Zasosuvannya ІKT in vikladannі physics. Information and communication technologies in physics lessons yak for advancing the effectiveness of new technologies in physics lessons

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children priznachayutsya pedіatr. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Municipal budgetary educational establishment of the Secondary education school No. 1 in the city of Birsk municipal district Birsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


Director of MBOU ZOSH № 1 m Birsk

__________ Mingalev Z.A.


professional self-awareness

teacher of physics.

Salimzhanova M.M.

Topic: Victory of information and communication technologies in physics lessons.

Viewed on the posted SHMO

vchitelіv natural-mathematical cycle

MBOU ZOSH № 1 Birsk

Kerivnik ShMO

Mukhamedyarova I. M.



IKT is one of the fundamental galuses of scientific knowledge, which is the form of system-informational support to the analysis of new knowledge, information processes, Methods and methods of rejection, re-creation, transmission, collection and registration of information.

Years in the light of the German industry of science and technology, as it would develop so very quickly and in the context of the issue, as well as the development of materials, such as informatics. Skin two rocky changes in hardware and software technology. One hallucination of the history of science and technology has never known such a development.

In fact, we can talk about those who, with a rocky rock in our eyes, saw the computer revolution, which has built up all spheres of social, cultural, scientific and viral activity of people. Penetration of computers in the sphere of life of the suspension is transformed into the fact that the culture of the computer is connected with the old culture of the people.

We are even more important to the staff of the school for the current day є the preparation of a competitive graduate student, information technologies.

Especially respect in the program is drawn to the formulation of practical tips. To prepare for the course of fragmentation, a set of didactic materials "Practicum" for conducting practical robots, How to take revenge on how the design has been formed, as well as a detailed commentary (algorithm) prior to the visit of the robot.

The development of a lesson on computer technologies can be deprived of the availability of an electronic resource, such as at a time, in sufficient quantity. Electronic educational resources - to lay down the preparation and conduct of the lessons by the teacher and by the teachers in the minds of the home, as well as in the minds of the schools, as well as to develop the self-sufficient creativity and prelude to the achievements of scholars. The stagnation of ICT in the initial process of the development of the effectiveness of the lesson, in particular the victories, the interest of scientists to the subject, learning in the modern program material.

Tse allow scientists to vikonuvati robot at the vlast tempo, vikoristovuvat to pre-vidkova information and precisely to the nobility, which is the result of the stench of guilt being rejected by the vikonannya robot.

The control of theoretical knowledge is provided for the help of computer testing.


    professional development of the teacher

    in-depth knowledge of the quality and efficiency of physics.

    development of creative potential of learning, yogh zdіbnosti up to communal actions, diminishing the experimental and dіyalnіstі.

    the formation of a phenomenon about the process of scientific knowledge, the development of logical thinking, the introduction of practical tips in the rational laws of physics, the development of the development of scientists, educational interest, intellectual intelligence.

    Learn the schoolboys of the intelligence of the phenomenon, explain the processes from the point of view of physics;

    formulate a vmіnnya zastosovuvati self-denial of knowledge in practice.


    Stimulate the rosum activity, give the educational interest to the scientists. Development of educational competence of scientists in the field of physical education.

    Expanding the horizons of scholars in the mind of the physical to understand and laws.

    Development of knowledge, reduction and improvement in solving physical tasks of a different type

    The solution of the problems associated with the problem, the demonstration of the possession and the carrying out of laboratory work.

5. Select computer programs, presentations, computer tests from physics behind different topics.

Realization of the programs is rooted for three rocks (2014 - 2017 born)

Etapi implementation of programs

Stage 1 2014 Rock - 2015 Navchalny Rik - Dobirka and Vivchennya

materials on topics;

2nd stage 2015 - 2016 navchalny rik - implementation of a practical part


Stage 3 2016 - 2017 The first stage is the final stage.


Physics teacher, grades 7-11

Basic direct robots



Come on in


1. Continuously know about the latest advances in the subject "Physics" and know about new technologies in the field of "Informatics"

2. Get to know new educational and authoring programs from physics, conceptions of science, and evaluations.

3. Vivchati new literature from physics and informatics, methods of vikladannya.

4. Promptly provide qualifications in courses for readers.

5. Accept active lot in the robotics of MO, in the natural-mathematical cycle.

6. Take the fate of scientific and practical conferences, Competitions, festivals of іznih rіvnіv.

7. Take the lessons of your colleagues and take part in sharing your knowledge.

8. Systematically change the way of everyday economic, political life.

9. To draw the line of your own erudition, legal and foreign culture.

10. Conduct visual lessons for analysis from the side of colleagues.

11. Organize the subject matter.

13. Bidding seminars, conferences, organizing at the Rivny Rivnya.



1. Get your knowledge in the field of classical and modern psychology and pedagogy.

2. Vivchati modern psychological methods.


1. Know new pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and methods of teaching through subject matter.

2. Vivchati progressive advice of colleagues from organizing new forms lessons of physics.

3. Introduce libraries, vivchati scientific-methodical and basic literature.

4. Development of educational forms of lessons, post-entry visits, initial materials.

5. Proektuvati to a special methodical web site (site).

8. Create a package of scenarios of lessons from information technologies.


1. Introduction of exhibitions, museums, conducting excursions.

2. Take part in the views of artistic self-help.


1. Review in the Internet on the subject of psychology, pedagogy, pedagogical technologies.

2. Vivchati information-computer technologies and vproadzhuvati їkh in the initial process.

Health protection

1. Take a moment to review TB instructions in physics lessons.

2. Introduce yourself into the educational process of healthy technologies.

3. News healthy way life.

Transferring result:

1 Zastosuvannya ІKT in physics lessons, sharing with colleagues.

2. Decrease of educators of pratsyuvati with new employees on computers: employees on the vibration of correct messages; practice with materials for the presentation of your projects.

3. Adjustment of the quality of the initial subject (adjustment of the average score in the subject; the visibility of the unattainable).

4. To develop programs from physics.

5. Conducting educational lessons.

6. Reports and in appearance.

7. Development of didactic materials.

8. Development and conducting of lessons from the victorian EOR.

9.Creation of sets of pedagogical boxes of lessons and post-entry visits.


The information technologies to finish the mitsno were practically mastered in all spheres of activity of the people. The osvitn_y process is not a blame. Among the useless ways to improve the effectiveness of the lesson, the registration of information technologies - IT loans from one of the provincial events. On the other hand, it is possible to see the lifeless didactic, organizational and methodical problems, the urgency management methods of viciousness, to carry out additional education, as with the victoriousness of the standard school possession of materiel it is unfortunate, unforgiving The computer is the most necessary and the most effective of all the most advanced technical skills, as a teacher.

Due to the peculiarities of the subject itself, the Vikladannya of physics is a friendly middle ground for storing up-to-date information technologies, as it really doesn’t make sense for a wide range of enterprises. There are several options for: multimedia scripts for lessons; vicoristannya of ready-made software products; zasosuvannya computer simulators; computer demonstration; laboratory and computer workshops; computer model; vikonannya virtual laboratory robots. Particularly significant is the storage of multimedia scripts for lessons. In a traditional form, the lesson is taught, like the teacher’s grasp of the teacher, gradually turns to the crady and dots, victorious presentations at the lessons of vivilnyak great number hour, you can live for a pre-order explanation of the beginning material.

