Times new roman font wasted on sanctions. Russian OS lost without Times New Roman through sanctions

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The American company Monotype Imaging, a legal adviser of the popular fonts Times New Roman, Arial and Courier New, which is part of the "non-standard" set of popular operating systems, for example, Windows, has fenced off victories in Russian state installations. Fonts can be stored on an okremomu PC, or for other documents, it is not possible to transfer them from a computer to a computer, as well as to use them for the establishment of out-of-the-box electronic documents or commercially available software products.

In addition, the company imposed sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia as the reason for such intercourse.

Federal agency novin rozibralosya, on a full list of sanctions of a fence of cleverly non-standard fonts from Monotype Imaging and a rank of the Russian state service can be easily bypassed.

Bezoshtovny - does not mean vilny

A set of system fonts, which can be supplied practically without a frame with the latest versions of Windows operating systems, or Mac OS, with a few minor options, include advanced fonts, one, one, commented "for the old MS" Arialans tradition: , Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS and Verdana.

System fonts are practically "tightly" integrated into the system and popular Windows add-ons, or Mac OS and are print-free for a koristuvach. The very fact, in its own interconnected view, Monotype Imaging has especially made use of the fact that fonts can be licensed by it on an okremom PC or for other documents. In the first place, the stench was placed in the camp of the same operating systems, Microsoft and Apple companies.

Remain in the end of the blame for the blame, for the help of the non-noisy and even dear Zusil namagatisya "vicolupati" which is a non-Impact or Arial from the systemic supplements and libraries. It’s better for everything, it’s also unrealistic to fix it, because of the backward integration of significant fonts in the graphic interfaces of operating systems.

Tom was told in Monotype Imaging that they should go in for the procedure of getting out-of-the-box electronic documents or commercial software products linked to the state authorities of the Russian Federation. At the end of the day, as they were respected in the American company, they will be beaten by the Kintsev koristuvachi, if you don’t grab the architecture and procedures of the operating systems themselves.

Impressively, for the last time the Danish typing of fonts was practically seen as “safe”, as it was because of the fact of buying an operating system Windows or Mac OS, or simply having (for example, a laptop) installed on me. operating system. Now, when the two-valued solution Monotype was used to interfere with access to a set of "out-of-the-box" fonts, it became astonishing, but the "system" and "safety" brand is not synonymous with the word "vilny".

What will I use to load the font?

Obviously, blocking the system font, integrated into the mass of documents and additions of the koristuvach, with the insignificance of the process, - to finish the sickly one on the right.

Zokrema, the change to the font can visually be even more reminiscent and lead to the loss of important information, for example, for the systemic "formation" of rows, which go beyond the allowed areas to the other, for example, the font. In addition, a lot of fonts, being unified in part of the linguistic symbols in the Latin alphabet, or in Arabic numerals, in additional symbols (for example, in the Victorian in the Russian alphabet of Cyrillic) can be depicted in the future These are "krakozyabri", like some kind of Windows or Mac OS, after the last hour, it might just turn around again.

Protest, the process of changing the font can be called a disaster. All on the right is that the Monotype Imaging company wants to "propel" de facto in personal computers with Windows operating systems, or Mac OS, and bought about a dozen of its competitors in the font market, so it couldn’t become a monopoly on the garniture market.

Dawn, collapse against the monopoly Monotype ten times more to that - since it became clear that the "type monster" was going to go over the whole market - gave rise to an adequate view against this kind of repair. The range of programs and keystones, which are based on the principles of the GNU General Public License,

The Liberation line was launched by a group of authors, which included three families of fonts at once: Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif and Liberation Mono. The stench is summarily metric and graphically based on the birthplaces of Monotype Imaging fonts - for example, Arial, Times New Roman and Courier New.

Copy-license is a special type of license, copyright protection, licensed by Monotype Imaging and other commercial companies. As a matter of fact, the author and legal scholars grant the right to redistribute copies of the original work and its modified versions without any redundancy, which is recorded in the text of the license itself. Edina umova kopileft: authorize the hungry for the crop, expand its breadth to save the same rights, to be on the same basis. In other words, the copyright license permitting only allows the authorization of the TV, but not a product, for which copyright is extended.

In the Danish hour, the Liberation font line is widely used in software security, which is supplied according to the principles of the GNU General Public License, for example, in Linux operating systems, like crock by crochet "see" the market share in Windows and Mac OS. Zokrema, Danish texts written in the Liberation Serif font - and Monotype Imaging Company cannot add to the "root of the out-of-the-box electronic document" from the victorious collection of garniture.

