Program for painting vector babies. Practice with vector graphics online

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Raster editors (such as Photoshop and GIMP) use bitmaps to create images.
Modern graphic image editors work like programs for painting from scratch and like programs for editing photos. Raster editors allow editing photos and images on the computer screen, as well as exporting graphics to various formats, such as PNG or JPG.
GIMP - free graphic editor, which supports more than thirty image formats, while working with balls, masks, filters and blending modes. In the arsenal of the program there is a great range of tools for color correction and processing of any photographs and images. Zavdyaki zruchnuyu іinterfeysu and priєmnim osobennosti learn to practice in Gіmpі arc easily.

Possibility of raster graphic editors

GIMP works wonders graphics tablets and other outbuildings introduced.

Dynamics of penzlіv. Whether it’s a penzel, you can set the steps of a tremtіnnya, a penzel can react to the steps of an onslaught, swidkіst ruhu and change your color, rosemіr, hardness and obscurity in a fairly order.

Vlasny format files XCF supports all the possibilities of a graphic editor. You can select text, channels, outlines, and the image balls themselves.

Zruchna robot іz buffer exchange. Instead of the clipboard, you can recreate either on a new image, or you can twist it like a penzel or a texture for filling.

GIMP can drag almost everything you see on the screen. You can drag and drop the color from the toolbar onto the image and as a result, all images or the image will be filled with the selected color.

GIMP vmіє archiving images "on the fly". It is better to add to the file name gz or bz2, and the image will be squeezed. Nadalі it is possible to see such an image as splendid.

Penzlive trim in Photoshop format gives majesty the painting to designers and artists.

Editing seen. After the creation of a right-angle or elliptical vision of yoga, the parameters can be modified. You can change the size of the area you see, or, for example, round the edges of the view.

Changing the canvas. At the canvas of the image, you can change between the windows, which helps to paint on both sides of the image. The image can be shifted until the center of the image leans in the middle of the canvas. It also helps with painting the edges of a baby.

Intuitive tool free vision. With one tool you can create like a rich vision, and a vision “in the form of a hand”. The mustache points of the vision can be edited before freezing the vision.

Parameter "Relax". Possibly not outwardly swaying the front dividing line, but somewhat weakened for the rahunok, changing the regime of the shifting and obscurity.

Virіvnyuvannya tool. Shari can be adjusted according to the singing parameters, as you need. The rule of view can be direct, the active ball is the contour of the view.

Foreground view. It is also a handy and handy instrument, which makes colors in the foreground, and then creates a vision only of the foreground. At any moment between the foreground, you can change it with a penzle.

Localization. GIMP transcribed silent mov. I will independently designate the language of the operating system when installed, and I will soon contact you with your dear mother.

Editing photos is one satisfaction. Created impersonal plugins for styling and improving the quality of photos. GIMP has a large number of intuitive tools for manual work with color and composition of photographs.

Image map. GIMP has a standard plugin that can create an HTM markup and the image map itself.

Intellectual znebarvlennya. When the image is not displayed, you can choose one of the proposed options for the image.

Support for the PSD file format ensure good integration with programs that do not support the GIMP file format.

Outline tool. The tool is used to create pseudo-vector curves. Implemented, perhaps, richer, lower in most paid vector editors.

You can choose the next hour of framing the image regulations, to help frame the image well. For example, "Rule of the Third", "Golden Peretina", "Lines in the Center".

Simple creation of vlasnyh plugins. Any programmer can create extensions of one of three extensions of programming, which can expand the editor's capabilities. Therefore, such plugins created a great number.

Real size of the ball. When one of the balls is activated, it is possible to move one of the edges, so that you can find yourself behind the borders of the working canvas. Optionally, this function can be disabled.

Key combinations that change. GIMP can reassign more hot buttons. When the function of dynamic change of hot keys is enabled, you can remember simply by hovering the cursor over the menu item and pressing the required keys.


Vector graphic editors are selected for creating and editing little ones, which have clear outlines (emblems, illustrations for books, business cards and posters, labels, diagrams, graphics and armchairs). So, like vector little ones, they are composed of several graphic objects, stinks are easily edited (skin objects can be moved, removed, reduced or changed, etc.).

Format vector graphics files.
We will widely expand the format of vector graphics files in the formatWMF, which is used to capture graphic images of the Microsoft Clip Gallery. Some programs convert images using original formats, so that they can only be recognized by the program that creates (for example, the OpenOffice Draw vector editor takes files from the original format)SXD, and the computer chair system Compass - in the formatFRM).

Possibility of vector graphic editors

Vector graphics editors allow you to draw not only flat, but volume objects: cube, coil, cylinder and others. In case of malignant trivirine bodies, it is possible to install different modes lightness of the object, material, s of any manufacturing wine, surface brightness and other parameters.

Vector graphic editors computer chair systems. With a classic armchair for the help of an olive, a line and a compass, it is necessary to carry out the elements of the armchair (vіdrіzkіv, kіl ta pryamokutnikіv) with precision, how to put on the armchair tools. The choice of computer chair systems allows you to create a chair with greater accuracy. In addition, computer chair systems allow you to control the height, edge, perimeter and area of ​​chair objects (Fig. 1).

Mal. 1. Computer chair system Compass

Vector graphic editors are also computer-aided design systems, yakі vykoristovuyutsya on vyrobnitstvі, oskolki ensure the possibility of implementation of cutting technology design and preparation of parts. On the basis of computer chairs, core programs for typesetting with numerical control software are generated, as a result of computer chairs, high-precision details from metal, plastic, wood and other materials can be produced.

Question No. 1 Vіkno graphic editor Paint. Raster and vector graphics. Graphic format. Color systems for a graphic editor: RGB, HSB.

Paint- the simplest graphic editor, for creating and editing raster graphic images in the main Windows format (BMP) and Internet formats (GIF and JPEG). It is suitable for creating the simplest graphic illustrations, mainly schemes, diagrams and graphics, which can be used in text documents; Paint can create advertisements, booklets, voiceovers, requests, privacy, etc.

Graphic editor Paint focuses on the process of "painting" images and combining ready-made fragments, and not on processing ("finishing") ready-made images, such as scanned photographs.

At your disposal, you have the tools for “artistic” creativity - a palette of colors, a penzel, an aerosol can, gums for erasing, “olives” for painting geometric shapes (linear, rectangular, ellipse, rich cut). The editor allows you to enter text and a rich set of fonts in the Windows kit to give you the ability to type effective writing on pictures. And the “knives” for viewing fragments of the picture, - the viewing element can be moved, copied, changed, enlarged, torn apart.

Fundamentals of Paint

· Carrying out straight and curved lines and colors.

· Vikoristannya brushes different forms, width and color.

· Pobudova of different figures - straight cuts, bagatokutniks, ovals, ellipses - stuffed and not stuffed.

