Flat dynamics. Electrodynamic heads with flat diaphragms

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Installation of rear speakers of extraordinary standard sizes

The rear speakers give the gentlemen a headache. I would like to put it on the original delivery brands, fix all the stinks in the aisle to the sofa, often traumatize the gentlemen with the hospitable cottages of the cases, and the cables from all over the place with their feet. The center of the mass is blowing the column-stand appears to be roasted from the top, but the stiffness is clearly not done. Siphoning deliveries to tile acoustics are developed even more slowly and earlier to be siphoned off with a shot.

With the addition of traditional rear speakers, there are also folding ones. As well as mounting the column on the wall with brackets, the resulting depth of such a design appears in the region of 30 - 40 centimeters, the stench is easy to wash and obviously not to decorate with your own eyeball.

Do not scratch the rear speakers with your head, move it at a height of 1.7 - 2.0 meters from the floor. Fixing the speaker brackets on the wall is located on the back side, below the frontal acoustic systems and on the sound picture, so that the result will appear “closed” in the back. Conceived by the director, 3D sounds are effective.

Flat acoustics HECO Music Style Rear 200 F ta її perevagi

Flat nastіnnna acoustics not long ago appeared in model lines HECO, zakryva even more sophisticated and natural food.

The flat acoustics is not a pushover, but not an acoustic system, but rather a piece of furniture. Ukrіplena vrytul up to the wall, won in the smallest vіdstannyu 10 - 11 cm, nesting її is practically unhealthy.

Installed on a height of two seated people (110 - 150 cm. From the floor), flat acoustics are installed on the HECO Music Style Rear 200 F at the same time with the front speakers leaving the ideal sound picture in the horizontal area.

Having increased the minimum of the available speakers on the wall at a number of 4 - 6 pieces, you can install a secondary home cinema with 7-9 types of channels new formats awesome sound of Dolby Atmos and Auro-3D. At the same time, there is a large columnar audio system that doesn’t make any sense to the Internet.

Another sphere of storing columns on a wall is a complete set. nice audio a system of secondary attitudes at the booth: adale, kitchens, children, that bedroom.

Installed from two sides from the TV viewer, how to hang, the speakers on the wall of the HECO Music Style Rear 200 F create an excellent stereo sound picture, do not occupy a practically unimportant motion and look even more organically.

In general, kitchen or childish storage of small speakers, pidlogs often appear to be inconsistent, and the owners hear the sound of an infamous quality, which is seen from the dynamics that are woken up in the flat-screen TV. Ukrіlenі from two sides from the TB high-quality columns on the wall, just ten times more beautifully, lower internal, navigate from a common - television driver.

P.S. The flat acoustics of the HECO Music Style Rear 200 F is a very high quality natural sounding, we can easily see through the voice range of sounds. If you buy a rear speaker, do not use a nickel for a penny on them.

Leave our industry thanks to the release of Elektronika 100АС, progress on entering without standing on the ground, in the presence of new АС from coaxial, dynamic, electrostatic guchnomovtsy. Most Japanese corporations - Sony, and then Matsushita (Technics) started to break up completely new dynamic heads, working in piston mode. The main view of these dynamical boules is absolutely flat, and not conical diffuser of the stylistic design. The flat viprominuyucha surface does not have resonance of the power cones, it doesn’t have any springs, and it doesn’t seem to be phased out and close behind nature to musical instruments.

Already in 1978, Sony unveiled a prototype of the best speaker technology for lighting - Sony / Esprit APM-8. The diffuser of all the dynamics of the square shape, the low-frequency bullet has 4 cobalts, the cores of the strained magnetic systems, the single flat diffuser collapsed, the piston was mute. Todi buv, reaching earlier did not produce high-frequency speakers, a low bass at 25Hz at a level - 8db, and an unreasonable amount of KNI in the low-frequency region, which doesn’t change 2% at 40Hz!

Sony / EspritAPM-8 (1978 r.)4 smogs, multi-amp function, body with anti-diffraction coating, 102 kg. 500W. 25-30000Hz.

Inexpensive, ale viscooyak_sny flat style viprominuvachTechnics. (stuck in the Technics SB-7 model)

TechnicsSB-10, dynamic HF vipromynuvach, stylnikovy midrange with "invisible" pidvisom, stylized bass (32cm) with a cat oversized diameter (160mm). Magnet and two centered washers are located in the middle of the cat! Go to dynamik navivorit. A foldable design was available only for Technics and for a short hour.

The Lo-D company (Hitachi concern) did not become the go-getter of Sony and Technics, but did not break the glass in the thinnest diaphragms, instead of the stylized design, but on the basis of synthetic wood and oxamitic acrylic coating for high-quality, light-colored surfaces, such as

Trio (produced by the Kenwood company, which is a high-class audio technology company) vikorystovuvalo conical low frequencies vipromynuvachi, reinforced with stiffened stiffening ribs. Acoustic designs are served by a special horn phase inverter, which borrows the entire back part AC. MF / HF Vipromynuvachi Trio vypuskala with flat diaphragms from carbon fiber, with leaked acrylic resins.

JVC in its dynamos (Victor Zero-7) has broken the diffuser in one piece from the composition of pine-resins. In the design of the dynamics, the pivots are closed from the revolving side and the buv is "invisible". The innovation was based on the fact that, from the edge of the screen, the image of sound was seen, as in the standard design it was turned back at the diffuser. Having added three smogs of such dynamics to an ultra-light sweeping super-tweeter from an acoustic lens.

