is becoming wider and more and more people are worried about spending whole days of monitoring computers.

Chapter 3

With the method of revealing the impact of the computer on healthy people, as well as the awareness of the senior students of the Likino-Dulevsky lyceum for these problems, we have won the method of experimentation (Supplement 1). Lastly, it is necessary to proponuetsya vodpovisti for 9 meals, which are worth the cost of the computer's injection to the people. Stop, 10, paragraph of the method, polagaє in what you try to give your recommendations for saving healthy people while working at the computer. The power of these methods is chived by different areas of work of a person with a computer: the computer is often victorious, as often there are interruptions in the sessions, which is an impact on the health in general, and also an impact on the development of special features, etc.

93 high school students of the Likino-Dulevsky lyceum took part in the internship. Based on the conducted follow-up, we showed the next results.

1. On nutrition (Supplement 2), 70 % viprobovuvanih vіdpovili, scho computer robbing a negative injection on people, 30 % - do not rob.

2. Nutrition (Appendix 3) giving the following results:

Up to 2 years for doba - 27 % doslіdzhuvanih;

Up to 4 years for doba - 23 % doslіdzhuvanih;

Up to 6 years for doba - 30 % doslіdzhuvanih;

Up to 8 years for dobu - 2 % doslіdzhuvanih;

More than 8 years for mining - 18 % tested.

3. We got stuck with the thought of trying out those who, having succumbed to it, hoped to spend an hour at the computer on spir, spine and blood circulation (Appendix 4).

82 % viprobovuvanih vvazhayut, scho computer rob negative injection;

16 % - do not rob zovsіm of any infusion;

2 % - don't know

4. Nutrition about the injection of an electromagnetic vibration of a computer on a healthy person by showing the results (Appendix 5):

7 % uchnіv vvazhayut, scho electromagnіtne vіpromіnіuvannya іn vplyvaє zdorov'ya people;

70 % uchnіv vkazayut on the negative impact of the computer on healthy people;

23 % samples were not recognized in this diet and could not be confirmed.

5. Nutrition (Appendix 6):

54 % uchnіv vіdpovili, scho vіdchuvayut nepriemnі vіdchuttya, vtom, bіl in the eyes, unhandiness, turmoil;

22 % learners feel joy, satisfaction, happiness, positive and happiness when working at a computer;

24 % tests could not be confirmed on the basis of nutrition.

6. Nutrition about the injection of computer games into the development of special and moral qualities, giving offensive displays (Appendix 7):

42 % uchnіv vvazhayut, scho computer games negatively inject into the psyche of a person;

25 % learners know that computer games do not inject into the human psyche in any world;

33 % the lads were unable to respond to the meal.

7. On the diet “Do you care V, that three hours spent at the computer negatively affects the human psyche” (Appendix 8)

67 % lads have been affected by the fact that the computer negatively affects the human psyche;

32 % learning to think that three hours spent does not affect the psyche;

1 % - could not answer the given food.

Apparently, before the test, it was established that the computer could produce a negative impact on the human body. A questionnaire was conducted at the doslidah bula under the name "Your setting to the computer." More evidence of learning on nutrition: “What does a computer put on healthy people?” (70 %) boules are positive, that is, the computer is robbing a negative injection of people. Ale, all the same, stink to think about your health, wanting to continue working on the computer.

The strange fact that 18 % high school students spend more than 8 years at the computer, which, insanely, can be recognized for success in science - a large part of the hour is spent not at lessons, but at the computer.

27 % learners spend less than 2 years at the computer, or even less. In the main, senior students of the 11th grade are included in this part, which is explained, in our opinion, without an hour through the preparation of students to graduation and preparation to the entrance to the VNZ.

It is noteworthy that 74 % vyprobovuvanih vpevneni, scho computer nadaє shkoda during three hours spent on spir, ridge and blood circulation. wanta 14 % learners vvazhayut, scho nіyakogo vplyu on overhauling more aspects.

23 % high school students could not tell on nutrition about the injection of an electromagnetic vibration of a computer on healthy people, which is explained, as we know, by a low level of information.

54 % lads with trivaly robots at the computer are aware that, that is, they are in their eyes. Ale, navit, vіdchuvayuchi so unacceptable vіdchuttya in organisms, scientists do not stop working less at the computer. What is amazing 22 % high school students feel joy, happiness, satisfaction, love, euphoria while working at the computer.

25 % uchnіv vvazhayut that computer games do not inject into the human psyche in any world.

And from 67 % learning how to spend an hour to rob a negative impact on the psyche of a person.

In this way, based on the results of the analysis of the questionnaires, it is possible to generate visnovoks, about those that a computer in the larger world negatively affects the psyche and the camp of a person as a whole. If there is a need for health, then there is a majestic negative influx to slacken the spirits of the people, as if they were on the sir, so on the deaks of the other internal organs of the people.


Perhaps, in the middle of the reach of modern civilization, computer technology can rightfully be called the subject of the greatest love and devotion of people. Lyudina, the start of her unique building of thought, has already worked a little in order to make her life easier and achieve maximum comfort. And just as often as a rock to break your head, working on the creation of new technologies, and to shy away the sciences, then a great part of the grandiosely learned to cherish the fruits of their practice. Perhaps, in the middle of the reach of modern civilization, computer technology can rightfully be called the subject of the greatest love and devotion of people.

