The structure of the electronic table is stored in the same elements. Global excel views

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Topic: Electronic tables. Appointed and victorious.

Electronic table

· Ordering for acquaintance;

for example:

Tipi and tribute format.

At any middle of the electronic table, you can enter a number, formula, text information ... Excel provides one kind of information from the other, so as to find out the special rules for a set of different types of data.

number is the last of the symbols, the numbers are included in the yak, as well as the signs "+", "-" on the cob of the last, or "," for example:

For the suggestions of writing the fix of the number, Excel will destroy the right to the right of the commissary.

Formula is the consistency of symbols, which is to be repaired from the "=" sign. The formula can include data different type(Numbers, addresses of alternatives, functions), used as symbols of arithmetic operations. Forward: = A4 + C5 * B7.

Type in the middle of the formula to be displayed in a row of formulas, and in the middle of the press the onslaught of the "Enter" key, the result of this formula is entered.

The formulas can be rebuilt:

In Excel є great number functions, for the help of which it is possible to carry out the calculation and інші дії, which is carried out to the new galuzei of knowledge. When the vikorystanny function of sending the sign = should enter її іm'ya, and then in the arches of the argument of the function - the dans, which are wicked in rosrahunka. The arguments of the function can be numbers that can be sent to the comic or the ranges of the cells, as well as the functions that are used (stinks are called investments). Concrete butts are clearly visible:

In the capacity of arguments in the functions of you, you can choose to use the lists and ranges on the in-line and other sheets. In the last drop in front of the address of the commercial or the range of the next enter the name of the sheet, with strokes, and put a distributor !, for example " Sheet1 "! B2, "Sheet 3"! A1: C4. Enter a stroke by pressing the keyboard E with active English distribution.

The parameters for inserting into the document in the form of functions are located on the insert formulas the group library of functions... Functions of distribution according to categories in fallowness from types of buildings, for the distribution of certain stinks of consumption. You can read about the sign of this function in the cue, as it appears when you point the indicator to the function in the menu.

Yaksho vi want to change a glance re-list in Excel functions, press the button insert a function, Yaka is in a row of formulas. At vіknі maystri function vibrate in the list Category paragraph New alphabetical transcript and in the list below, see the functions, read more about how you won’t be victorious.

The name of the added function can be entered from the keyboard (but it is not necessary through the high number of pardons), insert from the pop-up menu of the buttons that have been programmed in the group library of functions on deposit formulas, Abo z vіkna maystri function... About two remaining options will be indicated in the section "Pobudova graphs and diagrams".

Often stuck on the practical function of the wine in the menu of the button, as it is in the group rebuilding on deposit Golovna.

simpler rosters

The function of collecting money is the most requested, the very task in Excel is very simple.

Clicking on the buttons on the page, open the list of commands, wikklyayut functions, as you can enter as quickly as you can, as is the function of administration. The scheme is not based on the size of the last of the crocs for the function of giving. aim lower short description Functions, scho wiklikayutsya by the commands of the button.

middle- wiki function = AVERAGE (), for other help, it is possible to give an arithmetic mean of the average range of comics (to receive all the data, and then to distribute to the number of.

number- wiki function = RAHUNOK (), as a sign of the number of alternatives in the visible range.

maximum- wiki function = MAX (), for the additional benefit of which may be the largest number in the visible range.

minimum- wiki function = MIN () for the smallest meaning in the visible range.

An electronic table is given:

At the middle D2, we introduced the formula = (A2 * B1 + C1). As a result, the following values ​​appear in the D2 commerce:

D2 = (10 * 2 + 4) = 24

In the middle of D2 the formula is written: = A2 * (B2 + C2). They were copied to the D3 commerce. Yake value will be included in the middle of D3?

To see the video clips and click on the keyboard Delete ; If it is necessary to type in the bookmarks of the new data, it is not necessary to see it beforehand - it is just to see it and to enter it. Old data will be automatically replaced.

There may be a great vengeance text fragment For a folding formula, I will see how to make changes inappropriately. Slide two click with the Misha button to the middle, place the cursor in the required place for editing, add the necessary changes and pressure Enter .

You can see from the middle of the page, navigate if you already have a chance to visit. For someone, just press the keyboard Esc ... At the same time, there will be updates of the latest data in the meantime. For skasuvannya vzroblenoi diii natisnit as standard by a single keyboard Ctrl + Z for a button Skasuwati on Accessible panels.

With a change in the value in the middle, the formula is applied to, the result is calculated in the credit, and the formula will be automatically re-insured.

