Head to the committee for informatization and communication. Committee for informatization and communication

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?



About the Advisory Committee on Informatization, Informatization and Communal Technologies and Informatization

The document is due to changes made by:
(Official site of the Eurasian Economic Committee www.eaeunion.org, 26.04.2017).

According to clauses 7 and (), in accordance with the implementation of clauses 5-7 of the Protocol on Information and Communication Technologies and Information Cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union 3


1. Establishment of the Advisory Committee for Informatization, Informatization and Communication Technologies and Informatization.

2. To approve the Regulations on the Consultative Committee for Informatization, Informatization and Communications Technologies and Informatization.

3. The decision to build up the righteousness after the end of 30 calendar days from the date of the last official publication.

Collegia's head
Eurasian Economic Commission
T. Sarkisyan

Regulations on the Consultative Committee for Informatization, Informatization and Communications Technologies and Informatization

solutions of the College
Eurasian Economic Commission
від 2 worm 2016 rock N 53

I. Headquarters

1. Advisory komіtet of іnformatizatsії, іnformatsіyno-komunіkatsіynih tehnologіy that Zakhyst Informácie (Dali - Komіtet) stvoryuєtsya at Kolegії Єvrazіyskoї ekonomіchnoї komіsії (Dali - front fee) vіdpovіdno punktіv 7 to 44 is the position about Єvrazіysku ekonomіchnu komіsіyu (N dodatok 1 to about Treaty Єvrazіysky ekonomіchnomu Union from May 29, 2014 Rocky (Dal - Agreement on Union)).

The committee is an advisory body of the Comisia for nutrition and informatization, storing information and communication technologies and providing information.

2. The committee in its activity is based on the Treaty on the Union, other international treaties and acts, the warehouse law of the Eurasian Economic Union (dal - the Union), the Rules of Procedure of the Eurasian Economic Commission, and also approved.

II. Main functions of the Committee

3. The main directors of the Committee є:

b) holding consultations on nutrition, informatization, information and communication technologies and information on information, including on

4. For the implementation of those charged to the new plant, the Committee has the following functions:

a) zd_jsnyu preparation of propositions from the onset of food:

provision of information and communication technologies for the implementation of information relations;

branch and development of the transcordon space doviri;

unifikatsiya vimog before engaging in electronic viewer subordinate sub'єktiv, physical aspectsі bodies of state powers of powers - members of the Union (far - powers-members) or harmonization of the legislation of the powers-members in part of the regulation of such relations;

harmonization and thoroughness of the legislation of the member states in the sphere of storing information and communication technologies and securing information for information in the field of information relations;

The designation of functional capabilities to the components and subsystems of the integrated information system and the Union (given - the integrated system) for securing information communication;

harmonization and unification of structures and formats electronic documents, Regulatory and preliminary information and information;

exploitation of the components and subsystems of the integrated system, including in part of the viral problems that have arisen in the course of the implementation of the new versions of the integrated system;

b) to carry out consultations on nutrition of the single system and regulatory and pre-informational information to the Union;

c) to carry out an examination of design and technical solutions that have been fixed during the implementation of components and subsystems of an integrated system;

d) take part in the analysis of international treaties and acts, which gives the right to the Union, as well as the legislation of the member states in the areas under the competence of the Committee;

f) viewing the food, linking from the information and communication technologies, and preparing the relevant propositions.

5. For the implementation of pledges to the new plant, the Committee has the right to:

a) interaction with the state authorities of the member states, departments of the Committee, independent experts for nutrition, brought before the competence of the Committee;

b) vimagati from the organs of state power of the member states, organizing necessary materials and information.

III. warehouse to the Committee

6. Material Komіtetu formuєtsya of kerіvnikіv (zastupnikіv kerіvnikіv) organіv State Vladi Powers chlenіv to kompetentsії yakih nalezhat nutrition іnformatizatsії, іnformatsіyno-komunіkatsіynih tehnologіy that Zakhyst Informácie, that upovnovazhenih organіv (in znachennі, viznachenomu paragraphs dvadtsyat pershit item 2 Protocol about іnformatsіyno komunіkatsіynih technologies and information exchange within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (supplement No. 3 to the Treaty on the Union))

Candidates for inclusion in the committee shall be submitted by the member states at the expense of the Board of the Committee in the order established by clause 128 of the Rules of Procedure of the Eurasian Economic Commission, approved by the Economic Development of the Eurasian Economic Community of 2014.