Today's children are already very familiar with television, video and computers. Even though there were generations of books in the past, today I take information through a video series.

Often brought a little like this: Why isn't my child's unsafe computer? How many hours can you spend with him? Do you care about the normal development of children?

It's a pity that children are often chattering at once, as they have crossed the line between the sensible and the intercourse with a computer. Above-world conflict with a computer can not only lead to the death of a child, but also negatively signify one's mental health. The computer gives you the opportunity to be transported to another world, which you can play with, which you can play with. At the same time, the child sees more and more the real world, deyoma is threatened by negative assessments and the need to change in oneself. Such an insight into a piece of reality can form in a child the similarity of psychological stagnation to a computer. And yet the computer is our future. Work on a new way to teach children a new way, more than a simple and quick one, imitation and processing of information. And in the meantime, take away the materials necessary for the robot and process it quickly and optimize the process of thinking, helping not only to know more, but more quickly, more precisely, to complete new tasks. From the other side - it is not possible to spodіvatisya only on the computer. In the development of a real splurge computer novice can only play an additional role.

In this way, based on the results of the analysis of the questionnaires, it is possible to generate visnovoks about those that the computer in the larger world negatively affects the psyche and the human body as a whole. If there is a need for health, then there is a majestic negative influx to slacken the spirits of the people, as if they were on the sir, so on the deaks of the other internal organs of the people.

But it is necessary to remember that only a robot at the computer could work and spit on healthy people.

If you think to show yourself on different shawls, on which lie the positive and negative sides of the computer, then you can assume that these bowls will be changed in rіvnovazi. But maybe close to 20% of the population will be unsuitable for us, the one who stinks against the computer, the one who pours wine into the psyche, the state and health of the people as a whole.

On the basis of this work, it is developed visnovki :

one). Vidpovidno to the greatest literary dzherel infusion of electro-magnetic vibrations of the computer on the body of a person inflict a whole series of negative infusions - in the distance to the psyche.

2). Vivchennya vplyu computer on the human body to become great folding s - for the weak expansion of techniques.

3). Researches on the topic “The impact of a computer on the health of high school students” were carried out mainly by the method of testing, as the most accessible way in the minds of the school.

4). It’s good to take away the credits of the greater number of students positively put before the computer, although they didn’t think about the troublesome injection of the computer into the camp of their health.

5) As a result of research, it was revealed that approximately 70% of high school students in the Likino-Dulevsky Lyceum were aware of the problem of the negative impact of the computer on the health of the people. However, given recognition in these nutrition does not reduce the amount of time spent at the computer, which leads to a sharp deterioration in health in general, and to a decrease in practice. As a result, the rate of school success decreases.

1. It is necessary, if possible, to surround the computer with a reboot, and the robot itself should be constantly changed by breaks (45 minutes of work - 15 minutes of repair.

2. Correctly choose the working computer furniture (the armchair is to blame, but on rollers; ideally, the steel is to blame but a little lower than the waist line and the mother is to blame for a special hanging board for the keyboard).

3. The right distance to the monitor is about 45-60 cm

4. Spend special right for the eyes (stretching behind the objects that collapse in the field of light, or the concentration of the eye on distant objects).

5. More collapse - you need to get up behind the computer, walk, deep breath.

6. More often include in the diet syrup and other dairy products, biologically active supplements for the eyes.

7. Use computer eyepieces with special color filters.


    Bezrukikh M.M. Computer and healthy children / M.M. Armless. - M .: Ventana-Graff, 2003.

    Granovska R.M. Children and computers / R.M. Granovska, M.S. Grinova, D.V. Tretyakov // Zap. psych. healthy children and children. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 40 - 45.

    3otov A.A. The Potential for Nebezpeka zastosuvannya kom'yuterіv in schools and prevention of ill children / A.A. 3otov, V.Є. Kogut, L.Yu. Kulova // Ecology of people and nature: zb. materials ... conf. - Ivanovo, 1997 - P.61.

    Krasnova O.A. Viprominyuvannya computer and health of children / O.A. Krasnova, I.V. Levchenko // Informatics and education. - thousand nine'yatsot ninety five'yat.

    Leonova L.A. Computer and healthy children / L.A. Leonova, L.V. Makarova, S.S. Savvateeva // Motherhood. - 1998.

    Petrochenko A. Personal computer and health of schoolchildren / A. Petrochenko // Teacher. - 2002. - No. 5.

    Stepanova M.I. Computer and Self-Aware Schoolman / M.I. Stepanova // Informatics and education. - 1989. - No. 5.

    Computer viprominyuvannya and prevention of ill children / V.Ya. Volodarsky [et al.] // Weak and superweak fields and development in biology and medicine: abstracts. international congr. - SPb., 1997.- P.221.


Addendum 2.

Test "Injection of the computer to the health of people"

    Yak Wee, do you care what the computer is putting on healthy people?

    How many hours do you spend at the computer for doba (24 years old)?

    Like a robot, you often victorious, scorched by a computer: friend, friend, etc.

