Economical and informational security. ? control and dotrimannya timchasnogo regime pratsі and perebuvannya on the territory of the company's staff

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Bezpeka- The camp of the protection of the life of important interests of special interests, the support of that power.

Informational security of specialty - own camp and mental life of specialty, for which rights and freedoms are realized.

Zhittєvo important interests - the multitude of needs, the satisfaction of those who provide the basis and the possibility of a progressive development of specialness, our suspіlstvo that power.

Until the life of important interests of particularity, it is necessary to establish: the acquisition of that realization of constitutional rights to search, otrimannia, the choice and expansion of information; po'yazanі z realіzаtsієyu hromadyan right to nedorkannіst private life; extracting information from the method of spiritual, physical, intellectual development; defender of rights to objects of intellectual power; ensuring the rights of a hulk to defend his health in the face of unacknowledged people shkidlivoi _information.

security threat- Sukupnіst minds and factors, scho svoryuyut nezbezpeka zhittєvo important interests of specialty, suspіlstva that power.

Threats to information security

  1. adoption of normative acts to supersede the constitutional rights of citizens;
  2. opposition to the implementation of the right to lack of privacy by the citizens;
  3. illegal exchange of access to public information;
  4. destruction of the rights of citizens in the region mass information;
  5. against the rights of stosuvannya spetsialnyh zasobіv, scho vlivayut on svіdomіst people;
  6. manipulation of information.

Also, the security of security is the implementation of a single sovereign policy in this sphere, that system of economic, political, organizational and other approaches, adequate to the threats of life, to the important interests of specialty, our support of that power, contributions to the revealed threats.

The legal basis for defending the interests of the individual is to establish the information and legal norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Thus, the freedom of mass information and the fence of censorship make it possible to create and expand reliable, proper, objective, that is good information, when it is guilty, the expansion of bad information is also included.

Propaganda is not allowed, such as agitation, like destroying social, racial, national hatred and witchcraft. Propaganda of social, racial, national, regional and international advances is being defended. Prikhovuvannya townspeople of facts and reasons, creating a threat to the life and health of the population, burdening itself with federal law.

Thus, due to the expansion of unfavorable information, the violation of the order of expansion of information is transmitted by the norms of the RF CC.
Main stats of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  • hardening (art. 129);
  • image (Article 130);
  • reshuffle of legal professional activity of journalists (Article 144);
  • the evil of the hour of the emіsії of valuable papers (Art. 185);
  • information about the act of terrorism (art. 207);
  • receiving information about the situation, what to make unsafe for the life or health of people (Article 237);
  • illegally expanding pornographic materials and subjects (Article 242);
  • public appeals to the rise of extremist activity (Article 280);
  • zbudzhennya hatred chi vorozhnechі, so it is like humiliation of human dignity (Article 282);
  • public calls to the outbreak of aggressive war (Art. 354)

Information security in the context of state policy is also seen as independent її directing issued in directive documents in the field of security - Strategy of national security of the Russian Federation until 2020. and Doctrines of information security of the Russian Federation.

Strategy of national security of the Russian Federation until 2020 defines the basic principles of security of the global (national) security, the Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Doctrine) - the main provisions of one of the types (information security of Russia).

INFORMATION SECURITY - a camp of protection against threats to the life of important national interests in inf. spheres that signify sukupnistyu balancing interests specialty, supremacy and power

Security objectє be it a system, an object, or a diyalnist of subjects, yak perebuvayut sing interplay and representation for protection against threats.


The camp of protection is the preservation of all elements of the information system (in the most restricted form) in the primary value of the parameters, which allows you to secure the equal basis and stability of the development.


Zhittєvo vazhlivі Interests individuals in іnformatsіynіy sferі polyagaє in realіzatsії konstitutsіynih Person of the rights that The Citizen access to Informácie on vikoristannya Informácie on korist zdіysnennya not zaboronenoї law dіyalnostі, fіzichnogo spiritual that іntelektualnogo rozvitku and takozh in zahistі Informácie scho zabezpechuє NKVD BEZPEKA.


