Sound about the conference at the school. Sound about the conference

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MATHEDU: dialogue of mathematicians and teachers

Providing a constructive dialogue for discussing topical problems, reaching the results of the advancement in mathematics education in the middle and secondary schools on the VI International scientific and practical conference"Mathematical education in schools and universities: theory and practice" ( MATHEDU - 2016), scho passed 25-26 falling leaves 2016 roku at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of N.I. Lobachevsky Kazan Federal University. The organizers of the conference were the International Science and Education Mathematical Center, the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of M.I. Lobachevsky Kazan Federal University.

The geography of the participants is great - from Vladivostok to Simferopol. The robots of the conference took part in a series of 100 victories and naukivtsi from the main pawns, schools, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Mist of Russia - Moscow, Kazan, Kirova, Omsk, Orenburg, Altsya, Vladivostok, Saratov, Vladivostok, Vladivostok -Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Arzamas, Vologda, and navit places and districts of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Technology of Mathematics and Informatics Naileya Vakifivna Timerbaevna. Vona grafted the participants from the openings, meant straight to the robot.

In a word, before the conference participants, contact the director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Name of M.I. Lobachevsky, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Maxim Georgiyovich Khramchenkov. Vin voiced on the significance of mathematical education, encouraged fruitful robots to the participants of the conference, and supported the organizers.

Head of the Department of Theory and Technology of Mathematics and Computer Science, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Liliana Rafikivna Shakirova acted as a moderator at the plenary session. Vona voiced that the conference held before the Day of Mathematics was especially significant.

Plenary meeting with the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Vologda State University, Volodymyr Opanasovich Testov. In his preconception "Methodological ambush of the methods of developing mathematics in the post-nonclassical period of the development of science," it means that the specialty of post-nonclassical science is a transition from the clear, the singing to understand before the less clear. In mathematics, new parts appeared, which became the basis of the theory of soft models. The technique of developing mathematics has long been operable with singing, "expandable" understandings. The methodology of new mathematics is used to mean the change of the scientific picture of the world, and the transition of the suspension to a new era. Volodymyr Opanasovich gave a lecture on the topic of the conference participants.

Let's start the plenary session by becoming Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the APSN RF Komili Abdulkhay Sharifzoda (KTGU im. Nosira Khusrav, Kurgan-Tyube, Tajikistan). In my own preconception "Prior to feeding the problems of the history of physics and mathematics cycle and its development in the context of the Muslim middle", the results of the preliminaries of the history of physics and mathematics in the middle Muslim Similarity. On yogo dumka, the development of science є warehouse the process of intellectual development of the human mind and the formation of human civilization. Having seen the periodization of science, from the found hours donin, having seen the peculiarities of the skin period, reporting the period of the Muslim middle. Abdulkhay Sharifzoda voiced great respect in his past and gave the nutritionists the same technique.

Great interest in wiklikav in the form of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Liliani Rafikivni Shakirovoi. In the additional "History of mathematical education at schools and universities", the opportunity to include historical and mathematical knowledge before the initial process at schools and universities, I looked at the knowledge of the educational performance of the young generation, due to its moral role in The history of mathematics gives the students the ability to quit, like the development of the suspension, the development of mathematics and the depletion of the development of the suspension, I will organize the development of the development of mathematics. With a competent presentation by the reader of the historical material, it’s not necessary because it’s unnecessary, but if you do not have the intellectual smolder of the present, you will act on the basis of knowledge, because it is the reason for the intelligence of the mechanism of development of all the civilizations. Tsey process, as Liliana Rafikivna meant, named History of mathematics education, in order to understand the penetration of the principle of history, how to transfer the victorious systems and historical-methodological and historical-mathematical knowledge, to bring the development of science and to create the capacity for learning.

In the background, she voiced how the preparation of the Maybut mathematics teacher before the introduction of the historical and mathematical knowledge of the new schoolchildren was especially respectful. Liliana Rafikivna gave a report about the robot with students of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics IM. N.I. Lobachevsky KFU. For the preparation of maybuttnyh readers of mathematics before organizing the preliminaries sound robots from schoolchildren, aware of their biography and contribution to the science of the great geometer N.I. Lobachevskoy and yogo postdovnikiv, pinned by him the button of the public whistle, the competition for the best student robot "Lobachivske and XXI century" will be organized very quickly. Students develop drafts of scenarios for lessons, entry visits from historical excursions, educational conferences from the history of mathematics school and Kazan University; they are getting ready to pretend robots about the role of that infusion of N.I.'s scientific creativity. Lobachevsky on the development of the Kazan Mathematical School, about readers, scholars and epistles of the great geometer and in. The results will help students to organize and carry out project and pre-slidnitsky robots For schoolchildren, there is an hour of teaching practice and at the same time professional skills.

The IMM organizes the All-Russian Youth School-Conference "Lobachovski Chitannya", one of the sections of which is assigned to the history of mathematics. 1 breast, on the day of the people of N.I. Lobachevsky at the University is the Day of Mathematics. All-Russian Mathematical Olympiad of Students, to take place at a student conference, due to the results of the educational and pre-modern robotics, to win the competition for the best student robot "Lobachivske and XXI Century" The collection of materials of student conferences, booklets “N.I. Lobachevsky and Kazanska Mathematical School "or" N.І. Lobachevsky and Kazan University ", which are the active participants of the conference. On the thought of Liliani Rafikivni, zavdannya vicladach - help to convey the value of knowledge to schoolchildren and students.

