Svitlomuzika 12 volts. Svitlomuzika self-contained from svitlodiodiv

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi fathers take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Practically at the skin cob of the radioamator, that is not only, grab the color-music prefix to live in the fire, to listen to music at the evening hour, or at Christmas time. Have a tsіy statti mova pіde about a simple colormuzichne bailiff, zіbranoі on svitlodiodah, I have the power to pick up some radio amateurs.

1. The principle of color and music prefixes.

Robot color-musical attachments ( CMP, CMP abo SDU) Adapted to the frequency sub-line of the spectrum sound signal with a fake transmission of yogo on okremikh channels low, middleі high frequencies, de skin s channels control their light dzherel, the intensity of which is triggered by the sound signal. Kintsevym result of the robot prefix є otrimannya kolіrnoї gami, Vidpovidnoy reproduced musical creation.

For rejection of more types of colors and the maximum number of color types in color and musical prefixes, vikoristoyutsya, yak minimum, three colors:

podil frequency spectrum sound signal for help LC-і RC-filters, De kozhen filter of adjustments to your own vuzka smuga frequencies and passing through itself only the number of sound diapason:

1 . Low Pass Filter(LPF) skip the frequency up to 300 Hz and select the worm-name for the color of the light;
2 . Mid-frequency filter(FSF) skips 250 - 2500 Hz and the color of the light is vibrating green or else;
3 . Filter other frequencies (HPF) skip to 2500 Hz and the color of the light vibrates blue.

Whether there are any principles of rules for the selection of the smog, for the color of the light of the lamps is not clear, the skin radio can be used for the selection of the special features of your color, as well as the number of channels and the width of the smog of frequencies.

2. Schematic diagram of the coloromuzichne attachment.

On the little one below, there is a diagram of the simples of the chotirokhkanalny coloromusic prefixes, zibranoi on the svitlodiods. The attachment is stored from the input signal, through the channels and the living block, which will not allow the attachment to be stored from the netting of the snake strum.

signal sound frequency submit to contacts PC, OKі Zagalny rose'єmu X1, I through resistor R1і R2 use a changeover resistor R3, Yak є regulator of the level of the input signal. Average value of the variable resistor R3 beep through the capacitor Z 1 i resistor R4 go to the input of the front driver, selected on transistors VT1і VT2... Zastosuvannya pidsilyuvacha allowed vikoristovuvati prefix practically with a dzherel sound signal.

At the output of the driver, a sound signal is sent to the upper attachment of the resistor R7,R10, R14, R18 It is necessary to set up the signal and to display the function of regulating the input signal along the skin canal, and also to establish the need for the brightness of the light in the canal. From the middle installation of resistors, the sound signal should come to the inputs of some channels, leather from which work in its smooth sound range. Schematically, all channels of the Viconan are the same, and they are different from RC-filters.

per channel vishchih R7.
Smugovy filter to the channel of statements with a condenser C2 and skipping only spectrum high frequencies sound signal. Do not pass the low and middle frequencies through the filter, so the capacitor support for the qix frequencies is large.

Passing capacitor, high frequency signal is detected by diode VD1 i feed to the base of the transistor VT3... Being on the base of the transistor is negative; HL1HL6, Included in the yogo collector lancet, ignite. And the greater the amplitude of the input signal, the more the transistor turns on, the more the light burns faster. To interconnect the maximum struma through the LEDs, a resistor is switched on after them R8і R9... If there are no resistors in the LED diode, it can go out of harm's way.

per channel middle frequency, the signal is supplied as the middle resistor R10.
Swarthy filter to the channel of appraisals by the contour С3R11С4, For low and high frequencies, it is meaningful to the base of the transistor VT4 get better without the number of mid frequencies. The collector lance of the transistor has a LED on HL7HL12 green color.

per channel low frequency, the signal is fed from the middle resistor R18.
Filter to the channel of assertions by the outline С6R19С7, I will weaken the signals of the middle and high frequencies and that to the base of the transistor VT6 to get over the low frequency kolyvannya. New to the channel є svitlodiodi HL19HL24 red color.