Stagnation at the lessons of presentations to produce up to a whole series of positive effects: the process of mastering the material, the lesson to become more efficient, growing up to the point of learning

Computer technologies add to the development of molecular, atomic and nuclear processes, to help develop the creativity of scientists, to open up the possibilities of the Internet when preparing lessons - seven-part conferences

The emergence of mobile classes in schools saw the possibility of intensive computer testing in the role of an instrument of primary activity at school lessons. Moreover, when the computer reads itself, it’s the best school for the current day, so you can read it on your own. The first computer itself is the most beautiful tool for reaching your business. I am overwhelmed with the possibilities, as I saw at the victorian computers in the classroom:

Advancement of motivation before starting a robot

Self-powered robot at an individual pace

Prompt access to useful information sources

cam (Internet)

Possibility to check the rating and score for the day

opportunities to go to school (sickness, externship, invalidity)

The robot is productive in different computers, models

real processes ("Physics is alive")

included in the initial process of experiments in any area


adjudication in the case of clarified physical processes;

conducting frontal laboratory work;

organization of testing for diagnostics

cheskikh electronic books and Internet resources

Dosvid victoriannya of the computer for the purpose of self-awareness

When connected to a mobile class up to local framing to appear

Possibility to immediately bachiti the result of robotics.

Mobile class, deindividual computer replaces scholarship tradition, book, fountain pen, add to standard set There is a possibility of virtual modeling, interactive interaction with multimedia materials, quick control and self-control of knowledge, gaining and changing the very basis of the intuitive process. Change the form and style of interaction between the teacher and the teacher, learning with the main material; organization and form of the lesson; organization of control and self-control. The teacher of physics needs to take the development in the studies of self-reliance in the knowledge of practicality, to help them self-acquire knowledge, to self-develop knowledge in the new and practical activities. Find out more about the opportunity for scholars to access your computer and the Internet for religious purposes. In tsomu one of the key buildings of the modern school.

The main part.

Information technology in laboratory methods for inoculation of physics.

I use the laboratory method as one of the main methods in physics research. The laboratory method of training on self-conducted experiments, until scientists and students learn how to study physics, chemistry, biology. In case of victorian information technologies from scientists it is necessary

there is great activity and independence, at least before the hour of the demonstration, they sound like passive spasters.

Especially effective problem (pre-slidnitsky) laboratory method. It’s because of the fact that the scientists themselves have a hypothesis for a long time, we need to know the way, pick up the necessary materials and add. It’s difficult to spontaneously become an independent robot, in which science it’s good to learn about the day-to-day problem, to know the way to reach the point, to allow the problem to be resolved in a rational way. Solving the problem and activating more productively the goal, leading to the growth of a number of cognitive objects and appearances, the power of their characteristics and changes, and the smut - the form of creative ideas until the beginning.

Computer technologies, which can be used during laboratory work, two functions:

    Conducting computer laboratory robots.

    Processing of the results from the test forms in laboratory robots.

A great part of interactive laboratory robots is to take revenge on what was recorded in an animation or a video clip, which is supported by voice explanations.

With practical laboratory robots, computer models become widespread.

The computer model allows for physical manifestations, experimentation or idealized situations, as well as in tasks. The computer model allows you to correct dynamically dynamic physical experiments and appearances, creating fine details, which often hang in the face of cautious real events. With victorious models, the computer needs a unique one, but I will not reach it in a real physical experiment, the possibility of visualization is not a real manifestation of nature, but of its simplified model. At the same time, it is possible to step by step turn on additional factors, which accelerate the model and bring it closer to a real physical manifestation.

Robots of scientists with computer models on laboratory robots are allowed in wide gaps between ears and ears in physical experiments, so that it is possible to display numerical virtual illusions to the extent possible. Such an interactivity is shown to the scientists of the great and knowledgeable possibilities, the timid ones are not only spasters, but rather active participants in experiments.

The models allow one hour in the course of the experiments to promote the creation of certain graphical deposits, so that they change in reality. These computer models represent a special value, for that, scholars make sure to see the meanings of the difficult ones when prompted and read the graphs.

When vivchenni graphical representation of the development of the process will be shown vicoristovuvati interactive models. It can be clearly seen on them that the value of the same value changes when the situation changes, as when the situation changes, it’s nahil graphs, which are taken along the axes.

When practical robots are selected, a test of ready-made forms is sent to a call, a test of workshops - trainings and updates on a given topic.

Vikoristannya ІKT in design methodology.

More directly at the victorian information technologies

in the initial process є the establishment of multimedia projects, focused on the development of the cognitive independence of scientists. The technology for the development of multimedia projects is stored from the onset of stages.

At the 1st stage, the formulation is seen by those who are primed, social and practical significance. Creative groups are being created, which are negotiated by those who, in the course of the discussion, present the tips of the culture of the motherland, the nimbleness of the target, the culture of the emots. The upcoming stage is the planning of robots, the transfer of equipment to the participants of the project, the vibration of the instrumental contributions to the project (recording of sound, graphics, animation, hypertext and scanning of the image).

The upcoming important stage is the collection of information on the topic. For the implementation of this stage, the scholars are provided with a great media library, which includes multimedia presenters, encyclopedias, vocabularies, an electronic library and an Internet fence. Bezposrednya robot on the project to work in small groups, as well as to try out the tools of the collective robotics and miscellaneous skills, the culture of the community activities of the partner in the skills.

The negotiation of the results of the presentation of the multimedia project will take place in front of the form to the owner, then, in his own house, transferring a sample of the knowledge of the public opinion, conducting the discussion, in the name of arguing for his position.

With such a rank, during the launch of a multimedia project, students demonstrate high rіven self-reliance, creative activity.

The most successful in an hour of victorious design methods began to be projected behind the themes: "Injection of thermal engines into the navkolishn center", "Who will ruin the ecology of the native land?", "Where I live!" All projects were completed by 1st year students and took part in the competition “Lyudina. Earth. Space. »All over the technical community.

Creativity is the share of people. Modern technologies You can help in the development of creative health and development of more effective stages of the creative process, allowing you to build more and more detailed results. The stagnation of information technologies must be directly or indirectly infused into the specialty of people, which can manifest itself in quiet types of activity, as it is absolutely not linked to those who are deeply attached. The price is tied to this, that, in the course of the beginning, on the basis of information technologies, people will master new categories, so that they will give new information about the picture to the world, so that we will start learning in other spheres, not only in the primary spheres of your life.

Vikoristannya ІKT in physics lessons for the control of knowledge of studies.

Planning lessons in physics from the storage of a computer will need to be worked out for a real introduction of the possibilities of software primary products and the computers themselves. A computer can be stuck at whatever level, it needs to be planed, if stashed for a more effective result.

Zastosuvannya computer programs allow you to successfully complete lessons on computers with extraordinary lessons in physics, so that you can keep your initial plan in good time.

Start on the basis of ICT structure for effective display of the fundamental laws of targeting, optimizing the learning process. A factor that allows the development of a computer is the visualization of the basic mathematical and physical to understand the processes and phenomena behind the help of a computer.

Information (computers) technologies, being a modern part of the world, are truly unprecedented for the development of a wide range of enterprises.

You can come up with a bagato different ways PC testing: computer demonstrations, laboratory - computer workshops, integrated courses, computer modeling of physical processes, computer testing, etc. Alas, the practitioner is not dependent on them for a number of reasons: the lack of technical equipment, labor, the presence of a vivid computer class, the class was assigned to a pidgroup. Vikoristovuyuchi PC on busy, in a specific skin problem, to bring to the problem of the accuracy of the computer and the performance of computers and real experiments.

In my robots, I will tell about ІKT victories in physics lessons to control knowledge, about changes and shortcomings of forms to control ІKT victors.

Most often, the reader will be able to use the computer in the classroom to explain the new material. Along with the great efficiency of the computer, you can be victorious and to control the knowledge of scientists. Vikoristannya ІKT for the control of knowledge and development of the interest of scientists to the subject (traditional forms of control are taught by students), to participate effectively in the development of a computer.