The participants of the conference from the Russian small towns - Moscow, Vologda, Kirov and others came to the end of the trip to Liliana Rafikivna about the resource, as you might know the necessary information about the history of mathematics. Lobachevsky and yogo messengers.

The plenary session was completed by the methodologist, teacher of mathematics Safonova Tetyana Anatoliyivna (DBOU Lycei No. 1158, Moscow). In her supplementary story "About practical steps in the implementation of the concept of development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation" the proficiency of the profesional majesty of the readers of mathematics. For an hour I’ll look at food in a speech. Tetyana Anatoliyivna gave a lecture on the problems of advancing the quality of robots and readers of mathematics. modern technologies illumination process. Within the framework of the revision of the problem, I saw it directly, like a practical pedagogical team. At the top, Anatoly Tetyana respected that the Department of Theory and Technologies of Mathematics and Informatics was informed by the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of M.I. Lobachevsky from the organization of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mathematical education at schools and universities: theory and practice" (MATHEDU). So, at the conferences "Mathematics as a form of interaction and integration of scientific, natural and technical sciences," schools and universities: theory and practice ”(MATHEDU). Vona voiced that the organizers of the MATHEDU conference have won the opportunity to promote and develop social projects in the city of Kazan and in the city of Moscow.

On the other day of the conference, a robot was introduced with sections: "Modern methods and technologies of teaching mathematics and informatics at schools", "Modern methods and technologies of teaching mathematics and informatics at universities", "Bagatory education in mathematics and Information technologies at the wickladan mathematics "," Mathematical model that basic systems "," History and methodology of mathematics and mathematical education "," Realization of the Federal State Educational Standard in Mathematical Education ". The moderators of the sections Buli, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.A. Testiv, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor L.R. Shakirova, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sci., Academician A.Sh.

At the conference, a resolution was adopted with recommendations for the unification of all creative forces for the implementation of the Concept for the development of Russian mathematical education in Russia.

The participants of the conference voiced at the significance of the held science forum, about the establishment of dialogue between mathematicians - science and practitioners, about the scientific potential for the discussion of topical problems of mathematical education, and supported the Organizing Committee of the conference.

Zakryvayuchi conference, the defender of the director of the social and economic robotics Institute of mathematics and mechanics imeni M.I. Lobachevsky, Petro Gennadiyovich Velikanov, meaning that young teachers and graduates, who will take part in the conference, may have the opportunity to see the other educators and educators, as well as to the professional educational professional.

The participants took out certificates and collection of materials of the conference.

Usually, within the framework of the robotics conference, a cultural program will be organized: introduction of theaters, museums of KFU (history of KFU, ethnography, geology). It has become a tradition to introduce the excursion into memorials, knitted from the history of the Kazan University, the Kazan Kremlin, yaku on high rivn to conduct the patron of the director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics imene M.I. Lobachevsky, P.G. Velikanov.

The organizing committee of the conference will be happy to help all the participants and ask for more information!

RADI FEDERATSIS HAS A MINUTE1st International Conference


At Moskva, she completed the 1st robot International conference"Regional Aviation of Russia and SND-2011", which took place on 8-9 Spring 2011 in the Radio Federation. The first day of the conference with the initiative of the Protector of the Head for the Federation of Vyacheslav Shtirov of the Assignment of the VII Baikal International Economic Forum, the Commission for the Federation of Natural Monopolies, the Commission of the Center for the Federation of Industrial Policy civil aviation held a round style on the theme "Development of civil aviation in Siberia and the Distant Descend". On the 9th, practical seminars were launched for the development of aviation in the regions.

Conference of the meeting for the official education and participation of the upper and lower chambers of the Federal Zborivs Russian Federation, federal and regional authorities. The organizer and operator of the conference was the Center for Strategic Outlets at the Civil Aviation (CSR GA).

The conference went to hell with a disaster through the Yaroslavl catastrophe, where coaches, hockey hockey players, and representatives of the Lokomotiv hockey club, representatives of 7 powers, entered the place. The participants of the conference caught their spirits to those who were close to them and died in an accident.

In the course of the conference, a number of dozen topics were discussed for strategic nutrition in the development of galusies, in the middle: innovative federal and interregional projects for the development of regional and muscular air transport; Legislatively securing the development of air transport in the regions; design a form of common regional airlines; development of regional and international airlines; Aviation technology for regional and muscular transportation; the prospects for the establishment of the occasional shipwreck for the regional and international aviation in Russia; development of the regional aviation technology of foreign production in Russia; development of land-based infrastructure for traffic transport in the regions; access to the management of airports near federal government enterprises; strategic planning for the development of aviation at the regional level; improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the regional air transport market. The core companies of aviation technology companies from Russia and abroad presented their new designs of letters and helicopters for regional and multinational aviation transport, aviation robots.

At the last "round table" on the topic "Development of civil aviation in Siberia and Far Going", the current nutrition of the normative and legal regulation of the development of regional aviation was revealed. Problems of the participation of the state in the development of air transport were discussed, I will become air technology for regional and international transport, ground infrastructure for consumer transport. Members for the sake of the Federation, representatives of federal and regional authorities of the viconau and legislative authorities, officials of enterprises and organizations of aviation business took part in the visit.

