The computer virus will multiply, flap its copy. So also a computer virus? See computers viruses

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Computer viruses

Computer virus- a kind of awesome software security, building a copy of oneself and using the code of their programs, system areas of memory, bailout sectors, as well as the distribution of your copies through the flexible channels linking with the destruction of the robotic software and hardware complexes, the visualization of files, the unsettling of the structures, the distribution of the data, the blocking of the robots and the reduction of the hardware complexes.

The development and expansion of school programs (including viruses) are transferred in Russia under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 28, Article 273). According to the doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation, in Russia, a legal guide is carried out at schools and universities with new information technology and computer literacy for nutrition, to get information in EOM, to fight with computers.

Name the etymology:

The computer virus is named for an analogy with biological viruses for a more advanced mechanism. Obviously, the first word "virus" was completely programmed by Gregory Benford in the fantastic announcement "Ludina in Scars" published in the Venture magazine in 1970 rock.


Viruses are based on the theory of programs that self-create.

The fundamentals of the theory of mechanisms, how to self-create, slain the American John von Neumann, who in 1951 proponed the method of establishing such mechanisms. Since 1961, I have seen robotic butt of such programs.

isnu bagato new versions how to date the first computer virus However, a large number of computers converge on the Duma, but computers were first introduced in 1986, I would like to try to get a virus for an additional number of viruses in 1981. , 3 and Elk Cloner attacked the Apple II PC, and the first anti-virus utilities appeared - CHK4BOMB and BOMBSQAD by Endi Hopkins.

The first viruses of the epid are dated until 1987-1989: Zotkin.A, (over 18 thousand infected computers, according to McAfee's data), Jerusalem (appearing on Friday 13 May 1988, known as programs at launch), worms Morrisa (on the 62nd most of the hemispheres went out of tune with the term up to five dib), DATACRIME (close to 100 thousand infected with PEOM in the Netherlands).

So the main classes of two viruses were formed: worms (Morris hrobak, 1987), Trojan horses (AIDS, 1989), polymorphic viruses (Chameleon, 1990), stealth viruses (Frodo, Whale).

In 1992, the first virus constructor for PC appeared - VCL (for Amiga constructors were used and earlier), as well as ready polymorphic modules (MtE, DAME and TPE) and encryption modules for waking up new viruses.

In addition, viruses appeared that infect object files (Shifter, 1994) and program texts (SrcVir, 1994). Extensions of the Microsoft Office package have been expanded to include macroviruses (Concept, 1995).

In 1996, the first virus for Windows 95 appeared - Win95.Boza, and in the chest - the first resident virus for it - Win95.Punch.

With the broadening of the net and the Internet, files and viruses are more organized by them as at the main channel of the robot.

For example, in the 1990s - the ear of the 2000s due to the accelerated production of storage and system analysis, the massive transition to the randomly stolen Windows of the NT family, the netting of the main channel for the exchange of data, and also the success of the anti-aging technologies of warehouses more deadline to change the file back to the operating system (non-automatic start, rootkits) and reduce the polymorphism of the powerless views (the number of types of viruses in the growth is exponentially).

At the same time, the appearance in Windows and the extended software for the safety of numerical urges opened the way for the exploit-hogs.


Nini isnu some of the most varied viruses, which are based on the main method of expanding that functionality.

Behind the midst of living, viruses can be divided into the following types:

1. Zavantazhvalny viruses.

2. File viruses.

3. file-locked viruses.

4. Merezhevі viruses.

5. Documentary viruses.

Zavanazhvalny Viruses infiltrate the secured sector of the annexes to obtain money (hard drives, floppy disks, portable annexes, zapam'yatovoyt). When the operating system is locked, the virus is activated from the infected disk. Yoogo can play against the damaged robots to secure the operating system, to make the robots to the point of unhappiness, or change the file tables, to rob the unavailable files.

File viruses Most often it is possible to use the program modules (files with the help of which programs can be launched), which allows them to activate at the last moment of launching the programs, injecting functionality. More files and viruses can be inserted into the libraries of the operating system and also applied software security, file packages, files Windows registry, script files, driver files Anyway, it can be carried out either by the code of the file, which can be attacked, or by the files of the modified copy. In such a rank, the virus, which is used by the file, is activated when accessing the file, so that we start using the OS. File viruses are the most common type of computer viruses.

File-locked viruses recover the power of two groups in front, allowing them to represent a serious threat to a robot computer.

Merezhevі viruses will be extended at the viewer of fancy services and protocols. There are such things as a plug-in, access to FTP files, access to files through the services of local fencing. To rob them even if they are not safe, fragments of the infected do not get lost in the boundaries of one computer, or to navigate the same local hedge, but the repair will be extended by the versatile channels to communicate.

Documentary viruses(їх often called macro viruses) infect files of current office systems (Microsoft Office, Open Office ...) through the possibility of virus scanning of macroviruses. Macro is a straightforward, long lasting value of the set, microprogram, inserted into the document and the viclikan without a priori modification of the document of its functions. The macro itself is marked with macroviruses.

For the method of finding a computer environment, viruses are subdivided into the following views:

1. Resident

2. Non-resident

Resident virus, being wicked by the launch of infected programs, the memory will be lost after completion. There can be additional processes in the memory of a computer, and resources are being used. You can infect other running programs by providing them with functionality. You can “sposter” for the actions of a koristuvach, save information about your event, enter a password, see the site just.

Non-resident virusє Not many of the infected programs can function without robots.

However, not all computers viruses become a serious threat. The deyakіvіrusi of grave inheritance, after the completion of their robots, do not flicker; Smell you can complete the robot's programs, visualize visual effects, program sounds, display the site, or just reduce the productivity of the computer, reserve system resources for yourself. There are a lot of such viruses. However, it is not safe to use viruses, which can know the data of the clerk, documents, system areas, unauthorized operating system, or to navigate the hardware components of the computer.

