Regulations on scientific and practical conference. Wimogi before the design of materials

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Irkutsk region for orphans and children who were left without
INTERNATIONAL №25 m. Bratsk "
665717 Irkutsk region, m. Bratsk, zh.r. Central, st. Komsomolska 10v, tel/fax:
Email: format

[email protected]

minister of education
Irkutsk region
"_____" _____________2015
director of GOKU "Spetsialna
(correction) boarding school
No. 25 "m. Bratska
"___" ____________ 2015
about the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the fate of literature
“Reading practice and creativity: the place is the role of reading in the formation of special
1. Light position
1.1 Scientific and practical conference "Reading practice and creativity: the role of
Reading at the formation of the specialty of development "will be on the 25th of the fall of the year 2015 on the 10th
yearbook at the address: Central library of the city of Bratsk, street: Ryabikova, budinok: 12,
assembly hall. Organization name: Kotenko Marina Valentinivna.
1.2 The organizer of the scientific and practical conference is the Ministry of Education
Irkutsk region.
1.3. Intensive preparation for the preparation and conduct of the scientific and practical conference
state-owned treasury mortgage of the Irkutsk region
for children-orphans and children, who were left without pikluvannya batkiv "Spetsialna
(Correction) boarding school No. 25 m. Bratska "(given GOKU SKSHI No. 25 m. Kiev)
Place of recognition: Russia, 665717, Irkutsk region, m. Bratsk, zh.r. Central,
vul. Komsomolsk, bud. 10 "in". Phone: 8 (3953) 413917.
Conference Meta:
Expansion of creative methods and forms of reading at school.

Conference leader:
the manifestation of talented teachers, building up to the realization of spiritually relevant
moral problems in the formation of the specialty of scientists, vikhovantsiv through
literary works
molding at the school for the help of artistic creations
staggering staging to literature, spiritual and cultural decline of our
Warehouse of participants
To participate in the scientific-practical conference, please ask the readers of the Russian language
reading, librarians, readers
regional state special
(Correction) set.
1.3. The order of the conference
Pedagogical practitioner, who, having encouraged to take part in the Conference, is applying for
email addresses format
. uk no later than 22 leaf fall 2015. Application є
one-hour registration for participation at the Conference (application form at supplement No. 1).
The participant has the right to designate the topic of an additional topic independently.
[email protected]

1.4. Other possible forms of participation at the Conference.
1. Presentations.
2. Mini performances (no more than 5 years), elements of theatrical performance.
3. Stand dopovіdі.
4. Photo and video reports
the other way.
The work of the Conference broadcasts public speeches of the participants
the results of their activities. To the vistup for the tribute of your robots
the participant is given 5 credits, for the first hour of discussion - up to 2 credits. For participants
the conference is necessary for the mother, with his own instructions, a copy of the text of his additional documents.
Materials are submitted to the conference, which may inspire us to come

explore the topic on the proper scientific level, show the author's understanding of the problem
teaching and learning;
vіdobrazhati priming and perevіreny dosvіd work;

analysis of the specified facts, indications of work,
what confirms the effectiveness of this evidence;
support with visnovki and recommendations to establish value
for lighting practice
Prepared by:
Curator, teacher of Russian movies and reading
Biloribtseva Olena Volodimirivna, t. 89526119739

Addendum No. 1
For participation in the scientific and practical conference, consecrated roci
“Reading practice and creativity: the place is the role of reading in the formation
specialty of vikhovantsya"
Posada ____________________________________________________
organization __________________________________________________
The topic of the speech ____________________________________________
Contact phone number, email address


I. Gale positions

1.1. The conference is held by the Rada SHNO MOU ZOSh No. 7.

1.2. Scientific-methodical security of the conference is called for:……….

1.3. Participants of the conference are students of grades 5-9 of MOU ZOSh No. 7.

II. Aims of the conference

2.1. Iyavlennya that pіdtrimka intellectually and creatively gifted schoolchildren;

2.2. spryannya professional-orientation education of students;

2.3. Bringing suspіlnoї respect to problems to the development of the intellectual potential of suspіlstva

III. Participation in the conference

3.1. To participate in the conference, you must submit the following to the organizing committee:

    Last job at the other option(Rules for the design of the entry in Addendum No. 1). The title page of the doslidnitskoy work may be punished for the right (Supplement No. 2) of the Russian mine. Before robots, submissions to the section "Programming and information technologies", are due software products on magnetic noses, as well as technical and software instructions required for demonstrating the work. Magnetic noses may be presented at once from the robot at the line, encircled by the Regulations.

    Publication materials for other and electronic versions(Addendum No. 3)

3.2. The term for submitting lucid materials ....

3.3. Competitive work can be individual or collective, the team of authors is not guilty of revisiting 2 students.

IV. Procedure

4.1 . The conference is held (date, month, date) in two stages:

Stage 1 - in absentia-remote - the previous examination is robit. Conducted until (Date, month, river). Podbags of the previous examination are advised to the participants until (date, month, river).