    After some time, you will try to break between sessions, working at the computer

    Do you think that three hours spent at the computer has a negative effect on the dawn, backbone, blood circulation in the whole organism

    Yak Vee vvazhaete, what kind of injection is given to the electromagnet of the computer's promotion to healthy people

    What do you see, working for a long time at the computer

    Yak Vee admits, a kind of injection of computer games into the development of special and moral qualities

    Chi you care V, that three hours spent to rob a negative impact on the psyche of a person

Addendum 2.

Diagram 1. Nutrition

addendum3 .

Diagram 2

addendum4 .

Diagram 3. Nutrition

addendum5 .

Diagram 4

addendum6 .

Diagram 5

addendum7 .

Diagram 6

addendum8 .

Diagram 7. Nutrition

previous project

"Influx of the computer and computer networks on the health of schoolchildren"

With the method of preventing “computer illnesses” by modern science, a number of norms and rules for working on a PC are broken up. Zgidno SanPiN " Vymogi to organize the regime of practice and rehabilitation in case of work with VDT and PEOM»Uninterrupted trivality of robots and schoolchildren on the PC is not guilty of revisiting 10-30 quills in fallow time. If the work is to blame, a complex of rights for the eyes is carried out, and if the skin year of the work is performed, it is physically right for the prevention of severe fatigue. Trivality interruption between sessions of work on the computer is due to but not less than 10 minutes, every hour of which it is necessary to carry out a thorough ventilation with the obov'azkovy exit of the students from the application, where the computer is installed.

In addition, it has been established that the optimal illumination of the working area is 500 lux. The working stile is to blame for buti pyomno-swivel and regulation in height and kutam nahely seat and backrest, as well as the backstand in the front edge of the seat. The keyboard is to be installed on the surface of the table on a stand 100 - 300 mm from the edge, sharpened to coristuvacha or on a special, height-adjusted working surface, water-reinforced in the main style. The optimal distance of the eyes from the screen of the video monitor is 60-70 cm.4

You can clean up the highlights and improve the contrast of the image by using additional filters, when buying them, you also need to check the visibility of the passport with the results of checking the image itself. The coefficient of yogo mirror reflection is to blame but not more than 1%, and the transmission coefficient is 35 - 40% at low illumination and 55 - 60% at high illumination.

Based on the given literature, you can expand the onset of whiskers:

a) the risk when working at a PC can be thrown into healthy people. Skoda for healthy coristuvachіv PK is explained by the wrong choice of the working place, the defective computers with unsatisfactory hygienic characteristics, the change in the normative trivality of work with him, hypodynamia, the wrong illumination of the working place, the unsatisfactory microscopic characteristics

b) with the method of preventing “computer illnesses” by modern science, breaking up a number of norms and rules for working on a PC.

2. Vivchennya vplyu computer for healthy students 10-11 classes MOU SZSH z UІOP smt Murigin

2.1 Follow-up methods

As a follow-up method, a questionnaire was collected, since the symptoms of CHD and skeletal-mucosal disorders, called by a robot on a PC, are of a descriptive nature. This method also allows you to carry out a follow-up of the rules and norms of work on a PC.

To complete the assignments, I have broken up the questionnaire, which consists of 22 meals (div. Addendum 1).

The questionnaire was written and anonymous, because K. Tse allows you to confirm the reliability of the data taken. Learned the tenth and eleventh grades of the Muriginskaya secondary school, all of which are supported by the Internet.

2.2. Follow-up results

The main results of the survey are shown in tables 1 and 2 (div. Addendum 2), as well as diagrams 1 - 3 (div. Addendum 3).

Besides, it was explained that:

    the average work experience of high school students on a PC - 4 years, Internet-2 years; symptoms of CHD are observed in 35.5% of patients; Symptoms of skeletal and m'yazovyh razladіv p_slya and p_d hour of work for PC periodically appear in approximately 44.4% of patients; In 4.4%, as a result of work on the PC, refraction disorder appeared (short vision and astigmatism); More important is the majority of high school students (71%) to spend less than 2 years per day at the PC, which complies with the norm; The norms and rules of work on the PC will only be supplemented by 7.8% of the population; In 8.6%, at my glance, there is a syndrome of Internet addiction, and in 5.5% - symptoms of computer gambling; Changes in the appearance of allergies, more frequent attacks and decreased immunity as a result of PC infection were not detected; In the meantime, norms and rules of work on a PC are being completed, only 1 person periodically has a headache; other symptoms of CHD and skeletal and malignant disorders were not detected in this group of senior students;

As a result of the analysis of taken data, I arrived before the upcoming developments:

1) symptoms of computer zoro syndrome and skeletal-malignant disorders appear as a result of work on the PC more, less in 35% of high school students;

2) a robot on a PC can become the reason for the appearance of refraction disorders;

3) overworld buried computer games and the Internet can lead to the appearance of computer gambling and Internet - staleness;

4) the norms and rules of work on the PC are only 7.8% of high school students;

5) the main reason for the appearance of “computer” illnesses is uninterrupted work at a PC for a three-hour hour (more than 20 minutes) and unsatisfactory mind work (in this state of filthy lighting), as well as a lack of preventive visits (break in robots, gymnastics for the eyes and physical education hvilinki).