Based on the principle of its own functionality, viruses can be changed to a number of types:

2. Viru-replicatori (Worm)- Viruses, the main goal of such people is to multiply about all the possible opportunities for obtaining donations and communes. Most often it is not necessary to curb some destructive actions, but to transport other types of heavy code.

3. Trojan- they named their own in honor of the "Trojan Horse", but they may think of a similar principle of action. The whole view of the viruses in the massage of their modules from the modules of the Victorist programs, the files with similar names and parameters, as well as the editing of the entries in the system registry, changing the operation of the working modules of the programs on their own, the displaying of the modules. Destructive actions are built up to the dignity of the koristuvach, spam and the step by the koristuvach. It is often impossible to reproduce by itself. Appear to finish smoothly, splinters simple scan file systems are small.

4. Stealth viruses- named after the invisible lattice "stealth", the best folding for detecting, using its own algorithms for masking from scanning. Masquerading as a crimson code crimson before an hour of scanning, time-to-day operations of functional modules from robots in the development of the scan process, to the memory of their processes.

5.viruses, how to self-encrypt- a virus code that is protected from being expanded from an encrypted viewer, which allows it to be inaccessible to most scanners.

6. Viruses, you can use foul language.- Viruses do not conceal any permanent signatures. Such a virus is permanently changing the lance of its code in the process of functioning and multiplication. With such a rank, it is not irritating for a simple anti-virus scan. For detection, it is necessary to register a Heuristic analysis.

7. "Acceptable" viruses- є even not unbeatable, the fragments can be even trivial for an hour, computer framing... Activation of the virus to see the singing mind, most often at the singing date, so that it can cause the great scale of the one-hour infection. With the help of such a virus є CHIH, for Chornobil, which activates on the day of the accident at CHAES, winks out of the way of thousands of computers.

In such a rank, a computer virus can become a serious threat.

Computers viruses can be found in systems at the early stages of functioning:

1. Latent stage. At the third stage, the virus code is in the system, but you shouldn't be bothered. For koristuvach not pomitny. Can be used to calculate the scanned files of the file system and the files themselves.

2. Incubation stage. At the second stage, the virus code activates and starts opening its copies, spreading the data of the computer, local and global computers, which are used by the viewers of the mail order, and so far. For koristuvach you can remember, to that you can fix the system resources and channels of transmission of data, as a result of which the computer can work more and more, the information from the Internet is locked up, and you can use the other ones you can help.

3. The stage is active. At the first stage of viruses, you can continue to multiply your code using the methods available to you, and repair destructive actions on such occasions. The main function of the virus appears, the files disappear, the services are turned on, the functions of the hedge are broken, the possession is restored.

On the current day, there are a lot of computer viruses. Today there are a thousand new ones. However, the classifiers are all the same.


The Epidemic of the Computer Virus "LoveLetter" ("Love Leaves"), has fallen asleep in the same fate, again confirmed that it is not safe to have a "computer fauna" in her. Having penetrated hundreds of thousands of computers all over the world, the virus denotes the majesty of the number important information, literally paralyzing the robot of the greatest commercial and state organizations.

So see the "love sheets", how to use the "LoveLetter" virus e-mail... Start the virus, enough of the badge.

Such a little kid will show the "Tentacle" virus when looking at a file from GIF extensions on infected computers. Writing to the baby: I am a virus Tentacle.

Virus "Marburg" shows many charms and ... saw files from disks.

The script-virus "Monopoly" is based on the head of the Microsoft company Bill Gates. In addition to showing a cool picture, the virus does not seem like a secret information from the computer.

Unfortunately, the phenomenon of "computer virus" dosi viklikak shvidshe zabonny thrill, nіzh bazhanya firmly rozibratis in the situation and living in safety. Yaki stinks - tsi viruses? How much smell is not safe? What anti-virus methods do you think is effective this year? At the same time, there are the fahivtsi of the "Kaspersky Lab" anti-virus programs.


At the same time, when it was used, it was simply not known that there was no unequivocal explanation. In special literature, you can know hundreds of values ​​of the understanding of "computer virus", with a lot of how many of them are not seen diametrically. Vіtchiznyana "Virusologiya" invite you to see the offensive visnennya: a computer virus is a program that, without a clerk's name, can be used to enter computers and rob there of unauthorized activities. The price tag would be incompetent, as they did not guess just one power, a binding for a computer virus. All of this building is "multiplied", so that you can create your duplicates and use them in the numbered heaps and / or files, the system areas of the computer and the objects that you see. Moreover, a duplicate of a virus may or may not be returned from the original.

The health of the viruses before the "propagation" of the wicked, in the people of the bastard, the bastard of the "special form of life" and the use of overwhelming programs like "evil with intelligence" Protest all the more the clue and the gras of fantasies. Would like to take away the news of the middle of the day about evil spirits that weren't really bad, but everyone was afraid. "Reproduction" of viruses is not at all derived from, for example, copying files from one director to the last one by the program. It is impossible to deny the fact that there is no way to visit without seeing a koristuvach, so that there are no occasional occasions on the screen. All this virus has an extraordinary program, which is responsible for the command of the computer.

Computer viruses - one of the great class of programs, called shkidlivy codes. Years of the past are often identified, however, from a scientific look it is not so. Before a group of shkidlivikh codes, the so-called "hrobaki" and "Trojan horses" are also called. Хnya golovna thinks of viruses in the fact that the stench cannot be "multiplied".

The program-hrobak expands on computer fences (local or global), do not go into "multiplication". The nature of the won is automatic, without the name of the clerk, the power of the original, for example, by electronic means.

