Yak viznachny the winding of the transformer. What is the primary winding of the transformer? Strizhnev transformers, specialties

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A power transformer, which is in stock, needs more accurate knowledge of its key characteristics. It’s practically not difficult to win over any problems, since it’s possible to save money on virobies. The required parameters can easily be found in Merezha, simply by inserting a joke in a row to vibrate on the transformer of the liter and digit.
Protect to end up often makuvannya nemaє - write to be overwritten, znizchuyutsya korozієyu toscho. On bagatyokh uchastnyh virobs (especially on cheap ones), there is no way to get used up. Wikidati has a transformer for such vipadki, it’s not so vivid. Even the price on the market can be quite decent.

Power transformer parameters

Well, it’s necessary for the nobility about the transformer, is it correct, but for the best, infinitely victorious for your goals? The most frequent repairs be-like by-run technology for vigotovlennya vlstnyh virobіv, scho grunt with a low effort. And the nobility about the transformer, which lies in front of us, will need to step on:
  1. On yak_visnovka, supply a low-cost food (230 volts)?
  2. Would you like to know how to reduce your spirits?
  3. Yakim wono bude (12 volts, 24 chi іnshim)?
  4. Yaku to push for a transformer?
  5. Yak will not get tangled, how will the windings, but, apparently, paired windings - a kilka?
All the characteristics of the whole can be really calculated to those, if there is a lot of information about the brand and model of the power transformer.
For the robot to use the simplest tools and materials:
  • multimeter with functions of ohmmeter and voltmeter;
  • soldering iron;
  • insulating tape or heat-insulating tube;
  • hedgehog fork with dart;
  • a pair of extraordinary darts;
  • roasting lamp;
  • calipers;
  • calculator.

You should also know whether a tool for stripping wires and a minimal dial for soldering - solder and tincture.

The designation of the primary and secondary windings

The primary winding of the transformer, which is lowered, is intended for the supply of bridging. So it’s not even necessary to connect 230 volts before it, as in the extra-wide plug-in sockets. The simplest options have two primary windings. However, there are such, at some visnovks, for example, chotiri. The price means that the insurance coverage for the robot is from 230 V, and from 110 V. This option is simpler.
Otzhe, what is the value of the primary winding of the transformer? For the first time, you need a multimeter from the function of an ohmmeter. The third step is to visualize the opyr through explicit patterns. De von will be the best, there is the first winding. Know visnovki bazhano immediately write, for example, with a marker.

The primary winding can be made using the same method. For many windings, the middle of the transformer can be seen well. In the case of the current options, most often it is so and buvak. In old people, the gut can be virobs drenched in faraboya, which is a method that can be described. Visually, you can see that winding, the diameter of the dart is the smallest. Won є first. On her and it is necessary to give a small amount of food.
If it is too late to count the secondary winding, it is known that the spill is lowered. Bagato hto zdogadavsya, yak tse zrobiti. In the first place, the opir at the secondary winding will be smaller, lower at the primary. In a different way, the diameter of the dart, as the windings will be larger.

Zavdannya trohi accelerates, as the windings of the transformer k_lka. Especially such a variant of Lyaka Novachkiv. But the technique of identification is even simpler, and is analogous to that described in food. First, you need to know the primary winding. The opir will be even more, not quiet, who has lost.
At the end of those on the windings of the transformer, say a bit about those for whom the primary winding is larger, lower than the secondary one, and with the diameter of the dart, everything is accurate to navpaki. For more details, please ask the food for more details, but it’s even more important for the robot to spend an hour with a strong effort.
A voltage of 220 V is supplied to the primary winding of the transformer. This means that, when the pressure is exerted, for example, 50 W through the flow of the strum with a force of about 0.2 A (the pressure is limited to the pressure). Apparently, the great reload of the dart is not needed here. Tse, zychayno, even more forgiven for the explanation, but for the cobs (and the solution of the set in the store) will be sufficient.
At the second winding, the strings have counterparts. A very widespread transformer, which is of the form of 12 V. At the same pressure of 50 W the strum, which flows through the secondary winding, the warehouse is close to 4 A. Still, to reach a great value, the provider, through which such a stream passes, is to blame for the good. Apparently, the more you break the dart, the less the more.
If you use the theory with the simplest ohmmeter, you can easily measure the winding of a step-down transformer without a markup.

Secondary winding springs

The next step in identifying the "unchangeable" transformer will be the tension of the second winding. Tse allow to rise, wirib come for our purposes. For example, choose a 24 V living unit, and a transformer of 12 V type less.

For viznachennya springs, yaku can be drawn from the secondary winding, it will happen to the transformer to feed the netting. The operation is not safe yet. For non-protection, it is possible for those who do not know it to take a strong blow with a strum, to protect themselves, send the wiring to the booth and burn the transformer itself. We will not preserve it if we stock up on some recommendations for safety technology.
First, when testing, pull the transformer until it goes through the roasting lamp. Vona connect last, at the opening of one of the darts, then go to the fork. The light bulb will serve as a foreigner for a problem, if it is turning incorrectly, or if the transformer is wrong (short-circuiting, burning, getting wet and so long). As soon as it turns out, it went wrong. In the presence of a short mimicry in the transformer, the plug from the socket is more beautiful at once. As long as the lamp doesn’t light up, it doesn’t stink or dim - the robot can be prodzhuvati.
In a different way, all of the information between the inputs and the blame is made to be isolated. It’s not so bad for me to recommend it. If you don't mind, like looking at the multimeter, for example, when you need to correct the darts, curl up, take a good blow with a string. Tse is not unbeatable for health, but for life. For isolation, pick an insulating tape or a heat-resistant tube of a uniform diameter.
Now the process itself. A separate plug with wires is soldered to the attachment of the primary winding. Yak is meant to be whish, the lantsyug will have a roasting lamp. Try to isolate yourself. A multimeter and a voltmeter must be attached to the secondary winding. Beastly respect, you will get inclusions on the occasion of the change. Pochatkivtsi are often poured here. After inserting the handle of the multimeter on the vim_ryuvannya post_ynoi naprugi, do not burn anything, protest, on the display do not reject any brown indications.

You can now insert the plug into the outlet. If everything is in the working camp, then I will show you how to lower your strength, how to see it as a transformer. Similarly, it is possible to twist the windings around the windings, which is the same.

