Development of new services from the MFC. Oleksiy Khersonsev: "The development of the MFC has formed a layer of new managers, for which the promotion of the quality of state servants has become the head staff"

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi fathers take on themselves the versatility and consistency of anti-inflammatory drugs. How can you give a baby a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

ROSVITOK OF THE MEREZHI MFC AT THE MOSCOW REGION On the 31st of 2012, the meeting of the Governor of the Moscow Region S.K. Shoigu for the perspectives of the establishment and development of a wide range of functional centers for the provision of state and municipal services to the Moscow region. On the top of the list, the main focus is on the activities of the authorities of the Moscow region, with the aim of securing the effective interaction of the giants and the authorities of the state (municipal) government, given the power of the state and municipal services, including the MF. The 31st serpnya of 2012 was held at the honor of the Governor of the Moscow Region S.K. Shoigu for the perspectives of the development and development of the hemispheres of the rich and functional centers of the power and municipal services of the Moscow region. On the top of the list, the main direct actions of the authorities of the Moscow region are assigned with the aim of securing the effective interaction of the giants and the bodies of the state (municipal) authority with the help of the state and municipal services, including the MF. Meta - an increase in the availability and quality of the provision of state and municipal services in the Moscow region MFC (Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services) - organization, relied on the organization of the last form of government and 2 item 5. Federal Law VID FZ MOSKIVSK REGION PROJECT SHODO DEVELOPMENT TA ROSVITKU MEREZHI MFC ii 1

BASIC STRUCTURES OF ROBOTS UNDER THE FRAMEWORK OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS CARRIED OUT ON THE RR. In MOSKOVSKІY OBLASTІ (rіshennya Komіsії of Venue of admіnіstrativnoї reforms in Moskovskіy oblastі od r.) 1. Znizhennya admіnіstrativnih bar'єrіv 1.1 Udoskonalennya sistemi lіtsenzuvannya that akreditatsії in Moskovskіy oblastі 1.2 Udoskonalennya sistemi akreditatsії in Moskovskіy oblastі 1.3 Udoskonalennya notification system sistemi otsіnki regulyuyuchogo vplivu 1.5 Rozvitok the system of pre-trial (post-court) recognition by the applicant of the decision and the decision (inactivity) to the authority, which gives the state service 1.6. interchange in the organs of state power of the Moscow region and the organs of the micro-self-assembly 4. Shifting sovereign services(municipal) services electronic viglyad 5. Ordering the participation of government agencies from the government agencies 8. government agencies 6. Development and development of low-level functional centers of government and municipal services 7. Development of the system and the participation of large government systems from government agencies Uryadi of the Moscow region (including the lack of contracts in efficiency for officials) 2

The main normative legal acts that regulate the provision of state and municipal services on the basis of the MFC Federal Law dated 27 December 2010 to the Rock N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" Russian Federation From 3 October 2009 to 796 Viznacha principle of organizing the activity of the IFC in 2012 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2012 On the main tensions of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health To introduce amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation with the help of usunennya obmezhen for the provision of state and municipal services based on the principle of “one win”. on rock 3

BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF YACOSTIES AND AVAILABILITY OF SUPERIOR AND MUNICIPAL SERVANTS (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 601) (1) Planning a value. I have access to rejection of services on the basis of the principle of "one window" for the transfer, incl. MFC Chastka of hunters, as a vicarious mechanism of rejection of sovereign and municipal services in electronic form 20/40 70/70 The level of satisfaction of the hunters as a result of service 30/35 20/50 30/35 50/70 4

REGIONI-LIDERI AT VIDKRITTYA MFC * Krasnodar Territory (44) Penza Region (38) Metro St. Petersburg (19) Lipetsk Region (14) Volgograd Region (15) Ulyanivska Region (24) Rostov Region (31) MOSKOVSKA OBLA For the data to the monitoring of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Z 1004 were opened in Russia MFC 190 were issued to the important sub-entities of the Russian Federation Balashikha Klin Domodedovo Stupino Wed 5

DIUCHI MFC U MOSKIVSKY REGION 5 MFC has been established since 2009 in the Moscow region: 2009r. - MBU "Bagatofunktsionalny center for the provision of sovereign and municipal services to the population of the Balashikha district" - MUP "Single Rozrakhunkovy Center of Zhitlo-Utilities Gentlemen" of the Moscow District Domodedovo Vіkon - 14 Kilkist zvernen for the 1st period 20 rubles. - MAU "Odiniy service center»Stupinsky municipal district of the Moscow region Vіkon - 9 Number of animals for the 1st half of 2012 p. - Autonomous institution "Multifunctional Center" of the Klinsky municipal district of the Moscow region Vіkon - 12 Zvernen number for the 1st half of 2012 p. - MAU "Multifunctional Center for Providing Great Services" of the Sribno-Prudsky Municipal District of the Moscow Region. - worm Number of otrimannyh servant of Vsiy: 7

DYNAMIKA DEVELOPMENT OF THE MFC IN THE MOSCOW REGION Miskiy district Reutiv 4.Miskiy district Kolomna 5.Leninskiy municipal district 6.Dmitrovskiy municipal district 7.Podil'skiy municipal district 8.Serpukhivskiy municipal district 9.Kashirskiy municipal district 1.Mіvskiy district3Godn. Miskiy district of Korolyov 5. Miskiy district of Zvenigorod 6. Miskiy district of Dubna 7. Miskiy district of Fryazino 8. Miskiy district of Podil'sk 9. Miskiy district of Vlasikha 10. Ugor'ivsky municipal district 11. Mozhaiskiy municipal district 13. Sergivo-Posadsky municipal district 15. Taldomsky municipal district 16. Zaraysky municipal district Chisinau district 17.Odintsivsky municipal district 18. Lyuberetsky municipal district 19. Naro-Fominsky municipal district 20. Solnechnyi district district Krasnoznamensk2 Іstrinsky municipal district 27.Ramensky municipal district 1.Miskiy district Balashikha 2.Misky district Domodedovo 3.Klinsky municipal district 4.Sribno-Prudskiy municipal district 5.Stupalniy municipal district - municipal district

