Registration of the title page of the high-quality robots. "I will establish management"

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Any new mortgage will be able to find new vimogs before the WRC. Vypuskna kvalіfіkatsіyna robot - tse smut and more navazhivіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіvіy hіdіdnіya. We will stop by the step before the rejection of the bachelor's and master's diploma from the higher education institution.

In order to correctly write the diploma project, the graduate student should get acquainted with the peculiarities of the design of the robot and remember the important recommendations.

Yak pisati WRC

Turn around for help The main meta written by the diploma robot is the systematization, mastering and consolidation of theoretical knowledge, which has gone down in the entire hour of a student's visit to the Higher Education Institution. The very main thing is the science of a graduate student є with a serious and extremely important work, as it cleverly lasts for a few steps:

Stage 1. Vibir by those of the diploma project and the recognition of the scientific standard at the department. It is important to remember how to succeed as a robot, how to be like a student, and also to quote him.

Stage 2. Development of a working plan at once from a scientific baseline. Work plan є lecture wizard of robots from chapters, as the process can be edited.

Stage 3. Pidbir and vivchennya litteraturi. Zbir and analysis of practical tributes for pre-graduation (most often in the course of pre-diploma practice).

Stage 4. Writing a high-quality professional robot - systematizing and formalizing the text of all material in literate structures. Development of visnovka and recommendation by vivchenikh danih.

Stage 5. Registration of the license robot, conversion to the plugin. Written to the text for the diploma project, for the VKR before the committee.

Important! The diploma is a foldable work, tied to the analysis of the great number of literature, and the VKR was awarded the same time in the first semester of the graduation course.

Application of the structure of the VKR z pharmacy

The topic of the FQP "Pharmacy Organizations for Stage Development"


ROZDIL 1. Pharmaceutical Organizations
1.1. History of development of the pharmacy in Russia
1.2. Organizational robots of daily pharmacies
1.3. See the functions of the daily pharmacies
ROZDIL 2. Doslidzhennya method
ROZDIL 3. Results of continued efficiency of pharmacy organizations
3.1. Pharmacy with a closed wicked product
3.2. Pharmacy with a wide range of products
3.3. Economic efficiency of pharmacy supermarkets
3.5. Assessment of the quality of customer service
List of Victory Literature

Regulations on the WRC

The release of the robot can be folded up according to the methodical recommendations and instructions for writing. The rules for drawing up are regulated by such sovereign documents:

  • Federal State Educational Standard for specialties and vocational education (secondary vocational education);
  • The procedure for carrying out the State Police Attestation educational programs Open source software;
  • GOST 7-32 from 2001 to rock.

Krim zagalnyh position, okremi vimogi to the highest quality robots can present a concrete initial mortgage. So, special vimogs for the diploma work are present at the RANEPA (Novosibirsk and Irkutsk) or at the North Caucasus Federal University (P'yatigorsk).

Unimportant to such a bureaucratic regulation of the execution of diploma projects, other nuances become variable. So, the GOST does not specify the type for the font, the protest on the practice is dependent on the victorious Times New Novel.

WRC title page

Title page є obov'yazkovoy vimoyu prior to registration vypusknoy robots. Specific recommendations for what is written can be found in the methodology of the Higher Education Institution, protest against those of the types, which are bound to apply to the title of the diploma robot:

  • on the basis of the official name of the initial mortgage of the department, of the organization of a galuze ministry, to whatever be established, the faculty, the department;
  • the name of the high quality robotics;
  • Information about the author of the robot - PIB, name that specialty code, group number;
  • vidomosty about the scientific certificate of the diploma project, the first PIB, the scientific stage and the title;
  • vkazіvka place, in which the VNZ is based, rіk written to the recipient of the diploma.

Important! When the title page is drawn up, it is not allowed to transfer it quickly.

Folder for VKR

The final copy of the diploma project is inviting to be found in the printing house, with an address folder in A4 format. The root of such a lining is guilty of not less than 20 mm, with a comb with openings for sewing sheets.

Uwaga! For the residual writing and registration of the FQP, the student cannot bring in a lot of money before the zahist. To that, before the buildings, it is more than necessary to revise again and again all the data in the text and the correctness of the design of the title page.

Yak convert WRC to antiplagiat

Conversion systems licensed robots on plugin vikoristovoyutsya for the Danish moment at all Russian VNZ. This technique allows the assessment of the student's entries at the end of the day, clearing the analysis and operation of the information.

For the conversion of robots, it is practically all the first to lay down the antiplagiat conversion system "Antiplagiat.VUZ" ( This is a system that is actively being victorious for the purpose of identifying uniqueness by students and victories. Online, you can rewrite only PDF documents and TXT. For graduation theses, the acceptable size of the suspicion is 15-30% of the text without graphic material. The same tsim obsyagm can be interchanged with the tsituvannya pershoderel chi normative acts. To the allowable suspicion, name the organisation, the organisation's power, the organisation's power.

Only when the student tries to reach the minimum level of originality, the student can send the residual version of his WRC for the revision of the department.

Graduation of the quality of the robot can also help you gain the knowledge that the student has learned. You will be informed about the quality of the material and about the preparedness of the graduate for an independent life.

Writing and issuing an FQP is not as easy as it can be. It is easy to get it by following all the recommendations and to listen to the delights of the scientific benchmark - only the robot can pretend to find an estimate.

Suvoria vimogi can be seen before the high quality robots. The diploma of the robot maє buti is issued on a weekly basis according to GOST. Dalі is clear, yak to issue a diploma for GOST.

Before we need to pay respect to:

  • Color font. Vin maє buti is viciously black.
  • Vidіlennya. For DSTU, it is not possible to see the breaks or breaks. Items can only be displayed in bold, not in italics.
  • Obsyag. Bagato VNZ has a singular number of sides. All to lay down from the faculty and specialties of the student. As a rule, the minimum amount of the diploma robot is 60 pages. Do not include any remarks and additions to the whole price. From the big side, we can go from there to the bibliographic list. The maximum amount should be clarified at the department.
  • Side numbers. The stench is affixed at the bottom with the center in Arabic numerals 11 size size. It is not possible to put down the numbering, right-handed at the top. Obov'yazkovo is required vrahuvati, so that the first part is to be repaired from the title page, but not numbered. Likewise, the sides are not numbered with a quick and bibliographic list.
  • Transferred rows. As a rule, words are carried over by themselves. Protest vignettes. For example, write the title. It is not possible to move the rows with the "Tab" buttons, or "punched", the splinters of the robot will be inaccurately watched.