Ale will need a memory, scho

The computer cannot replace the reader. Only the disciple has the power to preserve the scholars, to awaken in them the addictiveness, to conquer their power, and to be able to direct their respect to those aspects of a pre-sentient subject, the guilt of the zusilla in the mind.

The methodology for conducting a physics lesson from a computer's computer is to lay it down from the preparation of the teacher, scientists and from the program, so that the computer can be prepared.

A real experiment must be carried out depending on what is needed, and the computer model should be victorious, as there is no way to show this phenomenon.

It is not a matter of vikoristovuvat a computer on the skin, which will lead to the destruction of sanitary norms and cause the destruction of the health of schoolchildren.

In my lessons, I use the following form control:

1. Presentations.

2.Computer tests (test results by scientists and tests for additional ready-made tests).

3. Vikoristannya crosswords for knowledge control.

4.Virtual laboratory robots.

1.Presentation - a form of control of knowledge of scientists in physics lessons.

Please call the vikorist presentation for clarification news by those.

Ale presentation can be victorious to control knowledge.

Written by those (chapters), the students will learn to complete the presentation with the given ones. The presentation is guilty to be folded from 5-8 slides and secured to 3-7 minutes. To show and seize your presentations at the social level of science. The most scientific evaluation of the presentation (by way of monitoring). The teacher for the pids of the bag is the assessment in the magazine.

The presentation can be victorious when the new material is secured.

At the stage of consolidating new knowledge, it is possible to carry out a survey (the principle of gris: on the screen of the winery, food with the vivchenoi is shown on the slides; In the end of the lesson, you can dynamically repeat the basic steps

Ale such a form of control has a number of shortcomings:

1.The student is guilty of goodness by the computer.

2. At the end of the presentation, there is a lot of time.

3.No need for specific literature.

4. A computer is guilty of a computer, etc.

Perevagami such form control є:

1.Is an independent robot.

2. To develop tips for acquiring your robots, instead of using your own ideas and using science terminology.

3. Develops robotic tools on computers.

4. The teacher can more actively assess how the student has learned the topic.

6. Develops the interest of scholars to the subject.

2. Computer test.

Computers test - the chain of test, which is set up for help special programs... Such programs can be downloaded or downloaded from the Internet.

Father-in-law can be opened as a teacher. You can run different test options. In some and quiet tests, you can vikoristovuvati різні tipi(Vibir option, advance the formulation, visibility, latency) and folding power (even light, light, normal, folding, even folding). If necessary, food can be supplemented with a baby (photo).

It is not enough for such a form to control knowledge є those, when the test is set at a high hour. As soon as the test is done by scientists, then the stench is guilty of volodya by the kind of navichi.

3. Crosswords.

Another one of the forms of control of knowledge of studies in physics lessons є crossword puzzles. Crosswords can be vikoristovuvati written by those. Crossword puzzles are created for the help of special programs, or you can vikoristovuvati the standard programExel.


In modern lighting installations, all the greater relevance of the creation of multimedia technologies. Computerization of coverage in one of the priority directions of development. All the greater number of primary mortgages are equipped with computer technology, and for the current day there will be food about a literate Victory Day.

Multimedia computer technologies allow you to replace all the traditional technical skills. In bagates, they tend to be more effective and more responsive. Besides, vikoristannya

computers at the lesson are given to students and students of new unique possibilities, linked from the interactive of electronic students. With the operative connection of the computer with the other means of starting, there is also an opportunity to save an hour lesson, to increase the amount of information and information and research material. Information technologies can be used for the development of theoretical material, as a way of modeling and visualization. Vibir to lay down for the purposes of physics lessons. Victory of computers in the classroom is justified in quiet conditions, in which wines I will not be able to get over it in the context of traditional forms of science.


1. Zakharova, I. G. Information Technologies in Education: Navch. co-

bі for stud. whish. navch. mortgages / І. G. Zakharova. - 5th ed., Ster. - M .:

Vidavnichy Center "Academy", 2008. - 192 p.

2. Pivovarova, M. A. Information technologies in the initial process: віз

opportunities and security // social - humane. knowledge. - 2000, No. 5. - with. 139 - 140.

3. Polat, E. S. Current pedagogical and information technologies

in the system of education: navch. posibnik for stud. whish. navch. zagiv / E.S.

Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkin, 2nd ed., Ster. - M .: Vidavnichy center "academic

miya ", 2008. - 368 p.

4. Surtaeva, N. N. Non-traditional educational technologies - Novokuz-

Netske: 2000 .-- 63 p.

The relevance of those Navchita to the child of getting the help "reading", reworking and analyzing information, obsessed with children dzherel - one of those who found the building of a happy school.

Meta: an insight into the illuminating process, the formulation of an illuminated middle course, and the best possible realization of the real primary capabilities of scientists in physics lessons, the advancement of the quality of education through the introduction of information technology.

ZAVDANNYA: Vivchennya dosvidu robots Vikoristannya ІKT. IKT testing at physics lessons. Zaluchennya scholars in the atmosphere of a joke, solving scientific problems. Introduced techniques and elements innovative technologies in the initial process. Vikoristannya ІKT in different directions and forms of primary activity. The creation of new forms of robots with scientists, directing to the appearance of the most healthy children.

Perevagi vikoristannya ІKT for me, as a teacher: Economy for the beginning hour (up to 30%); Economy for the beginning hour (up to 30%); Possibility of securing audio - visually collecting information; Possibility of securing audio - visually collecting information; Inclusion of scholars in active activity; Inclusion of scholars in active activity; Development of communal mined scientists at the level; Development of communal mined scientists at the level; Construction of a differentiated and individual approach to new educational institutions; Construction of a differentiated and individual approach to new educational institutions; Rational testing of different forms, methods and acceptance of robots; Rational testing of different forms, methods and acceptance of robots; Linking from routine paperwork robots. Linking from routine paperwork robots. Making a positive emotional background to the lesson; Making a positive emotional background to the lesson;

For ІKT scholars: Provide more effective information accessibility; Observe the lesson before the perception of the bitchy child; Allowing students to practice at their own pace; Development of non-standard design; Vikhovu self-reliance, health and wellness; The form is singular in its possibilities, zdіbnіst.

A multimedia lesson vikoristicheskoy practical at all stages of the lesson: with the introduction of new material, presentation news when the material has been covered, the knowledge of the chiefs is brought up to the knowledge and the first thing to be done when the knowledge is repeated, it is practically impossible to get rid of the knowledge

Multimedіyny lesson Prezentatsії deyakih the urokіv, rozroblenі I for dopomoga Prog Power Point (bіlshe 30 urokіv) Stvorennya i predstavlenіeuchaschіmіsya CREATIVE proektіv i prezentatsіy of vikoristannyam ІKT (in moїy skarbnichtsі (in moїy skarbnichtsі bіlshe 120 prezentatsіy prezentatsіy uchnіv) uchnіv) Multimedіa prezentatsії - elektronniefіlmi , which include animation, audio and video fragments

7 class. The solution to the problematic situation. The ribak is alive for the sake of saving the spiymano ribi, having broken through in its own way it is precise: it has split a part of the house with two vertical partitions, and in the part of the city it has broken holes in the bottom. "Do not fill in the choven and do not drown out, how can I lower it into the water?" - having thought about wine before drinking.

8 - 9 class Spіlna poshukova dіyalnіst. Class 9 Repeatedly - a gazelle lesson on the topic: "Law the ruk and the interaction of til" Life and work of Isaac Newton. Newton's laws. The law of all sacred gravity. The acceleration of the great fall on the Earth and the heavenly bodies. Rivnomirniy rukh by stake. The law of saving impulses. Reactive roc. Rocket.

