Compression to sound: the principle of that adjustment. Compression on practice Dynamic range of styles or standard

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Payments, especially old ones, such as boules were recorded and made available before 1982 for rock, with a smaller number of ymovirnistyu added, for the hour when the recording was played, they played more voices. The stench recreates natural music with a natural dynamic range, which makes it possible to get paid and to use a large number of standard digital formats or high retail properties.

Zrozumіlo, here є vinyatki - listen to Steven Wilson's album, but quite a few times weishov, from MA Recordings or Reference Recordings, and you will feel how good digital sound can be. But a lot of funny sound recordings of voice and style.

In an hour, the compression of the music will be given serious criticism, even if I am ready to confront, for practical purposes, all your favorite recordings will be squeezed. Like the mens of them, like more, but all one is squeezed. Stiffening of the dynamical range - the tse of a free-spirited tac-vidbuvaylo, which sounds like a nasty musical sound, but the music is not too tight - it's not a new thing: listen to the Motown albums of the 60s rock. The same can be said about the classic Led Zeppelin robots or the young Wilco and Radiohead albums. Stiffening of the dynamic range changes naturally to the best and quiet sound on the record, so the whisper can be just as loud as a cry. It is problematic to reach the pop-music of the last 50 rocky, yak didn’t get sick to the point of compression.

Not long ago I had a nice conversation from the master and the editor of Tape Op magazine Larry Crane about the garnie, the nasty and the “evil” aspect of the constraint. Larry Crane worked with such gurts and victors like Stefan Markus, Cat Power, Sleater-Kinney, Jennie Lewis, M. Ward, The Go-Betweens, Jason Little, Elyot Smit, Quasi and Richmond Fontaine. Win also by the Jackpot recording studio! in Portland, Oregon, yaka was a headroom for The Breeders, The Decemberists, Eddy Vedder, Pavement, R.E.M., She & Him and also for the bagatechs.

Yak butt of wonderfully unnaturally sounding, albeit all one monstrous pisen, I will direct the album Spoon They Want My Soul, wiyshov in 2014 roci. Crane laughs as if hearing in a car, because it sounds wonderful there. It’s to bring us to the same food, for which music is squeezed: to that, squeezing and dodatkov's "cleanliness" will allow you to be more beautiful than ever in galaslive music.

Larry Crane at work. Photo by Jason Quigley

If people seem to be like the sound of an audio recording, I put in, how it befits a music, like the sound of that music will be unrelenting terms. For myself, I am differentiating the understanding. From the point of view of a music lover, the sound can be rude and sirim, but it will not be meaningful for more hearing.

Bagato hto was able to get involved in mastering-engineers at the evil compressor, protesting to stop without an hour before the sound recording, before an hour of mixing or less time for mastering. If you didn’t stand out especially on the skin of the stages, you cannot say how the instruments and the vocal part sounded on the very cob of the process.

Crane boo in shock: "If a musician wants to sound like a god, and if we create a Guided by Voices record, then in a lot of nasty nasty - bazhanna will always experience the quality of the sound." The voice of the viconavtsa is practically dependent on clutching, those same playing with bass, drums, gitars and synthesizers. For additional compression, the sound of the vocals is saved on the required level by stretching out the effort of the song, as well as on the other sounds.

Correctly vikonaniy siske can beat the sound of drums alive or awesome. The music sounded wonderful, it was necessary to use the necessary tools. The axis of what is on those who are smart, how to creep with a grip and do not overdo it, go to rock. As the mix-engineer has tightened his grip on the guitar part, the mastering-engineer is no longer able to change the frequency of the day.

They wanted to play music, but you heard the music, because they didn't pass the stage of mixing and mastering, then they let them go to the police shops right from the studio. Crane seems to be like people who open, edit, mix up musical recordings and carry out their meistering, not to wander around with the feet of the musicians - the stench will help the visitors from the very top, to the very top.

People are a part of the process of creation, as a result of which there is a divisive vitality of art. Crane added: “You don’t need the version of Dark Side of the Moon, as it didn’t go through mixing and mastering”. Pink Floyd released the song in such a vigil, as the stench wanted її chuti.

