Music color for 220 volt circuit. How to make music on light-emitting diodes with your own hands

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Hovered lower principles of the scheme and articles on the subject of "colorful music" on the site of radioelectronics and radiohob site.

What is "colourful music" and de tse zastosovuetsya, the principles of schemes of self-contained outbuildings, how do the term "colourful music" stand.

I will propagate two simple CMU schemes. The first was chosen richly for that, it was repeated by many radio amateurs and did not require any kind of salary. The scheme was selected on six transistors of the KT315 type, їх, obviously, you can replace it with others ... It is described simply, easily repeating the color-musical installation on symmetrical thyristors and lighting lamps of heating, as you can vicorist for lighting the hall or dancemaydan It was said about the color music ... This musical prefix can be compared to the great intensity of the lighting lamps, but at the same time: at the skin channel, you can turn on the lamps, rozrahovani At a voltage of 220 V (one or a kilka), or low-voltage, plugged into a garland for 220 V. Zagala tightness ... Scheme of a simple color-music set-top box for robots with a tube radio receiver, a subwoofer or a tape recorder. Keep a minimum of details and not foldable in storage, a good option for radioamators-pochatkivtsiv. Connect її to the secondary winding of the output transformer. For liveliness vikoristovuєtsya... Diagram of the color of music, the principle of robotic installation of foundations on the division of the spectrum of the audio signal by frequency. To achieve a greater expansion of that richness of the colorful baby, instead of a widely expanded tricolor system, a chotiricolirna (red, yellow, blue and violet) was planted in it. accompaniment of emergency rooms. Extinguishing the lamps of heating in the desired direction should be mounted in spotlights with colored light filters, directing them ... dynamic ranges the brightness of the light of lamps is equal to the sound signal, as well as the selection of channels of light compensation without any special electronic devices. Tension of the skin from three main channels ... Self-contained music on simistors, a diagram that describes the details for self-preparation. Triacs are symmetrical thyristors, which work for any polarity of the voltage on the anode. Stains of stench in butovyh light regulators URP-0.2-1. The installation is tri-channel. Signal sonic frequency go to the input through a moving transformer T1, which also functions ... I would like to introduce your own color music prefix, selected on two synchronous two-wheelers-dilniks (leather lamps based on four D-triggers), there is a K56.E chip Given design easily accessible for repetition, the K561ІE10 microcircuit can still be bought at radio stores, and radioamators can easily find it in the presence of... Signals generated by them can be shaped by dekilkom with illuminating accessories, mimicking them with a vipadkovy rank. And yet, it’s time not to stand on the ground, and new technologies, building to revive the “music of colors” in a new way. Axis, for example, tricolor light RGB-strings or garlands... A scheme of a simple self-contained tri-channel color-music setup with a microphone for reaction to sound in the host has been drawn. Attachment is “connected” to the acoustic equipment, so, at the entrance, there is a pink microphone, and you can receive music without a middle in the room, de vain ... A tricolor light line as a whole can be played as a screen of a color-music installation. The goodness of RGB-light lines lies in the fact that you can decorate it like a regular, like a matte screen, so, for example, hang like a garland on a new yalinka. Scheme of color and music installation... Tsey Priyaє a typical analog light-music prefix, very quiet, which was famous for its great popularity in the 80-90s and undeservedly forgotten today. The input signal through a separate transformer goes to a couple of active filters, which distributes the signal to a couple... Schematic diagram self-made color music on three channels, it is based on the LM567 tone decoder, for the switching of the vikoristan opto-keys S202S02. The peak of the popularity of color-musical installations falls on the 80s of the last century. Nini about them seemed to have forgotten about them. And all the same, an hour is not worth it ... The scheme of light music on light diodes, a simple design on microcircuits K561ІE16, K176IE4 for radioamators-pochatkivtsiv. For most speakers, light and music installations will be based on filters, which divide the input audio signal into a sprat of smog. Let's sweat at the exit of the skin z_ smog є key... Cicavius ​​self-contained attachment, which changes the color of the light of light in a way that matches the frequency of the warehouse audio signal. This attachment is not the same as the world of color music, to that which we practice in a different way. At the color music installations at the entrance ... Good afternoon, radio amateurs. This article vindicated the beginnings of impersonal food, assigned to ionophones of various types, after the publication of a series of articles on topics of interest. Particularly frequent were the power supply of tube ionophones and their further development... The radio amateur literature has a wide range of options for light-dynamic installations (SDU). Zdebіl їх it is possible to divide according to the principle of work into two different groups: tse or jumpers of garlands (likhtarіv), scho pratsyuyut in the form of a clock generator for a singing program ... Good day, shanovnі radioamatori. Today, I would like to continue a small series of articles devoted to ionophones, following on the numerical progress of the food that came after the publication of previous articles on these topics. The proponation variant of the ionophone is, in fact, a paved version.