Consultations on food rejection of state and municipal services to the project: Nadannya bezkoshtovnoy legal aid PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEREZHI MFC ON THE BASIS OF THE REGIONAL PROJECT

SOFINANSUVANNYA PROJECT AT pp. The budget of the Moscow region for 2012 received 190 million rubles. The project budget of the Moscow region for 2013 RIK - 155 million rubles. Resolutions of the Uryad of the Moscow Region from / 15 "About the consolidation of the pre-city central programs of the Moscow region"



INSTRUMENTS 1. Evaluation of the conformity of the MFC to standards 2. Evaluation of the conformity of the state (municipal) services to the establishment of standards 3. Evaluation of the quality of services based on the MFC 1. Sociological system of automatic monitoring ringing bell 4. Call-centers MANAGEMENT SYSTEM YACOSTIM DIALNOSTІ MFC 16

1.Recognition of the change in the official normative legal acts for the provision of services to the regime of "one window" rіvnymi vlady and nadanih on the basis of the MFC, the master of yak є one organ of the public authority 1.No generally zatverdzheno admіnіstrativnі Regulated nadannya Reigning that munіtsipalnih poslug 2.Vіdsutnіst metodologії stvorennya that rozvitku MFC in Moskovskіy oblastі 3.Vіdsutnіst center upravlіnnya that control dіyalnostі MFC in Moskovskіy oblastі 4.Not zabezpechena populyarizatsіya Sered population vikoristannya MFC yak structure for nadannya yakіsnih Reigning that munіtsipalnih poslug 5 ... The availability of services between the MFC and OGV within the framework of the provision of services on the basis of the MFC 6. The principle of providing services to the "one-window" mode by universal specialists has not been implemented Moscow region 4. The visibility of the normatively fixed paths to the understanding of the "living situation", the formation of a complex of services is left to the "business situation" 17

PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MFC MOSCOW REGION 1. Development of the MFC near the skin municipal district of the Moscow region 2. Development of the MFC branch 3. Development of the infrastructure of the centers for remote access to state and municipal services 4. Implementation of single standards of activity of the MFC, as well as the provision of state and municipal services 5. Continuing inclusion of the MFC to the system of multi-household electronic services 6. .Vprovadzhennya mobile technologies Service delivery (tablet computers, mobile offices) 8. Organization of complex service delivery 18

The reorganization of the budgetary net is not worthwhile without the thorough organization of the provision of state and municipal services. Tsomu received the admiration of the Federal Law from 27 April 2010. № 210-ФЗ "About organizing the provision of state and municipal services". As a matter of fact, until the new ninth time, the spring, the work of organizing the provision of state and municipal services according to the principle of "one win" from the management of the functional centers. In addition, on 22 leaf fall 2011, the Federal Law "On the introduction of amendments to the amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation" occupy the population. Lyudmila Ivanivna PRONINA, State Radnik of the Russian Federation, 2nd class, professor of the Department of Economics and Finance of the Community Sector of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the Presidents of the Russian Federation

According to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, in the period from 2007 to 2010 ric for the submission of sub-entities of the Russian Federation with the registration of 166 MFCs in 49 sub-entities of the Russian Federation, from some 63 of the MFCs was initiated on the minds of the budget; Ktami Federation viklyuchno for rakhunok vlasnі koshti. The MFC is being set up as state-owned budgetary chi autonomous installations chi municipal budgetary chi autonomous installations. According to the data presented by the sub'ects of the Russian Federation, in 2011-2012 it is planned to close 800 MFC, in 2013-2015 it is 1435. Thus, until the end of 2015, the number of IFC is planned to be 2400.

For the implementation of the provisions of Law No. 210-FZ, a low level of legal acts of the Uryadi RF was adopted. So, the order of the RF Uryad is issued on the 2nd spring of 2010. № 1433-r approved the plan of entry, the need for the implementation of the federal law. Decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation from 8 Spring 2010 p. Number 697 zatverdzheno position of about єdinu system mіzhvіdomchoї elektronnoї vzaєmodії, Yakima State authorities Vladi sub'єktіv Russian authorities that mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya recommended zabezpechiti stvorennya that funktsіonuvannya regіonalnih systems mіzhvіdomchoї elektronnoї vzaєmodії vіdpovіdno to tsogo provisions viznachiti operatorіv regіonalnih іnformatsіynih systems mіzhvіdomchoї elektronnoї vzaєmodії that get used zahodіv schodo stowage by the designated operators according to the provisions of clause 14 of the Regulations.

To the order of the RF Uryad from the 12th serpnya 2010 p. No. 1344-r is designated for the organization, as the Law No. 210-FZ has transferred functions to the registration of a universal electronic picture, - BAT "Universal electronic card".

By legal acts, the Uryad of the Russian Federation, as well as the federal authority of the Vykonavchaya government, has established vimoga before the establishment of the right for the interchange between the MFC and the federal authorities of the Vykonavchaya government, the authorities of the state forbudgetary funds, the authorities of the self-government of the Russian Federation, in connection with the MFC and the rules of the order of information and technological interconnection of information systems.

Significantly, it is subject to the Law No. 210-FZ MFC independently, without the participation of the applicant, it will supply the necessary documents and information in the state authorities and the bodies of the microcontrolled self-regulation, so that the documents will not be recorded after they are monitored. Since January 1, 2011, the position of the Law No. 210-FZ has been cleared up, like the fence of the applicant, the documents and information submitted by the applicant, which are located at the authorized bodies, are given good weather, due to the fact that , it is necessary to provide such services, as it is transmitted by the relevant normative legal acts. With the general rule of the state and the municipal servants, they are nadajutno, krym quietly, they are paid by the state mite with the help of legal acts, or they should be happy for the applicant's expenses. Payment will be available remotely in electronic form through the single portal.

