Organize the robotic mode by phone. About the solidified position about the order of the robot "doviri by phone"

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children priznachayutsya pedіatr. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help in case of fever, if the child needs to be given a secret. Todi fathers take on themselves the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

First for everything, slіd obmіrkuvati food, if there will be a crisis lіnіya By phone dovіri or a contact phone number. The vibe of the first option means that you are able to look at the robot by phone as an independent type of psychological help and intelligence and flexibility. Another version of transmission, scho contact phone yes, the possibility of informing the subscriber on how to communicate, competently picking up the questions for a flexible face-to-face consultation.

Іsnyuchі Telephony dovіri іnіznyаyutsya type vіdnosіn, scho stocked between spіvrozmovniki. Smartly you can talk about three models Doviri phone.

The model "likar dopomagaє paciєantovі" is a common type of admittance, for which a telephone consultant, like a likar, takes the lead in life (and health) after returning.

The model "Fakhіvets additional help to the client" will transfer to help the Fakhіvtsya-psychologist in the first time these problems, as to put in front of him by calling.

The model of "people help people" is to transfer two people to the turn of the people, one of whom needs help. To help you, as you yourself are stored between them, you can call a telephone consultant on crisis management.

Send the phone to the phone, go to the choice of the model of the service. The value of the whole food will allow you to uniquely store a lot of folding items in a small place.

Cіlі and zavdannya Dovіri phone number

You can see two main things: an increased crisis and a reduction in the crisis. To achieve the first, it is necessary to reduce the level of aggression in suspensions (rely on the level of aggression, which is focused on the others, so it is auto-aggression), preventing suicide and weakening the psychological discomfort. For the Phone, let us get a psychological consultation, provide us with an extra psychologic assistance, and call up to address to the services where they can get a drink, but they can be satisfied more and more efficiently.

To cure a crisis, it is necessary to provide an inconvenient psychological aid, including a crisis intervention, by phone at the time of the brutality, to help the subscriber to survive a crisis situation and a psycho-traumatic confusion; vyplyvayut vypodkami violence against children, etc.

What the robot is based on Doviri phone

The virtue of any telephone will be given a certain amount of information, and it will be unrecognizable to the singing concept. As the system of glances, on which the robot is based, is learned, then the price is more comprehended, and the additional help is done. The concept of robotics is a principle, straightforward and zmist. The concept of a call to feed: who is this telephone consultant? Need to call a subscriber? How do you see them? Who can help the subscriber? - etc.

Organize the robot for a few straight lines Doviri phone

To reach the goals, to stand in front of the service, it is necessary to organize the robotic phone to follow the steps;

Bezposrednya robot s called;

Organization of additional help for those who called, go beyond the telephone consultation;

Psychological patronage of telephone consultants;

Review and training of telephone consultants;

Robot Science and a robot for improved professional skills.

Organizaciya bezpossomednoy robots with subscribers

The absence of a robot with subscribers will be based on the principles of telephone consultation, such as: confidentiality; availability; non-directive; povagu to the subscriber; subscriber vislukhovuvannya; pragnennya before the subscriber's vidnosin for the type "I - ti"; Dottrimannya zagalnoї line in the robot Dovіri phone. Bezposrednya robot s rang, including carrying out crisis intervention, crisis psychotherapy; vislukhovuvannya, nadannya psihologicheskoy pіdtrimka; psychotherapy of subscribers with post-traumatic syndrome; The activity of renewing or activating all the forces of life has turned up for help for the transition of the crisis, etc.

Some of them want to have an additional, altogether more binding character and are more often described in the packages of documents from the Moscow Telephone Number for children and children (div. Perelik u dodatku 6).

Psychological patronage for telephone consultants

The bezposredny robot with a subscriber has a telephone consultant, the intensity of the work of a boundary line (for 12 years, there are 30 psychotherapeutic conversations in the daytime, at night - 10), often see the nerves of those who are close to stress. Psychological response to the caller (phoned) and will be waiting for the phone consultants' talk.

to support working form it is necessary to regularly conduct psychological patronage with leading psychological patronage, in the course of which reabilitation and knowledge are changed.

As a result of psychological patronage, there is also a special growth of telephone consultants, prophylaxis "zgoryannya", an atmosphere of mutual support, education and participation in social services.


