Mathematical model of the system and the accumulator battery. Battery Keruvanny System (BMS)

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Rechargeable batteries

In a given hour, one of the most frequent types of lithium-ion accumulative batteries - batteries, in which LiFePO 4 (lithium-zalizo-phosphate) is active in the cathode.
At the proponation of the author's statistics, the principle of modeling the mode of charging the lithium-gold-phosphate is rimmed. accumulator battery(AB), how to check out the parameters of the parameters in the vicinity of the accumulators, that is the formulation of the recommendations for the mode of charging the AB.

Modeling the charging mode

Oleksiy Voroshilov, head engineer of TOV "System of accumulation of energy",
Andriy Petrov, kerivnik to the project LIA
Evgen Chudinov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
PAT "NZHK", m. Novosibirsk

Gagging lithium-ionic batteries(LIA) - a somewhat new technology of accumulating electrical energy, which will continue to develop rapidly in an hour. For its parameters (power of energy, how to store, power of effort, resource during cycling), the type of chemical dzherel struma significantly surpasses the traditional lead-acid and pool batteries. In connection with the continuous reduction of technology, the LIA's power supply is made to last after a decrease in the cost of the given type of accumulators. The current part of energy, which is stored in them, deprives of a trophy of the part of energy, which is stored in traditional accumulators. I will secure the economical assistance of the widest victorious service in the industrial galuzy of technology.

Three of the most common types of chemical dzherel struma LIA with acrylic lithium-phosphate (LFP) cathode material is relatively safe in operation, and allowing the active mass of the cathode by reducing such metals The facts have brought great interest to the LIA LFP from the side of the companies, how to generate accumulated energy for electric transport and power engineering. At the same time, the Danish type of lithium-ionic accumulators has a number of features, which are necessary for securing the necessary resource of their exploitation.

The statistics show the features of the operation of the LIA LFP, as well as induce deyakі results mathematical model the process of charging the lithium-ionic accumulator battery (LIAB), based on its basis, with the reduction of parameters in the environment of the accumulators. At the same time, the battery itself looks like an active two-pole, the parameters of the battery (generator voltage and internal support) are not lined up in charge / discharge, charge and temperature steps. During the modeling of vicarists, an array of experimental tributes, withdrawals at the Liotech plant in 2014–2015. The results can be used to improve the efficiency of charging the LIA LFP and save the trivial resource of the exploitation.


Volt-ampere characteristics when charged

The accumulation of springs on the accumulators before the hour of the first charging of the discharge with a permanent strum has a specific character. In fig. Figure 1 shows the typical spill deposition on the LIA LFP model LT-LYP380 "Liotech" as a charge step when charged at room temperature (20 ± 5 ° C).

Small. 1. The accumulation of springs on the LT-LYP380AH accumulators as a step of the th charge when charged with small strings (0.2 Z n; 0.5 Z n; 1 Z n)

Three areas are characteristic of charging the LIA LFP: the growth of the battery on the battery on the cob of charging, the amount of pressure in the middle and the growth of the battery in the end. The majority of LIA LFPs are recommended to interconnect the battery charger at the level of 3.7-3.9 Art.

SS / CV charging mode

The most common mode of charging batteries is a constant current charging mode with a transition to constant voltage charging mode, so it is called CC / CV mode. In fig. 2 representations of a typical graph of charging a lead-acid battery. The red crooked shows the struma's fallowness, the blue one - spills every hour. For a lithium-ionic accumulator, the nature of the curves does not change, with the blame for the transition to the charging mode by a constant effort for LIA ustotno vyshcha. It is tied together with that, which is a spring of a closed lance (NRC) at LIA іstotno vishcha, nіzh at lead-acid batteries. For LIA LFP, virobniks recommend vibrating the sprung value, which is expensive, 3.7-3.9 V, for batteries of the other types (NMC, LCO, LTO), the value can be displayed.

Small. 2. Typical charging status CC / CV for lead-acid battery

When operating a lead-acid accumulator battery in a charge mode, it will be charged, once it is in a vicious mode with two levels of pressure. Having reached the singing magnitude of the charge (State of Charge - SoC) zd_snyuєtsya transition from the so-called charge-capable mode. For example, for lead-acid batteries, for servicing, at room temperature, the charging voltage is 2.3-2.4 V, and the charging voltage is 2.23 V.

The magnitude of the charge, which is susceptible to charge, in lead-acid accumulators is vibrated during the process of minimizing the corrosion of the electrodes and to accumulate due to the temperature of the operation of the lead-acid accumulator. Have LIA tsei cross over to get started. At the same time, it is necessary to zupiniti the charge, or to lower the charging strum to the value of the balancing strum. Reasons for that, when lithium-ion batteries, when entering the storage of the battery, you need to balance yourself, negotiate below.

Stable voltage charging mode (CV)

Come at the moment to the hour t 1 view of a cob of charging a battery with a strum I 0 It is necessary to switch from the mode of charging with a constant stream to the mode of charging with a constant pressure. When you go into the charging mode by continuous pressure, the strum falls within an hour, exponentially, changing the law:


The quality of the accumulation is based on the solutions of the Cottrell and Fic for years-old batteries in the mode of potentiostatics. At the end of an hour, start with a chemical diffusion coefficient of intercalating particles, a ball of material of the electrode and other parameters. Charging stock with strumm 0.2 Z representations in Fig. 3.