In this article, we will talk about the music of colors. Singingly, at the skin radioamator-pochatkіvtsya, that and not only, in due time blamed the need to pick up color music. What is it, I think, is visible to everyone - simpler seeming, tse creation visual effects that change in music beat.

That part of the color music, like a vibrance of light, can be played on dim lamps, for example, in a concert setting, as a color music is needed for home discos, it can be played on special lamps rozzharyuvannya 220 volts, and as the color of the music is planned, for example, like modding a computer, for everyday music, you can vikonat on light diodes.

In the rest of the hour, with the advent of the sale of light lines, there are more and more crowds of color and music consoles with a variety of such led lines. In any case, for the folding of the Color of Musical Installations (CMU shortened), you need a signal, in the role of yogo you can play a microphone from the chosen dekilcom cascades of a pidsiluvach.

The same signal can be taken from the line exit I will add, sound card computer, from the output of an mp3 player, etc., in which case you also need a switch, for example, two cascades on transistors, for which I need to use transistors KT3102. The scheme of the pidsiluvach is shown on the stepping baby:

Pidsilyuvach - scheme

Further, a scheme of single-channel music with a filter is induced, which works in parallel with subsilyuvachem (more). In this scheme, the light-emitting diode shines under the bass ( low frequencies). To make the signal equal to the signal in the music circuit, the colors of the transfers are changed by changing the resistor R6.

Establish and more simply music circuits, so you can choose whether it’s a cob, on 1 transistor, before that you don’t need to overdo it, one of these circuits is shown a little lower:

Color music on transistors

The soldering scheme of the connectors of the Jack 3.5 plug is pointed at the stepping little:

For some reason, there is no possibility of picking up the front switch on transistors, you can replace it with a transformer, which will increase it like a switch. Such a transformer is responsible for seeing the voltage on the windings of 220/5 Volts. The winding of the transformer with a smaller number of turns is connected to the sound socket, for example, a radio tape recorder, in parallel with the dynamics, the power supply is responsible for seeing the tension as a minimum of 3-5 watts. The winding with a great number of turns is connected to the entrance of the music.

Zrozumilo, the color of music is not only single-channel, it can be 3, 5 and more rich-channel, if the skin is bright, or the glowing lamp flashes when the frequencies are in its range. At any rate, the frequency range is determined by the choice of filters. At the offensive scheme, three-channel color music (as I recently chose) as a filter, there are capacitors:

If we wanted to win in the rest of the circuit not just a light diode, but a light line, then in the circuit next, take the streaming resistors R1, R2, R3. As a rule, the line or the light is vikorated by RGB, it is the fault of the vikonan from the glowing anode. It is also planned to connect light lines of the great age, to control the line, next to stop the sweat transistors installed on the radiators.

So, as light lines are covered for life at 12 Volts, it is clear that life at the circuit should be up to 12 Volts, and life can be stabilized.