"Trojanski" programs to amuse any kind of expanded functions: they can smell the stench on the computer, "for the help" of their authors, or especially, as it is illegal for vicarious activity. Zgadaimo "Ilyadu" by Homer. When the unsuccessful people tried to take Troy by storm, the Greeks were far away to cunning. The stench forged the statue of the horse and deprived it of the Trojans, injecting it into it. Protesting from the middle of the empty ones and getting rid of the walnut soldiers. The Trojans, who worshiped the deity the image of a horse, themselves pulled the statue at the gate of the city. "Trojanski" programs vikoristovuyut a similar way vprovadzhennya: stench podp'yat at the computer pіd viglyadom korishnykh, kumedny and often driftwood programs. For example, if you need to send a sheet of electronic mail, start sending a file, say, a million rubles. When launching a file in a computer, it’s uncomfortable to use the program, as to rob the wrong things. For example, you can get rid of the owner of an infected computer (stitches, like sites, like passwords for access to the Internet), and because you need to override the data to your author.

We stayed for an hour more often to see the so-called "mutants", so called "mutants", that are awesome codes, so that you can come across a single class of specialties. Typical butt - Macrovirus "Melissa", which caused a great epidemiya in the birch trees of the past fate. Win widened with festoon yak classic Internet hrobak. "LoveLetter" is also the sum of the worm and the virus. In the folding vipads shk_dliva program There can be some revenge in the characteristics of all three types (such as, for example, the "BABYLONIA" virus).


I want it to be wonderful, the idea of ​​computer viruses is victorious before the appearance of personal computers. In 1959, the American doctrine of L. S. Penrose published in Scientific American an article assigned to self-created mechanical structures. In the whole statty, a simple model of two-world structures, built up to activation, reproduction, mutation, and burial, is described in the simplest way. FG Stahl has implemented the model behind the additional machine code on the IBM 650.

In those part of the computers, there were magnificent, foldable in operation and superbly expensive machines, so those volodar could become deprived of the great companies of the uryadovy numerical and scientific centers. Ale axis April 20, 1977 The first "people's" personal Apple computer II. The price, superiority, simplicity and finesse in robots have given rise to a wider expansion in light. The general sales team of computers in the series has become three million pieces (not in number of copies, such as Pravets 8M / S, Agat and others.) Tim by themselves have access to computers denied millions of people of industrial professions, social media and a warehouse of mind. It is not surprising that the first prototypes of the modern computers appeared, and the two viconano two new ideas appeared, and the development of the "living space" was extended.

Nadal's minds became dedals friendly for viruses. The assortment of personal computers available to the people of Russia has been expanded, except for the dull 5-inch magnetic disks, they appeared to be hard and swiftly local hedge, as well as technology for the transmission of information for the additional help of telephone lines. Winnickly the first fewer cans given by BBS (Bulletin Board System), or "dumplings", which were meaningfully shuffled about by exchanging programs with them. More often than not, they are overrun with great online previdkovі systems(CompuServe, AOL et al.). All the same, the vison of the third most important person was interested in the development of that extended virus - some individuals of that group of people appeared, who were busy with their branches.

Who do you want to write in the programs that now? The price of food (with a call to give the address and phone number) is especially bad, but it is already conceived of a viral attack and neglecting the results of a large copy robot. This year's portrait of an average statistical "virus writer" viglyadє is as follows: cholovik, 23 rocky, an advisor to the bank about financial organization, which information security for a simple administration. However, for our danimy, yogo vіk descho lower (14-20 years), win navchaєtsya chi not much busy in zagalі. Golovna, who will unite all the creators of the viruses - the price of being seen is to show oneself, to go to the Herostratic fields. In a haunted life, such people often look out as squeaky quiet people, like flies not to scoff. All of his life is energy, hatred until the light of day and hisism to know the wickedness of other old "computer scum". Smell three times in satisfaction, if you know that the "child" winked about the epidemic in the computer light. However, this is also the sphere of competence of psychiatrists.

The 90s, which were marked by the outbreak of the global Internet, have emerged as the most blessed hour for computer viruses. Hundreds of millions of people in the whole world have become "koristuvachami", and computer literacy has become so much necessary as it is in the mind of reading and writing. Even earlier, computer viruses developed extremely extensively (so that their number grew, but also their characteristics); On the change of "primitive ancestors" come dedals "clever" and "cunning" viruses, more and more beautifully attached to the new minds of living. The current version of the programs doesn’t have to be intertwined with files, enchanting sectors, or for the production of non-trivial melodies. Deyakі from them zdatnі znischuvati danі on microcircuits motherboards... With a whole technology of masking, encryption and widening of viruses in an hour, you will be surprised to see most of the fahivts.


On this day, close to 55 thousand computer viruses have been registered. Х some of the gradually growing up, there are new, earlier unavailable types. Klasifіkuvati viruses are becoming more important than rіk at rіk. Vypadku їх can be divided into groups according to the following basic signs: dovkіlla, operating system, special features of the robot algorithm. One of the three classifications of the Chornobil virus, for example, can be brought to file resident non-morphic Windows-viruses. Explainable lecture, scho tse means.

1. Medieval living

It is always a matter of growing files, enhancing and macroviruses.

A collection of the most popular form of computer "infect" bully files_viruses, scho "mess" in the files and folders of the operating system of the computer. Before them, there is, for example, "overwriting" - viruses (in English "write over"). Drink it into your computer, write down the stench of your code, replace the code with the file, so that you can get infected, you know it all. Naturally, the file will stop working and will not be updated. However, there are primitive viruses: the stench, as a rule, appears to itself more quickly and cannot become the cause of the epidemic.

It’s still more "sly" to be "companion" -virussi (in English. "Buddy", "companion"). Smell do not change the file itself, but just open the file-dvіynyk in such a rank, when starting the infected file, the control will deny the male dvіynik, tobto virus. For example, "companion" -Viruses, which work on DOS, can help you to get the special features of the operating system in the first place you can see files from COM extensions, and then also from EXE extensions. Such viruses are created for the EXE files in the windows, but also for those same images, but also from the extended COM. The virus will be written to the COM file and not changed to the EXE file. When launching an infected DOS file First, open the COM file itself, tobto virus, and then run the file from the EXE extensions.

