Regulations on scientific and practical conferences for schoolchildren. spriya luchennyu respect for the bulk

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about the scientific-practical conference for schoolchildren "____________________________"

The scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren "_____________________" (Conference) is held on a large scale in the middle - fierce. The Conference is timed to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Conference was given by the competition of design and final works of students of 1-11th grades. The conference is a celebration of scientific and educational events: graduates of the school, teachers, fathers (legal representatives) of the students can be participants.

The conference will take place on the occasion of ______________________________________.


    to develop in the study of knowledge and to competently develop the design and subsequent activities;

    promote and develop the creativity of students;

    develop academic competence in information and communication technologies;

    improve modern culture, dosvid public speeches;

    to formulate a reasonable social significance of the project and subsequent activities;

    increase the competitiveness of the participants in the conference among their peers;

    increase motivation to scientific activity;

    create and develop a collection of project and future works.


The conference is held in three stages:

    1st stage - wіdbirkovy; carried out in the chest;

    2nd stage - holding a conference; be carried out in sіchni - fierce;

    3rd stage - delegation of transferable readings for participation in the inter-district and city competitions of design and previous works of scientists, issuance of a collection of design and previous works in birch.

Before the selection stage, it is necessary to submit an application and a description of the work. The description of the work includes the meta work, the stages of follow-up and the review of the results.

Obsyag description - up to 1 side of the text.

Based on the results of the submission of applications, a list of participants in the Conference is formed.

At the first stage, the application and the description of the work are examined in the committees of the relevant subject department, and the shortest work, which serves as the basis for the conference, is allowed to the next stage - the public defense of the project. After a successful defense of the robot at once with the presentation, the building is to blame electronically for inclusion її to the collection of design and final works.


    "First Steps" (the section includes all the differences between the workers of the pochatkovo school);

    science and technology directly (engineering and technology);

    socio-humanitarian direct;

    social and economic direct;

    natural science discipline;

    ecology of the present (2017 rіk - Rіk ekologii in Russia).

The Organizing Committee of the Conference reserves the right to open new sections at the meeting with the total number of participants' applications.


4.1. Projects and research papers are accepted for the competition, which include analysis and interpretation of the selected and presented material, may be sent to vikoristan literature and dzherela.

4.2. The project is to blame for the practical results of work, technologies for the promotion of education, industry, medicine and other activities of people. Winners, scientists, models, robots, etc.

4.3. Projects are to be blamed by the students themselves. It is necessary for robots to clearly identify the theoretical and practical achievements of the authors.

The teacher of the project can be a pedagogical practitioner of the illuminating organization, fathers (legal representatives) of the participant, or a requested fahivtsi.

4.4. The robot is guilty of revenge:

    title page (indicate the subject of the Russian Federation, city, village, school; named by those; name, name, according to the father of the author (iv), class of name; name, name, according to the father of a scientific researcher and yogi settlement, consultant ( iv), planting (i));


    naming the main part, how to reveal the essence of the work and (or) describe the process;


    list of victorious literature.

4.5. Introduction (1-2 sides) includes:

    a description of the relevance given by those researched, її problem;

    meta achievements (some words, some results were planned to reach);

    hypothesis (letting go to reach meti);

    the task of this investigation (for the help of which the meta reaches and the hypothesis is reconsidered);

    follow-up methods (chronological analysis, sociological experimentation, biological, chemical experiment, lexical, grammatical, chronological analysis of the past, etc.);

    conse- quently, it is necessary to follow up to the goals and the leader of the project is to announce the final work or the lighting project;

    the experimental part needs to be confirmed by photographs, video clips, models, etc.

4.7. Visnovok (1-2 sides):

    what has been completed (they were appointed, if they were appointed at the entrance, the victors were guilty, the meta was achieved, the hypothesis was confirmed or challenged);

    indicate what is new (non-standard and brown bulb was crushed);

    to the propositions of a practical choice of the results of the work.


5.1. Text for the public defense of the revenge project:

    introduction (2 hvilini);

    description of work (5 khvilin);

    visnovok (2 hvilini).

Particular attention should be paid to the practical results of the work, and not to the theoretical-descriptive part.

5.2. A multimedia presentation should include no more than 10-12 slides:

    1st slide - title page;

    2nd slide - entry;

    3-9th slide - head work;

    10th slide - visnovok.

In the presentation on the first slide, it is necessary to indicate the following positions:

    zagalnosvitnya organization, on the basis of which the robot was victorious;

    topic of follow-up to the project;

    nickname, im'ya, according to the father, that settlement of a scientific cerivnik, consultant.

At the presentation, it is necessary to add respect to the scientific material: photos, diagrams, models, etc.

