How to make light music on light strokes. Simple diagrams of light-sounding on light-emitting diodes and light-on-one strokes for picking with your own hands

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Practically at the skin cob of the radioamator grab the color-music prefix or to live in the fire, to listen to music in the evening or in Christmas day. Have a tsіy statty mova pіde about a simple colormuzichne bailiff, zіbranoі on svitlodiodah, I want to take the strength to win the ear of radio amateurs.

1. The principle of color and music prefixes.

Robot color-musical attachments ( CMP, CMP abo SDU) Adapted to the frequency sub-line of the audio signal spectrum with additional transmission of it along three channels low, middleі high frequencies, de skin s channels control their light dzherel, the intensity of which is triggered by the sound signal. Kintsev is the result of the robot of the prefix є rejection of the color gami, which is similar to the reproduced musical creation.

For rejection of more color types and maximum number of color types in color-musical prefixes, vikoristoyutsya, yak minimum, three colors:

The frequency spectrum of the audio signal is subdivided into LC-і RC Filters, De kozhen filter of adjustments to your own vuzka smuga frequencies and passing through itself only the number of the sound range:

1 . Low Pass Filter(LPF) skip the frequency up to 300 Hz and select the worm-name for the color of the light;
2 . Mid-frequency filter(FSF) skips 250 - 2500 Hz and the color of the light is vibrated with green or green;
3 . Filter of high frequencies(HPF) skip to 2500 Hz and the color of the light vibrate blue.

Whether there are any principles of rules for the choice of smog, for the color of the light of the lamps is not clear, the skin radioamator can be used for the selection of the special features of its own color, as well as the number of channels and the width of the smog of frequencies.

2. Schematic diagram of the coloromuzichne attachment.

On the little one below, there is a diagram of the simples of the chotirokhchannel coloromusic prefixes, zibranoi on the svitlodiods. The attachment is stored from the input signal, through the channels and the living block, which will not allow the attachment to be stored from the netting of the snake strum.

Sound frequency signal is sent to contacts PC, OKі Zagalny rose'єmu X1, I through resistor R1і R2 use a changeover resistor R3, Yakiy є regulator of the level of the input signal. Average value of the variable resistor R3 beep through the capacitor Z 1 i resistor R4 go to the input of the front driver, selected on transistors VT1і VT2... Zastosuvannya pidsilyuvacha allowed vikoristovuvati prefix practically with a dzherel sound signal.

At the output of the driver, the sound signal is sent to the upper mounting of the resistor R7,R10, R14, R18 It is necessary to set up the signal and to display the function of regulating the input signal along the skin canal, and also to establish the need for the brightness of the light in the canal. From the middle installation of resistors, the sound signal should come to the inputs of some channels, leather from what they are working in their smooth sound range. Schematically, all channels of the Viconan are the same, and they are different from RC-filters.

per channel vishchih R7.
Smugovy filter to the channel of statements by the condenser C2 and skips only the high frequency spectrum of the audio signal. Do not pass the low and middle frequencies through the filter, so the capacitor support for the qix frequencies is large.

Passing capacitor, high frequency signal is detected by diode VD1 i feed to the base of the transistor VT3... Being on the base of the transistor is negative; HL1HL6, Included in the yogo collector lancet, ignite. And the greater the amplitude of the input signal, the more the transistor turns on, the more the LED burns more quickly. For enclosing the maximum struma through the LEDs, a resistor is switched on after them R8і R9... When there are no resistors in the LED diode, it can go out of harm's way.

per channel middle frequency, the signal is supplied as the middle resistor R10.
Swarthy filter to the channel of appraisals by the contour С3R11С4, For low and high frequencies, it is meaningful to the base of the transistor VT4 to get better without the number of mid frequencies. The collector lance of the transistor has a svitlodiodi HL7HL12 green color.

per channel low frequency, the signal is fed from the middle resistor R18.
Filter to the channel of affirmations by the outline С6R19С7, I will weaken the signals of the middle and high frequencies and that to the base of the transistor VT6 to get rid of the kolyvannya of low frequencies. New to the channel є svitlodiodi HL19HL24 red color.

