Yakiy kut I will look around at my butti bilya monitor. The list of available interfaces is wide. New malware for stealing pennies from ATMs

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Modern technology to develop rapidly. Regularly there are new TV models to show all the great picture quality. The understanding of "TV communication of high readiness" took root, and the enemy of the new rivny raised the bar. Not far off is the transition to digital television, in order to preserve the miraculous detail of the programs and to allow forgetting about the transfer. To that end, it’s natural to get food about replacing the home screen or buying a supplementary one.

Popular for productivity as well as widescreen displays for widescreen displays. It’s a function, at my own hand, to rob them with wide ones and to rob them with an ideal vibration for one hour to look at several documents by hand one by one, or for securing a large kut, I’ll look at the video.

The frequency of the update that hour to see

Two factors, which are injected into those as the image appears at the gaze, is the frequency of the update that hour. The frequency of the update is an indicator of the fact that the image, once a second, appears on the screen. 60 Hz - the frequency of the update for the large monitors - about 60 frames per second, so that the frequency of the update is 120 Hz for a quick response to the action of the minimum size in the rucks.

The lights have a total of 120 virobniks and thousands of TV models. The leather company is pragmatic to get a purchase with new form technologies and boxes, in order to make it possible correct vibration it is necessary to sort out. Meta tsієї statti - for help you contact the TV set.

Screen type

First for everything, it is necessary to virishity, for any purpose the TV set is bought: you will see new TV programs, DVD movies or Blu-Ray, you will put them in the kitchen or in your bedroom. Adzhe screen, it is not the same for the reception of the satellite signal from the virtual, and the TV set for looking at the discs with the films is not the same. The vital part is to concentrate most of the components in the home media system: DVD-programmer or Blu-Ray discs, volumetric sound acoustics, satellite receiver and others. TV sets in the kitchen are used for the background, in the bedrooms it is required for reception of fixed-line cable and satellite TV broadcasts, pereviewing disks. There is no need for the straining sound of connecting additional attachments. As far as the TV set is required for a child, you can secure the connectivity to new game consoles, cameras or video cameras. If the power supply is visible, you can see the size of the TV's characteristics.

The hour is displayed in the hour required for the monitor to change the size of the pixel. For new colors, it takes a little more than a standard value for a wide range of settings - an entire hour of transition between the lowest levels of the world and the most important values. The quickest hour to see the light of day visual effects, such as bright images and halos.

Gravtsi that ti, hto vikoristovuyu his own computer for multimedia, I want to be respectful to two times the meaning and pragmatism of a high frequency and update and even at a low hour of the day. Contrast - the price of the relationship of the darkest black to the most beautiful white, which can be changed by your monitor. Chim vishche spіvvidnoshennya, tim more beautiful contrast. With the high contrast of the image, the viewer makes you feel more alive on the screen.

Also, a lot of guilt depends on the type of screen.

The following types of TVs are presented on the market today:

Ridkocrystal (RK, LCD);

Svitlodіodnі (LED);


All the stinks may be overwhelming and short-lived, - readily available in the report.

Ridkokristalichniy televizor

LCD-technology (English LCD - Liquid Crystal Display, "solid crystal display") for the current day, on a new day. RK-screen is a matrix with no points-elements called pixels. Leather piksel is stored in three "subpixels" of red, green and blue colors. Ridky crystals in all the middle elements of the building change their position in the open space under the electric field, letting through or blocking the light from the lamps under the control of the matrix. If all three subpixels increase in penetration, there is an average of small colors, and if they are opaque, they are black. The change of the main colors in the required proportions is necessary for each type of display. In such a rank, with the help of a special microcircuit, it is possible to see through the skin pixel and form the image.

Yak viplivay s name, the price meaning is in order to maximize the brightness, as you can create a monitor. It is especially important, if you plan to use your screen at the room, as it is even worse, so as the content, which is displayed, is guilty of being seen from the new light, but we are clearly visible. As long as you vikoristovute the monitor at the dark room, you can change the brightness, but navpaki - it’s unwise.

You don’t need to lam your head here if you want to surf the Internet. On the other side, gravitational professionals want to look seriously kolirnu din your own monitor. Price for a palette of colors, as you can display your screen. The yak is hungry, the more the number, the more beautiful is the productivity.

The constructive peculiarity of the RK-technology is the need for a ball of light crystals, the insight of which is not ideal. In order to reject the sufficient quality of the picture, it is not necessary to install external lamps, which will increase the price and energy consumption of the apparatus. The elements are not perfect, ideally overwhelm the light - the black color on the screen of RK-TV is not, for the truth, absolutely nasty.

Whenever you sit right in front of the monitor, I’ll look around with no more importance. From her side, if you marvel at her from one side, or if a few people marvel at her at once, the great kut will look around to significantly reduce the situation. Chim vishche priznennya, tim ekstremaln_shim є kut, in which you can wonder the monitor without the image of the created image.

The top of the computer screen is deprived of the great glass panel. As soon as you see it in the room with the decalcoma, or the decalcoma, it can be illuminated, so you can get the picture, which is great for the correct glance at the screen. The monitor with anti-glare coverage additionally helps to change the image and, as a result, change the flow to your eyes. Make it look better if it’s matte, but it can also be glossy.

For a short time, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that the colors are created and the contrast is lost, but the edges of the window in the Republic of Kazakhstan are not so wide. Due to the peculiarity of LCD TV screens, they could not gain popularity, but at the same time, the Zusillians of the developers became practically uncomfortable.

Before reloading TVs with a solid-crystal screen, you can bring a wide variety of models with low brightness indicators (from 250 to 1500 cd / m2) and contrast (from 500: 1 to 5,000,000: 1). The shopkeepers, the buyer can add the device, which is optimal if one needs the quality of the image and the affordable price. In addition, RK-TV can display a small amount of money, so you can change it on the wall. Ale the greatest merit of the crystalline technology - from the її mass media. For a large-scale display of video production, prices on television with the RK-matrix of the lower, lower on the second sub-attachments.

It allows you to interact with it instead of being displayed on the screen, just like a tablet, a smartphone or a laptop touch screen... Buy a new computer screen, it is important to enable the connection. Bagato monitors of the highest class are supplied with a number of plug-in options, at that time a number of ports will be interconnected.

When choosing a monitor, look at the connection parameters that are suitable for your computer, even with a digital option, which will be added instead of a high-quality distribution system. Find an adapter, ale the original view is a complete checkout.

Likewise, crystalline televisions have gained popularity for their versatility. LED TVs will provide a comfortable peep view practically for any minds, so it should be suitable for more people. For an equal amount of contrast and color, expensive LCD models can “compete” with plasmas, so that they can take up every day, for example, in the “Hi-End” virtual class.