For the versatility of the color gami in the color-musical prefix of the channel zhovtoy colora. Filter to the channel of assertions by the outline R15C5і pratsyuє in the frequency range near to low frequencies. The input signal to the filter comes from the resistor R14.

Hrumble color music prefix slowly 9B... The front attachment unit is stored from the transformer T1, Diodnogo bridge, viconany on diodes VD5VD8, Microcircuit stress stabilizer DA1 type KREN5A, resistor R22і two oxide capacitors C8і C9.

Zminna napruga, straightened by a bridge, smoothed with an oxide capacitor C8 and go to the KREN5A spring stabilizer. Z vivedennya 3 The microcircuit is stabilized with a 9V voltage supply to the attachment circuit.

For eliminating vyhіdnaya strains 9V mіzh minusovіy bus block living and vivedennyam 2 microcircuits resistor R22... The change in the value of the support of the resistor is added to the required voltage on the vivod 3 microcircuits.

3. Details.

At the bailiff, there can be a visitor, be it a permanent resistor, a strain of 0.25 - 0.125 watts. On the bottom, the nominal resistors are shown, for which, for the given value, the support is the vicious color of the color:

A changeable resistor R3 and a resistor R7, R10, R14, R18, of any type, went to the size of a handy payment. In the author's version of the design of the vikoristovuvavsya changeable resistor of the type SP3-4VM, the resistor of the imported version is provided.

Permanent capacitors can be of any type, and are secured for a working force not lower than 16 V. If there are difficulties in the side of the capacitor C7 0.3 μF, and it can be folded with two parallel 0.1 μF 0.2 μF ...

Oxide capacitors C1 and C6 are responsible for the operation not lower than 10 V, capacitor C9 is not lower than 16 V, and capacitor C8 is not lower than 25 V.

Oxide condensers C1, C6, C8 and C9 mayut polarity That is, when mounting on a breadboard or board, it is necessary to do it: for capacitors of the Radianskiy virobnitstva on the case, they indicate a positive pattern, for those of recent and imported capacitors, they start for a negative pattern.

Diodi VD1 - VD4 be-like from series D9. On the body of the diode, from the side of the anode, a color scheme is applied, which means the letter of the diode.

Yak vypryamlyacha, selected on diodes VD5 - VD8, vykorystovuєa ready-made miniature day, insurance for a spring of 50V and a strum not less than 200 mA.

If you replace the finished bridge, you will need to pay a fee, you will need to pay a fee, or the one who won’t pay for the main fee and pay for a small fee.

For the independent construction of the bridge, the diode is taken with the same parameters, as well as the factory town. It is also possible to go to the direct diode from the series KD105, KD106, KD208, KD209, KD221, D229, KD204, KD205, 1N4001 - 1N4007. If vikoristovuvati diodi from the series KD209 or 1N4001 - 1N4007, then the place can be taken right from the side of the drukarsky installation bezpossredno on the contact maidan pay.

Svitlodiodi zvychaynі z zhovtim, chervonim, blue and green color svіtinnya. At the skin canal, there are 6 pieces each:

Transistors VT1 and VT2 from the KT361 series with a letter index.

Transistors VT3, VT4, VT5, VT6 from the KT502 series with a letter index.

Stabilizer for springs, type KREN5A, with any letter index (import analogue 7805). Yaksho vikoristovuvati nine-volt KREN8A or KREN8G (import analog 7809), then the resistor R22 is not installed. Replace the resistor on the board, a jumper will be installed, as the middle circuit of the microcircuit is connected to the minus bus, otherwise, when the payment is made, the resistor will not be transferred.

For setting the attachment with a dzherel sound signal of a rose-type "jack" lock on three contacts. Detection cable from computer mish.

Harchuvannya transformer - ready, or self-supporting, pulling not less than 5 W with a power supply to the secondary winding 12 - 15 V at a voltage of 200 mA.

To add to the statty, marvel at the first part of the video, de show the cob stage of the folding colormous prefix

At the end of the day, the part will end.
Yaksho Vi focused to make light music on lights, Pick up the details and reconfigure the comparison between diodes and transistors, for example,. And at the end of the day there is a residual set-up and the setting of the coloromusic prefix.

