Information security, specialties and warehouses. Information security is the center of the seizure of the information center of the administration, which will not preserve the formulation, vicariousness and development of the greedy people, the organization, the state.

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Lecturer: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Holodna Olena Viktorivna

03.12.2011, 10.12.2011, 17.12.2011

Topic 10: Information security

Power supply of lectures:

    The concept of security of specialty, support, power. The concept of safety;

    Understand that kind of information security;

    Information security of specialty;

    Information on the baking of the suspension;

    Information security of the state;

    The safety of the global information space.

Power supply 1: Understand the safety of specialty, support, power. Understand the safety of the safety

National security is the camp of the seizure of life and important interests of the individual, the support of that state from internal and external threats.

Basic information for the acquisition:

    Rights and freedoms are special;

    Material and spiritual values ​​of the suspension;

    Constitutional way, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.

The concept of national security of the Russian Federation, approved by the Presidential Decree, banned the disciple of the “national interest”.

National interests - the supremacy of the balanced interests of the individual, the suspension of that power in other spheres, including in the information spheres.

National interests of the Russian Federation in the information sphere - the adoption of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens of the public

The security of security is within reach of the conduct of a single state policy in the sphere of security, a system of entry into the economic, political, organizational and organizational nature, adequate to the threats to life, important interests of the individual, the suspension and the suspension.

The main ambush for the safety of the safety:


    Taking into account the balance of life and important interests of the individual, the support of that state and the safety of safety;

    Reciprocity of the individual, the support of that state, is safe and secure;

    Integration from international safety systems.

Basic information security staff:

    Evidence and neutralization of external threats and internal threats to the national security of the Russian Federation;

    Longer scientific-technical and technological deposits of the Russian Federation in the name of the last dzherel;

    Ensuring the special security of the citizens of the Russian Federation, the implementation of constitutional rights and freedom;


    Comprehensively and efficiently the vital information infrastructure;

    During the visits to the development of the development and development of the earth powers against the Russian Federation;

    Anti-threats against the development of anti-fights in the information sphere.

Nutrition 2: Understanding and information security

Information security - The camp of the seizure of the national interests of the Russian Federation in the information spheres of internal and external threats, when there is a lack of balanced interests in the specialties, suspensions of that state.

The doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation: the main meta is the anti-Russian war. The doctrine established the national interests of the Russian Federation in the information sphere:

    Taking into account the rights and freedoms of the people and the community in the information sphere - the need to improve the moral values ​​of the suspension, the cultural and scientific potential of the country (for example, by way of understanding the legal basis in the information sphere)

    Information security of the state policy of the Russian Federation, related to bringing to the Russian and international community of reliable information about the official position of the Russian Federation as a result of significant activities of the Russian public life

    Rozvitok Suchasnyj іnformatsіynih tehnologіy, vіtchiznyanoї іndustrії Informácie, in addition chislі іndustrії zasobіv іnformatizatsії, telekomunіkatsії that zv'yazku, zabezpechennya require vnutrіshnogo Rinku її produktsієyu that vihіd tsієї produktsії on svіtovy rinok and takozh zabezpechennya nakopichennya, zberezhennya that efektivnosti vikoristannya vіtchiznyanih іnformatsіynih resursіv (rozvitok virobniztva competitive) IT, the participation of the Russian Federation in the international cooperation of virobniks of cich systems and systems);

    Protection of information resources due to unauthorized access, protection of security of information and telecommunication systems, such as flawless and flawed bile of the Russian Federation (for the detection of security of information systems).

The main task- Ensuring the balance of interests in a particular state, the support of that state.

See information security

    Information security of specialty;

    Information on the baking of the suspension;

    Information security of the state.

Bezpeka- The camp of the seizure of life and important interests of the particular state, the support of that state.

Information security of specialness is one's own camp and mind of the life of specialness, for which the right and freedom are realized.

Life is important interests - the supremacy of the needs, the satisfaction of those who do not provide for the ability of the progressive development of the specialness, of our support of that state.

To lifely important interests in the specialness of being aware of: taking and realizing constitutional rights to fuss, rejecting, virobnitstvo and extended information; tied with the implementation of the rights of the hulks to the incompleteness of private life; vikoristannya of information with the mark of spiritual, physical, intellectual development; zakist rights to objects of intellectual power; securing the rights of a citizen to secure his health in the form of unbearable people’s high school information.

Threat safe- The wealth of minds and factors, which help to create important living interests for the particularity, support of that state.

Threat to information security:

  1. adopting normative acts to supervise the constitutional rights of the community;
  2. opposition to the realization of the rights to the lack of privacy of private life by the hunters;
  3. unauthorized access to open information;
  4. violation of the rights of the giants in the region mass information;
  5. protivapravne zasosuvannya special zasobіv, scho pour on people svіdomіst;
  6. information management.

Also, safety is ensured - the implementation of a single state policy in all spheres and a system of approaches to the economic, political, organizational and organizational nature, adequate to the threats of life, important interests of the specialty, our state support,

The legal basis for the individual's interests is to form the information and legal norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. So, the freedom of mass information and the fence of censorship gives the opportunity to open and widen the scope of information, quickly, efficiently, so that good information is provided, when it is guilty that it is

It is not allowed to propagandize such propaganda, as it creates social, racial, and national hatred that I stir up. The propaganda of the social, racial, national, and regional passages should be barred. Prikhovvannya by posovy persons of the facts and reasons, creating a threat to the life and health of the huge people, it is more difficult for themselves to be aware of the federal law.

