The working program of the day-to-day activities of the group “history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks” is a working program on the topic. Working program of after-hour activities "traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Day-to-day activity course Cossacks" directing to the molding of the teachings about the journey of the Kuban Cossacks, about the Cossack atamans and heroes, the Orthodox faith, traditions, folklore, Viysk art, etc.


Front view:

Krasnodar Territory

Municipal osvita Krymskiy district

municipal budgetary lighting installation

secondary education school No. 1 of the city of Krymska

municipal illuminance Krymskiy district


for specific types of day-to-day activities



program implementation term - 4 years

Vіk uchnіv 7-11 years

styling programs:

teachers of the cob classes

Semenova I.L.

Kachura S.V.

Day-to-day activity course"History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" directing to the molding of the teachings about the journey of the Kuban Cossacks, about the Cossack atamans and heroes, the Orthodox faith, traditions, folklore, Viysk art, etc.

Course specifics "Polyagaєi Kubanskikh Kozan_ya Kozhani", Mayuchi, Yaskravo Vinchivniya, not t_lki, Suspіlvnikovichі, Іstorichnі, culturallynіchnі, іstoryichnі, culturalologist, and vsi via Dzlivіdnitsy, I practical Dіlnіst Daє Mozhvіst Ditinі tsіlіsnya Kuban Cossacks, so about their family, their family, representing the possibility of learning to the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks.

Relevance the course is determined by the nationality of the great man of Russia, the building “vibudovuvati” his life paths with the improvement of the organic unity of interests of specialty, our supremacy of that power. Various information about the native land expands the horizons of students, helping to adapt to a grown-up life, to form an active life position and to better realize their freedoms of the community, right-handers and bindings.

Tsіl - shaping the cob statement about the Kuban Cossacks, cultivating the historical and cultural traditions of the Kuban Cossacks, acknowledging one’s own accountability to the spiritual and cultural decline of the Kuban Cossacks, becoming patriotic scholars.

Manager, rozvyazuvani tsієyu program:

  • teaching students by patriots, active citizens of Kuban;
  • the attachment of moral and spiritual foundations of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • familiarity with the way of life of the Kuban Cossacks, their traditions and habits, the main occupations, crafts and trades;
  • educated uchnіv to tradition and zvichaїv cossacks of Kuban;
  • familiarity with deaky podіyami in the history and present of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • molding statement about the Kuban Cossack Viysko;
  • development of children's creative abilities;
  • molding in the interests of the students to the last work.


Learn to learn (basic rіven)

Teaching mother the ability to learn (advance rіven)

Rozpovidat about the main stages and key subdivisions of the history of Kuban;

Rozpovіdat about see gospodarskoy ї diyalnostі and busyness of the population;

To gain practical knowledge about the integrity of the process of development of societies (motherland, population point, region, country, world), religious manifestations and cultural features of the development of the first inhabitants of the Kuban;

Show on the map the territory of the Kuban, the settlement of peoples, the main settlements, the places of the most important cities;

Distinguishing speech, writing, image-making and historical writings;

Pratsyuvati with different dzherelami knowledge about the population, the history of its own mass;

Vіdіznyati vigadane (mіfologichne) vіd verіvіdny, miіfologichnyh geroіv - vіd realіhіhtorihnyh osіb;

Vyslovlyuvaty less on the level of emotional assessments of the setting to the vchinkiv of people of the past, to the memorials of culture;

Contribute in written and written form to the knowledge of the history of the Kuban Cossacks, taking part in discussions, quizzes, olympiads, competitions, and learning creative work (create, call about excursions, abstracts); - engaged in project activities;

Describe old look representatives of the dewy and creaturely world of dry land and water bodies;

Evaluate the heritage of your own diy hundred and hundred natural components;

Search for information on local topics in the field of social media, the Internet, and differentiate between facts and thoughts;

Reconstruct the mind that way of life, occupied by people who lived near the region;

Vyslovlyuvaty your position to the most important subdivisions of the history of Kuban, historical deacons, argue the opinion of the authorities;

To understand the image of the language of various types of art; evaluate the creativity of the folk masters of Kuban

to conquer the knowledge of that vminnya in practical activity and everyday life with the method:

Acknowledged to be a representative of the ethno-cultural, confessional community and space, the bulk of Russia;

Vihovannya povagi to the basic national values, cultural and historical traditions of the peoples of the Kuban;

Viroblennya vmіnnya intercourse with people of different nationalities and religious glances, vihovannya artistic relish, emotional-principal setting to artistic and cultural decline.

Create scientific projects on the national topic.

The program "History of the Kuban Cossacks" gives form to the upcoming schoolchildrenfeatures:

  • patriotism;
  • tolerance and povaga to history, traditions, rites, culture, movies of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • vіdpovіdіlnіst that pochuttya obov'yazku, mercy, gіdnіst, povaga;
  • practicality;
  • arrogance;
  • discipline;
  • love to the little fatherland;
  • nebaiduzhe setting up to revive the traditions of the Kuban Cossacks:

Special resultlearning about the history of the Kuban Cossacks and molding:

  • pіznavalnogo іnteresu to the study of the history of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • universally illuminated, distinguished specialty;
  • rosemary meaning of the culture of the Kuban Cossacks;
  • a little pride in their little fatherland;
  • staggering advancement to the history and culture of the Cossacks and other peoples;
  • a statement about the Kuban as an unknown part of Russia;

Zasobom developmentspecial results serve as initial material, aimed at:

- smart formulating one's own line up to the traditions, pobutu, folklore, historical peculiarities of the Kuban;

– smart victorious and historical knowledge for creative activities.

Metasubjectsthe results of the development of the course "History of the Kuban Cossacks" and the formation of universal primary duties (UUD).

Regulatory UUD:

Build up to an independent awakening of new knowledge, reduce that habit;

Uminnya Keruvati his own izvatii ї їїstiyi, organizvati їїn, visitati ї ї zіlі tannya, Vyibiyati stuck up Real_zatsky Mateta that Zaposhvati ї ї practicing, Otsіnuvati will smell the result: Samostіyniyaiyi, so formumuati inhaling the problem, visits the topic of the project. Vysuvati versions of the solution of the problem, ascertain the final result, choose from the proposals and shukati independently achieve the goal. Fold (individually among the groups) a plan for the solution of the problem (for the project). Pratsyyuchi for the plan, zvіryati svoї ї ї z metoyyu and, if necessary, correct pardons independently. In dialogue with the teacher, you can independently change the assessment criteria.

Vminnya orientate yourself in the current world, choose the meanings and meanings of the installation in your actions and in the chinks, take a decision.

Custom moldingRegulatory UUD serve: technology of problematic dialogue about new material and technology of evaluating enlightened achievements.

Knowing UUD:

Formation and development of the sight of historical and local knowledge of educational interests, intellectual and creative abilities of scientists;

It is necessary to conduct independent research, analysis, selection of information, transformation, conservation, transmission and presentation for additional technical assistance information technologies: analyze, understand, classify and understand the facts, understanding, phenomena. Reveal the causes of that legacy of simple phenomena. Zdiisnyuvaty porivnyannya that clasifikatsii, independently vibirayuy substav and criteria for appointments logical operations. Being logically literate assertion, yakі include the establishment of causal and hereditary links. Fold theses, see different plans. Vmіti vyznachit dzherela іnformatsії, zdіysnyuvati search іnformatsії, analyze and evaluate її reliability. Submit information in the form of summaries, tables, diagrams, graphs. Translate information from one form to another.

Custom moldingp_znavalnyh UUD serve as the initial material and the head of the assistant:

– recognition of the role of history and Cuban studies in the knowledge of modern processes, which are found in the world;

- Mastering the system of local knowledge about the history of the Kuban, on the basis of which the historical ideas of learning are formed;

- Vikoristannya umіn, otrimanih in the course of the vvchennya istoricheskogo kraєnavstva, for analysis, assessment, forecasting of current social problems;

- selection of cards for the selection of local information.

Communication UUD:

- showing one's own point of view, presenting arguments that confirm their facts.

- razuminnya position of others in the discussion.

Custom moldingcommunicative UUD serve as a technology of problematic dialogue (which spontaneously initiates a dialogue) and organization of work in small groups, as well as voicing in the lessons of the elements of productive reading technology.

Subject results

Know (understand):

The main stages in the history of the Cossacks from the moment of resettlement to the present day;

The most important achievements of the culture of the system of values ​​that were formed under the hour of their life;

Vivcheni see historical dzherel.