· Applying the text to the little ones.

· Vikoristannya peretvoren - turning, vіdobrazhen, stretching and brazenly

A look at the Paint window.

The window of the graphic editor Paint has a standard look. At the top left corner, a small file is displayed for the file, and then the name of the editor is Paint. The editor menu includes the commands “File”, “Edit”, “View”, “Baby”, “Parameters” and “?”. The palette of tools includes the buttons “Visibility of a certain area” and “Visibility”, “Eraser” and “Fill”, “Select keys” and “Scale”, “Olivets” and “Penzel”, “Rozpilyuvach” and “Write”, “Line ” that “Curve”, “Square” that “Bagatokutnik”, “Elips” and “Rounding Rectangle” (in order to the top down). A panel of tickets has been stitched at the left lower fold. During certain operations, other panels appear on the screen at the same time. You can work with a robot in Paint using the additional menu and toolbar. Іsnuyu commands that are called either through the menu, or only through the toolbar.

The graphic editor Paint is introduced to the editors of raster graphics. Let's look at it, see the graphs and see how they stink.

Raster editors

A raster graphic editor is a tool, assignments, changes, processing of already prepared images. All software security guarantees the most accurate transmission of tone and tone. A raster image is composed of multiple points, called pixels. Raster pictures are made to be as realistic as possible. The number of pixels depends on the number of pixels, as well as the color of the building. The more dots of different vіdtinkіv to avenge the image, the more clearly. Raster graphic editors may have a small nedolіk. Freely scaling the image to any number of windows is impossible without loss of brightness. On the right, in that the skin picture must be strictly fixed, the number of flecks. To that, let's say, for larger images, the points are simply larger. Tobto picture to spend clarity. Most raster images are taken from the jpeg format. However, more editors support and expand formats, such as bmp, gif, tif, etc.

Vector graphic editors

Vector graphic editor is a program for creating images of high accuracy. Tse mozhe buti, for example, armchairs or schemes. Such pictures look more richly clear, lower raster. All elements of a vector image are described mathematically. Therefore, an increase in such a little one can be seen absolutely without wasting clarity. However, such realism of the image, like a raster editor, cannot be safe for a vector. Graphic editors of vector graphics allow you to draw the little ones manually, and to convert them into raster images. For whom victorious so the titles of the method of trasuvanya. In this rank, for example, you can transform a photo into a stylish poster. Files, in which vector little ones are saved, have a small volume in pairs with raster files.

Be it an image that is saved on a computer, it can be a graphic format. Leather from graphic formats may have its own power and recognition. Today, there are no particular graphic formats. Ale, only a part of them zastosovuetsya at the most important programs. As a rule, it is not necessary to format raster, vector, or trivum image files, if you want to use formats that allow you to save these different classes. A lot of programs are oriented to the "specific" formats, transferring their files to other programs, editing special filters or exporting the image to the "standard" format.

BMP (Windows Device Independent Bitmap). The BMP format is a common Windows format, it is supported by all graphic editors, as it is processed under keruvannya. With the BMP format, there is a great number of programs, so that this support is integrated into the operating room Windows systems and OS/2. BMP files can have the extensions .bmp, .dib and .rle. In addition, this format is included in two resource files RES and PE-files. The format of BMP can be Zherigati Soborchnya with Glibinia Color (by the number of Bіtiv, Shah, describe one pіkel zobrenha) 1, 4, 8 І 24 Пот, ШОО Відпоподідає Масяній кілкоті відкоровывание Колерів 2, 16, 256 І 16777216. File MO MOSTITY PALITRU , vіdminnі vіd accepted by the system.

TIFF(Tagged Image File Format). Destination format for capturing high-quality bitmap images (filename extension.TIF). TIFF is a hardware-independent format, which is supported by practically all programs on PC and Macintosh, so it is also related to graphics. TIFF best choice when importing raster graphics from vector programs and viewing systems. You can access the entire range of color models from monochrome to RGB, CMYK and additional Pantone colors. TIFF can save balls, variable contours, alpha channels, and other additional data. TIFF is available in two versions: for Macintosh and PC. This is why Motorola processors read and write numbers to the right, and Intel processors - to the left. Current programs can without problems vikoristovuvat obrazva vіanti format. Another program for this Photo-Styler format today is "taken out of production", but the format continues to develop and be supplemented with new possibilities. Letraset has released a short version of the TIFF format called RIFF (Raster Image File Format). The TIFF format can have LZW-, JPEG-, ZIP compression. A number of older programs (for example, QuarkXPress 3.x, Adobe Streamline, a lot of text recognition software) cannot read the style TIFF files However, as you honor the new software, there is no reason not to favor compression. TIFF, regardless of all compression algorithms, everything is the same - the "rich" raster format itself, which is not suitable for typing on the Internet.

PSD(PhotoShop Document). Vlasny program format Adobe Photoshop(Extension of the file name.PSD), one of the most difficult for the possibilities of capturing raster graphic information. Allows you to remember the parameters of balls, channels, transparency levels, masks. There are 48-bit coding for color, color matching and different color models. The main nedolіk vіrazheniya scho vіdsutnіst іdsutnі іdsutnі efektіvnії іnformatsiі іnformatsiy іdsutnі effektіvі іnіstі іnіstі effektіvі algorіtі svіznі ї to great svyazu іfіlіv. Vіdkrivaєtsya not all programs.

PCX. The format appeared as a format for saving raster data in Z-Soft's PC PaintBrush program and is one of the largest (file name extension. PCX). Opportunity to take care of color images, lack of color models and other fencing caused the format to become popular. Nini vvazhaetsya old.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Destination format for capturing bitmap images (extension for JPG file name). Allows you to adjust the speed between the steps of squeezing the file and the quality of the image. Methods of squeezing, stosovuyutsya, based on remote "superfluous" information, the format is recommended to be used only for electronic publications. The JPEG file format is expanded by C-Cube Microsystems as effective method picking up an image with a great depth of color, for example, captured when scanning photographs with numerous ice-catching colors. The greatest recognition of the JPEG format among other formats lies in the fact that JPEG wins over the algorithm for squeezing out information. The embossing algorithm without insertion takes information about the image so that the image exactly matches the original. When squeezed with expenses, a part of the information about the image is sacrificed in order to achieve a greater compression ratio. Unpacked JPEG images rarely match the original exactly, and even more often the number of details of the flooring is insignificant, which can be displayed. JPEG is an algorithm for squeezing, arranging not so for the sake of the same elements, like RLE and LZW, but in retail between pixels. The coding of these data is taken from the sprat of stages. The first part of the graphical data is converted to the color space of the LAB type, then half or three quarters of the information about the color is returned (depending on the implementation of the algorithm). Next, blocks of 8x8 pixels are analyzed. A set of numbers is formed up to the skin block. The first sprat of numbers represent the color of the block with a zahal, while the coming numbers beat thinly. The spectrum of details is based on the dawn of a person, to which great details are remembered. At the offensive stage, stalely, in the light of the level of strength you have chosen, one part of the numbers is revealed, which makes fine details. At the rest of the stage, coding is done using the Huffman method for more efficient embossing of final data. Reminders of data are taken from the reverse order. In such a rank, which is the highest riven of compression, the more data are seen, the lower the quality. Vikoristovuyuchi JPEG, you can otrimati file 1-500 times smaller, lower BMP! The format is hardware-independent, it is still supported on PC and Macintosh, the software is brand new and is not understood by old programs (before 1995). JPEG does not support color palette indexing. There was no CMYK in the format specifications, Adobe added color support, CMYKJPEG prote in some programs to solve problems. The best solution is to use JPEG embossing in Photoshop EPS files, as described below. Use the JPEG format. Baseline Optimized - files are squeezed faster, but not readable by other programs. JPEG Baseline Optimized was developed specifically for the Internet, all major browsers support it. Progressive JPEG is also split especially for Merezhy, some files are smaller than standard ones, and a few more are Baseline Optimized. The main feature of Progressive JPEG in its analogy is through a series of views.