The whole project is written on arkushi A4. Plus, before everything else, the need for a one-sided hand, the splinters of the robot, then skryplyuєtsya.

Suvorі vimogi are presented before such parameters:

  • font. It is necessary to select "Times New Roman". The size of the font for the text is 14 point size, and the headings of the first level are 16 point size. Another level is issued - 15, and the third - 14 size.
  • Intervals. For GOST, one and a half interval is transmitted.
  • fields. Oskіlki lіvoruch diploma skryplyuєtsya, from the side the edge of the fields of the buty is 2 cm. The edge of the upper and lower fields is 2 cm, and of the right - 1 cm.

Protect, є VNZ, which are in accordance with the DSTU standards, to which such other parameters need to be clarified from your own scientific benchmark. The text itself is more beautiful than vir_vnyuvati in width.

Yak make out the title page

The title page is the main part of the diploma, the head of the comic think-tank. It is necessary to arrange it neatly and beautifully in accordance with all the GOST standards. It is necessary to provide basic aspects:

  • Dotrimuvatis correct size of the fields (upper and lower by 2 cm, left - 2 cm, and to the right - 1.5 cm).
  • drukuvati in black color, font 14;
  • Vir_vnyuvati text in the center Tse dan of a student and a science curriculum.

The butt of the title page

Yak correctly issue a zm_st (zm_st) at a diploma

In 2001, GOST 7.32 was established for the given designations, and it was stated that the title of the zmistu was written by great (great) letters. Zmist store for entry, name razdiliv, paragraphs, visnovkiv, vicoristanoi literature, supplement. It is not easy to issue a diploma for a diploma;

According to GOST 2.105, it is necessary to write the word "ЗМІСТ" or "ЗМІСТ" great letters... However, є last version DSTU for 2001 rіk 7.32, for which there are not many clear cues, a zmistu is issued. To that the author can choose the size of the letters at his own examination.

The butt for the diploma robot

Зміст ... 2
Enter ... 3
1.Theoretical foundations of the accounting area for the development of trade ... 5
1.1 Understanding and specialties in the development of trade ... 5
1.2 To enter at the vitrati of a trade establishment ... 8
1.3 Yak for registration of goods ... 10
2. The competence of the accounting department for the enterprise IP Kalininaya A. S ... 25
2.1 Economic characteristics of the organization ... 25
2.2 Pervinnі document the goods ... 35
2.3 Clash of vitrat for sales ... 45
3.Evaluation of the financial stand of the enterprise according to the data of the balance sheet ... 56
3.1 Internal audit of vitrates for sales ... 56
3.2 Analysis of vitrate for sale ... 62
3.3 Recommendations for a detailed overview ... 69
Visnovok ... 80
List of Viktorian literature ... 83

The names of the chapters are authoritatively devastated by great letters and admiration, the propositions are inadmissible, they can be deprived of their visibility by being fat. Headings and headings are displayed in the center of the page and, for example, the point does not appear. There are two propositions at the heading, so they need to be speckled. Headings - exactly the same short name, I will explain, the text is written. Tse zm_st, entry, structural part (chapters and p_dpunkti), visnovok, list of vicarist dzherel. The design of the heads and headings at the lines, the laconic form is very important, the committee often finds the nutrition of the most common points.

Leather razd_l needs to be repaired news that is drukuvati in Times New Roman 16 point size. Also, for sections, it is necessary to use the numbering, otherwise, with structural elements, the titles may not be numbered.

When decorated, there are three styles of writing distributions and paragraphs:

It is allowed to divide the time into paragraphs, and that, by its own line, into paragraphs. Items are seen by numbers, which are stored from the number of the chapter that paragraph, which can be seen as a dot. For example, 2.2.1 - the practicality of the primary documents in the range of goods. Here the first digit “2” is the number of the chapter, and 2.1 is the paragraph.

The title of the paragraph of this sub-item cannot be read from the new side. For a large number of paragraphs, the indent is 1.5 or 1.7 mm. So, as in other headings, the point of the proposition is not put, but the text is read in a new row.

Yak to issue a baby at a diploma

Little ones in diploma robots can be made with graphs, diagrams, and illustrated butts. In GOST 7.32-2001 it is prescribed that, before the illustration, there is a need for a dzherelo. Also graphic materials are changed for text and written. It’s lower than it’s easy to see how you can get a baby with a diploma.

Obrazhennya obov'yazkovo is required to be numbered in Arabic numerals. These include the number of the chapter, paragraph, subparagraph. For example, babies are brought to another paragraph, so the first number is put "2". We can use a serial number of the illustration. For example, 2.3, de "2" is the number of the chapter, and "3" is the number of the baby behind the rakhunk.

At the bottom of the little ones, write and display in the center of the row. It is not necessary to put a full stop on the signature. The word "Malunok" is spelled back, and "Mal." writing is unacceptable.

Intuitive design of malunks and diagrams

Decorating the table at the diploma

You will need to adjust the indicators for an additional table, as there can be a change in the text, as well as the wine before the distribution of the data. Throughout the text, the guilt is disagreed on the tables, as it is stipulated in GOST 7.32-2001.

The tables are disaggregated immediately after the text, it is said that the table is numbered. First, I put the number of the section, and then the ordinal number of the tables. The numbers are added with a dot. For example, Table 3.4, de "3" is the number of the chapter or the section, and "4" is the ordinal number of the table.

Tables, like perebuyut at the dodatku, are numbered with Arabic numerals okremo. First letter means I will call programs (B.2). The word "Table" is not possible to speed up. The name of the table itself is written at the top, printed on the left edge without an edge, as shown on the butt below. Do not put a speck of naprikіntsі name.