5.3. As a result, the participants of the Conference "____________________________" are obliged to give the members of the jury the following materials, which are duly executed to the extent that they could:

    final work or initial project;

    multimedia presentation in the Power Point program;

    tezi roboti.


6.1. The conference will take place in the sich - fierce.

6.2. For participation, it is necessary to prepare a trivality of 7-10 notes and a folder with a work for the present juror of the conference.

6.3. At the Conference, both individual and group works are heard. During the course of the project, it is allowed to demonstrate it on the own authors. Defendant of the project to carry out the author (in times, as an individual project) or the captain of the team (in times, as a group project).

7. videoconferencing

7.1. For remote participants, the Conference will be held in videoconferencing mode or video recording. Tsey regime is guilty of buti zazdalegіd appointments by the organizing committee and the participant.

7.2. A trial session of video calling is carried out in advance. E-mail addresses for calls ____________________________ .

7.3. In the Conference Program, the videoconferencing mode is assigned to specific participants. Specify the date, hour, place of the videoconference for the jury and take part in person.


Evaluation of the project is carried out according to the point system: according to the skin indicator, the evaluation of the text and the defense of the work are given from 1 to 10 points. Maximum number: 90 points.

indicators of assessment

Zrazkove otrimannya evaluation criteria

(Number of points scored from 1 to 10)

Number of balls

I divided the evaluation of the text of the work

Robotic Theme

Formulated by those exactly and again reflect the work

Relevance of topics

The relevance of this work from the point of view of science, suspense life, the author's specialty (iv)

Vivchennya dzherel information

Correctly selected publications of scientists and contributors who deal with this topic.

The latest and deepest notice about those who are being looked at

The practical significance of robotics

Appearance in the work of the practical reach of the author.

Possibility of taking away data in various types of activity

Visnovki (visnovok)

Visnovki open the steps to the reach of the mark, demonstrate the creative independence of the author (iv), testify to confirm or proclaim the hypothesis, bring the practical significance of the achieved results

List of references


Rozdil II. Evaluation of the work

That's right, it's clear and re-opened the main work of the work. Please do not read the text of the slides in the presentation

Electronic presentation

The presentation is not duplicating an additional supplement, but an illustration that helps to reveal the main idea of ​​the work; vindicate vimogam

Vіdpovіdі on request

Vidpovidi demonstrate depth and frequency of manifestation given by those


9.1. All participants of the Conference, who presented their project and previous works at the meetings of the sections, will receive a certificate of the participant of the conference "______________________________".

9.2. Obviously, until the decision of the jury, the participants will be awarded the titles "Laureate" and "Remote".

9.3. For the recommendation of the jury of theses shortest work be presented before publication in the collection of abstracts of project and previous works of schoolchildren - participants of "_____________________________". The collection "__________________________" also publishes articles of scientific researchers and consultants, assigned to the design and subsequent activities of scientists.

9.4. The best projects and previous works of scientists can be recommended by the members of the jury for participation in the most important intellectual events of the Moscow, All-Ukrainian and international competitions.

(Filia FGBOU VPO "MGIU" in m Vyazma)


branch director

FGBOU VPO "MGIU" in Vyazma

K. E. N.



m Vyazma

1 burning position

1.1 The Regulations on holding scientific and practical conferences of students and academics of the FGBOU VPO “MGIU” in Vyazma are broken down as follows:

the Law of Ukraine "On lighting" (as amended by the Federal Law dated 01.01.2001 r No. 12 - FZ);

Law of the Russian Federation "On science and state science and technology policy"

5.2 Scientific-pedagogical practitioners of the department prepare students to participate in the conference through scientific directives. The results of the readiness of the participants are discussed at the meetings of the department.

5.3 On the cob of the initial fate, the intercessor of the director of the NMR jointly with the heads of the departments forms the topics and directives of scientific and practical conferences, determines the type, form and date of the conferences (international university, with international participation, international), the form of the warehouse of the organizing committee for the skin conference.

5.4 Scientific and practical conferences are part of scientific doslidnitskoy work filії in zv'yazku z cim їх themes, forms and equals are accepted by the decisions of the Chenoy for the sake of philії and are confirmed by the director of the filії.

5.5 The intercessor of the director of the NMR prepares information sheets and distributes them to lighting installations and organizations, distributes an information sheet about the conference on the website of the branch.

5.6 On the eve of the “international” conference, the deputy director of the NMR conducted negotiations with the administration of the foreign lighting mortgage on the inclusion of the organizing committee of their representatives in the warehouse.

