Nalashtuvannya that regulation pіdsilyuvacha LF. Repair of sound frequency subsidiaries

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Correct selection of ULF is suitable for transistor modes in diagrams (div. Fig. 63 - 68) and table. 3 is guilty once normally when applying a signal to the input from a sound generator (SG). To this end, the process of adjusting and adjusting the bass response is brought up to a re-verification of sensitivity, the magnitude of non-linear effects that frequency response, as well as before the adoption of the manifestations in case of any malfunctions, through which the next parameter will not comply with the norm.

Before the cob, vimiryuvan dotsilno strum spozhivannya pіdsiluvannya woofer for the presence of the signal. For which one, the transistors are used (wiped) to the ULF block and the strum is frozen. For example, for radio receivers of the "Spidola" type, the strum should be 6 - 8 mA. If the strum exceeds this value, it is necessary to replace the transistor of the first ULF cascade with a triode with a great strength coefficient.

Dali to the entrance of the woofer switch, the ZG is connected. For receivers of the “Spidola” type, the generator is connected to contact 10 of the IF-LF board (div. Fig. 2) or the pole 1 of the R30 potentiometer (div. Fig. 21), and the grounding of the ZG windings is connected to contact 7 of the IF-LF board or 3 potentiometers R30. To decide on the priymachiv, the sound generator is connected to the appropriate devices in the "tape recorder" (Ш).

At the exit of the receiver (Fig. 69), in parallel with the sound coil, a tube voltmeter (LV), an oscilloscope and a vimiruvach of non-linear measurements (ІНІ) arrive. For all priymachiv qi, they are connected to the nest of the ovnishny guchnomovtsya on the wells of the zovnishnіkh zadnyan, or to the external contacts to the rose "tape recorder" (Sh).

Below is the procedure for adjusting and re-verifying ULF for the types of "Spidola", "VEF-12", "VEF-201" and "VEF-202". Table 4; "Spidola-207" and "Spidola-230" - in the table. 5. The installation of the “Meridian-202” receiver, which may be significant in the electrical circuit, is described in § 18.

To check the sensitivity of ULF radio receivers of the type "Spidola", "VEF-12", "VEF-201" and "VEF-202", a frequency of 1000 Hz is set on the sound generator and the output voltage is not more than 15 fl. The volume control (RG) is set to the maximum volume position, and the tone control (VEF-12, VEF-201 in VEF-202) is set to the wide range position (pidyom high frequencies). With this, a sound with a frequency of 1000 Hz is heard in the sound, and the output voltmeter will show the magnitude of the voltage and the frequency. The output voltage of the ZG is set to such a voltage, when the output is 0.56 (1.1 for "VEF-12", "VEF-201" and "VEF-202"). Tsya vpruga vіdpovidaє rated vihіdnіy strain. The voltage at the output of the ZG will be sensitive to the LF path.

Mal. 69. Structural diagram of the adjustment and re-verification of ULF receivers 1,2 - input to the ULF block; 3,4 - the nest of the ovnishny guchnomovtsya or the “tape recorder” rose (III)

In parallel with the re-verification of sensitivity, a re-verification of the non-linear effects of the path of strengthening the bass for the indications of ІНІ should be carried out. The coefficient of non-linear effects can change the values ​​assigned to the table. 2, and the image of the sinusoid on the screen of the oscilloscope can be without a hitch. In different strong cases, it is necessary to replace the transistors T9 and T10. The reasons for the rise of the non-linear effects can also be the incorrect soldering of the joint and output transformers (the signal from the output of the ULF changes in phase with the signal at the input). And here it is necessary to throw the last of the secondary windings of the transformers. In addition, the reason may be in the incorrectly selected capacitance of the capacitor C80 and C81 ("Spidola"), C77 and C76 ("VEF-12", "VEF-201", "VEF-202") and the support of the resistor R36 ("Spidola" ) ), R42 (VEF-12, VEF-201, VEF-202).

