Why don't you put a USB flash drive in virtual boxing? Connecting a flash drive to Virtualbox

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For a cob, you need to reconfigure the VirtualBOX settings, and the version of the extension. Part of the process is important.

For solving problems and groupies, use the commands sudo addgroup vboxusers і sudo adduser USERNAME vboxusers, de USERNAME is your im'ya koristuvach. Develop offenses on the host. rewrite pristіy, schob tse nabulo rank.

To brutalize respect, scho vboxsf, which you have indicated in their groups, in fact, by the type of file system, you can use the mount command.

Wrap up the correct expansion pack Storinka If you have an available power supply, open it for the Virtualbox add-on.

Ostannim krokom є USB driver setup on your virtual machine, displaying the adjustment of the virtual machine in the virtual box with the connected virtual machine, USB vibration and USB 2.0 enabled, as well as adding and activating filters in the world of need. Marvel at the bottom:

Note... The recent last USB 3.0 controller (XHCI) was not supported, but the functionality of the boolean was added in Virtual Box 5.0

Dodatkova information is available in the official documentation. Since it’s not a sort of її for you, write me, and I will expand її.

To finish koristuvach up to the group, see the next step:

sudo usermod -aG vboxusers "Username"

You will be notified about the pardon:

usermod: group "vboxusers" does not exist

My group of advances:

karl adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare vboxsf

I am vikoristy VirtualBox 5.0.14, Ubuntu 17.04, guests updated 5.0.14 and extended 5.0.14. I keep my USB device in my operating system fine. Tobto all pratsyuє.

To ensure that VirtualBox does not load USB in Ubuntu, you will need to reconfigure the following settings:

  • established expansion
  • Vboxuser group

Saving qikh nalashtuvan

Let's go again

You will need to change a bit if you have a Virtualbox expansion package that will allow usb 2.0 to be victorious. usb 3.0 is not used yet.

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers

Log in to the system, the changes have taken effect.

Increase USB 2.0 controller (EHCI) in settings for you VM


If the VirtualBox program does not load USB in Ubuntu, then there are also a number of reasons why they have been fucked in the list. The stench is indicative of the wicked and quick messages of the grave ceremony.

Yaksho vi knew the mercy, be weasel, see a fragment of the text and natisnit Ctrl + Enter.

VirtualBox, at the start, pick up its own usb port from the required add-ons.

For example, I vikoristovuєmo usb-printer (or I want to vikoristovuvati a USB flash drive), which is practical only for Windows XP. We take the port from the printer to the main PC (naturally, the printer is connected to a real PC).

I'll hand over everything.

Vibrate in our virtual machine (control panel at the bottom), which ports itself would like to be connected (all external USB attachments will be shown).

When the usb attachment is loaded, it is likely that Misha will show the necessary attachments and details.

We need the serial number 281208003422.

Launch the USB setup.

Bachimo filters USB attachments and new ones.

Vkazuumo in the filter is the serial number of the port, which we knew at the first manual connection. In this vypadku 281208003422. I as-is not called a filter.

That's all. Now, when the VirtualBox virtual machine is launched, it will automatically capture the usb attachments.

VirtualBox (Oracle VM VirtualBox) - the virtualization system is designed for the shutdown of a virtual machine with the parameters of a real computer, on which you can run an operating system. Remaining version 5.2. Company website www.virt ...

VirtualBox is a very popular program for simulating a personal computer and launching other operating systems. You can connect to your virtual machine and other attachments, including USB attachments, and connect to the main system.

Alle, a lot of koristuvachіv sticks with the problem that VirtualBox does not back up USB. The attachments to the system are exactly correct, and in the menu, the connections are simply dumb. At the same statistics, I will not be able to work with virtualbox linux, but I will not add usb to it. The article is rooted in the first place on Ubuntu, but also on the same distributions.