5.7 The head of the department in the interval of two and one month before the beginning of the conference sends the lighting installations by e-mail to the request before participating in the conference, in order to provide information about the field, the hour of the scientific-practical conference payment, the rules of the scientific statistics are drawn up directly

6 Seeing conference materials

6.1 The intercessor of the director from the scientific and methodical robots together with the technical editor and the proofreader prepare the articles of the participants in the scientific and practical conference (edit and format), prepare the layout of the review and recognize it from the written notes. Upon recognition of the change in the layout, changes and additions are made (as needed). Then the director of the family will sign the layout seen before the other.

6.2 Advice on the selection of materials of the conference to the participants and to the Federal State Book Chamber to be held by the intercessor of the director from the NMR.

7 Payment for the publication of participants in the conference

The registration fee for the publication of articles in the conference materials includes: payment for the side of the text with the total number of other characters (either new or not) in the amount of 40 rubles (forty), the main fee for publishing is not guilty of revisiting 15 sides; payment for one copy of the collection in rozmіrі - 100 rubles (for the bag, the author can add a kіlka); payment for the delivery of the tickets. The cost of sending one parcel (not more than three conciliators) is 90 rubles (ninety) in Russia, 290 rubles (two hundred ninety) in SND, 590 rubles (five hundred ninety) - in other countries of the near and far abroad. The remaining version of the survey is carried out by the author independently and is given in the statements about the author. One participant can publish no more than two articles, abstract. The number of articles published by a student of the FGBOU VPO "MGIU" in Vyazma is 50% of the total number of published articles.

8 Wimogi before the design of materials

Text format: Word for Windows- 95/97/2000. Side format: A4 (210x297 mm). Margins: 2.5 cm - on the sides. Font: rozmir (point size) - 14; type - Times New Roman. The name is written in capital letters, the font is bold, centered. Below, through a sub-interval, in small letters - initials and the name of the author (iv). On the offensive row - the same name of the organization, place. After entering 2 intervals, follow the annotation, after which, after 2 intervals - the text, make friends with a single interval, paragraph opening - 1.25 cm, width adjustment. The names and numbers of the figures are indicated under the little ones, the names and numbers of the table are above the tables. Tables, schemes, small drawings, formulas, graphs are not responsible for inter-designated fields (font in tables and small drawings - not less than 11 pt). Encouragement for literature in square arches. Appearance to the list of literature obov'yazkovo. Don't put a transfer.

In the electronic version, the skin article is responsible for okremu file. In the file name, enter the cipher (EN-25), section number and name of the first author (for example, EN-25 Section 17 Petrov).

Zagalniy obsyag odn_єї publications, inclusions in the org. deposit, 5 sides.

Misce roboti (VNZ)

Posada, pulpit without fastenings, teaching steps, ringing

Work, home addresses

Work phone, home phone, mobile phone

Article topic

The number of copies of the collection is required

Amount and date of payment

Addresses, on the yaku visilati sbіrnik

Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

federal state budgetary

lighting installation

professional education

Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov »

(PREU named after G.V. Plekhanov)


Rector of FGBOU VPO

"REU im. G.V. Plekhanov »


"___" __________ 2015 rock


about scientific and practical laboratories

at the department of administrative and financial law

"Monitoring of economic legislation of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)"

Moscow - 2015

I. burning position

1.1. TSA WORDS VNISHENCHEN LIFE Status of the Scientific and Practical Laboratory for the Department of ADMINIING TA FINACE RIGHT "MONITORING OF ECONICE RESEARCH ROSІYSKO RUSSION ІES ІES" (Dali in the text - Laboratory), € Main Tsіlі, trannya, Ta liquidation.

At the Regulations of Vikoristan, the terms and designation are based on GOST R 51141-98.

1.2. Newly named Laboratory: Scientific and Practical Laboratory at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law "Monitoring of Economic Legislation of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine of the EU"

Abbreviated name of the Laboratory: Scientific-practical laboratory "Monitoring of economic legislation of the Russian Federation and krajn EAES" REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

1.3. Status of the laboratory: complex - scientifically advanced, scientifically practical, scientifically methodical.

1.4. Laboratory of Structural Development of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov. Coordination of the activities of the Laboratory is the responsibility of the vice-rector for scientific activities.

1.5. In its activity, the Laboratory is enforced by the Federal Law of 23.08.1996. No. 127-FZ "On science and state science and technology policy", Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation", and others federal laws, Legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, Order of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Statute of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, decisions of Vchenoy Radi, orders of the rector and these Regulations.

1.6. The laboratory can control the Internet site (website) on the official website of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, created and pіdtrimuvanu vіdpovіdno to chinnyh local acts of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

II. Main goals, tasks and functions of the Laboratory

2.1. The laboratory is created with the method:

2.1.1. zdіysnennya scientific (scientific-preliminary, scientific-methodical, basic-scientific) activity with education lighting programs and topics of scientific research of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

2.1.2. personnel security of scientific achievements;

2.1.3. graduates of students and graduate students before carrying out scientific studies in the field of scientific research and scientific and pedagogical personnel.

