Get sound tracks from hevc. Yak dodati or tidy up the sound track in the Sony Vegas program

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Have you recorded a panorama with a vibrant landscape, and will you hear all the harmony from other sounds? Do not wait to send the file to the cat - the problem can be easily corrected behind the additional video editor. With the help of the statistics, you should know how to fix the sound from the video and replace it in the video editing program.

A couple of clicks - and the sound is dumb

"Videomontazhu" - editor, poklikany to maximally simplify the processing of video for pochatkivtsіv. Its functional includes all the basic tools that are necessary for the removal of a good result. In addition to the all-round policing in video, the software offers a number of functions for robotics from audio. To erase the soundtrack from the file, install the editor on the PC and the correct one below.

№1. After launching the video editor, press the button with the "New project" in the start screen. With the help of the upcoming crochet software, I will set the format of the video file, you can choose one of the proponated options, or override the item "Install automatically".

You can choose one of the standard formats, or enter the value manually

№2. Drag the video, which is required to see the audio, on the scale in the lower part of the screen. Speed ​​up your team "Importuvati video" You need to copy video from DVD. For that, as the required file will be added, go to the tab "Redaguvati" and vibrate "Replacing the Sound".

Yakshcho vi dodaste kilka rollers, leather from them is required for vidredaguvati okremo

№3. If you need to pick up the sound from the video, you need to click on the command "Dodati audio"> "Vibrate the music from the collection"... In front of you there will be a glimpse of the overflow of compositions, in the middle of them there is a track "Tisha" and stop yogi. The name of the audio tracks speaks for itself - the sound will cause the disappearance of the video.

If video is less than 15 khvili, cut the track "Tisha", if it is better - add it to the list again

The sound can be perceived as discomfort, and sometimes and anxiety when looking at. The directors are not quick to vikoristovuyut a similar approach for the establishment of the so-called suspense, a common glance at those who are seen on the screen. And if in the cinema there is a good artistic response to the word "hurray", then in the sound video it is so, because the creator has forgotten to fasten the sound path. If you don’t pereshіdte tsіlі dodati naprugi in the peer-review of the video, radically put the music on the background.

Krim "Silence" in the collection of you know the decal of melodies, so go along with the childish mood - spoky and fun, quiet and more gutsy. Pidberit audio recording, as vidpovida to the video clip, or add your own by clicking "Vibrate file"... If you are a video recording of a trivial, you can make a copy of a dorizhok or loop one, adding it more times.

You can vibrate, be it for a soundtrack, it’s not necessary to form a melody just from a cob, but it’s not necessary.

The program also allows you to listen to the decor by adding a single musical background to the entire project. For the whole, it is necessary to display the slides on the scale of the slides in the video and display the tab "Muzyka"... By clicking on the plus sign, select the music files of the photos, the triviality and the last. To pick up the audio tracks right away from your videos, just check the box from the command "Put the music on the outgoing sound"... If you are bored, you can override the function included, in such a drop, the background melody will be superimposed on top of the original.

You can redaguvati sounding background music, zrobiti guchnoi abo, navpaki, led chutnoi

Correct and polish video for 5 khvili

Now you know how to see the sound from the video and forget about the recording of the frame. However, the installation of "video editing" programs will display for you more possibilities in terms of processing video files! It is enough for all the bets of hilin, to bring to the point of view and to find the perfect spot for an unprecedented video.

  • Form a loan

Having blocked the key, you can change the size of the video and the new date, simply by identifying between the video, which you want to oversize. Break the black marks on the timeline, or I'll save the hourly advance by hand.

The program will allow you to see the video from the video, to save you a lot of quality

As soon as you take the object out of the composition, speed up the frames, so you can see the picture picture, having focused on the head one.

Qia w option will help you get rid of horizontal or vertical black smogs on video

  • Adjust the speed

Keruite for an hour so, if you want to, - bring along nekvazuly to screech across the sky, or, navpaki, make fall leaves from a tree. The speed can be adjusted correctly to the extent that the class is different. Make sure to receive the vibrate of the command from the list. So, you can speed up any type of clipping in 1.5, 2 or 3 times with one clich of Mishi!

If you are quickened or confident in the video program, you will also not be drawn into the quality

  • Paint the brightness of the image

"Videomontazhu" in a second we are trembling in the frame for an additional option "Image stabilization", Yaku vi you know at the deposit "Lost"... Check the box for a specific row and estimate how much the image changes. In a wide variety of ways, you can create a picture that is clearer, more vivid, or, navpaki, re-enlightened, darkening the frame. At the “Kadruvannya” section you can turn the video by 90 degrees, so you can see the video.

Having quickened with the auto-improvement tools, you will adjust the color balance in the video literally in one click

  • lock the effect

Go to the tab "Efekti"- and play dozens of filters, ready in one mite to create your style of original and atmospheric. Presets are divided into thematic categories - vantage, romantic, children. Schob zastosuvati effect, finish seeing yogo with one click of Misha.