Lo-D HS-5000 (Lo-D podrozdil Hitachi, specializing in high-class technology)

Flat viprominuvachLO- D, diffuser of storage with special pinoy and metal lamination.

Flagship model firmi Technics - SB-M 1 (1981 p.) 4 smogs, stylized vipromynuvacs - a kind of Sony / Esprit APM-8, only more and more cheaply .

The style of the diffuser gives a name for the hardness with a high efficiency of the internaldamping, with a large weight.

Trio LS-1000, rear panel є shoutvzaєmodinwith attachmentsfor listening, шо піднімаєfor themselveslow frequencies.

OnkyoScepter-300, the rear panel on the viglyad of the ultra-high-frequency speakers, in its own arrangement, 6 separate midrange-high frequencyviprominuvachami, behind the words of the developers, give the impression of a new 3-world picture of the sound image.

VictorZero-7. The breeders of the flat viprominuvac, find a sufficient minimum phase correction at the dark-colored design..

Diatone DS-505, 4 smugas, cone low-frequency diffuser - stylized design, domes - lightweight titanium boron.

At the borders of the 70s-80s p. When there were trivial experiments and until a lot of designers went to work, it was an ideal vipromynuvach, the whole point was dull to the sound. In such a guchnomovtsia phase and transition of the production to the minimum, the sound is vipromised from one point without the separation of swarthy dynamos (LF, MF, HF) in the open air. So yes, the hearing is seen in general presence at the concert, the sound does not get attached to the speakers, but all virtual drones are exactly located in the open air. Shirokosmugov dynamic heads are not good enough to handle the entire sensitive frequency range, especially in the high-frequency part. To that, the dealers began to set up on the same axis the kylka of guchnomovts. Nybilsh tsіkavі rіshennya they were stashed by companies Tannoy and Altec Lansing.

The Tannoy company stashed the great lows of the papery dynamics with the acoustically pierced pilezachisny kovpak and the conical opening at the core, through the yoke viprominuv the high-frequency dynamo, mounting the middle magnetic system of the low-frequency head and the magnetic field. The head minus of this concept is the connection of the low-frequency diffuser, which is a single-hour horn for high frequency.

TANNOY Autograph (K3808) (1979r.) Is broken up specially for rosttashuvannya in a room. Acousticdecoration - the frontal part of the dynamo is mounted on the horn, the style is on the folding labyrinthform.

Coaxial DynamikTannoy... The domed high-frequency vipromynuvach is located in the middle of the conical low-frequency head and the vicorist magnetic field only from the outer side of the magnetic system.

Altec Lansing 620B Monitor, 1978HF driver attaching to the back of the great 15 "LF dynamo and vipromynyu through the hole inyogo core on the vlasny horn.

Before the end of the 1980s, Technics did not expand on the theory of point-to-point vipromynuvach in its SB-RX series speakers. Prior to that, Technics' point-to-point vipromynuvach worked in the piston mode and it was absolutely flat.

I would like to mean one more idea of ​​the turn of the 70-80s. Tse system of a ringing mechanical sound (EMOS), distributed by Philips. All in all, when it comes with a high output support even more vigorously and naturally transfers the midrange and high frequency spectrum of the musical signal, and when it comes with a low output support (which will add a high damping factor for sure), good and Philips engineers placed a micro sensor on the diffusers of the low-frequency head, which determines the amplitude, temperature, pressure and parameters. Give danis to the microprocessor, which will be installed at the AS building. Vyhodyach from otrimanyh vіdomosty, the microprocessor regulates the operational opіr of the driver. With the implementation of the dark-dark reddening of the design, it appears from passive crossovers, in which a part of the signal is destroyed. There is a possibility of changing the parameters of the driver, some of them are needed at a time.

A standard dynamic guchnomovets, which I know of the current year, there was a breakdown in the 1920s and a vicorist magnetic field for changing a cat or a magnet, which is a reference to the diaphragm. Zvichayno Je minutes INSHI VD dinamіkіv, SSMSC stale od type pristroїv pіdsilennya, krіm standard round dinamіkіv in tsіy stattі E rozglyanemo kіlka mainly tipіv: rupornі (rіzhkovі) p'єzoelektrichnі, magnіtostriktsіynі dinamіki, elektrostatichnі, strіchkovі that ploskі magnіtnі column hvilovі, flat panel speakers, "re-transforming the powerhouse", plasma dynamics and digital speakers.

1. Rozhkovi (horn) dynamics

Dani dynamics boomed with a persistent form to make the sound stronger. I don’t need an electrician to be able to do it. Dani dynamics were victorious in their designs, for example: Thomas Edison, Magnavox, and Victrola. The period of the week is approximately 1880-1920.

The main shortcoming is that the stench can’t seem to forcefully rotate the strength. In the future, it will be necessary to take out dynamics and attachments to the electrics. The stench of the year is less than an exhibit for collections, of course, for a collection of funs, as I’ll grow up, or rather often, the principle of horny dynamics.

2. Electrodynamic (modern) dynamics

So also an electrodynamic dynamo? Tse pristіy, like a vicarist electro-magnetic cat that diaphragm for the sound. The most common type of dynamos in the world.

Yak tse pratsyuє?

