Undertakings for the maintenance of relay protection and automation. See technical maintenance of outbuildings

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

1.1. The rules determine the type, frequency, program and technical maintenance of all RPA attachments, power transformers and voltages, life blocks and other units of RPA attachments, which are used in electrical circuits of 0.4-35 kV.

1.3. The rules transfer the increase in the trivality of the cycle of technical maintenance and the speedy maintenance of the operational re-verifications of the relay protection and automation devices at the 0.4-35 kV gauges.

1.4. The methodology for re-verification and testing of specific RPA attachments is induced in the basic instructions and methodical instructions, which should be followed by the next hour of technical maintenance.

2.1.1. The authority is called the authority to save at the hour when the boundaries are set, the values ​​of the parameters that characterize the building and the necessary functions in the tasks in the minds of congestion, technical maintenance, repairs, saving and transportation.

2.1.2. A practical building is such a camp of extensions, with any value of the parameters that characterize the building and the given functions, in accordance with the normative technical and design documentation.

Steps are taken into account as a result of changing one or more parameters I will add or become one of the elements through different physical and chemical processes, which are blamed for the last three years of operation.

At RPA attachments, the following processes can be seen: filing down the internal parts of the relay and attachments, fixing soot and shells on the contacts, adjusting the mechanical part of the relay, weakening the screw contact points, lowering the insulation support, changing the characteristics of the attachment or other elements. In the course of regular preventive visits, the appointment of changes in the parameters or I will add that yogo elements can be detected by methods of control and diagnostics, and can be controlled by regulation, replacement or renewal of elements.

Raptovі vіdmovi are characterized by stribkopodіbіbіbіbіbі zminoy value of one or more parametrіv pristroy. Causes of raptovyh vіdmov є physical and chemіchnі processes, scho protіkayut at the hour to dosit povіlno.

Running-in forces are observed during the first period of operation, due to the lack of technology and insufficient control over the quality of the component parts of the attachment during the production hour. For RZA attachments, the reasons for the workarounds may be pardons during installation and taxation, not carried out taxation.

Warnings for the period of normal operation are due after the end of the period of maintenance, but before the present period of degradation weather. The most important period is the last hour of operation, for which the number of hours is approximately and may be the least significant.

The degradation processes are evoked by the natural processes of antiquity, wear and tear and corrosion for the completion of the established rules, design norms, preparation and operation. Tsі vіdmovi vіdbuvayutsya, if pristrіy as a whole or yogo okremi elementi come close to the boundary camp for the minds of old or znoshuvannya in kіnci povnogo or interrepair term of service. With the correct organization of technical services, maintenance can be saved by own replacement or replacement of elements. At the same time, the replacement is to be blamed for the smaller one for the middle hour of the removal of the element. If the timely replacement does not fail, then the number of degradative acts grows.

2.1.4. During the period of normal operation and degradation in the form of depressions, and in the course of the period of normal operation, they are albeit under strict laws.

2.1.5. It is necessary to separate the vіdmova zakhistu as a subdivision to spend the practicality and the vіdmovu functioning as a subdivision of an unspecified function in the case of a viknennі vіdpovіdnoї vimogi.

2.2.1. The period of operation I will add, or the term of service before decommissioning is deducted, I will add it until such a time, if the renewal becomes unprofitable.

The terms of the service will be added, starting from re-checking with a new switch-on, as a rule, there are some maintenance periods, skins from which there may be upgrades at the characteristic point of view of reliability of the stage: the period of maintenance and the period of normal operation.

2.2.2. The revision (adjustment) of the RPA attachments with a new switch on is carried out when the installed, repaired connection is put into operation, or during the reconstruction of the RPA attachments at the operating facility. It is necessary to assess the correctness of the equipment and secondary lances, the correctness of the circuits of the circuit, the regulation of the relay, the re-verification of the practicality of the relay protection and automation devices as a whole. Re-verification with a new inclusion is due to be checked by the personnel of the MS RZA or by a specialized organization of taxation.

Just as the re-verification with a new inclusion was carried out by a third-party organization of taxation, then the inclusion of new and reconstructed outbuildings is carried out after their acceptance by the RZA service.

2.2.3. Preventive control of the RPA attachments is carried out by the method of identifying and fixing possible malfunctions of its elements, which is due to the operation process, building viklikati zayvi spratsovuvannya or repairing the installation of RPA attachments.

The first after the inclusion of the relay protection and automation equipment in operation, the preventive control is the main rank with the method of revealing that the adoption of the system, which is blamed on the early period of operation.

In order to ensure the correct operation of the relay relay, it is necessary to periodically recheck them. The frequency of revisions is established based on the improvement of the condition of the object, the equipment, the qualifications of the attendants and other factors characteristic of a specific skin condition.
Іsnuyt takі vidi perevіrok.
Re-verification with a new inclusion, as it is carried out at the commissioning of an add-on relay protection or electric automation, as well as during their reconstruction, it is carried out at the most common facility.
There is a scheduled re-checking, which is, as a rule, significantly less for the re-checking fee with a new switch on and is installed for a skin attachment on the basis of a long-term operation. The task of a new planned re-checking is to reconsider at the reference station, I will add that immutability of the adjustment of the main parameters. A new scheduled re-checking can be carried out, as a rule, 1 time for 2-3 years. The first scheduled revision will sound through the river after the new inclusion.
Chastkova scheduled re-verification, recognized for additional re-verification of elements. outbuildings, which can lower the pressure or rebuy with especially important minds (smooth to the point of sawing and muddled in the influx of high and low temperatures, humidity, and chemical fallouts). Frequently scheduled revisions are carried out at intermissions between the latter, as periodicity and obligatory duties are determined by the relay protection services.
Dodatkov's re-verification, which is due for the need to change the settings, partial changes in the circuit, explaining the reasons for zayvih spratsovuvan chi vіdmov I'll add it on.
Testing including switching on and off the vimic or other equipment installed in the primary lance. Testing is carried out with the method of re-verification of the correctness of the switching equipment, as well as relay protection.
Crimia of revisions, the personnel of the relay protection services are obliged to carry out periodically (1 time per month) inspect the outbuildings of the relay protection, automation, lanceuging and signalization. Look around to be carried out with the method of re-checking the performance of equipment, overlays, testing blocks and in the mode of operation and electric control.
Revisions for the defense of guilt are carried out as far as possible on the included power equipment. It is allowed to make re-verifications of the defendant and on the elevated possession. If, at any time, the zahist is turned over, it’s the only one, or else the zahist, which is left in the robot, does not provide a quick and unexpected inclusion of short chimes, then for an hour of the re-verification, the fault will turn on at the time of the zahist. As such, there can be a vikoristany zahist of a shinosednuvalny or bypass vimikacha, through which one turns on the possession of a zahist, which is overturned, or specially mounted for a ciєї mark a zahist.
In a number of cases, if you turn on the main swid-code lock for re-verification, you can add a reserve lock, which is left in the robot, changing the settings, for example, lowering the stream of spratsovuvannya and vitrimki to the hour, allowing it to be allowed in other cases, it’s possible.
The revision of the extension of the relay shield consists of the following main steps:
- the introduction of protection from robots and the introduction of the necessary visits, which will ensure safety;
- ahead of time, re-verification of the immutability of the settings and the outrageous camp of the defender;
- external and internal inspection of the relay and re-verification of the mechanical part of all equipment;
– verification of the correctness of the installation and marking of the lances;
- testing and re-checking the insulation;
- re-verification of the correctness of the choice of zapobіzhnikіv and automatic equipment for the lanceugs of the operational strum;
– re-verification of the vimiruvalny transformers in the stream and voltage, re-verification of the zapobіzhnikov and automatic devices, installed in the secondary lancets of the voltage;
– rechecking settings and electrical characteristics of the equipment;
– re-verification of the mutual modality of all elements of the circuit;
– re-verification of equipment and management;
- re-verification I will add to the new scheme with the first strum from a third-party dzherel, the strum of the bias and the strum of a short hum;
– introduction of protection from the robot and the execution of the necessary documentation.