With stylish filters from the collection of programs, your video will be visible to the professional

When you bazanny, you can speed up the manual settings and create a powerful unique filter from scratch. For the whole, it is necessary to vibrate the polish and quickly adjust the parameters of the skin. The program for video editing propones the tone of the image, the aging of the image, the storage of effective grain, color noise, spray or engraving, applying a mask, displaying or displaying.

Combine developmental efficiencies, you can use your skin projects to fix new, unique filters

The program does not have the described functions - change the background, open music videos, rob recordings on a webcam. With the editor of "video editing" there is a lot of unhappy and inaccessible - download the software, and the robot with video files will become your favorite hobby for you!

I needed to see my friend a sound track of about 50 video files. It was possible to quickly open a skin file and see a sound track for a friend in manual mode, but ale lin did not allow the creep to get busy. Lin yak vidomo dvigun progress. Therefore, I will be quicker with the results of this progress, and with the program itself VirtualDubModі її you can do it in batch mode. The program can be supplied with rich possibilities for robots with video files.

Small description with programs:

VirtualDubMod- the program is based on the viral codes VirtualDub and without any corny supplements. VirtualDubMod interface is similar to VirtualDub.

VirtualDubMod has a lot of visibility - the Audio menu has been replaced with Streams, which displays the focus on the robot from the deck of audio streams and subtitle channels. VirtualDubMod will adapt MKV and OGM containers. On view from VirtualDub, VirtualDubMod, you can display not only AVI and MPEG-1, ale and VOB, MPEG-2, OGM, Matroska (MKV) files. And also we can adapt sound formats: AC3, WAV, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, DTS, SRT files (ASCII / Unicode).

One of the most important features of VirtualDub is the ability to process audio streams without any problems, so you can add a label of audio tracks in different formats to an AVI file.

It is also possible to display and display additional files from DVD - VOB.

VirtualDubMod Volodya Bagatma with cool features:

  • Preparing OGM and MKV containers (Matroska). Editing of decal audio streams in one file.
  • Editing audio streams in OGG / VBR MP3 / AC3 ​​/ DTS formats. Robot with AC3 tracks and MP3 with low bit rate (VBR)
  • Caption streams support in SRT format (ASCII / Unicode).
  • You can add comments to streams and distribute video streams (charters, similar to DVDs), all also with Unicode support.
  • Received MPEG2 import. Extended AVISynth support (AVS editor, syntax support with AVISynth support, AVS templates).
  • Pokracheniye poshuk pomorie v pototsі. NET mod, this is the name of the fancy trimming / coding. The information about the video file has been expanded.
  • Export frames to PNG.

For a cob I will add a program (it’s still very special with us). Vikachuєmo program z

We need to add a new package of files. A new package of files in the name of the file to block out the phrase All_inclusive

At the time I downloaded it, the file was named:

If you download not a new package, but stop the version, then you can click on the likes of the programs on the visibility of the dlls.

Wikachumo, unpacking archives with the program and launching the program VirtualDubMod.exe

All files from which tracks were seen to a friend's sound track were changed to d: \ video1 \ and were called:

01.avi, 02.avi, 03.avi ... 51.avi, 52.avi

Startmo without the front to robots:

File -> Open Open the first file from the directory (in our vipad tse d: \ video2 \ 01.avi)

Streams -> Stream list vіkrilosya vіkno Available streams Mishkoyu vidіlyaєmo friend to the soundtrack and embossed on the right button [ Disable]. І embossed the button [ OK]

Vibiraєmo I am going to send the catalog with the latest material (in our vipad tse d: \ video1 \)

Then select the directory in which there will be ready files without another sound track (our vipad has d: \ video2 \).

Grant friends!

In this article, I want to show you how it is possible in Sony Vegas to display the sound from the video and, if necessary, to see the sound path, for the development of it as a kind of manipulation.

And also, melodiously, they remembered that, since we added video to the project for further editing, it’s wondered at once with the sound and the stench glued together one by one. If we try to see the viconati as the manipulation from one of the roads (from the video, for example), then the same will be seen from the bottom (from the sound).

So the axis, the rіch is clear, but the process will be even tighter and trickier. I would like to tell you right away that when editing video in Vegas Pro, you will often receive audio and video distributions.

But mothers have the ability to correct the skin from the skin of the way around, it’s my fault for the cob їх "rozkleity", to distribute the sound and video. Sony Vegas has a much simpler price tag.

Marvel at a video lesson about how to distribute sound and video in Sony Vegas, as well as how to see a sound track for the Vegas Pro project:

Well, friends, well, the axis of the road has come to distribute audio and video tracks in Sony Vegas pro. And we also saw a sound track of the Sony Vegas project.

That's all for me. I am encouraged that this lesson will be brown for you.

Suppose you have є video, and if you want to tidy up the sound, increase the visibility of the sound path. The price can be created for additional video editors such as Sony Vegas, Movie Maker, Adobe Premier and other. Ale chi varto through qiu, zagalom that banal operation, get on the computer pre-installed software, which, before speaking, is not bezsimy. As simple as possible and more effective, in this case, speed up online services!

In order to see the sound from the video recording, you can speed it up to There is a good deal of service, for the help of which it is possible to convert it to an excellent price :) To what? Infected everything.