The electrician is very expensive at once, if only, if the level of energy consumption has become important for the bagatokh. Zagalom, which is bigger than the screen and which is bigger than the building, will be more energetic. For vypadkovy vikorystannya blame but a sufficient main screen of the computer, which is fastened on yogo pіdtrimtsі. If you set it up, you can significantly reduce the monitors' ergonomics and find more suttuvim in order to see how you are victorious. Ideally, the computer monitor is guilty of being able to turn on the support and hitch up the hill down.

Svitlodiodniy televizor

The appearance of LED-TV (English LED - Light Emitting Diode, "light-emitting diode") as a crystalline pole is less in the technology of LED-TV: replacing fluorescent lamps to stagnate.

Svitlodiodny TV-view of the building is more natural. The stagnation of electricity consumption allowed to change the screen and the speed of electricity consumption by up to 40%, depending on the Republic of Kazakhstan. The characteristics of brightness and contrast have also changed.

I will give you a good look around that will allow you to minimize the views. For greater efficiency, know the monitor, the height of which you can also set up. Deyakі professional koristuvachі, zokrema, wonder at the monitor, which can turn vertically from a portrait to a landscape.

Monitor optimized for gri

You can also add the main parts and install the monitor on the wall, so that the working space is more vivid. Computers monitors for gravitationalists provide a range of options for optimizing grids.

Technology of preserving the link

Designed for the ability to stretch the eyes from a trivial victorian screen, the technology includes such functions, as a change in migration or a change in blue light.

The shortage of technology can be called only a common road. Tim is not the man, the LED-TV rewires give you the opportunity to become the leaders of the whole market.

So, as the basis of LED TVs is solid crystal technology, the stench of universes, as well as RK. Aleksei to their passages, the LED TV screen to shine, lower LCD, as well as your virtual reality on the right.

Vignut monitors can also help to change the eyes. Wyrobniks of computers monitors additional services, you will be able to add more products to your products. Wine can also be supplemented with equal components, which can make your residual solution great. Deyak monitors can also be connected one hour to a number of annexes, which allows them to be connected to a computer or to a game console.

When buying a computer monitor, you can add accessories to optimize your information. It is also the hour to add the function, as long as you do not turn on until your monitor before the hour of purchase. As long as there are no dynamics on the monitor, or if they have a bite, you want to add a set of computer dynamos. You can vibrate a basic two-channel stereo dial or 5. 1-channel surround sound system. As the computer monitor cannot be used ideally, if you want your date, the monitor's appearance can be of great importance.

Plasmovy televizor

The screen of a plasma television is also a matrix of small elements, the technology is implemented in hermetically sealed mediums, reminiscent of gas - neon or xenon. If, for the help of special electric power supplies, taxes are paid to the electric power supply company, then the gas in the middle of it is transferred to the plasma mills and an initiation of ultraviolet radiation. Change the luminophore on the ball, apply on the wall of the commercial, which is fallen from the warehouse, viprominuє chervone, green or blue light. Chim vishche rіven naprugi, how to be served, it will be more intensive to light up in the middle. Rise of the colors of the color come when the three main colors are changed. Controlling the energy, which can be supplied to the commercials, the electronic module of the form of the image on the plasma screen.

The price can be as simple as a tablet for raising a monitor or for adjusting, as a member of the system. Lots of buffs can be used to customize a custom image for distributing more monitors in a file. Adaptive cables and the most beautiful graphic card can show problems, even if you need to plan your speech from the ear itself, then you will have everything on hand, if you instructed to start using the new computer monitor for an hour.

Now you have the most clever technology behind the screen, as you are victorious. You know how you are using your computer, and you know its characteristics. You know your budget. Ale the buddies, as they were magical to show their panels, missed out on the vignutized panels in the whole world.

In such a rank, according to the principle of dії, midway up to lamps daylight, so that the power of self-sufficiency may seem to be the case, so the plasma TV screen of the perevagi in front of the Republic of Kazakhstan and LED.

A TV viewer with a plasma screen will ensure the visual contrast of the image, and for a clearer turn over the large number of RK and LED-screens by about 3 times. Even a picsel in an inactive station is not viprominuu - it is really chorny, but if it is in an active station, it can achieve a high intensity. Victorian luminophore to rob colors with yaskravim and weed. Plasma TVs, in the case of RK and LED, may even be an hour later.

Would you like an hour to let the mania go?

The monitor is also 43% purer than the front monitor. The price is based on 8 cores, but there are 10 or 18 processors in it, which can be used to control the machine by increasing the number of processes. The price of a basic model for growing up technical characteristics.

Plasma technology minimizes specific design problems. The main problem is the problem of the minimum size of the middle. Make a small size room - actually a gas-filled flask with electrodes - to finish smoothly. To that, the development of this technology is not far from the development of the other "matrix" technologies of visualization: the diagonals of screens in plasma televisions have only recently reached 32 inches, which was a long time ago.

How much will you need? The practicality of the two monitors is out of the question, just try it, and you won’t turn around: besides, you have a great working surface, you can look at the code, above what you’re doing, for a moment, and the result of the other screen cannot be evaluated.

Tim is not the man, there is no need for the program to be victorious in the performance of two screenshots. Navigate the list of photos from the daddy's right-hander, and then look over one by one on the left edge. report to describe... It’s also trivial to manage photographs, but, more trivially, for organizing a trip: If you ever want to know the list of hotels on the monitor, you can save the map on your trip?

It is clear that the sale of models with great screen diagonals was used to create a plasma TV screen with a vibrant choice for customers, as they want to get the most satisfaction from the look of films in a bright, rich color.

The main characteristics of the TV set:

Diagonal screen;


Expanded TV parameters:

Zvedeniy monitor or vertical monitor

From the programmer, I will need to consult some parts of the code, and then scroll vertically. Monitors, which can be rotated by 90 ° at the same time with the classic horizontal display and "landscape", also called rotary monitors. Monitor zzvychay vstanovlyuyutsya horizontally, also called "landscape". Vertical monitors can be rotated 90 ° for portrait mode and "portrait", and it is possible for an additional pin on the bracket, which can be adapted. Otzhe, the swivel monitor is synonymous with the swivel monitor.

Hour to see the matrix;



I'll take a look around;


Additional functions.

Diagonal screen

The diagonal screen can be adjusted to the main characteristics of the TV viewer. Vona bezposeredno pouring into the yogo dimensions, wagu and price. It is correct to select a diagonal screen for a lot of reasons for comfort and hostility, for being taken out of sight, for that I deserve respect for the saw when choosing.

Vertical screen, site recommendations

And it was easy to know the list of monitors, how to wrap around the sheets, but I brought the visitor a number of messages and brought the results into the whole short statute. We recommend it for 5 reasons. Look at the bottom of the viewer new models vertical monitors for growing prices and growing needs.

How vibrati?

Horizontally, the monitor can be adjusted by height. Є There are also small drops. I have a lot of respect for the cadres' community, as you choose to be victorious for the purpose of creating a rich monetary regime. The monitor will be set at a cost of about 220 EUR. What kind of vibrati between them and the model is lower?