Addresses of middle and ranges in Excel can be used noticeableі absolute... Until now, it has been discussed about the variety of lines and ranges, which are stored only from the number of the row and the number of shpalti, for example B2 or D4: D8.

The change of the specific addressing of the field is in the fact that when copying intermediate and victorious auto-storing, it is automatically changed in the copied formulas

Absolute addresses.

Vikoristannya vіdnosnykh address in the formulas Inodі became a dzherelom of pardons. Schob skasuvati will automatically change the address of the given in the middle, it is possible to indicate absolute address. For this, it is necessary to put a dollar sign "$" in front of the number of the station and (abo) before the number of the row. The sign "$", for the values ​​before the number of the hundredths, means that the number will not be changed during operations of copying formulas, inserting and seeing.

For example, in the address $ A5 there is no change in the number of the store, in the address B $ 7 there will be no change in the number of the row, in the address of $ D $ 10 there will not be change in the address of the row, nor in the address of the store.

Text. If the consistency of the symbols is not a number, or a formula, then the text will be impressed and not be overtaken by any kind of re-creation. For example: 345.78 is the whole number, and 345.78 is the whole text; abo a1237 - tse text, A7 + B8 * 4- the whole text, so like the symbol "=".

Basic formats

Naybіlsh often in Excel spreadsheets vikoristovyutsya offensive formats: zagalny, numerical, penny, financial and date. Below is a short description of the format.

Zagalny format

For all midpoints of the new sheet, the Zagalny format has been set. In the whole format, the numbers are displayed like this, like їх вів koristuvach. If the meanings of the middle є are a fraction number (introduced by the middle, or calculated by the formula), then the number of images in the fractional part is laid out as a width of the middle; When displaying other values, the rounded off digits of the fractional part are displayed, as it cannot be displayed through the lack of width in the middle.

numeric format

The number format is the most universal. On the display in zagalny format, in the numerical format, you can set a number of displayed digits of the fractional part (the number of tens of characters). When displaying other numbers, the display will be rounded up to the specified number of fractional digits. For example, if the format is set to represent two numbers of the fractional part, then the number 567.897 will be represented as 567.90. The whole number will be displayed as 568, so you can set the format without displaying the digits of the fractional part (set the value of the camera to the number of tens of characters equal to zero).

vibrating format numerical.Can be customized.

penny format

A penny format for the presentation of a value, which means a penny value. When the numbers are displayed in a penny format, the number is displayed as a penny unit. In addition, for the sake of keeping a group of distribution numbers distributed. For a penny format, you can assign a number of digits of the fractional part, a penny one, and a way of displaying these values.

Fractional numbers, which are displayed in a penny format, are rounded up to a specified number of fractional digits. Rounded up to see the rule: if the value of the discharge, which is guilty of being seen, is less than five, then it appears that the value in front of the list is reduced to one. If you are guilty of being found out, then there is no rule that you will last until all the time that you are guilty, but you are repaired from the youngest.

Financial format

The financial format allows you to represent pennies. So itself, as for a penny format, for a financial one, you can assign a number of digits of the shot part and vibrate a penny unit.


If there is a date in the table, then the format of the display can be changed.

View the date you need to vibrate in the list Type of

Razrіznyayut new and speedy formats and presented dates. new format imaging day, month and day. In a fast format, there can be performances of a day and a month, innocent - only a month or a day. Once again, I will turn my respect to the symbol-distributor, which will be victorious when writing down dates. Russia has a point.


On the images of the average, in percentage format, it is actually possible to multiply the average by 100, and for the number, the sign is displayed. For example, if you write down the number 0.2 in the clip and set the format interest Then 20.00% will be displayed in the middle.

Vibrating average.

1. If you want to vibrate the range of comics, it is necessary to move the mouse cursor to the first in the middle of the range, press the Misha button, not showing it, stretch the Misha indicator to the remaining range. When the button is released, all the middle ones in the range are seen in black color. Stretching can be rotated in any direction.

You can change the stretching of Misha by using the Shift key. Clicking on the first range, click on the Shift key, and not letting go, click on the last comic.

2. For the selection of the whole range of rows, you can choose markers of rows and rows along the edges of the working area.

3. To vibrate the entire working sheet, click on the button for viewing all tables (at the top left of the working area).

4. If you select mid-range by pressing the Ctrl key, then you can add new ranges to the opposite.


Often, when zapovnenny tables are brought to type the same text. The function of autostoring is added to Excel to help speed up the process: if the system is to start typing a part of the text, it’s like a buv of introductions earlier in the middle, you want to show a part of a part in the middle.

Auto-fill when entered text

You can wait for the proposition and go to the store of the offensive commerce, pushing Enter, or continue typing the required text, not gruesome respect for seeing the first decal letters.