Simple ways of calculating the required power of a power transformer

With the pulling down of the step-down transformer, just three folds, a little more simple techniques, all the same, є. Samy affordable way By way of characterization - change the diameter of the dart at the second winding. For the sake of knowing a vernier caliper, a calculator is located below the information.
The diameter of the dart can be varied with a handful. At the same time, the value is 1.5 mm. Now it is necessary to count the overriding dart. For this, it is necessary to square half of the diameter (radius) and multiply by the number pi. For our butt, the grind will be close to 1.76 square meters.
Dalі for rozrahunku to know how to get the value of gustini struma per square millimeter of the guide. For side-by-side step-down transformers, 2.5 amperes per square millimeter. Apparently, behind another winding of our eye it is possible to "painlessly" beat the strum with a force close to 4.3 A.
Now we take the previously calculated spring of the secondary winding, and multiply it by removing the strum. As a result, the value of the demand of our transformer is noticeable. At 12 and 4.3 A, the parameter will be in the region of 50 W.
The need for an "unchangeable" transformer can be made in many ways, by folding. You will be able to know information about them from Merezha. The need to learn about re-cutting the windows of the transformer, for an additional program of opening, as well as for the nominal working temperature.


It’s possible to go to the next level, but we’ll forgive the staff. Golovne - dotrimuvatis rules bezpeku and buti borderingly respectful when robotic with a high spirits.

The primary winding of the transformer is a part of the attachment, until a change in strum is introduced, which will be transformed. Visnachiti, de first, and de second winding of the transformer, it is important for vicorian annexes without a factory markup and self-made bobbins.

Self-contained transformers have no primary winding.

The knowledge about the internal Budov and the principle of transformers may be of practical importance for radio amateurs and households. If you provide information about the type of windings, methods of construction and basic information, it is possible to repair the system of illumination and other annexes with a greater advancement.

Types of transformer windings

Fallingly from the frost-freezing of wire elements, directly from the winding and forming the dart, there are a few types of transformer windings:

  1. Single-ball or double-ball cylindrical winding from a rectangular dart. The technology of the preparation is even simpler, for the reason why such cats have got a wide extension. The winding is not very large, but it changes the heating of the annex. For a short while, there is little design.
  2. Bagatosharova cylindrical winding є is analogous to the front type, ale the wires for sewing ball balls. The fault of the magnetic system in one's own memory is more beautiful, but the problem is overheating.
  3. Cylindrical bagatosharov winding from dart round break there is little power, close to the front types of windings, but not enough power to waste power in the world of growing tension.
  4. Gvintova winding with one, two-house and more moves can be very efficient, seemingly insulating and cooling. In the case of porous with cylinder windings, the gwent is more expensive in virobnits.
  5. Uninterrupted winding from a straight-wound dart does not overheat, there is a significant supply of power.
  6. Bagatosharova winding from foil st_yka to the stitching, kindly remembering the magnetic system, albeit the technology of making such coils folds that way.

Transformers have a number of main types of windings.

On the diagrams of transformers, the cob of cob windings of a high tension are designated by the great letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C), and such a part of the conductors of a low tension - small letters. Protrezhny end of the winding can be obtained mindlessly It is stored in three letters of the Latin alphabet - X, Y, Z for input springs and x, y, z for output.

The design of the winding is based on the following characteristics:

  • the main - the primary and secondary windings are applied to them, and the strum is fed from the hedge and comes to the moment of living;
  • regulating - they are the lead, the main function of which is the change of the efficiency of the transformation of the tension;
  • additional - vikoristovatsya to secure the needs of the transformer itself.

Automation of transformer winding

Correctly vibrate the transformer, it is important not only when carrying out the repair of electrical fences, lighting systems and lances. The rosette is important for radio amateurs, who want to independently prepare a cat for the attachment, for being designed.

For a wide range of manual calculator programs, as well as a wide functionality and operation using different methods rozrahunku.

Special programs to lay down the transformer.

  • spruce, it should be fed to the primary winding of the boiler, in most cases for household needs
  • sprung to become 220 volts;
  • tension on the second winding;
  • power of the secondary winding strum.

The result of the presentation of the views in the manual table, in which it is indicated such values, such as the parameters of the core and the height of the shearing, overriding the dart, the number of turns and the tension of the windings.

Automation of design, I will simply ask the theoretical part of the process of designing a transformer, it is permissible to focus on important details.

Indications of the primary winding from the secondary

Depending on the type of winding, it is possible to use the support.

The designation of the type of winding can be important in quiet applications, if the transformer does not save any time. Yak d_znatisya de first, and de second winding? Smell rozrahovani for a reason. If you plug in the secondary winding until the 220 V hem, then just light up.

The main visual criterion, for the help of which it is possible to determine the type of winding, is the Tovshchina dart, soldered to the first one. Machotiri transformer vikhodi: two for connecting to the framing, and two more for vivedennya springs. Let it be, that the primary winding is to be found in the hem, to conceal a small amount. The secondary winding is connected with wires to achieve a great transverse recess.

Another sign that allows the type of winding to be recognized is Vimir support to the wire. Determine the primary winding to a higher value, if the secondary can be up to 1 Ohm.

Regardless of the model, the primary winding of the transformer will be the same. on the principles of schemes The won is denoted by the Roman numeral I. Secondary windings can be a spike, їkh designated - II, III, IV, etc. Do not let the broadened pompuska be allowed, nazyayuchi such windings are tertiary, quarterly thin. Effortlessly smell one rank and are called secondary.

What are the functions of the vicon transformer?

The transformers are widespread in charging attachments Oh.

The main function of transformers in the field is in reduced or advanced struma, which can be supplied to them. Tsi attachments know the wider storage of high-voltage fences, which deliver the electricity from the beginning to the end of the line.

It is very important for the bitter homelessness to have the transformer struma. Give an attachment to vikoristovuyutsya in all types of technology, repairing from the refrigerator and ending with a computer.

Even more recently, the measurement of that va of by-beat technology was often started by the parameters of the transformer itself, and the main rule was that it was more and more important. Schob pachity tse, to finish just adjusting between two types of charging attachments. Old transformer mobile phoneі a modern smartphone or a tablet. At the first vipad in front of us, there will be a small, a little more important attachment for charging, which is easy to warm up and often go wrong. Impulse transformers are made by noiseless robotics, compactness and high strength. The principle of їхної дії polyagaє is that there is a lot of effort to come up to a vypryamlyach and to transform to high-frequency impulses, which is fed to a small transformer.

In case of repair of the booth technology, the need for self-winding transformer boilers is often caused. For a whole lot of vicarious things, they are hard, as they are stored from the edges of the plates. The details can be found in front of the castle viglyad, making a sharp design. Winding with a wire zd_ysnyuєtsya for the help of a self-propelled attachment, as a rule for the principle of a brace.

