Yak vibrati monitor for robots

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When choosing a monitor, it is necessary to use it, as it is not possible to lay it on the monitor at any time. You can’t upgrade the set of monitors; Yakim bi we will not push it, but it’s wrong to pick up the monitor of the robot. Microsoft programs Office is not rendered incorrectly, and the picture of the video games is not the same as it was looked at. We know how computers іgri If a robot is using a computer to play the screen, then the monitor needs to be vibrated. We have written a quiz article for those quiet, who want to take over their health and if they want to comfortably spend an hour at the computer, here you will know the information on all food choices for the monitor.

Infections can be found in a monitor for any relish, a leader on the market є LCD monitors, more in kind as ridkokristalichni. Dosi for sale є EPT monitor, as Mali, a very high man, will drink ten times that. It’s easy to know how to finish it, they’ve practically dumb, and I’ll look around and see the frequency of the screen (100 hertz).

For a cob of varto, you need rozmіrom ekranu That penny, as you are ready to vitrate for the monitor. Zrozumіlo, for robots in office add-ons it is necessary to clean up and 17 inches. If you need to do some great Excel spreadsheets, and you will need to best quality You are more likely to have a monitor with a great diagonal, at least 19 inches. The best brother is a widescreen monitor with an aspect ratio of 16: 9 or 16:10.

It is necessary to brutalize respect for kut look around You will not be happy with the new monitor. From kut I will look around to lay down the quality of the image on the screen from different angles from the young kut, if for you the priority is to look at the films - bathe the monitor from the wide cut of the look.

The characteristic is coming, I will blame the beasts of honor - hour to see... RK monitors react in approximately 2-16 milliseconds, which means that when the screen changes, it changes its color from the declared speed.

Such a parameter, yak contrast showing the range of dark and light images, which can be displayed on the monitor. If you just paint in Photoshop, or if you just love photography, I will come with respect to contrast. The monitors can regulate the contrast, brutalize respect, so the black color is just like black, and not the image of the blue.

So also wonder at the quality of the monitor, as on the monitor you have a sleepyachne prominnya - the image is displayed. Chim vyshcha yaskravist - chim lower image.

Okremo varto talk about monitor matrix type... Most virobniks take into account the type of matrix that is not required, but it is even more important because of the matrix in the fallowness for the purposes that are transferred. At this moment, you can know the monitor from three types of matrices:

  1. TN (TN + film) - a monitor with this matrix is ​​cheap to finish, the stink will take a little energy and may not see much time. If the contrast and the transfer to the color are lost at the same time, the black color can be replaced by the color. Matrix for robots with office programs or logical games.
  2. IPS - monitor with an IPS matrix is ​​ideal for photographers and designers, as well as for all professionals, who are professionally working with a palette of colors and the need for accurate transmission of colors. Ale, unaffected by those that such a monitor can convey to the natural and beautiful colors, the first shortcomings: the contrast of the middle, the energy maintenance is high, the hour is extravagant. Part on the monitor with the IPS matrix, below the monitor with the TN matrix.
  3. MVA, PVA - all matrices, so you can use the plus and minus of the earlier described matrices. Achieve the visually contrast and visual transmission of colors, so you can comfortably look at the files and pratsyuvati in graphic editors... Energy support and partiality among the monitors of the middle.

To brutalize respect for LED підсвічування before the hour of purchase of the monitor. Wonderful reduction in energy management and change in the corps, but with a lot of reduction, the contrast and growth of color are yascheni.

Vibiraєmo monitor on a specific basis

Monitor for dynamic 3D igor

Most monitors are selected from the TN matrix. Their partiality is low, but the cut is not great when looking around, while the transfer of color is far from the most beautiful, sometimes it is unwise to see oranges from the same or greens from blue. Infected virobniks have launched even more expensive monitors for video based on S-IPS and Premium-MVA matrices, they have overdrive technology, which will take an hour to get up to 16 ms. Matrix is ​​created for the help of the chip, which locally moves in spite, in which it is necessary. On some BenQ monitors, the hour is only 2 ms for the warehouse, and the Samsung company has released a private PVA matrix up to 6 ms.