Punishments in formulas

Once the formula is introduced in the meantime, the result will be povidomlennya text about the pardon. This is tied together, but when the calculation was carried out, the system stuck with any wipes. The axis of the list is the most frequently developed in the middle:

Operations with intermediate

We will remove the ranges in Excel programs It is possible to do this by itself, as if we were to make a fragment of the text in the Word program. Sometimes you can see, copy or change. However, the rigidity of the tabular structure to make its own interchange and additional features.

1. Behind the help of the DELETE key, to produce not to the visible range of comics, but to the cleansing, that is, to the visible together reversed oseredk_v.

2. In order to really see the range of the opposite range (which is supervised by the change in the structure of the table), you need to vibrate the range and give a command Correct 4seenlity... At the same time, there is a dialogue window. In which it is possible to vibrate directly in front of a comic, to take a place, to sound. Create in tables dirku», In a yak, the introduction of tribute is not possible.

3. For the team Correct 4copy abo Correct 4virizati In the middle of the opposite range, they are surrounded by a dotted frame. Navigate for the hour of viewing in the middle of the day, for the hour of the hour, in the tables.

4. For insertion of middle lines, which are copied from the exchange buffer, you need to edit the stream clip at the upper left codec of the insert area and give the command Correct 4 insert... Intervals from the exchange buffer are inserted into the specified place. As soon as the operation of the change occurs, then after the insertion of the combo, from which the data are moved, it is cleared.

5. Copying and relocation of commerce can also be done using the over-tightening method. For any demand, stand up the showmaster of Misha on the cordon of the flow-line commissary of a different range. If you want to see the shots, you can make a drag. If you drag the mouse button to the right, then the special menu will be displayed, allowing you to vibrate the viroblen operation.

Launching the Paint editor

To run the editor, you need to use the following command:

Start → Programs → Standard → Graphic Paint editor

Graphic editor Paint one hour can be done only with one document, that is, the document is shown in part with the programs.

To complete the robot wikonati editor command: menu

File → View if you click on the button, close the window (cross)

topic: Electronic tables. Appreciation and Victory.

Electronic table- a whole program for processing and securing numerical tributes, yak pratsyu in the mode of dialogue with koristuvach. The data here are saved and processed in straight-line tables.

Nayposhirenіshim middle koristuvachіv є Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor.

Microsoft Excel is found in the accounting area, economic and financial analysis, banking information, in any business, statistics, scientific research and even in other areas.

The easiest way to process numerical tributes on a computer є standard Windows program"Calculator". However, the possibilities of the calculator of materials of the enclosure, in addition, it is important to compile a large array of numerical data, statistical data, etc. For cich purposes, you can use electronic tables in Microsoft Excel.

Excel allows you to create and format tables of any kind. Data of the software to provide victorious information for the release of economics engineering tasks, And also create forecasts, plans, statistics.

Basic functions of Excel spreadsheets:

· Introduction of vikhіdnoї informatsії in comіrki (formatuvannya tables);

· Reduction and correction of financial tributes;

· Processing of tribute for formulas;

· Pobudova graph and diagrams;

· Statistical processing of tributes;

· Ordering for acquaintance;

· Displaying on the screen, recording on the outbuildings, which will not be stored on the printer of rosary tables.

An electronic table is just a straight-line table, which can be stored in rows and hundreds.

Komirka- an unrelated element of the table, in which the text is avenged.

The structure is average in the electronic Excel spreadsheets.

1. Verkhny Rivn- the picture is taken instead of the middle, as it can be seen on the screen. At a new level, the values ​​are formatted, such as text, numbers, or the results of calculating formulas.

2. Another r_ven to take revenge on the formatuvannya. The new service information about vmist komirki, as it does not appear, but rather vikoristovuyutsya in Excel when robots.

3. The third step is to take revenge on the formula. As a matter of fact, since the option is installed, it is possible to bachiti either value, calculated by the formula, or the formula itself.

4. On the fourth level, take the place of the comrades.

5. Take revenge on your own comments.

Commercial addresses- to start with the name of the hundredth and the number of the row, which can be used to make the peretin (for example, A1).

block commander- a group of the most recent mid-term. A block of middle rows can be folded into one middle row, row, 100, after parts of rows and rows (for example, B2: C5).

Work sheet- to take revenge on the electronic table.

working book- the number of robotic arkushes.

2. Tipi Danih

Symbols (texts) data may be descriptive in nature. May include letters, numbers, signs, etc. To explicitly mention symbolic tributes, put an apostrophe in front of " (For example, write "132 - electronic table in the text).

