Multimedia programs. How to use multimedia add-ons and make them possible

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ArtMoney (ArtMani) - is a cost-free program for a computer that helps to computer games. With help from the grі you can secure yourself an uncircumcised amount of naboїv, pennies of other resources. ArtMoney allows you to change the number of game values ​​in computer games.

K-Lite Codec Pack - popular cost-free codecs for computers on Windows 7, 8, 10. New version of all codecs required for today in one new selection. By installing this package, you can play all multimedia files, both video and audio. The package also includes encoders for converting video files.

DAEMON Tools Lite is an effortless cost-free program for emulating virtual CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray drives, so that you can bypass the impersonal equal corruption of discs. It allows you to connect a virtual disk image, emulating the presence of the original disk in a CD, DVD or Blu-ray drive. With the help of the DAEMON Tools program, you can "fool" the system of licensed disks and create a virtual copy for your work.

AIMP (AIMP) is a cost-free multimedia program for listening to music in various formats on a computer. The player is the most stable and practical supplement for today. You can boldly affirm that you suffocate in the first few seconds of your victoriousness, and wine on long hour lose money on your computer. You can download the player without cost and without registration on our website. What does this program look like in other players presented on the Internet, you can read the article on our site.

Virtual DJ Home no-cost version Russian language software for professional mixing of audio files, as well as audio tracks from your favorite videos. We give the possibility of mixing from the accumulation of various effects. The program is presented in what looks like a real DJ setup with two decks, a mixer and an equalizer. Offended decks wash independent elements of care.

VirtualBox is a cost-free program for Windows from the company Oracle, as it serves to create a virtual operating system on a PC. For additional software, you can create a virtual partition on a hard disk and install it on a new OS, as a result, taking the computer from the computer.

Adobe Flash PlayerNew version a cost-free player for Windows, with the ability to process flash data in SWF, FLV formats. Numbers and other formats are selected for correct display together on websites. Today, most of them and technologies for design, and with their release in the first quarter, a fresh version of the flash player is needed. You can get Flash Player free of charge on our website for a direct request.

IPTV Player- popular program for Windows, reviewed TV channels at the IPTV standard. You can watch your favorite channels from more than a hundred different providers, vikoristovuyuchi less than the Internet.

BlueStacks is a PC-free emulator developed by Bluestack Systems, Inc. Android Apps on Windows. LayerCake technology, which zastosovuetsya, secures the right mind for the correct operation of ARM-utilities on the computer. The program has a total of 10 Android add-ons, including: Angry Birds, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Drag Racing, Talking Tom and others.

  • The concept of "multimedia"
  • Technology for creating multimedia programs
  • See multimedia programs
  • Applications for creating multimedia add-ons

In this hour, the robots of rich companies and firms win different kinds of computer technologies for conducting seminars, business trainings, trainings and other visits. In order for the information to be more collected, it is remembered that in the past, most of all, multimedia technologies are put in place. All hardware multimedia tools, as well as application software packages, allow you to process various visual information, such as text, graphics and sound. Іsnuyut different understanding multimedia:

  • Multimedia- technology that describes the order of development, functioning and stosuvannya zasosuvannya processing of information of various species ;
  • Multimedia-Computer hardware security (availability in computer CD-Rom Drive - extensions for reading CDs, sound and video payments, for the help of which it is possible to implement sound and video information, a joystick and other special devices) ;
  • Multimedia- The total number of ways to submit information in one system. Sounds like multimedia can be used for communication in a computer system for the presentation of information, such as text, sound, graphics, animation, video imagery and space for modeling. Thus, the association of costs ensures a new level of information dissemination: a person is not just passively watching, but taking an active part in what is being seen. Programs with the help of multimedia are richly modal, so that the stench immediately pours into the spice of organs and that calls for promotion of interest and respect in the audience .

Barvo designs Multimediyniy Dodask, in Icoma showing the Scheducts of the Schedule of the Schedule of the Site Supreme Suplio, Segshuє Sprinka Materіalu, Scho Vivschuyuzhev, Spring, Yojo Ruzynnu, Town'yatovynnya, DEEє Bіlsh Yaskrava і єMnna referred to me assets.

It is necessary to achieve a great diversity of various technological devices aimed at the development of some kind of multimedia programs. In case of convergence and further subversion of these addenda, a number of basic technological recommendations should be added.

As a basis for the creation of a multimedia addendum, a model can be changed to the material, which is a way of structuring the material, the foundations for breaking yoga on the elementary and scientific submission from the view of the hierarchy.

At the initial stage of designing a multimedia program, the model for changing the material allows:

  • clearly indicate the value of the material;
  • show the difference at the front and accessible to the eye;
  • designate the component warehouse of the multimedia program.

Vrahuvannya access to psychology allows you to formulate a series sweeping recommendations, yakі sled vrakhovuvat pіd hour rozrobki method vіzualіzаtsії іnformatsії on the computer screen:

  • information on the screen may be structured;
  • visual information may periodically change to audio information;
  • periodically due to changes in color and/or intensity in sound;
  • instead of the material that is visualized, it is not guilty, but we will forgive too much, or we will put it too much.

