The cosmetologist gave me a shot, photo before and after. Local Dynamic Massage (LDM) Two innovative technologies in one procedure

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Local-dynamic massage is a device-based procedure in anti-aging cosmetology, based on the principles of the same range of ultrasonic treatment, which is based on the principle of non-contact massage in the middle. Micromassage of fabric structures of shkiri diє, the main rank, on a cell and fibers of a full fabric and one in three bases of modern Anti-Age concepts for rejuvenating shkiri, which put on a zone of infusion one hour thermal, biodiesel; stimulate viroblasting endogenous collagen; the collagen ruins change. Kozhen s tsikh efektіv to make sv_y additions in rejuvenation shkіri.



  • lifting
  • rejuvenation
  • acne scar
  • rosettes
  • figuri model
  • celulite
  • phonophoresis


This is a new and unique technology based on single ultrasonic waves with low (up to 10 MHz) and low (up to 1000 times per second) frequencies, which generate high-quality pulses in the zones of a different vice. The result is an intensive local massage. Tse principledly new look massages, changes in the number of other techniques. Frequency reversals of 10 MHz. In cosmetology, ultrasound chills are used at frequencies of 1 MHz and 3 MHz, which penetrate 3 cm and 1 cm into the room as a matter of fact, and they themselves pour not on the ball, but on a larger ball. IONTO SONO Efect is the first cosmetology device, which can be viprominuvati chvili with a frequency of 10 MHz, with a depth of penetration close to 3 mm, which itself is poured into the skirting without a median.

* Locally dynamic massage will successfully unite with plastic / aesthetic surgery / dermatology, for example, before and after liposuction, tightening the appearance and rejuvenation.

Local Dynamical Massage - a new nimetska rozrobka came from drug medicine, as there are no analogues. Highly effective for rejuvenation, treatment of problem children, scars, cellulite.

Local Dynamical Massage is a new nimetska technology, a fundamentally new type of micromassage with ultrasonic tweaks, which changes the structure of a cell, like in a young body, activates collagen and elastin, as it seems to be more tissue.


  • rejuvenation, vividness and quickness;
  • treatment of problematic skin (acne) and scars due to acne, cicatrices;
  • shaping the contours of the body, stretching from the resulting fabrics;
  • look forward to the message;
  • lіkuvannya celulite;
  • rosettes (including food vaginosti);
  • introduction of drugs into the school.

Go procedure:

Treatment of the zone and treatment should be taken for an additional special manipuli for a contact or therapeutic gel. During the procedure, it is easier to see the warmth and vibration.

Proceed for an hour:

20 or 40 hilin.


6-10 procedures.

For a contraindication, consult a doctor.

Result: your zovnishniy viglyad polishuєtsya, polіpshuєtsya kolіr denouncing, to see the school lifting, to update the relf of the school, including changes in cellulite. The course carried out will help you to grow up.

The LDM look-ahead procedure is a success and an automated procedure is safe! IONTO SONO The effect can be stashed right away from a rock, a type of shkiri and vik. Especially shows the results of rejuvenation and equipment during the procedures performed on the veins, if due to changes in the hormonal background, the aparatni methods are not effective or contraindicated.

Two innovative technologies in one procedure!

Local Dynamical Micro-massage - the whole micro-massage of the shkiri on the bedrock. There are three foundations of modern Anti-Age concepts for rejuvenating shkiri, which pour on the zone immediately thermal, biochemically and mechanically, for the reason why collagen fibers are damaged; to stimulate the spinning of collagen, and to change its destruction.

The unique characteristics of ultrasound therapy are widely used in everyday cosmetic procedures. It was created by ultrasound of the microbration, as the reach of the greatest spheres of children, to rob the beneficial infusion into the natural processes of renewing healthy cells and rejuvenating children.

Perevagi zasosuvannya Local Dynamical Mikromassage.

