Pikabu is the information and development portal of Pikapu and the unique spirit of Runet with a large auditorium. Pikabu - information and development portal Pikapu and unique spilfulness of Runet with a bagatomilyon auditor Post, comments

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The same garne, the sound of that unreasonable word. "Pikabu" - well? At the crossroads in Russian, "pik" means a sneak peek. Singingly, for the very same thing, the 19th - on the ear of the 20th century, they called the zhynoch zachiska - a short haircut with a long forelock, which screwed up one eye. The volodarka was really astonished at the light of the cradle.

Christmas "Pikabu" is one of the most requested among young development sites. And yogo koristuvachi proudly call themselves "pikabushniki". see from bagatokh some of them, but practically all planted on the new one they shot themselves "Pikabu". What kind of site is there for the site?

Historical statement

The site іf such an unpretentious name, having set the rock of the talented pre-singing period Maksim at the 2009 quarter of the year, not even about “Pikaba” is not Chuv. A collection of resources has evolved from some of the repositories of the largest social networks. To write original posts to just anyone - the site is not audited. Singingly, Maxim himself didn’t need to wait, but there will be 5 thousand koristuvachіv for the price of a Maydan!

Today I know about "Pikaba". Also, more than 1,600,000 people were recognized as the front-end of the site. Visit new and Russian juveniles. Today's portal, on which every day there are more than 200 smіshny pictures and tsіkavih posts, seeing over 800,000 people.

Pikabushniki: what are those and stars?

A third of the active "pikabushniks" are Muscovites, they live near St. Petersburg for about 10 miles, and up to 5 miles live near Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk. Ponad 80 vids from them - choloviki! And a great number of young people. More than half of the number of people who use the whole resource is from 18 to 24 years old. It is important to see the large number of users on the site (more than 74 items!) And the most part of the "pikabushniks", as judging by the social status, are stored by the students (37.4 vids), they just stink at the "Pikabu", which I do not know a bit.

What stink is there to shy away?

At "Pikabu" post otsinuvati can not be deprived of "likes" (here the stink is called "pluses"), as the price of social fringes, but also "minuses". To assess it as something read є the opportunity is not without a positive side, but navpaki.

Registered for the youth portal may be able to independently change news, write comments, send votes for changes to the site content. Before the speech, the possibility of commenting is one way rozvazhalnye sp_vovodstvo There can be one-to-one interaction, some of the format of a private match at "occasionally" on the other side of the page.

Tsikavo, which means the plus post is visualized on the outskirts of the country.

Nestisnuvshis in the nalashtuvannyah of their account for "midnight", "cabbushniki" get the opportunity to pamper post for the grown-ups. Nagadaєmo: there are more people in the house. Slide to mean: the pornography on "Pikaba" is categorically banned.

You can filter the portal for your passions and post, and authors, who did not fall to the heart. Bagaty is similar to the ability to write about those koristuvachіv notatki, which can be seen deprived of the їkhny author.

Tsikavo, you can be amazed at the post without access to the Internet. The spіlnosti "pikabushnikіv" is alive and active і offline.

What is the rating for "pikabushnikov"?

Koristuvachi site is not just razmіschuyut on a new post, give ratings and write comments, but rytryuyut for a price rating. From the hour of restoration to zero. The assessment of the commentary is added to the positive and negative mark on the pivball, and the assessment of the post - to one. It’s not just numbers, because of them it’s a lot to lie.

  • -200 - automatic blocking of regional recording;
  • -25 - to get involved in the possibility of adding comments;
  • +10 - give the right to add a picture;
  • +150 - koristuvach can change video;
  • +1000 - it is possible to add the post to the post;
  • +10000 tags can be added.

In such a rank, "Pikabu" was able to appear on the site with a frown and a non-creepy corystin, self-reliantly. And tsikavikh - navpaki, zahochuvati.

On the sides of the most active "pikabushniks" statuettes flaunt on golden displays. Tsi prize the stench for the best post, for the best text post, more beautiful video tightness.