When arranging the format of the frame on the screen, it is recommended to be sure that there is a sensation between the objects, as a sign of the organization of the zonal field. It is recommended to compose objects:

  • close one is one kind of one, the rocks are closer in the zor field of objects one to one (for other equal minds), then with greater efficiency they are organized in one, whole image;
  • For podіbnіstyu protsesіv, oskіlki scho more podіbnіst i tsіlіsnіst izobіv, then with more ymovіrnіstyu stink organіzovuyutsya;
  • with the improvement of the powers of prodovzhennia, oskіlki, more elements in the zor field appear in the missions, in the course of the continuation of the regular sequence (functioning as a part of the known contours), then with the greater imovirnistyu the stench is organized in the whole image;
  • to improve the specificity of seeing the object and the background when choosing the form of objects, recognizing letters and numbers, coloring, coloring the text thinly;
  • not perevantazhuyuchi visual information with details, bright and contrasting colors;
  • Seeing the material, appointments for memorization of colors, support, font size and style.

When developing multimedia programs, it is necessary to ensure that objects, depicted in different colors and on different aphids, are perceived differently by people.

The important role of the organization of healthy information plays the contrast of subjects against the background. There are two different types of contrast: direct and reverse. With a direct contrast, the object of that image is dark, and with a reverse one, it is light for the body. At multimedia appendices, you can see insults victoriously, as if in different frames, so at once, within the framework of one picture. Most often, the reverse contrast dominates.

The most important thing is the work of multimedia-additives in direct contrast. In these minds, the increase in clarity leads to fullness of visibility, and in the case of a reverse one, to a decrease, but numbers, letters and signs that hang in the reverse contrast, are known more precisely and more sharply, lower in a straight line, navіt for smaller sizes. The more you can see the parts of the image and the more clarity, the lesser the contrast, the better the visibility. The comfort of receiving information from the screen of the monitor is achieved with a uniform distribution of brightness at the field of view.

To optimize the display of information on the computer screen, retailers of multimedia programs are recommended to select logical voices. It is customary to call with logical voices the psychological-apparat priyomi, directing the respect of the coristuvach to the singing object. Psikhologicheskoe vpliv logical voices po'yazanі z zmenshennyam zorovogo poshuku and fixing osі zor by the center of the head object.

Most often, victorious tricks until the creation of logical voices are: the image of the head object with bright colors, the change of rosemary, bright colors, the rendering of the vision of flashing lights. A logical assessment of a logical voice is its intensity. The intensity of depositing depends on the spivvіdnennia of the color and brightness of the object to the background, according to the change of vіdnoshnіh razmіrіv of the object according to the vіdnіnіnі to razvіrіv of objects to the background of the image. The best vision is either greater bright, or contrasting color, higher - seeing flashing lights, changing the world or bright.

Looking back at the analysis of the mainstream and foreign systems behind the technology of creating multimedia add-ons, you can start to classify the broadest multimedia add-ons and understand them.
Multimedia programs are subdivided into the following types:

  • presentations;
  • animated videos;
  • games;
  • video attachments;
  • multimedia galleries;
  • audio programs (programmers of sound files);
  • web programs.

At the table 1 presents the main concepts of multimedia supplements and their visuals.

Table 1. Basic concepts of multimedia programs

View multimedia program



Presentation (in English) presentation) – method of initial detection information with victories of audiovisual works. Presentation of computer animation, graphics, video, music and sound series, as organized in a single medium. As a rule, a presentation has a plot, a script, and a structure organized for the purpose of handily receiving information.

Animation videos

Animation - multimedia technology; creating a sequence of pictures that create an image of an image that collapses. Image effect, which collapses, is blamed when the frequency of changing video frames is more than 16 frames per second


Gra is a multimedia supplement, directing to satisfy the needs of the rose, satisfaction, to relieve stress, as well as the development of the singing skills and the mind

Video film and video program

Video films are a technology for distributing and demonstrating images that are collapsing. Videoprogrammers - software for managing video films

Multimedia galleries

Galleries - selected images

Sound File Programmer (Digital Sound)

Programs for the web

Programmers of sound files - programs that work with digital sound. Digital sound is a method of presenting an electrical signal behind the help of discrete numerical values ​​of its amplitude

Programs for the web - all web pages, their components (menu, navigation, etc.), data transfer programs, rich channel programs, chats, etc.

With the development of technology for creating multimedia programs, there will be a scenario in which it is described how the stench will be created. In connection with this, it is logical to admit that a leather multimedia supplement is made up of various components (various topics). By showing the warehouse of multimedia programs, you can split them on the next components: choose the ones created by multimedia programs, mark working area(scales and backgrounds), frames, different balls, symbol creation different types, the inclusion of changes and the writing of scripts in my programming, the robot sound files, addition to the text, creation of effects, selection and import of images, selection of ready-made components in libraries, creation of navigation, selection of text layouts and scripting movements.

In your own hands, multimedia programs can be divided into such vidi. The main concepts of multimedia programs are presented in Table. 2.