From what has been said, you can make such visnovki. JPEG's raster pictures are more squeezed photographic quality, lower logos of the scheme - which have more pvton transitions, in the middle of monophonic fills there are no transitions. Larger images for the web or with a high resolution (200-300 and more dpi), lower with a low one (72-150 dpi), because skin squares 8x8 pixels go soft, for the size of those (squares) such files have more. It is not necessary to take care of the JPEG-pressure whether the image is, de-important all the nuances of the transmission of color (reproductions), shards of the hour of squeezing are taken into account when color information is given. JPEG's should save only the final version of the work, so that the skin oversaving will lead to new expenses (withdrawal) of data and the transformation of the visual image into a mess.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). An independent type of hardware security GIF was developed in 1987 (GIF87a) by CompuServe to transfer raster images across dimensions. In 1989, the format of the letters of modifications (GIF89a), was added to support the clarity and animation. GIF with LZW-compression, which allows you to inaccurately squeeze files, a lot of similar fills (logotypes, writings, diagrams). GIF allows you to record an image "through a row" (Interlaced), why, only a part of the file, you can use the image as a whole, but with a smaller distribution building. Tse reach for the record, and then let's take it backwards 1, 5, 10, etc. Rows of pixels and drawing data between them, another pass follows the 2nd, 6th, 11th rows, the distribution of the image in the Internet browser increases. In this way, before the end of the file submission, you can figure out what is in the middle of it, check if the entire file is uploaded. Through the recording of the trohi zbіshuє rozmіr file, but tse, as a rule, vypravdovuєtsya authority, scho buy. In GIF'e, one or more colors can be recognized, the stench will become invisible in Internet browsers and other programs. Transparency is secured for the account of the additional Alpha-channel, which is taken at once from the file. In addition, a GIF file can contain not one, but a bunch of raster images, as browsers can pick up one by one from the frequency assigned to the file. This is how the illusion of rush is reached (GIF-animation). The actuality of the concepts implemented in the GIF format was especially evident in the connection with the expanded versions of electronic media (for example, Web-sides or Web-sites). I don’t care about everything pass through fencing hardware, i, zokrema, modemiv, dosit quickly supply obsyagu graphic elements of electronic devices. On the one hand, on the other hand, the effectiveness of electronic vision is rich in what lies in the quality of graphic elements, and, in the first line, in the first line, in the form of a different building and depth of color and pixels of the image. To this, it was mindful of the practice of retailers in electronic publications to win rich graphic images. From the other side, to the extent of compactness of files that are transmitted mesh channels, did not see the other plan. Graphics files of great volume require great time to capture the image in the browser. To that, one of the main tasks of professionals in the gallery of Web-design is a perfect balance between art, informational content of the Web and її obsyagom. GIF is one of the poorest formats, which uses an efficient compression algorithm, which may not be accepted by archiving programs. In other words, GIF-files do not need to be archived, so it is rare if you give a good deal. Therefore, the GIF format, which is the main name of the minimum size of files, takes its meaning from the main graphic format of the World Wide Web. The main reason for changing the GIF format is that the color image can be recorded only in the 256 color mode. For printing, which is clearly not enough. Іsnuyet two specifics of GIF. First of all, it can be converted to the GIF87a format, in which a record of multiple images is transferred, and GIF89a, which can be used to capture both textual and graphical data in one file.

GIF87a passing the following possibilities to the GIF file:

Cherguvannya (interlacing). At the same time, only the "brush" of the image is taken up, then, the world is taken aback, it is detailed. Tse allows you to not want to fill the entire graphic file on the main lines in order to take into account the new appearance.

Compression behind the LZW algorithm. This characteristic of GIF-files is among the leaders in terms of the smallest file size.

Placement of a number of images in one file.

Rotating the image on the logical screen. This format allows you to designate a logical screen area for displaying images, and place them in a suitable location in the area.

We gave the standard extensions to the specification of GIF89a, so I added the following possibilities:

Highlighting the graphic file of comments (they are not displayed on the screen, but can be read by the program, which supports GIF89a).

Shutter control before changing frames (set at 1/100 seconds or clearing the input of the frame).

Cheruvannya to see the front image. The front image may be omitted, replaced by the color of the ashes, or those that were in front of it.

Designation of transparent color.

Vision to the text.

Creation of blocks for managing application programs (application-specific extensions). Within the GIF file, you can create a block that will be ignored by all programs, especially for other purposes.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics). PNG is a recently expanded format for Merezh, calls to replace the old GIF. Vikoristovu stisk without Deflate insertion, similar to LZW (itself through patenting in 1995 to the algorithm LZW Vinic PNG). As a rule, PNG files are indexed less than similar GIFs, PNG RGB is less than a similar file in TIFF format. PNG files can have a depth of color, up to 48 bits. ), like, like and in GIF "e, easily increase the size of the file. On the view of GIF, view of transparency or є chi ni, PNG are also shown on the screen of pixels (that is, in the range of transparency of view from 0 to 99%) for the view of the Alpha channel with 256 shades of grey. The PNG file contains information about gamma correction. Gamma is a decimal number that characterizes the staleness of the brightness of the light on the screen of your monitor as a result of the voltage on the kinescope electrodes. This number, read from the file, allows you to enter the correction of clarity when displayed. Needless to say, a picture created on Mac looked the same on PC and on Silicon Graphics. In this way, the peculiarity helps to implement the main idea of ​​the WWW - however, the display of information independently from the coristuvach equipment. PNG is supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer from version 4 for Windows and version 4.5 for Macintosh. Netscape has added a PNG support for its browser in versions starting at 4.0.4 for both platforms. Tim is not smaller, do not implement such important functions for the format, as smoothly transitional transparency and gamma correction.