Stage 2 - full-time - public defender previous works for the pіdbags of the front examination. Public defense work is carried out (day, month, day) with the approval of the MOU ZOSh No. 7.

4.2 . The organizing committee of the conference transfers the work of a number of sections:

4.3. Organization of the work of section meetings of the conference.

The programs of the section are formed for the bags of the front examination due. The warehouse of expert commissions from the skin section is formed by the organizing committee and includes the participation of scientific researchers in their work. Rivnova examination (equal: “high”, “sufficient”, “insufficient”) is carried out according to the obviousness of the proper nature of the work and the viability and її to the extent of the design (Appendix No. 1). Robots who make a “high” rіven are allowed to public defense at sectional meetings. The defender includes an additional, demonstration of the experiment (as required), material and technical support, which is safe speaking, discussing the problem and does not exceed 10 minutes. When defending the collective work, the skin of the authors speaks and becomes an authoritative contribution to the debtor. The procedure for conducting the sections is determined by the organizers of the sections and brought to the attention of the participants at the final section meetings.

4.4. Participant request

The authors, working up to the “high” level for the subbags of the preliminary examination (I stage of the conference), will be asked to participate in another (full-time) stage - the public defense of the examination. Robots sent to the conference do not turn around.

V. Rewarding and honoring the veterans

The best robots are nominated for the bags of public speeches by independent experts at the warehouse of the Expert Commission. Criteria for evaluating the community's zahistu є logicality and conciseness of the essay, vminnya reveal the topic, show the methodology of follow-up, erudition, evidence, vminnya podpovіdat nutrition. Author shortest work awarded with diplomas of the conference 1, 2, 3 steps, the materials are recommended for publication in the collection “…”. The authors decide to take into account the certificates of the conference participant. Diploma holders of the conference may be interested in the consideration of the organizing committee of the conference. The awarding ceremony for the diploma winners of the conference is held at the closing ceremony, the certificates of participants in the conference are awarded at section meetings.

Attachment #1.

rules for the design of robots.

Wimogi before the design of the robot

    The last work may be handwritten on the computer in Times New Roman font, font size 14, at 1.5 intervals, margins: front - 3 cm, right-handed - 1.5 cm, top, bottom - 2.5 cm. 15 sides of a standard drafted text. The pages of the work, including the program, are consecutively numbered and put down in the top of the page. The leaves of the work are stitched and placed on a hard lining.

    Kozhen divided the text of the previous work started from new side. The title is shown in bold type.

    The numbering of divisions, paragraphs and divisions in the middle of the paragraph may have a sharp character (for example: 1.2.1. - the first division of another paragraph of the first division). Introductions and visnovok are not numbered.

    Graphic materials and tables can also be used for abbreviated numbering. For tables and small numbers, there may be a separate numbering.

    Posilannya, tobto. statement on the author of that yoga robot, for which a quote is given, an idea of ​​what the position is, to try on the example of the citation of the position at the sight of the figure, laid at the square bow. The number is responsible for sorting out the order in the list of learned literature (for example: , , ). Through a dot with which at the square arms the number of the sidebar is indicated at the time of quoting the author (for example:. , the place of sight, the river of sight and the number of sides of the book When writing to the journal article or the article, the title of the author, the title of the article, the name of the selection to the journal, the title of the journal, the number (for the journal), the side are assigned to the selection.

The structure of the final work

    Title page


In the introduction, the author discusses the topic of research and actuality, briefly characterizing the current state of the scientific problem (nutrition), which is assigned to the robot, designating the meta, object and subject of research. Vykhodyachi z mark that subject of research, a working hypothesis is formed. Behind the bags of a working hypothesis, the tasks of the investigation are hung, the methods of improvement are determined. It is recommended to show the novelty and relevance of the work;

Vision of the problem. In order to start following up, you need to know the problem, how you can follow it and how you would like to turn it off. Won and suggest how to formulate the topic of the follow-up.

What does it mean to know the problem? For a long time, the word “problema” in translation sounds like “zavdannya”, “pereskoda”, “difficulty”. Otherwise, one can say that the problem is all twisted, insignificance.

The headliness of a be-a-kogo doslіdnik - vmіti vіdshukati schos nezvichayne, pobachit folded and wiped there, for others everything is known to be obvious, we’ll forgive you clearly.

Problem Statement- The cob of any kind of follow-up.

Problem- It is objectively blamed in the course of the development of nutritional knowledge or a complex of nutrition, the manifestation of which is of practical and theoretical interest.

Obgruntuvannya those doslіdzhennya and її urgency. In this part, the following is a short description of the state of the researched problems behind the data of literary sources.

Meta follow up. Tsіl- Tse preperedzhennya result or that of what pragnesh. It is formed out of the problem, on the top of which the work of the study is straightened out.

