Svitlodіdnі lamps vіdminu from lamps fired. Svitlodіonі lamps: Chim see from the wives and how to vibrate I brush

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

In 2009, the Uryad of the Russian Federation fenced off sales in the territory of the land of lamps to light up the hardness of 100 W, having set a course for the promotion of the turnover of energy-efficient light switches. From the speeches that are evil in the super-speeches about the overloads and shortcomings of LEDs and light-up lamps, it is possible to introduce the Great Chinese Style (as, before the speech, we can see a lot of faint lighting fixtures). Kintsevoy is no worse than tsikavo, when the light comes from a light bulb, it is more important to make the quality and goodness of mind, having brought it to a reasonable indicator of performance / quality. We'll be surprised at the vibor.


From now on, under the shades and shades of our chandeliers and floor lamps, three types of lamps have taken root: rozzharyuvannya, luminescent and light.

This is the name of the lamps of the sacred sign. Special transmission of quiet technologies in a variety of attachments for the indication of or the opening of the light beam. The principle of dії is to be invisible, and from technical characteristics vary widely.

Tse, for example, svitlodiod, which will stand in a zvichaynu bybout technology for indication of processes:


And tse - a lamp rozzharyuvannya, yak vikoristovutsya in the overall lights of cars:

Rozzharyuvannya lamp for clearance lights

Easy to understand, as practical and simple as illumination.


The light bulb is roasting, everywhere expanded by the decrees of Volodymyr Illich, it is stored in a zagalny vypad from a flask, a roasting lamp (mostly from tungsten) and current leads with a zapobizhnik. when confused electric stake(Included) the strum passes through a very roasting, heating up to the right temperature, and it also causes a wide spectrum of light to be visible. If the metal is oxidized, the flask should be sealed with inert gas or set into a vacuum.

At the heart of the robotics is the power of the conductive material, the reason for the development. Transmitting an electric strum through a crystal, we can accept it optically in a vuzy spectrum - visible in a luminous color. To reject the white svitlodiod vikoristovuyutsya three crystals, which give a chervone, blue and green candles, in one case.

It is most important for the person to see the light from the light bulb when it is turned on - it will be energy efficient, not just from the area of ​​storage. When switching to economical illumination, the indicators were repeatedly reviewed, the results were published, and now they are:

Yak Bachimo, the economy of energy is significant, and the price of the transition is important.

In addition, LED diodes see little heat: їх KKD is close to 90%, and the stench practically transforms all the neglected energy into the light. The lamp is roasted in the middle weight, the KKD is close to 4%, and the sieve is located in the heating of the surface. LED lamps Pozhezhobezpechni - the temperature of the flasks does not eat up to 50 ℃. The alternative is 4 times hotter.

Due to the peculiarities of the construction of the svitlodiodi - it is enough to finish the mitzna, so a scab, or a blow, does not pour into his robot. The thread rozzharyuvannya in zvychaynyh light bulbs to break at insignificant infusion. The term of service in friendly minds begins in 1000 years, and all memory is stored in the Shafi. LED-lamps are theoretically built for 50,000 years, however, vyrobniki do not give guarantees for such a term. A crystal cannot be burned out, but most often it degrades in an hour, through which the brightness decreases.

The spouse, who rozibravsya, in which the growth between the light and the light bulb, is not guilty of the vibor. However, lighting fixtures have been added to the history of the city, since and earlier they have borrowed a part of the windows of the shops. Perevaga in the eyes of the bagatokh they have one, ale more virіshalne - the price. A standard light bulb with an E27 base is close to 20 rubles, while a light bulb is one with the same light flow - from 130. Until then, cheap models of unchanged virobniks are often defective, and the technical characteristics of 700 are inaccurate.

There is one more thing: the color of the light stream from the lamp is close to natural sleepy, and the LED varies widely - from warm to dead white. It may not be easy for the adherents, who are victorious, without the need for illumination.


svitlodiod bulb
Svitlovy potik viprominyuu napivvidnikovy crystal when passed through a new electric strumaHoly light of vipromynyu tilo roasting when heated with a strum to peak temperatures
Low rivn energy serviceA high level of energy maintenance (in the middle ten times the growth of svitlodiod)
KKD close to 90%KKD close 4%
The temperature of the surface of the flask is heated to 50 ℃The temperature of the surface of the flask can be up to 200 ℃ (not even safe)
Trivial term of service (theoretically up to 50,000 years), in an hour you can degrade the crystalShort term of service (up to 1000 years)
Stability to impact and chickenloudness
Acceptable priceLow price
Warm and cold as a light flowwarm color

Yak vipliv s name, dzherelom light in LED lamps є miniature electronic attachments - svitlodiodi. In high-temperature lamps, the light will be roasted with a metal spiral. In energy-saving lamps, the light is released by a phosphor, which is applied to the inner surface of the tube. Have your own charcoal, luminophore to light up under the gas discharge.

Persh nіzh goes over completely to light lamps, shortly visible to the specialness of the skin type of lamps.

Roasting lamp It is even simpler: a spiral made of refractory metal is fixed in the middle of the open-pitched flask, from which there is a lot of food. Pass through the spiral, the electric strum rose to high temperatures, when the metal is bright it will light up.