Table 4

Table 4

Table 5

To recheck the ULF frequency response, the frequency of 1000 Hz is set to the sound generator. The voltage regulator at the output of the ULF sets a voltage of 0.56 (Spidola), 1.1 (VEF-12, VEF-201, VEF-202) and the position of the RG is not changed further. The input voltage (mx) is not responsible for changing 12 mV (“Spidola”), 10 mV (“VEF-12”, “VEF-201”, “VEF-202”). Then, a signal with a frequency of 200 Hz is applied to the ULF input, and then 4000 Hz (smug of creation), and in both modes, the voltage u2t is set by the regulator to the output of the ZG, so that the voltage at the output is 0.56 (1.1). The unevenness of the frequency response N is determined from the frequency response N = 20 lg (і2 / u1) and is not guilty of changing the norms assigned to the table. 2. Correction of the frequency response can be done by selecting the capacitance of the capacitor C78 (Spidola), C73 (VEF-12, VEF-201, VEF-202).

Mal. 70. Structural diagram of the VLF input support priymachiv 1,2 - ULF input; Нвх - opir between points 1 and 2

It is also important to know the value of the input support of the LF support. For which the scheme is selected according to fig. 70.

The loudness regulator is installed at the maximum loudness position. From the ZG to the base of the first transistor of the low-frequency power supply, a signal with a frequency of 1000 Hz is sent through the resistor R1 (2 - 3 kw) of such a value that the output voltage is 0.56 (Spidola) and 1.1 (VEF-12), "VEF-201 ", "VEF-202"). In this direction, the lamp voltmeter (LV1) at the output of the ZG will show the value of the voltage ut, and LB2 - і2 (input ULF). Knowing the value of R1 and the voltage і2 and і1, it is possible to calculate the input opir of the feeder (RBX) using the formula:

Rin = u2 R1/uR1 = u2/(u1-u2) R1,

de uR1 == u1 - u2.

The size of the resistor R1 is chosen so that it is 2/2.

If there is a voltage at the ULF output, which shows a nominal output strain, it can be removed at a small voltage at the input, so we will talk about the closeness of the booster to self-excitation. The reasons for this appearance can be a positive return link, a substitute for a negative one, a shave at the lance zvorotny zv'azku otherwise, the soldering of the fittings of the narrow-angle (output) transformer is incorrect. This mode is characterized by a very high coefficient of non-linear effects and a great unevenness of the frequency response.

After the completion of the ULF regulation, it is necessary to turn on the voltage of life and listen to the work of the bass booster for all the positions of the loudness regulator. When it is installed, Scho Vіdpovіdaє Mіnіmalnіy ghosti, on Vyivikі Priumach not a boutique of a niyaky signal, and at the maximum ghosti of the gift в в НХІД ЕНЧ Signal Vіd ZG frequency of 1000 Hz і і и из и измина манный бодна dot, etc.

Mal. 2. Wiring diagram of the board IF-LF radio receivers "Spidola", "VEF-Spidola" and "VEF-Spidola-10" Resistor R42 inserts from the side of the foil

Mal. 6. Wiring diagram of the IF-LF board of radio receivers "VEF-12", "VEF-201" and "VEF-202" Resistors R10, R22 and R47 are installed on the side of the foil

Mal. 10. Wiring diagrams for planks of ranges 25 m - P1 31 m - P2, 41 m - PZ, 49 m - P4 (a), - 50 - 75 g - P5 (b); SV - P6 (c) and DV - P7 (g) of the “Ocean” radio receiver
Mal. 11. Wiring diagram of the payment to the UKKH radio receiver unit "Ocean"

Mal. 12. Wiring diagram of the RF-IF board of the “Ocean” radio receiver The diagram does not show the screen of the transistors TK, T4, T5, T8 and T9 and the position of the handy knife switch B1. Points 20 and 21 pay with a jumper
Mal. 13. Wiring diagram of the board of the ULF radio receiver "Ocean"