Traditionally, the size of the diagonal of the screen is measured in inches and is meant, for example, like this: 32 ”. Yogo is awkward to overhaul by centimeters: 1 inch = 2.54 cm.

In order to make the peer look more comfortable, the diagonal to the TV viewer screen will be able to display the size of the connection, until you plan to deliver it. Naybіlsh extensions on the scale of the market є screen sizes from 26 to 42 inches. For television, the great size of the diagonal of the screen is even more important, and the whole family can immediately visit the whole group of guests, and the skin from the presence of the image can not be seen clearly. Options in the plan can be simple, but in a large number of views for the virtual future, there is an optimal TV view from the diagonal screen at 32 ”.

For kitchens and bedrooms, smaller TV sets are more beautiful, and even the area is less prone to move away from the areas of the living. Yak to send the message, optimal diagonal The televizor screen is guilty about 3 times less from the place of origin, to which it is transferred. It’s also great for a particular application, the image on the screen doesn’t need to be seen. The "granularity" of the picture and the part of the cordons and the objects can be easily remembered. It is especially important for models with a plasma screen: when looking at a backward view of a small view, the image shows a tendency to “drop”, so that it looks like a picture. For the kitchen, it is recommended to select a TV set from a diagonal screen of 20-26 inches, for a bedroom it can be larger - up to 32 ”.

Most models from 15-21 ”diagonal screen can input D-Sub (which is also called VGA) or DVI port, which allows you to connect a TV set to a computer like a monitor.


Obov'yazkovo need to pay respect to the separate building of the screen. This characteristic is based on the quality and detail of the image.

The screen of any kind of solid crystal, LED-based plasma TV is stored in rows called pixels, and a number of which are called “resolution”. There are two numbers that rotate around the eyes, the first of which means a number of pixels along the horizontal, and the other - along the vertical, for example, 1920x1080. The visibility of the screen design allows the TV viewer to see the picture in a great number of details and line without the effect of frequency.

TB with diagonal screen 42 "and separate building 1920х1080 will show a bigger picture, lower building size 1366х768 with the same diagonal. On the right, in the fact that the appearance of a large number of pixels on the same area of ​​the screen means a smaller size of the skin from them.

Today's day the most beautiful image, available to a wide range of services, will provide a new standard digital TV tower- HDTV for high readability (HDTV).

HDTV (English "High-Definition TeleVision") is a set of standards for high-quality television, which includes different formats, individual images, and also the quality of sound.

Format and standard high readability:

720p: partition size 1280 × 720 pixels, progressive design;

1080i: partitioned space 1920 × 1080 pixels, over a row;

1080p: split resolution 1920 × 1080 pixels, progressive design.

Rozgortka, which is denoted by the Latin letters "i" and "p", is a way of bringing the frame to the screen. On the view of the interlacing scan, the progressive scan will save the image quality, so that I will increase the “comb” effect on the edges of the image, but so it will (for example, in pause mode). For robots with progressive rosters, the TV needs a hard-working processor, which protects the mode of the connection for the current HDTV screen.

Television standards for high readability of breakdown by European "Association of information and communal technologies that byte electronics "(EICTA). To get rid of the identification of models, the organization of the bullet is also published by technical parameters outbuildings, building blocks, signals of high readability. Also, it was hardened by a special markup.

Models, scho happy minimum vimogam HDTV, which is marked "HD-Ready", which literally means "ready for HDTV". Tobto, TV set with a "HD-Ready" sticker for the equipment:

A screen with a separate building not less than 1280x720 pixels;

Yak minimum, one input, can accept HD signal in 720p and 1080i formats. Can be analog component input YPbPr1 or digital DVI or HDMI;

Yak minimum one digital input DVI or HDMI with advanced technology for capturing HDCP content.

Naybіlsh the distribution of buildings for TV "HD-Ready" has been expanded - 1366х768 pixels. The signal to the 1080i format also interpolates the signal to change the size of the building.

Full HD TV view, 1080p video format and is equipped with one HDMI input for high readability. The screen of the current Full HD-TV set depends on the size of the display 1920 x 1080.

The TV screen is widescreen, so that it can handle 16: 9 sides. This format covers up to 70% of the field of vision of the human eye, so that it allows looking at the atmosphere of the film, as well as being able to fend off the look.

Russian efirne analog TV show low capacity of 720x576 pixels with a ratio of 4: 3. Play video from a standard DVD disc to play from a separate building 720x480 (16: 9). Vinikak zakonirne nutrition - chi zmozhe noviy televizor Accept the signal from "non-HDTV" dzherel, and how does the image appear?

So, the TV set of high readability of the building will accept and display the signal of the standard distribution of the building on the screen. At the same time, the image from the 4: 3 sides can be brought to the widescreen screen in two ways: from the dark smogs along the edges of the picture, or by way of small images from the top to the bottom. A special processing unit, which clears the analog signal from the conversion code, calls for additional interpolation, is used by digital algorithms for smoothing, in such a way, turns the picture to HDTV standards. However, ochіkuvati "miracles" from the kind of re-creation is still not varsity. To reject a high-quality image, a high-readability signal is required.

It's a pity that Russia does not have high-quality television everywhere. The whole demand for modernization great number TV station and the transition to the rise of digital TV events, planned for 2015 rіk. That dzherel signal of high readiness for a given moment can be served only by Blu-Ray discs, satellite TV or cable TV boxes, game consoles. Tim is not the man, in some districts of the country, digital movement is already starting, there are also cable TV fences that are developing.

Hour to see the matrix

The understanding of the "hour to see" was not stagnant to the cinema televisions, the triviality of the luminophore's perception was too small. Along with the appearance of "matrix" screens, the parameter has increased of great significance.

The hour to see the matrix is ​​the middle hour, by stretching an element of the matrix to the screen I will change from one to the next. It’s a great hour to see how you can turn around in the appearance of "trails" of surplus light behind objects, which quickly collapse.

Let it take an hour for the pixel to go from white to black, and then back. Ale deyaki virobniki spend an hour seeing the so-called "GTG" scheme (English "Gray-to-Gray", "from-gray-to-gray"). The hour is displayed in milliseconds (ms). This type of value, for example for RK-matrices, is in the range of 2 to 10 ms.

For an hour to look at the dynamic scenes at the films, for example, the chases of the battles, it’s not enough time to see the pictures. For a comfortable look at movies and programs, there is enough screen for an hour to see up to 8-10 ms, if you plan to connect the TV set to a computer, then you will be surrounded by vibrating models, but it will take less than 5 ms to display the screen. For an hour, you may not be able to see the animals, if you buy plasma. In general, this value is insignificantly small.


Another characteristic of the TV screen, which is infused with the comfort when looking at it, is the contrast of the image, like the quality of the most beautiful picture to dark. To make the matrix more lucid, the matrix depicts the big colors, the big ones, the nasichenishe - the black, timid rhyven of contrast to the screen. So, for example, with a contrast ratio of 1000: 1, bili dlyanki at 1000 times yaskravishі for black. The high contrast allows the development of more visual colors and details of the picture.