At the opening of the conference, Valentin Mezhevich, the first defender of the head of the Committee for the sake of the Federation of Natural Monopolies, means that for the regions of Siberia and the Far East Aviation is the main type of transport. “We need to talk about it, come in, so that the power will get used to the development of civil aviation, as well as the safety of air transportation, increasing the fleet of shipwreckers and other problems,” explained Valentin Mezhevich. In his words, more important food- camp and development of Russian airports and aerodromes. “For all that, without implanting special visits to regional airports, you can't see the current situation,” the senator said in a bald voice.

Sergiy Gavrilov, the defender of the head of the State Committee of the State Duma for Transport, who came to the call, made an appearance, and the situation in the system of regional avia “It is not enough to be afraid of reducing administrative barriers for the development of air transport,” meaning Sergiy Gavrilov. - All the same requirements of the system solution. It is important to be able to proponate the legislature in the whole sphere. And here the role of the Radio Federation, as a chamber of regions, in the systematization of all propositions is especially important. "

general director The Center for Strategic Outlets in Civil Aviation Anton Korin has one of the key problems in the system of regional aviation in the presence of a single state program directly. Takozh Anton Korіn nagolosiv on neprivablivostі bіlshostі regіonalnih avіalіnіy for bіznesu that іnvestorіv when i tsomu nedostatnіy rіven subsiduvannya regіonalnih that mіstsevih avіaperevezen of byudzhetіv sub'єktіv Rosіyskoї Federatsії, neobhіdnіst vidіlennya koshtіv of the federal budget for Rosіyskoї Federatsії fіnansuvannya that spіvfіnansuvannya subsidіy for danimi napryamkami. Bulo discussed the development of models for the implementation of these solutions. In the case of Anton Koren, the systematic mechanics of updating air transport on the international level have been proponated.

The robot conference also took part in the establishment of the federal and regional ministries and departments, spokesmen for the apparatus of the most important representatives of the President in the Federal Districts, the leaders of the most advanced aviation in Russia, the main regional aviation institutions The participants of the conference discussed the problems of regional aviation with the butt of the Russian regions and specific airlines. Prospects for the development of interregional low-budget air transport were discussed, the market for regional transportations was discussed, as well as the supply of ground infrastructure for supervised transport.

They have voiced on the need to improve systemic problems of regional aviation Another day of the conference took a look at the European and international practices of organizing regional air transport, the European Association of Regional Air Transport presented an additional account of the food supply. The provincial Russian and European experts of the Center for Strategic Research of the DA presented a systematic solution to the planning and development of aviation at the interregional and regional events. Practical seminars were held, in addition to that, plans were made for the development of power and transport systems in the regions, investments were made in infrastructure aviation projects, and the improvement of the efficiency of emergency modern tools management.

During the conference, the participants voiced specific propositions about the change of legislation and regulations. Following the conference, recommendations of participants in the entry into the part of the Federal State of the Russian Federation and the implementation of the Federal Law on the basis of the law and the mechanism of the development of galusies will be directed to the Uryad of the Russian Federation, to establish the federal ministries of the Russian Federation and the implementation of robotics.

The robotic conference was attended by 150 representatives of federal and regional authorities of the state, aviation companies and airports, virobniks of aviation technology and financial institutions, and the largest galley organizations. mass information.

The protector of the Head for the sake of the Federation, V'yacheslav Shtirov, meaning that "The first in Russia and the SND is a professional galuzeviy zashid," he called the main Maydan for negotiating the key food for the development of the regional and international government of the country.

“The new format of galuzev forums and conferences, which is held by the Center for Strategic Outlets near civil aviation, is not out of the question for exchanging information about the participants with the help of tools to select solutions that are necessary for all participants in the galuzy ", - meaning Anton Korin, the copyright holder of the CA CA.

The general partner of the conference is the Trade House Airflot Technologies, partners and sponsors of the conference are the spilne Russian-Ukrainian enterprise OAK-Antonov, TANTK im. G.M. Berina, Cessna Aircraft Company, Aviation Yakutia, Aeroport Yakutsk, Sibirska Leasing Company. The main informational partners were the Russian Aviation and Cosmonautics Information Agency, the AviaPort Galuzev agency, the Airports International international magazine,

Association of UNESCO schools
"Realization of project activity
Association of UNESCO schools in the Pivden-Caucasus region behind the priority efforts of UNESCO.
Dosyagnennya, problems, perspectives "

1 leaf fall in 2013 on the basis of the Mizhshkilny, aesthetic center of the city of Krasnodar, the regional scientific-practical conference “Realization of the project activity of the Association of Social Schools of UNESCO in the Region of the Winter-Caucasus for the priorities of UNESCO. Achievement, Problems, Prospects ”, assigned to the 60th project“ Association of Schools of UNESCO ”. The initiator and organizer of the entry became the coordinating center for the ASHU project in the region Pivden - Caucasus Mizhshkilny aesthetic center.

The meta of the Conference is the concentration, systematization and development of scientific, educational and cultural ideas, and the introduction and technology of the implementation of projects in the educational schools of UNESCO.

