Safeguarding subsystems and information and mathematically safeguarding. Non-preserving pid systems

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Integration of functional pid systems for one system to reach the door of the stem and function to secure the pid systems, such as information, software, mathematical, technical, technological, organizing and legal subsystems.

The subsystems, which can be secured, are unique for all ICs, regardless of specific functional subsystems, in which they are stagnant, and from another subject area.

Information security.

Information base and two interdependent elements: post-machine and intra-machine.

Before behind the car The part that will serve as a service attendant at the viglyad is introduced, so that you can be a human without any technical means. Tse, as a rule, paperwork documents (outfits, acts, invoices, rakhunki chi register, vidomosty too).

Intramachine The information base is located at the computer memory and stored in files and arrays of data. It can be loaded either as a lack of local, as well as independent files and arrays, as well as single-sided management documents (for example, invoices), or as a database of data. Due to the fact that the base of the given files is independent, the structure of some files (warehouse of fields) is stored in the structure of the others. The files of the base danikh are developed from the same singing principles and the original one from the models of the base danih (relational, іnrarchichnu, mezhnu). The robot will take care of the files with a vibrating DBMS.

The warehouse and the structure of the internal machine base are designed to deal with the information needs of the skin care equipment.

Technical safety.

Technical support є with the basis of ІВ. Їх parameters with a significant world are defined by the controllers. Prior to the technical problems of the IC, there should be computers, communication and office equipment.

The entire computer park is cleverly divided into two classes: personal and highly productive computers (Mainframe System). The part ІВ will be based on personal computers... Mainframes need to establish the great schemas of the gifts and to ensure access to them. Such computers can be very difficult to work with when working with cyclical robots, to obtain tribute and productivity. Among them, there is a great range of the same methods of calculating technology.

Enterprise computers can be connected to local numbered heels(LAN).

LOM has several robot modes. The simplest transmission mode is the presence of a specially seen computer, the resources of which are distributed among other machines. Kozhna ЕОМ has a lot of resources, which are great for other computers. This is the name of a peer-to-peer mesh. Another mode of transferring the vision of an environment to a computer is a service provided by these non-cut programs to other computers. Such a computer is called a "file server". The third mode is also the transmission of a view from an outside computer and a view under the name "client-server". On top of the front mode in the near computer - "server" - there are not only local databases, but I will write a joke with the programs, so that I will allow the "clients" Basi danih, but only necessary for you, in some cases, I will be revived by the server. In general, there is a decrease in the number of channels in transmissions.

LOM can be combined with such a rank, so that subscribers can use the resources of the one for themselves.

Changes in the class of machines and the EOM can function without the help of the system-wide software security.

The program is safe.

"Revive" the technical safety, so that it is programmatically secure(PZ). ПЗ - the collection of programs for processing data and software documents required for the operation of these programs.

Razr_znyayut systemically PZ, applied PZ zalnogo designation and applied PZ special designation.

Systemic PZ designed for:

management of all sukupnіstyu technical assistance in the numerical complex, іkh diagnostics and prevention, effective monitoring and monitoring of new auxiliary processes (saving, copying, capture, restoration, renewal);

organizing dialogue with koristuvach;

launch of applied and instrumental programs;

Zd_ysnennya exchange of data from other children.

The whole class of PZ is quite clear about the type of computer and not many parts. Until now, there is a lot of strength in robots, efficiency in victorious work.

The system PZ includes operating systems and service programs.

Operating system (OS) - the price of the program, which is automatically locked up when the computer is turned on, and it presents a basic set of commands that can help you use the computer: run the program, open a folder to save files, format a disk, copy, etc. The most extended OS of the Windows family (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8).