Ale vlasna, "design" (I call it static), the contrast of expensive RK-matrices is still a shortage, especially when HD-video is produced, perhaps to the quality of the image is even great.

To increase the visibility of contrast, virobniks were able to see it for two hours, an inexpensive solution. The current TV viewer analyzes the skin frame and automatically adjusts the screen brightness. In such a rank, in scenes with low illumination, there is less light, the shyness is dark in color, and in the light frames, it is bright and bright.

Contrast, which can be seen from the performance of such an automatic regulation of the sensitivity of perception, is called dynamic contrast (English "Dynamic Contrast", DC). The value of expensive models can reach 5,000,000: 1, and the acceptable quality of the image can be achieved with a dynamic contrast ratio close to 10,000: 1.

Gagging light-hearted education for RK-matrices of TVs it allowed to adjust the contrast separately, so on the LED-TV screen, the image is shown more and more readily, but not on a mobile RK.


The visibility of the screen allows you to comfortably marvel at the TV screen in the minds of the most recent, natural, piece of illumination. The image of the low lusciousness is filthy to sleep and produce to the overworldly tension of the eyes.

The brightness of the TV screen rotates in the power of light on one area and changes in cd / m2 (read as "candel per square meter").

In this day, the most expensive models of RK-TVs were even better matched with plasma ones, as they played in all parameters for the self-monitoring of screen elements. A little more RK-matrices still do it, so that the flow of light from the lamps, or the lights, is brought to a ball of rare crystals, the penetration of which is not absolute. Typical values ​​of brightness for RK and LED TVs become 300 to 600 cd / m2, and for "plasmas" it is easy to reach 1500 cd / m2.

At the same time, I am not such a single person. important characteristic televizor, as її namagayutsya viklasta deyakі virobniki. On the right, in the fact that the contrast of the image is falling, and the colors become dark and unimaginable, unimportant to declare "a great number of ohopennya". To that, the brightness of the screen depends on the sufficient contrast.

Vikhodyachi z practical advice, we can formulate a number of recommendations for a vibration optimal performance bright and contrasting. So, for a budget TV model with a brightness of 300 cd / m2, the contrast ratio is not less than 1000: 1. In the middle segment, the screen vibrates with a brightness of 400-500 cd / m2 with a contrast ratio of 5000-10000: 1, and for the high-end class - as much as 600 cd / m2 at least 20,000: 1.

We will not occupy an overwhelming reserve of yaskravosti, more so, so it is possible to adjust it in the wide fringes. It is obvious that not every TV set can “compete” with the direct sleepy light;

Look around

The maximum look around is another characteristic of the TV viewer, which appeared on the digital screen. There is the maximum cut to the area of ​​the TV screen, for an hour I look at the image of the image without a problem.

Please, please, the sounds are created, it is necessary to respect the adjustment of the screen matrix - the effect of zooming in the structure.

Ridko-crystalline matrix with a ball-shaped surface and an even thinner design. Pixels are optically isolated from one polarized filter, and the lamps, either light or light, are mounted on even smaller, but still non-zero, appear from them. And to that light, passing through the middle of the middle, eating at the common "krynitsa", which will border the region її development.

The bigger kut will look around and the bigger is thin, but the road is a matrix. Most of the crystal TV screens may look at 170 degrees, and the flagship model lines- 175-178 degrees.

The creation is manifested in the vigilance of the color of the color on the screen and the fall of the visible brightness and contrast of the image. In the world of improvement, I will look at a glance at a glance, not at the bottom of the picture, but in deeds of destruction. The best result is attainable when looking at a perpendicular screen, and in a range of approximately from -60 to +60 degrees, it becomes uncomfortable. In such a rank, the optimal view of the television view of the warehouse is close to 120 degrees.

Budget models let you look around at close to 160-170 degrees. If such a model is correctly installed, the glance from the "inconceivable" kut will not be merciless, if you simply cannot see it, if you have spared it. A good option would be, for example, the installation of such a TV viewer for a short (short) wall of a small attachment. If you want to uncover the discomfort tied with an incorrectly vibrated kut, you should look around, you need to think over the place of setting up a TV viewer.

Plasma panels have a problem with kuts, I don't need to look around because of the special features of technology. On the right, in the one where the light is visible, it is visible as a ball of luminophore, which is located closer to the outer surface of the screen, below the lamps, or lights, or the LED screens. To that, all plasma TV views will provide a maximum viewpoint close to 175-178 degrees.


The TV interface allows you to connect to a new attachment: DVD and Blu-ray programs and video recorders, video consoles, digital photos of video cameras, acoustic systems and large sound, laptops and modern digital attributes.

The list of available interfaces is wide:

Composite (AV). Buv widespread expansion in the era of cinema televisions, ale the taste, that it will be heard, not happy with the current year. In addition, a composite TV viewer input is equipped with annexes for privacy. Name the performances in the view of three roses of the RCA type ("tulip"), one of which is called for the transmission of video, and two for the transmission of stereo sound.

Analog interface, which realizes the transmission of video from the viewer of three components of the image. Whenever there is a wide range of signals, there is a need to mix the signal in the dashboard and a different sub-base in the receiver, so that I will reduce the quality of the image, depending on the composite input. Tim is not the man, to give up digital data, and TV views are equipped with component video and audio outputs for the confusion with old outbuildings. Komutatsiya zdіysnyuєut for additional roses in type RCA (tulip). Does not transmit to sound.

Combinations of multiple contact interface for analog transmission (introduction and transmission) of the image and sound over a cable up to 15 meters. Є a standard for outbuildings intended for implementation on the European market. For the transmission of a video signal to a component interface, a few models of televisions also allow two-way communication via SCART, two-way communication with digital commands, for example, synchronizing the launch of a television and video recorder. Complete with composite and component interfaces behind an additional adapter to the SCART-"tulip" type.

SCART-RGB. It is also meant to be used for identifying the SCART interface, so that the video signal can be transmitted in RGB modes, so that the image quality will be reduced.

S-Video. Analog rose, which is used for viewing images on television from a computer, laptop, video recorder, digital camera and other attachments. If you select a suitable adapter cable, for example, from S-Video to 4 tulips, or from S-Video to SCART, you can connect a different image adapter. Does not transmit to sound.

D-Sub. Razpovsyudzheniy standard analog video, which is used to connect to the TV set of computers. The signal, which is transmitted through the whole interface, is even more sensitive to transient and electromagnet hovering, so that the image is stored as a vicious cable and when you can get up to 15 meters. TB, equipped with D-Sub, start playing computer monitors... Does not transmit to sound.

DVI. Transmitting better images, below D-Sub, for displaying the digital format to the signal and the presence of the mobile digital-to-analog conversion. A DVI cable up to 4.5 meters allows to transfer images to a separate building of 1920x1200, and a 15m input cable - up to 1280x1024 pixels. Does not transmit to sound.