For the versatility of the color gamy in the color-musical prefix of the channel zhovtoy color. Filter to the channel of affirmations by the outline R15C5і pratsyuє in the frequency range near to low frequencies. The input signal to the filter comes from the resistor R14.

To grumble the color-musical attachment post_ynoy vapruguyu 9B... The front attachment unit is stored from the transformer T1, Diodnogo bridge, Vicon of Diodas VD5VD8, Microcircuit stress stabilizer DA1 type KREN5A, resistor R22і two oxide capacitors C8і C9.

Zminna napruga, straightened by a bridge, smoothed with an oxide capacitor C8 and go to the KREN5A spring stabilizer. Z vivedennya 3 The microcircuit is stabilized with a 9V voltage supply to the set-top box circuit.

For eliminating vyhіdnaya strains 9V mіzh minusovіy bus block living and vivedennyam 2 microcircuits resistor R22... The change in the value of the support of the resistor is added to the required voltage on the vivod 3 microcircuits.

3. Details.

At the bailiff, there can be a vicoristan, be it a permanent resistor, a strain of 0.25 - 0.125 watts. On the bottom, the nominal resistors are shown, for which, for the given value, the support is the vicious color of the color:

A changeable resistor R3 and a fixed resistor R7, R10, R14, R18 of any type, they went to the size of a handy payment. In the author's version of the design of the vikoristovuvavsya changeable resistor of the type SP3-4VM, the resistor of the imported virobnitstva is added.

Permanent capacitors can be of any type, and are secured for a working force not lower than 16 V. If there are difficulties with the side of the capacitor C7 0.3 μF, and it can be folded with two parallel 0.1 μF 0.2 μF ...

Oxide capacitors C1 and C6 are responsible for the operation not lower than 10 V, capacitor C9 is not lower than 16 V, and capacitor C8 is not lower than 25 V.

Oxide condensers C1, C6, C8 and C9 may polarity That is, when mounting on a breadboard or handled board, it is necessary to work: for capacitors of the Radiansky virobnitva on the case, they indicate a positive pattern, for those of recent and import capacitors, they indicate a negative pattern.

Diodi VD1 - VD4 be-like from series D9. On the body of the diode, from the side of the anode, a color scheme is applied, which means the letter of the diode.

Yak vypryamlyacha, selected on diodes VD5 - VD8, vykorystovuєa ready-made miniature day, insurance for a sprung 50V and a strum not less than 200 mA.

As soon as you replace the finished bridge, you will be able to pay a fee, or you will need to pay a fee for the main payment, and pay for a small fee.

For the independent construction of the bridge, the diode is taken with the same parameters, as well as the factory town. Likewise, go to the direct diode from the series KD105, KD106, KD208, KD209, KD221, D229, KD204, KD205, 1N4001 - 1N4007. If vikoristovuvati diodi from the series KD209 or 1N4001 - 1N4007, then the place can be taken right from the side of the drukarsky installation without the need for the contact maidan pay.

Svitlodiodi zvychaynі z zhovtim, chervonim, blue and green color svіtinnya. In the skin canal, there are 6 pieces:

Transistors VT1 and VT2 from the KT361 series with a letter index.

Transistors VT3, VT4, VT5, VT6 from the KT502 series with a letter index.

Stabilizer for springs, type KREN5A, with any letter index (import analogue 7805). Yaksho vicoristovuvati nine-volt KREN8A or KREN8G (import analog 7809), then the resistor R22 is not installed. Replace the resistor on the board, a jumper will be installed, as one middle circuit of the microcircuit with the minus bus, otherwise, when the payment is prepared, the resistor will not be transferred.

For setting the prefix with a dzherel sound signal of the rosettes of the “jack” type for three contacts. The cable of detection is from the computer mish.

Harchuvannya transformer - ready-made or self-contained pulling not less than 5 W with a power supply to the secondary winding 12 - 15 V at a power supply of 200 mA.