Zagalni position. At the switchgear of traction substations, electrified airways, technical maintenance (TO) of relay and electronic protection and automation attachments (RPA) should be carried out for PL 6-10, 35,110,154,220 kV, selected tires, transformers (including traction power transformers). , DPR, fideriv PL STsB and PE, earthen shield in the switchgear - 3.3 kV, equipment for secondary lancets of extensions for remote monitoring and signalization.

The electric control of the traction substation can be changed into robots or under tension only with increased protection from the current voltages or disruption of normal modes of operation. In case of inaccuracies or inclusion for re-verification of any kind of zakhist, which is left out of work, it is the responsibility of taking care of the full zakhist in the event of possible poshkodzhenya. For consumption, guilt is introduced into the work of timchasov protection. The robotic mode of increasing the attachment of the relay protection and automation is responsible for the skin moment to the hour of confirming the robotic mode of power electric control.

Technical maintenance of relay protection and automation equipment folded from the upcoming types of work:

New included, tobto. acceptance of mounted outbuildings in a relay plant
after the installation, that adjustment, the testing and re-checking of the work;

First preventive control, which is carried out on another river

Preventive control
for equipment with a voltage of up to 1000 V - 5 years of service, starting from the 3rd day of operation.
Interval between them - 1 rec;

Chastkove prophylactic advice
in the world of need for the results of preventive control;

Prophylactic reminder, which is vikonuetsya in the intervals between
prophylactic control.

Pozachergovі and post-emergency re-verifications in the obsіzі prophylactic renewal vykonuyutsya stalely in the remіrіv nebhіdnih zmin, poshkodzhen, inaccuracies.

Newly included in the preparation of technical documentation, possession and accessories for the testing and preparation of electrical circuits. Carried out both internal and external inspections of all elements of the relay protection and automation equipment, rechecking the operation of the insulation of the outbuildings, rechecking the electrical characteristics of the elements of the outbuildings of the relay protection and automation equipment, their interchange, setting the settings of the outbuildings, rechecking the operation of all the preparations before the preparations are made.

Practically, these works include the first preventive control.

Preventive control - ce periodic review of the RPA practice with the method of revealing and adopting rapt diseases. The wine is added up from a good look at cleaning the saw, checking the insulation support with a megaohmmeter, rechecking the spratsovuvannya protection and preparing the relay protection and automation devices before switching on.

Krіm zaznachnіh opektіy, scho vіdvіdat profilakticheskogo kontrolіv, іn proіktіcheskoi vіdnovlennі іdає sche vіlіkії mekhanії ї part opredіnі, elektrichіchnyh characteristics іnіpаrаtura rzа i vіrіyuvalnyh transformerіv.

We prepare all the technical documentation at once: materials, adjusted during installation and adjustments (design chairs and schemes, explanatory notes,

cable magazines too); factory materials (technical descriptions and instructions for operation, electrical installation passports); protocols for nalagodzhennya and viprobuvan. This documentation is supported by the installation and taxation organizations.

Nalagodzhuvalna organіzatsіya nadaє karti settings and zahistu. Prepared for trial fittings, attachments, tools, spare parts. Please do not apply voltage to the sudan panels and extensions, all cables connected to the rows of zatyskachiv panels, which are overturned, are due to water. For the obviousness of the trials, you can pick up the places and jumpers, so that you can see a visible opening of the lansyug, take out all the darts that go to the taverns of keruvannya and signalization. A work place is organized, with which the necessary testing attachments, testing attachments, tools and attachments, passports-protocols for all attachments are prepared, admission to work is issued.

When conducting a survey, they pay attention to the quality of the installed equipment, the project and set the settings, as well as the installation diagrams, see the design organization and take care of the data necessary for installation (the number of types of relays, the number of installations). ).

Visually, that prodzvonyuyuchi lansyugiv pereveryaetsya correctness of marking of cables, wires; place of installation and grounding of secondary lances; the presence of the necessary writings on the panels and equipment. Revіryayutsya and pіdtyaguyutsya all contacts z'єdnannya on the rows of zatyskіv and devices.

With an internal look, that reversal of the mechanical parts of the equipment is reconsidered by the number of visible gaps, the top of bolted connections and rations, and the contact surfaces. Weeping with a hand on the relay, reversing the head, moving that air, rubbing the rotting parts, revealing backlashes, gaps, bendings, failures, etc.

For example, when revising the RT-40 relay, it is necessary to reconsider: why do not you pick up the yakir by the poles of the magnetic circuit when the armature is turned by hand; superficial fastening of the scale indicator; presence of late and transverse play in the operating system of the relay; correctness of pіdp'yatnikov; station and regulation of contacts.

Before submitting a vigorvo-ї ї зазолоці изолації соромих воліва ізолаціванованна поднанна (Puttіv, panels, control cables, secondary windings transformerіv streams і і і и.д.) Vimіруюмнянняя перегомеммермермермеремеремеремеремеремеремеремеремера мігоры ) how the "earth" is between itself. For greater reliability, the opir _insulation between the veins is re-tested. Opir іzolyatsії maє buti not less than 1.0 MOhm.

Slid vrahuvat, scho elements that are not protected for testing voltage 1000 mіzh not electrically tied with lancets, when vimiryuvannі support insulation are switched off zі schemes. For them, try a 500 V megaohmmeter. Before them you can see: magnetoelectric and polarized relays; cola, scho to avenge microelectronic elements.

Working with a megohmmeter, it is necessary to follow the safety rules. Conduct, scho to come up to yogo zatiskachiv, is to blame for mother opir іzolyatsії no less than 100 MOhm. Megaohmmeter and darts are completely dry and clean.

For an hour of work at the critical substation, at other sites and in the weather, install a megohmmeter on a humic kilimok, dry board, just carry out the innocent touching of the earth or grounded structures and devices.

Re-verification of electrical characteristics and adjustment of operating settings are subject to the terms of technical maintenance, operating instructions, including factory ones, for a given specific type

outbuildings Particular attention is paid to the selection of the recommended testing equipment and equipment, the choice of testing schemes. A post-operative strum is given from the suvorim to the pre-trial polarity. Bot h perevіrki elektrichnih characteristics zavershuєtsya nalashtuvannyam setpoint, pіslya zakіnchennya yakoї conductive skladannya vsіh vtorinnih lantsyugіv danogo priєdnannya pіdklyuchennyam lived cable that provodіv on ranks zatiskachіv for vinyatkom lantsyugіv zv'yazku of attached scho znahodyatsya in robotі (napriklad, lantsyugіv transformatorіv Strum sumarnoї MTW -27.5 kV).