HDMI. a modern multimedia interface of high readability, designations for transmitting a high readability video signal (up to 2560 × 1440) and multi-channel sound over a single cable up to 5 meters. Sumy iz DVI, ale vikoristovuyutsya, the leading rank, for communication of audio / video technology, also for the additional HDMI you can connect a computer to the TV, equipped with a digital interface.

Stereoroz'єm, scho vikoristovutsya for vivedennya sound, often є on the front panel of the TV set. In a number of ways, it is designated for connecting headphones.

Coaxial audio-out (BNC). Digital interface for sound transmission. Change high-handedness the signal and the minimum value of the re-code. Vikoristovuyutsya for transmission of sound between TV and disk programmed or AV-receiver, as well as for connecting acoustic systems for volume sound.

Optical audio-view (Toslink). Digital interface for large sound transmission. Allowing to transmit a multi-channel signal without changing the code for installing the optical cable, which is not susceptible to electrical inductions. Vikoristovuyutsya for transmission of sound between TV and disk programmed or AV-receiver, as well as for connecting acoustic systems for volume sound.

USB. A computer rose, which has expanded in television technology. Victory for reading music and video recordings from flash drives. Zvvychay razstashivaniye on the front panel of the TV set, so you can quickly plug in the flash drive for peeking. No digital TV coverage, USB port Can be a handy dzherel HD signal.

As a rule, be it a TV set of equipment with a great set of versatile roses, but only expensive models can boast of the obviousness of all available interfaces, and, as a matter of fact, they are universally available.

When choosing a TV, it is necessary to think in advance, before any attachments in the plan of this switch, and change, and in the selection of the TV model available interfaces. The set of ports is more beautiful than the transfer, as there can be some things in the future in the future.

The remaining hour has become even more popular connecting HDMI attachments. Besides the high bandwidth, the whole interface is very versatile, and therefore it is equipped with a lot of components in the daily home media system. Revagu went to the TV models, as there are more HDMI ports.


Unimportant to the possibility of connecting a bug, the signal was sent to the reception of TV programs to be lost to the important staff of the TV set. Whether it’s a TV set for an electronic unit, which can be used for receiving an ethernet, satellite or cable TV signal, which is called a tuner (English tuner, literally, nalashtovuvach).

TB can be equipped with more than one tuner. So, two tuners allow you to display the "Picture-in-picture" (PIP) mode, allowing you to display images on the screen from two TV channels at once. Tse can be done in nagodі, for example, if you look at the ear of any transmission, peer-at-a-glance news or musical clips. Often, the virobnik will add PIP mode to the characteristics of the TV set, but there is less than one tuner. At the same time, the function will be less effective when additional dzherel are connected to the signal, except for the antenna: programming disks, computer, video cameras, satellite receiver chi іnshih.

Tuneri will have three types:
analog. Poki is the most popular type of tuner for the Russian buyer. Allows you to receive an analog TV signal from a satellite antenna and a cable TV mesh;

digital. The building has a digital TV signal. As of today, it’s practically nowhere in Russia, so the appearance of a digital tuner at a TV screen can be seen at once as if it were connected to a video;

One in the possibility of digital and analogue tuners. Today on the market to fill up a lot of TVs, equipment hybrid tuner, І purchase of a similar model, imovіrno, you can use the optimal option.


The acoustic system is injected є practically in any day-to-day TV. When buying a TV set for a virtual TV set, pay attention to the connection of the home cinema system, but not only the kitchen or the bedroom;

Inexpensive TV models in buildings produce only monophonic sound and play one or two dynamics. More stuck in - equipped with a built-in stereo system, in which number of speakers can be from two to eight. Deyakі Russian television channels conduct audio transmission in A2 / NICAM format, and for the secondary reception of such broadcasts the tuner can also adapt the format.

The visibility of the tightness in the built-in acoustic system and television is important for the development of sufficient power to sound among the great primates. Rationally, TV screens of small diagonals are equipped with acoustics with a pressure of 1-5 W, and large ones - 10-20 W and more. As a rule, the vyrobnik pidbiraє її is so, so as to ensure that the sound is more comfortable when the TV set is installed in the viewer for the size of the window (div. Pidrozdil "Diagonal ekranu").

Let's take a look at the choice of TV set for the virtual world, I respect the presence of the new Dolby Digital processor. It is necessary to allow the TV set to independently blow the signal for multi-channel video production. sound tracks format 5.1, and due to the obviousness of the prompted pidsilyuvach - to bring acoustic system... In the іnshomu vipadku for otrimannya large sounding you will need to connect the attachment, equipments with a Dolby Digital decoder.

Additional functions

Bagato of today's TV shows may have at their own arsenal nabir additional possibilities For the help of some virobniks, they expand the functionality of the goods. Visit here as specific recommendations to finish it neatly: your vibe, better for everything, will come from that, as much as you need and handy will give you that chi function.

All Philips TV models are equipped with the AmbiLight function, as behind the additional supplementary large-size lamps on the case of the back background of the room. The color vibrates in the fallowness of the color, which is transformed into the scene: for example, if there is a presence there, there will be an orange worm. This will allow the enemy to be able to see the film and reach the general background in its atmosphere.

Panasonic TVs of Viera series may not function VIERALink, as it allows you to easily connect a set of attachments of the brand, for example, programmable disks, satellite and AV-receiver at the same time, the system will use it behind all one. Let's take the rank of Sony BraviaSync technology, which has been fixed in the Bravia series TVs.

Bottom guided short listіnshih additional functions, which are used by different models of TV sets from different brands:

display / display timer. Allowing to set up the TV set on automatic display or display at the first hour. For example, the screen in the kitchen will be installed at that hour, if you go to the robot;

24Hz (24p True Cinema).
A collection of films is known at a frequency of 24 frames per second. Alle, when recording їх on an extravagant DVD-disc, the format of the video frequency is 25 frames per second, so that you can easily display the image before you look at it for an hour. TV set from the built-in function of the building update the original frame rate per hour of production, for the reason that the discs are also played back;

guided tour (EPG). Electronic program of transmissions from the description. Bigger, lower paper-and-newspaper option, but a little less digital ethernet cable TV;

zakist from children. Zapobigak television set included for children without adults. It is also possible to implement the blocking of additional TV channels;

teletext. Allowing to remove additional information on the TV screen, so that such an opportunity is to be provided for the local TV events;

automatic regulation of foodiness. Television channels Those records on disks can be maternal rivn of guchnost. This function automatically analyzes the soundness of the dzherel sound and goes down to the vibrating corystuvac;

entered channel name. Allowing easy identification of the channel behind the additional copy of the koristuvach;

List of favorite channels. Until now, you can bring in the channels, if you wanted to be surprised, not to spend an hour on changing the program at will;

freeze frame (Time Shift). Yes, you can "zupiniti hour", putting a pause for an hour to look at the TV programs. Apparently, її broadcasting is trivial, ale, don’t miss anything, that’s why the television broadcaster zberigak in internal memory video recording, which you can peep a glance.