Virtualbox junk do not bump USB

Most of the time, such a pity is in the hands of the koristuvach, since you launched VirtualBox, you cannot access the necessary files. It’s even simpler to do it, you can add your koristuvach to the vboxusers group. For the whole, use the command:

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $ USER

If you have enough time to get into the system again, everything has stopped. You can reconfigure the USB attachment for the additional command:

VBoxManage list usbhost

Don't wait for a little extra help. You will also need to wonder if the USB controller is allowed for the virtual machine. For a complete display of the context menu for it and select the item "Nalashtuvannya" Then go to the tab "USB":

It is the fault of the buty, a tick is put on the way "Enable USB controller", And also one of the available interfaces. To support USB 2.0 or USB 3.0, you need to install the Virtualbox Extensions Pack. There are a number of proprietary extensions, which include prior to that the advancement of the technology. Shvidshe for everything, you can also connect usb virtualbox.

To do this, download the file for your version of Virtualbox on the official site. Please see the menu "File" -> "Nalashtuvannya" -> "Dodatki" and add the download file here:

In Ubuntu 16.04, the price can be simpler, to complete the viconati command:

sudo apt install virtualbox-ext-pack

Done, now you can enable USB 3.0 support.

Some distributions, for example, the Red Hat family, do not have usb in virtualbox, which means that the USB connection is connected from the world without any support. This is the kind of problem you get to see. For the whole, you will need to check the list of all SUBSYSTEM rows in /etc/udev/rules.d/60-virtualbox.conf. The price can be broken with the command:

sudo printf "% s \ n" "g / ^ # SUBSYSTEM / s / ^ # //" w | ed -s /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules

Then copy the whole file to the / usr / lib / udev directory:

sudo cp -v /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules / usr / lib / udev /

І rewrite a set of rules:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
$ Sudo systemctl restart vboxdrv.service

Now you can change the way you do not need to add Virtualbox usb anyway, or everything is fine.


At the same statistics, we looked at how robots VirtualBox does not download USB Ubuntu or other Linux distributions. For most people, the problem is even easier to see. I am grateful for the information given to you by the cinnamon.

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  1. Yak in VirtualBox plug in a USB flash drive? Privit everyone! Having installed a new operating system on the virtual machine, I want to, VirtualBox backed up my USB flash drive and USB hard drive, what kind of price can I get?
  2. Attach the site, help you solve the problem, the operating system is installed on the VirtualBox virtual machine, do not load the USB flash drive with files connected to the computer, also my portable USB Winchester is not visible. In the settings of the virtual machine, I will arrange the vibra-> USB attachments, I select my USB flash drive with a tick, but the flash drive does not show up at the Computer and Disk Control window.

Yak in VirtualBox plug in a USB flash drive

Grant friends. Situation, if you need to connect a USB flash drive with your files, or a USB hard drive to the operating system installed on the virtual machine, you can get a lot of information. For example, you want to install the program in the virtual machine, and the installer of the program is on your flash drive, or navpaki, if you need to transfer the files from the virtual machine to the main operating system, but open the folder, but you already don't see it. You may want to connect the printer to the virtual machine! I sing you, it’s easy to play everything.

Note: On our site there is a statty about VirtualBox and you can smell the smell

At the same statistics, VirtualBox has been adjusted so that in it it will be possible to work with our original USB drive and flash drive.

In the first place, I connect a USB flash drive to the computer and launch VirtualBox, then in the head window of the virtual machine I will see a car for you (if you have a sticker) and embossed on a button nalashtuvati.

single meaning point Turn on USB controller

Enable USB 2.0 Controller (EHCI)

At vіknі Filter USB attachments, A new USB filter, embossed on + and vibrate our flash drive (in my case, Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 is uniquely meaningful.

axis and all, two new USB filters in the view of our flash drive and new hard drive to the virtual machine, embossed OK

I installed the operating system on VirtualBox, for example, Windows 10, then in the main window attachments->USB attachments I select my Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 flash drive and bypass it, just as I check my Western Digital My Passport USB portable hard drive.

Klatsnit for the improvement of the image by Livoia Misheya

Now an offense to an add-on: a USB flash drive and a portable Winchester are available in the Computer operating system Windows 10 and in Disk Management.

If you need a flash drive, it appeared in the main operating system, so in the head window Attachments -> Attachments USB, select your USB flash drive Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 and check the box

Klatsnit for the improvement of the image by Livoia Misheya

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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