ZHITTYAVO VAZHLIVІ Interests powers in іnformatsіynіy sferі polyagayut in stvorennі minds for garmonіynogo rozvitku rosіyskoї іnformatsіynoї іnfrastrukturi for realіzatsії konstitutsіynih rights i freedoms Lyudin i The Citizen in the Branch otrimannya Informácie that koristuvannya her of metoyu zabezpechennya neporushnostі konstitutsіynogo fret suverenіtetu ta ta sotsіalnoї stabіlnostі have bezumovnomu zabezpechennі legality and the rule of law, the development of equal and mutual international sympathy.


Under the threats of security, the minds and clerks will be brought to mind, they will create life for the important interests of specialty, our suspility and that of the d-vi.

41 Threats to Information Security Specialty, Suspension and Power

DOWNLOAD INF. BEZPEKI - wash that factor (infusion) of human activity, connected with information and information systems, information processes that create unsafe life for important interests of specialty, prosperity and d-vi.


1) threaten the constitutional rights and freedoms of the people and the bulk of the people in the closet of spiritual life and information activity, individual, group and supremacy, spiritual rebirth of Russia.

2) threaten the information security of the state. politics of the Russian Federation

3) zagrozi rozvitku vіtchiznyanoї іndustrії Informácie, vklyuchayuchi іndustrіyu zasobіv іnformatizatsії, telekomunіkatsії that zv'yazku, zabezpechennya require vnutrіshnogo market analysis in її produktsії that vihodu tsієї produktsії on svіtovy rinok and takozh zabezpechennya nakopichennya, zberezhennya that efektivnosti vikoristannya vіtchiznyanih іnformatsіynih resursіv;

4) threaten security information and telecommunications facilities and systems, like fired, and creating the power of Russia.


1. Manipulation with the identity of the people;

2. Illegally obtaining information about the private life of a person and її personal data;


1. Bezperervne ukladnennya іnformatsiynyh systems and svyazku, critically important infrastructures for the life of the household;

2. Possibility of concentrating profits in the hands of monopolists, a small group of osіb evil spirits;

3. Expansion of the scale of domestic and international computer malice.


1. Uncontrolled expansion of the "information war" and the spreading of the throats of the fire from the gallery, try the implementation of the concept of warfare of the "information war".

2. Otrimannya illegal access to vіdomosti, scho become hold. taєmnitsyu, until other confidential information, revealing what you can do to the interests of the state.

At all times, information played an over-the-top important role, as it turned out to be more and more succinct. Sustainability has one of the key economic resources.

It is clear to everyone that "whoever has information, that city is light." Definitely, Volodinnya, with a sufficient number of people, helps people to correctly assess what they think about her, develop options for their own ideas and make a thoughtful decision. Oskіlki іnformatsіya є tsіnіstyu, won't be an object of purchase and sale, steal theft (unauthorized access), that won't be the infrastructure, which її pіdtremuє, owe buti protection.

In addition, information is the strongest contribution to the specialty, the supremacy and the light of the fire. The very same people in today's minds need a mechanism for filtering information, and sometimes also a tool for defending against unnecessarily (or) negative information.

The world is rapidly changing, and, passing into the stage of informational support, changing all aspects of the life of a modern person, regardless of the fact that the child has grown up. Practically smomiti people are given a plethora of variously manipulative information, the character of which changes from brown and necessary to aggressive, manipulative. Skin unity information, skin word, sign, text carry the meaning of interest, which embeds the values ​​of people, її zvichki, motivation. Sleepy chi drukovane word injects the psyche, often strangling specialty, manipulating it. The transition of the state to a new informational level, the development of a zoom in the actualization of the problem of information security.

From the end of the past, the problem of informational security is blamed, and the very specialty as a wearer of individual preferences, character, interests.

Vzagali problem of information security is superbly rich. You can name a few important aspects of a newcomer. Firstly, a clear informational aspect, po'yazaniy іz zahistom without intermediary information and informational resources. Unfortunately, most of the relevant regulatory documents look at the information security itself in this context, overlying the problem of special features.

Information security specialty - tse: a) the camp of protection, which is under the threat of infestation of information, such a specialty; b) the camp of the mind of the life of the specialty, for which there is a threat of the head of the school of the specialty of information.