1. I. Andriyanov "Prefixes to radio accessory attachments."
2. Radio 1990 No. 8, B. Sergov "Simple colormous prefixes".
3. Operational performance of the "Start" radio designer.

a simple diagram of lighting on lamps 220v

Everybody knows and how skinny picks up a little less effortlessly and quickly for music-color music. zovnishniy viglyad what you want on the map. And so, scheme of working light-music for 220 Volts on teristory

Simple scheme of light music

Details for her to know the very minimum.

Kupuєmo kolorovі lamps roasting for 220V
If I look at the cascade of the output cascade at the luminescence of the display on thyristors, then there is a lot of pressure. If you put the thyristori on the thermal drive, then you can put it on the skin channel at 1000 watts. Ale for the booth, whisk all the lamps of 60-100 watts.

Baby boy pay for light music

I didn’t become a vikoristovuvati laser-sensible technology for such a simple little baby pay. I just ripped the picture mirror-like and put it on the foil.

As for papyr, do not shrink, seal it with scotch tape, for whatever it is fiksuymo and nakernivaye maybutnyh openings

Sami dorіzhki maluєmo nіtrofarboyu

Like a transformer, be it a transformer from a Chinese living block, I want to see the radiotelephone, I want to see it.

I am amazed at the increased soldered board

Chucks are fastened to the aluminum jacket

Photos have been sent to the supplement

All of us want a saint every hour. I just want to do it, or to try it out. Simplest i effective way covet a bazhany result - listen to the music. Allegedly, music is often lacking - visualization of the sound stream is required, special features. Іnkshe kazuchi - the need for light music (or light music as її inodі name). Ale de f її take, how is the equipment in specialty stores expensive? Crack it up with your own hands, you know. Everything that is required for a computer is the cost of a computer (for a living unit okremo), some meters in LED RGB strokes are required to be used in 12V, a USB prototype board (AVR-USB-MEGA16 is a simple circuit) besides, scho and kudi plugs.

Crumbs about the line

First, go to the robots themselves, it is necessary to make a difference, which itself is a svitlodіnaya RGB tape pulling itself 12c. And є we will forgive, alas, we will be more cunning with a wine-walker.

Svitlodіody vіdomі already not more than ten years, but the founders of the innovations have become efficient universal solutions for without problems in the sphere of electronics. Stink at a time stagnate everywhere - like an indicator in by-run technology, Independently at the sight of energy-saving lamps, in space halls, as well as in the spheres of specialties. Until the end, you can bring and light music. If there are three types of light - red (Red), green (Green) and blue (Blue) combined on one page, then go light one RGB tape. In everyday RGB diodes, there is a miniature controller. All three colors are allowed.

The special feature of such a line is that all children are grouped and sent to the back of the lance, Kerovan with a local controller (it can also be connected to a computer when connected via USB, or a special living unit with a control panel for autonomous modifications). All the same allows you to set a practically endless line with a minimum of wires. Tovschina can literally reach decilkokh milimeters (if not vrahovuvati options with gum or silikonovy zhistom from physical ears, vology and temperature). To a winch of this type of microcontrollers, the simplest model is small, take three darts. And what is more, the functionality of such garlands - more wires. In Western cultures, the phrase "rozplutati garlandu" has long become proverbial for all the old, tedious and confused information. The first axis at once ceased to be a problem (also, it’s too easy to wind a single line on a special small drum).

What do we need?

Light music with your own hands with stitching GE60RGB2811C

In the ideals, for organizing the light music with our own hands, we are already ready to go. USB port computer. Everything we need - download I will need a program for the same computer, set up the association of files with the required audio-program, and enjoy the result. Ale tse, how can we still spare, і how we have є pennies, but still all the trickery. In the first place, everything looks cheap and folds.

At the sale of stores of electronic components є svitlodіonі strіchki, Ale we need only 12c. Won the best option for connecting to a computer with an additional USB. So, for example, you can know the model GE60RGB2811C, which is a post-connected 300 RGB LEDs. One of the advantages of being such a line is that it is possible to draw someone else by hand - be it a good idea. Everything is required for a tsiogo - make contact, schob electric lance the bullet is open, and the circuit of the bullet is solid (the price of the formation is obov'yazkovo).

