In Russia, a system of total stiffness for the populations of the people and until death is being officially launched. About the collection of personal tributes using the "contingent" system.

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi fathers take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

The targeting contingent (including the number of people) will be initiated by the educational organization, by the way, as an indicator of the social policy on the market of educational services. It also means that the indicators to the contingent (including the outright numbers) are the basis for the analysis of the effectiveness of the performance of material, technical, financial and intellectual resources. It is also, in general, the basis for the optimization of resources and the development of cultural organization as a whole.

The structure of indicators in the analysis of the contingent of scientists in the educational organization is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. The structure of indicators in the analysis of the contingent of scientists in the educational organization

basic indicators Indicators of efficiency
1) The contingent of scientists for everything, (persons) 2) The contingent of scientists for full-time education, (persons) 3) The contingent of students for full-time-part-time training, (persons) chol.) 5) Prepared by listeners for short-line programs of professional education, (chol.) 6) Prepared by listeners for short-line programs additional education, (Chol.) 7) The contingent of scholars on a budgetary basis (chol.) 1) Regarding the turnover of educational services, (chol.) 2) Index of steel marketing services 3) Indicators of the structure of the turnover of educational services Russian Federation for the period until 2020 rock.

1. Regarding the turnover of educational services, the number of scholars is represented, including the number of students who are looking for short-line programs of professional education ( / pr) and for short-line programs of supplementary education in an hour. The turnover of public services allows you to assess the homepage of publicity for the singing period of an hour.

The amount of the turnover of educational services (About (image of services)) is insured as a sum to the contingent of scholars (that is, the number of scholars for face-to-face, part-time and extramural forms of education), the number of students will be required for short-term training programs. the number of scholars for short-line programs of additional education (H prep.add. / pr), (chol.):

About ( = Contingent + H / pr + H prep.add. / Etc.

2.Index of steel rinky popitu (I set. Rin. / Ref.) Imagining the steps of social organization in the social and economic system of the region. The index of steel rink population is a common indicator that characterizes the ratio of the number of scholars on a non-budgetary basis and the turnover of religious services, (%):

I ( ,

3. For a more detailed analysis, to carry out an additional analysis of the structure of the turnover of public services for an additional distribution of the number of numbers according to the forms and types of professional programs:

a) Part of the number of scholars in full-time form due to the turnover of religious services:

b) Part of the number of scholars in full-time and part-time forms due to the turnover of services:

c) Part of the number of scholars by correspondence form due to the turnover of religious services:

d) A part of the number of scholars for short-line programs of professional education due to the turnover of education services:

e) A part of the number of scientists for short-line programs of additional education about the turnover of services:

4. kontekstі strategіchnih tsіley, analіz contingent uchnіv spryamovany on virіshennya zavdannya on "... optimіzatsії regіonalnih trammel Reigning osvіtnіh organіzatsіy scho realіzuyut prog serednoї profesіynoї osvіti, vklyuchayuchi restrukturizatsіyu trammel osvіtnіh organіzatsіy vіdpovіdno to prіoritetіv sotsіalno-ekonomіchnogo rozvitku regіonu, їh sotsіalnoї іnfrastrukturi , enlargement of professional educational organizations up to the average number of 200-600 people. " At the same time, for a larger picture of the current situation, it is possible to carry out a detailed analysis of the actual value of the contingent of scientists, to assess the turnover of educational services and the minimum permissible value.

II. Material and technical resources

Material and technical resources, in the first place near the vigilance of virobnichny areas without middle vicorization in the process of providing educational services, create an infrastructural basis for the effectiveness of educational organization, to be characterized by an efficient

According to the more detailed view of the area of ​​the obvious in the ordered public organization, the turnover of public services and the nature of the public process;

In another way, yakіsnim vіdpovіdnіstyu factuality obsyagu vikonanih robіt at ekspluatatsії virobnichih Area bezposeredno vikoristovuvanih in protsesі nadannya osvіtnіh poslug praktichnoї spryamovanostі navchannya and takozh vimogam іntegratsії resursіv organіzatsіy-partnerіv for prіoritetnimi directly galuzevogo, mіzhgaluzevogo that regіonalnogo rozvitku at realіzatsії merezhevih osvіtnіh programs.