Monitor for office chi budinku

Here it is necessary in the first place to start with the size of the screen and the penny, since you are ready to vitrate. Proceed with the text, you need to look at a 17-inch monitor with a standard TN matrix. As you continually work with the magnificent spreadsheets in Excel, like the size of 100x100, select a 24-inch monitor. The diagonal is also wide and the most beautiful for viewing films. The universal version for office and booth is NEC MultiSync LCD1770NX, LG Flatron L1717S-BN and Philips 170C6FS.

Yaky vin, the nicest monitor?

We told you about the characteristics of monitors and pro short models for quiet purposes, ale as a sight, how can a monitor be right for you?

Before the hour of purchase, do not get frustrated and ask the consultant to show you the robot of the monitor. Change the characteristics of the screen, the brightness and the abundance of colors. Let me show you a fragment of the film, they just beat it to the building monitor. You can start running the custom Paint and colorize everything right away, and at once play the entire palette of colors and display monitors. Be a saw at the purchase and do not fall for the first model, change the number of monitors and you will know the ones you need.

Also, you can use a video clip:

Purchase of a new monitor - ukraine an updated croc from a modernization of a computer. Win, on the view of all the components, will serve you more than one price, the parity of the garnished display is not small. To that, vibrating yo, you need to keep all the pluses and minuses of this model, and change the screen, which you will be helped, ideally be able to tell all your vimogs.

Classification of monitors

The monitor is classified for the free parameters: size (display diagonal), separate building screens, matching sides, type of vicorist matrix. Move in order.

Display size

Monitor Samsung Topaz with diagonal 22 inches

Vibrating monitor, brutal respect for more diagonal. The display is not a TV set, to that kupuvati great screen bezgluzdo, pratsyuvati behind it if it is not handy. Obviously, not everything can be seen from maximum size, ale it is necessary to vrahuvati, if you sit in front of him to finish close. A trace of memory about those that the monitor’s part is without the need to lie in the size of the diagonal. To that, if you can afford to change the budget, there is nothing terrible in the fact that you will be able to transfer the money to a small screen.

Minimal smart vibration - monitor from diagonal 19 inches. The space given to him by the robot will be sufficient for the creation of that robot. You can choose a monitor for your purposes, for example, for looking at movies, for a more beautiful display with a diagonal of 21.5 or 22 inches. Such a size is optimal for shopping malls.

22-inch screens can be used for a perevag: obviously acceptable performance for robots and rozvag.

Models from diagonal in 24 inches and more importantly, to the highest monitors. Most often people are fond of them, who need to find details of the image - designers, designers, photographers. Another group of fans of the great diagonals are people who like to play a computer for direct reasons, but like a TV set.

Expansion to the screen

Kozhen is happy, buying a new monitor, like, the picture is bright and clear on a new picture.

Is the screen also different? There is a total number of points (tobto pixels) vertically and horizontally. If there are more points, then it is more beautiful. It is easy to look at the model from a separate building not less than 1920х1080 pixels.

On monitors with a great variety of buildings, you can instantly raise a bottle of rose-colored windows. The stench does not squeeze one to one, but you can do it in a number of programs, not zagorayuchi їkh. For example, on the screen with a separate building 2560x1440, there are 4 windows at once.

Vibrating monitor, next to a memory about an important nuance. On the right, in the case of solid crystal (LCD) displays, it is possible to creep only in "normal" permissiveness (more simply, it seems, "speck in speck"), if a splinter of the image is meaningfully faded.