The current dynamo vikoristovuє electromagnet, which will transform the electrical signals of the growing power into the mouth of the diffuser. Coil with a dart collapses at the magnetic field. Tse pratsyu, vikoristovuchi principle of індукції. The coil is connected to the cone from the cardboard, paper, vinyl or material. The cone of diaphragms is picked at once from an electro-magnetic coil. The sound is flashed and fired without a diaphragm. A special feature of these dynamos is that the skin type of dynamos is distributed in the singing frequency range, because it is based on the type of magnets, the material and the characteristic of dynamos.

Trochs about sound:

Sound is one of the forms of energy that passes through the gas in the middle of the day. Є two main parameters for vimіryuvannya sound: frequency and rіven muchnostі (decibels). The frequency is considered for the soundness in dynamism, decibels for the soundness of the sound.

People can hear a little sound at a frequency of 20 - 20,000 Hz. Hertz is the number of cycles per second. The sound is in the range from 0 rivnya energy to non-termination.

If you wonder at the music, then whether the note does not sound at the constant frequency, the sound of the sound, which can be reached to the maximum, for notes Up to 1 octave on the skin 277-278 times per second.
the maximum sensitivity is in the range from 2 to 4 KHz.
The dynamic range (from quiet sounds to the highest ones) is close to 96 dB (from 1 to 30,000 on a linear scale).
It is possible to change the frequency by 0.3% at a frequency of the order of 1 kHz.
There are two signals that increase the decrease by 1 dB in amplitude - the stench is important. The growth rate in terms of amplitude is stored in frequency and the highest sensitivity is in the range from 2 to 4 KHz.
The spaciousness of the building is up to 1 degree in people.
The sounds of the pink frequency are widened at the turn bright shvidkistyu... As a result, the high-frequency part of the spectrum is from the dzherel, which is located on the far side of the hearer, the trochi is remembered.
Lyudin can’t think about the rapidity of high frequencies, as I don’t think it’s close to 2ms.
Deyaki doslidzhennya show that people can see the frequency of 20kHz. In addition, the frequency range sounds.

Frequency spectrum for human beings, do not have information: from 500 Hz to 2 kHz
Low frequencies in the moving bass and voices, high frequencies - inaudible.
So, as a neuron may not be buzzed more often than 500 times per second, then to reject information about more high frequencies The rumor apparatus of the people can be heard up to the deyaky "cunning": at frequencies up to 500 Hz - the number of signals can be transferred without interruption to the nerves of the impulses.
Approximately up to 1.5 kHz, the problem is visible to the connections one hour to 3 neurons to one nerve end. The neurons in the whole range are generated last, one by one, and, apparently, additionally help to reduce the frequency distribution of the building by 3 times.
At high frequencies, the signal amplitude is reduced.
This rank binaural hearing, which plays a great role in the localization of the sound, most of the accusations at frequencies less than 1.5 kHz. Vishnitsya frequency and dzherelom information about mіszeznokhozhennya є there is no increase in the amplitude of the signal for the left and right voice.

The main stages of development of modern dynamos:

1861 - the simplest type of electronic guchnomovtsy of the rundown of Johann Philipp Reis - teacher at the Friedrichsdorf town, Nimechchina. Dynamik buv sound roughly even roughly. Tse buv first dosvid victoriannya elektrodynamicheskogo guchnomovtsya.

1876 ​​- Oleksandr Graeme Bell can also roam to the end of the dynamo by roaming the robot Flight.

1877 - The idea of ​​an electro-magnetic catcher for a victorian in dynamics was created by Werner von Simens; The new one didn’t have a solution to make the sound stronger, but let it go, but it’s possible to get it in the best possible way.

1877-1921 - The development of winemakers and engineering specialists from the idea of ​​electrodynamic guchnomovtsy, but no longer have to be heard from the rude, created sounds. Promise of prodovuval vipuskati horns of dynamism.

C.W. Rice s General Electric and E.W. Kellogg and AT&T were running at once off Schenectady, New York, over the reduction of electromagnet dynamos with a first power-supply electrical system. The stench was blown away by a working prototype in 1921 roci. Rice and Kellogg were able to resist all the problems that led them to a good, clear sound. Before the front, the guchnomovtsa gave a try to the nasty, unacceptable, muffled sounding. A lot of muffling the sound is not enough to sound, but it competes with the sound of a horn speaker, which is good to go to the market. Rice and Kellogg were able to create the whole world of intelligence, which is necessary for the production of all frequencies necessary for the establishment of accurate sound. Їx prototype mav to complete the great dynamic range frequencies, but we will reduce the range of the horn dynamics, volodyuchi, with a lot of flexibility, it is significant to increase the soundness. In 1925, the stench filed for a patent and was filed for a promotion in St. Louis at the AIEE conference ( American Institute of Electrical Engineers). Pislya kіlkokh rokіv robots smelled this first commercial product of its kind and named the guchnomovets Radіola No. 104. Vona was sold in 1926 for $ 250 (close to $ 3000 per year). Dynamik is sold under the RCA brand.

Electrodynamic guchnomovtsi vibrate at once from the building and are subdivided into the main categories:

Їjackers ( Tweeter) - 2 kHz - 20 kHz; Most of the tweeters are broken by the principle of electrodynamic guchnomovts, prote є n'zoelectric, electrostatic and plasma high-frequency dynamos.

Mid frequency dynamics ( Mid-range) - 300 - 5 kHz. The whole range will search for a larger part of the human voice at once from a large number of musical instruments.