As the table is great and to take place on the side, to be moved. Not to be held at the bottom horizontal line, fragments are transferred to such a side. The same name is written above the first part of the table, but in the other side it is written, for example, "Continuation of the table 3.4".

The table is great, de a lot of rows and hundreds can be divided into parts, even next to the stitch, and the frames did not go between. As it turned out, the table should be in the A4 format, so that both sides are allowed to do it. Tilki varto stitches, schob chastina, yak bul at the front row, repeated.

According to GOST 7.23-2001, name the rows and the hundredths of the tables to be repaired from the great letters, and the headings of all the letters are small. The speck can be put only in the drop-down, which is fast. It is also not possible for the headings and headings of the rows (hundreds) to be cut with oblique lines.

Yakshto table rozrakhovuvalas student, only when it is required to signify, for some data rosrahunks were carried out.

Introductory table design

Table 3.2 - Assessment of the platform's ability to organize

Introductory design of tables and headings

Table 3.3 - Indicators of vitrates for the production of virobes, which can become a group A of products

Yak at diploma robots draw up formulas and rivnyannya

With folding mathematical razrahunks, the formulas of chi rivnyannya should be induced. Those students need nobility, as the diplomas are properly drawn up. Subject to GOST 7.32-2001, the formulas are written in an adjacent row, and between them the text may be entered from the top and from the bottom.

Inodi rivnyannya does not fit in one row. In such cases, it is necessary to transfer it to the next row. mathematical sign... Tse may be: rose, multiple, etc.

The formulas are to blame for the mother, I will skip the numbering, denote the number of the section, or just the ordinal number of the formula in the middle point, which is set in Arabic numerals in round bows.

Given the formulas can be given a later explanation for the symbols of the chi koofіtsієntіv. The word "de" is written in a row of splices. For example, the formula is given:

F = m * g (3.4) (1)

de F - strength;

m - wt;

g - accelerated fall.

According to GOST 7.32-2001, it is allowed to prescribe the formulas by hand, but only with black paste.


Vkazuvati dzherelo necessary obov'yazkovo, oskil student, which at the diploma robot will show the literature read, showing his knowledge of the first thing at the galuzy. To that according to GOST 7.82-2001 "Bibliographic description electronic resources"And 7.0.5-2008" Bibliographic Possibility. General vimogues and rules of folding "vimogues, it is necessary to provide information on the dzherelo information.

It is also necessary to give the number of the page, the formula, the image, the sound, the information was taken. For example, de "3" denotes the ordinal number from the bibliographic list, "35" - the side, the letters given in the information and "5" - the number of the table. Yak bachite, posilannya to be located at the square arches.

Decorating pererahuvan: marked and numbered lists

Marked and numbered lists may be included in the diploma, the scrutiny of the student's robot is more accurate and natural. Transfusions of any kind can be found at the skin rash, and at the points.

Yakshcho stand in the interleaves tagging list to put a dot with a coma, and numbering with a dot in the end of the skin proposition. There is a speck with a lump in the front row, the proposition is lower to repair with a little literi. Apparently, writing a speck of the word in a new row is to reclaim from the great literature.


Obsyag pidsumkiv is not guilty of changing 3 sides of A4. Here it is necessary to write visnovki, pid bags about the Viconan robot. Naukіvіdlіdzhennya guilty of being present not only in the text itself, but th e naprikіntsі. The font that yogo size is not varto.

Fields and intervals in the interconnected may be the same as in all diploma robots. There is no need to insert tables, graphs and other illustrations. At the 3rd side, it is necessary to insert the skin of the skin.

Registration of documents

Programs - a dodatkova part to a diploma robot. Tse nauchnі materials, which can be seen from the author's prats. According to GOST 7.32-2001, the whole text is guilty, and when it smells like it may be, they are numbered, so it’s going to work for an hour of robotics over a diploma.

Supplements are not obligatory for promotion at diplomas;

The programs are repaired from the new A4 arkush, on which in the center at the top it is written "DODATOK". Yak bachimo, the word is written viciously by the great letters of the Russian alphabet. The name of the program can be denoted by Latin letters or Arabic numerals, which is usually the word for zmist. The skin program is to blame for the new arkush.

As there is only one program in the document, that is, it is identified by the letter "A". For example, "DODATOK A". Numbered additional sides By the squeaky Arabic numerals. The programs may be spelled out like this, like a text, so that they can have points and points.

Designing a list of literature: the structure of a library list

Vikladachi zvratayut especially respect for vicoristani dzherela and їkh registration, and for the incorrectly written commission can lower the rating on their own investigation. It didn’t become too much, it would be necessary to go even more respectfully to the registration of the bibliographic list.

According to GOST 7.80-2000, Vimogues are printed before the heading I will describe again dzherel. GOST 7.82-2001 reports, describing the bibliography of electronic resources, and GOST 7.05-2008 - general rules and regulations for bibliographic information.

The sequence of the dzherel in the bibliographic list

As a rule, dzherela vikoristanoi literature is written after the abetka and as dzherela is stored in normative acts, so they are indicated before the bibliographic list.

Otzhe, bibliographic list is stored from:

  1. Normative acts.
  2. Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  3. Scientific and scientific literature.
  4. Dovidkova literature.
  5. Earth literature.
  6. Electronic nose. Tse disks, floppy disks, flash drives just.

Literature is written after the abetta is written, and the periodical is handled. Electronic resources appear as a bibliographic list.

Іm'ya author or name dzherela: scho vkazuvati on the cob describe

Before describing any quotation, it is necessary to mention the author's name, as well as his name, to finish writing in less than one. If the authors are more chotiry, then the name is written from the list, and then, after the oblique line, the author is repaired, correcting from the nickname.

Design name dzherel

The main name can be alternative. This name can be taken from the union "abo". For example, Botany is a science about kiti.

Material is recognized in square arches and to write this letter for the head name from the great letter. For example, Accounting Office and Audit [Text]. Dzherel area is subdivided by a dot and a dash. If you need to give a name, you need to name it, so you need to put a two-piece before the description.

The main name is dzherel, and then at the square arches the reference material is used. A parallel name is written with a single sign "=", and the type, which is referred to before the name is written ":" (two-dots). The first view about the versatility is to appear behind a single oblique line "/". Other views are written with specks with a coma ";".