Dilution of fallowness

In the case of Russian officials, the visitor will understand the problem by overriding it on the Russian program. At the same time, obviously, it is recommended to change the operating system, the office software package, and the Monotype Imaging headset package.

In the published methodical instructions, there are also new fonts, which are chosen for the vicarious state service, but they are as similar as possible to the fence to obigu. Zokrem, velmi was elucidated by officials to recommend the line of fonts in Liberation and the development of the Russian company ParaType (PT Sans, PT Serif, PT Mono), as they also repeat the font metrics in Monotype Imaging and are not licensed by the licenses

Yak Bachimo, relieved from the “digital colonial decline” in the view of the total depletion of the Russian information sphere from the old standards and the greats of the crafty copyright, to be seen, by the day, in a “clear” order.

Well, let's say, in China in the mid-2000s, in the mid-2000s, a course was taken towards the establishment of its operating systems, like the legacy, the whole "ecosystem" of programs, fonts, libraries and protocols, which allowed Microsoft to do so. Apple and some of the old monopoly companies. The results of such a move did not get stuck. Until 2015, two national operating systems were launched in China: NeoKylin based on the Fedora distribution kit for a Linux operating system, as well as Ubuntu Kylin, which is based on the Linux distribution kit Ubuntu from the Canonical company.

Obviously, our land, as a bazhak and far away, is not just writing, ale and pratsyuvati without krakozyabrami, not being backed by the dignity of the local companies. The upcoming stage of anti-Russian sanctions can be tackled in the same operating systems and, more or less, critical software. It’s not good for a storm, marveling from the coast to the gloomy on the horizon, - it’s from the fallowness from the backward software security of Russia.

Along with a few great visions, including technical ones, we heard about the introduction of Monotype Imaging against Russia by the American company, with the rights to the fonts Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Times New Roman and others. In some cases, in the opinion of “all organizations in power in the land,” they renounced a “manual” of fonts that were no longer victorious.

Regarding the fence, the victorious Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Times New Roman and the other fonts in the official document circulation have been published all over the place in a highly political view by the Federal Agency for Novin, as well as in more technical information on 3D News of Cnews. All the stinks will accept the original novelty from the information agency "Ura.ru". The Information Agency will look at those documents called "manuals" from the agency, if the document itself is not displayed. There is nothing in the manual about Monotype Imaging fonts:<…>not allowed ".

The informational lead can be linked with close negotiations between AT "NVO RusBІTech" and Monotype Imaging. The company "NVO RusBITech" on the basis of the open operating system GNU / Linux has developed the operating system under the Astra Linux brand. Distributions of Astra Linux are purchased by state authorities, vikoristovyutsya in the structures of the Ministry of Defense and at the enterprises of the Russian industry. For its development, NVO RusBITech wanted to license the classic Windows fonts, for which it entered into negotiations with Monotype Imaging, NVO RusBITech ”, having been sent to the US sanctions. About those yak talked on the ground, write the newspaper "Kommersant".

A number of grotesquely blown history, hanging solid, for all legal and physical persons, residents of the Russian Federation, fenced in Monotype Imaging fonts, at that time, as there were no answers to the fact. So the vision of "Arguments and Facts" appeared in the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Agency for Tourism, and nothing about this fence was not in the least. Judging by the facts, the "fence" poking around only Astra Linux, in any set of fonts, all one is not, as it is not, and in the absolute large number of operating systems based on GNU / Linux.

The peculiarity of the Russian law "On the issue of mass information" is that, at the moment, the status of the information agency may be given, and the information agency can be seen without a preliminary revision of the information about the truth of the facts and the information about the facts.

The developer of the Russian operating system Astra Linux "NVO RusBitech" through sanctions did not deny the rights to popular fonts, including Arial, Verdana, Tahoma and Times New Roman. Proceedings for dzherel on the IT-market by Kommersant.

American Monotype Imaging, which owns the rights to the fonts, was introduced under an agreement with the Russian company through the Ministry of Defense.

As the director of the NVO RusBITech center and the director of the Astra Linux OS development team Yuriy Sosnin, the companies went to the agreement, which was accepted for both sides, “without any concern to reach all the variability in the message,” the moment of protest remained. The drive for tsiy was the knowledge of the mystery about the fate of NVO RusBITech in the robotics of the MAKS international aviation salon.