Service programs represent a low service from the maintenance of the operation of the EOM and the software maintenance. Before them you can add:

    instrumental shells Total commander that Windows Commander;

    service programs (reconfiguration and defragmentation) of disks;

    archive programs for WinRAR and WinZIP;

    anti-virus programs: Kaspersky Lab programs, ESET NOD32, DrWeb, AVG, Avira, McAfee, Norton Antivirus;

    programs up to robots at fenders, Internet zokrem.

Before applied PZ zalalny value provide such packages of application programs.

Programming system, as well as instrumental skills for qualified koristuvachiv - programs and non-programs (if any - programs for distribution of their programs).

Apply software: Visual Basic, Delphi, C ++ Builder.

Text processors- Applied computer programs, designated for virobniting (including typing, editing, formatting, one or more), be it any kind of handy information. Inodi text processor is called a text editor. Texts processors, on the basis of text editors, may have more possibilities for formatting the text, using graphics, formulas, tables and other objects. To that, the stench may be not only for a set of texts, but for the establishment of business documents, including official ones.

Naybіlsh vіdomі butt of word processors: Microsoft Word at the warehouse of the Microsoft Office software package, Writer, WordPad, go to the warehouse of Microsoft Windows.

Table processors(colish named - electronic tables) programs that allow you to manually manipulate tables, automate a lot of operations, how to visit them. In addition to the bezposrednyaya robots with tables, the stench gives the ability to include texts and graphical blocks, may be automated for statistical, financial and other operations.

Apply spreadsheet processors Microsoft Excel, Calc.

Database management systems- Sukupn_st of special mobile and program inputs, how to lie down to the criminals of all the operations, related to organizing the collection of donations, їkh processing, processing and access to them. According to the need (about the amount of money, what they need to save), there is little or no DBMS (for example, Microsoft Access, Base), middle (dBase, Paradox, Sybase, FoxPro and others) and large (for example, the Oracle DBMS family). The vibration of a specific DBMS, for the reasons that the information system will be, will be used by the vimogs to the system.

Integrated packages Combine a set of applied programs for a spilnoy robot. The elements of the program interface, which come in before, are decorated the same way. Having come across pratsyuvati with one of the doodatkiv, koristuvach will easily master іnshi. Program, to enter the package, to "link" one to one one and the same, so that you can complete a simple exchange of information between them.

Most extended integrated packages of Microsoft Office and, up to the warehouse of texts, processors, tabular processors, DBMS, to create presentations and other programs, to ensure an effective robot in office.

Graphic packages in the economic spheres, there may be a supply of amalgamation. Apparently a tedious package of wooden graphics, which can be included in the Microsoft Excel warehouse, that Adobe Photoshop program, which works with digital images, for example, with digital photographs.

Mathematical packages robots need analytics. Mathematical model packages MathCad and MathLab and statistical analysis packages SPSS and Statistica are important.

Applied program for securing special designation- Those, which are called functional PZ. In fact, the price of setting up an automated workstation (AWP), a DBMS, a software complex for managing and operating systems IV, prompted for the help of others in the design, on a specific informational guide for a specific industry Apply such software security: accounting systems, tax systems, personnel management systems, document management systems, robotic planning systems, etc.

Organizational security.

There are one of the most important IV subsystems, from which there is a successful implementation of the goals and functions of the system. At the warehouse of organizational safety, you can name the chotiri groups of components.

Persha group including the available methodical materials, which regulate the process of establishing and functioning of the system:

      backbone methodical materials for the beginning of IV;

      types of design solutions;

      methodical materials for organizing and conducting pre-project maintenance at the enterprise;

      methodical materials from the source of the project documentation.

Another component in the structures of organizational security ІВ є the number of items necessary for effective design and functionality ІВ (management complexes, including types of packages of applied programs, types of structures for management of documentation systems)

The third component Organizational security systems є technical documentation, gained from the process of providing, design and implementation of the system: technical and economical design, technical design, technical design and workflow design and design

The fourth component Organizational safety management system є "Personnel", the organizational structure of the project is presented, as well as design, zokrema, warehouse of the head designers of the systems and faculties of functional management systems.

