Oleksiyivska (Irkutsk region).

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children priznachayutsya pedіatr. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Oleksiyivska's website, which trades in goods for additional netting. Allowing koristuvacham online, in their browser or through mobile supplement, Formulate an order for a purchase, choose a way to pay and deliver a replacement, pay a replacement.

Odyag in Oleksiyivsky

Cholovichy and zhynochy odyag, yaku proponuє shop in Oleksiyivskoe. Bezkoshtovna delivery і post-іnіzhki, neymovіrny svіt modi і style with a tricky dress. Yakisny odyag z in great prices in shops. Great vibe.

Baby shop

Everything for children with delivery. Visit the nicest baby goods store in Oleksiyivske. Bathe strollers, car seats, odyag, igrashka, furniture, add gigini. From pelyushok to baby sleds and playpens. Childish food on vibir.

Pobutova technology

Comrades of provincial brands are presented to the Oleksiyivska store at a low price in the catalog of by-pass technology. Dribna bybutova technology: Multicooker, audio technology, pilosos. Computers, laptops, tablets. Praski, kettles, sewing machines

Products kharchuvannya

The external catalog of products_v kharchuvannya. You can buy kawi, tea, macaroni, virobi, malt, seasonings, specialties and a lot of food in Oleksiyivskyi vei. All grocery stores in one place on the map of Oleksiyivska. Shvidka delivery.

Municipal district Miske settlement coordinates

Population 2.5 yew. Chol. (2010). The area of ​​the settlement is close - 3 km.

Village roztashovane on the right birch of the river Lena, 20 km from Kirenska.

The status of the settlement of the Misky type - since 1939.

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  • Oleksiyivska (Irkutsk region) // Great Radianska encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov... - 3rd ed. - M.: Radianska encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

Urivok, which characterizes Oleksiyivska (Irkutsk region)

The movchanka has sunk. The Countess was amazed at the guest, they smiled a lot, although they didn’t have to be embarrassed now by the anti-people, as the guest came and went. Daughter gostі vzhe ogovtuєtsya Platt zapitalno divlyachis on matіr, yak last trump іz susіdnoї kіmnati pochuvsya bіg to door kіlkoh cholovіchih i zhіnochih nіg, gurkіt zacheplenogo i felled stіltsya, i in kіmnatu vbіgla trinadtsyatirіchna dіvchinka, zapahnuv scho the short serpankovih yubkoyu, i zupinilasya poseredinі kіmnati ... Obviously, it’s hateful, out of unprotected bigu, has jumped so far. A student with a crimson komir, a guard officer, a fifteen-year-old girl, and a tovsty ruman boy at a child's jacket, was standing at the door to the same khvilynu.
The count huddled together, spreading his arms wide apart, near the little girl flowed in.
- Oh, won axis! - cried out vіn. - The birthday girl! Ma chere, іmeninnitsya!
- Ma chere, il y a un temps pour tout, [Mila, for all є hour,] - said the Countess, pretending to be strict. - Ty її all baluєsh, Elie, - added Vona cholovіkovі.
- Bonjour, ma chere, je vous felicite, [Hello, my dear, I wrap you around,] - said the guest. - Quelle delicuse enfant! [Yake a charming child!] - she gave it up, beastly to the mother.
Chornooka, with a great mouth, naughty, ale, a little girl is alive, with her childish witty little girls, who, crumpled, collapsed in their bodices like a shy big guy, with their own hands, by their own little hands, naughty little coachmen, thin barefaced Bula in that sweet vіtsі, if the girl is not a child, and a child is not a girl yet. Turning back to see the daddy, she went to her mother and, not having any kind of respect for her mother, grabbed her heart, revealing herself in the fringes of her mother's mantle, and laughed. Vona smiled at something, the tlumachachi often talked about the lyalka, the yaku wiped out from the spidnichki.

The village of Oleksiyivska roztashuvavsya on the winter descent of the Irkutsk region on the right birch of the rivulet Lena at the coordinates of 57 degrees 50 degrees of winter latitude and 108 degrees of 20 degrees of spiritual growth. The insignificant for the size and unremarkable on the map Oleksiyivska, having entered his side in the history of the Russian fleet. For the first few days, the backwater was known here by the Lena court lane. The first buv steamboat "Karalonets". Gone are the fate - now here you can get up on the back of a hundred odinits of the fleet.

Date of birth:

1581 - witnessed by Sibir by Urmak.

1625 - 1630 rub. - the announcement of Leni's ricks by the first failures of Pantelei Pyanda, Martin Vasil'ev and Vasil Bugr.

1641 - the Persha map of the river Leni was laid down by the Tobolsk Cossack Kurbatov Ivanov.

1658 - Priznachennya Ornich villagers in Kirenskoe were awarded to Ornich Khabarov as a clerk.

1663 - Persha documentary mystery of the village of Oleksiyivka.

1861 - the shedding of the first steamer "St. Tikhon Zadonskiy" on Olenі.

1904 - on the right birch rychka near the villagers of the village of Oleksiyivka, merchant Ya.D. freezers in the land for organizing a mission from a number of judges, prompted the first budovies.

1906 - steamer "Korolonets" stepped up into the backwaters for the winter.

1913 - the organization of the Oleksiyivskiy backwater-like a zalny koristuvannya.

1920 (Lyutiy-Berezen) - nationalization of the Lena Fleet and transfer to the backwater at the date of the Irkutsk District Water Administration.

1932 (April) - the backwater of the transfer of the LenzolotoFlot to the river sector to the Zolototrans trust of the Vostokzoloto All-Union organization.

1932 - in the backwaters of the ship-buduvannya - the trees of the schooners (motor boats) "Laptyv", "Chelyuskin" and "Pronchischev" were stimulated.

1933 - re-ownership of the steamboat A.P. Serebrovsky from the barge "Vasilivska".

1934-1937 pp. - the backwater of the names of the head of "GlavZoloto" A.P. Serebrovsky (Serebrovsky backwater).

1938 - Budivnitstvo in the wreck of the first on Oleni two-deck passenger steamboat "Lermontov"

1947 RUR (Berezen) - the backwater of the crossing at the exit of the Head Special Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR.

1957 RUR (15 grass) - the backwater went up to the warehouse of the Lensky river steamer of the Ministry of the river fleet of the Russian Federation.

1958/59 p - ear of hope to the warehouse for the fleet of Al. REB of the first great party of vantage vessels of the ST-600 type, project 765

1959/60 r - a cob of hopefulness of bulk motor ships ін. 866.

1960/61 r - re-ownership of the Lenin steamboat into the Yrmak motor ship.

1960/62 r - the launch of the boats for the SPA in. 792 type "Berizka".

1961/62 r - the motor ships SP-810 and SP-814 were prompted, which became the heads for the whole series of ships of project 272 and P-40, type SPTO-826.

To the warehouse for the fleet of Al. REB overhead head and small-scale gray tanker ін. 1754 "Hero Gagarin".

Sectional Zibraniy Pasazhirskiy Teplokhid "AS Popov".

Introduced into operation of re-ownership from the lіhter of the motor ship "Olena" - the first large-tonnage ship on Olena.

The first gray towing heat ship NIG was built - 451 pr. 911L (prompted by 36 units).

The number of towing motor ships of BTT type - 310, pr. AR - 1219 (motivated by 4 units).

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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