Marvel at the "Data Matrix" in the dictionaries. Data Matrix - a robot with key data

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In contact with

So also a two-dimensional barcode (2d barcode)? Bagato hto vvazhaє, which is synonymous with "QR-code". However, for the most part it is not so - the types of double-sided barcodes are larger. We’ll talk about them at the tsy statty.

I want to immediately get ahead of it, so once the text will be less than enough, but there are not enough color pictures. This topic is specific and not everybody's business. Tim more and more recently on the site. Vitalia Buzdalova about QR codes, de bouly, all the main moments are clearly and concisely described

Unfortunately, WorldPress does not allow you to insert video from youtube into the text of the statty (because I didn’t get it right). Through the chain it was possible to insert a picture, when the attack on the yak, the video itself appears.

The main thing to rewrite any bar code is the simplicity of the victorian. Dvovimіrnі codi not just a blame, everything is done according to the principle of “know - know - read” and no special explanations are required. The most program-scanners call me a standard set of functions, and in a detailed look may not be required. Therefore, it is important for us to look at the types of double-world barcodes themselves, and not on the program design. As for the exclusive information from the statistics, all data are taken from the critical dzherel.

The article is divided into two parts - theoretical (kind of 2D codes, їх features and methods of storing) and practical (programs for scanning and generating codes, site generators, etc.)


All barcodes can be divided into two types: line and double.

Linear barcode- Tse code, which can be read in one straight line. Such barcodes are even simpler and cheaper from Vikoristan.

The authors of the first line barcode can be contacted by Bernard Silver and Joseph Woodland. In 1948, the stinks became vipy signs of growth and the president of the great grocery companies and the dean of the Institute of Technology, Drexel University, who negotiated the system shutter, which automatically read information about the product.

The idea of ​​a barcode was not created immediately. A handful of boulots have been tried with some of the same options, such as mint, applied with ultraviolet black and white. For some reason, all of the ideas turned out to be undead. On the idea of ​​the very barcode of Joseph Woodland, Morse code was inscribed. Behind his words, he simply expanded the dots and dashes down and expanded from them to the higher and wider lines.

In 1951, the rotsi stench showed their own wines from the IBM company, albeit in ny shanuvali, and the realization of a collapsible possession. To preserve the price with the truth. laser scanners Too, it has not yet been removed and the barcode has been read out and it has been possible to finish it foldable. In fact, the idea of ​​Joseph and Silvera outstripped the hour more than ten times.

Forward to the wide bezel barcodes and boules were demonstrated by Liche in 1971 at the conference distribution of trade... The stench of boules applied to the lottery tokens was not deposited from the line, but from the line. Nadal from the round version of the barcodes were introduced - with their friend, the farba was often frowned upon and the stench became unreadable.

The first commercial format for barcodes was released in 1972 and was renamed as UPC - Universal Product Code. In that hour, the formatted barcodes were fully completed and changed. On the current day, there are 300 standard barcodes.

The head shortage of linear barcodes is a small number of coded information. For the rest of the day double barcodes.

Site generator-
Scanner program- Accusoft Barcode Scanner

PDF417 Broken down by Symbol Technologies company in 1991. The name of the PDF is similar to "Portable Data File". The number "417" represents the structure of the code - the barcode is designed in 17 modules, which are stored in 4 "lines" and "probіlіv". Vlasne, such blocks є with a one-dimensional barcode.

Theoretically, the goal is to simplify your reading and decorating. I, shvid better for everything, for special scanners it is so won. And the y-axis by program scanners for mobile annexes often have problems. For every time, for me, this code can be read in a short time every other time. Well, here it’s not the code itself, but the program-scanners.

The code can be installed on goods, documents, tickets. I will not pardon myself, I myself will be victorious on receipts to Aeroexpres. Shkopravda, I didn’t read it with a scanner program. Often you can hit it in stores, dance on dances from alcoholic products.


Site generator-
Scanner program- Barcode Scanner

DataMatrix code buv vinideniyu International Data matrix, Yaka piznish bula was introduced to Acuity CiMatrix and in 2005 was bought by Siemens. One hundred inlet to the outlet to the DataMatrix code by checking the front large-line barcode PDF-417. Today the Data Matrix is ​​described by the latest ISO standards. The code can be valid, without licenses.

The code is a two-dimensional matrix of black-big points or modules. In code, the number of such modules is guilty both vertically and horizontally. DataMatrix code can be formed from one or several blocks. In the skin block it is necessary to have two suction lines, how to overturn, in the viglyadi Literi L - so the title is a "joke template", which additionally helps the intelligence to understand the code for the reading attachment. The two sides of the block are stored from black and white points, which can be used as a readable attachment to the size code. The code is a vicaristic standard for the correction of pardons, based on the Reed-Solomon algorithm. Once the code has been updated, it is possible to update up to 30% of the correct information.