Losing our minds over food - and what for us to eat food? In order for a little quiet sounds, as if not in our minds (for example, it’s impossible to hear it in a voice, as it’s outside noises in the room, etc.). And why can you hear the quiet sounds, but not the sound? It is possible to appear. This technique is called the grip of the dynamic range (compression, Dynamic Range Compression, DRC). For the whole, it is necessary to change the flow of the loudness gradually - the quiet sounds of the sound, the sound of the sound - ni. The simplest law of the change of guchnost is linear, tobto. the power of changing the law output_loudness = k * input_loudness, de k is the efficiency of the dynamic range:

Figure 18. Stressing the dynamic range.

When k = 1, some changes are not important (there is a lack of traffic input). For k< 1 громкость будет увеличиваться, а динамический диапазон - сужаться. Посмотрим на график (k=1/2) - тихий звук, имевший громкость -50дБ станет громче на 25дБ, что значительно громче, но при этом громкость диалогов (-27дБ) повысится всего лишь на 13.5дБ, а громкость самых громких звуков (0дБ) вообще не изменится. При k >1 - the soundness is changing, and the dynamic range is changing.

Podvimya on graphs of guchnostі (k = 1/2: squeeze DD vdvіchі):

Malunok 19. Graphs of Guchnost.

It can be seen in the original boules of the presence, as well as even quieter sounds, 30 dB lower for the level of dialogues, and even lower for the level of dialogues, and even lower for the level of dialogues. That. dynamic range becoming 60dB. Pislya compression gooey sounds less by 15dB more, and quiet - 15dB lower for the level of dialogue (the dynamic range is now 30dB). In such a rank, mucky sounds became meaningfully quiet, and quiet - meaningfully voiced. At the same time, there is no re-placement!

Now we are feeding up to histograms:

Figure 20. Compression application.

It’s good to see - when it is up to + 30dB, the form of histograms is good, which means that the sound of the sound becomes good turning (do not go to the maximum і doesn’t form, as it’s worth it to be seen with simple strength). Some quiet sounds are seen. The gastrogram is shown nasty, the protest is remembered by ear. The shortage of the method is that they are the very filthy mushrooms. On the other hand, the mechanism of іх ініннення is seen as a form of purity, which is recognized when education, and its character is seen - the stench is manifested in the main with a strong strength. quiet sounds(and it’s not when people are educated, like because they’re strong enough). To create an overwhelming level of compression to the consolidation of a sound picture - all sounds to abstain from the same purity and non-virality.

Stronger than the strength of quiet sounds, you can sound before you smell the noise of the recording. In addition, the filter of the blockage of the trochale of modifications has an algorithm that is less noise:

Malunok 21. Greater purity, no more noise.

Tobto. at the level of purity -50dB, the transfer function is too high, and the noise is less (zhovta liniya). For the duration of such an exaggeration, the noises will be meaningfully mucky (sira linea). Such a simple modification significantly reduces the number of noise to be driven beyond even strong pressure (for a little one - a squeeze of 1: 5). The level “DRC” at the filter sets the level of more quiet sounds (at the level -50dB), thus. compression ratio 1/5, indications of a small one, displaying a value of + 40dB in the filter settings.

The whole group of methods is based on the fact that the signals that are transmitted, can be transmitted to non-linear reconfigurations of amplitudes, moreover, in the transmission and critical parts of the non-linearity of the reverse. For example, while in the transmission of the vicary there is a non-linear function Öu, in the case of the receiver - u2. The last time the zasosuvannya vzamorvornykh funktsіy privedenie before, shho zahol re-incarnation lіnіinim.

Idea non-linear methods The data are compressed before the transmission can, at the same amplitude of the output signals, transmit a larger range of the parameter change, which is transmitted (tobto, a larger dynamic range). Dynamic range - the rate of change in certain units of decibels is the highest permissible amplitude for the signal to the lowest:

; (2.17)
. (2.18)

Naturally bazhannya zbіlshiti dynamical range for the additional change U min is interconnected with sensitive equipment and growth in flux overshkod and strong noise.

