12 volts light-weight with light-one strokes. Simple svitlomuzika on svitlodiods

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In order to take a light music on the lights with your own hands, you need to use the basic knowledge of electronics, read the diagrams and practice with a soldering iron. The statistic is easy to understand, like a practical light-sounding on the LEDs, the basic working circuits, on the basis of which you can change the self-ready attachments, and in the end you can pick up the ready-made attachments on the butt.

At the core of color and musical installations, frequency conversion music and the first transmission, behind the addition of additional channels, for managing the dzherels of light. As a result, there will be a large number of main musical parameters, the robot of the color system will be displayed. On a whole hairstyle, a scheme is based on how to get light on the lights with your own hands.

As a rule, for the establishment of the number of colors, the vicories must not be less than three different colors. It can be blue, green and chervonia. Zmіshuyuchis in іznіh combіnatsіyah, zzno trivіlіstu, the stench of the building to set the hostile atmosphere of fun.

The signal grows at low, middle and high purity, building LC and RC filters, the stench itself rises and adjusts to the color-musical system due to the loss of light.

Adjustment of filters will be set on the offensive parameters:

  • up to 300 Hz on a low-frequency filter, as a rule, yogo kolіr chervonii;
  • 250-2500 Hz for mid-range greens;
  • everything is 2000 Hz, I will transform the high-frequency filter, as a rule, the blue light will be hidden from the robot.

Rozpodil on the frequency, carried out with small recesses, it is necessary, for the removal of the small number of types, when the robot is attached.

Vibir color, in the light of the scheme of light music is not principles, and if you are bored, you can pick up children of small colors for your own investigations, minutiae and experiment, you cannot fence at all. The increase in frequency in the case of non-standard color solutions can be added to the quality of the result.

For the regulation of the available and such parameters of the circuit, such as the number of channels and the frequency, from which it is possible to create a network, but the lighting can be used great number svitlodіodіvіnіy kolorіv, and it is possible to individually regulate the cutaneous from them according to the frequency and width of the channel.

It is necessary for the preparation of lighting

Resistors for colormuzichne installation, vlasny virobnitstva, can be used only afterwards, with a strain of 0.25-0.125. Vidpovidnі resistor, you can poke on the little one below. Smuzhki on the body show the size of the support.

Also, in the circuit, R3 resistors are stuck, and R - 10, 14, 7 and R 18 are just of the type. The head is vimog, the possibility of installation on the board, how to get stuck when folded. The first option for light-emitting diodes is, picking up a resistor of a variable type from the designated SPZ-4VM and import ones - for mounting.

If there are capacitors, then you will need details with a 16 volt working force, not less. Type, maybe booty be-hto. If you don’t fit into the noise of the capacitor C7, you can do it in parallel, two smaller ones for the unit, to remove the necessary parameters.

Stashed in the circuits with light-emitting diodes of the capacitors C1, C6 are responsible for the construction of 10 volts, according to C9-16V, C8-25V. I suppose to replace the old people of Radiansk capacitors, plan to vikoristovuvati new, to import that varto memory;

Also, for the production of light-sounding, a single place is required, with a 50V power supply and a working strum, close to 200 milliamperes. At once, if there is no opportunity to set up a ready-made one-day place, it is possible to build it up from a set of direct diodes, for a lightness it is possible to get it from a payment and to install an okremo because of a shortage of money and a smaller size.

Parameters dіodіv, are vibrated in the same way as those set in the factory vikonannya bridge, dіodіv.

Svitlodiodi, guilty of being a red, blue and green color of svitinnya. For one channel їх know a lot of pieces.

Another necessary element is a stress stabilizer. A five-volt stabilizer, imported virobniztva, with the article 7805. It is also possible to use a 7809 (nine-volt), but from the circuit, it is necessary to turn on the resistor R22, and instead of the middle one, a changeover must be set.