The price of such lamps is low. However, it won’t be compensated for by the low efficiency coriane diy: When visible, the light is transformed into less than 10%. It’s part of it that grows near the heat - the light bulb gets very hot during the robot. Until then, the term of service for the annex is already small and becomes approximately 1,000 years.

Compact fluorescent lamp, or CFL(The exact name is energy-saving lamps), with the same bright light, the vitrachas are approximately five times less than the electric power, the lamp is not heated. CFL dearer and mayut kilka suttuvikh for living short:

  • to finish the dovgo (k_lka khviliin) razpalyuyutsya p_slya included;
  • a lamp with a curved flask of a viglyad is unaesthetic;
  • light CFL is tiring, it's tiring for a zoru.

LED lampє a number of lights mounted in one building with a living unit. You can't do without a living unit: for a robot, LEDs need to be harvested post-strum with a power supply 6 or 12 V, in the side-by-side electrorezine - a winter strum with a power supply of 220 V.

photo of the author

The body of the lamp is the most frequent in the viglyadi of the vigorous "pear" with a gunting base. The staff of the whole svitlodiodnі lamps can be installed without any problems in a special cartridge.

Regularly from vikoristovuvannyh svitlodіodіv kolіr vypromіnuvannya svіtlodіodіvnyh lamps can be used. We have a single one of them.

Roasting lamp Energozberigayucha svitlodiodna
colir vipprominuvannya zhovty Tepliy, Denny Zhovtiy, warm beily, cold beily
hardness Great Middle: 5 times less, lower than the lamps Nizka: 8 times less, lower for lamps
Service lines 1 thousand years 3-15 thousand years 25-30 thousand years
shortcomings stronger heating Tendіtnі, dovgo flare up Tightness is maximal
perevagi Low price, a robot in a wide range of minds Economical and economical Even more economical and more economical

Reversals of LED lamps:

  • even less energy - in the middle, in most cases it is less, less in the case of lamps, similarly bright;
  • Another great term of service is to work 25-30 times before the lamps are heated;
  • mayzhe do not get cold;
  • kolіr vipromіnyuvannya - on vibіr;
  • Stable brightness of illumination in case of spraying of vitality.

The main advantage of LED lamps is the cost-effectiveness. To transfer, for a small energy service and for the last hour of service, one lamp will be allowed to lower vitrati for illumination.

The price of light bulbs at the time of writing this statistic is about three times higher than that of the wives. Otzhe, in a penny vimir the stench appears in 50-100 times economy. Zrozumіlo, the whole economy will be reached for the mind, but the lamp will bring up the message of the terms of service and not burn up for a while.

Incomplete LED lamps surround the area of ​​їх storage:

  • Nerіvnomіrne light distribution - a living unit, injected into the body, stifling light flow;
  • dull flask of a viglyadє unharmed in glass and crystal stilts;
  • the quality of the lighting, as a rule, cannot be changed for additional support;
  • unsuitable for victorian at even low (in frost) and high (in hot springs, saunas) temperatures.

It is necessary to use it when vibrating a light bulb

LED lamps have a lot of characteristics. The task is to be done in a correct way. Let's take a look at the characteristics.

photo of the author

Spirits of vitality

Even if your apartment is not stable, you need to vibrate the lamps, build them in a wide range of springs. Do not forget to use the packaging. On the view of the lamps, when the light is lowered, one lamp burns as brightly as it would when normal.

colir vipprominuvannya

Color is characterized by a color temperature, as it appears in kelvin: from temperature adjustments the color changes from color to blakit. In a large number of vypadkіv colіr vipromіnuvannya is indicated on the packaging and body of the lamp in degrees and in the words:

  • warmth (2,700 K) - approx.
  • warm bilium (3,000 K) - it is optimal for living quarters;
  • cold bilium (4,000 K) - for scientific and viral applications; close to the daylight.

Wash lamps with a wrinkle color: when the mode is mixed, the spectrum of such lamps wipes out.

It’s necessary for mothers on uvazi, how many people are filthy to take off the blaky part of the spectrum, so the light of the lamps will be colder if it’s dark. So, if you have violated you to install lamps with a cold spectrum in your house, select them with a margin of effort.


On the packaging of light-emitting lamps, there is a need for light and the effort of similar lamps for the cleanliness of the lamps. The real toughness of light bulbs in the middle is 6-8 times less. For example, a light bulb is forced to light 12 W in the same way as a 100-watt light bulb. It is possible for people to sleep in if you pick up a single lamp to replace the lamp.

However, here you can get an unacceptable surprise: it is declared that the effort may not be true, and the lamp will be weak, it will not come off.

Moreover, the brightness of the lights changes in an hour. It is not possible that the light bulb will be brought back to the end of the term of service through those who have become weak.

The most important moments

  • Gabarity. Svitlodіdnі lamps for sizes of three more than similar lamps of ignition. That in small plafonds can not be accommodated elementary.
  • As long as your light is switched on through a dimmer, you need a separate light bulb. On the packaging it is indicated that the lamp is adjusted.
  • The index of transmission to the color of LED lamps is small: it means that the smell is good for visually taking color. For some people, for example, when photographing with a single light, it can be very important.