So, the reason for the broadening of unkind information, the violation of the order of the broadening of information is transmitted by the norms of the RF CC.
Basic statutes of the RF CC:

  • work hardening (Article 129);
  • image (v. 130);
  • reversal of the legal profession of journalism (art. 144);
  • ominousness before the hour of the emissia of the central porches (art. 185);
  • svidomo hibne about the act of terrorism (Art. 207);
  • prikhovannya information about furnishings, how to become care for the life or health of people (Art. 237);
  • illegal expansion of pornographic materials and objects (Art. 242);
  • community clicks before the establishment of extremist action (art. 280);
  • the incitement of hatred and vorozhnechi, as it is itself the humiliation of human gi (Art. 282);
  • community clicks before the breaking off of aggressive warfare (Art. 354)

Information security of specialness is the center and mind of the life of specialness, if it is the responsibility of the righteous and freedom that is realized.

Life is important interests - the sufficiency of the needs, the satisfaction of those who do not provide for the ability of the progressive development of the specialty, the support of that state.

Individuals should be able to live up to their vital interests: seeing and realizing constitutional rights to fuss, rejecting, copying and distributing information; tied with the implementation of the rights of the hulks to the incompleteness of private life; vikoristannya of information with the mark of spiritual, physical, intellectual development; zakist rights to objects of intellectual power; securing the rights of a citizen to secure his health in the form of unbearable people’s high school information.

Threat safe- The wealth of minds and factors, which help to create important living interests for the particularity, support of that state.

Threat to information security:

  1. adopting normative acts to supervise the constitutional rights of the community;
  2. opposition to the realization of the rights to the lack of privacy of private life by the hunters;
  3. unauthorized access to open information;
  4. violation of the rights of the huge people in the galuzy of mass information;
  5. protivapravne zasosuvannya special zasobіv, scho pour on people svіdomіst;
  6. information management.

Otzhe, securing safety - the implementation of a single state policy in the whole of the spheres and the system of entry into the economic, political, organizational and organizational nature, adequate to the threats of life, important interests of the individual, the suspension and the control of the state.

The legal basis for the formation of interests in specialties is to become the information and legal norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. So, the freedom of mass information and the fence of censorship gives the opportunity to open it up and expand it in a reliable, timely, observable way, so that good information is included, for which there is a wide range of information.

It is not allowed to propagandize such propaganda, as it creates social, racial, and national hatred that I stir up. The propaganda of the social, racial, national, and regional passages should be barred. Prikhovvannya posovovyi persons of the facts and circumstances that create a threat to the life and health of people, is pulling for itself the approval of the federal law.

So, the reason for the broadening of unkind information, the violation of the order of the broadening of information is transmitted by the norms of the RF CC. Basic statutes of the RF CC:

  • work hardening (Article 129);
  • image (v. 130);
  • reversal of the legal profession of journalism (art. 144);
  • ominousness before the hour of the emissia of the central porches (art. 185);
  • svidomo hibne about the act of terrorism (Art. 207);
  • prikhovannya information about furnishings, how to become care for the life or health of people (Art. 237);
  • illegal expansion of pornographic materials and objects (Art. 242);
  • community clicks before the establishment of extremist action (art. 280);
  • the incitement of hatred and vorozhnechi, as it is itself the humiliation of human gi (Art. 282);
  • Gromadske cries before the unleashing of aggressive violence (Art. 354).

The development of the global process of informatization of the suspension, in order to accelerate the last ten years of the 20th century, gave rise to a new global socio-technological problem - the problem of information security of people and the suspension.

The essence of the whole problem of the field in the offensive. A lot of the most important interests of the people, the administration, the state, and that effort of the light civilization in the same world of significance, has become the camp of the new information sphere. To that end, it is straightforward to pour into the information sphere from the side of the external or internal dzherel, you can create serious problems for a variety of interests and become contaminants for the safety of people and suspensions.

Given the informational safety, it would seem that the state of the informal center of the administration was seized, so that it would not be able to formulate that development on the ranks of the giants, the organization of that state. And under the informational threats - factors of the number of factors, which make sure the function of the information center of the suspension is not safe.

Awareness of the connection between the camp of the information center of the suspension and the possibilities of reaching the most important interests of the people, that suspension has become more popular recently, practically at the interval of the last ten years. Protest of the abundant powers of the world, including Russia, have already broken up their national doctrines in the information security, as well as the concept of sovereign policy and security.

In 1998, the preparation of the project of the international concept of information security was in progress.

It is necessary to bear in mind that the problems of securing the information security of the state, the support of that surrounding people with a significant world of interrelationships, wanting to be completely natural, that the basic interests are of the essence. So, for example, at the current stage of development of the suspension of the interest of the specialty of the field in the real security of their constitutional rights and freedoms, special security, the promotion of the quality and level of life, the spiritual and physical.

Interests of the support of the polyagus among the increased and spared suspense of crops, the promotion of the creative activity of the population, the spiritual development of the suspension.

The interests of the state are in favor of the constitutional order, the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the country, the establishment and protection of the political and social stability, the safety of the law and order of the people, development

The supremacy of the most important interests in the specialty, our support and the state and national interests of the country, the projection of those in the information sphere of our support and the origin of the main goals of the state

The main goals of information security of the country.

The main goals of securing information security of the land (for example, Russia) are:

Ø the seizure of national interests in the minds of the great globalization of bagatokh information processes, the formulation of the world's leading information, the United States' involvement in the information sphere;

Ø without interruption of security of state authorities and administration, enterprises and giants of the land with more and more time-consuming information, necessary for their activity;

Ø to prevent the loss of integrity, to preserve the illegal information resources;

Ø securing the practical realization of the rights of the colossus, organizing that state to reject, expanding and distributing information.