There are prizes that are individual. The stench is seen for special merits, alternately and unique - it’s skinny and less in one "booster". Put on such - "Artist", "Kinoman", "Clear-Znavets", "Midnight Expert" too.

Hot. Nice. Svіzhiy

At the upper part of the side of the site "Pikabu", under the logo, there are three tabs, the skin of different sorts of content in its own way:

  • Hot.
  • Nice.
  • Svіzhiy.

Having changed the investment for "Pikab" "Svizhe", koristuvach consumed on new posts, which were not assessed very often. The same “boosters”, as they sit at the “svyazhomu”, viznachayut, as the very post to drink up to “Hot” - even a fraction of the post can be shown in all as 10 minutes.

"Pikabu" - "Hot" - the chain, the distribution on the site is not a long time ago, and the main advantages. Dal and go the offensive crack.

"Pikabu" - "Beautiful" - the top of the rating. The people will do it for nothing, because they scored for the remainder of the best rating.

300 thousand arrivals per month, the highest rating for Runet and the sea is happy

So, the site "Pikabu" is alive to its own independent lives, and even more so. And who, after all, is that tamnic Maxim - the creator of social fancy, how has become so popular among young people? Tse 27-ichny Maxim Khryashov. For yogo vasnim ziznannyam, the lad on the admission of the resource he has set up, the vitrachak is close to a million rubles. Ale and zaroblyaє for a new 1 million 300 thousand. On the basis of Maxim's account over the site, there are 12 employees working, wages are paid in the warehouse up to one hundred thousand karivants per month.

If you see a portal, you will be deprived of positive messages. "Hanging" on "Pikaba", smell the corny views, realize your creative health and just enjoy life.

A long time ago, and until 2009 rock, Runet buv sirim that boring. Well, it’s not a call, but it’s not enough - Fishki.net, Yaplakal and інші projects were actively working on the fields of Internet marketing. Ale chogos clearly did not start. Obviously, it was the tame Maxim N who had such mirkuvannyas who opened the canopy of 2009 to the rock. website www.pikabu.ru,

Yaky, by the essence, copied all the features and ideas of competitors in front of them: a site like this one in Maydan, reminiscent of the content that the Internet clerks are engaged in, which were registered on the new one. Tobto. the same Reddit, only Russian. Well, I don’t know how to drive the developers to the Pikab website in the plug-ins - a lot of good projects have been repaired by themselves. And pikabu.ru yakraz і with the butt of a garnished and central informational-rozvazhalny site. I want, absolutely, more rozvazhalny, lower information.

The reader could have found out about the link to such an unprecedented name of the site: a scho means Pikabu?

On the sidelines of the most important spilnoti Pikabu is given to finish the tsikave that mile explained. Singingly, everyone knows this way of grising with a little child: having established visual contact with the child (for example, having snatched over the "baby"), the ludicus curled up her arms. Through wrinkling your hands, you climb up, and vimovlyatsya "Ku-ku", to the child, call me up and react radically: smile, laugh. So the axis - "ku-ku" to say not everything, in the Anglo-modern countries tsiu "phrase" is called yak Pee-ka-boo. The axis is based on those that mean "Pikabu": it's just "Ku-ku" and positive emotions 🙂.

To "close" Pikabu at the same hour is often served from a positive side: the very authors on the Pikabu site were in favor. Even the same positive power є vik koristuvalnitsky auditorium: the part of "pikabushnikiv" - a student's vik and senior, and also, smittya and humor rivnya cob school here pidtrimki not matimut.

Pikabu's rozvazhalny spilnosti: a detailed look

Having described the Pikabu project in three words, let's move on to a more detailed view of all the features. For a long time I look around from the look of the "zychanyy vidviduvach", tobto. do not bother with the restoration process. On the main side of the page, where to see koristuvachev - a banner with advertising. Tse is domineering to store resources. It is not imperious for the site Pikabu to see those who have a banner with advertising, for the fact, and the left-hand side of advertising content, which will happen to live on. I tse characterize pikabu.ru from a positive side: it is obvious that the portal is pragmatic to win the sympathy of people, and not "hopiti more keshu".

  • Hot;
  • Nice;
  • Svіzhiy.

