Scho robiti has forgotten the password of the electronic key. Instructions for registering the PIN code of the CryptoPro, before the hour of signing up some documents - Instructions - AT "PEK-Torg"

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help in case of fever, if the child needs to be given a secret. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Do you want to use an electronic signature for a password in a special account? EDS password

CryptoPro: change the saved password (pincode) to the container of the closed key EDS

Most often it is impossible to guess the password (pincode) of the EDS container, it’s not wonderful to change the EDS key once for a planned change of the EDS key, for which you can tick the box “remember the password” and the password is no longer required. utilities csptest, go to the warehouse of CryptoPro CSP.

Utilita is in the folder with the installation of CryptoPro (for C: \ Program Files \ Crypto Pro \ CSP \).

Moving to the director of the program

cd "C: \ Program Files \ Crypto Pro \ CSP \"

Dividing the name of the available containers in the private key of the EDS:

csptest -keyset -enum_cont -fqcn -verifycontext

command to display the list of available containers in the form: \\. \<имя считывателя>\<имя контейнера>

To save the password for the required container:

csptest -passwd -showsaved -container "<имя контейнера>"

PS: Daniy was able to go for CryptoPro 3.6 and vishche. CryptoPro 3.0 has the csptest utility in the -showsaved option.

PPS: Since the method does not help, you have hardware containers (tokens), you can try to enter the password for the changes. For rutoken, the price is 12345678, for eToken 1234567890, for JaCarta PKI / GOST 11111111 (1234567890, if the ringing sum option is included).

PPPS: The whole process can be automated by a very special short-sleeved shirts, such as a massive passwords from all available keys. Shiro Dyakuyu. The bat-file can be closed by clicking it. Body text:

@echo offSetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansioncopy "C: \ Program Files \ Crypto Pro \ CSP \ csptest.exe"> nulchcp 1251if exist% computername% .txt del / f / q% computername% .txtif exist temp.txt del / f / q temp .txtset NameK = "" for / f "usebackq tokens = 3,4 * delims = \" %% a in (`csptest -keyset -enum_cont -fqcn -verifycontext`) do (set NameK = %% a; csptest -passwd -showsaved -container "! NameK!" >> temp.txt) del / f / q csptest.exeset / a $ ai = -1set / a $ bi = 2for / f "usebackq delims =" %% a in ("temp .txt ") do @ (set" $ a = %% a "if"! $ a: ~, 14! "==" AcquireContext "echo :! $ a! >>% computername% .txtif"! $ a: ~, 8! "==" An error "echo: It's a pity, the key is not visible, or the password is not saved. >>% computername% .txt & echo: >>% computername% .txtif"! $ A: ~, 5! "==" Saved "set / a $ ai = 1if! $ Ai! Geq 0 set / a $ ai- = 1 & set / a $ bi- = 1 & echo :! $ a! >>% computername% .txtif! $ bi! == 0 echo: >>% computername% .txt & set / a $ bi = 2) de l / f / q temp.txtEndLocalecho on

Enabling the csptest utility for versions 3.6 and 3.9 can be returned.

I cannot import my key, because I know the password.

I'm going! In addition, since We have removed the keys, you need to install the security software. You can learn about the instructions by following the instructions: Keys You can import by the next rank: If you have a browser Mozilla Firefox: dalі in tsіy contribution vibraєmo Nalashtuvannya. At the window, select the Datasheet tab, in the entire contribution, select the Encryption, in the next click on the button Revision of certificates. At the end, select the tab of your certification and import it into the new certificate for the AUTH_RSA algorithms. If you have Explorer or Google Chrome, then you need to enter the AUTH_RSA key: 1) You are sent to the certificate maister to import certificates - Dali 2) Gas, when the file is imported - Dali 3) Password - Enter the password і Dali 4) Certificate of certification in the next step schevische - Look around: a) Put a "tick" on the "Show physical schemas" b) Know in the list "Specialists", open the list, vibrate "Resource" - OK - Dali 5) Completion of the master's robot to import certificates - Ready For import to OPERA: Go to the Opera browser menu "Tools" - "Nalashtuvannya" Select the "Dodatkovo" tab, then "Security" and click on the "Set password" button Enter a valid security password. Remember the password. Press "OK" Press the button "Manage certificates" At the window select the tab "Specials" and press the button "Import" At the window select the file AUTH_RSA ***. P12, which is located on the disk drive and press the "View" button, enter the password from the EDS, press "OK" Standard password from keys from 1 to 6 (123456). Whenever Vi yogo was sent through a special account on the site, then Vee's password was set by himself. Once you have changed the standard password and forgot the new password, you need to submit an application for a new key to be removed and the documents submitted to the PSC again.

