Virobnich practice according to pm 02 rozrobka vprovadzhennya and adaptation. Program for initial practice according to PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of software protection for galuzee directing

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi fathers take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

COGOAU SPO Kumenskiy state

agrarian-technological technikum

Working programs of primary practice

for the professional module

PM.02 rozrob, vvadzhennya and adaptation software security galuzej straightening


specialty 230701 "Applied informatics (in economics)

quality: technik-programmer

Working program initial practice from the professional module PM.01 The processing of Galuse information is broken up on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (Dal - FGOS) of the Middle Professional Education (Dal SPO) 230701 "Applied Informatics (in Economics)

Organizatsiya - rozrobnik: Kirovske region state-of-the-art autonomously installed middle professional education "Kumensky state agrarian-technological technology"


_Forkosh Evgen Ivanovich, vikladach __________


Minutes No. ____________ від "____" __________ 20__ r

Strictly: __________________ Deputy. director of the initial robot T.S. Sitnikova





  1. think about the implementation of programs in basic discipline

  1. Control and assessment of results Mastering the basic discipline

1.Passport PROGRAMS

initial practice from the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of software security for galuze directing

1.1. Program storage area

The program of initial practice from the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of the software protection of the galuze directing in part of the basic professional educational programs adapted to the FGOS in the profession SPO230701.

The program of initial discipline can be used in computer systems»

1.2. A lot of discipline in the structure of the main professional educational programs:

The program of initial and viral practice is included in the professional cycle of the professional module PM.02.

1.3. The course and the development of discipline - vimogi to the results of mastering the discipline:

the practical admission is guilty of the mother:

Collection and analysis of information for the purpose of determining the customer's needs;

Development and publication of software security for galuze directing from static and dynamic information content based on ready-made specifications and standards;

Improvement and testing of software safety of galuzevogo straightforward;

Adaptation of software security for galuzeovy straightforward;

Development and maintenance of design and technical documentation;

Vimіryuvannya that control of the characteristics of the software product.

As a result of mastering the discipline, start guilty to die:

    Conduct a questionnaire and interview;

    Buuvati structural and functional diagrams;

    Analyze business information from the application of new methods;

    Formulate customer consumption from clear logical constructions;

    Take part in the development of technical staff;

    Identification, analysis and structure of information content;

    Development of informational content for additional design;

    Development of the program for securing for the additional help of the program of informational content;

    Crafting scenarios;

    Development of informational content in global and local framing;

    Vikoristovuvati іnstrumentalnye middledovisha pіdtrimki rozrobka, content management systems;

    Creation of animation in special software media;

    Pratsyuvati with multimedia tools;

    Zd_ysnyuvati vib_r method of enhancing software security;

    Formuvati about pardons;

    Put on a test run;

    Adapt and configure the security software for new buildings;

    Zd_ysnyuvati adaptive suprovid software product or information resource;

    Vikoristovuvati content management systems for the production of buildings;

    Programs on built-in algorithmic movs;

    Store technical support;

    Warehouse technical documentation;

    Testuvati technical documentation;

    Vibrate the characteristics of the evaluation of the software product;

    Establish standards and normative documentation for quality control;

    Make out the change of quality.

all practice 216 years, including:

Initial practice in the laboratory of the development, in the implementation and adaptation of the software for the safety of the galuzeovy direct 216 godin

home competences

OK 1. Reasonableness and social significance of one's own life-changing profession, showing up to its stiff interest.

OK 2. Organize your own power, choose the types of methods and methods of displaying professional workers, assessing their efficiency and quality.

OK 3. Take decisions in standard and non-standard situations and bear responsibility for them.

OK 4. Good news and registration of information, necessary for an effective presentation of professional enterprises, professional and special development.

OK 5. Vikoristovuvati information and communication technologies in professional activity.

OK 6. Pratsyuvati in the team and teams, effectively combining with colleagues, critical, co-workers.

OK 7. Take on yourself the opinion of the team members (pidleglich) for the robot, the result visonannya zavdan.

OK 8. Self-development of professional and special development, engaging in self-knowledge, assimilated by the plan of improvement of qualifications.