Spіvvіdnoshennya side

Monitor from spіnvіdnoshennyam sides 4: 3, 16:10 and 16: 9

Proponents of knowledge to you, as it will be optimal for young people:

  • 16:10 - go to the office. As a rule, these models may have a small screen.
  • 16: 9 is the best option for movie lovers. Wait an hour to glance at the screens of the dark smog in the lower and upper parts of the screen.
  • 4: 3 and 5: 4 - Screens for the classic stitches of the sides. Ideal for robots simple additions Protest cinema lovers think better of this option. Marveling at such a widescreen monitor will be even more difficult.
  • Not long ago, "over-sized" models appeared on the market. Smell the sp_invidnoshennya sides 21: 9. With a robot on such a monitor, you can display a number of additional information and view a two-format configuration. Alle such displays to finish the specific, and the cupuvati, it is necessary to deprive them of the "full-time" knowledge.

Tipi Matrix

Ration of characteristics different types matrix

The value of this type of matrix for a monitor is important to re-evaluate, some of the basic parameters of the display can be found from it: transmission to color, hour to see, to look around, and, naturally, price.

  • Transfer of colors - the whole number of colors and outputs, which are transmitted by crystal monitors. Kolіr is not guilty of twisting, nayvazhivishe, wіn wіn bуw we maximally approach the real. As soon as possible to show the driver to the monitor with a low quality transmission of the color, the image will be displayed on the screen in non-powerful gradations. I will take an hour to look at photographs of well-known objects, such as the sky, windows, faces, etc.
  • The hour to see is the minimum hour, for any elementary pixel changes in color and brightness. It’s a great hour for me to see it negatively on the games and films, quickly scrolling through the contrast of the image. The hour of the vidguk is guilty of being instructed in the characteristics of the skin monitor.
  • I’ll look around - the center of the miniscule view from the screen, when you can see the appearance of the colors, the decrease in contrast or the inversion of the views. If you look around the display less quickly, you will often need to change the position of the screen in the open space when changing the working position. Most often, this is the problem of vertically changing the cut.

The monitors are made of three main types of matrices - TN + film, IPS and MVA / PVA. They have a number of advantages and shortcomings. Assess їх a table, pointed at the ear of the razdіla.

Flat Chi Vignutia?

Samsung S27D590CS ndash; monitor with curved display and high-lighted VA-matrix

In the rest of the rock, all the more often came up with models of monitors and displays. It’s easy to see the stench, but it’s better for such a display than it’s more comfortable than a flat one. Especially the great screens are appreciated. All of this is that a person, like a worker at the monitor, constantly marvels at the windows of the screen, where there are three distant eyes, below the central part. You will have to refocus the whole hour to see that the brightness of the visible image fades.

The eye will simply marvel at the screen, as the edges are bent. It is especially important to see it every hour of the day, when looking at films or read texts. Yaksho vi vibrate a monitor for other employees that plan to add a model with a great diagonal - radimo protest vignuti displays. Visoka ymovіrnіst that, that you do not lose your charm.

For any purpose bude vikoristano

Some of them are most often victorious - a computer for igor, htos - for looking at films, htos - for robots. Lower mi damo home recommendations on the vibration monitor for business purposes.

For the Internet

Vibrating the monitor for viewing web sites is easy to do. It seems like a screen without bells and whistles because of a small diagonal. As a rule, the quality of the picture may not be shown in a special role, the same additional functions rarely appear requested. In other words, for a robot on the Internet, it is practical to go to the Internet, whether it’s any modern monitors, but it’s all the same є. The model, which has been honored for you, is guilty of allowing the regulation of the brightness of the screen in wide fringes. More precisely, reduce it to the minimum, it would be comfortable to play in the impenetrable temrya. It is recommended to vibrate the screen, in every day-to-day visible there is a small amount of traffic, some of the negatively flowing into the light and wickedness of the eye stamina during trivial robots.

For Igor

ASUS ROG SWIFT PG278Q - 144 Hz game monitor

For іgor, it is more beautiful to combine models on a TN matrix with an hour to see in between 2-5 milliseconds. Little kuti I will look at the whole vipad uncritical, as I do not paint the transfer of color. On the right in that, in the games, the picture is often more visible from this, like it is in real life. To that insignificant number of indications are unlikely to be remembered.