Mal. 15. Wiring diagrams for strips of ranges 2o m - P1, 31 m - P2, Їm - PZ, 49 m - P4 (a); 50 - 75 m - 115 (6) radio receiver "Ocean-203"

Mal. 16. Wiring diagram of the payment to the UKKH radio receiver unit "Ocean-203"
Mal. 17. Wiring diagram of the board of the HF-G1Ch radio receiver "Ocean-203"
Mal. 18. Wiring diagram of the board of the ULF radio receiver "Ocean-203"

Mal. 20. Wiring diagram - pay the block UKH radio receiver "Ocean-205"
Mal. 21. Wiring diagram of the board of the ULF radio receiver "Ocean-205"
Mal. 22. Wiring diagram of the board for the rectifier of the radio receiver "Ocean-205"

Mal. 23. Wiring diagram of the board of jumpers B2 - B5 of the radio receiver "Ocean-205"
Mal. 24. Wiring diagrams for strips with a range of 25 m - P1, 31 w-P2, 41 m - PZ, 49 m - P4 (a); 50-75 m - P5 (6j; CB - P6 (c); DV - P7 (g) of the Okean-205 radio receiver Throttle (Dr)

Mal. 25. Wiring diagram of the HF-IF board of the Okean-205 radio receiver with a changed signet
Mal. 27. Wiring diagrams for planks of ranges 25 w - P1, 31 M - .P2, 41 m - PZ, 49 m ~ P4 (a); 52-75 m - 115 (6); SV - P6 (c); DV - P7 (g) radio receivers "Spidola-207" and "Spidola-230"

Mal. 28. Wiring diagram of the board of the IF-LF radio receiver "Spidola-207" The position of the handy knives of the switches B1 - B5 is not shown

How to correctly adjust the car driver? Let's talk about the installation of a car driver step by step. The principle of nalashtuvannya pіdsilyuvacha.

Nalashtovuemo midbass.

It is necessary to take care that the tweeters will need to be turned on, and if a subwoofer is installed, then it will be the same, or I will add it from the head unit, or I will manually. The midbass of the beast is not supported by filters.
Our path is divided into two parts:
1. Head device;
2. Pіdsiluvach.
The skin from these parts of the tract to bring in the signal of its own creation, the secretion and the creation of an exchange signal (). Therefore, for the end of the exact adjustment, the use of the head attachment and the support of this process should be started from the designation of their abilities. We do not focus on abstract understanding about the camp to the maximum ..., otherwise the styles are the same as the maximum allowable ...
Nalashtuvannya zdіysnyuєtsya for an additional track 315 Hz.
We will need a setup (test) Denon Audio Technical CD.
You can grab a disk here:

We need the following tracks:

46. ​​40Hz Sine Wave (0 dB L+R) (0:30)
48. 315Hz Sine Wave (0dB L+R) (0:30)
50. 3149Hz Sine Wave (0 dB L+R) (0:30) - dome tweeters
51. 6301Hz Sine Wave (0 dB L+R) (0:30) - tweeter horns

Zelenim for SUBWOOFER
Chervonim for MZS
Blue for TWITTER

To burn a disc, download a program from the Internet.

You can create the necessary sinuses for the additional SoundForgeAudioStudio program, but if you need to change the language, you need to change the respect, so that their value is ZERO dB.

I beg your respect, you can’t listen to the last hour of the dynamics on the test sinus!

Regulator Gain (Level) on the substation is installed against the arrow of the minimum. Tsim mi zapobіgaєmo mozhlivosti to bring їm sostvorennya schodo obezhennya signal.
Usі dodatkovі (set by us) nalashtuvannya on GU vіdklyuchаєmo!
-Set a track with a frequency of 315 Hz (track No. 48 on the disk) and the adjusting knob determines the strength of the signal, if the tone appears at a frequency of 1 kHz (1000 Hz). Tse will be the same rіven, more than turning the handle, there is simply no sense, to those who were given just to go alone. Still, it is necessary to focus not on the whole rive (although it’s rather strange), but on the crocodile, or two lower ones, the density regulator, fallow in the grid, and adjust the riven on the head extension.