7. Representatives of business, scientific and community organizations, and independent experts may be included in the Committee for proposing member powers to the warehouse.

8. The Member Powers will promptly inform the Committee of the Committee about the need to replace the representatives of the most important bodies in the Committee, as well as make proposals for the change to the new warehouse.

9. Warehouse to the Committee to be approved by the order of the Committee of the Committee.

10. The head of the Committee on the visits to the Committee and the General Committee of the Committee is a member of the Board of the Committee, prior to the competence of which to have nutrition and information and communication technologies.

11. Head of the Committee:

a) Keru to the Committee for Organizational Work and Organizational Work;

b) the day after the meeting is confirmed to the Committee, the date, hour and month of the meeting;

c) keeping a record of the Committee;

d) approved the protocols to the Committee;

e) Information of the Board and the Council of the Committee on the recommendations made by the Committee;

f) accepting a solution for the establishment of pedagogical facilities, expert and working groups, solidifying the provisions for them and their warehouses;

g) representing the Committee at the meetings of the College and for the sake of the Committee at the debtors with the other bodies and organizations;

h) the sign of the intercessor of the head to the Committee.

12. The head of the Committee shall be appointed as the head of the Department of the Committee, prior to the competence of which to enter food outside of the Committee's activities.

13. Protector of the head to the Committee of the Vicon of the function of the head to the Committee, transferred by clause 11 of the Provision, at every day of the head to the Committee, or for its assignments.

14. The executive secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the head of the Committee from the number of people in the Committee, up to the competence of those who have the power to feed the Committee.

15. Executive Secretary to the Committee:

a) a draft is prepared for the order of the day before the Committee for proposing the head to the Committee and members of the Committee and presenting the head to the Committee;

b) control over the preparation and submission of materials prior to the draft order of the day and the appointment to the Committee;

c) the order is being sent to the members of the Committee for solidification;

d) Information of the members of the Committee about the date, hour and month of the meeting of the Committee;

e) keeping the protocol of the submission to the Committee and submitting it to the approved head to the Committee;

f) organizing the preparation and communicating to the members of the Committee of documents prepared according to the results of the visit to the Committee;

g) zd_jsnyuє control over the decisions of the committee.

16. At the request of the head of the Committee from the Committee, the representatives of the Committee of the Government can take part in the participation of representatives of the Committee on Nutrition, according to the delegated members of the Board of the Comisia, as per their competence).

17. For the decisions of the head of the Committee on the past, the Committee can look at the food behind the propositions of the departments of the Committee, to the competence of those who have food, due to the requirements of the normative and advanced information of the fashion.

18. With the Committee, there can be established on a permanent basis of expert and working groups for the purpose of supplying food at the discretion of the Committee.

19. Warehouses of educational institutions, expert and working groups are formed from the number of representatives of up-to-date bodies, experts of the Committee and experts of the member states, up to the competence of those who have to keep food within the limits of the competence.

IV. The order of robots to the Committee

20. The meeting of the Committee shall be held in the world of necessity.
(Clause as amended, introduced in December 26, 2017 to the decisions of the EK Collective dated April 24, 2017 to N 41.

21. The decision about the conduct of the visit to the Committee is taken by the head of the Committee.

22. Propositions of how the project is formulated for the day before the Committee is supervised by the members of the Committee of the Head of the Committee not less than 20 calendar days before the date of the meeting of the Committee.

The members of the Committee, who have provided food for inclusion before the order of the day before the Committee, will not be notified by the Secretary of the Committee of General Information and Materials.

23. The head of the Committee for food analysis, proponent by the members of the Committee for inclusion before the day of the day, may decide on the need to look at the food on the diet before the date

24. The head of the Committee has the right to supply, in accordance with the established procedure, with the authorized bodies and members of the Committee for materials and information on nutrition, which are brought up to the competence of the Committee.

25. The materials before the order of the day before the Committee include:

a) add-ons for pro-proponated nutrition;

b) projects projected before viewing documents (if obvious);

c) design of protocol solutions;

e) necessary preliminary and analytical materials.

26. The executive secretary of the Committee shall send the members of the Committee the order of the day before the Committee and materials to it, including in the electronic view, not less than 10 calendar days before the date of the visit to the Committee.

27. Session of the Committee is held, as a rule, in the offices of the Committee.

The meeting of the Committee can be held in any member-state for the decisions of the Committee's head, so that it can take on the basis of the propositions of up-to-date organs. The organ of the receiving state-member of the Committee in the organization and held by the Committee has a wide range of promises.