Thyristori in color music

Dosi statti rozpovidallos only about the color-music additions on light-emitting diodes. As a result of the need to select the CMU on the heating lamps, then to control the brightness of the lamps, it will be necessary to stop the thyristor. What is a thyristor? Ce trielectronic conductive attachment, which may be suitable Anode, Cathodeі Ferrous electrode.

KU202 Thyristor

The Radyansky thyristor KU202 is depicted on the little one. Thyristors, as it is planned to win over the hard drives, it is also necessary to work on heat supply (radiator). Like a little baby, the thyristor can be cut with a nut and fasten similarly to hard diodes. Modern imports are simply secured with a flange with an opening.

One of such circuits on thyristors is induced higher. This is the scheme of three-channel music with a moving transformer at the input. In a different selection of analogues of thyristors, the next thing to look at is the maximum allowable voltage of thyristors, in our case, KU202N has 400 volts.

A similar scheme of color music is pointed at the little one; Also, music on light-emitting diodes can be played in system block. I have chosen such a three-channel music with pidsilyuvachem at the corps in front of the sidir. When this signal was taken from the sound card of the computer for an additional signal, it turned out that acoustics and music of colors were active. The regulation of the equal signal was transferred as a wild one, so it was fine through the channels. The front power supply and color music were energized in the form of a pink Molex 12 Volt (yellow and black darts). Schemes of pre-powered and tri-channel music were chosen for them more clearly. Use and other schemes of music on light diodes, for example, it is also tri-channel:

Color music on 3 light diodes.

In this circuit, on the vіdmіnu vіd ієї, scho I choose, vikoristovuєtsya in the channels of medium frequencies and inductance. For those who want to do it easier, I’ll step on the scheme for 2 channels:

If you choose music on the lamps, then you will be able to win light filters, so you can be in your own room, as self-confident and so purchased. Light filter is shown on the little one below, which is for sale:

Active lovers of color effects choose attachments based on microcontrollers. Below is a diagram of choti-channel music on the AVR tiny 15 MK:

Tiny 15 microcontroller in this circuit can be replaced by tiny 13V, tiny 25V. I look around and I want to say to myself that the music on the lamps is played according to the type of color music on LED, because the lamps are more inert, lower light. And for independent repetition, you can recommend the following axis

The majority of people listen to music with great satisfaction, victorious for this variety of equipment. Quite often blame the bazhannya strength її positive infusion. One of such methods is music on diodes, vikonana at special consoles. For the help of diodes of sound effects, they swell the sound of other zabarvlennya, positively spitting on the emotional mood of the auditory. Similar radio-electronic technology sounds like a ready-made one, but for the obviousness of the scheme, singing knowledge and skills can be completely prepared with your own hands.

The principle of di music on light-emitting diodes

The basis of the robotic skin scheme for setting the color of music is the physical principle of binding to the frequency transformations of music. Then it is transmitted through other channels and controlled by connected light fixtures. This lancet shows the main musical characteristics with color elements, as if they are one to one and work for a mutual connection. This principle is to serve as the basis of all radio-electronic circuits in the music room, including those created independently.

Most of the colors of the din include at least three different colors, for example, red, green and blue. The use of impersonal combinations, the creation of successive changes, to that, as the scheme is chosen normally, it will obov'yazkovo give a bad effect. For this reach, the signal is subdivided and processed at low, medium and high frequencies Oh. Rozpodil zdiisnyuєtsya for additional special filters LC and RC, which are installed in the deep lance of the light color system.

Find out the sing parameters that are victorious when the filters are adjusted, which are used in the high-frequency noise and skip the ringing only on the selected sound range:

  • LPF - low-frequency filters. The frequency of the cracks that pass through them reaches 300 Hz, and the light dzherelo may have a red color.
  • FSF - mid-frequency filters. Zdatni pass colivannya with a frequency of 250 to 2500 Hz, the color of the dzherel is light - yellow chi greens.
  • HPF - filters of high frequencies, which pass over 2500 Hz and work at once from the blue light.