Deyakі models of TV sets offer the possibility of choosing modes of robots: standard, іgroviy, cinema and іnshі. Changing to the alternate mode allows you to automatically adjust the parameters of the robot to the screen in such a rank that the stench was optimal for the vibrational type of image. For example, the game mode activates a special scheme for changing the hour when the matrix is ​​displayed and by itself assimilating the effect of creating objects, so it quickly collapses, which is even more important for Igor.

Kupuumo televizor

With guided recommendations and respectfully analyzing parameters, you can easily vibrate the TV set, which is the most suitable for you. We will help you, thanks to the help of our joy, you will be able to open your home with a happy, highly technological, well-functioning media-system, so that you can create your ideas at home for those who will be cheerful and will accept it.

Take it until you respect the technical Specifications okremikh virobnikov RK-monitors, it is possible to mean such special features:

  1. Rizni models of monitors vikorist tipi matrix, which can be viewed on the main parameters of monitors that on galuzi їkh stasosuvannya;
  2. Go to the choice of methods for determining the parameters to lay down as a virobnik.

Tse is necessary vrahovuvati, oskіlki monitor vibration It is not such a simple task, as to be built for the first glance and, more so, when the new models of monitors are adjusted, so as the same price is not at all an indicator of the same possibilities. The first expensive monitored monitor is more than one hour. The article can also be reviewed in the main characteristics of the RK-monitors, and it is also possible to establish the correct vibration, so that you can check from the monitor.

Typical matrixes of RC-monitors

Monitor on matrixes TN + Film (Twisted Nematic + film)

TN + film is a simple technology. The part of the film in the name of technology means a preparatory ball, which can be stuck around for an increase in kut (from 90 ° to 150 °). In Danish hours, the film prefix is ​​often omitted, they are called simply TN. Unfortunately, the method of reducing the contrast and looking around for TN panels has not yet been known, moreover, an hour for this type of matrix is the present moment one of the most beautiful, and the axis of contrast is ni.

Є The most popular matrix that is available in the price range. An excellent TN matrix є crystal crystals with a specially coated plate, for a rakhunka which can be reached more broad kuti look around.


  • least hour to see Another re-run of monitors on TN + Film matrices.
  • low price through low ownership.


  • low contrast image for rakhunok viskogo rivnya chorny koloru;
  • naimenshі kuti look around vertically, it is less than the hulls; I look horizontally, so when you buy a V monitor, you don’t have to respect those who have the nature of the screen fastening before delivery.
  • nasty color transmission That is why the robot with the photos is not bad - you don’t deny the statement about the actual color of the image. In principle, some monitors are unambiguously recommended for office robots, and moreover, you can use the office programs to use the games and do not require the visual quality of transferring the photo to the color when looking at it.

Monitor on IPS matrix (In-Plane Switching) or SFT (Super Fine TFT)

Tsi monitors are not called budget models, some of the technology of this kind of technology can be reached on the road. If a penny is not a gift, then such a matrix will not be able to display a wide spectrum of production from a high level of quality. I recommend that tsі models of monitors fakhіvtsі for victorious work in home minds. Smell you will get a copy of the color transfer with robots with photographs or vector graphics, pereglyad fіlmіv. I’ll look around and get 178 º. It is great to go to monitors for Igor, who wants to see them more, but not monitors on the TN + Film matrix, but rather a model, because there is less difference in this parameter. The shortcomings of IPS matrices are low in contrast to the image, go up to TN + Film, and the indicators of lucidity are even lower, but more importantly, with other models of monitors on TN + Film.


  • vidminna transfer of colors for an hour of robots with photographs.


  • zbilshene hour to see;
  • contrast imaging;
  • indicators for yaskravostі;
  • price.

In-Plane Switching (Super Fine TFT) technology was sold by Hitachi and NEC. These companies use two different names of the same technology - NEC vicorist SFT, and Hitachi IPS. The technology was designed to help reduce the shortcomings of TN + film. If I want IPS for help, I can reach a higher level of gaze to 178 °, as well as a high contrast of that color, an hour I see a low level.

Even before the IPS matrix is ​​not sprung, the molecules of the rare crystals cannot be rotated. The other filter should be turned perpendicular to the first one, and the light should not pass through it. That image of the black color is close to the ideal. When the transistor goes out from the fret, the "bity" pixel for the IPS panel will not be bulky, as for the TN matrix, but rather black.

IPS in the Danish hour the technology is H-IPS, as we will see all the changes of the IPS technology in one hour change in the hour to the increase in contrast. The color of the most beautiful H-IPS panels is not sacrificed to any ELT monitors. Н-IPS і is cheaper than е-IPS actively picking up in panels with a size of 20 ".

AS-IPS (Advanced Super IPS - extended super-IPS) - also broken up by Hitachi Corporation in 2002. The contrast of the large S-IPS panels was reduced to the same contrast as the S-PVA panels. AS-IPS is also named for the monitors of the NEC corporation (for example, NEC LCD20WGX2) behind the S-IPS technology, which was split by the LG.Philips consortium.

H-IPS A-TW (Eng. Horizontal IPS with Advanced True Wide Polarizer ) - distributed by LG.Philips for the NEC corporation. Є H-IPS panel with TW color filter (True White - "reference beats") for making the white color more realistic and improving the view without creating an image (including the effect of sounding the RK-panels). Tsey type of panels are vicorized for the sash professional monitors high quality.

AFFS (Advanced Fringe Field Switching, unofficially named S-IPS Pro). The technology є for the now available IPS products, was broken up by the BOE Hydis company in 2003. Strength of the electric field made it possible to reach even larger caves to look around and to look around, as well as to change the place. Displays based on AFFS can be found in tablet PCs, based on matrices from Hitachi Displays.

Monitor on matrix MVA / PVA

Technology virobnitstva transmissionє. Protest, success has been reached on this year's day, but I will look around with a high contrast in the young kutas. The color transmission is ambiguous, the splinters of color transmission on the color of the color can be found in the one from which side to marvel at the screen. If you want your own colors, we will have you. For an hour, I think it will be worthwhile for TN + Film matrices and IPS matrices. In addition, monitors on such a matrix still cannot be found. Vikoristannya monitors with matrices to know their own verifications at any companies, who are engaged in armchair robots, in offices. For dynamic igors, tse is not the same short vibe across of the widest range of products Matrix spraying. I want the problem of sub-active vibration.

This technology is broken down by the Fujitsu company as a compromise between TN and IPS technologies and the same positive characteristics of the two previous types. For MVA matrices, the horizontal and vertical cutoffs become 160 ° (on current models of monitors up to 176-178 °), with the whole set of accelerated technologies (RTC), the matrixes do not greatly appear from TN + Film for an hour, which is important. according to the amount of color and accuracy of production.