Follow-up object. The object of investigation can be different manifestations in the behavior of people in the process of their mutual modality, in the social activity. And at the same time, as an object of investigation, fragments of the world can be looked at, which are independently understood as the subject of knowledge - individuals, differences in the sleepiness of people, as well as creatures of that sleepiness.

Subject of inquiry. Vkazuє on a specific characteristic of the object of investigation, which is the result of a direct robot. As a subject of investigation, the features of various phenomena on that side can act.

Follow-up hypothesis. Hypothesis- all scientific admissions, which are theories, as even more confirmed by the demand. You will be faced with problems, mark the subject of follow-up.

Robot manager manager- Concretization of meti at the singing stages of reaching singing minds. Vynachayutsya vіdpovіdno up to the point, the subject of that hypothesis doslіdzhennya.

Follow-up method. Method– the succession of methods and operations of practical and theoretical development of activity. In this part of the robot, it is less likely to get overwhelmed. A more recent description of the need to complete the review may be submitted to another branch.

The novelty of the follow-up. It follows the analysis of literary sources, clarification of conceptual provisions. Tse mozhe buti new bachennya problems, clarification of a number of conceptual provisions, too.

The significance of the follow-up is practical. The report is presented in practical recommendations. At the introductory line, briefly describe why the value of the results of the follow-up for practice is specifically considered.

    Theoretical part

Analytical review (power station) can again be systematized and listed the power station to which it is assigned dana robot. The subject of analysis in a glance may be new ideas of the problem, it is possible to reach the solution of these problems, the results of previous studies of food, to which the scientific work is assigned, the achievement of the task is possible.

The reverse of the work can be shown directly, and it can show some progress, compared with other possible solutions to the problem. It is necessary to give an assessment to the directly accepted result from a glance of its efficiency as a scientific, and practical one. Grounding meti preslednitskoy work and work hypotheses may spire on recommendations, like an analytical look, from the improvement of specific minds carried out scientifically - preslednitskoy work.

I could divide a few paragraphs of paragraphs, obviously, before seeing the problems identified. Finished with vines. You can have a sprat. The stench is given with arguments in the provision of food, which allows to formulate a meta, a task and a hypothesis of further investigation.

    Organization and follow-up methods

The program of experimental work is described in this section, so that it may be possible to do so:

    Description of the selection of the last ones: the quantity and quantity of the warehouse for the article, age parameters (range, average age), socio-demographic characteristics;

    A description of the deep minds and the procedures for carrying out the follow-up;

    The latest translation of the selected methods, their description, priming the choice of methods, the translation of indications from the skin technique. As a matter of fact, there is no need to describe them in a robotic way. It is necessary to send a message to the dzherel information, or to add an addendum to the description of the methods.

    The results of that discussion

In this part, the results are described in a report and consequentially taken away, their accuracy and reliability are assessed, and their evaluation is carried out with the theoretical provisions and experimental data described in the literature. The description of the results is accompanied by illustrations like a table of graphs, small prints, summaries of computer developments. Skin table, I will name the little ones guilty of revenge, the numbering is mentally recognized. The discussion ends with a discussion of the results and a description of their possible zastosuvannya.

    Visnovok and visnovki

Visnovok of the last work and the last. Logically stringent viklad otrimanih that descriptions in the main part of the results, vysnovkіv doslіdzhennya, pobudovanih on the analysis of spіvvіdnoshlennâ otmanih otrimanih results іz zagalnomu method that specific zavdannyami dolіdzhennya. The number of visnovkіv is not guilty of being great, it sings out of the number of set orders, so that the leather task can be singed with a singing rank in the visnovkas.

The final part of the transfer is also the presence of a deepened sub-bag assessment of the vikonan work. With whom it is important to indicate why the head of the work is considered to be, as if new scientific tasks are to be established at the link with the results of further studies, to indicate the prospects for further work. At the end, include in addition practical propositions and recommendations that go beyond the boundaries of the main text of the previous work.

    Bibliographic list of vicorists of dzherel

The list of quotations from the dzherel is guilty of including those works, as oprated by the author and as shirked by the text.


This part includes materials that supplement the work. This additional material, which, when submitted in the main part of the work, characterizes the text. You can use:

    Zvedeni data tables;

    apply the protocols of obstezhennya;

    Little ones and other robots are stitched;

    Description of methods;

Programs need to be sorted out in order to appear on them in the text of the main divisions. The program of the guilty mother called that numbering.

Addendum No. 2.

Title page rules





Last job

Pupils of the 11th grade G

Sidorova Gunny

Kerivnik teacher of physics:

Petrova N.T.

Chusovy 2009

Addendum No. 3.