To add to the statty, marvel at the first part of the video clip, de show the cob stage of the folding colormous prefix

At the end of the day, the part will end.
Yaksho Vi focused Create light music on lights, Pick up the details and reconfigure the comparability of diodes and transistors, for example,. And at the end of the day there is a residual set-up and the setting of the colormusic prefix.

1. I. Andrianov "Prefixes to radio accessory attachments."
2. Radio 1990 No. 8, B. Sergov "Simple color-matching prefixes".
3. Operational performance of the "Start" radio designer.

We'll talk about light music at the top of the article. Singingly, at the skin cob of the radioamator, that and not only, at the right time there was a bazannya to take a svitlomuzik. Well, I think that everything is visible - seemingly simpler, the process of creating visual effects, which changes to the beat of the music.

That part of light music, like a vipromyu light, can be used for a vikonan on worn lamps, for example, in a concert installation, if light music is needed for home discos, you can use 220 volt lamps in yutera, for a poached victorian, її you can visit us on svitlodіody.

It will be an hour, with the appearance of the sale of LED strikers, that there will be more and more color-matching prefixes for such led strikers. In any vipadku, for the collection of Tsveto Musical Installation (CMP is fast), it needed a signal, in the role of it you can play a microphone with selected decilcom cascades of the driver.

Also, the signal can be taken from the line input to the attachment, the sound picture of the computer, from the output of the mp3 player, etc. The diagram of the driver is shown on the offensive little one:

Preamplifier - schematic

A diagram of a single-channel light-sounding with a filter, which is practical with a pidsilyuvich (vishche), is shown. In tsіy schema svіtlodіod blimа pіd bass (low frequency). For the use of a signal in the transmission circuitry, a changeover resistor R6.

Find out and more simple lighting circuits, as you can use a cob, for 1 transistor, before you need to use a signal driver, one of these circuits is shown in the picture below:

Svitlomuzika on transistor

The diagram of the opening of the plugs of the Jack 3.5 plug is shown on the offensive little one:

As far as the reasons are not small, it is possible to replace the front power supply on transistors, it is possible to replace it with a transformer by turning on the power supply. Such a transformer is guilty of vidavati springs on 220/5 Volt windings. The winding of the transformer with a small number of turns is connected to the sound, for example, magnets, parallel to the dynamo, the driver, at the same time, is guilty of the pressure being at least 3-5 watts. The winding with a great number of turns is connected to the entrance of the light music.

Zrozumіlo, svitlomuzika is not only single-channel, it can be 3, 5 and more channel-wise, if it is skinny svitlodiod or a lamp rozzharyuvannya blimāє when the frequencies of their range are set. At a wide range of frequencies, set the path of the victorian filter. In the offensive circuit, three-channel light-sounding (I myself recently picked up) condensers stand in the capacity of filters:

If we wanted to pick up in the last circuit not around the LED, but a single line, then in the circuit, add current-limiting resistors R1, R2, R3. If it is a line, or if the light becomes RGB, it is to blame for the Viconan because of the back anode. As soon as it is planned to switch on the keys of the great music, then for the control of the line it is necessary to fix the tight transistors, installed on the radio.

So, as lightning lines are rooted for 12 Volts, it is obvious that we will need to grow up to 12 Volts in the circuit, and the harvesting is guilty of being stable.

Thyristori in svitlomuzikoy

Until now, a feast in the statistics has been published only about the coloromusic attachments on the svitlodiods. As soon as there is no need to replace the CMU on the lamps, it will be necessary to fix the thyristor to control the brightness of the lamps. So also the thyristor? Tse threechelektrodny napivprovidnikovy attachment, which is vidpovidno maє anode, cathodeі hard-core electrode.

KU202 Thyristor

On the little one there is a picture of the Radiansky thyristor KU202. Thyristori, in times, if you plan to get vicarious from the hard-handed options, you also need credit for the heat drive (radiator). Yak mi bachimo on the little one, the thyristor can be tightened with a nut and fastened similarly to the pushing diodes. Suchasnі imports are simply sealed with a flange with a opening.