Behind the words of Dzherel vidannya, the American company Pochatkovo Bula was not attached to the land, but it didn’t pay too much money: 650 Euro for a skin-friendly Astra Linux with a package of fonts, in what is Verse New Roman, Arial, Courier New, Tahoma іn ... For the deputies of the license, the OS grew up for a qyu bag, by and large. The sides can get storguvatsya up to about 130 EUR for less number of fonts. At the same time, behind the words of dzherel, for the actions of the companies Monotype Imaging named the price of only 3-4 Euros for a working day.

The newspaper is meant, for the sake of saving the flexibility of document circulation on Windows, it is necessary to create vichiznyany analogs of fonts. NVO RusBITech, together with the Paratype company, has created analogs of Times New Roman - the out-of-the-box fonts PT Astra Sans and PT Astra Serif. At the same time, in a large number of regulatory documents in the authorities, the state corporation is obliged to register Times New Roman, which has become the standard of document management in Russia, meaning Yuriy Sosnin. Tse, for his words, one of the problematic food, which is transferred to the active importation in the state sector.

Yak rozpov to the National Service of Novin (NSN), General Director of the IT-company "Cognitive Technologies" Andriy Chernogorov, Russian koristuvachi, who will be able to reach the most popular official packages, may not remember the popular New Roman font. “Є analogues, є even the most popular version of the official package,. There you can find a lot of bezel-less fonts. I especially know a few analogies to Times New Roman, which are visually similar. With a lot of software packages, the same LibreOffice itself, if you display a document in a non-paid font, then magnetize it to replace it with a similar paperless one. It's not a problem at all, ”meaning Chernogorov.

"NVO RusBITech" has been distributing Astra Linux since 2010. The operating system is included in the registry of the programmed security. The main deputies of the company are the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Security Service, the FSB, the Service of the Calling Development, the Federal Mitna Service and the Ministry of Health.

Lusne document management in Russian state institutions? To transplant the government services to the software?

It’s hotter to negotiate a sound about those who, in the Russian state institutions, barred using the most popular fonts for other documents Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New and іn., Until which all sounded like that. Have your own deputy - the information agency URA.RU will follow the manual, as it is possible to wander through all the organs of power in the land.

« Russian officials can no longer be victorious to use the most popular fonts<…>If you want to go out of the situation, the officials of the best ryvniv pass to the PZ of the Victory Party", - go to the materials of the new agency. Vikoristovuvati fonts can only be done on one computer and for another. It is not possible to copy fonts on other computers, it is not possible to include them in electronic documents for transmission to other organizations, and it is not possible to store them in WEB-supplements. All together, in the roots, follow the basic principles of electronic document management in the state structures of Russia, refer to the statistics. Cnews.ru, in its own right, zgadu about the "Rules for the registration of service documents" in the "Official's official" for 2017, it is important to introduce the Times New Roman font as the main one for the filed service documents in the Russian armed forces.

The reason for the situation, as a matter of fact, was caused by URA.RU - in the anti-Russian sanctions. Legal adviser - American corporation Monotype Imaging from the political world will no longer license its fonts for Russian programs.

On the basis of food, they were announced about the incident in fonts, "Novi Visti" was whispered at once with fakhivtsy.

Evgen Lifshits, Head of the Cybersecurity Agency, Member of the Expert Committee of the State Duma on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communication:

For vikoristannya be-like fonts de b it is not necessary to correct the call of the lawyer. We have a whole font (Times New Roman) in order to create a vichiznya software vikoristovuvsya as standard when developing. At the same time, there is a legal incident from the very cob.

- Why risik of the fact that the fence for victorian fonts in viclich colaps in the document management of the Russian state services?

I do not think. For the development of the system of sovereign document management in Russia, the building was put in a lot of little things, as they brought up the fonts that are now known by the fence. Replace the font with that, as it is possible to vikoristovuvati or to split your fonts. Here are the programs for securing. It won't be a great problem for the Russian fakhivts. The document itself is not in a sound form. Win is formed by scripts and software security for these rules, for how to write the code. Correct the code, and the problem is not known. I think, for the sake of justice, our software virobniks have already broken - they have already remembered the fonts. Not so great folds - change a couple of rows in the code.