The right to be safe.

Vono is the supremacy of the norms that bend in the normative acts, which establish and consolidate the IC status. Pravove zabezpechennya ІВ zdіysnyu pravove regulating rozrobnya ІV that vzamini rozrobnik and deputy. The right to secure the stage of the functioning of the IV is the status of the management process, the safety of the information process, the right to the safety of the information safety of the IV function. The right to be secured includes a home and a special part. The main part is to take revenge on the normative documents that regulate the performance of the IV, and the special part is responsible for legal advice. In a given hour, there are more than twenty products on the Russian market of commercial legal bases, which can be legally accepted, and can be easily integrated into the IC.

Small. 4. Pidsystems of the information system

Information security

The information security system is designed for the quick formulation of that reliable information.

Information security - the supremacy of a single system and classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows, which circulate in the organization, as well as the methodology of the methodology.

Unified documentation systems are established on the sovereign, republican, galuzev and regional rivnya. The main meta - the tse of securing the confusion of indicators in the young galuzei of the suspension vyrobnitstva. The standard is broken down, de vimogi vystanovlyuyutsya:

■ to unified documentation systems;

■ up to standardized forms of documents in the development of management;

■ to the warehouse and structure of requisites and indicators;

■ prior to the procedure, the maintenance and restoration of unified forms of documents.

However, unimportant to the introduction of the unified system and documentation, before the hour of the maintenance of a large amount of organization, a whole complex of typical shortcomings constantly appears:

■ superbly great obsyag of documents for manual processing;

■ some of the indicators are often duplicated in other documents;

■ a robot with a great number of documents from the turn of the turn of the turn from the first generation of the factory;

■ є indicators, which are on the way, do not become vicious, that ін.

That is why the meaning of shortcomings is one of the buildings that stand at the beginning of informational safety.

Schemes of information flows represent the routes to the information and information flow, the message of the first information and the presentation of the result information. For analysis of the structure of sub-circuits, you can go virobite to get a detailed understanding of the control system.

I will lay the butt simplest schemes streams of danikh you can put a scheme, de vidbito all steps and passages of service notes and records at the base of danikh received pratsyuvati spivrobіtnik - from її stuorennya until i go, I will instruct about yo zakhuvannya pratsyuvati.

Pobudov schemes of information streams, which allow to open information reports and conduct a detailed analysis, without preserving:

■ viklyuchennya dubljuuchoї and nevikoristovuatsya іnformation;

■ classification and rational presentation of information.

At the end of the report, it is necessary to look at the nutrition and link the information to the management level (operational, functional and strategic). Slide to emerge, as indicators of the need for the acceptance of management solutions, as it is not. Before the skin visitor can get rid of that information, as vikonavtsya.

The methodology encourages the databases to follow the theoretical foundations of their design. For the cleverness of the concept of the methodology, it is possible to introduce the basic ideas of the two stages, which are subsequently implemented in practice:

1st stage - the provision of all functional podrozdіlіv fіrmi with the meta:

■ intelligence specificity and structure of її dіyalnosti;

■ to create a scheme of information streams;

■ analyze the document management system;

■ the value of information objects and a general warehouse of requisites (parameters, characteristics), which describe their authority and attribute.

2nd stage - motivation of conceptual and logical models of data for the situation on the 1st stage of the sphere of activity. The models may have installed and optimized all links between objects and requisites. The information-logical model is the foundation, on which the data base will be established.

For the establishment of information security, it is necessary:

■ clearer reasoning of goals, building, functions of the system and management of organizing;

■ Visiting information from the moment of validation and up to the day of validation at the latest management levels, which is presented for analysis in the form of information flow diagrams;

■ more sophisticated document management systems;

■ the visibility of the system and classification of the code;

■ volodinnya methodology for the establishment of conceptual informational-logical models, which bring together informational links;

■ the root of the array of information on the machine carriers, which requires the presence of a bit of technical safety.