Please note:

Spіvvіdnosti dates under the history of the edge of the century; signify the succession and trivality of the most important under the history of the edge;

Vykoristovuvaty text historical dzherel when vydpovіdі on nutrition, rozv'yazannya raznomanіtnyh nachalnyh zavdan; porіvnyuvati vіdchennya rіznih dzherel;

Show on the map the regions between the edge, the city, the city of significant historical places;

Announcements about the most important historical facts and their participants, showing the significance of the necessary facts, dates, terms; give descriptions of historical sources and reminders of culture on the basis of the text and illustrative material of the handbook, fragments of historical sources; vikoristovuvaty nabutі knowledge pіd hour of writing creative robots;

Spivvіdnosti zagalnі istorichnі protsesi i okremi facts; to explain the sense of historical events to understand and understand those terms, to show the spіlnіstі and vіdmіnnostі porіvnіvanih іhistorical podіy i yavisch; to determine on the basis of primary material the causes and traces of the most important historical podias;

Explain your position to the most significant points and peculiarities of the history of the region, the achievements of culture;

Vykoristovuvaty nabutі znannya that mnіnnya praktіnіy іyalnostі і sovsjakdennomu zhittі for razumіnnya іstorichnyh iznachennya і іstoricheskogo znachennya podіy y yavyshchi sushasnogo zhittya;

Vlasni mirkuvannya about the historical recession of the population of our region;

The authors of the six main thematic divisions of the 4 years of education were especially encouraged by the programs: “Kuban Cossacks”, “Traditions and sounds of the Kuban Cossacks”, “Practice that will beat the Cossacks of the Kuban”, “Orthodoxy in the life of the Kuban Cossacks”, Kuban Cossack Viysko: History and Modernity”, “Traditional Culture of the Kuban Cossacks”. We distributed a call to implement the method and the task of the program. Instead, the main forms of robotic skin division are folded in a fallow manner.

135 years are seen at the course "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" at the Pochatkov school. The first class has 33 years (1 year for a week, 33 years for the first year). In grades 2-4, age 34 is introduced (1 year for a week, 34 years for the first year).

  1. rik navchannya
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Now we are learning the course “History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks”. Who are the Cossacks? Our forefathers commemorated that the whole day is frosty - board.

Cossack station. Povaga to the elders, to people of a frail age. Sound mutual help. Cossack family. Traditions and sounds like sim. Zvichaї, pov'yazanі z narodzhennyam that childishness of the Cossacks. Virniy friend of the Cossack.

  1. Pratsya was beaten up.

How did the Cossacks live? Cossack hut. Chervony Kut. Shame on the Cossack Sim. Oblashtuvannya zhitla, home stuffing. Pratsya Cossack Sim'ї. Master hands. Children-pomіchnik. Obov'yazki children from Cossack families.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Temple. Rules of conduct at the temple. Cossack traditions. Feast of Christ. Cossack traditions. Holy Resurrection of Christ.

Like the Cossacks came to the Kuban. Kuban Cossack Viysko. Otaman. Cossack commandments. Cossack service. Cossacks at the rocks of the Great Vitchiznyanoy War. Kushchivska attack.

Children in the Cossack family. Yak Cossacks were named. We are goats. Behavior is the form of the Cossack. Family relics. Games of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack slugs.

  1. rik navchannya
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: practice, truth, honor, Batkivshchyna. Cossack commandments.

  1. Traditions and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

Cossack station. Traditions and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks. Guest welcome.

  1. Pratsya was beaten up.

Door. Budinok. Way of the Cossack family. Busy Cossacks. Cossack hedgehog.

  1. Orthodoxy in the Life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Orthodox churches of the native village, places. Cossack at the temple. Navіscho come to the Orthodox Church. The saint, the patron of the Kuban Cossack army is the noble prince Oleksandr Nevskiy. Saints, especially chanted by the Kuban Cossacks. Icon in temples and dwellings.

  1. Kuban Cossack Viysko: History and Modernity.

Kuban Cossacks between the Motherlands. Planting the first hens. Katerinodar is a place of the Cossacks. Monument to the Cossack settlers. Commemoration of the Cossack Heroes of the Kuban Cossack Army. Our Cossack welfare.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Folk creativity for the Cossacks. Songs, fairy tales, orders, tell my family. Kuban "beam". Song culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Bandura is a musical instrument of the Cossacks.

  1. rik navchannya
  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Peoples of Kuban. Goodwill. Moral drawings of the Kuban Cossack. The strength of the spirit is the valor of the Cossacks.

  1. Traditions and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

Povaga to the wife: grandmothers, mothers, sisters, squads, widows. Mother's Day. Kozachiy Rid. My birthright. The calendar is holy and the rites of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Pratsya was beaten up.

Kozak is a gentleman and a worker. Zayattya, crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack clothes. Goat clothes. Decorative-ugly creativity of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Orthodoxy in the Life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Prayer. Orthodox churches of Kuban. Viyskovy temple. Viysk priest. Orthodoxy of the Holy Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

  1. Kuban Cossack Viysko: History and Modernity.

Resettlement of Cossacks to the Kuban. Strіchka hour. Key memorabilia dates. Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks. Commemoration of the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack Army. Kuban Cossack Viysko in our days. Viddili Kuban Cossack army. Otaman of the Kuban Cossack Army. Nesinnya service by modern Cossacks. Honored Varta Viyska. Hour of Glory to the Kuban.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

Usna folk art of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack opovіdі, buns. Home of the Kuban Cossacks. Dancing culture of the Kuban Cossacks. "Cossack child" Fedir Andriyovich Shcherbina.

4 rіk navchannya

  1. Kuban Cossacks.

Territory of residence, language, culture of the Cossacks. Cossacks of the Russian army. Cossack commandments.

  1. Traditions and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

Fathers and children. Vyhovannya lads. Preparation for service, mature life. Vihovannya girls-kozachok. Preparing for a mature life. Goat chicken. Cossack colo. The calendar is holy and the rites of the Kuban Cossacks.

  1. Pratsya was beaten up.

Traditional crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks. Decorative-ugly creativity of the Kuban Cossacks. Cossack military costume. Bad Cossack. Heap up.

  1. Orthodoxy in the Life of the Kuban Cossacks.

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Commandments of God. Orthodox churches of Kuban and Russia. Traditions and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks according to the Orthodox calendar.

  1. Kuban Cossack Viysko: History and Modernity.

Strіchka hour. Key memorabilia dates. Commemoration of the Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack Army. Kuban Cossack Viysko in our days. Administration of the Kuban Cossack Army. Our hour is serving the Cossacks. Okhorona fret. Help in supra-extreme situations. Help for the protection of nature. You can see the Cossacks of the Kuban. Saving the history of the Kuban Cossacks. Monuments and museums. Regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack Army.

  1. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks.

The Kozach is with me in my daily life. Set up to s_m'ї in the Kuban. History of this history of native Kuban. Saving and multiplying family traditions. Ritual folklore of the Kuban Cossacks. Kuban Cossack Choir.


1 rіk navchannya

All year

Number of years


behind the classroom

Razdel " Kuban Cossacks.


Learn about the goals and objectives of the course "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Our ancestors - Cossacks

Get to know the meaning of "Cossack"

Cossack village

Get to know the way of life of the Cossack village

Povaga to the elders, people of a frail age

Explore the link between the rules of engagement with older people

Call mutual help

Get to know the people of mutual assistance

Cossack family

Vikonati project on the theme "My family"

Zvichaї, po'yazanі z narodzhennyam that childishness of the Cossacks

Get to know zі zvichayami, po'yazanimi z narodzhennyami that childishness of the Cossacks

Virniy friend of the Cossack

Prepare a reminder

Razdіl "Pratsya pobut"

How the Cossacks lived

Cossack hut

Excursion to the museum

Shame on the Cossack Sim

Take away the notification about the Cossack family. Excursion to the SCC (ethnography room)

Oblashtuvannya zhitla, home stuffing

Organize an exhibition of baby goat stuffing

Pratsya Cossack Sim'ї

Prepare a reminder

Master hands

Take notice of the praccia of the Cossack family


Form an understanding about the binding of children with Cossack families

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Temple. Rules of conduct at the temple

Excursion to the temple

Cossack traditions

Get to know the Cossack Orthodox traditions

Feast of Christ.

Holy Week of Christ

Prepare a reminder about Christmas at the Sim's

Yak Cossacks came to the Kuban

Get to know the settlements of the Cossacks in the Kuban

Kuban Cossack Viysko


Zustrich with Cossack mentors

Kozach service

Cossack commandments

Cossacks at the Rocks of the Great Vitchiznyanoy War

Prepare a reminder

Kushchivska attack

Zustrich from Spivrobitnik to the Museum

Children in the Cossack family. Yak cossacks vchili

Get to know the cossacks

Mi - goats

Get to know the lives of little Cossacks in the modern world

Behavior and form of goats

Expanding the link of the rules of the Cossacks

Family relics

Prepare a reminder

Games of the Kuban Cossacks

Learn about Cossack games

Cossack slugs

Prepare a little book

2 rіk navchannya

Name of divisions, blocks, topics

All year

Number of years

Characteristics of the activity of the students


behind the classroom

Razdel " Kuban Cossacks.

