MTS bonus is expensive. How to make money from the MTS bonus program: instructions and practical advice

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On a current day all over Russia, there are plenty of mobile operators, so they can talk about their services. The retail outlets of the companies "Bilayn", "Megafon", "Evrost", "Zvyazkovy", "MTS" can be found in all places of the country. The piter operator Tele2 is also gaining popularity. It's a lot of operators to pass on to their koristuvacham take "buns" and surprises for the victorious Internet, rewrite the rakhunku and інші дії. One of these operators is MTS - the best service provider for the call, which promotes to its subscribers the system of wine and active cries at MTS bonuses.

MTS-bonus: enter at the special cabinet

There is no need to cheat on a special subscriber's account with a bonus special cabinet - the price of speech. It is possible to minimize the amount of money in a special cabin tariff plans that popovnuvati rahunok. As a matter of fact, MTS-bonus is the price of distributing a special subscriber's account. Yogo can be found at the very bottom of the side, near the context menu. All information about bonuses is selected at the end of the day.

Those MTS subscribers, who have been reprimanding for a long time, have not connected to the MTS-bonus programs, just dial the command * 111 * 455 * 1 # and press the wiklik. For sending an empty SMS to 4555 and reviewing the instructions.

Before the speech, new MTS subscribers, re-register on the site, will automatically become participants in bonus programs.

Methods for converting bonuses on MTS

Vlasne, the most bonuses from MTS can be looked at on the operator's website, having covered up to your own special bonus cabinet. The very restoration in the LC is simple: your phone and the electronic mail screen are not required.

Enjoy bali for whatever the subscriber is doing: replenishment of the rakhunku, payment for TV viewing and the Internet from MTS. For the skin five karbovants_v on the bonus rakhunok falls one point.

However, if to pay for the services of MTS, plastic cards of new banks are paid for, then 1 point costs less than thirty rubles. The whole plan has a card in the Russian Standard Bank: 1 point there is given for 20 rubles.

For the sake of bali from MTS, you can exchange yak for additional servants operator, as well as on small presentations and gifts. Prior to accepting "buns" from the sphere of services, additional SMS, MMS and hviliiny, subscribing to magazines and certification, non-shipment traffic to the Internet, which are not subject to forecasts of the newest pictures, will be provided. Music and video.

Also, MTS-bonuses can be exchanged for business friends, pilgrims for tourist trips and certificates for opening shops and restaurants. It is necessary to remember, which is a kind of service, as it is possible to quickly accumulate a number of accumulated scores.

"Dyakuyu" from Oschadbank: payment to MTS

Servants mobile phone call it is possible to pay, vikoristovuchi card to Oschadbank with bonuses "Dyakuyu". Nagadaєmo, payment of a mobile call in such a way є less of a discount for payment of services. Ale will not unite їх rise.

Butt: s bank cards Visa qi MasterCard ide payment of a mobile call for a sum of 500 rubles. However, the bonuses "good" on the cards are also enough. If you pay with “Thank you” bonuses є in less money, then 99% (495 rubles) will be deducted from the bonus card rakhunk, and 5 rubles will be taken from the card itself.

With this rank, you can populate your own mobile rakhunok, so put pennies on the rakhunks of your friends and loved ones.

Yak podaruvati bonus bali mts

Buvaє y so, I want to grow up to my dear people. For such vipadkіv the service "Podaruvati bali" has been transferred. You can find out at the My MTS-Bonus distributor, if you are in a special subscriber's account.

Tell your friends

In fact, the leather company in Russia is a world of magic to attract its old clientele from the old town spices, and at the same time to get new ones. It’s the very same time to launch popular loyalty programs, to hold promotions, to promote discounts, etc. The whole sensible operator of the mobile phone call is not a blame.

Obviously, it seems that it is necessary for a number of propositions to be made by an unimportant act, to protest little preferences in every way.

We will talk about those bonuses from the MTS company, as well as the amount of money you have accumulated, as well as the amount of money you can get.

The essence of the proposition

The skinny subscriber has the opportunity to come to the special offer. According to the rules, be it a vitrat in the MTS netting, you will be able to enjoy a singing number of bonus points for a personal rakhunok. The subscriber needs to receive only:

  • roam by phone;
  • use the Internet as a mobile phone at home;
  • supervise SMS, etc.

Moreover, bonus money when buying smartphones, accessories and other goods from the operator's shops.

Apparently, the more you live with the vitrach pennies, the faster the bigger the bonus.