Dzherel region visible

It is necessary to write about information about dzherelo information in such a formulation and after-date, as it is spelled out in the whole victorian literature. It is also impossible to forget about the area of ​​vision, de pershі views are written through one braid with a line "/", and parallel views appear to be sent to the sign of equality "=". All offensive information is written with specks in a coma ";".

The serial number should be written in Arabic numerals and words. For example,.-7th view., .- view. 5-ones .- 3rd ed. The area where you can see it includes the lack of views, which are specific to the issue. The stench will be recorded on a whichever basis for the main types of properties danogo dzherel... For example, .- view. 3-тє / rep. 3 2nd view. Є. V. Lisenka.

How to make out wihіdni danі

A handful of words are written every time you see it, it’s like it’s a little bit, so you need to write through a speck with a coma “;”. Im'ya vidavtsya dzherela or rozpovsyujuvacha vkazutsya write dvokraki ":".

Whether it’s about the function of the viewer (rozpovsyujuvach), it is necessary to put it at the square bow “”, the date of the date can be set by the Komi letter, and at the same time you can draw the given lettering at the round ”bow“ (). Іm'ya virobnik it is necessary to vkazuvati write dvokrapki.

Yak to draw up the area of ​​physical characteristics

According to GOST 7.1-2003, it is necessary to provide specific material for that yogo obsyag. If you want to put a two-piece, you will be able to see the information about the physical characteristics. Dal to put a speck with a lump ";" that is written to the form (obsyag) material. Plus "+" is put in front of the views about supervised material.

Registration of the region of the seria

The main name of the series is written in round bows, and the parallel name is written in the letter "=". Views, which are known to the name, are written with two-speck ":" and for the first time it is written with an oblique line, and the beginning of a speck with a coma “;”.

Yak to make out a lot of vidannya

Volume is a physical unit, and it is possible to conceive: vipusk, zbirnik chi chastinu. Also, literature is stored in a number of volumes, to be described by the original name.

At times, since there is no name in it, all parts are called in a rational way and constantly change, so the main name is post-part. In the case of migrants, it is necessary to draw the first volume and the rest, and to distribute it to the dash.

Registration of periodicals

The main name is spelled out, and then, at the square arches, the material is written. Parallel to the name, it appears to be a sign of eagerness, but on the basis of a house, as it is necessary to name it, it is necessary to write a letter.

One braid of line should be placed and it will appear as the first appearance, and step through the speck with a lump. We can write about the area of ​​being seen with a sign of equanimity that will appear on the way behind them. Dodatkova information about seeing through someone.

For the region of outgoing tributes, a speck is placed with a lump and far away, it is written in the same way, and when a speck is written, it’s like a speck, it’s about a new edge at the square arches.

Yak to make out an electronic dzherela (posilannya)

As early as 2001, GOST 7.82 was revised and electronic resources were issued. All disks, internet, floppy disks and nosy. electronic information... On the cob, the name of the material is written, then, through the sign of equality, the name is parallel. Then the dvokrapka is put and the information is presented as well.

For the dash sign, it is written mice, de vypyli dzherelo, and for the dash, it appears im'ya vidavtsya (rozpovsyujuvacha) at the round arches. A speck is placed further, a dash is the main name of the series, and then one is parallel to the name. Because of the dichotomy it appears as a view, it’s worth a specific dzherel and a line spit is placed, when it’s written about the viewpoint.

Butt of drawing up a bibliographic list

At the statti it is described how the diploma can be issued according to the state standard specifications. The stench itself will help you grow up at all thin people. Tim is bigger, as it is vrahovuvati, but the final project of the student is not to be missed, but to be properly formalized.

Yak correctly issue a diploma for DSTU Updated: Lucius 15, 2019 by: Statti.Ru

At written by WRC The students are guilty of getting the registration done according to GOST 2018. At the same time, the State Standard dictates superficial norms, and the head of the family is able to lay down the initial mortgage in an individual order. Scho vikladaєtsya at the set of methodical vkazіvkah schodo vikonannya VKR. Dotrimannya standard vimogo allow the attestation of the committee shvidsh zrozumiti zmist of your doslіdzhennya, and you - otrimat access to.

Standard of regulations written by WRC

The current GOST 2018 is not as good as GOST 7.32-2001 “System of standards for information, library and type information. Sounds about a science-based robot. The structure of the rules is formalized. " The one, who took out the values ​​of the correction in 2005, updated in the flowing 2018. The standard is great, but the main points are:

  • robot font TimeNewRoman,
  • Suvore noticing all the given fields,
  • drukovaniy typed material, which vikonutsya for the help of a computer printer or drukarsky machines.

Basic vimogues prior to registration of a voucher robot

As a basis, the vikonannya was followed by methodical instructions, which are seen at the departments of the head pledges. To that, DERZHSTANDART is no longer the normative standards, and the attestation committee, like the smartest vikladach, is taken as a basis for the very private vimogi VNZ chi CPSu. Ale, in any kind of varto, face the offensive change of normative parameters:

  • The size of A4, A3 sheets can be used to decorate small pieces, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, and it’s not bad, so it’s very thoroughly and thoroughly, before the revision. As it is without them, it’s more beautiful to win at the “Dodatka” razdil;
  • biliy papir, more beautiful than cracking, with a thickness of 80g / sq. Price for standard vimogues to paperwork for printers;
  • text material (,) to play behind the printer;
  • material to be rolled out on one of the sides of the sheet;
  • skin new distribution, dodatok abo wine to fix on a new arkushi. And the axis of point or paragraph can be repaired at the Supreme Court. There is no exact standard here;
  • the width of the margins, the entry of those paragraphs, the most important part in the design, through the destruction of any revision of the text material, do not start to navigate:
  1. right-handed 10mm,
  2. zlyva from 30mm
  3. top out 20mm,
  4. from the bottom out 20mm (you want to go down, and all the values ​​of the parameters can be displayed accurately);
  5. orієntatsіya of a leaf is vertical;
  6. Virivnyuvannya by width, which is not spelled out in GOST, but it is accepted as a "voice posture", but to mean more accurately and to be reconciled with scrupulousness;
  7. the obviousness of the paragraphs of the obov'yazkov, the entry here is 12.5-17mm, so please check with the methodical instructions to the department of your initial mortgage,
  8. color to the text only black, and new vision, no background, no font;
  9. font size 12 or 14, 10 can be seen in vines, allowed in great tabular materials;
  10. mid-row interval suvoro 1.5. Tse besperechna vimoga DSTU;
  11. great font only in galuzi name diploma robots and titles;
  12. formulas that їх prove to be allowed to be entered by hand, ale only with black ink;
  13. to see the headings / subheadings and especially important moments, you can use a fat bolt,
  14. Obsyag call at the boundaries of 100-150 sides. The lesser is not allowed to sufficiently open up the topic, the greater the revenge on the material. Uniqueness not lower than 70%;
  15. especially respect the list of literature, de kozhne was not guided by a dzherelo maє figuruvati in the text, but not obov'yazkovo, ale duzhe bazhano;
  16. Suvoro quest for the appearances of Drukarsk pardons. Stink in the edge of non-brittleness, to be absolutely unacceptable. Most of the stench is not just a boom, but it is often smelled. To that beastly respect for the residual editing of the already finished material.

WRC title formatting standards

Tsiy temi varto come with especial respect. To that, there are no standard vimogs to Derzhstandart, the stench is even more generous and foldable until the end of the day. The heading is not just an essence, but it should be victorious under the heading / pidrozdilu. Central structural part of the WRC. Yak to name it, so it goes even scrupulously to the registration of the varto.

Three registration features are binding for the visitor є such vimogi:

  • the visibility of the speck of paint. It remains permissible if the title is called “Chastina”;
  • numbering in Arabic numerals
  • between the text part and the heading 15mm, to set one interval at a size of 1.5. The heading is divided into 8 mm by a sub-interval;
  • The title of the heading will be repaired in the middle of the row, and the title will be repaired like a paragraph;
  • the title is not guilty but postponed. If it is from the number of propositions, then you can put a speck between them;
  • the title can be seen with a bolt;
  • The paragraph mark, which has been so widely victorious in the past, is old and not obsolete this year.

Іnshі koriguvannya can be specified at the department of initial mortgage. At the dermal VNZ and at the dermal department, the stench can be recognized, which is allowed by the GOST, and it is thoroughly prescribed by a methodical student.


  • Diploma, master's, dissertation robots;
  • Advancing the uniqueness of the robot (rewrite);
  • Materials for the acquisition (additional information, presentation, material);
  • Rishennya test_v and zavdan u special cabinet(Suggestions on the test);
  • Control, course robots, assignment of tasks;
  • Ese, abstract;
  • Collaboration of the "pid key" session, additional help from foreign trade.

Submit an application for rosrahunok:

Call for telephone: 8-800-100-6787

It’s important for the whole family to thoroughly prescribe all the supplements and structural units of the WRC. І, obviously, suvoro vіdkoriguvati іхнє місцесцьніцькінівічнапісційнічна кінічнічнічнічнічнкіdіdіdіtku.

Three features of varto mean:

  • zmіstі doesn’t try;
  • prescribe all portions / portions. Before the speech, it is possible to develop as accurately as possible behind the help of the Word, de "suck" the servant of the automatic folding of the zmist. For a complete view of the headers / subheadings of the electronic material;
  • As it is stored in a number of parts, it’s rare, but it’s all the same, it’s the first image of the structure of all robots. And the other is deprived of a given part. The VKR was sent to a practical and theoretical robot not by means of a single element, that is, not by means of a folding of a mobile device.
  • to be made out with a table without framing, served two hundred and fifty. The first has the numbering of razdіlіv, headings and subtitles іf names, in the other, from the list of right-handers, the number of the side of the ear. The numbering of the sidelines is as often as one over one, dozens over dozens, hundreds over hundreds.

Side numbers are marked with Arabic numerals. To carry out on all sides, including the title arc, only the number is not put. Program the back-end numbering, as long as you don’t fit the surrounding block, so that you don’t stand around in front of the robot’s efforts, so that you’ll be able to carry out the numbering around it. The number is put down in the lower right abnormal cod of the skin sheet.

If you have any problems with the registration of the GKR for the norms of Derzhstandart, get ready! Specialists of the chief pledges, which revise the standard control of diploma works, until your services.

Send us a request through the form ringing bell(order) or write to the post Qia addresses e-mail hijackings from spam bots. You have a lot of JavaScript inclusions to look at.

Statutes for quietly writing the VKR (Diploma) independently and if you want to know how to write to the robot correctly, without shortcomings and we will be allowed to get away without being nervous. Here you can find out how to issue a certificate of qualification for a robot for 5+

Sho take WRC (diploma)

Diploma of the robot (VKR) - the student’s stay, which is the end of the initial mortgage. Suchasn_ standards of education visuvayut in order to obtain a diploma by students of bachelor's degree and magistratury navchannya. At the master's degree, they often take a dissertation to replace a diploma robot.

In 2013, the number of students chief programs viklyucheno rivn fahivtsya. From the moment of completion of the education, the transfer has entered the magistratura without the need for a bachelor's degree. The preparation of the diploma robot is one of the brain's most advanced skills.

Vimog and GOST before WRC (diploma)

Vimogi, before the graduation work, grow up in the suttas. For example, the robot over the diploma of the student of the humanities directing the field is important in the selection of the necessary information in the new dzherels, and the reprocessing of the information that was previously issued prior to the establishment of the policy. A robot with a technical specialty is a labor worker, who should be included in her foldable large rosters, an analysis of statistical information, rapid indicators. It is practically unwise to get a diploma robot from a technical straightforward. There are many reasons for many students not to undertake the diploma work independently, voluntarily entrusting them to educated professionals. Such a pidhid allows you to spare a special hour and preserve your reputation in the eyes of a scientific core.

Well, up to specifically GOSTs, such state standards before the issuance of high-quality robots are not simple and everything is given for the purchase of primary mortgages

Preparatory work that is written is very serious, as will require great team hours, rosy and emotional vitrates. On the cob stage, the plan of the robot is broken up, which is bound to be tightly connected from the kernel. The whole plan is the winner of a diploma from a short week from the last points. In the sutta I will ask you to ask for the necessary information that the whole process of the robot over the diploma is sent.