MVA has become a VA slump technology introduced in 1996 by Fujitsu. Ridky crystals of the VA matrix when the pressure is applied perpendicularly to the other filter, so as not to let light through. Upon completion, the crystal springs are rotated 90 °, and the screen appears as a point. Yak in IPS-matrices, pixels do not let light through from the outside, so when you go out from the fret you can see how black tsyatki.


  • glibky black color(With a perpendicular view);
  • the visibility of the gwent structure of the crystals and the subway magnetic field.


  • the disappearance of details in the dark at a perpendicular view, the accumulation of the color balance of the image from the top.

Monitor on matrix PLS (Plane-to-Line Switching)

The PLS-matrix was broken up by Samsung as an alternative to IPS and was demonstrated for the first time at the breast of 2010. Transferred, so the matrix will be 15% cheaper, not IPS.


  • the power of the pixel nd food in IPS (similar * VA / TN);
  • temple fairness i garna color transfer;
  • great kuti look around;
  • outside of the sRGB range;
  • low energy supply, yak can be removed from TN.


  • hour vidguku (5-10 ms) can be adjusted from S-IPS, better than not from * VA, more from less from TN;
  • lower contrast (600: 1), lower for all types of matrices;
  • unrepentant perception.

Nayvazhiv characteristics of RC-monitors

  • Matrix type - technology, for which the preparation is RK-display.
  • Matrix class - according to ISO 13406-2, it is subdivided into the choice of class.
  • Building construction - horizontal and vertical dimensions, bends in pixels. On the view of the EPT-monitors, the Republic of Kazakhstan may have one fixation, the answer is reached by the interpolation.
  • Point size(Size of a picsel) - is established as a center for a secondary picsel. Bezposrednyo dressings due to physical allowance.
  • Spіvvіdnoshennya side screen (proportional format) - the ratio of the width to the height (5: 4, 4: 3, 3: 2 (15 ÷ 10), 8: 5 (16 ÷ 10), 5: 3 (15 ÷ 9), 16: 9 that ін)
  • The diagonal is visible - the size of the panel, the size of the diagonal. The area of ​​the displays is also in the same format: a monitor with a 4: 3 format is larger, lower with a 16: 9 format with the same diagonal.
  • Contrast- the definition of the quality of the most important and of the most important points when setting the quality of the performance. In deyakih monіtorah vikoristovuєtsya adaptive rіven pіdsvіchuvannya of vikoristannyam dodatkovih lamps, figure kontrastnostі (so dinamіchna been called to come), scho is induced to them, not to vіdnositsya The image static.
  • Yaskravіst- a number of lights, which will be displayed on the display, will be displayed in candelas per square meter.
  • Vidguk hour a - the minimum hour, necessary for the person of his life. Store from two quantities:
    • Buffering hour ( input lag). Highly significant dynamic games; call in to get involved; see the pictures with a kinescope at the shvidkisniy zyomtsi. Infection (2011) at the boundaries of 20-50 ms; in some early models it was 200 ms.
    • An hour of re-mixing - it’s the very thing to take into account the characteristics of the monitor. The high value of the video is high; Vimir's methods are ambiguous. It is practical for all monitors of applications to change the hour to 2-6 ms.
  • Coot look around- kut, with a certain drop in contrast, the reach of a given, for different types matrices that are calculated by different viruses in a rational way, and often not for a reason. Deyakі virobniki vkazuyut on quiet. The parameters of my monitors are as follows: CR 5: 1 - 176 ° / 176 °, CR 10: 1 - 170 ° / 160 °. The abbreviation CR (contrast ratio) means the level of contrast with the values ​​of the cut, looking around from the perpendicular to the screen. When looking around at 170 ° / 160 °, the contrast at the center of the screen decreases to a value of not less than 10: 1, when looking around at 176 ° / 176 °, it does not fall below the value of 5: 1.

Calling the monitor(1280x1024 ... 2560x1600) - the number of pixels (one to the same number) along the horizontal (the first number) and the vertical (another number). Infectious for sale є monitor with diagonal not less than 17 inches (17 "). The standard layout for such monitors, such as, vtim, and for monitors with a 19 "diagonal, є the layout is 1280x1024, and, apparently, the display shows 4: 3 sides (large format). In the day of the greater expansion, they will build monitors from spivvidnoshennyam sides 16x9. For such monitors, the recommended permissions are 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1200 in the fallowness of the screen diagonal. Oscillations of the distribution of the visok, then the video card, as it seems, is to blame for the "display". Do not follow the straightness of the screen, before the hour of installation correct permission- The proportions of the image are saved. So that the image of the stake will be near, and not an ellipse. Suchasnі іgri You can also accept widescreen permissions, but DVD or HDTV files are not widescreen.

For RK monitors fahivtsi recommend vikoristovuvati standard (native) dialer, characteristic for specific models... I called more visibility through a small number of crystals. You can ask less of a separate building, albeit to the detriment of the image, so be it a point, that you go to the screen, be seen in scale, and if you see not just one pixel, but rather than a point, you stand as a guard Changing the size of the building, we don’t change the physical number of pixels, we only need a number of points to be displayed on the screen. Oscillations of the distribution of the visok, then the video card, as it seems, is to blame for the "display".

Hour to see the matrix(An hour, for a matrix of a change of color from black to biliy abo navpaki) 2 ms, 4 ms, 5 ms, 6 ms, 8 ms, 11 ms, 16 ms... Chim mensha figure, tim shvidshe vidbuvaєtsya zmіna koloru. However, it means that the reaction of the matrix when changing from black to blue is much shorter, less when changing from black to dark gray. Well, it’s b, I’m going to be both black and dark blue mensha, and not between black and white men - why is the hour of reaction more? If you need to know the physical characteristics of the crystals, if you want to be able to go to the flow of electrical impulses. To those who are more likely to be among them, they are strong spirits, to be served on the crystal and they will react. Apparently, what the mensha came up with, the team was weak and the reaction was more pronounced. The very fact that you have seriously set up on the retailer jokes and vibrations of the monitor, tell me about those who can change him for help, whether it’s like a gray, de dark pid-land and shvidki ruhi. The minds have an effect on the ruch, if they are still present, if they are familiar. It’s necessary to remember that the figure is declared - the characteristic of changing from black to beige and from white to black color, but from the dark color of nicholas - it’s not possible need to be inverted. I will also respect the indicators of the luster and contrast of the monitor - the smell of vishch, the less will be remembered for the protection. The parameters can be adjusted independently.

If the role of the price of the monitor is important for you, then you will be able to see the middle of monitors on the TN + Film matrix. Try to know the compromise of the solution between such parameters as the clarity, contrast and the hour when you see the image, for example, for self-sufficient development, and you can know the most acceptable option for the image.