Varto only from the nobility, who eyepieces nakhovoyut either in the middle of the skin month, or in the end, it’s fallen as long as the subscriber has broken the payment.

Yak knowledge, points accumulated

Nayzruchnіshe tse zrobiti through the Internet. For a person it is necessary:

  • register on the official web resource of MTS;
  • go to Special Cabinet;
  • open a tab.

In the same place, before the speech, it is not important to exchange the bonus points for a gift from someone else. For the whole, a special distribution has been created on the site for the kshtalt online store. At a newer enough vibrate, follow the proposition and confirm your choice to buy.

Krym, it’s not important, if you have informed about the number 4555, please, you’ll need to enter the code of the other service, but don’t do it manually.

Yak otrimuvati bonus rubles

For the whole it is necessary to add a special card. That's how it is called - MTS Groshi. Please visit the operator's office. Є You can also save all the necessary profiles on the company's website.

Krim that scho given a mapє, in principle, an excellent payment method and issued both in debit and credit formats, so you can use the bonus moneybox.

Vitrachati koshti is available at:

  • a monthly fee for the operator's services;
  • crossbar;
  • replenishment of rahunka;
  • purchases are not only in MTS salons, ale and other stores.

Slid of the nobility, scho to one ball to celebrate:

  • 6 rubles, without the need for a patch;
  • 30 stained glass for dressing up new goods at the salons;
  • 5 rallying for television and home Internet.

Moreover, vibrating the card “ MTS Smart Pennies "koristuvach will take away the opportunity for 100 per hundred rubles to get along with the need to pay subscription fee for a number of services, scho nadajutsya by the operator.

Mobile operators, who work in our land, offer their subscribers great opportunities. The operators should not let the subscribers be left at their own fences, so they will understand the different services.

Not long ago, the mobile operator MTS had a service called "MTS Bonus". Bali, nakhovanі on tsyu service, can be victorious for other needs. Yak the butt will try to get a good idea of ​​the scores on the "MTS Bonus", it is fucked up and it can be victorious.

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Narahuvannya baliv

MTS narahovuє bonus bali for a number of vitrazhennyh for a ring of pennies. Zrozumіlo, how more pennies to trade, then more points to come to the rakhunok.

In order to know how many points have been financed within the framework of the "MTS Bonus" service, it is possible to speed up one of the proponated methods:

Methods for converting a number of balances

  • To know how much you have points on the "MTS Bonus", you need to type on your mobile phone I will step on the command: * 111 * 455 * 0 # and press the button to wiklik. The USSD power supply will be sent as soon as possible, if you can get more points.
  • You can send SMS to the operator without just one word: "Bonus". It is necessary to send a message to the number 4555. The subscriber will receive a message on the price, in which case the bonus surplus of rakhunku will be shown.
  • You can also find out about the number of registered scores at the "Special Cabinet" on the official website of MTS ( If you want to restore access to the "cabinet", you need to press on the "Special Cabinet" and vibrate the way to remove the password (ask the user to get an SMS on the phone).

Vikoristannya baliv

Happy mobile operators to proyonuyut non-profitable service services and an hour to go to them to finish smoothly. However, you can get bonus points on MTS, you can get vitratity on additional SMS, MMS, Internet traffic and other options listed in the "Wine City Catalog" on the MTS official website.

Submit to the whole article from friends in social Merzhach:

Bali at MTS 1 point for skin vitamins 10 kopecks within the framework of the MTS Bonus programs. When you read the statistics, you should know how to change the bali on the MTS, on the vitality, and how to accumulate more bonus points for the MTS Bonus rakhunka.

How to convert bali on MTS? - Elementary. The number of bonus points can be displayed in your special cabinet and in the add-on "My MTS"... In addition, you can get an extra credit for MTS by sending * 111 * 455 * 0 # from USSD.

How to reconvert bonuses on MTS from a computer? - It’s awkward, for all it’s necessary to go to a special MTS office and go to the “Bonuses to MTS” distribution.

Before the speech, when the servants are connected Home Internet»MTS narahovuvatime dodatkovo 0.2 bonus points for stained leather ruble... Tse allow shvidshe heap is necessary for the removal of wine and a number of bonuses.

To connect additional balances, you need to send an application to MTS for an additional USSD feed. On the current day, the next day will be fed * 767 * 37500ххххххх * YYYYYYY #, more radically clarify the relevance.

You can change the balance of the bonus rakhunku by phone - just dial * 706 # on your phone number and press the wiklik.