Separate frequencies of the circuit of the troch overlap one another, which gives the possibility to create different colors in the process of work. The main colors, listed above, have no fundamental significance, they can be replaced by others - the most suitable for a particular situation. In some cases, the final result significantly overturns the score of the zavdyaks of non-standard color solutions.

Schemes are simple and foldable

Acquaintance with music shows the most colors the simplest scheme. As a rule, such an attachment is built with a minimum number of elements - only one light diode, and one resistor and one transistor. Zhivlennya zdіysnyuєtsya through postіyne jerelo struma at 6-12V.

The chosen one looks like a colorful music on light-emitting diodes with a sublime cascade, which is complemented by a bright emitter. The main signal is given by the amplitude that changes, and the frequency that goes to the base. When the frequency of the installed threshold value is overridden, the transistor will turn off. At this moment, food is coming to the light and wine is immediately spalah.

Taka simple color music you can choose from the zastosuvannyam, until you need a power transistor. Іstotny nedolіk dana ї sbіrka poljaє іn prіyіy zalezhnosti іє ії equal to the sound іt frequency of blinking light bulbs. Tobto, the most effective system of practice for subtrimki is less than one, the most viable equal sounding. With a decrease in density, the blinking will be easier, and on high equal the sound will become bright.

Denmark's little one is easily taken by a three-channel sound changer, which stashes in more folding schemes. This type needs a live voltage of 9 volts, which ensures that the light bulbs are normally lit in the output channels.

For folding the circuit of three cascades, it is necessary to stock up on transistors KT315 or their analogs KT3102. For the adventurousness, lightness of different colors. The auxiliary function is controlled by a step-down transformer, for additional resistors, light spikes are regulated, and the smart filters pass different frequencies through themselves.

Qiu scheme of music on light-emitting diodes can be done even more. It is necessary for us to fuss with the brightness of the light, which is added for the fire, the inclusion of small light bulbs in the lancet of 12 volts is heated. And here the circuit is supplemented with control thyristors, and the life of the entire building is built through a transformer.

Vikoristanny of light lines

Scheme of color music z light line RGB works as a voltage of 12 volts. I have highest rank the main parameters of the most important options will be discussed. Tsey pristriy can pratsyuvati in different modes- as an illuminating accessory or a color-music accompaniment.

Uvіmknennya mode music color zdіysnyuєtsya behind the help of a microphone, in a non-contact way. At the time of the transition to the lighting mode, all the present lights are immediately started at full intensity. The transition from one station to the next is marked by a special jumper, for which a fee has been transferred.

The order of operation of the scheme is as follows:

  • The main signal comes through the microphone, which vikonuetsya reworking sound koliva phonograms. Oskіlki the strength of the removed signal, which should be in the color-music scheme, is insignificant, it is necessary to force it. For which vikoristovuєtsya transistor or special pіdsilyuvach.
  • Then let the automatic regulator start, which will reduce the sound buzzing in the installed frames. One hour the sound is prepared to a farthing.
  • For additional help of filters, the signal is divided into three warehouses;
  • For example, in all cases, the strengthening of the strum signal is to be strengthened after further preparation from the stoppage of transistors, which functions like a key.

Main parts and components

Before that, how to prepare equipment for music in color with your own hands, it is necessary to prepare all the details and components in advance. In the circuit, the speed is less than constant resistors with a tension range of 0.125-0.25 Ohm. Cases of elements of the scheme are marked with special connectors, which indicate the value of the support. Dodatkovo vikoristovuyutsya substroyuvalni resistors R7, R10, R14, R18. stink can booty different types The only benefit to them is the possibility of mounting on a board, which is victorious for folding.