In addition, Law No. 210-FZ has transferred the adoption of administrative regulations for specific types of state and municipal services, which are responsible for including standards. The qi is the norm with respect to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the provision of state and municipal services.

In a given hour, a rendition of the priority federal, regional and municipal services has been added, which may have been transferred to the electronic viewer in the first order. Bagato services have been placed on a single federal Internet portal of state and municipal services. In the presence of a large community of citizens, they were given free access to the materials of the portal. The stench may be of knowledge, how to document the need for rejecting this service. For a number of services, please, apply to the electronic viewer.

Results of robots MFC

The results of the MFC robots are clearly visible (according to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia). Sposterіgaєtsya skorochennya termіnіv otrimannya Reigning that munіtsipalnih poslug, znizhennya mіzhvіdomchoї tyaganini, dosyagaєtsya suttєvy antikoruptsіyny efekt for rakhunok vіdsutnostі bezposerednoї vzaєmodії s Reigning that munіtsipalnimi sluzhbovtsyami scho nadayut Hotel, zniknennya popitu on dіyalnіst Included in koruptsіynі schemes poserednikіv i, yak naslіdok, pіdvischennya comfort іz Reigning bodies.

Following the submissions to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia by sub'ekts of the Russian Federation, in 2010, up to 102 current MFCs turned up and took away the services of 2.5 million people, and moreover 90% of the MFCs are actively evaluating this form of work. It is not of the least important that the IFC establishment allows to optimize the budgetary vitrati for the development and implementation of superfluous functions and procedures, the speeding up of the terms of refusal and processing of the information, the speedy documentation of the work of the state services and At the same time, it is possible to allow the adoption of a solution and a decrease in the staffing of sportsmen of state organs and organs of the micro-self-assembly.

The results of the monitoring of the progress and activity of the MFC also showed that the cleaning up in the deceased was greater than the average - in the middle of 40-80 chilins, which are necessary for rejecting the services in the state (municipal) government, until 15-30 o'clock. 20-40 to 5-15 quilins. At the middle of the hour, the otrimannya of the service has changed by 65%.

Yearly in the skin MFC there will be from 50 to 170 new state and municipal services. Naybіlsh demanded by the mass of them є the restoration of the rights to the instability of the land dіlyanka, іnshі servants іn thе galuzі of the land and the main ones, the servants іn the galuzі capital, including the revision of documents about the properness of the object of capital education), the provision of social education (for example, the designation of the payment of support for the child), the state of the


However, not everything is so smooth. Thus, the norms of the rank-and-file legislation did not allow the issuance of documents by the principle of "one win" for the most low-level mass suspiciously significant powers MFC. The tse sutta intertwined the possibilities of giving sovereign and municipal services to the MFC.

At the same time, the Federal Law was issued on April 27, 2010. № 227-FZ "On the introduction of amendments to the amendments to legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law" On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services "" I will give you the latest state services in the electronic view. The development of such a draft law as a result of the adoption of norms, so that it transcends the state and municipal services according to the principle of "one win", could qi problem... The lack of such norms in the legislation did not allow the federal authorities, we are preparing the state servants for the principle of "one window" to the MFC, to transfer the MFC a part more importantly for receiving and receiving documents, so that on the basis of the principle of "service" we pressed the door for the principle.

The first way to address the problem is to broaden the notarial approval of the MFC spokespersons for the MFC sponsors for giving up the interests of the big people in the case of rejection of the sovereign and municipal services. Tse bring up to pre-datkovyh vitrats of huge people and navantazhennya on notaries. In a given hour, in the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the proposals for the introduction of changes to the Federal Law from 21 April 1997 r. No. 122-FZ "About the state restoration of rights on the wrong side of the land that pleases him" at the part of the MFC with the right to receive and issue documents upon receipt of the latest state services.

Vvazhaєmo, the system of providing the sovereign (municipal) services is still far from being perfect. At the call of the tsim, you can wait with the actions of the projections, the attendance at the sitting round table on the topic "The perfect system for the provision of sovereign and municipal services", conducted by the Committee of the Sovereign Duma for the nutrition of the mussel self-preparation 2010 18 leaves.

Zokrem, the Rules for organizing the activity of various functional centers of power (municipal) services, approved by the decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation dated 3 June 2009. No. 796, it is necessary to bring the general opinion of the Law No. 210-FZ to change the direct change, for which powers and municipal services are expected, as well as the organizational and legal form of the functional center. It is also important to change the area of ​​capacity for a functional center and the number of “vikons” for receiving such documents.

The order is imperative, that it is necessary to give more respect to the municipal aspects of the implementation of the project "Electronic District" and the transition to the provision of municipal services in an electronic form, as well as the need for reciprocity of special features. In addition, it is important to prepare the proposals for the introduction of changes to the sovereign security program "Electronic Order", as it is necessary to work out and finance the entry to the transition to the provision of municipal services in electronic forms.

One of the most successful projects is to promote the quality and accessibility of state and municipal services for the community, which we are implementing for the rest of the world in Russia, by the establishment of a number of functional centers of the highest state and municipal functions. The price is not deprived of the Rivne Uryad of the Russian Federation, but a large number of zychanyh hulks, who were going about the last hour to the MFC, or, as the stench is now called, center that office of "My Documents". In 2012, the President of the Russian Federation has placed the MFC in close accessibility to the community in the entire territory of the whole country. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia coordinated the activity on the federal, regional and municipal level. On the power of the Internet-audit ІА "GARANT" there are prospects for the development of the systems and messages Oleksiy Khersonsev, who supervised from the fall of leaves in 2011, the project of the establishment of the MFC net in the office of the Director of the Department of State Regulation in the Economy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

Oleksiy Ihorovich, we wanted a lot of food, I would like to discuss it. First - what is the MFC established in all regions of the country, municipal districts and municipal districts? How many times will there be a ministry of economic development of the plan for the development of the MFC border on the scale of the country?