The structure of indicators for the analysis of material and technical resources is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. The structure of indicators for the analysis of material and technical resources

basic indicators Indicators of efficiency
1) Area (total), m 2 2) Area (including) initial, m 2 3) Area (except for that), rented, m 2 4) Number of rooms in theoretical knowledge 5) Number of years of theoretical research, many Back offices, for the implementation of the main educational programs (secondary education and vocational training) 6) A few years of theoretical training, stretching out such back offices, for the short-term programs of professional education and training for the 7th year) few years of practical training 8) Number of years of practical training 9) Number of years of practical training for the implementation of basic education programs (secondary vocational training) 10 years of practical training about development 11) A number of years of practical training implementation of the program of hemisphere interaction 1) Indicators that represent a wide variety of material and technical resources in the general turnover of educational services and the nature of the educational process: - the headroom is the main area, which є at the ordered educational organization of the attack on the 1st student, (m 2 / chol.); - a backward number of years of theoretical knowledge, stretching out some back office; - a countless number of years of practical navchannya, stretching out some of the backs of the maistern and laboratory; - entanglement of naval areas (year / M 2). 2) Pokazniki yakіsnogo vіdpovіdnostі factuality obsyagu vikonanih robіt at ekspluatatsії virobnichih Area bezposeredno vikoristovuvanih in protsesі nadannya osvіtnіh poslug praktichnoї spryamovanostі navchannya and takozh vimogam іntegratsії resursіv organіzatsіy-partnerіv for prіoritetnimi directly galuzevogo, mіzhgaluzevogo that regіonalnogo rozvitku at realіzatsії merezhevih osvіtnіh programs: - іndeksi safety practice; - Index of low-cut relationships

1. Indicators that represent the difference between material and technical resources in terms of the overall turnover of services and the nature of the lighting process.

a) The back area, where є at the organized educational organization of the seizure on the 1st student (m 2 / h):

b) Zagalna is the main area, where є at the ordered educational organization of the seizure on the 1st student, (m 2 / chol.):

c) The last number of years of theoretical research, with a stretch of some back office, start as a sum:

For some years of theoretical training, holding out some back office, for the implementation of basic educational programs (secondary vocational education and professional training),

For a few years of theoretical research, with a stretch of some back office, before the short-line programs of professional education and additional education,

For some years of theoretical research, with a stretch of some back office (from them) for the implementation of the program of low interaction.

d) The beginning of a number of years of practical training, with a stretch of some backs of a maistern and laboratory, a visa starts as a sum:

For a few years of practical training, holding out some backs of the master and laboratory for the implementation of the main educational programs (secondary vocational education and vocational training),

For a few years of practical training, with a hand of some backs of the majors and laboratories for short-term programs of professional training and additional education,

For a few years of practical navchannya, stretching out some of the backs of the majors and laboratories (from them) for the implementation of the program of simple interconnection.

e). ...

2. Pokazniki yakіsnogo vіdpovіdnostі factuality obsyagu vikonanih robіt at ekspluatatsії virobnichih Area bezposeredno vikoristovuvanih in protsesі nadannya osvіtnіh poslug praktichnoї spryamovanostі navchannya and takozh vimogam іntegratsії resursіv organіzatsіy-partnerіv for prіoritetnimi directly galuzevogo, mіzhgaluzevogo that regіonalnogo rozvitku at realіzatsії merezhevih osvіtnіh programs:

a) The index of the safety of the practical knowledge:

Іndeks zabezpechenostі praktikoorієntovny navchannya at realіzatsії osvіtnіh basic programs (PLO) ACT i profpіdgotovki (I prakt.OOP) rozrahovuєtsya yak vіdnoshennya kіlkostі Godin practical navchannya, protyagom yakih zadіyanі maysternі that laboratorії for realіzatsії PLO ACT i profpіdgotovki to sumi kіlkostі Godin theoreticity navchannya, in the middle of some back offices, for the implementation of OOP SPO and vocational training and some years of practical training, holding out some backs of the majors and laboratories for the implementation of OOP SPO and vocational training;