At the entrance to the head side, the corystuvach once was drunk to the "Hot": here the publications for the current day are aggregated, as they have already gotten a positive assessment of the corystuvachiv. "Garyachomu" has є 2 types of sortsuvannya:

  • For relevance (post with the highest rating for the best) and for an hour.

Varianti variety "Hot"
  • If you give a friend a part of the filter (to activate for the onslaught on the words "season"), if you vibrate from the past dates, then the site will "change" the koristuvach in the distribution "Naykrashche", de and vivede find a post for the next day.

Vibir "hot" by date

Here є a variant of the choice of "vipadkova date": having pressed on the whole point, the corystuvach allows the site to be independently virish, every day for an hour when Pikabu is displayed, it can be displayed (it will be shown again "Beautiful").

If you perebuyuchi on the head side, koristuvach on the "Krashcha", then beat the new ratings of the publication for the current day.

How can you be more beautiful?

Everything is called for "Svizhoy", and everything is sorted in the order "wiki on the site": the post is rendered by the best. I would like to write the sellers themselves to the Pikab website: "There is no end to the line with more than a million posts."

Ledve the right-handed person under the head banner expands a number of posilan.

Modestly confronted with advertising

Having clicked on the "list of tags", the coristuvach should be taken to the side, and the tags should be pointed at once, as often as they appear on the site:

Styles of all the delicious!

For intelligence: leather news on the site Pikabu nadayut tags - key words, which open zmist publikatsii. Skin publications find minimum 2 tags.

With such a rank, having cut the tag "Gra of thrones", you will see the site go to the list of posts, linked without a single topic.

You can hurry up with "Push tags" (change at the upper part of the side from the list of tags), as there is no question of analyzing all the options: you need to enter a word or a phrase or "Enter":

Perche, you slept on a thought

Well, and the results of the publication of the viewer look like this:

Abirvalg, and everything is here

The click on "Negotiated" is transferred to the side with posts, before hot discussions have flared up, in other words - until new, how to comment.

Well, direct nai-nai

Posilannya [Moє], dismissing the right-handed person from "Negotiated", redirecting the publications with the filter "mo" to the side of the publication - it is obvious that this is based on respect for authorship of absolutely published, and not suspicious of material from the resource.

Of the Statute Pikabu website - information and marketing portal with a warm lamp atmosphere bulo is changed: Breast 4th, 2016 by the author Netobserver

Hello, read the blog site. Let's talk less and more about one of the most popular information and marketing portals - Pikabu.

Win also has official groups in social framing. In contact with , Facebook , Twitter that classmates that mobile supplements for IOS and Android.

Pikabu tsikaviy tim, so much of the post, so to be aware of the new ones (there are no news, the pictures are too small), was sent by the koristuvachy themselves to the portal, as they call themselves “pikabushniks”, to the extent that they do not see them in the minds of people , for there are "pluses" here, but give a post that comments a negative assessment - "minusi". On the basis of assessments of corystuvachіv post and comments are sorted out and go up the hill. Ale about everything in order.

Trishki іstorії

The site itself was launched on April 4, 2009 by the rock yakimos Maxim. The name Pikabu Bula was invented as "Peek-a-boo" - call it a childish gri. Some of the portal buvs are simply re-posted () from third-party social fringes, such as, those, and some of the koristuvachivs, like to plant, that auditorium itself, as such, did not. Already in 2010, the site has accumulated 5,000 koristuvachiv. Nina z ponad 1,600,000 registered on Pikaba in social framing, 800 thousand per day 12.2 million per month visit Pikaba.

Auditing Pikabu ru

Now let's take a look at all content on the portal. As far as the territory is concerned, the greater number of cabbushniks is more important, the closest 30% live near Moscow, distant Saint Petersburg (~ 10%), and visit Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk, some less than 5%.

It is still possible to view graphics, which can be found in the free access on the site itself in the "Advertising" section, and the creation of visnovka deyakis.

What matters is the large number of students - the children, the big student.

Why would you want to know about Pikabu?