The project for the introduction of large-scale large-scale centers in the country, which gave the most important and socially significant services to the community of the greatest availability, starting in 2012 with the vision of one of the so-called "grassy" decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. The new Bulo has a fixed indicator - not less than 90% of Russians are mali and have access to such centers until the end of 2015.

In 2012, within the framework of the robotics of the Uryadov Committee, the administrative reforms were carried out and they prepared a different methodology, which set the parameters fake sales a lot of rich and functional centers of power and municipal services. Bulo has reached homeliness, so the center of the servants may be seen by the skin of the city and the municipal district. At the same time, we need to have a sense of intelligence and a lot of space for the number of centers and for the necessary number of questions to the reception of the big people. To that, with urahuvannyam before the forefront of information in the dense regions, we fixed the figure at 5 yew. bags on one of the service staff. It also became obvious that the surroundings of the great centers of power servants, which were located in the local districts, the centers of municipal districts, in the skin settlement with the number of 1 yew. especially small offices or TOSPi (territorially, structurally), because we need to ensure the short availability of information. For the purpose of establishing a series of methodical approaches throughout 2012 near the skin region of the country, due to the urahuvannya of its specifics, the scheme of the MFC distribution was solidified.

Slide means that the plan has been implemented. Until 2016, the rock was practically eliminated in all sub'ekts of the Russian Federation, the confirmation of the previously hardened schemes for the distribution of the MFC. Ydetsya about 13 yew. they were released for a whole hour, as they re-created the MFC for a reference to the national border. Both great centers and small offices, including practical work on the basis of organizing, are good for getting started. Virishili, scho in small settlements with a lot of vikoristovuvatisya, for example, the publication of "Poshti Rossiya".

Z qikh 13 yew. viddilen 2747 - large bagatov connie centri, trochs more than 10 yew. - Territorially based on structural development in small settlements, 312 - offices, seeing on the infrastructure of the organization, which can be obtained, including "Post to Russia".

For such a scale, the value of the index of hopping of the population by the centers and offices of the hedge was 96%. Pidsumkovy result to win trochas by reversing the planned indicator. The first time the robot was carried out, obviously, near the regions. The main success of the project on the establishment of the MFC system at the scale of the whole country is based on the fact that practically all sub'ekts have already been successful, young in spirit, and for the missed managers. Even though the birch tree is past its fate at the All-Russian Forum of the MFC, since the border has been lost by 60%, the Head of the Uryad Dmitro Medvedev called the project one of the most beautiful management projects.

And what is the process of establishing a set of bagatofunctional centers in the Krimsky Federal District? What kind of wine is it? What specific problems have you encountered?

Obviously, there are those regions, which are more than big people, and by the regions-leaders behind the size of the openings on these territories, the MFC hemlines, because the stench is called by a large number of regions, the center and documents of the government ". Some of the sub'ekti of the Russian Federation were put before the implementation of the given project with great prominence, I want it, very, very well, it was all about them and the sutta vitrat. Ponad 100 centers of "Moi Dokumenti" were built near Moscow. Ponad 90 MFC functions near the Sverdlovsk region. Great little branches near the Rostov region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Altai Territory, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk Region, Krasnodar Territory. The project in Dagestan has already been successfully implemented. There are close to 60 centers of "Moi Dokumenti" high-handedness robots.

As far as the Krimsky Federal District is concerned, then all kinds of historical events have been seen, since the MFC is already actively developing in our country, the main foundation has been laid. Our Krimski colleagues will be posed with context. In addition, there was a chance of finding the needs of the population from the state's services - the inhabitants of the region need to re-register the documents: about the right of power, passports too little. In the minds of the Krym dwellers, it is necessary to build the MFC from scratch, to formulate the managerial command as quickly as possible at all processes, in parallel giving the servants to the masses. Protest, at Sevastopol, the MFC boundary, at a glance, the distribution of the necessary number of service points is already established by the general public. At the same time, there is a triple process of making the center more demanded by the services required, securing the quality, achieving the same standards of robotics. The Republic of Krim has a dynamism in the development of hem, unfortunately, not such a tempo. There the hunting population in the centers is close to 35%. Ale until the end of the fate, I guess, will the Viconane be zavdannya.

How many branches in the regions of the center of state servants see the current establishment for them to vimogs?

Ideology of service quality is key for us. The culture of service of the company and the provision of support for the support of the servants of the form style of our centers, as in large regions of the country, under the single brand of "My Documents".

Accepted standards - tse і friendship іnter'єr, аndin principle of equipping centers, vimogi to the newest vig-eyed spіvrobіtnikіv, їх spіlkuvannya with edvіduvachami, read algorithms for displaying administrative procedures. Key management at a time - utrimati visokiy rіven I mean, I don’t win it "to the restaurant", as I call it: when I see it, I’ll lay down the quality of the visok, I’ll see it, but it’s wrong, and the service is not the same, but the staff is trained. Years in the greater regions of the level of robotic centers in the state servants are trained, efficient, high. Utrimati qiu plank is serious zavdannya.

At the Ministry of Economic Development, a low number of special calls have been transferred to the control of quality: visibility of "local buyers" to regions, monitoring of official websites of the MFC, reports of support centers, call-in-internet Namagaєmos for monitoring the quality of robots centers on the keys for organizing the organization on the missions. On the other hand, the Zagalnorosiysk People's Front has seriously advised us, the activists of those in the country have been specially trained by the centers and have sent us their assessments. We've got a ringing sound here. I am very pragmatic in understanding the mechanics of monitoring the quality of the hedgehog.

And what about the average service of the current year in the middle of the skin MFC? How do you plan for a change in the number of services to expand the space in a straight line?

