Вітчизняні analogs of Google Street View. Recon Jet from Recon Instruments

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all types Google services Street View allows you to stroll practically from any kind of light online, so you can go into the depths of the ocean itself, or swim on the chapel along the Amazon, al ... Zhorstki sanctions, continuous control and censorship, weak groove channels for the Earth services - everything made the Google company go in the direction and let the international companies turn to the Asian market. At the present moment, no special new services have been invented, but rather copy the stench vmyutko. Zustrіchaєmo analogue of Google Street View - Chinese Baidu Total View

Virtual walks in Chinese places only along the edge of the kut with the Chinese vidtink. Already available online panoramas of the places of Shenyang, Usi and Fenhuang, it’s not a bargain to stretch out and reshta. For a peek, it is necessary to pull the picture on the icon of the camera in the upper right codend and pull it onto the Total View street.

Chinese programs work on API and you can do it without a bar Daniy Service on your projects, and you can enjoy the views on the very site Baidu Maps.

Realization in Google cartographic supplements functional of panoramic view of the city streets, pushing the bagatokh entusias on the stem of analogous systems. Our survey of Russian alternatives to Street View.

About іnuvannya in cartographic products Google functions Street view with modern technologies koristuvach. Implemented by Google, the idea of ​​a panoramic view of the streets of the city appeared in the distance and demanded by the hedge auditor, so that they began to notice a lot of people who were very successful on the market of Internet-related companies, including companies. At the same time, there are some comments about the current analogs of Google Street View, which hunt streets and avenues NOT of overseas megacities, but the place of Russia, which is close to the readers of "KT-Online".

Look around the slid, very well, widely available in Runet, the service "Russia 360 °", which is a function within the framework of information portal gdeetotdom.ru, assigned to the market of non-ruggedness. Behind the words of the developers, the idea of ​​an alternative to Street View was born because it seemed like it was not possible to show the signs of Russian megacities in Google maps. As a result of the fruitful robotics of the entourage, an online service appeared, which saves panoramic photos from sixty places in Russia, is equipped with a joke function and allows you to browse the Yandex picture or Google. Being directed to the robot by proposing to the market of non-dexterity, the "Russia 360 °" service allows you to peer at spherical panoramas not only on the streets of budinks, but on the other and on the third line. Praises of Google Street View for such robustness, as a rule, I cannot. Beginning, on the view of a vіtchiznyа analogue, shvidko pratsyuє, that and vіdvolіkayu advertizing banners in a new trochae less likely.

Another way to use the virtual copy of the real world is the recent launch of the Mappi.ru service. V the present moment I am interested in forty Russian towns (especially the Moscow region); virtual highways the system once at a time appears about every day in the base signs. Behind the views of the creators, the service is updated with new photographs on a regular basis, and it is not bargaining to give a head start to a non-original with Google add-on That would be a good idea for an alternative virob. Mappi.ru is able to provide quick and easy accessibility to the latest equipment available for the built-in function of generating HTML-code for the distribution of panoramic signs on any web resource.

Not from the last day of the current information and technical thoughts and the company "Yandex", in the past rock has equipped its cartographic service maps.yandex.ru with an optical panoramic view of the small streets of Moscow. According to the manager of the Maria Orlovoi project, 1000 kilometers of the streets of Moscow are taken into account. Tse all the provinces are all in the middle garden wicker, Mayzhe all - in the middle of the Third Transport and the main thoroughfares on the outskirts of the place. I’ll look around at the range of Yandex maps, I’ll be able to help you in the future with new images to quickly speed up, and services will be seen beyond the boundaries of the Moscow Ring Road.

Failure to reincarnate Street View є to the company "Ob'ednani sistemi" project CityScanner.ru, which is a panoramic view of the streets of Yekaterinburg and Perm (on the same site). Judging by the blog of the developers, the resource is not being adopted by them, but it’s not easy to figure it out - new photos are being added, lists of memorials, cultural and educational settings are being stored, and robots are also being carried out according to optimization. software product... The main priority is the development of the warehouse address and information service.

If you talk about the most common implementations of Google's Street View ideas, then you can bring virtual travelers into the stock, so you can do it yourself, as well as good service, if you want to go for a walk in the middle of winter. I would like to row the gates of many online guides in Merezha, and I would like to deyakim merit with respect to them. The axis of such, for example, the beauties of the Russian capital can be patched behind the additional site "Virtual Petersburg", before the end of which the same company neq4 presented its hand, as it took part in organizing mass images of Moscow pictures for "Yandex.

Obviously, virtual travelers do not conceive of this freedom of movement, but they give reference analogs of traffic, and the routes in them are strictly singing, but the stench allows you to "build" the bridle across, sitting in the web in front of the monitors. In our opinion, the price is still great. Well, if there are foreign alternatives to Google Street View, then we will talk about them later, closer to the season.