Otzhe, we are on the home side of Pikabu. For a cob more beautifully, immediately read the rules of the site that dawn, to give us the power:

  1. Dodavati novini.
  2. Spіlkuvatisya at the comments.
  3. Zberigati post.
  4. Golosuvati for news and comments. In addition, all posts, as they are plus, appear on the outskirts of the country.
  5. Marvel after 16+ (for the whole it is necessary to show the image of the "half-girl" at the nesting of the regional record).
  6. Please post for the tags, as you do not befit.
  7. Please post for the authors, as you are not befitting.
  8. Robit notes about koristuvachіv, which depict yourself deprived of you.

It’s even easier to shoot - on the right є special screen, shown on the screenshot below. Click on the "Restoration" tab, memorize all fields and embossed the button "Open regional record".

I’m thinking, now I’m a full-fledged driver, and I don’t care about all the benefits! Now let's get rid of them, as they are quick.
A collection of vivchimo interface to the site. If you were sent to the site with your new profile, then at the upper right codend you will be replaced at the entrance and at the end with your details and mysterious tabs.

At the very top there will be a vyhodu icon. If you are avatar, you will be prompted for the inclusion of that message to the material 16+, if you are inactive, your page will not have such a status. Your Rating is displayed right next to your nickname (login). number of front-end users.

Yakshho koristuvachev Pikabu tsikaviy material, whichever vikladeute, will be written on you (if you are your front-end) and all your posts at the "Lenta" depository. As you have remembered, so and if you have, you can also subscribe to the news of the cikabushniks to you.

Now about rating... It will be formed well from all the evaluations of your comments and the posts you have given (beastly respect, that the rating of your comment changes your rating by +/- 0.5, and the rating of the post at +/- 1). Surely, the rating was given for a reason. Wine is not all new possibilities, but also a relief for one's own master. Pick up reports:

  1. -200 Your local record is automatically blocked
  2. -25 You can't add comments
  3. 0 Your rating pіd hour reєstratsії
  4. +10 you can attach the picture to the comment
  5. +150 you can give a video
  6. +1000 can you do it, please, that redaguvati post (with a rating lower than 1000, you cannot edit the post of this publication, and also keep it up to date)
  7. +10000 you can double tags (deyakі words chi words, I will prescribe koristuvach at the additional post for the zmist \ format, tse manually everything, so you can know the tsykavi to you by the tags, but also to use the tags you don't want to ban, use such a rite, do not take the tags line (yak tse zrobiti, I will explain it more)
  1. 200 ta lower 1 post
  2. 200-500 2 posts
  3. 500-1000 3 posts
  4. 1000—3000 4 posts
  5. 3000 more than 5 posts

Highlights 3 tabs: Nalashtuvannya, Ignor-listі notatki... We talked about the possibility of baniti non-british tags, but the "Ignor-list" contributor displays a list of you banned koristuvachiv (so-so, it is also possible to baniti) and tags. At the contribution of "my notes" you can get your notes, and you can open them, for example, if you have a free idea for the post, if you are not ready for your life.

Now we are free from nestled:

  1. Here you can change the exact mailing address, avatar, remember to become 🙂. Even more vibrating to the mode of locking the line (with added or postorinkovo). It’s relevant, for example, if you have Internet traffic, but Pikabu isn’t indefinitely, you can look at it post-mortem.
  2. If you want to bachiti just post "gidni tsyogo", stick a povzunok lower, do not list the minimum rating of the novelty, I would like to spend on your line.
  3. Also set up a number of posts on your side.
  4. So far you have to power it up, if you need to "open up the news". If it’s new, it’s possible to get prikhovati, for example, if you don’t want to get lost. As long as the changeover is active, all news from the collection will be prikhovani.
  5. Likewise, if you want, you don’t use the gif-animations permanently in the posts or comments, activate the checkboxes.
  6. You can still fence Pikabu shokuvati you posts with the tag "tin" or show posts with materials 16+.
  7. At the bottom, you can change the password and go from all the attachments, if you are logged in.

Now you have guessed for yourself all the adjustments and you know how you can change from anyone.

Turning to the head side and continuing to look at our window at the upper right codend.