Small. 3. Battery charging profile in CC / CV mode

Charge Q, which can be used with a battery, and start with a Coulomb integral:

Here C n- Mistkist accumulator battery.

For LIA LFP, the following charging parameters are accepted, pointing to a single battery:

  • U 0 = 3.4-3.7 (the value of the springs is 3.4 during the transition to the VC charge mode at a charge step of approximately 50%, 3.7 - 98%.
  • I 0 = 0,2C n(the given value will lead to the discharge of a charged battery for five years), A;
  • t 1 ≈ 2.5-4.9 years.

An hour of charging until the reduction of the struma to the level of 0.1 I 0 (the time of acceptance for the moment of recharging the accumulator battery) should be started by viraz:

At U 0 = 3,4, t zar ≈ 8.25 years, at U 0 = 3,7, t zar ≈ 5.20 year. At the coordinates of the strum / step, the charge is given the accumulation rate is shown in Fig. 4. In real life, if the battery (or a single battery) is connected to the charger via the end-of-line cable, the charging profile is more foldable, but the charging string decreases in the world of charging the battery, and some water cables drop. Tse to produce up to an increase in stress, to a battery, in the world of charging, and a charging profile, representations in Fig. 3 and 4, to speak.

Small. 4. Profile of battery charging in CC / CV mode in coordinates of strum / charge steps


Equivalent battery circuit

In fig. 5a shows the equivalent diagram of an active bipolar circuit in a zagalny viglyad. Here E int - EPC generator, Z int - th internal opir (impedance), which is very complex in nature, in order to lay down the frequency. Looks like it seems, E int ta Z int - function of the strum, step to charge, temperature and frequency. Explain the character of the LFP LFP curve charging when the charge is near SoC up to 100%, it is necessary to display the equivalent scheme in more detail.

Small. 5

a) Scheme of an active bipolar at the zalny viglyadі

b) Equivalent circuit of the accumulator yak active bipolar

E 0 - sprue of the open battery lance (NRTs);
E p - polarization potential;
R 0 - summarized ohmic op_r of contacts, material of electrodes, elektrol_tu tosho;
C 1 - electrical unit of the electric electrode-electrolyte ball;
R 1 - deflection of the transferred charge on the inter-electrode - electrolyte;
C 2 - the electrical unit, which starts by the gradient of the electrical field strength in the electrical field when it is passed through a new electrical system;
R 2 - the definition, which should start with the functional values ​​of the diffusion coefficient of the energy in the speech.

Rіznі equivalent circuits of accumulators are negotiated with niztsі robіt. Nybilsh look around publication on the theme of performances by In fig. 5b shows an equivalent circuit, which, in our opinion, is the best to adequately describe the behavior of the battery when charging / discharging, but not experimentally.

The stress on the accumulator is caused by the force of the open-ended lance, polarization potential and the resistive pressure on the internal support of the accumulator when passing through a new electric stream. Bottom is the indication of the deposition of the main parameters of the battery at the stage of its charge.

The prevalence of NRC from SoC charging the battery.
Rivnyannya Oliynikova

Non-linear view of crooked growth of the ear on the cob to the charging cycle (Fig. 1) a shrewd snake concentration of ions in the lithium in the near-electrode area both in the wild and in the solid phase. Spring of a rosy lancer E The difference in the electrochemical potentials of the cathode and the anode at the equally important mill will start. Rivnyannya, how to describe the potential of the intercalary electrode, proponated by S.A. Oliynikov:


de E X0 - electrical potential of the intercalary electrode (cathode or anode);
R- Universalna gas post_yna;
T- Absolute temperature;
F- Faraday number;
x- Intercalation step;
Before- Constant, that is in place of the ionized houses at the material of the electrodes.

From the induced injection, the potential of the intercalation (lithium) electrode is logarithmically deposited at the stage of the intercalation (concentration of ions in the lithium). The price of the change is necessary for the batteries on the accumulators before the hour of change SoC the middle part has a charging graph. It can be shown that with a change in concentration at 10 times the electrical potential E X in the room temperature changes by about 59 mV. Value type E X for a lithium-gold-phosphate battery, charged up to 60-80%, for normal minds become 3.32-3.34 V.

In fig. 6 shows the experimental determination of the accumulation of the NRC of the accumulator as a result of its charge at room temperature. It can be seen that the NRC is fallow SoC just a little logarithmic character.

Small. 6. Allowance of the NRC equal to the charge (near parts of the SN) at t = 25 ± 3 ° C

The presence of the internal support from the step to the battery charge

An easy-to-read equivalent circuit in Fig. 5 B. The yak was shown at a time, after an hour τ 1 = R 1 · C 1 road approx. 10-100 ms. The magnitude R 1 is the initial value of the internal support R int, like the virobniks of accumulators to direct the specifications to their products. R int It starts here as a result of the failure of the spring on the accumulator when the struma is fed to the accumulator. With a tsom R int = R 0 + R 1 . Value R int viznacha strum, which is a built-in type of accumulator with a new metal short circuit. Characteristic value R int for the accumulator ємністю 380 Аh to become 0.3-0.4 mOhm. After hour τ 2 = R 2 C 2 travel approx. 10-20 hvili and start with an hour of relaxation of the battery in case of knowledge or submission for new renewal. After an hour τ 2, lay it down for the size of the struma, and then lay it down slightly at the stage of charging the accumulator.

The total internal support is also weakly deposited from SoC... In fig. Figure 7 shows a typical test for the accumulation of the internal support of the LT-LYP380AH model accumulator with respect to its charge.