Technical safety

The technical security system is designed for the security of robots, including computers, attachments to the collection, accumulation, transmission, transmission of information and communication, office technology and the attachment of automatic knowledge and documentation.

Technological safety is a complex of technical features that are used for a robotic information system, as well as documentation for various technological processes.

A complex of technical equipment for warehouses:

■ computers of any models;

■ attachment to the collection, accumulation, processing, transmission and delivery of information;

■ attachment of transmission of data and line of communication;

■ office equipment and attachments of automatic information recognition;

■ exploitation materials and in.

Documentation is drawn up in advance of the vibration of technical inputs, the organization of the operation, technological process obrob danikh; technological equipment. Documentation can be cleverly divided into three groups:

■ zagalnosystem, which includes state and galuzev standards for technical safety;

■ specialization, to revenge a set of methods from the stages of development of technical safety;

■ Regulatory information, vikoristovuvanu for an hour, vikonannya rorakhuniv iz technical security.

At the end of an hour, two main forms of organization of technical security (the form of registration of technical problems) were laid down: centralized and partly decentralized.

The pid systems, which will be safe, are unique for all ICs, regardless of specific functional pid systems, in which they are stagnant, and they will be safe. The warehouse of the subsystems, which can be secured, does not lie in another subject area. To enter the warehouse (Fig. 3.3-2) a functional structure, information, mathematical (algorithmic and program), technical, organization, personnel, as well as sometimes at the stage of development and IV, additionally include legal, linguistic and technological ...

Small. 3.3-2.

In the whole of the robot, the information system and the control circuit describe the functional structure and information security. Behavior of people at the contour of management is the basis for organizing and personnel security. The behavior of the machine in the control contour is mathematically and technically safe.

The functional structure (Fig. 3.3-3) є the change in the functions implemented by it (the plant) and the added subordination. From the IV function it is clear "the number of IVs deposited at the access to the private management". The warehouse of functions, which are implemented in IV, is governed by GOST and available for information and essential functions.

Small. 3.3-3.

Informatsion, at its own bank, include the functions: centralized control (1 - vimir value of parameters; 2 - vimir їkh vidhilen vid set value) ta obsluvalnyh ta logical operations(3 - testing the data transfer rate IV and 4 - preparation and exchange of information with the other systems). Keruyuchі functions of guilt include the functions: 5 - joke and rozrakhunka rational modes of management; 6 - implementation of the assigned control modes.

Information security (Fig. 3.3-4) - the cost of using and methods to induce the information base. This is the first way to form the image of the body of the control object in the viewers of the middle IV, documents, graphs and signals in the pose IV. Information security includes: rules of classification and information coding; regulatory information; operational information; methodical and instructive materials. Internal information security includes a description of: input signals and data; industrial information arrays; outgoing signals and documents.

Small. 3.3-4.

Mathematical security - to be stored from algorithmic and software (Fig. 3.3-5). Algorithmic security (AT) - the combination of mathematical methods, models and algorithms that can be used in the system for updating the data collection and processing information. The storage program is stored from the outbound ( Operating systems, translators, tests and diagnostics and ін., so that all those who will take care of the robot "zaliza") and special (applied software, safeguarding the automation of control processes in a given subject area).

Small. 3.3-5.

Technical safety (a complex of technical equipment - KTS) is stored (Fig. 3.3-6) from annexes: revision, revision, transmission, recovery, processing, visualization, revision, introduction / revision of information

Small. 3.3-6.

Organizational security (GO) - the cost of the methods of organizing and managing it in the minds of IV. By the method of organizing security є: vibir that setting of management; analysis of the system of management and shlakhiv її thoroughly; development of solutions for organizing interaction with personnel; Vikoristannya zavdan management. The organization of the security includes the methods of carrying out the work, before the preparation of documents, posov_instructions etc.