For the achievement of the information security of the land, it is also important to correctly start the information security. Prior to such ob'єktіv should be:

Ø information resources, to revenge confidential information (secret, interconnected to access or to a commercial office), as well as out-of-the-box access to information and science knowledge;

Ø Information and infrastructure of the suspension (the link between the information communities, the center for the analysis of the data processing, the system and the information system);

Ø system of forming, expanding and maintaining information resources in the region;

Ø system for the formation of suspicious properties, based on the methods of mass information;

Ø the rights of the hulks, legal entities and powers on the rejection, the expansion of and registration of information, as well as the owner of the confidential information and intellectual power.

Dzherela threats for information security.

Dzherelami of threats for the information security of the land can be called internal and internal officials.

Before dzherel called the following threats:

Ø polіtika number kraїn eg in domіnuvannya in іnformatsіynіy sferі that protidіyucha Russie access to novіtnіh іnformatsіynih tehnologіy that rіvnopravnoї uchastі in mіzhnarodnomu podіlі pratsі of virobnitstva zasobіv іnformatiki that іnformatsіynih produktіv on stvorennya tehnologіchnoї zalezhnostі Russie od kraїn comes in іnformatsіynіy sferі;

Ø the development of the concept of "information warranties" by the low powers, which transfer the establishment of this information to the information sphere of the small countries;

Ø The scope of earth development and special services, as well as economic and political structures in the information sphere, is directed against the national interests of the country;

Ø the evil activity of international terrorist groups, organization and environment of individuals in the information sphere;

Ø rozgortannya near the country to the light of the "cultural expansion" of the other countries, and especially against Russia, when it appears, withers, at a reasonable speed.

If you talk about dzherelo internal threats for the information security of our land, then here we find it:

Ø Suttuve presented by Russia from provincial regions to the background of modern informatization of the state;

Ø tehnologіchne vіdstavannya vіtchiznyanoї elektronnoї promislovostі od rozvinenih kraїn svitu in the Branch virobnitstva іnformatsіynoї that telekomunіkatsіynoї tehnіki scho zmushuє іmportuvati tsі Costa s of the cordon that on osnovі stvoryuvati his natsіonalnu іnformatsіynu іnfrastrukturu scho robit її Vulnerable side of kraїn Sunset;

Ø Lack of coordination of the activity of the authorities of the state power of the country and the formulation and implementation of the single state policy of ensuring the information security of Russia as the most important part of the national security;

Information security

With the characteristic rice of a daily suspension є yo informatization - the distribution is active in all spheres of human activity information technologies that cost. Information and information resources are one of the most important factors in the development of the specialty, support of that state. Wide possibilities of computers and information technologies allow automatization of processes of monitoring and management of state, economic, social, defense and -yak_y k_lkost_.

All the same, it’s given to the state of the art, that informatization of the grandiose positive role in the development of the people is positive, but informatization is inevitably inevitable. Ale the history of telling us that it’s a lot of scientific and technical ideas of Vikorisov that were not only for the good of people. To achieve the goals of nuclear physics - atomic energy, opto-electronics - laser protection, chemistry - waste gases, biology - biological safety. bud.

In the singing sub-units (coalitions, powers, organizations, specialties), in favor of the same information resources, with the help of and technologies and Information and information technologies at the same time fix the problem of threats, which raises the problem of information security.

Conceptual and scientific-methodological ambushes of information security are only needed to be repaired. The first time the theory and information security is developed, the first step is to formulate an understandable device. Basic understandings of information security, information threat and information security.

Information about security The meaning is twofold:

as the camp of the navkolishnogo middle-class, or the object, in the sense of the power of the memory of the sutta, or the skoda, I am pouring into the information sphere of the object;

It’s the power of the object, which is characterized by the building of the staff of the hundred bitters and the flow of information to the information sphere.

As a matter of fact information security- Tse:

stan ob'єkta, if a sutta shkodi or shkodi cannot be supplied to the information sphere;

The power of the object, which characterizes its building not to create a hundred pieces of money, be it an object of flow into the information sphere of the whole object.

Information threat- the threat of a traffic flow into the information sphere:

Namir zavdati (zavdati) ob'єktu of hundreds of zbitkіv by way of flow into the information sphere;

Information about security, the implementation of which state of affairs is vital;

Officials chi sukupn_st bureaucrats, set up information about the security of the object; such officials can be children, behavior of objects, natural phenomena too.

All that is said is permissible formulate the understanding information security Russian Federation as such a country of the country, in some of the colossal people, of the community of those huge groups of colossal people, the support of that state cannot be given a lot of money by way of pouring into the information sphere.

The main information securityє specialness (її governor and freedom), support (іth material and spiritual values) і power (thіѕ constitutional way, sovereignty, territorial integrity, economy, all right now).

Osobist_st - basic element, midsection of suspension. Without specialness there is no support, and the position of support is not very helpful. The state will take care of the information and specialties of the administration. The powers that do not need any specialties, or the suspension, cannot be fully aware of the historical arena. The balance of mutual relations among the specialties, the support of that power is the head of the brain of the state of affairs.

Information security- the whole country of people, in which її specialness it is not possible to be filled with hundreds of zbitkіv by way into the new information space.

In the process of informatization, a person has become an informational "glimpse". For the explicitness of the bazhanya of that value, whether it is explicitly information about a particular person, that person may be available for the purpose of that particular specialty, a group of individuals, a huge group of that power. Only an insignificant part of the population is available for non-requested access to its information. The majority of people of such an opportunity do not lose their minds and become insignificant in their plan.

Information on the baking of the suspension- The center of the suspension, in which it is impossible to be supplied with hundreds of zbitki in a way into the information sphere. At the її basis - the safety of individual, group and mass information of the huge people for the manifestation of informational threats, up to which we can introduce informational-psychological inflow. Diaspora of a thunderstorm can lead to psycho-mobility and social-psychological stress, the creation of moral criteria and norms, moral-political disorientation, and, like inheritance, inadequate behavior of some people, a group of people. There is a lot of such infusion of possible transformations of individual, group and mass characteristics, negative changes of moral-political and social-psychological climate in suspension.