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: practice

Formuvati notification about pratsy

Moral values ​​of the Cossacks: the truth

Formuvati statements about the truth

Moral values ​​of Cossacks: honor, Batkivshchyna

Formuvati declaration of honor, Batkivshchyna

Cossack commandments

Get to know the Cossack commandments

Shared "Traditions and sounds of the Kuban Cossacks"

Cossack village

Traditions and sounds of the Kuban Cossacks

Get to know the way of life of the Cossack village, the Cossack family

Guest welcome

Expand the rules of the living room

Holy calendar and rites of the Kuban Cossacks

Prepare a reminder

Razdіl "Pratsya pobut"


Otrimati statements about those how the Cossacks lived


Way of the Cossack family

Busy Cossacks

Learn about the activities of the Cossacks

Kozacha hedgehog

Organize a master class

Distributed "Orthodoxy in the Life of a Kuban Cossack"

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack

Get to know the Cossack Commandment - the Zachist faith of the Orthodox

Temples of the native place

Excursion to the temple

Cossack at the temple

Why come to an Orthodox church

Saint Oleksandr Nevsky - the patron saint of the Cossack army

Prepare a reminder

Holy shanovani among the Cossacks

Prepare a reminder


Preparation of the layout of the elements of the Kuban hut

Shared "Kuban Cossack warrior: history and present"

Cossacks on the borders of Vitchizn

Get to know the Kuban guardians

First Cossack kuren

Develop learning processes


Virtual tour

Monument to the Cossack settlers

Prepare a presentation

Commemoration of Cossack Heroes

Zustrich from Spivrobitnik to the Museum

Our Cossack welfare

Zustrich with Cossack mentors

Rosdіl "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Folk creativity for goats

Get to know folk art. Excursion to the library

Songs, fairy tales with my family

Prepare a little book

Orders, tell my sim's

Kuban "beam"

Song culture of the Kuban Cossacks

Select the audio-pidbir of the Cossack songs

Bandura - Cossack musical instrument

Get to know the Cossack folk instruments

3 rіk navchannya

Name of divisions, blocks, topics

All year

Number of years

Characteristics of the activity of the students


behind the classroom

Razdel " Kuban Cossacks.

Peoples of Kuban.


To bring buttocks of peaceful spіvіsnuvannya narodіv in the Kuban

Moral vigor of the Kuban Cossack

Get to know the Cossack commandments

Strength of spirit and valor of the Cossacks

Get to know the military exploits of the Cossacks

Shared "Traditions and sounds of the Kuban Cossacks"

Povaga to the woman.

Get to know the way of life of the Cossack village, the Cossack family

Mother's Day

Prepare a reminder

Kozachy Rid

Prepare a presentation

My rodovid

Folding and zahist project

Holy calendar and rites of the Kuban Cossacks

Prepare a reminder

Razdіl "Pratsya pobut"

Kozak-master and worker

Familiarize yourself with the bindings of a Cossack-the head of this

Zayattya, crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks

Take notice of employment, crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks

Cossack clothes.

Cossack clothes

Vikonati illustration

Decorative and Uzhitkova creativity of the Kuban Cossacks

Organize a master class

Distributed "Orthodoxy in the Life of a Kuban Cossack"

A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack


Learn from the Cossack Prayer

Orthodox churches in Kuban

Virtual tour of the temples of Kuban

Vіyskovy temple

Get to know the Cossack Orthodox traditions, behavior at the temple

Viysk priest

Familiarize yourself with the service of a Viysk priest

Orthodox Holy Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos

Prepare a reminder

Shared "Kuban Cossack warrior: history and present"

Resettlement of Cossacks to the Kuban

Learn about the resettlement of Cossacks to the Kuban

Strіchka to the hour

Fold a line to the hour

Main memorable dates

Prepare a presentation

Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks

Virtual tour

Zustrich with Cossack mentors

Viddili of the Kuban Cossack Viysk

Zustrich with Cossack mentors


Otaman of the Kuban Cossack Viysk


Zustrich with Cossack mentors


Nesinnya service by modern Cossacks


Zustrich with Cossack mentors


Hour of Glory to Kuban


Folding the project ta zahist yogo

Rosdіl "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"



Usna folk art of the Kuban Cossacks


Get to know the folk art of the Kuban Cossacks


Cossack opovіdі, buns


Excursion to the library. Prepare a little book


Home of the Kuban Cossacks


Select an audiobook of Kuban opinions


Dance culture of the Kuban Cossacks


Prepare a presentation


"Cossack child" Fedir Andriyovich Shcherbina


Learn about the work of F.A. Shcherbinya


Territory of residence, language, culture of the Cossacks


Get to know the peoples that inhabit the Krasnodar Territory


Russian Cossacks


Get to know the Cossack soldiers of Russia


Cossack commandments


Get to know the Cossack commandments

Shared "Traditions and sounds of the Kuban Cossacks"



Fathers and children


Prepare a reminder


Vyhovannya lads. Preparation for service, mature life.


Prepare a reminder


Vihovannya girls. Preparing for a mature life.


Prepare a reminder


Cossack chicken


Get to know the Cossack kuren


Kozache Kolo


Get to know the functions of the goat stake


Holy calendar and rites of the Kuban Cossacks


Familiarize yourself with the calendar saints and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks

Razdіl "Pratsya pobut"



Traditional crafts and crafts of the Kuban Cossacks


Take note of the information about the traditional crafts and trades of the Kuban Cossacks



Organize a master class


Cossack military costume


Vikonati illustration


Zbroya Cossack


Excursion to the museum. Vikonati illustration




Vikonati layout

Distributed "Orthodoxy in the Life of a Kuban Cossack"



A Cossack without faith is not a Cossack


Expand the notification of the Cossacks' defences.


Commandments of God


Folding memo


Orthodox churches of Kuban and Russia


Virtual tour of the temples of Kuban and Russia


Traditions and sounds of the Kuban Cossacks according to the Orthodox calendar


Prepare a reminder

Shared "Kuban Cossack warrior: history and present"



Strіchka to the hour


Fold a line to the hour


Main memorable dates


Prepare a reminder


Heroism of the Kuban Cossacks


Virtual tour


Kuban Cossack Viysko in our days


Zustrich with Cossack mentors


Administration of the Kuban Cossack Army


Zustrich with Cossack mentors


Our hour is serving the Cossacks


Zustrich with Cossack mentors


Okhorona order



Dopomoga in supra-extreme situations and nature protection


Prepare a selection of newspaper articles


Prominent Cossacks of Kuban


Prepare a presentation


Monuments and museums


Virtual tour of memorial sites and museums


Regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack Army


Folding and zahist project

Rosdіl "Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"



Cossack's family at the present day


Folding and zahist project


History of Sims in the History of Native Kuban


Prepare a reminder


Saving and multiplying family traditions


Think over ways to save and multiply family traditions


Ritual folklore of the Kuban Cossacks


Prepare a presentation


Kuban Cossack Choir


Learn about the work of the Kuban Cossack Choir

The program is divided on the basis of the regional education “Programme supplementary education children from the folklore and decorative art of the Kuban Cossacks” (Kuban Cossack Viysko, Department of Cossacks on the Right of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Regional Institute of the Supplementary Prof. Ped. Education. - Krasnodar: Tradition, 2009), author-storekeeper that in. Educational program of supplementary education of children is approved by the Department of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory.

The history of the people, its traditions, ceremonies, mysticism, crafts and crafts are one of the factors that help people to recognize their belonging to a singing cultural, mental environment.

Achievement of tsієї meti at pochatkovіy school zdіysnyuєtsya through znajomstvo that zaluchennya to culture, tradition, history of the Kuban Cossacks, through the butt of the Cossack's past that sogodennia of their sim'ї, villages, places; itself in this period begins the formation of love to the native land, pride in belonging to the goat family.

Dana outdoor lighting program developed on the basis of the analysis of the daily teaching and methodological set for teaching classes and groups of Cossack directivity, created by leading scientists and ethnographers of the Krasnodar Territory.

Traditional folk culture is a treasure behind a warehouse. Some of the most important warehouses are folklore, until such a modern day the last ones carry not only songs, fairy tales, sayings, orders, but also ceremonies, rituals, saints, sounds, forms of organization of practice and decorative and uzhitkovu creativity.

Traditional culture and folklore bear regional peculiarities. For residents of the Kuban, the basis for the enlightenment of children may be the folklore of the Kuban Cossacks - a unique sub-ethnic cohesion that develops on the territory of the Pivnichny Caucasus for a stretch of two and a half hundred.

This lighting program includes the whole spectrum of traditional Kuban culture in its light. Vona is divided on the basis of the largest collections of archival and gender folklore and ethnographic materials in the region.