Z'adnati svitlomuzik s music center, You can for the help of a three-pin rose "jack".

The first stop, which is necessary for the collection, is a transformer with the appropriate parameters of the spring.

A headline diagram for carrying out the selection of light music, in which the details are described in the photo below.

A number of working schemes

Below will be proponated a number of working schemes of light-music on light-emitting diodes.

option No. 1

For this scheme, you can vikoristovuvati svitlodiodi of any type. Smolder, the stench will be overwhelming and happy for the wedding. The scheme is based on the offensive principle, the signal from the dzherel is transmitted to the input, and the signals are sent to the channels to be sent and sent directly to the changeover. (R6, R7, R8) For additional support, the signal for the cutaneous canal is regulated, when it comes to the filter. Riznitsa filters, in a set of capacitors, vicoristovuvanih for їkh folding. Хній зміст, like in their outbuildings, to redefine and cleanse the sound range in the singing boundaries. Price upper, middle and low frequencies... For regulation in the circuitry of light-sounding resistors are installed. After completing all the steps, the signal to come to the microcircuit, as it allows you to set up the small svitlodiodi.

option No. 2

Another version of light-sounding on light-emitting diodes is based on its simplicity and acceptance for the ears of amateurs. The circuit takes over the fate of the power supply and has three channels for frequency sampling. A transformer has been installed, without which it is possible to get around, as the signal at the inputs can be supplied to display the lights. In analogous circuits, the regulating resistors become stagnant, designated as R4 - 6. The transistor can be victorious, whether it be smut, it transmitted more than 50% to the strum. For the day, nothing more is needed. The scheme for bazhanna can be polished, for rejection of a larger tighter colormous installation.

Pokrokova collection of the simplest models of light music

For the folding of simple lighting on the lights, there will be required advanced materials:

  • svitlodiodi in size five milimeters;
  • guides from old people;
  • original or analogue of the transistor KT817;
  • 12 volt living unit;
  • a bit of wires;
  • orgskla shmatok;
  • adhesive gun.

The first thing you need to learn, price vigotiti, the corpus of maybutnoї svitlomuziki s orgskla. For a wide variety of sizes and glue with a glue gun. The box is more beautiful than a rectangular form. Rosemіri can be corrected for yourself.

For the installation of a number of light-emitting diodes, the expansion of the adapter (12V), on the working light-emitting diodes (3V). We need to enter the box, stand 4 lights.

The cable goes to the navushnikov stripping, in the new one there are three darts, we will vicoristovuvati one left or the right channel, and one spil.

One thing we do not know, and it is possible for us to isolate.

The scheme is simple svitlomuziki on svitlodiodah viglyadaє by the offensive rank:

Before folding, the cable is laid in the middle of the box.

svitlodiodi may be polarity, apparently when connected, it is necessary to be sure.

In the process of folding, you need to try not to heat up the transistor, since it can lead to a breakdown, and insure the markup on the legs. Емітер means yak (E), base і collector type (B) і (K). For folding and reversal, you can set the top edge.

Ready-made version of light-weighting on light-emitting diodes

The visnovka wants to say, why pick up the light-sounding on the lights is not so smooth, as you can get ready for the first time. Surely, if you need to fix it with a garnishing design, then here you will already have a lot of vitality for an hour and effort. And the axis for the preparation of simple lighting for the purpose of understanding and development purposes is to complete the selection of one of the representations of the schemes in the statti.

We'll talk about light music at the top of the article. Singingly, at the skin ear of the radioamator, that and not only, at the right time, there was a bazannya to take a svitlomuzik. Well, I think that's all - seemingly simple, priceless visual effects, Change to the beat of the music.

That part of light music, like a vipromynyu light, can be a viconan on worn lamps, for example, in a concert installation, in the case of light music is needed for home discos, and it is possible to grow on very special lamps rozzharyuvannya 220 volts, and as a light-sounding plan, for example, as modding a computer, for a vysakdenny victorian, її can be viconati on svitlodіody.