First star of the division of information security into information-ideological and information-technical. When tsomu pid іnformatsіyno-tehnіchnoyu BEZPEKA osobistostі slіd rozumіti zahischenіst Informácie od vipadkovih chi navmisnih vplivіv natural chi piece character, scho zagrozhuyut zapodіyannyam Skoda osobistostі and pid іnformatsіyno-іdeologіchnoyu BEZPEKA - zahischenіst osobistostі od navmisnogo chi nenavmisnogo іnformatsіynogo vplivu scho Got result torn down the rights that Freedoms of Galyuz Creative, spoiled by the sewn of Іnformazії, Korrumannya Іnformakіynuyu іnfrastructurallya, such resources, shy to the morality of the simplicity, Shah, dandate the destructive fourth of the fourthist, Scho Majut Schlasynyy (Nesvyviy, Nesv_domiomius), Scho Plodddrates Suspilna Svіdomіst Antsocіalnі installation.

Informational security of specialty is the stage of the mind's life of specialty, when these rights and freedoms are realized.

Zhittєvo important interests - the sukupnіst necessities, the satisfaction of those who provide the basis and the possibility of a progressive development of specialness, the supremacy of that power.

Until the life of important interests of the individual lie: dotrimannya that realization of constitutional rights to search, otrimannya, vyrobnitstvo and rozpovsyudzhennya іnformatsiї; po'yazanі z realіzаtsієyu hromadyan right to nedorkannіst private life; extracting information from the method of spiritual, physical, intellectual development; defender of rights to objects of intellectual power; ensuring the rights of a hulk to defend his health in the face of unacknowledged people shkidlivoi _information.

The threat of security is the succumbence of minds and factors that create unsafe life for the important interests of specialty, the supremacy of that power.

Threats of information security are especially:

· Adoption of normative acts to supersede the constitutional rights of citizens;

· Protidiya implementation by the people of the right to lack of private life;

· Illegal exchange of access to public information;

· Destruction of the rights of citizens in the gallery of mass information.

· Protipravne zastosuvannya spetsіalnyh zasobіv, scho vplyvayvayut on svіdomіst people;

· Manipulation of information.

Other persons, programmers, can also act as threats against information security technical bones, osіb group, hromada group chi navit power, Internet, ZMI.

It should be noted that our country has a broken normative base, which ensures the information security of the special power. In practice, we can only name two documents: Doctrine of information security Russian Federation(approved by the President of the Russian Federation dated 9 April 2000 N Pr-1895), and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12 May 2004 N 611, with additions in 2004 and 2005 "About the security of information security of the Russian Federation in the field of international information exchange."

The doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation interprets the concept of “information security” as “a camp of protection of national interests in the information sphere, which is determined by the balance of interests of an individual, the supremacy of that power.” Author of the doctrine tsіlkom zakonomіrno pov'yazali іnformatsіynu BEZPEKA osobistostі of її іnteresami in the Branch Informácie, ale traktuyut danі Interests, our Dumka, dosit vuzko "Interests in osobistostі іnformatsіynіy sferі polyagayut in realіzatsії konstitutsіynih Person of the rights that The Citizen access to Informácie on vikoristannya information in the interests of the establishment is not protected by the law of activity, physical, spiritual and intellectual development, as well as the protection of information, as a special security guard.” So the skin hulk is guilty to his mother access to legal information, he can win the information with the method of his universal development and protect information, due to the special security of the hulk. In this way, the problem is again ignored, caused by a different informational influx on the psyche of a person, and these negative consequences, which can be followed by this influx. In the specialized literature, there are descriptions of important forms of fallow land associated with the interdependence of people with global informational measures, different forms of gambling, right-handedness, involvement with the influx of information of an individual.

In this way, the situation develops, if there are no organs of power, no educational system, no other social institutions are able to control the flow of information that falls on the people. In their minds, the problem of informational security of the specialty of a person is becoming a clearly pronounced social and pedagogical difference.

In another way, the social and psychological aspect of informational security, ties to psychological security of specialty in the form of informational injection.