2.2. The main tasks of the Laboratory: conducting operational monitoring of the problems of public law regulation of economic inflows in the regions of the Russian Federation and in the lands of the EU.

Monitoring of regional legislation on the problems of public law regulation of economic revenues in the regions of the Russian Federation and the countries of the EAEC is based on the assessment path behind the installed indicators.

2.3. Vіdpovіdno before laying on it the head of the Laboratory zdіysnyuє such functions.

2.3.1. In the field of scientific activity Laboratory: vikonu scientific achievements, including, on the establishment of enterprises and organizations of all forms of power, international organizations, foreign partners; privertaє vikladachiv i scientific pracіvniki REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, as well as other facilitators and experts before the NDT was carried out on the basis of the Laboratory; vikonu scientific and expert work, including ensuring the participation of the laboratory workers in the work of the relevant working groups and commissions for the participation of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, both sovereign, and uncommon and foreign, for directing the activities of the Laboratory; I take part in the preparation of scientific conferences, seminars and other scientific visits to REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, as well as promoting and expanding scientific communications, including international ones; zdіysnyuє pіdgotovka before publication scientific materials: Monographs, articles, comments, speeches, dopovides, etc. in the field of specialization of the Laboratory, with special respect for the publication of articles in peer-reviewed Russian and foreign publications; expand for the help of the Internet and help mass information scientific and educational information about the results of the NDR Laboratory.

2.3.2. In the field of expert and primary activities, the Laboratory: organize and conduct expert work for the direct work of the Laboratory; organizing training seminars and master class on the topics of the Laboratory for specialists, doctoral students, graduate students and students of structural studies of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov; priverta graduate students and students of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov to participate in NIRs on the basis of the Laboratory; take part in the organization of the internship, as well as join the work of students of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov; give methodical encouragement to graduate students, graduates of the scientific level of candidate and doctor of sciences; zdiisnyuє preparation before the publication of initial and methodical materials: manuals, initial and methodological aids, etc. in the field of specialization Laboratory; developing programs of primary disciplines, primary-methodical complexes and primary plans in the field of specialization of the Laboratory, as a rule, on the basis of the primary research of the Laboratory; spriyaє vstanovlennu stіykikh zv'yazkіv REU im. G.V. Plekhanov with participants in the market of practice in the field of specialization Laboratories with a method of improving the possibilities of training graduates of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov.

III. The procedure for financing that main

safety of robots and laboratories

3.1. The financing of the activities of the Laboratories is based on the following vessels:

3.1.1. subsidies from the federal budget for the development of projects within the framework of federal government programs, state government or construction (in times, if transferred by those who are consigned by the Laboratory);

3.1.2. grants from the Russian Science Foundations (RFFD, RGHF, etc.);

3.1.3. the cost of the Moscow City Budget (the Moscow NDR competition and international competition) and the Moscow City Budget;

3.1.4. koshti rosіyskih gospodaryuyuchih subjects, yakі see on vykonannya gospdogovіrnih topics;

3.1.5. budgetary expenses of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, who are seen at the support of the Laboratory;

3.1.6. income, earning money to bring in income from the activities of the Laboratories;

3.1.7. voluntary contributions and legal donations physical features, Including foreign ones;

3.1.8. іnshi dzherela, passed by the statute of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

3.2. Of the costs that need to be paid for vikonnі svіvrobіtnikam Laboratorії robo (nadanі servitov), ​​vyroblyayutsya vіdrahuvannya in tsentralіzovaniya budget REU im. G.V. Plekhanov to cover the cost of material and technical and organizational security of the Laboratory's activity in the established REU im. G.V. Plekhanov to order.

3.3. To ensure the activity of the Laboratory of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov's apartment, as well as mine (furniture, computer technology, Sobi zv'yazku, nebkhіdnu orgtehnіku), posladnannya that prilad in obligatory, kіlkostі and yakostі, scho vykonanny vykonannya laborієyu laying on it ї zavdan i funktsіy. Appointed mine, so it’s the same as mine, who buys for the rahunok koshtiv, who are put on the perfect balance of the Laboratory, victorious only for the development of the work of the Laboratory.

3.4. Vidpovidalnist for saving and maintaining the material and technical base of the Laboratory (accommodation, lane, installation and fittings) is carried by the Head of the Laboratory.

Wash the practitioners of the specialists in the Laboratories are signed by labor contracts that fit with the skin practitioner, as well as the Rules of the internal order and other local acts of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

IV. Organization of work and laboratories

4.1. The structure and staffing of the Laboratory is confirmed by the rector of the REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov for the gifts of the Head of the Laboratory, for the benefit of the vice-rector for scientific activity. The Laboratory can have creations, scientific groups and other structural developments.