Low-frequency dynamic ( Woofer) - for frequencies 40 - 1 kHz.

Subwoofer ( Subwoofer) - 20 - 200 Hz. Even low frequencies. Lyudske vuho can be slightly less up to 20 Hz. low-frequency range. Tse means that there can be room for space in any room, and we can feel it from a point of view from the very sound of the sound. Subwoofers also vibrate with sound, which can easily penetrate the walls. Noise from a dynamo can penetrate vertically through 5 or more buckets of concrete in the living rooms. Say it, it’s easy to drink the noise at the inappropriateness of the muscular ears. Subwoofers bully rocked in 1960s rock.

3. Flat panel columns

This is where the NXT technology comes in.

NXT-panels- There is one of the options for displaying flat-panel guchnomovts. The basis was laid on the rosters for the vіyskovo industrial industry, the protest was mainly used for the storage of additional attachments, they were known from the happy electronics. The Parrot company is using the technology of the MINIKIT SLIM, MINIKIT CHIC and MINIKIT L.E.

Talking about the special features that visibly see the system, we should name those, which are important for the vicorian annex in the contiguous space:

  • practically limitless viprominuvannya sound at all straight;
  • Minimal soundness of the acoustic vice when viewed from the NXT panel. So that the sound does not fall for the hour of changing the koristuvach.

In the name of the great dynamos, NXT is the technology of flat panels, so that you can get there from one point behind an additional rugged coil, or an element of a wake-up call. Drive the NXT to maximize the resonant behavior of the panel, for example, by setting the choice of surface material and setting the default setting.

The main idea of ​​the field is in the fact that it is maximally vague to the nature of the fall, whether there are two suspended points on the surface of the panel, but one is one - the main hole of the NXT.

In the even rigid panel of the NXT system, the sound energy is based on the dynamic electrodynamic or electrostatic principle, folding vibrating processes are displayed on all surfaces. With a whole resonance of power, tied to the structure of the material and the point of development, it is becoming intensive, the material is being repaired quite vividly. The scientific name of the tsya phenomenon is "the mode of distribution". Try to find the track of the fast descent, cross the hump near the dead and navpaki. It is necessary, that the structure of the vibrations at all the frequency range of the ball is used for folding and shielding.

One NXT panel is used to update the entire sound range for the view of the extravagant bagatosmugovy guchnomovs, so that one NXT panel is created for the help of one and only one reworker. For an area of ​​0.6 sq. m the lower cutoff frequency becomes 100 Hz, and the upper one is 18 kHz. The first response of the frequency characteristics at the same time is the same order, as in the case of the great guchnomists. The size of the area is up to 1.5 sq. m low-frequency inter- change up to 60 Hz. NXT panels can be applied in sizes of 25 sq. cm up to 100 sq. m! Most of them can be found in multimedia systems with a laptop, and most in cinemas, attendants at once with a screen. At the same time, there is an absolutely limitless sea of ​​stasis of car acoustics and portable attachments (Parrot MINIKIT SLIM) to an uncomfortable (for the eyes, altogether not too small smudges) fragmented acoustics, which take into account

The NXT system practically does not have any drawbacks, if the temperature is controlled to be adjusted. On the other hand, the panels themselves play the role of a cooling device at once. Moreover, the shape of the panel can be attached before delivery. At the same time, do not forget about wasting energy on one side of the panel. The sub'active effect of the sounding of the NXT system panels can be characterized as a gap with detailed design and transmission of short-time signals without a problem.

NXT panels can be applied in sizes of 25 sq. cm up to 100 sq. m! Most of them can be found in multimedia systems with a laptop, and most in cinemas, attendants at once with a screen. At the same time, there is an absolutely limitless sea of ​​stagnation due to car acoustics in front of policemen from the rear slope to the most uncomfortable (for the eyes, but not small smudges), in the sound of the architectural fragments Talking about the parameters that visually see the system, then name it in front of a practically limitless way of prompting the sound in all directions, as it should be reduced by low frequencies in common with classic diffuser guchnomovtsy. In addition, the soundness of the acoustic clutch when viewed from the NXT panel is significantly less. If they change the sound by traditional methods by traditional methods, they have 4 dB less sound at a 1 meter stand, lower than a middle dynamic guchnomovtsy (for which we accept 90 dB SPL), then when shifted by 3.5 m for NXT, it will not change by 4 dB. 11 for acoustics from the traditional re-transformation of the signal to the signal. So, when the listener is oversubscribed, it is practically ill-advised to see the zhodnykh snakes frequency spectrum ni muciness. Before the hour of the demonstration, the panel was rotated by 90 °, or sitting behind the back of the specialist, while demonstrating it, practically did not pour into the quality of the production. The directors of microscopic changes, the character of the impedance of the protagonist for the panel will be simply resistive, which means that the robot will linger.

The NXT system practically does not have any drawbacks, if the temperature is controlled to be adjusted. On the other hand, the panels themselves play the role of a cooling device at once. In addition, the shape of the panel can be attached before delivery. At the same time, do not forget about wasting energy on one side of the panel. The sub'active effect of the sounding of the NXT system panels can be characterized as a gap with detailed design and transmission of short-time signals without a problem. If you want to upgrade Hi-Fi, then before any shortcomings you can introduce a deactivation of the low frequency line, as well as waste the exact localization. There are some shortcomings in the so-called "diffusion" of the sound field, as it itself is not very short, but for the modern acoustics of the home theater THX needs to be found, it will not be possible to get involved in the process of elaborating the NXT system.