Most of the services possessed by the masses of the MFC - federal. Offices with key, hired services - MVS, Rosreestr, Pension Fund, Federal Tax Service, Rosspozhivnaglyad, Federal Service of Bailiffs, Social Insurance Fund.

Besides, before the MFC there will be a wide range of services from the regional authorities of the regional authorities and the organs of the micro-sampling. In the middle one MFC can be recognized close to 110-130 state and municipal services.

In 2015, all the MFCs of the country received over 50 million services, and by the end of the last year, nearly 300 thousand servants were on the indicator. osib, tsyo roku tsei indicator of growth.

For the MFC the maximum number of services demanded by the huge people is our head. The people got stuck because the services of the MFC were getting better, more readily. We are also proud that the infrastructure of such a great hedge can be as big as possible. As soon as the MFC is set up, the whole project will not deprive the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the regional government. Nasamper, the project of the MFC is linked with the reception of the previous federal departments - the key suppliers of state services. Take, for example, Rosreєstr. A great butt of the one, as the MFC fiddler, had unlocked the message to the Federal Agency for State Construction, and the throng of the hucksters had been heard from them.

Ale є the service is low, as we leave without a distance to move to the MFC. Servants are important for the population, for example, everyone who needs passports.

Expanding the range of services to the most important directors, such as the development of the MFC for the most important three rockets included before the "road map", the final project was approved by the Uryad of the Russian Federation. Mi vvazhaumo, when the issuance and replacement of the foreign passport can be obtained from the MFC. You can submit your documents to the MFC for a year, but you need to remove your passport, all one needs to be done before the office. .

To be able to issue a foreign passport of the old zrazka, we launched a low-density, experimental regime for a long time. th document at a number of centers. First, the development of the technology for issuing such passports through the MFC is unimportant to those who are more likely to rely on those who will soon see the old passport from the old one, and then, in the future.

The practice of showing that the replacement of some forms of documents on the scale of the whole country does not look blisky, and as the legislation has been passed to look like a foreign passport of an old one, and a new one, then, in our sight, it will be necessary to take care of it afterwards.

As soon as the new generation of passports of the new generation are issued, then they will be raised through the border of the centers of state servants even more fold. There is a lot of technological folding, some of the issuance of such passports will be taken seriously. information security, due to the logic and intelligence of the IFC, the road system will not be able to complete it. Ale mi rozrakhovuєmo, I will let myself go to the end.

In the project, the Uryad decided to fix the specific terms of the implementation of services on the basis of the MFC, which contributed to the contribution. For a zalotsivilny passport and a zakordonny passport of the old zrazka tsei termin - 1 leaf fall 2016 rock. For the overseas passport of the new generation, the process of work in 2017 is done according to the steps. From 1 June 2017, there is a large number of people in one MFC for the Miskyi district, an administrative center out of the number of populations of 100 thousand rubles. OSIB, as well as in the place of federal significance. As of today, 2018, there is a decrease in the number of populations and a flood of places with populations of 50 thousand. especially and so far. I’ll think about it, the MFR of Russia didn’t wait until the position. When the project decides on the terms, the earning of the given services to the MFC can be scored with the calls for the calls that are necessary for the house for organizing the transmission of these services to the centers.

Another servant is the substitution of dedicated water, if it is not necessary to fold the spirits. The project is ready for us, we see it as a tsikavim. Obviously, the process of serving the service cannot be seen from any kind of documents, but all of them can be organized on the basis of the MFC. Tim is bigger, it can be awkward to play cards dedicated to the waters. In the same way, in the same way, it is also discussed the nutrition of the safety, the consideration of the parties with the help of the given service. We have a bunch of experimental approaches from the MVS. We got magalized to give a service to the Perm Territory. The colleagues from the MVS vvazhayut, so tsei dosvіd buv not far away, the fragments did not boil significant numbers are quiet, hto rutting. We do not roztsіnyuєmo tsei dosvіd in such a rank, which is mainly devoted to any kind of experiment - to see the technology itself, fixing with a whole lot will drink for a service, for the day, second, and also about a big project, it would be better for the centers. Tobto green light is possible. In great places, I vvazhayu, I can seriously increase the number of subsidiaries of the State Inspectorate, and the stench could see more resources on those required by the population of the State Servant, and the need for the need of the State. Unimportant to the discussion, in the project, we also fixed the date of the transfer of the service to the MFC - 1 leaf fall in 2016. Rozrahovuєmo, so also the solution will be praised, and the process is launched.

What are the plans for the development of the experiment that will provide services to the authorities of the Civil Registry Office through the MFC?

The experiment is aimed at ensuring that the low restoration functions of the Civil Registry Office bodies go straight to the MFC, and not send people to the Civil Registry Office, but then to the center of the state servants.

Tsya ideya vinikla kіlka rokіv that. There may not have been a misunderstanding. Vvazhaєmo, that successful project is still correct. They were motivated by those who gave the MFC service for the principle of "living situation". For example, all of it is known, there are some small bureaucratic plots of the winners of a national child. Mi pragnemly ob'ednati їkh in "one vіkno" such a rank, but the father can be turned up once with one application, and after a day come and revise the whole package of distinguished documents: testimony about the nation, a certificate for motherhood The place of living is too small.

It is important to be smart, to be smart, to be smart, the MFC is a flowing virobability, like a standard, awkward service. Alle, there is a folding to accept the solution of the situation, for example, if the child is bully pidkinut, for example, the power of the establishment of the fatherhood, or the tucking of the sanctuary. Such vignettes vzhe, obviously, not on the right of the MFC - docilely switch to the spyvrobitnik organs of the Civil Registry Office.

On our thought, to Moscow, an experiment was being carried out, which was successful, and for the extension of information throughout the country. In any case, it is necessary to go to the skin examination of a particular region, the remaining decision is taken by the governor. Ale mi rozrahovuєmo, well, it will be destroyed in all regions.