With the help of a defense against electromagnetic interference and other shoddy officials when working on a PC, I proponate the following recommendations:

1. If possible, use a rare-crystal monitor.

2. When attaching a monitor, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of a hygienic certificate, in addition to that, it is the fault of the correct installation.

3. Share system unit and the monitor yaknaydali looked at the coristuvach.

4. Since the electromagnetic vibration of the walls of the monitor is the strongest, turn the monitor into a kutka, so that the vibration would be covered with walls.

5. Do not deprive the computer, let's turn it on for an hour without consumption.

6. Move the monitor so that its upper point is directly in front of the eye or else.

7. The working place should be adequately illuminated, the light field is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the working space.

8. The stile is to blame for the mother's back and underarms, as well as such a height, with such a coristuvach's legs, they can stand on a pedestal.

9. When working with a teddy bear, the hand should be straight, and lie on the table near the edge.

10. As soon as possible, spend an hour working at the computer and work interrupted in robotic skin 10 - 20 minutes.

11. Vikonuvaty complex of rights for the eyes and total jubilant gymnastics.

12. How can you work more often in the water, cleaning up the room and airing yoga.

13. The only way to prevent Intrnet-deposit and gambling is self-control and self-regulation. Keep track of it, you devote more time to the Internet and computer games, which did not become more productive during the rest of the hour.


The computer is our future. The work on the new one teaches children simply and quickly to receive information. It’s obvious, for example, that some kind of mountains have formed a fallow, like an aggressive mood, but also like games, like developing positive vibes. With the advent of the Internet, people began to communicate less in a special way, giving priority to chatting, email. Everything goes to the health of the people. Yakshcho dotrimuvatisya rules of the norm and work at the computer, you will help, and not harm your health. Aje healthy is the storehouse of our life. Remember about tse.

In my research, I tried to uncover the causes of the blame for "computer" illnesses, evaluating the level of the unfriendly influx of the PC and the Internet on the health of high school students through a regular analysis of the health of the OS, as the rules of work on the PC are improved, there is no need to try . By myself, I have done my part, that the lack of sanitary and hygienic standards of work on a computer leads to great problems for the health of people.

Watching the work of A. Frans with the food of the robot at the computer, I will be more suitable for yoga: “Not the mind is deadly for a person, but pardon for the mind.”

Conducting research on “Computer and Health”, I made general recommendations when working with computers. De designating the principle of correct working posture, the principle of correct breathing and relaxation, the principle of correct organization of the robotic apparatus, the principle of maintaining the mode of work and the principle of violating health-improving and preventive complexes of rights (div. Addendum 4).

List of victorious literature

1. Merezha and drug addiction // Computer trade journal "Computerra" No. 16, 1998, pp. 13-15.

2. "Psychology and the Internet in the wake of the XXI century" // Psychological newspaper No. 12, 1996, pages 4-6.

3. "Everything about computer zorovy syndrome" // http: www. .

4. Markhotsky: head. Posibnik - Mn .: Vish. school, 2006.

5. Internet-deposit and її psychological Characteristics, Smolensk 2003.

6.SanPin "We help to organize the regime of labor and rehabilitation during work with VDT and PEOM".

7. Surin of the computer for healthy people, Siktivkar, 2005.

8. One on one with a monitor // NG - science, # 2, 2000

9. Chebotaryov P. N., Svіzhevsky i zdorov'ya // www. airs. ***** / pdf / rus / interest / computer & health. pdf.

10. « Computer Vision Syndrome" // http: // library. thinkquest. org/C0123325/synd. htm

11. RSI Facts & Figures / www. .

12. Sheedy J.E. The bottom line on fixing computer-related vision and eye problems. J Am Optom Assoc, 67 (9): 512-17, 1996.

Addendum 1


Date of birth:_______________________________________________

1. How long have you been using a computer: ____________________________________ years.

2. How much time do you spend at the computer:

a) up to 2 years per day;

b) from 2 to 5 years per day;

c) more than 5 years per day.

3. What programs do you most often use:

a) text editor (Word);

b) graphic editor(Paint, Photoshop);

c) games;

d) otherwise _____________________.

4. How much time do you spend on the Internet:

a) up to 2 years per week;

b) from 2 to 5 years of the day;

c) up to 2 years per day;

d) from 2 to 5 years per day.

5. What is your need for computer games:

a) I stand up to them baiduzhe;

b) periodically vinikaє bazhannya pograti;

c) I can’t do without them for a day.

6. Yak Vee is put up to the Internet:

a) baiduzhe;

b) koristuyusya him only out of necessity;

c) I am looking forward to the Internet;

d) I do not show my life without the Internet.

7. Chi pouring the Internet into your training:

a) do not spit;

b) help to learn;

c) get a job.

8. How long have you been using the Internet: _________________________________ years.

9. How the Internet is pouring into your communication with others:

a) does not spit in any way;

b) new friends came to me on the Internet, but there was no change in the conversation;

c) with the advent of the Internet, becoming (a) less contact with friends;

d) the Internet is replacing me with real communication.

10. When you work at the computer, it becomes cloudy and your mind is blurry (objects are given unclear, spluttering):

a) never;

b) inode;

c) wait.