The structure and plan of the diploma is correct

Whether the head of the robot is guilty of the mother of the structural viewer and the inclusion of the observational elements. Most often, the diploma is stored in three razdiliv, showing its specifics to the wiklade:

  1. Theory. In the distribution of victories, the information is selected from all the information, as it is necessary to keep it up-to-date. The author has a lot of theoretical ideas on the topic of robotics.
  2. practice. At the same time they get scientific robots that іnshі pratsі, without a priori tied with the analyzed theme. For a frivolous successful zaist, the author is also very important about the intelligence of the methods, how to get stuck in the robot. It is recommended to formulate a table with information from children science materials for permanent visualization of all methods
  3. Doslіdzhennya of the author. On the basis of legal information, the author can conduct his own research on the topic. It is important to mention the results of the author's analysis, as well as the methods of addressing problems that were discovered in the process of preliminaries, and that explained the effectiveness of the children. The description of the doslіdzhennya can include folding, such as winnіkli pіd hour of the robot. We will be a great success until the successful start of a new solution of the problem on the topic of how to learn to be effective. As the author of the building virishity does not give in to the problem, it is possible to tackle the problem, as the author of the building is viral with his robot.

Have a diploma:

The procedure from the binding straps to the structure of the diploma of guilt includes the following elements, such as:

  • title page registration;
  • zm_st. Diplomas are most often drawn up in Word, which has the function of automatic operation for a change. Vaughn gives you the opportunity to uniquely edit it by hand and spare it for a whole hour. It is necessary to make out the changes for the urahuvannya of vimog methodical instructions;
  • introduced by obsyagom from 1 to 3 arkushiv. Introduced to avenge the relevance of those, the definition of the main problematics, the setting of goals and the establishment of a robot;
  • Visnovok - to take revenge on visnovka for the steps of reaching the objectives of the introduced goals. In addition, the relevance of the diploma for the young women - the suspension, the economy, and so far will be established in a whole lot.
  • a list of literature, designs up to and including methodical instructions. Until the new age, 20 dzherels are included - scientific workers, documents, official documents too. The Internet can be turned on like a dzherelo, ale later, you can turn on the official website, so you can take revenge on the correct information, for example, Rosstat.

Malunki at diploma (FQP)

It is important to show a good diploma robot without any details, graphs, tables. It is recommended to increase the size of this danie okremo for one arkush. It’s not just to add some elements of the test to the robot, but rather to blame it in an okremiy dodatok before the diploma. The program does not need to be numbered, but it doesn’t apply to the diploma by writing to the list of victorious literature.

Yak correctly issue WRC

On the other hand, I respect the merit of the design of the robot. After completing the collection and analysis of information, the entire text must be drawn up in accordance with the applicable rules, such as:

  1. 14 sizes for the font with the interval and width for width. Enter paragraphs may become 1.25 mm, and enter from both sides - 2 div.
  2. When inserting a table, it is necessary to design it in the font itself, which is the text part. Allowed to change the font up to 12. Tables are displayed in the center, right-handed to register the name. The skin table is numbered.
  3. Vikoristovuvani babies can also be hosted by the center. Numeration and the name of all the little ones can also be drawn up in the center.
  4. Name the malunks and tables to be handled by the font itself, like the text part of the robot.
  5. Between the headings and the text part, it is necessary to fill in the overlap of 1.5 cm, and all the headings in the robot are drawn up with indents after analogous paragraphs. Headings are written from great letters, but for example, you cannot put a speck and insert it into the text.

In the case of any kind of folding robots, you can just respectfully read the methodical notes, then finish the report and explain everything.

In order to correctly write the robot over the diploma, it is recommended to use the singing algorithm, which includes a few of the last crocs:

  1. In more detail, the information obtained by those who collected information from her in the small dzherels.
  2. Formulation of the main problem of the diploma robot with a look at the analysis of the selected information.
  3. The development of the power solutions of the formulated problem. At the text of the diploma, there are steps for opening information.
  4. Emphasis on respect to the fact that the new solution of the problem has been broken up by the author himself and has never been victorious before.
  5. A description of the course of the robot, which itself was needed to be done, how to solve the problems of the robot in the robot, with the help of which the analysis of the information was carried out.
  6. Correct registration of the obtained results and a reference to the effectiveness of the solution of the problem known by the author.

Review before WRC

The obligatory stage of preparing a diploma for a foreigner is the writing of a review before it. A review of a diploma robot is a short message about a robot, an assessment of the relevance of those and the effectiveness of ways of addressing the main problems. Those students who have rejected a positive review are allowed to take over. The scientific core is guilty of the review, for some of the victories, which may be directly related to those who look at the robot. At the practical level, it’s not practicable, but the students themselves should write a review of the robot. Vikladach chi scientific curriculum is simply written down for the year from the vicladenim theses. There are reasons to recommend writing a truthful, unsubstantiated review, so that problems can be eliminated due to the rejection of the registration.

Skіlki stinok maє buti u VKR

It is not so easy to write a good diploma robot. Moreover, the lack of writing is obvious to the extent that it is recognized by the comic of success. It is important to ensure that such rules are not observed before the hour of writing the diploma:

  1. Robot service - from 100 to 150 lines. I will show you the information, the lesser obsyag does not allow me to open the topic and describe in detail the message.
  2. It is necessary to carry out the work according to the list of literature. Allowed to be robust and wine, but not to be covered by the recommendations of the department.
  3. The indicator of the uniqueness of robots is 70%.

Yak to convert WRC

Do not go to the completion of the registration of the robot, go back to the design process. Bagatorazovo is confirmed by the approval of the fact that the diploma robot is often overruled, and apparently overruled. I mark the economy more beautifully than drukuvati robots with parts that are on blacks. It is recommended to show another skin part to a scientific sample for grasping. Demonstration to the scientific benchmark will also bring up the finished robot, melodiously, before it happens.