Oleksiy Ihorovich, how do you plan to develop the robot for organizing services based on the extraterritorial principle - rejecting the services right away from the process of re-structuring the applicant?

The principle of exterritoriality for the minds of the mobility of the population is even more important. Possibly, for the outer territories of food the mobility of the population is no worse than a state budget. For example, in settlements with a population of less than 200 thousand. Some of the people of the community do not get much help and feed, the nourishment of the exteritoriality of the servants of the sacks of such places is no worse than sickness. Ale, for example, for the population of Moscow, for those small-town people and people who come to see them in them, - the food is still more relevant.

We split the price into two blocks. The first one is the centrality of federal services, the other is the extraterritoriality of regional services, and it is to find the municipal services at the borders of the municipalities. Exteritoriality as a necessary principle was voiced already to finish for a long time. If you are talking about Moscow, then the colleagues thought that they could not provide any service to any center of "My Documents" right away from the area where the capital city lives. Infection tse is already zvichno, and pricked up with a serious breach yak nadannya services. Key folding - ob'єdnati base danih. To this, the Moscow processes are step by step.

Now, if we are talking about exterioration, it’s probably because of the folding situation - if, for example, a resident of the Krasnodar Territory, he’s staying at the resident’s in Moscow, he’s going to return to the capital until the end of the day. Prior to the eksteritorialnost і of services, as we hope for the federal principle, it also goes in stages. Here, the principle of intelligence is important - before we start to wonder only for those services that are demanded by action. Three hundred and six hundred sovereign services, which are hoping for the federal level, put the message about the exterritoriality on the principle є sensually from here to a hundred. And a great analysis has shown that the truth of the exteriors of the past is close to 30 socially significant federal state services. Until the fall of 2016, there will be a ready-to-use graphical plan for the service.

If it is "regional" eksteritorialnost, then on the level of the sub'ekta of the Russian Federation it will be easy to achieve the goal. I repeat, all the exterritoriality is tied to the presence of local databases of data and the general system of interdisciplinary communication, and in the regional development it is simpler.

You still need to see the food, you need to work with the extraterritoriality from the municipal services. Adjacent municipal servants are strictly tied to the moment of living, not so juridically, as factually. For example, transport pilgrims rely on the passage of the transport of a particular municipality - such a service you will not be able to do in this place.

Another thing is that you can use the opportunity to apply for services from one region to the MFC in practice. For most regions, such a problem is not a problem. Ale є place of federal significance, near some of the territories of the second sub'єkta of the Russian Federation. Lyudina lives in the region, but at the same time, she lives in the federal state, and Navpaki. For the first time, you can easily process the services through the MFC mailbox. I think that the nutrition here is not at the legislative level, but through the arrangement of things between the regions.

How many visits to get used to this year in order to speed up an hour of cleaning around the chambers? How about in the middle of this year to become an hour of deception at the door of the service to the MFC? What is the first middle hour of being deceived in the wake of such a service in the MFC near Moscow and the other regions of the Russian Federation?

In 2004, social studies were carried out to keep up with the progress, as a number of the hulks were satisfied with the service provided by the sovereign, that figure became 14%. In 2015, the indicator of up to 83.8% was reached.

In 2012, they showed that the middle hour of cleaning up in the middle of the whole country during the rejection of state and municipal services (for the most part, the process of presenting the bodies of power) became close to 55 chilines. 2015 rock tsi vimiri showed 35.7 khvili. It's a pity, but all one thing is that the president’s indicator has not been confirmed: the "travny decree" of 2012 has a record of not more than 15 khvili until the end of 2014. For podsouvannya 2015, 38.4% of the bulk of the people saw it, but they spent less than 15 khvili. Ale mi ochіkuєmo, scho ts'go fate indicators to rotate seriously.

In the first place, a lot of households have very favorably improved their work. In another way, until 2015, the rock was held and practically not in the hands of the MFC robot, which ended in 2015, the majority of which appeared in the last two months.

If you are talking about the MFC, then the average hour for the whole country has become 26 khvili. Є the region, the MFC does not check more than 10 quills for the average person, but here and all 30.

From time to time, there are "peaks" of activity, if the bulk of the mass murder for this kind of service, and at the same time, obviously, they are called for an hour. For example, vprovadzhennya that otrimannya transport cards, or, like a memory, bygone fate buzzed to show a part of the mother's capital got. The price is fast moving forward. Ale MFC standarti mamagayutsya vitrimuvati.

In addition, the speed of the church is due to the transfer of services to the electronic viewer, the movement of the part of the hulks, as they were speeding up. Three hours later, more and more serious, foldable services are forced into the electronic viglyad, the price is inevitable. It’s even more to remove the presence of the meeting, and even more to while away the hour of cleaning up in the chambers.

On my thought, which is a low innovation, the implementation of those would allow the speed of the cherga. For example, it is possible to develop a "postponed" service in the same time, in the beginning of the demand. For example, when buying a new car - at the salon. Logically, a car dealership can be an agent of the state for providing services from the restoration, staging on the oblast and other views. The tse suttvo rozvanazhilo b MREV DIBDR, as they could be engaged in a secondary market.

Razkazhіt about the prospects for the development of the system of service delivery through the Internet portal and about further vvadzhennya mechanizmіv "bogatokanalnostі" provide services from the MFC. What is the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade for the plan to start using the MFC because of the services, how can you get on in the electronic viewer?

As soon as the portal was developed, then it would be correct, melodiously, and the colleagues from the Ministry of Commerce would hang the price of food. The very stink of development one portal state servants and coordination of the robotics. We also take a greater share in the viral methodology of translating services into an electronic viewer, in the implementation of an electronic communication interface. Alle the nutrition of the madness, the interconnection of the two straight robots - the transfer of services to the electronic viewer and the MFC stem - we, madly, negotiate.