Tsіlіgiven programs- stvorennya representations to folklore i traditsіynoї kulturі kubanskogo kozatstva in uchnіv yak tsіlіsnoї bagatofunktsіonalnoї sistemі zhittєzabezpechennya people viznachennya neobhіdnih minds practical osvoєnnya spravdі narodnoї traditsії that folk of decorative and applied Mistetstvo on formuvannya yakostі osobistostі, vlastivih nosіyu traditsіynogo svіdomostі Kubanskogo tsіnnostey.

Manager, rozvyazuvani tsієyu program:

  • to formulate among the schoolchildren a statement about the social structure and the main types of activities of the Kuban Cossacks as a bearer of folklore and traditional culture;
  • put together statements about the valuable foundations of traditional culture, and show signs and symbols;
  • unravel the coils of folk art, show the understanding of folk traditions and the role of life of people and society;
  • help children learn the specifics of the artistic system of art;
  • learn them practical evidence development of folk decorative and folklore art;
  • to develop the interest of the students to scientifically advanced activities;
  • to learn about their vikonannya of various kinds of virobiv of folk decorative and uzhitkovy art and to stosuvannya їх at pobutі;
  • attach the teachings of love to the native land, folk art.
  • develop the creativity of children.

As a result of the implementation of the program, it is planned to shape the study of folklore and traditional culture of the Cossacks, as well as the possibility of their practical development.

The special features of these programs are those who are aware of their inclusion in the life of the country, they are formed by the students in a way to bind the exchange rate to the life of the skin from them: through special-orientation of nutrition, that task, communication with their homes, their relatives, relatives to your district and place.

Classes are carried out by stretching the 1st year 1 time per week.

The main form of work is educational employment. Tse can be and busy-summer, busy-part-time excursion, busy-life, busy-creative project, busy-holy, busy-concert. Especially viznі occupied at the concerts of creative teams, exhibitions and other. Occupation s tsієї programs to wear practice-oriented, creative, playful character.

Through the war, the implementation of the program is planned to be molded into learning key competencies.

Initial-thematic plan

Name of divisions, blocks, objects. All year Number of years Characteristics of the activity of the students
Auditoriums After the audience
Irik navchannya
Enter busy. 1 1
1 4
The first stages of the life of a child with a Cossack family. Imagine the wheel sings. 1 1
Potishki: figurative device. The role of sweat in the process of child development. 2 1 1
Practical robot . Razuchuvannya koloskovyh songs. 1 1
2 Work with natural materials 10 Knowledge, development, design, labor activity, collective creativity
Weaving from natural materials. Excursion at the regional museum. 2 2
Safety technology; main priyomi and weaving from straw; weaving of "marriage" 2 2
See wattle; straight weaving "Gunny". Conducted a quiz. 3 2 1
Fastening to the receptionist of the “marriage” (strіchka). Creativity robot. Exhibition robit uchniv. 3 2 1
3 Traditional crafts of the Cossacks.Art embroidery 6 Knowledge, development, design, labor activity, collective creativity
Enter busy. Familiarization with the virobs of folk maestrivs. Excursion to the museum. 2 2
Safety technology. Vikonu, in the simplest way, see the seam “forward neck”, “stem parts”, “tambourine”. 2 2
Vikonannya virobu (servette) at the technique of seams "forward neck", trimming the edge with a hemstitch "sheaf" 2 2
4 Children and folklore 10 Knowledge, development, design, labor activity, collective creativity
Gras in the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. See Igor. 3 1 2
Igrovy folklore: lychilki, drazhnilki, іgrovі prispіvki. 2 2
Song that spivuvannya like part of the gri. 1 1
Igrovo and round dance songs. 1 1
Practical work. Game quiz 2 2
Essence of the tale genre. Practical robot. Reading tales of the Kuban Cossacks. 1 1
Pidbag busy. 2
Sacred to game folklore. 1
Fair-exhibition of virob_v uchn_v. Portfolio design. 1
together 33 14 19

Enter busy.Kuban Cossacks and yoga culture. (1 year).

Familiarity of students with the program, connection of the primary discipline with the subjects "Kuban studies", "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture".

Partition 1.Children in the traditional culture of the Cossacks.(4 years)

The concept of "Cossack Sim'ya". The first stages of the life of a child in the Cossack family, colossal songs of the Kuban Cossacks. Potishki. Lichilki.

Partitioned 2.Traditional crafts of the Cossacks.Work made from natural materials. (10:00).

Familiarization with straws, corn leaves, vines. Familiarization with the virobs of the people's minds. Briefing on safety techniques when working with prickly and cutting tools. The main power of the material: plasticity, softness, ease of processing, accessibility. Weaving from natural materials. The main methods of weaving from straws; wattle "marriage". See wattle; straight weaving "gunny". Fastening to the receptionist of the “marriage” (strіchka).

Partition 3.Traditional crafts of the Cossacks.Art embroidery. (6:00).

Acquaintance with the folk embroidery of the Kuban and Russia. Appointment of virobiv. See the ornaments, like zastosovuyutsya at vyshivtsi. Familiarization with the virobs of folk maestrivs. Briefing on safety techniques when working with prickly and cutting tools. Vikonu, in the simplest way, see the seam “forward neck”, “stem parts”, “tambourine”. Vikonannya viroba (servette) at the technique of seams “forward neck”, trimming the edge with a hemstitch “sheaf”.

Partition 4.Children and folklore(10:00)

Gras in the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. See Igor. Igrovy folklore: lychilki, drazhnilki, іgrovі prispіvki. Song that spivuvannya like part of the gri. Igrovo and round dance songs. Essence of the tale genre. Tales of the Kuban Cossacks.

Pidbag busy.(2 years).

Sacred to game folklore. Fair-exhibition of virob_v uchn_v.

Scored the results of the implementation of the program:

After the end of the first fate, the training of academic duties nobility:

- see embroidery, recognition of embroidery, see ornaments, which are stuck at embroidery;

- special features of the technical devices of embroidery, like vikoristovuyutsya maistrom;

rules of safety engineering for robots with prickly and ribbed tools;

color scheme at the Vishivits of the Kuban Cossacks;

- natural materials, which are vicorous at the fence;

- the main power and the method of preparing the material-straw;

- Acceptance of wattle "smuzhka" from straw;

- Koliskovі pisnі and їх characteristics;

- a group of traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks;

- lіchilki, drazhnilki, іgroі prispіvki;

- Tales of the Kuban Cossacks, their peculiarities.

Please note:

- Vikonati embroidered with stitches "forward neck", "stem parts", "tambourine";

vikonati hemstitch "penzlik", "kilok", "rozkol";

- Vikonati embroidered servettes with vikoristannya eskіzu ornament;

- prepare the material-straw before weaving;

- Vikonati priyom pletinnya straw "smuzhka";

- vikonuvat koliskovі songs and potіshki;

- play the game of Kuban Cossacks;

- Vikonuvat dragnilki, lіchilki, chants;

- Vikonuvat round dance songs;

- to prepare the traditional production of the Kuban Cossacks for the Cossacks.

Features: at the school will be formed:

- the basis of artistic and creative activity, a steady educational interest in new types of applied creativity.

Metasubjects: learn:

- plan your activities

- adequately accept the teacher's assessment

- differentiate the way and the result of di

- accept and save at the beginning - more creative task

- zdіysnyuvati search for the necessary information for the visualization of the primary and creative task

– to create signs, symbols, models, schemes for the completion of educational tasks and the presentation of their results

- independently know the options for the achievement of a creative task

- carry out the alignment of objects

- conduct vigilance and experimentation

- develop awake

- Expand your knowledge, get to know new technologies

- create practical products

- To improve the skills of labor activity

- to formulate skills of work with information

Form ta vidi control

Kind of control- Introductory, in-line, sub-bag.

Form control- practical work, spivbesida, experimentation, exhibition, concert, competition, exhibition-fairs, questionnaires, call for a reminder of the fate of the vikonan robot; zmagannya young Cossacks; refill portfolio.

Awareness of one's inclusion in the life of the country is formed by the students in a way to change the course to the life of the skin: through special-orientated nutrition and management, communication of information from the lives of one's family, one's relatives, one's relatives.

The rich culture of the Russian cossacks, the cossacks of the Kuban cossacks, is of particular interest and the possibility of actively growing and cultivating in the practical activity of the tradition of the Cossack system, which historically evolved, spiritual, moral, patriotic and physical development. In the minds of the friendly development of our Kuban region, the development of the history and culture of the Cossacks is an important storehouse development and enlightenment of the youth of the Kuban: on the basis of healthy traditions, one can induce that day to day prosperity.

Zaporuka success with the robot for the right program for those who are busy with the creative cob; so that the scientists gradually turned to different methods of revealing that other phenomenon, learned to take part in the dialosis, take an active part in the renewal and progressive cultural traditions of the Cossacks of Kuban.

Description of the material and technical security of the initial process.

No. p / p Name of objects and facilites of material and technical security Kіlkіst
1 Library fund (drukarska production)*
1. Bayburin A. K. Living in rituals and manifestations of similar words. M., 2000.