For decisions of the head of the Committee, the Committee can be held in the mode of videoconference.

28. Session of the Committee shall be recognized as competent, as in them not less than half of its members will take part and will be provided with representation as the minimum of 1 member of the Committee of Skin of Member Powers.

thirty *. Members of the Committee in the presence of the Committee are special, without the right to change.
* Numbering according to the original. - A note of virobnik bazi danih.

If a member is unhappy with the presence of a member of the Committee, he may have the right to present his / her thought about food to the Committee on a written basis (not more than 3 working days before the date of the visit to the Committee).

30. The members of the Committee may have their rights when discussing food at the meeting of the Committee.

31. The decision of the Committee to accept a simple large number of votes to take part in the previous members of the Committee.

32. The results of the visit to the Committee and adopted by the Committee are drawn up by a protocol, in which the positions of the members of the Committee are fixed.

If you have a member of the Committee є okremu dumka With the food given by the Committee, it is possible to get in letters and submit to the protocol of the Committee. Prior to the protocol, the Committee can also submit proposals for recommendations for the Committee, additional information and analytical materials and updated information.

33. Propositions of the members of the Committee, submitted by them at the last meeting of the Committee, cannot be discerned as a residual position of the member powers.

34. The protocol of being sent to the Committee shall be approved by the head of the Committee not after 3 working days since the date of the visit to the Committee.

The minutes of the meeting with the Committee shall be sent by the executive secretary of the Committee to all members of the Committee during 7 working days from the date of its approval.

For the decisions of the head of the Committee, the protocol was sent to the Committee, or the voucher from ny to go, and they took part in the visit to the Committee, we ask the persons.

35. Protocols are sent to the Committee to be obtained from the executive secretary of the Committee.

36. Vitrati, tied for participation in the ambassadors of the Committee (pedagogical teams, expert and working groups) of representatives of up-to-date organs, are the guiding powers-members.

Vitrati, tied with the participation of the experts of the member states in the backyards, expert and working groups, the individuals are meant to be independently.

37. Organizational and technical safety of the work of the Committee

Editing a document with urahuvannyam
change and additional prepared
AT "Codex"

The committee to carry out the state policy of St. Petersburg in the sphere of informatization and communication, management of information and telecommunication resources of the city, securing the information security and information protection in the field of information and communication services.

head of the committee

The main directors of the Committee are the implementation of the state policy of St. Petersburg in the field of information, IT and information, communication; coordination of the activity of the state authorities of St. Petersburg in the field of information and information, IT and communication; centralization of the security of the government authorities and government officials with goods, robots and services in the field of communication and IT; securing the operation of the state IT-system information technologies"; securing robots for the functional center, providing state servants in St. Petersburg and providing services through a special portal.

Pidvidomchі enterprises and establish

  • State Unitary Enterprise "St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center",
  • "Automatic telephone station of Smolny",
  • CCU "Management of information technologies and communication",

Information Technologies in St. Petersburg

  • Infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex "Bezpechne Misto" of St. Petersburg



New head of the committee - Stanislav Kazarin

In 2019, the Governor of St. Petersburg has appointed Stanislav Kazarin as the head of the committee for informatization and communication of St. Petersburg. More details.

The head of the committee Denis Chamara is to switch to the robot in the Ministry of Communications

2018: FAS vikrila KIS and ІАЦ in the laid contracts without holding tenders

On the 9th of the leaf fall 2018, it became apparent that the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) announced that the Committee for Informatization and Communication (KIS) was sent from the State Unitary Enterprise “St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center” (close to. without bidding. More details.


Denis Chamara of Appointments to the Head of the Committee

On 19 March 2016, the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko signed an order about Denis Chamari's appointment to the Committee for informatization and communication. The new chapter of the establishment of the viprobvalny term is 6 months.

Ivana Gromov was replaced by Ivan Gromov at the tsіy posadі Chamara, as if he had deceived the committee since 2012. Vin having left the committee in connection with the transition to the first robot - the worker of the Petrogradskiy district of St. Petersburg. On the way to Gromov Denis Chamara visited the head binding to the committee.

Speak about the first plan and the establishment of a new head, in the Committee for informatization that call of St. Petersburg was announced to TAdviser, which one of those who found it right to the committee at the time of the recognition of Denis Chamari's software complex for the implementation of the program implementation. Wine is a complex information systemsі technical assistance, Normative legal acts and regulations of the interdivisional relations, which regulate the activity of the agencies and services, as well as securing the place and their inhabitants.