The robot conference was attended by 25 representatives of the Association of Societies from the Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The conference was held in 3 thematic sections, which show the priority directions of the activities of the UNESCO Associated Schools near the Pivden-Caucasus region. At the first section of the session, "The hardened culture of light, the protection of violence, the evocation of tolerance", with additional reasons and presentations, were presented:

1.Papirina Maria Volodymyrivna

“Mіzhshkіlny aesthetics center - UNESCO School of Association. Reaching out to that perspective "

2.Logachova Taisiya Volodymyrivna

"Vivchennya inozemnoi movi yak form of education before the holy cultural decline"

MAOU DOD CDOD METS Metro Krasnodar

3.Rekina Svitlana Volodymyrivna

"Awareness of the prospects for the implementation of creative projects of the multicultural and ecological directing of the ASHU's activity"

MAOU DOD CDOD METS Metro Krasnodar

4.Khukazova Lidiya Fedorivna and Rum'yantseva Alla Sergiyivna

"To inform robots from multicultural education"

MBOU ZOSH number 12 m. Pyatigorsk

5.Prokhorenko Tetiana Grigorivna

"Project days Ridnoi movi at CHOU ZOSH" Osobistist "

6.Uvarova Tetyana Anatoliyivna

"ЗМІ yak for the formation of polycultural space"

MBOU ZOSH number 12 m. Pyatigorsk

7.Kanametova Indira Khasanivna

MBOU "ZOSH №2" s. Kuba village Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria

8.Ships Olena Ivanivna and Kiktєva Olena Ivanivna

"Tolerance and dialogue of cultures in ASHU projects"

NOU "Interlingva" m. Voronezh

In the course of the robotics section, the nutrition was discussed for the expansion of the intercultural intercourse and the multicultural spirit, as well as for the improvement of social stability - as one aspect of the development of the world - the welcoming of the world to the world. For those who are already numb, one of the main goals of education can be the development of people who are well-groomed and effective living in the rich-national and multicultural space, and who are popular among the people who are dear to the people viruvan. Participants of the regional conference mali can discuss projects and come in, direct to the formulation of a tolerant specialty and amending the world, realizable by the Mizhshkil aesthetic center of the city of Krasnodar, in the middle of the backward glorious schoolchildren English movi No. 12 of the town of P'yatigorska, the private educational institution of the educational institution “Osobist_st” of the town of Novorosisk, the middle educational school # 2 of the village. Cuba Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Representatives of the "Interlingua" m. Voronezh took part in the robot regional conference. General Director of the non-governmental educational institution "Interlingva" Kiktava Olena Ivanivna and the director with robots with regional children Olena Ivanovna Korablina presented an additional presentation on the topic "Tolerance of the dialogue of cultures and the projects of ASYU" Association of schools in the region "Center".

The theme of the other section "Protection of the navkolishnogo middle-class, її vivchennya, peeking at the objects of nature" was roskrito at the pre-events of the presentations of the upcoming participants in the conference:

1.Nikitin Grigoriy Mikhailovich

"Planning and implementation of projects of ecological directing at the ChOU ZOSH" Alternative "m. Krasnodar

2.Bozadzhiv Vadim Yuriyovich

"Dosvid Gimnazii №117 of the Rostov-on-Don city in the hall of ecological and environmental education and education of scientists, on the butt of the child-young ecological community" Eco-friends ""

MBOU Gimnaziya № 117 m. Rostov-on-Don

3.Inna Oleksiyivna Kuganova

"Rik protect the midst of life in" Orlyatka "

FDBOU VDC "Orlyatko" p. Novomikhalyvsky

4.Biradyan Karin Sahakivna

"Planning and implementation of projects for ecological and legal regulation"

MBOU ZOSH № 31 m. Novorosysk

5.Gorobets Oleksandr Ivanovich

"Ecological vikhovannya within the framework of the Academy of School Lists"

Department of lisivnitstva, lisovy taxation and lisostroy Voronez lisotechnic academy m. Voronezh

Within the framework of the robotic network of thematic sections, the participants of the conference Mali have the opportunity to learn about additional information, presentations, video materials, how to open up the activity of the UNESCO Associated Schools in the Middle East: Great Caucasus in the Middle East Tsіkaviy dosvіd robots of the Child-youth ecological community "Eco-friends" and the school ecology club "Bustard" were presented by the participants of the conference from the city of Rostov-on-Don. Oleksandr Ivanovych Gorobets (Associate Professor, Department lіsіvnitstva, lіsovoї taksatsії that lіsoustroyu Voronezkoї lіsotehnіchnoї Academy m. Voronіzh) acted as of dopovіddyu about robots Academy shkіlnih lіsnitstv that propozitsієyu spіvrobіtnitstva mіzh Asotsіyovanimi UNESCO schools in regіonі Pivden Caucasus that Voronezkoyu Reigning lіsotehnіchnoyu akademієyu. All the participants of the conference will be sure that they should come to the ecological directing, organized and implemented by the UNESCO schools, may be on the point of the schoolchildren to take on a part of the opinion for our social events -

The third robotics section of the conference has been concluded, and this has been done to inform the project robotics of the UNESCO Associated Schools, and the theme is assigned to the theme: "Development and implementation of projects, entering that share within the framework of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project." The main additional measures of the chain of sections are:

1.Lebedinska Tetyana Mikhailivna
"Possibilities of storing online tools for organizing online sports and social activities of ASHU and UNESCO Chairs" MBOU ZOSH № 12 m. Pyatigorsk