Organizational safety is one of the most important IV subsystems, since it is successful in realizing the goals and functions of the system. At the warehouse of organizational safety, you can name the chotiri groups of components.

Persha grupa vklyuchaє nayvazhlivіshі metodichnі materіali scho reglamentuyut protses stvorennya that funktsіonuvannya System (zagalnogaluzevі kerіvnі metodichnі materіali schodo stvorennya IB; tipovі proektnі rіshennya; metodichnі materіali of organіzatsії is the Venue of peredproektnogo obstezhennya on pіdpriєmstvі; metodichnі materіali of power stvorennya that vprovadzhennya proektnoї dokumentatsії).

Another component is the sufficiency of the tools necessary for the effective design and functionality of IV (management complexes, including types of packages of applied programs; types of structures for managing industrial enterprises; unified systems of documents;

The third component of the organizational security system is technical documentation, taken from the process of providing, design and implementation of the system (technical and economical design; technical design work, technical design and work)

The fourth component є "Personnel", such as representations of organizational-staff distribution, such as viznachaє, zokrema, warehouse of faxes with functional control systems.

Legal security (PR) is designated for the regulation of the process of establishment and operation of the IV, which includes the supremacy of legal documents from the statement of the regulatory information and the formulation, protection, processing of the system of industrial forms.

Lіngvіstichne zabezpechennya (LO) vklyuchaє sukupnіst NAUKOVO-tehnіchnih termіnіv that іnshih movnih zasobіv scho vikoristovuyutsya in іnformatsіynih systems and takozh rules formalіzatsії prirodnoї MTIE scho vklyuchayut Metodi stisnennya that rozkrittya tekstovoї Informácie of metoyu pіdvischennya efektivnostі avtomatizovanoї obrobki Informácie that polegshennya spіlkuvannya Lyudin of ІS ... Movies included before the LP system are subdivided (Fig. 3.3-7) into two groups: traditional movies (natural, mathematical, algorithmic moving, moving models) and moving, designed for dialogue with EOM (in Moving operating systems, input moving packages of applied programs).

Small. 3.3-7.

Technological safety (TO abo EDP - Electronic Data Processing) ІВ type of ІВ on the subsystem for technological stages of processing of different types of information:

  • primary information (stages of the technological process of collecting, transferring, accumulating, collecting, processing primary information, rejecting and displaying results information);
  • organizing and ordering documentation (stages of discarding input documents, transmissions to the publication, stages of formulating and collecting information, folding and multiplying internal documents and sounds);
  • technological documentation and an armchair (stages of introduction into the system and updating of templates for virobes, introduction of new data and formulation of design documentation for new types of virobes, an armchair displayed on the plotter, updating of the standard bank GOST, technical species of virob);
  • baz danih that knowledge (the stage of formulation of bases danih that knowledge, introduced that obrobki power supply for a quick decision, vidachi option for a decision that is explained before);
  • scientific and technical information, GOSTs and technical minds, legal documents and references key words that їх code, koduvannya zberіgannya zhuku, vikonannya joke that vidachі document or the address of the document).

EDP ​​of developed ICs including pid systems: 1. OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) - on-line processing of data of a transactional type, high shvidk_st processing of a great number of transactions, based on the algorithms fixing the joke and processing of the database data; 2. OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) - on-line analysis of data for the production of management solutions.

OLAP technologies provide:

  • analysis of the data model in the operational mode;
  • a robot with object-oriented danikhs (HD);
  • implementation of power supply to the eyeglass;
  • the formulation of the system and knowledge about the subject sphere and in.