IONTO SONO is the first cosmetology device, which can be viprominuvati hvili with a low frequency of 3 MHz, with a depth of penetration of all 3 mm, such a rank, they are infused without a mediocre on the shell. The frequency of 3 MHz is very effective, but more efficient when it comes to low-pressure fuel. Before the appearance of the given apparatus, it was infused with such a frequency itself on the skir, it was uncomfortable, so the energy of the ultrasonic chills reached the big balls of the body (from 1 to 3 cm). And the smarter, the whole device, which can generate two ultrasounds at once with fast changing frequencies (up to 1000 times per second). Tsi ultrasound chvili generate in a shkіri zone and a vice. The result is an intensive local dynamic micro-massage.

The directors of the given Mikromassage at the clerical level are going to exchange speech, to accelerate the circulation of stagnant blood and lymph, as in his own life the process of rejuvenation and regeneration of the school takes place. At the same time, there is a weakening of the minutiae, the zest is fired up, the skin becomes more springy and elastic.

The stagnation of a certain methodology is a majestic number of problems of the school of exposure and body, both of a lucid and aesthetic character: signs of an old school (faintness, sagging, lethargy); celulite navit in 3 and 4 stages, as well as the tuberosity of the skin of the liposuction; stretch marks and cicatrices for canopy or operations, incl. plastic. All the most popular are the treatment for this procedure for lifting and rejuvenating skin, reducing and treating acne and excess acne, for modeling figuri.

Local dynamic micro-massage on the IONTO SONO device means everyone who has cosmetological problems associated with decreased skin tone, with swirls and other small wisps, with glazed crowded beaches. So the device itself fights against scars and stretch marks, and cellulite. The whole device is recommended as a pre-and-order operation in plastic surgery

New methodology of rejuvenation and renewal of children exclusively from the Center for Laser Cosmetology "Kontur".

The device Ionto SONO LDM (Nimechchina) is one of two innovative ultrasound technologies, which can be used in cosmetology, as well as in medicine:

  • Local Dynamical Mikromassage
  • Ultrasonic frequency 10 MHz
  • phonophoresis

LDM- locally dynamic micromassage of fabric structures of the shkiri, which is the head rank on cells and fibers from the resulting fabric. Diya of ultrasonic hwil s high frequency, I am able to use the LDM technology, I have a problem with the development of the laboratory, and I am active in the approval of collagen and elastin. The procedure to look at LDM is successful and the procedure is automated, phonophoresis! IONTO SONO The effect can be stashed right away from a rock, a type of shkiri and vik.

Yak pratsyu Local Dynamical Mikromassage?
This is a new and unique technology based on single ultrasonic waves with low (up to 10 MHz) and low (up to 1000 times per second) frequencies, which generate high-quality pulses in the zones of a different vice. The result is an intensive local massage. It is a principally new type of massage, an innovative type of massage techniques.

Perevagi zasosuvannya frequency 10 MG c
In cosmetology, ultrasound chills are used at frequencies of 1 MHz and 3 MHz, which penetrate 3 cm and 1 cm into the room as a matter of fact, and they themselves pour not on the ball, but on a larger ball. IONTO SONO Efect - the first cosmetology apparatus, which can be viprominuvati chvili with a frequency of 10 MHz, with a depth of penetration close to 3 mm;

LDM In the center of cosmetology "Kontur", there are three bases of modern Anti-Age concepts for rejuvenating the skin, which pour into the zone immediately thermal, biological and mechanical action:

Collagen fibers are hardened;

To stimulate viroblasting of endogenous collagen;

Change in ruinous collagen.

Pikluyuchis, in pershu cherga about safe the patient, the IONTO-COMED company has broken up and programmed in the whole rejuvenating system the protocols for rejuvenating the face and body, treating the sickness with sickness and couperose, reducing the fat loss and reducing the importance of

Prevention and elimination of old shkiri є in exchange rate

All protocols of such programs are stored by nimetsky vchenyi. The course of warehouse proceduresє 8-12 sessions. Ought to lie in the first place due to the turn of the shkiri. The first 6 sessions are recommended to be carried out 2 times per day. The beginning of the treatment session is necessary at intervals of 1 time per day.