It will be an hour, when the sale of light-one strings appears, to know more and more coloromusic prefixes from vikoristannyam such led-strikers. In any vipadku, for the collection of Tsveto Musichnyh The installation (CMP is fast) needed a signal, in the role of it you can play a microphone with selected decilcom cascades of the driver.

I can also add a signal to the line, sound picture a computer, from an mp3 player input, etc., in the same vipad, you will also need a power supply, for example, two cascades on transistors, for the sake of it I used KT3102 transistors. The diagram of the driver is shown on the offensive little one:

Preamplifier - schematic

A diagram of a single-channel light-sounding with a filter, which is practical with a pidsilyuvich (vishche), is shown. In tsіy schema svіtlodіod blimа pіd bass (low frequencies). For the use of a signal in the transmission circuitry, a changeover resistor R6.

Іsnyuti і big simple circuits light-sounding, as you can take a cob, for 1 transistor, before that you do not need to use a power supply, one of such schemes is shown in the picture below:

Svitlomuzika on transistor

The diagram of the opening of the plugs of the Jack 3.5 plug is shown on the offensive little one:

As far as the reasons are not small, it is possible to replace the front power supply on transistors, it is possible to replace it with a transformer by turning on the power supply. Such a transformer is guilty of vidavati springs on 220/5 Volt windings. The winding of the transformer with a small number of turns is connected to the sound, for example, magnets, parallel to the dynamo, the driver, at the same time, is guilty of the pressure being at least 3-5 watts. The winding with a great number of turns is connected to the entrance of the light music.

Zrozumіlo, svitlomuzika is not only single-channel, it can be 3, 5 and more channel-wise, if it is skinny svitlodіod or a lamp rozzharyuvannya blimāє when the frequencies of their range are set. With a wide range of frequencies, set the path of the victorian filter. In an offensive circuit, a three-channel light-sounding device (I myself have recently picked up) condensers stand in the capacity of filters:

If we wanted to pick up in the last circuit not around the LED, but a single line, then in the circuit, add the current-limiting resistors R1, R2, R3. If it is a line, or if it is RGB, then it is to blame for the Viconan because of the anode. As soon as it is planned to switch on the keys of the great music, then for the control of the line it is necessary to fix the tight transistors, installed on the radio.

So, as lightning lines are rooted for 12 Volts, it is obvious that we will need to grow up to 12 Volts in the circuit, and the harvesting is guilty of being stable.

Thyristori in svitlomuzikoy

Until now, a feast in the statistics has been published only about the coloromusic attachments on the svitlodiods. It is clear that there is no need to take the CMU on the lamps to ignite, so for the control of the brightness of the lamps it will be necessary to fix the thyristor. So also the thyristor? Tse threechelektrodny napivprovidnikovy attachment, which is vidpovidno maє anode, cathodeі hard-core electrode.

KU202 Thyristor

On the little one there is a picture of the Radiansky thyristor KU202. Thyristori, in times, if you plan to get vicarious from the hard-handed options, you also need credit for the heat drive (radiator). Yak mi bachimo on the little one, the thyristor can be tightened with a nut and fastened similarly to the pushing diodes. Suchasnі imports are simply sealed with a flange with a opening.

One of the detailed thyristor circuits is shown in the picture. The circuit diagram of a three-channel light music with a transformer at the inputs. In the case of a selection of analogs of thyristors, it should be astonished at the maximum allowable voltage of thyristors, in our case, for KU202N, it is 400 volts.