11. Chi calls at your robot at the computer teasing eyes (reddening, liver, sverbіzh, apparently "squeaky" under povіkami):

a) never;

b) inode;

c) wait.

12. Chi is your head bill for an hour of work at the computer:

a) never;

b) inode;

c) wait.

13. Chi є you have a broken eye (short-sightedness, far-sightedness or astigmatism):

14. Yakscho є, then chi pov'yazano їh appear with a computer:

15. You work at the computer:

a) in a lighted room;

b) in the dark;

c) in a dark light.

16. How often do you try to break into robots on a computer:

a) I don’t care;

b) skin year;

c) skin 20 quilin;

17. Chi vikonuete Vi right for the eyes:

a) I don’t care;

b) skin year and hour of work on the computer;

c) skin 30 minutes per hour of work on a computer;

d) more __________________________________.

18. You have more and more shoulders and back for an hour of work on the computer:

a) never;

b) inode;

c) wait.

19. You have more and more hands, hands and fingers for an hour of work on the computer:

a) never;

b) inode;

c) wait.

20. Chi became more often sick with the appearance of a computer:

c) do not betray (a) respect.

Addendum 2

Table 1 "The frequency of occurrence of symptoms of CHD and illness of the skeletal-mucosal system per hour of work on a PC"

Appearance frequency,%

leather times

head bіl

"Ochni" symptoms of CHD

"Glyadachev" symptoms of CHD

Bіl i vtom arms, hands and fingers

Bіl i vtom shoulders i back

Table 2 "To learn the rules of prevention when working on a PC"

sunset view

Interval, hvilin

5 ... 20 whilin

More than 60 quills


Malyunok 2 - Diagram "An hour to be held in the Internet"

Malyunok 3 - Diagram "Lighting with robot on PC"

Chi is not a deadly rozum for a person, but a pardon for a rozum
A. France


Principle 1. Correct working posture.

For the whole hour, it is necessary to work hard so that your body takes an optimal ergonomic posture (Div. Fig.).

Ø Chi do not slouch.

Ø Chi do not bend the spine in the lower yoga part back.

Ø Do not sit with your legs crossed.

Ø Don't cross your feet.

Ø Take care to save straight kuti in the ulnar, pelvis, knee, homilk-foot glooms.

Know the same position of the head, with which you get the least attention. Adjust the height of the table, armchairs, the height of the armchair and the height of the monitor stand.

If during the working day you repeatedly lift yourself from the armchair and sit again, then when you lift, try to trim your head and torso straight; sitting down, lower the body lightly and softly, the head is guilty but straight forward and uphill, the neck is relaxed, the backbone is pulled up, not “flopping” with a strong swing on the armchair - this is how the skin is once struck on the backbones.

principle 2. Proper breathing and relaxation.

Regular deep breathing and relaxation (relaxation) allow you to save Rozum's activity, self-perception and clarity of thought when working on a computer for one equal stretch of a trivial interval of an hour.

Inconsistency, irregular breathing, yoga zatrimka, frequency and rhythm disturbances are feared in critical situations, with a concentration of susil, with a filthy mood, and also a sign of strained pink activity. But it is necessary to remember that similar changes in the mind improve the efficiency of the brain’s work, lead to tension and autonomy and control the whole body.

Ø Breathe regularly and freely.

Ø Learn to relax.

If you are sitting, respectfully watch over him, so that the body is lost in a relaxed state, especially in the area of ​​the chola (eyebrow), neck, back and lower slit.

Ø Keep your shoulders and arms relaxed.

If you can see the tension in any part of the body for an hour of work, hurry up with a simple and accessible method of relaxation: open a deep breath and stress this part of the body (as hard as you can), then hold the breath for 3-5 s. Looks relaxed. Repeat, as it is necessary.

Principle 3. Correct organization of the robotic apparatus.

In order for the eyes not to get tired and save their clarity when working at the computer, follow the next recommendations.

1. Blink your skin for 3-5 seconds.

Morgannya is a natural way of healing and cleaning the surface of the eyes. Zavdyaky blink your eyes for protection from unacceptable sights and save clarity of sight. Morgannya also serve to relax the facial and forehead m'yazіv without razrushuvannya brіv, which could more silluvat zagalnu m'yazovu tension. Prote a lot of people don’t blink the sounds regularly. Navіt, navpaki, at the moment of intense rozumovoї stink even wider open eyes and may stop blinking. The change in the frequency of blinking leads to the blackening of the eyes, to the redness and the liver, especially people who wear contact lenses.

How to blink correctly:

Keep in mind that when blinking, only the arms collapsed

Not in a different way forehead, face or cheeks;

Blink without zasil, zіtknennya upper and lower povіk povinnі be soft;

Take care of your eyebrows in a relaxed state.

2. Use your hands while robotic bachiti not only the screen.

Your zіr may be buti "vodkritim". Tse means that if you, without being disturbed, marvel at the screen, you are guilty of walking through the space - style, walls, that you pass through people and so on. Peripheral zіr can be expanded with a path of identification of various objects from the right and left side when looking straight ahead.

A new visual orientation will ensure visual, physical and rozum relaxation, as well as take care of the burning dawn.

