Additional information on "information technologies in the process of production in cob classes". Vikoristannya іkt technologies in pochatkov_ schools

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Victory of information technologies in the classroom

v pohatkov_y school

Understand "Information Technologies"

Information processes(Збір, processing and transfer of information) have always played an important role in the science, technology and life of the suspension. In the course of the evolution of the people, one can see a tendency towards the automation of these processes, if the internal change has become invisible by the day.

The informatization of the suspension is everywhere in the complex of visits, directed to the safety of the main and timely registration of reliable information, the public knowledge of all socially significant types of human activities.

Information technology is a wide class of disciplines and hallucinations of efficiency, related to management technologies and processing of data, including from the stasis of numerical technology.

Іnformatsіyna tehnologіya - tse sukupnіst metodіv, virobnichih protsesіv i program- tehnіchnih zasobіv, ob'єdnanih in tehnologіchny lantsyuzhok scho zabezpechuє zbіr, obrobku, zberіgannya, poshirennya i vіdobrazhennya Informácie of metoyu znizhennya trudomіstkostі protsesіv vikoristannya іnformatsіynogo resource, and takozh pіdvischennya їh nadіynostі that operativnostі ...

In pedagogical and special literature, different classifications of information technologies are introduced, which are widely used in the sphere of education (Fig. 1).


Technology of graphic design

Robotics technology with graphic information

Merezhevi information technologies

Robotics technology with text information

Multimedia technologies

Technology of zberigannya, food and variety of danikh

Small. 1. Classification of information technologies

The meta of a widespread expansion of information technologies is the expansion of the problem of development of information technology support and all life in the country.

It will remain an hour before information technologies are most often used by computer technologies. Zokrema, information technologies can help you with the protection of computers and software security for securing, re-introducing, saving, processing, transferring and discarding information.

According to the designations adopted by UNESCO, information technology is a complex of interconnected science, technology, engineering disciplines, which includes methods of effective organization of the work of people, learning; numerical technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and versatile institutions, practical supplements, and also related to a wide range of social, economic and cultural problems. The very information technologies allow for folding training, great cob vitrates and scientific technology. Їхн the introduction of a blameworthy work on the basis of mathematical security, the formulation of information flows in the systems of preparation of faxes.

The role of information technologies in the process of education in pochatkovy schools

At the given moment, the process of "semiotization" of the suspension is being seen - the development of numerical sign systems appears, the developers of which are set to be a richly component "information field", which is a specific information about people. Opportunities for information technologies are immeasurable, the problem of information (communal) adaptation of people in the society is the problem. Today the suspension has learned that it is impossible without informatization of all spheres of human activity. Because of the information, there’s a day, when people’s stuck, make them more and more strained. To create a rapidly growing drive for information before the skin's rock grows out of the world in a number of scientific knowledge and this part, in order to become a part of the new mortgage ( Pavlova S.A. 2007).

The lucky scholar is guilty:

    being able to adapt to life situations;

    to create an independent system of necessary subject knowledge for the development of practical buildings;

    Volodya navichi podolannya stereotypes of the misnomer;

    development of health before adaptation in the small information center; but a nasty, mobile, yak showing penetration, tolerant, creative, innovative, competitive specialism.

In connection with the cym, the priorities in the methods and methods of navchannya change from the supply of ready-made knowledge to the navchannya methods of pochuka, zberigannya, vibor, yakisnoy processing of information and vikoristannya.

The program of informatization is a whole complex of entries, direct to the security of the operational knowledge of all types of educational activity.

The meta of a bit of a lesson is the formulation of a figurative message and a statement about the subject. Great opportunities for the implementation of the pledges in the victorious computer in the pochatkovy schools.

The current system of education and transmission innovative technologies... There are two main passages - yakisne and kilkisne.

It is clear that the new possibilities are obvious, as well as the interpretation of the verbal inventory from the bezopasmedno audiovisual submissions.

Kіlkіsnі perevagi pivot in the fact that the new medium of multimedia is rich in informational education.

Development of new information technologies in education, stimulating the distribution of software and information, so that methodological ideas are being implemented, linked with automatic or automatic access to the initial correct information,

The Pochatkova school is the foundation, as a way of keeping a child far away. First of all, it is especially useful for the reader of cob classes. Yogo zavdannya not only navchit read, write, but lay the foundations of the spirituality of the child, develop yogo brighten up, Navchit methods of new business. Especially, we will keep importantly at the same time in our brightly colored light, the light of re-information information. Navchit child pratsyuvati from the information, navchit navchatisya.

Vislovlennya academician A.P. Semyonov "Navchit the life of a human being in the information light - find the best school of the day", which is the initial one for a robot of a skin teacher.

For the implementation of the goals of the winery, the need for a robotic reader of cob classes in practice is necessary. communal technologies.

The professionalism of the ІKT test in the new young schools is to say such additional features, such as the shortening of the development of the pointed-shaped target in the context of the verbal, as well as the unreasonable If the information has not been taken away, then it cannot be zerous, it has been taken over, it cannot be added to the specialties, an element of culture.

The informatization of the cob school and education is an important role for the advancement of the modern development of the culture of the 21st century child. Zvidsy viplivayut tsіlі victoriannya ІKT:

advancing the motivation of the newcomer;

Advancing the efficiency of the process of getting started;

reception of activization of the educational sphere of scholars;

udoskonalyuvati methods of conducting lessons;

promptly see the results of the new and victorious;

planuwati and systematize your robot;

vikoristovuvati yak for self-esteem;

clearly and quickly prepare a lesson (zahid).

Informatization of the cob's coverage of the following lines:

vikoristannya ІKT as a didactic service for new studies (the establishment of didactic books, distribution and storage of ready-made computer programs from small objects, vikoristannya in your robot Internet resources, etc.;

conducting a lesson with IKT victories (storing IKT at the end of the lesson, IKT victorious for consolidating and controlling knowledge, organizing group and individual robots, postal robots and robots with daddies);

development of the project activity of young schoolchildren from the victors of the ICT.

The computer can be victorious at all stages of the process of starting: when the new material is explained (introduced), it is fixed, it is repeated. At the same time for a child, I have a visitor to the developmental functions: a teacher, a working instrument, an ob'kta navchannya, a spivpratsyu team, a secondary (igrovy) middle class.

In the function of the reader, the computer is:

    dzherelo new information (partly, if I will add a replacement reader and a book);

    a nauchny posibnik (apparently a new level with the possibility of multimedia and telecommunications);

    individual information space;

    training apparatus;

    for diagnostics and control.

The new possibilities for providing information on computers, allowing for changes in knowledge and knowledge, including in the new integrated courses, knowledge of the history and methodology of people of science, science

best temporality mastery of the image can be reached when the reader’s words are read out without prejudice and the image hanging to the scholars in the process of navchannya. The potential of a computer as the main method for the implementation of information technologies allows for a greater degree of flexibility in healthy and auditory analyzers. Tse, in my heart, pouring in, persh for everything on the cob stage of the process of mastering knowledge - seeing and receiving. The signals, which are received by the senses, are given a logical pattern and enter the sphere of abstract targeting. As a result, the chutta image is included in the judgment and the mind. In addition, the basis for a successful overcoming of the offensive stage of the process of understanding - comprehension is being developed.

At the stage of comprehension of various information technologies, the formulation and understanding of the evidence and groundedness of judgment and reasoning, establishing causally-inherited psychological sounds. necessary for the misleading process, to be the basis of comprehension; play a great role in remembering how the logical completion of the process of starting up, so that, when firing clear reference signals, it helps to develop a logical thread to the material, Ufimov V.F., 2009).

Emotional infusion is due to the fact that the process of developing information technology and the concentration of respect of scientists on the wisdom of the promoted material, is of interest and positive emotional attitudes towards childrearing. Preserving respect by stretching out the first-class relationship with one of the topical problems of pedagogy. Also K.D. important factor, As soon as the success of the vicious and the new, and in order to save the respect: the feasibility of the feud, direct vimoga respect, come in against the disrespect, the time of the victories.