Inodi "companion" - viruses just change the file to get infected, and for old people write their own code to disk. For example, the XCOPY.EXE file will be renamed to XCOPY.EXD, and the virus will be written to XCOPY.EXE. When launching the keruvanny file, I will reject the virus code, which is already running the original XCOPY, but it will be saved from XCOPY.EXD. Similar to the type of virus, bullets appear in buggy operating systems - not only in DOS, but in Windows and OS / 2.

Є y інші ways of opening file-dvіynikіv. For example, viruses to the "path-companion" type "play" on the DOS PATH peculiarities - to write a file in DOS systems. Virus copies its code from a file to a file, so that it can get infected if it puts it in the wrong directories, but one more time. At the end of the DOS error, the first thing to do is to run the file-virus itself.

Principle of dії enchanting viruses Rule on the algorithms for the launch of the operating system. Tsi viruses infect the boot sector (boot sector) of the diskette or Winchester - a special area on the disk, to avenge the program of the cob busted computer. As soon as you change it, you can’t start your computer.

Macroviruses- A variety of computer viruses that are folded behind the help of macroms, which are introduced in the popular office add-ons to Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Project, Corel Draw and ін (div. "Science and Life" No. 6, 2000). Macromovki vikoristovuyut for writing special programs(macros), which allows you to adjust the efficiency of the robots of the official documents. For example, in Word you can open a macro that will automate the process of filling in and sending faxes. Todi koristuvachev will be enough to enter the data into the form fields and press the button - all the macro is done by itself. Because in that, you, krymnykh, in the computer you can consume and fast macros, so that you can open your copy and you can do it without seeing a clerk, for example, the directors and documents. Ce і є macrovirus.

Chim the wide power of this macromovie, the cunning, vitality and not safe can be written in a new macrovirus. Naiposhirenіsha Syogodnі Macromova - Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Yo possibility grows rapidly from the skin new version. This rank, which will be the perfect office programs, they are not without good practice in them. Macrovirus is becoming a real threat to this. computer koristuvacham... According to our forecasts, the stench of the dermal rock will become more and more imperceptible and not safe, and the speed of this expansion will soon become unbelievable.

2. An operating system that can be victorious..

The skin file virus infects the files of one and the same operating systems - DOS, Windows, OS / 2, Linux, MacOS only. At the same time, there is another way of classifying viruses. For example, the "BOZA" virus, which works only in Windows and nowhere else, can be applied to Windows-viruses. Virus "BLISS" - up to Linux-viruses, etc.

3. Robotic algorithms.

Viruses can also be developed for the robotic algorithms of the robots who are vicious with them, so that the smart software tricksters can use them to rob them with great care.

In the first place, all viruses can be distributed to resident and non-resident... The resident virus is a bit like a spygun, which is constantly practiced in a foreign land. Having spent an hour at RAM computer, the virus will go into it, as long as the computer will not be detected or overridden. The resident virus itself must be resident and must be doing its own destructive activity. Non-resident viruses do not infect the memory of the computer and must "multiply" only when you run them.

All macroviruses can also be added to the resident ones. The stench of being present in the memory of a computer for an hour infected with them by programs.

In a different way, virusi will blow visible and invisible... For a simple dweller, invisibility of a virus is a mabut, the most mysterious of his power. Protected by nothing demonic in a tsomu dumb. The "invisibility" of the field is that the virus behind the help of software tricks does not allow koristuvachev, but an anti-virus program to detect changes, as there is a file from infections. Gradually perebuyuchi in the memory of the computer, the invisible virus will overwhelm the operating system to read and write such files. Having oversupplied the power supply, it was introduced to replace the infected file with cobworms. In such a rank, koristuvachev is ready to go to the very clean "programs," at that hour, as a virus, it is uncomfortable to do his "black justice". One of the first file invisible viruses is the "Frodo" virus, and the first one that is invisible is the "Brain" virus.

Schob maximally disguise yourself from anti-virus programs, practically all viruses vicoristovuyt methods self-encryption abo polymorphism so that the stench can encrypt and encrypt itself. Zmіnyuchi svіy zovnishniy viglyad(software code), the viruses will increase the health of the healthier and the better. Earlier, anti-virus programs were able to detect viruses only "in disguise", so that behind the unique program code. To that, the birth of viruses-polymorphs, while the rocky ones, celebrated the revolution at the computer virusology. There is also a universal method of dealing with such viruses.


I need to remember my mind to fight with computer viruses - not panicuvati. The cyclists on the part of computer security can handle thousands of high-class anti-tier workers, the professionalism of those who have developed the same potential of the best computer bullies - hackers. In Russia, two computers are engaged in anti-virus reports - Kaspersky Lab ( and SalD (

In order to successfully resist trying to get viruses to penetrate your computer, you need to see two simple ones: follow the elementary rules of "computer services" and use anti-virus programs.

Evidence of an anti-virus industry, there has been no way to counter computer viruses. The stringency and versatility of the proclaimed current systems to capture the true enemy. I’ll try to get back to you, who have a shortage of quiet ways to get rid of them, and some of the odds are effective. different types viruses

On a current day, you can see five main approaches to securing anti-virus security.

1. Anti-virus scanners.

The pioneer of antivirus software is a scanner program, which appeared practically overnight from the computer viruses themselves. The principle of a robot scanner is polarized at the glance of all files, enveloping sectors, and memory with a lance, the appearance of viral signatures in them, so that they are unique. program code virus.

The main shortcoming of the scanner is the lack of information about the update to the virus. For example, there are dozens of options for the Melissa virus, and for the skin of them, the anti-virus companies were brought to the market with an updated anti-virus base.

It looks like another problem: for an hour there will be a new modification of the virus and the output of the type of anti-virus corystuvach is practically unprotected. Of course, the experts came up with the idea that they implemented the original algorithm for detecting unidentified viruses in the scanner - a heuristic analyzer, which by rewriting the code with programs for the possibility of being present in a new computer virus. However, the ma high rіven hibnyh spratsovuvan, lack of overwhelming and, moreover, does not allow the appearance of viruses.