The head is rewinding of two types of two-world codes - one of the highest sizes. Behind the additional DataMatrix, it is possible to place information in 50 characters on an area with a size of two square meters. At the same time, the code can be applied to the surface in a magnificent number of ways: strumenevium druk, і gravіyuvannya, і laser and a lot of it. In addition, the code can be two different forms: square and rectangular. This allows even more efficiently the space available for the distribution of the code.

All the DataMatix needs a miraculous code for marking up small objects, for example microcircuits. And the Data Matrix itself is still actively stuck in the industry. Zokrem, who actively vikoristovuyut such great companies, like Intel, AMD, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Siemens, Philips, NASA, Vodaphoone. In the Bagatokh Lands of Vines, it is also possible to win for the sorts of things, but I don’t know about them in Russia. In the meantime, little by little it starts to appear in us. For example, the flow sheet format of the sheet is transferred to a special field for the distribution of the Data Matrix to the code:

“To simplify the procedure for machine processing of data from a license plate, in the upper cut of the blank, a field for insertion into a new two-dimensional barcode in the Data Matrix format has been added drukuvati at the memos earlier, the form is ok, but the form is in the same place.

The information was taken from the FSS website. Zrozumіlo, as soon as such a code ceases to be obstinate, otherwise the situation can change.

I want DataMatrix as an insane favorite in the industry, but the wider life has a wider type of double-sized barcode - QR-code.

QR code

Site generator-
Scanner program- Barcode Scanner

QR code is just one type of matrix code. Its name resembles the English "Quick Response" - "Shvydky Vidguk". In 1994, Denso-Wave was launched in Japan. It is the most widespread in Japan. For dany experience, in the whole land of yogi Vikoristov has more than half of all koristuvachiv mobile phone call... In front of us, in front of us, at the point of view of our competitors, there are wines of the rosum of the symbols of kani.

The name QR Code itself is an officially registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated. Tim is not mensh, yogo victoriannya bezkoshtovne yak for the physical, so i legal entities and do not fall for any licenses.

The size of the code can change to reach wide gaps: from 11 modules in the Micro QR (M1) version to 177 × 177 modules in the Version 40 QR code. Official standards QR codes, some of them are vidomo, German. Place QR codes below new versions, taken from Vіkіpedії.

Yak vi bachite, be it a QR code to avenge a chain of obov'yazkovyh elements. Nasamper, there are three large "squares", otochened with empty space. The program itself behind them is a scanner that identifies the position of the code and the correct perspective. In addition, the code should take another "square" of the smaller size. Win to serve as the basis for the organization of service areas. Varto mean that the Micro QR version will only have one copy of the position. Yak and a lot of other barcodes, the QR code is displayed in a wide area near the code itself. For new version warehouse code 4 modules, for micro version - two modules.

Yak і DataMatrix, in QR codes the method of correcting pardons, copying on Reed-Solomon's algorithms is used. It allows you to easily read the code or the difficulty of the QR code. Іnu chotiri rіvnі korektsії pomp. Smells are recognized by the amount of information available for updating - L (7%), M (15%), Q (25%), H (30%). For such a stock of performance, it is possible to distribute it on the QR code more than the image or the text. And if there will be no services in the area, the code is all too readable. Shchepravda, varto rosumiti, but in all cases there is a great opportunity for good graces.

You can read the report on the development of QR codes on the site. Vіkіpedії. Besides, on about those who can read the QR code by hand

QR Codes First of all, the stench is still active in advertising and marketing. They fix it from a banal view of an advertising video, placed on a billboard and ending with a number of interactive stands. For example, on the video below you can see the stand of the Tesco company, at the Pivdenna Korea metro station.

With the help of a mobile phone, people can substitute the goods they need on the move, as if they are delivered by couriers until the moment they arrive at home. Such interactive stands allowed the company to gain 130% of the delivery of goods.

Tsikavo, how much have the sales grown? =)

So, the very widening of QR codes in tourism. For example, QR codes are more and more popular on tourist objects. The simplest type of code has such a code as revenge for a short clue about the object on rіznykh movakh For more information on Wikipedia. Ale є y tsіkavіshі options - for example, after reading the QR code, you can hit it, as you can see it about 100 years. Yak butt can be placed in Lviv, de QR codes have been identified over a hundred tourist facilities. Information є, for example, on the whole site. Analogous solutions are often stagnated in museums. One clue - you are on the web site, so you can take revenge on all the information about the exhibit, so that you will be quoted.