As in the process of assigning the maximum possible clean level to the signal from the GU, here we often change the tone of the frequency of 315 Hz, then we should think about the brightness of the GU.

All! We clean as much as possible (with a minimum of creation) with equal strength of the head outbuilding, we picked it up, and you can move on to the relief of the revealed maximum level output signal to the head extension (GU) with equal strength, which can secure the pilot.
- We also put a track with a frequency of 315 Hz, and set the knob of the level of the GU to the position, as it was already done at the first stage of adjusting, and changing the position of the GAIN (Level) regulator, it is known that the level of the maximum possible (pure) strength of the signal is not strong, to create a kind of building to see the Danes pіdsilyuvach. Orienting again for the appearance of a strange transition to a frequency of 1 kHz (1000 Hz).

I guess! Do not beat sinusoidal signals for a long time to disappear mechanical failure dynamics!

The axis is now the Head Attachment and the Pidsilyuvach uzgodzhenі between himself. !!!

And it seemed like that.
Axis buttstock graph of fallowness caused by tightness. Bachimo, up to 100 watts, the boules were in the range of 0.01%, and after 100 watts, a sharp haircut uphill. Tse mi th chuєmo on video presentations.

Come on, increase the density of the head extension at the maximum value of the density without disturbing already in the narrow path.

We've got a tweeter.

Tviteri, zdebіshgo, vote for the midbass. More precisely, it’s not so. At the link with the peculiarities of their installation, that direct stench of the voice. To that we are inspired by the equal density of the midbass.

It is also possible behind the sinusoidal track 3149 Hz (track No. 50 on the disk) for dome tweeters and on the 6301Hz track (track No. 51 on the disk) for horn tweeters. І behind the described method, the whole process is repeatable. Ale, without a full understanding of the process (scho mi robimo), I’ll be able to leave tweeters from work! So, as a maximum, the signal, as a rule, falls on their range.

For adjusting dome tweeters, we set a filter of a different order in the region of 2.5 - 3 kHz, and for horn tweeters, we set a filter of a different order in the region of 5-6 kHz. Shchabnut poshkodzhennya tweeters.

Install a subwoofer.

We take a sinusoidal track of 40 Hz (track No. 46 on the disk) and, according to the method described above for midbass, we can use a sub-basic substation with a head extension.

For the obviousness of the dodatkovogo possession, you can use it without sound.
An example of such a setup:

Sine wave 1 kHz 0,03% eavesdropping

Note that the schemes are presented in fig. 8.14 are only suitable for converting input signals of positive polarity. If it is necessary to process the input signals with negative polarity, you can change the direct switching on of the diodes to the output one. For the processing of positive and negative input signals in one extension, two non-linear elements are used, which are switched on in a normal way. In the yakost non-linear elements can be vikoristani bipolar transistors(їх go to emitter-base). In case of possible increase by one or two orders of magnitude, the range of signals that are processed, and the accuracy of the processing is increased, but at the same time, the folding of the extension is increased. Subsidiaries (div. fig. 8.14) sound vikoristovuyutsya in the extensions of the multiplication and subdivision of analog signals

і at annexes of noise suppression in the substation of sound frequency.


9.1. burning position

At Depending on the technical plant on the substation of this functional function, in the substation on the substation, you can transfer the regulation of various parameters: substation power, frequency power of the smuz, the bandwidth of the smog itself, phase characteristics, dynamic range of the bandwidth, input

і and etc. All settings can be either manual or automatic. Decisions about the need to use manual adjustments, about the depth in the skin specific area are taken and made by the operator, who serves as a service person. Automatic regulation is carried out independently under the influx of changes in the tasks of the minds of functioning. Regulation can be smooth, if the regulation parameter is changed smoothly and continuously, and discrete, if the regulation parameter is changed by lines. Crimean post-construction regulation of the scheme of sub-construction can be introduced, sub-construction elements, which are cob nailing, repair or preventive work. Most often in subsidiaries vikoristovuyutsya regulation of the coefficient of strength and regulation of frequency power. Remain, for the sake of your mind, vikoristannya at the subsidiaries of the signals of the sound frequency, they are called timbre controls.