CryptoPro to look at the saved password (pincode) on the container of the closed key EDS

Detail: May 16, 2016 Updated: April 21, 2017

Not long ago, having stuck with the problem, in accounting, CryptoPro having supplied the pincode to the container of the locked key, for some purposes I do not remember. The accountant, obviously, does not remember any passwords, after reading a notebook, ticking a dozen flash drives and nervously bursting about religion, order and director. I can pretend to be a "pivnichny deer" in the Internet and know a simple way to save a password, a pincode (if you want), on the container of a closed key of an electronic digital signature (EDS).

Buv strong creation with simplicity, and thinking that it wasn’t right, but everything went wrong. Coating axis instructions:

  1. Launching the command line - press Windows key + R, and then write cmd. Guilty chorne vіkontse (є people who call vіkna plaques :))
  2. in the command line, you need to go to the folder with CryptoPro, in Windows XP, you need to type the command cd "C: \ Program Files \ Crypto Pro \ CSP \" (kovichki required). Windiws 7 has a command like this - cd "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Crypto Pro \ CSP \"
  3. Let's look at the list of container names in the private EDS key with the command csptest -keyset -enum_cont -fqcn -verifycontext
  4. Now we can look at the saved CryptoPro password for this EDS container csptest -passwd -showsaved -container "<имя контейнера>"

I bought it, why was it so easy to update the password for the EDS container, how to use it with vimogs to be safe, GOSTs, etc.? For such simple manipulations, the accountant called me a "programmer", and I made myself a very good hacker :)

Dodati comment

Food-advice about the EDS -

So also the ETSP?

Otrimuyuchi I like the add-on on the paper nose, we put a signature. An electronic document, for the purpose of obtaining legal significance, it may also need to be signed. For tsyogo vikoristovuєtsya electronic digital signature - analogue of a powerful hand. It is not a scanned version of your special signature, the EDS is to revenge in its digital symbols, which confirm the authenticity of an electronic document, its belonging and invisibility to the witch.

Why is the EDS required?

The EDS is required for the supply of electronic state services and services at any time, not outside the house. And also, it is necessary when restraining and authorizing on the portals of the electronic department, state purchases, "Vidkritogo uryadu", E-licensure and in.

Yak otrimati ETSP?

In order to correct the restoration of the certificate of the NSC RK (ETSP), you need to submit an online application to the website of the NSC RK, having previously installed the NCALayer software on your computer. Submission of documents to the PSC RK, according to the Standard of the administrative service "Issue and display of the restoration certificate of the NSC RK". Without the explicitness of the approved package of documents, the operator of the PSC does not have the right to apply for the release of the restoration certificates of the NSC RK (ETSP). Documents in the PSC the applicant is guilty of tax especially, otherwise the person is responsible for the applicant from the name of the applicant before the notarial approval. The ETSP is available for free. More detailed information about the procedure can be found on the official website of the NSC RK.

Why is it necessary to install an NCALayer supplement?

For an hour, the popular browsers began to block the launch of Java software. The NCALayer add-on is necessary for the installation of the robot in the browser and the mechanism of signing from the EDS, with the help of Java.