Strategy for the transition to LED lamps

Potency is not to blame for taking you into the head. Do not go to the store and buy bulbs for all the lights in the booth. Dozіlno keruvatisya two principles.

  1. Replace only lamps with high pressure - 60 W or more. The economy of replacing low-energy lamps will be small, and the cost of a new lamp may not pay off.
  2. Replace the lamps in the lighting fixtures, the hour of the furnace, which you can finish with a stretch: for example, in the chandeliers in the living rooms. Bezgluzdo change the light bulb into something, the light in which will ignite from a drop to a drop or not.

Do not ochіkuvati, how vitrata of elektroenergії will change in size.

The main supporters of electric power in the side - a kind of heating attachments: praska, an electric kettle, washing machineі especially the electric plate. Behind the words of dekilkoh well-fed people, the rakhunok for electric power for the transition to light bulbs will change here by 15-25%.

Another good thing: do not bathe a lot of lamps of the same brand at once; On the right, in that, the lamps with the same color temperature of the young wyrobniks can be strongly seen as the light is released. Raptom the spectrum of the same lamps will you dislike? More beautifully sprobuvati.


Svitlodіonі lamps, in parіvnyanі with traditional lamps rozharyuvannya, - tse principally new solution for illumination.

Even though the rock stinks, the stink is even more expensive with a technical novelty, but the price of the same is already due to the price of the other types of lamps. If there are characteristics, then according to them, light bulbs can be easily turned over the number of light fixtures. The verdict is unambiguous: transition to one lamp with a whole lot of validations.

Buy in the shops of that chi іnshy svіtilnik, I will be guilty of the beasts of mine in the first place, for those who like the light bulbs to go. In a set with a stench attached to the daytime, it is important for the nobility of these types, as they are presented for sale this year. The bulbs are shaped, sized, taut, and also with a base, like the stench, to be fastened in the lamp holder. An electric strum goes through the lamp into the lamp.

The most plinths are metal or ceramic. In the middle of them are contacts for feeding the strum to the working element of the lamp. Leather svitlnik possesses one or more decalkoma sockets for mounting lamps. The sockets of the near-by-side light bulbs are responsible for the shape and size and size of the display. Therefore, when buying a svitnik, it is important to understand whether you see a light bulb and what kind of sockets before you go.

In addition, a large number of lamps are consumed an hour at a time, a bit of a stench does not amount to a great dovish. It’s important to create an optimal vibration and not to get lost in your minds, it is important for the nobility, who are aware of the appearance of lamps and types of sockets. In addition to the base, when buying a lamp, it will be necessary to cope with the pressure of the lamp, the pressure, the dimensions and the connection diagram to the chandelier.

Yaki buvayut tipi plinths

There is a great deal of versatility in the types of lamp sockets, which can be used for growing in quiet areas. At the connection with the cym є їkh classification, all types can be linked to a group of groups. At the same time, in the haunted life, the most common style is only from two of them: a cord. There are two types of leather reports that are easy to understand.

Rіzbovіy base

Traditionally, it is accepted to respect the plinth, or, in other words, the gwint one. Yogo turn out to be Latin letter E. This type of base is widely used in many types of lamps, including more side-by-side ones. Writing the letter obov'yazkovo is a number, which means the diameter of the narrative. The side-by-side vikoristovuyutsya bulbs two sizes of narrative results - E14 and E27. For larger lamps, for example, street lighting, use the E40 base.

Rіzbovіy type of caps mi zvikli bachiti is practical in all home lighting attachments. Most of the custom lamps are protected by this very design. Vona vvazhaєtsya naybіlsh hand for a wide range of services. A few dozen rockets didn’t change the size of the lamp, which was just a light bulb, since we have added the current one, maybe it’s installed in the old-fashioned 40-year-old chandelier of 30 - 30 minutes. Tse is even more important for quiet, who want to hear from old-time speeches.

In the USA and Canada, the size of sockets does not differ from the European ones. The price has been poured in, there is a sprinkle in a 110 V framing. Tom, for a single screw-in of European bulbs, their diameter is: E12, E17, E26 and E39.

contact base

The chain can reach the popular base, which, with success, is victorious in different types of lamps. There are two metal pins, which play the role of electrical contacts at once. Utrimannya lamps in the cartridge zdіysnyuєtsya with zimi pins, so as the stench is inserted into the cartridge to finish it off. Shtirі can be different for diameter and visibility between them. Starts and marks with the letter G, which means that there is a contact base, and the number of letters is indicated by two haircuts. For example, plinths G4, G9 or G13.

The Danish type of sockets is designed practically for all types of lamps: roasting, luminescent, halogen, light.

Among the traditional, pererakhovannyh vishche, there is a small number of larger types of sockets, which are less popular, but not less, they are stagnant in some types of lamps.