Three of the names of KD Ushinsky koshtіv, tied to information technologies, such as, in a wide range of varied and technical capabilities, allow us to fend off hostility to the material, which will be destroyed (P.I.

With such a rank, you can create a visitor, so that the victorious information technologies of the victorious are more literate at any stage of the pedagogical process:

    • we will learn at the stage of the presentation of the initial information;

      at the stage of mastering new material in the process of interactive interaction;

      at the stage of repetition and consolidation of acquired knowledge (navichok, min);

      at the stage of industrial and pedagogical control and self-control of the achieved results;

      at the stage of correction and the process of creation itself, and its results in the way of thoroughly completing the initial material, its classification, systematization, etc.

You can make it more literate to learn more about the possibilities of modern information technologies in cob schools:

1. Activation of educational performance, promotion of academic success of schoolchildren;

2. Achievement of information for additional help from modern electronic materials, signs for vicarious students in the classroom at cob schools;

3. Development of a tool for self-education and self-control among young schoolchildren; adjustment of the level of comfort;

4. Decrease in didactic difficulties among scholars;

5. Promotion of activity and innovation of young schoolchildren at school; development of the informational mission of schoolchildren, the formulation of information and communication competence;

6. Adding robots to the computer by the scientists of the cob school and by the rules of safety.

In the cobclasses, the study of information technologies for additional assistance to the teacher is to provide the teacher with the necessary didactic information, the development of the interest of young schoolchildren to the subject, and the knowledge accumulated by the students of the support

    reorientation to the development of the target, if there are any main processes of development that are necessary for yak_snogo navigation;

    to show the goodness to the sp_vpratsi, self-perfection, creativity and in.

With the victorious information technologies, all the basic steps of the lesson are taken into account earlier.

Within the framework of the traditional lesson in the electronic version of the deyakoi part of the initial material, the process of rejecting knowledge is complex and effective. The stench allows you to talk about the formulation of the key competencies of the schoolchildren, who are in:

    building up to systemic misleading, up to independent actions in the minds of non-value and non-transfer;

    willingness to show responsiveness to the robot;

    building independent and efficiently resolving problems that have come to light in the process of practical activity;

    willingness to positive interaction with classmates;

    Greatly efficiently and effectively accept solutions, efficiently manage conflicts in the first place;

    Building smartly and numbly storing their knowledge and receiving information from the latest practical buildings;

    readiness to add new knowledge and praise to self-improvement;

    the development of information technology and information technologies in the process of creation;

    building to sub'active self-assessment, reflexion and іnshomu.

But in order for the schoolchildren to learn about the school, they could, in the form of their bosses, vikoristovuvat the computer as a friend of the navshanni, need some information about the versatility of their koristuvalnitsky's knobs. Children may have the right to register with every day. With the help of modern technical and audiovisual techniques and intensive methods, it is possible to start learning, learn more about the material.

Multimedia lessons will help you to improve your teaching skills:

    learn the basic knowledge of the subject;

    systematize acquired knowledge;

    formulate tips for self-control;

    formulate the motivation to start in whole and to the subject of sprinkling;

    I will give a basic methodical help to the scholars in independent robots over the basic material.

Information technologies provide information in different forms ah, and by ourselves, it is more effective to control the process. The economy for the hour required for the development of a particular material is 30% in the middle, and the knowledge gained in memory is much better.

With the victorious information technologies in the process of initiation, the sutta changes to the initial process are observed:

    reorientation to the development of the target, as the main processes of development, necessary for the new generation;

    to take care of the effective organization of the educational and independent activity of scientists;

    to be good before spivpratsi, self-satisfying, creativity and ingenuity.

Special features of the ІKT victorian at pochatkovy schools

Organization and development of the initial process of the cob school and cardinally change from the main and senior school. If I want to be victorious about information technology in the course of the entire initial process, and not just at the level of informatics, then there are a number of difficulties associated with organizing a lesson. So, the students were sent to the school group, transferred to the computer science lesson, which is carried out by the Fakhiv student, we invite you to prepare for the robot in the middle and senior Lanka classes in the technically equipped computer science room, which is unacceptable for the Russian classroom students.

The main organizing models of the ІKT victorious school at the lesson in pochatkovy schools:

    one computer in a class on the workstation of the reader, connections to the projector;

    computer class.

One computer in a class on the working machine of the reader, connections to the projector

Have a computer model є, first for everything, with a modern, rich and functional schoolyard. Wien allows you to take the standard of accuracy in the initial process. A computer with a projector allows the demonstration to be heard with a ringing sound, if the teacher can take a part in the number of calls to the screen of the process for additional control of the process behind the help of the computer.

Computer class

The main reason for such an organizational model of a field is that in itself it is possible to use a computer without ruining a very classy-class model. It will be shown that, if there is evidence of the advance preparation of the scientists and the correctly adjusted software safety, the teacher can successfully lead the lesson in the class of 25-30 students and the same number of computers with a subclass in the group. It is possible to use a robotics scheme, if 1 computer is victorious with two scientists in the mode of change of efficiency. Carrying out such lessons will help you to be in the class of work zones for real activity. Have given models requested є development tools for robots with information objects (computers in the main middle), collect tests, thematic multimedia collections.

The role of the teacher at the lessons of the PC victories- organizer of the whole lesson and consultant.

The range of IKT possibilities is wide. However, when we’re working with the children of a young school student, it is necessary to remember the commandment “Not good!”

The organization of the initial process in the schoolchildren, the first for everything, is guilty of the acceptance of the activization of the educational sphere of scholars, the successful mastery of the initial material and the acceptance of the mental development of the child. Otzhe, ІKT can vikonuvati singular illumination function, to help the child grow up in the flow of information, to receive information, to remember, and in any case not to get health. IKT is guilty of being an additional element of the initial process, not the main one. I’ll look at the psychological peculiarities of a young schoolboy, a robot from the IKT vicarious, but it’s well thought out and dosed. With such a rank, the stasis of IKT in the classroom is guilty of being merciful. Planning a lesson in a cobbled school, the teacher is guilty of carefully thinking through the meta, mice and methods of victorious ІKT.

The start of young schoolchildren with a computerized education is regulated by two vimogs - hygienic and naval. According to the sanitary standards for occupying children, it is permissible to vikoristovuvati lishe taku computer technology, Yaka maє sanitary-epidemiological visnovok about safety for the health of children. The sanitary-epidemiological design is guilty of the mother not only because of the knowledge of the technology, but the one that is in operation. Applying, de-exploiting computers, is guilty of the mother's piece that natural illumination. For the distribution of computer classes, it is possible to select such applications, as they are organized for the first time and for the first time, as well as with adjustable annexes such as blinds, depending on the type of blinds. It is unacceptable to grow computers of class in basement and pantry.

For the improvement of the connection with computers, it is recommended to store polymeric materials, for example, for hygiene applications, so that you can provide security for the health of children. The surface of the pidlogi is guilty of being hand-held for cleaning and tidying up, and the mother is antistatic. The area on one workstation with a computer is to blame for not less than 6 sq. M.

Even more importantly, it is very important to correctly distribute the robotics in the computer class. The computer is more beautiful than roztashuvati so that the light falls on the screen when evil falls. Unimportant to those who shine on the screen, busy guilty takes place not in the dark, but in the kindly sanctified primacy. The placement of working tables is guilty of ensuring that there is no less than 1.2 m between the monitor surfaces of the monitor.

With the victorious office of informatics for the students of the educational period, it is very important to consider the problem of the selection of furniture up to the age of young schoolchildren. In general, the workmanship is fully equipped with supplies for them. The growth of new furniture (style and style) is guilty of making the child grow up. It is possible to move into the middle by an offensive rank: the legs and the back (and even more beautifully and in front of the front) give support, and the line of sight falls closer to the center of the monitor or even more. The illumination of the surface of the table, or the keyboard, is to blame for not less than 300 lux, and the screen is not more than 200 lux. For a change in speed, it is important to follow the timeline, so that the image on the computer screen is clear and contrasting. It is also necessary to enable the possibility of displaying the screen, to reduce the contrast and clarity of the image. When robotic with textual information, the transition will lead to a positive contrast: dark signs on a light background. To see the computer screen is guilty but not less than 50 cm. One child is guilty of the computer at once, the current is for a seated sideways mind to see the image on the screen quickly get bogged down. Making children go to the computer next to fix the rules of a safe cure, which is not only done at school, but at home.