LESSONS - CONFERENCE: LESSONS - CONFERENCE: Heat engines. Heat engines. Optical applications. Optical attachments. Fortunately, how dashing for people is atomic energy? Fortunately, how dashing for people is atomic energy? Budivnistvo HES - will I go to the ecological dare or will I make progress? Budivnistvo HES - will I go to the ecological dare or will I make progress? Ways of resolving energy problems on the Earth. Ways of resolving energy problems on the Earth of the class. Doslіdnitska dіyalnіst.

Plan of presentation of presentations by students: I. Planning of presentations: Vibir by those (select the student from the list that I have propounded, and also propagate my topic); Vibir those (I will choose from the list that I have propounded, and I will also propound my topic); Vibir form robots (individual, pair, group); Vibir form robots (individual, pair, group); Designation of goals, main idea of ​​presentation; designation of goals, main idea of ​​presentation; Zbir and information processing; zbir and information processing; Creation of tables, graphs etc. Creation of tables, graphs etc. II. Presentation development - presentation of slides, power point programs; III. Rehearsal of the presentation - negotiating the finished presentation with the physics teacher, making amendments; IV. Zakhist presentation in front of the class, with the given information.

Results of test results by a teacher-psychologist: Motivation for learning: 9th grade (n.o.) 11th grade (n.o.) ll rivn (productive) 27% 33% lll rivn (middle) 35% 55% lV rivn (lower) 24 % 7% V level (very negatively placed before the beginning) 14% 5%

The results of the questionnaire will be approved by all positive officials of the victorian ICT in physics lessons: it is necessary to vicoristovuvati multimedia - 80% of the scholars; it is necessary to vikoristovuvati multimedia - 80% of scientists; it is necessary to make a presentation - 76% of scientists; it is necessary to make a presentation - 76% of scientists; іnklikayut interest in presentations of classmates - 84% of scholars. іnklikayut interest in presentations of classmates - 84% of scholars.
What gave you the background of the presentation of physics? (New version) Systematization of knowledge by topic - 4 people (8%) Disclaimer of new knowledge - 8 people (16%) Memories of big information about information - 8 hours (16%) Being interested before the lesson - 8 people (16%) Information became available for the mind - 2 years (4%) When creating the presentation, I am losing my knowledge - 4 hours I have gotten to vibrate from a great number of information; 6 individuals (12%) Garnie assessments from physics - 6 individuals (12%) Nichogo - 2 people (4%)

Municipal budgetary

installation "Gimnaziya №7"

Vikoristannya ІKT

in physics lessons

Dobrodumova N.P.,

teacher of physics of the category

m Torzhok


In suchasnіy kontseptsії povnoї serednoї osvіti in Russie put zavdannya formuvannya in vipusknikіv The Teaching zakladіv umіn, zokrema, vikoristovuvati multimedіynі resources that komp'yuternі tehnologії for obrobki, peredachі, sistematizatsії Informácie, stvorennya bazi danih, prezentatsії rezultatіv pіznavalnoї dіyalnostі scho dozvolyayut їm uspіshno virіshuvati praktichnі development of an applied character in a wide range of versatile professional situations. Today's not a lot of modern methods of developing physics, information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as a wide arsenal of digital educational resources. The quality of the day-to-day initial process is undoubtedly tied to the polishing of technologies and methods of modernization, so that in its own way it is necessary to lay down the resources of the readers to the complex of the ICT. There is one of the regularities that characterize the current initial and volatile process in our experience of the backbone informatization of the suspension, in order to pose new problems to the system of education and development of the growing generation. Equipping the cabinet of physics transmission is a wider range of IKT during lessons on more topics of primary programs. The price and testing for an additional computer, and conducting demonstration slides and virtual laboratory robots, demonstration of presentations, training of scientists before the start of thematic presentations, the possibility of a simple robust model of this natural process The computer is the most necessary and the most effective of all the most advanced technical skills, as a teacher.

Meta robots : To show that IKT victoriousness in physics lessons allows you to increase your interest to the subject, expand the possibilities of demonstrating the illusions through the virtual images victoriousness, advancing your interest to the present day.


The Gymnasium is a basic, innovative, educational pledge, which means that all cabinets have the necessary skills for the successful implementation of the initial process.

The success of the ICT storage is not only because of the teacher, but because of the obviousness of the technology and the quality of the software safety.

    VIKORISTANIA ІKT in physics lessons

Do you see that the course of physics of the middle school includes the partitions, education and intelligence of such a development as an open-ended figurative design, in the form of analysis, analysis. In the first place, I’m talking about such issues, such as "Molecular Physics", acts of the heads of "Electrodynamics", "Nuclear Physics", "Optics" and in. Strictly it seems, in any part of the course in physics, you can know the chapters that are important for the mind. It is a pity that a lot of scholars do not have the necessary rosy cuffs for a great deal of intelligence, the processes described in these razdilakh. In such situations, for help, there is a very technical and technical assistance, and, in the first place, a personal computer.

A lot of evidence in the minds of a classy physical cabinet cannot be demonstrated. For example, the phenomenon of micro-light, or the quick way through the processes, or access to the attachments, which are visible in the office. As a result of scholarship, it is difficult to recognize the difficulties in their wives, which is not in the minds of their imagination. The computer may not only open the model of such appearances, or it also allows you to change the process through the process, "scroll" to the optimum for mastering the speed.

Physics is an experimental science. Vyvchennya physics is important without laboratory robots. Equipping a physical cabinet does not allow you to carry out laboratory robots, but to use more folding equipment. A personal computer will come to help, which will allow you to carry out the folding laboratory robots. They can learn at their own examination of the parameters of the progress, support, how to change in the result of the manifestation itself, the analysis of the problem, the work of the appearance of the data.

Crazy, the computer can be stashed at the lessons of the other types: when self-taught new material, when solving tasks, before an hour of control robots. It is also necessary that the victorious computers at the physics lessons transform them into the creative process, allowing the principle of developing education. Є Possibility to provide the necessary material, the taxes are very well, intentionally and available. Vikoristannya ІKT at the level of advancing the motivation of the scientists before the process of starting, start thinking for the study by the scholars in the knowledge and knowledge of the world.

2.3 Options encourage lessons from the electronic handler's application

    An electronic handler is victorious when new material is implanted and registered ( 20 min. robots at the computer ). Learned to learn from a collection of traditional methods, or for the help of other handwritten texts. When transitioning to the introduction of new material, scientists in pairs sit on a computer, turn it on and fix it with a structural formula and structural units of the paragraph on the basis of the teacher's plan.

    The electronic model of the handler can be victorious on the stage of fixing the material. At a given level, novy material is used in an extraordinary way, and when all scholarships are fixed, 5-7 min. on the basis of the certificate of the visitor to give the recognition of the knowledge according to the formula of the paragraph.

    Within the framework of the combined lesson, with the help of an electronic handler, there will be a repetition and publication of the material (15-17 min.). Such an option is short for lessons in the student's repetition, if in the course of the lesson it is necessary to "overturn" the decile paragraphs, to understand the genus, to repeat the most important facts and submissions, in the significance of the cause of the linkage. On such an equal basis, the mother may be guilty of correcting it spirally (in the course of the teacher's explanation), sometimes in pairs (according to the teacher's preferences), nareshti, individually (according to the teacher's instructions).