Rechecking the electrical characteristics of the relay is based on the specified parameters of the rotation of the relay, the use of self-propelled relays, which can be used in two or more values, the adjustment of the necessary parameters of the relay. Below, the main functions are considered when reversing the electrical characteristics of such relays, which are most often measured.

In electromagnetic relays, the struma (voltage) is reverified by the magnitude of the struma (voltage) of rotation. Rechecking the strum relay is carried out according to the circuit shown in fig. 4.45. By increasing the strum (voltage) with a potentiometer RR2, fix the value of the strum (voltage) according to the devices pA (pV) at the moment of closing the contacts, and then smoothly change the strum (voltage) and fix its value at the moment of opening the contacts (turning current). The indicator of relay activation is the control lamp HL.

The change in the magnitude of the struma (tension) of rotation to the magnitude of the struma (tension) is called the coefficient of rotation and may be in the ranges of 0.85 0.87 for maximum and 1.2 ± 1.25 for minimum relays.

Rechecking the relay is carried out for the first and the maximum setting (for the first and the remaining settings on the scale), after which the working setting is set on the new one and the turn coefficient is rechecked again. I set the setting to set beyond the scale subdivisions, and, according to the actual strum, spratsovuvannya. The rotation coefficient is regulated by the stop of the rotary system. Having installed on the relay as much as possible for the minds of the exploitation the value of the struma (voltage), turn it on and off once in a while. If so, it is not possible to be sure of sincerity, vibrations and jumping of rough contacts on non-robust ones, the relay is vvazhayut attached to the operation.

At the relay, the tightness is directly changed to the self-propelled flow (stream or voltage), the hood characteristic of the relay and the tightness of the spratsovuvannya. Self-propelled is called the appearance of a torque when a stream or voltage is applied to the relay. Self-healing in the case of a jammed relay is rough, and in the case of a contact flickering, it can cause wrong deception.

To re-check the self-propelled vikoristovuyut scheme, pointed to fig. 4.46. Letting the spring of the relay system run forward and setting it in the middle position

Rice. 4.46. Scheme of rechecking the self-propelled pressure relay:

S1, S2 - vimicach; RR1, RR2, RR3 - regulation resistors; pA ammeter; p V-voltmeter; S3 - vimikach for shunting the voltage coil; KW1, KW2 - direct voltage coils and relay strumu direct tension

so, so that the stop does not stick out, apply to the strum winding of the strum relay and change it after the value of zero to the maximum possible in the minds of exploitation. The voltage winding of the relay will short-circuit. Rukh rohomoї system in one hour іnshiy bіk at tsomu vіpadku to tell about the presence of self-propelled guns, which is confirmed by the turn of the steel heart.

Re-wiring that self-propelled gun with voltage is similarly broken, but the relay winding in the same direction is left open. The voltage on the windings of the voltage changes from 0 to 110 V. The sound of the windings is used by the tightening of the spring, which is passing, by a cut of up to 30 °.

After the completion of both rewiring, the steel core is fixed and the day of the self-propelled vehicle is re-arranged.

The coil characteristic of the relay is called the tightness of the tightness of the spration of the relay in the form of mutual expansion of the vector in the stream and the voltage at I P=const. The apex characteristic of the relay can be seen by diagrams, which is shown in fig. 4.47, line I-I is called the line of zero moments, and line II-II is perpendicular to it - the line of maximum sensitivity of the relay.

Vector U P characterizes the voltage applied to the relay, vector I P - strum relay. When changing the position of the stream vector along with the voltage vector, the relay torque changes. When zbіgu vector strumu s line of zero moments in the moment, which wraps, in the relay znikає. If the stream vector is higher than the line, then the relay shows a moment, which wraps, which causes the contacts to close; Because the stream vector is located lower than the I-I line, the relay shows a torque that affects the contact opening. If the vector of the stream moves along the II-II line, then the moment that the system collapses will be maximum. Cut between the stress vector U P і line II-II is called the cut of maximum sensitivity and є constant value for the skin type of relay.

Rice. 4.48. Scheme of rechecking the sweat relay

To re-verify the top characteristics, they are corroded by the scheme, which is shown in fig. 4.48. With constant values ​​of the stream and voltage on the relay (manually take the nominal values ​​​​of the stream and voltage), after the auxiliary phase regulator, change the coil between the stream and the voltage in 0 ° to 360 ° and then in 360 ° to 0 °. For whom they maintain and fix the values ​​​​of the circuits by the phase meter, for which relays they close and open their contacts, it is clear j 1 and j 2. The maximum sensitivity is j MCH, tobto. kut, na yaki zsunuta shodo vector U The line of maximum moments at the zone of relay operation, is designated either as a prank, or as a graphic path, as shown in fig. 4.47.

Rechecking the sensitivity, as it is characterized by the minimum tension of the relay operation, should be carried out at a nominal stream and at a cut between the stream and the voltage, which is more stable than the MCH. Sensitivity to a linear fall in the form of a tightening of the rotary spring and її znachnі vіdhilennya indicate a mechanical failure and the presence of defects in the regulation of the relay.

The tension of the spratsovuvannya is shown as the additional stream of the relay for the spratsovuvannya voltage, it is not guilty of overestimating the nominal data. Changing the voltage to a value, at which contact the relays open, indicate the tightness of the turn, and then the turn coefficient, the value of which can be no less than 0.9:

Before B = R V/ R SR,

de R In i R SR - the degree of tightness of rotation and activation of the relay, W.

Correction of tension is carried out by changing the coil of the twisted spring, which is against it. For relay RBM-171, for example, vіn dorіvnyuє 120 °.

Relay support. At the outbuildings of the traction substations, the most common is the direct relay support of the types VRH-131 and VRH-132.

Rechecking the direct relays, the support is composed of self-propelled gear, rechecking the auxiliary transformers, adjusting the settings and determining the fallows, the support of the spratsovuvannya in the coil between the stream and the pressure and magnitude of the stream. When the relay is turned over, it is necessary that the frequency of the voltage, in order to live the regulation and navigational attachments, was in the range of 495-505 Hz. Otherwise, the results of vimiriv are strongly encouraged.

Rechecking the relay for the presence of the self-propelled gun and the usunennya yogo is carried out similarly to the pressure relay. After rechecking to the car, the spring is tightened by 25-30°.

Recalibration of the transreactors in the fields of the designated EPC secondary winding. The primary windings of the transreactor are switched on sequentially and a 5A jet is passed through them. The voltage is measured by a voltmeter with a great internal support.

The minimum internal opir of the voltmeter may be less than 1000 Ohm per 1 U.

Time relay. In these relays, the voltage of the reference (EB-217-EB-247) and the rotation (EB-215-EB-245) are changed, as well as the time of the reference to the values ​​assigned on the scale.

The voltage of the spratsovuvannya is determined by the supply of a relay to the coil of a relay that varies according to the magnitude of the voltage. The minimum voltage, when the relay is angry, is drawn in, it is fixed as the voltage of the spratsovuvannya. The maximum voltage, when such a core turns at the outer position, is called a spring turn.

For intermediate relays, the voltage is indicated or the strum (for a relay that can be used for a serial coil), that rotation is indicated.

At the signal relays, the strum chi voltage spratsovuvannya.

After the completion of the re-verification of the characteristics of the relay, all the lances are re-selected, which connect the attachments, which are checked with the others, connect the lived cables to the clamps on the wardrobe panels and re-verify the insulation of the lances.