Іndeks zabezpechenostі praktikoorієntovny navchannya at realіzatsії korotkostrokovih programs that profnavchannya dodatkovoї osvіti (I / Ex.) Rozrahovuєtsya yak vіdnoshennya kіlkostі Godin practical navchannya, protyagom yakih zadіyanі maysternі that laboratorії pid korotkostrokovі Prog profnavchannya that dodatkovoї osvіti to sumi kіlkostі Godin theoreticity navchannya, by stretching out some backs of the office, before the short-line programs of professional training and additional education and years of practical training, stretching out the backs of the majors and laboratories, before the short-line programs and advanced training.

b) Index of fancy relations:

Index of low-level relations of theoretical science, it is necessary to secure as many years of theoretical science, by holding out some back office for the implementation of the program of low-level relations, until the final year of theoretical science;

Index of low-level interaction of practical training is carried out as a lifetime of practical training, stretching out some backs of the master and laboratory for the implementation of the program of low-level fashion, before the last year of practical training.

III. Financial resources

The financial resources of the educational organization are the supremacy of state subsidies and the capital received, which is used to form the active and healthy publicity. Have your own bank, an analysis of the efficiency of financial resources in the educational organization of the following:

First, from the point of view of the investment activity of the educational organization and by itself the establishment of minds for the advancement of financial and state self-reliance;

In a different way, from the point of view of efficiency pennies.

The structure of indicators for the analysis of financial resources is presented in Table 3.

Table-3. The structure of indicators for the analysis of financial resources.

basic indicators Rosrakhunkov performance indicators
Indicators of financial investments in public relations
1) Financial services (all); 2) Subsidies: - for the state administration; - on the іnshі tsіlі; - for the first time, visions within the framework of the state programs 3) Financial services to bring profit to performance, including: - in the light of publicity; - from the sale of products; - getting the financial cost of the robot teachers (including the cost for the training of personnel); 4) Investments of robot teachers (in the eyes of the owner, materials, technology, etc.); 5) Financial services, rejected during the implementation of the program within the framework of a common relationship (including payment for contracts with viclades and majstras in / n) 1) Indicators of the structure of state investments; 2) Indicators of the dynamics of investment activity: - Index of growth of income from non-budgetary educational activity; - Index of growth of income from sales of products; - Index of growth of income from income from expenses of robot teachers - Index of growth of income from expenses of money transferred by the robot owner from the view of possession, materials, technology, etc. - Index of Growth of Income from Fewer Relationships; 3) The whole indicator of a part of non-budgetary households in the out-of-town community of financial households

Table extension

basic indicators Indicators of efficiency
Indicators of vitrati penny koshtіv
1) Vitrati of pennies in the form of subsidies for the state administration, salaries: - wages and salaries; - current repair; - addiction to possession, technology, tools, pristosuvan, naochnyh posibnikiv; - advancing qualifications; 2) Vitrati of pennies in order to bring profit to performance: - wages and salaries, come in social benefits for some categories of big people; - line repair; - addiction to possession, technology, tools, pristosuvan, naochnyh posibnikiv; - advancing qualifications; - іnshі tsіlі: accessory of basic supplies and materials for state needs, consumer goods, technical maintenance, equipment software products, Payment for vitrates for vіdryadzhennya, office comrades, materials for virobnicheskiy navchannya, services for the maintenance of the main, repair of property, information systems, payment of the tax on arrival and PDV, services of security, legal, payment services food products for the public, library fund, transport services, payment for services for contracts for the hiring of living quarters, payment for forms of certificates, payment for college accreditation, cultural and mass visits for students. 3) Indicators of the structure of vitraction of pennies in the form of subsidies for the state administration; 4) Indicators of the structure of the vitraction of pennies from the point of bringing the benefit of performance.