Most often, the grip of a dynamic range is to come up for an additional bet in turnover functions of a logarithm and potential. The first operation of the amplitude is called compressor(squeezed), friend - ekspanduvannyam(Extensions). Vibration of the same functions of dressings with the greatest possible compression.

At that very hour, the methods may not be complete. The first one is that the logarithm of a small number is negative at the boundary:

so that sensitiveness is not even lingering.

To change the number of shortcomings of offense, the function is to modify the changes and approximations. For example, for telephone channels, the function of the device is approximated (type A):

where A = 87.6. Vigrash from the constriction to become 24 dB.

The stiffening of non-linear procedures given by the gentry is realized by analogous methods with great tweaks. The immobilization of digital assets can be used to improve the accuracy of the digital transformation. At the same time, the consumption of food calculating technology(tobto, without pre-calculating logarithms and an exponent) to give not the best result through a low level of knowledge that accumulates the calculation.

Compression of the given compression through the interchange of accuracy to be used in non-specific types, for example, for transmission of messages via telephone and radio channels.

Effectively coding

Effective codes proponated by K. Shannon, Fano and Huffman. The essence of the code is in the fact that the stench is unequal, that is, with an unequal number of rows, and moreover, the code is wrapped up in proportion to the number of times it appears. Another wonderful feature of effective codes is that they do not smell like special symbols, which are used to distribute combination codes. Tse reach when hitting simple rule: Short codi are not є by the cob. At the end of the day, there is a subtlety of two lines that are unambiguously decoded, some decoder is a collection of short combination codes. Effective codes most hour They were purely academic, but for the rest of the hour, it was successful to be victorious when formulating databases of data, as well as when scrutinizing information in modern modems and software architects.

It is through the inertia of introducing the middle to the amount of code. Middle dozhin - mathematically add to the code:

moreover, l cf pragne H (x) from the top (tobto l cf> H (x)).

Witness (2.23) accept from N.

There are two types of effective codes: Shannon-Fano and Huffman. It is easy to discern it from the butt. It is admitted that the number of symbols in the last one may be the value, pointed at the table 2.1.

Table 2.1.

Ymovіrnіst of symbols

p i 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.05 0.15 0.03 0.02 0.05

Symbols are ranked to be served until the end of the day. Writing by the Shannon-Fano method, the following procedure is periodically repeated: the whole group of pod_y is divided into two groups with the same (or approximately the same) total values. The procedure is straightforward until quietly, as long as one element is not lost in the churchyard group, for which the element is absorbed, but with the meanings, it’s lost, it’s going on. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya until quiet feast, while the remaining two children do not lose one element at a time. Probably the view of our butt, as shown in table 2.2.

Table 2.2.

Koduvannya behind the Shannon-Fano method

N P i
4 0.3 I
0.2 I II
6 0.15 I I
0.1 II
1 0.1 I I
9 0.05 II II
5 0.05 II I
7 0.03 II II I
8 0.02 II

Yak can be seen from Table 2.2, the first symbol of the first p 4 = 0.3 took the fate of two procedures for a group and offended by hitting up to a group with number I. It is suspected to be coded by the yard-bar code II. Another element of the first stage of rosbit is overlapping group I, the other - group II. This code is 10. You do not require any additional symbols for additional comments.

Name the unrecognizable codes and images as code trees. The code tree is the whole graph, which will order the permitted combination codes. In front, set the edges of the graph straight, as shown in Fig. 2.11 (vibrate straight ahead).

According to the graph, they are organized as follows: store the route for the symbol seen; number of ribs on the first road, and the number of skin rows on the road right next to the rib. The route is stored from the exit point (on the armchair it is marked with letter A). For example, the route at the top of 5 is laid out from five edges, all of which are right next to 0; I can accept the code 00001.

Numerous for a whole butt of entropy and the middle of a word.