OK 9. Orієntuvatisya in the minds of often changes in technology in professional performance.

OK 10. professional knowledge(For Yunaki).

professional competence

PC 1.1. Modify static information content.

PC 1.2. Modify dynamic information content.

PC 2.1. Zdіysnuvati zbіr and analysis of information for the purpose of determining the needs of the client.

PC 2.2. Development and publication of programs for securing and information resources of galuza straightforwardness with static and dynamic content based on ready-made specifications and standards.


2.1. Obligation of initial practice

View of the original robot

obsyag godin


First practice (all)


2.2. 1. Thematic plan і zmіst

initial practice for the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of software security


Name distribution and topics

obsyag godin

rіven development





Topic 1.

Microsoft VISIO

the end of the calendar


Block diagrams


Layout of topology schemes


Planned to the plan


Create a route map


Create a diagram of a garden dilyanka


Create site diagram


Create an evacuation plan


Topic 2. Technical service computer technology

Diagnostics of computers in 19 rooms


Topic 3. Processing of economic information

Vivchennya technologies of restoration, collection and transmission of information


Vivchennya strukturi vikoristovuvanogo software security


Vivchennya documentation


Zalikova robot


Preparation and delivery to the hospital


Topic 4. Dovidkovo-legal system GARANT

Vivchennya pozukovykh pozvidivosti previdkovo-legal system


Robot with card requisite


Robot with a list of documents


Robot with document texts


Poshuk documents


Vivchennya known documents


Collection of additional documents from legal problems


Analysis of legal problems


Topic 5. The center of visual programming Visual Basic

Installing and configuring the middle of the visual program of Visual Basic


Familiarity with the middle of the visual programming of Visual Basic


Robot in the midst of visual programming Visual Basic


Robot with rows in the middle of visual programming Visual Basic


Robot with procedures in the middle of visual programming Visual Basic


Robot with functions of visual programming Visual Basic


Processing of gratuities in the middle of the visual program of Visual Basic


Robot with elements of control of the middle of the visual program Visual Basic


Vivchennya koristuvalnitskoy form of the middle of the visual program Visual Basic


Robot zi previdkova system the middle of the visual programming Visual Basic


Visual Basic Programming

Linear Algorithm Programming


Branching Algorithm Programming


Cycles. The same array


Investment cycles. Dvomirniy array


Processing of string tributes


root forms


Robot with a list


Zapovnennya databases


pobudova diagram


Robot with files


Text shell


the stem of the animation


Robot in cycles with fallow winter


3.Make the implementation of discipline programs

3.1. Vimogi to the minimum material and technical safety

Implementation of the programs of the initial practice in the field of the introduction to the initial cabinet "Laboratory of development, in the implementation and adaptation of software security"; laboratory "Information processing laboratory".

Ustatkuvannya navchannogo kabinetu:

Working hours for students - 24

Computers - work stations - 9 pcs.

Roboche misce vikladach

Working tasks for carrying out practical ones - 4.

Technical support:

Interactive Smart Board,

projector NEC

Electronic resources:

electronic handlers

Multimedia users

3.2. Information security navchannya

Main dzherel:

Fundamentals of Algorithmization and Programming, Golitsina OL 2010

Informatsіyna bezpeka, Partyka TP 2010

Security program, Golitsyna OL 2010

Dodatkov_ dzherela:

Basics of algorithmization and program: methodical instructions for carrying out practical robots, Soldatova S.I., Arzamas 2010

Internet dzherela:

www .edu

www .bourabai .kz

4. Control and assessment of the results of mastering the Discipline

control і assessment the result of mastering the discipline of being successful in the process of carrying out practical work and laboratory work, testing, as well as visiting by scientists of individual buildings, projects, and information.

results now

(Mastering vminnya, mastering knowledge)

Forms and methods of control and assessment of results


    Conduct a questionnaire and interview;

    Buuvati structural and functional diagrams;

    Analyze business information from the application of new methods;

    Formulate customer consumption from clear logical constructions;

    Take part in the development of technical staff;

    Identification, analysis and structure of information content;