Okremo, I want to mean one more original solution, if you scan one and the same QR code, you will automatically use your own name on the article. The price has become possible for the QRpedia project. You can read a report about it here:

With QR-codes, all parts of the process can be used when issuing receipts. In Russia, in Ukraine, and in Ukraine, we can send QR codes on our sales tickets. To give an opportunity to replace tickets via the Internet, simply open the QR code (or just display it on the screen of the mobile phone) to pass through the turnket and present it to the provider. It's a pity, I don’t know what kind of system is in Russian Railways, but I can tell you for sure, please do it yourself in AeroExpres. On a replacement ticket via the Internet, I have a glass of hilin, for whom I haven’t managed to find a ticket, the turniket has successfully entered the code from the screen to the phone. Shkopravda, the code there will be displayed not QR, but sooner PDF417.

Zastosovyuchi QR codes in hundreds, the stench is repaired more and more often to penetrate into our everyday life. For example, literally days in advance, "profitable" hitting a link with a QR code. The first thing was right, it’s just a handful of things, which I will hand over the need to drive all the data to the contact. Enough scanned QR code and all data given to the contact at your phone: name, name, company, posad, e-mail, work and mobile telephones. I don’t know if there’s a chance for such a visit to take root, ale, yak on me, the idea of ​​a miracle. Zrozumіlo, the whole idea of ​​the QR code victorious will not end. Є without any options - tatyuvannya with a QR code, to take revenge on the side in social. Merezhi, trinkets with a QR code, in which the owner's phone is encrypted, a QR code from the audio request for a gift ...

The two-part code for the given format will be sent to Oschadbank.

Why is it that having become so popular in order to reach the expanded Data Matrix? I don’t know exactly what the food price is, but I’m going to be built on the right as the head rank in his name. In the face of the faceless Data Matrix, in my face, in my mind, in the simplest way, to brutalize the respect of the potential koristuvachiv. Vrahoyuchi, most often it is inevitable to get stuck in the marketing department, was more important. And the strengths of the Data Matrix (smaller size, ISO standard) here are practically not important.

Nasamkinets will bring back the experience held in 2012 by the companies J'son & Partners Consulting, SMARTEST and WapStart in Russia. Here, a third of the respondents (33%) were informed about QR codes - they know the stink and intelligence, as it is possible to pick up on technology. 59% do not know about QR codes, and 8% were not correctly informed (have mercy on the knowledge of technology). 23% of the respondents have already scanned QR codes with their phones, and more than half of them (48%) have been constantly trying to keep them in check, or they have carried out such manipulations a lot. The majority of QR codes (84%) went to the website after reading them; a third (33%) could respect the contact data of the people and save them on the phone; 28% discarded ads; 21% - content (music, pictures, presentations, etc.) and 8% - video. Less than 6% indicated that QR technology helped them to register for the flight.

Yak mi bachimo, I want QR codes in Russia not to be widened so much, as in other countries, even the stink is gradually becoming popular in us.

Aztec code

Site generator-
Scanner program- Accusoft Barcode Scanner

The structure of the code is stored in the next elements: "target", elements of organization, grati bindings, shari danih. The program scanner uses the code for the presence of the "target", the name of the center is that kuti. The program downgrades the number of targets between kutami and kuti nahila. For tsimi danimi, you will be counted with a kut nahilu that turn the code to the phone camera. Varto mean that the code may not be recognized only in case of great performances from kuta nahilu and operative cameras, but to navigate in case of a mirror image.

More details about the Aztec Code decode algorithm can be found on the website for the next step. Since it has a QR code, Aztec has its own compact version.

Yak і DataMatrix, Aztec code can be saved there, the area for the applied code is already enclosed. Tim is pondered in front of the tse, wіn not wіmagа vіlnogo mіstsya about the code. Ale, on the DataMatrix view, Aztec code can be more square. The side of the square is to extend from 15 to 151 modules. The code can be jumped into blocks. Obviously, as the type of codes, the Aztec code will be corrected for the Reed-Solomon principle. With a lot of guilt, it is allowed to adjust the overwhelmingness of these from 5% to 95%.

At Bagatiokh Krajinah danish code vikoristovutsya sales companies in electronic receipts. In addition, it was backed up by the international association of turnkey transport for electronic tickets. Zokrem, for the information on the Vikipedia, I will be asked to write on the electronic receipts of the Russian airline S7 Airlines. Below I will put a quote from the office. site

“There is a special attachment at the airport of your Villotte, which will display the 2D barcode of the mobile boarding pass. You should be in front of the entrance to the security control zone and the next step is to read the 2D-barcode information of the mobile boarding pass from the screen of your phone, and then send the boarding pass to the doorway. "

It's a pity that the 2D barcode type is not mentioned at all, but I don't think Vіkіpedіya has pardoned.