Analyzing the concept of “safety”, S.K. At the process of cultivating academic cloudy dictionaries Russian, English, French and German language was revealed that in the national (suspіlnіy) evidence of the understanding of "safety" it will appear not the style "from the daily threat", but rather the camp, by the senses and the experiences of the people. In the opinion of the authors, in different cultures, approximately the same statements about safety were formed, the emphasis among those who shy away from the feelings and experiences of the people, connected with the future by the prospects for the future. In other words, for a person of safety, we feel like a sense of being protected from different kinds of dangerous problems. Vihodyachi of rezultatіv Carrying analіzu, author sformulyuvali viznachennya psihologіchnoї BEZPEKA yak will suspіlnoї svіdomostі at Money Does suspіlstvo zagalom i cutaneous okrema osobistіst spriymayut іsnuyuchu yakіst Zhittya yak adequacy that nadіynu, oskіlki Won stvoryuє realnі mozhlivostі for zadovolennya natural that sotsіalnih require gromadyan in teperіshnomu that daє їm Substitute for the impression of the future.

Grachov G.V., in his previous analysis of the concept of "informational-psychological safety", as it stands as a state of protection of individual, group and suspended psychology, that functional organization od vplivu іnformatsіynih faktorіv scho viklikayut disfunktsіonalnі sotsіalnі Process In sotsіalno-psihologіchnomu kontekstі іnformatsіyna bezpeka pov'yazuєtsya of rіznomanіtnimi іnformatsіynimi vplivami on psihіku Lyudin, in addition danomu vipadku rozglyadayutsya nebezpeki, pov'yazanі of vplivom on psihіku okremoї Lyudin, i vіdpovіdnі mehanіzmi Zahist od such a splash.

You can also see the sociological, socio-political and other aspects of this problem. It is necessary to determine how to enter into the socio-pedagogical context of the concept of "informational security of specialty".

Obliva, Zreshi, Sagliki, Schosli, Schosli, Scho Schosi Schoslіizatsіyu Sobistosti, and Ineformsiya herself, so rank, rejuvenate on one IZ providy factors of Socіalіzatskyi, the School of the School of the School. The peculiarity of information, as a factor of socialization, lies in the fact that it is practically non-certifying. Having poured into the specialty of the macro-chi mesofactors in socialization, they are indirectly indirect, they are broken through the activity of social institutions (such as a school, a family, etc.), as they are given to a goal-directed injection, management. The flow of information constantly infuses the particularity of the recipient. Conducted surveys show that the majority of respondents characterize their information environment as "aggressive", "unfriendly", "skidliva". Moreover, these characteristics do not change among the respondents, which belong to different social levels of that group. І students, and workers, and entrepreneurs, representatives of the intelligentsia show exactly one-study from this diet.

In such minds, the most unprotected are children and juveniles, juveniles, as they have not yet wielded a stern gaze, a clear life position. Therefore, the problem of informational security of specialness is gaining special significance in the context of social and pedagogical activity. Oskіlki metoyu practical social and pedagogical activity є harmonization vzaєmodії (vіdnosin) svoobistostі that society for saving, revival, support, development of social activity of people. In the minds, if the informational aspect is not protected, it is unlikely that it will be possible for the society to induce harmonious interrelationships of specialness and society.

On the basis of thought, the problem of the security of information security of particularity may be of a complex systemic nature and operate on different levels.

The first rіven is normative. On this level, the authorities of the sovereign power can create an unsuperior regulatory framework, as if it would protect all aspects of the problem of information security.

Another rіven is institutional, including the use of various social institutions, related to developments and socialization, to ensure the security of information security of specialty. Nasampered to such institutions lie sіm'ya, a school for children and pіdlіtkіv, a church.

The third rіven is special. Tsey riven po'yazany, persh for everything, from self-wiring, self-illumination, molding high level informational culture of specialty as a part of the sacred culture of the people

You can see directly the professional social and pedagogical activity on the institutional and special levels.

On the institutional level, the activity of a social educator in the system of education and work with sim'yu is considered. Direct lighting systems can have the following robots:

Work with society and otochennyam;

Development and implementation of whole social and pedagogical programs;

Navchannya staff and teaching staff;

Propaganda activity;

Organization of interaction between fahivtsiv and social institutions and others.