What are the EDS keys called AUTH_RSA as RSA?

RSA - re-registration certificate, designated for electronic document signature / registration. AUTH_RSA - restoration certificate, designated for authenticating a koristuvach.

Why is the ECP seen as a term for 1 pik?

The term for all restoration certificates of the NSC RK (ETSP) shall become 1 rik per day of release. The end of the given hour of the restoration of evidence of the NSC RK is undisputed. The term 1 ric of the establishment with the method of securing the stability of cryptographic keys for the interchange of the hourly period of the power of the evil-minded.

How to self-promote the terms of the ECP?

In addition to the explicit action of the ECP, the function of re-publishing new bet keys is available, without having to go to the PSC to approve the application. Pidtverdzhennya vidbuvaetsya by way of signing the online application for issuing the EDS with your keys. To re-publish, speed up with a special cabinet of the NSC RK, having previously become familiar with the instructions of the clerk on robotics in a special cabinet.

So also the ETSP for dedicated individuals?

The new pupils have dedicated individuals of the presence of microchips, like on bank cards. In a special area of ​​memory, you can record the EDS and use it for an additional card reader. The procedure will be recorded in any public service center (NJSC "State Corporation" Uryad for Huge People "), as well as with an independent card reader. Tsey pristіy є in the presence of all stores, specializing on the computer technology. Note: the registration of the EDS keys on the dedicated individual is carried out only for physical individuals.

How can I remember the password for the EDS?

To change the password on the EDS keys, you need to speed up the special office of the NSC RK coristuvach, having familiarized yourself with the instructions in advance.

What is it, how can I forget the password for the EDS, how can I renew it?

If you have forgotten the password on the EDS keys, then it is unwise to update them. The NSC RK does not save passwords for the passwords, and, in the case of a password, you need to display the given EDS keys and go through the standard procedure for rejecting new ones.


A short description of the procedure for rejecting the EDS is here - http: // ...

You can find the instructions for rejecting the ECP and the revision here - http: // ...

Vidpovіdі on deyaki іnshi food -

Do you want to use an electronic signature for a password in a special account? # Еп / ЕЦП # СED #ECMJ

Power for the reader: The company is working on an electronic offer, є a special office at the skin client - you will see a login and a password. Qi to get involved in the pricing of the EP? How can you get a simple EP QR-code?

Zgіdno h. 2 tbsp. 5 of the Federal Law N 63 "On electronic signature", the simple EP is an electronic signature, which is, behind the additional registration codes, passwords, or the fact that the electronic signature is formed by a singing person. At the same time from the tsim at the submission of part 2 of Art. 6 ФЗ N 63 Information in electronic form, signed by a simple EP, be recognized as an electronic document, an equivalent document on a paper nose, signed by a handwritten signature when placed by the participants of the electronic form.

In such a rank, you can use a simple username / password from the well-spoken login / password. At the same time, it is recommended that in the offer or other documents, how to regulate the robot in a special cabinet, it is explicitly prescribed that your question is the downtime of the EP, think about it, etc. You can find such sites on the Internet (Pleasure for the registration of simple EPs when servicing clients through a special cabinet from the BAT "Broker house" VIDKRITTYA ").

In our opinion Pleasure obov'yazkovo maє mysiti:

1. Terminology, consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation: is simple EP, key of simple EP, owner of the key of simple EP, etc.

2. Mind the recognition of the document signed by the EP, and the sides will wait for the simple EP to sign electronic documents, as well as to document the equivalent paper documents, signatures, etc.

3. Rules for the identification of an individual who has written an electronic document for additional downtime EP.

It is also possible to signify a change of documents, as there will be a registration from the statements of the EP, the rights and obligations of the parties, the visibility, etc.