Microsoft tag (High Capacity Color Barcode - HCCB)

Generator site -
Scanner software - Microsoft Tag

Tsey barcode buv specially designed by Microsoft for mobile cameras. There are a number of passages with scanned and decoded codes. For example, the code can be deciphered, navigated when not at focus, which is even more relevant for simple telephones without autofocus.

Microsoft Tag has a strong relationship with its larger siblings. First, it immediately falls into the following: to the QR, Data Matrix and other monochrome codes, which can be color-coded. There are three colors to choose from for the biley: Yellow, Magenta, Cyan. Such a vibration of colors will allow you to unknow the grants of decoduvannya through the rotting of the color of the CMYK printer. Dodatkovi colori allow to "insert" into the code more information, not change its size. Tim doesn’t have a barcode.

Friend, not less important is the vidmainst: the barcodes do not have the data themselves, but deprive them of the power to them (13 bytes + 1 control). Sami are taken to the servers Microsoft. The obvious minus of such a solution is that, without access to the Internet, it’s hard to use such a code. From the side, tse daє i additional possibilities: it is possible at any moment to add it to the information code, it is possible to learn about the reading of the code, it is possible to set the term to the code.

Plus, Microsoft Tag has a lot of customization options. In a barcode format, all information is encoded in color points near the centers of trikutniki. All other fields can be purchased. This allows you to create a barcode that is unique and efficient. Do not overdo it, innocent, except for you, but not in the eye, but the barcode.

. . . . . .

Microsoft Tag extensions are smaller than their counterparts. Tim doesn’t mensh, de-not-de-win, step by step, is included in the living. For example, in Tatarstan, as a result of novelties, a row of goiters has been linked to the owners of tourist and sports facilities of the Universiade Razmishuvati and barcodes for access to the latest websites on the Internet. Novina licked it, zokrema, on the whole site. Moreover, for the help of such codes, you can pay and der. servants.

At me tsya technology has overshadowed the mind. If the mystery about Microsoft Tag stubbornly wasted me on the eyes, I saw it all, not delving into the details. Barcode for decoding what kind of required access to the Internet? The price is not for Ukrainian realities. That nadrukuvati color code is more important, nіzh black-bіliy. I welcomed a few of me, but for such shortcomings, the plus code doesn’t seem to have any meaning. Let’s take it for granted, as the information itself is most often encoded in a 2D barcode? Most of the respondents have access to resources on the Internet. Tse can be: the website of the company, a commercial, an article about a historical object, albeit in any kind, without access to the Internet, there is no need for practical value. The first axis here is already Microsoft Tag as an even more vivid version. Information can be remembered or not changed the code itself, take a look at the statistics and revise it. Potential at Microsoft Tag, crazy,, but maybe Microsoft can do it - power on the screen.

Looking ahead

A collection of line barcodes appeared. Let's get double. How can you check on us from the Maybut?

The idea of ​​the company MIT Media Lab - bokode. Named like bokeh and barcode. A prototype of Boulo is shown in 2009 for Rock. The diameter of the tag given to the code is folded from a circle of square meters. The mint itself is stored from the light, on which a special mask is applied and a special line. Information to go to the attachment for reading in the light streams, to pass through the mask on the light.
Such a code is given in a thousand times more information, lower line bar codes. In addition, it is possible to use a few meters from the country (the theoretical boundary is 20 meters).
More detailed information can be found on the BBC website, or by marveling at the video from the MIT Media Lab itself:


Website generator

One of the most popular 2D barcode generators. Allows QR, Micro QR and DataMatrix codes. The interface to the site is intuitively eerie, and I think it’s not easy for senseu to make a note of the new report. At the top you can vibrate the type to the code. In the liviy column - to provide the type of zmistu. At the bottom, you can vibrate additional parameters: the icon, which is displayed on the code, the text above the same code, color the text and the code itself.

There is a great number of sites on the website, different types Danih. Zrozumіlo, so tribute to any type, you can just curl up like an extravagant text. If a smartphone fails, it is not possible to automatically recognize the type and intelligence that they work with. I will aim the buttstock with two codes with the same text.

The site allows you to generate data for offensive types:
Vizitka (VCARD)- by sending the scanned code to the phonebook, you can use one click to set up the contact with the data in the telephone book.