2. Bigday A.D. Songs of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 1992. Vol. 1-2.

3. Bondar V. Misto Katerinodar at that hour. Krasnodar, 2006.

4. Bondar N. I. Warriors and Harvesting (Deaky Aspects of the Human Subculture of the Kuban Cossacks) // Pravoslavia, traditional culture, enlightenment. Krasnodar, 2000.

5. Bondar N. I. The calendar is holy and the rites of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 2003.

6. Bondar N. I. Holy Kut // Folk creativity. 1998. No. 2.

7. Barabbas I. F. Songs of the Cossacks of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 1966.

8. Volkostrіl T. M. Prislіv'ya prikazka Kuban (historical and ethnic aspects) // Development of the Kuban by the Cossacks: nutrition of history and culture. Krasnodar, 2002.

9. Voronin V. V. Gospodarska activity of a person in the traditional Cossack culture: First exit near the field // World of words of Pivnichnogo Kavkaza. Krasnodar, 2005, VIP. 2.

10. Zahradska Z. Wesillya Kuban Cossacks // Graemo Wesilla. M., 1987.

11. Zakharchenko V. G. Folk songs of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 1997, Vol. 1-2.

12. Zakharchenko V. G. Spiving Kuban Cossack Choir. Krasnodar, 2002, Vip.1.

13. Kuban folk tales and legends. Ukladach V. V. Voronin. Krasnodar, 2001.

14. Matveev O. V. A word about the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar 1995 rock.

15. World of children and traditional culture. M., 1996.

17. Sending orders and riddles of the Kuban / Order. L. B. Martinenko. Krasnodar, 1993.

18. Fetisova A. G. Vikhovannia through a game in a cossack family / / Dikarevsky reading (5). Subbags of folklore and ethnographic records of the ethnic cultures of the Kuban for 1998. Krasnodar, 1999.

19. Frolov B. E. Zbroya of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 2002.

20. Bardadi V. Ratna the valor of the Kubans. Krasnodar, 1993.

21. Bardadi V. Cossack chicken. Krasnodar, 1992.

2 Other helpers
Portrait of Catherine the Great.

Portraits of famous Cossacks.

3 Technical background
Classic board.

Tape recorder.

multimedia projector.

Exposure screen.


4 Screen and sound aids
Audio recordings.


5 Games and toys
Attributes of Kuban costumes.

Lyalka Cossacks.

6 Owning a class
Educational tables 2-rooms from sets of styles.

Teacher's chair with pedestal

Shafi for the protection of assistants.

Mounting boards for displaying illustrative material.


The program is developed on the basis of the study program for the day-to-day activity of the Federal State Lighting Standard cob lighting.Consume the current welfare to put on the school of the head of the school as a kind of education, and the high-moral, spiritually rich, building adaptation of the people to the processes, like in the current world.


Front view:

Krasnodar Territory

Municipal osvita Krymskiy district

municipal budgetary lighting installation

secondary education school №…


for pedagogical decisions for the sake of Protocol No. 1

in __________ date

pedradi head



Program type: thematic

Name: "Kuban Ridna - the land of the Cossacks»

Program implementation term: 4 years (grades 1-4)

Year of school: 6.5 - 11 years

Number of years: 135

Teacher (scheduler): _____________________

The program is divided on the basis of the study program for the day-to-day activityFederal state lighting standard for global postal lighting (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 373 dated June 6, 2009)

Returning to the old, reviving the old,
saving yogo - tse not vіdmova vіd new,
tse new rozuminnya of the old, its root,
tse evident in history.
Academician D.S. Likhachov.



Consume a daily allowance to pay for the school

only a little yakіsnogo navchannya, and y vihovannija People are highly moral, spiritually rich, building adapt to the processes that are experienced in the modern world.

Vihovannia is one of the most important components of enlightenment in the interests of the people, the state, the state.Vihovannya can accept the development and development of the child's special features, all spiritual and physical forces and vitality; to lead the skin child to a new light, a light-gazer based on the recognition of human values ​​as a priority in life.

The skin of us is past and present, the skin of us is not the future. The skin of us can sacredly cherish the past, be a patriot of your fatherland - great and small.

The history of the native land, the Cossack land, like the history of our state, is necessary for our skin.

For example, in the 18th century, our ancestors moved to the Kuban, many Zaporizhka Cossacks. The Kuban villages grew up with their own clothes, culture, rituals and rituals.

It is obvious to everyone that there is a need to make connections between the modern people and the culture of their people. It is obvious that those who have a deep offensive in cultural traditions are blamed only once, if the child begins to master them from the least age. Vihovannya traditional cultural values ​​may s people.So I got to the problem"The development of the creative cob in humans, in the yoga of primary socialization, in the development of human cobwebs with people who are addicted to yoga, nature, mysticism, the development of humans in humans on the materials of the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

Actuality of the problem of patriotic education of children.

At our school, like in other schools of the region, the work is being carried out to protect, expand and develop national culture. For this reason, in order to preserve and revive the Cossacks, as a historically formed cultural and ethnic cohesion, in 2017-2018, the initial rotation on the basis of the 1st class was organized a group of civil and patriotic vihovaniya "Kuban Ridna - the land of the Cossacks"

Tsey gurtok will help them learn to take all the necessary knowledge from the history and culture of the native land, andto take in the history of the Cossacks, pobutu, traditions, rituals, crafts and crafts of the Cossacks.

The objects of the program were changes, technological, illustrative and technical bones on the topic "Cossacks of Russia".

Meta and program manager.


Learning from the spiritual and moral ambushes of the Cossacks; Revival of spiritual, historical and patriotic traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

Tsya meta embraces the entire pedagogical process, pervading all structures, integrating primary employment and after-school life of academics, various activities. We can reach the reach through the decisions of the coming tasks:

Vihovannya hulk through povaga to the little fatherland, rozuminnya її idiosyncrasies, adopting the Kuban as a part of the whole - Russia;

Adoption of the socialization of a young schoolboy under the hour of accepting humanistic norms for him on the basis of the middle ground.

For children, what is the organization of the program. Implementation lines Program.

The program "Kuban Ridna - the land of the Cossacks" is insured for 4 years. The program is focused on students post school, a team of teachers of the municipal initial mortgage and the father of the uchniv.

The main contributors to the Program are teachers, teachers and fathers.

Program implementation form.

The form of organization of work for the program of the best is collective, as well as group and individual forms of work.

The principle, the provisions of the basis of mass approaches.

Patriotic vihovanniaaccept as a systematic and goal-directed pedagogical activity from the formation of a high patriotic svіdomost, in honor of the fidelity of one's Fatherland, the exercise of one's bulky ob'yazku.

The program is based on principle social activity, individualization, motivation, interdependence and specialty of the team, which develops the development of the unity of illumination and the spiritual environment.

Stages of implementation of the program.

Stage I: design.

Tsіl : preparation of minds for the creation of a system of civil-patriotic vihovannia


1. Vivchiti normative base, legal acts.

2. Expand, discuss and approve the program of civil-patriotic development.

3. Analyze the material and technical, pedagogical mind and implementation of the program.

4. Choose diagnostic methods for the main directions of the program.

Stage II: practical.

Target: implementation of the program of civil-patriotic education "Kuban Ridna - the land of the Cossacks".


1. Vіdpratsyuvati zmіst diyalnostі, naybіlsh effektivnі form that method of vyhovnogo infusion.

3. To get to the system of civil-patriotic training of representatives of the current subjects of illuminating activities.

4. Monitor the implementation of the program.

5. Take part in competitions from civil-patriotic vihovannia.

III stage: analytical.

Target: analysis of the results of the program implementation.


1. Find out the results of the work.

2. Carry out correction of difficulties in the implementation of the program.

3. Plan the work for the coming period.

Program implementation mechanism.

For the achievement of the goals of the victors, the socio-pedagogical expanse, which is called, MBOU ZOSH No. 58, spivpratsyuє z cossacks, libraries. Vihovna's work will be carried out according to the age-old criterion.

When planning the work, traditional, institutional, municipal, regional, all-Russian visits are paid, which coincide with jubilee and sovereign dates; camps of institutional, municipal, regional, federal competitions.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the program.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Programs lays down the foundations of a victorious system of objective criteria, represented by moral, spiritual and cultural parameters.

Moral and spiritual parameters:

1. Formation of hromadyanskie novices:

  • vminnya pratsyuvati and children individually and in the team;
  • vminnya accept and protect your decision;
  • willingness to participate in the community rights;
  • readiness to enlightenment.

2. Formation of the confirmed setting to basic values:

  • patriotism and love to the Fatherland, the native land;
  • symbols of the Russian Federation, Kuban Cossacks;
  • national self-confidence;
  • honor and dignity of other people.