Writing a diploma from the suvoria of the degree to the numerical strength of the rules - it is easy for the bagatokh to be well-trained, but the requirement for maximum patience, a great hour of that borderline respect. The very reason for the abundant students is the will to go for help to qualified professionals, which will guarantee an excellent pedagogical result.

Inodi you can feel like this the phrase: "Not important, like a diploma of writing, importantly, like a design." І righteous in the whole firm righteous є. Members of the state committee do not read your diploma work, it’s just burn out the stench. І even more importantly, you will be removed on top of the enemy, you will be bullied!

The state committee shook their heads gravely, mumbled your preliminaries, it was necessary to read clearly before the graduation work was issued for the GOST 2017. The report was submitted on the nuances of the graduation student’s presentation, who were important speakers.

Guests who will start the design of the diploma robot

Strictly it seems, the special DSTU 2018 is not for the formalization of the diploma. GOST іf issued diploma robots practically did not change since 2001 (if only a small change was introduced in 2005).

In such a rank, the basic rules for issuing a diploma robot (2018) are governed by a document called GOST 7.32-2001 "System of standards for information, library and type information. Sounds about a science-based robot. The structure of the rules is formalized. "

Tse is a large document, not every bird can reach the middle of it. You can see it independently, and at the same statistics you will see the most important moments, as it is necessary to complete the diploma for the GOST.

Крім DSTU 7.32-2001, the registration of the diploma presentation is regulated by more documents. So, GOST 7.32-2001 itself is ruled to be as high as ten GOSTs, the most significant ones for a graduate student є:

  • GOST 7.1-2003. System of standards for information, library and type information. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General vimogues that fold rules.
  • GOST 7.9-95 (ІСО 214-76). System of standards for information, library and type information. Abstract and abstract. Zagalny vimogs.
  • GOST 7.12-93. System of standards for information, library and type information. Bibliographic record. Speedy sleeps in Russian. General vimogues that rules.

In addition, when issuing a diploma, one must obtain documents, for example, GOST 9327-60 (which you can use to formalize texts, tables and graphical materials).

Are you afraid that when you are in the habit of getting GOSTs? Do not be too proud, є a simple way to the ideally designed diploma reading of the statistics. We have distributed the zhakhliv GOSTs on the polishkas!

It means that they are unimpressed with the bureaucratic regulation of the formalization of scientific documents, and other nuances have become too varied. For example, the type of font in GOST is not specified, but in practice, the rule of vikoristovuvati Times New Roman has long been established.

The nuances of the design, which were not specified by the guests, but for reasons that are necessary for your department, will be included in the manuals, as it may not be ignored. Be sure to sing, the student goat "And the GOST has been told!" I will rise up to fight with Vikladatskiy "And the demand has been in the methods of wondering!".

Vimogues before issuance of the diploma (parameters of the page, font, interval too)

The design of the diploma robot for the guest 2018

1. Papir is guilty of buty bilim, standard size A4 (according to GOST 9327), the recommended grade is in the area of ​​80 g / sq. m. In some words - an extravagant office paper for printers. (Here I gave one brother the word Kapitan Obviousness, but rather more beautifully letting you talk, you don't have to screw it up according to others).

Vinatok: Vipadki can be used, if GOST admittance to A3 format for the preparation of scientific dosages. Don't be fooled if you get revenge at the diploma robots great number great tables, illustrations, armchairs. Ale is more beautiful, like є mobility, winnie їkh at the Programs.

2. GOST vkazuє, that the diploma is required to be delivered to the hand-held viglyad - we will type on the driver's machine, or the hand of the computer from the printer and the printer. On the row below the documents, navigate to the list of terms PEOM - personal EOM

For people, yaka shukє, the rules for issuing diploma robots according to GOST 2018, and even a little bit of a stupor, can be a little bit uncomfortable. Ale is not forgotten, but GOST, for the sake of truth, not changing rocky ten, the same part - mayzhe fifteen. For a long time, since they had been using GOST, so in 2001, not all students had computers, little wikklads read manuscripts, and started to see the typing profession on computers. And earlier, in the mid-90s, for a set, drukarsky cars were widely used for a set, but they did not go astray about the arrangement of the guest. Anyway, well, shvidshe for everything, they just fiddled with light snakes the formula for a big early GOST, 7.32-91.

Upevneni, if the offensive rock students shukatimut information about the design of the diploma robot for the GOST 2017, it’s stinking to be stuck with drukarsky cars and PEOM

3. The text of the ma buti of handing over the liche on one side of the arkusha. on the fierce side no images, the icon is too bad but not guilty. Well, the graduate student is not a newbie, having written a dozen of written abstracts and a few term papers, melodiously, even forgotten.

4. Structural elements of the diploma work (introduction, chapters of the main part, visnovok, list of literature, list of wines) are repaired from the new arkush. Paragraphs / points can be repaired with a new arkush, albeit a canonical version є continued on the same side (the whole moment should be clarified with the scientific core, or in the methodicals, issued by the department).

Brutal respect: Namagayte, sob the end of the chapter, having occupied not less than half of the arkusha, or would like a third. The rule is not fixed anywhere, it is aloof to quietly unspoken "etiquette" laws, which are accepted by the endrimuvatisya.

5. The width of the fields at the diploma robot is set by GOST as follows:

- to the right not less than 10 mm (1 cm);
- lіve not less than 30 mm (1 cm), the reserve is given for brochure;
- Top not less than 20 mm (2 cm);
- bottom - not less than 20 mm (2 cm).

Tsіkavo, scho, unaffected by the formula "not less", in most cases it is interpreted by scientific kerіvniki as "for sure" or to navіt "not more". You can see it: the students are ominous by wide fields.

6. The layout of the sheet is vertical (book). Horizontal organization (album) is allowed before the hour of registration of documents, ale from the main part of the diploma robot.

7. Virivnyuvannya to the text of the lucky diploma robots adopted the width of the robot. The GOST is not a regulation, therefore, theoretically, you can copy the text from the left edge (ale, clearly, behind the right and in the center). However, at all computer technologies the price is wonderful. I know, well, guess what, if it was written in the GOST (standards for even more ancient GOST 7.32-91): at the same time, since the old cars have not yet become a hundred hundred antique antiques. On a drukarsk_y machine, carry it around, move it around, cope with a yak_vir_vnyuvannya even more smoothly. The first order of the cich of valuable vkazovok, mabut, vimogu vimogu overwhelmingly harsh vimoyu. Do you have a PC and a laptop, okay?