2.Shvelidze Olena Ivanivna and Kramar Olena Mikolaivna
"Nykrashі practices of storing ICT in the process of development and implementation of projects, visits, shares in the framework of the ASHU project"
MBOU ZOSH number 12 m. Pyatigorsk

3.Rudik Olena Leonidivna
"Participation in the International Project" School, Decent Literacy "
CHOU ZOSH "Osobistist" m. Novorosisk

4.Filippova Galina Grigorivna
"Influencing the current priorities of lighting on the brownness of steel to the development and practical development of the project activity of ASHU"
MBOU Gimnaziya "Evrika" m. Anapa

At the presentations of additional advances in the bulo, there is presented the information about the implementation of project robots in the list of current information and communication technologies and online tools. The fate of the CHOU ZOSH "Osobistist" of the city of Novorossiysk at the International project "School, de prominence literacy", systematic work of pedagogues in schools and the results of the process of efficiency brought the participants of the conference. Olena Leonidivna Rudyk, the patron of the director of the Osobistist educational institution with the NMP, has launched a proposal for the distribution of spilnyh visits to increase literacy in the Pivden-Kavkaz region.

The work of the conference for children from the school in the implementation of the project "Associated Schools of UNESCO", in the emergence and development of positive initiatives, in the discussion of problems and prospects of robotics in the development of UNESCO, has ended. Coordinator of the project "Association of Schools of UNESCO" in the region of Pivden-Caucasus, director of the International School of Education of UNESCO Association of Schools of UNESCO ”in the Russian Federation, as it was seen at the end of 2013 in the city of Izhevsk. In her final words, Margarita Arainivna voiced on the need for activization of the development of the region for the development of steel, the designation of effective mechanisms and development of partnership with the UNESCO Chairs.

Participants of the conference “Realization of the project activity of the Association of UNESCO schools near the Pivden-Caucasus region behind the priority paths of UNESCO. Achievements, problems, perspectives ”, the possibility is not out of appearing with additional reasons, but exchanging thoughts, supplying power, and appearing with comments and thoughts. Vsіmi uchasnikami Bulo vіdznacheno vazhlivіst that neobhіdnіst podіbnih zustrіchey and robot sama at formatі konferentsії has allowed dosyagti osnovnoї methylation, postavlenoї organіzatorami konferentsії and the Same - kontsentratsіya, sistematizatsіya that rozpovsyudzhennya Naukova, osvіtnіh that vihovnih іdey, doslіdzhen that tehnologіy of realіzatsії proektіv rіznogo spryamuvannya in Asotsіyovanih UNESCO schools.

UNESCO is not just an organization with its headquarters in distant Paris, but a real presence at the life of our schools through participation in the projects and programs of the UNESCO Associated Schools. The proof of this was the ASHU Regional Conference near the Pivden-Caucasus region, which saw 1 leaf fall.

Teachers of Krasnodar, P'yatigorsk, Voronezh, Novomikhilevsky, Rostov-on-Don were delighted different forms robotics from the main lines of UNESCO. For an hour to start, I guess, all the participants saw themselves as the same thinkers and made the creative minds for the further realization of the main aspects of the coverage of the 21st century: read, read the nobility, read, read, read the life that read the life at once.

The organizers of the conference created a holy atmosphere, especially for the concert of the creative teams and soloists of the MEC. For all the lightness and invisibility of the situation, they beat a colossal team of people, and, madly, they gave such a nice podiatry.

Until the next stage, Prokhorenko T.G., Rudik O.L.

The conference was fun and exciting. Styles of positive emotions Corinthian information... Dyakuyu for organizing such a wonderful call.

Karini Biradyan, MBOU ZOSH № 31, metro Novorosysk

Nasamper, would like to say "Great thanks!" for a unique opportunity to take part in the conference. Tse buv spravdi neo-appraised information: active auditoria, cikavi nutrition, miracles additional and not less miraculous discussions at the interruption. Dopovіdі participants in the bully tsіkavі and nasichenі, the stench sniffed. Dyakuyu to you for the miraculous organization, and for the Viconan robot - and, I think, not a little, - everything went to the right place!

Zagalom bouly sverenі ideally speak for the exchange of information that thoroughly!

The organizing of the conference is simply miraculous, I want to help the organizers for such a work.

Bozadzhiev V.Yu., UNESCO ASPnet Coordinator at MBOU Gimnazia № 117 of Rostov-on-Don.

MATHEDU: dialogue of mathematicians and teachers

The introduction and constructive dialogue for the discussion of urgent problems, the achievement and results of the advancement in the hall of mathematical education at the middle and secondary schools, discussed at the VI International MATHEDU - 2016), scho passed 25-26 falling leaves 2016 roku at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of N.I. Lobachevsky Kazan Federal University. The organizers of the conference were the International Science and Education Mathematical Center, the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of M.I. Lobachevsky Kazan Federal University.

The geography of the participants is great - from Vladivostok to Simferopol. The robots of the conference took part in a series of 100 victories and naukivtsi from the main pawns, schools, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Mist of Russia - Moscow, Kazan, Kirova, Omsk, Orenburg, Altsya, Vladivostok, Saratov, Vladivostok, Vladivostok -Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Arzamas, Vologda, and navit places and districts of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Technology of Mathematics and Informatics Naileya Vakifivna Timerbaevna. Vona grafted the participants from the openings, meant straight to the robot.