Isolation of secondary switching circuits is checked at once from the equipment; rechecking is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage of re-verification, they are tested with a 500 V megohmmeter. So, as with most of the “plus” and “minus” circuits, through the relay windings, support, signal lamps, they can only be connected to the electric circuit, only to one pole of the lansyug, which is overturned. So, they themselves should carry out after testing the isolation of lancers. Opir _izoljatsiї maє buti not less than 1 MOhm.

At another stage, testing of the isolation of lances is carried out. Trying out the skin of the lances of the given scheme, visions of the zapobіzhniks. The testing is done with a special tool, the scheme of which is shown in fig. 4.49. For this one, one winding of the installation is grounded, and the other one is connected to the tested lance and, smoothly increasing the voltage up to 1 kV, vimiryuyut strum coil with a pull of 1 hv, rising from the moment the voltage reaches the given value. In the event of breakdowns of either sharp stitches, the stream of the coil is electrically divided into a circuit that is tested, for more details, and the test of the skin element is repeated. Consistently viroblyayuchi so rozpodili that test, sign and replace the non-adherent elements of the scheme. Such a method of designating the place of failure is practically the only one, so how to set the place of failure by the sound of the breakdown, or it is possible to do it rarely, for example, to test the high-voltage possession.

Elements of the lanyard with a working voltage of 60 V and lower are switched on for these overturns. When testing, shunt the coils with accessories and devices that can have a small nominal jet (microamperemeter, lamp thinly), to ensure their kind of protection in case of a sharp increase in the jet at the time of insulation breakdown.

Rechecking the interdependence of elements in the relay protection and automation equipment is carried out at the pressure of the operational struma, which is 0.8 of the nominal value.

Particular respect is given to the sight of roundabout lancers; I will build the correctness of the work for the different positions of the overlays, jumpers, testing blocks, knife switches and in; presence on the rows of zatiskachivs of the annex, which are revered signals, recognized for infusion on other annexes, which are in robots.

After that, the work of rechecking and regulating the relays, vimiryuvalnyh transformers and lanceugs in the secondary switching is completed, carry out a rechecking of the relay intermodality.

Rechecking the interrelationship of the relay in the circuit is used for testing the skin relay in the hand with a path of humming and roaming of the yogo contacts. With tsomu switching devices, on yakі di zahist, owe buti included. In such a rite, it is necessary to imitate robots and defend.

At the same time, a watchdog for the robot of the relay is guarded for the robot of emergency and forward signaling and for a clear robot of the mlintsiv.

Comprehensive re-verification of attachments is carried out at the nominal voltage of the operational jet, piece supply to the attachments of the parameters in emergency mode from a third-party dzherel, more than selected lances and closed relay casings. There is a nadіyne rozmikannya of the lancers.

Rechecking the field at the same time of the skin stage I will add that the correctness of the signaling. In this case, the correctness of the behavior of the outbuildings is corrected when imitating all possible types of short circuit near the zone and posture by the zone of the outbuildings.

The re-verification of the relationship between the installed equipment with other outbuildings, electroautomatics, control, signaling, which are included in the robot, is carried out at the nominal voltage of the operational jet.

The re-verification of the work of all lances of the scheme is carried out at the given settings by the provision of the primary stream from the navantage transformers. Such a re-verification gives an ultimate guarantee of the correctness of the strum lances, because in this way, the correctness of the transformers themselves is overturned. In case of any preference, a strum is selected, either equal or close to the value of the nominal transformer strum, the strum is overridden or, if necessary, equal to the streak with a spratsovuvannya zahistu. The default attachment is connected to the primary windings of the transformer in the struma (Fig. 4.50), and the ammeter pA is connected to the control of the struma at the output through the struma transformer (TA).

In case of proven lances, to live in the transformer strum, connected to the star, the strum at the lances, we pass through the neutral wire (N) and the wire of the tієї phase, to the transformer the struma is connected to the venting attachment, and when the z'єєdnanny - in the three wires connected with the phase, which are being proven. When proventage zahistu by great

chini strum spratsovuvannya is necessary for the mother on the uvazi, so strum spratsovuvannya zakhistu, scho live in the form of TA, join in trikutnik, it will be 1.73 times more for rozrahunkovy. In addition, in case of proven zahistu, which live in parallel with the TA of different phases, or included in the tricutnik, the lances are created parallel, through which the secondary struma winds up. With TA with a coefficient

the transformation is greater than 100/5 and for a small support of the strum lances, the strum of the turn lies at the margins of the accuracy in the world and adds the result, but for the small coefficients of the transformation, they can be significant. In this case, when the primary strum is supplied, it is necessary to turn off the inlet of the transformers in the other phases, turning on one of the turns of the skin transformer.

For the help of a navantazhuvalny annex - Mal. 4.51. Significance of malfunctions at the frontier

stva it is possible to check the correctness of the secondary windings of the transformer in the struma

TA connection. For which visnovka їх

the first windings are connected sequentially (Fig. 4.51) and, connecting the navantage attachment to them, pass a singing stream through them. Why, after the magnitude of the strums in the phases of the strum lances, is it necessary to judge the correctness or the nature of the incorrect installation of the secondary windings of the transformers in the struma (Table 4.16).

Zahist ЗЗП-1 (Fig. 4.52) is activated as a directing zero-sequence strike for selective switching on of the PL PE and PL STsB with a total jet of earth fault of 0.2 to 20 A. Zakhist reacts to the jet and zero-sequence voltage.

The re-verification and adjustment of the strum zakhistu in the form of single-phase earth faults is carried out according to the scheme (Fig. 4.53). Milliammeter rA1 or rA2 strum I ISM 1 . According to the new, rozrachunk value of the primary struma TA2:


de W 1 - number of turns of the primary winding TA2.

In order to remove the necessary sensitivity, the shielding of the transistors with different coefficients of strengthening the support R11 (div. Fig. 4.52) for the skin zrazka, the shielding is selected individually in the range of 2.0-10 kOhm. For the help of the support store, pick up the value of the resistor, adjusting at the same time, the minimum contraction of the tightness of the lance of the snake struma (3 U 0 = 100; U num = 26; j = 90°). "2"; "3" is not responsible for the higher lower by 20% of the value indicated in the table. 4.17.

Table 4.17Significance of strum_v spratsovuvannya zakhistu type 3311-1

Vymiryuyut voltage spratsovuvannya at all settings (U SR. \u003d 25-37 V), hour of spratsovuvannya ( t SR≤ 0.045 s) that splice zone (180° ± 20°). The freezing is carried out at 3U 0 =100, U PIT. = 26 and j =90°.

The cut of maximum sensitivity is determined by the formula

Before taking the characteristics, the TA2 core is demagnetized, for which the primary winding smoothly increases the strum to 9 A and then gradually decreases to zero, repeating the operation 2-3 times. Before rechecking, check the temperature of the necessary medium (it may be in the range of 20 ± 5 ° C) and warm up the circuit with a pull of 15 hours under the rated voltage.

The active support of the winding wires between the secondary winding TA2 and the kit is not guilty of overshooting 0.3 Ohm. If the opir exceeds 0.3 ohm, then it will increase the overshoot of the winding darts.