4. Membrane columns

The principle of polarity is in the fact that the magnetic field is used to change the sound element (diaphragm). In such a dynamite, the cat is mounted without the aperture on the diaphragm. The main advantage of such dynamics is a great effort, a wide range of adjustable frequencies and a compact, especially for trade, size.

5. Columns on the basis of a plasma arc

Plasma is an ionized gas, or a gas stream. Plasma reacts to electric fields, so you can turn on an electric signal (sound) in an electric field, like manipulating plasma. In plasmas є masa і won, the sound is flashing, but it is similar to those that at the diaphragm collapse in order to reject the sound. Such dynamics visually add to the tsikavi, albeit surrounded by the sound. Some of the boxes may have problems with the hope, and in the meantime, they will be deprived of a concept or an attachment for lovers.

6. P''zoelectric speakers

P''zoelectric dynamics enclosed in frequency response that stink
vikoristovuyutsya only yak tviteri (pischalka) at small electrical outbuildings, such yak godinnik, schob vidtvoryuvati simple sounds... Such dynamics are based on solid technology, how to rob them even with the help of microphones, as well as solutions for victorious devices like a microphone in front of water. The stench of sound jams comes from the additional change of geometry of hard and spring, most often flat, element, prepared, zzvychay, from piezoelectric ceramics (a type of titanate bar). It is good to create sounds at resonant frequencies and even more to all others.

7. Electrostatic dynamics

Electrostatic guchnomovts, affectionately called electrostats, are presented to high-end guchnomovs in the High-End class. The principle of the simple is the heavy flat membrane to the inserted plate. It’s a pity, for the smallest manifestation of the effect, the vicoristovuvati must be brought up to the top of his head - approximately up to 10 kV. But in general, the effect is to manifest itself weakly, but for the purpose of rejecting the acceptable purity of sounding at low frequencies, the membrane area is guilty of close to 1 square meter, or even more, because of the great dimensions of the guchnomovts. It’s worth noting that it’s possible that it’s not enough - it’s close to 10-15 cm. It’s awesome, the designers must not forget about the safety of robots with such high-voltage units. The dimensions of the speakers (1.5 meters of coil and 0.8 meters of the coil), as well as the working force of 9 kV to speak for itself. The speakers are used to create low frequencies - for the whole of them two membranes with a size of 50 × 27 cm can be used. Electrostatis is not deprived of thunderstorms, but even more expensive vipromynuvachi. It is unlikely that the stench will become a practical interest for the great majority of our music lovers and lovers of electroacoustics. So itself, like and deyaki types of vipromynuvacs, like vicorists, special physical effects, which lead to the generation of sounds, for example, the generation of plasma colivans. The whole picture changes, as if the electrostatics are victorious instead of the middle and high frequencies, and I will scratch the mind of the low frequencies for the well-tested dynamic guchnomovtsy. The Sony company has gone on a fast track, storing high-frequency electrostatic devices in their own music centers. The range of efficiently designed frequencies stretches from the lowest frequencies of the audio range to tens of kilohertz (tsikavo, but the exact data of the company will not be ordered yet). Effort of experts to unanimously converge on the fact that the systems give especially insight into that natural sound, to the extent of which it is uncomfortable to dress up.

Report on

Development, preparation of unique programmed living blocks for pedals of effective gitars.

Based on the theory of the revival of the wineries (TRVZ) we will addє those who are vzgalі vіdsutnє, and zavdannya vikonua. So, with home electronics, it’s not a problem to reduce the presence to the minimum. Particularly priced are stovpchikiv. There are many reasons. Nayposhirenishі їkh - children who can change the acoustics in a vague way; expensive square meters, which are used by technology; seized passages etc. Well, at the commercial premises - shops, restaurants too. vzagal is a reference.

Short solutions in the whole situation є the current acoustic systems. At the given bagatokh there are a lot of extraordinary polichki, which are screwed on the terrible brackets. For the sake of at once, there is a lot of real acoustics of good design, good quality of sounding and, very, very good price. I am encouraged to take a short look around if I’m crimson, but I’ll be more aware of the bright possibilities. Let's look at the assignments to the design itself. well and technical nuances you can visit our Gallery.

Flat acoustic systems.

Zazvychay, the stink of a straight-handed form. Among them, є zvsіm thin - all 2-3 centimeters of a child, and є nd to fill in volume, є in size іf zosit, that size іf people grow up. Here, the main thing is nutrition in that soundness and effort, as you need and adapt to the size of primacy. Deyaki of these models sound on equal radio points (hto memory), and deyaki of these models sound like High End. From a glance, the obroboka flat columns їх main notice - the size of the frame and the color of the grill.

Deliver popular flat models with images applied to the grill. In fact, the stench is disguised as a picture. In order to make it easier for you to change your baguettes - from simple to retail. A little bit of the opportunity for the last minute to lay down on the basis of the design of the columns.

Deyak is flat on acoustics and masksuvati is not vague. Zavdyaky yakісnomu izdolennuyu vona can be good "potovarishuvati" with bagatma interior styles.

"Ob'єmni" pertinent acoustic systems.