Robot with electronic signature :: Vidpovidi for power supply :: INCOME 'Client Center :: Financial group "" INCOME' ""

Robot with electronic signature

  1. What is the electronic signature?
  2. How to open an email signature?
  3. Yak change electronic signature?
  4. How can you safely vikoristovuvati electronic signature?
  5. I have forgotten the password for the key of the electronic signature, why should I?
  6. I forgot the code word, why should I?
  7. Vimogi to a computer for signing documents with an electronic signature

1. What is also an electronic signature?

Electronic signature (electronic digital signature) - at the same time the requisite of an electronic document, so that it is possible to put the information on the information in the electronic document at the moment of the registration and rewriting of the identity of the key holder The value of the requisite should be followed by the result of the cryptographic rewriting of the information from the registration of the closed key to the signature. Electronic signature є analogue of a wired signature. Vikoristannya electronic signature in Russia is governed by Federal Law No. 63-FZ dated April 6, 2011

2. How to set up an electronic signature?

You can create your own electronic signature. You can use the additional section "Key Management" of the main menu of the system and if you have a code word, as you are guilty to enter in the Customer Questionnaire in case of a special view of our office in case of online process.

To establish and register the ETSP in the system, you must also register for the registration of documents in electronic form in the office of the company in any way possible.

3. How can you change your email signature?

Electronic signature can be changed. However, you can set a new key of the electronic signature behind an additional section "Key management" of the main menu of the system. For others you need to enter your code word. When you send a new key to an electronic signature, your old key will be canceled.

4. How many can you get your email signature?

Electronic signature is practically uncomfortable to write. However, if you are guilty, come in. Save your e-signature key in messages that are inaccessible to third-party users! Do not pass the key file and password to anyone else! If you have, in advance, that your electronic signature key can be registered by other persons, please contact the Company by phone: +7 812 635 68 65.

5. I have forgotten the password for the key of the electronic signature, what do I do?

Email key password cannot be updated. Yaksho Vi got out yogo, set a new electronic signature for the additional section "Key management" of the main menu of the system. For tso you know to enter your code word. When you send a new key to an electronic signature, your old key will be canceled.

If you suspect that your keys to the electronic signature could be changed by third persons, you will be sure to check it out by robots with customers by phone. +7 812 635-68-65, you can block access to your account and e-mail key.

6. Having forgotten the code word, why should I?

Code word is unwise to innovate. We can’t hang out at your email address or tell us on the phone. To change the code word, you need to come especially to one of our offices. Once again, change it, yak V, enter your code word. Yogo needs to be entered exactly the same way as V wrote yogo in the Client's Questionnaire. Revise the register (small and large) and the layout of the keyboard (translation and introduction).

7. Vimogi to the computer for signing documents by electronic signature

Your computer is guilty of being installed and enabled in the browser settings - the Java Virtual Machine (JVM, virtual Java machine), which is required to run robotic applets (add software modules) to generate keys and an electronic signature for a document.

With a glance at Microsoft Internet Explorer, add a Java-machine from Microsoft - Microsoft VM. You can also install an analogous component from the SUN company (SUN Java Virtual Machine browser plug-in), which can be linked from the SUN company website.

When the file is locked to the file, the subclassing of the mouse will start the installation of the component. In order for the component to get up, it is necessary to restart the computer.

The service is correct with the components 3 Microsoft VM version 5.0 and software, as well as the Sun Java browser plug-in version 1.4.2_03 for software, 1.5.0 for software, 1.6.0 for software.

You can take a look at the information about Java VM component installations (as well as enable / disable it) in the menu look-up "Services" (Tools) -> "Powerfulness" (Internet Options) on the tab "Dodatkovo" (Advanced), at the windows, joke about VM (Microsoft VM or Java (Sun)).

The version of the Microsoft VM component can be admired in the menu "View" -> "Windows move Java" (Java console), if the "Java console enabled" option is enabled on the "Dodatkovo" tab (Advanced).

As long as you have installed and included in the browser the offense of the component: Microsoft VM, and Sun Java plug-in, then one of them must be enabled.