One of the similar circuits on thyristors is shown in the picture. Tse diagram of a three-channel light music with a transformer at the inputs. In the case of a selection of analogs of thyristors, it should be astonished at the maximum permissible voltage of thyristors, in our case, for KU202N, it is 400 volts.

On the little one there is a similar diagram of the light-sounding of the directed view, the head of the visibility in the lower diagram - the day of the day. Svitlomuziku on svitlodiods can also be inserted into the system unit. I have chosen such a tricanal light music with padsilluvac in the case from the sidedrops. When a signal is taken from the sound picture of the computer for an additional signal, the acoustics and light music are active in the output. The regulation of the level is transferred to the signal, like a zagalny one, so it is okremo along the channels. To live beforepidsiluvach and light music from rose Molex 12 Volts (zhovty and black dart). Circuits of the driver and three-channel light-sounding for the yachts were aimed at the sight. The іnshі diagrams of light-sounding on light-emitting diodes, for example, are also tricanal:

Svitlomuzika on 3 svitlodiodas - scheme

At the tsіy schemes, on a view from tієї, when I pick up, to pick up in the channels of the middle frequencies іnductness. For quietly, if I want to, I’ll take a step-by-step simpler, I give a step-by-step diagram on 2 channels:

If you pick up light-music on the lamps, then you will have to be victorious; you will be victorious; At the bottom of the picture are the lights, which are for sale:

Deyakі lovers of color and musical effects select attachments on the basis of microcontrollers. Below is a diagram of the chotirohchannel lighting on the MC AVR tiny 15:

The microcontroller Tiny 15 in the central circuit can be replaced with tiny 13V, tiny 25V. First and foremost, I’ll look around at myself I want to say that the light music on the lamps is programmed for the kind of light music on the LED, so as the lamps are more energetic, less light. And for self-repetition, you can recommend the taku axis

light-weight self-contained

Svitlomuzika is self-contained in the salons of a vlasny car for all lovers of beautiful disco music. It’s awkward to call with our own hands.
Svitlomuzika in home minds can be quickly and easily selected, as the nobility deyakie nuances of the scheme and correct installation.

Car lighting schemes

There is a great number of schemes of self-made light music published by buva on the forums of radioamators. Some of the signs are only for the presenters, and the only ones - for the ears of the minds.
In principle, all the schemes were prompted by one principle, which is recommended to learn, but the collection was not any more neat and even more foldable.

simple scheme

Pick up such a scheme for a light-sounding building to a schoolboy, and even get all of one transistor. The name is KT815G.
Qiu svitlomuzik can be taken on diodes, which are suspected of being a simple intestinal lichtarik.
To fight all the offensive rank:

  • Svitlodiodi, who were anxious from the intestine lichtarik, podilayamo navpil;
  • We know the type of box, in which we will select our scheme. Ideally, in this case, replace the box with a rectangular plastic box in a vicious swollen cream;
  • Remikach vinosimo. You will be able to reduce the lighting mode at simple illumination.

Note. Svitlodiodi will be blinking from the bass and the more loudness, the more smelly stench. If there are channels, then there are enough two, which are not connected to the dynamo.

  • Dzherel life in our vipad will be three finger batteries;
  • It’s too late to put the self-made light music in the trunk, and it’s the result.

folding circuits

The stench is allowed to dissolve more professional from the point of view of the koristuvach, the scheme.

The first option of the scheme

Get out on five diodes. All the stench is p'yatimilimetrovy and 3 V, may be clear lines. In the transistor, KT815 or KT972 is taken. Yogo zavdannya to enlighten and vikonuvati the role of the key.
Work like this:

  • Connections to the dzherel livenja from 2 1.5-volt batteries;
  • Enter two for music: X1 і X2;
  • On the LED3 place, a red diode will be installed, and the bet will become blue and green;

Note. As a result, a color-musical scheme is perceived as far away as possible. Svitlodiodi even more efficiently roll to the beat of the music, the scheme is very little struma, and the low frequencies are just superb. Just need to be ready: from the dull music of the light, it can not be vitrimated and burned out.