China online in panoramas from Baidu Total View

All kinds of Google Street View services allow you to practically walk around from any kind of light online, so you yourself can get into the depths of the ocean or swim to the chapel along the Amazon, ale ... in the end of China, everything is not a pity. Zhorstki sanctions, continuous control and censorship, weak channels for foreign services - all this made the Google company go in the direction of and the opportunity for the multicultural companies to expand to the Asian market. At the present moment, no special new services have been invented, but rather copy the stench vmyutko. Zustrіchaєmo analogue of Google Street View - Chinese Baidu Total View

Virtual walks in Chinese places only along the edge of the kut with the Chinese vidtink. Already available online panoramas of the places of Shenyang, Usi and Fenhuang, it’s not a bargain to stretch out and reshta. For a peek, it is necessary to pull the picture on the icon of the camera in the upper right codend and pull it onto the Total View street.

Chinese programs work on the API, and you can use the service on your projects, and you can enjoy the views on the Baidu Maps website itself.

The eyepieces of preadatkovo reality are the main novelty of the modern world of high technologies. Bagato hto chuv about them and I know that they smell like a fence in Bagatokh lands. Moreover, the availability of such an annex for a date of warehouse is 1500 dollars. It’s practically unwise to buy it, because the stench is only available to members of the company and the Google conference. However, there are also Google Glass analogues.

For the sake of analogies of such eyepieces to complete a lot, and to describe everything is dumb to the senses. We can see the best of both domestic and similar analogs. However, it is necessary to go to them, it is necessary to expand, but also Google Glass, so that the reader could be visually impaired, because the stench appears to be analogous, and why the rest may be much lower in partiality.

1. Now, also google glass

It’s a cool little computer, like a big eyeglass to be worn on the head. At the same time, use one of the headsets and smartphones. Ale, for the day, the eyepieces are not є nі tim, nі іnshim. Pracyu device on operating system Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. Tse means that Google Glass will display all supplements that are available on Play Market... Moreover, on this year's day, it’s a lot of fun to get attached to the add-on and actively work on creating new additions for the device itself.

Head meta rozrobki glasses polyagaє haunted buildings... Attach a camera to allow you to view photos and videos, as well as a mini display that displays the information you need. In such eyepieces, you can be surprised by the files, you can be surprised by the navigator, you can use browsers for higher prices on the Internet and even more.

A quick reference mini computer on the head. With a lot of management, see for an auxiliary voice or gestures. For manual control of the transfer of the touchpad, which is similar to the straightening on the bow.

2. Analogs of Google Glass

Now you know that also Google Glass, and we can go without prior to analogs. First, I will call it Baidu Eye, the Chinese analogue of Google Glass.

Price is not an alternative, but a copy of Project Glass (point from Google). Everything on the right is about being in China є its own great Poshukov system Baidu. The system has a great deal of power to open up its projects and boxes. Moreover, go to the system and allow the development of more than Google Glass glasses.

Looking at the majestic prospects of such an extension, the Baidu company took the decision not to spend an hour free of charge and develop an analogue of Project Glass. Smell of practically the same set of functions and possibilities. The Baidu Eye will be used as an analogue of Google Glass.

2.1. Interactive monocle from Nissan

The decision of the Nissan company has become a great failure, as it has also been able to try its strength and occupy its niche in the given sphere. At the moment, there is nothing about these attachments. However, the retailers start singing, for the help of the monocle from Nissan you can use the browser, as well as dictate and edit texts at random.

The main task given annex- call up to the minimum of water availability on telephones and social fringes... On the day, a garniture for the water is stuck in.

2.2. Neurocam

One more trick to finish the tsikava rosette for lovers additions to Apple... The peculiarity of the pole is in the fact that before the victors, it is necessary to attach the iPhone to it and to remove the design from the head.

Tse, melodiously, I found the pristіy, so as it literally is there to read the thoughts, and more precisely to react to the brain activity. For the whole device equipping with special sensors.

Pristriy bude vlasnyuvati bali brainy hvilyam - from one, up to a hundred. In case of high activity of the brain (over sixty points), the device automatically launches the camera and knows a 5-second video in GIF format. The file is saved on the iPhone.

V give iPhone There will be replacements for a more compact pristіy. Well, leave the gadget maє velmy bezgluzdiy viglyad.

3. Chinese analogue of Google Glass: Video

3.1. Ride HUD - "smart" sholem

Qia rozrobka is insured for motorcycles, so it’s on the whole shool. More precisely, not the entire head unit, but only the display, which can be attached to any kind of sholom without the power.

The display itself is of such a rank that it is not necessary to focus the view on a new one for the peer review of the necessary information. It is simply amazing to reach the edge of the sholom, but everything is necessary, for example, the weather, as it happens in social fringes and so far, if it is in front of the eyes.

The device is equipped with a hard-hitting nuclear processor, a video camera, a video display in Full HD format, a GPS module, an altimeter, as well as a temperature sensor for the middle ground. Tse duzhe brown analogue of Google Glass insurance for motorcycles.

Find out and out of the box of small companies, designed for different situations. The stench of the mother of the most common form and development of functions. However, the most distant Chinese analogue of Google Glass is the Baidu Eye.

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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