Lack of flat speakers for the one that is needed on the wall, and more viskogo rivnya Columns, Tim Big Mystsya stench call out to vimagayut. Nіkudi not dіneshya - physics. An alternative to this can be large wall-mounted speakers. The stench is not out of place to cheer up the place on the wall, but to see it out efficiently.

The vibe of forms and materials is even greater here. Ale "rule of size" can be met. Bigger and lighter speakers, which, as a rule, are small and large in size. Ale і "malukіv" is not a good idea to get rid of rakhunkіv. Correctly, a compact solution is chosen because of the set of employees. Call these speakers at once from the subwoofers. If I want the subwoofer to grow mainly on the basis of food, the stench does not so much fall into everybody's and not so critical before the rosetting, however, here it’s a song of vimogi.

Among the "common" real models are representatives of "soft" forms, which can fit well into the classics, and into the modern interiors. The deyakі from them are not є a collection of real ones, but rather the possibility of crying on the wall.

Explore and model, inspired by hard straight lines. As a rule, it stinks more beautifully "to be friends" with the smallest inter'ers and some straight lines of neoclassicism, which also intertwines straight lines.


The whole type of speaker systems is also adopted on the wall. Zdebіlshogo soundbars are playing with inexpensive home theater systems. I will look at the quality of the sound of everything important and special. Shvidshe stench rozrahovani on the call of an unwavering koristuvach. The design of a large number of vipadkiv also offers budgetary occasional interiors.

However, the middle of the soundbars is the "king". The size of such speakers will change two meters and on the day will increase the performance of the acoustic systems and support the High End class.

The improvement of such systems is also buvaє rіznim. If anything, you can know the option for classics, and for "high-tech".

Tilovi acoustic systems.

Such acoustics are used in home cinemas for tilovy, and in some bichy channels for the establishment of large sounding. Go to the design similar to the description of flat and volumetric acoustic systems. There is a difference in the fact that such acoustics are generally recognized as the main effect of large-scale sound in a home cinema. I want to be able to play the main AU in some small households. At a glance, the "suvorikh ruled" is not so, but for an unrecognized music lover, it can be a good idea to look at the design with an acceptable sound quality.

Naturally, in order to reach the optimal result for all the criteria for the performance of these speakers, you need a robot and a deputy, a designer, an inter'er and fahivts from such technology. Near the Gallery of no-gas electronics "Nazarov" a great announcement of the current acoustic systems is piled up different type in small inter'ers. Singingly, we know optimal version for whatever, to find the most standard vipad. Turn around, we are happy to help you!

Ogliad educated Oleg Kostyuchenko.

Rinok will stay for an hour information technologies to finish strongly re-making, and not just before the end of the day, as if he wanted it, but for the textbook marketing rules. As well as the sector of the market of high technologies, it follows the pace of modernization from the processor market to the market of graphic accelerators, it will be drunk at new prices. If you would like to come to the companies, they will be engaged in the sale of peripheral attachments, for example, keyboards or awkward speaker systems. Apparently, the arrival of the immaculate with the hegemon of the IT world on the Intel or MS, however, didn’t see any financial support from these companies, but it’s worth being in billions of dollars. In addition, the development of high-tech innovations in significant sectors of the market of information technologies (for example, childless keyboard and flat speaker dynamics) is so widely adopted that the period of industrial computers

As I have already said, companies that are engaged in the release of awkward peripherals (often Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese companies) cannot allow themselves to use the power of science centers for the development and advancement of new technologies. That is, according to the great sense of the zmіstі others, it is not installed, as only the company doesn’t let go, say, expensive acoustic systems and Hi-Fi, or Hi-End, even if the sales of dynamically packed plastic come from, it’s very hard to come high - not a six hundred dollar processor from a $ 30 price tag. The very jokes of the know-how in the halls of sound systems are involved either independently (not tied to virobnitstvom) pre-existing laboratories, or the science center of the chief pledges, for they are sponsored by the Defense Agency's department to work out, every hour in parallel with the main type of activity.

One of the representatives of the last class of development was the British defense agency DERA (Defense Evaluation and Research Agency), which, for good reason, has sealed the boxes of flat acoustic dynamos. As a matter of fact, today, after a dozen or so rockets, it is easy to see the ancestor of the idea of ​​"flat sound", as well as the rosettes in the whole hall were carried out in the Radiansky Union. However, let's turn to DERA, to be exact, to the first specific sportsman - Ken Heron, who is tackling the problem of noise reduction in helicopters. Behind his words, the metal plate, which fitted the stele of the cockpit of the helicopter, blew out an additional noise; If the bureaucratic officials of the British Defense Agency did not rush to replace the panel with a plastic analogue, Ken Heron had an idea that was judged to get involved in the original sound system.

In such a rank, in 1991 the group of Heron, by the way of DERA, carried out a low amount of additional dosages, patented a new technology. However, the inertia of the companies engaged in the loss of sound systems gave the nobility about themselves, and only in the other half of the 90s there was a company that was virile for the commercial investment given development tsієї, madly, promising technologies. Verity became this company, which is engaged in projects and sales of high-class acoustic equipment, which was renamed NXT.

Fakhivtsi with NXT, together with Heron's group, made a long journey in a short hour, and even before the arrival of the NXT commander, new dynamos could have completed the range. In such a rank, NXT has come close to an hour of commercial testing of flat dynamo technology. Crumbs from the company sell all the vigorous efforts to grow up on the new boxes.
Also, on the current NXT company there are two technologies, based on the principles of flat dynamics - not the surface dynamics of SurfaceSound and the technology of open-ended dynamics - SoundVu. The first is licensed by companies, the middle of such companies as industries, yak, Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba. Compaq, IBM, JVC, etc. not even thinking about a hundred іnshoi, like bathing ready-made OEM panels for the end of not expensive sound systems.