  1. About tab "Strichka" I have already guessed quite a bit, they have all the news from our beloved authors-pikabushnikov and tsikavih us tags.
  2. Have "Post" we can know or not know, given us new. You can make it to the speech by pressing the green button at the bottom on that gripping green button.
  3. "Nowadays"... Here you can fill in all the riddles about you, see on your posts and comments.
  4. Pomiluvatisya vlastnymi earlier comments can be found at the bottom of the deposit with a general name.
  5. Look over all your ratings with a "+" "Estimates".
  6. First tab "Save"... You can take the post, as you were honored, and wait for the mother to have access to them for the help of the wonderful tabs.
  7. I, nareshty, "green button!" "Dodati post"... The onslaught on her and goes to the side of the post.

  1. Image
  2. Text
  3. Video
  4. Posilannya

Likewise, beastly respect, as you can on the site, as well as those you want to publish - Pikabu can find similar posts.

Yak? Even simpler. At the same time, the post has been given such titles "Bayanometer"(from the word "button accordion", which means an old picture or an anecdote in the Internet), which is similar to a picture, a picture, a text, publications, whether or not (on my screen shot, there is a green check mark and write " similar posts not known "). Your vipad may have a list of similar posts from a wide range of information and information about them. Dearly look at the whole list before publishing the post, if your post will appear as a" button accordion ", you can see him.

Add new buttons to add є function "Peregaz"... So you can know, as you can see your post from the publication. For example, after looking at the bi my post from the screen shot.

And if, for example, you want to create a post, how can you store up with no pictures and text (you should call "Dovgopost"), it’s even simpler to start, navigate the site itself and give you the resources you need. At the very bottom, be-what side of the pikabu є the power of "Zrobiti dovgopost". There are two resources, for the help of which you can easily create a dovgopost, posilanya on them at the writing.

Along with all the theory, let’s wonder, as for the practice of adding tags, baniti їkh, prikhovuati posti, zberigati, sortuvati and a lot of things.

Poshuk, keruvannya by claviature, Prizi that is very rich

First of all, I’ll see a post, I’ll show you a couple more "tricks".

On the other hand, I stood still more tightly "Keruvannya on the keyboard"... With it, you do not have to put a bear + or posts, scroll a line or show comments, prikhovuvati post.

More and more quickly, everything is behind the help of the keyboard, all the hot keys, before the speech, numbered in the right column of Pikabu. Give a button to add a new one "Comment of the day" by typing best number plus for the dob, you can also go to the post, which is a comment of addresses, that wonder TOP 50 comments.

Go downhill below, there will be a pikaba on Facebook, then "Your agreement", in which all plantings appear, as if they did not comment. It’s handy, for example, as long as you tsikavo, as comments appeared there at the time of your zvіlnennya from the post.

І, nareshty, the circuit of hot buttons is adjusted, and then most popular tags for add.

Pivot axis diagram:

Also є corisna function pohuku tegіv and koristuvachіv... A row of shots at the top of the side of the right-handed side.

You can know be-yaki post for tags(one or more decilcom) and variety, as well as koristuvachiv pikabu.

To add a tag to the ignor-list, or to sign up for a new one, it’s enough to just click on the “arrow down” just like it is shown on the screenshot below.

Even on the side of the figures of the koristuvachiv you can know the interesting statues on the golden displays - the price prizes.

Prizi buvaut zvychayny, like a leather pickup can be trimmed for pointing below the reach.

And there are also individual prizes, which are seen by the winners for special merits. Such prizes are absolutely unique, and they are only one lyudin. I will show such cities on the screenshots below.

Post, comments. Hot, Hot and Sweet at Pikabu

From the logo to the site Pikabu.ru, at the top of the page, we can know three tabs:

  1. Hot
  2. Nikrasche
  3. Svіzhiy

There are three main lines that sort the content for your own.

Svіzhiy- prices for post. The first ones from them are not assessed, and you have a chance by yourself to eat more food, but lower. The people themselves, who sit with a svyazh, as they pour in on those who can eat at the hotter, even if only 10 minutes can take a share of the post.