9.2. Strength regulation

Appointment regulators of the building:

zahist pіdsilyuvacha vіd revantazhen at times, if dynamic range the signal shifts the dynamic range of the signal;

adjusting the constant value of the coefficient of strength when replacing active elements, old parts of the booster, changing the voltage of life, etc.;

changing the magnitude of the output signal at the boundary.

For the purposes of changing the strength coefficient, it is possible to vicorate a potentiometric dilnik of the voltage, a return link from the change depth and change the mode of operation of active elements.

The potentiometric power regulator can be discrete and smooth (Fig. 9.1).

The principle of dії in both regulators is the same. The output signal u2 is seen on the lower shoulder of the dilnik. According to another law of Kirchhoff, this value is proportional to the value of the support that makes up the lower arm. The transmission coefficients of a discrete and smooth regulator can be seen

Up to D \u003d u 2


; KP =

R1 + R2 + R3

R1 + R2

Discrete regulator sings like a fold for smooth and victorious most of all in viruvalniy equipment.

Since the power regulator is to blame for the wide range of frequencies, then it is necessary to adjust the reactive elements that are connected to the lower shoulder of the dilnik. Such a regulator, as a rule, will be behind a parallel circuit (Fig. 9.2), which is selected from a large number of dilnikov and from the relevant coefficients below.

To the lower shoulder of the dilnik, there is a connected input of the offensive cascade, which leads to the frequency fall of the transmission coefficient. With this, the lower support of the lower arm changes with increasing frequency, and with the active support of the upper arm, the coefficient falls under the increase in frequency. For saving lean coffee

The transmittance of the timer in the entire frequency range of the upper arm should be shunted with an additional amnesty, as it is chosen from the mind of the equanimity of the past hour of the upper and lower arms.

u 1 R 2

C 2 R 4

So, for the step regulator presented in fig. 9.2.

R 1C 1 = R 2C 2 i R 3C 3 = R 4C 4 .

To ease the adjustment of similar dilnikov in the tank, which shunt both the lower and the upper arm, turn on the sub-construction capacitors.

In this hour of the stage, the regulators began to become widely stagnant and in the subsidiaries of the audio frequency signals. Krok podіlu in tsomu vipadku v-

are chosen small (1 - 2dB), and mechanical jumpers are replaced by -

boron electronic keys, such a camp will be fixed by an attachment, which will be remembered.

A smoother regulation of the strength is built up behind the help of the changeable supports, which are victorious as a signal voltage dilator (Div. Fig. 9.1 b). Under the hour of designing the regulators for accuracy for the subsonic signals of the audio frequency, it is necessary to improve the features of the auditory perception of the person. The human ear is vlashtovane in such a way that one can observe the density of the sound in humans in proportion to the logarithm of the equal signal. To that, take it like a thickness regulator, a change resistor s linear fallow support in view of the position of the engine, then it’s safe to say that the thickness grows even more quickly on the very cob of the turn of the engine and may not change on the other half of the movement. The variation of the resistor with the demonstrative law change the support in the fallow according to the position of the dvigun, allowing you to take a noticeably equal change in density, proportional to the turn of the dvigun. It is true, to take into account such a fallacy in practice, it is necessary to take into account a small number of supports that shunt the regulator from the side to the signal and disrupt the necessary law to change the support.