PNG and GIF89a may have such powers:

Format of organizations in view of the flow of data

· "Stick without cost"

Allows you to save indexing images with a palette of up to 256 colors

· Progressive display of work orders

P_dtrimka "clear color"

· Possibility of saving data of the global ta open access

· Do not lie in the "hall" of the platform

Advantages of PNG over GIF:

· Greater progression of progressive fermentation through row schemes

Expanding the possibility of collecting data from the koristuvach

PNG feasibility for GIF format:

· Saving new color 48-bit images

· Saving 16-bit black and white images

· New Alpha channel

Contrast indicator

· CRC - method of displaying pardons in pototsi danikh

· Standard tool for rozrorobka program read and write PNG

Standard set of test images for reverification of these programs

GIF capability, available in PNG version 1.0:

· Ability to save a number of images in one file


WMF (Windows MetaFile). Format for saving vector images of the Windows operating system (extension for the WMF file name). For the purpose, it is supported by all programs of this system. However, the number of tasks for working with standardized palettes of colors, accepted in printing, and other shortcomings are between the same zastosuvannya (WMF creates colors, you can not select a number of parameters, so they can be assigned to objects in different vector editors).

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript). The format for describing both vector and raster images by my Adobe PostScript company, the actual standard in the field of pre-drug processes and printing (extension for the file name .EPS). Since the PostScript language is universal, the files can simultaneously save vector and raster graphics, fonts, outlines (masks), calibration parameters, color profiles. For displaying the vector on the screen, the format is selected instead wmf, and raster - TIFF. But the screen copy is only half-heartedly reflecting the real image, which is just a short one. EPS. You can use the right image only at the exit of the visible annex, for help special programs I will review it or after converting the file to the PDF format in the programs Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Exchange. Images recorded in EPS format can be saved in different colors: Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, Lab, Multi-channel. The Encapsulated PostScript format can be called the best and most versatile way to save data. Victory's simplified version of PostScript: Can't put more than one side in one file, don't set low printer settings. Like other PostScript files, write down the final version of the work in EPS, if you want such programs, like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, to be able to write it like a worker. EPS assignments for transferring vectors to raster in the viewing system, can be created by all programs that work with graphics. You can only whip it up once, if the whisk is available on the PostScript-attachment. EPS supports all the necessary colors for a different model, among them such as Duotone, you can record, just like that, data in RGB, image outline, information and trapping and rasters, and fonts. In the EPS format, data is saved in the clipboard (Clipboard) by Adobe programs for exchange between themselves. You can save sketches (image header, preview) at once from the file. The only copy of a low-volume format is PICT, TIFF, JPEG or WMF, as it is taken at once from the EPS file and allows you to check, what is in the middle, the files can be sent to the editors only Photoshop and Illustrator. All others import sketches, replacing each other on a PostScript printer with original information. On a printer that does not support PostScript, the sketch itself works. If you use Photoshop for Macintosh, save thumbnails from JPEG format, other Mac programs save thumbnails from PICT format. Numbers and JPEG sketches cannot be copied by Windows programs. If you are working on a computer, or if you don't know where the file will be twisted, save the sketch from the TIFF format (if you hope to choose). EPS can be rich in variety, which can be found in the software-creator. The best EPS are created by Adobe Systems editing software: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. Since 1996, the Adobe programs may have introduced a PostScript interpreter, so they can convert EPS and edit them. Other graphic editors cannot decode EPS, moreover, the EPS files created by them sometimes appear, seemingly, special. Among the most problematic are Quark EPS, which is created by the Save Page As EPS function, and FreeHand editable EPS, which is created by the Save As function. Don't particularly trust Corel's EPS version 6 and lower EPS from CorelXARA. EPS-files with CorelDraw 7 and more avoid the problem of adding fields to the Bounding Box (a smart PostScript box that describes all the objects on the side). First, lower export from CorelDRAW, CorelXARA i, smaller world, from FreeHand EPS-files Wart to convert rich program effects ( fill gaps for example) in raster or simple vector objects. Tovstі contours (greater than 2 pt), it is possible, the sense can also be converted to objects, if the program gives such a possibility. You can convert the EPS file using Adobe Illustrator, as if it were a curve, it means everything.

PDF (Portable Document Format). The format of the description of the documents of the splitting by Adobe (file extension.PDF). While this format is primarily used for document storage, it may be possible to ensure that the image is presented effectively. The format is hardware-independent, so the image can be viewed on any outbuildings - from the monitor screen to the photo exhibition building. An arduous algorithm for squeezing out of the way of keruvannya for a bag-based distribution of images ensures the compactness of files at a high quality of illustrations. In each format, you can recreate whether a document or a scanned image. However, for this purpose, in most cases, the latest Adobe Acrobat package is required, which includes Adobe Acrobat Distiller and Adobe Acrobat Writer. PDF dated January 1, 2008 is compliant with the ISO 32000 standard. The PDF format allows the use of the necessary fonts (linear text), vector and bitmap images, and the formation of multimedia inserts. Supports RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Lab, Duotone, Bitmap, bitmap data compression types. May technical formats for printing PDF/X-1, PDF/X-3. Turn on the mechanism electronic signatures for the protection and verification of the correctness of documents. This format has a large amount of accompanying documentation. For a review, you can win the official free program Adobe Reader, as well as programs of third-party retailers. The traditional way of creating PDF-documents is a virtual printer, so the document is prepared like this with its own specialized program - a graphic or text editor, CAD, then, and then exported to the PDF format for rozpovsudzhennya electronically, transfers from the friend toshcho.

CDR (CorelDRAW Document). The CDR file format is a vector image of little ones created by the help of the CorelDRAW program. The Danish file format for the expansion file by Corel for wikipedia software products. CDR files are not supported by programs that are used for image editing. However, the file can be exported with the help of CorelDRAW in other, larger, and popular image formats. You can also open a CDR file with Corel Paint Shop Pro. Format vіdomyy have past low stіykіstyu and filthy sumіsnіstyu files, tim not less, CorelDRAW koristuvatisya nadzvichayno zruchno. For files of both versions, separate compression for vector and raster images can be applied, fonts can be changed, CDR files Mayut grandiose working field 45x45 meters

AI (Adobe Illustrator). Vector image file created by Adobe Illustrator; replacement of raster data, composed of lines of chi lines, connected by points; You can include objects, colors and text. Ai documents can be read in Photoshop, but the image will be "decoded", which means that it will be converted from a vector image to a bitmap. The AI ​​format encapsulates and formalizes a structured file for a PostScript Movie Side Description (PDL). These files are approved for display on PostScript printers, and may include a rasterized version of the image for your own review. PostScript in the newest implementation - in a tight and folding fashion and building design may be everything that can be displayed on a two-world outbuilding, the format of AI adaptations for collecting traditional graphic data: small, armchair and decorative writing. It is significant, however, that the AI ​​files can be more collapsible. The complexity of PostScript is mainly based on the ability to designate the sequence of operations and combine them with simple syntactic rules. Tsya prihovannost in Adobe Illustrator files іnоdі (but not zavzhdі) zvodit to іnіmumu.