    Development of informational content for additional design;

    Development of the program for securing for the additional help of the program of informational content;

    Crafting scenarios;

    Development of informational content in global and local framing;

    Vikoristovuvati іnstrumentalnye middledovisha pіdtrimki rozrobka, content management systems;

    Creation of animation in special software media;

    Pratsyuvati with multimedia tools;

    Zd_ysnyuvati vib_r method of enhancing software security;

    Formuvati about pardons;

    Put on a test run;

    Adapt and configure the security software for new buildings;

    Zd_ysnyuvati adaptive suprovid software product or information resource;

    Vikoristovuvati content management systems for the production of buildings;

    Programs on built-in algorithmic movs;

    Store technical support;

    Warehouse technical documentation;

    Testuvati technical documentation;

    Vibrate the characteristics of the evaluation of the software product;

    Establish standards and normative documentation for quality control;

Make out the change of quality

Formalization of caution in the course of practical robots according to the situation


set of materials

Organizational activities

viral practice

galuzej straightening


Applied informatics (by galuzy)

Alexandrov 2014

Ukladachi: Ugorova L.B. deputy. Director for UMR

L.V. Sharko vicladach special disciplines of high quality categories

Ivanova N.I. vicladach special disciplines of high quality categories

Antonov K.A. vicladach special disciplines

Stepanova O.V. vicladach special disciplines

Vorobyov V.S. vicladach special disciplines


the head of the regional methodical ob'nannya informatics and calculating technology, Vikladach special disciplines of high quality category of Volodymyr Aviation and Mechanical College Voronova S.A.

The set includes before the warehouse:

· Instructions for organizing and conducting a viral practice (practice for a specialty profile) according to PM 02 for students who want to learn about specialty 230701 Applied informatics (on galuzy);

· The structure of the practice (both parts and those included in the change of practice);

· Necessary to be able to form knowledge and mind for bathing practical advice vikonannya zavdan, folded according to the specifics of the activities of enterprises, for which students to undergo practice;

· Transfer of individual workshops to practice;

· Vimogi very well-formed appearances about їkh vikonannya;

· Graphics vikonannya zavdan,

· Instructions for students who do internships.

Prepared before being seen in the Oleksandrivskiy Industrial and Humanitarian College


Virobnicha practice є warehouse part the main professional educational programs behind a fah Applied informatics.

Virobnichi practice is based on the consolidation of theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge, taken away by students in the process of learning, thinking about and thoroughly practical tips (practical advice) near 230701 "Applied informatics (on galuses)".

Virobnicha practice, apparently up to the federal state educational standard, is of a complex nature, so that the program of practice is transferred to the production of organizing the activity of virobnichy pidrozdil (organizing as a whole).

The practice is carried out at enterprises and in organizations, showing the profile of specialties, or in laboratories and training courses.

Practice at the enterprises, in the institutions and organizations involved in the submission of the contract between the college and the enterprise (setting, organizing). The agreement regulates all meals, where the practice is to be carried out, including protecting the students, to transfer the certificate of the certificate of practice from the enterprise.

For students who are going to practice, they are recognized as special disciplines of the college, as they lead those who have divided and disciplines, as they begin to practice.

Students can undergo practical training in a group warehouse (2-3 people) or individually for the weather with a practice certificate.

All students, before the ear of practice, undergo instruction in the technology of safety and the mode of the robotics of the enterprise.

After completing the practice, the students acquire the results of the practice, which can be applied to the form of sound. Zakhist from practice is one of the stages of the stage of quality education from PM.02.

Cіlі and і previous practice

Meta virobnichoi practice- students' apprenticeship of practical tips, knowledge and knowledge in a part of an independent study of an individual school, a victorious study modern technologies and instrumental skills, how to get stuck at all stages of the distribution of software inputs, the development of food systems and standardization, metrology and information security.