Such a transformer is a step of memory: more efficiently and more efficiently the windings are different, then there are fewer problems with the exploitation of such an annex.

The coils are drawn one out of one single ball of the paper, we will grease the glue, and the primary winding is pulled through the second half from 4-5 balls to the paper. This is the isolation to prevent the breakdowns of the breakdowns and the short confusion. Correctly picking up the transformer guarantees the stability of the robot technology, the visibility of the persistent hum and overheating.

Visnovok on the topic

The transformer is victorious in the great technology that will leave us. Knowing about the inside of Budov is possible, if necessary, to carry out repairs, service and replace.

The winding of the primary winding from the secondary bead is important for correct connection attachment to the border. Such a problem can be detected and passed the hour when self-contained attachments of transformers without a markup.

Uninterrupted kotushkova winding will stagnate if the voltage is 110 kV. When the winding is in the winding of a number of parallel wires of transposition, the yak at the gunting parallel windings is strained.

Have modern technology Transformer zasosovyut to finish often. Try to add a victorious service to improve or change the parameters of a changeable electric strum. The transformer is stored in the input and output windings on the magnetic core. Tse її main components. To go to bed, so it’s okay to go out of the way and the need for repair or replacement. It is possible to install a transformer of transformations with the help of a home multimeter with the help of power. How to convert a transformer with a multimeter?

The Basics of Robotics

By itself, the transformer is carried to the elementary outbuildings, and the principle of its creation on the two-sided re-creation of the magnetic field, which is built up. It is characteristic that the induction of a magnetic field can be deprived of an additional variable struma. As soon as possible, it’s possible to make it work because it’s permanent, and it’s a piece of that need to be redefined.

The first winding is wound on the annex, on the yak and the call of the change is supplied with singing characteristics. Then we can go out, or a few of the secondary windings, in which there is a change in the winding. The coefficient of transmission is to be kept out of the difference in the number of turns and powers of the core.


Today on the market you can know the powerless type of transformer. Falsely as a result of the reverse design, there can be victorious materials. To be able to form, it is possible to vibrate out of control because of the quick distribution of the attachment in the building of the electrical attachment. On the rozrakhunkovu, the pressure is poured in without the configuration and the material being serious. When there are a lot of strands of windings, they do not pour into them - the windings will be wound like a nasustrich, so one from one. Let's use a single winyat є Identical vibration directly at the time when a few secondary windings are victorious.

To change such an attachment, I will install a sufficient signal multimeter, which is a tester of transformers in the struma. No special attachments are required.

Reconsideration procedure

The rewiring of the transformer is to be repaired from the designation of the windings. Zrobiti is possible for an additional markup annex. They are guilty of the assigned numbers of the visitor, as well as the designation of the type, which allows you to provide more information about the contacts. In the surrounding vipadki є to navigate the explanatory little ones. If the transformer is installed in the electronic device, then clarify the situation with the help of the principle electronic circuit There is also a lecture specificity.

From now on, if all visas are valid, the tester's office will come. With this help it is possible to set up two of the most frequent injustices - confusion (on the case or a suspended winding) and shaving the windings. In the remainder of the drop in the ohmmeter mode (vimir support), all the windings will ring through. Yaksho, from vimiriv showing one, to not endless opir, then є shaving.

Here is an important aspect. Change it more beautifully on an analogue attachment, so as a digital one can be shown through the temple induction, which is especially typical for windings with more turns.

If there is an inversion of the loop on the case, one of the probes should be connected to the winding, so that the others will ring the hooks of all the windings and the case itself. To change the rest, it is necessary to clean up the contact from the varnish and the farbi.

Viznachennya mіzhvitkovogo zamikannya

Іnshoyu frequent breakdown of transformers є mіzhvitkove zamikannya. It is practically unrealistic to reconsider the impulse transformer for any kind of malfunction with one multimeter. However, if you screw up your scent, respect that hospitality zir, you can see it completely.

Three of the theory. Drit on transformers is isolated on a whimsical basis. It’s easy to break through the insolation, it’s determined between the solid loops to get lost, during which time the contact heats up. The very same thing, before slowly glancing back at the attachment, there is a potent, pochornin, faint paper, zduttya and the smell of garbage.

Given the type of transformer. As soon as you go, you can be amazed by the specific windings for the special contacts. The tester has changed from the megohmmeter mode and it will fix the winding isolation definition. A single pulse transformer tester is a very special multimeter.

Kozhen vimir will follow from the meanings from the presenter. If there is a loss of power by 50%, then the winding is faulty.

Even though the winding operation is not indicated for quiet reasons, the presenter has no obligation to induce this data: the type that breaks the dart, as well as the number of turns. With їkhnyuyu help, you can calculate the indicator independently.

Reversal of side-by-side lowering annexes

Slide means the moment of reversal with the tester-multimeter of the classic transformers reduction. It is possible to know it practically at all living units, which reduce the input voltage from 220 Volts to 5-30 Volts, which can be used.

Before the primary winding is inverted, a 220 Volt voltage is supplied to the yak. Signs of a fault in the primary winding:

  • the most visible dima;
  • the smell of garou;
  • trisk.

And then immediately start experimenting.

If everything is fine, you can go to the secondary windings. It is possible to drive up to them only with the tester's contacts (probes). Yaksho otrimanі the results are less than the control minimum by 20%, which means the winding is unjustified.

Unfortunately, protesting such a struma unit can only be done in quiet drops, as well as an analogous and guaranteed working unit, some of the control data will be taken from itself. It is also a matter of memory, when the hour of the robot is close to 10 Ohm, the testers can produce results.

Vimiryuvannya struma idling

All the tests have shown that the transformer will be useful, we will not take another diagnostics - the idling transformer strum. Most often, it is 0.1-0.15 of the nominal indicator, so that the struma is ready for delivery.

To carry out the conversion vimiruvalny pristіy change the ammeter mode. An important moment! The multimeter is short-circuited before the viprovanny transformer.

It is important, because it takes an hour to supply electricity to the winding of the transformer, the force of the strum grows up to hundreds of times in the case of nominal. The tester's probe is displayed and the indicators are displayed on the screen. The stench itself visualizes the size of the struma without navantazhennya, struma idling. An analogous rite is used to measure the indicators on the secondary windings.

To change the pressure of the transformer, the rheostat is most often used. As soon as you go with your hand, you can use a spiral of tungsten or a row of light bulbs.

To increase the number of light bulbs, or to speed up the number of turns of spirals.