Other features of regulators



thickness is connected with a change in frequency

sensitivity of the human ear

change the signal strength. Right in that

zіzhennyam equal to the signal sensitivity

no sound to upper and lower frequencies os-

labue. Tse weakened fast growing

from changes in density. To that for spіv-

zberigannya equal frequency response spriynyattya sound with a change in the equal volume it is necessary to change the signal at the middle frequencies stronger lower on the lower and upper. Such an effect can be achieved with the help of thin-compensated regulators of thickness (Fig. 9.3). At tsomu regulators, additional lances have been introduced to correct the frequency response. Capacitor CB adjusts the area upper frequencies. The frequency of the SV is chosen to be small and therefore does not affect the region of low and medium frequencies. At high frequencies, the new support of the upper arm of the dilnik changes, which ensures safety

pіdёm frequency response tsikh frequencies stsovno area mid frequencies. The constant hour of the last day CH RN is chosen in such a way that the lancet shunted the lower arm of the dilnik in the region of the middle and higher high frequencies and at the same time created an audible peak for the low-frequency warehouse spectrum of the signal. In the world of turning the middle of the potentiometer downwards, the effect of the vibration of low and high frequencies is increased to the middle ones. The depth of the regulation of the level, which is estimated as a relation to the signal in the extreme positions of the regulator, for the high-induced regulation of the level lies in the range of 35 - 45 dB.

You can smoothly change the level of the signal at the output of the substation by changing the mode of the active element or the glybin of the serum link. Apply such schemes in Fig. 9.4.

At diagram in fig. 9.4 and to carry out smoother adjustment of the increase in the speed of the change in the position of the working point. Larger support R P cause the struma to change through the transistor, reducing its coolness and, therefore, the coefficient of strengthening this cascade. The depth of regulation is surrounded by the fact that with a significant change in the emitter stream, additional non-linear effects appear and increase in the influx of air noises.

At diagram in fig. 9.4 Change of reference R P creates a negative turnaround strum, after the entrance of the change warehouse. The depth of the turning link and the apparent coefficient of strength to lay down the size of the support RP. If the capacitor CE is connected in parallel to the PE support in the forward circuit, then there will be a significant increase in the resentment of the method and the depth of regulation.

The control of the gain coefficient with the additional change of the station of the working point (div. Fig. 9.4, c) is widely used in systems of automatic control of the gain (AGC). In this case, the lancet of the base timer is supplied with a certain voltage Uupr, the value of which is determined by the value of the output signal.





When the output signal is increased, the input voltage UPR closes the transistor, and when it is changed, it turns off, increasing the output voltage constant with significant changes in the signal at the input.

It should be noted that the methods of regulation and regulation are improved, however, they work well in subsidiaries on bipolar and field transistors.

Change of clay

communication with the method of changing the coefficients

enent is strong

at the subsidiaries at the OS. For zdіysnennya-

laziness of such regulation is one of the

counters at the lancius with a starch

shatter change (div. Fig. 9.5).

On fig. 9.5, and representations re-

op-amp regulator with inverting

entrance. Changing the position of piv-

push the RP support up to

change the depth of the serum and visibly change the coefficient of strength. At once, the change of the depth of the turning bell is heavy in itself, the change of the inlet and outlet supports. The visibility of the circuit (div. Fig. 9.5 b) looks like a forward field in the fact that the op-amp is included in it in a non-inverted way.

Pevny _ interest to become the circuit in fig. 9.6. Here the change opir vikonu two functions. Change the position of the engine until the change is equal to the signal at the input of the OS and immediately change the depth of the turning signal. In this way, the reliability of the transmission coefficient in the turn of the potentiometer becomes indicative and in the circuit it is possible to turn the regulator with a support, which changes linearly.

It is possible to avoid a shift, which is blamed on the instability of a handy contact, as a substitute for a mechanical control element, to vicorate a support, to weld it with a spring or a strum. As such, the replacement of the supports is made up of field-operated transistors and optocouplers. Opir channel field effect transistor lie linearly in the voltage between the gate and the coil, about which to note the family of external characteristics, which diverge sluggishly when the pressure on the drain is close to zero. By turning on such a support as the lower arm of the dilnik in the lancets of the swivel link (Fig. 9.7, a), and changing the voltage on the gate Uupr, it is possible to regulate the depth of the swivel link and the strength coefficient. For an increase in the negative electric voltage on the gate of the support channel, the increase, the increase in the backflow depth




Changing the struma through a diode with a surge of voltage UPR to change the support of the optocoupler, which is connected at the upper arm of the lancet lancet of the turning link, is likely to change the coefficient of strength. Similar schemes are more suitable for folding automatic systems power regulation of systems remote care strength coefficient.