For the prevention of healthy and zealny stomlennya in the classroom, it is necessary to take the following recommendations:

Optimal triviality bezperervnyh to borrow with a computer for scientists, but not more than 15 hvili.

With the aim of preventing the healthy growth of children by driving robots on personal computers, it is recommended to carry out the complex to the right for the eyes, as they appear sitting or standing, having turned out of the screen, with a rhythmic dichotomy, with the maximum amplitude of the collapse. For a greater addiction, they can be carried out in the form of games (div. DodatokB).

Conducting gymnastics for the eyes is not viciously conducting physical culture. Regularly carrying out the right for the eyes and physical culture effectively reduces health and static electricity. It’s insane, well, it’s a lot of things to lie down due to the nature of computers to take. Naybіlsh stomlyuyuchі for children computers іgry, rozrahovanі, head rank, on the speed of reaction. There is no need to introduce such a kind of life - hour of all busyness. Trivale sidinnya at the computer can lead to overstrain of the nervous system, ruined sleep, ruin of self-respect, stumbling of the eyes. To that for scholars it is allowed to carry out computers igor only in the beginning of a busy day for no more than 10 hvili. When realizing a lesson, one computer in the office can be a vicoristany like an "electronic" board, so that a vicorist is in the "wiklik" mode of up to new scholarships for the submission of commands transferred by the initial computer program. For a complete connection of a computer to a projector or a TV set with a great screen for the efficiency of frontal robots with a class. The teacher is guilty of using the elementary tricks of the robot with the computer: at the speed of the CD with the computer programs of the initial recognition, the mother is shown about the robot on the computer with the text, graphics, and knowledge of the robot with the Internet O. , 2004).

The busyness in the gurts from the victorious PCs should not have been organized earlier, but in 1 year, after the end of the schoolchildren, they should be taken from the school. It took an hour to bring up the message for the posting and reception.

Making children go to the computer next to fix the rules of a safe cure, which is not only done at school, but at home.

Vikoristannya ІKT do not mischief the health of children in the same way, as the teacher will:

    vrahovuvati vіkovі specialties and interests of children,

    controllable without interruption of the robot's hour with a screen and a projector (2 class - 10 min, 3 class - 15 min, 4 class - 20 min),

    cherguvati vidi i formi robots,

    stitches for the pace of the robot (not guilty of being smart, imposing),

    viclyuchi be-yake, smothering і smothering bazhan ditini.

There is also a problem of efficiency in the minds of computerization. Aje emotsії - navazhliv_sha characteristic human specialties. Smell play the role of regulators of human behavior, catch the daytime of human sentiments and experience, and start the moral qualities of people, who are put to the point of action and, in the endless rakhunku, of the eyes. The importance of the formulation in the study of emotional and value-added attitudes to the point and one to one in the process of development has been brought to the fore by numerical advances.

In the minds of the computerization of the initial process, it is especially important to preserve the positive attitude of scientists to life, to feel the joys of a skin day lived, to be satisfied with the results of their initial, labor and enormous activity. “It is even more important,” wrote V. O. Sukhomlinsky, “a divine light of nature, gree, beauty, music, fantasy, creativity, so that children have gone to school without curling up in front of a child's best door” (Kukushkin V.S., 2006 ). Of particular importance is the development of the situation, which allows the student to experience a sense of success in reaching the main goals (do not know that they are objectively insignificant). Given the problem to seem relevant, some of the pedagogical power of a computer, as I’m starting to work on a number of indicators in a way that surpasses the power of traditional ways of realizing the initial process.

Organization of lessons with a computer support

Lessons from the computer victorious are carried out at once from the extravagant busyness, it is possible and thoroughly victorious computers for the transmission of private lessons, the child is more intelligent, having seen the topic of the lesson, creatively vyaviv himself. Leather computer lesson є, in principle, integrating - on a new set of subjects to go through the course of computer science.

The main types of lessons,victorious in the process of navchannya with information pіdtrimkoyu, є:

    combinations lesson,

    lesson - control and correction,

    lesson thorough knowledge and intelligence

Lessons with a computer training for children for singing special course allow 3 forms of education:

    frontal form;

    group form;

    individual form.

If you talk about the specifics of teaching young schoolchildren, then you will be able to transfer teaching methods and methods within one lesson: (explanatory - illustrative, pre-slidnitsky) etc.

Completing the lessons on the basis of the availability of new information technologies in the classrooms of the cob classes, and the schoolchildren have lost the environment for them, since the middle of the population is familiar with the information about the specialties of the family. The computer is in the middle of a hundred and a half hours of learning mathematics, Russian language, natural science and other objects, and not looking out like ob'ekt vivchennya.

For organizing the initial process, go to the next step:

    The lesson is guilty of the teachercob classes, which is due to the introduction of methodology for studying subjects in cob schools, knowing the subject material and specifics of the children of the young school age.

    The computer is guilty of being stored up to the evolution of the initial subject and the methodology of the first day.

    Scientists are guilty of visiting a computer at the level necessary for a visitor to a computer enterprise.

    The scholars are guilty of engaging in a special cabinet, which was possessed, for example, before the establishment of the hygienic standards for the cob school.

Computer education is guilty of one of the components in the initial process and stasis there, de facto.

You can see the onset of the development of the computer education: the vibration of the initial subject or of the specific distribution and initial programs; analysis of the wake, to be taken to the vibrational fragment of the initial activity, and the methodology of the first cycle of computer lessons; projecting a set of works for computer lessons; vibration of software tools for the development of the plant; development of computer facilities from vicarians to victors of software resources; examination, approbation and editing of disintegrated computers; distribution of methodical recommendations for the teacher - subject and student. Lessons from the computer victorious are carried out at once from the extravagant busyness, it is possible and thoroughly victorious computers for the transmission of private lessons, the child is more intelligent, having seen the topic of the lesson, creatively vyaviv himself.

For formuvannya i rozvitku klyuchovih kompetentsіy in kontekstі іnformatsіynoї culture vchitelya Pochatkova klasіv neobhіdno rozrobiti poslіdovnu, logіchno complete system The Teaching zavdan, vibuduvanu vіdpovіdno to zrostannya povnoti, problemnostі, novelty, zhittєvostі, praktichnostі, dіyalnіst uchnіv in viborі Informácie, її obrobki, guilty kontrolyuvatisya vchitelem.

When developing a computer, it is necessary to have the following information:

    Yak by those varto "pidtrimuvati" by the computer staff and for the broadcast of some didactic schools;

    Yak programnі zobіlno vikoristovuvati for the establishment and vіkonannya of computer enterprises;

    As soon as the robot is in front of the computer, it is molded by children;

    Yak lessons docіlno work with computers;

    Yak organizing computers busy.

Go to the end of the electronic materials for the cob school:

    The structure of the skin thematic distribution is guilty but typical for the lesson in the cob: explaining the new material, firstly fixing and releasing navichok, mastering the mastery;

    The structure of the skin thematic section is to blame but is characteristic of a lesson in the cob: explaining new material, firstly fixing and information, seeing the basic terms and understanding of the skin;

    Obligation of the initial material for the trenuvalny and control staffs to start with the standards of sanitary and hygienic norms of robotics;

    The revision of the initial material is carried out on the basis of basic didactic principles;

    Make the management of the computer system as simple as possible and not permissive.

Organization by the reader of types of activity and information technologies in the field of practical training in the field of practical information technology and methodological process in the process.

Based on the main lines of information technology registration in the initial process with the development of methodical professionalism and capabilities:

1) the help of a straightforward joke and information about the development of forms in global and local hems, Її restratsії, collection, accumulation, collection, processing and transmission;

2) processing of the results of the experiment;

3) control of real objects (by the head robots);

4) organizing and conducting computer experiments with virtual models;

5) the establishment of automated control of the organization of initial activity;

6) distribution of pedagogical software tools for special purposes;

7) distribution of methodical and didactic materials;

8) development of web-sites of the beginning;

9) the organization of the intellectual connection of scholars.