H (x) = - (0.3 log 0.3 + 0.2 log 0.2 + 2 0.1 log 0.1+ 2 0.05 log 0.05+

0.03 log 0.03 + 0.02 log 0.02) = 2.23 bit

l av = 0.3 2 + 0.2 2 + 0.15 3 + 0.1 3 + 0.1 4 + 0.05 5 +0.05 4+

0.03 6 + 0.02 6 = 2.9 .

Yak bachimo, the middle of the word is close to entropy.

Cody Huffman will be working on this algorithm. The procedure for coding is stored from two stages. At the first stage, the last one-time crunching of the alphabet. One-time squeeze - replacing two remaining symbols (with the lower ones) with one, from the total image. Stress to carry out the doti, the docks do not lose two symbols. At the same time, zapovnyayut the table of code, in which put down the resultant information, as well as display routes, which are new symbols and go to the offensive stage.

At the other stage, it is necessary to look through the code, as if it was the last stage: the first one from two symbols should be given code 1, the other - 0. Before the symbols, which did not take part in the glue on the whole stage, ascribe the code from the offensive stage, and before the two remaining symbols in the two, assign the code to the symbol rejected for gluing, and add to the code of the upper symbol I, the lower symbol - 0. do not take the fate, yogo code to become unknowable. The procedure is trivial residual (tobto the first step).

Table 2.3 shows the code for the Huffman algorithm. Yak can be seen from the table, the code was valid for 7 steps. The evil is indicated by the number of symbols, the right-handed person is the industrial code. The arrows show the change of new symbols. On the skin stage, the two remaining symbols are seen as a younger generation, which is based on the methodology of coding. Numerous for the average of the following words:

l av = 0.3 2 + 0.2 2 + 0.15 3 ++ 2 0.1 3 + +0.05 4 + 0.05 5 + 0.03 6 + 0.02 6 = 2.7

Even closer to the entropy: the code is more efficient. In fig. 2.12 the tree is hovered over to the Huffman code.

Table 2.3.

Koduvannya behind the Huffman algorithm

N p i code I II III IV V VI Vii
0.3 0.3 11 0.3 11 0.3 11 0.3 11 0.3 11 0.4 0 0.6 1
0.2 0.2 01 0.2 01 0.2 01 0.2 01 0.3 10 0.3 11 0.4 0
0.15 0.15 101 0.15 101 0.15 101 0.2 00 0.2 01 0.3 10
0.1 0.1 001 0.1 001 0.15 100 0.15 101 0.2 00
0.1 0.1 000 0.1 000 0.1 001 0.15 100
0.05 0.05 1000 0.1 1001 0.1 000
0.05 0.05 10011 0.05 1000
0.03 0.05 10010

The offense of the code is satisfying because of the unambiguity of the decoding: as you can see from the table, there are more short combinations with a heap of new codes.

With an increase in the number of symbols in the efficiency of the codes, there are more blocks in some cases (for example, if it’s about texts, it’s possible to code some kind of warehouses, words, but more often to use phrases)

The effect from the introduction of such codes is assigned separately with the same code:


de n - the number of lines in the equal code, which is replaced by an effective one.

Modification of Huffman codes

The classic Huffman algorithm is two-pass, tobto. check out a collection of statistics for symbols and newcomers, that are described in more procedures. The price is not manual, it’s practical, it’s a few hours of processing and accumulation of vocabulary. Most often, one-pass methods are used, and some of the accumulated and coding procedures can be learned. Such methods are called more adaptive constraints according to Huffman [46].

According to Huffman, the essence of the adaptive stitching is built up to induce the cob code tree and the last modification of the letter to match the cob symbol. Yak and prick, there are binarny trees, tobto. From the skin vertex of the graph - tree, there are a maximum of two arcs. It was accepted to name the summit of the dad, and the two tied to it on the offensive of the summit - as children. Introduced the understanding of the Vagi of the peak - a number of symbols (words), which are similar to the given peak, which are removed during the presentation of the final message. Obviously, it’s a bag of wagy children for a long time.

For the introduction of a cherg symbol of an input endpoint, look at the code tree: pererakhoyuyutsya va peaks and, if necessary, the vertices are rearranged. The rule of permutation of the vertices is the same: the lower peaks are the most popular, and the peaks, which are right on the graph, may be the most recent.