As soon as the text is entered higher, lower the size of the column, then there will be readings in the next columns, there is a stench empty. In vipadku, the text will be formed by the cordon of the offensive column.

numerical data revenge only numerical values. If you enter a number greater than the size of the cell, then do not appear in the middle of the empty middle, and automatically the conversion to the exponential form (1.6E + 5) is automatically displayed, or the clogging of the clients with signs is automatically displayed - # .

Yak of a tenth razdіlnik vikorystvutsya coma (12,1999).

Formula Revenge the record, which can include arithmetic, logical and іnshі dії, vyroblenі with data from their alternatives (= A1 + B1). Writing down the formula to be respected from the sign one =.

function- a small program, so that there are many formulas (for example, the function AVERAGE (B2: D5) will give you a list of the sum of given alternatives B2: D5, but you will need to determine the amount of money for the input). Writing a function to repair a symbol @ .

date- numerical dans, which represent days, months, rock (for example, 12.1999 - 1999 rock).

3. Cell format

For formatting in mid-term, you need a team format - midsections... The result of your diy Appear on the dialog box:

Small. 1. Dialogue window cell format.

Bookmark number allow the creation of vibrations of the offensive formats:

Zagalny- vikoristovutsya for the representation of text and numerical values ​​of the type.

numerical- displaying numbers in a normal view from a given precision (to specify the number of digits in a Komi letter).

penny- displaying numbers in pennies, so that from the values ​​of pennies (UAH 125.56).

Financial- Vykorystovuyutsya for virivnyuvannya penny values ​​according to the separator of the whole and the shot part.

date- displaying numeric values ​​in date format. If you enter the number 366, then the date format will be 12/30/1900. Date can be displayed

In numerical form (12.04.99),

Іf the values ​​of the month of the rock (Apr 99),

· From the dates of the day, month, fate and hour (12.04.99 14:40).

hour- displaying numeric values ​​in hour format. At the specified hour, you can choose an abbreviation PM, Yaka means that the hour is indicated for obid (5:00 PM - 17:00).

interest- displaying the numbers in the viewer. With the introduction of a list of requirements, the amount of money will start, like a part of a unit. In order to enter 85%, you need to enter the number 0.85.

fractional- does not represent the whole number in the view of fractions. To enter the number 0.25, then it will appear at the viewer 1/4.

exponential- displaying numbers in exponential form. So all numbers are displayed in the following format:

de M - the number with a whole part at the viglyadi of one digit;

E is an indicator of dozens of exponents,

P is the exponential order.

For example, the number 245 will be displayed as 2,45E + 02

texts- displaying numbers in text format... Above such numbers, diji cannot be violated.

dodatkovy- signs for robots with addresses, telephone numbers and in.

4. Formulas and functions

4.1 Vikoristannya formulas

Develop arithmetic and logical formulas. V arithmetic formulas vikoristovuyut offensive operators:

+ - folding;

- - vidnimannya;

* - multiple;

/ - rospodil;

^ - elevation to the steps

Logical formulas have the following operators:

= - one;

<> - not expensive;

< - less;

> - more;

<= - less abo dorіvnyuє;

>= - more or more expensive.

4.2 Victorian functions

The following types of functions are presented in the electronic table:

· mathematical- run folding mathematical operations (open algorithms, trigonometric functions, etc.);

· statistical- to check the operation for the number of parameters in the range of values, either of the rosters;

· texts- vikonuyut operations over text rows, for example, to calculate the amount of a row, to rotate operations to replace the text;

· logical- vikoristovuyutsya to induce logical viraziv;

· financial- vikoristovuyutsya in folding financial positions, for example, for viznachennya razmіru shomіyachnyh viplats for repayment of the loan;

· date and hour- to be victorious for operations with dates and hours, for example, to know the number of days between two dates;

· a robot with a tribute base- zasosovyatsya, yaksho table vikoristovuytsya yak base danih;

· reversal of authorities and meaning- vikoristovyatsya for the conversion of tributes, introduced in the middle.

4.3 Specific and absolute addressing

obvious The address is set up for alternatives in formulas and functions for alternatives and is a specific address for alternatives, for example, B2. Since the formula for the functions of the victorian is given the addresses of the middle ones, then when you copy such a formula in the middle ones, the address of the middle ones will be automatically changed:

Given addressing is handy, as it is necessary to show the same type of operation for some of the more frequent alternatives. However, the addressing is not handcrafted, as is the meaning of roasting only in specific places. When copying is not necessary, when the address is automatically displayed, the address is automatically changed. For the whole, in the formulas, the absolute addressing of the middle ones is to be considered.

absolute addresses in the middle - the price is not important, in the process of copying or transferring the formulas, addresses in the middle. To specify an absolute address, enter the symbol $ ... There are two types of absolute addressing:

· Povna absolute addressing to be applied, even when copying or changing, the address of the client is not guilty of change. For this, the symbol $ is placed before the іm'am of the hundredths and the number of the row $ A $ 1 + $ B $ 1.