Capacitors are rozrakhovuyutsya on working voltage vіd 16vі vіd. At the color music, they can also victorious, whether they are typical of these outbuildings. Even though it is impossible to know the capacitor with the required parameters, it is allowed to combine two other ones with smaller capacities in parallel, which will make the necessary indications in total.

Zroblena color music scheme cannot do without a diode bridge. Call the VIN for a working strum up to 200 mA and a voltage of 50 volts. For the capacity of the finished building, you can speed up the deck with the help of taken diodes, which you can straighten, and mount them for clarity on a small, small plate.

The main colors of light are red, green and blue. Їhnya zagalna kіlkіst vyznaєtsya z rozrahunku per one channel - 6 pieces. There will be a need for standard transistors with an index of recognition. The voltage stabilizer with article number 7805 is sold for 5V, and for 9V it may be marked 7809. For clarity, the music of colors is selected on the Arduino board and light diodes.

The creation of the music center with music colors is created by different types of roses and three contacts. The remaining part of the folding to serve as a transformer, which is responsible for the mother of the most important parameters of the voltage.

Installation of color music in cars

Colored musical possessions are not only found in domestic minds. A lot of vlasniks in cars are installed at once from radio tape recorders. At the point of need given system pratsyuє yak podsvіchuvannya in the middle of the cabin. For the installation of a similar type of lighting, there are also lights that are placed on the stele near the “Dawn Sky” configuration. This option is often found not only in cars, but also in the structures of suspended apartments and private booths.

The scheme of placement is given when solving tasks, as a way to create music from light sources, you can use vikoristan in different versions. Nasampered, the ceremonial rozpodіl svіtlodiodіv y sevnіy konfіguratsії chi dovіlnіy form. Light bulbs that are stuck in the circuit can cause a difference in the dimness of the light. That's why stars, which are imitated by svetlodiods, become bright and nebulous. Efficiency of lightening the great world to lie in front of the background of the stele cover to the interior of the car or apartment.

At the time of installing the system of music on light-emitting diodes with your own hands, in the process of installation, you will have to tighten the stele. It is necessary to carefully select the necessary details and then carefully mount them in a single whole. In the event of any damage, it is possible to sort out the pardons to the salon and correct the pardons. Therefore, after the completion of the folding of the sequence of obov'yazkovo, the practicality of the installed equipment.

After that, as the music of colors was chosen, the light is inserted into the opening of the stele and fixed in salutary side for extra glue. It is also necessary to think over the extra reinforcement of the voltage stabilizer and vimikacha.

Structurally, be it a color-musical (light-musical) installation, it consists of three elements. The control unit, the block for strengthening the tension, and the external optical extension.

As an optical accessory, you can add garlands, you can decorate it at the sight of the screen (classic option) or you can put electric lamps of a direct light - spotlights, lights.
That is, it’s appropriate to make sure that you can create a sing-song set of light effects.

The block of strengthening sweating - ce pіdsilyuvach (pidsilyuvachі) on transistors with thyristor regulators at the output. p align="justify"> Vіd parametrіv elementіv vikoristanyh vіdnomu lezhіt vіdzhnіstі v zherel svіtl vіhіdnogo optical podstroy.

The control unit controls the intensity of light and color drawing. In folding special installations, which are used for stage decoration for an hour of different kinds of shows - circus, theatrical and variety shows, this block is controlled manually.
Obviously, the fate of at least one, and the maximum - a group of lighting operators is necessary.

If the control unit is controlled without intermediary music, working on any given program, then the color-musical installation is respected - automatically.
The very kind of "color music" should be picked up with their own hands by constructors-pochatkіvtsі - radioamatori, with a stretch of 50 remaining roki.

The simplest (and popular) "color music" circuit on KU202N thyristors.

This is the simplest and, perhaps, the most popular circuit of the color music prefix, on thyristors.
Thirty years ago, I first danced near the same "light music", which works. I chose my classmate to help my older brother. Tse bula tsya scheme. Simplicity is an unparalleled advantage, with an obvious subdivision of the modes of operation of all three channels. The lamps do not blink at the same time, the red channel of low frequencies blinks steadily to the rhythm of drums, the middle one - greens in the range of the human voice, the high-frequency blue reaction to everything thinner - twinkly and їst.