1. Yak at every service extra help, For sportsmen without a mediocre work "on dvinkah", it is the fault of the change of order in crisis situations. Guilty of the records, and of the skin of the nobility and mothers by hand, by the hour of the robot. This is a guarantee that, in the event of confusion and stress, the telephone consultant can turn up before making an appointment and fit in with him.

2. Crisis transmission line 24-year robot mode.

3. On the crisis telephony, it is guilty that the procedure for interconnection with other local services, such as "emergency assistance" help for drug addicts, alcoholics, persons who have experienced sexual violence, hooks for women, children and children, who have experienced violence, etc. After a while, work calls were made not only with them, but also with the organs of control and education, but also with these uncommon and non-commercial organizations, as they really give a different kind of help to the population of the place.

4. Provide information on a regular basis to the house of all workers of the service and provide additional assistance to those who have called by phone. rejection " ringing bell"- one of the minds of the" zgoryannya "telephone consultants. Nice form for the whole - schotyzhnevі conferences with a selection of vipadkіv, which became for the day.

Principles for the selection and training of workers

One of the specific rice is to let your phone poll in order to ensure that the warehouse of your sportsmen is constantly updated. Proceedings with more than five rocky years of experience - more vignettes, not a rule. To that end-to-end education and training of athletes є independently directly from the robot Do not hesitate to phone.

Criteria that you can choose when you select:

1. The applicant for the landing of a telephone consultant is guilty of the voloditic character and special qualities necessary for a robot.

2. When picking up in Persha, it is necessary to respect the animals

specialties and qualities, which DO NOT allow pretenders to be a telephone consultant. Їх appearance є provided for the message.

3. On the phone dovіri people often turn up, as they demand rozmov on "vіchnі those" (talk about death, about the self-identity of people in the light, about God, about love, about the common "fathers and children", etc.) a candidate for a mature specialty. The leading candidate is guilty of evaluating the hour, which will be required for the preparation of the candidate before the introduction of certain sizes. As a leading expert in transmission, as such training will be used by the way, then it might be worth it to introduce the applicant.

4. Successful of the telephone consultant's robot to lay down all the motivations, as he called him to the Phone doviri, and її slіd vrahovuvati when selecting applicants.

5. Who needs a telephone consultant?

1.non-directive style of splitting.

2. To help people of a healthy age, with psychological problems and countries.

3. Analyze your robot by giving an objective assessment.

4. Nabuti psychological vitality.

Help improve the quality of consultants

The scientific basis of telephone consultations in our country is not fragmented, there is not enough special literature, which is of particular importance for the training and seminars on the basis of discussions on the advice of telephone consultants, knowledge of the advances made by the external colleagues. This practice allows you to gradually improve the quality of athletes.

Advertising activity to transfer the ear of the robot to the phone. Check it out for a reason, which group of people will give you additional help. Phone number and with a number of problems, the service is maє namir pratsyuvati. To lay down the vibe in the advertising performance, tactics for the change of advertising opportunities. For example, if you can send us a message to your phone, do it at home, then you can use the phone of the service on the radio, vivishuvati's advertising leaflets in women's consultations, children's installations, postal screenshots, Vibrate tі drukovanі vіdannya, as it is important to play women, to be engaged in the improvement of the family vognisch.

Why is it the culprit to conduct education?

Education is necessary in order to explain things to people, in any way and by means of a phone call. Education activities include statistics in magazines, newspapers, radio and television broadcasts, lectures, speaking to the population, the establishment of documentary films, publicistic and artistic creations.

Personnel Doviri Phone

On the cob stage of development, the state of the Telephone doviri, which is practical according to the same line, is assigned to the director of the service, the administrator, telephone consultants, the social worker, the call and the clerk. When there are robotic telephone consultants in the future (a period - 12 years, one rate - 40 years), five rates of telephone consultants are required, and not less than five individuals, which work at these rates. As soon as you change your mind (the number of lines and the lowest hourly mode), the rates change as well.

Telephone consultants can be provided on a voluntary basis or on a contract basis. A working year of a telephone consultant (40 years per day) has an hour for self-preparation, a year of training and education with an assistant-sposter.

Social worker while taking control, they began to appear as acts of violence against children, as they require organizing actions to secure the rights of the child, as well as those who receive the necessary visit to the caller.

When developing and expanding the service, the staff distribution can be supplemented by the next steps: the supervisor (s), the programmer, the assistant for the selection of services, etc.

Legal _ and financial aspects of performance

Doviri mozhe buti phone legal person and in all kinds of rights and obligations, In some cases of wine, structural support to the center with the provision of social and psychological assistance to the population.