    Some lessons can be attributed to the self-dependent introduction of new material and folding the structural formula of the paragraph behind it. Such a robot is carried out in groups of scientists (3-4 people). For a lesson (10 min.), Scientists go to the electronic formula of the paragraph, break it down with their own version. Tim himself will learn to learn from the early days of robotics at the level, fixing it from a young school age. EU vikoristovuєtsya yak zasіb control mastery by scholars to understand. Todi to the warehouse of the electronic handler to enter the monitoring system. The results of testing the skin object are fixed and processed by a computer. We can give a tribute to monitoring by learning, by a teacher, by methodical services and by administration. A lot of correctly published works have been made clear about those that have been created in the original material, but at the same time you can wonder, since structural odds have been learned not in the world, but in the development of the material. In such a rank, learning in such a world can be cheruvati by the process of initiation.

The teacher, in his own capacity, on the basis of personal information, also has the ability to control the process of learning. The results of the class for the wicked in general allow the reader to make the need for organization of repetition according to the number of structural units for reaching maximum rivnya navchenosti. Looking at the results of the research on structural units, it is possible to make similar patterns on the skin surface and to take on the basis of methodical solutions in the plan of the individual robotics. Nareshty, you can quilt the dynamism of teaching the subject. The consistently high results of these scholars give the reader the opportunity to vibrate for them on an individual subject-matter basis. Information technology provides scientists with the opportunity to better understand the nature of the object itself, to actively participate in the process of its knowledge, independently changing its parameters, so to understand the function. By the way, information technology can not only make a positive contribution to the mindset of schoolchildren awakening the day-to-day functionality of the object, albeit, it is more important, but on the rosy development. The victorious information technology allows quickly and efficiently the development of material by scientists, which is of great importance in the process of creation.

There is a great deal of respect in pedagogy and psychology for the year to come to nutritional development in the process of creating the creative health of scholars. Here I go for the fact that training is one of the necessary and most important ways to ensure the high efficiency of development and development of the creative potential of scientists. To address the problem of "computer" and "human" misdirection, it is necessary to use informational methods of knowledge and tradition. Vikoristovuchi development technologies for different ways Take away material: reading of the handler's pages, explanations of the teacher, rejection of information from the screen of the monitor and in .. On the other hand, the control programs are guilty of pushing the keystones, the possibility of prompting their own powerful algorithm to do, and not to impose on another preparedness by the programmer. The managers prompted the powerful algorithm to start systematizing and setting the knowledge to real minds, which is especially important for their comprehension. When planning lessons, it is necessary to know how to optimally learn such programs with the latest (traditional) methods of learning. Evidence of a ringing link with the possibility of computer diagnostics of grants, which is allowed by scientists in the process of robotics, allowing them to conduct a lesson on the skills of individual specialties of scientists. The control of one and the same material can be achieved with a low level of blood and pressure, at an optimal pace, for specific skin people. In such a rank, it is necessary to transfer information technology to the best way to ensure that the knowledge is needed for the advance control of knowledge, it is not necessary to provide information and information about the development of knowledge by scientists, if necessary, to improve the knowledge flow

In my practice, I use multimedia scripts specially for specific lessons. Such scenarios are multimedia notes for a lesson, showing a short text, basic formulas, armchairs, little ones, video fragments, animations. There are three main meals, like posting in front of the teacher, like vering independently gotuvati demonstration materials for the lesson:

    Yak tse zrobiti?

    Do you take the material for the demonstration?

    Yak vikoristovuvati scenarios for an hour lesson?

I will try to show you, like virishity of food.

Call such scenarios to be used in the form of multimedia presentations using Power Point programs using Microsoft Office. The program is designed to be simple and easy to construct a lesson. For a little chilli, you can create a new scenario for the lesson, include a new slides in a new one, combine slides with a few presentations, visualize them. With victorious programs, the reader will see a wide space for creativity. You can prepare a lesson about specific features of the class, the pace of passing the material in the flowing navchanno rotsi. Post a meal about dzherela information and materials for slides.

    Presentations (Appendix 1) I demonstrate without the presence of the middle in the physics cabinet, behind the addition of a multimedia projector connected to a personal computer. The image is projected on an interactive board, which allows you to practice with babies, graphs, etc. In the traditional form of teaching the lesson, like the teacher’s sniffing, it’s steadily turning up to the credit card, the victoriousness of such scenarios for a great number of hours, which can be lived for an early explanation of the material. Scenarios become stagnant both with new material, and with repeated passed. At the same time, when the computer demonstrates physical manifestations, it is not as a substitute for a real physical demonstration that a computer can be seen, but as a supplement.

One of the most promising directions is the study of information technologies in physical education and computer modeling of physical phenomena and processes. The vicious people at the head of the computer models, the teacher can understand the material more clearly, demonstrate the new and unsupported sides of the unaccompanied earlier in a way, well, in their own mind, I think about learning the matter before the subject matter. Significantly, the number of computer models that can cover the whole course of school physics, take revenge on a wide variety of laser disk"Physics in Pictures" (Science Center FIZIKON, Moscow metro station). dosvid vikoristannya this disc in physics lessons I will show that if the students are taught models for independent vivchennya, then the initial effect appears to be superbly low. Scientists have buried themselves to finish the model of 3-5 chilines, with the stench of being aware of the head rank with її regulation, do not delve into the essence of the modeled process, for example, but at the same time draw in the interest to this model and don’t know what to do. Control nutrition, how the scientists ask themselves about such (knowledge) from the model, show how to understand and understand the physics of the process, or the phenomenon, as a rule, not to be recognized. Computer models easily fit into the traditional lesson, allow you to demonstrate on the computer screen (or on great screen for the help of a projector) rich physical efficiency, as well as allowing the organization of new, unconventional and innovative scientific performance.

Computer models allow you to remove the dynamism in order to remember the visuals of physical experiments and manifestations, to create subtle details that can be visualized with cautious realities. The computer model allows changing the clock scale, varying parameters and experiments, as well as modeling situations that are not available in real experiments. The scientist can, at his own examination, change the parameters of the progress, support, how to change in the result of the phenomenon itself, analyze the problem, process the results. Vivchennya budovi and the principle of children’s physical attachments is not a part of a physics lesson. Zvychayu, vivchayuchi that chi іnshy prilad, demont yogo, I develop the principle of diy, vikoristovuchi with a model or a diagram. Crazy, the computer can be stashed at the lessons of the other types: when self-taught new material, when solving tasks and before hours of control robots. Stagnation of the computer at the level allows you to individually go to the skin doctor in the process of getting started. The computer gives you the ability to create a lesson more tsikavim, lustful and happy.

With the help of a computer, I will manually implement the principle of precision in the field. On the swings of the program, folding models of physical phenomena, for example, Rutherford's reports, an electric arc, a model of the atom and the third nucleus, models of stanіvina and іn. Models of action, in them it is possible to vibrate the action, for example, to show how the nucleus of uranium spreads. It’s not just a picture, it’s like it was about ten years ago. Viklad new material, lectures can be supervised with materials from ready-made software. Tse video, presentation, demonstration to the end. To show all day-to-day attachments and attachments, I select the signs from PPZ "Physics" under the editorship of N.K. Hannanov, I use the technique of peering through the interactive laser guide to "Through". Great storage at the lessons from the illustrative material was put together by me and my scholars in POWER POINT at the presentation.

Practical admission I will show you, for an effective study of scientists in the beginning of the work with the registration of computer models, the need for individual distribution materials from the staff and food of a reasonable level of folding. It is possible to change the main views of the buildings, which are victorious with robots with computer models:

1. Introductory introduction. Tse zedavdannya in order to help learners learn the characteristics of the model and mastery of regulation. To take revenge on instructions from the control model and control food.

2. Computer experiment. Within the framework of the whole research study, it is proposed to carry out a series of simple experiments on the basis of this model and on the basis of the control nutrition.

3. Experimental staff. The browser will show the virishity of 1-4 without a computer victorian, and then, the victorious computer model, reconsider the correctness of its decision.