In a word, before the conference participants, contact the director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Name of M.I. Lobachevsky, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Maxim Georgiyovich Khramchenkov. Vin voiced on the significance of mathematical education, encouraged fruitful robots to the participants of the conference, and supported the organizers.

Head of the Department of Theory and Technology of Mathematics and Computer Science, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Liliana Rafikivna Shakirova acted as a moderator at the plenary session. Vona voiced that the conference held before the Day of Mathematics was especially significant.

Plenary meeting with the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Vologda State University, Volodymyr Opanasovich Testov. In his preconception "Methodological ambush of the methods of developing mathematics in the post-nonclassical period of the development of science," it means that the specialty of post-nonclassical science is a transition from the clear, the singing to understand before the less clear. In mathematics, new parts appeared, which became the basis of the theory of soft models. The technique of developing mathematics has long been operable with singing, "expandable" understandings. The methodology of new mathematics is used to mean the change of the scientific picture of the world, and the transition of the suspension to a new era. Volodymyr Opanasovich gave a lecture on the topic of the conference participants.

Let's start the plenary session by becoming Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the APSN RF Komili Abdulkhay Sharifzoda (KTGU im. Nosira Khusrav, Kurgan-Tyube, Tajikistan). In my own preconception "Prior to feeding the problems of the history of physics and mathematics cycle and its development in the context of the Muslim middle", the results of the preliminaries of the history of physics and mathematics in the middle Muslim Similarity. On yogo thought, the development of science є the warehouse process of intellectual development of the human mind and the formation of human civilization. Having seen the periodization of science, from the found hours donin, having seen the peculiarities of the skin period, reporting the period of the Muslim middle. Abdulkhay Sharifzoda voiced great respect in his past and gave the nutritionists the same technique.

Great interest in wiklikav in the form of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Liliani Rafikivni Shakirovoi. In the additional "History of mathematical education at schools and universities", the opportunity to include historical and mathematical knowledge before the initial process at schools and universities, I looked at the knowledge of the educational performance of the young generation, due to its moral role in The history of mathematics gives the students the ability to quit, like the development of the suspension, the development of mathematics and the depletion of the development of the suspension, I will organize the development of the development of mathematics. With a competent presentation by the reader of the historical material, it’s not necessary because it’s unnecessary, but if you do not have the intellectual smolder of the present, you will act on the basis of knowledge, because it is the reason for the intelligence of the mechanism of development of all the civilizations. The whole process, as Liliana Rafikivna meant, named History of mathematics education, in order to understand the penetration of the principle of history, how to transfer the victorious systems and historical-methodological and historical-mathematical knowledge, to bring the development of science and to create the capacity for learning.

In the background, she voiced how the preparation of the Maybut mathematics teacher before the introduction of the historical and mathematical knowledge of the new schoolchildren was especially respectful. Liliana Rafikivna gave a report about the robot with students of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics IM. N.I. Lobachevsky KFU. For the preparation of potential mathematics readers before organizing pre-ancient and poetic robots with schoolchildren, recognizing them and their biography and contribution to the science of the great geometer N.I. Lobachevskoy and yogo postdovnikiv, pinned by him the button of the public whistle, the competition for the best student robot "Lobachivske and XXI century" will be organized very quickly. Students develop drafts of scenarios for lessons, entry visits from historical excursions, educational conferences from the history of mathematics school and Kazan University; they are getting ready to pretend robots about the role of that infusion of N.I.'s scientific creativity. Lobachevsky on the development of the Kazan Mathematical School, about readers, scholars and epistles of the great geometer and in. The results will additionally help students in organizing and carrying out design and preparatory robots with schoolchildren for an hour of pedagogical practice and at the prospect of professional activity.

The IMM organizes the All-Russian Youth School-Conference "Lobachovski Chitannya", one of the sections of which is assigned to the history of mathematics. 1 breast, on the day of the people of N.I. Lobachevsky at the University is the Day of Mathematics. All-Russian Mathematical Olympiad of Students, to take place at a student conference, due to the results of the educational and pre-modern robotics, to win the competition for the best student robot "Lobachivske and XXI Century" The collection of materials of student conferences, booklets “N.I. Lobachevsky and Kazanska Mathematical School "or" N.І. Lobachevsky and Kazan University ", which are the active participants of the conference. On the thought of Liliani Rafikivni, zavdannya vicladach - help to convey the value of knowledge to schoolchildren and students.

The participants of the conference from the Russian small towns - Moscow, Vologda, Kirov and others came to the end of the trip to Liliana Rafikivna about the resource, as you might know the necessary information about the history of mathematics. Lobachevsky and yogo messengers.

The plenary session was completed by the methodologist, teacher of mathematics Safonova Tetyana Anatoliyivna (DBOU Lycei No. 1158, Moscow). In her supplementary story "About practical steps in the implementation of the concept of development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation" the proficiency of the profesional majesty of the readers of mathematics. For an hour I’ll look at food in a speech. Tetyana Anatoliyivna gave a lecture on the problems of advancing the quality of robots in mathematics and storing modern technologies of the lighting process. Within the framework of the revision of the problem, I saw it directly, like a practical pedagogical team. At the top, Anatoly Tetyana respected that the Department of Theory and Technologies of Mathematics and Informatics was informed by the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of M.I. Lobachevsky from the organization of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mathematical education at schools and universities: theory and practice" (MATHEDU). So, at the conferences "Mathematics as a form of interaction and integration of scientific, natural and technical sciences," schools and universities: theory and practice ”(MATHEDU). Vona voiced that the organizers of the MATHEDU conference have won the opportunity to promote and develop social projects in the city of Kazan and in the city of Moscow.