Sergiy Oseledko, Keruyuch partner of Notamedia Web Services Development Company:

- The history is not new, there are already three rockets. In the book of skin rock company Monotype Imaging declares that it should use fonts in fonts. Ale nichto on the price is not a beast uvagi. I’ll be built, and people will forget about the fence in two days, like tse bulo і rіk, and two ago. And, as it were, it’s dumb - the Russian rosrobniks have a lot of similar fonts. Studio Artemia Lebedev, for example, rob a few of them. Problems with the transfer of officials to a similar font, to my dummy, is not vinykna. The font is the price of the chandelier letter. Will there be trochi іnshe - yaka growth? Є small typi fonts, є bezlich library fonts. I don’t vzagal, but I’m a problem for someone this year.

Okay, our state structures to ignore the fence of the legal scholar of fonts - the company Monotype Imaging. What kind of a fence in the principle of vzagal and іinstrument, how to reconsider, how to meet this veto?

- To finish taking, marvel at the video of the official's presentation, and there will be a public demonstration of the fenced font.

Artem Geller, CEO of AIC AG, head of the Kremlin.ru portal:

The problem with the claims of the American company on software security is really serious and absolutely unjustified for us. Without thinking about what kind of super-links to find out. On the other hand, the problem itself with the fonts of the fonts is already viral, so the history has not been due to the current year. This history is two rocky, and in a whole hour the developers and lawyers of the Office together with the PARA TYPE company have successfully cracked a good Astra font, which has successfully replaced Times New Roman in its wicked office package. Alle the claims of the corporation to receive and the Internet. Monotype Imaging is licensed for Russian fonts. Їх vikoristovuyut in office packages, in the Internet, etc. First of all, the problem є, we have become pratsyuvati over tim, so it’s possible to change it in case of victorian fonts in the Internet. The Arial font, which could potentially lead to problems, was also replaced by the RF Sans font. It infects a font robot to replace Times New Roman in Office. All fonts with us will be staple-free, like for PARA TYPE and for "My Documents". The problem is on the basis of the revision.

On the right, it is necessary to rewrite GOSTs, internal state orders, de directly declare the appearance of the Times New Roman font in singular sizes and enter. We can rewrite the regulations and normative legal acts: change the recommendations font Times New Roman, for example, on Astra, and Arial - on RF Sans.

- A large number of officials have installed on their work computersOffice, In which is a library of fonts. Acceptable, they prodovzhuyut koristuvatisya. Does the legal scholar have the real possibility of ruining the fence?

Practically nі. Legal Fellow Monotype Imaging doesn't have those hands. Potentially, when there is a situation like this, there may be such problems. Ale treba pam'yatati, we don’t take Windows at a time. Installing paid license packages for Windows, like our officials, the license for fonts to unite automatically, is included in the package. Our office packages are interchangeable, about which we say at once, do not shrink. Smells shytyuyutsya vіtchiznyh outlets and companies, I want to put into operation in the state sector or in the commercial sector its own program of safety.

The axis from the center of the point and the problem is fixed. Monotype Imaging, in principle, can be adapted according to the list of sanctions for the world to be a Russian commercial person in licensed fonts at the warehouse of its own box. It can be a serious problem. Opening the font in vimag of the great timchasov and penny vitrats. Fonts are distributed from chotiroh - five months and a cost of a thousand rubles. In business, I can seriously visit, as I went to the salesmen "My office", but they have a few pennies, and the stench has gone to the whole lot of people.

Oleksandr Vurasko, Fakhivets in the field of information security,IT-analystof the company "Dr. Web ":

Who has sanction? The Monotype Imaging company cannot be without a middle ground with Russian companies, which is better for everything; Ale tse tse taky smart fence. Formally, agree between the American corporation and the Russian rosrobniki to fight, in fact, there will be no stench. Put it like this, you can't wait on such Russian clients.

Rocky in two volumes Monotype Imaging has issued a license to Russian virobniks. The virobniks have come to pay for the fonts. Licenses are seen for a number of distributions - no matter what the prices are, if you are asking for 800 dollars for one distribution kit in the amount of additional costs. Zrozumіlo, for such a penny and so nіkhto not be kupuvati. I think that by negotiating the current situation, we stumbled upon the very problem.

The problem can be identified when licensed fonts for Russian operating systems, as it will be available in state agencies. Already there is a lot of rock in the idea of ​​alternatives that are similar in image and, in general, in appearance. Vikoristannya of alternative fonts is not vimage of special technical knowledge. More for everything, as alternative fonts will be included in the package of delivery in some operating systems.

Ale good news is that I don’t bother with any risers. It’s loud, all sounded to the fonts of the Monotype company, so all the stench goes at once with Windows and the Microsoft Office package. Alle the solution on the surface - vikoristovuvati similar fonts, like the company Monotype Imaging does not exist ...