Determine the voltage on the winding of the output relay KL when applying a voltage of 3 uq for a 8-10 clamp. Re-wiring is performed by a smooth voltage drop from 0 to 100 V for the current of the stream in the primary lance TA2 and the discharged voltage of the steady stream. Constant warehouse voltage on the 11-13, measured with a voltmeter s R VN\u003e 1000 Ohm / V, is not guilty of overshooting +2 V. For larger values, the transistors VT3, VT4 and diodes VD3, VD4 are checked for higher values. To avoid the power of transistors, it is not allowed to supply voltage to the lance 3 U 0 over 115 st.

Understanding the current-voltage characteristics I C.3 = ƒ (3 U 0) at j= 90° ta U PIT = 24 V is carried out for three settings with a new switch on, and with a planned changeover - for a working setting. The setting of ZZP-1 is set according to the parameters of TA2 and can be adjusted according to the data on the scale. Relay ZZP-1 is considered to be correct, as it is the current-voltage characteristics at voltage 3 U 0 \u003d 100 V and 50 V are aired no more than 20% lower. The qi characteristics give the possibility of changing the practicality of the scheme for strengthening VT3 and VT4 for injection.

Re-checking the ground fault in switchgear-3, 3 kV (earth ground fault) is carried out by means of a power lance supply with a strum in the winding transformer, which is switched on between the internal and external ground loops (Fig. 4.54). The spratsovuvannya strum is assigned to the ammeters pA1 and pA2 for the number of points of the internal circuit. Vin is guilty but more than 150 A.

maybe poshkodzhenno. As a whole, it is unacceptable to conduct a re-verification for the presence of a struma, piece by piece opening the links from the outer circuit, which pass through the grounding relay.

Strumi of settings are re-verified, having arrived up to one of the relays of the operational lances, they are being programmed until they are spratsovuvannya, coring with the same scheme, which is when re-insulating the circuits. Qiu OK reverking robyat, pіdklyuchivshi less than another relay. The size of the struma is fixed. The strum setting of the skin relay is responsible for 150-200 A.

During periodic inspections of the extension of the relay protection, the equipment and lances of the relay protection and automation equipment, terminal assemblies, testing blocks, the appearance on the panels of the writings that indicate their recognition, as well as the visibility of the tags on the cables and wires and writing on them, heating blocks (for heating blocks) ), the integrity of the guardians.

At least once a month, carry out an inspection of the relay protection and automation equipment from periodic testing. With whom to win:

Control testing the sound of the signal;

Verification of the dividing line from the control button (for electronic closing);

Re-verification of the transition of signal points and extensions of the signaling system on the back-up power supply from the front connection of the signaling feeder to the secondary substation from the ATS (for signaling feeders).

The first preventive control is carried out by the first time after the inclusion of the relay protection and automation equipment in operation, with the method of revealing that the adoption of the winds, which are announced in the early period of operation. Vin is added up with:

zvnіshny look around;

Vimiryuvannya and testing of isolation. It is allowed to test it with a megohmmeter for 2500, vibrating a 1000-strong test;

Previously rechecking the setpoints, how to carry out (when closed
relay housings) with the method of designing the practicality of the elements and the modification of the parameters in the specification of the tasks.

Even if the settings are changed, the parameters of the repair go beyond the allowable limits, a retrospective analysis of the causes of failure is carried out, if necessary, partial or external analysis, restoration or replacement of faulty equipment, parts.

In case of prophylactic revision, the crime of re-verification of electrical characteristics and mutual attachments, which are re-verified with other outbuildings, are protected, electrical automation, control and signalization and other attachments to switching equipment, carry out a re-verification with a working jet and a load. Tse re-verification of the work of all lances is carried out at the given settings of the supply by the first strum from the navantage transformer.

Prophylactic renewal - ce periodically usunennia naslіdkіv znіdkіv znіdkіv vіdmі vіdmі. For okremih elements, I will add, shilling to quieter reasons for the accelerated (compared with other elements) wear or old, in the period between prophylactic renewals, supplementary partial renewal of these elements is due.

Frequent preventive maintenance of other RPA elements should be carried out in the world according to the results of preventive control.

Pozachergovі and post-emergency reconsiderations are included in the obsіzі prof_lakticheskogo vodnovlennya or reverification in case of a new inclusion of fallow due to the necessary changes, damages, malfunctions.

The frequency of technical maintenance of the outbuildings is indicated in the Instructions.

Preparatory work. A new set of design and factory documentation, necessary instructions and programs for testing, confirmation of settings for adjusting the attachment and electric automation are being selected (they are obtained from the operating services). After reviewing the important schemes, the wiring diagrams of panels and consoles, a number of clamps, cable magazines, etc. are reviewed.

A working place is organized, at which the necessary testing attachments, vimiruvalny attachments, tools and attachments, passports-protocols for all attachments are prepared, which are issued, issued a permit to work.

Please do not apply voltage to the sudan panels and extensions, all cables connected to the rows of zatyskachiv panels, which are overturned, are due to water.

Zovnishhnіy and vnutrіshnіy glance. The compliance of the installed equipment with the project and the set settings is checked.

Visually, that prodzvonyuyuchi lansygіv_vіryаєєє correctness vykonannya marking of cables, cores of cables, wires; place of installation and grounding of secondary lances; the presence of the necessary writings on the panels and equipment, which, as a rule, are written by the operating personnel.

On the outbuilding, which is used (panels, shields, consoles), the reliability of the installation of the main installation principles and wiring diagrams, stealing and touching with tweezers for the control of the rations are checked, all contacts are checked in the rows. Rechecking the correct installation on typical serial panels, as a rule, is not carried out.

With an internal look, that reversal of the mechanical parts of the equipment is reconsidered by the number of visible gaps, the top of bolted connections and rations, and the contact surfaces. Weeping with a hand on the relay, reversing the head, moving that air, rubbing the rotting parts, revealing backlashes, gaps, bendings, failures, etc.

The frontal re-checking of the insulation support is carried out to control the insulation support of the other connections that are being adjusted (console, panels, control cables, secondary windings of transformers in the stream and voltage, etc.) before applying test voltage to them in the changeovers. The vimiryuvannya is carried out with a megaohmmeter at 1000-2500 V between other groups of electrically non-connected lances (strum, voltage, operational strum, signaling, etc.) along the ground and between them. To ensure the increase in reliability, the insulation between the cores of the gas shielding cable and between the cores of the cable from the voltage transformers to the shaffi is changed, and the protection elements are installed - automatic switches or guards. The equipment, which is not approved for a test voltage of 1000 V (for example, magnetoelectric and polarized relays), is turned off when the circuit is rechecked and it is tested according to factory standards.

Rechecking electrical characteristics and adjusting the tasks of working installations is subject to the rules of technical maintenance, operating instructions, including factory ones, for this specific type of attachment.

p align="justify"> The work of re-verification of the electrical characteristics is completed by adjusting the setpoints, after the completion of which, the folding of all secondary lanyards of this connection is carried out to the cable cores on the rows of clamps, after the bellows, the robot is connected to the link.

Vimiryuvannya and testing of insulation to be carried out at the most selected circuits with the installation of closed casings, covers, relays, doors, etc. of the skin group electrically not connected to the secondary lances. The electrical insulation is tested with a voltage of 1000 V. Before the first day of supplying a changeable test voltage with a megaohmmeter 1000-2500 V, the test insulation test lances are tested. Elements of the lanyard with a working voltage of 60 V and lower are switched on for these overturns.