3. Often wonder in the distance.

Trying to fix the eyes on the display screen will inevitably lead to languor, anxiety and, as a result, ophthalmic illnesses. The presence of short periods of repair for the eyes is the main reason for the short-term growth of the middle of the corysty of computers. Do not blame the pain in the eyes, otherwise the swaddling clothes in front of the eyes, rather, send a call to give the eyes a small repatch. A short glance at the distant skin 2-3 minutes does not take a "real" hour, but helps to relax the eyesight, relieve the accumulated stress and fatigue, save the building up to a triple concentration, as well as the accuracy and efficiency of the dawn. No matter how easy this procedure was for you, it’s hopeful to provide you with uncomfortable healthy feelings and bring more crust, lower 5-minute break for recovery through the skin period of work.
Otzhe, more correctly blinking, expanding the field of the gap and dotrimannya short periods of repair for the eyes to help save space and improve the efficiency of the operator's work.

Principle 4. Dotrimannya regime roboti.

As far as possible, trim the work regime, which is established by sanitary standards, short hours, or regular breaks to allow minimizing the negative input of the computer and prolonging the working day to maintain practice.

Principle 5. Vikonanny of health-improving and preventive complexes is right.

international conferences, Dedicated robots with displays (Berlin, Milan, etc.) Demonstrated a wide range of achievements in the field of computer security in other countries. At the same time, there was a lack of research, directing the use of physical culture for the purpose of optimizing the work of operators, even though they themselves can play a vital role in protecting the health of workers with computers.

Vikonannya by the operators of the PC complexes of health-improving and preventive rights, as a result of the completion of the All-Russian NDI of physical culture, changing the threshold of fatigue, including the fingers of the hands, the fatigue of the whole organism,

    you will not be busy on the keyboard without interruption for more than 30 minutes; change the nature of your work throughout the day; vikoristovyte be-like mozhlivist, schob periodically rise from the month and rise; do a warm-up before the tribal work; to keep your hands cold, put on light mittens without fingers; at the first signs of illness, go straight to the doctor.
    organize the work of spivrobitnikiv in such a manner that the nature of the victorious operations is changed by the prolongation of the working day; conduct an assessment of the regulation of working areas; conduct training for staff, every hour tell them about ailments, tied to keyboard work, and about the importance of their prevention;
    shove that, sob sluzhbovtsі not prihovuvali their problems, po'yazanih z robot on the computer.

Municipal mortgage

Sharanchinskaya secondary school for education

Aleksandrovo-Zavodskoy district

Trans-Baikal Territory

Topic: Injecting PC into health education.

Vikonovets project: 6th grade student Yakimiv Volodymyr

Project author: Litvinenko Viktoria Sergiivna

With. Sharancha 2019 rіk

1. Theoretical part.

1.1.Appearance of computer stagnation.

1.2. See computer stalemate.

1.3. The main shkіdlі factors that work on a person at the computer.

1.4. Health and language saving technologies when working with a computer.

2. Practical part.

2.1. Vіdomosti about the respondents.

2.2. Analysis of the questionnaire.


    Vikoristovuvana literature.


Topic: Injecting PC into health education.

Meta follow-up: Look at the problem of computer stagnation and influencing the health of schoolchildren.

Follow-up task:

    The celebration of literature and the role of the computer in the life of modern schoolchildren.

    Diagnosis of equal virtual fallow in cotton.

    Prepare tools (questionnaire) for the experiment.

    Conduct a survey.

    Analyze the taken data and formulate the visnovka.

Subject of inquiry: Vivchennya and analysis of the impact of the computer on the health of the child.

hypothesis: In our time, the term “computer stagnation” is still not known to the magistrates who deal with the problems of mental disorders, the fact that the computer is pouring into the mental and physical health of people is obvious and gaining more and more scope.

I give up what and mischief with computer games even nastily spitting on health. Tse meni i treba will bring.

The practical significance of robots lies in the fact that:

1. Informational part of the work can be vicoristan for the prevention of possible illnesses when working with a computer.

2. Withdrawal of data can be used as a practical curation and compilation of recommendations.

3. The stench can be used to develop programs for the protection of the health of students.

1. Theoretical part.

1.1. Appearance of computer stagnation

The concept of “computer staleness” appeared in 1990, Fakhivtsy, to classify a similar type of staleness to a specific emotional “drug addiction”, caused by technical methods. The computer staleness is characterized by exercise in everyday life. At this moment, a person's robotic psyche is galvanized, and more often, an individual-special development develops. In this rank, people go to the solution other problems in your life

According to Russian psychologists, 10 to 14% of people who play computer games become fallow in them. Given the staleness, it can be blamed in whatever country, but the most scalable to the last one.

1.2. See computer stalemate

cyberaddictions(Deposit in computer games) subdivided into groups in fallow in character

    Role playing computer games

    Non-role computer games (practice to reach the goal - pass the game, excitement to reach the goal, score points).