At the beginning of the cob school process and everything overinsured vikorstannya of information technologies in tiy chi іnshіy world mayut mіstse. Naybіlsh widely used information technologies for the development of teaching methods (presentation of lessons, methodical recommendations, etc.) ...

distributed: Pochatkova school

Teacher. How to lie in the foundation of your profession? Knowledge of the subject? Crazy. Oratorical mystery? It’s great. Love to children, thinking of intelligence and seeing, how can I learn to learn and how can I be worried? Well, there'll be some confusion. And yet, I’m guilty of being young in my robot - crooked in step for an hour, do not fall for what I have reached, expect to be in a joke.

During this day, schools will be provided with modern computers, interactive possessions, electronic resources, and access to the Internet. The process of introducing new pedagogical technologies into the initial processes of the school. In the light, which is becoming more and more obsolete in the form of information technologies, scholars and people who are guilty know about them. The first teacher, if it’s worth mentioning about his scientists, who may be, is guilty of helping him to master the new life of the necessary tips.

Victory of computer technologies - the price is not injected with the mod, but the need, dictated by the current development of education.

Well also ІKT?

ІKT is a network of information and communication technologies.

Vprovadzhennya ІKT stay behind the offensive strands:

  1. start of presentations before lessons;
  2. a robot with Internet resources;
  3. victorianna of ready-made chief programs;
  4. distribution and distribution of author's programs.

IKT facilities:

  • start-up and preparation of didactic materials (options for buildings, tables, memorials, diagrams, armchairs, demonstration tables, etc.);
  • the start of monitoring according to the overall results of the new and the vicious;
  • the establishment of textual robots;
  • uzagalnennya methodical advice in electronic viewer etc.

The stagnation of ICT in the process of education and development of young schoolchildren is advancing the gallantry of the initial process, so that the learning activity of academics grows. Ale, you know so well the young schoolchildren, one of the bazhannya has been forgotten. The teacher needs to grow up close by.

Main є:

  • technical - the minimum necessary for a robot on a computer as a standard software security;
  • methodical - the mind that is necessary for the competent knowledge of young schoolchildren;
  • technologic - a mind that is necessary for a competent presentation of information in new classes at children’s lessons, which can be carried out in common schools.

The main meta of storing ІKT polyaga is in the ad hoc environment.

Yakist navchannya - tse, then for whom my pratsyuєmo.

For the help of computer technologies, you can see the following:

  • improving the intensity of the lesson
  • advancing the motivation of scientists,
  • monitoring

It’s important to show you sob, a lucky lesson without a victorian ІKT.

ІKT technologies can be a vikoristani at any stage lesson:

  1. For the poznachennya those lesson on the cob a lesson for the help of food on those, how to vivchauchitsya, emerging problematic situation;
  2. Yak suprovid explained by the reader (presentations, formulas, diagrams, little ones, video fragments too)
  3. Yak informatsionno-navchalny posibnik
  4. For the control of scientists.

Preparation of additional lessons during the course of the retreat, below in the fast-paced mode. If you have a lesson in IKT victories, you need to think over the last of technological operations, form and methods of presenting information on great screen... A step and an hour of multimedia training for a lesson can be made in different ways: from decile chilin to the regular cycle.

Yak, the great teacher KD Ushinsky wrote: “Whenever you enter the class, it’s important to achieve a word, to find a picture, and the class to speak, but if you’re not smart, to speak in a good way ...”.

For hours Ushinsky, the pictures have clearly changed, but the wicked viraz is not old.

That one with you can tell you a lesson that includes a presentation slide, an electronic encyclopedia wikipedia among children of an emotional message, including the infantile abnormal ones themselves. The screen will attract respect, as for an hour we cannot covet with a frontal robot with a class.

One of the most distant forms of preparation and submission of initial material before lessons at a cobbled school, you can name the start of multimedia presentations.

"Presentation" - to change from the English yak "uyavlennya". Multimedia presentations are a simple and efficient way of presenting information behind the aid of computer programs. Winning a dynamism, sound and image, so that bureaucrats who can find respect for the child. Immediately pouring into two senses (hearing і sіr) that are on the body will allow a greater effect to reach.

It is in English to say: "I felt - and forgot, I beat - and forgot."

For the tribute of the well-known Lyudin zapam'yatovuє 20% of the sensed and 30% of the poor, and more than 50% of that, it’s worth backing up and chuє at once. In such a rank, lodging the process of receiving and remembering information for the help of other images is the basis of any happy presentation.

  1. The presentation is guilty of revenge material, which is only behind the help of the ICT, can be effectively presented by the teacher.
  2. Do not overdo this slide with a great amount of information!
  3. There are no more than two pictures on the skin slide.
  4. The size of the font on the slides is guilty of not less than 24-28 points.
  5. Animations can be carried out once by pulling 5 quills (in a cobbled school).
  6. The entire presentation is guilty of being a showcase in one style (however, the design of all slides: background; name, size, color, hanging to the font; color and production of different lines, etc.).

The teacher of cob classes can be victorious in his robot presentation specials. Even more effective can be tests, crosswords, breakdowns in Microsoft Office Word.

The range of ІKT opportunities in the lighting process is wide.

However, praying with the children of a young schoolboy, we are guilty of the memory of the commandment "not good!"

Nichto will not be confused, but the storage of visual information on the level is a positive effect. Є lessons, on how to finish showing a table or a reproduction of a picture. In such a way, the presentation is like the last of the slides, melodiously, underestimated.

Lessons, in which the presentation is not successful, but the meta itself, is so very ineffective.

By the way and through the presentation of presentations, it is even more effective to use resources to the Internet. Even there you can know everything that your soul likes.

I often have a stagnant IKT in my robot, the price has become mobile, thanks to the excellent possession of our computer class.

For example, I conducted lessons from the Russian language

MCOU "Beregivska middle school of saints"

Victory of information and communication technologies
in pochatkov_y school

teacher of cob grades

village Staromalinovka 2013

1. Introduction.

3. Victory of information and communication technologies in the field of education of schools.


7. Conclusion.

8. Literature.


to ensure positive motivation for getting started;;

Advancing the efficiency of the new process;

Acceptance of activization of the educational sphere of scholars;

professional self-realization through victorious multimedia technologies in the initial and violent process.


Acquire basic knowledge of the subject;

Systematization of knowledge;

Get some tips for self-control;

Formulate the motivation to start as a whole;

I will give a basic and methodical help to the scholars in independent robots over the basic material.

1. Introduction.

In the light, which is becoming more and more obsolete in the form of information technologies, scholars and people who are guilty know about them. Victory of computer technologies - the price is not injected with the mod, but the need, dictated by the current development of education.... Otzhe, the reader needs to be able to use modern techniques and new educational technologies, so that he can use the same movie with a child. Today, in the traditional scheme "teacher - student - handler", a new language is introduced - a computer, and in school information - a computer is available. One of the main parts of informatization of education is the registration of information technologies in educational disciplines.
Perevagi vicoristannya ІKT can be made up to two groups: technical and didactic. Technical passages є flexibility, maneuverability, efficiency, ability to look and listen to fragments and multimedia functions. Didactic ideas of interactive lessons - the end to the effect of presence ("I am a bachiv!")

2.Age specific features of the schoolchildren of the cob.