I will re-check the interdependence of elements. When the pressure of the operational stream, which is equal to 0.8, the correctness of the interdependence of the relay, electroautomatics, control and signalization is checked. Verification of interdependence is carried out at the level of compliance with the principle scheme, by flickering and manually opening the switches in the contacts in the relay, with which it is checked the daytime bypass of the switches, the correctness of the operation of the circuit when switching overlays, knife switches, and testing blocks. On the ranks of the locks, I will control the presence and, they are recognized for injection on the extension, which is in the robot.

A comprehensive re-verification is carried out according to an approved and approved program for simulating various emergency modes at a nominal pressure of the operational jet, which is submitted for the design scheme of the shield of the permanent jet. In the rechecking facility on the testing site, for which a different voltage is applied, as it corresponds to the parameters of emergency modes (this rechecking is carried out with the relay caps closed).

When imitating the skin regimen, the hour of skin protection is controlled on the contacts of the output relays, the correctness of blocking and signaling is checked. In order to turn off the bagatorase infusion on vimikach, roses, valves, zasovki, it is necessary to transfer the above-mentioned work and weekend lances to the zahist. After rechecking in different modes, there are necessary connections with other devices and outbuildings (especially important is the connection of the equipment that is being changed by the robot). A comprehensive re-verification is completed by testing for switching equipment and control of interaction with the outbuildings of other devices.

The results of the verification are made out by a double entry in the journal of the relay guard, after which work in the operational lances of this appointment cannot be carried out without a special permit.

I will prepare the preparation before turning it on at the robot. Before switching on, a repeated inspection of the panels, rows of clasps is carried out, the position of the backing points and jumpers is checked, the position of the linings at the lancets is turned on, the number of wires and uninsulated wires and cores of the cables, the presence of grounding at the lancets.

With the new inclusion of all protection, including those not overtaken by a working strum, they are put into operation with a start-up, once the inclusion is made, a re-verification of the annexes is carried out for the purpose of planning and adjustment by the staff and specialists of the military services, including operational personnel. A re-verification was given to the attachment under the pressure of the working jet and the voltage and residual, which confirms the correctness of the inclusion of that behavior of the other relays and the attachment as a whole. In case of a working strum and an elastic shoulder, the correctness of the streak of the streak is checked, and then the correctness of the streak is checked by the vector diagrams of the strum and the assessment of її for the actual direct tension in the first streak. To control the integrity of the zero streak, it should be controlled by a new strum unbalance, the creation of different modes in control of the flow through the zero wire of the phase strum.

After the completion of the re-verification for the purpose, they carefully look at and restore the jumpers on all relays, the mode of which is changed for the hour of re-verification by a working jet. The magazine of the relay defense has a note about the camp of overturned outbuildings and the possibility of being included in the work.


PIDSTATION 110 - 750 kV

RD 153-34.0-35.617-2001

3- e seen ,
reworked і additional



Broken downVіdkritim joint-stock partnership "Firm z nagodzhennya, doskonalennya tekhnologii i ekspluatatsії elektrostantsіy i merge ORGRES"


ApprovedDepartment of science and technology policy and development of RAT "EES Russia" 20.01.2001 p.

Chief's First Protector A.P. LIVINSKY

І PIDSTATION 110 - 750 kV

RD 153-34.0-35.617-2001

Introduced at the diyu

from 03/01/2001

Ts Rules of obov'yazkovі for pracіvnіkiv, scho are engaged in taxation and operation of the extension of the relay protection and electrical automation (RZA) at the enterprises of the Intersystem Electricity Merezh (MES) and AT-energy, at the power plants of RAT "EES Russia".

The rules determine the vidi, periodicity, program and maintenance of the technical maintenance of the relay protection and automation equipment, remote monitoring and signalization (further - relay protection and automation installations), high-frequency channels of the relay protection, transformers of the stream and voltage.

When scladdannі qiih Rules Vikurista "Rules of technician servevoyvanya attractions of a relay zahist, ELECTROAVTOMATICS, DYTANTSIY KERUANNYA TA Signal_zatskії ELEKTROSTANTSІYA TA PІDSTANTSIY 110 - 750 sq .: RD 34.35.617-89", and Torzozitskії TAGO TA Mother Low Energosystems, Elektrich Self Street, organizations-retailers and builders of relay protection and automation equipment.

With the exit of the Rules “Rules for technical maintenance of the attachment of relay protection, electric automation, remote control and signalization of power plants and substations 110 - 750 kV: RD 34.35.617-89” (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1989)


1.1 . Ts Rules of obov'yazkovі for pracіvnіkiv, scho are engaged in taxation and operation of the extension of the relay protection and electrical automation (RZA) at the enterprises of the Intersystem Electricity Merezh (MES) and AT-energy, at the power plants of RAT "EES Russia".

1.2 . The rules are determined by the frequency and program of technical maintenance of the RZA attachments, remote control and signalization (further - RPA attachments), as well as the maintenance of the technical maintenance of typical panels, closet, kits, blocks and devices of RPA attachments, high-frequency channels .

1.3 . Techniques for re-verification and testing of attachments and devices for guiding methodical instructions and instructions, which should be followed by the first hour of technical maintenance (additional ).


2.1. The main concepts and terms in the galuzі nadіynosti RZA

2.1.1 . Hope the power of the object of saving at the time of the established boundaries is called the value of all parameters, which characterize the building and the necessary functions in the tasks of the modes of congestion, technical maintenance, repairs, saving and transportation.

2.1.2 . Pratsezdatny camp such a camp of an object is called, with any value of all parameters, which characterize the building of the given function, in accordance with the normative-technical and (or) design (project) documentation.

2.1.3 . Vidma podia is called, which is near the damaged industrial estate of the object.

If you see more than one day, then the object may be hundreds of years old. Prote be a real object, regardless of the accepted system of technical maintenance, scalable to vіdmovi.

Dotsily see such characteristic views of the object, dividing them into two groups:

according to the ability to predict the present moment - the steps of the step and the rapt step;

for an hour vyniknennya vіdmovi - prirobіtkovі vіdmovi, during the period of normal exploitation and degradation vidmovi.

With each other, the other group can be mothers of both steps and rapt character.

Actions blame the result of the stepwise change of one or the other parameters of the object, or I will become one of the elements through the overrun of various mechanical, physical and chemical processes with an hour of operation.

At RPA attachments, the following processes can be seen: sawing of the internal parts of the relay, carbon deposits on the contacts, adjustment of the mechanical part of the relay, weakening of the screw contact points, lowering the insulation support, looking at the characteristics of the attachment or other components of that element. In the course of regular preventive visits, the appointment of changes in the parameters or the addition of those elements can be detected by the accepted methods of control and diagnostics, and they can be forgotten by the regulation, replacement or replacement of the elements.

Raptovі vіdmovi are characterized by a streak-like snake value of one or more parameters of the object. The causes of raptovyh vіdmov can be attached to defects, as well as mechanical, physical and chemical processes, which can be carried out in an hour properly, but on vіdmіnu vіd stepovy vіdvі nastannya raptovі vіdmovi can not be transferred by accepted methods

A characteristic reason for such a change can be, for example, lowering the support of the interturn insulation of the winding relay.