Wimogi to change the design of materials for publication

Materials for publication - a short essay (2-3 sides) for the purpose of the final work. The text can be hacked by the text editor Microsoft Word, on paper format A-4, no more than 3 sides of the written text. Margins - 2 cm, main text - size 14, repetition interval. A floppy disk with an electronic version of materials for publication may be signed in a random handwriting (nickname, name, class, section). Im'ya file can be given the name of the participant of that section. For example, the name of the file Sidorov_physics.doc

Materials that do not fit high-ranking officials will not be published.

Title bar for the text of materials for publication

Peculiarities of self-assessment in the midlife period
Sidorova Ganna
Grade 11, MOU ZOSh No. 7, m. Chusoviy
Kerivnik: Petrova N.T., physics teacher


"The first few steps to science

I. Gale positions

Scientific and practical conference of scientists (dalі Conference)

carried out with the method of development of the talents of gifted students, activation

Doslidnitskoy activity of schoolchildren.

Meta: manifestation of gifted students, development of their intellectual,

creative zdіbnosti, pіdtrimka scientіcal and long-standing activities of uchnіv.

- Full culture and scientific achievements;

- A creation of minds for the inclusion of healthy (gifted) children in intellectual and creative activity;

- Formation of culture and scientific discussion;

II. Participants of the conference Before participating in the conference, students of the gymnasium, as they are engaged in further activities, members of the NZU "UNIKUM" will be requested.

Workers are admitted to the conference, if they passed the examination at the meetings of the methodical associations of subject teachers and took away the written review and (or) recommendations for participation in the conference.

III. Organizational committee, approved by the order of the director of the school.

Organizing Committee of the Conference:

- Decide on the terms of the Conference;

- rozroblyaє that proponuє until the confirmation of the program of the Conference;

- form a press conference and promote it to a warehouse until it is finalized;

- Keeping a computer bank of data of the participants of the Conference;

- virishhuє nannya zahochennya pomozhtsіv Conference;

- spriyaє zaluchennyu respect for the bulk;

- spily z zhurі pіdbivaє pіdbivaє podbags of the Conference, taking part in the honored victors of the Conference;

- virishu sprinі nutriment schodo organіzatsії that conducted the Conference.

IV. Deadlines for submission of materials To participate in the conference, it is necessary to submit to the methodical for the sake of the school 5 days before the її on the cob:

Theses to the vistupu (section X of the regulation "Vimogi before the registration of theses of the last work");

- an application for participation in the conference for the offensive form:


to the fate of scientific and practical conference uchnіv Municipal budgetary zagalnosvіtnої install - gymnasium No. Note (specify P.І.B. P.І.B. Necessary author Class ker_vnika program name (really) security No. of work Directly for robotic demonstration of electronic supplements) for example, Power Point Ker_vnik later, lower 3 days before the beginning of the conference, the participants present the required texts and electronic supplements (presentations, videos, etc.) for the factory installation and re-verification of the software functionality.

V. Order of conduct

The work of the conference is determined by the sections formed on the basis of applications.

The form of representation is working at the meetings of the sections - usn_ notification.

Possibility of writing help, posters, tables, video presentations.

Regulations for whistup 5-7 hvilin. For a stretch of an hour, the participant demonstrates briefly that clearly exclaims the essence of his past work. In the discussed additional events, members of the jury, as well as other members of the section (up to the 5th century) take part.

VI. Evaluation of the previous work Evaluation of the results of the work of the participants in the conference is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the materials of the previous work and the speeches of the students.

When otsіntsі zvertaєtsya uwagi on stupіn samostіynostі robot її suspіlno-korisnu spryamovanіst that practicality znachimіst, CREATIVE character Glibin vivchennya lіteraturi that factual materіalu, obґruntovanіst, chіtkіst, lakonіchnіst that logіchnіst vikladu, dotrimannya vimog before registration materіalіv, regulations, vmіnnya to convey to the listener zmіst material.

Evaluation of the submissions of the work is carried out according to the "Criteria for the evaluation of scientifically advanced work".

Criterії otsіnyvannya Robіt Criterії Kіlkіst Baliv I. Analiz Doblіdnitsky Robіt 1 Specific Intelligence 0- Themes, Tsіli Tu Zadan Dzelіzhenna 2 Society Novelumes, relevant 0- Domelіzhennae showed argumental points of practical part of the Delivery Roboty Details (including the structur three more than 20 sides) II. Otsіnka acted as uchnіv Structure Reports of Chіtkіst that poslіdovnіst Stupіn volodіnnya materіalom Argumentovanіst vіdpovіdey on food schodo robot zmіstu termіnologієyu on doslіdzhuvanomu Suprovіd Reports of іlyustrativnimi that demonstratsіynimi materіalami (tehnіchny that zmіstovny aspects of E-dodatkіv) Dotrimannya regulations _ peremozhtsіv.

The decisions of the jury are drawn up by a protocol, which is signed by the head of the jury of the section.

The winners of the Conference are awarded with Diplomas of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd level.