State security information- the whole state of the state, in which you cannot be filled with hundreds of zbitki by way of pouring into this information sphere. The security of the information security of the state is unreasonably tied to the security of the national security.

11.2 Information terrorism and information terrorism

The problems of information security of the state are mainly attributed to the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation. We are responsible for two of them: problems of information warfare and information terrorism.

Information viyna- tse dії, scho get used to the achievement of the information transfer by way of the way of keeping the information about the enemy's spheres and the protection of the power information security.

Informational processes are carried out for additional informational support, the determination of which for efficiency can be done with the help of the mass battle. The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bVikorystannya and the material foundations of the current informational development were formed in the world of development of informatization. Komp'yuterizatsіya rіznih spheres suspіlnogo Zhittya, rozvitok telekomunіkatsіynih that іnformatsіynih trammel, stvorennya bases i bankіv danih, wider vprovadzhennya novіtnіh іnformatsіynih tehnologіy that peretvorennya profesії programіsta at prestigious that Masov spetsіalnіst target bazovі naukovі, tehnologіchnі that ekonomіchnі peredumovi for viniknennya that vdoskonalennya new type іnformatsіynoї zbroї In a matter of time, the objects of management and communication, power engineering and transport, the banking system were already infused to the information flow.

Zbroya informationє The supremacy of the means, methods and technologies, so that the power is infused into the enemy's information sphere with the help of the destruction of his information infrastructure, power management systems, and the reduction of defense and development.

The versatility, the screening, the width of the inflows, the choice of the moment, the efficiency and the day-to-day of the right-wing people on the occasion of the lack of control over information in a superbly secure way to fight against the enemy. You can get stuck at a peaceful hour. Moreover, the malignant technical system, including vyskovo-technical, may be needed at the stage of the design and start for the new introduction of special defects of the diversionary type (program tabs) programmatically secure systems. The foldability of casual software tools practically does not allow such bookmarks to be created.

The Theater of Vyiskovykh dey pid the hour of information warriors є the entire world of information space, and the ruinous process of informational security in the process of further informationalization will not be possible. Іnformatsіynі vіyni, Especially in the Minds іsnuvannya mayzhe monopoly encampment in іnformatsіynіy sferі nevelikoї kіlkostі kraїn, zdatnі viklikati natsіonalnі, regіonalnі that navіt svіtovі іnformatsіynі catastrophes ruynіvnі naslіdki yakih for svіtovoї tsivіlіzatsії will not Mensch zgubnimi, nіzh naslіdki nuclear disaster. Threats to information warfare in the global context є a factor in the immobilized political clutch and overwhelm, a factor that will permanently destroy strategic parity, to drive a move on the global political arena.

Diy okremikh special about the group, direct to the back of the information sphere, or the victorious name, to be called Information Crime. As a rule, there are one-off events against a specific information space.

Information terrorism- Tse Especially form vio scho Yea svіdomim i tsіlespryamovanim іnformatsіynim vplivom abo zagrozoyu zastosuvannya such vplivu for kerosene stove Uryadov to realіzatsії polіtichnih, ekonomіchnih, relіgіynih that іnshih tsіley teroristichnoyu organіzatsієyu abo okremimi teroristov scho suprovodzhuєtsya emotsіynim vplivom on suspіlstvo to torn down in nyoma fear panіchnih attitudes, let go of power and political instability.

Informatsionnyy terrorism in case of a need for informatsionnyyyu and criminall for form and methods of considering them by goals and tactics. The head in the tactics of information terrorism is the fact that a terrorist act maw not safe inheritance, becoming widespread in the population and having a wide suspicious resonance. Name the vimogi of terrorists supravodzhuyutsya by the threat of repetition of a terrorist act without a specific object of action.

The threat of informational terrorism has become an important geopolitical factor, and the fight against it is the need to unite the efforts of the most powerful state institutions, as well as the activization of the international political sphere in the halls.

11.3. Contaminate the information security of Russia

It means that I want the problems of information security, that the problems of information security, that the problems of information are generated, that are global, for Russia the stench is of particular importance in connection with the geopolitical and economic development.

The Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on Sunday, 9 June 2000. ., load the information security the country from the hinterland is directly connected to the contamination:

Constitutional rights and freedoms of the people and the community in the sphere of information activity;

spiritual life of the suspension;

Information security

Information infrastructure;

Information resources.

Threats to constitutional rights and freedoms of the people in the information security room you can find:

Acceptance of normative legal acts by the state authorities, so that constitutional rights and freedoms of huge people are surrounded by information activity;

the establishment of monopolies on the formulation, rejection and expansion of information in the Russian Federation, including those in telecom systems;

The protest, including from the side of the criminal structures, the realization by the enormous citizens of their constitutional rights to the specialty of the family, the secretary of the office, telephone conversations and related issues, as well as the ineffectively stipulated legal basis

inappropriate, overwhelmingly interconnected access to suspiciously necessary information;

Violation of the constitutional rights and freedom of the people and the community in the sphere of mass information;

Failure to be subscribed to by the state authorities, by the organizations and by the giants of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates information in the information sphere.

Threats to the spiritual life of the suspension can be:

Zasosuvannya zasobіv on a mass basis the testimony of the hulks;

Disorganization and destruction of the system of accumulation and preservation of cultural values, including archives;

Providing access to large-scale citizens to critical state information resources of state authorities, socially significant information;

Decrease of the spiritual, moral and creative potential of Russia;

Manipulating information (misinformation, taking in information).