Robot z sim'єyu transfer such direct:

Preventive activity;

Organization of education in the gallery of information security;

promotion of the savage equal culture of sim'ї;

Help and encouragement in the organization of family training;

Counseling with sim'ї in the gallery of information self-defense and іn.

The special role of transferring the individual work of a social educator with a client and including direct steps:

Nadannya social-pedagogical and psychological assistance and support;

Development of individual programs with the client, which has suffered from the information flow, for example, from the activity of destructive organizations, religious cults, bad information, too.

Work with molding at the client's informational culture of specialty;

Stimulation of the client to the level of self-development and self-development with the method of promotion of “information immunity” of specialness.

The field of informational inflow is not limited by anything, as it grows together with the development of people. Aje without being aware of the information security of a person cannot grow further, develop those individual qualities, like shatter their specialness. Tobto the appearance of a permanent threat to the Veda to the death of that degradation of specialness like that.

In such a situation, a hard “shield” is required, which is to ensure informational security of specialty. Such a defender is a state that, on the right side, secures security (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation, laws). Moreover, it is necessary to thoroughly improve the legislative base, so that you can change "with the pace of the hour." In our opinion, the specialty itself speaks out in a different way, in our opinion, it’s a matter of putting it to the information, as if it won’t, we hope, it’s spreading. Adzhe often we ourselves reveal information about ourselves (for example, in social measures), rozmovі rozpovimo іz private life, that letter іnformatіya, leaning in the hands of zatsіkavlenih osіb, turns against us. Also, information security technical equal from victories special programs, scho override unauthorized access

In addition, it is necessary to set a few moral guidelines, a system of values, formulate a national idea, otherwise the informational defender of the individual is sensitized.

In the rest of the decade, the computer industry of the Internet is actively promoted in the life of the society. They carried the songs of the war, but there were also low new problems related to the advent of the Internet, although there are still no legislators, no technical issues.

Quite often, there is a round of information from closed databases, recognized for official coronation. Penetration of third-party data bases through computer systems, zokrema, іsnuyut computer viruses that rozpovsyuzhuyutsya for help email. Sometimes such information can be freely posted by a private person on the Internet, for example, on your own special website. To name the address of this site from the beginning few people see it, then the reason for this is poke systems- Yandex, Rambler, Google and others keywords abo phrases of the document, for the names of people.

In addition, organizations can publish information of a private nature about their spivrobitniks on corporate websites available to poke systems. So, maybe there is information about the dates of the people, the family camp, the number of the home mobile phones This information, like a practitioner, should be given to the staff of another organization, and not to be voiced on the Internet.

W іnshogo side, not viklyucheno rozmіschennya on whether yakih NKVD sites konfіdentsіynoї Informácie company profile, її fіnansovu dіyalnіst, i tsya іnformatsіya takozh Mauger Buti znaydena through poshukovі system is the zavdati Skoda dіyalnostі organіzatsії and for vidalennya danih neobhіdno shukati avtorіv site, bring admіnіstratoram poshukovoї a system that keeps the information confidential, and then after the next few days or months, a "saved copy" of the document will be available.

It also does not include the placement of information of a special nature and details of a special life and riveted information on special sites and forums on the side of many relatives in different family conflicts and separation. Similar information is also available to poke systems. Everything is creating a threat to information security special.

Repeatedly, there were fluctuations in the flow of information from the databases of taxpayers and financial services. This information is sold by a pirate rank on disks. There are no guarantees that the information is closed, like a person in the power, will not become available to the Internet through a search system.

From what has been said, it is possible to add a new twist, that the search systems of that modern-day look more like the task of ensuring the security of information security, specialty and support. The robots of the shock systems work in such a way that it is possible every day to use resources on the people's behalf, or I will name the organization. Fahіvtsі, yakі prakyuyut in Yandex, vіdpovіdat, scho can't manage the indexation of resources in their search system.