The abstracts of the most important topics in the skin section can be published in the collection of abstracts of the Conference.

Behind the bags of the conference, one can see the order of the director of the gymnasium.

The teachers, who successfully organized the scientific and educational work of the students, are interested in the establishments of education from the fund of material incentives.

VIII. We can help you to complete the text of the final paper Times font New Roman, Font size 14, single spacing. Margins: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 15 mm. Irrigation contours are not applied.

The sides are numbered. The robot is intertwined with the folder.

On the cob of the arkush, it is necessary to indicate the name of the author, the author, the class, the name of the author, the name of the work.

This is how she herself appears between the headings of the division and the paragraph. Krapka in the end of the heading, ruffled in the middle of the row, should not be placed. It is not allowed to suffix headings and transfer the words to the heading.

Phrases, which start from a new (red) row, are treated with a paragraph indentation on the cob of a row, which is 1.25 cm long.

It is allowed to write formulas in the text in black ink or with a gel pen in black color.

The total number of works presented, varying from one to the other, up to 20 other sides.

The text of the previous work is submitted on paper and electronic media.

IX. The structure of the doslidnitskoy roboti The robot can be inspired by the song structure, which is a commonplace for scientific practice, the main elements of which are the title page, zmist, intro, the main part, the visnovok, the list of written literature, supplements.

on the title page doslidnitskoy robots are called by those, nickname, im'ya, in the father's way of the author (or authors), class, school; im'ya kerіvnik, yogo posada, scientific step (yakshcho є), rіk vikonannya roboti.

After the title page, it is cleared, in which case the points of work from the designated sides should be directed.

Intro. Here, sound in a short form the actuality of the topics discussed by those meta and zmist of the tasks set, the object of the subject is formulated, the method (or the method) of the study is indicated, it is explained, in which the theoretical significance and applied value are rejected.

In the divisions of the main part of the previous work, the methodology and technique of follow-up and the results are discussed.

All materials that are not vitally important for the understanding of the scientific solution manager, Blame before dodatkіv. The change of chapters of the main part can be confirmed by the topics of the subsequent work and more and more. Qi chapters can show the last word of the article, it is logical that it is argued to present the material.

Visnovok. Tsya part of the robot plays the role of a kіntsіvka, zumovlenої by the logic of carrying out the follow-up. The final part of the transmission of the sub-bag evaluation of the vikonan work. In case of whom it is important to say, for whom the top score is obtained, as important side science results are taken away.

List of victorious literature (provided obov'yazkovo іz zaznachennym roku that mіstsya vidanny pershodzherel).


X. Vymogi before the design of the theses of the previous work 1. The abstracts must be in a borderline style and form of the main provisions of the last work (without presentation comments) without being assigned to the list of victorious literature. Theses may be revenged like this:

- goals and objectives of work;

-description of taking away the results and their relevance;

2. These works are guilty but relatively remedied and do not avenge pardons.

3. Cover the text of the abstract - no more than 2 sides.

4. The text of the abstract is due to computer typing and handwriting on one side of a white paper in A4 format (standard typewritten sheet).

Registration is carried out with the Microsoft Word text editor at intervals, in 12-point font with a leading edge at the top and bottom of 2 cm (mm), back - 2 cm (20 mm), right-handed - 2 cm (20 mm) and formatted according to the width of the entire sheet . Irrigation contours are not applied.

An electronic copy with the text of the abstract is added to the drafted material of the abstract.

Electronic noses may be neatly signed in a random handwriting (nickname, name, school). The texts of abstracts on a diskette are prepared with a Microsoft Word text editor. Im'ya file with abstracts can be given the name of the study, section, name of the book of study.

In one file, only one abstract can be recorded. One electronic nose can replace a dekilka of files. The name of the applicant, of the theses, of the previous robot and on the electronic nose may be the same.

5. The title of the text should be in bold capital letters Times New Roman 12 points and formatted in the center of the arch. Do not put a point like a heading, stashed in the middle of a row.

7. Phrases that start from a new row, work with a paragraph indent on the cob of a row, which is 1.25 mm thick (red row).

8. Between the heading of abstracts, names of authors, OU and class, scholarly terminology and incoming text can be equal to one interval. A school, a class of scientific kerіvnik are indicated on the rows without skipping a row between them.

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“BBK 28.081 Е–40 Collection was seen for a grant from the Ecological Program to the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan. Editorial board: A. Abdiev (senior editor), N. T. Kravtsova, E. A. Kryatova, G. A. Mukhambetalieva, T. V. Fomina. Ecological lighting for the development of Kyrgyzstan: Proceedings of ResE-40 public scientific and practical conference. - B.: 2001. - 160 p. Е 1903040000–01 ISBN 9967–11–103–8 BBC 28.081 © Soros Foundation–Kyrgyzstan, 2001 ZMIST Resolution of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference...»