On the little one there is a similar diagram of the light-sounding of the directed view, the head of the visibility in the lower diagram - the day of the day. Likewise, light music on light-emitting diodes is possible in system unit... I have selected such a tricanal light music with padsilluvac in the case from the sidedrops. When a signal is taken from the sound picture of the computer for an additional signal, the acoustics and light music are active in the output. The regulation of the level is transferred to the signal, like a zagalny one, so it is okremo along the channels. To live beforepidsiluvach and light music from rose Molex 12 Volts (zhovty and black dart). Circuits of the driver and three-channel light-sounding for the yachts were aimed at the sight. The іnshі diagrams of lighting on svіtlodіods, for example, are also tricanal:

Svitlomuzika on 3 svitlodiodas - scheme

At the same circuit, on the view of the current, when I pick up, pick up in the channels of the middle frequencies and inductance. For quietly, if I want to take it, I’ll take it easy, I’ll give a step-by-step diagram on 2 channels:

If you pick up light-music on the lamps, then you will have to be victorious; you will be victorious; At the bottom of the picture are light filters, such as for sale:

Deyakі lovers of color and musical effects select attachments on the basis of microcontrollers. Below is a diagram of the chotirohchannel lighting on the MC AVR tiny 15:

The microcontroller Tiny 15 in the central circuit can be replaced with tiny 13V, tiny 25V. First and foremost, I’ll look around at myself I want to say that the light music on the lamps is programmed for the kind of light music on the LED, so as the lamps are more energetic, less light. And for self-repetition, you can recommend the taku axis

Even simpler tricanal RGB lighting on LEDs does not take revenge on deficient or expensive components. You can know all the elements in full at be-yak, visit at the youngest radioamator.
The principle of robotic light-music is classic, as it has become the most popular. It should be primed on a sub-sound range for three diameters: high frequencies, mid frequencies and low frequencies. So, as light-music is tricanal, the skin channel runs its own cordon of frequencies and even before the threshold value - ignited light. As a result, with the engraving of musical compositions, a beautiful illumination effect will be created, with a small amount of light in young colors.

The scheme is simple svitlomuziki

Three transistors - three channels. A leather transistor plays the role of a threshold comparator, and if you change 0.6 Volts, the transistor starts up. The transistor can be supplied with a transistor. For the cutaneous canal, sv_y col_r.
In front of the skin transistor, there is an RC lance, which is the role of a filter. Visually, the scheme is stored in three independent parts: upper part- tse channel high frequencies... The middle part is the mid-frequency channel. Well, the lowest channel behind the circuit is the low-frequency channel.
The circuit is grabbed at 9 Volts. A signal is sent to the input from the headphones or from the speakers. If the sensitivity is not visible, then it will be necessary to use the power stage on one transistor. And if the sensitivity of the input will be visible, then a change resistor can be put on the input and the input level can be adjusted.
The transistor can be taken, be it, not necessarily KT805, here it is possible to supply a low-power type TK315, if only one svitlodiod will be installed. And vzagal, more beautiful than vikoristovuvati warehouse transistor type KT829.

You can also take all the other components of the circuit there.

collection of light music

You can select the light-sounding by direct mounting or on the mounting plate as it is.
The adjustment is not required, they took it, and all the details of the attachment - all the work and the blimp without any problems.

Is it possible to connect an RGB LED line to the input?

It is quite possible, for the whole circuit, the switch is not 9 V, but up to 12. to extinguish the resistor at 150 Ohm from the wikidamo circuit. The overhead wire of the line is switched up to plus 12 V, and the RGB channels are connected from transistors. I, yaksho, dovzhina your svitlodіodnoї strіchki If I change one meter, then it will be necessary to put the transistor on the radio, so that the stench from overheating will not go wrong.

Svitlomuzika in robots

It is beautiful to snake to finish. It’s a pity, you don’t convey it through the pictures, so it’s amazing to be amazed at the video.

Contest of pochatkіvtsіv radioamatorіv
"My radioamatorska design"

Competition for the design of the radio amateurs
"Five-channel svitlodіnu svіtlomuzika"

Grant shared friends and guests to the site!
I will propose your third competitive robot (another competition site) from the radioamator. Author of the design: Morozas Igor Anatoliyovich:

Five-channel light-sounding light

Privit radioamatori!