It should be noted that in other information systems, the task of ensuring information security is especially set and successfully violated. So, whether a subscriber can, for a small sum, turn off his number home phone from the preliminary data base 09, in the final hours, information about apartment telephones is assigned only for the letter of the subscriber. And dovidniki s stylish phones during the day it is not planned to see them.

When using search systems on the Internet, information security is not only not safe, but it’s not necessary to set a task for the nearest future one. It is necessary to develop a new legislative approach to the validity of poshuk systems and new technical solutions.

Also, the security of security is the implementation of a single sovereign policy in this sphere, that system of approaches of an economic, political, organizational and other nature, adequate to the threats of life to the important interests of the individual, the support of that power, directing to the manifestation, prevention of threats.

In this manner, go to the security of the information security of the country and specialness may be complex and revenge in your own way, go to the ideological and spiritual character, directing you to the visual orientation of the supremacy of the bridge.


characteristic rice daily suspenseє yoga informatization - active development and promotion in all spheres of human activities information technologies ta koshtiv.

Information and information resources are becoming one of the most important factors in the development of specialty, supremacy and power. The wide possibilities of computers and information technologies make it possible to automate the process of monitoring and managing state-owned, economic, social, defense and other objects and systems, to take away, accumulate, process and transmit information about it -yakіy kіlkostі. All the same, we give a confirmation that informatization plays a vital positive role in the development of humankind today. informational support objectively inevitable.

Let history tell us that a lot of science and technology ideas were won not only for the benefit of people. It is enough to guess the reach of nuclear physics - to atomic weapons; optoelectronics - laser beam; chemistry - brittle gases; biology - biological zbroya too. For sure, there were forces, as if they were victorious in their interests in the scientific and technical sphere.

Besides sogodnі in Pevnyi sub'єktіv (koalіtsіy, powers organіzatsіy, NKVD) vinikaє pragnennya odnoosіbno volodіti іnformatsіynimi resources zasobami that tehnologіyami that vikoristovuvati їh for zadovolennya svoїh іnteresіv that protidії іnteresam ymovіrnih konkurentіv in ekonomіchnomu, komertsіynomu that navіt vіyskovomu protiborstvі. Information and information technologies, when they start acting like objects of threats, which give rise to the problem of information security.

Meta work: direct information security of specialty, supremacy, power.

The work is made up of the entry, two divisions, revisions and list of literature.

Information security of specialty, suspenst, power: understanding that problem

The connection with the belligerent informatization of the Daedalus has a problem with the current one. Bezpeka is one of the most important goals and that is the indispensable storehouse of activity of people, suspres, powers, svіtovoї spіlnoti.

Information security is the goal of protection of national interests in the information sphere, which is determined by the balance of interests of an individual, the supremacy of that state. Social informatics: lecture notes / Order. N.M. Voronina. - Tomsk: TPU, 2013. - P. 51.

At the Law “On information, information technologies and protection of information” - information security is defined as a state of protection of the information center of society, which ensures the security of molding, victoria and growth on the power of the masses. About information, information technologies and about protection of information: federal law No. 149-FZ dated 07/27/2006 (as amended dated 12/28/2013) / Vіdomosti of the Supreme RF issued 07/31/2006. - No. 31 (1 year). - art. 3448.

For whom information security - tse: Security: theory, paradigm, concept, culture. Slovnik-dovidnik / Author-order. V.F. Pilipenka. - M: PER SE-Pres, 2005. - 160 p.

The camp of the object, if I pour in to you with a path on the yoga information sphere, it’s impossible to be sure of the essence of shkodi or shkodi;

The dominance of the object, which characterizes this building, does not lead to the hundredth beaten-up of the object by way of a splurge on the information sphere of this object.

The problems of information security disruption are relevant for the small population, and for the state and the state as a whole.

Detail of Tsіlі Zahista Іnformazії Tozhezіyu інфоні фз «about ін-formatzіu, іnformatizatsії та інфис інформації": about інформацію інфорваційніені інодолії та інерт інформації: federal law № 149-ФЗ Від 27.07.2006 (Ed. Vіd 12/28/2013) / Vіdomosti Verkhovo RF campaign 07/31/2006. - No. 31 (1 year). - art. 3448.