The peaks are numbered overnight. The numbering is to be repaired from the lower (hang, so as not to miss the children) peaks, from the left to the right, then move to upper rivn etc. to the numbering of the last peak. When tsomu reach the offensive result: chim mensha vaga tops, tim lesser її number.

Rearrangement is important for hanging peaks. When rearranging the ma buty, the rule is formed: the peaks with the great waggle and a larger number.

When passing through the last (it is also called a control or a test), all hanging peaks are assigned a combination code. The rule for assigning codes is similar to the one before: the number of lines in the code for the two peaks, through which to pass the route from the other 0).

Otrimanі kodovі kombіnatsії to be entered into the memory of the attachment at once with analogs and set up a vocabulary. Vikoristannya to the algorithm the axis of the chom. Stikana the last of the symbols is broken down into fragments according to the explicit vocabulary, for which leather from the fragments is replaced by the code of the vocabulary. Fragments do not appear at the vocabulary, but new hanging peaks are added, vagi are filled and also entered up to the vocabulary. Such a way to form an adaptive algorithm for updating the vocabulary.

To improve the effectiveness of the method, it is necessary to adjust the vocabulary definition; at the end of the day, the efficiency is squeezed to move. In fact, the size of the vocabulary should be 4 - 16 Kbytes of memory.

Illustrative guidance algorithm butt. In fig. 2.13 is directed to the visual diagram (also called the Huffman tree). The skin top of the tree is shown by a rectum, at which two digits are inscribed through the other: the persha means the number of the top, the other - її wag. You can turn over, the appearance of the mountains of the peaks and their numbers are displayed.

Supposedly now, the symbol that appears to the vertex 1, in the tests of the consistency, is created outside. Vaga of the top changed, yak is shown in Fig. 2.14, as a result of which the vertex numbering rule has been broken. On the offensive stage, there is a minimum of hanging peaks, for which the tops 1 and 4 are numbered and all the tops of the tree are renumbered. The otrimaniy graph is shown in Fig. 2.15. The procedure proceeds in a similar way.

A slide of memory, a dermal hanging peak in Huffman's tree is associated with the singing symbol of any group. Father is seen from children, but a group of symbols, which is one character shorter, is less for this child, but children are seen as a remaining symbol. For example, batkov_dpovidayut symbols "kar"; Todi in children can be the last "kara" and "korop".

The guidance algorithm is not academic and is actively used in programs - archivators, including when scrutinized graphical data (see below about them).

Algorithms Lempel - Ziva

Most of the time, they are victorious with the clenching algorithms. Smell vikoristovuyutsya in a lot of programs - archivators (for example, PKZIP. ARJ, LHA). The essence of the algorithms is in the fact that the same number of symbols is replaced when the number is archived in a special vocabulary. For example, the phrase "On your sheet the entry number ...", as it is often found in the list, you can borrow from the vocabulary position 121; To replace transmissions, or to retrieve a guess phrase (30 bytes), you can take a phrase number (1.5 bytes for two - dozen forms, or 1 byte for two).

The algorithms are named after the authors who first proponated them in 1977. The first one is LZ77. For archivannya, there is a so-called coffin for the occasion, but it’s possible to build up from two parts. The first part, in a large format, is used to form a vocabulary and a large size. For a friend, I change the part (call it up to 100 bytes in size) to accept the flowing symbols and the text to look at each other. Algorithm to learn to know in the vocabulary the number of symbols, as to be taken from the look at the glance. As soon as a code is formed, a code is formed, it is stored in three parts: a substitution in the vocabulary of one cob row, a second row, and a symbol. For example, the visions of the rows are stored in the symbols of the "additions" (all 6 symbols), the offensive behind it is the symbol - "e". Todi, if the order is ma to the address (misce in the vocabulary) 45, then write down in the vocabulary of ma viglyad "45, 6. e". The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthating instead of winks to the position, and the poshuk to continue. Such a way to form a vocabulary.

An advanced algorithm є it is easy to formulate an algorithm for folding vocabulary. Besides, it is possible to create a vocabulary without a cob vocabulary (it’s good for the mother to test the consistency) - the vocabulary is formed along the way.