Hot- the price of not-for-all meals, which can be appreciated with advantages over the same.

Nikrasche- Tse Top posts, which scored the highest rating for dob.

It is also possible to look at three lines per hour when clicking a cab. It is possible to change the price by pulling on the date of your line, as shown on the screen shot. Vilize is a small calendar, for the sake of help you can easily vibrate the day. Thanks to the function of the post, the post does not come out of your sight.

Now let’s wake up at the butt of an okry post, yak here the mustache is vashtovano.

Here is the author's post, which has been published for a long time and tags. If you put a negative or a positive assessment, click enough on the arrow uphill or downward, apparently (or press the arrow uphill on the keyboard).

Positive rating for pikabu called "a plus", negative "minus"... Buttons "plus", "minus" and "zhornuti", before the speech, in the very end of the post, only kudi modest sizes. For the name of the post є for the comments, if I’m going to write є the icon of the camera, if you press on the yak, you will be able to fast the post. Let's go to the comments of the post, so that we can continue to learn about the resource (you can change the price by clicking on the picture of the post).

Here is my bachimo that same post, ale and new elements. For example, the possibility of evaluating the recording from third-party social framing. The right-hander is the smog, which is stored in green and orange color. The price of plus-minus and minus in the post, you can wonder at a specific number, if you move the cursor to the dark, right behind it is the icon, which means that you do not know the "bayanometer" of the duplicate post. Also, there is a possibility of giving comments according to the rating by date.

What are Pikabu's comments? If you want, if you want to be a specific creepy guy, having hit your comments at your site, then you should be guilty or refer to your comment, or address your comments to you. It’s just enough to write it down. @ () nik koristuvacha, your name.

You can also visit the privileged koristuvachiv @Admin і @Moderator.

Administrator pikabu can be clicked, which is, for example, proponuvav, even in the distance, on your thought, innovation in pikaba. In such a rank, ask them to look at the price, for how many of the coristas have poured the garnu "pechinka" and you want it, you want it, you want it, the admin dodav (about pechinka trokhi piznishhe).

Moderator it is possible to wick, if you are not satisfied with the commentator's actions or the creator of the post (naturally, you can violate the rules of the site), there can be flood (), educational behavior, content for grown-ups, or accordion (in case of a post). Apparently, beastly to the moderator, state the reason and do not violate the rules yourself.


And now, as a bonus, I will tell you about the safe pikaba, about which I have guessed one by one before. Especially respectful could also mention, scho at the side post, with comments, in the lower right codend є. With the skin changes, the side changes.

If you click on her, then we will be consumed by the post from the zamalovka. Її malyuvav pіkabushnik. The price is based on the standard of tradition. From time to time, people are smart to add to the site of their oven, and if the administrator is grabbed, then you will be at your place at the bottom of the post, and also at the bottom of the skin side of the picabu.

Pid bags

If you know not everything, you can learn about Pikabu, and now you can boldly show yourself on the whole portal, learn about new things, have fun, enjoy yourself and create. Good luck and good luck.

I will be fed, write at the comments. I'll help you with radium.

P.S. The post was written not by me, but by sin. Yogo zvut Roman and yomu 17 rocks. I myself didn’t know about Pikabu, but after reading it all over the place. I am picking at once with you ...

Good luck to you! Before quick sights on the sides of the blog site

You can be tsikavo

Crossposting - scho tse take i yak yogo correctly Vibrant and boiling life exchange service 7money.co
Buttons for mobile sites from Uptolike + the ability to use messengers
Online service for webmasters - everything you need for writing articles, sound optimization and analysis of success Canva - design without a designer
How am I showing up to 300 people per day on the site? Vkontakte - social fringes have podkorila runet, which has become the price and what you can do

About those who have the popular development sites Pikabu, Fishki.net and Ya Cry.

Vlasnik and chief editor of Pikabu, write "Meduza", є 27-year-old priest Maxim Khryashov. The site has collected 62.9 million ads per month (according to data from the analytical company SimilarWeb), and the main auditor, according to Khryashov, is a student.