Dekhto will supply, most of the time it is necessary to establish the MFC, in order to transfer all services to an electronic viewer. Ale the need for intelligence, we are talking with you about the sphere of interaction specifically, ours, powers with specific, our, people at a particular moment of the hour - and that means, an "offline" channel for such interaction most hour there will be requests. Moreover, the very optimization of the formulation of the MFC project allowed the development of speeches that were important for all spheres of state servants.

In the first place, the processes have been started, tied to the wrinkle culture of service servants. One of the key results in the project for the establishment of the MFC fence is that it was allowed to formulate a serious layer of new managers in the rural regions of the country, for which the improvement of the quality of service in the sphere of servants became the head of the staff.

In a different way, it became obvious that not all state servants can be translated into an electronic view more quickly. The more services are transferred to the electronic viewer, the more the problem of control of information and transmission of data will be solved. Evidently, every year, with the development of technology, we will be "in hmara", even deserted, including the inhabitants of the great places, psychologically not ready for a series of speeches. For example, if you want to buy or sell your own apartment without a paper, if you want such a technological capability, Rosreestrom has been launched.

In addition, it is not enough to start a servant in the electronic viewer, and it is important to locate the "ecosystem" around her in the electronic viewer of documents. For example, a clue about the number of convictions. It is necessary for applicants to get a shot from a cadre from a child to a member of the board of a commercial bank. As a matter of fact, it means that the personnel service has a special document, which confirms the history of the criminal record. An updated document can be downloaded through the portal of state services from the electronic viglyad. This will be the source of the EDS signature file. Vinikak nutrition - as an advisor of the personnel service, you can attach such an electronic document to the reference of the official, as it is most often kept at the porch. For, for example, as soon as a quick turnaround comes up as a reversal, then I will be able to present it to the right-wing supporters in the electronic viewer.

The problem of archival security has not been resolved electronic documents... The certificate of the key of the electronic signature cannot be verified. Posting of food - how to work with a document, how to be stored in the electronic archive, as long as there are signatures electronic signature The reality of something else can’t be confirmed, even with a set of beats, which doesn’t mean anything. Instead of going to the local authorities of the government, there is a discussion - it’s a problem, it’s not a problem, it’s a matter of need, because it’s necessary to take the normative acts to accept it, because it can be a solution. Reasonableness of all the processes of maє buti in all participants.

It’s a pity that the closest person doesn’t know the need to reject the final result of the service in the porch. The MFC can make sure that the people of the community can take care of it.

What are the main foldability to see this year's MFC as a service to the community and in cooperation with the state authorities? Why is the mechanism of interdisciplinary intercourse improved? How much more can you optimize the mechanisms and terms of interdisciplinary interaction within the framework of this project?

Significantly, our internal nutrition is even more important. Years of abundant spirits of state institutions take off the MFC yak kur'ariv, albeit the correct reason, I want, obviously, center the singer in the middle between the community and the chi in the house.

If we talk about statistics, then, after 22 state services of the federal level, the electronic interaction is generally applied, but after 17 services, the services are broken down and tested.

As recently as the last rock, the bulo was prepared and adopted by the Decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation dated 03/18/2015 N 250 about the granting of the MFC the right to transfer electronic documents from paper viglyad, removed from the authorities of the government. І, navpaki, when a paper document is rejected from a citizen, the MFC should translate the document into an electronic viewer, sign it with its EDS and send it to the general government, as it was done with it.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Economic Development saw the Order of 04/11/2016 No. 221, which allowed the MFC to transfer electronic documents into paper form, which were sent from the Federal Agency for State Registration and Construction, so that information about the registration of rights on the wrong people about and about the register was sent. Because of that, all of the documents are required for the registration of the service, they may be transferred from the MFC to the electronic images, and the process of sending the service is due to the processing of electronic documents. And it is necessary to document the paperwork before the performance of the singing hour. It is not possible to significantly speed up the number of visits of the chickens to follow these services, to often save paperwork, and also to while away the hour of giving the service to the big man.

The development of the MFC is not less important, the development of the MFC is fixed in the three-ric plan, - the development and implementation of technological schemes for the delivery of services. Technological diagrams describe the whole process of giving a state abo municipal servants... On the basis of the administrative regulations, organized in the first place for the observance of services, the technochema is designated for vicariously in the body of the power of organizing, so that it will take part in the service of the process, so that the lack of permission will be forgotten. It is especially relevant because of the zaprovadzhennya principles of rich-channeling and exteritorial provision of services.

Organize those organizations of state non-budgetary funds, which donate their services through the MFC, blame to solidify the technological schemes of their services until the end of the flowing rock. In the provision of technical circuits to ensure a universal basis for all the MFC of the country, the basis of expert education of universal faculties of the centers for the cooperation of all the services provided.

Do you plan to start at the MFC system? payment system, if it would allow me to pay for a meeting, penalties and other binding payments without payment of the commission?

Chinna decides to transfer the order to the MFC, but the MFC can be payment agents, making sure that the population accepts low-cost payments. Ale in Мінфіні dumka, at the same time you cannot grab fines, sum in rakhunok pay taxes. Such a juridical debate, ale mi vvazhaymo, that the management will be unambiguous - it is necessary to do it. It is important both from the point of view of efficiency for the folks, who want all the work in one moment, and also from the point of view of increasing the collection of budget revenues. As a matter of fact, why would you be happy with the mighty pennies, then more simply, you should, in other words, if the MFC will tell you about the foreign trade in case of skin infection to the MFC, there will be more chances, you will extinguish it. The Ministry of Finance has felt us now, and the draft law has been broken.

Infection at the bagatokh MFC to stand an ATM to deny money from applicants. Alas, unfortunately, at sparsely populated points, banks are not ready to expand the range of ATMs, it is very economical and inexplicable, and, navpaki, to speed up a number of ATMs at the centers. As for the comic, then there can be a folding problem. Allegedly, the bulk of the people will be able to pay the adjusted service, for a new, very special, who will have to pay.