Prolongation of ultrasound therapy with LDM:

  • lykuvannya acne
  • rejuvenation shkiri
  • Before the post-procedural examination in plastic surgery
  • Fight against scars and braces
  • Fight against cellulite
  • phonophoresis

The technology is given for additional help to get rid of the racket for the sound of the judges and the weeping of the judges. Local dynamic micro-massage of additional assistance to the polypsy of communication processes in the upper balls of the epidermis, which is caused by the sound of the enlarged pores.


Problematic is the shkіra of parts of the beast to the cosmetologist. If you come to the reception, you are encouraged to immediately start the procedure and turn around. However, in most cases, they were introduced to such patients, so that in the stage of active fire, practically nothing is possible! Nareshty is a unique LDM technique! Wonderful results achieved in acne treatment! You can vikoristovuvati at any stage of acne (navit at the appearance of burning elements)! Shvidko know zapalennya (so like a tooth for bacteria), know gapped in tissues, fibrosis, glimpse with violet beaches, post-acne cicatrices, change in saline.


Drobní zmorshki, dark color of exposure, destruction of the line of the oval, weakness of the shkíri, the loss of elasticity are signs of the old shkíri. We want Bachiti to be healthy, I’ll catch a glimpse of my youthful shkіr! Regardless of the season of rock, without rehabilitation, without pain, with an excellent result - all the LDM rejuvenation technique.

Mechanism of rejuvenation in LDM is a whole series of points of application. First of all, the robot is driven by the so-called matrix metaloproteinases (MPP) - the enzyme that is responsible for our collagen. In a different way, it is possible to adapt to the virobling of the whites, which stimulate the rejuvenation, in the third way to stimulate the virgin stovburni klitini. This can be done directly by writing LDM to carry out either mesotherapy, or radiochilles lifting, or the introduction of the gel. This is how the basis for a good synthesis of collagen has been prepared. As a result, the structure of the skin shrinks, the color of the skin changes, the depth of the skin changes, the skin shrinks and grows. The LDM program can see the results immediately, as it will be done in 3 years!


Do you have an important visit, and individuals have come to visit 1-2 times, whether they are looking for a new cream, or are they peeling and growing? LDM - express in special program allow quick for 1-2 procedures to take out of the individual "dibnі problemki"! The unique LDM technique is a taut antiapalny, wound-zagging and renewal of the keratin component.


The unique technology of micro-massage allows the practice literally from the skin clinker. tse spria quick update and start the school for plastic surgery. The bends of the lymphatic drainage effect are known for the embankment, the pastiness of the plastic. The rumen is old and delicate and unremarkable. Shvidko to play with sints. It is wonderful to have a meal with being like this method, how to recommend plastic surgeons!

Brutal respect! When preparing a child before the operation, take 1-2 LDM procedures in the "Program of rejuvenation" mode, especially on the day of the operation, greatly reducing the bleeding of the blisters! It has been reported that the syncy can be either minimal, or it may not be (for example, with blepharoplasty). For more reabilitation to pass more comfortably!

LDM - acne scar

The LDM technology allows the fibers to be used for collagen and elastin in the required amount, stimulating the vibrations in the tissue of the scar tissue, and reducing the blood circulation. For a rakhunok tsiogo the glybin of the scar will change, we will wipe it out. Yes, good results in case of robotic form of post-acne scars in case of a complex approach.


A procedure is given for the renewal of vodka, blood circulation of other vasculature in tension, stimulation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, over-growth. When the course is taken, the surface of the rosette is matched. Especially the results of a single procedure of the Palomar and LDM fractional laser are very different!


Show celulite often turbuyuyu us - humpiness, absorption, the effect of "orange peel". From the scientific point of view - the process of fibrosis of fabrics (growth of a full, tsupkoy fabric), which will create a healthy state of affairs for a child, and to produce even more swelling and more problems. The LDM technique allows efficiently ruining hard fibrosis, over-feeding the collagen fibers, and reducing the amount of fat cells. By following the course of procedures, your skin will become more smooth, springy, show the cellulite to change.


* A number of procedures and a single program are stored individually

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