  • Base, may be in the recessed contact (R). The stench of vikoristoyutsya, in the main, in the attachments with a high intensity of robots, as they live out of a changeable struma.
  • The pinned sockets (B) give you the ability to do it as quickly as possible and quickly replace the light bulb in the socket in order to ensure that the contacts are asymmetric. On the basis of the evidence, an analogue of the narizny type of base.
  • Single-line (F), which have three different types: cylindrical, with a corrugated surface and a special shape.
  • The soft base (S) can be found in the lighting fixtures of the new hotels and in the lighting fittings of the cars. Їх Відрізняє freely two-way symmetrical rosetting of contacts.
  • Fix (P) plinths to be stuck in special retractable searchlights and lichtars.
  • Telephonic (T) socles are used to equip light bulbs for industrial control panels, control lamps, signal lamps, mounted in automation panels.

Most often, it is obvious on the base, the markings of the lamps are made up of decal letters. Another letter most often means a type of this illumination attachment:

  • V - base, scho there is a final finish.
  • U - energy-saving luminescent.
  • A - car light.

See the lighting bulbs

Read about the most often beep lamps, as you call the vicarists at home, in the offices and in the generals. It is possible to bring lamps to them for heating, energy saving, halogen, luminescent and light. Pick up reports of skin types from named species.

Type a roasting lamp

Singingly, the price of a popular lamp, unaffected by those who are already more than 150 years old, and for the last 100 years, it practically did not know the hundreds of times that I have not known it until now. Everything on the right is in the fact that it is even cheaper, and the design is simple. Vona is a flask without a twist, in a yak it is placed with a noble of approval. From the electric strum of the won, roast to high temperatures and viprominuyu light. In modern lamps, roasting with a tungsten thread є one special feature: at room temperature, the support in the tungsten thread is low, about 15 times lower than the working one, so that the burnout is triggered when the jet is passing through, a greater moment is turned on. In the first lamps, the graphite threads were growing, and in some cases, it changed due to the growing temperature. Tse gave the effect of incremental improvement in yaskravosti. At the same hour, the graphite threads were more vigorously circulating their resource.

for his technical characteristics roasting lamps are strongly compromised by other types of lamps. Service lines light bulbs become approximately 1000 years old. Most importantly, in the fire part of the small town of Livermore, in California, there is a light bulb that burns without interruption since 1901. In addition to a short term of exploitation, the lamp is fired up for an hour, and it is calamitized through the flasks of steam. I greatly reduce the lightness. Lamps rozzharyuvannya light with honey light, which is close to the spectral characteristics of sleepy light. Practically all lamps are heated with E14 and E27 sockets. Small bulbs, which a couple of ten years ago, were screwed into lichtars and yalinkov garlands. Today it is also easy to know the cartridge for such a light bulb.

Among lamps of this type there are special reflector lamps. Їх vіdmitnoy special feature є the inner surface of the flask is built. Add some vicorist for the stem of the exchange of a straight light, if it is necessary to visually change something. On the policemen of the shops, there are reflector lamps, such as R50, R63 and R80, the number is the diameter of the lamp. If you have a base, then the wine is the same as in simple lamps. Deyaki light bulbs may be dull to remove more rosy light. There are different colors of lamps that can be fixed for the development of new lighting effects.

halogen lamps

Such a light bulb can last approximately as much as it gets better, but not a firing lamp. Vyrobniki are responsible for the operation, so the term of exploitation can become close to 4000 years, as well as the titles of the index of transfer to color - 100%. For his budovu such a lamp, there is little to see it as an extravagant one, albeit in a flask for a bet of such words, like iodine or bromine. The price is strongly advancing the light delivery and the term of the service. The current halogen lamps give a light output of 20-30 lm / watt, as they can be used to reach the term of operation and not be consumed in an hour, as in the case of an extraordinary light bulb.

Most of the halogen lamps are smaller than the larger ones. They have simple shapeless shapes, and the caps are: G9, G4, R7S, GU10. Є Wind a lamp with a halogen, inserted into the bulb of a single lamp with an E27 base.

short of halogen lamps one - the whole low-frequency noise with a victorian spilno with dimmers, which regulate the lightness. This type of lamp is the widest in the automotive industry. The headlights of the headlights of cars are equipped with halogen lamps.

Luminescent tube parts of lamps

The color of the light may have a characteristic twisted shape at the viglyad of the tube of a small size and diameter. The rest is denoted by the letter T in markuvanni. Buttstock, T12 (diameter 12/8 inches = 3.8 cm). For such lamps, special lighting fixtures with a starting attachment are required. It will be necessary in order to set up an electromagnet field in the middle of the lamp, so that the light of the phosphor can be wiped out with mercury vapor. In such lamps, parts are heated on the outside, so that, in the context of increased economy and KKD, since the need for the development of speech in the fall and practically all the energy is converted into light. The caps for this type of lamp are most often shtirkovy and loose from two sides of the bulb.

Energy saving types of lamps

Tsei termin adopted vikoristovuvati 100s of small luminescent lamps. The stench of the current year has added to its popularity, so the high speed of energy consumption is even more significant. The stench is on sale in any shops, but putting it in the earliest patron is not a problem for the children, the odor of the stench is protected by such pedestals.