4.2. The laboratory is chosen by the Head of the Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the Laboratory), which is assigned to the planting and is ordered to plant by the order of the rector of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov. Other specialists of the Laboratory are assigned to the post and are called out of the post by the rector for the weather with the Head of the Laboratory and the vice-rector for scientific activity.

4.3. Superintendent in his duties to the vice-rector for scientific activities. Posadovі obov'yazki, the rights and vіdpovіdnіst vіdіvіvаcha vynachayutsya planting instructions, Yaka is confirmed as the rector of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

Control and assessment of the activity of the laboratory

4.4. Rights and obligations of the head of the Laboratory:

4.4.1. zdijsnyuє without intermediary kerіvnitstvo іyalnіstvo Laboratorіїі і bear vіdpovіdalіnі і for vykonannya laying on her main tasks and functions;

4.4.2. zabezpechu dotrimannya in the activities of the Laboratory of Legislation of the Russian Federation, the Statute and local activities of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, vikonannya decision of the management bodies of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, instructions, order and handbook of the kerіvnits of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.3. to make proposals about the thoroughness of the work of the Laboratory, the improvement of the efficiency of the work;

4.4.4. to make propositions about changing the staffing table, accepting a job, transferring, calling, recruiting employees in the Laboratory, putting a contract on them;

4.4.5. appoints the vice-rector for the scientific activity of directing the scientific activity of the Laboratory, preparing the plans for the work of the Laboratory, organizing their research;

4.4.6. providing financial and material and technical support of the Laboratory;

4.4.7. zabezpechu vykonannya svіvrobіtnikami Laboratorії zobov'yazan for tsivіlno-legal agreements (sovereign and municipal contracts);

4.4.8. signifies planter's shoes spіvrobіtnikov Laboratorії i podє on zatverzhennya vice-rector of scientific activity REU im. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.9. ensure the conduct of business in the established REU im. G.V. Plekhanov order;

4.4.10. control over the placement and updating of information about the Laboratories on the Internet-side (sites) of the Laboratories on the websites of the REU G.V. Plekhanov;

4.4.11. zdijsnyuє іnshі povnovazhennya vіdpovіdno to local acts of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov i tsim Regulations.

4.5. The head of the Laboratory, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, bears responsibility for:

4.5.1. nevikonannya or not properly vykonannya their labor obov'yazkіv;

4.5.2. subdivision of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov's material controversy;

4.5.3. Porushuyuchi chinne legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.5.4. voicing confidential information, commercial secrets;

4.5.5. violation of the rules of fire safety, protect the practice of safety technology, the Rules of internal order of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.5.6. inaccuracy, untimely preparation and failure to submit to the management bodies of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov Vіdomosti i dokumentіv, scho suyuyutsya activities of the Laboratory;

4.5.7. neakіsne that untimely violation of the main tasks and functions imposed on the Laboratory by the Regulations, nevykonannya in full obligation and in the line established by the decision of the management bodies of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, instructions, order and handbook of the kerіvnits of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov;

4.5.8. and in other ways, transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation and / or by local acts of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

4.6. Head quarterly, no more terms approved by local acts of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov, to submit to the vice-rector for scientific activity in the prescribed manner about the results of the Laboratory activity for the quarter.

4.7. Wash the workers of the workers of the Laboratories are appointed by labor contracts, as well as by the Rules of internal order and other local acts of the REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

V. Final provisions

5.1. Tse Regulations, changes and additions to the new resolution from the moment of their confirmation by the rector of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

5.2. Reorganization and liquidation Laboratories are subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Statute of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

Irkutsk region
PIKLUVANNYA BATKIV "special (correctional) SCHOOL
INTERNATIONAL №25 m Bratsk »
665717 Irkutsk region, M Bratsk, female Central, st. Komsomolska 10v, tel / fax:
8 (3953) 413917,
Email: format

[Email protected]

minister of education
Irkutsk region
"_____" _____________ 2015 r
director of GZK "Spetsialna
(Correction) boarding school
No. 25 "m Bratska
"___" ____________ 2015 r
about scientific-practical conferences dedicated to the scientific literature
“Reading practice and creativity: the space and the role of reading in the development of special
twist »
1. Light position
1.1 scientific and practical conference “Reading practice and creativity: place and role
reading in the formation of the specialty of vikhovance "will be on the 25th of the fall of the year 2015 about 10
years at the address: Central Library Library m Bratsk, street: Ryabikova, budinok: 12,
assembly hall. Organization name: Kotenko Marina Valentinivna.
1.2 The organizer of the scientific and practical conference is the Ministry of Education
Irkutsk region.
1.3. Intensive preparation for the preparation and conduct of the scientific and practical conference
State Central Lighting Treasury of the Irkutsk Region
for children, orphans and children, who have lost their fathers without pikluvannya "Spetsialna
(Correction) boarding school No. 25 m Bratsk "(gave GZK SKSHI No. 25 m
Place of knowledge: Russia, 665717, Irkutsk region, M Bratsk, female central,
vul. Komsomolskaya, d. 10 "in". Phone: 8 (3953) 413917.
Conference meta:
Expansion of creative methods and forms of reading at school.