Also, graphic editors choose different image formats, and different color systems. Let's look at the deeds of them.

The color model is RGB. This is the widest model of the manifestation of the color. It looks like a trio of basic (or basic) colors: red (Red), green (Green) and blue (Blue). In case of this, there are two types of model numbers: eight-bit number, de-colour is given by numbers like 0 to 255 (for example, the color will be blue, and yellow), to ff (green - #00ff00, blue - #0000ff, yellow - #ffff00).

The difference is manifested in the fact that the eight-bit look for the skin base color has a victorious scale, and the sixteen-bit look has a color scale. The peculiarity of this model in tsyomu, that a new color comes out in a way to add new colors to the main colors, tobto. "mischievous". This is the widest model for web designers and programmers. Not a lot of this model is that it lies in the hardware part, in other words, one and the same picture is unequally visible on different monitors.

Trivial implementation of HSV. HSV (or HSB) stands for Hue, Saturation, Value (also known as Brightness), de:

Hue - color tone, tobto. see the color.

Saturation - saturation. The higher parameter, the more “cleaner” the color will be, and the lower one, the closer the wine will be to gray.

Value (Brightness) - the value (brightness) of the color. The greater the meaning, we will brighten up the color (but not more). And what is lower, then darker (0% - black)

HSL - Hue, Saturation, Lightness

Hue - You already know

Saturation - similar

Lightness - the lightness of the color (do not stray from the brightness). The highest parameter, the lightest color (100% - white), and the lowest, the darkest (0% - black).

The most expanded model is HSV, it is often used together with the RGB model, where HSV is shown in visual form, and numerical values ​​are given by RGB.

Such a model is most often used in simple (non-professional) image processing, because for help, manually adjust the main parameters of photographs. Nedolіk tsikh models in that, scho won also lie in the form of the hardware part. It just looks like a spy of the human eye, tk. Vіn takes colors with different bright colors (for example, blue is taken by us darker, lower red), and in this model all colors have the same bright colors

Computer graphics - more widely understood. Who, with this term, think about three-dimensional masterpieces from Pixar and Dreamworks studios, or think about digital photography, or, thirdly, think about the design of computer games. And yet, it’s also known that there are a few quiet ones, who are related to word processing with vector graphics. Regardless of the over-the-top popularity of vector graphics, the richly colorful ones are absolutely unknown to the special features of vector graphics. Why cry behind the words “vector graphics” and why is it so popular?

Zvichayny raster of little ones is a deakim array of dots. This array can be visualized with maximum accuracy or approximate. At the first stage, information about dotted babies is transmitted without spending, but it takes up a lot of memory. For another, the graphic image may be conveyed with mental accuracy. There is a direct analogy with the sound, which can be squeezed without cost in the MP3 format. For graphics, the appropriate format is JPG. With a peaceful and not even a high degree of squeezing, the outer array of points is completely guessed. Algorithms for visualization of raster graphics can be modified, but their essence is the same - the picture can be tied to a pixel matrix.

For the visualization of a vector image, a different subhead is required. Skin vector little ones are created behind the help of geometric shapes and curves. Mathematics' theory of mathematics in the description of the little one gives greatness: when scaling the vector elements, the picture does not lose its brightness. The raster babies, when changed, should be treated differently - the lines of objects on the image, when enlarged, become overgrown with a commemorative "comb". Numerous artefacts are present on the image of the back, shards of raster babies a priori cannot be replaced by uninterrupted elements - lines, geometric shapes just. Everything in the raster looks like a matrix of pixels, as we remember, which is stronger than the increase in raster little ones.

Don't let short cuts and vector formats. The need to choose simple elements to encourage a little one often becomes a serious mistake in interpreting a folding picture. For example, it is very important to translate a great landscape image into a vector format, and the shards of objects to a new richer and even more foldable geometry.

In industrial polygraphy, vector formats, however, look good for an hour to each other, images of whether they are different - great and small. Raster images are transformed into a mosaic, and can be replaced by compression artifacts. Krіm tsgogo, vektornі formats zhandy vikoristovuvat in programming, skіlki stench are easily described by mathematical virazes.

Professional designers win for the creation of vector graphics tools, twisted by rocks, for example, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw. But for an amateur who needs to quickly create a logo for a friend on football or a technical illustration, it is not necessary to go into such bulky and expensive add-ons. You can get by without cost, and sometimes you can use online tools. With this help, you can translate a raster image from a vector one, create little clumsy designs, generate a gillosh visor, and so on.

⇡ "Baby Google" - the simplest vector editor

The most popular, simplest and most accessible online vector editor is the "Malyunki" in the "Google Drive" service. This web program is connected to the warehouse of the online office of Google and is more focused on the work of the individual and adding graphic elements to office documents of other types, lower on the creation of vector graphics. However, all the same, there are some basic tools for working with her here.

With the help of the "Malyunki" web program, you can create different shapes, arrows, wines, graphic elements of formulas, add straight lines, curves, lamani, arrows and scribbles. Also, adding text elements, importing raster images. Vector babies can be imported, but edited - nі (it's easier to look at).

⇡ Autotracer is a cost-free bitmap to vector converter.

If you think about folding vector little ones, sometimes it’s easier not to create them from scratch, but to vectorize a raster image, to convert it to a vector format. This process is also called trasuvannyam.

Vіdpovіdnі є praktivy vіdpovіdnі є є prakіtіє vіd-yakom vector іdіdі, аlе vektorizаtsіya mаy bіlsh єєєєє єєє єєєєє єєє єєє єєєє єєє єєєєє єі іnstrumentam. You can know more than one web service that offers such services. For example, the resource Autotracer, which is more expensive for robots, is costless. In addition, you can convert PNG, BMP, JPEG and GIF files into vector format and save SVG, EPS, PDF, DXF format.

The service is absolutely cost-free, but there is only one obmezhennia: the expansion of the output file is not guilty of oversizing one megabyte. Before the conversion, you can set some adjustments: to be distinguished by the number of colors, which will be overlaid on the bitmap before vectorization, as well as to avoid noise, indicate, in some cases, the lines will be taken as curves. The process itself seems to be rather quick, to that, as if the quality of the kіntse little baby is not obvious, you can always experiment with nailing it and try it again.

⇡ Vector Paint is a vector editor for Chrome, which can be done without a browser.