On the other day of the conference, a robot was introduced with sections: "Modern methods and technologies of teaching mathematics and informatics at schools", "Modern methods and technologies of teaching mathematics and informatics at universities", "Bagatory education in mathematics and Informatsionnye tekhnologii u vikladanny mathematics "," Mathematical models of basic systems "," History and methodology of mathematics and mathematical education "," Realization of FGZ in mathematical education ". The moderators of the sections Buli, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.A. Testiv, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor L.R. Shakirova, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sci., Academician A.Sh.

At the conference, a resolution was adopted with recommendations for the unification of all creative forces for the implementation of the Concept for the development of Russian mathematical education in Russia.

The participants of the conference voiced at the significance of the held science forum, about the establishment of dialogue between mathematicians - science and practitioners, about the scientific potential for the discussion of topical problems of mathematical education, and supported the Organizing Committee of the conference.

Zakryvayuchi conference, the defender of the director of the social and economic robotics Institute of mathematics and mechanics imeni M.I. Lobachevsky, Petro Gennadiyovich Velikanov, meaning that young teachers and graduates, who will take part in the conference, may have the opportunity to see the other educators and educators, as well as to the professional educational professional.

The participants took out certificates and collection of materials of the conference.

Usually, within the framework of the robotics conference, a cultural program will be organized: introduction of theaters, museums of KFU (history of KFU, ethnography, geology). It has become a tradition to introduce the excursion into memorable memories, linked to the history of the Kazan University, the Kazan Kremlin, as the defender of the director of the Social Mechanics Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Institute of Mathematics. Lobachevsky, P.G. Velikanov.

The organizing committee of the conference will be happy to help all the participants and ask for more information!

The CyberMarketing conference, organized by the Seo Pult company, was held near Moscow on 12 October. Participants in the conference hotel hosted the great conference hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The time of the start will increase the assignments to the SEO feeds, which in the new took the role of the leader of technological SEO (companies Seo Pult, Sape, WebEffector and others), so there are close to 500 companies, which have a practical advice and new ones for mutual business knowledge.

Before the ear of additional ideas of the participants, there were a lot of opportunities for an hour to get up in an unimpeded situation and to take part in low-level contests, as well as become aware of the seo-company listing.

Take a look at SEO in a new way

Oleksandr Mitnik added a new theme to the conference from the main director of the CyberMarketing center, as the topic “Non-standard priyomy. Take a New Look at SEO. " I got used to the rumors by some non-standard methods, as it was successful to be victorious in a given hour with SEO. The essence of the registration of these methods is to be created before it is necessary to start the video on the side, or try to start on the website, and then go to the internal transition.

Schob zbіlshiti tsіlyoviy traffic, scho sale, pan Mitnik proponuvav the following methods:

  1. Video - content. It’s not a secret for anyone, but it’s the proper rank of pratsyu for koristuvach. At the same time, we’ll forgive you until we’re talking about it (if you can, you can use a button on the side).
  2. Hateful proposition e koristuvachevі zrobit that dіu, in yakіy Vi zatsіkavlenі (for example, you can ask for a link to Yandex.Marketі).
  3. Vikoristannya to the "komir - navivorit" method. So that the site will be opened for the lower tips taken at the suggestion in Yandex, then the tips will be screwed up and become the first. The sanctions for such a Yandex project are not presented to the site owner.

At the stage of development, there is a good deal of butt, which is used to bring the completeness of the methodology into practice.

100,000 power core

Let me give you some more information on the topic The kernel in 100,000 supplies. And can you do that? "Having introduced the general director of Techno-V, Oleksiy Zhukov, see the Runet as an analyst. , ale filtrating with a surplus deprived of significant power supply, you can take an hour to spend with professionals.

A list of stop-lines is stored in a collection, which cleans up the kernel automatically. Oleksiy vvazhaє, who found not to analyze the site itself, to analyze the TOP for the main phrases of the core. With an unprecedented effort, you are eager to learn about the cym method, you can win over the presentation of Zhukov, the publication of which you can check out on the official website.

Alternative methods of rejecting sound traffic for the minds of preserving organic viscera

Pislya interrupt for a cava-break, having addressed the head of the analytics department of WebEffector Sergiy Lyudkevich, the topic of this additional reasoning sounded like an offensive rank: “Alternative methods of rejecting sound traffic in the minds of preserving organic matter”. Yak one of the signals for the ranking of sound systems and vikoristovuyt behavior factors, even the top sites at the top of the list will receive the maximum number of tags, obviously, and the behavior factors they have are beautiful.