Another variant of the scheme

Known transistor KT817, darts, plug from the head and the LED line.
came to:

  • The transistor will sing for the offensive circuit;
  • Then the LED line is available and everything is moved in the luggage of the vehicle.

Svitlomuzika with garlands

In the distance, there is a solution, like a vimagatime storing bulbs from new garlands:

  • Garlandi (div.) Please take a few pieces at once and fix it with an insulating line;
  • Zrobiti is a link for the connection with the head attachment and for the delivery of the provid.

Note. The scheme in this vypadku will be maid on the basis of the providers of bet twists, which transmit the signal from the contacts of the GU to the control unit of the light-music.

Svitlomuzika svitlodiodiv

An original scheme for making a beautiful light music. In this vypadku required a case, which is to be shy from the org.

  • Pidbiraєmo two plates with dimensions 5x15 cm and two square plates 5x5 cm;
  • In one of the details, there are a couple of openings (for food and earbuds);
  • Matting and shlifuєmo all the plates;
  • It is known svitlodiodi, which can also be matting for a short effect;
  • The body is selectable for a thermo gun, which is ideal for robots with plexiglass;
  • Now I am choosing an electrical circuit for light music for a central circuit:
  • The key is provided from the navigator with the visible rose to the auto-magnetol and the result.

The building of the office space can be installed in the car salons, de facto. Everything will be stored from individual passages, wire, etc.
In the process of robbing the demand, it is necessary to carry out the following:

  • The voltage of the adapter and the nominal tension of the skin are not connected. In other words, the number of diodes back in the circuit is to blame for the extra cost of the adapter.

Note. Yak butt, which is a 12V adapter, and the pressure on the skin diode is given at 3V, then the number of lights is the 4th.

  • Vikoristovuvati Bazhano 3-core wire, one of the living needs will be overridden.

Scheme with a signal from a dynamik

Another popular svitlomuziki stem scheme.
Robimo is advancing:

  • We take a signal from the dynamics (div.).

Note. At the same time, it is important not to close the SPD output *. At the same time, only one wire was supplied.

USP * - Sound payment

  • Vlashtovuє peremikach so, wіn wіn including svіtlodіody on muzytsі;
  • Pidbiraєmo opir for the circuit below, de indicated the nominal for the inclusion of one diode;

Note. If light-sounding will be taken from 4 lights, then the value of R is 820 Ohm.

A popular risnobarvna scheme

Іnsha the scheme for increasing the power of increasing the harvest has been expanded. Particularly, it will be relevant in the same way as the lancers are victorious from the bezlichі svitlodіodіv.
The scheme is as follows:

  • There are two frequency filters. Stink at the entrances to pass HF and LF;
  • The signal is then sent to the pisiluval cascade, for whom it is sent to the svitlodiod;
  • Before dynamically dzherela, it is recommended to connect keys 1 and 2.

It's joy. As soon as it is necessary to change the resistor values ​​up to a bet of hundreds, and the transistor should be remembered for KT817.

This scheme has one pass, which is not enough in one inshіy: the possibility of victorious lights in any color.
So, when the bass is lowered, the bass will be blimaty with red light, when the midrange and high frequency are created, it is green. If the installation is yaskravosti, then you won’t be regulated by the wrappers of the richness of the sound: what is the sound, what is yaskravishe svitinnya.

Car stele in svitlodiodi

As long as it’s good, it’s not only possible to drive in the car, it’s like a disco, but to build a ride, as if it’s turned on, or it’s tied to musical performances. An operation is given for the uvazi victoriannya svitlodiodiv.
"Sky Zoryane" on the stele of the car will be wonderful. This type of illumination, to emerge, has been practiced for a long time already and not only in cars, but in vlast apartments.
Vikoristovuvati the scheme is given in a simple way:

  • Razmіstiti svіtlodіodi іvnomіrno, in a pretty form, for example, on a singing figurine;
  • Vikoristovuvati for the tightening of the light bulb, how to take the light of the light (yaskravі / not yaskravі);
  • Vikoristovuvati the background of the stele. For example, you can pull it into a black color.