1. Indicators of the structure of state investments.

a) Part of the subsidy for the state administration:

b) A portion of subsidies for the main target:

c) A part of subsidies for the main target, seen in the framework of the state programs

2. Indicators of the dynamics of investment activity.

a) Index of income growth from non-budgetary educational activities ( insurance

de: D (vn.obr / d) - income from non-budgetary education;

b) Index of growth of income from sales of products (Ir.d. (

de: D ( - income from realizatsii products;

c) Index of income growth by income earned by robots (Ir.d. (average work)):

de: D (robot.) - return from the results of the values ​​from the robot teachers;

d) Index of income growth from the receipt of pennies transferred by the robot owner from the owner's possession, materials, technology, etc. (Iр (additional equipment)):

de: D ( - the return from the receipt of the pennies transferred by the robot manager from the view of the possession, materials, technology, etc .;

e) Index of Income Growth from Fewer Relationships Iр (income net.vz.);

de: D (net.vz.) - income from the collection of values ​​within the framework of a common relationship;

3. In the context of strategic goals, the indicator of a part of non-budgetary funds in the out-of-town finance community, at the end of 2014 - 5%, at the end of 2020 - 30%. Porіvnyalny analіz factual values ​​chastki pozabyudzhetnih koshtіv in zagalnomu obsyazі koshtіv fіnansuvannya of Yogo optimum feasible tsіlovim value in sukupnostі of otrimanimi results vische zaznachenih pokaznikіv fіnansovih resursіv, permitted viznachiti potentsіal fіnansovoї stіykostі osvіtnoї organіzatsії that sformuvati vіdpovіdnu promising fіnansovu polіtiku.

de: d (out-of-the-box in general ob.fіn.) - a part of the non-budgetary funds in the out-of-budget community of financial resources (fact); Fsr.prin.doh.deyat. - financial needs to bring profit to efficiency.

Parliament to rob new, try to get in Russian President Volodymyr Putin... The State Information System (GIS) "Contingent" is a small base for all Russian children. Activism means: as long as the federal law is not adopted, the fathers may be able to see what they are given. Details - in materials On the eve.RU.

Last month, the share of the Chergovian juvenile Russian project was discussed at the meeting committee for the sanctions in the State Duma. The deputies were not ready to take notice of the bill from the view, and they sent a special committee for the participation of the fathers who prepared the text of the law on the "Contingent" for the participation of the fathers.

project GIS "Contingent of scientists" Negotiate as close as three rockets, in Danish hour it will be tested in Irkutsk, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kherson regions, Republic of Dagestan, Tomsk, Perm region and Kamchatka. In the cich regions, it is not yet the first time in the "pilot" mode to pick up from the fathers of the children. The scheme is simple: when the child is vlashtuvanny in baby cage For the school daddy will give the main personal data - PIB, the community, the addresses of the restoration, SNILS. If the child starts to go to school, the system will receive data about his success. Tse vidbuvaєtsya through " electronic schooler ", You can go to wherever you can by using the SNILS number. Also, the database will be updated with information about the health and flooding of the child.

The gromadsk_st alerted those who had access to the systematized data of the child's fences. Win at the administration of the chiefs and officials of the Ministry. Aleksey dummy dad didn’t nichto, the bill was successfully adopted in three readings and the Radio of the Federation.

At the report adopted by the parliament, the decision was made by the president. It’s a matter of confidence that the law can establish a change in specific properties, take revenge in the federal and regional systems, and also, in particular, for those specific features that allow access to such properties and availability. They explained at the Kremlin that the law was respected, Putin taking to respect scho winikla community turbulence and fucking the necessary additional support to the law with the help of to get interested in fathers and children.

Speaker of the State Duma in the words that such a law is necessary, for that " isnu great number data bases in the field of education, and the stench, it's a pity, everything is broken on new platforms and not even stolen, - having said Volodin. - Establishment of the foreign base danikh on the one of the stolen platforms, by my glance, it would be correct ".

Those who have the head of parliament vvazhaє correct, the activism of the community organizations are called direct violations of laws. Hromadsky pratsivniki vistupayut categorically against the collection of personal tributes. Yak became vidomo On the eve.RU, Expertise in the field of family problems is in contrast to the fact that such a system is used.