“VI international conference of young scientists and faculty, VNIIMK, 20 11 p. SPECIAL FEATURES FORMING MICROSCLEROCY IN Macrophomina phaseolina (TASSI) GOID. Saenko G.M. 350038, Krasnodar, st. Filatova, 17 DNU VNDI of olive crops im. V.S. Pustovoit of the Russian State Academy of Sciences [email protected] The formation of microsclerotic fungi in the areas of mycelium localization is shown. The most shkidlivim is the elimination of microsclerotia in the vessels of metaxylemia, which leads to their blockage and the death of roslin soy.

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Chronology, ISBN 5944570504, 9785944570505, 2002, Yevgen Mikolayovich Chornikh, 5944570547, 9785944570543, Movies of Slavic Culture, 2002 January Published: 2nd Topography, lithology, stratigraphy; Virobnicho-pobutovі and sacral spores; I can see that absolute chronology...”

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«123 CONFERENCES XXI M.Yu. PAVLOV, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Intercessor of the Center for Economics, Knowledge of the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, e-mail: [email protected] April 19, 2010 Moscow held an international conference on the topic: Political economy: re-actualization of the classics and a new theory of social and economic...»

"SYSTEM OF THE GEOGOVIRY SMISTY BІLOSURIE IN UMODS OF INFORMATSION DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS OF PUBLIKOKANSKO MINSKA 21 - 23 Ковная страть 2010 ROK UDC 91: 378.016 (476) (06) BBK 26.8p3 (4BI) Я431 editorial Какагія і і.І . Tistechko (head), Doctor of Geography Ya.K. Elovicheva, candidate of geographical sciences, D.L. Ivanov, V.V. Makhnach Reviewers: Doctor of Geography T.I. Kukharchik Candidate of Geographical Sciences G.S...."

“Gorbachova Olga Volodimirivna teacher of the first class of the Municipal Budgetary Lighting of the Pdyuzka Secondary School of Gala Lighting of the Arkhangelsk Region, Konosky District, Podyuga Kultury Settlement. Task: - Development of emotional, special inspiration of O.I. Charushin; - development of communicative ... "

"(Neofіtsіyniy king) єVROPEYSKA STRASBURG, 3 PERSON 1996 ROCK PREAMBUL TREATMENTS, SHO PІDPISALIY TSU HARTІYY, є Members for the sake of Economics, Evropias, Shah, the sake of the sake of єvropi є яг ї ї ї ї ї ійсенный іделисьів and principles, like є ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї spilnoy spadsії, y priyanny ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї nomi іchnomu і social progress, zokrema slyakhom zabezpechennya i shirshoi realіzatsії rights ... "

“UDK 02(063) 16th International Conference of Library and Information Resources in the Current World of Science, Culture, and Business – Krim-2009 (6–14 March 2009, Autonomous Republic of Krim, Ukraine) Ya. L. Shrayberg DPNTB Russia Libraries in the electronic medium and links daily suspense Shhorіchna dopovіd Conference Crim. Рік 2009 Wisdom of the whole world is divine before God. Apostle Paul. First of the Message to the Corinthians, 3, 19 For a long time, your path to the Almighty was baptized, You take away less ... "

«INFORMATION SHEET №1. Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (DTSOLIFK) jointly with the Ministry of Sports Russian Federation This International Union of Psychologists in Sports and Physical Culture will request to take part in the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference Rudikivska Reading-2013, which will be held from 26 to 29 May 2013 near Moscow on the basis of DCOLIFK. The Conference of Rudikiv Readings is the most significant, authoritative and ... "

«Official Youth Newsletter of the XVIII International Conference on Nutrition ВІL/СНІДu Issue №4 (March 2010) The first axis is in front of you – the fourth edition of the AIDS 2010 Youth Newsletter! You'll find the rest of the news about the Youth Conference Program as well as a lot of opportunities to get actively involved in AIDS 2010. On our website, you can check out the latest issues, CLIC. Tell others about the possibility of subscribing to the monthly newsletter, CLIC....»

1. Light position

The scientific-practical conference of young schoolchildren “Pervotsvit” is one of the direct works with gifted children of the Department of Education of the r. Usolye-Siberian Irkutsk region. Coordinator of the scientific-practical conference of young schoolchildren - MOU "Gymnasium No. 1" of the Usolye-Sibirskogo metropolitan area. Scientific and practical conference of young schoolchildren - exchange of thoughts, ideas.

The Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference “Pervotsvit” is held for students of grades 1–4 of gymnasiums, secondary schools of higher education, supplementary education m. Usolye-Siberian Irkutsk region.

2. Meta and task of the scientific and practical conference

Target: A creation of minds, the development of creativity, independence of thought among schoolchildren, the ability to be a subject of study, broadening one's horizons.