The hour of seeing monitors with a TN-matrix is ​​lower, lower than in other, more common IPS-models. Last but not least, the display on the TN-matrix has a frequency indicator of the screen upgrade that can reach 120-144 hertz, while the upper boundary of the models on the IPS-matrix is ​​60-70 hertz.

Tse tsikavo: Relax the gamers show the display on the screen high frequency update through those that stink will get the maximum smoothness of the rucks.

Well Igri is not just one meta, for which you are using a PC, you can use your own vibrations on a monitor with an IPS-matrix. Yogo indicators to the hour of the vidguk to satisfy the be-like pereichny koristuvach.

For cinema

LG 34UM95 ndash; monstrous 34-inch monitor for cinema fans. Spіvvіdnoshennya side - 21: 9

All the new movies are released in a wide format with the rest of the rock, so when choosing a monitor, it is necessary to show the nuance. The main criterion for the display, on any plan to re-view the video, is a kind of separate building. Wono maє stanoviti yak minimum 1920х1080 pixels (Full HD format). Optimal performance side - 16: 9 chi 21: 9.

Corresponding information: Monitors for spouses of parties less than 16: 9 show happy films with black smogs in the mountains at the bottom of the screen. Models for children at 21: 9 show a picture with the same colors, only from the sides.

Good image quality for an hour looking at a film is a majestic role, so let monitors with an IPS-matrix look at it. Її dodatkova perevaga - great kut look around.

For photo

Dell U3014 ndash; a miraculous monitor for factory calibers, for growing color hunts and a 30-inch diagonal

If you need a monitor for editing photos, the main criterion for choosing a standard is temporality images. Do not pay homage to the reader for an hour, the frequency of the update and the other parameters. Choose models with an IPS and PLS matrix, the stench will give you a good static image with dobrikh kutas I will look around.

We have found the criterion of a suitable monitor for the accuracy of color transmission. As soon as the robot over the photo is transferred, it will only be transferred to the amateur level, and the model will be transferred to the e-IPS matrix.

As soon as you plan to use a monitor for professional purposes, you will be able to stay on track until you. Pay more respect on the display with the help of the device calibrating, for the better time when the screen is adjusted (most beautifully, as the function of "compensating for the lack of brightness and lightness")

Yaki rose

All lay aside from the fact that the attachment is made and the connection is made to the monitor. As a computer, there will be enough DVI and HDMI. As soon as you connect the game consoles to the monitor, you will need a number of ports: 2 HDMI or 1 DVI plus 1 HDMI. Vrahoyuchi, scho the monitor, as a rule, does not vibrate on the ric, it is recommended that you vibrate that model from the overworld number of inputs.

Dodatkov_ parameters

AOC d2769Vh - 3D IPS monitor

A little bit of guesswork and about additional parameters of the monitors, which will help you to make a difference with the vibrator of the model:

  • Construction of the delivery. Marvel at how the Vibrana model allows you to regulate the height of the screen.
  • TB tuner. For obviousness in the monitor of the optics center, you can convert it to a new TV show. You can accept analog and digital TV signal from the telephone antenna of the cable TV provider. Models with a TV tuner are equipped with acoustics for their choice, they include a mouthless remote control.
  • Acoustics. Nykrashchі simple screens most often not in sound acoustics. At the same hour, great multimedia monitors with 16: 9 side shutters are most often equipped with built-in dynamics for producing sound when looking at video.
  • USB-rose '' m. Most of the DVI ports or HDMI monitors are equipped with USB-roses. For an additional USB-input, you can connect a USB media without a front to modern multimedia displays. You can edit media files (photos, music and video) without the help of a computer. In the off-site models of the USB-hub transfer, you can also connect additional attachments without a second connection to the computer. It’s still handy, the chips in the system blocks of the system blocks USB-port importantly accessible places... For example, on the back wall of the body, you can tune in to the wall.
  • Pidtrimka functions 3D. For an hour, the 3D format has become very popular. As the monitor adapts the 3D function, at any hour you can please yourself that your loved ones with a glance of neurally detailed trivial films from home minds. The set has special glasses. The display for the optional 3D function can be inserted into a video card or a Blu-ray player. The minimum frequency of updating the screen of other monitors in the warehouse is 120 hertz.
  • LED- or CCFL-control. The main feature of crystalline technologies is the need for a matrix for the clear formulation of the picture, which can be displayed on the screen. The light can be used as a fluorescent lamp (CCFL) and LED diode. Offense and options are minimally infused into the brightness of the picture. Perevagi monitors from CCFL-passages - menshay and availability. Head over to the displays with LEDs - high indicators of energy conservation.
  • Sensory functionality. Deyakі expensive models of monitors are equipped with a touch panel. Vaughn will allow you to use a screen for painting any other devices, as well as forgive the process of exploitation.