Phone number donate to finance for the budget of the organization, when you are in pratsyu. Financing the telephone, do not hesitate from all of your households, you may be able to help the population.

The phone can be used as a supplement to any legal order for financial support and support. Naykrashchim can vvazati such a way of financing, if it is necessary to come from the bagatokh nezalezhny one of one kind of dzherel.

Material base

For a robotic one line, the phone needs the necessary surroundings, it is easy to remember the phone number, refer to, and store in one or more decolonized rooms for Chergov consultants, which are often needed for such reasons.

It is guilty of having a kitchen, a bathroom, a shower and a small sports complex.

Not to mention the confidentiality and to look at the insecure character of the robot (there can be a ringing of mentally ill people, bullies, sexual maniacs), in the case of a robot, it is not guilty of outsiders. It is recommended that the mother close the doors without a vivisk.

For a statistical display of information and information on the information, power up the necessary computer. With the outside of the computer, it is possible to conduct a cloud of wild animals in zoshites with a little more statistical obrobka. Even if the mode is robotic, the phone is not cyclical, the services need a mother of auto-dialing phone.



About the solidified Regulations about the order of robots "doviri by phone"

W metoyu realіzatsії antikoruptsіynoї polіtiki that monіtoringu faktіv koruptsії in organs mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya munіtsipalnogo osvіti "Sіlske settlements Znamenske" Kashirskogo munіtsipalnogo area Moskovskoї oblastі in munіtsipalnih to establish that pіdpriєmstvah sіlskogo settlements Znamenske and takozh organіzatsії efektivnoї vzaєmodії population of tsimi bodies

I decree:

1. Confirm the Regulations about the order of the robot "doviri by phone" in the municipal education "Silske settlement of Znamenske" in the Kashirsky municipal district of the Moscow region. (Dodatok).

2. Organize the functions of the administration of the village of Znamenska by the "doviri telephone" and the announcement of the community about the facts of corruption by the number: (8-496-69) 33-435, established in the wake-up call

3. Attribute a special person for the reception, restoration, publicity and information about the news of the bogeymen about the facts of the corruptive direct communication, which entered on the "phone of friends,"

5. I will control over the vicinities of the church.

In. heads of administration

Silskogo settlement Znamenske A.A. Golub


before decree
administrative department of the Silsky
settlement Znamenske
from 29 serpnya 2013 p N 328-pg


Tse Statute about the order of the robot "phone Dovira" in admіnіstratsії sіlskogo settlements Znamenske rozrobleno of metoyu realіzatsії antikoruptsіynoї polіtiki that monіtoringu faktіv koruptsії in organs mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya munіtsipalnogo osvіti "Sіlske settlements Znamenske" Kashirskogo munіtsipalnogo area Moskovskoї oblastі in munіtsipalnih to establish that pіdpriєmstvah sіlskogo settlements Znamenske, as well as organizing the effective interaction of the population with various organs.

1. Headquarters

1.1. Regulations on the order of the robot "doviri" in the administration of the village of Znamenska (given - the Regulations) will establish the order of the robots of the "doviri" system for the facts of the establishment of the of state institutions and enterprises, for monitoring.

1.2. The phone number will be connected to the service department of the administration and is a complex of organizational calls and technical assistance To make sure that the hulks have the opportunity to swear by the phone with statements about the facts of corruption.

1.3. The legal basis for the robot "doviri" is:

- Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Federal laws;

presidential decree Russian Federation;

Decree the Uryad of the Russian Federation;

Statute of Municipal Education.

2. Cіlі robots "dovіri phone"

2.1. "Doviri" phone number with the following meta:

The honoring of the huge people before the implementation of anti-corruption policy;

Improving the corruption of manifestations;

Formation of intolerance in relation to corruption to corruption;

The ability of minds to reveal the facts of corruption.

3. The main functions of the telephone doviri

The main functions of the robot "doviri" є:

Provision of an operative reception, the field and the look of the people who were asked by the "doviri phone";

Processing and direct application for viewing and visibility;

An analysis of the beast and the announcement of the giants, who had been asked by the "doviri phone", when the anti-corruption calls were made and implemented.

4. The order of organizing the robot "doviri by phone"

4.1. Information about the function of the robot and the phone is brought to the view of the population through the mass information, Distribution of information on the official site of the administration of the village of Znamenske Kashirsky municipal district of the Moscow region in the Internet at the address:

4.2. For sampling and processing, go to the "doviri" phone of the house, the telephone apparatus, equipments with auto-prompts (if obvious).