Inadequacies in the algorithm are determined by the increase in the size of the vocabulary - it takes an hour for a joke. On the side of the line, as at the stream window there is a row of symbols, in the vocabulary, a skin symbol is written with a trilement code, tobto. go not a squeeze, but a spout.

Most of the characteristics of the LZSS algorithm, proponation 1978. At new Compressor code Крім вікна, the algorithm is shaped like a two-tree tree, analogous to the Huffman tree for quickening the joke of zbіgіv: a leather line, which is more accurate, to reach a tree like one child. Such an algorithm allows additional adjustment of the size of the flow window (well, the size of the door step of the two steps is 128, 256, etc. bytes). In addition, it is necessary to form and sequence codes: a 1-bit prefix is ​​introduced additionally for the development of uncoded symbols in the form of pairs "substitution, dovzhina".

There are even more steps in the constraint for victorian algorithms in the LZW type. Described earlier by the algorithms for fixing the size of the window, it is impossible to make the phrases entered into the vocabulary even more for the size of the window. The LZW algorithms (the one in front of the LZ78) have a glance at a glance, there are not many sizes, and the vocabulary is accumulating phrases (and not the number of symbols, like earlier). The vocabulary will not be interchanged, and the encoder (decoder) will work in the phrases mode. If the phrase that is formed from the vocabulary is formed, the code is seen (that is, the code of the whole phrase in the vocabulary) and the code for the character that follows it. As soon as in the world of accumulated symbols, a new phrase is established, it can also be entered to the vocabulary, like a korotsh. As a result, a recursive procedure is set up, which will not give you a quick way to code and decode.

Dodatkov's power Compressions will secure the compression of symbols, which will be repeated. As soon as in the end of the deyak, the symbol is followed (for example, in the text there may be symbols "punch", in the numerical end-ness - zeros, so go, etc.), then the senses replace the symbol with a pair of "dovzhina" and , dozhina ". At the first glance in the code, there will be a sign that there will be a code of lastness (call 1 bit), then the code is a symbol, which will be repeated, and even if it is last. In another vipadku (transferred for symbols, which is most often used), the prefix appears simply to be a sign of repetition.

People, overwhelmed with home sound, demonstrate the cicavian paradox. The smells are ready to shovel the room of listening, to build columns with exotic vipromynuvachams, ale niyakovo to step in front of musical canned food, nibi vovk in front of the wormon the warrant. And vasna, who can’t intercede for the great-priest, but with canned food, try to get ready for it?

Periodically on the forums, they receive the power supply: "Good luck with the recordings of the albums." Look at it. Special audiovisual visions I would like to please the ear for the first time, albeit until the end of the day, it’s not a matter of hearing, but the repertoire is already sniffing. Well, before solving the music library, the problem, to be built, is obvious. It is possible to zaschadzhuvati, but it is possible not to zaoshadzhuvati and vbuhati to break the pennies from the component. All one thing, few people befit to hear their favorite music on the high purity and power of the driver, there is no one here.

Christmas navigation from Hi-Res albums with sound phonograms and soundness driven out of the clipping. To get involved, there’s a lot of hearing about music on any kind of junk, and that needs to "give a gas", to create a kind of loudness.

Zrozumіlo, to be afraid of the price is not special, to stir up the audiophіlіv. About them vzagal little hto zgaduє. The axis of hiba was good luck to get the meister-files, from which the main circulation is copied - CDs, MP3 and іnshe. Zrozumilo, a master who has already been flattened by a compressor for a long time, but not a special version for HD Tracks. It’s a good idea to show a singing procedure for a wine nose, which is for the reason to sound humane. And for digital way everything will end the same - with the great tovstim compressor.

Since then, in this hour, all 100% of the phonograms are seen, for the classic music, for the compression of the mastering. There’s a great deal of the procedure, but sometimes it’s bad. As a result, my mamo pіlіgrimіv on the forums with the line plugin DR in the bosom, painful vidannya vidan, flowing to winіlu, sometimes it is necessary to mine persuasion.