Superintendents of modern technological outlets, energy saving bulbs May to reach the compact size, small variations of labor, great versatility of forms, altogether trivial by the term of service and superb efficiency. However, it is necessary to remember that such illumination is applied "not to love" but frequent switching on and off, as well as luminescent lamps, Vimagayut special minds of utilization, so as a bet of mercury, how to take revenge in them is not safe for the people and the new community. Power saving lamps with different types of socles: E14, E27, GU10, G9, GU5.3, G4, GU4.

You can also call it "energosberіgayuchi", but it’s not a big deal. With a significant energy economy, the stench is truly a great term of service, which can be counted in tens of thousands of years and rocks. From 25,000 to 100,000 years, a single lamp will last for 3-12 years without interruption. Until then, they have practically stovidsotkov. Svitlodiodi does not heat up the heating, so such lamps are absolutely safe in the fire sensation. Most of the LED lamps are equipped with standard caps, which allows you to use them in any lighting fixtures. The stench will grow ecologically safe, the odds will not take revenge on any awkward words.

In a short time, it means only a higher rate. Tse, zychayno, is compensated by a dyzhe dyvgiy term of exploitation. Kupuvati and cheap light lamps are not recommended, so as for the economy on the capacitors, the stench will shine on invisible merykhtinnyam, but in the primed viglyadi pouring into the zir. In just one short way, it is possible to change the spectrum towards the blue color, but it does not match the natural sleepy light. Svitlodiodi to light up to finish with cold unnatural light.

Vikoristannya energy saving dzherel illumination allows a strong sparing on the electric power. At the same hour, with їkh buyers, we will be respectful to the choice of the picker and the cupuvati only from the models, so as it is not so obvious.

Prices for the electricity at once will, like you or not, start thinking about the economy. The easiest way to reduce rakhunka for electricity is to reduce vitrati for illumination. The very "їst" is more partly kilovat in a zvychayn_y apartment or a booth. Yaki lamps are more beautiful for a booth and for different parameters, we will discuss it in the tsy statti.

On the shelves of shops, you can poke lamps. Let's take a look at the lectures as they set up in private booths and apartments.

The sanctuary in the booth is guilty to be quiet, cheerful ... bazhano - economical

lampi roasting

Newest lighting fixtures - it’s more than a century. They give light to the eyes, but it gets very hot during the robot, which may be low efficiency - close to 97% of the energy seen on the heat. To that, the illumination of the vicarious lamps of the roasting lamps is dear. The very reason for the richness of the vyrishu replaces them for more economics, vyrishuchi for the whole, as the lamps are more beautiful for the house and for the gamanets.

Yet another unacceptable power of the lamps is roasting - not a great term of service. In the middle of the year, become close to 1000 -3000 years. So, the price for lighting fixtures is not high, and the price for gamanets is not high. Protest, often substitution can be nervuati - to bring the mother step by step in the stock of a couple of pieces.

Everywhere there is a tendency - high-temperature lamps are replaced by more economical ones.

It’s just so good brothers to respect, how, through the special features of the design, you can only go with a gunting base, but just from the hedge 220 In and some redevelopment and special attachments are not visible. Across great number It’s not warm when the furniture comes, it’s not because of the odd stinks, but not to be friends with the stretched steels. Zagalom - the whole classics of illumination, but not ideal.


Halogen lamps are a type of roasting. It seems that the flask is reminiscent of halogen vapors (most often iodine or bromine), which increases the triviality of service by 2-3 times. The design allows to work not only with a screwed base, but with a screwed one. Rizna form of a bulb, vikorystannya reflective filing, allow the robustness of dzherela light with a razny kut rossiyuvannya. To that very hour, the stench was widely vikoristovuvalis in the form of vudovani in the stele or furniture.

Halogen lamps rozzharyuvannya - bilsh "prosunutiy" option

So, like the chain of a lamp on fire, the stink can practically smell like shortcomings - it means seeing heat. The first problem. The energy consumption is less (approximately 2-3 times). So, the stench is more economical in a porous with a classic design. Then there is a dodatkovy minus - do not transfer the zabrudnen to the flasks. Slid from a finger can be the cause of burnout. The installation must be carried out in mittens.

Luminescence: tubular and compact (economy)

The robots of illumination adapt to the vikorist principle - the power of certain luminophores in the singing minds to see the light. Structurally, it is stored in a flask tube, covered with a phosphor. All the middle of the tube is an electrodiode and even a few mercury vapor. On the electrodes, an electric charge is fired, the energy of which behind the additional luminophore is transformed into the light of the vipromynuvannya.

For opening and receiving electric charge luminescent lamps require a starting and regulating attachment - a transformer and a starter. In the standard version, attachments can be attached to the cases of lighting fixtures, which can only be used with this type of lighting fixtures.

Vipuskayutsya in two types:

If you talk about roasting lamps, the smell is 3 times more economical, and you don't get hot. Serious minus - for the pulsation rakhunok, the light is unacceptable for the eyes and potentially not safe for the health (leading to increased stomachache, which can be the cause of a nasty mood). In this kind of lighting fixtures, it is practically unrealistic to beat pulsations. It is possible - її minіmіzuvati і, having added one lamp roasting, bring the negative effect to the minimum.