In addition, as you have known, as you have changed the bonus rakhunok, you have changed the bonuses in MTS you have є, it’s an hour to vibrate the wine city. Yak can vibrate the wine city, yak spatiti її with bonuses, yak wine city, you can vibrate, but yak not even worse?

Yak і on scho vitratiti bali?

Bali MTS can buy vitracheni on

  • Internet (not available on all tariffs, the list of options, which can be connected, check with the operator)
  • Dzvinki (change available packages of 30, 60 and more khilin)
  • Occasionally (the opt-in option is infrequent - at the higher MTS tariffs, there is a great number of inclusions before the subscription fee. simple tariff lines of Smart warehouse - 250 pieces per month, which is not enough for a large amount of corystuvachiv).

As soon as you see the vitratity of the bonus bali on the Internet - you can connect the "Bit" and "Superbit" packages or take an additional 500 MB traffic. If you look at MTS bonuses, just by the way, on the phone - you can connect 30 or 60 points for calls, and the revision of the connection will show that a few points for the bonus rakhunk changed by 65 or 90 points per day.

It’s even better not to forget to change it, you will often have more points on MTS - so you can spare a mobile call. You can also add wine to the city through mobile supplement MTS, on the site through the subscriber's special account, as well as sending USSD commands for additional help, re-list which can be specified on the operator's official website.

Bonuses for gifts

We also helped to learn about the balance and all methods were used, as there are a number of bonuses on MTS. In addition, they have indicated that there can be vitrified bonuses on the screen, as a list of available options can be viewed. Є The MTS operator has one more special feature -. If you want a troch to please a loved one, then why should you?

Heads of special bonus programs from the operator stylized sound MTS, You may wonder how much you can accumulate bonus points in a small exchange for promotional bonuses and gifts. In order to distribute the accumulated balances for other realizations, you need to go through the re-staging of the special bonus programs and earn a few pennies for your rakhunka.

In addition, as you accumulate a sufficient number of bonus points, you can safely proceed to the vitrati.

Description of bonus programs

In addition, as you visit the bonus program from the operator of the MTS stylistic call, for a leather ruble, stained from your rakhunka, you will get a bonus bali. With a lot more than Vi, vitrate pennies his own rakhunku, team more bonuses get married to your phone.

Bonus bali will be sent to your phone for the next vitrates:

  • Vitrati on a stylized ring.
  • Vitrati on SMS and MMS-messages.
  • Vitrati victoriannya to the Internet (Yak home, і mobile).
  • Shopping at a store stylist operator MTS.
  • Інші Різні Vitrati for the service call.

Bonus points are awarded once per month until the 15th. For a rozrakhunkovy period, the next month is victorious. Tse means, scho bonus bali for grass, you cut off up to 15 worms.

Yak know your bonus balance

If you want to know about your bonus balance, then for that, choose a special number - * 111 * 455 * 0 #. You can also learn about your balance by contacting your phone number - 4555.

The most simple method of getting to know that vitratity of your bonus bali is to go to your own Special Cabinet. Winning rosters on the official website of MTS.

Yak vitratiti bonus bali

If you have accumulated a sufficient number of bonus points for bazhana wine, then you can have vitratity in two ways:

  1. Through sv_y special office.
  2. For help special code.

Prize, on how you can vitrate your accumulated bonus bali, you can be like this:

  • Singing non-koste SMS that MMS-occasionally.
  • Singing number of khilin bezkoshtovnyh.
  • Singing number of non-kostel Megabytes to the Internet.
  • Znizhkovі propositions for the purchase of goods in retail stores.
  • Mobile content.
  • Music within the framework of the "Beep" service.

Yak translate into bonus options through the Special Cabinet

As it was said earlier, you can apply for a prize on your accumulated bali at your Special Cabinet on the official website of MTS. In order to be successful, you need to do the restoration in the new one.

In addition, since the restoration has been completed, we go to our Special Cabinet and on the first step of the onslaught on the MTS Bonus.

At the catalozi wine-city vibiraєmo the best privablivy for you the prize of that onslaught Otrimati. When you ask, you can receive an SMS message on your smartphone with payment confirmation.

If the nobility, if your phone number has a tariff from the "Smart" line, then you will not be able to hurry up with accumulative bonuses.

Yak translate into bonus code for additional code

At the same time, if you have no way to translate bonuses for the additional help of the Special Cabinet into the game, then the price can be increased for the additional special code. However, the nobility of an okremiy code is required for a skin wine. Yakiy slid nadsilati to number 4555.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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