Yak and in bagatokh novacs, the main problem is that of who to start, as if my persha virib. Having eaten for that, I wanted to go to the house in the first place. Perche is the price of light music, the other is the price of high-quality pidsiluvach for navigators. Having smelled for the first time. Svitlomuzika on thyristors is not a beating option, you can use svitlomuzik for light RGB strokes. I will give you my robotic taste.

The lighting scheme was taken from the Internet. Svitlomuzika is simple, for 5 channels (one channel for phonovy). It is possible to connect a single line to the cutaneous canal, but for the robot at the inputs, it is necessary to provide a signal that is not too demanding. The author proponu zastosuvati pidsilyuvach from computer speakers. I use a folding one, copy the power supply circuit according to the datasheet on the microcircuit TDA2005 2x10 W. The time of exertion of me is to fill up, to navit from the reserve. It’s hard to redraw all the diagrams in the sPLAN 7.0 program

Fig. 1 Diagram of light-sounding with input signal.

The circuitry has all electrically powered capacitors, at the other 16-25v. De it is necessary to take the polarity to the sign "+", in the other drops the change of polarity does not flow into the migration of the light. I took it without any help. Transistor KT819 can be replaced by KT815. The resistor pulls 0.25 W.

In the circuit of the driver, the microcircuit must be installed on the radiator not less than 100 cm2. Electric condensers 16-25v. Condensers С8, С9, С12 pvkovі, sprung 63v. Resistor R6, R7 with a pulling power of 1 W, resistors 0.25W. Zminny resistor R0- zdvoєny, support 10-50 com.

I took the power supply unit from the factory, impulse pull 100W, 2x12v, 7A

It’s a weekend, and it’s good to go to the radio market for radio parts. Step up to pay a fee. Sprint-Layout 6.0. Її to radiospecialisti for pochatkіvtsіv. It’s easy to get married, I’m in the middle.

Fig 2. Svitlomuziki board.

Rice 3. Fee for pushing.

Pay with LUT technology. About the technology of abundant information in the Internet. It befits me, if you see it according to the factory, the LUT is thrown from the side of the details, maybe.

Figure 3.4 Collection of radio components on a board

Rice 5. I am revising the copyright for folding

Yak depends on the "foldable" when the radio circuits are assembled - at the same time to equip everything in the case. I bought the case ready in a radio store.

I smashed my face with such a rank. The Photoshop program has painted zovnishniy viglyad individual panels are installed in the form of change resistors, vimikach and svitlodiodi on one of the cutaneous canal. Ready baby jet printer on a thin glossy camera.

A panel with openings is prepared on the zazhiren and I stick the photopapier with carpentry adhesives:

For which the box of the panel is given so the titles of pres. Doba. The yak press at me is a 15 kg barbell:

Remaining storage:

Axis scho viishlo:

Additions to the article:

(2.9 MiB, 2,958 hits)

Shanovny friends and guests to the site!

Do not forget to play your thoughts on the competition robots and take part in the votes for a similar design on the forum site. Thank you.

Deyaki propositions for quiet, who will repeat the construction:
1. Before such a pushing stereo speaker, you can connect the speakers, so you can see two attachments in one - light music and high-frequency low-frequency sound.
2. Hover the polarity of the inclusion of electric capacitors in the lighting circuit does not pour on the robot, singing the polarity more beautifully.
3. At the entrance of the light music, singingly beautifully put the entrance university for the reception of signals from the left and right channels (). The author, judging by the circuit, sends a signal to the high-frequency channel of light-sounding (blue) from the right channel of the signal, and on the other channel of light-sound, a signal is sent from the left channel of the sound, albeit melodiously, send a signal to the summer.
4. Replacement of the KT819 transistor on the KT815 maє on the basis of a change in the number of possible connection of the LEDs.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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