The program of practice is based on the offensive disciplines and topics in the warehouse of the PM, which is taught by the student at the next stages of the day:

· Operating systems and middle

Architecture of ЕОМ и ЗС

· Rozrob information systems

Computer graphics

Metrology and standardization

Rozrobіya technology software products

· Development of databases of danikh

· Multimedia technologies

Bezpeka information

Vprovazhennya and adaptation of software

Operation of software

· Merezhevi technologies

· "Programming on movs viskogo rivnya»,

The main features of the virobnic practice є:


· technological processes, Vidpovidnogo verobnichny possession at enterprises and in organizations;

· Difficult standards, technical minds, the position and instructions for the operation of hardware and software tools for computing technology, peripheral possession, for programs for sending and preparing technical documentation;

Rules for the operation of counting technology, hem, technological possession, Nayavny in pіdrozdіlі;

reversal of zasosuvannya umin:

conduct a questionnaire and interview;

buuvati structural and functional diagrams;

analysis of business information for the application of new methods;

the formulation of customer consumption from clear logical constructions;

take part in the development of technical staff;

identification, analysis and structure of information content;

distribution of information content for additional design;

development of the program for securing for the additional help of the program of informational content;

dissect scenarios;

development of informational content in global and local framing

vikoristovuvati іnstrumentalnі middleodovisha pіdtrimki rozrobka, content management systems; create animation in special software media;

practice with multimedia tools;

zd_ysnyuvati vib_r method of enhancing software security;

formuvati about pardons;

put together a set of test workshops;

adapting and configuring the program for securing for new buildings;

provide adaptive support for a software product or an information resource;

vicoristovuvati content management systems for the production of buildings

programs on built-in algorithmic movs;

fold the technical data;


 methods of analysis technical level including systems of automation and control for the purpose of assigning them to the current technical minds and standards;

 Methods for storing technology, PZ for monitoring and enhancing the characteristics of victorious ones in the numerical technology;

 packages of applied software security, how to be victorious when visiting individual enterprises;

find some practical advice:

collection and analysis of information for the purpose of determining the customer's needs

distribution and publication of software security for galuze directing with static and dynamic content based on ready-made specifications and standards

improvement and testing of software protection of galuzee direct

adaptation of software security

distribution and maintenance of design and technical documentation

vimіryuvannya and control of the characteristics of the software product

­ Table 1

practice program

distribution of practice The index of the module, razdіlіv, so according to the working initial plan Naymenuvannya team PM Years
Development of practice 1. PM.02 Rozdil 1. Topic 1.
PM.02 Rozdil 1. Topic 2. Computer graph
Development of practice 2 PM.02 Rozdil 1. Topic 4. PP cutting technology
Practice growth 3 PM 02 Rozdil 2 Topic 1. Operation and adaptation of software
PM 02 Rozdil 2 Topic 3.
PM.02 Rozdil 1. Topic 6 Multimedia technologies
Rozdil practice 4 PM.02 Rozdil 1. Topic 5. Development of Danikh bases
Development of practice 5 PM 02 Rozdil 2 Topic 2. Merezhevi technologies
At once 180 years old.

table 2

Schedule of progress and implementation of the practice of virobnichi according to PM.02

Development of practice 1.

Kerivnik Stepanova O.V.

Zmist robots students Number of years viconanny result
Insight into the enterprise (organizing) description of the enterprise
Vivchennya structure and directness of the enterprise Write an outline for the selection of technology for the design of the enterprise
The functional model of the activity of the enterprise, on which the practice is organized: Vrahuvati vkaz_vku: the functional model of conducting in the middle of BP Win.
1. Establishment of contextual diagrams of enterprise activity, based on the analysis of the subject area. Provide an analysis of the subject area
5-6 Create contextual diagrams of enterprise activity
2. Conducting informational analysis of processes 7-8 Conduct an informational analysis of the processes
3. Pobudova with diagrams of decomposition 9-10 Encourage the decomposition diagram
4.The choice of the process of making a functional diagram of the enterprise for further details 11-12 Vibrate one of the processes of the functional diagram of the enterprise
Carry out a detailed process similar to the functional diagram of the enterprise and
Describe the vibora in detail
5. Folding functional diagrams for the reverse process. 15-16 Add a functional diagram for the reverse process.
6. Registration of the sound and submission to the certificate 17-18 Submitting a call to a certificate (Obov'yazkova consultation)
all 36 years old

Growth of practice 2.