The text of the message, which is guilty of automatic mode viewed with a subscriber:

"Hello. We called you on the" phone number "of the administrative department of the village of Znamenska. excuse me, according to Batkov, look at the mailing address or the e-mail address, for which you will be reconciled. The confidentiality of your visit is guaranteed.

4.3. Accept the announcement of the big people by the "doviri phone", go by phone during the working days from 08-00 to 17-00 and automatically in automatic mode from the recording of incoming events (if obvious).

4.4. Accept entry to the "doviri phone" phone number: (8-496-69) 33-435.

4.5. For the "doviri phone" you will receive the following information (as soon as possible):

About the facts of corruption, vimagannya, pulling from the side of the municipal services of the administration, the destruction of them before the service, as well as the imposition of those acts, which reveals the signs of the evil services;

About the facts of corruption, imaging from the side of the clerks and sportsmen of pediatric administrators of municipal institutions and industrial enterprises.

4.6. Oblik, re-strata, prior obrobka and control over the intercessors on the phone, make the requests come to the appointed person, appointed by the head of the administrator (dal - the person is sure).

4.7. Oblik and re-strata are declared to be displayed in the Journal to receive information by the "phone number" of the administration (the form is available), it will be shown:

The ordinal number of nadіyshov declare;

Date and hour of operation, the name of the teacher, who accepted the application;

The nickname, іm'ya, according to the subscriber's father (for the obviousness of the information) or the request for the announcement of the application;

Addresses, contact details (if the information is clear);

Please come in for information about living, incl. to whom it is transferred for viewing and if it will be given a view.

4.8. Declare that the applicant's passport data (apology, name, address, address) of the applicant should be officially examined in accordance with the established procedure, according to the Federal Law dated 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ "About the procedure for viewing the wild beasts" in the Russian Federation regions from 05.10 .2006 N 164/2006-OZ "About the look of the wild beasts".

4.9. Just before the end of the working hour, a person has been instructed to receive information about the requests for the day about the facts of the corruption and the direction of the head of the administration of the Silk settlement for taking business

4.10. The request of the big man (organization) is to be vazglyatyvayut, as in all deliveries to the new food, there are already necessary visits.

4.11. It is important to declare in advance that we should take part in cooking, that it’s good to do something wrong, and also about a person who is good at it, but it’s good enough to organize the power to ensure

4.12. If the information is not included in the scope of the administration, or the problematic, as it is designated by clause 4.5 of the Regulations, it must be overridden in accordance with the established procedure.

The person who is responsible for the preparation of the information to the applicant, about the visit for the news, as needed by the "doviri telephone"

5. Prikіntsevі position

5.1. The sportsmen of the administration of the rural settlement of Znamenske, as well as without the middle viconavtsi zvernen, bear personal prominence for the confidentiality that was taken out of the "phone by phone" of all information about the federal government.

5.2. Declare that you had to see the big people (organizing) on ​​the "doviri phone", to save yourself by stretching out one fate.

5.3. The price of the recruitment of dignity from the day of the last official publication.

Dodatok. JOURNAL to receive information by phone doviri administration of the village of Znamenske Kashirsky municipal district

to the Regulations about "telephony doviri"
Administrative Department of the Silsky Settlement
Znamenske Kashirsky
municipal district

Moscow region

date of the beast

hour of brutality

P.IB. spіvrobіtnik, who accepting the application

P.IB. subscriber (if the information is available)

Addresses, phone number of the subscriber, іnshe (for explicit information)

Take miri

All people need additional help every hour. Fathers, friends, relatives can become vidminnym patrons. Ale іnodі th tsiogo buvaє is not enough. To that, there are special services, as in the winter rivnya people are ready to help. And who do you know, do you have a child's phone? About those who are most likely to be needed and how I can help you, read the article.

So tse take?

All children in school are guilty about those who have a specific psychological help, like the smell can be removed. The practice of spilkuvannya with psychologists is well established in the countries of Europe and the United States, and more often than not, it has proved to be true. So if the child can turn for a consultation? The overlap of problems, which can help the fachіvets at the іnshіm kіntsі drot, is simply magnificent. There are some small differences in folding, and difficult in spilkuvanni with fathers or one-liners, problems in the homeland, for only those born of a special life, neglect in schools and etc. I didn’t want to go to school, because I’m just afraid to go to school, so this year’s important is control. All food and problems, which are difficult for children to fail, are important and necessary.