4. Pre-work of art. It’s better to do it yourself, and to carry out a number of computer experiments, in order to prove it or simply to do something like regularity. Naybіlsh zdatnym scholars are taught to independently formulate a number of laws and confirmations by experiment.

5. Creative zavdannya. Within the framework of this research, we ourselves will come up with an idea, a formulation, and a computer experiment for converting the results.

The proponents of the project will help the scholars to quickly understand the computer model for the keruvans, receive the learned mastery of the initial material and awaken the creative imagination. It is especially important for those who learn to recognize knowledge in the process of independent robots, as the knowledge is necessary for rejecting the specific result that is spared on the computer screen. At such a level, a teacher is deprived of the role of assistant and consultant.


Otzhe, victorian ІKT in the process of vicarious physics permits:

    Significantly expand the number of managers of the building, as they can be included in the overview of the information on the calculation of the numerical, model and other capabilities of the computer;

    the opportunity and the warehouse for the initial experiment, the developers of computer models for quiet processes and manifestations, experiments with those in the school minds of the head laboratories, the bully would be unhappy;

    expanding the dzherela discarding knowledge in the process of creating a gateway to the information and pre-information systems.

    Vikoristannya computer technology As a result of the new experience, I am satisfied with the process of viciousness, improving its quality and efficiency.

    Victory of computer technologies in the quality of tools for modernization, self-awareness and performance.

    Vikoristannya using new information technologies for creative development of science.

As a result, IKT victorious studies in scientists have grown in interest to physics, yak to experimental science.

I share my robotics with my colleagues. In 2011-2012, 2012-2013 in the main rock, I gave a lesson and come to the IKT victors for the readers of the city and the region.

Have a presentation before the lesson on the topic "Interference"


    1. Osvіtnіy standard of middle (new) intangible education from physics. Physics: she is a methodical newspaper for the Victory of Physics, Astronomy and Natural Science. - M .: Vidavnichy dim "Pershe Veresnya", 2004. - №34. - P.9-13.

2. "View of physics 1.1". 2004. TOV "Fizikon", www / phisicon . ru... A new multimedia course in physics, breakdowns from the curriculum of Professor S.M. Kozel, (MIPT). Mechanics, thermodynamics, collation and chemistry, electromagnetism, optics, quantum physics.

3. Polat E.S. that in. New pedagogical and information technologies in education systems. - M .: Vydavnichy center "Academy". 1999.

Municipal bureaucracy

"Pavlokhutorskaya middle school # 12"

Regional seminar for readers of physics

Add on the topic:

"Information and communication technologies at the lessons of physics yak for the advancement of efficiency »

Scientifically-admittedly effective "href =" / text / category / nauchno_issledovatelmzskaya_deyatelmznostmz / "rel =" bookmark "> admittedly doing.

Vikoristannya presentations in the classroom with a short mastery of material, increasing the activity of scholars. And if the student himself prepares the presentation before the lesson, then he wins the literature; analysis, systematization of material. Creation, development of intellectual intelligence: competently vicious material; argumentation; vmіnnya hearsay and a little bit of being caught up in classmates.

In adolescents, they grow up to an abstract design, to an analysis and an analysis of facts and appearances, that is. At the end of the period, children are eager to take the prioritized certificate from the viglyad for the sake of an unobtrusive proposition to come to the rescue.

Competent storing of modern computer technologies in the classroom allows you to grow in tsikavimy and barvy, alive and dynamic. The development of an abstract, logical message of children is seen through imagery.

IV ... Dosvid zasosuvannya ІKT yak zasobu vivchennya physics in the main school.

4.1 ... Vikoristannya ІKT yak at random.

Psychology seems to be that the movement is more productive and focused, as the initial problem of visualization ("back and forth"). Tom, on the ear of vivchennya new ones, those who should, corny, present frames with clear formulations of the initial problem (stage of motivation and formulation of the initial problem).

At the stage of actualization of knowledge, necessary for the development of new material of the frame and the robot with them is developmental. Tse mozhut buti:

Diagnostic safe control, more beautifully control;

Rіznorіvnevі yakіsnі, rosrakhunkі, graphіchnі zavdannya;

Physical dictation, blitz-experience;

Robot with systematizing tables, logical diagrams.

With the introduction of new material, slide along with a natural experiment to create one active learning environment, in which the teacher is a sery student of nutrition and the establishment of an education and a direct thought of the theoreticians before the new Dal in the course of consolidation will clarify, correcting the knowledge of the new knowledge, the form of the cob vmin.

In the course of the explanation and consolidation of the new material, people who are guilty will be promiscuous in order to search for all the moments of recognition: an algorithm for solving the problem posed, evaluating alternatives, revealing the inheritance of those who are of such significance.

Otrimaniy effective:

· Demonstration of video materials has become much more efficient. Have a moment, you can zupiniti the frame high quality for hitching up any commentary, it would be important when the video recorder was running with a low-quality freeze frame. For turning on the sound and giving the opportunity to analyze the situation of the scientist. And then, having turned on the sound, reconsider the truth of the fact. (When vivchennі those "Aggregate camp of speech" in 8 classes, spiraєmosya on molecular Budova speech, yak vivchali in 7 classes).

· With the ill-will of carrying out "live" information (from looking at him, he is not safe, at all times possession, or the specifics of minds), there was a possibility of using a virtual experiment on a computer model.

Mozhlivy peregliviy otrimanih graphіkіv. Graphs that appear on the screen when thermal pests are injected (fallow T every hour at phase transitions, when introduced, to understand the amount of heat, heat, etc.)

4.2. Vikoristannya ІKT yak dzherela dodatkovy material.

The main source of information is literature. Pedagogical literature on the subject is problematic for an hour, since the library fund in schools is not great. If you change the literature in the oblast library, then it will take a lot of money for an hour. The axis here is a computer and a visitor like a dzherelo information.

The student at the preparatory stage before the lesson can vikoristovuvati the computer yak universal dzherelo information. A global computer for information on the Internet, electronic encyclopedias and handlers, new programs - the axis is deprived of a small part of information dzherel. For the establishment of barvy and zesty abstracts, preparation of additional statements, a set of abstracts - for everything, a computer can be victorious

There is a great amount of information posted on electronic nozzles, for example, "Child Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodia" 2008r. There are encyclopedic and advanced statistics, interactive additions, illustrations, video fragments, facts and many others. ін.

4.3 ... Zasosuvannya ІKT yak zasobu control the results of the beginning.

The order with the traditional control, we mean for the assessment of the final results of the beginning, the computer allows organizing the control of the process itself, the health diagnostics of the course of material with a note of the correction of the forgiveness of the process.

I am going to secure the material I have passed for the help of the same personal computer with the program "Lessons of Physics by Cyril and Methodius". There is also a vicious crossword puzzle.

Knowledge control, more precisely Zvorotn_y zv'yazyk, I will establish on the basis of self-control and self-assessment of knowledge of scientists. Before the ear of a busy day, I give a piece of paper and ask for a score for my homework. I will teach the system of half the class for the computer and the viconati test. Tse can be test, broken by one, two studies or tests with computer programs "Physics lessons of Cyril and Methodia".

We can not change the control of knowledge, but we can change the form of the conduct, the growth of the more adorable. V computer viewer trenuvallne solution of tasks, tests, bezposredno vikonannya control robots to be like scientists for a number of reasons: immediately perceive the result; do not waste an hour for registration, corrections, etc.; You can speed up with previdkom material, cues, calculator. Tsemiy ob'єktivny, fair for scientists kind of control.