I, nareshty, the third wada of the anti-virus scanner is to change the files only, if you ask for it, to start the program. Tim for an hour karystuvachi often forget to change the amount of files, jammed, for example, from the Internet, and as a result, infect a computer with their own hands. The scanner is aware of the fact that it has been infected because of the fact that the system already has a virus.

2. Anti-virus monitors.

On the basis of anti-virus monitors, there are a number of scanners. But at the end of the window, from the last stench, I’m constantly changing the background of the computer’s memory and the background conversion of the files, the old-fashioned sectors and the memory in the scale of the real hour. To increase the anti-virus logger, it is enough to secure the monitor for an hour when the operating system is secured. When files are launched, they will be automatically converted to viruses.

3. Revizori zmin.

The robot of a whole type of anti-virus programs is based on the knowledge of the original "video bits" (CRC-sum) from files and system sectors. The number of "watchdogs" are taken from the database. At offensive launch revision of the "video beat" from the originals and about the changes that were seen.

Revizors also have shortages. First of all, the stench doesn’t make a malice virus at the moment it appears in the system, but it doesn’t stink in a dozen hours, even if it’s a virus rosy on a computer. In other words, the stench cannot be found in new files (by electronic means, on floppy disks, files that can be updated from backup copy, for when the files are packaged from the archive), images in the databases of the revised information about the files on the day. Tsim and reproach deyaki viruses that are infectious for more information files and become invisible to revisors by such a rank. Thirdly, the revision can be launched on a regular basis - more often than not, it will be necessary to control the virus activity.

4. Immunizers.

Anti-virus programs-immunizators are divided into two types: immunizers, which are about the infection, and the immunizers, which block the infected with any type of virus.

First, you want to write to files (according to the principle of file virus) and when you run the file, it will convert it for a change. There is only one shortage of such immunizers, albeit important: the stench is absolutely not good for invisible viruses, which cleverly pretend to be present in an infected file.

Another type of immune system is the targeting virus. For a whole file, modify it in such a way that the virus picks it up for already infected. For example, it is enough to add a new row of MsDos to a COM file infected with the "Jerusalem" virus. And in order to retrieve the resident virus from the computer, a program must be entered into the computer's riddle, which is a copy of the virus. When a virus is launched, it will come across it and it will cause the system to be infected and it will not be possible to use it.

Obviously, it is impossible to immunize files from all types of viruses: skin from them has its own acceptance of infection. Itself that immunizatori did not come up with a great expansion, and in this hour it is practically impossible to become vicious.

5. Behavior blockers.

Trying to change the type of antivirus does not solve the main problem - to get rid of all unidentified viruses. In such a rank, the computers of the systems appear to be helpless in front of them, the docks of anti-virus viruses do not break up against them. Inodi on the price Within an hour you can spend all the important information.

Unambiguously accept the power supply "how can robots with unidentified viruses?" we will succumb to the mighty thousand years. Protest, even today it is possible to make forecasts. In our opinion, the most promising direct anti-virus blocker - the establishment of the so-called behavioral blockers. The stench itself is practical for a 100% guarantee against the attacks of new viruses.

What is a behavioral blocker? The whole program, which is constantly transferred to the operative memory of the computer and "overwhelmed" the development of the system. At the development of "pidosrilh" diy (as it is possible to viroblyatyvirus or іnsha shkіdliv program), a blocker will pick up a blocker, or if it’s powered up, he called the koristuvach. In other words, the blocker does not shuffle the code to the virus, but it doesn’t show the virus.

Theoretically, a blocker can be extended to a virus, whether it is seen or not. But the problem of the polarity is that it is "virus-like" because it can work and the operating system itself, as well as the programs. A behavioral blocker (there is a "classic" blocker based on respect, which is a victorious one to fight against file viruses) cannot be used on its own, but it’s the same one that’s accepted — a virus, the operation of the system, if it’s programmed to be programmed With such a rank, the koristuvach, who accepted the decision, is guilty of the mother of sufficient knowledge and advice in order to give the correct view. Ale has ignored such people. The blockers themselves did not become popular, I would like the idea of ​​the stem itself to be finished for a long time. The merits of these anti-tier programs often became short-lived: the stench was obtrusive; It's a pity that the situation can be corrected without the help of a piece-specific intellect, which will independently deal with the reasons for this development.

In addition, the current behavior of blockers can be successfully used to fight against macro viruses. For programs written in VBA macromovs, it is possible, with even great imaging, to see great ideas from the people of the Crown. For example, in 1999, Kaspersky Lab developed a unique system for processing macroviruses in the MS Office package (versions 97 and 2000), based on new approaches to the principles of the behavioral blocker - AVP Office Guard. The managers of the conducted analysis of the behavior of macroviruses, the values ​​of the last day, are very often developed. Tse allowed for the introduction of a new highly intelligent system of filtering macros into the blocker's program, which practically without pompomily appear from them, as they are really not safe. For the set AVP Office Guard blocker, from one side, to put koristuvachev on the other hand, less food and not on "intrusive" files, like siblings, but on the other hand - it is practically 100% preferable to the computer from macroviruses as well not written.

AVP Office Guard will re-use the display block to navigate various platform macroviruses, tobto viruses, existing prototypes at once in a number of supplements. In addition, the AVP Office Guard program controls macro robots. new programs, including with post-production programs. Tim himself will not be able to expand the macroviruses via e-mail. Even in this way, the equal rock virus "LoveLetter" has defeated tens of thousands of computers all over the world.

The effectiveness of the Bula blocker was zero, as macro-viruses could quite have switched on it. (There is only one shortcoming of the anti-virus attacker, which was added to the MS Office add-ons.) The AVP Office Guard has a new mechanism of anti-virus attacks on the new system itself. Koristuvach himself may be better off. In such a rank, the AVP Office Guard victorian will allow you to experience a new headache and add an anti-virus base to recover from new macroviruses. It is installed, the program will hopefully take over the computer from macroviruses right up to the exit. new version Move the VBA program with new functions, which can be used for writing viruses.