  • A development of the creativity of schoolchildren, educated them to the last degree of activity.
  • Showing that encouragement of gifted and young children, stimulating them to creativity and experimental work.
  • Propaganda of the best reach of schoolchildren.
  • Improving the psychological and pedagogical support of gifted and healthy children.
  • Trained to work with scientists of sciences, universities.

3. Participants of the scientific and practical conference

At the scientific-practical conference "Pervotsvit" can take part students of 1-4 grades of gymnasiums, middle schools, installations of supplementary lighting of the Usolye-Siberian Irkutsk region, who are ready to present their creative projects.

As listeners at the Russian scientific and practical conference, they can be present scientists and scholars.

4. Kerіvnitstvo scientific-practical conference

Global science-practical conference is building organizing committee , To the warehouse of which enters the specialist of the Department of Education of the Usolye-Sibirskogo of the Irkutsk region, the intercessor of the director of the NMR and head. subject departments of the Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 1”, teachers of other schools and institutions, lecturers of universities and pedagogical college of the city of Usolye-Sibirsky.

The Organizing Committee coordinates the work of preparing and conducting scientific and practical conferences; form an expert council, a warehouse that is approved by a specialist of the Usolye-Sibirsky Metropolitan Administration of Education and is confirmed by the order of the head of the Usolye-Sibirskiy Metropolitan Administration; compiling the program of the scientific and practical conference, the list of participants, protocols, summaries of evidence in the scientific and practical conference.

For the sake of the warehouse of experts, for the sake of not being able to enter the readers, the students who take part in the scientific and practical conference.

5. Technology of holding a scientific and practical conference.

The work of the scientific-practical conference “Pervotsvit” is broadcasting the public speeches of the participants for the results of their previous activity in the subject sections, discussions and more.

At the scientific-practical conference, work is being done from the next sections and the following:

  • Humanitarian section:
  • Mathematical section:
    • Vіddіlennya: raznomanіtnіst matematika.
  • Natural science section:
    • Specialties: biology, geography, ecology and problems of the Earth.
  • Applied creativity.

The number and number of names in the sections can be changed by the organizing committee depending on the number and number of statements directly.

Regulations for the participation of participants in the transmission of public defense of work (trivality up to 10 quills) and discussion (trivality up to 5 quills). Behind the participant’s bazhannya, the defender can work and carry out a foreign language (more or less fragmentarily). In any case, information about the language is indicated in the application, and 2 texts of theses (Russian and foreign language) are given. Experts for the sake of proposing before the defender (for example, how to choose a robot that її defender) a vocabulary of specific terms and words that carry the meaning of the robot’s adventurousness.

The expert is glad to fill in an individual card for the applicant. ( Addendum 6 )

6. Criteria for selection of work

At the scientific-practical conference "Pervotsvit" works of the following types are accepted: problem-abstract, problem-poshuk, problem-last. ( Addendum 4 )

The work can be vikonana independently, in accordance with the formalities. ( Addendum 2 , Addendum 3 )

It is necessary to clearly identify the theoretical and practical parts, as well as the authority of the authors, the scope of the best results.

7. Terms of filing an application and holding the Moscow scientific and practical conference

The International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Schoolchildren “Pervotsvit” is held on a daily basis on the cob of the day.

Applications may be submitted to the organizing committee 20 days before the conference. According to the term of the application, that work is not accepted. ( Addendum 1 )

8. Turning robot

The robots of the participants in the scientific and practical conference of young schoolchildren “Pervotsvit” do not turn around. Best of all, go to the “Bank of Scientific and Practical Conference for Young Schoolchildren “Pervotsvit”.

9. Pіdbitya pіdbagіv

After the completion of the work and subject sections, meetings of expert councils are held to decide on which decisions about the winners are to be blamed. The robots of the participants in the Moscow scientific-practical conference “Pervotsvit” are assessed to the highest degree. ( Addendum 5 )

All decisions made by experts are recorded and residual.

The participants of the scientific-practical conference of young schoolchildren “Pervotsvit”, as they presented the best robots, are awarded with diplomas (1, 2, 3 steps).

The Organizing Committee confirms the diplomas of the participants in the conference for original works.

All the contestants of the scientific and practical conference will win the certificate of the participant of the DNPK “Pervotsvit”.

The scientific certifiers of the prize-winners take the leaves of the pod.

Financial meetings during the preparation period and the holding of scientific and practical conferences are held at the festival of the Department of Education of the Usolye-Siberian Irkutsk Region and sponsors. Organizing committee for participants is set by the organizing committee.


about the regional scientific-practical conference "TIMosha"

(“Creating. Doslіdzhuєmo. Thinking” - young) 1-6 grades

The organizer of the conference was the MOU "ZOSh No. 72" of the Saratov metropolitan area, jointly with the responsibility for the development of the administration of the Leninsky district of the municipality of the "Misto Saratov", the Saratov Institute of the Russian State Trade and Economic University


1.Before science robot students of different age categories.