4.4. Zasosuvannya ІKT yak zasobu carrying out laboratory robots.

For an additional program of physics, you can work and laboratory robots. The robot is more efficient and effective. Laboratory robots can be used in a classroom, as well as a homework assignment. Zmіnyuchi skin uchnya parameters, you can otrimat a great result in a viconanie robit.

In the physics cabinet, you can analyze the progress of the laboratory robot from the computer model before the robot's display, and if you want to display the real robot, you can carry out the computer to determine the depletion rate. All the trick is to play the pre-slidnitsky tips, spontaneously to the creative joke of regularities in various processes and manifestations.

In grades 7-9 in academics, it is difficult to get rid of it, and it’s hard to fall into a rucky system. Here the model program "Vidnosnist rukhu" with the package "Alive physics" helped - it will allow you to model all types of admissible debris.

When an electromagnet field is grafted in the 9th class, scholars should apply the gwent rule, the right hand rule for the solenoid, the left hand rule.

I knew the program "Elektrodvigun" on the Nimetsky site. Angry to the little one, a frame is displayed in a magnetic field, it is connected behind the auxiliary collector to the dzherel of the electric strum. Lines of magnetic inductions are straight from the top to the bottom, and when the polarity is turned on, the dzherel struma frame will turn against the old arrow, so that I will use the rule of the left hand. The control panel allows you to change directly to the electric system in the frame, the line of the magnetic induction and directly to the ampere. The qia program allows not only to demonstrate to the scientists the principles of the principle of the electric motor post-struma, Ale and find out at the level of tsikavi problematic situations.

On the whole site there are the programs “Chotiritactny Dvigun of Internal Zgoryannya”, “Steam Machine”.

On the disk “Cyril and Methodius Virtual School. Physics ”is a demonstration of the program, as additional help is imminent for the beginning of the price and the value of a certain size. On the second hard disk: demonstration program "Impulse Tila" computer program"Molecules in gases, rіdines and solid bodies".

Introduce a computer experiment into the lesson of active technology of active, developing science. Tim himself experiment has become "versatile additions practically to any methodology of physics."

4.5. Zasosuvannya ІKT yak in the economy hour.

In case of vigorous attention, tables, posters, reproductions of paintings, portraits are brought to the attention of one tidying up, closing them, so if you keep notes on the books, it will take a lot of an hour. Vikoristovuchi computer, there is an opportunity to save an hour.

The lessons of physics are based on a permanent deficit in the hour and in the folding of the course. Expansions of the vipadc, if the test of computer technology will be more correct - the model of the manifestations of microscopicity, processes, which may be of colossal scale, or take place in an hour, are not correct in what is happening on the basis of problems With butts, you can serve the appearances in the conductors, vibuchs, molecular interaction, diffusion, images in the electronic exchange tube.

How about a part of the hour of the reader in the course of an explained loan, the process of chairing and making up a child's bed?

Vivchennya a number of topics vimagaє vikoristannya significant debates to graphic material. The interconnection of the space of the classy little house can lead to the need for a part of the earlier malleable urges, so that it is difficult to solve the difficult ones when it is necessary to turn to them in the course of locking the vivchen. The traditional methodology has long known the way out of the situation behind the help of victorious posters and slides. The computer in this vypadku is not an alternative, but rather organically add to the viscerassing cost. Let us add the dignity of the EOM, 100 percent of the creation of the initial graphics, є the simplicity of the visualization of the necessary elements and the ability to create the dynamism of motives, similar to the hands of a wickedad.

The programs "Vidkrita fizika" and the electronic encyclopedia "All physics" can give more efficient graphical supravids in the case of vivification of the kinematics of the colial swelling.

Chi є victoriannya computer technology the most beautiful way for the newest buildings? Computer technologies are not an end in themselves, but rather a high efficiency of the robot.

V. Results of storing ІKT yak zasobu navchannya.

Conducting physics lessons will be done with a computer assistant. Theoretically, the development of the problem meant the need for an analysis of this problem in the real initial process.

I) Assessment of quality.

II) Placement of scholars prior to victorian ІKT in the initial process.

III) Expansion of the information competence of scientists.

IV) Economy of the beginning hour in the classroom with ІKT stasis.


Awareness of the robotics on the basis of ІKT as a new way of teaching physics to change me, but the main meta: the improvement of the effectiveness of the beginning, the establishment of an active educational medium, necessary for the dialogue, the evangelist from the teacher. Schob through the worm of computers in the main materials of organizing the message (and not zapam'yatovu) navchannya. Everything is guilty but motivated not by learning, but by active independent practical activity, non-standard solutions. Zastosuvannya ІKT enliven the study of materials, I attach interest to the study of the subject, I am satisfied with the creativity of the scientists. Computer materials- a part of one complex needs to be taught, as a teacher can be added, modernized, varied ways to save.

Perevagi included ІKT in the traditional with the traditional development. Before them, in addition to the possibility of more scientific submission to material, the development of a figurative, logical design, effective reconsideration knowledge and so on, it is possible to introduce and develop organizational forms of robotic scientists, methodical receptions. But for all that, the principle of need and sufficiency is guilty here. All criminals (including children) are guilty of the nobility about the great aspects of robotics on computers and about the people who come in safe and preventive - a lot of the need to start. Likari beforehand start to learn more about the high-quality one, that in the classroom it is necessary to work out special full-time gymnastics.

Vikoristannya IKT in physics lessons will help you to achieve the offensive goals:

· Activation of interest in learning to the subject and process of learning.

· The development of a button for an independent robot according to the necessary information.

· Economy for an hour during the processing of great discussions of mathematical information.

· Meeting of the conflict situation in case of failure of the scholar.

· Economy for an hour.

Integrated computer technologies in the lighting process, it is possible to preserve:

· Development of a constructive, algorithmic targeting of the special features of the integration with a computer and robots with special programs;

· Development of creative misinterpretation for the development of the wake of reproductive efficiency, vikonannya of the establishment of a heuristic, pre-old character in the middle of intellectual naval systems and modeling programs;

· Development of communal health facilities on the basis of a list of residential projects, in the course of the implementation of computers;

Formation of cleverness in acceptance optimal solutionsі adaptation in a folding situation (in the course of computer experiments based on modeling programs, with robots with training programs);

· Achievement of the level of competence in the field of computer technologies, necessary for the successful social and professional adaptation of the education.

Science and technology do not stand at one point, they need to keep up with progress, so that children can feel themselves in the future.

List of literature:

1. Vіkova psychology: Dignity, childhood, youth: Readers: Navchalnyi guide for students ped. universities / Ukladach and science editor ,. - M .: Vidavnichy Center "Academy", 1999. - 624p.

3. 15. Newspaper of the homeyard “September 1st. Physics ". pp.

4.,. Vіkova і pedagogical psychology: A guidebook for students in all specialties of pedagogical universities. - M .: Pedagogical partnership of Russia, 2003. - 512s.

5. Information technology in education: Navch. posibnik for stud. whish. navch. mortgages /. - 4th ed., Ster. - M .: Vidavnichy center "Academy", 2008. - 192p.

6. Concept of informatization of the sphere of education Russian Federation// Problems of informatization of the school. - M., 1998 ..

7 .. Korotkov will cover the position of the systemic - dialogue approach. - Pedagogy, 2004, No. 2.

8. Markov motivation for navchannya in school trips: A book for the reader. M., Education, 1983 .-- 96p.

9. Ovcharova psychology of education: Textbook. posibnik for stud. Psychol. fac. university - M .: Vidavnichy center "Academy", 2003. - 448s.

10. Pedagogy in diagrams, tables and supporting notes / .- 3rd ed. - M .: Airis-pres, 2008 .-- 256s. - (Vishcha osvita).

11. Pedagogy: pedagogical theory, system, technology: Textbook. for stud. hanging. and the middle. ped. navch. pawns /, І.B. Kotova, і ін.; Pid ed. ... - 5th ed., Ster. - M .: Vidavnichy center "Academy", 2004. - 512s.