If I want a behavioral blocker and the problem is caused by the expansion of macro-viruses, it is not a sign for them. In addition, you need to be victorious at once with an anti-virus scanner, which is a great success in detecting viral manifestations. A blocker to allow uninterrupted re-rolling of the period between the appearance of a new virus and the release of an update of the anti-virus base for the scanner, which does not interfere with the robot computer systems through fear of spending the price of money or seriously sending the hardware part of the computer.


"Please, do not look at the files, but they are overpowered by people who are not familiar to you. If you want to know the addressee, be careful: your know that partners can and do not understand that in your new computer you are not aware of from the address book.

Reconsider the anti-virus scanner with maximum r_vnem Revisions of all floppy disks, CDs and other mobile information carriers, as well as files that can be accessed from the Internet and other public resources (BBS, electronic conferences, etc.).

Carry out a new anti-tier reconfiguration of the computer to remove it from the repair services. Repairers use the same floppy disks to change all computers - the stench can be easily brought in at once from the machine!

"Quickly install" patches "from virobniks of operating systems and programs, so that you can be victorious.

Be safeguards, admitting others to the computer.

"For the advancement of the security of your donations, periodically conduct a backup archive of information on the independent nose.

Computer virus (KB)- The whole program, it’s ready to open its copy (it’s not necessary to get back from the original), it’s possible to use the resources of computer systems, but it’s okay to write it without seeing it.

Its name Kv otrimat for a deyak the similarity from the biological virus. For example, in the infected program, there is a virus program, and the program is updated for a trivial hour without pardon, as in the incubation stage.

The program, all in the middle of which to take revenge on the virus, is called infected (infected) program.

If the program is updated to the robot, the control unit will be removed from the virus. Win infects іnshі programs, and invites the vison of the planned destructive actions. For the masking of your diy virus, you do not need to become active, but rather deprive you of singing minds at the end of the singing hour (the end of the singing hour, the singing of the singing number of operations, the establishment of the deyakoya date or the day you are too tight). For that, as a virus to a visitor, it is necessary for this project, it is transferred to the management of the program, in which it is located. The most infected program can be done as it is, as it is a specific program. It’s possible to go to the іnshі ЕОМ before the official versions of KV.

Uninvolved on a wide range of anti-tier programs, viruses continue to grow. In the middle of the day there are about 300 new species.

Різні viruses візні візні дії:

    Get on the screen texts about (vitannya, political extinguished, phrases from the claim to humor too);

    Create sound effects(Hymn, scale, popular melody);

    Create video efficiency(turn over or overturn the screen, imitate the earthworm, wick the letters falling off the text, vivodyat pictures too);

    Trust the EOM robot, which step by step change the overall operational memory;

    Zbіlshuyut wear possession (for example, drive heads);

    Viklikayut vidmova okremikh attachments, freezing and re-zapping of the computer and the crash of the robot of all EOM;

    To become pissed off FAT, format hard drive, erase BIOS, erase or erase data, erase anti-virus programs;

    Zd_yisnyuyut scientific, technical, industrial and financial spying;

    Vivodyat from the fret of the system zahist Information and Information

The head is not safe for codes, for self-creation, but in the fact that programs-viruses fix the lives of vapid lives, it is practically impossible not to use the software in the list of programs. So itself, like lantsyugovy reactions in a nuclear reactor, the launching of the process is very important.

Symptoms viral infection with EOM:

  • Trusting the robots of the programs
  • Zbіlshennya rozmіrіv files (especially vikonuvanih)
  • They didn’t appear before the “wondrous” files
  • Changing the exchange of the available operative memory (depending on the special robot mode)
  • Riznomanitnі video and sound effects, scho raptus.
  • The emergence of illnesses in the robotic OS (including freezing)
  • Recording of information on disks at the moment of the hour, if it is not guilty of being asked
  • Pinning the robot or the wrong robot programs that functioned normally before.

There is a great number of children classification viruses:

  1. Living room:
    • Merezhevi- broadened with hems (Melissa).
    • Files- Info files with extensions .exe, .com. Macroviruses can be introduced to the class as well, which infect files, but do not appear (for example, in MS WORD or in MS EXCEL).

      Zavanazhivanny- vprovadzhuyutsya in the locked sector of the disk (Boot-sector) or sector, to avenge the program is locked system disk(Master Boot Record - MBR). Deyakі viruses write down their tilo at the vilna sector of the disk, which means їх at FAT as "trash".

    • File-locking- Infected and secured sectors and files.
  2. By way of infection:

      Resident- Put your resident part in the operative memory, as soon as I transfer the software to OS and get into them. Its destructive virus can be repeated bagatorazov.

      Non-resident- do not infect the operative memory and reveal its activity only once before the start of the infected programs.

  3. Behind the step, the security staff:

      Safe- for example, on the screen there is a notice: "I want a chuchu". Just type the word "chucha" on the keyboard, virus timchasovo "calm down".

      Nebezpechny- Know a part of the files on the disk.

      Even better- Self-formatting hard disk. (CIH - active on the 26th of the skin month and data on the hard disk and in the BIOS).

  4. For the peculiarities of the algorithm:

      Virusi-companioni- Opens for exe-files, new files-companions, which may be the same, ale from extensions com. The virus will be written to the com-file and not a single exe file. Before launching such an OS file, let's first open the і vikonaє com-file, tobto. virus, so you can run the exe file.

      Replikatori (hrobaki)- expand at the edge. The stench penetrates the computer's memory from the hedge, enumerates the addresses of the hedge of the other computers and distributes it to the addresses of his copy. Hrobaki turn down throughput capacity you can trust the server robot. You can multiply without zaprovadzhennya other programs and mother "stuffing" from computer viruses. ("Worm of Morris" for example in the 80s paralleled the number of global hedgehogs in the United States).