Conference leader:
the manifestation of talented teachers, building up to the realization of spiritually relevant
moral problems in the formation of the specialty of students, vikhovantsiv for help
literary works.
molding in uchniv for the help of artistic creations
staggering staging to literature, spiritual and cultural decline of our
Warehouse of participants
To participate in the scientific-practical conference, please ask the readers of the Russian language
reading, librarians, readers
regional state special
(Correctional) mortgages.
1.3. The order of the Conference
Pedagogical practitioner, who would like to take part in the Conference, applies for
email addresses format
. ru no later than November 22, 2015. application є
one-hour registration for participation in the Conference (application form in addendum No. 1).
The participant has the right to designate the topic of an additional topic independently.
[Email protected]

1.4. Other possible forms of participation in the Conference.
1. Presentations.
2. mini-performances (no more than 5 years), Elements of theatrical performance.
3. Stand dopovіdі.
4. Photo or video reports
the other way.
The work of the Conference broadcasts public speeches of the participants on
the results of their activities. To the vistup for the tribute of your robots
the participant is given 5 credits, for the first hour of discussion - up to 2 credits. participants
the conference is necessary for the mother, with his own instructions, a copy of the text of his additional documents.
Materials to be presented at the conference, as the responsibilities of the future

explore the topic on the proper scientific level, show the author's understanding of the problem
training and education of students;
vіdobrazhati priming and reverification of the dosvіd work;

analysis and clarification of specific facts, indications of work,
confirm the effectiveness of this evidence;
support with visnovki and recommendations that represent value
for lighting practice.
Curator, teacher of Russian movies and reading
Beloribtseva Olena Volodimirivna, t. 89526119739

Addendum No. 1
To participate in the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the
“Reading practice and creativity: space and the role of reading in the development
specialty vyhovantsya »
P.І.B .____________________________________________________________
Posada ____________________________________________________
organization __________________________________________________
The topic of the speech ____________________________________________
Contact phone, addresses email


I. Gale positions

1.1. The conference is held by the Rada SHNO MOU ZOSH No. 7.

1.2. Scientific and methodological security of the conference is to be held: ......... ..

1.3. The participants of the conference are students of grades 5-9 of the MOU ZOSH No. 7.

II. Meta conference

2.1. Shown that encouragement of intellectually and creatively gifted schoolchildren;

2.2. Spryannya professionally-oriented education of students;

2.3. Bringing suspіlnoї respect to problems to the development of the intellectual potential of suspіlstva

III. Participation in the conference

3.1. To participate in the conference, it is necessary to submit to the Organizing Committee the following:

    Last job in a different version(Rules for registration of entries in Addendum No. 1). Title page doslidnitskoy work is guilty of buti injunctions for the charge (Supplement No. 2) of my Russian mother. Before robots, submissions to the section "Programming and information technologies", are due software products on magnetic noses, as well as technical and software instructions required for demonstrating the work. The magnetic noses of the faults are presented together with the robot in the terms stipulated by the Regulations.

    Publication materials in hand-held and electronic versions(Addendum No. 3)

3.2. Terms of submission of resurrected materials ....

3.3. Competitive work can be individual or collective, the team of authors is not guilty of revisiting 2 students.

IV. order of conduct

4.1 . The conference is held (date, month, date) in two stages:

Stage 1 - in absentia-remote - the previous examination is robit. Conducted until (Date, month, river). Podbags of the previous examination are advised to the participants until (date, month, river).

Stage 2 - intramural - public defender of research workers for pіdbags of the front examination. Public defense work is carried out (day, month, date) on the basis of MOU SZSH No. 7.

4.2 . The organizing committee of the conference transfers the work of decal sections:

4.3. Organization of the work of section meetings of the conference.

Program sections are formed for the pіdbags of the front examination of the last roіt. The warehouse of expert commissions on the skin section is formed by the organizing committee and includes the participation of scientific researchers in them. Equal examination (rival: “high”, “sufficient”, “insufficient”) is carried out on the subject of obviousness of the final nature of the work and the appearance of її to the extent of the design (Supplement No. 1). Robots, like a “high” rіven, are allowed to public defense at sectional meetings. The defender includes additional information, a demonstration of the experiment (as required), material and technical support, as a way of speaking out, discussing problems, and not exceeding 10 minutes. When defending the collective work of the skin, the authors speak and present the author's contribution to the due date. The procedure for conducting the sections is determined by the organizers of the sections and brought to the attention of the participants at the final section meetings.