Besides, I respectfully plan to prodovzhuvati come to food importation in galuzi IT, added to the committee. With the implementation of the state, the vimoga will be technical characteristics To change software and hardware in the committee of the form, so that in the competitive procedures the vicious virobniks could take an active part.

Speed ​​up the budget by a third to 6.6 billion rubles

At the end of 2015, the Governor and District of St. Petersburg approved the draft of the Misc budget for 2016 Rik, for which there is a need to reconcile it to the Legislative Laws. Since the vitrat has been introduced into the project, in 2016 the budget of the Committee for Informatization is responsible for 6.6 billion rubles, which is 2.7 billion less than the budget of 2015.

Mainly quick vitrat attack software security: In 2015, 2.6 billion rubles were transferred to it, and in 2016, 689 million rubles were transferred to video. As of 2015, the Committee will see the supplements in the amount of about 2 billion rubles, the main part of which fell on the ciu statty of vitrat.

Quite a few quick vitrates are planned for capital investment in the hallway "Links and Informatics", according to the address investment program - from 793 million rubles. up to 270 million rubles. Among the number of articles, for which the vitrati is fast, - the development of the state information systems of St. Petersburg (approximately RUB 119 million) is secured. for 130 million rubles).

Deyakі statty, on which they were seen in 2015, in the household structures vitrate for 2016 іk zovsіm wіdsutnі. For example, turn to the development of the UEK project in St. Petersburg and go to the development of the material and technical base to establish the service of medical assistance in St. Petersburg. To be happy with the rest, come and finish in 2015. At the same time, according to the activities of the vitrati in 2016, it is planned to increase the amount of money. For example, for the operation of the state information systems of St. Petersburg - from 525 million rubles. up to 602 million rubles.

“In this hour, at the touch of the legacies of the international financial crisis, a robot is being carried out to optimize the vitrates of the viconau authorities of the sovereign power of St. Petersburg. This food did not go by the side and the Committee for informatization and communication. In the current minds of a friend, a sequestruvannya to the budget ", - said to TAdviser in the Committee of informatization that call of St. Petersburg.

Representatives of the Committee decided that since 2012, with the aim of advancing the efficiency of vitraction, to carry out a policy of centralization, consolidation and unification of software and hardware issues, which will be victorious in the government of the world. The revision allows you to minimize the amount of vitrati on the device and the technical support.

For these same purposes, a robot is being conducted in part of the administrative control of informatization processes: a robot for normative regulation and standardization of vitrate for numerical technology, in accordance with the norms of safety, depreciation of it calculating technology and due to the vision of financial obligations.

Step by step, according to the words of the representatives of the Committee, I will move to the standard of service of state information systems, which is especially relevant for the flow transfer of the localized systems. hmarne skovische- regional data center. At a new yak in the United States state systems for the improvement of the efficiency of management of the information space and reduction of the vitrates of the plant to the centralized service.

In addition, in 2015, the park of technology in the most powerful bodies of the state power of the place will be updated: for the remainder of the meeting, the Committee for informatization and the call by purchasing a donation of 10 thousand. A unit of computers and peripheral possession. Representatives of the Committee stated to TAdviser that they should allow the fakhivtsy to reach out to the offensive rock_v of the attack nov_tn_ ІKT for the advancement of efficiency.

“In this hour, in connection with the instability of economic rates, the volatility of the St. Petersburg ", - summarized in the Committee of Informatization that call.

2015: Zbіlshennya ІТ-budget to 9.3 billion rubles

The Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko has signed a law in the heart of 2015 to transfer the budget to the budget for 2015 and for the planned period 2016 and 2017. According to prior information, the budget of the Committee for Informatization and the link of St. Petersburg for 2015 is close to 9.3 billion rubles.

Earlier, in accordance with the law on the budget of St. Petersburg for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017, hardened in the fall of 2014, the IT committee in 2015 had a plan to increase the amount of 7.21 billion rubles. With a large, early, spring draft law on the budget, it is as simple as a small sum - about 6 billion rubles.

The main part of the supplementary budgetary provisions of the Committee for Informatization and the call should be directed to the procurement of the automation and software security, to the submission of the Rakhunkov Chamber of St. Petersburg on the concept of the draft law on the change of the budget. The limits of finance also increased for the design and development of a single multiservice telecom network in St. Petersburg.