Sentry instructions:

  • Overtightening the stele of the car;
  • It is picked up abo nabuvaєmo stabilizer for struma.

Note. It is even more important on this stage that everything is correct. In іnshomu vipadku, it will happen to dismantle the stela, as if to burn out the diode. To unify the whole situation, you need to write a folding check the circuit (learn, with the volts and what kind of strum at the given circuit). In the test block before the old power supply unit from the computer.

  • Vikoristovuєmo capacitor of great capacity, so that it grows smoothly extinguishing light. Підійде, for example, KT470;
  • Razmіshchuєmo scheme in a sirnikov box;
  • Converting to the robot, one after another three LEDs and one resistor;
  • On the stele in the opening is inserted a svitlodiodi, which fixes on the ringing glue;
  • Crypimo is also a vimikach and stabilizer.

Note. Svitlodiodi can be grouped 3 times each with a resistor, and then the group can be held parallel to the stabilizer.

Axis and all right. Thanks to the guidance of the reader's schemes, please give yourself some help. Tilki demand, do not forget about those, do not turn on the beautiful svitlomuzik before the ruins of the car. It is not very easy to walk along the road and it is good to provoke an accident.
In the process, he will work with his own hands, he will look through the videos, photos, materials, diagrams and other. Instructions, we will guide you through, can be found in the other articles of our website. The price of a self-styled stage and installation of light music can be used in light auto-tuning, as well as vitra material can also be used with your own hands.

Practically all coloromuzichne attachment of sufficient laboriousness for roasting for the storage of special lamps roasting. Є In the Internet, the CMU circuits and on LEDs, it smells like a rule for low-energy LEDs. How about connecting to such an attachment of 50-100 watts? It is possible to take as a basis one unused scheme of light music (before that, from keruvanny to sound through a microphone), and if you have changed the selected part, you can correct the result.

CMU scheme for strained svitlodiodiv

Principle diagram of the CMU for 220V
Diagram of the principle of the CMU for 12V

The electrical life of the input part of the frequency processing is broken down into a piece of universal payment. Transformer of znya znyakogos radio. It is ideal to use symmetrical and 10 V winding. Thyristor BT151 / 600, with a reserve, didn’t smell like great strumms, were in the tightness of the tight keys.

The scheme can be used as an insulated one as a net, as if a viconious part was stored on the semistors and optocouplers.

When viprobubannykh time, mount the replacement of the light-emitting diodes in the resistor of the rocket support and the force of 10 watts.

CMU with single strokes 12 V

If you want in the CMU to vikoristovuvati svitlodіdnі lines for 12 V post-struma, then you can live the whole circuit with 12 volts from an impulse grid driver, and I will take a part on polovyh external transistors.

A variant of the scheme is directed to the viewer. Here the resistor R2 is used to set the strumming of the LED lines (or a forced single LED).

Before the speech, when installing light diodes of high tension, for example, for 100 watts (32 V at 3 A) - supply the voltage from the driver through the light diode to the stick of the transistor (having crossed over according to the datasheet, if you can show the U / I), such parameters we will assign a resistor to a vistavte consumption r_ven to a struma.

The corpus of vikonanii derev'yanim (it is easier to know the material and it is easier to crumble). Open the lamp with great cutters. Naturally in front є all the necessary knobs for adjusting the signal and HF-MF-LF channels and the live button.

Colormusic possession, small color, intensity, efficiency and rhythm are an inadvertent attribute of a garnoy partying, a great day out and sucking up to the beat of the music of the most icy and melancholy part of the visit. At the end of the statutes, the nuances of lighting on the lights, the ability to grow with your own hands and the options for storing in the minds of the minds are discussed.