Threats to information infrastructure can be:

Violation of the targeting and freedom of information exchange, anti-legal legislation and registration of information;

Disruption of information processing technology;

Introduced in the hardware and software components, which implement the function, which is not transferred in the documentation to the virobi;

Development of and distribution of programs, how to destroy the normal functioning of information and information and telecommunication systems, including systems and information systems;

Subsistence, communication, radioelectronic suppression or destruction of systems for processing information, telecommu- nication and communication;

Dissemination of software and hardware keys cryptographic hijacker information;

Overloading of information in technical channels technical assistance processing and recording, and also before the hour of transmission of information channels by means of a call;

In the provision of electronic attachments for the transfer of information in the technical process of processing, connection and transmission of information channels by means of communication, as well as in the services of the administration of organs of state power and organization;

Subjugation, poaching, ruining and stolen machine and information noses;

Overclocking, decoding and intrusion of untruthful information in the lines of transmission of data, communication lines and systems of mass information;

Injection on password-key systems automated systems processing and transmission of information;

Purchase beyond the cordon of information technologies, in addition to information technology, telecommunications and a call, which may vіtchiznyany analogs, do not compromise on their characteristics to foreign students.

Threats to information resources can be:

Dіyalnіst of space, winds, sea and terrestrial technical means of development of foreign powers;

Provision of unauthorized access to information resources and other unauthorized access to information resources;

Dissemination of information resources from libraries, archives, banks and databases;

Violation of legal information resources.

In his own way, Sentinels from the national security (13 worms, 1996), the President of the Russian Federation the main threats for Russia in the information sphere step by step:

internal - the report of the country from provincial countries at the same pace of informatization, the visibility of a well-formulated information policy;

call - sprobi not dopustiti Rosіyu Braty fate on rіvnopravnih Minds at mіzhnarodnomu іnformatsіynomu obmіnі, vtruchannya that tsіlespryamovane proniknennya in dіyalnіst that rozvitok іnformatsіynoї іnfrastrukturi RF pragnennya skorotiti vikoristannya rosіyskoї MTIE yak mіzhnarodnogo zasobu spіlkuvannya i through tse zvuzhennya rosіyskogo іnformatsіynogo spaciousness.

Central and internal and external contamination for ways in flow(Realization) to share on the basis of information, software and mathematics, physical and organization.

Information pogrozi realizing for additional unauthorized access to information resources and stolen by means of counterfeit registration, negative manipulation of information (misinformation, creation of information, technology).

Programming and mathematical pogrozi to implement in a good way in hardware and software systems and components; of the same number of systems for the information

Physical pogrozi tied with a physical inflow (humiliation, poshkojennya, stolen) on information systems that їх elements, signaling overloading of information at the transmission channels and services is too little.

Before Organizational Threats to bring to the weak the legal base of information security. Practically in the day-to-day basis of information security at the regional level. Vimogi of current legislative acts (Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation "About security", "About the state house", "About information, informatization and information security", etc.) do not expect to shy away. Inadequacies in the legal system should be raised before a significant information exchange with access in financial-birzhovy, taxation, mitnoy, zvnіshnyekonomіchno, living and other spheres as specific databases are expanded by new commercial forms.

Have information space from the positions of information security the most typical є two are not safe:

1) control (knights) of information resources of the state, that is, in fact, information about intelligence (spygunism). The information space of the boulevard is to become the sphere of activity of the numerical development services. The current information development can be realized by two ways: unauthorized penetration of information and security systems; by legal way, for rakhunok active participation foreign companies at the main information structure of Russia. With a whole range of negative inheritances linked to them, the information resources of the country are based on the control of all kinds of earthly structures;

2) the threat of ruining and disorganization of information resources of elements of state structures. For the modern development of information technologies, such a moment can be found here at the hour of peace. The stench will clutter up the information that is valuable for the state, and because of the negative information because of the disorganization of the information wrong decisions on the general rule of state administration.

Especially mice will sit bezpeka computer fancy, as they allow to communicate and socially vikoristovuvati a great exchange of information resources on a local and global scale. Computers are one of the main components of information technology. At the same hour, the majesty of the power to supervise the problems of securing information to the information officer. It is necessary to furnish it with the necessary time to start and develop both local and global computers. So, in the process of the establishment of the Internet in the United States, in 1981 p. boolean Center for Computer Security of the Ministry of Defense, at 1985 p. he was re-made to the National Center for Computer Security and transferred to the National Security Agency.

Analysis of threat guidance, forms and methods is injected into the infrastructure of the information sphere, as well as the methods for combating threats against all kinds of threats, allowing the use of I want to finish it smartly) as information-psychological security and information security.

Information and psychological safety the camp of the abduction of the giants, a group of social vernaculars of the suspension, the mass society of people, populated by negative information-psychological influxes, so that they can stay in the information space (the report will be given later).

Zakhist information - safety of information security (prevention of threats to information infrastructure and information resources).

In this day, most of the problems are being actively resolved to the owner of the information: organization, legal, technical and technological come in to learn and visualize the threat to information resources and systems, as well as in our legacy. Formuєtsya teorіya Zahist Informácie, stvoryuyutsya that actively vikoristovuyutsya on praktitsі Metodi that zasobi Zahist Informácie, zdіysnyuєtsya pіdgotovka fahіvtsіv number of spetsіalnostey that spetsіalіzatsіy such yak tehnologіya Zahist Informácie, integrated zabezpechennya іnformatsіynoї BEZPEKA avtomatizovanih systems Bezpeka ta Zahist Informácie toscho.