"The community does not need to be found in such an information system. The skin department and without that has its own base, as it allows them to readily see, for example, Minosvity, the need for settings; Skіlki will be in the first class of children, as well as know the necessary information and medical registries, certificates of social institutions. We have a lot of households that can collect information needed for robots, and even more robust and great things. If you are smart, oh Information - the whole key to access to people, And access to the central information will be received by the vast majority of foreign powers, and they will not feed us at all, who wants to, the common people have denied access to our children, then, madly, the reaction of the suspension will be unambiguous,- poured her own thought Nakanune.RU head of the interregional community ruch "Sime, love, Batkivshchyna" Lyudmila Ryabichenko.

Earlier, the tender for the distribution of the "Contingent", including the owner of the "Schodennik" service, registered in Cyprus, Gabriel Levi You can still have access to information about all schools in the country.

"The main point is information that is entered into the IC, if it is not available to the community. We cannot control what is written about us there, and we cannot, by any rank, regulate the process. The system of calling control over the citizen is created. , as if it was a primus, without being informed about the big man, as a result, I would be completely insensitive in the whole situation. We will create a system, in which everything will be written about us. do not show what it was brought in ",- added Lyudmila Ryabichenko.

In addition, the "contingent" supervises 23 and 24 articles of the Constitution.

Expert of the Batkiv All-Russian Support (RVS) Oleksandr Kovalenin means, that the president's announcement of the bill about the introduction of the GIS is not tied to the same.

"The President's instruction," that the Federal Law is guilty of the changes of specific types of decisions, that it is necessary to take revenge in the state information systems, " by law. from the hulks є the right to a special officer with a housekeeper 23) dotrimuvatisya guarantee of lack of accessibility of private life(Article 24). In fact, the "contingent" permits the selection of data about our children, whatever the body wants. The ward, the authorities of the custody, as these days do not conceal the legitimate ones to lead the children, except for the children "who have lost their lives without pikluvannya batkiv", but I still want to. Navischo - the food supply chain, it's not about the lighting system, but about the market for children, the regulator of what kind of opika ", - having seen On the eve.RU Oleksandr Kovalenin.

The system is built, as it is run in the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and is tailored for the good: for the establishment of the necessary number of arts in children's gardens and schools, for granting grants to children. Aktivist RVS vvazhaє into his own house, the "Kontingent" infringes upon the rights of the institutions involved.

"The system will go far not only for great success, but for the sight of unsuccessful things. All the" promising "are two. And because of the loss of what has been said, there will be accumulation of ideas about the unfavorable social situation, as at the same time the law is not guilty of being innocent of the police on the right side of the incomplete ... Religion of birth, as if they would look without it (!) everyone who needs children for something - and in the earth "Myslivtsi Behind the Heads", і Show Business, і "Potential Usinovitelі", I check in the door before "Bank sirit", If you take a child for them. Would you like me, why did children get amazed without our vidom? I wish you had a successful child, go for grants, and apply for grants yourself. ", - dodav Kovalenin.

Threats to the national security of the country in the "Contingent" UKR ANSKA is a writer, an expert in cybernetics and control systems Valeriy Filimonov.

"Apparently, the senators were not contemplated, the unclean hands could not be victorious for vicious purposes!" ! And it’s all known, as a day of "organizing the opiky and pikluvannya", running the family, taking the children from the fathers. the zhodniy krainі svitu didn’t come up with this idea - vistaviti on sales confidentiality about all children - from newcomers to students, about old people and families in general! If you talk about the practice of svit, then One bank is innocent to navigate on a regional scale. In the USA, England and other countries in the main mortgages there are only local bases. Protest, wicked men steal personal tributes, vicarists їх in time for good purposes. I vipad with the system "Contingent", - Valeriy Filimonov hanging his thought.

The prospect is based on "kovpak" the head of the "Contingent" Lyak and Batkiv. Write about your svoyuvannya stench in social media.