Interfaces from external IBs (Interfaces) will not exchange data, expand the functionality of additional information for opening the Application Program Interface, API and access to:

  • Microsoft Jet Objects (DB, electronic tables, power up, type records and in.) in programs Microsoft Access Basic, Microsoft Visual Basic - DAO (Data Access Object);
  • relational DB for WOSA keruvans ( Microsoft Windows Open Standards Architecture) - ODBC (Open Database Connectivity);
  • component model of objects - COM (Component Object Model), which will provide a standard interface for access to objects and methods of processing objects, independently from nature, design, structure, programming;
  • local and remote data objects based on the Automation (OLE Automation) management technology, which will ensure that the client's server is not interconnected;
  • ActiveX objects (elements of OLE and OCX keruvannya) for inclusion to Web-documents while saving the folding format and animation and in.

IС will adapt to the robot of the offensive categories of koristuvachiv (User):

  • kintsev koristuvachi (End Users, Internal Users) - management personnel, fahivtsi, technical personnel, who are victorious for their performance information technologies management;
  • administrative IC, including:
    • the designer is a system analyst (Analyst), will ensure the management of the efficiency of the IV, and the development of the IV;
    • Administrator of supplements (Application Administrator), who does not take care of the formalization of information needs of business-supplements, manage the efficiency and development of business-supplements;
    • Administrator of the data (Data Base Administrator), will take care of the operation and adjustment of the characteristics of the IB (DB);
    • admin computer framing(Network Administrator), I will secure the work of the fancy-work, the keru-sanctioned access of the fancy-workers, I will establish the seizure of the fancy-resources;
    • system and application programs (System Programmers, Application Programmers), open the door, supervise and modernize the software security of IV;
    • technical staff (Technicians), who will provide service personnel for technical data processing;
    • Names of Corystuvachi (External Users) - current information provided by IV, counterparties.

The structure of the information system is to become the supremacy of the surrounding parts, which are called subsystems.

Pidsystem- the whole part of the system, seen for what I will acquaint.

The basic structure of the information system is possible as the subdivision of the subsystems directly in the sphere of storage. At the end of the day, they talk about the structural sign of the classification, and they call the subsystems such that they can get in the way. In such a rank, the structure of any information system can be represented by a sukupnisty of subsystems, which can be taken care of (Fig. 3).

Small. 3. Information system yak sukupn_st of pid systems,

In the middle of the subsystems, you can get it, you can see information, technical, mathematical, software, organization and legal security.

Information security

Assigning the information security system to the field in the current form and providing reliable information for the acceptance of management decisions.

Information security - the supremacy of a single system and classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, schemes of information flows, which circulate in the organization, as well as the methodology of the methodology.

Unified documentation systems are established on the sovereign, republican, galuzev and regional rivnya. The main meta - the tse of securing the confusion of indicators in the young galuzei of the suspension vyrobnitstva. The standard is broken down, de vimogi vystanovlyuyutsya:

  • to unified documentation systems;
  • up to unified forms of documents in the development of keruvannya;
  • to the warehouse and structure of requisites and indicators;
  • up to the order in vprovadzhennya, conducting and restoring unified forms of documents.

However, unimportant to the introduction of the unified system and documentation, before the hour of the maintenance of a large amount of organization, a whole complex of typical shortcomings constantly appears:

  • superbly great obsyag of documents for manual processing;
  • some of the indicators are often duplicated in other documents;
  • a robot with a great number of documents from a number of documents from a transmission without a frontline;
  • є indicators, which are set up, but do not vikoristoyutsya, that ін.

That is why the meaning of shortcomings is one of the buildings that stand at the beginning of informational safety.

Schemes of information flows represent the routes to the information and information flow, the message of the first information and the presentation of the result information. For analysis of the structure of sub-circuits, you can go virobite to get a detailed understanding of the control system.

As a butt of the simplest scheme of data flows, you can create a scheme, display all stages of the service note, or write down in the database about the reception on the robot's robot - from the moment of exit to the exit, I will punish you about your insurance on the robot.

Pobudov schemes of information streams, which allow to open information reports and conduct a detailed analysis, without preserving:

  • viklyuchennya dubljuuchoї and nevikoristovutsya іnformatsії;
  • classification and rational presentation of information.