11. Practical psychology of education: Navchalny posibnik n-e vidannya / For the editorial board. - SPb.: Peter, 2004. - 592s.: Il.

12. Pedagogical psychology: Textbook. for stud. whish. navch. mortgages / Ed. ... - M .: publishing house VLADOS - PRES, 2003r. - 400s.

13 .. Internet resources: - I have one window of access to light resources http: // window. ***** / window /

14. Selective education technologies // Moscow: Narodnaya osvita - 1998.

15. Fredman children and children: a guide for viewers and viewers. - M .: ed. Institute of Psychotherapy, 2003. - 480p.

Zasosuvannya ІKT in vikladannі physics.

Popkova Natalia Petrivna

teacher of physics

State budgetary illumination of the establishment of the place of Moscow "School No. 69 in the name of B.Sh.Okudzhavi"

Vikladannya fiziki ... Yakim is guilty of being in a happy school?

Rapid development of numerical technology and expansion functional capabilities allowing widespread use of computers at all stages of the initial process. In my practice, I have an hour of lectures, practical and laboratory lessons, during self-preparation, for control and self-control of the level of mastery of the initial material. Computer, madly, indispensable friend. I am yogo vicoristic for different purposes:

For individualization of the initial process,

Yak due to the initial process (presentation),

Send a message about the best dzherel (Internet),

The way to model pre-sensitized processes or events (models in the main programs), organizing collective and group robots (projects) and іn.,

For the development and preparation of young types of initial-methodical super-lesson, i.e., the computer for the preparation of the necessary materials (time-by-time planning, methodical boxes, individual robotics, control and monitoring)

Every now and then, we went to the design and the distribution of electronic devices for the purpose of lighting allowed me to organize presentations, test robots (for the course of physics, grades 7-11).

Physics is an experimental science; I’m not just a vicarist in my robot installationі attach for demonstration experiments, and і numerical technology with a multimedia projector and a screen. The victorious computer technologies have significantly expanded the possibilities of lecturing experiment, allowing the model of development processes and phenomena, the full-scale demonstration of such laboratory minds is technically even foldable or simply unfeasible.

The victoriousness can be brought by victorious programs, resources on the Internet and electronic encyclopedias for expanding the horizons of scientists, discarding additional material, going outside the framework of the handler.

It is not possible to skip the psychological factor: the occasional child is on the verge of taking information itself in this form, below the old schemes and tables. When the computer is victorious at the level of information, it is not provided with a static picture, not a sound, but with a dynamic video and scale, which means that the effectiveness of the learning material is improved. Interactive elements of the primary programs allow you to go from passive to active learning, so as to learn the possibility of self-modeling phenomena and processes, spry information non-linearly, as well as to turnings. If necessary, you can turn to any fragment with repetitions of the virtual experiment with the same cob parameters. The information technologies create the power of the computer model for the preliminaries and experiments in the game form.

1. Vikoristannya computer presentations.

Multimedia scenarios of lessons to be seen in front of the presentation from the Power Point programs, which are included in the package to the warehouse Microsoft programs Office.

Computers presentations are one of the priyoms that allow you to build up the initial material, we will be able to get over and overconfused, but if you can’t get it, it’s not possible for the skin and not for the skin.

Plus presentations: the lesson is trained; Information, created on slides, is easy to use and easy to use, to change the quality of the news.

The presentations are demonstrated by the teacher himself, in the physics room, in addition to a portable multimedia projector connected to a computer. The image is designed for the great current screen. In the traditional form of teaching the lesson, like the teacher’s sniffing, it’s steadily turning up to the credit card, the victoriousness of such scenarios for a great number of hours, which can be lived for an early explanation of the material. At the same time, when the computer demonstrates physical manifestations, it is not as a substitute for a real physical demonstration that a computer can be seen, but as a supplement.

Presentations to be answered when explaining the new material, when repeating the passed material and when organizing the flow control of knowledge (presentation-experience).

2. Victory of information technologies for post-work robots:

Victory of electronic communications with robots on projects (robots then present themselves at the university, which is carried out in schools in the modern natural sciences; it is possible to recognize literacy, and also to all participants are presented with estimates);

Carrying out "Festival of views".

The festival is held in grades 7-11.

The holding of the festival can be cleverly divided into several stages. Scientists will be given a list of educational names of additional reasons for this festival. additional information in electronic viewer in the singing terms, they are presented to the reader. Scientists will give additional information before the auditor. lust for sucking multimedia features for additional information. For the participation in the festival, an assessment should be made of two parameters: additional text; I will go to the festivals (just read the additional promises to fence).

Providing information about information technologies in physics lessons and in post-hourly activity expanding the possibilities of creativity, as a reader, as well as scientists, advancing the interest of scientists to physics, stimulating the mastery of scientists to reach serious topics in informatics, well, vreshty-decision, leading to the process of integrating

3.Information about'єkti, scho enter the center electronic resources it is possible to classify for such types.

video fragments These are physical experiments, tsikavi to the past, ugly games (souvenirs), in which effective physical phenomena are promoted, and technical attachments.

sound fragments, Є by writing down the announcer's comments to the file before the physical process is discerned. You can play, zupiniti, fast forward, rewind, pause.

animations Are dynamic illustrations of theoretical phenomena, robots technical annexes for natural appearances.

photographs natural appearances, bespoke attachments and pristosuvan, experimental installations, technical objects, portraits of vchenykh. The smell of poklikanі illustrate the experimental base, on which there will be physical detection and numerical technical stasis of physical manifestations, which are shown in the laboratory.

babies They are static illustrations to the texts of super-juvenile handlers and are themselves schemes of attachments, experimental installations, electric lantsyugiv, The visualization of physical quantities, symbolic processes, which contradict, model phenomena about their counterparts, as well as graphs of deposits of physical quantities by the hour, displayed, etc., by diagrams, as well as the parameters of the structure.

text fragments I will represent the meaning of physical understanding, quantities, manifestations, the formulation of laws and between them, I will describe the technical attachments that are found in school.

tabular tables To understand the fundamentals of the basic laws, inculcated in the tribute of those. Common tables can be a revenge for useful information: text, graphic, symbolic, etc.

Lessons from victorious multimedia opportunities are even more appropriate for children, the stench of activating their interest to the subject. Ale, with all the visible advantages of this technique of robotics, with all the challenges, it is necessary to remember one old, for a long time, it is true: everything is good in the world.

You can't overdo it. Material, which is victorious about new technologies, is subject to strict dosage. It is impossible to hammer in the effect of novelty and lack of pride. For senior pupils, it is possible to conduct some lessons, and it is not necessary often, not once a day, and with students of middle Lanka, not often, not once every 3-4 lessons. Todi the interest of the lads does not go out, but the navpaki only grows up.

Without question, in a modern school, the computer does not see all the problems, it doesn’t mean that it’s all too functional technically navchannya. Not less important modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the process of navchaniya, which allow not just "input" into the skin science, but also a reserve of knowledge, but, albeit, in the first place, use the mind to show the educational activity of the scientist.

In the introduction to the understanding of computer technologies, the gallantry of the initial process, due to the motivation of the new and the educational activity of the scientists, is constantly being adopted by the readers, including those who are new, in the future Computers in education step by step are transformed from a tool for a vikladannya course in informatics in a tense development of the entire educational complex.

In this rank, the modern pedagogical technologies in conjunction with the modern information technologies can change the efficiency of the educational process, the virginity is put before the sanctuary of the establishment of a special, creative development.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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