"The law on the IC" Contingent "has been adopted, now all the data about the children of the Russian Federation (data from the nursery, school, success, health, ailments, grains, honey watchers, blood group, residential addresses, addresses of the village, boroughs, sections) and to be zbyratsya and get angry in one base with access to it "who needs it", except for you yourself. all of us are "quietly" dragged into the electroconcentration camp ", - hung on his side in the social media" Vkontakte " Eugenia from Cheboksary (before that, as a project of Buv Vidhileny Putinim).

"Do you know what law has been adopted? I will come into force in 2017. In fact, there will be personal tributes for your and your children. Are you ready to receive special information about you and your children? You know who will have access to information about you and your children?" ? For us, they've already done everything", - wrote Irina from Nizhny Novgorod.

Such questionnaires will be expanded in some schools

Earlier, residents of one of the "pilots" regions - the Perm Territory - were asked On the eve.RU about the obsessive interest of the school to their health and financial stance.

"To show off in the RVS, there is a shaft of all kinds of buildings around the country, the questionnaire - children in schools are fed about those who call us not to be ignorant of the illuminating process, to find out about salaries and just to talk about robots. to a visitor, take a drink from the officials at the lecture on the knowledge of our children, Include wash, as my children can nadati. The collection of personal donations is not required - those of guilt are restructuring there, but they are recognized for the suvor purpose: school - in schools, medical - in medicine, police - in the police. Lyudin is guilty of the mother's ability to trust the skin services of the administration, for which the guilt is guilty, but nothing is wrong with "interdisciplinary vzaimodia"", - uklav Oleksandr Kovalenin.

For his words, as long as the federal law is not accepted, the dad can be seen from the occasion of personal tributes. You can make an announcement on the RVS website.

Follow us

Rapid acceptance by the Sovereign Duma 21 children immediately in another and third reading, unimpressed on the active prototype of a number of Orthodox community and father organizations.

Draft federal law No. 1048557-6 "On the introduction of amendments to statti 15 and 16 of the Federal Law" On zagalny principle organization of self-priming in the Russian Federation "and Federal law"About education in the Russian Federation" sovereign system"One federal interdisciplinary system is used by the contingent of scientists for the main and additional educational programs"", - a sabotage against the mighty Russian. Vin represents a real threat to the life of our children, our families and national security of Russia.

All of them have a unique digital code that replaces the name given to the people by the Holy Christening in honor of his heavenly patron. More action є not so inshe, as a spiritual, mystical act. Beruchi and vicorist is an identifier, people are allowed to substitute their own combination of numbers, for some reason, they take a new number, they are unwittingly tied to the people themselves. For the Orthodox people, it is unacceptable. From the reception and registration of the SNILS, all things are repaired. Zgadaimo the words of Father Kiril (Pavlov): “Assigning a number to people - tse on the right of the godless, grikhovna. Oskilki, if God opened the people, Win gave them the name. The name of the people is the God Will. All the thousand years that have passed since that hour, people used to repent in names. The first axis is now replaced by the number of people. Those, as and for whom to be priced, do not overstep the knowledge in the sinisterness and the godless character of the society. That brother does not need a lot in the right, but in the world of possibilities, you can fix the opir. "

If you assign a number to a person - tse on the right of the godless, grіkhovna, then accept that number on the right to a man - tse on the right is not less of a godless and grіkhovna!

Viciousness against the primus misappropriation of SNILS can be written by a hulking man.

It’s not all that well, in Russia it’s like it’s earlier, it’s prodigious projects, tied to the global informational suspension, In which the sovereign powers are feigned, and the people are likened to the goods. Protest, it is not yet understandable to speak of the opposing God-militant right. The Lord did not leave until the end.

In connection with the acceptance of the anti-constitutional law on the system "Contingent of Scientists", we were guilty of making an onslaught on crafty people, swung at the rights and freedoms of the people, at the life of our children and on the basis of our national anxiety.

The new introduction of the "Contingent" system of targets for 2022 Rik.

Relaxation is impossible in any case!

God forbid, everything will be gone, like with the unhappy UEK, the release of which legislation was passed on from 1 June 2017 to fate.