Lessons from ІKT victors are especially relevant in pochatkovy schools. Scientists of 1-4 grades may be naggingly misleading, so it is even more important to be able to find something more important than the best illustrative material, before the process of taking new things, not only spirits, ale and rumors, emoticons. Here, as it is not possible to speak, the clarity and quality of computer slides and animations can be brought to light.
The organization of the initial process in the schoolchildren, the first for everything, is guilty of the acceptance of the activization of the educational sphere of scholars, the successful mastery of the initial material and the acceptance of the mental development of the child. Otzhe, ІKT is able to display the illumination function, help the child grow up in the information flow, take away the information, remember

In terms of information technologies, it is also based on the various special features of scholars: in the cobbled schools, there is a change of the child's provincial activity from the games to the beginning. Vikoristannya іgrovykh possibilities of the computer in a companion with didactic, allowing the development of the process more smoothly; There is a great part of knowledge, min and navichok, otrimani in the classroom, yet young schoolchildren do not become vicious day-to-day activity; It’s practical value to be absorbed, but the virtue is to decline. Stagnation and rejection of knowledge, minus and a quick start in the game of the computer middle-class to bring up the actualization of the motivation of the dribbling; · The high step of the youthful schoolchildren's morality is significantly streamlined within the framework of the initial process. Being busy on a computer allows you to allocate a lot of energy to a high level of stress and revive the initial process; · Multimedia-handlers to click on automatization of all basic steps of the process - from the initial material to the control of knowledge and display of personal assessments. At the same time, all the basic material is translated into yaskravu, wishing to, with a reasonable part of the game play, multimedia form with wide graphics, animation, including interactive, sound effects.

3. Victory of information and communication technologies in the field of education in schools.

Victory of computers in school practice, in keeping with the traditional process of science, which increases its efficiency in the field of modeling of advanced processes and phenomena, control of the process of knowledge, automation of control.

For the reason of the systematic registration of information technologies in the initial process in accordance with the traditional methods of modernization, one can significantly improve the effectiveness of the new methods. Within the framework of the optimal registration of the ICT for the introduction of new objects, it is possible to see the onset of the possibility of practical implementation of ways to optimize the initial process during the initialization of the ICT:

Complex renewal of lighting, development and development of buildings;

Establishing specific skills for the skin student in terms of health, motivation, training level;

Formation of self-reliant knowledge into research tools, development of a tool for a message, collection and processing of information in the Internet;

Stimulation of positive motivation for the development of the integration of all forms of specificity, the development of the initial efficiency with a secret ringing sound and a rosy system of assistance.

Victory of information technologies to help stimulate the creativity of the students. The results of the creative activity of the boys can be victorious as teachers as illustrative, original material before lessons. The development of computer presentations takes the development of aesthetic, cultural, communal, conceptual and informational competence.

Information competence of schoolchildren is necessary for the proper mastery of all basic subjects. Ovolodinnya computer culture, the formulation ofinformational competence of schools-it is necessary to include an intelligent generation in the informational space.

Dosvid vikoristannya ІKT show їх perevaga in a safe quality, so yak:

In the first place, wicked interest of scientists, "charm" of novelty, emotional splash. You can conduct an excursion, a journey through any place and land, take part in the battle of the future, play ruh on lessons in new life, mathematics, see the mood of the heroes, feel the sound of the sea, beat the go. The preference of the reader to know new, unavoidable, zatykaviti, vicoristovuchi yakisnі naochnі posіbniki, anіmatsіynі poznіlivosti

In a different way, think about it for individualizatsiyu navchannya: the teacher is able to zaphіksuvati material, "zupiniti" mit, turn to the information in advance of the lessons, to prevent self-revision, supervision, presentation

Thirdly, part in the activity, for example, through the initial projects of the new possibilities of creativity. Scientists will recognize additional information about information, the ability to show oneself. A teacher to learn from keruvati information streams, to become an authoritative consultant for scholars, and to expand the space of communication

I’ll look around at the end of the story, I’ll be able to let it go, but it’s maddeningly, I’m thinking about the development of the specialty of learning, which is comfortable for you to see in your minds. informational suspension... For the reader, it will be professionally necessary to draw on the powerful Victorian handwriting with these technical capabilities, as they provide new information technologies and hardly a bunch of energy. For one unequal mind-preserved traditions of the high culture of the teacher, both professional and creative. Without it, you can’t be a beauty.
Introduced ICT (information and communal technologies) into the practice of robotic cob-graders to follow the next steps:
1. Making presentations before lessons.
2. A robot with Internet resources.
3. Vikoristannya ready-made master programs.
4. Development and distribution of author's programs.
IKT facilities:
· Creation and preparation of didactic materials (versions of buildings, tables, memos, diagrams, armchairs, demonstration tables, etc.);
· Implementation of monitoring according to the overall results of the new and the vicious;
· Creation of textual robots;
· Uzagalnennya methodical advice in the electronic viglyadі і t. D.
The main meta of storing ІKT polyaga is in the ad hoc environment. Yakist navchannya - tse, then for whom my pratsyuєmo.
For the help of computer technologies, you can see the following:
· Strengthening the intensity of the lesson;
· Advancing the motivation of scientists;
· Monitoring їх reach.
It’s important to show you sob, a lucky lesson without a victorian ІKT.
ІKT technologies can be a vikoristani at any stage lesson:
1. For the meaning of the lesson.
2. On the cob to a lesson for help with food on the topic of how to get involved in a problematic situation.
3. Yak suprovid explained by the reader (presentations, formulas, diagrams, little ones, video fragments too)
4. To control the scientists.
One of the most distant forms of preparation and submission of initial material before lessons at a cobbled school, you can name the start of multimedia presentations. "Presentation" - to change from the English yak "uyavlennya".
Yak, the great teacher KD Ushinsky wrote: “Whenever you enter the class, it’s important to achieve a word, to find a picture, and the class to speak, but if you’re not smart, to speak in a good way ...”.
For hours Ushinsky, the pictures have clearly changed, but the wicked viraz is not old

4. Multimedia presentations. Oh cinnamon in the classroom at the cob school.

A multimedia presentation of an efficient and effective way of presenting information behind the aid of computer programs. Winning in its own dynamism, sound and image, tobto. bureaucrats who can find to indulge the respect of the child. Immediately pouring into two important organizations (hearing і zіr) will allow you to reach a greater effect. The power of multimedia yakraz and polarity is methodical in the fact that science is easier to learn and understand, if there are sound and healthy images, and it’s not only information that appears on the screen, but it’s very useful. Moreover, the presentation gives the teacher the opportunity to independently compose the material of the class's particularities, by those of the subject that allows the lesson to be taught in such a way as to seek the maximum initial effect. During the development of presentations, you should be sure to win:

I am shyly and harshly imagining speeches, as it is hard to convey in words;

Viklikak is interested and robbed of the process of transferring information;

Підсилює injected into the flow.

In such a rank, the stagnation of pedagogical technologies in cobbled schools, the development of schoolchildren of cognitive activity, creativity, creativity, in the minds of learning from information, advancing self-assessment, and thinking, thinking.
.Krіm positive side victorian ІKT, є і negative momentsput problems and support-arm apparatus; destructed zoru, computer radio, computer depletion.
And to that the triviality of the TCO in the classroom is to blame for the approval of the SanPiN


Uninterrupted triviality (hv.) Not more

Revision of statistical images on the headboards and screens of the built-in light

Watching TV programs

Pereview dynamic images on the headboards and screens of the littered light

Robot from images on an individual computer monitor and keyboard

listening to audio recording

Listening to audio recording in earphones

Don't get too excited about the slide with a great amount of information!

There are no more than two pictures on the skin slide.

The size of the font on the slide is not less than 24-28 points.

Animation can be carried out once by pulling 5 chilins (on the basis of the School).

The whole presentation is to blame for the showcase in one style.

The number of slides with new information in the presentation is innocently overridden 4-6. The number of slides for 1 lesson is 8-10.

Presentation is to blame for additional, lucrative, forgiveness of being on busy. On one side, she is not guilty of staging a head part of the lesson, but on the other, she is not guilty of overdubbing material to the lesson

The whole presentation is guilty of being in one colony palitri, on the basis of one template

Stisnutiy, informational method for the material

Do not slid vikoristovuvati musically abo sound suprovid, as long as you don’t carry a message

5.Application of computer technologies in common schools.

I often have a stasis IKT with my robot,
My practice of vikorstannya informatsionnyh technologies show that, for the mind of a didactically thought-out stasis of IKT, within the framework of a traditional lesson, there is an indiscriminate opportunity for indivisualization and differentiation of the initial process.
It smells to improve the efficiency of an independent robot, to create absolutely new possibilities for creativity, to get that consolidated mind and a little button, to allow the implementation of fundamentally new forms and methods of creation. To see more changes in the initial process, reorientation of it to the development of the target, to identify the main processes that are necessary for a successful start; take care of the effective organization of the educational performance of the scientists.
I have robots ready for multimedia products and computers with initial programs, I create powerful presentations, and I have a lot of Internet for the first time who are supposed to be robots.