Small. 7. Accumulation of the internal support of the LT-LYP380AH battery at the stage of its charge

R 0 - internal opir, vimiryany at change of load at a frequency of 1 kHz (at vimiri vikoristovuvsya attachment Hioki 3554);
R 1 - internal opir, varied by the method of 17 GOST R MEK 896-1-95 (3) all at once when the struma is fed;
R 2 - internal opir, vimirians by method 17 DERZHSTANDARD R MEK 896-1-95 (3) through one wicker for feeding the struma.

It can be seen that, for a step, a charge of less than 80% of the internal oper- ator of the battery is weakly deposited in this charge. Development of a vimіryanny meaning R 2 at close SoC up to 100% depends on the growth of the polarization potential.

Polarization potential

In small dzherels, the polarization potential of a child begins in a reasonable way. From the physical sense, the polarization potential is correct in the beginning as the potential for the charge of the multi-electric ball of the electro-electro-electrolyte, which is possible when charging / discharging with small strings. It will start as a result of the release of the springs on the accumulators from the springs of the open lance when passing through the new strum, behind the springs of the springs on the inner support. The physical change of the polarity is in that, in order for the process of charging / discharging the battery, the capacitor, the adoption of the transition electrod-dielectric-electrolyte, is guilty of charging up to the singular value. Polarization potential for the total charge of capacitors on two electrodes. The size of the polarization potential for a lead-acid battery is approximately 150-180 mV. The value of the initial decrease in the stress on the accumulators during the transition from the charge mode to the charge mode will be transferred (at 2.23 V voltage) to the discharge mode (up to 2.05-2.08 V).

It was experimentally established that for LIA the value of the suttvo lower і expensive is approximately 3-5 mV. The change in polarization potential began as a change to the battery on the AB during the transition from the mode of charging with a malim stream (~ 0.5 A) to the mode of charging with a malim stream (~ 1.0 A). The fact that the polarization potential of LIA is lower is lower than that of a lead-acid accumulator, mabut, accumulators, and also a lead-acid accumulator is the principle of efficiency. In the case of a lead-acid accumulator, the charging process is supercharged through a chemical reaction between the electrodes and electrodes, tied with the reconstituted lead sulfate into lead dioxide and hydrochloric acid on one electrodes and into metallic lead. In the process of discharging, a ringing chemical reaction occurs. Do not see the LIA won on the line between the electro-electrodes. The process of charging / discharging the intercalation in the lithium from the cathode line to the anode line and back.

Yak bulo is designated vische, when close SoC up to 100% of the nonlinear growth of the polarization potential, amalgamated by the transition to a different type of chemical reaction, linked to the re-implementation of the speech in the electrolyte.

The concept of a 100% charged battery. Balance Requirement

LIA does not behave like this when charging, like a lead-acid battery. The very understanding "the battery is 100% charged" they have more. DIN 40729 standard is the initial charge of a lead-acid accumulator, which is a charge due to the transformation of active speech. In such a rank, a lead-acid battery, charged at 100%, is a battery, in which all lead sulfate is converted to lead metal (on a negative electrode) or lead dioxides (on a positive electrode), so that one understands that the machine is unambiguous. electrochemical systems. A lead-acid battery, in principle, cannot be charged 100%. The stress on the charge, as for the classic servicing lead-acid batteries for the road 2.23 at room temperature, is approximately due to the sum of the stress of the open-loop lance to the charge of the charged accumulator of the second polarizer.

For LIA "step to charge 100%" - the value is acceptable. The price is not unambiguously the starting point of the electrochemical system. For a 100% charge, more LIA LFP virobniks will take charge, such a battery having been removed when it is charged with a permanent strum 0.2 Z until reaching the pressure of 3.7, with a further transition to the charging mode with constant pressure until the charging strum is reduced to 0.02 Z... As long as it is not zupiniti charging at the same point, the battery can be charged further. At the same time until reaching the point of 100%, the accumulator approaches the threshold, with any loss of all the lithium from the cathode deintercalation, it’s a bit of a disadvantage in order to get a cold reaction to colish pryvnі... At the same time, a chemical reaction is launched in parallel, tied to the reconfiguration of the speech in the electrolyte (in which to take advantage of this lithium), which can lead to the degradation of the accumulator. The whole phase transition to supervise non-linear growth of polarization potential. To that, from one side, when charging, intercept the charging line at the LIA, from the other side, singing moment for an hour I will charge it, I will recharge it, so that it will charge up to the level of 100% charge.

Trivial recharge of LIA should be carried out to lower its capacity, increase the internal support and NRC. I know indirectly In addition, after LIA spent a trivial hour at the recharged mill, є the establishment of metal lithium in the cathode material and the consequent improvement of the NRC. The NRC of a normal LFP-accumulator, charged to 60-80%, becomes 3.32-3.34 V. The NRC of an LFP-accumulator, the cathode material where metal lithium can be replaced, can become 3.4-3.45 V.

The need for periodic balancing of the LIA in the battery is a legacy of the described food. As soon as I increase the level of the charge of the LIA in the battery, in an hour it will take an hour to increase the balance, gain the understanding of the parameters (capacity, self-charging value), the internal Due to the fact that the balance of LFP-accumulators in the battery of poles is also foldable, they are characterized by a weak accumulation of springs from the level of their charge.