Kerivnik Ivanova N.I.

Zmist robots students Consultation number vikladac-kerivnik Number of years viconanny result
Disclaimer of individual management and consultation on the legal basis INDIVIDUAL STAFF
Concretization of the individual establishment of the enterprise in line with the activity of the enterprise (organization)
Programming on the move of the highest rivnya:
Development of interfaces 3-4 formulation zavdannya
Vibrating and storing effective algorithms for processing data
Folding of block-diagrams of algorithms and programming of functions of programs in pods 6-8 Block diagrams (Obov'yazkova consultation)
nice things 9-11 software codes modules
testuvannya dodatkiv 12-13 Assessment of the quality of programs and prospects
Description of Victorian methods of testing
Disclaimer and analysis of results Results of solving tasks (Obov'yazkova consultation)
Execution of technological documentation (sound)
Folding of instructions for koristuvachev Instructions of the koristuvach
Execution of technological documentation Technological documentation issued
Giving to the call ready call
all 36 years old

Practice growth 3

Kerivnik Antonov K.A.

Zmist robots students Consultation number vikladac-kerivnik Number of years viconanny result
Disclaimer of individual management and consultation on the legal basis INDIVIDUAL STAFF
Insight into the enterprise (organizing); Viznachennya structure; visualization of the structure of the enterprise and its management
Work on the subject of "Multimedia technologies"
The development of the sphere of activity, history of the establishment, the given services and information about the enterprise, necessary for the establishment of the site 3-5
Development of technology for the site 6-8 Short description Move the layout to the hypertext; vikoristovuvanoi movi script
Uzgodzhennya tekhnologiya the establishment of the site with the kerivnik given to razdіlu practice Usgodzhennya tekhnologiya stemming from the site with a standard (obov'yazkova consultation)
Vikonannya robit on the topic "Information security"
Vivchennya vikoristovuvanikh zasob_v zahistu at the enterprise A description of the vicarists who took part in the zahist at the enterprise
Filing an application for the restoration of programs abo the database the application has been submitted
Drawings and suggestions for the efficiency and sufficiency of methods of information for the manager of the enterprise's activity Uzgodzhennya with a certificate (obovyazkova consultation)
Vikonannya robot on the operation and adaptation of the software
Familiarization with software, victorious at the enterprise Imagine in sound
Vivchennya propositions and advanced training and installation of software Grouting and propositions for a youthful podbannya PZ
Description of the technology for installing and configuring new software for the robot monitor Imagine the technology of the installation
Organization of robots with the adaptation of new software to enterprises 16-17 Description of the robot with the adaptation, effective operation of the PP
Registration of the call and submission to the kerivnik
All years

Rozdil practice 4

Kerivnik Sharko L.V.

Zmist robots students Consultation number vikladac-kerivnik Number of years viconanny result
The subject area is updated according to the Visiting of incoming and outgoing information
Collection of information on topics Textbook butt of vikhidnykh danikh
Development of technical staff for the program Technical support according to GOST
Uzgodzhennya TK with a copy of the given practice distribution Uzgodzhene TK (obov'yazkova consultation)
Gruntuvannya Vibor PO the head of the
Installation of database tables, installation of links DB file
Entering tribute in tables Stored database tables
Distribution of forms shattered form
Power distribution switch on
Development of stars gateways
Menu distribution Button abo light menu
The good news of the current dodatkiv Testing of stemmed supplements
Before the operation of the plant Complex testing of the establishment and correction of the program
Reconsideration of the results of the practice (Obov'yazkova consultation) Revised programs
Development of instructions for koristuvach Instructions of a koristuvach according to DSTU
Registration of results Designs and overlays are called acc. Z vimogs
Granting a certificate of practice Query signatures are issued on distribution (obov'yazkova consultation)
All years

Development of practice 5

Kerivnik Vorobyov V.S.

