Visibility of problems with incorrect web-side codes. Susceptibility of problems to incorrect web-side codes Incorrectly coded results from the MySQL database

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But now I want to be able to follow Volkov Sergiy and Sharomov Denis, the materials of which helped at the preparation of the statistics.

Uwaga! The site needs redaguvati files via FTP or SSH.

And now it's getting started.

1. To grow backup copy it is obligatory to include the database and all files for the site before it.

2. As soon as you vikoristyuete virtual hosting, ask the technical support to install the following parameters:

mbstring.func_overload 2
mbstring.internal_encoding UTF-8
Yaksho vi vikoristovute virtual car Bitrix can be set up independently.

3. View modules for a joke without saving tables and web analytics (without saving tables, but for saving templates later).

4. View the translation from the vocabulary in the "Forum" module ( Services> Forums> Filters of obscene words> Dictionnaire translite) letter "e", yaka maє ID = 7.

5. Change in the regional settings of the code from windows-1251 to utf-8.

The site has been set up, but it is vibrant and vibrant to the regional setting.

6. Add to /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php:

define ("BX_UTF", true);

7. Add the convert_utf8.php script to the root of the site's directories, run it and do it again.
The first step is to change the rights to change the files, others to go through the conversion of all files in the site and the rest is the change of code base danih.
As long as you have a large database of tributes, you can take a further step into converting most hour for not being successful. At such a time, I will hand over the base in such a way. The admin panel on the "SQL-feed" side has a visonuєmo start-up supply:

De database_name is your database name.
Tsey will supply the vivede to the side of the new supply, which will be required by the viconati on the side of the side:

Copy all rows of the new power supply (do not forget to add the number of entries to the side) and check out the new power supply. Upon completion of the listing of all base tables, it will be converted to UTF-8 code.

8. Register at /bitrix/php_interface/after_connect.php:

$ DB-> Query ("SET NAMES" utf8 ""); $ DB-> Query ("SET collation_connection =" utf8_unicode_ci "");

9. Register at /bitrix/php_interface/after_connect_d7.php:
$ connection-> queryExecute ("SET NAMES" utf8 ""); $ connection-> queryExecute ("SET collation_connection =" utf8_unicode_ci "");

10. Register at /bitrix/.settings.php:
return array ("utf_mode" => array ("value" => true, "readonly" => true,),

11. Clear the entire cache of the site and go to your profile, so that you can go to the new one.

12. See the convert_utf8.php script.

13. Install the module "Post" and complete the re-index.

14. Install the module "Web-analytics", as you have learned it earlier.


When converting to a site, there may be problems with gray-scaled arrays (in the main, the Html-text is displayed for criminals in the admin). Such a time will help you

In case of incorrect coding, the entire site, or its part, is displayed at the viglyad "kryazyazyabliv", tobto. unreasonable symbols, as robbing the text is unreadable. Such a situation can occur if the web server code is incorrectly set up, or when it is out of order. Clear are available options that way of making problems

Incorrect HTML coding

Create a test file:

Sudo gedit /var/www/html/encoding.html

Copy to new:

Reverse code

Display file in browser http: //localhost/encoding.html

Yak can be bachiti, the code is incorrectly assigned by the browser:

There are a number of ways to correct the situation. It's almost the easiest thing - obviously to provide code for the web site. Chain with a meta tag, which can be used to rewind the middle tag head:

Dodamo tsay row to our test file, so it went like this:

Reverse code

Test file for rewriting the code

As I can skip to the offensive screen, the problem is resolved:

How to code your file to see UTF-8 then replace her windows-1251 for the one that will display the code of the web side. Check it out and start the file code, take a look.

Tse buv is the easiest way to fix problems with code without changing the server setup.

Let's turn our test file from cob mill and progressively vivchennya ways of introducing code.

Yaksho file .htaccess enabled by the Apache configuration, then the files can be configured to use the code of the links, which are managed by the web server. Show files .htaccess in the Apache config file ( /etc/apache2/apache2.conf) know the group of rows

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted

І in nіy change

AllowOverride None

AllowOverride All

If you want the server, you need to restart it.

Sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

File .htaccess guilty buty of distributions from the director, the site. My site of distributions at the root director of the web server. If it’s the same with you, now it’s your father’s / var / www / html / fold file .htaccessі give us a directive AddDefaultCharset pislya how to vkazhit bazhana koduvannya. Put on

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

AddDefaultCharset windows-1251

You can use the code, if it will be stuck to files in a singing format:

AddCharset utf-8 .atom .css .js .json .rss .vtt .xml

A set of files can be, for example:

AddCharset utf-8 .html .css .php .txt .js

The offensive option is an alternative and allows you to set the code for the file type, for new needs mod_headers:

Header set Content-Type "text / html; charset = utf-8"

Another option, which you can also choose from a file .htaccess to install UTF-8 code:

IndexOptions + Charset = UTF-8

If the site is in PHP, then you can also duplicate the code. php_value default_charset:

AddDefaultCharset windows-1251 php_value default_charset "cp1251"

You can replace the root of the .htaccess file by installing the code in the configuration file of the web server. For Apache CentOS / Fedora the file is httpd.conf, and for Debian / Ubuntu the file is apache2.conf. Give the next row for the installation of the code and restart the web server, so the changes have begun to appear:

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

How to install UTF-8 code in PHP

Have PHP script e for the establishment of the code vikorist header, for example:

Header ("Content-Type: charset = utf-8");

Call at once from the code, you can also specify the type instead (the application has options for HTML side):

Header ("Content-Type: text / html; charset = utf-8");

Another option for RSS feeds:

Header ("Content-type: text / xml; charset = utf-8");

Remember the function header maє buti wiklicana before being a visnovka in the browser. In the іnshomu vipadku (as soon as vivedennya in the browser is already broken), then the headers are also added. Obviously, it’s too bad for them to get away with it. As soon as the browser has been updated about the pardon, the headers are also about the pardon and the header header is about the pardon. For inversion, chi buli already nominated headlines, vikoristovyte headers_sent.

The descriptions of the methods are correct only if the PHP script will be generated instead of the line. Static sides (such as html) are responsible for the use of the utf-8 code. Most web servers give respect to the code file and add a header. As a result, the PHP file is saved in utf-8 coding to achieve the same result.

Incorrectly coding results from MySQL database

If your site is built from a static part (template) and dynamical, as it is shaped from a database, it can be obsessed with a database, if a part of the site is not correctly coded, but the part of the site is not correct. In general, the problem of setting up a web server is bad - all one part of the side will be wrong code.

It is necessary to distribute from the value of the code of your tables. You can wonder at phpMyAdmin:

To brutalize respect for the stovpez " Porivnyannya", Write" utf8_unicode_ci"Means," UTF-8.

You can connect to the MySQL DBMS and change the code table without phpMyAdmin. For Tsiogo:

Mysql -u root -p

Yaksho vi zabuli іm'ya bazi danih, send the command:


Supposedly, I want to re-look the code for tables in the database information_schema

USE information_schema;

Yaksho vi zabuli іm'ya table, visit:


For example:


Wee shake approximately like this:

Marvel at stovpets Collation... I have vipadku there utf8_general_ci, tse, yak i utf8_unicode_ci, coduvannya UTF-8... Before the speech, if you don’t know who is the difference between koduvannyam utf8_general_ci, utf8_unicode_ci, utf8mb4_general_ci, utf8mb4_unicode_ci, as well as yake koduvannya vibrati for the database danih MySQL, wonder.

Now, if we know the code (I can’t use UTF-8), when the skin is connected to the MySQL DBMS, it will be necessary to power up one last time:

SET NAMES UTF8 SET CHARACTER SET UTF8 SET character_set_client = UTF8 SET character_set_connection = UTF8 SET character_set_results = UTF8

In PHP, the price can be changed approximately like this:

$ this-> mysqli = new mysqli ($ server, $ username, $ password, $ basename); if ($ this-> mysqli-> connect_error) ($ this-> errorHandler_c-> logError (1, "Connect Error (". $ this-> mysqli-> connect_errno. ")". $ this-> mysqli-> connect_error , $ _SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"]);) $ this-> mysqli-> query ("SET NAMES UTF8"); $ this-> mysqli-> query ("SET CHARACTER SET UTF8"); $ this-> mysqli-> query ("SET character_set_client = UTF8"); $ this-> mysqli-> query ("SET character_set_connection = UTF8"); $ this-> mysqli-> query ("SET character_set_results = UTF8");

To brutalize respect, scho UTF8 you will need to change to those codes, like vicorists for your tables.

File code change

As soon as you decided to go on a journey and to replace the establishment of a new code to change the code of your files, to marvel at the article "". At them it is said, how to know about the streamlined coding of files and how to convert files in any coding (not only UTF-8).

Yak diznatisya, yake koduvannya supervising server

If you want to know, as you set up the code for a web server (like the code is transmitted in the headers), speed up with the offensive command:

Curl URL -s -o / dev / null -D / dev / stdout | grep -E "charset"

They have a deputy Url insert the real address of the site to be converted. If the site is vikoristovuє HTTPS, then add the address to the site at once using the protocol, for example

Curl https: // | grep -E "charset"

Yake koduvannya vibrati for website

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