Table 2. Basic concepts of multimedia add-ons

Use of anonymous technical tools for creating a multimedia product. The author-rozrobnik is guilty of choosing the program-editor, so that he will win for the creation of hypertext pages. The use of low pressure media for developing multimedia, which allows you to create fully functional multimedia programs. Such packages, like Macromedia Director, Macromedia Flash or Authoware Professional, are highly professional and expensive methods of development, such as FrontPage, mPower 4.0, HyperStudio 4.0 and Web Workshop Pro are more simple and cheap analogues. So, like Power Point and text editors (for example, Word), you can also use typing for creating linear and non-linear multimedia resources. The middle of the development of multimedia add-ons is also Borland Delphi.

The listings of the rozrobki mayutnuyu documentation, as it is easy to read and understand. Obviously, if there are no other means of rozrorobka, yakі can be with equal success vikoristan zamіst names.

In today's hour of automated primary systems for the technology of creating multimedia programs, it is not enough, it is practically impossible to know them. Podіbnіstyu such systems є storіnki merezhі Іnternet, on є є dobirka lessons, books and articles on this topic. Most of these sites are focused on the topics "Flash lessons for creating multimedia elements" or "Creating multimedia in Macromedia Director".

Let's look at the deeds of them.
International club of flash-masters( )
The site presents large number articles and lessons from Macromedia Flash, and they are divided into such categories: programming, effects, animation, navigation, sound, fawn over, 3D, newbies and in.

Lessons in the "International Club of Flash-Masters" - a description of the sequence of steps, as they propagate to the vikonnannya koristuvach. After the full completion of such short studies, the student can develop the same multimedia component as described in this lesson. The technologies for creating a full-fledged multimedia add-on are not presented on the site, but you can look at the ready-made robots of professionals or slipped-out koristuvachivs.
Also, looking back at books, as a help in mastering flash-technologies. Enrollment to the school of computer graphics is carried out on a paid basis. Constantly held competitions for the best robots.

« Lessonsflash"( )
Flash Lessons website is one of the projects of the studio, dedication to the independent Macromedia Flash event based on selected lessons from the best facsimiles of the world, as they work with flash. Lessons describe the creation of different components and effects for different multimedia add-ons. Krіm lessons here are selected tutors from flash. You can also grab a demo version of the Macromedia Flash distribution medium. Discuss food on the forum.

After the results of the analysis, it is possible to generate flashes, which the most recent information is presented on the portal A Flash Developer Resource Site, but also adds its own design and manual layout to the system of education, which is presented at the site of the "International Club of Flash-Maystrіv". But for review, you need a flash-player, not earlier than the 7th version.

Today computer systems to promote a different set of opportunities and programs for different purposes. Three of the previous years appeared as programs, which are commonly called multimedia programs. Surely, at the same time you don’t call anyone with such a name, but there are more than a great number of software packages. And it's not a secret that you can know and take advantage of the Internet. Multimedia programs can be simply downloaded free of charge from our website.

At the core of their multimedia programs, there are a few of the main types. These include various audio and video programs such as WinAmp or AIMP, satellite codecs and decoders such as K-Lite Codec Pack for correct operation of audio and video playback, audio and video editing programs, multimedia programs for audio editing, video editing and synthesizers, special ASIO-type drivers, add-ons for recording disks in any format such as Nero, as well as format converters that allow you to change the format of an output file in such a way that you can work with it not only in operating systems that are familiar with each other , ale and on mobile gadgets, be it a virobnik with its own operating systems. Obviously, most professional software packages are paid. However, you can know that the offer on our website of multimedia programs is free of charge.

Singingly, not varto zupinyatisya on the description of the skin software product, shards, on this day, you can know and take advantage of the Internet such a great number of programs that it is simply impossible to describe them. The only thing that varto counts for, tse podіl programs on a paid basis, smartly-cost-free and cost-free. I realized that paid multimedia programs should be set up, zdebіshkogo, up to professional level. Smartly-cost-free programs can be purchased cost-free, prote, after 30 days, such a software product will require a registration, or buy it. Well, s cost-free programs, Here it is, and so everything has come to mind.

If we talk about the main possibilities of multimedia programs, which can be downloaded free of charge on our site, then, as already mentioned above, all the stinks are scolded for functionality. The creators of the creation are only for creation or creation of playlists. Codecs and decoders allow you to create files of any specific format, the shards themselves Operating systems do not wait to keep up with new developments in your gallery. Programs for processing or editing audio and video allow you to record or edit the recorded material. Sequencers and synthesizers for virtual recording studios with multiple connections for live instruments or MIDI devices. The drivers allow you to connect to different hosts of the VST type or ReWire. Programs for recording discs create new discs, no matter what format, backup copies these data or just copy in the discs among themselves. І, nareshti, format converters convert files for further work with them in the middle, the other format is not supported.

At the end, I would like to say that the diversity of multimedia programs is simply hostile. Absolutely, and those who download multimedia programs without cost can be simply called. It would be a bug. And yet on our site such a procedure is quite simple.

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