In order for the divers to put a vlast site for the necessary supplies in the TOP, Lyudkevich proponuvav vicoristovuvati inorganic that organic method. Two words can be seen from them:

  1. Organic method(Allowance for the registration of foreign third-party resources, for the good value of the foreign cliche) - for example, the distribution on the profiles in social media is a list of descriptions of his goods, or of the service and well-being.
  2. Inorganic method(Allowance for admission to the TOP for the visitors of the spectral house for the additional admission of non-competitive phrases from this house). Domishka is fraternizing with іnshoї vidachі. However, the spectral house of the brain is subtle to the point of improvement, but it can be brought to the shortage of the given method.

Post-employment profile

Due to the results of conducting additional professional websites, the most popular in Yandex due to its commercial nature, the analyst, the author of the central blog Sergiy Koksharov, was accepted from the presence of a visual analyst. Buv scans TOP20 for vibrating from 200 feeds of a commercial character, such as the rank of the most popular sites, until they were consumed even more (ru,,, and so on.

An analysis of the skin profile was carried out with the help of foreign instruments, and Before an hour the analysis was made of a tsikava ric - on the head side, no more than 7% of the strength of the mass is growing, which is not meant by the hour as strong streaks. Adequate tools are often used to display little meaningful URL, without anchor and brand. More details of Pan Koksharov's presentation can be found on SlideShare, enticing її.

Pіslya zakіnchennya acted as dopovіdach vіdpovіv on bezlіch tsіkavih power and predstavnik SeoPult acted as s criticism on address of the doslіdzhennya, zaznachivshi scho bіlshіst doslіdzhuvanih saytіv mozhna vіdnesti shvidshe to іnformatsіynih, nіzh to komertsіynih and hotіlosya b otrimati result analogіchnogo doslіdzhennya, holding sama Sered saytіv. commercial straightforwardness.

Posilannya mayut pratsyuvati

Kerivnik Evgen Poshibalov, having learned about the results of the Sape events held by the participants, before the hour of what was set up, but the “failure” of the baggage projects of the dressing was done, but the stink didn’t come with proper respect. More in the distance, projects more often than not with the help of three articles that are new and without anchor.

In the course of the successive results until the end of that last rock, the bulo was well-spoken, and one more vibrating was carried out on the sites, as the quintessential rock saw their decision in the system (after thinking). The result was a whole lot of ochikuvanim - the camp of the cich sites was destroyed.

Representatives of Sape easily recommend that the owners of the sites make the maximum profitability of the site's profiles, as well as the efficiency of these sites has long been brought to light. Eugen also has a roster for the most popular noise systems Yandex and Google do not depend on the same thing efficiently. Sape is ready and ready to work right at the box and give your koristuvach the best in the distance and tools. At the same time, how to beat us in front, we will see in the course of the vote, in which one can take the fate of the strong-willed tsієї birzhі.

Ideal landing side

With a tricky additional advice, straightforward, of course, on the clients of SEO-services, having announced the unannounced earlier, the headline of the SeoPult technical support service Mykola Konoplyannikov (looking at the appearance of the general director of Trilan Andriyu on the background)

Mykola visloviv thought about those who planted the side of things, but they were clearly thought out in front of them, and they didn’t go out of their way because they didn’t start the whole process. Mykola delighted to remember such a side with literate, unique, tsikavim content, which is a lot of creative graphic materials, the video plot is thin. The text is more beautifully divided into parts from headings. We are guilty of this not more than three clicks. To achieve the planned result, it is necessary to test different options. With the butt of a well-crafted planting side, you can get acquainted with the presentation.

After completing the conference, Oleksandr Sidorov, the server of the Yandex security service, will add the topic “A secure site - need a mind for successful drying. " Even in the infected site (and at a time it is close to 200,000), traffic drops and the entire front of the robot is directed to the site. The site ceases to be of interest from a glance of information value. The reasons for the infection can be reached, the main ones can be brought into account:

  1. Unrepeated plugins
  2. Illegal SMS
  3. Infection through insecure forms, dermal eager can leave comments, etc.

To secure your site, you need to see the most foldable passwords, set the password anti-virus programs, suvoro control over the content of the koristuvach, etc. Even the problem of an infected site is easier to fix, but now (unsuccessfully for some people) we are struggling with it. And the problem is even more serious and often occurs. Closely 50% of the participants in the call knew, but they didn’t often get stuck with it.

Round steel

After the end of all the additional information, the officials of the power banks Mikola Yevdokimov, Sergiy Tsiplakov, Yevgen Poshibalov, as well as the investment manager Mikola Davidov sat around the round table and discussed the food and drink. Shchepravda, not all participants of the conference are tse bulo tsikavo.

In general, it is possible to remember that, as soon as the conference has passed, it is obvious to all the participants, the skin knowers here will tell you about the food that you want to play. However, it is possible that there are some shortcomings:

  1. Auditoria was lost in general misunderstanding, which was not noticed by Andriy Voropaev for his additional information about SEO trends.
  2. There is a lot of nudity, so the conference is practically direct to the university, the protein part of the previous ideas is given to the clients, and the sitting of the round table is to the investors, since the victorious and unhappy participants.

But all the same, unaffected by the shortcomings, zaid buv tsikavim and brown. The participants listened to the additional questions, they actively put on the power supply and discussed them at the sidelines for an hour break. Offensive rock organizers CyberMarketing vrahuyut mustache. Moreover, if you already have business in Runet, or if you plan to see it at the nearest hour, then you will be able to see the conference of the coming fate.

The report photo is amazing at our group

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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