“Swallow the spirit. The prophecy will not be buried. Use doslidzhuyuchi, trim the good. Refuse yourself from every kind of evil ”(1 Thess. 5, 19-22); “Do not take part in the bad times of tempering, but finish with finer things” (Eph. 5: 11), - to teach us the Word of God.

First for everything, spiraling into the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Strategy of National Security and Doctrine information security RF, go to the For the sake of Safety of the Russian Federation and FSB of Russia.

In a different way, it is necessary to be recognized as such, having nullified the federal law No. 1048557-6 "On the introduction of amendments to the statutes 15 and 16 of the Federal law" On the foreign principle of organizing digital self-production in the Russian Federation "and the Federal Law" On the introduction of " ...

Slid also nagadati, scho the Russian Orthodox Church and the State and Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation stand categorically against the primus of the community until the adoption and registration of any identifiers in the specialty, the automation of the personal data collection of the regional

Visited by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the current 2015 within the framework of the III Patriarchs on a voluntary basis. It is impossible for bureaucrats to completely supply technology for those who are handy for bureaucrats! The skin from us can be enslaved by the cich technologies, under total control. And if for someone my words do not sound at once as relevant, turn, in an hour the words can become relevant for the skin of us. To that, if there is any possibility of an alternative, we will need a possibility for such total control to come out. "

The Russian Orthodox Church is firmly committed to the blame for the voluntariness of the community in the new forms of identification and authentication of specialties and visas the right of people to see the technology, to supervise the latest developments in technology.

The same is true for the State-Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation: "Be sure to form a primus of people before the registration of electronic identifications in a special - Sheet dated 01.22.2014 p No. А6-403).

Docks in Russia will be ruled by representatives of the "fifth colony" and the overseas gentlemen, who proclaim anti-constitutional, anti-human laws, and deputies and senators, do not be fooled, they automatically register !?

As soon as possible, fix it for the Lord in the closest hour of the Fakhivtsi Ruhu "For the right to live without INN, special codes and microchips"

Valeriy Pavlovich Filimonov, Russian Writer, Fakhivets in Halus of Cybernetics and Control Systems

Head Specialist vul. Polovtsa, 2, 4 on top (4012) 65-63-00 (106)

[Email protected]

X Rivn osviti: average professional
Qualifications for a diploma, specialty / direct training: Kaliningradsky technical college. Specialization - "Computing machines, complexes, systems and fences"
Remaining advanced qualifications: Baltiyska Derzhavna Academy of Ribopro-Industrial Fleet, faculty " automated systems management ". Specialization -" Automated systems and processing of information and management ", 2018.
Robotics experience (foreign): 20 rock
Robotic experience at the Institute: z worm 2018 roku

One federal interdisciplinary system for a contingent of scientists for the main educational programs and supplementary educational programs (GIS "Contingent") will break up according to the plan of entry ("road map"),

The fundamental document for the implementation of systems in the regions of the Russian Federation and the Order of the Russian Federation from the 25th of July 2014 r No. 2125-r.

Obligations of the data, which are guilty of the crime, the regional segment of the EFMS "Contingent", are indicated in the documents of the Ministry information technologies and the link "Unified functional and technical support to the regional segment of the United Federal Intervention System and the contingent of scientists for basic educational programs and supplementary educational programs".

Appropriate systems:

  • automation and collection of up-to-date information about the actual and projected number of scientists (contingents) in civil society different type;
  • the establishment and maintenance of the current single register of a state-of-the-art type;
  • monitoring of restructuring by up-to-date representatives of regional and municipal authorities of the administration of education;
  • selection of up-to-date information about flow and educational success of scientists;
  • routing of donations during the implementation of the presentation at the EPGU administrative service about success in electronic viewer;
  • monitoring of educational tracts (migrations) of scholars;
  • the formulation of the necessary statistical value.

Information materials

presentation to the project
Single information portal of the system
Technical support service
Information block on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
project passport
Presentation to the project on the website of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Russia

Provide the information to the owner. Abductions contour.

The technical suprovid is carried out by the specialists of the State Autonomous Institution of the Kaliningrad Region "The Kaliningrad State Science and Technology Center for Information and Technology Security"

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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