Mathematical model of the process of charging LIAB

Most of the LIA versions recommend charging a battery by the CC / CV method with the transition to a charging mode with continuous supply, which is expensive 3.7-3.9 V. the last time a few batteries have been installed, which may change the parameters. When the charge is close to 100%, there is a non-linear growth of stress on the accumulator, so I can change the mind (the maximum charge level), which is uncomfortable to compensate for the balance with the string. During the whole charging process, it is brought up to the point that the entire battery is charged to 100%.

In order to evaluate the parameters of the accumulators near the battery, the bullet is broken mathematical modelїї charging, yaka allowed us to carry out an analysis of vyhodyachi with occasionally simple rosrahunіv. At the same time, the accuracy of the results is sufficient in order to ensure that the permissible parameters of the accumulators in the battery and the recommendation for the charging mode are acceptable. Injecting temperature into the charging process into this vipad is not a problem: it’s difficult to get involved, but the charging is done at room temperature.

For the purposes of the analysis, I am quite satisfied with the equivalent scheme (Fig. 8). The circuit is correct, as it is obvious that the processes that take place in the accumulator take place, every hour, when there are dozens of quills and more, which is true for a typical charging of the accumulator for a period of several years.

Small. 8. Simplified the equivalent circuit of the accumulator

At the same time, you can take advantage of the inlet electric power Z 1 transition from electrod to elektrolit and electric units Z 2, as it appears as a gradient of the electric field stress in the electric field when it passes through a new electric strum. In this rank, it is possible to deprive an active part of the internal support R int is the value of which will be used continuously during the charging process, so as, as it is shown, the internal support is weakly deposited in the charge step. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly inflate the polarization potential.

Mathematical model of a single battery

Models in Fig. 8, it is possible to analyze the inlet of the parameters of the accumulators for the outlet of the power on them during the charging process and the value of the end stage of the charge, before which the battery can be charged. In fig. 9 representations of the middle and flattening profile of the battery charging of the LT-LYP380 model with a permanent strum, equal to 0.2 Z, before reaching the pressure on the accumulators 3.7 with the transition to the charging mode at constant pressure 3.7 to lowering the strum to a value of 0.02 Z... For the accumulator Umnistu 380 A year strum 0.2 Z transportable 76 A. When charged with small strings, the charging profile is obviously of the same nature, but the amount of pressure drop will be increased by the amount of pressure drop on the internal support of the battery.

Small. 9. Smoothing the charging profile of the accumulator with a 0.2 strum with a transition to charging with a stabilized 3.7 V voltage

If there is any stress on the accumulators, start with the following viraz:

The functions δ are easily visible U out = f (δ C, δ R int, δ Q 0). Here δ U out - the output of the accumulator as a function of the change. δ C, δ R int, δ Q 0 - according to the nominal capacity, the internal support and the cob charge of the accumulator as a matter of equal importance. By starting the meaning of specific functions, it is possible to inject the outlet of specific parameters into the outlet of the battery and the process of charging the battery.

Injection of the rosette value of the internal support

An easy-to-understand battery with accumulators with the same capacity 380 A year with a separate internal support R int = = R 0int + δ R int. Come on R int1 = 1.0 mΩ, R int2 = 1.2 mΩ (20%). The yak was shown vimіryuvannya, the internal opіr of the accumulator is somewhat weak from the charge. To that z (5), you can make such a viraz:


Come on, charge the doorway 76 A (0.2 Z n). Obviously, the difference in the springs of two batteries in the road is δ U out = δ R int I (SoC)= = 16 mV during the cycle of charging and decreasing to zero until the end of the battery charging. With a wide opening of the supports, I do not lower the maximum permissible battery charge (Fig. 10).

Small. 10. Looseness of the springs on the accumulators from the rosette of the supports

Injection to the outlet

It is easy to see the springs on the accumulators of the battery in the process of charging as the function of seeing the capacities of an equally important value δ U out = fC):

Good value for money, C = Q max - the maximum charge, up to how many can charge the battery. From the side, SoC= Q/ Q max. Oscillations of the accumulators in the battery last, when charging the stench, wash off one and the same charge Q... With such a rank, δ C ≈ -δ SoC at close SoC up to 100%.

Formula (7) can be rewritten in the following view:

For the analysis of the spillage of the spill from the spill, it is permissible to analyze the spill of the charge. The function of the charge "at zero charge flow" is clear:

Here U(SoC) - function of the charge of the accumulator with a strum 0.2 Z(graph of such representations in Fig. 9. Functions U 0 (SoC) Formally, the start of the springs on the accumulators when they are "charged" with a zero strum until the charge level is 100%. When you are transferring, what is the meaning U 0 is not framed at the top. Functional behavior analysis U 0 і allow the power supply of batteries with a low level of battery charge. Oscillations in the line part Charging graph polarization potential is practically not stale SоC then the yogo inflow at the line part of the graph is fixed as the additional value of the internal support. In the nonlinear part, the polarization potential itself has the initial behavior of the function U 0 (SoC).

For simplicity, the analysis can be made from AB, which can be stored from three batteries. Do not go to the first battery C 0, another - C 0 - δ C, third - C 0 + δ C... Thus, the process of charging the steps to the charge of another battery will be longer for the whole hour, lower than that of the first battery by the value of δ SoC ≈ δ C third - less by the same amount δ C... For visualization, the charging profile is visible, representations in fig. 9. The charge will be repaired from the start SoC= 0% with a permanent strum 0.2 Z until reaching the middle springs on accumulators U av = 3.7 (total 11.1 per battery). When the battery is switched over to the charging mode at an average voltage on the battery 3.7 from a decrease in the rate to 0.02 Z.