The soundness of the lower range of sounding grows from the increase in the display size. Stereo effect can be reached by the plant until one more vipromynuvach. This allows you to view the speakers in the monitor, to change the dimensions of the display, and also to sound the place on the table for viewing and viewing the audio system. For the most important reason given, the technology brought the owners of laptops, which until the last hour could not boast of the quality of the sound. The company means that, while it’s important to say, how much will the number of PCs with the SoundVu system be improved, some of the remaining technology will be improved for a few hours, and on real products on the basis of a few years. Now let's talk about the technology of flat (SurfaceSound) and penetrating (SoundVu) dynamos.


Who has the principle of robotics of a flat dynamo? On the surface of a flat viprominuvach, a folding collapsible picture is formed (Fig. 1), which sounded, and the traditional dynamics of the frequency and sound of a given spectrum are generated by the collars of the same membrane.

The winery is absolutely logical food: and most of the time, these are folding needs? Adzhe new technology for a successful victory at the end of the possession is guilty of clearly seeing the crossings in front of the front line. To achieve a gimmicky design for all bazhannya, you cannot recoup vitrati, as the parameter is only one. Zrozumіlo, first row i The main task, which will be read by the retailers at the current new technology for dynamos, if there is a sound. P'zoelectrical, electro-magnetic, electrostatic and traditional acoustic systems do not compromise on the sound quality of flat dynamics. A set of acoustic control on the basis of SurfaceSound can be supplemented with subwoofers through those that do not have the upper frequency range.

Fig. 2. Sound field of a standard speaker

Worst respect for the two-sided diagrams of straightness (Fig. 2) of flat dynamos. The traditional acoustic setup has a great viglyad, but it’s not spherical at all. Also, the power of the plane dynamics is obviously playing. And also the image of sound hygiene from the side of the mind to end the bad. Otzhe, gimmicky design, vaguely sounding, slyly, it is impossible to put an obscure sound, but more happily - moreover.


SoundVu - the whole technology, how to transfer, to allow the re-creation of computer monitors and plastic RK-displays of mobile and desktop computers at Guchnomovets. As a matter of fact, SoundVU is a SurfaceSound development with a little more difference, so it’s possible to let the sound of sound, glimpse, sound like a barless plate. Soundvu computer monitor) in Guchnomovets. In practice, it can be done by hand, even for more people mobile phones Opening the phone to the phone has long become synonyms. Vikoristannya new technology to update the "hygienic" problems of victorious mobile phones. In addition, the SoundVU victoriannya will allow you to change the housing of stylistic devices even more, and also to make the rest more addictive. SoundVu, according to John Visor, director of NXT, will transform the computer or TV screen into Guchnomovets with an increased dynamic frequency range. Chim more space for the screen, tim more sound and "more" bass. To play stereo sound, it is enough to insert two permutations into the screen.

Flat "sensor" dynamics for mobile telephones Matsushita Electronic

Matsushita Electric presented a new university dynamics - Sound Slim, to de-vicorize the magnetic flow, opening horizontally with two magnets, which can be mounted. In addition, the company has not at all been zupinilized and has now presented new fruits of its predecessors from the so-called Sound Window technology: Acoustic Panel - a flat dynamic pad, and Acoustic Touch Panel (A-TTP) - dynamics, sensor.

The essence of the technology of the field is that for the preparation of dynamos for the technology of Aero Drive, a thin layer is used, as it is not in the process of changing the sound range of a solid basis. What's more, as Matsushita has it, the call for a part of such a panel will make it hard to waste a bit of purity;
In all cases, when you open it in modern stylish telephones and PDA, you can hear sound through them, at least in the shortest amount of money you buy. The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200badding dynamics from fixed LCD panels is promising to finish, some of them can be helped by using openings from a small PC / mobile phone. Matsushita Electric manages to create a display of such dynamics at the serpentine, and the majority of acoustic panels start at the birch 2003 rock.

Inspection of speakers on the basis of "flat" sound technology

Jazz hipster monaco

Vitoncheni flat columns, the depth of storage is only 13mm, and the membrane is 3mm thick. Qia acoustic system Monaco, as it is stored in three components: a subwoofer and satalitiv, the power of both systems is 500W. The frequency range for the Jazz Hipster Monaco model should be set from 80 Hz to 20 kHz. When listening to the pattern of the model, you can see the pure, high frequencies and non-degradation, if not ideal mean. And the yak model for listening to the music and for computers igor, through the presence of the kit, as the subwoofer was already lost. A low-frequency unit of the form 80 Hz, such a parameter does not satisfy a strict musician, but for computer speakers is an indicator of a lot of confusion. The organization of the lines plus good technical indicators allow us to declare that the column data is based on SurfaceSound technology, if you don’t change the tradition, then you’ll get the price for sure.