Nedolіk one - the necessary front pressure relief for 1-2 wats. My comrade had a chance to turn on his "Electronika" "for real" in order to be able to get a steady hand. I will build a robot. Yak input transformer buv vikoristany lowering tr-r vіd radiootochki. The deputy of the new one can vikoristovuvat whether it is a small-sized lowering trance. For example, from 220 to 12 volts. Just connect it to the right side of the pack - with a low-voltage winding at the input of the power supply. Resistors be-yakі, potuzhnistyu vіd 0.5 watts. Capacitors can also be used as a substitute for thyristors KU202N, you can take KU202M.

Scheme of "color music" based on thyristors KU202N, with active frequency filters and a power stream.

The scheme is recognized for the work of the linear sound output (the lightness of the lamps lies in the equal density).
Let's take a look at the report, like it's working.
Sound signal go from the line exit to primary winding rozpodіlchogo transformer. From the secondary winding of the transformer, the signal is sent to the active filter through the resistors R1, R2, R3 adjustable.
A separate adjustment is necessary for the adjustment of the okisnoy work, I will attach it, with a path of vibrating the equalization of the radiance, the skin of three channels.

For additional filters, it sends signals to the frequency - on three channels. On the first channel, go to the smallest part of the signal - the filter cuts all frequencies higher than 800 Hz. The adjustment of the filter is required for the auxiliary support resistor R9. The ratings of the capacitors C2 and C4 in the indicated circuit are 1 μF, but practice has shown that they have a greater capacity, at least, up to 5 μF.

The filter of another channel is adjusted to the middle frequency - approximately 500 to 2000 Hz. The adjustment of the filter is required for the auxiliary substring resistor R15. The ratings of the capacitors C5 and C7 in the indicated circuit are 0.015 microfarads, and even more capacitance is increased, up to 0.33 - 0.47 microfarads.

The third, high-frequency channel passes more than 1500 (up to 5000) Hz. The adjustment of the filter is required for the auxiliary support resistor R22. The ratings of the capacitors C8 and C10 for the indicated circuit are 1000pF, but the capacitance is higher, up to 0.01 μF.

Then the signals of the skin channel are detected (the german transistors of the D9 series are victorious), amplified and fed to the final cascade.
The final cascade is built on tight transistors or on thyristors. In this case, there are thyristors KU202N.

They gave an optical attachment, a design and a modern one to lie down according to the designer's fantasy, and the filling (lamps, light diodes) - according to the operating voltage and maximum tightness of the output cascade.
In our case, we have 220V, 60W heating lamps (for example, install a thyristor on a radiator - up to 10 pcs per channel).

Scheme selection procedure.

About the details of the attachment.
KT315 transistors can be replaced by other silicon n-p-n transistors with a static strength coefficient of at least 50. Constant resistors - MLT-0.5, replacements and sub-construction - SP-1, SPO-0.5. Capacitors - whatever the type.
Transformer T1 with a coefficient of 1: 1, so you can beat it with a viable number of turns. With independent preparation, it is possible to wind the magnetoconductor Ш10x10, and wind the windings with a PEV-1 0.1-0.15 wire, 150-300 turns of leather.

The diode place for the life of the thyristors (220V) is to be selected depending on the transfer pressure of the voltage, at least - 2A. How many lamps on the skin canal increase - depending on the growth of the strum, which is calming down.
For the life of transistors (12v), it is possible to vicorate any kind of stabilization block of life for a working stream at least - 250 mA (and more shortly - more).