Number of parameters:

  • inclusion of skin lesions in the visceral situation;
  • yakіst vіdnosin (stosunki children to realіy life set, to establish, to the teacher, sprіlnyh prava);
  • participation in competitions on civil-patriotic, Cossack themes;
  • conducted visits.

Score the results, their social and spiritual significance.

As a result of the implementation of the Program, you will see:

1. In class, like in lighting systems:

  • creation of robots from civil-patriotic vihovannia;
  • improvement of the civil-patriotic war;
  • learning from the robot of civil and patriotic training of representatives of all subjects of the educational activity.

2. In the image of a graduate:

  • in the educational sphere: development of creative traits;
  • in historical and regional studies: rozumіnnya v_dpovіdalnosti for the share of the country, the region, the formation of pride for the honor to the day of the previous generations;
  • at the social : building up to self-realization in the expanses of the Russian state, forming an active life position;
  • in the spiritual and moral sphere: learning by scientists of higher values, ideals, landmarks, buildings are cherished by them in practical activity

The program reflects the need for the support of that state to socially promote the development of the bulk of his Fatherland, a patriot with an active life position. As a final result of the implementation of the Program, the public position and the patriotic awareness of scientists, as the basis of the specialty of the bulk of Russia, the native land, can become active.

2. Initially - thematically planned.

1 rіk navchannya


divisions, blocks, themes

All year




primary employment


Complete set.

Introductory part.

Land of Kuban

Roslinny svіt

Creature world

Ridne place

People of our village


2 rіk navchannya


divisions, blocks, themes

All year



Theoretical primary employment


primary employment


(Individual primary employment)

Organizational employment

Get closer to the native land

Flora and fauna of Kuban

Names and nicknames of Kuban

History of Kuban

History of Varenikivska

Vyznachni mіstsya st. Varenikivsky

Kuban glorious blue

Your countrymen-heroes

Sing that writers of Kuban

Sing that writers of Varenikivska

All year

3 rіk navchannya


divisions, blocks, themes

All year



Theoretical primary employment


primary employment


(Individual primary employment)

Organizational employment

Beat a Cossack.

Kuban Family

Cossack folklore

Creativity of prominent countrymen.

Cossack rites that is holy

Work with a recent project

All year

4 rіk navchannya


divisions, blocks, themes

All year



Theoretical primary employment


primary employment


(Individual primary employment)

Organizational employment

Beat a Cossack.

Kuban family.

Goat folklore.

Creativity of prominent countrymen.

Cossacks rites that is holy.

Work from recent projects

All year

1 rіk navchannya.

  1. Complete set. Introductory conversation. (1 year.)

Preparing an appointment. Briefing on safety techniques.

The head of that office of the work of the local leader.

  1. The land of the Kuban. (4 year.)

Position on the map. Mezhі. Rivers, lakes and the edge of the sea. Place and station.

Practically busy: priming.

  1. Roslinny world. (5 year.)

Kviti that herbs. tree. Likarsky roslini.

Practically busy: zamalovka, gra "Guess Roslin".

Excursion to Guy.

  1. Creature world. (5 hours)

Animals. Birds. Ribi. Komakhi.

Practically busy: Quiz about creatures


  1. Ridne place. (9 years old)

From the station to the place. Ridna school. Vіdomi graduates of the school. Library. Museums. Accomplishments.

Practical activities:Your place of the past (zamalovka), gra-holy, dedicated to the native place.

Excursions near the library, the Moscow museum.

  1. People of our place. (9 years old)

Professions of fathers. Famous residents of Varenikivska. Heroes are countrymen.

Practical activities:Competition of creations "My family", "Who I will become", wound "All professions are important".

Excursions at the Moscow Museum, at the cannery, at the bakery.

2 rіk navchannya.

  1. Travel nearer edge. (3 years old)

Kuban on the map of Russia. Seas. Rivers. Lake. Korisnі kopalini.

Practically busy: priming.

  1. Flora and fauna of Kuban. (4 year.)

Styopa. Lysostep. Burn.

Practically busy: Preparation of the layout of one of the natural areas.

  1. Names and nicknames of Kuban. (2 yr.)

The blame for that meaning is the name and nickname of the Kuban.

Practically busy: creative contest "What does my name mean"

  1. History of Kuban. (4 year.)

The land of the Kuban. Strіchka hour. Settlements of Kuban-Kozaks. Clothes at different times.

Practically busy: Preparation of a model of a dress of a Cossack and a Cossack

  1. History of Varenikivska. (2 yr.)

Station Varenikivska. Streets Varenikivska.

Excursion along Chervoniy street.

  1. Vyznachni mіstsya st. Varenikivsky. (7 year.)

Symbols of Varenikivska. Monuments. Cultural middle ground. Transport.

Practical activities:Grass “Know the signal of the light-light”, the competition of little ones “Your monument to the hero”.

  1. Kuban glorious blue (2 years old)

V.O.V. in the Kuban. Heroes of Viyni. Partisan Rukh. Children of heroes.

  1. Your countrymen-heroes (3 years)

Varenikivska at the rocky V.O.V. Streets were named after them. Schools are named after them.

Practically busy: Collection of family archives: photographs, work books, military receipts, national documents and others.

Vіdvіduvannya memo to heroes

  1. Sing that writers of the Kuban (2 years)

V. Bardadi. V. Nepodoba, K. Oboyshchikov.

  1. Sing that scribes of Varenikivska (2 years old)

Khokhlov S.M., Plotnichenko G.M.

Practically busy: Storing verses about Varenikivska

3 rіk navchannya.

  1. Organizational employment. (1 year.)

The manager of that zmist robotic group. Organization to take.

  1. Beat a Cossack. (6 hours)

Cossack madness. Getting to know the Cossack's hut. The life of the Cossacks. Acquaintance with the workers of the Cossacks. Cossack suit (folding of a suit for lyalka). Folk crafts and crafts. Pottery Cossack craft. Kin at the Cossack.

  1. Kuban family. (6 hours)

Vincent names and nicknames in the Kuban. Shame on the Kuban homeland. Dishes at the Kuban family. Kozak and fathers. Up to seniors. Cossack people. Holy mother - Cossacks. Etiket at the Cossacks.

  1. Goat folklore. (9 years old)

Kuban language. Kuban dialects. Cossack messages and orders, lichilki. Puzzles. Koliska song of the Cossacks. Kuban fairy tales. Games of the Kuban Cossacks. The toys of our children and grandma. Legends buli Chornomor'ya.

  1. Creativity of prominent countrymen. (4 year.)

Acquaintance with the work of Zakharchenko and the Kuban Cossack Choir. Acquaintance with the work of the Cossack choir Art. Varenikivsky.

Rite that holy in the Kuban. Great eggs, ritual bread. Christmas carols, schedrіvki. Maslyana in the Kuban. Traditions and sounds of Kuban. Folk remarks.

  1. Work from previous projects (2 years)

See projects. Select those for the project, designate the goals and task of the project. Work on the project. Project manager.

  1. rіk navchannya.
  1. Organizational employment. (1 year.)

The manager of that zmist robotic group. Organization to take.

  1. Beat a Cossack. (8 hours)

Cossack madness. Rite the pid hour of everyday life. Internal improvement of the hut. From the history of the man and the woman's clothes of the villagers. Cuban cuisine. Kovalska on the right in Kuban. Etiket at the Cossacks. Bad Cossack.

  1. Kuban family. (5 hours)

The life of the Cossacks. Kozak is a warrior, defender of the Russian land. Vincent names and nicknames in the Kuban. Kozak and fathers. Up to seniors. Honor of a Cossack. Cossack people. Mother is a goat. A rite of passage. The rite of im'yamovlennya.

  1. Goat folklore. (9h)

Kuban language. Kuban dialects. Cossack messages, orders, lichilki. Puzzles. Koliska song of the Cossacks. Kuban fairy tales. Games of the Kuban Cossacks. Legends buli Chornomor'ya. The creation of the Viysk choir.

  1. Creativity of prominent countrymen. (3 years old)

Acquaintance with the work of Zakharchenko and the "Kuban Cossack Choir". Acquaintance with the work of Ponomarenok.

  1. Cossacks rites that is holy. (6 hours)

Rite that holy in the Kuban.Rite of passage "See to the service."Great day in the Kuban. Great Pist. Rіzdvo in Kuban. Maslyana in the Kuban.Traditions and sounds in the Kuban. Folk remarks.

  1. Work from previous projects (2 years)

See projects. Select those for the project, designate the goals and task of the project. Work on the project. Project manager.

4. Score the results of the implementation of the program.

5. Form and vidi control

With the introduction of the summaries of the implementation of the Programs, the programs are carried out sacredly, as it includes the awarding of the best and most active students from the initial rotation with honorary diplomas, sheets of tribute and prizes; organization of a sub-bag exhibition with artistic and applied and technical robots; formation of a leadership group from initiative and active participants in the program.