The place of inclusion of the regulator to the circuit (smooth and discrete) is determined by the mind.

Z R2

Z R1

In order not to over-adjust, and in order not to blame non-linear events in the first cascades, put the yakomog closer to the entrance. However, if the thickness regulator is turned on at the input of the first stage, then in the second stage

Before adjusting the ULF, touch it with tweezers to an ungrounded socket for connecting a sound pickup, or without intermediary to the grid of the first lamp of the power supply. If a pidsiluvach works, then a stronger buzz will appear in the guchnomovtsy. The regulator of fineness is responsible for the position, which ensures the maximum fineness.

It is also necessary to attach correctly. We are surrounded by all the clamps that are grounded. The clamps attached, which are located at the side of the entrance, are connected with the Earth sign of the pidsilyuvacha, and the additional clamps, when attached to the exit, are connected to the earth sign, the exit of the pidsilyuvacha. Then let's close the Earth at the entrance and exit, pidsilyuvacha, with a jumper. The connection of the sound generator to the input of the power supply is connected by a screened rod, the screen is grounded.

Then the receiver is turned on when the recording is made, and the loudness control is set to the maximum strength position. If there is a tone control in the receiver, then the re-verification is carried out for the different positions of the control. For any position of the timbre regulator and the maximum volume of the subsiluvach is not guilty of zbudzhuvatisya. Damage appears when there is a humming noise of a frequent sound or whistles of a different tone, as well as behind the indications of vimiruval equipment.

Crimea is self-awakening, the dead of a vicious strum may appear in the podsiluvach. The presence of the background is checked for the presence of the signal at the input of the signal.

Let's revise the work of the pilot for the presence of the signal at the entrance. As a butt, let's take a look at the procedure for rechecking the ULF of the commercial primer Sirius-309.

The output hose of the sound generator type GZ-33 or a similar accessory is attached to the block for connecting the tape recorder. Vimiruvach output type VZ-2A is connected in parallel to the secondary winding of the output transformer. Radiolu include in vіdvorennya gramzapisu. The volume control and the timbre control are at the position of maximum gain and the largest bandwidth. A signal is installed on the generator with a frequency of 1000 Hz and such a voltage output, with a voltage at the output VZ-2A of 0.8V, which will give a nominal output voltage. The magnitude of the output voltage of the sound generator is ULF sensitive and may not be higher than 80 mV for the radio. For receivers of other brands, when the output voltage of the sound generator is 0.2 ... 0.25V, the booster is to blame for the tension, close to nominal.

After that, they change the frequency response of the subsilver and the sound of the tone control and loudness. At the input of the ULF, a signal is sent from the generator, which is equal to 0.25 with a frequency of 1000 Hz. The tone control is set to a position that will lead to the blockage of the highest sound frequencies. With a loudness regulator, a voltage is set on the sound generator, which is 0.8 V. Then, without changing the voltage, a frequency of 5000 Hz is set on the sound generator. With this output, the voltage at the output may change to 0.4 V.

In order to change the voltage regulator, it is necessary to apply a voltage to the input radio of the G4-102 type generator, modulated by the amplitude of the voltage of 1000 Hz with a modulation depth of 30%, with which output, show the voltage of 2.5 V. . Then the volume regulator sets the position of the minimum volume and marks the indication of the output. The voltage adjustment (at the output of the receiver), which shows the nominal output tension, up to the voltage, which indicates the position of the minimum amplitude of the amplitude regulator (in decibels), may not be less than 40 dB.

Pereviryayuchi frequency response and di ї timbre and volume control, it is necessary to follow it, so that the voltage at the output of the sound generator was 250 mV. Mezhі vymiryuvan vihіdnoї naprugi when reversing the frequency response and the regulation of timbre and loudness in priymacha іnshih brands due to but assigned to the instructions for repair in the table.