11.4. Safety information is the most important component of national safety

Have happy suspension Information security is a systemic factor in practically all spheres of one's life. Vona is poured into the mill of economic, defense, social, political and warehouse national security. At the same hour, the information is safe itself. warehouse nationally safe, meaning like skin rock innocently growing.

p align = "justify"> The special role of information security is explained by these global processes, which are characteristic of the current year for the social and economic development of the world. It is possible to sing with the help of the the most important component of national security, scho "penetrates" all of them are safe. It will be shown on the basis of social and ecological safety.

1. Social context of information security. The problem of social (suspicious) safety of the ball and being lost to one of those who are in charge. It is tied out of the zealous interests of the land and the people in the social sphere, the development of the social structure and the suspicious ideas, the system of welfare and socialization of people, the way of life, the progression of the consumption

Social security is rich in aspect. In today's Russia, there will be a manifestation of negative processes in suspensions, such as growing malignity, decreasing living standards, growing unprotectedness, ruining old system enlightenment, dedication to the prestige of science and engineering, the promotion of suspension on the large and small, the destruction of all the people among the people.

The guarantor of the social abduction of the giants may be the constitution, the state, the president of the Institute of State Power. The head of social security is the specialty that support, social interest and social information, and from the information aspect - the right to reject and maintain the support and information system.

With the help of new promising information technologies, this technology can practically increase the control and regulation of information interaction of people. There is information about the potential for hearing of telephone (and not only telephone) communications, control over leaflets, the establishment of computer databases about the skin of a person, which includes confidential information, thinness.

The current information technologies allowed a dramatic improvement in the effectiveness of adding to the psyche of people and the suspicious quality, creating a new form of "quiet" ("primed") management of the individual, the group. They call it “the fourth ruler” in a non-trivial way. Submitted development Informatsionnyh technologies of the sutta to expand the possibilities of 3MI, and the power of the power of power to grow. At the link with the whole system, there will be a development of a new interdisciplinary direct - informational-psychological security.

Up to the forms of "prikhovannye" on witness it is possible to introduce new technologies, psychotronically, low technology, which allows you to remove access to negative information, including pornographic, nationalistic and computers іgri, so it is very easy to pour into the shape of the children 's testimonials, etc.

2. Ecological problems in information security structures. Ecological safety is one of the most important global problems of concern. Vona is tied out of the intriguing interests of specialness, the support of that state from potential and real threats, as well as traces of anthropogenic influx into the middle, as well as from spontaneous natural hardships and disasters. The informational aspect of the complex foldable, complex planning problem is clearly visible.

Until the current year, the process of shaping the country's ecologic policy is taken care of, as it is conducted without sufficient information about the scientific community. It’s not clear at all whether the ecology is among the priorities of the legislative and executive authorities of Russia, or the ecological problem of being speculatively fought for in the fighting for the war against the war. In addition, the wider population lacks knowledge about the pollution of ecological safety, dzherela, about the inheritance of ecological hardships and catastrophes. ...

Negotiating environmental problems, fahivtsi often reprimand "the formula for global growth" D. Meadows:

1 = PAT,

the number of the population; L - rіven dobrobutu (living the soul of the population); T - technology (Skoda for the middle class, which can be used to create one product from the list of singing technologies).

A formula has been given to allow direct links to be made between information and information technologies and new options for the new environment. In truth, to change the supply to the middle, it is necessary to fully implement the processes, to move to “environmentally friendly”, energy-saving, resource-saving, non-driven technologies. And it’s worth it for thinking of the basic economy for the development of information technology, for the development of a wide range of new information technologies for all halls, including in material and energy production.

In the monograph by M. D. Ursula “Shlyakh at the noosphere. The concept of vision and the development of civilization "(M., 1990) that in the next robots the problem natural and ecological safety, in the basis of which - the preservation of the biological versatility and stability of the biosphere. Tsei pidhid hangs like an alternative to the technogenic (technosphere) road for the development of the suspension. On the thought of Ursula, following a path, people will create a new threat to their safety - not safety to technocracy. In the informational support for the development of the mainstream and the economy, the staff in the provision of information technologies is not safe for technocracy to change significantly.

The formula of D. Meadows has one more addition є "Information Kerovanim". Ydetsya about rivn dobrobutu (L), about the formulation of a reasonable standard of living, the fight against aggressive welfare. Without question, you can and may not play a significant role with the mass information.

The revision of large environmental problems and the management of the work is connected with the work and the obsolete information about the nature of the environment (environmental monitoring), with the models of large-scale global processes, which are built in nature, with the development of technology Obviously, for an effective broadcast, it is necessary to have a quick overview of the information about the technology.

In such a rank, the problem of national security of little bends and informational character. At the same time, mothers have two aspects:

1. Lyudin, the information resources and information systems should be kept up to the main elements of security in all spheres of life of the state. The year is actively developing to provide information on them. This is possible because of the problem of information security of the most common types of species, as well as the nature of these types of food. It’s a fact that we can do it in the form of state and regional policy in the hallway of national and information security, in the development of new concepts and programs, in the organization of specific robots in the security hallway;

2. Necessity of registration of informational approach as the main scientific-practical method of updating the establishment of national security. TsI POSTALLY DISTANTANY, VIAKAYANIA ZIA ZBIRNYE TA Analis (for the form of the subwitting, for the vessels of the vessel) IINFORMAKI, З.O.Okonychnyy, Ekology, Social, Pol_tichny, VIYSKOVY, Demographer, the first processed process For the most important state problems, for its nature, information and information, it is necessary to obtain new information technologies and technologies.

11.5 Safety of people in the information space

0 seriousness of the situation in the sphere of specialty in the information space to provide a wide overview of the process for the description of the process of the future

Talk about the security of specialness in the information space, the environment of the "threat", to the extent that the term "violence" is victorious. As a rule, it is reasonable to accept physical violence against a person. For a moment, it is possible and demanding to talk about violence against specialness in the sphere of political life, in the spiritual sphere too. e. Threats are not safe (potential), and violence is actually the implementation of the contamination, the primus is injected, in our view of information, on the specialness.