Yak can be bachiti, to change it you don't need a special tester. Підійде is a great multimeter. In the region, mother would like to understand more closely about the principle of robotics and the construction of transformers, but for a successful vimiryuvannya it is enough to change the mode of the ohmmeter.

An electric transformer - to reach the extensions of the prist_y, so that the vikoristovuyutsya in the pobut for vir_shennya are low buildings.

In the first place, there can be breakdowns, and you can also use a multimeter for adjusting the parameters of the electrical system.

From the statistics, you can understand how to convert the transformer to the struma with a multimeter (prodzvoniti), and how the rules go along with it.

Yak vіdomo, whether a transformer is stored from the offensive components:

  • primary and secondary coils (secondary may be a decal);
  • core abo magnetic conductor;
  • frame.

In such a rank, any breakdowns to finish the obmezheniya:

  1. Possibility of the core.
  2. Overburned wires from windings.
  3. Isolation is pierced, as a result of which there is an electrical contact between the coils in the casing (intermittently flickering) or between the casing and the casing.
  4. Matters of clothing and contacts.

Transformer strumu T-0,66 150 / 5а

Deyakі of defects visually begin visually, to that the transformer at the first place should be respectfully looked around. Axis on scho with a lot of beasts I respect:

  • tricycles, insolation and visibility;
  • bolt mill z'єdnan ta clem;
  • Zduttya filling abo її vitikannya;
  • pochorninnya on visible surfaces;
  • obpagliy papir;
  • characteristic smell of burning material.

As the obvious ears are dumb, change the attribution to the praiseworthiness for the help of the attachment. For many nobility, it is necessary to lay a mustache before any windings. At the re-transformation of the great developments, information can be presented in a graphical image.

As soon as it is on the day, you can be quick as an assistant, who should know his own transformer. Yaksho vin is a part of the electric power supply, but the dzherel can be the specificity of the principle electric circuit.

Methods for inverting the transformer with a multimeter

Nasamper, slid to reconvert the transformer isolation stan. For the whole multimeter, it is necessary to switch to the mega-meter mode. Pislya ts'go vim_ryuyut op_r:

  • between the body and the skin with the windings;
  • mіzh windings in pairs.

It’s a pity, if you’re guilty of such a change, please refer to the technical documentation for the transformer. For example, for large high-voltage models, it is punished to carry out the insulation support at a load of 1 kV.

Perevirka will attach with a multimeter

The necessary support can be looked at in the technical documentation or to the assistant. For example, for quiet high-voltage transformers themselves, it should be no less than 1 mOhm.

The Danish test doesn’t make any difference, but also changes in the power of materials in the core. To that, it is necessary to reconsider the working characteristics of the transformer, in order to use the following methods:

The 220 Volt power supply is far from being applied. I lower the sponge for victoriannya elektropriladiv.

How to reconvert the varistor with a multimeter and the varistor is needed most of the time, read.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for inverting the springs in the socket with a multimeter.

Direct method (revision of the schema for options)

It is the first to fall for the thought: it is necessary to freeze the strum in the primary and secondary windings of the primary annex, and then, by the way, one by one, the actual conversion efficiency is important. As soon as it is accepted in the passport - the transformer is a reference, if not - it is necessary to have a defect. Tsei kofіtsієnt can be counted independently, as vіdoma napruga, yaku maє vidavati prilad.

For example, if 220V / 12V is written in ny, then we have a lower transformer, but the strum at the second winding is guilty of 220/12 = 18.3, but not at the first (the term “lower” is carried to the point of stress).

Single-phase transformer calibration scheme

It is necessary to switch the winding up to the secondary winding, so that the schob in the windings was pierced with a stream of at least 20% of the nominal value. When turned on, be on the alert: if there is a trickle, there will be a smell of garbage, if you hit the dim, or if you can, you need to plug it in right away.

If the tested transformer has a number of secondary windings, that is, they are not connected until they are wired, they may be short-circuited. In the case of a secondary connection, when the first one is connected to the dzherel of a changeable strum, it can be sprung up, it’s not just a matter of losing possession, ale and hammering a man.

The last time the transformer windings are connected with the help of a battery and a multimeter

If you need to know about a high-voltage transformer, then before switching on it is necessary to reconsider, which does not require a grounding core. About the process to determine the appearance of a special clemy, designated by the letter "Z" or a special badge.

The direct method of rewiring the transformer allows for an ongoing reassessment of the camp of the rest. However, it is far from being dependent on the ability to turn on the transformer on the basis of installation and to complete all the necessary changes.

As it is through vimogs that they are safe, because it is not possible to kill it from the other world, I will attach it to an indirect rank.

Indirect method

To the warehouse given method to include a number of tests, skin from which images will be attached to one aspect. Otzhe, all the tests should be carried out at once.

Validation of the reliability of the winding windings

For the purpose of inversion, the multimeter must be switched to the ohmmeter mode. It is necessary to give a pair of calls to all visnovki. Whenever they are, they will be brought up to little cats, as it will be rather inconceivable. As the multimeter will show how specific the value is, meaning the patterns should be the same.

Immediately it is possible to change the order of the opir and point it to the assistant. As soon as possible, the breakdown is greater, less than 50%, after which it has become a mismatch in the part of the wire.

Connecting the transformer to the multimeter

Crack, on coils with great inductiveness, to coils, how to store up with significant numbers, a digital multimeter can show you the adductions of opir. Bazhano in such vipadkah speed up with an analog tool.

Reverse the windings with a permanent strum, as a transformer cannot be reworked. With victorian change in the other cocks, EPCs are induced, and it is possible to see it all. So, if the secondary coil of the 220/12 step-down transformer is fed with a change of 20 V, then the first spring will appear at 367 V, and with a vague torch, the koristuvach will reject a strong blow with a string.

It is necessary to make a difference, such as the connection from the switch to the dzherel struma, and also to the installation. As soon as the transformer is low, it is necessary to connect the coil with the maximum number of turns and the maximum support before dzherel strum. All navpaks are equipped with a power transformer.

Usi ways to vimіryuvannya power of electric strum

There are a lot of models, in some of the middle of the secondary cats, they are both lower and higher. Todi the first cat can be recognized by the singing part of the recognition for such signs: the cat must be attached to the attention of the others, so the cat itself can be put on the frame in the vicinity of the section.

The Internet is able to develop in such a way: you need to take a photo of the transformer and write the power supply from the given photograph and the necessary information (brand tosho) for one of the thematic forums.

It is possible, there is one of the first participants in the mav, with such annexes, it is possible to report a report, which is required for a switch.

As soon as the secondary cattle are in the industrial sector, it is necessary to recognize the ear and the tip. For the whole it is necessary to have a significant polarity of the visnovk.