If the MFC will be distributed for physical aspects is that for business? What kind of servants can you take away from the MFC representatives of the small and middle business from the Maybut? Why not stock the MFC for business, in fact, to compete with consulting and legal companies, as they provide services to business?

The food development of the MFC for business is on the order of the day. Tse spravd_ project ts'go fate. Before the tests, we had projects done directly in some regions. For example, the officials of the "Oschadbank of Russia" functioned the offices of the sovereign and municipal services of "My Documents", and the main officials of the bully pidpryumtsi. A special project has been launched for the development of the MFC for business. The establishment of intelligence, even though there are such MFCs at the local infrastructure of small and middle business, the intelligence will be required in a number of such MFCs. If I have to go to the MFC for physical persons and for business, then I will sooner be vicarist and be here to understand the "combination of services", we have a lot of land, we have a lot of different factors and specialties injected into the whole process. In any case, the IFC project for business applications and will continue to develop seriously.

Competition problems of the MFC and consulting and legal companies, I don’t talk about business. Yakisny private consulting will be requested. And as for consulting at the viglyadi trade in chergami, then so, such a business, mi spodivaєmosya, MFC zruynu.

Razkazhіt, be weasel, about the plan? What is the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Plan for the development of the ringing mechanisms? Yaki kroki plan State systems IAS MKGU?

According to the approved by the next plan of calls to the development of the MFC, NINI for the replacement of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the automated information system for monitoring the performance of the MFC, in order to allow the maintenance of the center of the real-time control of the real-time The efforts of the MFC may be connected to the whole system until the end of 2017.

The system will allow for the basic parameters of the centers' performance - the number of services provided, the terms of the service, the hour of being looked after at the heart of the day. By the day, the system of internal control, which allows to quickly detect the appearance of the given organizations and the coriguvati parameters of the MFC fences, in the course of the flow situation.

Likewise, in 2017, the mechanism of assessing the efficiency of the landowners among the sub'ekts of the Russian Federation, who are responsible for the robot and the development of the MFC, to keep the center of the center, will be able to keep up.

The assessment should be carried out on the basis of the principles themselves, as in the Danish hour of victorious assessment during the assessment of kerivniks territorial bodies federal bodies The state authorities are subject to the resolution of the Uryad of the Russian Federation from the 12th day of 2012, No. 1284.

The skin giant is given the ability to assess the quality of the sovereign municipal service, given in the MFC. At the present time, at the present time, an assessment of the certificates for the function of the MFC in the region has been completed. Assessment and assessment of assessments is carried out centrally in automated information systems"Information-analytical system for monitoring the quality of state services" (IAS MKGU), the operator of which is the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

In the given hour, the Assessment System is provided by federal agencies, where they can hire services - Rosserustre, MVS of Russia, FNP of Russia, Pension Fund of Russia. In the same households for the rest of the year, for the additional help of the dzherels, it is possible to assess the quality of the service provided by 24 sovereign services.

For the whole community, it is possible to assess all the servants of the important bodies of power, as well as the FSSP of Russia, Rosmain, Rosspozhivnagliad and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the centers and offices of "My Documents". For all the federal services that are in the MFC, the power of these assessments by the community has been realized.

The system of evaluating services by the masses at the MFC is becoming more and more popular - only from the ear of the ear of 14 worms were appraised 1882142 in the net of federal services.

As for the forged development of the "IAS MKGU" assessment system, then there are three main straight lines of work.

Perche - the broadening of the transition of the state servants and the assessment of the quality of the quality by the hunters. The food is supplemented by the transcript of the servants, as approved by Decree No. 1284, and will also be supported. І for the expansion of the assessment system, new state servants will be required to be insured by the hulks.

Another direct development of the dressing assessment system with a more sophisticated mechanism of fixing the assessment results. To the ministry of economic development of Russia, a draft resolution has been broken up by the Uryad, which will establish new terms of vulnerability, so that the crops will be able to respond quickly to low estimates of the big people.

Also, according to the new rules, the formation of the latest KPIs of the territorial authorities of the government will be clearly linked with the period of the robotics. Tse allow not to check on the formal end of the calendar fate, to see if it came to live, but not too much. Also, the draft decree the transfer of the need to carry out by the houses of work, the procedure for reducing the quality of the service of the powers that be given to the citizens of the community ... give a service).

The third direct development of the assessment system is a step-by-step approach to the improvement of the quality of state servants, which is based on the assessment results.

Since 2015, a new system has been introduced to raise the level of satisfaction of the hunters as they are given to the servants of the state, as they are transferred to a value that will reach 90% until 2018 (the whole level is designated by Presidential Decree No. 601).

So, the first indicator of the effectiveness of the test of the territorial body for the data of assessments of applicants in 2016 is that it becomes less than 75%. So, for 12 months of robotic bags, such a crib in the sum can not be less than 75% of the scores "4" and "5" for a five-point scale in the foreign mass delivered via SMS, and the thermal site was supported. Moreover, for a little bit, the indicator increases by 5%, while it is not up to 90%.

In addition to this, directly, the government should conduct the robot with the help of the hunters, as well as the services they have taken away from them, like the stench will be posted on the public site "Your Control". Goitre families are linked to the message from the site, as a community member, who wrote and populated the icon when publishing his message. At the central offices of the provinces, which are responsible for giving the powers of the state, to carry out an analysis of such events, and the results are brought to the general servers of territorial bodies, regional reports. Information about such visitor reviews for every hour of conducting inspections on the site.

About those, the mechanism of the ringing connection with the populations of pratsyuє, it is not only the growth of the number of assessments that have been registered in the site "Your control"

The interview was taken by Natalia Karpunina (IA Garant).


10 worm 2016 to the order of the RF Uryad Oleksiya Khersontseva was awarded the certificate of the certificate of the Federal Service for Accreditation.

Feel free to accept the project - please, dyakuyu!
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