Otzhe, who are the heads of the family forwarded to the child's phone number?

  1. We will give you more and more anonymous and anonymous consultative help to ensure that you are still eating quietly.
  2. Give free help to children, as they cope with important situations.
  3. Early appearance of dysfunctional families, in which children wander.
  4. Prevention of stress and suicidal attitudes of boys, improvement of family members.
  5. Prophylactic come in with the drive of a terrible hassle, as well as a childish and family trouble.
  6. Consultation of Batkiv s nutritional vikhovannya.

important moments

It's a pity, it's a pity that not all the lads know that there is a child's phone number. However, the information about the tse is actively expanding, and even, madly, the first success in a number of childish problems. I would like to tell you about those who, with a counseling psychological help, can find out about those who have gone through special tests and know how you can help me to find out about the most difficult situations. As soon as you feel the connection itself, then it stinks to come on a free basis from home and mobile phones To rob the psychological help, available for the very young children (for which there are a lot of pennies). If you call the child's single phone number, doviri: 8-800-2000-122, you can help not only reject the kids (not just children), but the daddy's or the individuals who are replacing them. That is, it’s not only the little ones that may turn up for advice, but the grown-ups, I don’t know, as a child in this situation, as a child’s wickedness may be concerned about solving a problem.

International practice

Shoroku in Russia on May 17th is the International Children's Day by phone. The main meta of this saint is to screw the respect of the greater number of people before the need to address the problems of children. Even more often than not, grown-ups do not think that a child can have an important situation, arguing, but children do not have serious problems in the principle of serious problems. However, the price is not right, and the practice is showing the ringing bells. It is clear that the initiative to establish such a special feature is sacred to Child Helpline International, officially announced by the Committee for the Rights of the Child in the UN. Tsikaviy and the fact that in the given spirituality there are 150 countries of the world, including Russia.

Vitchiznyana practice

If you feel good about our country, then you are active for hot line for children it took up in 2007, if for the support of the National Fund, the Russian Association of Children's Telephones was organized by the Russian Association of Children's Telephones. Today we are actively working on 280 telephone services. It is common for them to take up to the first meeting of children, children, as well as their fathers. Already since 2010, there is a single child phone doviri (number: 8-800-2000-122), until practically all services are connected (they work by means of the numbers in quiet regions, they really function). As you have already lost sight, you can call the whole number both from stationary telephones, so from mobile telephones it is absolutely free of charge.

trochs of statistics

About those who do a childish phone dovіri bring majesty majesty, it seems і statistical data. So, for two rockets (from 2010 to 2012) on the single number there were 1 518 813 dvinkivs, which went up to the next categories of the population: as many as 57 vidsotkiv - from children and last - more than 10 years ago Zaminuyut, close to 33 vidsotkiv - from those who are hulks. There are also absolutely different problems, for those people who want to go for counseling and psychological assistance. So, the most popular of them - those, as they cost Nybils often children and grow up to telephone doviri in the following categories:

  • a harsh wound with a child in the family (12,830 calls) and her posture (5,254 animals);
  • a harsh hassle with a child in the number of one-liners (more than 13 thousand dvinks);
  • sexual abuse in relation to children before children (approximately 2000 calls).

About holy

Have a bagatech can win food: "Now is the Day of the Child Doviri phone?" Everything is simple, I’m headlong to expand the information about the function of this service. The mission is even more important, so as, unfortunately, not all children and grown-ups know about this kind of help. Who would you like to see in a whole day? All methods of broadening the information garnie, and even more meta - get more respect from people who feel better. How can you propagate a child's phone doviri? Booklets - vidminny vikhid. Be sure to prepare in advance small information sheets, as they carry additional information about the function of this service. Such leaflets can be distributed not only in one day. It is often distributed to schools, in the same place you can develop special posters from the background information about the robot of this service.

How can you propagate a child phone doviri? A photo is also a non-confusion pomichnik. You can simply build up notices of people, as to conduct consultations at the other end of the dart (people and women, the type of people who are in the right place), and with such a rite to receive respect for passers-by. With good practice, also come in on a high street, such as, for example, babies on the asphalt (obov'yazkovo with a change) or a small amount of money (for example, who knows how to memorize the child's phone number doviri).