The order for the increase of budgetary allocations for the IT committee for the same articles in 2015, for the activities of the other articles for the information on informatization to speed up. For example, at the entrance to the development of the material and technical base, the service of medical assistance in St. Petersburg was installed, as well as the operation, development and modernization of the automated systems fixes of PDR and control of payment of imposed fines.

With the announcement of the Rakhunkov Chamber, the Committee for Informatization and Communication became one of the leading distributors of the budgetary households of the place, whose budget for 2015 is growing. The budgets of the largest structures in the budgetary households of St. Petersburg are speeding up: sukupno - more by 25 billion rubles. Among the straight lines, for those who are speeding up vitrati in 2015, there are huge transport, public education, communal government, and others.

2014: Income earnings: leader - head of department Olena Yachmeneva

From the published information about the access to the core warehouse to the Committee for informatization and the link of St. Petersburg, published in 2015, viplivє, but in 2014 the head of the committee, Ivan Gromov, earned 1.569 million rubles. Since 2013, the rock has practically not changed. At the same time, the death of Gromov's squad for the same period increased by 2.5 times - from 1.5 million rubles. up to 4 million rubles.

The personal income of the IT director of St. Petersburg has appeared approximately five times lower, than at the official of the IT Committee of Moscow Artyom Urmolayev, which for 2014 declared RUB 8.196 million, which made up 20% of the income

Finding a way out for the bags of 2014, with a great wave of colleagues, in the committee declared the chief of the department for interaction with the authorities and organizations with the help of the powers that be municipal services Olena Yachmeneva: won a donation of 6 million rubles. Dohіd bureaucrats іstotо increased in the period of 2013 rock, since she declared about 1.6 million rubles.

Dohіd of the first patron of the head of the IT-committee of St. Petersburg Denis Chamari Trokha pіdris, up to 1,754 million rubles

The new patron of Ivana Gromov Andriy Nikolskiy, I will put on the cob 2015 rock, in 2014 I will get the income from 1.3 million rubles. Prior to the appointment of Nikolsky Pratsyuv as director of the Board of Education and Communication of St. Petersburg, establish the "Management of Information Technologies and Communication".

In 2014, the head accountant changed in the Committee of Informatization. Spіvrobіtnytsya, which was earlier than pratsyuval in the tsіy posadі, for the traders in 2013, won the most successful trip from the ussiy kerіvny warehouse to the committee - 1.797 million rubles. The richest income of the offensive Yulia Kuznotsovo has appeared, but one hundred percent is close to 1 million rubles.


Income kerіvnitstva: leader - golovbuh Natalia Akatkin

Petersburg, published in the same year 2014 Ivana Gromova increased by 555 yew. rubles, up to 1.539 million rubles.

Druzhina Ivana Gromova, in 2012, they did not make a financial contribution to the family budget, for pods of 2013 they declared an income of 1.5 million rubles. In such a rank, the sukupniy family death of the head of the IT committee is approximately 3 times.

In the part of the power of power, the country has not changed: in the head of the IT-committee there is an apartment with an area of ​​140 sq. m. and a small plot in an apartment with an area of ​​136 sq. m., and the yogh squad has an apartment of a similar area and a small area in an apartment with an area of ​​80 sq. m.

In 2013, Ivan Gromov overtook two of his defenders in terms of income - Roman Pankovaі Denis Chamaru, Yaki earned 1.415 million rubles each. і 1.4 million rubles. for sure. Їхні income for the price also grew up.

Improvement of the IT budget from 4.7 to 6 billion rubles

The budget of the Committee for Informatization and Link of St. Petersburg for 2013 has become a total of 4.798 billion rubles. Amendments to the law on the local budget were adopted, as well as those, which were increased by 1.285 billion rubles. The articles of vitrat, on the basis of which the bullets were seen in 2013, were:

Earn money: leader head of analytical department Andriy Sokolov

With information about the information about the return of money to the Committee for informatization and the link of St. Petersburg, published on April 8, 2013, the annual earnings of the head to the Committee of Ivan Gromov have increased by two times in this amount in 2012: in 2012 Rub., At that hour yak in 2011 r - only 511 yew. rub.

The koristuvanna official also has an apartment with an area of ​​140 sq. m. and a small plot in an apartment with an area of ​​136 sq. m. Druzhina Gromova in 2012, with a published document, not a small amount of income, protest in her house - an apartment of a similar area and a small part in an apartment with an area of ​​80 sq. m. m. Transportnі zasobi not Ivan Gromov himself, none of his friends were declared.