Chastkova is absolutely addressable, so that when copying and changing it does not change only the row number, but it’s a hundred percent A $ 1 + B $ 1

Note... how to be carried out copying If the formulas and addresses are specified, then the address will be automatically changed. how to be carried out carryover If the formulas and addresses are specified, then the address will not be automatically changed. However, if it is not only the formula that is transferred, but the data for the designation, then the address is automatically changed.

5. General principle robots

5.1 Introduction and editing of tribute

for introduction danih it is necessary to place the cursor on the necessary interval and from the keyboard to enter the data. The introduction of the tribute to end the onslaught of the clavis .

for rebuilding in place of the commander, it is necessary to place the cursor on the necessary midpoint and press the key or two times klatsnut bear. Reduction of the Danih also ends with the onslaught of the keyboard .

5.2 Pobudova diagrams

In the electronic Excel spreadsheet, you can create the following basic types of diagrams:

· Circular Diagram- Victory for graphic interpretation one zminnoї. The meaning of the cycle is represented in the diagram by the stake sectors. You can roztashovuvatisya on the area and in the open space.

· Graph- Imaging skin changes at the sight of the lamano line or area (in space).

· Gistogram- Imaging skin changes at the viglyad of the store. You can roztashovuvatisya on the area and in space.

· Liniychata- analogous to histogram, ale roztashovue vertically. You can roztashovuvatisya on the area and in the open space.

· Z areas- imaging skin changes in the viglyad area.

· pelyustkova- vikoristovuє to induce the graphs of the style of the axes, since the value of the given is dumb.

for encourage diagrams it is necessary to visit the following events:

1. Vidіliti danі. As long as it is not possible to be in the middle of a century, then for the sake of seeing you can vikoristovuvat key .

2. Viconati team Insert - Diagram.

3. Vibrate the type of diagrams and the type of graph.

4. If necessary, change the range of data sets.

5. Enter the attributes of the diagrams (the name of the axes and the graph itself, the legend, etc.).

6. Vkazati razmіshennya diagrams (on a whole zh arkushі or on a new one).

7. Push the button Ready.

5.3 Robot with macros

Macro- the last of the commands is recorded, saved for singing names for bagatorazovy victoriannya. Macro is an effective way of automating labor-intensive, often repeated operations.

Macros can be handled by hand, with the help of the commands move the Visual Basic program, or the entries for the add-on of the macro recorder, which will transform the last of the code into the code of the move program.

To start the macro, you need to see the following steps:

1. Viconati team Service - Macro - Read the record.

2. Enter the macro and set the key to play the macro.

3. Carry out the action, which is guilty of the viconuvati macro.

4. To complete the recording, press the button zupiniti record on the toolbar.

Microsoft Excel (nadal simply - Excel) - the whole program of vikonannya rosrakhuniv and management of so-called electronic tables.

The electronic table is the main one, which can be used for processing and analysis of digital information. calculating technology... I want electronic tables in the main connection with numerical abo financial operations The stench can also be used for the analysis of the tributes for the young people, and the great power for the automation of the tribute processing.

Excel allows you to pick up folding rosters, in which you can pick up tributes, rosters in other areas of the electronic tables and crocheted with a singing fallowness. For listing such formulas in Excel, it is very possible to enter the formulas in the middle of the tables. Excel displays the calculation and displays the result in the middle of the formula. The available range of formulas is from simple additions and definitions to financial and statistical calculations.

An important feature of the electronic table is the automatic change of results when the value of the middle changes. For example, it is possible to use Excel for the registration of financial statements, for the control of the personnel warehouse of the organization and t. D. Excel can also be used and updated graphs, based on the entered numbers.

Basic electronic elements

Excel tables

The file, with the help of Excel, is called a book. The book, as a rule, is stored from decal working sheets, which can be a mystery of tables, texts, diagrams, little ones.

The book is a good organizing method. For example, it is possible in one book to retrieve all the documents (work sheets), to be submitted to the singing project (design), or all documents, which are managed by one vison. The basis of the working sheet (Fig. 79) is a grid of rows and hundreds. Oseredok to pretend to be the overflowing of the row і 100%. The target is seen in the middle (cells) and is called active (in Fig. 77, the active box is seen by the frame).