Whenever you use a browser running Microsoft Internet Explorer, it is recommended to choose an installer package to look at Java or install a Java machine from Sun.

It is recommended for those who are critical of the Linux operating system to install a Java machine of Sun version not lower than 1.5.0, as it is possible to link it from the SUN website.

Robot with ECP on the portal "electronic uryadu"

There are a lot of small ideas to wick the services in the online format: they should be put out of the box, for someone else they should be folded back, but for a long time already and successfully used electronic services, they are economical for an hour, pennies and strength. First crochet on the way to the productive organization of his own hour, business and life - taking away the keys of the ECP. As a matter of fact, you are welcomed by the magical letters, and they will be displayed in the statistics.

So also the ETSP?

An electronic digital signature (EDS) is an analogue of a handwritten signature, which can be used to send an electronic document of the same legal force, as if a document was used on a paper nose for a signature and with a copy of the seal.

EDS є the requisite of an electronic document, rejected for the result of a cryptographic revision of information from the registration of the electronic restoration certificate (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate) and the closed key of the EDS.

More simply, it seems, the ETSP victorian is the price of replacing the handwritten signature.

Subject to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 7 June 2003, "Draft electronic document and electronic digital signature" was given an understanding "re-stratified evidence", as in the international practice, to be certified as "certified" in the case.

  • The National Monitoring Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a monitoring center that provides service to participants in the "electronic circuit", state and non-state information systems;
  • restoration of evidence - a document on a paper nose, or an electronic document, which is seen as a confirmation center for verifying the confirmation of electronic digital signatures established by the Law;
  • the owner of the restoration is a physical or a legal person, for what has been seen the restoration of evidence, as it is legitimately Volodya will lock the key that appears to the open key assigned in the restoration;
  • electronic document - a document in which information is presented in electronic-digital form and certified for an additional electronic digital signature;
  • electronic digital signature - a set of electronic digital symbols, which are created by means of an electronic digital signature, which certifies the authenticity of an electronic document, its relevance and immutability to the host;
  • for an electronic digital signature - the availability of software and technical inputs, which can be used for the establishment and revision of the functionality of an electronic digital signature;
  • display the key of the electronic digital signature - the last of the electronic digital symbols, available to any person and designated for the confirmation of the functionality of the electronic digital signature in the electronic document;
  • Close the key of the electronic digital signature - the last of the electronic digital symbols, seen to the owner of the restoration certificate, and is intended for the completion of the electronic digital signature from the register using the electronic digital signature.

Yaki perevagi yes vikoristannya of the ECP on our portal?

Klyuchevі perevagi at vicoristannі ETSP through the portal of the electronic circuit:

  • The power of rejecting the electronic services of the sovereign bodies at whatever hour is right for you: tsіlodobovo, seven days a day;
  • Possibility of supplying electronic devices in the virtual state authorities of the region and the republic. Possibilities for the service of "Electronic Zvernen" appear in the right block of the side of the portal for authorization of the koristuvach.

PZ update

On the ear of May 2012, the team of developers of the National Center will report to the Center for the announcement of the updated version of the software security of the NSC RK.

Met the transition to the new software victoriannya є the installation of root certificates for legal and physical entities. Even earlier, the corystuvachi would need to go into the additional help of the Tumar CSP software, since there were special features during the installation and the Windows OS was interconnected, now, with the new software, everything is simpler.

So what's the point?

  • Koreneviy certificate is a certificate that must be maintained by the Certification Center, for the additional help of which the authenticity of the certificates issued by the center can be verified. In order for the program to secure, for example, the operating system, or the browser could correctly convert the certificate of the keystroke, it is necessary that the root certificate will be installed before being installed in the browser or in the operating system.
  • Tumar CSP is a program that has been secured, as it has been "inserted" into the operating system of the Windows cryptographic algorithm GOST, which can not be used by them. Tobto win the software security for the cryptographic operating system, and the root certificate is the information, which is used by the cryptographic system itself.