At the end of the report, it is necessary to look at the food and link it to the information on the basis of the management level. Slide to emerge, as indicators of the need for the acceptance of management solutions, as it is not. Before the skin visitor can get rid of that information, as vikonavtsya.

Methodology to encourage databases to visit theoretical ambushesїхнє projecting. For the rationalization of the concept of the methodology, the main ideas of the viglyad are guided by two stages, which are subsequently implemented in practice:

1st stage - the provision of all functional podrozdіlіv fіrmi with the meta:

  • intelligence specificity and structure of efficiency;
  • to create a diagram of information streams:
  • analyze the document management system;
  • by the value of information about'єkti and a general warehouse of requisites (parameters, characteristics), which describe their authority and significance.

2nd stage - motivation of conceptual and logical models of data for the situation on the 1st stage of the sphere of activity. The models may have installed and optimized all links between objects and requisites. The information-logical model is the foundation, on which the data base will be established.

For the establishment of information security, it is necessary:

  • clearer intelligence of the goals, the establishment, the functions of the system and the management of the organization;
  • information from the moment of confirmation and up to the date of the announcement at the new level of management, presented for the analysis of the information flow diagrams,
  • sophisticated document management systems;
  • the manifestation of the registration system and classification and code;
  • volodinnya methodology for the establishment of conceptual informational-logical models, which bring together informational links;
  • the stemming of an array of information on machine nozzles, so that you need a bit of technical safety.

Technical safety

Technical safety - a complex of technical tools, designations for robotic information systems, as well as updated documentation for the process

A complex of technical equipment for warehouses:

  • computers of any models;
  • attachment to the collection, accumulation, processing, transmission of information;
  • attachment of transmission of data and a line call;
  • office equipment and attachments of automatic information information;
  • exploitation materials and in.

Documentation is drawn up in advance of the vibration of technical inputs, the organization of the operation, the technological process of processing the data, the technological equipment. Documentation can be cleverly divided into three groups:

  • zagalnosystem, which includes state and galuzev standards for technical security;
  • to specialize in revenge a set of methods from the steps of the development of technical security;
  • normatively, vikoristovuvanu for an hour vikonannya rorakhuniv from technical safety.

For a whole hour, two main forms of organizing technical safety were laid down (form of registration of technical problems): centralized that will often increase decentralized(Div. Peer-to-peer and client-server hemlines).

Centralized technical safety is based on victorian in the information systems of great EOM and numerical centers.

Decentralization of technical means of transferring and realizing functional subsystems on personal computers without front-to-back workmanship.

The practice is to show that the most popular is the decentralization of processes prior to the organization of technical security. At the core of the journey - vicoristannya knitted technologies... A corporate mesh, which can be stored from personal computers and one or more decal servers, which are dedicated to any functional subsystems, can be easily expanded by connecting new working machines and / or servers.

Mathematical software is safe

Mathematical and program security - the supremacy of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of goals and the establishment of an information system, as well as the normal functioning of a complex of technical problems.

Before using the mathematical data, you should:

  • set up a model of control processes;
  • typі zavdannya keruvannya;
  • methods of mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, theory of mass service and in.

To the warehouse of software security, enter the system and special software products, and find technical documentation.

Prior to the out-of-the-box software security, there should be a set of programs that are based on coristas and indications for the release of typical information processing establishments. Stink to serve for expansion functional possibilities computers, control and management of the process of data processing.

Special programs for security є The supremacy of programs, broken down for the hour of the establishment of a specific information system. Prior to this warehouse, there are application packages (PPPs), which realize the breakdown of models of a different level of adequacy, show the functionality of a real object.

Technical documentation for the development of software tools and descriptions of the project, the design for the algorithm, the economic-mathematical model of the plant, the control butt.

Organizational health care

Organization of security - the supremacy of methods and methods, how to regulate the interaction of workers with technical problems the same is in the process of development and exploitation of the information system.