Yaskravіst- the maximum amount of energy available in the white color near the center of the screen. A unit of vimiryuvannya, which is in the price list, is called a candel per square meter (1cd / m² = 1nit). The figure is set to show, we will show the image. The minimum recommended value for the year is 250 cd / m². For protection of light intensity, use lamps and polarizers, which regulate the intensity of light, but not be skipped. The brightness of the lamp is designed for the crystals, it does not flow into the clarity of the image, as it is very important. All to deposit is from the quality of the crystals themselves, from the rosetting and from the correctness of the adjustment of the polarization of the filters, so that the electronics are simply infused into the whole parameter. Be sure to try to speed up the simple truth - what is the road monitor, what is more material and more beautiful than the "detection" of the elements, how to manage.

Contrast it is possible to visually, as the matrix building, to prevent a large black color. Koristuvachi, which professionally work with color, it is wonderful to know that the color of the black color in the ideal is zero. As a matter of fact, unimportant on the declared 3000: 1, the real level of contrast can be very low, but you can also respectfully marvel at the black color, which appears dark blue, and I do everything with the skin, I can do everything. Improved contrast indicators speak not about the level of the black color, but about the intensification of the color of the white color, as sometimes it is simply made during the robot. As long as you go from the professional value of this parameter, then for a better image you will need to make sure that the difference between a white color and a white color is necessary. In such a rank, for contrast, it is important to see the image quality from the urahuvannya of the Chorny Kolor.

Coot look around it is of great importance for shopping malls, since it is more horizontal and vertical, so it is less important to bring in before the image. Everyday koristuvachi present their vimogues up to the tsi parameter, such a rank, minimum cut around the look, fit along the horizontal cut of 160º, and along the vertical - 120º. However, for sale you can find a monitor with kutas looking around 140/120, 140/130, 150/135 too. At a glance, you can characterize how the contrast ratio changes from the center of the screen, de nayaskravish, to the edges of the screen, the contrast ratio falls to 10: 1. Those times, de sposterіgaєa decrease in contrast up to 10: 1 and vvazhaєa boundary cut around the look. The decrease in contrast means that the brightness of the white color decreases, and the screen increases the gray color.

Additional characteristics and modules

DVI- a digital video interface, which allows the transfer of a digital video signal from a video card to a monitor without converting it to an analog signal. Cepriy to a great clear and vivid image, especially on monitors of the great diagonal screen.

TV tuner- pristіy, scho converting a monitor to a new television set. The computer itself doesn’t get involved, it can be victorious, for example, for re-scrolling the video, setting up if it’s like a program, but at the same time it’s a new program. Monitor with TV tuner dodatkovo mute remote control remote keruvannya that pink for connecting the green signal to the signal (video recorder, DVD-programmer)

PIVOT- a function that allows the monitor to be rotated into portrait mode (rotated by 90º) by means of a slide to regulate the monitor's mount to the side. Particularly valuable for writing robots with text and images.

Loudspeakers- Vbudovani into the frame of the monitor. Obov'yazkovo presence in the models of monitors, in some є TV tuner. Significantly enjoy the working space on the table.

bracket- attachment for mounting the monitor to the wall.

Failure to handle when victorian RK-monitors

When you go out of your way, you read it, you can readily and earnestly put it to the monitor's choice, right away if you buy Vi yogo for a special victorian, or for a robot in an office. I respect us in advance for the appearance of "beaten" pixels on the screen. It’s as if the smell is found in the center of the screen, at least as much as it’s like for robots, but I’m just grateful, if you want the intensity of the pixel rotation, but it can be manifested in a different way in other countries. To that, as with your monitor the trapilia is so dashing, try to know that color, for any kind of defect that will be remembered. Obviously, it’s simplest to minimize the amount of money used for robots with office programs: just change the color to the background, and, apparently, to the font. Consider the problem of "broken" pixels, there are many buyers and sellers of monitors, but whether a store will reject the goods from the suppliers in the packaged view, and all defects appear on the spot. The same for shops is a free lottery, if the goods cannot be rotated, the situation is not a guarantee, but a demand to sell. In such cases, if a potential buyer wants to go to a specific model, but not in other stores, and a monitor is consumed at once - it is necessary to use it, because it’s not handy that the pickle might appear to be rosy, often show me to the minimum.

Vvazhaєtsya, scho RK-monitors are the most reliable from the point of view of the visibility of viprominuvan. Tim is not the man, the deyakі koristuvachі hangs the scargs, tied with my eyes, I’m sick with a headache, but I’m looking at the legacies of vipromynyuvans. However, tse, mabut, one, who can’t fight with robots with such monitors. All the same, the character of the robot behind the monitor is simply stalking the koristuvach in front of the screen, and the nonduzhannya can be victorious with the foul image of the image.

Neighborhoods and shortcomings

On the other hand, the RC-monitor may be incomplete, as it is often fundamentally important to learn, for example:

  • On the view of the EPT, you can view the image in one ("standard") permission. They are within reach of the interpolation from the second reading. Moreover, even lower permissions (for example 320 × 200) can be seen in the images of bagatoh monitors
  • Bagato RK-monitors may vary in small contrast to the glybin of black color. The adjustment of the factual design is not loosely tied to the forgiveness of the strength of the child, to uncomfortable values. The widespread use of the glossy coverage of the matrix is ​​injected only into the sub-active contrast for the minds of the newest illumination.
  • Through the hard times to the permanent matrices, there is a real problem of the irregularity of the lamps of the same color, the irregularity of the lamps in
  • The actual speed of the image can also be found in the lower, lower in the EPT and plasma displays. The overdrive technology is the problem of the speediness of the road.
  • The falliness of the growth from the kuta, I will look around until it becomes an absolute minus of technology.
  • RK-monitors, scho maso viroblyayayutsya, filthy stolen from poshkojen. The matrix is ​​especially sensitive, unprotected by a slope. With a strong onslaught, irreversible degradation is possible. Also є the problem of defective pixels. The number of defective pixels is marginally permissible, depending on the size of the screen, according to the international standard ISO 13406-2 (in Russia - GOST R 52324-2005). Viznacha standard 4 classes of quality RK-monitors. The newest class - 1, did not admit the presence of defective pixels. Naynizhchiy - 4, admittance of up to 262 defective pixels per 1 million working ones.
  • Pikseli RK-monitors degrade, wanting the speed of degradation of the most modern imaging technologies, behind the blame of laser displays, not so strong before.
  • Hitachi

    The information provided in our statistics is aimed specifically at those who provide information about the monitor and its characteristics. So, really, є the monitor is not even worse than that, expensive and cheap, but the buyer is guilty of one rule invisibly: which monitor is less special than that monitor, which I am pushing in front of me. Already a long time ago, a special feature has been noted: the difference between monitors is not clear, if the stench of the order is set, if you can see them ok, then the difference may or may not be remembered (to say about the same type of model). Apparently, for many reasons, they did not go into the reports of technical inventories, even to find serious faults does not give unambiguous pleasures to the monitor vibrator without prior testing, for that, in the documentation, it is not possible to see the methodology. To that end, the buyer can make a difference in the attachment of a specific skin model to a consumer. Success!

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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