Zapobіgannya turn, rozkradannya, spend, create, add information;

Zapobіgannya to threats of security of specialty, suspіlstva, power;

Prevention of unauthorized actions to reduce, modify, create, copy, block information; zapobіgannya other forms of illegal vtruchannya in the information resources and information systems, ensuring the legal regime of documented information as an object of authority;

defender of the constitutional rights of citizens on the protection of special secrets and confidentiality of personal data, which is in information systems;

Protecting state secrets, confidentiality of documented information is compliant before legislation;

Securing the rights of subjects information processes and with the development, development and maintenance of information systems, technologies and services of their security.

Also, the objects of information security: Krat Yu.G. Fundamentals of information security: Navch. posibnik / Yu.G. Krat, I.G. Shramkov. - Khabarovsk: DVGUPS, 2008. - P. 51.

Specialty (її right-hand man and freedom);

Suspіlstvo (yogi material and spiritual values);

Power (yogo constitutional way, sovereignty, territorial integrity, economy, right-wing toshcho).

Speciality - the basic element, the middle of the suspіlstva. Without an individual, there is no suspense, and the special posture of suspension is impossible. The State shall ensure the safety of the reason and special features of that service. Powers that do not need specialty or suspense, cannot long-term experience and learn from the historical arena. The balance of mutuality between specialty, supremacy, that power acts as the head mind of their steel development.

The security of informational security of specialty means the right to take away the objective information and transmission that is taken away by a person from different sources, the information is not transferred to the free form and development of this specialty. In the process of informatization, a person has become an informational “discoverer”. For the obviousness of the need for such a cost, be it obvious information about a specific person can become accessible and vikoristan in their own purposes to another specialty, a group of people, a group of people and a power. Only an insignificant part of the population of the building zapobіgti unpaid access to their information. Most people do not have such ability and are deprived of helplessness in this plan. Therefore, informational security of specialty is a people’s camp, in which specialty it is not possible to set up hundreds of beats in a way inflow into the most informational expanse.

Informational safety of the Suspіlstva is the tse camp of the Suspіlstva, in which you can't be the head of the suttavoї Shkodi way into the yogi informational sphere. In the basics - the security of individual, group and mass awareness of the population for the presence of information threats, to which we should see the next informational and psychological impact. These threats can lead to psycho-emotional and social-psychological tension, the creation of moral criteria and norms, moral and political disorientation, and, as a result, inadequate behavior of other people, a group of people. As a result of such influxes, deep transformations of individual, group and mass awareness, negative changes in the moral-political and socio-psychological climate in the household are possible.

The information security of the power is the state of the power, in which you can’t but zavtotnykh zbitkіy v slyah vlivu on the yogi information sphere. The information security of the state is inextricably linked to the security of the national security. In the rest of the world, I can’t help but be serious, but the traces of a damaged information security, connected with the vicariousness of modern technologies, can be serious.

One of the most important problems is the problem of social security. It is caused by the interests of the people of the country in the social sphere, the development of the social structure and the social resources, the system of life security and the socialization of people, the way of life, which meets the needs of the progress of the next generations. In Russia, information security is characterized by the presence of negative processes in the service. On the one hand, there are folding, super-simple and negative processes in the political, social, economic and spiritual spheres, which reduce the stability of specialty, її psyche to various informational impacts. From the other side, there is a colossal increase in the effectiveness of the informational impact on the psyche of people and the supremacy of knowledge. Modern and promising information technologies and technologies allow cheruvati informational interaction people, suspіlnoyu svіdomіstyu and kontrolvatі їх. Zakrema, є potentiality to listen to all telephone conversations, to control the listings, to create and illegally victorious computer databases of confidential data about personalities, to create attachments of information to the psyche of people

In this manner, information technology is a great boon for the people, the stench will signify future prosperity. Ale, at the same hour, in the hands of the evil-doers, there is a terrible zbroya; the head of the security is allowed for unauthorized access (active and passive) to yogo dzherel chi spozhivacha (specialty). The rest and informational impact on the specialty. The support of information security is a system-creating official in all spheres of yoga life. The won is poured into the camp of economic, defense, social, political and other warehouse national security. At the same time, the information security itself speaks warehouse national security, especially the role that is explained by these global processes, which are typical for the socio-economic development of the world today. It can be strongly argued that information security can be seen as the most important component of national security, which “penetrates” all other types of security.