Infected by development of the site, launched in 2009 by Khryashov's Khryashov and known distributor, a team of 12 people is engaged in, to provide a resource for 12 million rubles for the Rik. Half of the tsikh koshtіv, meaning "Meduza", is direct to the rent of servers, it’s just a penny for the salaries of the sportsmen.

With a lot of writing, no content being submitted, the team does not take care of it - the function will instead lie on the Pikabu. On advertisements, sports goods earn 1.2-1.3 million rubles per month, according to the source of the project.

Khryashov sings, so all the income will be invested at the development, and the money itself is about the style, and the money is less than 100 thousand rubles per month. It’s a fact that the creation of a brand is dearly expensive. For the assessment of Khryashov, 2 million dollars.

The visibility of the warehouse, which was opened in 2004 on the sales site "Ya Cry", was 32.1 million per month - even less than at Pikabu. Dzherel "Meduzi", the Keru project is the entrepreneur Kostyantin Shumov, the owner of the Viboom company, who will take care of the stems and videos from social fences. As you can see, three rozrobniks took the same fate as the site.

The author of the website "Fishki.net" (the view is 49.2 million views per month) Oleksandr Ribak in 2006 sold the project to RBK structures for $ 800 thousand, and then went to Nimechchina and became a medical student of the company Kostyantin Shumyantin Add a site to Volodya Pidpriymets Mikhailo Gurevich, who is a cherub "Fishkami" since 2006. In addition, as the site "Fishki.net" in 2008 has a large number of sales to third-party investors, Gurevich won the first place as an independent investor. The price has become in 2013 roci.

Kerіvnik pragne zrobiti from the site "Russian Buzzfeed without policy". The content for the main site of the site is taken care of by koristuvachi, and the editorial staff. The Gurevich project plans to recoup his investments by the end of 2016.

Have a nice day!

On the site Pikabu I was registered already 6 months 1 day 5 days! In an hour, it’s smart, all the sites are repaired from Odnoklassniki and finished with Vkontakte publics to steal posts from Pikabu. If you don’t want to spend an hour playing button accordions, then we kindly ask you to visit the whole site!

Post (from English. To post - vidsilati, vidpravlyati [povidomlennya]) - single occasion, write on the site.

What are the perevagi maє Pikab?

1. Vіdnіst button accordion.

Bayan (boyan, bayan ta in.) - The designation of the re-published zartu or information.

At Pikabu, the leather post is suvoro to be converted on a bayanometer. Before "Hot" (please post for the rest of the dobu), you will have to indulge in a deprivation of fresh heat, pictures, news. I respected, well, as only in Garyach you have taken a fast, then literally in a couple of chilins, you will immediately appear in large publics on Vkontakte.

2. The availability of tags, the ability to filter.

Tag - key word, I will describe zm_st novini

Tags allow you to marvel at the post on the topic you want. For example, I want to be amazed at the funny jokes about the cats, I choose the tag and wonder if the cats are.

You can also add a tag to "Ignor-list" If you don’t use it, you can use it with a tag. Even better, if you don’t love cats and don’t bother to post about them.

3. Comments for the post itself, A central plus. Skin comments can be assessed - plus chi minus. Ale robiti tse can be deprived of the registered koristuvachi.

4. A magnificent, endless stream of fasting. There is a great amount of information on Pikabu!

5. You can add a post yourself and gain a rating. You can play everything on Pikaba, you know it, smut, it’s not like a button accordion. Third viplive offensive plus Pikabu:

6. Riznoplanova information. If you think that there will be no hot content published on Pikaba, you will have mercy. On Pikabu vi you can find recipes for stravs, life hacks, pictures of artists, a master-class and a bagato іnshogo.

Pikabu is a miraculous site, but the new one also has its own shortcomings:

1. The presence of profanity both in deyakie posts, so in the comments you can see the enemy about the site.

2. Deyakі zhaty can bootie zrozumіlі lishe long ago reestablished koristuvacham... So that all the middle collectives saw their jokes, codes of words, as newcomers might not be sighted at once.

Honestly, I didn't know any more minus for myself.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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