At the lessons of the Russian move, I will help the veliku program simulator"Phrase" , Children on computers to see the practical development of new species. A program has been given that allows you to reconsider knowledge, assess them and need help.

EMC "School of Russia" in all subjects promotes electronic supplement, which includes games, animations, right, converting robots, working on the development of movi. The price of additional help is more effective in organizing the robot at the time. Riznomanitnі vidi of the plant, rіznі behind the degree of folding, develop the cognitive and creative health of the skin science.
Krym vikoristy test, crossword puzzles, diagrams, tables, with yaky scholars work without the need for a computer.

On all basic items, in the quality of pre-development and developmental material, vicorist video discs“The modern universal Russian encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodia,“ Russian writers and singers ”..
One of the most distant forms of preparation and submission of initial material before lessons at a cobbled school, you can name the start of multimedia presentations. I got into the presentation before the lesson of Russian movi in ​​another class on the topic "Chastini movi" literary reading in the first class "M. Plyatskovsky Pomichnik. "І on navkolishnogo light" Winter is winter "Lessons, including slide presentations, wikklicks for children, emotional vidguk, growth of respect, activity.
Great significance, in my opinion, is the ability to positively spy on a computer, as a companion in navchannya, as an instrument of creativity, self-expression and development. The robot z ІKT is guilty of navchit ditin practical robot from the information on the PC. Having mastered a computer in a cobbled school, children can use the tool of their own activity and in the first classes, they don’t have to go through difficult subject lessons from a computer’s stuck.
Information and communication technologies expand the capabilities of the reader for the introduction of scholars into a craving light, so they can independently add information, analyze and transmit information to them. Navchit child pratsyuvati from the information, read it, read it - more important than the knowledge of the modern cob school. In such a rank, the establishment of the ICT in the holy process, allowing me to virishuvati one of the most important buildings of the capital
IKT I am widely vikoristyu in pozaklasn_y robots with scholars. First for everything, the preparation and registration of new occasions, the holding of the last visits, the best years. The creation and celebration of such presentations, such as "My Russia-Batkivshchyna", "Winter Winter", "Staromalinovka", inspired by the material, Viklicali emotional splash of scientists,They activated their cognitive activity, took the love of love to the native land, to the people who took care of the native nature.

In the classy year "Our school 45", students of 1-4 grades through the presentation could learn about the history of the people and life of the Coastal school, as well as the activism of interest and respect from all without a fault.

When conducting the holy "Farewell to school," to respect the glances and participants in the boule, the presentation "Statistical call" and the video "Cei film about us, about the quarters of the class!" The material for the statistical call with the lads was picked at once, and the product of the robotics chain was a presentation. For children, we’ll grow up, tse bulo tsikavo, enjoyable and familiar.

Formation of the first ethical manifestations, to understand about the rules of behavior - at least one of the workers in the cob classes. For the most important year, “People's Day is Coming Soon,” the presentation held a positive motivation in the public’s news and an active participation of scientists.

We took part with children in telecom projects. In this vypadku they got used to koristuvatsya computer, like a dzherel information.
I include audio and video in the process.

6. Efficiency.

Psychological and pedagogical education in the class showed that the victorious opportunities of the ICT in the cobbled schools of the child were:
-advising motivation until the beginning,
-adjustment of the efficiency of the lighting process for the high-level research,
-activation of educational activity, promotion of educational success of schoolchildren,
-scroller of a point-shaped, informational message,
-Development of a tool for self-education and self-control among young schoolchildren,
-advanced activity and innovation of young schoolchildren at school,
-adjustment of the level of comfort.

The level of motivation for primary activity in the lessons of the IKT

Lessons from ICT Tradition lessons

7. Conclusion.

The range of ІKT opportunities in the lighting process is wide. However, pratsuyuchi with the children of a young school age, we are guilty of the memory of the commandment "not naughty!"
Nichto will not be confused, but storing whether visual information at the lessons is a positive effect, albeit lessons on how to finish showing a table or a reproduction of a picture. In such a way, the presentation is like the last of the slides, melodiously, underestimated.
Lessons, in which the presentation is not successful, but the meta itself, is so very ineffective.
All the same, you are allowed to talk about the improvement of the robots of the reader
Lessons in information technologies are not only expanding and fixing knowledge, but in the meaning of the world they are promoting the creative and intellectual potential of scientists. Oskіlki imagination and bazhannya show yourself at a young schoolboy great, readily he is a part of the wicked thoughts, including for additional information technologies. Victory of information technologies in the classroom at cob schools gives you the opportunity to show yourself whether you are a student, with a complete form of robotics choosing for yourself the student.
Lessons from the victorious information technologies are not only for children, but for the very best. The stench will give you the power for self-development of the reader and knowledge.


Ufimov V.F. Victory of information and communication technologies in the field of education of schools. "Pochatkova School". No. 2 2009r

Zav'yalova O.A. Vikhovannya of valuable ambushes of the information culture of young schoolchildren. "Pochatkova School". No. 11 2008r.

A.V. Molokova Information technology in traditional schools of corn. Pochatkovu coverage No. 1 2003.

Selevko G.K. // Moscow, NDI school technologies. - 2005 .-- S. 54 - 112.

Surovtseva I. V. Dobuvaєmo knowledge behind the help of a computer. // Pochatkova school plus Do and Pislya. - 2007. - No. 7. - S. 30 - 32.

Gіgієnіchnі vimogi to the minds of new schoolchildren in different types of everyday educational institutions. Sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN "Application of ICT in pochatkov_y schools"

Victory of information and communication technologies in pochatkovy schools

"Yakbi computer not buv vinaydeniy yak universal technical pristriy, yogo slid will be viniti especially for the purpose of education."

Entony Mallan

Meta: learning about the possibilities of storing information and communication technologies in the practice of robots with the students of the cob school, promoting the efficiency of power pedagogical activity


    To see the relevance of information and communication technologies in cob classes;

    Opanovuvati current information technologies for victorious work in early and post-school activities (a robot with an interactive board);

    Navchati robot scientists with small information dzherels;

    Pidgotuvati e-library of onochnykh posibnikiv, e-version control robots, presentation

The relevance of the IKT victorian in the practice of robots with the pupils of the cob school, which is fermented by animals:

    Before scientific facts:

Even before the emergence of the technology of multimedia expertise in marketing, following the results of numerical experiments, the accumulation of deposits was discovered by the method of introducing material and building the knowledge in an hour. If the material was given in a sound view, then the person could remember close to 1/4 of the information, if the information was presented visually - close to 1/3. When combined (sound and auditory) the memory has moved up to 1/2, and if people have gone to the active stages in the process, then the material has moved up to 75%. In my robots, I am curious about the data and I can tell you how the results and results are displayed, how the storage of multimedia significantly improves the effectiveness of the present. The computer middle ground gives you the ability to manage your initial research and activity.

    Prior to the caution of psychologists:

Today's scientists have a need for visualization of information and information. and presentation and interactive board, just because for whatever purposes, at every stage of the lesson it stinks,

The role of audiovisual and interactive technologies in the education of the skin's fates of growth, the stench fizzles out just a little part of the modern process. There are tendencies that are important for the system of education: the integration of audio and visual technologies with technologies of information and communication, new possibilities of video conferencing, viewing the possibilities of interactive communication.

Pidruchnik, board, kreida, cards from the factory and paper posters - the whole warehouse of the part of pedagogical technologies, such as boules garnie in the past. A new generation of schoolchildren, as they have grown on TV, computers and mobile phones, has a lot of needs for temperamental visual information and healthy stimulation, as a result of the teacher's journey. (Psychologists have introduced such a term as “klipove mislennya” to explain the mental processes that are seen in happy children.)