For the analysis of the vikorist function of charging U 0 (SoC). The average value of the springs on the batteries is assigned to the charging attachment. U av. Recovery of springs on accumulators δ U i from the average value start by depressing the charge step SoC i. Tse is shown in fig. eleven.

Small. 11. Butt, I will explain the principle of viznachennya rozkidu springs on accumulators

For skin value SoC 0 fair virazi:

At the same time, there is a need for physical interconnection, they are tied with a team, which cannot be worn on an adjacent battery. U min:

Oscillations of non-acceptance of the charge meant the change of the sign of the polarization potential to the process of charging the battery.

In fig. 12 views of battery charging graph 0.2 Z until reaching the average stress on batteries 3.7 with the transition to charging mode with a full voltage. Carrying out a set of doors ± 2.5%. When the charge level is 94%, the charge on the accumulators is 2 degrees 3.7 and at the same time the charge is due to buty zupinena. The evil of curves 1 and 3 will be explained by the fact that the curve of the accumulator 2 grows more quickly (like a hyperbolic function). When unloading the battery, be sure to store it more elements, all the evil is ironed out. With such a rank, it can be seen that, with an average value of the pressure on the accumulators, which is expensively 3.7, the maximum charge step, until the battery can be charged, becomes 94%.

Small. 12. Graph of accumulation of springs on accumulators from a SoC outlet when charging up to a medium voltage of 3.7 V

A battery with battery packs, which may be unsettled by parameters, it is practically unwise to charge up to the middle voltage on batteries 3.7 V. ringing bell In addition to the system, the battery and the charging attachment are used to transfer the reduction of the battery charging line to the value of the balance, if there is a need for an extra hour of charging. You can also change the average value of the battery charge in the battery.

Step to the charge, so that it can be reached when the level is higher and the stabilization is

The amount of pressure to switch from the CC mode to the CV mode of the injection Z.

In fig. 13a shows the accumulation of energy during an hour of charging at a different value of the pressure when switching to CV mode. In fig. 13b - staleness of the strum per hour of charging. On the graphs on the transition to the CV road mode: 1 - 3.7 U; 2 - 3.6; 3 - 3.5; 4 - 3.4 Art.

Small. 13. Percentage of an hour for a different value on the transition to CV mode:
a) springs on accumulators;
b) struma charging the battery

In fig. 14a shows the accumulation rate for an hour of charging the battery until the rate of charging is reduced to 0.02 Z from the value to the transition to the CV mode. In fig. 14b - stagnation of the charge step from the charging line. It can be seen that when the value of the pressure changes, the transition to the CV mode is from 3.7 to 3.45. This means that the battery, so the battery itself and the battery, can be charged up to a minimum voltage, for example, up to 3.4-3.45 V, with the onset transition to the charging mode with a stabilized voltage. Nestacha given method: An hour of charging a single battery is cheap.

Small. 14. Deposits:
a) an hour charge until the struma is reduced to 0.02% of the value and the transition to the CV mode;
b) the full charge stage from the charging line

In fig. 15a representations of the graph of charging the battery with a 0.2 C strum until the average voltage on the batteries is 3.4 and the transition to the charging mode with a full load. Carrying out a set of doors ± 2.5%. The charge of the zupineniye at a reduced rate of up to 0.02 C, at the same step, the charge of the AB becomes 96%. In fig. 15b representations of the same graph at the clock scale.

Small. 15. Graph of depletion of the breakdown value of stress on accumulators 1 (δ C= 0%), 2 (δ Z= + 2.5%) ma 3 (δ Z = -2,5 %)

Thus, when charging the battery, it is possible to store the last LIA LFPs, which will reduce the average charging voltage to 3.4-3.45. Exact value The average charge is required for a specific type of battery.


The robot has a model LIA LFP as an active bipolar, the parameters of which (the generator voltage and the internal support) are not lined up in the charging / discharging stream, the charge step and temperature. Experimental data were used to determine the parameters of the Vikorist model.

An equivalent scheme is shown, but the best description of the behavior of the battery when charging and the amount of its main parameters as a charge is given experimentally. On a simple model, the behavior of LIAB was analyzed for every hour of charging and injecting into the process of unloading parameters in the surrounding batteries.

Recommendations for the parameters for the charging of the LFP-accumulator have been adopted at the presentation of the rosters. It is shown that the value of the average stress, up to the battery when charging the battery, is to blame but is reduced to 3.4-3.45 V. The specific value is to blame, due to the depletion of the NRC from the charge level for a specific type of accumulator.


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Views: 57466

In the rest of the rock, the popularity of the so-called "smart" batteries, in other words Smart batteries, has become popular. The accumulators of the group are equipped with a microprocessor, which should not be deprived of the exchange of data from the charging attachments, but also to regulate the robot of the accumulator batteries, informing the clerk about the level of success. Accumulators, which are equipped with a special system of intelligent regulation, have a wide range of storage in the portable technical electrical equipment, including the electric transport. It is noteworthy that the group of intelligent batteries is equipped with accumulators in order to replace the lithium, I want to be installed in the middle of them, sealed or vented lead-acid, nickel-cadmium.