  1. Methodical recommendations.

With the folding of the calendar-thematic planning in the classroom, it is possible to draw theoretical roses on those different programs. The process of learning is going to spiral: turning back to old topics, learning to become more familiar with the material, burying knowledge, learning in detail the nutrition of local knowledge.

It is also necessary to prepare the lads until the end of the day, whether they are difficult, to help each other a little.

To improve the appearance of the attainment of students. For whom you can start a “Schodennik of Gurtkivtsya”, where you should record the fate of all visits: magic, campaigns, and defense of projects. It is necessary to draw up a "Kutochok kraeznavtsya", devising the main moments of the work group.

Under the hour of the day, you can take it as a reader in geography, history, physical education, and learn a school doctor.

Activities of another fate, the beginning of the school, were carried out in a splendid way at watching dopovіdey, multimedia presentations, victorious by the teachings independently.

Golovnya, so that in the lessons the goodness of setting up to all living things was growing, growing interest until the past that day of one’s place, edge, edge. It is necessary to formulate the basics of the final work in the textbook.

With the passage of rich topics, you can win the playful and magical forms that allow the children to show their knowledge and mind, but it is also necessary to read the children from the team, work together that shvidko.

The power supply of the safety equipment is attributed to a significant part of the time that the power supply of all the software distributions is considered. Besidi, tests of safety techniques are carried out before the skin exit for an hour of practical work.

  1. Description of the material and technical security of the initial process.

Name of objects and facilites of material and technical security


1. Library fund (other products)*

  1. Bondar V.V. "Viysk city of Katerinodar" K., 2000.
  2. Gromov V.P., father Sergiy, Yu.M. Zagudaev and in. Chief help from military-patriotic training and foundations of military service”, K., 2005.
  3. Maslova A.V. "Kuban Starovyna", K., 2009.
  4. Yeryomenko O.M., Pokladova O.V., Sobol O.G. "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" (Vidavnitstvo "Svit Kubani").
  5. Miruk M.V., Yeryomenko O.M., Chup O.V. The program of additional education for children "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks" (grades 1-4) (Tradition, 2009).
  6. Methodical materials before the lessons and after-school entrances from Kuban studies, 3rd grade, author - styling Yeryomenko E.M. - Krasnodar: Vika-Print, 2006.
  7. Methodical materials before the lessons and after-school entrances from Kuban studies, 4th grade, the author is Yryomenko E.M.-Krasnodar: Vika-Print, 2006.
  8. Platonov I. "Kuban is Orthodox - Pervozvannaya." Taman-Krasnodar, 2000.
  9. Tkachenko P.I. Kuban sentries and orders. Krasnodar, view. "Tradition".
  10. More patriotic. The system of work, planning, lesson notes, rozrobka to take. Author-regulator I.A. Pashkovich. Volgograd: "Teacher", 2006.
  11. More patriotic. Normative legal documents. 2nd edition, revised. M., 2006.
  12. Ratushnyak V.M. "Ridna Kuban. Storinki istorii: A book for reading "K., 2003-2004.

2. Other supporters

  1. Other helpers
  2. Demonstration material (lotto, subject pictures)

3. Technical background

  1. Doshka
  2. Exposure screen
  3. Notebook
  4. multimedia projector

4. Screen-sound aids

5. Games and toys

6. Owning a class

  1. Uchnivsky tables of doubles with a set of stylets.
  2. Vchitelsky stіl with a pedestal.
  1. Shafi for the collection of mentors, didactic material, helpers toshcho.

Publication date: 10.11.2016

Short description:

forward review of the material

1. Explanatory note

This lighting program is recognized both for classes of Cossack directing, and for students of the 6th class of global lighting schools and installations of supplementary education for children. Covering the program on the history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks as part of a comprehensive program. Recognized for the classes of Cossack directness, but it can also be seen as an independent primary discipline.

The history and traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks includes folklore (songs, sayings, orders, legends, fairy tales, tales, etc.), rich traditions, ceremonies and rituals, holy and zvicha, self-proclaimed Kuban govir, different forms of everyday life. that kind of cossacks. Tse majestic is the wealth of the people, and it is not guilty to die. Having saved the roots, we will grow the tree of our modern culture. In this hour, our conscience is experiencing a spiritual crisis, we can do more than we can, relying on the right cultural values ​​and ideals. The history and culture of the Kuban Cossacks is the main value of the rich history of our people. There is a unique power: to call all the generations together and save spiritual wealth, accumulated by centuries, people. The headline tasks of the enlightenment program and the spiritual and moral upbringing of the growing generation. Traditional culture and folklore of the building virishiti tse zavdannya so. Like the stench wins and knows, and vikhovny and communicative functions.

Metadata of the program- the development of the spiritual mentality of the younger generation, educated to the true human values, the development of creative qualities and building up to self-knowledge, self-mastery.

Tasks that are violated by the program:

    To formulate among the schoolchildren a statement about the history and the traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks as a unique and unique culture of the Kuban region of the Russian state.

    Get to know them with Orthodox and folk traditions and rituals, saints and names of the Kuban Cossacks.

    Develop more creative ideas and vitality of children.

    Form their interest in the work of post-shukovo-doslednitskoy.

    Develop in children building up to self-knowledge, self-improvement.

This program is insured for 1 year of education, which includes 34 years of education. Occupations are carried out for a period of one year once per day. As appointed above, this program is recognized for classes of Cossack directiveness, as well as for 6 classes of the main school. This course can be implemented in optional or part-time classes. For the first time, mastering the programs of 12-13 years, the number of students, vrakhovyuchi practical directing the illumination of activity, not more than 25 points in a group, in a class.

This course can be implemented at facultative or group classes in Cossack classes, or serve as supplements to the course "Kuban studies" in schools.

Historical milestones passed by the Cossacks and unique folklore material from the history of the words of the population of the Kuban, Cossack saints, sounds and rituals formed the basis of this program.

The main feature of this program is that it is importantly funded for the development of creative learning abilities and includes practical activities for the development and development of the folklore community of the Kuban Cossacks.

The task of the course is the practical development of the cultural encampment of the Kuban Cossacks. V daily suspense with the majestic information flow, in the minds of integration and globalization, it is important to preserve the young generation of its historical roots. This is the main meta given by the program.

This program is aimed at the realization of the creative potential of the specialty of a child, promotion of motivation to the recognition of creativity, education to the cultural values ​​of one's little father, security of emotional and physical well-being, as well as spiritual and educational retail.

The program includes acquaintance with the basic moral values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks, such as mercy, mutual assistance and mutual support, Christian morality and folklore spadshchina. The program contains historical material about the vindication of the Cossacks in the Kuban, yoga, dressing, traditional ethics, and yoga rites.

These programs expanded and included practical activities for the development of Kuban goat folklore. So, for example, the theme "Winter Holy" includes theatricalization of the Christmas rite "carols". Similar to the theme of "Spring rites and sounds" theatricalization of the spring rite (scenarios are added).

With the help of the development of interest in the subject, it is included the main occupation in the form of a lesson-game. So it is like "Cossacks sound", "Cossacks fun", role play "Maslyana".

As a result of the re-verification, the development of the creative abilities of the students and the result of the work of this program is the performance of this team at school thematic visits and saints, the fate of competitions and festivals dedicated to the Kuban Cossacks. Kohdi osvnnya Danani by Programs to Kіntsya inaccurative ROCA Socan Movyni Knititzii Kubanskogo Kozatvtva, Formwati Namnnya to Creator Vicannya Kubanskikh Kozatskikh Pisian І Bajok, Kubanskoїї Govikki, Kozatskiy Tanzіv, and Torzhiki Zodіbnosti Tom Navichniki Decoratively.

The program can be recommended to the students of Kuban studies and the history of the Cossacks in schools, the spriya spriyaє vyhovanniu like love and patriotism to their own little fatherland and the form of the art studies of the folk culture of the Kuban Cossacks.


Name of divisions, blocks, topics

Wow, one year.

Number of years

The main types of initial activity (UDD)


After the audience

Intro. The world of folk traditions of the words of the Kuban population of the Kіnets of the ХVІІІ - the beginning of the ХІХ c.

Get to know the program, the goals of that task force.

Orthodoxy in the Kuban

Get to know the history and features of the expansion of Orthodoxy in the Kuban.

Spiritual values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks.

Vivechati and preserve the spiritual values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks.

Traditional etiquette and clothes of the Kuban Cossacks.

Demonstrate knowledge of the etiquette and the special dress of the Kuban Cossacks.

Vidpochinok, play and rozvagi words'yan Kuban.

Know the peculiarities of the cossacks' conduct of the cossacks, remember the cossack games.

Folk medicine. The calendar is holy, it sounds like the rites of the Cossacks.

Learn and understand the meaning of the saints, learn to practice the rites of the Cossacks.

Family traditions, similar to the rites of the Cossacks.