The value of the polarity of the windings

In the role of vimіryuvach, there is a magnetoelectric ammeter, or a voltmeter, in which type of house the polarity of the visnovs is. The attachment must be connected to the secondary boiler. We are more likely to use these models, for which there are "zero" swings in the middle of the scale, or even through the visibility of such a move and classic - with a small swash of "zero" evil.

There are also secondary cats, but they need to be shunted.

Reversal of the polarity of the phase windings of electrical machines of the replacement strum

Through the first cat, it is necessary to pass a permanent strum of little strength. There is a battery for the role of a dzherel, a battery is used, with a lance between it and a cat it is necessary to turn on a resistor - there was no short flickering. A fire lamp can be such a resistor.

Vimikach in the lance of the original cat is not required: there is enough stitching behind the arrow of the multimeter to close the lance, sticking a wire out of the lamp and in the opening of the cat, and opening it.

As soon as the poles of the battery and the multimeter are connected to the installation, the poles of the battery and the multimeter are connected, so that the polarity is lost, then the arrow on the attachment is right-handed.

With a polarized connection - livoruch.

At the moment of activation, there is a opposite picture: with a unipolar plugged in, the arrow will destroy the hand, with a different polarity - the right-hander.

On the edge with a "zero" on the cob of the scale, the arrows are folded downward, the scraps are on the other side of the circle. That slidkuvati needs respect.

For this circuit, the polarity of the kitten's solution is inverted.

A multimeter is a very useful attachment for detecting a severity of struma, which can be used to detect inadequacies in quiet situations. - Read cinnamon please on vibration.

Instructions for converting diodes with a multimeter are presented.

Reading the characteristics of magnetization

However, you can speed up with this method, you need to get ready for a long time: as long as the transformer is new and good for reference, know this so-called volt-ampere characteristic (VAC). There is a graph that shows the spilliness of the spill on the backs of the secondary cocks because of the size of the magnetization strum, which is against them.

Schemes of knowledge of characteristics of magnetization

Having opened the lance of the first cat (but the results were not caused by the transitions from the power possession, but to be close), pass through the second a wintry stream of good strength, turning it back and forth at the entrance.

The vikoristovuvanny's tendency for the whole block to live is enough for the magnetic conductor, to supervise the changes in the kuta to nahil crooked to zero (horizontally positioned).

Vimiryuvalny attach the guilt to the electrodynamic or electro-magnetic system.

Before the test of the magnetic wires, it is necessary to re-magnetize by way of a way to increase the number of passes through the strum in the winding with further reductions to zero.

In the world of victorian annex, it is necessary for a singing periodical knowledge of the VAC and for a time with a cob. Decrease in coolness is indicative of the appearance of a mid-turn confusion.

Video on the topic


It is often necessary to know in advance from the food supply about those, how to convert the transformer. Even when unstable robots go out, there will be a good deal of reason to see and possess. It is possible to diagnose it with a very simple multimeter. Yak tse zrobiti is visible.

What is possession?

How to reconvert a transformer, how do you not know its design? The principle of the concept of simple possession is clear. On the magnetic core, apply turns of a copper dart overrun so that there are no windings for the winding, which is good, and second.

The transfer of energy to the secondary winding is contactless. Here it is clear how to change the transformer. Similarly, a normal inductance is called with an ohmmeter. The coils make the opir, which can be changed. However, this is a way to get stuck, if a value is given to a house. Also, you can change from the bigger side to the less side of the load. The price is called mіzhvitkove zamikannya.

Such a prist_y is already not seen to the etalon naprugu that strum. The ohmmeter will show only shaving off the lantsyuzi chi more shortly. For additional diagnostics, it is possible to change the misalignment on the case with the ohmmeter itself. How to reconvert the transformer, I don’t know the windings?


Transformers can be subdivided into the following groups:

  • Lowering and advancing.
  • Power often serves to change the pressure, to bring.
  • A transformer for struma for supplying a stable size to a struma that is flattened in a given range.
  • One is the same phase.
  • Zvaryuvalnogo priznacheniya.
  • Impulse.

The principle of going to power supply, like reconverting the winding of the transformer, is always considered to be the characteristic of the possession. The multimeter can be used to ring out small-sized attachments. Power machines also require a first step before diagnosing faults.

Calling method

Method of diagnostics ohmmeter can be used with power supply for those, how to reconvert the transformer. Prodzonyuvati repair the opir between the windings of the same winding. This is how the guide's integrity is established. Before the cymbal, take a look around the hull at the visibility of the soot, pouring it in as much as possible.

You can freeze the current Omah values ​​and change them from your passport. If there are no such people, then additional diagnostics will be required. For telephoning, it is recommended to attach a leather attachment to the metal case, where it is connected to the ground.

Before carrying out vim_ryuvannya slid vimknuti all parts of the transformer. It is recommended to come from a lantsyug because of safety. It is also possible to change the manifestation of the electronic circuit, which is often the case in modern living models. Її also slid vipayati before the revolution.

An unspecified description to talk about the purpose of isolation. The value in kilka kіlom still winks about the breakdown on the case. Likewise, it can be used for a rakhunok brude, a saw, or in the twisted gaps, I will attach it.

Pid with a friend

Viprobuvannya for feeding the food is carried out, if the supply of food is for those, like reconverting the transformer on the midvitkovo zamikannya. If I know the value of the power supply, I will attach a transformer for any indication, then measure the idle value with a voltmeter. So spend the night out at dinner.

If the meaning of the springs grows out of the nominal, then it’s not enough to tamper with the changes in the windings. I will add a little bit of tricky, iskrinnya when robots, such a transformer is more beautiful immediately. Wien of unfairness. There is a permissible failure in case of vimira:

  • For stress, the value can be increased by 20%.
  • For support with the norm є the size is 50% of the passport.

Measurement with an ammeter

Razberemosya, like reversing the transformer to the struma. Yogo turn on the lantsyug: the staff is not completely vigorous. Importantly, the value of the strum is less than the nominal. Freeze with an ammeter to conduct at the primary lancet and at the secondary.

The strum at the primary lantsyuzi is torn from the secondary ones. More precisely, take the first value on the winding at the second winding. Coefficient of transformation of the path of recognition from the preceptor and of the relationship with the discarded rozrakhunks. The results may be the same.

The strumu transformer cannot be frozen at idle. On the second winding, in such a fall, you can pretend to be even tighter than the top, which is good for insulating. Also follow the polarity of the connection, which is right on the robot of all the connected circuits.