Smart batteries, yak minimum, 25% more expensive for spare batteries. However, the intelligent batteries are not only of a price, as there are more transmissions, but also the special features of the regulating annex, so that they can be reached. Remaining guarantor of identification of the type of accumulator batteries from the charging attachment, the temperature, the pressure, the strum, the level of the charge of the accumulators. The significant part of the lithium-ion battery modules can be used for the monitoring and control system ( BMS), as they are responsible for the battery of batteries and for such a rank, so that you can maximally preserve the quality of the batteries in the minds of young people.

More readily available, as well as an accumulator battery with BMS. Smart batteries - a chain of accumulators, possessed by a special microcircuit, at which time and clock data are programmed. Continuous data to be programmed more at the factory-virobnik and do not have to change: data from the virobny series of BMS, її markup, consistency with the type of accumulator batteries, voltage, maximum and minimum inter-voltages, temperatures Timchasovі danі - tse danі, scho pіdlyagayut periodical update. Prior to them, it is important to know how to exploit the vimogi and the tribute of the koristuvach. As a rule, the ability to connect the system and balance and balance to the computer and controller is transferred to monitor the battery and control parameters. Deyakі models BMS can be adjusted for different types of batteries (rіvnі їхної naprugi, meaning struma, mnіst).

Battery Management System (BMS) is an electronic system, like the charging / discharging process of the accumulator battery, in order to ensure the safety of the robot, to monitor the battery, to assess the second-hand data on the transfer.

BMS (Battery Management System)- a whole electronic board, which can be put on the accumulator battery to control the process of charging / discharging, monitoring the battery of that element, controlling the temperature, the number of cycles in charging / discharging, taking over the storage batteries. The system of keruvannya and balancing preserves individual control of the tension and support of the skin element of the accumulator, the supply of strings between the storage batteries for the hour of the charging process, the control of the power supply, the release of the unbalance

On the basis of the BMS data, the balance of the charge in the middle is displayed, the accumulator is caught in a short flicker, overwhelmed by the strum, overcharged, overcharged (high and overwhelmingly low tension of the skin middle), overheating and overcooling. The functionality of the BMS allows you not to change the operating mode of the accumulator batteries, but to maximize the term of the service. When a critical battery is identified, the Battery Management System will appear to react, and the battery is visible to the fence in the electrical system. For some BMS models, the ability to register (record tribute) about the robot of the accumulator battery has been transferred, and I will transfer it to a computer.

Litiy-zalizo-phosphate batteries (like LiFePO4), which significantly outweighs a number of lithium-ionic battery technology from the point of view of safety, stability and productivity, as well as being equipped with BMS circuits. On the right in that, lithium-gold-phosphate batteries are sensitive to overcharging, as well as the discharge below the singing spring. In order to change the risk of battery life, the batteries are connected to the battery and all LiFePO4 batteries are equipped with a special electronic balancing circuit - the battery keruvanny system (BMS).

The stress on the skin from the middle, shared by the lithium-gold-phosphate battery, is to blame for the singing fringes and for being equal to oneself. The situation is such, that it is ideally equal to the number of all mid-range, but to enter the warehouse of a single accumulator, - to finish the little thing. It is possible to draw a small amount of power for a couple of ampere-years, and you can provide a pressure drop during the charging / discharging process. The difference in charge / discharge in the middle of a single LiFePO4 battery is not safe to fill, some of the battery can be replaced.

With a parallel connection of alternate skin strains, they will be approximately equal: more charged elements can make them more charged. When the last charge is equal to the charge, there is no shortage of intermittent charge, the result of one element will become undercharged, and they are recharged. First, if the starting point for the completion of the charging process will be close to ideal, if there is a slight recharging of some short-term periods in the battery, there will be no turning-over processes. The rechargeable battery in the process of operation will not be given the necessary capacity, and through the uneven charging of the charge it will become unusable. Sometimes with the lowest charge, you will become a "weak" battery: the stench will quickly come to the discharge, at that hour, if the accumulator elements of a larger capacity pass through a frequent discharge cycle.

The balancing method allows the negative ruinous processes of the accumulator battery to be eliminated. The system of keruvannya and balancing in the middle of the BMS to follow the time, while the middle in the end of the charging was adjusted to the same level. When the charging process goes up to the end of the BMS, the balancing of the shunts of the cells that are charged, or transfer the energy of the elements with a greater pressure to the elements with less energy. On the basis of an active, with a passive balance, it was practically necessary to charge the batteries to receive the smaller stream, or to turn on from the charging process until the moment when all the elements of the battery were not worn out. The battery management system (BMS), balancing, as well as providing temperature control and low functions, maximizes the life of the battery.

Call the store to sell ready-made battery packs from BMS, protectors of the store and the company still give you the power to add battery storage facilities. Before them, there is the "Elektra" company. Elektra is the first company in Ukraine, who respected the establishment and establishment of the market of accumulator elements for self-folding The same design of lithium-gold-phosphate accumulator batteries (LiFePO4) in our country. The head of the reloading of a self-contained folding battery with an edge in the middle of the field has the ability to remove a battery pack that is as close as possible to powering a corystuvach from a glance of working parameters and capacity. When buying accessories for folding LiFePO4 batteries, it is important to pay respect not only to the adaptability of batteries in between, but wonder on the parameters of the BMS: spruce, discharge, a few intermittent rods, on the yak. Operation of a lithium-gold-phosphate accumulator battery is also used to transfer charger attachment, Шо відповідаєйй на кстальт. Yogo stress is to blame for the extra charge of the accumulator battery.