Satisfactory text- just dial danikh, the program-scanner reacts to new standard rank

Telephone dzvіnok- after scanning the code of the program, it will protect you from entering the number into the address book or by telephone on a new one.

SMS message- the program-scanner will propose to send tasks їм text, instructions number from the viewer sms abo mms povidlennya

E-mail addresses- koristuvach can be sent to the address of the sheet, or to add it to the telephone book. Those same will be, if you code your e-mail address in a very special way, like a "good text".

Email address- revenge the fields "E-mail of the recipient", "Subject" and "Text". The proponation of koristuvacheva nadislati introduced by him is presented at a specific address.

Pod_ya planned (VCALENDAR)- allowing you to enter the name, ear and end of the pod. When such a code is scanned, it will be possible to import the calendar.

WI-FI- allowing you to enter the SSID, the password and the type of encryption. After scanning such a code, the smartphone will be sent to you to connect to the whole pattern.

Website generator

Another good site generator. Allowing to set up codes and dozens different types, yak lіnіynі, і dvomіrnі. A messy interface, a little more powerful.

The site needs to vibrate the type of code. Proportion of such options:

1D codi... There are 12 types of linear barcodes, such as Code-128, Code-11 and інші. The skin code in the order of the acceptable type of tribute (only numbers, new dial ASCII and in.). By displaying the "additional parameters for the barcode", you can adjust the parameters, such as the color code, the layout, the moving zone (the place near the barcode).

2D cody... You can enter such codes as QR, DataMatrix, Aztec, Codablock-F, PDF417, MaxiCode, MicroPDF417, Micro QR. The adjustment of the code is analogous to the last category, but in the “additional parameters” the option “correction of pardons” was added (as long as the QR code is removed). I’ll give you permission to hand over the korektsi - L, M, Q, H

Mobile Tag- Yak і, allowing you to create codes for mobile phones, with different types of tributes. Allows three types of QR codes, DataMatrix, Aztec. There are a number of new types of codes, such as posting to Twitter, "like" on Facebook, posting programs in AndroidMarket and others.

There are many more simple categories of line codes: UAN \ UPC(vikoristovuyutsya on goods in stores), ISBN(Books and іnsha drukovana products), post codes, in. On the basis of the list presented by “ Visits(see QR and DataMatrix), " Podії"(Also QR і DataMatrix), WI-FI code(QR і DataMatrix) - everything is the same for

Generator site look at past resources. First of all, it is tied with special features to the Microsoft Tag format. On the site, there is a lot of pre-existing material, both for the peculiarities of the code format, and for the robot with the generator itself. Unfortunately, the information is available only in English.

For robots from the site, a Microsoft account is required. As long as you are dumb, you will be restructuring. Go to My Tag - Tag manager. To start the new mite, vibrate Create a tag in the top code of the manager.

Tag Title- іm'ya mіtki, as displayed under the barcode itself in the "history" by the scanner programs

Tag Tipe- The type of mіtki. Mites of the offensive types are accepted: URL (available), App Download (pre-loaded with programs, allowing you to set up for the skin platforms for downloading), Free Text (more text, up to 1000 characters), vCard (you can add a ready vCard, so hand), Dialer (entering a phone number)

Tag Notes- Description of the mint, up to 200 symbols. The description is displayed only on the site in the manager itself. You can't beat a koristuvach.

Upload Thumbnail- Enhancement of eskizu mits, recommendation size - 200 x 200, formats JPEG, GIF, PNG

Start Date- the date with which the tag is more successful

End Date- The date of the end of the robot. You can vibrate the option "No End Date"

Danih input field- Lay down on the type of mite you have chosen.

After the introduction of all the data, you will get a copy by pressing the Save button. The mint has been created and is now displayed by the manager. If necessary, it is possible to add it or to see it. In addition, you can always be amazed at the graph of the number of peer-views. Now I’m closing the door to the door, squeezing on the blue line "Download" right-handed.

Before imprinting the mitts, it is necessary to vibrate the format of the code. Available options: Tag Barcode(standard Microsoft Tag with a small one at the viglyadі tricutnikіv), Custom Tag Barcode(Microsoft Tag, on which points are applied, in which information is coded), QR Code, NFC URL... Here you can vibrate the file format and the size code itself. The Microsoft Tag version has a monochrome version.

When a QR code is scanned by a special program-scanner, it will appear simply by the form To deny access to the information itself, you need to display it in your browser. When the scanned code is "old" Microsoft software Tag data will be locked from the MS server automatically. At the same time, additional information is displayed, such as the name of the mite, the picture of the mite in the "history" is just that. Zagalom, victoriannya QR code in this vypadku is not worth it.