The purchase of a monitor is one of the most important and the most familiar from the visual plan of the modernization stage of the computer. The new screen is happy to see your eye better, lower, for example, hard drive chi processor. It is so important for that to go to the vibor as seriously as possible. Thanks to our article, we can help you with a wide range of models and special features.

The vibe of the monitor is not such a foldable one, as it is built. For the ear, it is necessary to use the characteristics of the monitor, so for those who will be vikoristovuvatsya in the main - for looking at the video, or for the robot with official add-ons.

Monitor size

The main parameter of the monitor is the size of the diagonal, which is measured in inches. One inch is 2.5 cm. For robots with office programs, 17 - 19 inches are enough, for video viewing - not less than 22 inches, and for іgor bazhano 24 - 27 inches.

Varto vіdnіlnіy, shо the size of the monitor for video and іgor - more, more beautiful. In a wide range of vibrations, they are surrounded by a different size of gamancy and a place for installation. Before buying great monitor Slid perekonatysya, wіn fit on your table.

Monitor format

The format of the monitor is important for viewing films. Most monitors are also available in 16: 9 format, while 16:10 format becomes relevant. For a look at the files of the varto, also vibrate the monitor with Distribution Full HD - 1920x1080.

Hour to see the monitor

Hour to vidguk є duzhe important parameter pid hour to select the game monitor. The whole parameter is expressed in milliseconds: less, more beautiful. The hour will be shown, the hour of the window will change its color. At a great hour, behind the objects, it’s possible to collapse, to leave a color trail. Modern monitors are characterized by good indicators for the cim parameter, but for smart people it is necessary to select the monitor at the minimum hour.

I will look around the contrast of the monitor

I will look around - another important indicator, which will show, when you see it from the axis line, the correct transfer of color is broken. This indicator is especially important for an hour when I look at films by people. Chim more tsі kuti horizontally and vertically, we are more comfortable practiuvati at the computer.

Contrast is an indicator that depends on the number of images - light and dark ones - created by the monitor. High contrast indicators are necessary for robots with armchairs and photographs.

Dodatkov_ parameters

Brightness is a parameter that is not even more important for a home monitor, as it is not worth it in the same light, flooded with a bright sun of mice.

It’s also a big deal to respect the pokrittya of the monitor. In monitors with glossy coatings, color rendition is more beautiful; Tom for robots with office programs and armchairs is more beautiful to vibrate the monitor with matte pokritty.

The type of matrix does not have a special meaning and does not appear to be a rogue. Most monitors are sold with a TFT TN matrix. The stench is inexpensive, it may be an hour to see the contrast, the unpredictable transfer of colors. Such monitors wonderfully fit for office programs, look at films and igor.

However, for quietly, professionally working with color, for example for designers or photographers, a monitor with a TFT IPS type matrix will be required - they have average indicators for the hour when the contrast is displayed, but the transmission of colors is as close to natural as possible. The price of such monitors will be suttaeous, lower with the TFT TN matrix.

Before buying, you also need to look for additional components, for example, a web camera or a TV tuner. It is also necessary to change the display on the monitor of the necessary roses for connecting to a computer, for example, HDMI, as the video card will adapt such a format.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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