2. The manifestation of talented children
disciplines and otrimannya of additional education.

  1. Creative comprehension of knowledge by scientists, molding interest to scientifically advanced work.

  2. Formation of a competently designed novice performs and public performances in front of a great audience, obstructing, defending and proving his point of view.

  3. Educated to science and methodical work of students of middle schools, lyceums, gymnasiums.

  4. The development of spіvrobіtnitstva, the exchange of dosvіdom z naukovoї work between the main mortgages on the basis of good-naturedness and mutual understanding.

Robotic scientists are accepted to participate in the conference 1-6 class, yakі earlier did not take part in other conferences.

The CONFERENCE is held in two rounds:

Correspondence tour.

Robots and applications for participation may be filed with the paper option and in electronically(Presentation before work) until 03/28/15 Works of participants in the conference are reviewed, the results of the review are posted on the site three days before the beginning of the conference.

Full-time tour - will be April 11, 2015

On the defense works the presence of a robotic and scientific kerivnik. After the meeting of the summaries in the conference, it is possible to file an appeal, which is considered by the conflict committee, created by the representatives of the contributors, in a 3-day term. The bags of the conference are drawn up by the protocols of the jury of subject sections and are announced at the day of the work of the conference.

The program of the conference has been transferred to the robot sections:

  1. Mathematics and informatics (grades 5-6);

  2. natural sciences (grades 5-6);

  3. Pochatkov class(First go):
- War of the eyes of my motherland;

- About sports - ti life! (Famous athletes, favorite sport);

- world of culture: theatre, music, cinema;

- on the sides of Russian folk tales;

- Russian folk traditions;

- Culture and traditions of the Volga peoples.

  1. Social project: competition of presentations "I have the right to have a family".
- “I am that my sports family”
- "The family is holy"
- "Family traditions"
- "Sim'ya eyes of children"
- "Don't buy other people's children"

- "The burial of my homeland"

Any participant in the Competition may have the right to submit 1 project for the nomination;
Wimogi to work on the sections "Mathematics and Informatics", "Natural Sciences", "Pochatkov Class (First Meetings)":

  1. The work of the mother is correct in the design of the title page (a) Exterior data of the OS; b) section; c) naming those; d) data of the author and scientific writer).

  1. Zmist.

  2. Intro.

  3. Main part.

  4. Visnovok.

  5. List of related and written literature (in alphabetical order).

  6. Programs.

  7. Vinoski can be naskrіznі or postorіnkovі.

  8. + Blank sheet for reviews.

  9. Obsyag worki 10-15 sides of the drafted text (for post school 5-8 sides of the written text), krim dodatkiv.

  10. Format A4, font 12, 1.5 spacing.

  11. Prior to the work, you can submit presentations in electronic form.

At the process of zahistu, the student made a short essay, vicarious supplementary materials (posters, tables, video materials, multimedia presentations, etc.). Usny ledge - no more than 5-7 quills. The final score is formed for the oral approach, the correctness and independence of the writing work and the correctness of the assessment on the nutrition task.

When assessed and defended, it is necessary to indemnify:

Wimogi to work sectionSocial project: competition of presentations "I have the right to have a family"

Meta: popularization of family values, connections and generational offensiveness. Students from three age groups can take part in the competition:
1-2 class

3-4 class

5-6 class
Materials may be filed at the sight of the folder. On the titular arch, the title of the author's name, school, class, PIB kerіvnik, nomination are indicated. The folder is to include 2 files:
1) Disc from a PowerPoint presentation (No more than 10-12 slides) on the given topic.

2) text document v Word format(Times New Roman 14, limited to no more than 2 sides), with a description of the work presented.

The robots that entered the competition do not turn around and are not reviewed.
To participate in the Project are allowed only robots, vikonnі participantsespecially.

The jury of the section will evaluate the skin competitive robot for a 5-point system (5 - the highest score) according to the following criteria:

  • consistency of work and statements on topics, completeness;

  • argumentativeness and depth of rozkrittya zmistu;

  • social significance, positivity and creativity;

  • the accuracy and the longevity of the language and the style of the viklad;

  • originality, barveness;

Participants of the competition independently present their work. An hour for a whistup 2-3 hvilini.
per email robots are not accepted.
The jury of the section may have the right to work, because the stench does not conform to the minds of this Regulation.
Applications for participation in the conference can be submitted by e-mail [email protected] or for the address: address: 410033, m. Saratov, st. Berezhna 1,

Name of OS

Contact phone: 63-76-20 station. director of the UR Tokmina Tetyana Mykolayivna (5-6 classes); deputy director of the UR Tetyana Ivanivna Kiselova (grades 1-4), mob. 8-908-552-40-62;

Directions: tram No. 3, minibus No. 46, trolleybus No. 11 (to the 4 Dachna stop).

Support the project - share your efforts, darling!
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