Some of the ice-cream, having smitten all the inappropriateness, were literally re-written into audio-satanics. Without zhartіv stench read sound engineering saints writing backwards! Happy programs Editing the sound of a sound, a deyakiy instrument of updating the sound of a sound, scho knew the cliping.

A collection of functionalities are used for studios. When there is a mix-up, there are situations, if the cleaning has been consumed on the record, and it is already unwise to overwhelm the session for low reasons, and then the audio editor's arsenal comes to help - the decliper, the decompressor is too low.

The first axis is already up to something similar to the software, everything is easier to pull on the handles of the earliest hearing, for those who have shelter and for the first time for Chergov's novelties. Some of them are iZotope, some are Adobe Audition, some of the operations are subdivided into various programs. The sense of the update of the large dynamics of the pole in the software corrected keyed peaks in the signal, such as, resting on 0 dB, screw up the gear.

So, about 100% recovery of the visitor can not be found, there may be some interpolation processes for finishing with clever algorithms. Ale deyakі results and obrobіy me hіdlіt sіkavimy i vivchennya vivchenya.

For example, Lani Del Rey's album "Lust For Life" In the original painting "When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing" the axis was written like this.

And since the declipers and decompressors are low, the axis has become so. The number of DR changes from 5 to 9. It is possible to secure that posture at a glance until the post-processing is possible.

I can’t say that the method is universal and useful for all lost albums, but in this case, I’ve played a role in saving in a collection of male options, being recovered by an activist of a rutrecker, and replacing the official vision in 24 days.

I can't turn a piece of music into a piece of sound stuffing from sound stuffing. It is so important for you to have pratsyuvati without pardon on the border regions, because there is a lot of money in the so-called inter-sample picks (ISP). And now, up to 0 dB, add the signal to remove the signal. In addition, the phonogram has quieted down when the FLAC is squeezed, or the lossless codec will now be less than the size. More "povitrya" at the signal for the joy of space for the hard drive.

Try to save your favorite albums, hammered into "vіynі guchnostі". For a stock of dynamism, you need to change the track by -6 dB, and then start the decliper. If you don’t tell computers, you can just plug it in with the CD player and play the studio expander. Tsey pristіy by the day, take care of yourself - as you can update and play the sounds compressed by the dynamic audio signal. Cost-effective attachments from the 80s-90s do not say too much, as the experiment will try again.

Dynamic range controller DBX 3BX obroblyaє okremo signal in three smugas - LF, MF and HF

If you use the Eqalayzeri buli, it is a sound component of the audio system, and is not afraid of anything. No need to clean the dam high frequencies Magnetic lines, ale with indulgent dynamism is required for Virishuvati, brothers.

Compression is the only one with the most myths covered by the themes of sound production. Seems like Beethoven is going to see some of his siblings: (

Good, for the sake of truth, the compression doesn’t go well, it’s less distorted, the smarter is the principle of robots and good control. For whom we at once and at once have changed.

So also compression to sound

Perche, scho varto usvidomiti before preparation - tse compression a robot with a dynamic range of sound... And, at my own devil, - not a good one, a difference between the best and the most important signal:

So the axis, dynamic range compression... So, simply a squeeze of the dynamical range, well, in other words a decrease in the level of gucci parts to the signal that... Not more than that.

You can just reasonably get started, why is such a hype for dressing? Why should everyone say about the recipes for the correct tuning of the compressors, but they don't last? Why, unimportant to the majestic number of great plug-ins, are expensive rarity models of compressors in our studios? Why should one producer use compressors on extreme adjustments, if they don't use them? What is it about them?

Zavdannya, yaki virishuє compressor

The reason for this is to lie near the area of ​​the intelligent compression of the robot with sound. And that's okayє:

  1. Receive an attack the sound is more robust;
  2. "Vsidati" in the Mix of the Party of Instruments, after giving it to the force of that "vagi";
  3. Robit groups of instruments or the whole mix is ​​more integral such a single monolith;
  4. Virishuvati Conflict with Instruments behind the additional sidechain;
  5. Correct the imperfections of the vocalist and the musicians, Virivnyuchi їkh dynamiku;
  6. When singing vistupati yak artistic effect.