Probity vіdmovi , which are encountered during the cob period of operation, are mainly due to the lack of technology in the production and insufficient control of the quality of the component parts and the objects burned during their preparation. For the RZA attachments, the reasons for the workarounds may be pardons during installation and taxation, not just carried out taxation.

Running-in drives for non-stop operation equipment sound are used in the process of operation, tobto. robotic equipment stretching the song hour in minds close to operational ones. For outbuildings, which are rare to finish, up to which to lay down and outbuildings of the RPA, the period of operation can be trivial. In the world, that adoption of defective elements is revealed, the number of surrogates changes in one hour.

Warning during normal operation are due after the end of the period of income, but until the present period of degradation weather. The most important period of the main hour of operation, for which the number of hours at a single hour may be the least important.

degradation guides old, worn out, corroded and worn out by natural processes for the completion of all established rules and norms of design, preparation and operation. Tsі vіdmovi vіdbuvayutsya, if the object as a whole or yogo okremi elementi are approaching the borderline for the minds of the old or worn out in the kintsі of the new or interrepair term of service. With the correct organization of technical services, it is important that they can save their own time by changing the elements. In the event of any period of replacement (renewal), it is the responsibility of the lesser for the middle hour of the old (depreciation) of the element. As a separate replacement (renewal) is not carried out, a number of degradation actions in one hour begin to build up.

Vtrata pratsezdatnostі pristroїv Mauger article i through pomilki staff at їh tehnіchnomu abo operational obslugovuvannі and takozh Buti naslіdkom vplivu zovnіshnіh faktorіv, values ​​yakih vihodit for mezhі, vstanovlenі regulatory tehnіchnoyu dokumentatsієyu, abo neperedbachenogo tsієyu dokumentatsієyu odnochasnogo vplivu kіlkoh zovnіshnіh faktorіv, the value of the skin in addition numbers do not go beyond the established boundary. If so, the loss of practicality may have a character like a raptian, so step-by-step instructions for any period of operation.

2.1.4 . Probity vіdmovi, during the period of normal operation and degradation vipadkovymi podias, but they are in order of different wild laws of vypadkovy podias.

The sequence of podias in the hour is called flow down. Therefore, the sequence of commands is called stream of videos. One of the characteristics of the flow of inputs for the machines that are being repaired, to which one can be seen and attached to the relay protection, є parameter to the stream of commands- It is possible to have a number of vidms at one o'clock.

At the beginning of the period of operation at the period of treatment, the parameter to the flow of traffic changes in the world, and the detection of defects.

After the end of the period, the payment is started period of normal operation, In which parameter the flow of commands is practically constant. During the period of normal operation, it is degradation period(antiquity and wear), in which parameter the flow of traffic begins to increase.

During the period of income, the replacement of the elements, which were taken care of, and the elimination of the revealed inaccuracies.

In order to prevent degradation of water, it is necessary to have a preventive replacement (renewal) of the element in due time, so that the fault is not removed, for example, during the period of normal operation.

Raptovі v_dmovi vіdmovi vіdmovi vіdmovi vіdmovi vіpadku can't but zabіgti zaіn_і elementіv іn the period іn normalї exploitation. Navpaki, replacement of the correct elements can be shownread the parameter to the flow of inputs with the help of the appearance of running-in inputs for newly restored elements. It should be noted that a number of lower features of the relay attack, from the point of view of supremacy, indicate a specific approach to the prevention of rapt interventions of the attachment of the relay attack.

2.1.5 . Attachment of the relay protection (on the extension of the extension without interruption) can be connected to the extension from static readiness to the operation. Relay guard wins its function on a grand scale, as a short cut, or else disruption of the normal mode of the setup, which is being protected. That's why it's necessary to separate I will build a house zahistu yak podiya waste praceszdatnosti ta command function as a subdivision of a nonconforming given function in case of a different vindication of a specific requirement. Vidmova will be built, as a rule, not immediately after the closure could not function and, therefore, the ventilator’s functioning can be saved, as in the interval between the moment of the closure and the moment of the closure, preventive work was carried out. Therefore, the flow of functioning is to be deposited only in the flow of winds I will add, and in the organization of technical maintenance, and in the wake of the performance.

In addition, the shards of the house can be transformed into the house’s functioning only if it fails to function, then it can lie down and fall the stream could not function.

2.2. See the technical maintenance of the relay protection and automation equipment

2.2.1 . The period of operation, or the term of service, I will build up to decommissioning, is moral or physical wear, I will build it up to such a place, if the renewal becomes unprofitable. At the term of service, I will build, starting from re-checking with a new switch-on, as a rule, there are a few repair periods, skins from which there may be breaks at the characteristic point of view of the superficiality of the stage: the period of delivery, the period of normal operation and the period of wear.

The following types of planned technical maintenance of relay protection and automation equipment are being installed:

rechecking at a new inclusion (adjustment);

first preventive control;

preventive control;

preventive maintenance (repair);

test control;


technical review.

In addition, in the process of operation, the following types of pre-planned technical maintenance can be carried out:

cross-curricular revision;

after an emergency recheck

2.2.2 . Re-verifications with a new connection of the RPA attachments, including secondary lances, replacement transformers and drive elements of switching devices that lie before the RPA attachments, are carried out:

in front of the inclusion of newly erected outbuildings;

after the reconstruction of living outbuildings, connected with the installation of new supplementary equipment, reworking of equipment, which is known in the robot, or after the installation of new secondary lances.

Likewise, the re-verification with a new inclusion was carried out by a third-party organization of taxation, the inclusion of new and reconstructed outbuildings without acquiring them by the RZAI service is protected.

2.2.3 . To the heads of technical maintenance during the period of production with the improvement of the features of the relay protection, as well as the manifestation of the operational disturbances and the deterioration of the operation of the disturbances due to reasons.

For attachments of relay protection and automation equipment, the most common characteristics are during the first period of operation. At the reshtu of the mid-repair periods, the stench is blamed significantly more.

The period of income for the construction of a relay relay is due to the conduct of taxation work before switching onoutbuildings in operation, yakі in case of a relay їх vikonannі they will be safe to see that the usunennia of the greater part of the robikovy vіdmov. However, make sure that the defects are not revealed, or they appear after the improvement. In addition, in case of charging, the attachment of defects and elements may not appear, as they appear in a day after the introduction of the add-on into operation. Before them, they can be removed, for example, the interturn insulation of the relay windings and transformers is weakened, the appearance of breaks in the armature supports, the attachment of defects and radio-electronic equipment.

In this manner, due to the completion of the tax work and the commissioning of the commissioning period, the profit cannot be completed. It is necessary to carry out in a day's time after the next one more rechecking, after that To finish the great ymovіrnіstyu vvozhatimutsya, scho running-in vіdmovi revealed and put down. Such a review is called the first preventive control. The term of conducting this control is determined more importantly by two super smart officials. From one side, it will take a deaky hour to show the attachment of defects, and, later, the greater the hour, the more likely it is to show. From the other side, with the increase in the interval between the inclusion of the annex in operation and the first preventive control, the efficiency of the installation and the functioning of the annex will increase.

2.2.4 . The head of technical maintenance during the period of degradation is their own preventive maintenance or replacement of worn-out elements in the annex, in order to avoid a sharp increase in the parameter to the flow of air. The most important type of technical maintenance with the improvement of the maintainability of the most important elements in the outbuildings of the relay protection is called preventive maintenance.