Even more wary that in the middle of the colby there is a bet of mercury, which is not safe in its potential. Tse briefly about the main shortcomings, far more detailed and more readable and plus and minus luminescent lamps.


The third type of lamps, in which vikoristovyutsya for example, attachments - svitlodiodi. The stench does not require any special atmosphere, so their flask is leaky, and even more than a tribute to tradition, there is no need. All LEDs are required for robots - a continuous supply of 12 V or 24 V. So it is awkward to use it - for plugging into a 220 V net, the required rework is needed (living unit, adapter). In LED lamps for standard luminaires, they are redesigned into the housing, so it is easy to replace them with them - rozzharyuvannya.

Briefly about power. May be very efficient - in 7-8 times less than the electric power of the lower analog lamps for ignition, at times more trivial terms of operation (for applications of vyrobnikov pratsyuvati can be 25-35 rockets). Inadequacies are roads, easy to read, low-grade may have a strong pulsation, negatively flow into the eyes and self-esteem, often go wrong. To that, the vibration of the light bulb is not easy on the right, but it is not easy to see the knowledge. Take a rahunka, really, it’s much less.

Yaki lamps are more beautiful for the booth

Attach all the illumination to the illumination of living things. The appearance of such lamps is more beautiful for a booth, it is unambiguously uncomfortable - all of them are overwhelmed and short-lived. If you are the best turbulent comfort for the eyes, I will go to the power supply "how beautiful lamps for the house" will be - rozzharyuvannya. If you don't, you will not give in to mercy on sanctification. Spread the crumbs with the halogen ones. Ale for the eyes, I will take the illumination of 12 V halogen lamps, which will help you to see the transformers. At quiet, scho work from 220 V light back to back.

If you talk about the economy on rakhunks for electricity, then we will be shrinking lamps. The price is unpepey. Ale kupuvati treba zi knownyam please - shhob stink buli good quality They were very expensive, and so costly. Ale, navit with such minds, the stench is vivid, so how efficiently it will help to significantly reduce the vitrate of electrical energy. A

Why svitlodiodnі itself, and not economics? Let us share the power.

Variable luminescence and light bulbs

If people have a bad idea of ​​lowering vitrati on the electricity, Smells mending about replacing the lamps on fire for more economy. These are energy-saving (compact luminescent) and light-emitting ones. The sound of the light, as the lamps are more beautiful for the booth, requires a report to look at its passages and shortcomings.

If you substitute the lamps for more economical, you need to change the power supply: whichever lamps are brighter for a business - light or compact luminescence


This is the name of the compact luminescent lamps. The stench of the first appeared on the market (among the porous ones), the name itself was fixed behind them. Poorly s plus:

In due time, tse bulo douzhe good proposition... The ability to trim "warm" and "cold" light, economy on the electricity - all this has increased the popularity of luminescent energy-saving bulbs.

ale shortcomings stink of a seryoznі:

Insufficiently enough, and moreover, everything is more serious. The very stink zupinyayut bagatokh, do not marvel at the economy.


Light bulbs are broken on the basis of electrical conductive elements - light-emitting diodes. Deyakiy їkh kіlkіst stand in one building, to be found in the dzherel living. Kharchuvannya - від post-life springs 12 V. For this purpose, it is possible to build lamps in standard lamps, a circuit can be inserted into the body, reducing the pressure to 12 V (an offense to an attachment is often called a driver).

When robotic svitlodiodi see warmth. For the introduction of a radiator into the building. And the sockets of the cich lamps are rizzy. Їх it is possible to install replacement lamps for roasting of pink size, halogen, tubular luminescent.

How to make all types of tips according to living effort in case of light sweating

perevagi LED lamps:

  • In 7-8 times, they live less than electrics, and in 2-3 times less than luminescent (economical).
  • May it be a trivial term of exploitation.
  • Don't be afraid of vibrations and blows.
  • Sleep all at once when included.
  • May have a wide range of operating temperatures -40 ° C to + 40 ° C.
  • You can be a kind of vidtinku (be-like a color).
  • Є dimming (changing the brightness).

Perevagi hostile. Especially hostile is the economy and terms of service. Ale to quiet numbers, as declared by virobniks (close to 25-35 rockets), the demand is put skeptically. Smell for ideal minds, as in our realities it is practically inaccessible. In fact, I will order the term of robots to be declared by virobniks as a guarantee term. Axis tsei hour stink, shvidshe for everything, vidpratsyuyut. Ale to navit unpretentious on the price, term chimaliy - 2-5 years.

without undersized may not be:

  • Visoka price. In 4-5 times more expensive than energy-saving, and 20-40 times more expensive than growing.
  • In low-light LED lamps, the presence of a pulsation is indicated.
  • Without rossyuvach, the light will shine through the eyes, so there are more light bulbs to shine from the milk slope. Tі, scho in the openings of the flask vikoristovuvati can be carried out in pairs with frosted shades.
  • Svitlodiodi are afraid of overheating. At a trivial critical temperature (close to 90 ° C), the stench draws in its luster. To that vikoristovuvati light bulbs in closed type light bulbs is not smart.

As well as the power of the luminescent lamps, the change is clearly behind the luminescent lamps. Ale everything is not so straightforward.