24v 36v 48v 60v

The main objectives of the BMS (Battery Management System) as a robot regulator for a battery:

Zakhist battery cells and battery cells from pockets;

Improving the term of the battery service;

Pidtrimka of the accumulator in the camp, with a new camp, the maximum possible visibility of all those who are charged to the new plant.

BMS (Battery Management System) functions

1. Control over the mill of elements of the accumulator battery at a glance:

- springs: zagalnaya napruga, napruga around the middle, minimal and maximal napruga in the middle;

- temperature: the average temperature, the temperature of the electrolyte, the temperature at the outlet, the temperature of the batteries "klitin", pay BMS(an electronic board, as a rule, is equipped with internal temperature sensors, such as monitoring the temperature without a regulating attachment, so it is called out, which is used to control the temperature of specific battery elements);

- charge that gibini to the discharge;

- Strum charge / discharge;

- information

The control system and balancing in the middle in the memory can take such indicators, such as the number of cycles in the charge / discharge, the maximum and the minimum pressure of the intermediate ones, the maximum and the minimum value of the stream to the charge and the discharge. Same tsі danі allow to start the reference standard of the accumulator battery.

Incorrect charge is one of the most common reasons for battery failure, and charge control is one of the main functions of the BMS microcontroller.

2. Intellectual and numerical. On the basis of food-related items of BMS, carry out an assessment:

Maximum allowable strum charge;

Maximum allowable strum discharge;

Kilkosti energy, which is supplied during charging, or consumed when discharging;

Internal support in the middle;

Summarizing the implementation of the accumulator battery in the process of exploitation (the original number of cycles of the robot).

3. Zvyazkov. BMS can submit tributes to the newest annexes of the provincial or childless communes.

4. Zakhisna. BMS takes over the battery, so that it can go out of the way for the endless robots. BMS guarantees the security of connection / connection to the installation, the driver of the installation to the installation, storage of the accumulator from:

Replanting with strum;

Overextension (pid hour charging);

Padinnya springs nizche permissible level(For an hour to discharge);



Vitoku struma.

The BMS can help the process, which is not safe for a battery, by means of a non-pre-inflow, or a signal about the unwillingness of a fake battery charger to an add-on (controller). The Intelligent Monitoring System (BMS) connects the accumulator battery to the wiring or the charger attachment when one of the working parameters is needed outside the permissible range.

5. Balancing. Balancing is a whole method of equalizing the charge between the batteries in the middle of the accumulator battery, so that the term of the accumulator's service is maximized.

BMS for overwhelming recharging, undercharging and unrelenting discharge process in the vicinity of accumulator batteries:

Zdijsnyuchi "reshuffling" of energy from the most charged cells to less charge (active balancing);

Reduce to a sufficiently low level of a suitable strum to practically increase the charged one in the middle, one hour after that, if the less charge of the accumulator cells is continued to remove the normal charging strum (the principle of shunt),

Provisions for modular charging processes;

Adjustable output strings in the middle of the accumulator, connected to the electrical outlet.

If you want to pay BMS as a negative one, you should use a special epoxy sealant to cover the saw.

Do not get a battery for losing one system of keruvannya and balancing. One way to replace one BMS payment, so that you have to take additional wires to the battery and the controller, you can use a knot of wired electronic boards between yourself, the skin of the central controllers.

From a practical point of view, the BMS can display significantly more functions, not just a robotic battery. One electronic system can take a part in the control of parameters in the mode of robotics of an electric transport system and during the operation of the operation. If the battery takes over the fate of the robotic energy recuperation system in case of galvanized electric transport, the BMS can also regulate the process of recharging the battery in case of reliable descents.

This year, Russia is promoting the growth of autonomous electric transport vyrobniks in small and medium-sized labor. Until such a place is not deprived of electromobiles and transport. Electric traction has been successfully implemented for the implementation of navantazhuvachiv, warehouse and agricultural technology, in the Ribal and Misliv spheres for noiseless love of the ribolovl (baggy, gear), as well as ATVs.

Vyrobniki of large amount of given transport drivers lithivi accumulators yak dzherela zhivennya. To secure the correct and safe robots of such a system, it is necessary to control the charge of the skin and the accumulator battery. There are a large number of virobniks for the complete readiness of the control system ( BMS) foreign branch (China, USA, Nimechchina).

Naybіlsh effective lіtіvі zherela lively, how widely vikoristovuyu in electric transport, for its nature see the work of the order of 3.2 ... 4 V. For the safety of the robot, the electric drive on a larger load last week. With such a configuration in the battery, if there is a change in the parameters of one or a few intermittent ones, there may be an imbalance - overcharge, over-discharge of intermittent ones, but the reach is at most 30%. Such a mode will significantly (at times) reduce the resource of the accumulator battery.

System BMS allowing control of the balance of the charge last and parallel-lastly from one battery of the battery of an autonomous electric transport system.

You can see 2 main types of balancing of accumulators: active and passive.

When the pore pressure is reached, the passive balancing system starts to dissipate the energy on the resistors near the heat, during the whole process of charging, when the charge reaches the lower threshold, the system restores the charge of the entire battery. The process of charging the charge, if the stress of all intermediate times is interrupted in the required range.