      Invisibles (stealth)- to disguise your presence in the ЕОМ, їх it is important to discover. The stench perehoplyuyut OS up to the level of files and sectors of disks and "prestavlyayut" uninfected files.

      Mutanti (ghost, polymorphic viruses, polіmorphіki)- Oh, it's important to wiyaviti, tk. It’s practical not to revenge the files on the code, but on the other hand, it’s more common. It will not be possible for them to reach the programs of viruses when empty commands (smittya) reach the programs of viruses, as they do not change the algorithm of the robotic virus, but rather to speed up the response. (OneHalf - local episodes of yogo come out regularly).

      Macro-viruses- Vikoristovuyu capacity of macroms, embedded in the data processing system (Word, Excel).

      "Trojan horses"- to hide behind the screen, for example, the program is displayed, it will display its function for the robot (for example, erasing FAT), for example, collecting information on the computer, as it doesn’t need to play the game. Do not conceal the power of self-creation.

  5. For the sake of:

      Monolithnі - program virusu - a single block, which can be used for information.

      Rozpodilenі- The program is divided into parts. Part of it is to revenge instructions, as to tell the computer, as if you had bought it in addition, to create a virus.

To combat viruses, anti-virus programs are installed. Speak medical language, ts programs can show (diagnostics), likuvati (know) virus and robity of "healthy" programs.

See anti-virus programs:

    Detector programs (scanners)- rozrahovani detection of specific viruses. Based on specific characteristic (specific) bytes ( signatures for the masks of viruses), which can be found in the same virus, with the bytes of the program, which can be converted. These programs need to be updated regularly, because It smells smartly old and you can't see new types of viruses. If the program does not appear to be a detector if it is infected, it does not mean that you are healthy. They can have a virus, which does not enter the base of the detector.

    Programs-lykari (phages, disinfection)-Do not only know files that are infected with a virus, but you can see only files that are infected with a virus. Polyphages allow for a large number of viruses. Widely expanded programs-detectors, which instantly display the functions of programs-detectors. Apply: AVP(Author Є. Kaspersky), Aidstest(D. Lozinsky), Doctor Web(I. Danilov).

    Program-revizori- Analyze the streaming mill of files and system areas of the disks and reconcile them with information, saved earlier in one of the revision files. At the same time, the Boot-sector, FAT, and also the files, the opening hour, the attributes, the control sums are inverted (the module sends all the bytes in the file). The butt of such programs - Adin f(D. Mostovy).

    Program-filters (watchmen, monitors)- resident programs, which help you to talk about everything, try to be a program of the viconati for children, and the koristuvach took the decision about calling the fence. Filter control of such operations: updating of program files and system area of ​​disks; disk format; resident distribution of programs at OZP. Application є program Vsafe... It’s not a good thing to eat virus;

    Programs-immunizators- to write in the program, how to get vaccinated, signs of a specific virus, so that the virus is already infected, and it does not repeat the infection. The most effective programs are morally stale.

Come in From the source of the EOM for infection with viruses:

    The EOM is equipped with modern anti-virus programs and regularly updated versions.

    The installation of the filter-filter for the hour of the robot at the global mesh.

    Reversion of the diskette for the appearance of viruses before reading information from diskettes recorded by the EOM.

    When transferring files to your PC in the archived view, the conversion is made to the file in the archive.

    I will record disks from the drive when robots are on their PCs.

    History of archival copies of valuable information and information.

    Do not insert a floppy disk into the floppy drive before you upgrade or rewrite the PC, because can be infected with entangled viruses. The presence of an emergency shutdown diskette, from which it is possible to be locked up, if the system is considered to be a special rank.

    With the establishment of the great software product A collection of reconversion of all distribution files, and after the installer is sent to the product, re-check the presence of viruses.

Yak meant, the computer is working correctly before the management of the program (software security). Do the right thing with yogo universesal attachment, yake can vikonuvati role musical center, TB, drukarskoy cars, etc. Programm to write programs and in their cases there will be a bazhanya to come up with. Innoce - innocent viti, in some of the odors, the stench may be clearly ominous straight. Lyudin's docks, as she was sitting at the computer, could control all the programs for the robot, and she knew that she had started it, everything was fine. A little later, the programs appeared, as they didn’t feed on anything, they were launched, copied in the disk space and “infected” with other programs (they replaced a part of the coriander code robotic programs his chi zmіnyuvali yogo). For a moment, it is necessary to start a discussion about "computer viruses".

Okremo wants to be responsive, so it is practical to function all viruses in operating systems of the MS Windows and MS DOS families.

Computer virus to be called a program (deyaka sukupnіst vykonuvanny code / instructions), as it is built on its own copy (not necessarily to be added from the original) and in the process of supplying them to the extent of development of the systems on the computer / current The rest of the copy has the potential to expand on it.

Computers viruses, like biology, put three zavdannya in front of you. infect, visconati, multiply.

Infected the computer "call", if a person starts up on the program, I’m infected with a virus (that’s when it’s launched, it’s a virus), or a virus itself.

The behavior of viruses is versatile. The deyaki viruses simply "nibbled" the letters from the monitor or painted innocent little ones. These are the most inexpensive. You can change the files to disk, please. Tsі, without sumnіvu, bаgato fоr bеbеchnіshі. And the virus "Win95.CIH" can be used to replace the microcircuit Computer BIOS... It is important to say that it’s better - the waste of information or messages from the computer’s fret.

I, nareshty, the virus will multiply, so I will add to myself a skrіz, de maє a chance to visit.

Є Viruses, as soon as you start it up once, because of what stink constantly when the computer is locked, it is actively included in the robot and repairs to infect all files, so that it can be detected.

Viruses have appeared, as they are vicious about the capabilities of the internal mobile programs of Microsoft Office. Smell to take revenge on the files prepared by the Word editor or in the electronic Excel spreadsheets... For an infected computer, such a document is sufficient.