Yak lamps are more beautiful for a booth: light or luminescent

It is more beautiful for all the parameters of the lamp. Ale є “Ale” is too painful. The price is good for the LED lamps. Everything on the right is that the technology of production is simple, not just over-folding or even dear possession. It is easy to work with a light bulb, and take a light bulb from them in a difficult warehouse. Tom on the market is even more generous і low-grade goods. They have cheap crystals of low quality, the driver is very simple, which doesn’t drive the least amount of money and doesn’t work well.

The folding is in the fact that there is a lot of lightness for the driver, or the driver is uncomfortable. Deyakі fakhіvtsі zdatnі vіdrіnіty goodі svіtlodіody on zovnishnim viglyadom... Ale in the lamps the stench is prikhovani from the matte bulb. Putting your own for the meta, you can change it according to indirect signs- having improved the illumination, pulsation, and evaluated the color. And the axis is the quality of the details, which are victorious in the bloc of living, and is not assessed. Be aware only if you burn out.

Everything should be done to the point where it is so rich in light that the light bulbs are not good - it will also burn out quickly and costly. Axis and go, no economy. The same problem with little ones ... Nibi so, alright, just like a cup of cheap light bulbs. Formovi lamps are efficient to serve as rocks without problems, they see a light reception for the eyes. So, the main thing is to know good bright light lamps. And you will definitely be nobles, as lamps are more beautiful for a booth.

Replace the bag: replacing the lamps by lighting up the lights with some to allow sparing on the rakhunks for lighting only in that case, if the stench will be exploited, but maybe only for the wit high quality... Light bulbs are not cheap. So scho, mabut, tse that vipadok, if zaoschadzhuvati pid the hour is not varied.

Are lamps more beautiful for home lighting? Light, luminescent, halogen or light bulbs? Why are some of them overwhelmed and short-lived? How economically viable is the lamp of that type? Let's try it out.

lampi roasting

We will broaden the type of lamps in booths as they become too much earlier. Stink until the end of the day vipuskayutsya on different exertions, blow themselves small changesі forms, suitable for installation practically in any lighting fixture, whether it be a svitnik, nichnik or a chandelier.

The lamp roasting - the simplest electric dzherelo light. It is stored in a hermetically sealed opening of an evacuated flask, a metal base, and a spiral is installed in the middle of the flask - a tungsten thread for roasting.

In the process of the robotic lamp, through the tungsten thread, it passes through the electric strum, once and for all the heating of the roasting thread to a high temperature. In such a light bulb, it is so that it is necessary to walk behind the baking strum of a tungsten thread, as the light is visible. At the same time, it takes less than 20% of all to be supplied to the light bulb, and 80% falls on heating. It is possible, in principle, to say that a lamp is fired up - a whole heating device, which in the process of robots cannot be fueled.

Obviously, the lamps are fired up quickly from the market, but not so intensively as before, although the lamps are fired up - the lowest, in some cases, with the lamps of the lesser types.

Some types of lamps are more economical when using lower lamps, and they are more economical up to 10 times, and better in the case, albeit the version of lamps is fired by the lower types of wintry types. That is why those people, who don’t think about the pre-construction payback, continue to buy good old lamps for a few pennies, if they just want to know the bits, overpay for electricity, and spend money on mistakes.

halogen lamps

In addition, the type of lamp is roasting - halogen lamps... Here, the dzherel light is so self-serving, it is baked with a strum by a path of approval, and is placed in a flask with halogen vapors. Luminous efficiency is increased by the halogens, and the efficiency of the trocha grows in conjunction with the cym.

Luminescent lamps

Energy saving luminescent lamps- the offensive crack on the way of the evolution of lighting fixtures. The most compact luminescent lamps (CFLs) are called current "energosberegaykami". The x value is lower than the lower one for ignition lamps and halogen lamps with a similar light flux.

Repairing from 2010-2011 years, there has been more active introduction of fluorescent lamps in the home lighting system. Even earlier, luminescent lamps in the form of tubes were naturally used for rosettes and offices equipped with special lamps for such tubes, then luminescent lamps for a standard base (like for home lamps) The cartridge is energized for a luminescent lamp, and there are no difficulties.

The basis of the function of a luminescent lamp is an electrical discharge in mercury vapor. Ultraviolet viprominuvannya, like with a whole wine, to remake in the visible light of the luminophore, applied to the inner walls of the flask. Yak luminophore is used for storage of special warehouses of the type of calcium halophosphate in a warehouse with additional components.

The luminous efficiency of luminescent lamps is approximately 5 times as low as for roasting lamps, and the term of service of luminescent lamps has been changed for thousands of years. Protect luminescent lamps not for this day with the most effective light fittings for the living, not even thinking about the problem of disposing of faulty lamps with mercury vapor in the middle.

LED lamps

Week of Evolution dzherel light for the present day - LED lamps, the most energy efficient... It is clear that the characteristics of lamps of different types are clearly defined, but it is more obvious. Yak dzherela light here vikorystovyutsya svitlodiodi, to that the design of the light lamp is more foldable than that of the lamp rozzharyuvannya, the same is very much more.