Previously, koristuvachev was brought up in a difficult way by installing the Tumar CSP software. And also, in the buv bindings to the operating system Windows, so as Tumar CSP, on the other hand, functions only on the given OS.

The upgrade of koristuvachev needs only one of the most advanced operating systems (Windows XP / Vista / Seven, Linux) and access to the Internet before the installation of Java.

Moreover, the entire process "Installing software - Otrimanny EDS - Otrimannye services to the portal" is available on Mac OS X. Korenevy certification for the whole OS needs to be enriched in a clean view. The stench is available for the food.

We have a plan to implement a similar functionality for the Android OS, but the plan is to implement iOS and Windows Mobile.

The very procedure for rejecting the certification of changes is not used. Visible yogo in a schematic view:

A short explanation of the procedure for rejecting a certificate

Repeatly describe the process of rejection of NSC certificates. On the portal є side "Otrimannya ETSP", for which short descriptions of the timeline and for the download of the necessary software, the version of the file and the forms for documents are briefly described. All the necessary data have been placed there, both for the physical and for the legal entities.

If you want to get the certificate for the first time, then you can download the certificate of the koristuvach, de і і і і іnіustratsіy, showing the crocs of the whole process of rejection of the certificate. You will save yourself a lot of problems and malfunctions, you will be able to do all your actions, depending on the criticality.

For the purpose of identifying the whole process, fixing the installation of certificates, completing the appearances of the popular electronic service, the screen with the explanations.

May be, from one side there will be a glimpse of the repetition of instructions, but all the same, the author's powerful advice in the process.

Restoration on the portal

The restoration on the portal was realized by the very kind, it is possible to say, in a more forgiven way. I want to enter my IIN in the required field. If you want to “Know”, I’m automatically entered in the required fields, and you need to set a password and enter your e-mail address to reject it later.

Also, the restructuring was successful and did not win any difficulties.

Here I open the tab and press on the buttons. There is a chance to get a link to the root of the certificate, which can be set up for 2 clicks, and then it is necessary to add Java from the official website. The whole site is absolutely simple to navigate, as the installation of the software itself is simple. There were no more than ten clicks on the price for obvious buttons.

It’s time to submit an application to the NSC for the removal of the certificate. For a full onslaught on the button "Submit online-application", as a special request for submission of the application.

For the introduction of special tributes, it is necessary to provide the address of the CSC, in which you will be able to go to confirm your individual about those who are you (and not hto-t

New professions requested at parties

When generating power supplies for the certificate and keys in the "Workstation for generating keys" program, log in at the end, when the program (or, more precisely, Crypto Pro) prompts you to enter a password (Fig. 8). I will propon, but I don’t snort. If the fields are empty, no password will be set. Ale koristuvachi imovіrno think onіnshomu і, wickedly, zapovnyuyut tsі fields. All nothing, even if the stench is safe to forget what password the stench was entered during the generation, and if the first time it was signed, then the people fell into a stupor. Then, very well, go to the Treasury for help.

Today, in the tsy statty, I will tell you how you can see or change the password. There are two options available for the password. The first one - if koristuvach pam'yataє is the old password, the other - if it is not mem'yataє. It’s pretty much the first time. As I have already guessed on a cob of statistics, for the password for the key container, I will display the Crypto Pro program. Let's run її by entering the computer control panel (Fig. 1):

If you see it, you will also see it at me, in the upper right corner of the window, select the mode "Dribnie icons". Launching Crypto Pro, displaying in a window (fig. 2):

Onslaught on the "Service" tab, and then drink it at the end of the day (Fig. 3):

At the bottom of the window there is a button with the words "Change password". It was overwhelming for her, and it was quick on the offensive (Fig. 4):

Here we will vibrate the key container on the "Look around" button. Do not forget to insert a USB flash drive into your computer in front of you, or the one in your keys. When you push the button, you’ll see a step (fig. 5):

Vibrantly required key nose and stamped "OK". Become a visitor (fig. 6):

Reconsidering, we have a quick reference to the container of the locked key we need, and the "Finish" button is stamped to display the entered password (Fig. 7):

People are required to enter the password, which was entered during the generation of keys and the power supply for the certificate in the program "Workstation of Generation of Keys". Really on uvazi, so vi yogo memory :). It is entered, it is stamped "OK", there is no need to check the "Remember password" checkbox;

Here, the password can not only be changed, but it can be seen if the fields are empty. If you want to change the password, then come up with and enter it two times.