Types of irregularities

Before you change the transformer of the microchip oven, it is possible to induce some of the breakdowns, which can be learned without a multimeter. Often, the attachment of living will go out for a short time after a short confusion. Vono get up with a walk around the circuit boards, roses, z'udnan. Read more mechanical engineering transformer housing of the same core.

The mechanical wear and tear of the transformer visnovk is seen on machines, so it collapses. Great windings, how to live, help to keep the cooling down. For the first time of the day there is a possible overheating and melting of the insulation.


Revise, like reconverting an impulse transformer. An ohmmeter can be used to fix the integrity of the windings. The design of the attachment will be installed when connected to the circuit, the capacitor will take care of the fate, and the sound generator will be installed.

An impulse signal from 20 to 100 kHz is sent to the primary winding. On the second winding, use an oscilloscope to measure the values. Vstanovlyuyut presence with an impulse. Yaksho їkh dumb, to curb visnovki about the help of pristіy.

Oscillograms made it possible to talk about winding replacement. It is not recommended to repair the attachment on its own. Їx tune with laboratory minds. Check out the circuits for converting pulsed transformers, to deduce the presence of resonance on the windings. Yogo visibility to tell about the wrong attitudes.

It is also possible to change the shape of the impulses supplied to the primary winding and from the secondary one. Vidhilennya form can also talk about the inequality of the transformer.

Deck of windings

For vimіryuvannya support zvіlnyayut kіntsі from electric plants. Vibrate whether it is a kind of a visitor and let everyone support them. It is recommended to write down the value and markuvati inversion kintsi.

So it is possible to distinguish the type of connection of the windings: from the middle windings, without them, from the external connection point. Most of the time it is necessary to fix the connections to the windings. Vimiryuvannya will be thrown into the air only with one hand.

If it’s a point, then it’s determined by the guides. Two windings from the middle winding can mean less than three wires. Dekіlka visnovkіv work at transformers, rozhovanih on the robot in a number of hemlines with a nominal 110 or 220 volts.

Nuance diagnostics

The hum pid hour of the robot's transformer is normal, as well as specific attachments. Tilki power and tricky to indicate inequality. Often, the heating of the windings is normal for the robot of the transformer. Most often it is spasmed at low-cost attachments.

The resonance may change if the transformer case is removed. This is the first step to secure it with insulating material. The winding robot signifies a change for the unintentionally tightened or obstructed contacts. Most of the problems are caused by cleaning the metal up to blistering and new tight-fitting wipes.

In case of vimir, the value of the pressure that struma follows the temperature of the navkolishny middle, the value of that character is added. Control of springs, scho to drive, is also necessary. Reconstruction of the connection frequency є obov'yazkovuyu. Aziatska that American technology is rooted at 60 Hz, which can be reduced to underestimated values.

If the transformer is connected, it can lead to a malfunction in the annex. Do not fit to the windings post_yna napruga... Coils are quickly melted in a nakshe. Accuracy in vimirs, which is literate to connect to help not only to know the cause of the breakdown, but, you can, you can use it in a painless way.

In the bitter technical transformer, it’s too often to fill up. Try to add a victorious service to improve or change the parameters of a changeable electric strum. The transformer is stored in the input and output windings on the magnetic core. Tse її main components. To go to bed, so it’s okay to go out of the way and the need for repair or replacement. It is possible to install a transformer of transformations with the help of a home multimeter with the help of power. How to convert a transformer with a multimeter?

The Basics of Robotics

By itself, the transformer is carried to the elementary outbuildings, and the principle of its creation on the two-sided re-creation of the magnetic field, which is built up. It is characteristic that the induction of a magnetic field can be deprived of an additional variable struma. As soon as possible, it’s possible to make it work because it’s permanent, and it’s a piece of that need to be redefined.

The first winding is wound on the annex, on the yak and the call of the change is supplied with singing characteristics. Then we can go out, or a few of the secondary windings, in which there is a change in the winding. The coefficient of transmission is to be kept out of the difference in the number of turns and powers of the core.


Today on the market you can know the powerless type of transformer. Falsely as a result of the reverse design, there can be victorious materials. To be able to form, it is possible to vibrate out of control because of the quick distribution of the attachment in the building of the electrical attachment. On the rozrakhunkovu, the pressure is poured in without the configuration and the material being serious. When there are a lot of strands of windings, they do not pour into them - the windings will be wound like a nasustrich, so one from one. Let's use a single winyat є Identical vibration directly at the time when a few secondary windings are victorious.

To change such an attachment, I will install a sufficient signal multimeter, which is a tester of transformers in the struma. No special attachments are required.

Reconsideration procedure

The rewiring of the transformer is to be repaired from the designation of the windings. Zrobiti is possible for an additional markup annex. They are guilty of the assigned numbers of the visitor, as well as the designation of the type, which allows you to provide more information about the contacts. In the surrounding vipadki є to navigate the explanatory little ones. If the transformer is installed in an electronic device, then clarify the situation by using the principle electronic circuit of the device, as well as a report on the specifics.

From now on, if all visas are valid, the tester's office will come. With this help it is possible to set up two of the most frequent injustices - confusion (on the case or a suspended winding) and shaving the windings. In the remainder of the drop in the ohmmeter mode (vimir support), all the windings will ring through. Yaksho, from vimiriv showing one, to not endless opir, then є shaving.

Here is an important aspect. Reverse it more beautifully on an analogue attachment, so as a digital one can be shown through a temple induction, but it is especially entangled with windings with a great number of turns.

If there is an inversion of the loop on the case, one of the probes should be connected to the winding, so that the others will ring the hooks of all the windings and the case itself. To change the rest, it is necessary to clean up the contact from the varnish and the farbi.

Viznachennya mіzhvitkovogo zamikannya

Іnshoyu frequent breakdown of transformers є mіzhvitkove zamikannya. It is practically unrealistic to reconsider the impulse transformer for any kind of malfunction with one multimeter. However, if you screw up your scent, respect that hospitality zir, you can see it completely.

Three of the theory. Drit on transformers is isolated on a whimsical basis. It’s easy to break through the insolation, it’s determined between the solid loops to get lost, during which time the contact heats up. The very same thing, before slowly glancing back at the attachment, there is a potent, pochornin, faint paper, zduttya and the smell of garbage.

Given the type of transformer. As soon as you go, you can be amazed by the specific windings for the special contacts. The tester has changed from the megohmmeter mode and it will fix the winding isolation definition. A single pulse transformer tester is a very special multimeter.

Kozhen vimir will follow from the meanings from the presenter. If there is a loss of power by 50%, then the winding is faulty.