Scheme of adjusting light music

We can also get a breadboard for USB connection... The most popular, cheap, and at the same time functional option for connection є model AVR-USB-MEGA16 for USB 1.1. The current version of USB is used as long ago as the old one, the signal is transmitted until the signal is transmitted in 8 milliseconds, for modern technology Zanadto, ala, oskilki people’s eye and the speed of the message like "one mite", then we won’t get it all right.

If you omit a lot of the most sophisticated technical subtleties and nuances, then all that is shown to us is a diagram of such a connection, at the same time taking a line of necessary power, making and clearing the contact on one key side, yaky rose 'і for whom it is needed) і, vasne, everything. For a new line in 12c, you may not need to clean up the line, so you can live from the old block of the computer's life (for a parallel connection), or just make a line. The sound with a simple option will be from computer dynamos. For those who are especially vibrant in electronics, we can recommend bringing a microphone microphone and a small "dynamic-squeak" directly to the AVR-USB-MEGA16.

Scheme of attaching contacts to a line to a USB cable from a smartphone

If the fee is not extended, then the most extreme connection can be connected through a single RGB line 12v to USB cable from a smartphone or a tablet computer (the scheme for setting up light music with your own hands is allowed). It is important to perekonatisya, so that the cord will give the necessary 5 watts of strain. At the end of all cycles of manipulation, the SLP program will be installed (otherwise all the frames will be written in txt files, as it will allow the knowledge in the program and the intelligence scheme and the algorithm for all the processes), selectable required mode(For a number of diodivs), and enjoy the work of the robot, with my own hands.


Svitlomuzika is not a subject of the first need, but rather to roam our life more tricky, and not only through those who can now wonder on the flashy bright colors of the guards, who sleep and the melodies are so fond. Nі, mi about іnshe. Having developed something with their own hands, and not having bought it in stores, the skin saw an influx of strength from the satisfaction that dominates the skin master and the creator, and the knowledge that there are also some kinds of warts. And on the day of food - light music has been installed, blimp and rainbow eye with minimal vitrates and maximum satisfaction - what more need it? ..

Illumination in the kitchen of a small apartment
Pidbiraumo lights for mirrors, are available options
Chandelier for a child's room

The unprecedented potential of svitlodiodiv was once again revealed in the design of new and modernization of the already obvious color-musical prefixes. For 30 years, in addition to the mod, a light music was used, selected from 220-volt red-colored bulbs, connected to a cassette recorder. The situation has changed and the function of the recorder will now be a multimedia setting, and the replacement of the lamps will turn on over the bright lights or light lines.

Perevagi svitlodіodіv in front of bulbs in color-musical prefixes are not included:

  • a wide range of colors and more light colors;
  • development options (discrete elements, modules, RGB lines, lines);
  • visoka shvidk_st spratsovvannya;
  • low energy service.

How to create light music for the additional simple electronic circuit and light music light from the sound frequency? What are the options for redesigning the sound signal? The power supply is readable on specific stocks.

Simplest scheme with one LED

For a cob slid, use a simple lighting scheme, select on one bipolar transistor, Resistor and LED. Harchuvannya on it can be fed from a dzherel post-struma by another from 6 to 12 volts. Pratsyu is given light music on one transistor based on the principle of a power cascade with a transistor. Rivovagi injected at the viglyadі signal with a frequency, so that the amplitude changes and rises to the base VT1. As soon as the amplitude of the signal is changing the threshold value, the transistor starts to turn on and off.

There is a shortage of this simplest circuit of the field in that the rate of the flash rate of the light will increase to the level of the sound signal. In other words, a potent color-muscular effect will only be promoted at one level of purity. Decrease of the purity of the product up to the richest education, and the reduction of the product - to the level of post-gradual light.

Scheme with one-color light-one line

Easy to install light music on transistors can be selected from victorious lights in new designs. For the whole need to increase the voltage up to 12V, change the transistor with the largest collector strum and change the voltage of the resistor. This is the simplest of light-sounding with light-hearted lines, which is perfect for picking up the radio amateurs for picking them up with their own hands at home.