You can read a report about scanning Microsoft Tag codes in the scanner's inventory. Let me just say a few words about the Custom Tag Barcode format. As I already wrote, the Microsoft Tag format has a great potential for customization. In fact, the code can be overfilled, the essence of information that does not climb to the services of the region. At the same time, the point can be partly a little bit, it is not necessary to see it from the background.

Easier to view the file in Photoshop, or be it the kind of editor, which is in the process of using balls. The ball itself, with specks of it, is not chic, it just pops up one more, and everything is robust with it, as desired. You can learn more about customizing Microsoft Tag.

Program scanners

Barcode Scanner

Pidtrimuvani formats and 2D codes: QR, DataMatrix
The program is koshtovna free. There is a paid version of the available additional formats.

Try Barcode Scanner software (Zxing from Google).
However, if you are using a scanner, we’ll forgive it, but it’s even more appropriate for me. The program has everything that is required for the main function of the current "bells and whistles". Such is the Linux way. To whom such a pidhid befits, to whom nі.

Accusoft Barcode Scanner

Pidtrimuvani formats and 2D codes: QR, DataMatrix, Aztec and PDF417

Yak has shown practice that Play.Market has a lot of scanners based on Barcode Scanner, and Zxing is based on Google. That stench of great might even have a similar interface and functionality. You can target the Accusoft Barcode Scanner with a clone of the Barcode Scanner. Main view - additional readme for Aztec and PDF417 codes

QR Droid

The very same program was guessed at the recent statti of Vitaly Buzdalov. Vaughn also has a victorious library of Zxing, ale maє great functionality. For example, є the ability to look at a glance, edit sms from the programs itself, designate standard designs for different types of codes and in.

Needed for chi ni, kozhin virіshu sobі himself. In addition, the program can provide a functional code generator.

Besides the standard programs for generating and reading codes, the program promotes and lowers brown functions... On the other hand, through it you can quickly open the door for a short time. It can be very good for you to unify the current "blow-up" QR code. Moreover, you will be able to look over the statistics of transitions for such requests. One more butt: you can add the image to the Internet and immediately generate a new QR code.

Microsoft Tag

Scanner, in the first place of insurance for a robot using Microsoft Tag and QR codes from the site With the extraordinary QR codes of the program, it is more meaningful. Yak butt can be amazed at the onset screen shot, showing the result of decoding a QR code like SMS.

At that hour, as an extravagant scanner will send SMS, the Microsoft Tag scanner will simply display the entire set of encoded tributes.

At the top of the program window there is a "Scan" button, at the center - a list of scanned history files. The mitts are presented at the view of the icons, assigned by the author to the code. Immediately, the name of the mint is displayed. Zvychaynі QR codes, as you can not name the icons, in the list are not displayed. Zrozumilo, tags from the list of history can be displayed again.

On the screenshot below, you can see the result of the scanned code from the encoded text and from the encoded code on Android.MR


Intelligence, information about all types of barcodes, programs for reading and resources within the framework of one statute is unwise. That is why I have guessed only about the actions of them, as, for my sake, they are most relevant.

In the comments before the last statti about QR codes, the readers of the readers were thinking about it, but through the appearance of NFC, two-world barcodes and soon to learn. I’ll be built, but I won’t. Tse dvі development technologies, Zastosuvannya yakikh to overturn only chastkovo. NFC for manual transmission of information. In some cases, they will be victorious for the whole without a mediocre, in some cases will be stashed only for the establishment of a more efficient protocol. Ale axis nadrukuvati NFC mint in the home minds even more most hour will be problematic. Through the NFC chain, it is unlikely that you will be stuck, say, on electronic receipts. That razmіshchuvati on nudity is hopeless - sob rakhuvati її, if you are deceived, you will go to such nudity so you can’t expect it. Zrozumіlo, for bazhannya you can come up with that realizuvati be-a kind of scenario. Is the food deprived of what is it?

Can refer to: Matrix (mathematics) A rectangular array of elements Data matrix (computer) An encoded barcode. Data set Collection of data in tabular form. Data matrix (multivariate statistics) Mathematical matrix of data whose rows represent ...