Small. 79. Table elements

The row in the working arch is identified by the name (digitally), as it appears on the left side of the working sheet.

One hundred percent in the robotic arc also identifies im'yam (letters of the Latin alphabet), as it appears in the mountain of the robotic sheet.

The work sheet of the Excel book can be up to 65,536 rows and 256 hundred percent.

Oseredok - the main element of the table - has its own unique address, which can be stored from the number of the row, for example, E4.

It is skinned to take revenge on one element of information, be it a digital value, a text or a formula.

Pislya vivchennya chapter 6 student is guilty:


  • the designation of the program of electronic tables in the processing of arrays of numerical tributes;
  • the interface of electronic tables, the structure of the document (book), addressing and interconnection of links;
  • vidih ​​in the middle (number, text, formula, function, format);
  • vidmіnnіst mіzh vmіstom, meaning and format in the middle;
  • categories, names and rules for writing the main functions of electronic tables;
  • View between categories and rows of data in the tables;
  • vidi diagrams, їх zasosuvannya for the nautical representation of the great commitments of tabular tributes;


  • storyuvati, redaguvati and formatuvati tables of danikh;
  • fold the formulas, fix the functions of processing numeric and textual information arrays;
  • select the type of diagrams, most adequately represent tabular numerical data, will be presented in sounds and presentations;


  • with tips and tricks to induce electronic tables;
  • enumeration in electronic tables;
  • design of graphs, diagrams and clever people;
  • Tips and tricks for the collection of tributes from text and numerical arrays-lists according to criteria.

Basic understanding and methods of organizing

Electronic table - program for mathematical, statistical and graphical processing of arrays of text and numerical tributes, organized by the view of tables. Programs for electronic tables are called tabular

processors. An electronic table of distribution and processing of data (text, numbers, formulas) in the middle of rows and stations, to display their values ​​on the screen, to automate the distribution, to serve as an effective way to model options and situations during winter. Formulas and functions, inserted into the table, zoom in between one by one. During the change of dates, the mittuvii pererakhunok are seen in the middle, which will show, to some of the inheritances in the production.

Information structure of tables is described in rows with numbers 1, 2, 3, ... i hundredfold with letters A, B, WITH, ... to that middle (aka klitini) tables are designated by coordinates A2, C3, D4(Fig. 6.1). Komirka - the minimal element of the tables on the cross-brace and rows, which is the address (name), for which purpose it is necessary to start and grow in place, to make out and to see the value. I'm in the middle(Addresses) must be registered in a row. C15 addresses mean: mid-century Zі row 15.

In the middle of the table, you can enter the data, set the format of the filed (total, rubles), Set the formulas for calculating the accumulated values. For example, in the middle of the stovpts "Price per piece", "Quantity, piece." to enter the data, and in the shops of the storehouse "Zagalna Vartist" - the formulas for the multiple price per piece per number of pieces. Show middles with formulas value the result of the calculation, and also the data in the middle of the hundred Vі Z change, the meaning of the storehouse D will be reinsured. Tse allows vivchati scenarios like "shho, yaksho", as well as models of different situations, tied with a tribute. For tabular rosters, they are characterized by a relatively simple formula and a great deal of tribute.

The table processor razr_znyaє types of data, which are stored in the middle of the tables, are correctly interpreted

Small. 6.1.

to work together and to make it work. From the keyboard, you can enter text, numbers (sum to the text and numbers to print as text), dates (a type of numerical tributes), formulas, functions.

The table processor can process a large number of information in an array of databanks, analyze finances, income, tribute, carry out preliminaries in economics and legal statistics, sociology, see the result of not just a display of numbers, Evaluation of the tribute, the registration of the results in the calculation, displayed in the electronic tables, will accelerate the acceptance of the solution in the management and business performance.

Їх in the tables, the designations and functions are assigned by the commands that are obvious in the active, which are represented by a row of menus. For lodging robots with commands in the programs of electronic tables, panels with tools are used.

Zastosovyuchi daniyu on the stage of consolidation and formulation of practical tips, you can start to get the opportunity to actualize theoretical knowledge, to change yourself according to control nutrition, to see tips on practical workers.