Go to and press the "Select files" button.

Vibrating video file on the hard disk of the computer. It is also possible to apply for a new request on the Internet or to sign up for:

  1. DropBox
  2. Google drive
  3. OneDrive

When the page is displayed, it will be given the name of the file (in my Webinar display), its format (in my MP4 display), and there will be a button with a ikonkoy at the viewer of the wrench. Kilkoma on her.

At the end of the AUDIO distribution there will be an item "Audio Codec". The selectable menu has the option "none (remove audio track)". Tim, by ourselves, vkazuumo, so maybe we need to get a sound track from the video clip.

If you are bazhanna, you can update from the video and additional options:

  1. Convert yogo to the largest format
  2. Virizati / dodati subtitles
At the bottom of the browser side there will be a panel, de put a check mark on the item "Notify me when it is finished", and if you want the result to be saved in a safe place, then put another check mark.

Write to the "Start Conversion" button, and after one hour (save in the size of the output file).

Launch the video recording and change, but no sound anyway :)

Vikoristovuvati online service of can be absolutely free of charge. The maximum size of video for the entangling is 1 GB. Today you have a limit of 25 conversion units.

So, for example, converting one text file or the image of a single one. And the axis at the bottom of the video files, I will describe as much as I can, one unit of conversion is one piece of wine stained by the service for an hour for conversion. I can have mercy. As you see it, you know how it is for the sake of it on the right - write in the comments.

A personal computer is not just a tool for robots. You can, sometimes, so and then, with the help of a personal computer, the sites were opened, they were done with 3D graphics, folding calculations were carried out, and in an hour, the computer became more and more victorious for development purposes.

In fairness, the wide popularity, the calculating technology has rejected the most important video content providers and marketing video content. Now you can check out, if you see a movie on TV, you can easily download it from the Internet and wonder with this dubbing, as for the relish of koristuvachev.

So chi inakshe, ale the computers of a great deal of funky koristuvachiv are "jammed" with multimedia content.

Filmy and music store a larger part of the occupied space. It’s not marvelous, even if you can afford it, you can borrow from ten to thirty gigabytes of disk space, not even mentioning the 4K format, which also has its own shanuvalniks.

See the sounds of the roads

By the way, having found a way to change the video file, converting, ala, the folding procedure is far from available for all people.

First you need to convert video recordings, you need to use all thin files to convert to a file, and it is practically necessary to change the quality of the material.

Moreover, for a reasonable conversion rate, the koristuvach is guilty of feeding a productive system, especially the processor.

Tim is not mensh, є kudi big divy way of meaningfully speeding up the collection of video recordings. On the right, the same yakisny sound is in the video recording.

In other words, the soundtrack embedded in the file can take up at least 500 megabytes. Everything is nothing, as in the films it was not victorious at once the decal of sound tracks. In an hour, a film can be up to ten sewn-in paths, a zagalny size of some, innocently perevischu obsyag vіdeoryadu.

Most often, a film can be dubbed one or two;

Robot with MKVTool

For a vivid sound track, you can choose to use the same MKVTool proposition. The program is given є bezel-less.

To install and run the programs, it is necessary to drag the video file, for which, in the lower part of the program, a list of all obvious sound paths appears.

For viznachennya sound road, you need to see the name, for whom, in the section "Im'ya road" to appear. Often you can change the name to write rus or eng.

In order to know how the door is best known, the film must be viewed for an additional player, with the function of mixing audio tracks, for example PotPlayer or KMPlayer.

If you see unused sound tracks, you just need to tick the checkboxes from them. Video recordings and sound tracks can be used in video codecs, tobto, like a file in an AVI container, the video recording itself can be squeezed behind an additional MPEG -4.

In addition, there may be subtitle files in the list, which can also be seen by the nobility with a check mark. When you bazhanna, you can see all the sounds of the tracks.

As well as replace the sound track, visualize the video sequence, save it from the video, save the sound track, if you can connect it to the video ok, or insert it into the original video file.

At the lower part of the program, you can enter a path, if you save the file, click on the button "Click on the button".

Adding a new sound track

With the help of MKVTool programs, you can not only see unnecessary roads, but also add new ones. Especially useful for changing the file.

For example, a person can view a sound track with a bit rate of 1000 kbps, for that reason, convert it to MP3 format and 192 kbps with a bit rate and again add it to video.

So, as the triviality of the audio track did not change, there will be no desynchronization from the video.

To add new data, it is necessary to drag it into the same window as the main file, for which, it will automatically appear in the lower list, in order with the data.

Now, Lyudin put a tick on the squeezed audio file, and know about the other paths, so what, you can start before processing the file.

It is possible that MKVTool is currently the most functional add-on for robots with sound tracks.

Besides, on the view of some of the video editors, MKVTool does not play audio conversion, but video, for some reason, the process of processing the file borrowed a lot, and the need for the processor is not the same.

In the meantime, on the other hand, there is one important detail, for the filing, the film is automatically placed in the MKV container, the image of which is realized on computers.

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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