4.4. participants' request

The authors of the work, having reached the “high” level for the subbags of the previous examination (I stage of the conference), will be asked to participate in another (full-time) stage - the public defense of the previous work. Robots don't turn around for the conference.

V. Rewarding and honoring the veterans

The best robots are nominated for public presentations by independent experts from among the Expert Commission. Criteria for evaluating public defense are logicality and conciseness of the speech, vminnya reveal the topic, show the methodology of follow-up, erudition, evidence, inminnya vodpovidat on nutrition. The authors of the shortest works are awarded diplomas of the conference 1, 2, 3 steps, materials are recommended before publication in the collection "...". The authors of all other works otrimuyut certificates of the participant of the conference. Diploma holders of the conference may be interested in a different rank for consideration by the organizing committee of the conference. The awarding of diploma winners of the conference is held at the closing ceremony, the awards of participants in the conference are awarded at section meetings.

Attachment number 1.

Rules for the design of robots.

Wimogi before the design of the robot

    The last work is to be done, but it was ordered on the computer in Times New Roman font, font size 14, at 1.5 intervals, margins: black - 3 cm, right-handed - 1.5 cm, top, bottom - 2.5 cm. sides of a standard drafted text. The sides of the work, including the addendum, are consecutively numbered and placed at the top of the side. The leaves of the work are stitched and placed in a hard lining.

    Kozhen divided the text of the previous work started from new side. The topic is shown in bold type.

    The numbering of chapters, paragraphs and divisions in the middle of the paragraph may have a sharp character (for example: 1.2.1. - The first division of another paragraph of the first division). Introductory notes and abstracts are not numbered.

    Graphic materials and tables can also be used for abbreviated numbering. For tables and small numbers, the numbering is due.

    Posilannya, tobto vkazіvka on the author and yogo robot, for which a quote is directed, the idea or the position, to fight in the end of the quote, or the position at the sight of the figure, laid in square bows. The number is responsible for representing the ordinal work in the list of learned literature (for example:,,). Through a speck with a coma in square arms, the number of the side is indicated in the citation of the author (for example: I complete the work and the bibliographic list, in alphabetical order, the names of the authors, or the name of the selection of representations of the numbering of the quotations of the dzherel. , the place of sight, the river of sight and the number of sides of the book.

The structure of the final work

    Title page


In the introduction, the author discusses the topic of research and actuality, briefly characterizes the current state of the scientific problem (nutrition), which is assigned to the work, determines the meta, object and subject of research. Vykhodyachi z meti and the subject of research, a working hypothesis is formed. On the basis of a working hypothesis, research tasks are hung, methods of their improvement are determined. It is recommended to show the novelty and relevance of the work, to ground the need for it to be carried out, to determine the feasibility and form of the selected material.

Vision of the problem. In order to start doing it, you need to know the problem, how you can do it and how you would like to be able to do it. Won something and pіdkazhe, how to formulate the topic of the study.

What does it mean to know the problem? For a long time, the word “problema” in translation sounds like “zavdannya”, “pereskoda”, “difficult”. Otherwise, it can be said that the problem is the folding camp, non-significance.

Golovne as if it were a doslidnika - remember that it’s unimaginable, keep folding and wiping there, for others everything is known, let’s understand.

Problem Statement- the cob of any kind of follow-up.

problem- tse objectively blamed in the course of the development of nutritional knowledge or a complex of nutrition, the manifestation of which is of practical or theoretical interest.

Obgruntuvannya those doslіdzhennya and її urgency. In this part, it is necessary to briefly describe the state of the researched problem behind the data of literary sources.

Meta follow up. meta- tse peredbachennya result or moreover to what pragnesh. It is formed out of problems, on the rozvyazannya as a robot is straightened out.

Follow-up object. The object of investigation can be different manifestations in the behavior of people in the process of their interaction, in the joint activity. And at the same time, in the capacity of the object of investigation, fragments of the world can be looked at, independently of the subject of knowledge - individuals, differences in the sleepiness of people, and the creature itself of that sleepiness.

Subject of inquiry. Vkazuє on a specific characteristic of the object of investigation, on the formation of which the robot is directed. As a subject of investigation, the features of various phenomena and their sides can act.

Follow-up hypothesis. hypothesis- all scientific admissions that spit out theories, as they have not yet been confirmed or have not been challenged. Budєtsya vykhodyachi s problems, meti and the subject of study.

job manager manager- concretization of meti at the singing stages of reaching the singing minds. Vynachayutsya vіdpovіdno to the point, the subject and hypothesis of investigation.