We will talk about three things lower, there are some nuances about the revision of the titles in the distributions and sub-points in the reports.

8. Paragraphs in the observances, and for the GOST, and, according to the rules of the Russian. GOST has slid shukati vkazivka of the same magnitude. Ale scho mi bachimo? Vimogi DSTU 2.105-95 about the size of the paragraph indention 15 or 17 mm from DSTU 7.32-2001 disappeared. In other words, you can robity to enter be-yak ... within the framework of a reasonable, sound. We’re smart to use the paragraph indention with a size of 1.25 - 1.5 cm. The first set of vipadoks, if є sense refer to the recommendations of the department.

9. The font color for diploma robots is black. The diploma robots are not guilty of seeing the colors in the text - it's not Lirushechka for you.

10. By the way, what type of font is vicory? DERZHSTANDART is tamnic to move, but at all practice (іtchiznyа, і foreign) science robots are played with the Times New Roman font. Tse, for the day, is the standard, right now standing up.

Power supply: How can you choose the best fonts in your diploma robot? The standard GOST allows the appearance of such details: so, around the formulas, terms can be written in other fonts, which are displayed in the font of the main text.

"It is allowed to vikoristovuvati computers of the possibility of emphasizing the respect for singing terms, formulas, theorems, and the font of the pink garniture."


Moreover: DERZHSTANDART allows you to enter the formulas and parts of the text by hand, as it is impossible to enter in a typewritten way. For tsyo vikoristovutsya either black carcasses, or black ones. Write the treasure with obov'yazkovo drukovany symbols. Ale, in our opinion, for a student, who will issue a diploma for DSTU in 2018, the validity is unacceptable. Modern computer technologies allow you to visualize any formulas. As there are no common symbols, they insert formulas at once in the view of the image.

11. The size (size of the letter), zgіdno with GOST, but not less than twelve. In practical work, graduate students use 12 and 14 point sizes in Times New Roman. In vines, signs to tables and images, you can vikoristovuvati smaller size (up to 10).

12. Mіzhryadkovy interval, in typeface, is governed by GOST. Vin maє buti one and a half.

13. CAPS LOC allowed for the hour when the titles of the chapters of the diploma work are written. MORE NIDE YOGO VIKORISTOVUVATI DO NOT DEMAND!

14. To see the structural parts of the robot, so that at the headings and headings, you can choose a napriding font. Yogo it is also possible to vikoristovuvati the vision of deyakim important phrases, terms - altogether not entuzizmu. Those are themselves to embrace italics. For example, you can see the bold or italics of the word "hypothesis, subject, object, tsili, zavdannya".

15. Pardons are impermissible. If you all the same knew at the time of winning the diploma robots, the gratitude, misprints, graphical inaccuracies, then, rightly with the GOST, it is possible to use a bold headlamp (for a certain victorian to use a corrector, it is wrong to make a correct correction) Ale tse, sir, students, extravaganza - for example, if you sent it right in front of you to reread the diploma in front of the reviewer, and you don't have an hour to get to the printer. In our days, our diploma robots are not foldable, so make sure to update them on computers and open the required arcs.

Decorating titles for diploma robots

On the issued headings and headings, there is an okremo, so that the GOST at the whole food can be finished. The rules are as follows:

  • The headings are used to name the structural parts of the robot, which is a short and quick representation of the change in the shape of the shape, the shape, and the point.
  • For the numbering of the slides, the vikoristovuvati are the Arabic numerals.
  • With the numbering of the portions, the portions of the numbers, the dot does not appear.
  • When the formulation is victorious, "chastina taka" or "head of taka" write a speck for the figure.
  • With the numbering of portions, podrozdіlіv, clauses next, follow the following rules:

However, in diploma robots it is impossible to reach such extremes, too, about the letters that numbers with the arches can be forgotten.

  • It is not regulated by the text and the heading of the GOST, but the rules are not to become, to become 15 mm, so that one wandering a row with one and a half interval. The chapter heading from the heading to the section / paragraph should be extended to 8 mm (subinterval).
  • Headings are drukuyutsya, zg_dno with GOST, great (great) letters. CAPS LOCOM, short
  • Headings are spread in the center, headings from the paragraph indention.
  • As the title is stored in two words, the stench is filled with a dot.
  • Carrying over headings is not allowed.
  • Headings can be seen in bold, or can not be displayed.
  • The speck of the heading should not be placed.

If you want to see the design of the diploma robot in accordance with GOST 2018, the captions are drawn in front of you at a glance:

Ale tse options vikorystovuєtsya, as the presenter does not see parts (chapters). Oscillations at the head of the diploma robot are seen, it is necessary to put a speck of a number at the heading: "Chapter 1. FROZEN RULES DRAFTED AT THE GUEST." Distant specks at the numbering of children should not be placed anymore.

It is also an option, if, when you see a parasite, you see a paragraph mark (§), but it will become old. Often before the hour of the numbering of chapters, Roman numerals are displayed. They talk at the okremikh departments and their options, according to the principle "the skinny khatintsy has its own bryazkaltsya." If you need a day, you know from DSTU, you know now, and the options are the definition of your scientific standard.

The numbering of the sidelines and the registration of the zmistu

The diploma robot is guilty of including the zm_st, which means all structural parts, including supplements. Yak writing naymenuvannya - for little, for great? On the basis of GOST 2.105-95, the new GOST 7.32-2001 has been approved by the author.

The butt of the completed zm_stu at the diploma robot:

Torknemysya more than one devilish nuance. Students, who have done their own work in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001, can screw it up, if they do this:

5.4.2 When folded, it is possible to store two or more parts, the skin of them has no more zmist. At the same time, in the first part, to take advantage of all the sound from the assigned numbers of parts, in the offensive - it is deprived of the change in the general part. Allowed at the first part to replace the enemy of the offensive parts, in order to get rid of them.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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