Vector Paint is a web add-on for Google Chrome, HTML5 creations, but you can also use it without a browser. It will be brought to a new generation of supplements, presented on the cob of the spring of which fate. You can run such programs directly from the desktop - a browser, like access to the Internet, is not needed for them.

Vector Paint has a chance to complete a great collection of different, front-mounted forms that can be featured in projects: here is a year-old man, smoky eyes, arrows, creatures, notes, and a lot of other things. Forms can be created manually, vicorist straight lines and laman lines, a tool for painting full forms, a straight cutter, an ellipse. For the skin element, it is possible to choose a color, a tone, a type of outline, as well as a fill color, we can often see it, add one of the impersonal effects (creation, shade, texture, pseudo-3D and more). Transferring tools for handling elements in a project: you can move them to the front or move them back. For more accurate placement of elements and numerical order, you can also turn on the display of the line.

For locking the robot, one ball is carried out, and if necessary, you can add the ability to work with a lot of balls. Tsya mozhlivist is implemented as an addition. For yoga installation, you don’t need to do anything, just select the plugin in the one-menu menu. The robot with balls includes the possibility of combining selected balls, attaching some of them, transferring selected elements to an okremium ball.

Vector Paint has other additional features that can be easily added to. To expand the possibilities for working with text (additional fonts, adjusting intervals, adding more elements of writing), adding markers, using images for creating small prints on forms that are repeated. The Plugins menu also includes additional stroke options.

Ready projects are saved in SVG format, and can also be exported to PNG and JPEG.

⇡ SVG-Edit - vector vector editor

SVG-Edit is a vector editor based on JavaScript, which can be used in any browser. Yogo can be hacked at an online service (which one has demo addresses for access to wink), as well as a web addon (for which one it is necessary to capture archives from SVG-Edit files, unpack it and run the program file in any browser).

SVG-Edit fully works with SVG files, giving you the ability to save projects from any format, and open files and make changes to them. Ok, the SVG file can be imported into the project as an okremium element.

For creating SVG-Edit vector graphics elements, you can use twisted lines, rectangles, squares, ellipses, circles, bagatokutniks, contours, text. It is possible to change the fill of elements with color, as well as to highlight gradients, including radial ones. The robot with balls is shown, the display of the mesh and the visualization of the elements at the look of the frame. Use the tools to change the arrangement of elements (higher, lower), for quick cloning of visions of vector shapes, for their grouping. A lot of commands are available from the context menu (like in the usual desktop editors). A lot of respect has been given to tools for viewing on the canvas: you can check the elements according to the view to see the objects, to the largest or to the smallest object.

The program has a large library of ready-made forms (the one itself, as vikoristovuetsya in Vector Paint), and, of course, access to the great library of vector graphics elements IAN Image Library. For work with it, you will need registration, and then you can look at collections of vector graphics directly from the editor and add them to a streaming or new project.

⇡ Chittram - simple online editor

Chittram is yet another vector editor that can be used as a web add-on. On the vіdmіnu vіd SVG-Edit, vіn implementations as an advanced online service from the possibility of saving projects on the server. For review, that editing of previously created projects is selected physical record Google.

Possibility of Chittram is modest, lower in SVG-Edit, but then the editor will sing-songly be more kind for short-term readers. The addendum has the ability to twist the image raster as a lining, or select a picture from hard drive it is not possible to give a message to the file. It is not possible to import local vector images, the program can add files from the gallery of files in the web service and edit them to the project. The site implemented a search for the gallery on keywords, as well as for tags.

For the creation of high-quality projects, you can use a standard set of tools: straight lines, curves, Bezier curves, bagatokutniki, stake, ovals, rectangles and squares. It is also available to text. For the skin element, it is possible to set the outline size, fill color, gradient color, and transparency. For more accurate painting, you can vikoristovuvat the mesh, on which the size of the cell is adjusted. It is also possible to roughen up the canvas with the same orientation.

As the project has selected a few forms, visualize the panel manually, and a list of the required elements is presented on it. Vaughn to serve for renaming that Swedish vision of objects. Such a panel itself is victorious for robotic balls.

⇡ Inkscape is a complete alternative to commercial packages

The Inkscape vector editor has a lot of advantages. First, cross-platform wines (can be launched in Windows environments, Linux, Mac). In a different way, we support a large number of popular vector formats, including SVG, SVGZ, EMF, DXF, EPS, PostScript, WMF and others.

The editor has standard for any vector editor for creating graphics: shapes, curves, text, fill, full support of balls. Inkscape gives you the ability to win different things with contours, tightness of the outline, as well as blocking boolean operations (combine, rethink elements, turn off one from one then). The ordering koristuvach has a large library of filters and a special editor, for the help of which you can create powerful effects. The program has implemented a support for graphic tablets, why you can paint it by hand, with a touch of ingenuity and the force of pen pressure.

Wart to pay attention to the integration of data for the vectorization of raster images. So that important objects in the foreground are protected when scanning photos, the SIOX (Simple Interactive Object Extraction) algorithm is run, which helps to automatically identify such objects.

⇡ ZebraTRACE - cost-free creation of guilloches

Be it penny banknotes, as well as documents of the sovereign vag (diplomas, certificates, deeds, etc.) are easy to recognize at a glance. To give the design of the document a "familiarity" with thin lines, which are repeated, like going through the whole main little thing. Such lines are called guilloche.

The guilloche can be drawn manually with a vector editor, without special additions, and the process of creating similar visors can be delayed. The cost-free ZebraTRACE utility helps to overcome such problems.

This program traces the image and follows it from the visor of the gillosha. ZebraTRACE vicorist parametric generation of guilloche. Skin type of visor, which can be created for additional programs, signifies mathematical formula. So for the obviousness of the bazhanya that free time for experiments, the coristuvach can take away the unique little ones.

It's easy to make new guilloches. Try to make minor changes to the formula for generating a viserunk, for example, by changing the value of the coefficient from 2 to 3, and the little ones will change. For those who don't want to get creative with ZebraTRACE, dozens of advanced formulas are included before the program, allowing you to select the widest guilloches.

⇡ Visnovok

Bezkoshtovnі іnstrumenti іnstrumenti z vektornoyu zustrichayutsya not so often, as would like b, stink є. Hush and those that, with the development of the HTML5 standard and other web technologies, it became possible to use the browser as a vector graphics editor - earlier, only a little thought was possible. For clumsy projects, similar tools can save a lot of time, and if you take Inkscape for editing, you can use a vector editor for design needs.

Graphic editors- all computer tools for processing graphic images: small pictures, armchairs, diagrams, graphics, just like they appear on the monitor screen and can be overhanded.

We swear your respect for those who in today's graphic editors sound the ability to work both with a raster and with vector objects. For example, tweeze Bezier curves, text symbols in raster editors. Prote is more important than directing the practice with the graphics of the singing type to be taken.