On the back, the skin channel of the music is picked up on the breadboard.
Moreover, the collection is started from the exit cascade. Zіbravshi vikhіdny cascade revise yоgo prаtsezdatnіst, having given from yоgo vхіd a signal of sufficient equality.
If this cascade is running normally, select the active filter. Dalі - they reconsider the new precedence of what happened.
As a result, after testing, it is possible - a really working channel.

In the same order, it is necessary to select all three channels. Similar tediousness guarantees insane workmanship I will add after a "finishing" selection on the mounting plate, as if the robot was carried out without pardons and from the sampling of "testing" parts.

Possibly another option (for textolite with one-sided foil). As a rule, use larger capacitors in the channels of the lowest frequencies, which can be replaced by openers and conductors. Zastosuvannya textolite with double-sided foil can be a technological option - additionally get rid of overhead wires-jumpers.

The choice of any materials on the side is allowed for the obviousness of sending to the site

In order to make music on light-emitting diodes with your own hands, you need to master the basic knowledge of electronics, be able to read circuits and practice with a soldering iron. At the statistics, we can see how music is practiced on light diodes, the main working schemes, on the basis of which you can choose independently prepared attachments, and in the provinces you can choose ready to eat on the example.

Music is based on some principle

At the heart of the color-musical installations, the victorious method frequency shifting music and її transfers, at the sight of the okremikh channels, cherubate with dzherel of light. As a result, it appears that the main musical parameters are dependent on the work of the color system. A scheme was founded on which prichep, for which music is picked up on light diodes with one's own hands.

As a rule, no less than three different colors are used to create color effects. Tse can be blue, green and red. Mushing in different combinations, with different trivality, the stench of the building creates an atmosphere of fun.

Distribute the signal at low, medium and high purity, building LC and RC filters, the stench itself is installed and adjusted to the color music system from the lighting of light sources.

The filter settings are set to the following parameters:

  • up to 300 Hz on a low-frequency filter, as a rule, red color;
  • 250-2500 Hz for medium, green colors;
  • everything above 2000 Hz transforms the high-frequency filter, as a rule, in the presence of a blue light robot.

Podіl on frequencies to be carried out with small overlaps, it is necessary, for the selection of different colors, with a robotic attachment.

Choose a color, in this scheme of music there are no principles, and with bazhann it is possible to vicorize light colors of different colors on your own judgment, to change places and experiment, fence can not be none. Different frequencies of coloration in cases of non-standard color solutions can be directly affected by the quality of the result.

To regulate the available and such parameters of the scheme, such as the number of channels and their frequency, why it is possible to make visnovkas, what kind of music can be played in color large number svetlodiodіv raznyh kolorіv, і mozhlive іndivіdualne regulirovanie kozhnoi z them for frequency and channel width.

What is necessary for making music

Resistors for colorful music, wet vibrating, can only be victoriously fast, with a tension of 0.25-0.125. Vіdpovіdnі resistors can be moved a little lower. Smugs on the body show the size of the support.

Also, the circuit has R3 resistors, and substroyuvalni R - 10, 14, 7 and R 18 independently of the type. It’s a great help, the possibility of being installed on a board, which zastosovuetsya under the hour of folding. First option light color music sbiravsya іz zastosuvannyam zminny type z znachennyam SPZ-4VM and іmportnymi - pіdstroyuvalnymi.

As for the cost of capacitors, it is necessary to vicorize the details with a working voltage of 16 volts, no less. Type mozhe buti be-yaky. If it is difficult to search for capacitor C7, you can connect in parallel, two smaller ones in order to obtain the necessary parameters.

Capacitors C1, C6 are installed in the circuit of light music, due to the construction of 10 volts, for example C9-16V, C8-25V. As a substitute for the old Radian capacitors, it is planned to replace them with new, imported ones, then remember that they can remember the signs, it is necessary to indicate the polarity of the capacitors in advance, so they can be installed, otherwise you can change the circuit.