The light of the lamp quickly pays off before the hour of operation, moreover, the term of service ends, which becomes tens of thousands of years. With a whole lot of light, the lamps are superbly safe. They have a lot of scrying flasks, as they might burst, having caught the school of healthy people, for example, having poured them out, as there are not many vapors of mercury and some of the most advanced components, so that it is ecologically safe, for example. Problems with disposal, as well, do not blame.


It can be seen from the hovered tables that, at one and the same time, it is possible to see the light flow, lamps different types I am happy with the electric strain, and the urge to develop in different ways. Especially I pay respect to those who have a single lamp in conjunction with a lamp, which can be heated up to 8 times less than electricity, and even with a lot of style and lighting. See if you are looking for electricity at rakhunks. If you want to use a compact luminescent lamp, then you won’t be 1.5 times cheaper than a lamp.

And why do we need heating from a light bulb? Zvychayno nі, also for obіgrіvu living є the system is scorched. Walking around, when the lamp heats up more, is the more energy we need to turn into an unproductive rank, and we also need the lamp for illumination, and not for heating. Timing an hour the lamp will light up 80% of the effort needed to be converted into heat. Halogenated by 65%. Luminescent by 15%. Svitlodiodna in total by 2%.

mіtsnіst to the corps

As soon as there is a sense of wonder, then the lamps are fired up and the halogen lamps are flashing the flasks from the screaming thin slope, and the lamp must be let in, as soon as other fragments are caught. Luminescent lamps are not less tendency. They have before that there is a bet of mercury, a toxic bet, like a flask, like a flask, if it needs to be cleaned and sanitized.

Light lamps are located at the vivid position, the stench is not to be afraid of blows, the bulb, as a rule, is made of polycarbonate, there are no big gases here. If you miss a single lamp, then you won’t miss anything for everything, if you don’t miss it because of the great power, you don’t want to miss the gut.

Service lines

According to the term of the service of the lamp, it is unambiguous to turn it upside down: in the middle svitlodiodi serve 40 times more than the lamp of ignition, it can be used in the whole plan for the life. Deyaki virobniki write directly on the packaging, but the lamp is guaranteed to be guaranteed for 30 or 40 years. The luminescent lamps of Troja are waived, and the lamp will last 10 years. If a lamp is fired up, then the middle term for the minds of ninish electric festoon is 1 pik.

simplicity replace

Just replace the light bulb, screw it in from the cartridge and screw it in a new one. Alle halogen lamps cannot be screwed in an abiyak. The first thing for all that is necessary is intelligence, that halogen lamps burn strongly during the process of robots, for example, a 40 watt lamp burns up to 250 ° C.

If you install a new halogen lamp, your hands will be completely clean, and you will be more bright with a servet, and even if it is a masnu flame on the bulb, it will be necessary to light up, and there will be no flames next, light will be written. Still such a step will lead to a local overheating of the flask, and you can get rid of it. Light and luminescent lamps do not heat so much, that you can win and twist with bare hands.

safety aspects

Talking about security, a couple of aspects are clear. The light is more bright. The brightness of the light is the most beautiful for roasting lamps, halogen lamps and LED lamps. Luminescence lamps can be used to derail the nervous system, which, as a rule, has been created before. On the other hand, instead of the vapor of mercury, it is not at all the corrosiveness of fluorescent lamps. Tobto play all the luminescent crystals without any protection.

SCHO in the bag

The bag is unambiguous. From the point of view of economy and safety on the first stage of light-emitting lamps, then blowing the lamps of ignition (safe, albeit unserviceable), and fixing luminescent lamps (shuffling, filthy transfer to the color, mіth.

On the financial side

Supposedly, 15 lamps are installed in the apartment, 75 watts each, if you want to replace it with light. Let the lamp burn for about 4 years on the day. Means in month for illumination of the seizure: 15 * 75 * 4 * 30 = 135 kW-years. Supposedly, the electricity parity in your region is 5 rubles per 1 kW-year. It means 675 rubles per month only for light.

If you switch to svitlodіdnі lamps pulling 7.5 times less (yak meaning "vishche"), then the rakhunok stock is only 90 rubles. Don't worry about replacing the lamps, it will cost you 3,450 rubles, but if there is a difference in rakhunks of 585 rubles, the lamps will pay off for the price! At the same time, the price of a single lamp is transferred to 230 rubles. Vigoda is obvious. If now it’s vrahuvati, if the lamp will last for 30 years, then there’s no reason why there’s a colossal economy.

Three main advantages of LED lamps

    Light bulbs vichni in the same place with lamps, which burn out quickly

    Svitlodіodnі lamps quickly pay off indefinitely for a high rate.

    Light bulbs are ecologically safe and difficult to break.

Beautiful for home illumination - LED lamps

You can unambiguously say that for the home illumination of the most beautiful from all points, light lamps come from all points. To navіt yakshcho on the first glance, the stink of being built is expensive, think about the payback. With more lighting fixtures at your home, new bulbs will pay off more quickly.

If you forget everything, then you will see that the rakhunki for electricity, how to turn on ineffective illumination, spend more money in total, it is not necessary to just once to buy new lamps.

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Andriy povnu

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