More expanded information

How can you promote the Russian / international child phone doviri? For those who want to know volunteers, who can hold an information campaign in schools and other primary mortgages. In this regard, it is obligatory to be responsible for the distribution of materials - both personal in so and outside, for example, posters. Good also to hold a special all-school lesson, children will be given more information about the work of this service (good, as soon as we end up with the help of the nutrition of the scientists). It is great to bring training lessons, to inform children about the principle of robotic service, and in some situations it is possible to turn for help to fakhivtsya. At such busy times, situations are developed, as there can be a blame in the life of a skin child, the stench gives the little ones the correct model of behavior for their own problems. It is also good to conduct a questionnaire in the field of school students, so you can find a potential group of problem children, and even more problems without them.

In this hour, the phone will be sent to the visitor, all the growing number of "crisis services" and the victorious persons who are experiencing a kind of emotional crisis: problems related to family life, adaptations to new minds, children ., і etc. Yogo is possible as a non-emergency psychoprophylactic help, as you get stuck in vipads, but do not tolerate abuse. E. Romanova. "Psychologist's Robot on Telephony Doviri" - p. 3

By important passes of telephone assistance, the availability at night and day (telephone service is available) and the maximum anonymity. Besides, the first authorities:

  • 1. eliminuvannya, "non-obviousness" of the psychotherapeutic nature of the telephone assistance, which promotes a feeling of safety and self-assessment (for example, for individuals who are overwhelmed by the lack of safety);
  • 2. the ability to interrupt the contact at any moment, which is even more attractive for individuals who are sensitive to psychological safety;
  • 3. "efekt obmezhenoyu komunіkatsії" m K. Spіlkuvannya zdіysnyuєtsya for єdinim, akustichnomu channel scho posilyuє verbalіzatsіyu perezhitoї situatsії i tim by spriyaє affective abreaction, zmenshuє vіdchuttya trivogi and takozh dozvolyaє in deyakіy mіrі іdealіzuvati therapist scho pіdvischuє efektivnіst psihoterapії.;
  • 4. "power effect": power telephone call- to sound in an unprecedented closeness to the voice of the subscriber and the consultant;

Therapeutic contact is seen in the last stages. Pochatkovy step - establishing a contact, emotion of accepting a patient. Another stage - the intellectual development of the situation - is formed into the structure of the situation, the openness of the connection with the context of the living way, "nobility of hospitality". The third stage is the planning of actions necessary for a critical situation. Quarter stage - an active psychological education. As long as the subscriber is in the state of depression and is not safe for suicide, the loan consultant will be active in the directive position. Our tactics in case of crisis transactions in the family, in robots, etc. ...

The lack of handiness of the telephone service: the transition and noise on the line may complicate the contact; a consultant of non-verbal information amusement, which significantly accelerates the robot; Possibility for the subscriber to interrupt the work of the consultant. All prices have been adjusted to the technical equipment of the telephone stations, as well as to the quality of the workers.

Visiting, consulting, informing subscribers on the phone, if necessary, receiving psychotherapy as part of a telephone consultation. Maintenance of necessary service documentation. Participation in robotic groups of consultants (navchannya, advising qualifications, training, supervising). Participate in visiting visits (conferences, seminars, schools, trainings).

The working day is to be held in by-brain minds, in a specially possessed community. The triviality of the change is regulated. There are no changes, the robot is at the end of the day. The nature of the problem is arrhythmic, and it is not predicted by a stretch of time. Working posture: seated, surrounded by oversubscribed, in comfortable minds. The robot on the phone will present you with the assistance of a consultant. The consultant is guilty of the phone call by the mother of the rivin of the sanction. Naybіlsh krashі fakhіvtsі - psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, teachers, social workers

Consistently, the basic principles of the robotics of a telephone consultant are anonymity and confidentiality (confidentiality). When the phone is sent to the service, the subscriber doesn’t need to tell himself or herself, or if he’s about to change his mind. Even so, it is possible to speak clearly about the special problems and folding situations, which, due to anonymity, appear as bi-inconsistencies, and the subscriber can wonder at them from the side. For some, the price of a relationship is formed in a step-by-step manner in the course of an advisory dialogue, while it’s anonymous, negotiating a situation, like a trap for some time with those close to you, but you know, but for the best And in that and in the first place, the consultant needs to formulate and adapt the subscriber to a friendly for psychological correction position "look from the side", so as to be more productive when taking a foldable crisis situation. A.N. Mokhovikov "Practice of telephone consultation": NPF "Sens", 2001, p. 42

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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