Interactive technology, as if it reflects the way of receiving information, as it is seen in new generations, for which more food is in need of temperamental visual information and healthy stimulation

A leather teacher learns, so new information technologies may be a great infusion on the wizard of primary subjects:

    the power of the joke is expanding news, And this means that the power appears to be more lost in the knowledge of that material;

    Riznomanitni form of robots from the IKT victories allow the education of scientists and learning from them to independent robots, the prodigy of unconventional methods of transmission of this situation, establishment;

    Possibility of clear and quick control of scientists. And then, in the future, you can spend the initial process in such a way that you will learn how to master the basic change of the subject.

Vikoristannya ІKT in lessons at the cob schools, permits:

    activate the educational activity of scientists;

    Individually go to the university, stop growing and develop.

    Possibility of health benefits;

    adjustments to the quality of material acquisition;

    zdіsnіtіy differentiation pіdhіd to scholars with an increase in readiness until navchannya;

    conduct lessons in a high aesthetic rivnі (music, animation);

    development of the educational institutions in the information flows of the navkolishny light,

    opanovaty robots in practical ways with information,

    go from the explanatory-illustrative method of development to the real one, with each child becoming an active sub'ct of the initial activity.

I distributed my activity for the storage of informative-communication technologies on the chotiri stages:

    Stage I Ovolodit with modern operating systems and a text editor, - read the victoristovuvati various new computers programs. "Computer literacy!" The mastery, how to go through the whole stage, is the tradition of mastering universal education.

    II stage. “Stagnation of ICT in the course of vivchenniya ІKT disciplines An important warehouse є accumulating information on the victorious ICT at school level.

    III stage. "Integrum ІKT in the initial process." To the head staff at the whole stage of the stage, there is a wide interdisciplinary integration and individualization of science.

    IV stage. Tsey stage behind the cordon is most often called the stage of transformation of the school. yogo The main task- the introduction of systematic procedures into practice, which will provide an individualized solution to the entire complex of buildings and structures.

Analyzing the information about the victorious ІKT in the initial process, it can be said that the first stage of mastering. The main vicarious methods are the course of courses in information technologies, exchange of advice with colleagues, and the method of "tests and grants".

To other navazhlivіshim zavdannyam, without the verіshennya which uncomfortably fell forward, є zavdannya schodo zasosuvannya ІKT. The computer is required for the reader as a pre-order, and perhaps as the main instrument in the initial process. It’s not a rocket at all - it’s a necessity. The teacher is guilty of being guilty of using computer technology, information technologies, and also of storing knowledge and tips for a thorough understanding of the lesson methodology. And my main concern is that you can use a computer and you can do it like that, like a vicarist fountain pen for a robot at a level.

An important warehouse informatization of the lighting process at the II stage є the accumulation of information about ІKT victorious at school level. The head of the field is that the information and communication technologies organically integrated into the teacher's work, and the stench has become an unprecedented organic part of any lesson.

Pochatkova school is a high-tech area, de ІKT is possible and is required to be practical on the skin urine and on the skin stage, not forgetting about sanitary-hygienic vimogas and about the negative aspects of storing presentations.

First of all, presentations bring a readiness to the end of the day at the lesson, and the lesson - the whole creativity (the lesson is guilty of the people at the lesson);

In a different way of presentations, you can re-do the lesson for a rozvaga (overworldly overwhelmed with animated pictures, a pile of demonstration pictures)

Thirdly, it is thoughtlessly victorious for interactive programs, which do not give the right to a pardon, to contradict the law, to go in for a pardon

Tom, persh nіzh at the urotsі vikoristovuvati tu chi іnshu computer program, Including for an interactive baby, feed yourself: “What do I want from a lesson? yak given the program help me reach my goal? Why should the child get a grasp on the program? What kind of incentives are there? »If it is important for you to be aware of the food supply, then, perhaps, the whole program is not needed.

The process of navchannya is the process of becoming important, comfortable for the robot, solving difficulties, solving problems and, in the end, success, which form is a real motivation until navchannya. Miracles are created not by computers and interactive boards, miracles to be created by the reader, in whose wise hands and tools to give children the joy of learning.

Practical storage of ICT at pedagogical activity

Nowadays, I have not seen anything with demonstration presentations, with animation effects, sound, simulators, animation physics, etc. In his own pedagogical activity I have a vicarist preparation of presentations, self-preparation of presentations, presentations, preparation on the basis of templates (from the Internet), children's presentations, pictures of SMaRt Board programs to pre-educational I love you for the opportunity to make presentations at all stages of the lesson: after those lesson, cleanliness, work for smart people and smart, sleepy rakhunok, spelling workout, reflexion of new knowledge, control of knowledge, communication. With the help of such workshops, you can find: "Reading to write numbers (letters)", "Crosswords animovani" (additional help in a short hour to revise the knowledge of children and learn about new facts), simulators (and on stages of closing and taking control of knowledge) ...

The interactive board allows you to create information in the format, apparently, by the scholars. Proceed with an electronic marker yak mishey, vicladach can quickly and point-blank show the robot's reception. If the teacher is in the center of respect, all the wrong things are going to go to the class - it’s better to get the explanation, not if you’re sitting at your computer, and learning to watch the blinking mouse cursor on the screen. Nayvazhlivishe at the time - the interaction of the teacher and the learning, the continuous exchange of information between them is still alive. That is not an attribute of any new-born class - a school board. A small child is not just a piece of surface, on what can be written and grown-ups, and a child, but the field of information exchange between the teacher and learn. Practicing with an interactive board, the teacher should be in the center of respect, atrocities before learning in a special way and due to continuous contact with the class.

We are directly important in my robot є securing the computer superconductor of the sovereign pedagogical activity. There is no room here. I have accumulated electronic versions of control robots, distributed didactic cards, diagrams for analyzing business intelligence (numeric buttons, reading techniques, monitoring of the initial process).

For me, a computer - it’s not just information, because of my successful robots, because it’s a living organism, which generates energy for creative plans, to keep up with difficult times, because it’s easy to learn, because it’s simple to learn accumulator of vital forces, as to create a successful scholar, a successful people.

Chinese wisdom to say: "Do not be afraid, do not know, do not be afraid, do not come." Ludin's nikoli is not easy to read, it’s new. Do not fight the new knowledge, but, navpaki, you will hit them. Pragnennya to self-awareness є with rice a bitty teacher.

"The lesson is the mirror of the teacher's backward pedagogical culture, the mirror of his intellectual wealth, an indicator of his outlook and erudition."

Otzhe, wonderful is the time of childishness! Ditina, having crossed the threshold of the school for the first time, has spent time in the light of knowledge, so that she can see a lot of unacceptable, original, non-standard solutions in different types of activities. Formation of creativity, one of the main tasks, voiced in the concept of modernization of Russian education. Realization dictates the need to develop educational interests, health and abilities of a child.

The most effective ways to include a child in the process of creativity at the level of є:

  • - game performance;
  • - the establishment of positive emotional situations;
  • - a robot in pairs;
  • - problematic navchannya.

It’s unwise to teach a lesson at schools of cobbles without learning the skills, often problems arise. Don't know the necessary material and how can you demonstrate it more beautifully? Priyshov computer for help. Over the last 10 years, the main changes have been made in the roles and challenges of personal computers and information technologies in the life of the suspension. Volodinnya іnformatsionnymi technologies are put in the current light on a par with such things as clearer reading and writing. Lyudin, in a sense, efficiently with technologies and information, a new, new style of targeting, it is principled to go to the assessment of a winnable problem, to the organization of its own performance. Practical information technologies now call all technologies, special technical information technologies (EOM, audio, cinema, video).

The stagnation of new and new information methods, to create, before the new ones appear in the pedagogue, to understand.

Formation of information culture in schools to learn, first, for everything, for help and for help in ICT.

I’ll show you practice, without new information technologies it’s hard to show your own school. Obviously, in the next ten years, the role of personal computers will grow, and apparently, it will grow up to the computer literacy of scientists on the cob.

Vikoristannya ІKT in the classroom at the schools of the community, additional help to the students, they learn in the information flows of the modern light, learn in practical ways of the robot from the information, develop the mind, so that they allow them to learn the information about the technology.