Editors for robots with vector graphics:

Adobe Illustrator allows you to create a vector image, whether it be even folding, vicorist standard in this gallery, painting tools and coloring ability. Intelligent interface and easy access to all functions of the program ensure professional control of the entire graphics creation process.

Corel Draw- one of the most advanced packages used for creating vector graphics. For additional CorelDraw tools, you can create different folding illustrations, booklets, logos, etc. The program has the ability to edit curves, created with help bears.

macromedia freehand– a uniquely rich-sided medium for folding folding illustrations and layouts for publication in the press. On top of Adobe Illustrator, the program supports the work with rich-side documents, which allows you to type for layout. Starting from the eleventh version of the editor, SWF-movies can be inserted into the document.

inkscape- vector editor, which is free to expand. Maє gnuchki іnstrumenti for painting, straining іinstrument for working with text, allowing you to chisel the curves of Bezier Root.

Editors for robots with raster graphics

ADOBE PHOTOSHOPє the insane leader among professional graphic editors for the strength of his widest capabilities, high efficiency and swedness of work. This editor has all the necessary tools for collation, correction, editing and preparation of the image to another.

The main features of the program are the creation of photorealistic images, the work with color images, retouching, color correction, collage and other. Adobe Photoshop can at its disposal all the tools for working with point images with the possibility of working with rich ball images.

PAINT- A simple raster graphics editor from Microsoft, which is included in the warehouse of the Windows operating system. Explore the intuitive and innovative interface of the koristuvach. At new version Paint.NET has become an accessible tool for robots with balls, as well as a number of different applications, special effects and a wide range of other brown tools.

COREL PHOTO-PAINT assignments for processing raster images. With this help, you can make professional preparation of images for publication, like in other languages, and in the Internet, as well as PDF format. May be used for creating non-standard program interfaces, Web-graphics, creating images based on montage, collage, painting with brushes and prepared objects.

Not as popular as Adobe Photoshop, but you can match it for technical abilities. GIMP- graphical raster editor, which can be easily expanded, which supports more than thirty image formats, to avenge the work with balls, masks, filters and zooming modes. In the arsenal of the program there is a great range of tools for color correction and processing of any photographs and images. The functionality of the graphic editor can be supplemented with numerous plugins and extensions written specifically for GIMP. Sounds like they are created not by known companies, but by original programs, but regardless of the price, such plug-ins cannot be similar to similar programs for drawing and processing photographs.

GIMP supports the work with filters, pencils, gradients and palettes. The brushes can be vector, raster and animated. Є podtrimka penzlіv Photoshop.

Usі vikoristovuyut image editors in their own way. Some people make photos, others paint, others make advertising materials. A different interface is required for skin management.

GIMP support graphic tablets and other attachments, allowing you to reconfigure the interface for any artist. For example, you can easily reassign whether it's a hot key or not, without going to the setup menu.

GIMP is a program designed for millions. To process photographs, in the creation of numerical tools, filters manual interface and information panels. Artists will be able to practice with brushes, as they can react to the force of pressure, directly that swirl of movement on the canvas.

As you can see, the big picture is created by the little ones, there are plenty of other "magnificences" here. For example, the first time you start GIMP, it will automatically assign the language of your operating system and will consult with you according to your language.

It already happened that GIMP is a free program. Tse means that a team of fahivtsiv is engaged in this development; enthusiasts who work on volunteer ambushes.

GIMP, known as Photoshop, is an absolutely cost-free graphic editor, and the licenses are GNU GPL, under which wines are created, you can copy and paste without any borders. Yogo can be victorious like in lighting installations, so be it commercial organizations.

Key terms

Computer graphics- Tse field of informatics, which is engaged in creation, saving and processing of various images (little, armchair, animation) on a computer.

Raster graphics- a way of presenting the image in the presence of a large number of small dots (pixels) of different colors and colors.

Vector graphics- a way of representing objects and images, foundations on a mathematical description of elementary geometric objects, which are called primitives, such as: points, lines, splines, Bezier curves, cola and cola, baguettes.

Pixel- The smallest element of the image, period.

Razdіlna zdatnіst image- degree of detail of the image, the number of pixels (specks) that are displayed on one area.

Physical aspect of the image– height and width of the image in pixels (for display on the screen) or in length units (millimeters, centimeters, inches) – for others on paper.

Color model- A description of the color patterns for additional mixing of the decals of the main colors.

File Format- the structure of the file, which determines the way of saving and displaying it on the screen or every other hour. The file format should be called at the same name, like a part, with a dot (sound this part to name the extension of the file name).

The list of key terms is given in the example of the skin module. The stench is recognized in order to learn how to misinterpret them, and to assign the date to the skin term.

Vikladachi vikoristovuyut list of terms for the hour of oral examination.

All of the key terms are also listed in the glossary, for example, the course, where they are assigned, the one in the subject indicator, which helps to know the place of their description.

Short pіdbags

Computer graphics is the area of ​​informatics that deals with creating, saving and processing various images (babies, armchairs, animations) on a computer.

Computer graphics are converted to vector raster.

Let's rasterize the way of presenting the image as a collection of small dots (pixels) of different colors and colors.

In vector graphics, all images are described as mathematical objects - contours, that is. the image is broken down into low graphic primitives - dots, straight lines, lamanoi, arcs, a bagatokutnik.

Offensive ways of coding graphic information may have their own peculiarities and shortcomings.

The level of detail of the image, the number of pixels (specks) in one area is called a separate building.

The physical size of the image can be measured both in pixels and in units of length (millimeters, centimeters, inches). Vіn is set at the hour of the creation of the image and is taken at once from the file.

The colors of the model describe the colors of the colors for the additional change of the decals of the main colors. Any color can be spread out on the main colors and can be identified by a set of numbers - color coordinates.

The color model is RGB (Red (red), Green (green), Blue (blue)).

To describe a specific color, it is necessary to describe the quantity (intensity) of the skin color from the main colors: red, then green, then blue. For example, (240, 160, 25) - orange color.

Color model CMYK (Cyan (black), Magenta (purple), Yellow (yellow), Black (black)).