1. Structure of electronic tables

An electronic table is a program for processing numerical tributes in a dialogue mode, which is used to collect and process data in straight-line tables. The electronic table is stored from hundreds and rows. The headings of the stovpts are designated by letters or by letters (A, G, AB, etc.), the headings of the rows - by numbers (1, 16, 278, etc.). The middle is the middle of the overflow of the stack and the row. Skin table table can have its own address. The addresses of the electronic tables are stored from the column header and the row header, for example, A1, F123, R7. The period in which such activities are carried out, are seen as a frame and called active. The electronic Excel spreadsheet is stored in 256 hundred and 16384 rows. In Excel spreadsheets are called work sheets. Work sheet (electronic table) - the main type of document, which can be used in Excel for the collection and processing of data. For the notes of the arch, "Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", etc. are numbered. The change of the order of the leaf shaping can be changed. Vibir of the first sheet of the workbook will be heard by the click of Misha on the label of the tsy sheet. The reversed sheet will become active.

Control food

  1. Yaka structure of electronic tables?
  2. How can I ask myself a commercially in electronic tables?
  3. how to take revenge sheet Excel spreadsheet?
  4. how to take revenge working book Excel spreadsheet?

Practical knowledge.

  1. Change the order of the sheets in the spreadsheets.

2. The introduction of tribute at the top of the table

To enter the data into a specific medium, it is necessary to see the click of the Misha, and then click on a row of formulas. Introduced in a row of formulas for the production of data in the flow line. When the data is entered in the left part of the row of formulas, there are three buttons that are used to control the process of entering: a worm with a cross, a green checkmark and an icon. When you click on the button with a cross, you can see it. Click on the buttons with an icon on the screen above the dialogue window of the Maystra function. You can enter the function.

After completing the introduction of the tribute, be guilty of fixing it in the meantime by three ways: Pressing the key (Enter); Clicking on the buttons with a check mark; Yaksho click the mouse on the middle of the middle.

For the introduction of the data, you can also click the mouse on the vibrating comic, and the text cursor will appear in the middle. Fragments in place of the comics can be formatted in an extraordinary way behind the additional tab [Format-Oseredki ... / Font] or behind the additional toolbar "Formatting". You can experiment with the font v and independently.

practical work

  1. Create a multiply table for EXCEL help (or I do it for review).

The formulas have vikoristovuyatsya posilaniya on the addresses of the middle. There are two main types of power: common and absolute. The prominence of each individual and absolute feasibility is manifested when copying the formula from the active point of view to the client. Possibly the formula vikoristovuyutsya for vkazіvka address and the middle, which is calculated only in the middle, in which there is a formula. When changing or copying the formulas from the active period of time, the new formulas are automatically updated as a result of the new position. Vidnosnі posilannya mayut viglyad: A1, B3. For suggestions for a set of formulas in Excel, it is worthwhile to get a clear answer. Absolutely feasible the formula vikoristovuyutsya for the assignment of a fixed address in the middle. When changing or copying the formula, the absolute will not change. In absolute posilanny, a dollar sign (for example, $ A $ 1) is placed in front of the invisible values ​​of the address.

It is easy to see the absolute and unmistakable strokes on the butt. Let us not need to calculate the part of the components for the computer in rubles, since the prices are in dollars and the ruble exchange rate.

Copying of formulas, so that you can take revenge on certain and absolute values.

  1. Enter in the commercials A5, A6 and A7, name the annexes, and in the middle B5, B6, B7 їх prices in dollars. Enter the ruble rate into the C2 keyline.
  2. Enter the formula = B5 * $ C $ 2 into the C5 page, de B5 is valid, and $ C $ 2 is absolute. Copy the formulas in the middle C6 and C7; It is absolutely possible to lose $ C $ 2 on the commercial, but it is likely that B5 will change by the amount of $ C $ 2 from active customers.

If the symbol dolara is in front of the letter (for example, $ A1), then the coordinate is absolute, and the rows are valid. If the symbol dolara is in front of the number (for example, A $ 1), then, navpaki, the coordinate is 100% valid, and the rows are absolute. This is how they call themselves zm_shanimi.

Control food

  1. Who has the opinion of the absolute values ​​from the past?
  2. Do you know how to be called zmіshany? Aim the butt.
  3. At the midway point F13, the formula = F12 / $ B $ 4 was introduced. Then the formula was copied into the F16 box. Yaka formula take revenge in the middle of the F16?
  4. In the middle B7, the formula = (A6 + A7) * $ D $ 4 was introduced. Then the formula was copied into the F7 box. Yaka formula take revenge in the middle of the F7?
  5. At the middle D5, the formula = $ A5 + B $ 5 was introduced. Then the formula was copied into the D2 combo box. How can the formula take revenge in the D2 commerce?

practical work

  1. Revise on the practicality the correctness of the list of buildings 3, 4 and 5.
  2. Open the sheet, see the table for the names of annexes and prices in the U.O. For convenience, translate prices into rubles for the course, the meaning of which you can take in any time for you.