More recently, the methodology for reversing ULF with a single-cycle output cascade has been reviewed. In high-power ULF receivers of the first and highest class and transistor receivers of the last, cascades are selected for double-ended circuits.

The installation of two-stroke output cascades is repaired from a phase-inverse cascade. When regulating the cascade, the same magnitude of the output voltage is set, the phase is broken by 180 °. For this, choose the values ​​​​of the resistor supports at the lances of the collector and the emitter. Transistors, which zastosovyvaetsya at dvuhtaktnіy schemі pіdsiluvаchі potuzhnosti, due to the same parameters. Good, as the transistors of the stream of collectors and the coefficient of strength of the stream are reduced by less than ± 10%. Since the transistors are not identical in terms of parameters, it is necessary to adjust the voltage of the displacement with additional resistors included in the base lances. Umovu normal ї robotic two-stroke terminal cascade є symmetry of yoga shoulders. fast strum, and according to the change.

It is necessary to reverse the polarity of the connection of the lance of the turning signal, to give a signal with a frequency of 1000 Hz of such a value to the input of the ULF and the sound generator, at which the output voltage would be approximately twice less than the nominal one. Then shortly flicker the resistor, from which the voltage of the turning link is measured, and watch for the indications of the vibrating voltage. If at any time the indication of the virion is greater, then the polarity of the serum is negative (correct), and if it changes, it is positive. To change the polarity, it is necessary to remember the points of the secondary winding of the output transformer.

The final stage of the regulation of pidsiluvach is the re-examination of all of the following indications: a) the elimination of external tension; b) taking the frequency response; c) wimir coefficient of harmonic creations; d) re-verification of the level of the body.

Change the struma of a calm cascade, fallow in the form of a cascade, or a strum of the base of the transistor, or the voltage of the lamp.

To turn the base of the transistor connected behind the circuit with a glowing emitter, use a resistor that connects the base either with the live bus or with the collector. Another shorter point of thermal stabilization. The smaller the resistor opir, the more strum, the base curve, and the strum of a calm cascade. Іsnuyut and іnshі, more perfected the circuits of thermal stabilization of bipolar ones, which transfer the number of resistors.

To adjust the voltage of the lamp, connect the її grid, which controls, the wire through a high-resistance resistor (it is not necessary to change the nominal value), and connect the resistor between the cathode and the glow wire, for the help of which the voltage of the installation will be regulated. Shunt the yogo with a capacitor (like an electric vin, increase the yogo with a plus to the cathode). The greater the opir of the cathode resistor, the greater the voltage, the more it locks, on the grid, the more negative the cathode (although not the wire), and the less strum of the calm cascade.

Just as the cascade is victorious to strengthen the steady stream, apply to the new input signal through a capacitor with even a small turn, so as not to destroy the current regime of the steady stream. Take the output signal from the bias through the capacitor.

Regardless of whether the cascade is lamp or transistor, take a resistor, which sets the strum calm, a great support, so that the strum will be small. Give the input to the cascade through the capacitor such a signal, so that it can be easily heard on the screen of the oscilloscope. The output signal is also taken through the capacitor and apply it, apparently, to the control signal or oscilloscope. Transistor behind a leg to install a thermal heater.

Sequentially with a navantage resistor, increase the milliammeter. Serve the last thing on the cascade of eating. The strum will be small in peace, and the creations will be great.

Right in front of turning on the live cascade, put a smaller support in the new resistor. Strum calmly zbіshuvatimetsya create - change. If the stench stops falling, stop lowering the opera. Do not try to find out in practice, which will be with a little change - turn to Namov: more strength to fall, strum calm growth to an unacceptably great value, the active element can go out of tune.

As if you are in power to promote energy to the cascade, fill the strum with calmness on a blue-green level, and if you want to sacrifice the power of strength for the sake of economy, change the strum of calm to a blue level.

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