The periodicity of the preventive renewal of the building is due to the periodicity of the renewal of the same elements, which in their own capacity are the resource of these elements. The resource of various elements is not the same, but protecting the specifics of the minds of the operation of the RZA attachments, it is necessary to bring up the terms of preventive renovation of various elements, scalable to different processes of antiquity (wear and tear).

Periodicity of prophylactic renewal of the relay protection and automation equipment is to be designated as a resource for the greater part of the equipment and elements of this annex.

For shvidkoznoshuvanі elektromekhanіchіchі relay (mayut a small resource) renewal is carried out also during the carrying out of the draft preventive control. The list of equipment that can reduce the resource is listed in note 2 to the table (div. p.).

2.2.5 . To the technical service supervisors for the hour of normal operation, tobto. between two renovations, it was revealed that the adoption of viniklih vіdmov and the change of parametrіv in the annex with a method of frightening the possible vіdmovov functioning. Vіdpovіdnі vidi tehіchnіchnogo obslugovuvannya nazvatsya preventive control and test control.

Preventive control helps to change the practicality of the entire RZA attachment.

Test control, as an additional type of technical maintenance, is carried out for microelectronic and microprocessor attachments, which may be necessary in the future. Under the hour of test control, as a rule, a re-verification of the practicality of the part will be added.

The frequency of prophylactic and test control is characterized by low factors:

parameter to the stream of views;

the parameter to the stream was able to function;

zbitkom vіd vіdmovi funktіonuvannya pristroy RZA;

vitrates of prophylactic control;

granting pardons to personnel during the process of carrying out preventive control.

Crime for preventive control, in the period of normal operation it was transferred if necessary, periodic try out(Div. p.).

Appointed periodic tests are additional re-verification of the practicality of the least of the above elements of the relay protection and automation devices: time relays with a year, technological sensors, switching devices drives (switching mechanisms).

2.2.6 . In case of frequent change of circuits or reconstruction of RPA attachments, in case of replacement of lances, damage to connection with repair of other equipment, if necessary, change of settings or characteristics of relays and attachments cross-border revisions.

After an emergency recheck clarification of the reasons for the functioning of the unclear installations of the relay protection and automation equipment is carried out.

Calls may be held periodically technically look around equipment and secondary lances, re-verification of the position of intermittent outbuildings and testing blocks.

2.3. Periodicity of technical maintenance of relay protection and automation devices

2.3.1 . All attachments of the relay protection and automation equipment, including secondary lances, winding transformers and drive elements of switching devices, which are installed in the relay protection and automation equipment, are subject to periodic technical maintenance.

Fallow according to the type of outbuildings of the relay protection and automation equipment and minds of their operation, according to the injection of various factors of the outer environment, the technical service cycle was installed from three to eight years.

Under the cycle of technical maintenance, it is necessary to consider the period of operation of the annex between the two closest preventive measures, which will last for the first time, and the type of technical maintenance was installed, transmitted by the Rules.

2.3.2 . For extensions of relay protection and automation substations of 110 - 750 kV, including the extension of substations of power plants, the cycle of technical maintenance is accepted by eight years for attachments on an electromechanical elemental base and six stages - on a microelectronic base and a microprocessor

1 Up to the extensions on the microelectronic base, an extension was installed, vimiruvalna and logical parts of them, mostly or mostly, on integrated microcircuits.

2.3.3 . For the extensions of the relay protection and automation equipment of electrical stations, the cycle of technical maintenance should be laid down in the category of location, de stink installed.

Before I categories include dry scorching applications with obvious slight vibration and sawnness, in some daily shocks (main control room, main control room, relay shields).

Application II The categories are characterized by a large range of fluctuations in the temperature of the superfluous light, insignificant vibration, the presence of single blows, the possibility of continuous sawing (RUSN panels 0.4 kV, relay switches KRU 6 kV).

Application III categories are characterized by the presence of a constant great vibration (AGP chamber, areas near cars that wrap around).

The cycle of technical maintenance of the relay protection and automation equipment is fallow in the category of application, where attachments are installed, acceptances are equal to eight, six and three years.

The cycle of technical maintenance of automatic switches of all types is taken equal to six years.


2.3.4 . Inserted at pp. і the reliability of the cycle of technical maintenance of the RPA for the decisions of the head engineer of the production can be increased or shortened in the fall due to specific minds of the operation, the reliability of the operation from the moment of introduction into the work, the actual camp of the skin specific attachment, as well as the qualifications of the personnel For extensions of the relay protection and automation equipment of the main circuit of power plants, possessing and line power transmission of substations, which are known to the manager of the power system dispatcher, the solution may be used by the RPA AT-energo service, for other attachments, they are not suitable for RDA.

2.3.5 . It is allowed with the method of carrying out technical maintenance of the relay protection and automation devices with the repair of the main possession of the transfer of the planned type of technical maintenance for a term of up to two years.

2.3.6 . In case of three-fold maintenance cycle, preventive control between preventive maintenance calls is not to be carried out.

2.3.7 . The first preventive control of the relay protection devices, remote control and signalization is due in 10-15 months. after switching on, I will put it into operation. For attachments of relay protection and automation units of power units, the first preventive control will be carried out with the first major overhaul of the property.

2.3.8 . For such outbuildings of secondary facilities, such as remote monitoring, signaling, blocking, only preventive maintenance is carried out, testing and reviewing the periodicity established for emergency outbuildings of relay protection and automation equipment.

2.3.9 . Test control for attachments on a microelectronic base is to be carried out at least once every 12 months.

2.3.10 . For RPA attachments on a microelectronic base, as a rule, testing procedures can be carried out before the first commissioning. The training field is 3-5 decibels in submission to the prisoner. operational strum and with the possibility of working strum and voltage; pristriy at tsomu may buti uvіmkneno z dієyu on the signal. After the completion of the term of training, the next thing to do is to carry out a test control of the attachment, and for the presence of any malfunctions of the relay protection and automation equipment, transfer it to the termination.

In times of impossibility to conduct training, the first test control may be carried out at lines up to two days after commissioning.

2.3.11 . The periodicity of technical inspections of equipment and secondary lancers is established by the MS RZAII according to the medical minds, and not more than twice on the river.

2.3.12 . Testing of attachments in ATS of mechanisms of SN TES can be carried out by operational personnel at least once per six months, and in ATS installations of introduction of SN life - at least once per river. Testing of attachments of automatic reclosure of power transmission lines may be carried out at least once per river.

The necessity and frequency of testing other RPA attachments is determined by medical minds and confirmed by the decisions of the head enterprise engineer.

The correct operation of the outbuildings in a three-month period before the appointed term can be carried out for a deep sampling.

2.3.13 . The frequency of carrying out the transfer of these is indicated by the Rules for the types of technical maintenance in the table.

The indications in the table of cycles of technical maintenance are to be observed until the period of operation of the relay protection and automation devices within the limits of the full term of service. 12 rock.

For the allowance of operation, the actual term of service of the relay protection and automation devices on the electromechanical elemental base for normal operation of the installed technical maintenance should be no less than 25 years. As far as microelectronic attachments are concerned, there is still no such evidence.

The operation of the relay protection and automation devices over the established terms of service is possible with a sufficient standard of the equipment and the rear wiring of the devices and, if necessary, a short cycle of technical maintenance (div. p.).

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