Even for the preparation of music, a single day space is needed, with a voltage of 50V and a working strum, close to 200 milliamps. In case you can’t afford to install a ready-made city, you can build it from dekilkoh diodes, for the sake of goodness you can tidy up for a fee and install a cremo from a stopover, pay a smaller amount.

The parameters of the diodes are selected similarly to those installed at the factory vikonann bridge, diodes.

Light is due to red, blue and green colors of candles. For one channel їх you need six pieces.

One more needed element, voltage stabilizer. There is a five-volt stabilizer of imported vibration with the article 7805. It is also possible to install 7809 (nine-volt), but also in the circuit you need to turn on the resistor R22, and replace it with a jumper, so that the bus is connected to the bus.

Eat color music music center it is possible for the help of a three-pin "jack" socket.

І stop, which is necessary for the mother to fold, tse transformer іz vіdpovіdmi parameters of the voltage.

The scheme for conducting music folding, in which case the details are described in the photo below.

Dekіlka of working schemes

Below will be proponated a dekіlka of working schemes of music on light diodes.

Option number 1

For the scheme of the circuit, you can vikoristovuvat svіtlodio any type. Golovna, that the stench was nasty and different according to the world. The scheme is based on this principle, the signal from the dzherel is transmitted to the input, and the signals of the channels are summed up and then sent to the change opir. (R6, R7, R8) For additional support, the level of the signal for the skin canal is regulated, after which it is on the filter. Vіdmіnіst іnіtіv іn єmnostі kondensіnііі, scho vikoristovuyutsya їх skolannya. Їx zmіst, like in other outbuildings, rework and clear the sound range at the singing boundaries. Top, middle and low frequencies. For regulation in the scheme of music, colors are installed resistors substroyuvannya. After all is done, the signal goes to the microcircuit, which allows you to install different light diodes.

Option number 2

Another variant of color music on light-emitting diodes is breathtaking in its simplicity and pedigree for amateurs-pochatkivtsiv. The scheme takes part in the substation and three channels for frequency processing. A transformer is installed, without which you can do without, as the signal at the input is sufficient for the input of light-emitting diodes. As in analogous circuits, there are regulation resistors, designated as R4 - 6. Essentially, nothing is needed. The scheme can be expanded if the lamp is installed, for the selection of a larger sweat color installation.

Pokrokove folding the simplest model of color music

For the folding of simple music on light-emitting diodes, the following materials are needed:

  • svetlododi rozmіrom five millimeters;
  • checking out old headphones;
  • original analogue of the transistor KT817;
  • 12 volt living block;
  • sprat of darts;
  • a piece of orgskla;
  • glue gun.

First of all, it is necessary to start, prepare, the corpus of future music from orgskla. For whom it is cut for roses and glued with a glue gun. The box is more beautiful than a rectangular shape. Rosmіri can be scribbled for yourself.

For rozrahunka kіlkosti svіtlodiodіv razdіli the adapter voltage (12V) on the working svіtlodiodіv (3V). It is necessary for us to go out into the box, put in 4 light diodes.

The cable from the headphones is cleaned, it has three darts, we beat one of the left and one of the right channels, and one of the wires.

We don't need one guide and it can be isolated.

The scheme of simple music on light-emitting diodes looks like an offensive rank:

Before picking up the cable, we lay it in the middle of the box.

svetlodіodi mаyut polarity, vidpovіdno when connected її it is necessary to protect.

In the process of choosing, it is necessary to try not to heat the transistor, which can cause it to break, and secure the marking on the legs. The emitter is designated as (E), the base and the collector are similar (B) and (K). After folding and rearranging, you can install the top cover.

Ready version of music on light-emitting diodes

For example, I would like to say that it is not so easy to pick up music on light-emitting diodes, as you can get off the hook. Obviously, if you need an accessory with a top-notch design, then here you will have to spend a lot of time and energy. And the axis for the preparation of simple music for meaningful and respectful purposes is enough to choose one of the representations of the schemes in the article.

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