Tickets for the installer of technological pipelines. Receipts for re-verification of knowledge of food and protection of work at installers of technological possession and related structures

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

03/21/2014 – We respect your attention. Propionation perelіk includes ten kvitkіv, at the skin z yakýh mіstsya chotiri nutrition. Receipts folded by the engineer for the protection of work are duly up to the chinnyh regulatory legal acts and documents for the protection of work.

Ticket number 1

1. Organization of the work place of installers.

2. Vymogi bezpeke pіd hour vykonanny slyusarnyh robit manual slyusarnym іnstrument.

3. Storage of materials and blanks. The presence of stale fences.

4. Fire safety.

Ticket number 2

1. Vymogi, which are presented to the outbuildings, tools, fittings and outbuildings, which are victorious in the robot.

2. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour zastosuvannya pіdёmno-transport mehanіzmіv.

3. Rules of safety engineering for an hour of work on the emery-grinding and drilling benches.

4. First help for slaughter, fractures, injuries.

Ticket number 3

1. Dotremannya tekhnologii ї vykonannya robitnyh robit. Fencing of unsafe areas.

2. Provision of the necessary sanitary and hygienic minds of the workers.

3. Wimogi security when working with a power tool.

4. Dії at the time of an unfortunate drop in the virobnitstvі.


Ticket number 4

1. Unsafe and shkіdlіvі faktori, pov'yazanі z vykonannym robіt.

2. Vymogi bezpeki at vykonanny soldering, midnitsko-blashanyh and other robots.

3. Zastosuvannya zasobіv _indivіdualnogo zahist.

4. Dії pіd hour later.


Ticket number 5

1. The procedure for the installation of the BMR for the installation of technological equipment and related structures.

2. Vymogi bezpeka p_d hour of work with a shock tool.

3. Vymogi security for an hour of work on high.

4. First help in case of electric shock.

Ticket number 6

1. For the sake of safety and security, we are working on the installation of a technological installation.

2. Rules for safety engineering for an hour of work at gatherings, scaffolds, forests.

3. Vymogi bezpeke pіd hour vykonannya robіt z elektro_instrument.

4. Podії emergency situations.


Ticket number 7

1. Vymogi bezpeke pіd hour vykonanny vantage-rozvantazhuvalnyh robіt.

2. Dotrimannya was able to ensure the safety of the work for the installation of the possession of those other structures.

3. Preparation and verification of the correctness of a hand tool.

4. Rules for coring with a fire extinguisher.


Ticket number 8

1. Vymogi bezpeke pіd hour vykonannya robіt on high.

2. Vymogi security for the first hour works on the installation of possessions in the zone of ceremonial administration.

3. Safety rules when working with pneumatic tools.

4. The procedure for choosing the fire extinguisher.


Ticket number 9

1. Rules of safety engineering for an hour of work with a power tool.

2. Come in safely for an hour of work at a height.

3. Vymogi bezpeka pіd h vykonanny robіt pіd h hour installation installation.

4. Die in case of unfortunate fluctuations in virobnitsva.


Ticket number 10

1. Wimogi security for an hour of work on roughing and grinding benches.

2. Come in safely for an hour of work with a blowtorch.

3. Dotrimannya vyrobnitstva technologies at vikonannі pusko-nagozhuvalnyh robit on obladannі, scho is mounted.

4. Electrical safety. Persha helped the injured man under the hour of electric shock.

We appreciate your respect, that other materials for the protection of practice and attestation of working jobs for the minds of workers in organizations you can take advantage of at distribution " Okhorona practice».

Goal. engineer (name of organization)

____________ (P.I.B.)

"_____" _________ 20___


to re-verify knowledge of food, protect practice

the installers of the technological possession and the constructions connected with it

Ticket number 1

  1. Organization of the work place of installers.
  2. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour vykonanny slyusarnyh robіt manual slyusarnym іnstrument.
  3. Storage of materials and blanks. The presence of stale fences.
  4. Fire safety.

Ticket number 2

  1. Wimogi to attachments, tools, fittings and attachments that are victorious in robots.
  2. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour zastosuvannya pіdёmno-transport mehanіzmіv.
  3. Rules of safety engineering when working on emery-peeling and drilling benches.
  4. First help for slaughter, fractures, injuries.

Ticket number 3

  1. Dotrimannya tekhnologii vykonannya repair robit. Fencing of unsafe areas.
  2. Provision of the necessary sanitary and hygienic minds of the workers.
  3. Wimogi safety for an hour of work with a power tool.
  4. Podії in case of an unfortunate drop in the virobnitstvі.


Ticket number 4

  1. Unsafe and shkіdlі fіctori, pov'yazanі z vykonannym robіt.
  2. Vymogi bezpeki at vikonannі soldering, midnitsko-blashanyh and other robots.
  3. Zastosuvannya zasobіv іindivіdualnogo zakhistu.
  4. Dії pіd hour later.


Ticket number 5

  1. The order of the BMR's vikonnannya is suitable for the installation of technological equipment and related structures.
  2. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour of work with a shock tool ії.
  3. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour of work on high.

4. First help in case of electric shock.

Ticket number 6

  1. Vimogi security for the hour of viconnance works on the installation of technological equipment
  2. Rules of safety engineering for an hour of work at gatherings, underpasses, forests.
  3. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour vykonannya robіt z elektroіinstrumentom.
  4. Podії in emergency situations.


Ticket number 7

  1. Vymogi bezpeki pіd hour vykonanny vantage-rozvantazhuvalnyh robіt.
  2. Dotrimannya was able to ensure safety for the hour of vikonannya robit s installation of the possession of those other structures.
  3. Preparation and verification of the correctness of a hand tool.
  4. Rules for coring with a fire extinguisher.


Ticket number 8

  1. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour vykonannya robіt on high.
  2. Vymogi bezpeki pіd hour vykonannya robіt s installation obladnannya in the zone of ceremonial pripriєmstva.
  3. Rules of safety engineering for an hour of work with a pneumatic tool.
  4. order of selection


Ticket number 9

  1. Rules of safety engineering for an hour of work with an electric tool.
  2. Come in safely for an hour of work at the height.
  3. Vymogi bezpeka pіd hour vykonannya robіt during the installation obladnannya.
  4. Podії in case of unfortunate fluctuations in virobnitsva.


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