Data matrix- An example of Data Matrix code, based on text: Wikipedia, free encyclopedia Reading Data… Wikipedia

Data matrix

Data matrix- 3.8 Data Matrix: Double-sided matrix symbols with corrections of pardons, which code for typing characters, including a set of digital and alphanumeric characters, all characters according to ISO / MEK 646 (ASCII) 1), as well as special characters. 1) Posilannya ... ... Dictionnaire of the terms of normative and technical documentation

data matrix- / deɪtə ˈmeɪtrɪks / (required day maytriks) noun (plural data matrixes abo data matrix / deɪtə ˈmeɪtrəsiz / (say daytuh maytruhseez)) a rectangular array of data, whe. dictionary

- ... Vіkіpedіya

Data matrix (computer)- A Data Matrix code is a 2 dimensional matrix barcode consisting of black and white square modules arranged in either asquare or rectangular pattern. The information to be encoded can be text or raw data. Usual data size is from a few bytes up…… Wikipedia

Data Matrix Code- DataMatrix Code as Teil von Stampit Mit dem zweidimensional Data Matrix Code (2D Code) kann im Vergleich zu eindimensionalen Barcodes (1D Code) die Informationsdichte pro Fläche deutlich erhöht werden. Entwickelt wurde der Data Matrix Code in…… Deutsch Wikipedia

Data matrix (multivariate statistics)- Have multivariate statistical tributes, and mathematics mathematical matrix data whose rows represent different repetition of experiment, and whose columns represent different types of data (say, the results from a particular probe). For example,…… Wikipedia

Matrix code- The Matrix code can be added to: Two dimensional barcode (which can be referred to as linear and stacked symbologies), such as e.g. Data Matrix. The logo of The Matrix franchise. See Matrix digital rain. Qiu disambiguation page lists articles associated with ... ... Wikipedia


  • Failure Causes Analysis of Machine Tools with Matrix Method, Chitrakant Tiger, A.B. Andhare ta Ashwin Patil. Qia kniha is based on the development of such occasions, since there are important subsystems of these tools. The failure analysis of machine tools bulo vikorystannyam graph theory-matrix ...

I will stay for an hour at the net, more and more information about matrix codes, stinks of 2D barcode, QR codes, Datamatrix codes, etc. Well also the barcode and why should the stink get stuck?

All of them were using traditional barcodes, which can be stored in a small size of small width. The stink of being stuck in trade, logistics, banking operations, and in bagatoh other situations. By the day, barcodes and allow practical mittєvo re-adaptation of the data from the physical light into electronic viglyad... For example, the situation in the supermarket is clear: You buy oranges, you know, and you see a barcode that reveals information about the amount and part of your oranges. Wait a minute, why would the cashier be quick enough to simply bring your product with a barcode to the scanner, and I will hand in the code to the product that yogo masu? Tse economy for an hour, at that number of yours.

2D cody

From the usual 2D barcodes, the information is displayed so that the information is recorded at once in two sizes, so that the barcodes can be read in the direction of vertical smogs and the information is displayed between them, then in the 2D codes are displayed horizontally. In such a rank, two-world barcodes allow you to take more information, less barcode. In addition, if the information is encoded with a matrix code, the information for updating is provided before it, so that you can read the information encrypted in the information code with a partial encoded barcode.

Why is it possible to vikoristovuvati matrix codes? With trade in that logic, a sense of intelligence, but how can corny be rejected for a simple upholstery? I know the butt is guided. Lyudina just ask you a ticket, on your name, name, phone number, e-mail, website addresses, company addresses, etc. Singingly, you would like to put the contact data of the people to your phone. Will you show me the hour before your contact? Supposedly, you can see it quickly with your phone, and you will invest in 2 dollars. Now see if you are fierce side Visits are handled by a 2D barcode, if you want to add a contact to the phone with information, you need to launch a new program for reading barcodes, point the camera at the barcode, and confirm the additional contact by pressing one button. For all manipulations you need no more than 10 seconds.

To scan QR codes and other barcodes, use a mobile phone with a camera. Infected isnu great number mobile supplements, you can accept QR-code. For more than enough, run this program on your phone, point the camera on the phone at the image of the QR code, and read the encrypted information. Most often for the help of QR-codes to encrypt texts, sent to the site, contact information, telephony, GPS coordinates.

Price only one many options zasosuvannya QR-codes. The main feature of the code is the speed of transmission of information from the handled code of the mobile device. Tse vіdkriva great zdіbnostі, zokrema, for advertisements, tobto. If you have inserted the QR code at the billboard, the poster of the nudity, and the advertisement, you can see more clientele in the result. To that, it’s quite a lot of the scanned code, and the company’s contact information can be automatically sent to your phone. Abo go through the coded Internet-posilannyu to the site of the advertiser. Krym tsyogo, at once QR-codes and vikoristovyutsya like electronic receipts. You pay for the ticket credit cards via the Internet, and a QR code image will be sent to your phone. Once you have sent your phone from the QR code on the screen before reading the codes, you can go to the gateway. Such receipts, for example, are used by all types of airexpress. By applying a QR code, you can come up with a simple one, as a result of your imagination. Tse all the promotions, іgri, the transfer of information about the comrade and the servant, the souvenir products and the rich.