4. Practical knowledge. "The price of computer attachments"

I would like to add the most effective computer to assess the part of the area, which stores the price of entering to the new annexes, because of the backward price of the computer. Show the result in the diagrams.

The price of computer attachments

  1. run addon Microsoft Excel. Have your own workbook open a new sheet for a practical application.
  2. Enter the name of the annexes, go into the computer, and the prices in the smart units. For convenience, the prices are translated into rubles for the course, the value of which will be taken into account in the B1 commerce (or in the middle, hand-held for you).
  3. Introduced into the market C4 the formula for transferring the price in rubles = $ B $ 1 * B4. Skoristaєmosya absolutely ïsilannya to the middle B1 for the correct copy of the formula in the middle C5-C15 for the auxiliary command [Redaguvannya - Save - Down]. Pidrakhumo, in the middle of C16, the sum of the price of the computer for the additional function of the SUM is significant;
  4. Introduced in the D4 market the formula for the value of the part of the price for the attachment in the computer's back-end price = B4 / $ B $ 16. We will be absolutely glad to help you on the middle B16 for the correct copy of the formula in the D5-D15 market.
  5. To represent numbers in hundredths D in the form of binaries, you need to enter the command [Format-Oseedok ...]. On the panel, it appeared attributes in the middle at vіknі Category vibrati vidsotok... Data in the table can be sorted for growth or changes in value.
  6. For the sorting of attachments by alphabet, the order of the growth of the view of the hundred and the table stocks and clicking on the buttons A-Z. (Make copies of tables: for the alphabet of the name of the annexes, for the change in the price of the annexes, for the growth of the price for the annexes.). In the process of robots (for example, when the formulas are introduced), one must manually look through the comics not at the numbers, but at the formulas.
  7. To look at the value of the formulas, you need to enter the command [Service - Parameters ...]. At the left part of the panel, vibrati appeared Document electronic tables-Вміст. At the right side of the panel, set up the foreman of the Formula. For the scientific representation of the rimming numerical tributes, the diagrams will be stimulated.
  8. View the data area and enter the [Insert-Diagram] command. The first panel appeared on the screen Diagrams autoformat (1-4) it is possible to change the area of ​​tribute.
  9. On the other panel, you need to vibrate the type of diagrams (in this case Krugova ob'єmna)і roztashuvannya a number of tributes (in this vypadku 100). A view of the reverse diagrams is shown at the "Pereglyad" window.
  10. On the third and fourth panels, you can specify the details the most recent viglyad diagrams and legends.
    As a result, we made a circular diagram, as a result of the fact that it was clear about the "additions" of the skin attachment to the price of the computer.
    In the electronic tables, it is possible to hear a message from the given minds. This is how you call yourself filter... As a result, there will be several rows that will satisfy the given filter. Persh nіzh pochati pohatuk, you need to see one clip with data. For example, we know all the rows, which revenge information about the attachment of a donation of 100 USD.
  11. Enter the command [Dani-Filter-Autofiltr]. The names of hundreds of tables have lists that open up, revenge the standard mind and joke. Raise the list in 100% Price and select the item Condition ... for the introduction of the minds of Koristuvalnytsya.
  12. On the dialogue panel Values ​​for koristuvach autofilter enter the operator in the fields and for a message greater than or a value of 100.
  13. The result will be two rows, which will satisfy the given filter. (Know the attachment tables to take revenge on the word "Drive".)
  14. Save the table with data and diagrams on the archway Price of annexes.

5. Tabulyuvannya and pobudova graphs of functions in ЕТ EXCEL.

Given a function Y (x) = x 2 -3x + 2.required:

Calculate the value of the function Y for the value of the argument x = -5; -4.5; -4; ... 7; 7.5; eight;

Follow the EXCEL option for the graph of the function Y (x) and the value of the value (approximately), for any value of x the value of the function Y (x) the road is 0.

Technology vikonannya zavdannya

How robiti? Yak robiti?
1. Enter the headings of the stovpts At midpoint A1: "x". At midpoint B1: "f (x)"
2. Enter the cob data In A2: number -5. Y B2: formula = A2 ^ 2 / 2-3 * A2 + 2
3. With the help of auto-storage, enter into the store A the value of the change Place the cursor on midpoint A2;

vikonayte Correct / Set / Progression

Oberit For hundreds; arithmetic;

Oberit Croc: 0.5; Limit value: 8

4. Calculate f (x) for the value x Copy vmіst commercials В2 in the middle В3: В28
5. Encourage the graph of function (x) for the help of the Maister diagrams. View block A1: B28; wiklichte Meister diagram;

enter misce pid graph; vibration: XY - point, type 6

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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