It doesn't matter what type of gris a person chooses - all the stench is still on the evidence: to give blindly apparent control over it, which is seen in virtual reality, Allowing you to think about the need to think about the important things to do and take a serious decision. This gives rise to the illusion that the time is spent at the computer, stained not for nothing. Mozok in the period of gri can relax. Step by step, people sound to live according to the rules, but in real life situations, if it is necessary to do it independently, you will be involved. Vіdhіd vіd reality in the computer world by the year engenders baiduzhіst to life, right emotions spend their brilliance, the line between feelings is erased. Every year, a lot of interests are heard, practicality is falling, and communication is difficult. The need for a computer or game consoles is growing and becoming non-selective, competing with hunger and help, the need for food and living intercourse.

Networkism are manifested by endless permutations of people in the merezhі. Sometimes stinks spend 12-14 years at the virtual world for mining.

Actual signs of a setholic:

1. Overwhelmed by the problems of the Internet.

2. Repeat, but you may be successful, try trimming and under control your Internet connection, or else attach yourself to it.

3. Razdratuvannya, apparently empty, turmoil, or induce deep depression in the times of tribal inclusion in Merezh.

4. An hour spent on the Internet surfing for more trivaly, lower peredbachalos on the cob, if you only sat at the computer already for a trivaly hour;.

Symptoms of computer staleness.

    As a child, eat, drink tea, prepare computer lessons.

    I would like to check one nothing for the computer.

    Skipping school - sitting at the computer.

    Come home, and immediately to the computer.

    Forgetting to eat, brush your teeth (I didn’t think of this before). Injection of computer stagnation into the people.

1) In the reasonable boundaries of the robot at the computer, co-hosting the Internet or other video games can be played crimson for people, as a way to develop logic, respect and thought. A lot of computer games can be educational, and on the Internet you can read a lot of brown and black information.

2) Physical aspects of computer staleness are characterized by to the body- chronic nausea. As a rule, people who suffer from computer stagnation are unable to sleep and recover. In this case, euphoria and excitement, viklikana igames or perebuvannyam in the Internet, can disguise that, which becomes the cause of even greater fatigue to the body. On the aphids of computer staleness, various mental disorders and behaviors can be blamed.

Impaired eye function (impaired eyesight, dry eye syndrome)

Supporting apparatus (curvature of the ridge, put a broken one)

Herbal system (impaired food intake, gastritis, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids), severe malnutrition of the body - chronic, even after a lack of sleep and kidney failure. In case of any euphoria and arousal, viklikanі and games or perebuvannyam in the Internet, can disguise that, which becomes the cause of even greater fatigue to the body .

1.3. The main shkіdlі factors that work on a person at the computer:

    sitting position;

    Infusion of electromagnetic vibration monitor;

    Perevantazhennya suglobiv brushes;

    Stress when consuming information.

sitting position

It would be better if a person sits at a computer in a relaxed position, however, it’s too bad for the body and unacceptable: tension, headaches, hands and shoulders, osteochondrosis, and scoliosis in children. In the quiet, who is too rich to sit, between the seats and the body, a thermal compress is established, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a last resort - prostatitis and hemorrhoids, ailments, likuvannya such - processes of trials and low reception. In addition, a low-grade way of life often leads to obesity.

The inflow of an electromagnetic vibration monitor

Ionizuyuche viprominyuvannya, spitting on the object, zokrema, on the cells of a person, crying out for the settlement of ions. Citizenship can be lethal, if the cell is a gyna, and sublethal, if the cell is alive, but the information is "sewn up" in it, psuetsya. Such cells can be a life-threatening culprit for cancer.

Injection on zіr

As a result of the work on the computer, our eyes are seriously changed. Even though the monitor of low quality and the interface of victorious programs are not far away, then the next thing is not to worry about the checks. The koristuvach's face is fading, his eyes begin to droop, he has a headache, in fact, a twin image ... This phenomenon took away the name "computer zorovy syndrome".

Perevantazhennya suglobiv hands

Nervous endings of the fingertips are broken as if by constant blows on the keys, blaming names, weakness, goosebumps run in the pads. It can lead to the aggravation of the glomerular and ligamentous apparatus of the cyst, and further infection of the cyst may become chronic.

Stress when consuming information

Not all correspondents regularly make backup copies of their information. And then the viruses don't sleep, and the Winchesters of the smallest firms, they break, they break, and the found programmer can sometimes press the wrong button ... As a result of such stress, heart attacks were triggered.

1.4. Health and language-saving technologies when working with a computer

Basic hygiene rules.

More comfortable working place. It is guilty to be sufficiently illuminated, the light field is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the working space, the exchange of light is not guilty to be consumed right in the eyes. Complete computer good monitor, Correctly practice yoga, vikoristovyte yakіsnі programs.

Special food for the eyes.

People with a weakened eye need to get used to the products, like the judges of the eyes: blackberry, blackcurrant, carrot. The diet of short-eyed people may have cod liver, greens: parsley, lettuce, krip, green cibula. With dystrophy of the sitkivka, shipshina (nastiy, vіdvar), crane helps.

Gymnastics for the eyes.іsnuyut computer programs, Scho іmіtuyut vіdpochinok for the eyes. It is important to say, the stench of the devil is strong. Chantly, more often than not, 10 quills should be done in a right way, look at the screen from the bottom, imitating a crack. The greatest value of gymnastics for the eyes is to bring for prevention and in the first stages of weakening the eyes. Bazhano vykonuvati "full-time" complex is right and tim, who works at the computer, і tim, chiї ochі skhіlnі before the change. gymnastics for the eyes, ring out borrowing no more than five credits.