Simple three-channel scheme

Confusing to see the shortcomings in front of the front circuitry allows the three-channel to transform the sound. The simplest scheme of light music with a sub-sound range into three parts is shown on a small one.
Hurry out continuously with a 9B force and you can spot one or two lights in the skin canal. A circuit of three independent cascades is stored, they are switched on transistors KT315 (KT3102), in the assembly of which are included light-emitting diodes of a single color. In the quality of the element for the forefront, you can vikoristovuvati small grid transformer downgrade type.

The input signal is fed to the secondary winding of the transformer, which has two functions: galvanically connected two attachments and a sound from the line output. Give the signal to come up on three parallel filters, selected on the basis of RC-lances. Leather from them is used in the singing smoothing of frequencies, as to lay in the nominal resistors and capacitors. A filter of low frequencies for the transmission of sound signals with a frequency of up to 300 Hz, it's easy to suppress the blinking of a red light. Through the filter of the middle frequencies of the voices in the range of 300-6000 Hz, it manifests itself in the measure of the blue light. A high-frequency filter for skipping a signal, the frequency of which is more than 6000 Hz, which shows a green light. Leather filter for equipments with resistor. In addition, it is possible to give a rivnomirne celebration of all svitlodіodіv, nevertheless in the musical genre. At the output of the circuit, all three signals are filtered by transistors.

As soon as the circuitry goes through a low-voltage jerel of a post-strum, the transformer can be easily replaced with a single-stage transistor driver.
Perche, the galvanic interconnection has a practical sense. In a different way, the transformer is developed in a programmed circuit, shown on the little one, by weight, sizes and characteristics. scheme simple pidsilyuvach the sound frequency is stored from the KT3102 transistor, two capacitors, connected to the post-warehouse, and resistors, which will prevent the transistor from operating in the external mode. For the additional resistor adjustment, it is possible to cope with a weak input signal.

If it is necessary to receive a signal from the microphone, before the input of the front circuit, connect the electric microphone, supplying it to the new potential of the live signal. The scheme of a two-stage frontal drive is shown on the little one.
In this case, the resistor is located at the input of the first power cascade, which gives more possibilities for regulating sensitivity. Condensers C1-C3 pass through the corisse of the warehouse and post-strum... For the implementation of the signal, be it an electric microphone, for a normal robot, you can reach a 1.5 V change.

Svitlomuzika with RGB svitlodiodnoy line

There is a 12-volt color-coded attachment scheme that can be installed in a car. Vona got into her basic functions earlier in the circuitry and in good practice in the lighting and lighting modes.

The first mode is to reach for the contactless control of RGB-line behind the auxiliary microphone, and the other one - for the one-hour light of a red, green and blue light for an additional effort. Vibir to the mode will get help for the additional transfer, which is roztasovany on the board. Now we are making a report on how to build a light-sounding device, how to navigate it for installation in a car, and how many parts will be needed.

Block diagram

A visual visualization, as a pratsyuє a color-musical prefix is ​​given, a block diagram is clearly visible. Vaughn can help quilting the signal.
The electronic signal is connected to a microphone, which transforms the sound of the sound from phonograms. Oscillations of the signal are overwhelmingly malium, it needs to be powered for an additional transistor or an operational power supply. The automatic regulator of the level (AGC) went further, which will suppress the sound in the smarter boundaries and ready to the farthest sound. Filters connect the signal to three warehouses, skin-tight only in one frequency range. In the end, there is only the power of the preparation of the strum signal, for which the transistor can be turned into a switch mode.

Schematic diagram

At the premises of structural blocks, you can go to the view principle scheme... Її gallant viglyad of performances on the little one.
Resistor R12 and capacitor C9 are used for interconnecting the strum and stabilizing the voltage. R1, R2, C1 are installed for setting up the microphone. The capacitor C fc must be selected individually up to specific models microphone in the process of improving. Windows is required to muffle the signal of this frequency, as I use a microphone in the robot. Zvvychay to lower the inflow of a high-frequency warehouse.

The unstable stress of the car mesh can be infused onto the robot with light-weight. To that, it is best to correctly connect the self-contained electronic attachments through a 12V stabilizer.