W nasichennyam market analysis svіtlodіodnim osvіtlyuvalnim obladnannyam, spherical Yogo zastosuvannya rozshiryuyutsya vibuhovimi stribkami i Vzhe not obmezhuyutsya viklyuchno dizaynerskimi vishukuvannyami in osvіtlennі іnter'єrіv, lakonіchnіstyu i efektivnіstyu at osvіtlennі ofіsіv i robochem osvіtlen, abo Bajanov zrobiti dovgovіchnu i yakіsne pіdsvіchuvannya ekster'єru budіvel. Light lamps have penetrated into our spheres, de ive colossal technological improvement, energy efficiency, minimum size at maximum performance, can serve a good service and bring a good service and bring goodness and satisfaction to the city - tuning for automobiles

Svitlomuzika on led-components can be used for low frequencies in front of analogs on old lamps:

  • A small size of light-emitting devices in terms of energy efficiency gives rise to a great number of possible forms for the development of light-muscular possession, and not only about the new form factors, but about the possibility of a slow-growing process The element can give a dotted light. Stroboscopes, spotlights, dyshar and a lot of them are available for the visitor to visit in the home minds.
  • The safety-free lighting of the LED lamps is maximal, due to the old lamps - the operating temperature range of the led-elements does not change 60 degrees for Celsius, but it means that I am just fighting about the sleeping Let the color memorize your booth at the same time with music without any trivia, tied to the vicars of the luminous possession.
  • A trivial term of exploitation of light music for a booth to hamper the purchase of such a possession of a subsidiary, also insured for 8000-10000 thousand years of robotics, so that there is a whole period of unbeatable service. And because of the reason that a lot of switching-ons and switching-ons cannot be recognized by the living authorities of led-elements, and a large number of people do not use the power of the party, the home of the light of the guests.
  • Brightness of color and light transmission. Illumination of the widest range of colors and types, and one of the main advantages for light music, as well as the versatility of colors, plays an important role in the left atmosphere. So, on the basis of laser light, light is not very easy for the eyes, and it is not good for the eyes when the light stream is directly hitting the eye.

Variants of light and music illumination in home minds

  1. The simplest option is to buy a special portable lamp or a lamp, as there will be a change in color, or just to buy a color, with one decorative effect. Such options are even more abundant, the stench is even wider and budgetary. For the cob, treat yourself and your friends with an unforgiving, altogether friendly crowd with bright lights and quotes for music - there will be plenty of it.
  1. Nayakisnіshy option, if you don’t make yourself according to the most sophisticated schemes - the solution is ready, so called TsMU (color-musical installation). The solution is ready, as it includes a controller, which will cut off the sound signal, transforming it into light-sounding manifestation, so that the intensity and color of light streams, the flashing effect of the middle disc CMU is simple in іnstalyatsіy, and if you want to set up a disco booth with your own hands - it's a good option. In the basis of such CMUs, there can be spectral distribution in frequencies, if the skin frequencies will be displayed, whether it is any color, or if you have set the regulation for all kinds of effects and for those who can control the remote control.

  1. The third option is to choose the light music independently. In the Internet there are a lot of lecture diagrams, for a person who is able to see a robot with an electronics, you can create a light music for a booth with your own hands. You can do without diagrams, if you turn on the embankments around the color-muscular controller, and, perhaps, a little bit of RGB-lines. As a matter of fact, there is a need for lighting fixtures for disco performances that can be opened with our own hands - it can be really majestic without meek. The schemes are even more abundant, including the video instructions, like following the schemes to acquire possession. Є diagrams for the victorious microphones, selected for the diagrams of illumination will be used to minimize the color and effect in the accuracy of the melody.

Circuits are promoted in the Internet in order to make light music with your own hands, maximally versatile - from the simplest ones, if the RGB-line colors change, to the most advanced, with no effect, fading. It’s safe to look at the button, you can go to the coming option, you’ll need to know the scheme and set it up uniquely, lightly, if you will please you and your guests with overflows of all colors. If you are not ready to play the light music on the lights on your own, with your own hands, then you can turn to the market of ready-made solutions and remind your own little house to make your colors and joy.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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