Even though the winding operation is not indicated for quiet reasons, the presenter has no obligation to induce this data: the type that breaks the dart, as well as the number of turns. With їkhnyuyu help, you can calculate the indicator independently.

Reversal of side-by-side lowering annexes

Slide means the moment of reversal with the tester-multimeter of the classic transformers reduction. It is possible to know it practically at all living units, which reduce the input voltage from 220 Volts to 5-30 Volts, which can be used.

Before the primary winding is inverted, a 220 Volt voltage is supplied to the yak. Signs of a fault in the primary winding:

  • the most visible dima;
  • the smell of garou;
  • trisk.

And then immediately start experimenting.

If everything is fine, you can go to Vimir on the secondary windings. It is possible to drive up to them only with the tester's contacts (probes). Yaksho otrimanі the results are less than the control minimum by 20%, which means the winding is unjustified.

Unfortunately, protesting such a struma unit can only be done in quiet drops, as well as an analogous and guaranteed working unit, some of the control data will be taken from itself. It is also a matter of memory, when the hour of the robot is close to 10 Ohm, the testers can produce results.

Vimiryuvannya struma idling

All the tests have shown that the transformer will be useful, we will not take another diagnostics - the idling transformer strum. Most often, it is 0.1-0.15 of the nominal indicator, so that the struma is ready for delivery.

To carry out the conversion of the vimiruvalny pristіy change the ammeter mode. An important moment! The multimeter is short-circuited before the viprovanny transformer.

It is important, because it takes an hour to supply electricity to the winding of the transformer, the force of the strum grows up to hundreds of times in the case of nominal. The tester's probe is displayed and the indicators are displayed on the screen. The stench itself visualizes the size of the struma without navantazhennya, struma idling. An analogous rite is used to measure the indicators on the secondary windings.

To change the pressure of the transformer, the rheostat is most often used. As soon as you go with your hand, you can use a spiral of tungsten or a row of light bulbs.

To increase the number of light bulbs, or to speed up the number of turns of spirals.

Yak can be bachiti, to change it you don't need a special tester. Підійде is a great multimeter. In the region, mother would like to understand more closely about the principle of robotics and the construction of transformers, but for a successful vimiryuvannya it is enough to change the mode of the ohmmeter.

How to convert a transformer?

The transformer, which is changing like "Perevetvoryuvach", has lost our life and is victorious everywhere near that industry. The very fact is that it is necessary to convert the transformer to the correctness and parity, in order to prevent damage in case of malnutrition. Aje transformer kostuє is not so cheap. However, it’s not a skinny person, I know how to convert a transformer to a struma independently and often vvazhaє for more beautifully introducing him to the master, if on the right it’s not foldable.

It is easy to understand the report, as you can change the transformer yourself.

Yak convert the transformer with a multimeter

The transformer is right for a simple principle. In one of the lantsyugu, there is a magnetic field, and in the other lance, there is an electric strum of the magnetic field. It allows two strumms in the middle of the transformer. Schob viprobuvati transformer, you need:

  1. Z'yasuvati, whose name is a transformer. Respectfully look at the shell of the transformer for the appearance of vm'yatyn, trishchin, dirk and іnshkodzheny. Often the transformer runs out of overheating. You can, just wiggle it down to the melting point on the building, because the transformer is not good enough to get it out of the way for repairs.
  2. Take a look at the transformer windings. The guilty ones are clearly handled by the mint. Do not start a transformer circuit, you can wonder, as in the connections and in the details. The scheme depends on the presence in the documents or, in extreme cases, on the side of the retailer in the Internet.
  3. Know also the input and output of the transformer. The tension of the winding, which opens the magnetic field, is indicated on it in the documents on the diagram. Also, it can be seen on another winding, which generates strum, springs.
  4. Know the filtration at the entrance, develops the transformation of the effort from change to the post-day. Prior to the secondary winding, we have supplied a diode and capacitor, which will be able to filter. The smell is indicated on the schematics, but not the transformers.
  5. Prepare a multimeter to measure the springs in the hem. Yakshko kryshka the panels are made to fit the framing, I saw them for an hour of revision. You can buy a multimeter at a store.
  6. Switch the input lance to the dzherel. Pick up the multimeter in the alternating strum mode and adjust the tension of the primary winding. If the pressure drops lower, lower than 80% of the measured value, then there is a disparity in the primary winding. Todi just look at the primary winding and turn it over. If it’s gone, the winding is wrong. If there is no such thing, then there is an inequality in the primary input circuit.
  7. Also, play with your friends. Yaksho є filtration, vimir is carried out in the mode of a post-struma. If it’s dumb, then in the mode of a changeable struma. If it’s wrong, it’s necessary to reconsider the whole block. If all the details are garazd, then the transformer itself is wrong.

Often you can feel a dizzy or hissing sound from a transformer. This means that the axle-axis transformer should burn up and it is necessary to turn it on and off for repair.

Often, the winding may lose grounding potential, which is poured onto the springs.

The transformer є forgive the electrical attachments that serve for the re-creation of the springs and the struma. On the zalny magnetic backing, one can wind the input and one or more of the output windings. A change in tension, which is fed to the primary winding, an induction magnetic field, as a wiklick will appear a change in the same frequency in the secondary windings. Correspondingly, according to the ratio of the number of turns, the transmission rate changes.

To reconcile the faults of the transformer, before the next step, all windings are connected. The price can be changed for yogo, denoted by the number of visnovk_v, designated by the type (tod_ can be quickened by the associates), which is enough great razmіrі navit є baby. As the transformer is used as an electronic attachment, it is necessary to clarify the principle of the electric circuit on the basis of the attachment and the specificity.

Having made all the changes, the multimeter can be reconverted two defects: shaving the winding and wiring it onto the case or the winding.

For viznachennya urvische demand "prodzvoniti" in ohmmeter mode through the skin winding, the visibility of the indication ("non-expiration" opir) is ordered on the urvish.

On a digital multimeter, there may be an incomplete indication of the hour of rewinding of the windings with a great number of turns through its high inductance.

To push on to the housing, one probe of the multimeter is pressed down to the winding, and the others are attached to the windings (one of two is enough) and the housing (the small contact needs to be cleaned from the farbi and varnish). It is innocent for a short confusion;

Mizhvitkov transformer mismatch: yak viznachiti

Another extension is a defect in transformers - a mismatch, it is practically unwise to recognize it for an additional multimeter. Here you can add respect, hospitality zir and scent. It is a bit of a dull moment to isolate only for the rakhunok of your lacquer coating, when the insulation breaks through with the suspended turns of the opir, all one is left behind, which can be brought to the point of heating. For an hour, I’ll look at the reference transformer for an hour, but it’s innocent, because of the filling, carbonizing the paper, and the smell of garbage.