Most importantly, the IT director of St. Petersburg has received the richest income of the IT director of St. Petersburg for the 2012 bags and appeared below, but at the bottom of the majority, the committee is the defender of the head and the chief of the committee to enter the warehouse to the warehouse.

Tsikavo, scho dad Ivana Gromova - Major General of the KDB Oleksandr Gromov (served until 1991) - a longtime associate of the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko. Earlier, Gromov, the senior, was the protector of Poltavchenko, if he was the president's deputy in the Central Federal District.

Ivan Gromov had not been involved in informatization before. However, yak stverdzhuє, the whole sphere is not absolutely unaware for the new one. "Information technologies are one of the main tools that can be used in the process of fixing economical problems: there are some innovative solutions, so CNT is not common for me new and unavailable things."

As of April 2012, before the Committee for Informatization, the link of St. Petersburg is pratsyuє 39 cholovik, protest "in connection with the increase of the committee in 2011-2012 rr." plan to get paid fakhivtsiv, like Ivan Gromov.

On the 8th leaf fall in 2012, appearing on CNews FORUM 2012, head of the Committee for Informatization and Call of St. Petersburg Ivan Gromov, who spoke about the first results of his robotics. More details - in the article about informatization of St. Petersburg by.

Faster IT budget from 5 to 4.3 billion rubles

In 2011, the budget of the Committee for Informatization and Communication of St. Petersburg has become close to 5 billion rubles, and in 2012 the budget is close to 4.3 billion rubles. In 2012, the IT budget of St. Petersburg received severe criticism from the side of the party "Yabluko", as it meant that it was not easy to control the intelligence and size of the cich vitrate, and also respected the price of the purchase.

Ministry of Digital Development, Communication and Mass Communities Russian Federation launched on May 15, 2018 by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 215 on the basis of the Ministry of Education and Communication of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communication and Mass Communities of the Russian Federation is the federal body of the Viceroy. The governing body of state power is the Cabinet of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

The head of the government is the Ministry of Digital Development, Communication and Mass Communities of the Russian Federation.


The Ministry of Digital Development, Communication and Mass Communities of the Russian Federation is a federal body of the Viceroy of Power, which is involved in the implementation and implementation of state policy and regulatory legal regulation in the offensive:

  • spheres of information technologies (including registration of information technologies when formulating state information resources and ensuring access to them),
  • spheres of electrical connection (including transmission and conversion of the radio frequency spectrum) and postal communication,
  • spheres of mass communication and 3MI, including electronic (including the development of Internet, television systems (including digital) technology and radio and new technologies in these areas),
  • spheres for a friend, of a kind and polygraphic activity,
  • spheres of processing of personal tributes.

The Ministry of Education is in the capacity of the postal administration of the Russian Federation and the vicon of the function of the administration of the Russian Federation in the presence of international publicity in the gallery.

The Ministry of Health Coordination and Control of Activity is in charge of the Federal Service for visibility in the field of communication between mass communes, the Federal Communication Agency, the Federal Agency for Friendship and Mass Communities.

Historical statement

The Ministry of Digital Development, the connection of the mass communes of the Russian Federation in the last day of the day in the 20th century in 1991. On the third day, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on 28 leaf fall, 1991, No. 242 "About the reorganization of the central bodies of state administration of the USSR" 1979 rock.

Nagadaєmo, the Ministry of the Ministry of the Union of Socialist Republic of Russia announced as a result of the reappointment to the People's Commissariat of the call of the USSR in accordance with the Law of the USSR issued on March 15, 1946. The Ministry has the link of the Ukrainian RSR, organized by the Decree of the Council of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 682 dated 11 April 1979. Pislya skasuvannya in 1990 was organized (according to the Decree of the Republic of Moldova URSR No. 911-r from 26 December 1990), 10 leaf fall in 1991 was organized again in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation No. 181.

At the beginning of the 20th century, 1991, the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Russian Federation has become aware of a number of revisions.

Since the 25th of 1991, in accordance with the Law of the Ukrainian RSR and the Decree of the Supreme Council for the Ukrainian RSR No. 2094-1, the Ministry of the Ukrainian RSR has become the Ministry of the Russian Federation.

March 17, 1997 By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 249, the Ministry of Communications of Russia was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the purpose of informatization (State Committee for Communications of Russia).