Of particular relevance to the problem informational and psychological safety, scho poured over Bagatma officials.

From one side, tse folding, hourly superb and negative processes in political, social-economic and spiritual spheres, until you lie down:

Ruynuvannia of the old administrative-command system and the importance of the formation of a new Russian statehood, based on democratic principles;

Problems of the cob economy;

Crisis of sovereign ideology;

Deformation of the system of norms, attitudes and values;

Zrostannya maliciousness;

Reducing the level of life and growth of lifelessness;

Sharing of the suspension on the large and small and the destruction of all the people;

Underestimation of the national and cultural and historical traditions of the peoples of Russia and the penetration of the suspiciousness of the ancient mass culture;

Change of geopolitical situation;

Destructive role different forms mythological evidence and totalitarian religious sects, the decline of prestige and weakening of the most important social and cultural institutions of the state - science, education, culture (including physical and psychological) and culture.

All the same, obviously, it is possible to reduce the strength of the specialty, of the psyche to the latest information injections. The specialty is to be involved in style, as well as a critical analysis, assessment of information, how to use it, and also to take an active decision on the basis of the basis of information.

From the side, tse colossal growth of efficiency due to information injection on the psyche of people that supportive testimony. Modern and promising information technologies and how to allow keruvati information communication people who are suspicious and controlled.

Zokrem, є the potential for hearing all the telephone conversations, so that control over the accounts, you can use the computer bases of confidential data about the personnel, the health and safety of people

About'єktami safety information and psychological safety є:

Ore community members, who represent the development of the community, socio-cultural and national groups and the support of the support;

Okremi social groups that version as a component of the social structure of the suspension (including professionals, national-ethnic and in.);

Organizational organizations, groups and individuals, specific representatives of state authorities and management, healthy forces, law enforcement agencies and security, security, financial and social structures, as the power of social power is of great importance;

Organized by a mass organization of those self-made groups of hulks from a powerful special structure of life, a system of motivation, mental warehouse, mentality, etc.

The population of specific regions, industrial and agro-industrial agglomerations, surrounding regions and a small population of people;

Gromadic and political organizations, suspension-political parties and parties;

The population of the land has a social and historical personality of people, there is little specificity of suspicious psychology, a unique system of sociocultural and sociopsychological norms and traditions;

The spiritual sphere of suspension, storage and suspiciousness, community thought and social and psychological climate (including the system of education and education, the system of mass information, how to inject into the social behavior of people and the organization of life)

Information and psychological safety of the support of the support for the protection of the mental health of the skin environment and the population of the country as a whole, the above-mentioned function of the state and large-scale institutions of this kind, and

Canals(Set up) information on the specialty is even more flexible. Tse sem'ya, illumination sphere ( baby cage, school, university), street, books, radio, cinema, television, mass media (newspapers, magazines), audiovisuals, zokrema developmental technology, programs (magnetophones, people, people. Newly needed for information flow - Internet, on the basis of technology and technology virtual realities, which is truly fantastic perspectives of virtual injections And visual information is the most informative that day. It’s not for nothing that the people are willing to say: “It’s more beautiful to beat it once, not a hundred times to feel it”. The efficiency of the flow of cych and other channels on the specialty is often moving forward for the active development and wide availability of new information technologies.

Information technology is the great blessing of the people, the stench is the source of the potential for the suspension. Ale, at the same hour, in the hands of the evil-minded, there is a terrible zombie; the head is not safe from unauthorized access (active chi passive) to yogo dzherel chi spozhivacha (specialty). Remaining and informative inflow to the specialty.

Especially slіd pіdcresliti majestic powers in the whole sphere happy zasob_v. On the day of the present day, it is practically the same structure, through the population of the day, I’ll get information about the processes in the land, regions, and sights. The stench literally imposes a different, ideological look. It is impossible not to wait with the thought, that "Christmas in Russia can be seen as a force, which stabilizes the situation in the suspension, and becomes a detonator of social vibuhu." Particularly relevant is the process of firmness in the period of viborn campaigns, which have actually become our common reality. At zhovtni 1999 r. Moscow Navit was held scientific and practical conference“Informational and psychological safety of vibrating campaigns (for preventing and neutralizing“ difficult ”technologies).

Yak vіdomo, telebachennya poklikane nformvati, educate and inform. It’s beyond the reach of people and suspense, but the power of information is great. In our country, the TV tower at the moment of its acceptance is the visitor's function of "collective agitator and propagandist." In the new social and economic minds, the function began to be realized more and more aggressively.

At the connection with the commercialization of ZMI, which is characteristic of that natural for the market economy, from the TV screens on the specialness of that suspension falling on the back of advertisements, films and programs, which propagate violence, sadism, sex. All prices can be classified unauthorized access to services. A touch of panuvannya to the principle of advertising breaks on TV shops є pouring into the psyche of millions of people. Tse direct violation of the rights of people - the right to a free vibration. In ideals, advertising is guilty of being naked in the context of the movement, and the ability to vibrate for the most powerful people.

Safety-free service to safety of specialty in the information space the problem of oshukanikh contributors. From 1992 to 1995 from among the organizers of the financial services suffered nearly 50 million rubles. Whole people, overwhelming the majority of those who had been kidnapped, became victims of the information press, these massed advertisements, as they practically obsessed mittєve kazkova zbagachennya.

The market economy information becomes a commodity, a commodity, a service. And this means that for securing information security of specialness it is possible to vikoristovuvati laws, as to seize people from unfriendly products and services.

Until the number first-hand calls, direct to the safety of information security, enter such.