Follow-up method. method- a set of approaches and operations of practical and theoretical development of activity. At this part of the robots, they only get overwhelmed. The latest description and grounding of the need to overcome guilt is presented in another section.

The novelty of the follow-up. It appears in the results of the analysis of literary sources, clarification of the conceptual provisions. Tse mozhe buti new bachennya problems, clarification of a number of conceptual provisions, etc.

The practical significance of the follow-up. More is reported in practical recommendations. In the introduction, briefly describe what exactly is the value of the results of the follow-up for practice.

    Theoretical part

Analytical review (stand of food) is fully guilty and systematized is the calculation of the station of food, to which it is assigned dana robot. The subject of analysis in view of the guilt of but a new idea of ​​the problem, it is possible to go to the solution of these problems, the results of previous studies of nutrition, to which the scientific work is assigned, the achievement of the task is possible.

Obgruntuvannya directly reversed work and may show some progress in parallel with other possible solutions to the problem. It is necessary to give an assessment to the directly accepted research from the point of view of its effectiveness, both scientific and practical. Grounding meti preslednitskoy work and working hypotheses are guilty of relying on recommendations that can be measured in an analytical look, with the improvement of specific minds of scientific research and research work.

The chapter can avenge a few paragraphs clearly before seeing the indicated problems. The chapter ends with visnovki. You can have a sprat. They give arguments on the basis of nutrition, which allows to formulate the meta, task and hypothesis of follow-up.

    Organization and follow-up methods

The program of experimental work has been introduced to whom the distribution of the program of experimental work, as it is guilty of revenge on the following information:

    Description of the selection of the dosledzhuvanih: quantity and warehouse by age, age parameters (range, average age), socio-demographic characteristics;

    Description of the deep minds and the procedure for carrying out the follow-up;

    The latest translation of selected methods, their description, priming the choice of methods, translation of indications according to skin methods. As in the robotic quotation, there are methods, it is not necessary to describe them in a report. It is necessary to bring the information sent to the dzherel, or add a description of the methods as an addendum.

    The results of that discussion

In this part, the results are described in detail and sequentially taken away, their accuracy and reliability are evaluated, and their evaluation is carried out with the theoretical provisions and experimental data described in the literature. The description of the results is accompanied by illustrations in the form of tables or graphs, small drawings, and compilations based on computer developments. Leather table, drawing is responsible for the name, numbering and mental identification. The discussion ends with a discussion of the results and a description of their possible zastosuvannya.


Visnovok doslidnitskoy є posledovne. It is logical to the line to take away the descriptions of the main part of the results, the results of the follow-up, the analysis of the results of the withdrawal of the results from the main method and the specific tasks of the follow-up. The number of visnovkіv is not guilty of being great, it sings out of the number of set orders, so the skin task is guilty of being a singing rank in the visnovki.

The final part of the transfer is also the presence of a deepened sub-bag assessment of the vikonan work. When it is important to state what the main sense of robotics is, as if new science projects are put in conjunction with the results of research and results, indicate the prospects for further work. At the end, include in addition practical propositions and recommendations, which go beyond the scope of the main text of the previous work.

    Bibliographic list of vicorists of dzherel

The list of quotations from the dzherel is guilty of including only those works, as oprated by the author and on how to roam the texts.


This part includes materials that complement the work. This additional material, which, when submitted in the main part of the work, characterizes the text. You can use:

    Zvedeni data tables;

    Apply the protocols to the obstezhennia;

    Little ones and other robots are stitched;

    Description of methods;

The program may appear in its order in order to send messages to them at the text of the main divisions. The addenda of the guilty mother called that numbering.

Attachment number 2.

Rules for the design of the title arch


MUNICIPAL lighting install

BASIC indirect lighting school No. 7


Last job

Pupils of the 11th grade G

Sidorova Annie

Kerivnik teacher of physics:

Petrova N.T.

Chusovoi 2009

Attachment number 3.

Wimogi to change the design of materials for publication

Materials for publication - a short summary (2-3 sides) for the purpose of the final work. The text is subject to scrutiny in the Microsoft Word text editor, on A-4 paper format, limited to no more than 3 sides of the written text. Margins - 2 cm, main text - size 14, one and a half spacing. The floppy disk with the electronic version of the materials for publication is due to be signed in a random handwriting (nickname, name, class, section). The name of the file is due to the recognition of the participant of that section. For example, the name of the file Sidorov_fizika.doc

Materials that do not support the appointed assistants will not be published.

Title bar for the text of materials for publication

Peculiarities of self-assessment in the midlife period
Sidorova Anna
11 class, MOU secondary school No. 7, m Chusovoy
Kerivnik: Petrova N.T., teacher of physics

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