Yak bachish, tse is not a less significant creative process, not, say, vigaduvannya melodies or narrating tsikavih timbres. In case of a whole bunch of people being re-insured, the building can be seen for the additional help of 4 main parameters.

Basic compressor parameters

Unimportant to the magnitude of the number of software and hardware models of compressors, all the magic of compression is displayed with the correct adjustment of the main parameters: Threshold, Ratio, Attack and Release. Readily available lectures:

Threshold abo threshold value, dB

This parameter allows you to set the value, the closed compressor is pracyuvatime (to squeeze the audio signal). So, if it can be set to a threshold of -12dB, the compressor is just in a quiet dynamic range, as it changes the price value. As all our sound is quieter -12db, the compressor just pass it through itself, do not pour it into the new one.

Ratio abo kofіtsієnt stisnennya

The ratio parameter is the beginning of how much the signal is squeezed, but it changes the threshold. Crumbs of mathematics for painting the picture: let's say we adjusted the compressor with a threshold of -12dB, a ratio of 2: 1, and applied it to a new drum loop, in which the soundness of a barrel is up to -4dB. What will the result of a compressor robot be?

Our vipad has a barrel roll with a threshold of 8dB. The difference in proportion to the ratio will be reduced to 4dB (8dB / 2). At the sum with a non-crushed part signal, the drum must be -8db (threshold -12dB + 4dB signal).

Attack, ms

Tse an hour, through a yaky compressor bude will react to the transfer of the threshold spratsovuvannya. Tobto, when the attack hour is 0ms compressor repair I change the threshold to a signal not mittєvo, but after an hour.

Release or update, ms

The duration of the data is the value of the given parameter allowing the signal to be sent in one hour after the moment when the signal is turned lower than the threshold pinch the compressor.

First of all, I recommend taking a good knowledge of the sample, go to this channel, be it a compressor or 5-10 minutes to experiment with the re-insured parameters to secure the material

all іnshі parameters are optional... The stench can be seen in the older models of compressors, so the producers and new models for singing purposes (for example, one compressor for vocals, one for the drum group, the third one for the maister channel). I will not make a report on these parameters, but instead I will give you some general information for your mind, so it’s like this:

  • Number of abo evil (Hard / Soft Knee)... The whole parameter is based on how fast it is used to adjust the ratio: roughly along the curves smoothly. I will assign that in the Soft Knee mode the compressor will not be straightforward, but will start smoothly (it’s pretty good, if we are talking about a tiny second) print the sound already before the threshold values... For the processing of groups of channels and for the out-of-the-box mix, it is often the soft knee itself (the pieces are uncomfortable), and for the suspension of the attack of those other features of the extra tools - the hard knee;
  • Response Mode: Peak / RMS... Peak mode of validation if it is necessary to quickly limit the splashes of amplitude, as well as on signals with a folding form, the dynamism and reading of which are required to increase the transmission. The RMS mode is even more daisy-chaining, allowing you to infiltrate the sound, to prevent an attack;
  • Lookahead... It’s an hour, for a compressor you are more familiar with it. Free forward analysis of input signals;
  • Makeup abo Gain... A parameter that allows you to compensate for the decrease in ductility as a result of robotic compression.

First i happy, I know all the other food for the compression: if a) the principle of compression is audible, b) you firmly know how to pour into the sound of that one, and c) I have put on practice a few of the older models. please do not need it anymore.

I am absolutely serious. Having read the record respectfully, experimenting with the standard compressor of your DAW and with one or two plug-ins, albeit so and not sounding in some types shukati in the Internet ready recipes, stuck mindlessly abiyak.

Compressor Precision Recipes This is roughly like a recipe for an accurate tuning of the chi chorus reverb - relieved of any sense and dumb spirit of creativity. I am repeating one simple recipe for this: get excited about the article, put on the monitor headphones, a plug-in for visual control of the shape of the sick, and spend the evening with the company with a couple of compressors.


Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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