The sound call in the microphone is converted into an electrical signal and through C2 it goes to the direct input of the operational driver DA1.1. From the 1st output, the signal goes to the input of the DA1.2 operational driver, without a lance ringing bell... The support of the resistors R5, R6 and R10, R11 is set by the performance factor DA1.1, DA1.2 equal 11. The elements of the OS: VD1, VD2, C4, C5, R8, R9 and VT1 at once from DA1.2 enter the AGC warehouse. At the moment of an input at the DA1.2 output, the VT1 transistor is outputted with a large amplitude and through C4 the input signal to the outbound wire freezes. Tse produce up to mittєvogo lowering springs on vyhodі.

Because of the stabilization of the changing audio frequency strum, pass through the auxiliary capacitor C8, for which it is split into three RC filters: R13, C10 (LF), R14, C11, C12 (MF), R15, C13 (HF). The svitlomuzika on the svitlodiods dreamed to finish it, it is necessary to make the vyhidny strum up to the general value. For stitching up to 0.5 on the skin channel, use a transistor of medium force type KT817 or import BD139 without mounting on a radiator. If you pick up the light music with your own hands, the transmission is close to 1A, then the transistors are needed for the cooling primus.

In the collectors of the skin transistor (parallel to the output) there is a diode D6-D8, the cathodes are connected between themselves and connected to the switch SA1 (White light). The other contact of the transfer pump is from the ground wire (GND). Poki SA1 openings, the scheme of work in the modes of light-music. When the contacts of the changeover are interrupted, all the lights in the page will be ignited again, and they are set in the sum of the light.

The board and the details of the collection are drafted

To prepare a handy payment, you need a one-sided textolite with a size of 50 to 90 mm and a ready-made file .lay, which you can add. For the sake of convenience, the board is shown on the side of the radio elements. Before the friend, it is necessary to give a mirror image. In the M1 ball, 3 jumpers are shown, which can be spaced on the sides of the parts.
For folding light-music with light-colored lines with your own hands, you need to have affordable and inexpensive components. The microphone is of an electronic type, pidіde in the logistic building with the old audio equipment. Svitlomuzika selected on microcircuit TL072 in DIP8 case. Condensers, independent of the type, are responsible for the supply in terms of supply and are insured at 16V or 25V. If necessary, pay for the design of the transistor to be installed on a small radio. On the edge, sealed Clemnik for 6 positions for feeding, connecting RGB with one line and changing. The change of elements is shown in the tables. At the end, I would like to see that a number of out-of-the-box channels in the self-made color-music bailiffs can be added to the list once and for all. For the whole of it is necessary to break the entire frequency range into a larger number of sectors and to overwhelm the smog through the passage of the skin RC-filter. Prior to the arrival of pre-season children, switch on the LEDs of the intermediate colors: violet, brown, orange. From such a sophisticated light music with our own hands, we will only grow.

Direct the schemes to the site

Read also

We'll talk about light music at the top of the article. Singingly, at the skin cob of the radioamator, that and not only, at the right time there was a bazannya to pick up the svitlomuzik. Well, I think that's all - seemingly simple, priceless visual effects, Change to the beat of the music.

That part of light music, like a vipromynyu light, can be a viconan on worn lamps, for example in a concert installation, in the case of light music is needed for home discos, and you can create a very special lamps rozzharyuvannya 220 volts, and as a light-sounding plan, for example, as modding a computer, for a vysakdenny victorian, її can be viconati on svitlodіody.

It will be an hour, with the appearance of the sale of light-colored strikers, that there will be more and more color-matching prefixes for such led strikers. In any vipadku, for the collection of Tsveto Musichnyh The installation (CMP is fast) needed a signal, in the role of it you can play a microphone with selected decilcom cascades of the driver.

I can also add a signal to the line, sound picture a computer, from an mp3 player input, etc., in the same vipad it will also need a power supply, for example two cascades on transistors, for the sake of it I used KT3102 transistors. The diagram of the driver is shown on the offensive little one:

Preamplifier - schematic

A diagram of a single-channel light-sounding with a filter, which is practical with a pidsilyuvich (vishche), is shown. In tsіy schema svіtlodіod blimа pіd bass (low frequency). For the use of a signal in the transmission circuitry, a changeover resistor R6.