May 25, 1999 By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 651, the State Committee for Communications of the Russian Federation was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Telecommunications (Gostelecom of Russia).

12 leaf fall 1999 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1487 Gostelekom of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the connection and informatization (Ministry of Communications of Russia).

On March 9, 2004, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in No. 314, the Ministry of Finance of Russia was revised. Food communication and informatization of the boule were transferred to the Ministry of Transport and the communication of the Russian Federation. However, the Ministry of Communications of Russia continued to function until May 20, 2004.

May 20, 2004 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 649, the Ministry of Transport and the link of the Russian Federation was transformed into the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Information Technologies and the link of the Russian Federation. Ministry of communication of Russia.

On May 12, 2008, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 724, the Ministry of Information Communication of Russia was transformed into the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia).

On May 15, 2018, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 215, the Ministry of Mass Communities of the Russian Federation was renamed into the Ministry of Digital Development, the name of Mass Communities of the Russian Federation.

The committee for informatization and communication є the galuzevic authority of the state power of St. Petersburg, is established for the implementation of state policy and the establishment of state administration in the sphere of informatization and the communication of telecommuting resources of St. Petersburg information security and for the originator of information, for revenge on the sovereign and service of the tamnitsu, at the visonaural authorities of the sovereign government of St. Petersburg, as well as for the coordination of the activities of the visonavsy bodies of the sovereign government of St. Petersburg in the given sphere.

The committee has its own competence to stand by the Constitution, laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg. Winning orders to the Governor of St. Petersburg. Without a median coordination and control, the activity of the Committee is the vice-governor, who is responsible for the activity of the authorities of the state authorities of St.

Committee for coordination and control over the activity of information and telecommunications organizations of the state authorities of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Automatic telephone station of Smolny". There is also a Committee for the coordination and maintenance of scientific activity for the sake of informatization of St. Petersburg.

Under the supervision of the Committee, the State Institution “Telekompaniya“ Saint-Petersburg Cable TV Tower ”, DP“ Saint-Petersburg Cable TV Tower ”, DP“ Information and Analytical Center of St. Petersburg Measurements ”, DP“ Center of Computers ”.

For the improvement of its activity, the Committee for a new step forward:

1. Interconnection in the established order for the supply of their competence with the authorities of state power and self-production in St. Petersburg, enterprises, institutions, organizations, and also by the people who were appointed by the people.

2. Development of methodical materials and recommendations for subjects submitted to the Committee, in order to organize organizationally-methodical criticality by robots in the field of informatization, communication, informational organization of power and anti-technical security in St. Petersburg

3. Pogodzhuvati, gotuvati and submit, in accordance with the established procedure, the drafts of legal acts for food, valid until the date of the Committee, as well as control over the decisions of legal acts, as seen by the governor of St. submission to the committee.

4. In the established order, take part in the development of projects of land, agreements of St. Petersburg with the other sub'ukts of the Russian Federation, federal authorities Visitors are in possession of food, they should be found at the office, and they will not be able to see them for the given pleasures (contracts).

5. Take part in the formulated projects in the budget of St. Petersburg and in out-of-budget funds at the administrative committee of spheres.

6. Bezpechuvati within the boundaries of the Committee to declare federal target programs, in the implementation of which take the fate of St. Petersburg, as well as target programs.

7. Submit, for the instructions of the governor, the viconavchі organ of sovereign power of St. Petersburg in the Legislative Fences of St. Petersburg for an hour to look at food, brought to the competence of the Committee.

8. Visits from the name of the viceroy bodies of the state power of St. Petersburg from food, from the visit to the Committee, in the courts of law, the other state authorities, bodies of the miniature self-assembly in St. Petersburg.

9. To represent, for the instructions of the governor, the interest of the visitor agencies of the state power of St. Petersburg in the bodies of state power and the uncommon organization of the foreign countries, international organizations at the part of the catering, which are known to be seen.

10. Zdijsnyuvati in vipadkah, transferred by the official legislation, control over the vikonannya vimogh legislation of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg for food, which is known to the Committee.

11. Conduct conferences, meetings, seminars, organizing food shows, before the meeting.

12. Accept on a contractual basis scientific organization, among those who are foreigners, including foreign ones, up to the latest problems, which are attributed to the Committee.