1. Stagnation of ICT in the classroom by virtue of the positive motivation of learning, activating the educational activity of the scientists.

Vikoristannya ІKT at the level of permissibility in the world of realizing the basic principles of activating the educational activity:

  • 1) The principle of equality of positions;
  • 2) The principle of trust;
  • 3) The principle of the ringing sound;
  • 4) The principle of busy pre-day position.

Realization of these principles to be seen in all lessons, de stagnate ІKT.

  • 2. Vikoristannya IKT allows you to conduct lessons:
    • - on a high aesthetic and emotional level (animation, music);
    • - I will be sure of it;
    • - getting a great number of tasks;
    • - I will change the list of viconuvanoy robots at a rate of 1.5-2 times;
    • - I will preserve a high level of differentiation in the field (individually go to the university, stop the job).
  • 3. Zastosuvannya ІKT:
    • - expanding the power of self-reliance;
    • - formє navik pre-slidnitskoy dіyalnosti;
    • - I will secure access to new advanced systems, electronic libraries, and information resources;
    • - Advancing the quality of coverage.

Young schoolchildren are characterized by psychophysiological peculiarities, individual (visual, auditory) system of sleep, a low level of development of cognitive health, peculiarities of primary motivation.

A special feature of the initial process from the stagnation of information technologies is those that are the center of activity of old scholars, which are involved in their own individual health and interest, vibration of the process of learning. The teacher often plays the role of an assistant, a consultant, who wants to know the original sorcerers, stimulating activity, initiative, self-reliance.

Zasosuvannya at the lessons of ІKT spriyaє so it goes:

  • - make the lesson emotionally weighed and povnotsinnym, most efficiently;
  • - a quick hour for the control and revision of knowledge of studies;
  • - start to get a head start on control and self-control.

IKT didactic material is versatile behind the zmist and for the form. Naybils are often implanted є: an understandable apparatus and photographs (reproductions) of the electronic encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius"

  • 4. The main method of storing ІKT є:
    • - missile development;
    • - the formulation of the acceptance of the rose-colored activity.

Besides, vikoristovuchi computer technologies, it is possible to open it for the reader, as well as for the scientists, development and demonstration programs, models, grids. Such effective solutions form a positive attitude of scientists to the beginning, allow for an unobtrusive way of providing additional help, the ability to vibrate and an individual pace of new research. For a wide variety of vicious development methods and priyomy. The teacher will be victorious to develop developing methods and priyomi:

  • 1) method of analysis;
  • 2) the method of determination;
  • 3) the method of being used;
  • 4) method of classification;
  • 5) understand the formula;
  • 6) internal plan.
  • 5. When preparing before lessons, the teacher vikoristovu electronic resources of the initial sign:
  • 1) multimedia courses;
  • 2) presentations before lessons;
  • 3) logical іgry;
  • 4) shell tests;
  • 5) Internet resources;
  • 6) electronic encyclopedias.

When developing a lesson with ІKT vicarious students, they come with a special respect for the health of scientists. Lesson plans include physical and dynamic pauses, exercises for the eyes, and monitoring of healthy elements of energy-saving technologies.

Vikoristannya IKT allows you to expand the framework of the handler.

  • 6. With such a rank, pratsya, she is victorious in the management of the cognitive performance, behind the help of the ICT, it is true for all of them:
    • - Advancing knowledge;
    • - suvaє ditini in a zagalny rosette;
    • - additional help podolati difficult;
    • - to bring joy to the child's life;
    • - Allowing to conduct business in the zone of the most development;
    • - open a friendly mind for a short-term mindfulness of the teacher and scholar and spirit in the initial process.

The victorious multimedia presentations in the classroom at cobbled schools will have one of the most abundant components necessary for the successful development of schoolchildren. Price and TV image, animation, sound, graphics. An analysis of such occupation has shown that it is a cognitive motivation to grow, to lie down with folding material.

In addition, fragments of lessons, on how to make presentations, represent one of the main principles of the root of a modern lesson - the principle of fasciatism (the principle of addiction). The heads of the presentations, the children, who didn’t get interested, were not very active in the classroom, they began to actively follow their thoughts, mirkuvati. Achieving a wider multimedia projectors allowance for a presenter’s reading during a multimedia presentation lesson.

  • 7. The teacher, who works out of the IKT stasis, needs:
  • 1) Volodyti basics of robotics on computers;
  • 2) Mati navichki robots with multimedia programs;
  • 3) Volodyti basics of robotics in the Internet.
  • 8. When preparing before the lesson, we are guilty before the start of the session.

Step of preparation before the lesson:

  • - diagnostics;
  • - forecast;
  • - planning.


  • - the nature of the new material;
  • - lesson structure;
  • - Timchasovі vitrati in the initial process;
  • - Possibilities, interests and health of scholars and T. D.


  • - Assessment of different options for the lesson;
  • - Vibir best optimal.


  • - methodical structure of the lesson;
  • - Vibir of the forms of organizing the initial activity of scientists optimal for conducting a lesson, using new methods, etc.

Vikoristannya ІKT in the early stages of the lesson:

  • - training of scholars before mastering new knowledge;
  • - mastery of new knowledge;
  • - consolidation of new knowledge;
  • - presentation of the lesson;
  • - homework.

Stagnation at the level of computer tests, reconverting game robots, allow the reader in a short hour to remove an objectified picture of the level of mastery of the material, how to learn and quickly learn how to speed up. The high step of the emotional scholarship in the cob school and is meaningfully streamlined within the framework of the initial process. Lessons allow you to distribute the high energy stress and revive the initial process. Lessons from information technologies are not only about the motivation of the initial process (it is especially important, as the psychological peculiarities of a young school age, in the winter it is trivial to rely on an imaginative and imaginative mindfulness over the abstract) In mathematics lessons, for the help of a computer, it is possible to solve the problem of the deficiency of a weak point, if the children are given the teacher's certificate on the screen of the monitor, use the method of superimposing geometric figures, analyzing the additional powerpoint navchalny vikhovny svitu

The computer is the most necessary stimulus for the creativity of children, including those who are infantile or brazen. The screen will attract respect, as for an hour we cannot covet with a frontal robot with a class. On the screen, you can quickly transform into a deformed text, transforming the transformation of the proposition into a ringing text. At pochatkov_y schools, vikoristovumo іnformation technologies at all stages of the lesson. When the new material is explained, fixed, repeated, control, during the Olympiads, they are asked to take it.

Ditina stays whispering, letting knowledge be spoken, unstoppable, creative, easygoing and pratsovitim.

For the improvement of knowledge, development of interest to school subjects, the creative skills of the teacher will be understood in the scholars, as they can rotate:

  • - in a folded crossword puzzle, rebus by theme;
  • - at the ready-made owner;
  • - in preparation for young creative people;
  • - at the prepared presentations and in.

Lessons in information technologies are not only expanding and fixing knowledge, but in the meaning of the world they are promoting the creative and intellectual potential of scientists. Oskіlki imagination and bazhannya show yourself at a young schoolboy great, readily he is a part of the wicked thoughts, including for additional information technologies.

Victory of information technologies in the classroom at cob schools gives you the opportunity to show yourself whether you are a student, with a complete form of robotics choosing for yourself the student. So, children with mathematical usefulness are often used to prepare software products- presentation. Children of the "humanity" vibrate the robot by folding crosswords or by chance, additional reasons, etc.

Scientific knowledge of objects, knowledge of objects, they have formed a style of knowledge, development of self-reliance on knowledge in practice. I think that the history of information technologies can rewrite the history of traditional primary subjects, rationalizing the little child, optimizing the processes of intelligence and remembering the initial material high rіven Interest of children until the beginning. In such a rank, the establishment of the ICT in the holy process, allowing the virishuvati to be one of the most important works of knowledge - the advancement of knowledge. The readers, who in their robots are victorious to the IKT, have come to the meeting: information technologies only for those who are quiet, who shukak, who love to learn new people. Smell for a quiet person, someone who does not have a fair share of his professional competence, someone who is a turbine, some winners, a teacher of the current Russian school, promises to the people of the capital of the present.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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