Zmist robots students Consultation number vikladac-kerivnik Number of years viconanny result
Disclaimer of individual works INDIVIDUAL STAFF
Vivchennya of local computers, such as vikoristov to be on the premises Describe in the most obvious way, as well as propositions according to the possibility of installation and adolescence of storage at the enterprises
Explore the complex technical assistance fathoms to describe
Vivchennya diagrams of cable laying picture diagrams
Possibility of connecting the hedge to the Internet Description of connectivity options
Uzgodzhennya with a certificate of given practice Obov'yazkova consultation as a result of the image of this part of the plant in the background
Check the topology of the last local framing show the diagram
Hem type
Length of lines and mind robots
Development of PC universities Rationality awards
Cable laying scheme show the diagram
Uzgodzhennya with a certificate in the course of a test of the given section of practice obov'yazkova consultation
Learn about the administration of the hemisphere (administrator of the hemisphere, electronics engineers, the technique of their robots) 13-14 Description in zvitі
Carrying out work with adjustment, diagnostics and testing stocking 15-16 Description of the stuck-in methods of setting, diagnostics and testing of the hemstitch possession
Collection of technical documentation Pererahuvati, scho є from technical documentation on the hem, scho maє buti
registration of a call Confirmation of the certificate for the distribution of practice by a certifier (obligatory consultation)


At the passing of virobnichoi practice for the profile of specialty

for the program of the professional module PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of software security

1. Nickname, name, according to the student's father: ______________________________________________

2. Group: _____________________________________________________________________

3.Individual staff:

distributed practice Topic formulation zavdannya Hour of Vikonannya kerivnik
Development of information systems Write an outline for the selection of technology for the design of the enterprise's activity. Vykonati functional model of the enterprise's activity, on which the following practice took place: a. Conduct an information analysis of the processes. b. Create a contextual diagrams of enterprise activity, based on the analysis of the subject area. c. Wake up the decomposition diagram. d. Vibrate one of the processes of the functional diagram of the enterprise for further details and description of this larger report. e. Add a functional diagram for the reverse process. f. Make it out. Functional model of conducting in the middle of BP Win. Stepanova O.V.
Computer graph Dodatkovo it is possible to develop graphic elements-emblem of the enterprise, the icon of the programs and in. Stepanova O.V.
Technology of distribution of software products 1.Programming and improving the quality of mobile devices and robots in the visual environment: distribution of interfaces; vibration and storage of effective algorithms for processing these folding block-diagrams of algorithms; wellbeing and testing programs Ivanova N.I.
2. Registration of technological documentation
Multimedia technologies. 1. Development of the website of the enterprise (organization) Antonov K.A.
Operation and adaptation of software. Information security. 2.Describe the victors at the enterprises of the PP. 3. Describe the technology for installing and configuring the new software.
Information security Describe and develop visnovka about the information at the enterprise
Development of Danikh bases Development of Bazi Danikh by industry L.V. Sharko
Merezhevi technologies Describe the safety of the enterprise. Introduce the propositions for the details of the fancy-dressing safety. Vorobyov V.S.

4. Vykhіdni danі (name enterprise, nature of activity):


 Individualized.

 Vidguk of the certificate of practice from the enterprise.

 Vikoristan literature.

6. Terms of the practice: from __________ to ________________

7.The term for the submission of tests according to the distribution is indicated in the schedule of passing and certification by the practice of testing according to PM.02 (available to individual employees)

Zavdannya to vikonannya

Student _________________________ / Full name

Date: _____________ / / ______________ / / 2014

Practice guidelines: ______________________ O.V. Stepanova

N.I. Ivanova

K.A. Antonov

L.V. Charcot

V.S. Sparrow

Dodatok 2

visually vikonannya title arkush call for practice (foreign language)

Department of education and administration of the Volodymyr region







groupie ____________


Formalization of the title arkush for the distribution of practice



Good practice

"Development of databases" (PM.02 Rozdil 1. Topic 5)

student ____________________________

groupie __________

Kerivnik: ________________ L.V. Charcot

Assessment (or admission to the acquisition)






set of materials

Organizational activities

viral practice

(Practice for a specialty profile)

PM.02 Development, implementation and adaptation of software security

galuzej straightening


Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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