    Practical part

2.1. Vіdomosti about the respondents.

The follow-up was carried out on the basis of the MOU Sharanchinskaya ZOSH. In the course of the conducted research, 6 cases took part in 12 to 17 years. A sociological study was conducted on the topic: "Computer staleness in the mind and the impact of the computer on health."

6 respondents took part in the experiment, 6 of them were boys. Data processing was carried out according to the detection of computer staleness and the impact of the computer on the brain and on the psyche.

2.2. analysis of the questionnaire.

Having checked the questionnaire, I removed the next results:

Larger (100%) learners can make a computer. All patients started working on the computer at 9-10 pm. All students spend at the computer up to 3 years a day. 50% support to give priority to computer sports. Everyone plays computer games without a trace. 80% of the children care for better walks in the fresh air. All the same, that every hour the robots on the computer were charging for the eyes. So, the respondents are more likely to love indiscriminately, and not on the computer.

In this rank, having completed the questionnaire, we come to the next steps:

1. Tsya questionnaire revealed that the computer is an invisible part of our life, that it has improved our life.

2. The main mass of students can access the Internet.

3. Learn to spend at the computer up to 3 years a day.

4. The students were found to have a computer staleness, as a heavy negative impact on the student himself.

In this way, as a result of the investigation, our hypothesis was confirmed. we let go I can guess the reason this manifestation. In the skin age period, there is a conduction. In the middle and early youth of the country, there is splintering. But if they don’t know how to find a sufficient connection between the same litters, then they try to replace “live connection” with a computer connection.

Regardless of the directness of this work - looking at the negative sides of the injection of computer games into people, do not forget about the possibility of using computer games in positive ones. When looking at computer games and virtual reality from the negative pole, Ide talk about mischief, about overworldly trivial perturbation in virtuality, which calls out negative consequences. Understandably, not all people who are chomping on computer games are worth it. According to psychologists, close to 30% of them are addicted to games, they are mischievous in virtual reality and 10% are at the stage of psychological stagnation.

Development of new technologies for teaching at school, vimaga good knowledge personal computer. It's hard to finish a robot on his own in rich programs. It is necessary for the mother to give strong motivation, so that one by one the "unknown" will be touched. All the same, it’s better to build a computer not as a means of recognition, but as a tool for learning, in which the school will help the schoolchildren.

Vcheni draw a parallel between the partial vicissitudes of the computer and the sharp deficiencies in the minds of the minds. Single-manit and trial of a robot with a computer to cause supernatural strain on the eyes and problems with focusing. Symptoms are manifested in the appearance of a headache, unacceptable vision in the eyes, and blurry vision. Ale, as it doesn’t sound marvelous, children quickly adapt and, better for everything, just don’t give up respect for symptoms.


I checked the questionnaire. Having revealed the uchniv, yakі perebuvayut at the stage of molding fallow. Based on the researched and learned literature, I will feed the computer on a healthy student I smashed cherry blossoms, What a computer wants and makes people's lives easier, but at the same time it can eliminate serious staleness. And especially in this plan, children and children, which have not yet been formed as special features, and are easily succumbing to the harmful infusion.

Let's turn to our hypothesis. A computer on one side is a patient teacher and a wise mentor, a helper in a teacher, and on the far side in a robot, and on the other side - a creator of fairy tales, friend, it’s not boring for him. The order of majestic grumpiness, as it is not transverse, the computer is nada, a terrible injection on the mental and physical health of the child.

Ways to solve the problem

The most important stage of investigation of computer staleness- tse zaluchennya suffering people in the process, not connected with computers, so that electronic games and processes did not become a substitute for reality. It is necessary to show people that they have a lot of skills in the development of a computer (bowling, snowboarding, go for mushrooms, paintball, go kayaking, football, etc.) . The simplest and most affordable way to solve a fallow- tse pridbannya іnshoy zalezhnostі. Love to a healthy way of life, intercourse with wildlife, creative applied practices, such as painting, as a rule, lead a person out of the fallow land.

    Joke friends in reality. The virtual world gives only the illusion of belonging to a group and does not develop any real skills of intercourse.

    Remind your life with positive podia, fillings.

    May you take a good look, perekonannya.

    Indulge in falsehoods and anonymity in virtual reality.

    Try "here and now", not "there".

    Learn to control your hour and hour at the computer.

4. Wikoristan literature.

1. Burova V. A. "Social and psychological aspects of Internet-deposit" (

2. Babaeva Yu.D., Voiskunsky A.E., Smislova O.V. Internet: influencing specialization // Humanitarian research on the Internet / Ed. A.E. Voiskunsky. - M., "Mozhaisk-Terra", 2000, p.11-40

3. Voiskunsky A.Y. Phenomenon of fallow land on the Internet // Humanitarian research on the Internet / ed. A.E. Voiskunsky. M., 2000. S. 100-131.

4. Zhichkina A. Space, populated by others .// Internet. 1999 No. 16 (co-authored by E. P. Belinskaya) p. 76-81

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