1. Development of information culture the population, including the development of special methods of active and passive acquisition of insecure information injections, and a spin-off of technologically competent information production.

2. Development of legislation in the information sphere. The main and, perhaps, the only guarantor of the rights and freedoms of particularity in the information space is the state. The function of the won can be realized through the general laws. It means that the legislation of the information sphere is not analogous to history. To that, before the development, surrounded by lawyers, there may be studies in the economic regions, including informatics, information technologies, psychology, sociology, pedagogy too. At the designated one, the crooks are already broken. By the working group of the Intergovernmental Committee for Information Security for the sake of security of the Russian Federation, a draft concept has been developed to provide a thorough understanding of the legal security of information security of the Russian Federation.

3. Implementation of the system and monitoring of information and technological factors in the analysis(it is possible to expand the functions of the structures of the vivchennya of the community dummy, which are protected by various methods).

4. Expansion of international sports for food safety in the information space. The range of problems for discussion within the framework of such a sphere is wider. The process of establishing a narrow-minded point of view as to problems in the flow of information to the society and society, to the psyche of the people, and the preparation of the ground (conventions) about not keeping information in the minds of women, about control over the world for criminal purposes, about international legal protection of cut-and-paste information resources, about the ability to control and interconnect distribution global framing type of Internet information, which gives a negative infusion on the physical, mental and social health of people, especially children and young, too.

Without the implementation of the meanings and those of the first entry, direct to the door necessary minds for a safe development of specialties in modern minds, non-micronutrients and stages of development of the economy, and the very development of development of Russia. Bezpeka of skin viznachaє bezpeka all, including powers.


Informatization of the suspension is related to the problem of information security, the head of which is the problem of information war and information terrorism. It smells of a global character, but for Russia it will create special hospitality, which is zoomed in by the geopolitical and economical setting.

Throw in the information security of Russia to go for the out-of-the-box straightforwardness (jeopardize the constitutional rights and freedoms of the community, the spiritual life of the suspension, information structures, information resources) and the ways in which the power

The food security information support is the most important component of the national security. To lay down a level of economic, defense, social, political and other types of security from a non-significant world.

The theory and practice of information security can be seen in two ways: information security and information-psychological security. Information and psychological safety is provided for the protection of the mental health of the surrounding individual and the population of the country as a whole, the above-mentioned function of the state and large-scale institutions, as well as the formation of the individual, pro-governmental Information bezpeka - a lock of steel in the development of the economy and the suspension.

Control food

1. Describe the main categories of information security.

2. What kind of information is there and how is it possible?

3. What to do with information about information, informational crime, informational terrorism and other social?

4. Describe the contamination of the information security of Russia.

5. Open the social and environmental aspects of information security.

6. Why is the urgency of the support of the problem of informational and psychological security discussed?

7. Name the channels of information flow to people.

8. Whenever you come in, you need to spend it, why do you need to talk to Russia for a safe development of a specialty?

recommended literature

Doctrine Information security of the Russian Federation. M., 2002.

Anosov St D., Striltsov A. A. 0 Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation // Information support. 1997. No. 2-3. S. 3-9.

Anosov St D., Lepskiy St Є., Striltsov A. A. Problems of information and psychological security // Information support. 1997. No. 4-6.

Arsent'ev M.V. Before the nutrition of the understanding "Information security" // Information support. 1997. No. 4-6.

Geopolitics that national security: Dictionary of the main to understand that value / M. І. Abdrakhmanov ta in. M., 1998.

Gromov R.R. National information resources: Problems of industrial exploitation. M., 1995.

Omelyanov G.V., Striltsov A.A. Information security of Russia: Navch. posibnik / For zag. ed. A. A. Prokhozhova. M., 1999. Part 1: Basic understanding and designation.

Omelyanov R, St, Striltsiv A, A, Problems of securing the safety of informational support // Informational support. 1999. No. 2.

Zavadsky І. І. Information viyna - what about the same? // Confident. 1996. No. 4.

Zakhist Information resources in the minds of the development of light and critical hedge / D.S.Chereshkin, A. B. Antopolskiy, A. A. Kononov, etc. M., 1997.

Information-psychological bezpeka (viznachennya and analysis of the subject area). M., 1997.

Lepsky St. Information-psychological safety of companies // Psychological aspects of safety of educational activity / Ed. V. Є. Lepsky. M., 1997.

N. N. Moiseev Lyudin's that noosphere. M., 1990.

The basics national security of Russia / M. І. Abdurakhmanov ta in; For zag. ed. V.L. Manilova. M., 1998.

Assessment the efficiency of systems for the retrieval of information resources / D. S. Chereshkin, V. A. Gadasin, 0. І. Alizarov ta in. M., 1998.

A. Pozdnyakov Information security of specialness, support, power // Viyskova dumka. 1993. No. 10.

Problems Information and psychological safety. M., 1996.

Sribnyakov V.V., Plastiv A. Social security of Russia. M., 1996.

Smolyan G.L. Merezhevі information systems and problems of safety of specialness // Information support. 1999. No. 1.

Ursul A. D. Concept of natural safety // Bezpeka. 1994. No. 1-2.

Ursul A. D. Shlyakh in the noosphere: The concept of vision and development of civilization. M., 1990.

Tsigichko V. I., Smolyan G. L., Chereshkin D. S. Information security as a geopolitical factor and an instrument of power policy. M., 1997.

Ecological Imperative for the development of Russia. SPb., 1996. (“Russia in advance of the XXI century; vip. 5).

Yusupov R.M. Information security - the basis of national security / / Ozbroennya, policy, conversion. 1997. No. 3.4.

Yusupov R.M. Zabolotskiy St. P., Ivanov St. P. Lyudin in the informatization space // Problems of informatization. 1996. Vip. 4.

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