Jazz hipster malibu

These speakers, broken up by Jazz Hipster Corporation, are simple for the front, I would like to know that the subwoofer is not included in the kit, so that if you do not want to hear a rock composition or build it into a computer ... , Much for whatever є in the given model. Columns are named Malibu. The claimed tension is 320W, and the frequency range is 200 Hz - 20 kHz. It is not easy to understand the sound of the numbers in the immature papugas, but simply to assess the soundness of the sound. When listening to the enemy, it is ambiguous, the sound from one side of the sound can be heard clean, but the bass of the acoustic system and the sound of the rotten sound. All the same 200 Hz can not be ignored with all the good low frequencies. And now about the smut - about the price! The speakers are usually available for speakers - only $ 30, in front of the Monaco model with the presence of a subwoofer, we significantly reduce the frequency range, and for obvious sound - 35 $.

Genius SW-2.1 Slim

The name of the A-626 super-thin columns is based on NXT SurfaceSound Technology from NXT New Transducers Limited. In the case of the model, a solid flat surface serves as a sound. Testing acoustic system, which is available in the Genius line of the designation SW-2.1 Slim, can be used to create a sound system at low frequencies given a model missed the point, albeit needless, through the presence of a subwoofer, sounding out of the blue with the speakers of the Malibu Jazz Hipster Corporation. The design and ergonomics of the A-626 Viconan are standard, so without any special features of the prototypes on the basis of SurfaceSound technology. Especially I will torment the standard barbecue - plastic milk colorah to rice. The need for satellites is 2 W, and the subwoofer is 6 W. At high and middle frequencies, the acoustic characteristics of the A-626 can reach the bad sound and sound. The speakers are even more similar to the Monaco models earlier in terms of parameters, such as: dimensions, ergonomics, frequency range, and the price is 30 $.

Benwin DML 2000A

Clear acoustic system using Benwin DML 2000A SurfaceSound technology. A set of flat speakers and two more flat speakers and a subwoofer. Zovnishny viglyad It’s not just an inter'er office, but a cabinet, but it’s wonderful to fit in, rely on the respect of the speakers themselves without a sub-footer, as it’s not just right up to the laptop, also for the portfolio. It means that Benwin's products already presented to the court a similar acoustic system BW2000A, which I declared to the audience, and more specifically to competitors from the hallway, that the technology was given to sound to not deprive them of the interchangeability. Otzhe, now about the quality of the model. When listening to different frequencies of music, it is possible to go unattractively, but it’s not bothersome, but it’s not ideal. Tobto at low frequencies the quality of the sound, in principle, can be compared with standard analogs at a price, but the middle and high "not without a grind". When listening to rock compositions, it is spontaneous, like derenchant, and when the speakers for computer games are heard, the sound wants to finish clean, rather than non-annihilation. Ale is dumb without good. The axis of the stereo effect in the cih speakers is an order of magnitude higher, lower, for example, in the standard models, so that the sounding volume and visualization of sound effects is more beautiful.

TEAC PowerPanel-300

How can you call the speakers of the TEAC PowerPanel-300 speaker system super thin? It's so obvious. With such columns, it seems like you want to go, you want to have mercy at home, but if you need it all at once from a laptop, it’s especially good, on the road. First time it takes a little and great sound. The solid surface of the dynamos, the vibrations on those who wish to re-create for the rest of the world is not only calm when transporting, or even to the low frequency of the physens, but to all the sound of the sound of the frequency. The test showed that, obviously, the presence of a subwoofer, which is well-formed from the look of the design, the acoustic characteristics of the sound are especially seen by the purity and realism at low frequencies, I wish, as it is said in the middle and high frequencies in the norm. I would like to note that this kind of visnovok is broken down with small speakers on the basis of flat technology, more standard analogs want and not such "extravagant", but even to the soundness of claims, it seems that there are no problems. Let's turn to the model. The satellites have a depth of approximately 13 mm, which is good for the stereo effect of this acoustic system, and the working (sonorous) surface is 140 mm by 124 mm. There is a trace of shortcomings, such as the small dimensions of the subwoofer, which lead to the loss of the quality of the sound of classical music and the bass to be lost. In general, there is a given model for my look, and it can achieve good competition with obvious analogs.

XS-iV S80

Another model based on Surface Sound technology. Zovnishny viglyad, ergonomics overlook positive hostility, ale є and respectful, like a slid vidіlity. In the first place, the stagnation of a tight, non-permeable design, caused the deeds of folding, say, in the field of compactness of the acoustic system with a laptop. In another way, it is necessary to use the model carefully, for example on a work table, so that you can unite the drop across a small area to present the dynamics, but all the same, be aware of the stinks of vitality. The scope of delivery is standard, so two speakers of 7.5 W each plus a subwoofer - 24 W. The quality of the sound produced at low, mid and high frequencies is possible as standard for given type Possession, tobto nepogane, ale could be more beautiful. And the axis of the stereo effect is uninterrupted. It is practically impossible for the growth of frequencies to be affected by the ringing of the sound field, which is characteristic of the dynamic head due to the traditional piston circuit of the robot. If you really know a lot about acoustics, then you are given a "flat" model of the XS-iV S80 speakers from the TDK Recording Media Europe virobnik;


On the current day, there is a prospect of growing the development of the market tied to the sound of a duzhe viski, about that, vasno, there is a great number of such goods. It is true that such an increase, such as a change in dimensions, a sign of a polish of ergonomics, a real acoustics of a model, is just that. you will bring to the new technological solutions, as they move at the end of the road with re-insured passages and such an important indicator of how well sound is. Flat and clear speakers, built, and first crocs to the hardest and perfect possession. Well, wait a minute "hearsay"!
Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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