Oskilki more and more people are victorious on the Internet, but more and more often an old gardener of infection. Now it is enough to go to the website and press the form button to correct the virus.

For another hour, the widespread view of the postal viruses, which play on the people. For example, you should receive a list of reviews from the Kohanna and with photographs. The first ruh - marvel at the place of the leaf. As a result, all the photographs and music on your cars have become clear, and their replacement is the evil virus "I Love you(abo podbny to new). In addition, send yourself to all of the entries in your address book.

Trojan programs are displayed from the viruses of the team, but the smell replaces the ruinous processes and sends them to the address of the password and the secret information of the clerk. Such a program can give the malevolent additional access to your tribute programs.

Methods of combating viruses and Trojans are described in bagatokh people. Unfortunately, one divine method is not to turn on the computer. It is possible to please nothing by not getting up and not launching anything. Just toddy what kind of a mother's computer?

Tom is widely victorious antivirus- programs, click to see and see to see "rotten programs". Nybilsh representative є DrWeb, Antiviral Tolkit Pro (AVP), ADInf. When such programs are victorious, the anti-virus databases are constantly updated.

Still, it’s even more important not to launch it unattended. To get up anti-virus monitor(how to come from antivirus scanner, scho be engaged in a total conversion of files). If you run the same DrWeb to rewrite the disks, it is an anti-virus scanner. And in the kit with it, the Spider is the axis of the anti-virus monitor.

However, when struggling with viruses, it is not easy to fall into extremes and waste all the way. With a lot of you, you can vividly see it system files scho bring robots to the point of being ill-fated on computers. At the same time, a series of "psychological" viruses was prompted, who were instigated by those who used their own hands to crush the system.

The main signs of a virus appear in the system:

  • trust in the robots of the programs;
  • increase the size of the files (especially for the files), if you want to finish it in a neat way (try Adinf);
  • They didn’t play before the "wondrous" files, especially in Windows catalysis or root;
  • Change of the obligation of the available operational memory;
  • quick and easy video and sound effects;
  • Notwithstanding the decrease in the speed of robots in the Internet (a virus or a Trojan can transmit information as it is);
  • Skargi from friends (or a provider) about those who come before them, the nezrozumili leaves - the virus is to love the power of its own kind.

In the operations Linux systems virusi buli viyavleni tilki in laboratory minds. Unimportant to those who are capable of Linix-viruses, all the necessary health is not enough to reproduce and autonomous life, because of them so and not having been fixed in the "wild" viglyadі.

Linux OS victories are better than anti-virus programs in MS Windows.

Lots of creepy-looking personal computers chuli without scary stories about computers viruses. In the middle of the "teapots", there is a clear thought about the possibility of expanding computer viruses without a random-dotted path. The article poklikana to date basic knowledge about viruses and ways of expanding them.

We recommend that you get to know from the wicked list of statistics to find out if you have a lot of problems with viruses and on your computer є the security has been installed from

Virus is a whole program, as it can be multiplied on computers, adding its code to the same program that infects itself. Health before propagation is the main rice of all computer viruses.

Virus will restore its powerless copies and widen them skrіz, children can only. Deyakі viruses can be widen to navigate at the hedge.

Such viruses are called festoon hrobaks. Viruses can mask their presence in the system, but rather want to see the building against the test.

Ale all the same, be-like a virus - tse zvychayna computer program, The same is yak "Providnik" or a browser. Principally, the virus is seen from them only by the tim, but the vison on the computers is not corny, but shkidlivi diy. Before the speech, not all viruses envy the system of serious shkodi.

Bagato hto from them to occupy a liche to vasnim to reproduce. One of the skoda of such viruses in the field of vitrachny system resources, which, however, may also be known to have been inappropriate.

Sounds like a virus: since a virus is a very special program, so, in order for you to use your ruinous activity on a computer, you need to start it up. If a virus is not used for launching, you can lie on a hard disk with a lot of rock without the best system for the system. To that head employees for a hacker, by writing a virus, the first launch on the victim's computer.

The distance between the launching of the virus and the management of the wine system and the start of life for your own lives, fix the yaku even more smoothly. Ways to start the most serious, even more common dosage of an infected corystuvach. Tom koristuvachev varto be respected before using files to rob the subordinate clink of a misha. First for everything, do not slid thoughtlessly click on the files, scho vikonuyutsya. Ale yak virіznity і files from іnshih? Pay for the badges of the files from the Provider is not varto. A hacker can destroy it easily.

It is more beautiful to start a file type for your extension. Expansion - a point and three (one more) Latin letters written to a file. The extension designates the file type and the visibility system, but the file itself is required to be used with the mobile key on the new one. Oskіlki Windows Provider doesn’t think of it as a promoter, so it’s just like it’s expanded.

I can't go without the need to run files with extensions .com, .cmd, .exe. Vzagal koristuvach is guilty of the nobility for the expansion of types of files, with yakim vin pratsyu. As far as the extension is concerned, I don’t know it, it’s more beautiful to joke information about it in the Internet, and because it’s deprived of writing to the robot with files of this type.

Slid is also respected to be installed before the new Windows systems. As soon as the program starts to power up the system, it’s right, the monitor screen dims, and it’s about getting such rights.

Slid to mean that the number is important Korisnykh programs nicholas cannot be changed. Most of these rights are required for the establishment of the program, or for the new update. A virus for overwhelming control over the system simply cannot do without such rights.

To that, I won’t get a koristuvach programmatically secure, chime in, then the food supply is negative. On the way to the viruses, where you can go through the changing nose, the system can set a bar in front of the viewer about the need to launch the programs from the nose. I’ll look at those that are practicallyn’t starting from a flash drive, but at the same time, there’s a negative view on the food chain.

In such a rank, infection of the system with a virus is not impossible. Coristors need to deprive themselves of their operating system quickly, mother on a computer anti-virus program and provide elementary security for connected files with third-party files.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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