Passive balancing - the system is straightforward, so you can don’t drive the charge in the middle. Active bi-directional balancing system post-struma, by ourselves, allowing from a larger charged commissary, direct the power to a larger commissary from the microcontroller's account BMS... The matrix commutator will provide routing of charges from the commutator anyway. Switching switch up to DC-DC I will transform it, which regulates the strum, it can be positive, if the medium needs to be charged, negative, if it is necessary to discharge. The replacement of the resistor and the heat dissipation, the value of the strum, which flows during charging and discharging, is controlled by the balancing algorithm.

The most advanced analogue systems and passive balancing have been added. A typical system of characteristics is brought to the little one.

We have broken up a mathematical model of an accumulator battery, which can be stored in 16 LiFePO 4 intermittent, charge control BMS... The mathematical model of the accumulator LiFePO 4 midpoints in systems MatlabSimulink non-linear charging and discharging characteristics of the battery, given type medium, internal operation, as well as the current level of maximum capacity, which changes between the hour of the life cycle in the middle.

A passive balancer is connected in parallel to the skin center. To control the charge process, the balance of the buv after the switch-on is the key, when the key is displayed and closed, which is used for the command, when it comes to BMS... The pre-release was carried out for the inmate of the stage, the charge of the accumulator from the ideal dzherel sprung.

Oscillograms for the battery charge process, store with 16 LiFePO4 in the middle, one small bullet "ear" and small

The little one is directed at a glimpse, if in one middle boule there are changes in parameters, a frost, a model in the form of a drop in the depth of the inner support, as it can be in real life, for example, in any case.

The next step is to charge more quickly and reach the necessary energy. However, the charge that has been applied does not get lost. We will describe the principle of starting a pratsyuvati balancer. The Іnshі komіrki, marked by green color at the moment of zupinka, the charge process takes up the current amount of the battery, and at the moment of its renewal it starts charging.

If the energy is in full range within reach of the required range, the charge process will start

If, on the right, there are new high-tech and miniature outbuildings to open up, there’s a nyvuzhchuy m_sm at the right place there are accumulator batteries. In this day, it is especially important to see in the halls of operation and exploitation of electric vehicles, at the annexes of the backup accumulator for energy fences, naturally, in the presence of miniature electronics. To dwellers vіdpovіdati Suchasnyj vimogam, pristroї akumulyuvannya energії, rozvitok yakih bezumovno not vstigaє for rozvitkom vsіh іnshih tehnologіy, povinnі zabezpechuvati bіlshu Quantity energії scho zberіgaєtsya at velikіy kіlkostі tsiklіv charge-rozryadu, mother of the great pokaznik schіlnostі zberіgannya energії i zabezpechuvati visokі dinamіchnі characteristics ...

Applying and testing new rechargeable batteries different typesє an important process, to borrow to complete a trivial hour, to beat him even dearly. Therefore, for the senior electrochemists, the opportunity to make a presentation of the model, first to start practical experiments, would be a great blessing. Until the last hour, I didn’t have a chance to complete the mathematical model of the accumulator battery, detailed to the level of the number of atoms through the folding of such a model and through the interconnection of the existing features of the mathematical model.

Ale in the Danish hour, all the changing robots of two German prelates of Wolf Dapp from the Institute for Advanced Simulation and Martin Muser from the University of Saarlandes. At the same time, they set up a new mathematical model of the accumulator battery and worked out the power supply up to the level of the new atoms. Trace it means that, due to the results of the model, the power of the "mathematical accumulator battery" is rich in what the authorities of the reference accumulator batteries are, and I can tell you.

In the rest of the rock fahivts in the galuz information technologies models of accumulator batteries were also used several times, but all models were tested on the same level, but on the basis of the number of atoms, the potential is too thin.

Such models have one serious drawback - the stench doesn’t work inaccurately, because it’s not working out, if there’s new materials and combinations, the power of some kind of children isn’t up to the end or not. And in order to increase the efficiency of the battery from new materials in general, the electrochemistry is responsible for carrying out the modeling on the basis of more or less taken molecules, ions and atoms.

In order to simulate the battery as a whole, the computer model is guilty of carrying out any changes in energy, chemical and electrochemical potential on the skin. Same tse into the distance of realizuvati Depp and Muzru. In this model, electrical energy is changed, meaning that it is based on the interaction of atoms, the connection between atoms and ions at the skin stage.

Evidently, the presenters were brought to drink on deeds of action. The mathematical accumulator battery is far from the battery behind the folding arc, as you can by the way. mobile phone... The mathematical model of a "nanoparticle" is stored only from 358 atoms, from 118 atoms to the material of electrodes, cathode and anode. One of the cob sinks, the cathode is covered with a ball of 20 atoms of speech in the electrolyte, and in the electrolyte itself there are less than 39 positively charged ions.

Ale, unaffected by such simplicity, the mathematical model of the need for their own needs is as simple as possible. Naturally, the aim of the model is to rotate at the scale of discrete units, crocs, and in the main cycle of development it is necessary for less than 10 million crocs, for the skin of which a series of folding mathematical calculations are to be found.

The older ones will see that they have built a model є without a proof of the primacy of their principles, and a little bit of nobles before the reduction of the whole model. The maybutny stench may have weighed down the model with them, presenting the difference to the electrolyte as a set of particles, which may be stationary. electrical charge... Well, of course, from the increase in the number of atoms in the model, in addition, in order to develop the model, it can take the effort of a supercomputer that is not the weakest, and, on the right of that wart, you can also continue to work on the jailbreak until the update is completed.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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