Know the main sounds, family traditions of the Cossacks. Get to know the history of your Cossack homeland.

Cossack's lunatic. Internal improvement of the booth. Podvir'ya. Folk crafts.

Prepare a virіb of decorative and uzhitkovy art.

The main stages, dates and under the history of the Kuban Cossacks.

Voloditi razuminnyam main stages in the history of the Kuban Cossacks.

Visnovok, aggravated by the fact, went to the local museum.

At once godin

Topic 1. Procurement. The World of Folk Traditions of the Words of the Jansk Population of the Kuban

(Kіnets XVIII beginning of the XIX century).

Formation of folk words'Janian traditions in Old Russia. Resettlement of descendant Slavic peoples to the Kuban. Formation of the Kuban Cossack culture. Practical work - a quiz.

Topic 2. Orthodoxy in the Kuban.

Pravoslavia as the head haircut of the traditional culture of the words of the Kuban. The motto of the Kuban Cossacks is "For the Faith, for the Tsar, for the Batkivshchyna". Appearance of schismatics and sectarians in the Kuban. Temples and monasteries of the Kuban region. Christian culture in the folklore of the Kuban words. Practical work - "Temples and Cathedrals of the Kuban".

3. Spiritual values ​​of the Kuban Cossacks.

Mercy is one of the important aspects of the system of moral values ​​of the Kuban words. Mutual guarantee and mutual assistance, collectivism among the Cossack community. Folk Pedagogy of Christian Vihovannia among the Cossack Family. A practical work is the test "The birth of children from a cossack family."

Topic 4. Traditional etiquette and clothes of the Kuban Cossacks.

Norms of behavior and everyday life, their links with Christian commandments and morality. The man and woman's robes of the Cossacks. Reflection of the Georgian culture and traditions in the odes of the Kuban words. Practical work 1 - excursion to the Museum. Practical work 2 - competition of little ones "Man and woman clothes of the Kuban Cossacks".

Topic 5

Children have fun cossacking. Summer and winter games of children and children. Dozvіllya grown up. Cholovіchі and zhіnochі zbori - gatherings. Stanichni tales and balacuri. Folk music culture Practical work - stsenovannya "Stanichny tales".

Topic 6. Folk medicine. The calendar is holy, the rites ring.

Zvyazok people from nature. Bagatovіkovy dosvіd quackery of words. Natural Comoros of Kuban. A practical work - a reminder on the topic "Natural Comoros of the Kuban". Winter is holy: Christmas time, Christmas Day, Kolyaduvannya, Baptism of the Lord. Spring is holy: Maslyana, Palm Week, Great Day, Provid, Trinity. Summer is holy: Ivan Kupala, Il'in day, three Save (apple, honey, bread). Autumn is holy: Semenіv day, Rіzdvo Bogoroditsi, Exaltation of the Cross, Intercession, Paraskeva Friday. Practical work 1. - stsenization of the Christmas rite.

Practical robot 2. - Role play "Maslyana".

Topic 7. Family rites that call.

Spring rituals at the Kuban villages. Wesillya: matchmaking, "zaruchennya", "girl's evening", "settlement", spring train, wedding, spring festivities. Batkivshchyna: folk faith, the ritual of raising hands. Khrestini: the rite of baptism at the Orthodox church, baptism of the father. Funeral: funeral sings, reading of psalms, funeral songs - songs of the voice, the funeral of the deceased in the temple, the rite of burial. Practical work - staging a wedding ceremony.

Theme 8 Cossack's lunatic. Internal improvement of the booth. Podvir'ya. Folk crafts. Technology of budinka (hati) life. Turluchni or samanny budinki. Chervony Kut. Furniture, interior items. Pottery, forging craft. Weaving, embroidery.

Topic 9. The main stages, dates and under the history of the Kuban Cossacks. The main memorable dates and banners of the regional and mass significance. Personality, historical is that cultural podia, which has become a base for a memorable date. Meaning of tsієї podії for the current Kuban Cossacks. Preparing for the celebration of the holy day (at the choice of the teacher).

Theme 10 Visnovok, aggravated by the fact, went to the local museum.

4. Checking the results of the program implementation



Pridbannya by schoolchildren of social

knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life (1 rіven)

Formation of a positive setting to the basic values ​​of our sustainability and social reality as a whole (2 rіven)

Nabuttya by schoolchildren will bring that independent social activity

History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks

* designate the main genres of the folk art of the Kuban Cossacks;

* Know the history of your Cossack family and the history of your classmate;

* to understand the peculiarities of the traditions and rituals of the Kuban Cossacks;

* the nobility of the main memorials near metro Krasnodar and the region, related to the history of the Cossacks;

* Vykonuvati elementi folk virobіv, power in the main types of DPI of the Kuban Cossacks;

* Explain the structure and direction of the activity of the Kuban Cossack Troop.

* vmіti vikonuvati, demonstrating various folklore forms of the Kuban Cossacks;

* Reconstruct the main holy rituals;

* vykonuvat home obov'yazki vіdpovіdno to svogo vіku;

* write about your goat family.

* stage folk rites with songs and folklore of the Kuban Cossacks;

* the nobility that dorimuvatisya the foundations of the spiritual life of the Cossacks;

* vykonuvat virobi and virobi in the traditions of the DPI of the Kuban Cossacks;

* vikonati doslidnitsky project on the topic "History and culture of the Kuban Cossacks"

5. Form and vidi control

Good form and visual control

The main form of work is educational employment. Occupation s tsієї programs to wear practice-oriented, creative, playful character. The activity can be both active and interactive in nature (continued activity, development and protection of projects, independent search for knowledge), and can also include the following methods: advising, demonstrating, supporting statements.

The word about the work comes from the forms of fairs, competitions, festivals, mass visits.

One of the results of the study is the completion of the task of improvement - the comprehension of the practical development of the system of values.

At the basis of enlightenment lies communication, which brings the development of special features.

The value of sim'ї - understanding the importance of sim'ї in the life of a person, mutual understanding and mutual help to your relatives, awareness of your root; shanoblive setting up to the elders, their knowledge, moral ideals.

Compliance with the interdependence of the installations of supplementary lighting.

7. Description of the material and technical security of the initial process

a) translation of literature for the teacher

1. Abdulatipov R.A. My Russian people: Kuban Cossacks, M.2006

3. Administration of the Krasnodar Territory. Periodic Kuban. Kuban near the rocks of the Great Vitchiznyanoy War, 1941-1945 r.b. Krasnodar 2005

4. Bardadi V.P. Ratna valor of Kuban, Krasnodar 2003

5. Bardadi V.P. Kozachy hen, Krasnodar, 1992

6. Bigday L.D. Songs of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar 1995

7. Boyko I.M. Pieces, spivki, suffering. Kuban songs. Folklore and Creative Center of the Peoples of the Pivnichny Caucasus "Joy" Krasnodar, 2002

8. Bondar Z. Traditional culture of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar 1999

9. Gaivoronska I.F. Children of the arts of Kuban. Krasnodar, 2006.

10. Zakharchenko V.G. Folk songs of the Kuban. Radianska Kuban, 1997

11. Kuban State University. Collection of scientific practices: From the pre-revolutionary past Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar 1993

12. Lyakh V.I. Musical art of Kuban. Krasnodar, 2006

13. Materials of scientific and practical conference. Protecting the people: traditional folk culture. Krasnodar 2007

14. Pakhalko N.A. Goat calendar. Slov'yansk-n/K 2000r.

15. Pevnev A.P. Kuban Cossacks

schools, gymnasiums, lyceums in the Krasnodar Territory Krasnodar, 1995

16. .Petrusenko I Kuban at the song. Radianska Kuban. Krasnodar, 1999

17. Prasalova O.M. At the Union of Beauty M.1987 r.

18. The program of additional education of children from folklore and decorative art of the Kuban Cossacks. Krasnodar, 2008

19. Ratushnyak V.M. Encyclopedia. Cuban studies. Krasnodar, 2008

20. Tkachenko P.I. Dovidkove seen. Kuban speaking. Moscow, 1998

21 Tkachenko P.І.

22. Thamakova I.Kh. Traditional Cossack fun. World of culture. Nalchik, 1990

23. Chursina V.I. Folk culture of the words of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 2005

24. Chursina V.I. Folklore words'yan Kuban. Krasnodar, 2003

b) list of academic literature

1. Kuban folk songs. Krasnodar, 2002

2. Kuban folk tales and legends / Order. V.V. Voronin. Krasnodar, 2001

4. Type of bait up to bilini. Russian folklore. M., 1991

5. Sentences, orders and riddles of the Kuban / Order: L. B. Martinenko, I. V. Uvarova. Krasnodar, 1993

6. Sentences, orders and riddles of the Kuban / Order: L. B. Martinenko, I. V. Uvarova. Krasnodar, 2000

c) technical background

Computer, interactive boards.

d) screen-themed aids

Presentations, CDs song.

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