At the end of our last few days, an official was educated, who could write, how to read it with fonts "in the fields". The State Service, having tried to preserve the confidentiality, and having indicated its belonging: the office of the governor of one of the regions of Russia. I wondered if the history of the fonts in both of them and colleagues didn’t get stuck.

This is not a problem about us. Maybe it’s better to see it in Moscow, but we don’t have any kind of folding time. Nichto nothing is fence. I don’t think about those who are going to visit in 2018 unlicensed programs to secure vikoristovuyutsya often-densely at the state service.

The import replacement of software in the state structures of Vinikl Chergov has a seryozna pereshkoda. The developer of the Astra Linux operating system "NVO RusBitech", through the sanctions, could not be included in some of the popular fonts, including the standard Times New Roman for viewed documents. The rights to them belong to the American Monotype Imaging, which was introduced under an agreement with the Russian company through the Ministry of Defense. In order to save the possibility of document management under Windows, it will be possible to distribute vichiznyany analogs of fonts, or even cause problems with the complexity of documents.

On the cob of a breast in the Ministry of Communications, a lot of developers of vichiznyan OS were seen, on which the representative of AT "NVO RusBITech" (OS Astra Linux) wrote about the vidmov Monotype Imaging, the lawyer of popular fonts Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Times New a license to їх vikoristannya. Two dzherels "Komersant" were introduced to the IT-market and confirmed by the director of the center "NVO RusBITech" and the author of the team of developers of OS Astra Linux Yuriy Sosnin.

The companies negotiated about the inclusion of fonts to the Astra Linux warehouse and went to a draft agreement acceptable for both sides. Pleasure, for his words, stopped at the last moment: Monotype Imaging adopted the agreement, having sent it to the sanction of Russian companies, which started to work in the interests of the Ministry of Defense. The drive for tsyogo became the knowledge of the mystery about the fate of "NVO RusBITech" in the robotics of the MAKS international aviation salon.

Monotype Imaging was not powered. The American company pochatkovo has not been set up in the land, but it has too high prices, it seems that there are two "Komersant" partners who know about the details of the negotiations, having set the price of € 650 for a skinny, robust Times New Astra Linux font in a package , Arial, Courier New, Tahoma and Verdana.

So for the deputies of the license of the OS, they grew up on a qyu bag. Then, for information, the "Komersant" dzherel, which has gone up to about € 130 for less number of fonts. "Alet tse all is one to complete the price" - one of them is unambiguous. I will explain that Monotype Imaging’s business associate, “Komersant,” said the price was only € 3-4 for a working day. "Mabut, the stench did not want to be seen, and they were able to do it, but the price was good", - vvazhaє vin.

"NVO RusBitech" has been developing Astra Linux since 2010, the OS is included in the registry of the software. It is well known that NVO RusBITech was announced for 2014 (most of the dates were not disclosed), the main deputies of the company are the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service, the Public Health Service, the Federal Health Service. In 2014, the rotsi company completed contracts for 1.7 billion rubles.

At the "NVO RusBІTech" bag, it was spirited by the company "Paratype" to develop analogs of Times New Roman - in the out-of-the-box fonts PT Astra Sans and PT Astra Serif. At the same time, in a large number of regulatory documents in the authorities, the state corporation is obliged to register Times New Roman, which has become the standard of document management in Russia, meaning Yuriy Sosnin. You can, vvazhaє vіn, nіkhto not thinking about the need to add a license for the whole font through the Windows windows everywhere, to the warehouse and part of the Times New Roman as well as inclusions.

"There is one of the problematic food, so you can switch to active importation in the state sector", - pan Sosnin. By the end of 2016, we have announced Mikola Nikiforov in the State Duma and Ministr. Vin meaning that state services should type in Times New Roman font and submit documents in .doc format, which will expedite importation.

The commercial director of STC IT ROSA, who developed the ROSA Linux OS, Sergiy Aleksandrov, apparently, that the company did not deny or plan to obtain a license from Monotype Imaging. Replace all the fonts there from the widely extended office suite LibreOffice. BaseALT and AltLinux also did not choose Monotype Imaging fonts; they took similar fonts, which means that BaseALT CEO and AltLinux ex-CEO Oleksiy Smirnov. Ale, I will clarify, how the font metrics in any OS are very readable from quietly, but in Windows, those who need them will easily exchange documents, so as the layout will be added.

Maria Kolomichenko

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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