The protection and liquidation of threats to information security interests and the rights of the individual, the support of the state, is based on the development and implementation of the complex of protection mechanisms and mechanisms, the main direct one is seen in the offensive division.

Pid іnformatsіynoyu BEZPEKA Rosіyskoї Federatsії vіdpovіdno to DOCTRINE іnformatsіynoї BEZPEKA Rosіyskoї Federatsії, zatverdzhenoї President of the Russian Federation 09.09.2000 number Pr-1895 rozumієtsya camp zahischenostі її natsіonalnih іnteresіv in іnformatsіynіy sferі scho viznachayutsya sukupnіstyu zbalansovanih іnteresіv individuals suspіlstva that power.


The interests of success in the information sphere are related to the security interests of special interests in this sphere, the improvement of democracy, the creation of a legal social power, the attainment of a supportive supremacy, and the spiritual renewal of Russia.

Interests powers in іnformatsіynіy sferі polyagayut in stvorennі minds for garmonіynogo rozvitku rosіyskoї іnformatsіynoї іnfrastrukturi for realіzatsії konstitutsіynih rights i freedoms Lyudin that The Citizen in the Branch otrimannya Informácie that koristuvannya her of metoyu zabezpechennya neporushnostі konstitutsіynogo fret suverenіtetu that teritorіalnoї tsіlіsnostі Russie, polіtichnoї, ekonomіchnoї that sotsіalnoї stability, insane security of legality and the rule of law, the development of equal and mutual international peace.

Threats to information security today are:

1) against the right to zastosuvannya spetsialnyh zabiv vplyu on іndivіdualnu, group and suspіlnu svіdomіst;

2) illegal access restriction of the population to public information resources;

3) devaluation of spiritual values, propaganda of masovoy culture, founded on the cult of violence, on spiritual and moral values, which are super-acceptable in society;

4) lowering the spiritual, moral and creative potential of the population of Russia;

5) manipulation of information (disinformation, hoarding of false information);

6) damage to legal boundaries, information and others.

It has been established by the scientists that the virtual world is full of richness of the world to the point of induction and hypnosis. It is not important to program the expanded current game programs for the song installation. virtual system you can infect with a virus, which is a code for a person on a song of a word (punishment), so that you can take away the “zombie” effect from a distance. Behind the cordon of guarding the rights of citizens in the minds of informatization is the competence of special reinforcements from the defense of the rights of citizens in information systems1.

In Russia, the nutrition of the information security of the people, especially children and young people, is still given significant respect both within the framework of the Institute of the Upovnovazhenny s rights of the child, and community organizations (Fig. 2.2-2.5).

The problem of information security of powers for the minds of global informatization is especially relevant for today's minds. Today, minds have actually been created for the informational expansion of the developed lands, political and economic changes of mind and the establishment of a new world order.

In the present hour and in the nearest future, before Russia there are folded orders, caused by the defense of national interests:

Pobudov's system of international vodnosin in the new minds of the information penetration of state cordons;

Viroblennya rational state policy of hundreds of svetovyh vіdkryh merezh type Internet from the position of protection of national information resources and information infrastructure;

Viroblennya zakhodіv against vikoristanny new іnformatsiynih tekhnologii as іnformatsiynu zbroyu, and also against the threat of іnformatsiynogo terrorism.

Power supply for independent work

1. What can be ethical assessment of the process of informatization of the social sphere of modern society?

2. Describe the ethical value of informational support.

3. Prospects for social adaptation of some categories of the population are currently being created information medium?

4. Yaki social groups May the biggest social and psychological problems in the minds of the informatization of modern society? Why is it crazy?

5. What is the most effective, in your opinion, mechanism of the legal defense of the people against the negative impact of information technology in Russia?

6. What are the prospects for saving and developing Russian language in the single world information space?

7. Show some social and cultural problems of informatization in the future in the future?

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