Іsnuty і big simple circuits light-sounding devices, as you can use a cob, for 1 transistor, before that you do not require a signal driver, one of such circuits is shown in the picture below:

Svitlomuzika on transistor

The diagram of the opening of the plugs of the Jack 3.5 plug is shown on the offensive little one:

As far as the reasons are not small, it is possible to replace the front power supply on transistors, it is possible to replace it with a transformer by turning on the power supply. Such a transformer is guilty of vidavati springs on 220/5 Volt windings. The winding of the transformer with a small number of turns is connected to the sound, for example, magnets, parallel to the dynamo, the driver, at the same time, is guilty of the pressure being at least 3-5 watts. The winding with a great number of turns is connected to the entrance of the light music.

Zrozumіlo, svitlomuzika buvaє not only single-channel, it can be 3, 5 or more channel, if skinny svitlodіod or lamp rozzharyuvannya blimāє at the set frequencies of their range. At a wide range of frequencies, set the path of the victorian filter. In an offensive circuit, a three-channel light-sounding device (I myself have recently picked up) condensers stand in the capacity of filters:

If we wanted to pick up in the last circuit not around the LED, but a single line, then in the circuit, add current-limiting resistors R1, R2, R3. If it is a stitch, or if the light turns into RGB, then it is the fault of the Viconan because of the back anode. As soon as it is planned to switch on the keys of the great music, then to control the line, it is necessary to fix the tight transistors, installed on the radio.

So, as lightning lines are rooted for 12 Volt harvesting, apparently and in the circuit we should go up to 12 Volts, and the harvesting is guilty of being stable.

Thyristori in svitlomuzikoy

Until now, a feast in the statistics has been published only about coloromusic attachments on svitlodiods. As soon as there is no need to replace the CMU on the lamps, it will be necessary to use the thyristoris to control the brightness of the lamps. So also the thyristor? Tse threechelektrodny napivprovidnikovy attachment, which is vidpovidno ma anode, cathodeі hard-core electrode.

KU202 Thyristor

There is a picture of the Radiansky thyristor KU202 on the little one. Thyristori, in times, if it is planned to vicoristovuvati with the hard-pressed options, it is also necessary to credit the heatdvid (radiator). Yak mi bachimo on the little one, the thyristor can be tightened with a nut and fastened similarly to the pushing diodes. Modern imports are simply secured with a flange with a opening.

One of the similar circuits on thyristors is shown in the picture. The circuit diagram of a three-channel light music with a transformer at the inputs. In the case of a selection of analogs of thyristors, it should be astonished at the maximum permissible voltage of thyristors, in our case, for KU202N, it is at least 400 volts.

On the little one there is a similar diagram of the light-sounding of the directed view, the head of the visibility in the lower diagram - the day of the day. Likewise, light-music on light-emitting diodes can be carried out in system unit... I have selected such a tricanal light music with padsilluvac in the case from the sidedrome. When a signal is taken from the sound picture of the computer for an additional signal, the acoustics and light music are active in the output. The regulation of the level is transferred to the signal, like a zagalny one, so it is okremo along the channels. To live beforepidsiluvach and svitlomuzika vid rose Molex 12 Volts (zhovty and black dart). Circuits of the driver and three-channel light-sounding for the yachts were aimed at the sight. The іnshі diagrams of light-sounding on light-emitting diodes, for example, are also tricanal:

Svitlomuzika on 3 svitlodiodas - scheme

At the same circuit, on the view of the current, when I pick it up, I pick up in the channels of the middle frequencies and inductance. For quietly, if I want to, I’ll make a copy of it, it’s simple, I’m giving a step-by-step diagram on 2 channels:

If you pick up light-music on the lamps, then you will have to be victorious; At the bottom of the picture are light filters, such as for sale:

Deyakі lovers of color and musical effects select attachments on the basis of microcontrollers. Below is a diagram of the chotirohchannel lighting on the MC AVR tiny 15:

The microcontroller Tiny 15 in the central circuit can be replaced with tiny 13V, tiny 25V. First and foremost, I’ll look around at myself I want to say that the light music on the lamps is programmed for the kind of light music on the LED, so as the lamps are more energetic, less light. And for self-repetition, you can recommend the taku axis

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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