Datas for reading barcodes, which can be used for a given moment, allow you to send messages, contacts, SMS / email, GPS coordinates, and simply text. The popularity of barcodes is growing, and at the same time it’s showing the activity of the barcode by those in the Internet, which is gradually growing, it’s logical to assume that the price of creating software for mobile phones before they are updated

Web 3.0?

I think that it’s a barcode’s success story for the transmission of information to the barcode’s mobile annexes - the price is up to the form of Web 3.0, in which real and posilannya), oversight on the wall)

Є nutrition of chi propositions?

Matrix codes There are a lot of large-scale production codes, which are formed on the basis of the registration of special matrices by means of organizing changes to the parity of logical 1 rows and 100 matrixes. (Note: Allowed the organization of reversals (the form of reversals) for unpairedness, as well as at once for parity and unpairedness).

According to GOST 20687-82, information blocks, which are transmitted, symbols are recorded at the viewers of the columns and rows of the matrix of the opposite size (rank). Pochatkova, the recording of information symbols in rows is purely of no fundamental meaning, tobto. not pouring into the characteristics of the code. Matrix can be shaped like square and rectangular, tobto. ranks according to k ta l There are a number of different rows and hundreds, which represent information symbols.

One hour, from the recording of the information symbols behind the rows (at least), the form of the conversion symbol (conversion) is carried out; meaningfully transmitted information symbols and signs a, and converting symbols and signs b. In the outward view of the principle of forming the matrix code, it is possible to pay for the view of the offensive matrix:

In such a rank, the rank of the matrix

The matrices can be single-row (in the skin row, one reversal symbol is formed in the skin row), and bagate-like (in the skin row, two, three or more reversal symbols are formed in the skin row).

Note: for synchronous and asynchronous systems, the communication of GOST 20687-86 is the transmission of the rules for the formulation of inversion symbols according to 100%, but itself:

For synchronous systems, a pair of logical 1 is formed;

For asynchronous systems, an unpaired number of logical connections are formed 1.

On the right side, tobto. at the decoder, an analogous matrix of rank is formed. The matrix is ​​suitable to be molded in such a way. In the skin column, at the skin row, after the received information symbols, the conversion symbols are formed (b i, j)(reversals for parity), which will be written in the matrix of the order from all received reversal symbols (divisya b n, 1 and b "n + 1,1 b 1, n that b "1, n + 1 etc.). Distant in the skin row, and in the skin hundredths of the adopted and well-formed reversal symbols, syndromic symbols are formed according to the rule:

When the procedure for the formation of syndromic symbols is completed, two algorithms can be implemented to decode the matrix code, but itself:

1) for the results of pardons and re-transfer of the transferred information block;

2) the appearance of the positions of the gracious information symbols of the same correction.

The main powers of the one-way matrix code:

1) Oscillations of the shape of the inverted symbols in order match to line codes;

2) at the link z tim, scho skin row of maє wagu w≥d 0 , then tsey code belong to the class of block codes;

3) fragments of rows and one hundred matrices confirm the same number of code sequences of line-independent operations for module two, then the given code I have all the power of group codes;

4) the method of transmission of code symbols in matrix codes can be used as systematic, so i unsystematic.

Parameters of one-way matrix code.

1) N m = n 1 × n 2 - more code sequence, de - zi -

The number of rows and 100% is different.

With two symbols;

2) number of information symbols, de k 1 and k 2 according to the number of "information" rows and "information" stanzas. With two signs;

3) R m = K m / N m = k 1 / n 1 × k 2 / n 2 - transmission rate to the code,

4) l t= N m -K m - absolute overwhelm the code,

5) r T= (1-R m) * 100% - unmistakable code,

6) d 0 m- Minimal code appearance, the introduction of one reversal symbol in the last of a simple beznadmіrnogo code, tobto. to block із k Information symbols, which allow the appearance of one-time and unpaired pardons, and, presumably to the theory of coding, for detecting pardons, d 0 may be one or more. Also, the same matrix code can be used to make two-way pardons or one-time pardons.

Syndrome symbols are formed to reveal the correct information symbols. Sij row and stovpt, and the following rule is implemented:

If we take pardon if we lose one information symbol, then the syndromic symbol of the row and hundred will be non-zero, so that. рівні 1;

For the correct position of the pompous symbol, it is necessary to set its position in the matrix, yak, yak, it is easy to stand up, to change it on a repetitive row that is full of non-zero syndromic symbols, tobto. S iі Sj.

7) NS. unrevealed pardon

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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