In the meantime, if the old password for the container is pam'yatє old password, we got rid of it. Let's try to see the password from the container, if it's safe to forget. Here we can use the csptest.exe utility, which is included in the installation kit with the Crypto Pro programs, which can be repaired from version 3.6. If you have a program installed, it means that you have a utility є і you have to go along the way of installing programs, i.e. C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Crypto Pro \ CSP (I have a 64-bit OS, like if you are 32, then (x86) is in the way of the day). We need to run from the command row.

To open the command line in Windows 7, you need to press the "Shift" key on the keyboard through the provider to reach the required folder, and press the right button of the bear on the required papacy. Everything is illustrated in the image below (Fig. 9):

At the context menu, you need to vibrate "Open the eye of commands" with the left button of the bear. In the windows of commands, you need to enter the next command: without square bows, zychano well. The team will show us all the available containers of the locked keys near the viewer: [\\. \ Іm'ya carrying \ іm'ya container]... Since our container is called closed keys, it is necessary to enter one more command: ... I know without square bows. In the paws of the need to enter the name of your container, the keys are closed, as they are seen on the front edge. paws insert OBOVYAZKOVO... The Qi team will show us the password for saving, having learned it, we can quickly use the first method to see if the password is changed.

Do all the things I have said, just to see Figure 10:

Immediately I want to make sure that I didn’t get the password from the vikorist method (red line in Fig. 10). But I think that the container is tied to this, which is the container that I have ordered from another team, but I will not copy the copy from the nose behind the additional menu item with the Crypto Pro "Skopiyuvati" programs (Fig. 3). Generation of closed keys was carried out on the one that was not available to me anymore. Ale is a working method.

If you may not see a password with such a rank, then if you miss a single path, you will see the current certificate and generate new keys and new power on the certificate. And if you will be seriously put to the point of death, then the password will not be "forgotten". That's all. Success!

First and foremost ... If you have been honored by the statute and if you have learned from nothing new for yourself, then you can see your friend in a penny turn. Suma can be-hto. Why don't you go for a goob'yazuє, everything is voluntary. If you have all gone to edit my site, then click on the "Podyakuvati" button, so you can back it up below. You will be redirected to the side of my site, if you can pererahuvati be-yak me a penny sum of money for a hamman. There’s a gift from you. ” If you want a successful transfer of pennies, you will be able to attract him.

You can change the PIN code for your account.

For Tsiogo:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu - "Control panel" - "Rutoken control panel".
  2. Press the button "Enter PIN-code", enter your current PIN-code, press OK.
  3. At the Keruvannya depositors, press the "Change" button with PIN codes, enter a new PIN code.

Do not forget the new PIN-code, as you cannot tell you.

JaCarta SE / LT

Shcheb change the PIN-code of the PKI \ GOST part of the Koristuvach:

1.In one JaCarta client press the button "Switch to the mode of the keystroke"

3. Enter the current PIN-code of the user, New PIN-code of the user, confirm and press the "Viconati" button

4. I am guilty about the success of the PIN code.

Change the PIN-code of the Administrator of the PKI \ GOST part:

1. In one Jacarta client press the button "Switch to admin mode"

2. Viber consumer distribution PKI \ GOST

3. Press the button "Change administrator PIN-code"

4. Enter the old PIN-code of the administrator new PIN-code of the administrator and press the button "Viconati".

5. I am guilty about the success of the PIN code.

1. What is also an electronic signature?

Electronic signature (electronic digital signature) - at the same time the requisite of an electronic document, so that it is possible to put the information on the information in the electronic document at the moment of the registration and rewriting of the identity of the key holder The value of the requisite should be followed by the result of the cryptographic rewriting of the information from the registration of the closed key to the signature. Electronic signature є analogue of a wired signature. Vikoristannya electronic signature in Russia is governed by Federal Law No. 63-FZ dated April 6, 2011

2. How to set up an electronic signature?

You can create your own electronic signature. You can use the additional section "Key Management" of the main menu of the system and if you have a code word, as you are guilty to enter in the Customer Questionnaire in case of a special view of our office in case of online process.

To establish and register the ETSP in the system, you must also register for the registration of documents in electronic form in the office of the company in any way possible.

3. How can you change your email signature?

Electronic signature can be changed. However, you can set a new key of the electronic signature behind an additional section "Key management" of the main menu of the system. For others you need to enter your code word. When you send a new key to an electronic signature, your old key will be canceled.

4. How many can you get your email signature?

Electronic signature is practically uncomfortable to write. However, if you are guilty, come in. Save your e-signature key in messages that are inaccessible to third-party users! Do not pass the key file and password to anyone else! If you have, in advance, that your electronic signature key can be registered by other persons, please contact the Company by phone: +7 812 635 68 65.

5. I have forgotten the password for the key of the electronic signature, what do I do?

Email key password cannot be updated. Yaksho Vi got out yogo, set a new electronic signature for the additional section "Key management" of the main menu of the system. For tso you know to enter your code word. When you send a new key to an electronic signature, your old key will be canceled.

If you suspect that your keys to the electronic signature could be changed by third persons, you will be sure to check it out by robots with customers by phone. +7 812 635-68-65, you can block access to your account and e-mail key.

6. Having forgotten the code word, why should I?

Code word is unwise to innovate. We can’t hang out at your email address or tell us on the phone. To change the code word, you need to come especially to one of our offices. Once again, change it, yak V, enter your code word. Yogo needs to be entered exactly the same way as V wrote yogo in the Client's Questionnaire. Revise the register (small and large) and the layout of the keyboard (translation and introduction).

7. Vimogi to the computer for signing documents by electronic signature

Your computer is guilty of being installed and enabled in the browser settings - the Java Virtual Machine (JVM, virtual Java machine), which is required to run robotic applets (add software modules) to generate keys and an electronic signature for a document.

With a glance at Microsoft Internet Explorer, add a Java-machine from Microsoft - Microsoft VM. You can also install an analogous component from the SUN company (SUN Java Virtual Machine browser plug-in), which can be linked from the SUN company website.

When the file is locked to the file, the subclassing of the mouse will start the installation of the component. In order for the component to get up, it is necessary to restart the computer.

The service is correct with the components 3 Microsoft VM version 5.0 and software, as well as the Sun Java browser plug-in version 1.4.2_03 for software, 1.5.0 for software, 1.6.0 for software.

You can take a look at the information about Java VM component installations (as well as enable / disable it) in the menu look-up "Services" (Tools) -> "Powerfulness" (Internet Options) on the tab "Dodatkovo" (Advanced), at the windows, joke about VM (Microsoft VM or Java (Sun)).

The version of the Microsoft VM component can be admired in the menu "View" -> "Windows move Java" (Java console), if the "Java console enabled" option is enabled on the "Dodatkovo" tab (Advanced).

As long as you have installed and included in the browser the offense of the component: Microsoft VM, and Sun Java plug-in, then one of them must be enabled.

Whenever you use a browser running Microsoft Internet Explorer, it is recommended to choose an installer package to look at Java or install a Java machine from Sun.

It is recommended for those who are fond of the Linux operating system to install a Java machine with a Sun version not lower than 1.5.0, as it is possible to

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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