Organization of security for the implementation of such functions:

  • analysis of the operational system and management of the organization, de vikoristovuvatyu ІВ, that is the establishment of the plant, which is for automation;
  • preparation of the plant before the release on computers, including the technical support for the design ІВ and the technical and economic management of the efficiency;
  • the distribution of management solutions behind the warehouse and the structure of organization, methodology of building management, directing to the improvement of the efficiency of management systems.

Organizational security follow up on the results of the pre-design security at the 1st stage, encourage the databases, to see what information you have learned before you look at the information security.

Pravove zaberechennya

Legal security - the supremacy of legal norms, which is the beginning, the legal status of that function of information systems, which regulates the procedure for rejecting, re-implementing and maintaining information systems.

With the head mark of legal protection є change of legality.

Prior to the warehouse of legal security, laws, decrees, were taken over by the state authorities, orders, instructions and normative documents of the ministries, departments, organizations, government agencies. At the legal security, it is possible to see the home part, which regulates the function of any information system, that local part, which regulates the function of a particular system.

The right to secure the stages of the development of the information system, including the normative acts, linked to the contractual items of the retail dealer and the deputy and the legal regulations of the view of the contract.

The right to secure the stages of the information system's functions includes:

  • the status of the information system;
  • rights, obligations and visibility to personnel;
  • legal provisions for the process of management;
  • order of registration and registration of information and information.

Post address of the central part:

Information system - Relationship is associated with the sufficiency of the means, the methods for the personnel, how to get sick for the collection, processing and information on the amount of information supplied.

New Years to Navigate Small Enterprises There is a real need for a repetition of significant information communications, it is obviously necessary to keep automated information systems. Automated information system (AIC)- A complex of software, technical, informational, linguistic, organizational and technological input to the personnel, indications for sampling, primary processing, sampling, post-processing, secondary processing and delivery of data from professionals In AIS, a part of the functions of management and obrobots of donations is the system, and the part is human. The AIS can be viewed as a human-machine system with an automated technology for the removal of the resultant information necessary for the information service of economies and optimization of the management process in the other spheres of human activities.

Strictly seemingly, the understanding of the information system for the transmission of a binding observance at the warehouse of a computer. Respectfully vvivshiv the price, the price becomes obvious. ІС transferє of processing and viewing of information for the help of singing methods, methods and personnel, which are not specified at all. The whole discussion of information, which is circulated in the organization, should be taken into account. ALE! The modern information system and transmission are very clever as the main technical information for the processing of computer information. That. Vikoristovuchi term IC (EIC) call on the most automated system. It is necessary to increase the difference between computers and information systems. Computers, equipped with special software tools, a technical base and a tool for information systems. The information system is unmistakable without personnel, but in conjunction with computers and telecommu- nications. Tobto. The technical integration of the information system does not mean anything by itself, since the role of the people is not insured, for which information is meant to be violated and without any unwelcome rejection of that declaration.

Economic information system (EIC) - the price of internal and external streams of direct and dynamic informational communication of an economic entity, methods, assistance, functions, and taking part in the process of processing information management and updating

Obviously, as well as the value of the EIC, I will love all the enterprise (organizing) as a whole. It is quite logical, because enterprise (organization) є we will be surrounded by the economy system. ALE! We will vikoristovuvati term "EIC" at the big "vuz" rose. Itself is automated EIC, tobto. So the system is a bark of information streams in another way.

Economic information system- the chain of tying up a set of hardware and software tools, information resources, as well as management services, as well as information processes for securing preparation and adjusting economic solutions.

Structures ІВ see functional pidsystem , which shows the system and the management, і will secure the system - Revenge on the tasks' revision... The subsystems do not function with power, but are tightly tied with each other. Decomposition is only needed for the reduction and simplification of the analysis, the design and implementation of IV.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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