If the type of transformer is designated, then the operator can be familiar with the reference of the winding. For many vicarists, a multimeter has a megger mode. If the support for the insulation of the transformer windings is insulated, it will be more or less 50% less than the difference in the winding. Even the transformer windings are not specified, depending on the number of turns, and the type of dart, and theoretically, it is possible to calculate it.

Is it possible to rewire transformers by their own?

You can try to convert a multimeter and widen the classic transformers, so that you can use it in living blocks for small annexes with an input voltage of 220 volts and a permanent output from 5 to 30 volts. Safely, vklyuchivshi the ability to tinkle bare darts, feed to the primary winding 220 volts.

If there is a smell, dim, triviality, you need to immediately, the experiment is not far away, the primary winding is faulty.

If everything is fine, then stick around with the test leads of the tester, see the springs on the secondary windings. At the bottom of the list, it is 20% higher than the lower number, to indicate the inequality of the winding system.

For the connection in the home minds, the necessary functional and productive apparatus, which is necessary at the same time over the road, is satisfying. You can pick up from handheld materials by inserting the diagram in front of you.

Also sleeping batteries and as for help, set up the system of home power supply, develop on a hot topic.

You can also use a multimeter і vipadku, like є such a samy, ale, a reference transformer. The support of the windings should be torn apart, the release is less than 20% є the norm, but for the value less than 10 Ohm, it is not a skin tester that can give correct information.

Multimeter zrobiv mustache, scho mg. For further reconciliation, use the same oscilloscope.

How to convert a transformer with a multimeter on video

Basically, the designation of the transformer is the transformation of the struma and the springs. I would like to set the vison to complete the folding re-creation, by its very own simple design. Tse angry, about a spag of a cat is wound around a dart. One of them is the introductory one (the primary winding), the second (secondary). The electric strum is supplied to the primary coil, depressing the induction magnetic field. Staying at the secondary windings will fix the change in the same frequency as in the input winding. If the number of turns in two coils will be nice, then the first strum at the entrance and the exit will be nice. It's easy to finish everything. Actually, it’s not easy to go out of the fret, and you don’t see a defect, so you can’t see the power supply for your friends, how can you convert a transformer with a multimeter?

A multimeter now, and in that case, if there is a transformer in front of you unidentified parameters... So, for help, I can also make a difference. To that, fixing it, you need to go to the first place with the windings. For the whole of it, all the little kitties will be able to come up and ring up, and the guys will be happy to see them. At the same time, it is recommended to numbered the stinks, having started, before winding the stench.

The simplest option is a chain of chotiri kintsi, two by two for a skin cat. Most often, there are annexes, as there may be chotiri kintsi. It may appear that way, what the actions of them "do not get through" does not mean that they have an urvie in them. There can be a winding that is so called, that it is shielded, that it can be expanded between the first and the second, the stench call to get together with the "earth".

The axis of what is so important when prodzvonyuvanni animals respect for opir. At the primary hedgehog winding, there are tens or hundreds of Ohms. Beastly respect, how small transformers can make the great opir of primary windings. All to the right at a large number of turns and a small diameter of a dart. The op_r of the secondary windings rattle to approximately zero.

Transformer rewiring

Also, with the aid of a multimeter, the windings are designated. Now it is possible to go over and over again to power supply, as a transformer, vikoristovuyu that same attachment. Rozmova about defects. Їx call two:

  • shaving;
  • wear of the insulation, it is possible to produce the winding until it is lost on the winding, or the case will be attached.

Having shaved the visage as simple as possible, to transform the skin cat on the opir. The multimeter is set to the ohmmeter mode, the probes are connected until two points are attached. As soon as the display shows the visibility of the support (s), the shaving is guaranteed. The rewiring with a digital multimeter can be inadequate, as the winding is tested with a great number of turns. Everything on the right is in that which has more turns, which is more inductive.

The confusion is changed like this:

  1. One probe of the multimeter stops at the winding end.
  2. The other probe is alternately pressed down to the last points.
  3. In case of a drop in the case of mimicking on the case, the other probe is pressed against the case of the transformer.

Є Another defect that often occurs - this is the so-called mіzhvitkove confusion. It’s because of the insolation of the two concurrent rounds. Opir at once at the dart to get overheated, at the center of the day and the insulating varnish to overheat. Call your own people to see the smell of garbage, the winding, porcelain, and filling are blowing. A defect can also be detected with a multimeter. At the same time, it will be possible to know from the presenter, such as the operation of the transformer in the windings of this transformer (vvazhatymemo, which is the brand of the house). Rivnyuchi is a factual exponent from previdkovym, it is possible to say for sure, chi є wada chi ni. Also, the actual parameter is displayed as half or more of a pre-existing parameter, but rather directly on the confirmation of the multi-turn dithering.

Uwaga! Reversing the winding of the transformer on the support, it is not important, the probe is connected to the end. The difference between polarity is not a natural role.

Vimiryuvannya struma idling

If the transformer used a multimeter to test it with a multimeter, then we recommend that you convert it to such a parameter as the idle strum. Call the reference annex for a delivery of 10-15% per nominal. At the time of the nominal may at the uvazi strum at the request.

For example, a TPP-281 transformer. The input voltage is 220 volts, and the idle speed is 0.07-0.1 A, so that one is not guilty of changing one hundred milliamperes. Before that, as converting the transformer to the parameter of the idle strum, it is necessary to switch the adjuster to the ammeter mode. I respect you, when power is supplied to the windings, the force of the starting strum can change the nominal one a hundred times, so the attachment is connected to the annex short-circuited.

For what it is necessary to open the display, the display will show numbers. Tse і є strum without navantazhennya, tobto idle. It is possible to freeze the tension without mounting on the secondary windings, then before mounting it. Reducing the pressure by 10-15% can lead to indicators of the struma, which does not exceed one ampere.

Before the transformer, you need to turn on the rheostat, but it’s not like that, you can turn on a bulb of a light bulb or a spiral from a tungsten dart. You need to make sure that you are ready to use it, you need to take a few bulbs, or to add a spiral.

Visnovok on the topic

Before you change the transformer (lowering or advancing) with a multimeter, you need to think about it, because it’s done well, because it’s right, and the nuances you need to change. In principle, nothing folding in this process ni. The head of the nobility, how can you switch the vim_ryuvalny attachment to the ohmmeter mode.

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