The vikoristovuyut model for the production of a printing voucher. Color model HSB

Model HSB (H - Hue, S - Saturation, B - Brightness)

3. Understanding trivi-world graphics. Editors, as vikoristovuyutsya for the creation of trivial images

4. Understanding the color space, the main color models (RGB, CMYK)

5. Understanding the graphic format. Main graphic formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG)


1. Designation of vector and raster graphics, main features, advantages and disadvantages

Vector graphics

Describes the image with a variety of straight and curved lines, which are called vectors, as well as parameters that describe colors and patterns. For example, the image of a wooden sheet is described by points, which are used to pass a line, creating the contour of a sheet. The color of the sheet is set by the color of the contour and the area of ​​the middle contour. During the editing of vector graphics elements, the parameters of straight and curved lines are changed to describe the shape of these elements. You can transfer elements, change their size, shape and color, but not in line with the quality of their visual presentation. Vector graphics can be shown in different outbuildings with different buildings without wasting energy. The vector is not shown in the description of the elements of the image by mathematical curves from the assigned colors and comprehensibility. Another perevaga - yakіsne scaling at be-yakiy bіk. Changes to changes in objects are affected by changes in the number of coefficients in mathematical formulas. Unfortunately, the vector format becomes invisible during the transfer of images with a large number of visuals or other details (for example, photographs). Aje skin is the least visible glimpse in any case to be represented by the most complicated mathematical formula, or by a collection of graphic primitives, skin with which of them is a formula. The most popular vector editors are Corel Draw, Corel XARA and Adobe Illustration.

Raster graphics

Although vector graphics are the basic element of an image, a line, then raster graphics are dots, ranks of pixels, and stitching on a grid. The raster graphics are to be found in different buildings, and the information that describes the image is attached to the network of the singful world. When editing raster graphics, the quality of the data may change. Zokrema, changing the resize of raster graphics can be brought to "expanding" the edges of the image, the shards of the pixel will be redistributed to the grid. Displaying raster graphics on an annex with a lower building, lower building of the image itself, changing its density. The basis of the raster representation of graphics is a pixel (dot) from the assigned colors. When describing, for example, a red ellipse, a white aphid should be told the color of the skin point like an ellipse, and the background. The image is presented to the viewer great number dot - whichever is larger, which visually makes the image smaller and larger to the file. Tobto. one and the same picture can be presented with the best or the highest brightness, up to the number of dots per unit of life - a different building (sound, dot per inch - dpi or pixels per inch - ppi). In addition, the quality is characterized by a large number of colors and colors, which can be the skin point of the image. The greater the number of images characterizes the image, the greater the number of descriptions required. Red color can be number 001, and maybe i - 00000001. In this order, chimney picture, tim larger file size. The raster of the file should sound victorious for a photographic type image with a large number of details or visuals. Unfortunately, the scaling of such pictures will sound like a brighter quality. When the number of points is changed, other details are ruined and the inscriptions are deformed (it’s true, it may not be so memorable when the visual dimensions of the picture itself are changed - that’s what I’ll allow). To add additional pixels to bring the sharpness and brightness of the image to a higher level, because new points should be allowed to give a glimpse, the middle between two and more squares, which are between. The most advanced raster image creation software tools are: Painter by Fractal Design, FreeHand by Macromedia, Fauve Matisse, PixelPaint Pro by Pixel Resources and Photoshop by Adobe.

In this manner, the choice of raster or vector format should be used for the purposes of the work and from the images. If the photographic accuracy of the color is needed, then the raster format is better. Logos, diagrams, design elements are easier to represent in vector. It was clear that both in raster and vector graphics (as well as text) are displayed on the screen of the monitor, otherwise, the drukar attachment is near the visual dot. On the Internet, graphics are presented in one of the raster formats, as browsers understand without installing add-on modules- GIF, JPG, PNG.

Through the description of the features of the presentation of the image, the skin type can be brought to the forefront of the graphic editor - raster and vector. Understandably, they have the ability to save files in different formats, use tools with the same names (olivets, feather thinly) or functions (viewing, moving, scaling thinly), choose the required color or otherwise,

The trend towards the development of graphic programs is growing in the conquered quiet areas, before the work with any stench was not assigned. In this way, raster and vector editors try to get closer one by one for the breadth of the hooliganism and the intensity of their work. For example, Adobe Photoshop is not a purely raster editor at the same time, but CorelDRAW can do some work with raster graphics.

2. Graphic editors that are used for creating vector and raster images

Bitmap graphics editor

Microsoft Paint - a simple (or rather, the simplest) editor that can be entered before the standard post operating systems Microsoft. Vіn may dial the simplest functions (penzlik, olive, gumka, etc.), which allow you to create simple pictures. Unfortunately, for the operation of the graphics of the wine, it is practically not adventitious. The picture, if you see it right-handed, is bigger than the building editor.

Adobe Photoshop - Today the most advanced package for professional processing of bitmap graphics. The whole complex, which can be numerically modified by a raster baby, which can be a great set of different filters and effects, moreover, it is possible to connect tools of independent pickers.

The package is propagated, for example, for the sake of retouching poor images, retouching photographs, or creating the most fantastic collages, which you can only allow yourself to see. Zagalom, the potential of this package is just great. Starting from version 5.5, the package includes the Adobe ImageReady program, which makes it possible to create great images for WEB graphics (optimization of images, creation of animated gifs, "rendering" pictures on fragments, etc.). The motto of Adobe Photoshop retailers - "Camera of your mind" - conveys not less technical perfection, but more freedom of creativity, as a person, as a person, as a person who works with this program, is simply doomed.

PhotoPaint - Another no less powerful graphic editor (from the Corel Draw package) for processing raster graphics, which competes with Adobe Photoshop. Here is everything necessary tools for processing graphics, various filters, textures. The difference is less at the transparency of the robot, the interface and the security of the filter overlay - the overlay is three times more.

painter - the editor gives miracles of possibility for emulation of real tools of painting: graphite, kreida, oliya toshcho. It also allows you to imitate the texture of surface materials, paint, create animation. It is more convenient for the development of background little ones or web pages in the style of painting. You will feel like a right artist with the help of the program.

Іsnuє sche low editorial (Microsoft photo editor, Microsoft Photo DRAW), which also allow you to implement the simplest tasks, but not satisfy the needs of professionals.

Vector graphics editor

Adobe Illustrator - the package allows you to create, process and edit vector graphics. For its intensification to be equivalent to the raster editor Adobe Photoshop: it has a similar interface, it allows you to connect various filters and effects, the understanding of a wide range of graphic formats, such as .cdr (Corel Draw) and .swf (Flash).

CorelDraw - insanely, such a powerful graphics package could not be done without the help of processing vector graphics. The package for its tightness is practically not compromised by graphic editors Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Vector graphics editing software, this package has a raster graphics processing tool (Photo Paint), an image spreader, font editor, texture preparation and barcode creation, as well as a large collection of images (CorelGallery). Adobe Streamline - another product by Adobe, for translating (transferring) raster graphics from vector graphics. Tse is not large, but it is also a darker product. Particularly corny, as you create Web-sides for the help of vector graphics, for example, Flash technology.

Trivial graphics concept. Editors, as vikoristovuyutsya for the creation of trivial images

Trivial graphics(3D, 3 Dimensions, vimiri) - distributed computer graphics, which includes algorithms and software for operating objects in a trivial space, as well as the result of the work of such programs. The greatest interest in creating images is in architectural visualization, cinematography, TV broadcasting, computer games, other products, social science and science.

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