13. Establish in the established order at the head of the Committee, a collegium (pre-radio organ), working groups and committees, scientific advisory and expert consultants, please with the attendees of the representatives of the state authorities of St. Petersburg, as well as The warehouse of the collegiate, working groups, the comic, glad and the position about them to be firmly established by the head of the Committee.

14. Submit to the Governor and Administration of St. Petersburg a meal plan, which must be submitted to the Committee.

15. In accordance with the established procedure, cooperation with the state authorities and uncommon organizations of foreign countries, as well as with international organizations, food, should be kept until the Committee is informed.

16.Zd_yusnuvati in the relations with the authorities of the state authorities, the authorities and the authorities of the city self-government in St. establishments, enterprises, organizations.

17. Look at the beast of the hulks i legal entities to feed the competence of the Committee and to accept the necessary calls on them.

18. Lead the reception of the community of people and representatives of the food organizations, who are assigned to the competence of the Committee.

19.Vikonuvati in the fall and order, established by the ruling legislation, the function of deputy in sovereign contracts on the visibility of the employees' work (service, delivery of goods) for the state's needs and the organization of the expertise and taking over the work in the field of informatization, the connection and the informatization of the budget for the financial support of St. Petersburg

20. In accordance with the order, established by the official legislation, the financial, material and technical security of the house-hold organizations, as well as control over the financial and state-owned activities.

21. Pogodzhuvati priya i zvіlnennya kerіvnikіv іnformatsіynih i telekomunіkatsіynih pіdrozdіlіv vikonavchih organіv State Vladi St. Petersburg (fahіvtsіv in sferі іnformatizatsії, zv'yazku ta Zahist Informácie - in razі vіdsutnostі in strukturі vikonavchogo State authority Vladi St. Petersburg іnformatsіynogo abo telekomunіkatsіynogo pіdrozdіlu), brother participation in the established order in the їх attestation.

22. Establish the organization of information and analytical security of the activity of the state authorities of St. Petersburg, according to the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg.

23. Zdijsnyuvati centralized accessory, technical exploitation and repair of electronic equipment, telecommunication possession and assistance to retrieve information for the viconavich organs of St. Petersburg power.

24. Organize the preparation and advancement of the qualifications of the viceroy authorities of the state power of St. Petersburg in the field of informatization, communication and information security.

25. Organize robots to secure state information resources due to unauthorized access and secure security of information and telecommunication systems of the state authorities of St. Petersburg.

26. Planuvati i zdіysnyuvati company profile robіt іz Zahist Informácie od tehnіchnih rozvіdok i zapobіgannya round Informácie tehnіchnimi channels provoditi іz zaluchennyam storonnіh organіzatsіy atestatsіyu ob'єktіv schodo Zahist vikonannya vimog zabezpechennya Informácie, yak becoming Reigning that іnshu ohoronyuvanu law taєmnitsyu abo wear konfіdentsіyny character.

27. Make sure that in the limits of competence control and carry out revisions of the government's information security agencies of the government of St. Petersburg

28. Submit a proposal to the Governor of St. Petersburg about the establishment, reorganization, and liquidation of government departments and institutions.

29. To develop the draft statutes of the governing bodies to the Committee of State Enterprises and to establish, to designate for the landing of such officers of the given enterprises and to establish, to arrange, to change and to open the contracts with them, to fix the conditions before them to the committee of state enterprises, established in order, transferred by the clerical legislation.

30. Zdіysnyuvati are new, passed by the proprietary legislation, necessary for the administration of the establishment before the Committee.

Naukova is glad to informatize St. Petersburg of the statements up to the Order of the Order of St. Petersburg dated 12.07.93 No. 529-r. The regulation on the Naukova Rada on November 27, 1993 was consolidated by the first patron of the mayor of St. Petersburg D. Sergavim.

Main features for the sake of є:

- analysis of tendencies and regularities of development of promising directions of informatization in the country and beyond the cordon;

- analysis of the information technology in the localities on the basis of the value of resources and the level of satisfaction of information needs of the authorities and management, enterprises and population;

- development of the concept of regional informatization and formulation of a single policy territorial bodies power and management in the area of ​​choice, establishment and management of information systems and technologies;

- adoption of international standards in the field of informatics and telecommunications in the process of complex informatization of local authorities and management;

- the establishment and implementation of existing regional regulations;

- analysis and publicity of proposals for the development of information and accounting bases, which are financed from the state and local budgets, as well as from galuzev and special funds;

- interaction with foreign and foreign organizations and enterprises in the halls of preliminaries, design and operation of information systems and infrastructure.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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