Classification of electric substations and rozpodilchih outbuildings. Main appointments

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of care, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

With the help of saving metal during the preparation of the LEP, the need for a significant increase in the voltage that is transmitted is necessary, and in its turn, the change in costs at the stage of active support. What tension, then the tightness fit more, then, the more you see, how the electricity could be transferred. Electrical substation - installation, victorious rozpodіlu chi transformation of energy. Electrical substations are, insanely, one of the most important structural elements of any transmission system and distribution of electricity. The presence at the annex of the transformer allows to reduce and increase the magnitude of the voltage.

Attachment of electrical substation

Whether an electrical substation is composed of a number of elements, the most important is a transformer, a manager of such a field in a converted electric power industry, a split, a reduced power line. Working on high pressures, the transformer sees a significant amount of heat, as it introduces and breaks the winds of the design, equipped with a radiator. For adequate operation of all structural elements, it is important that the substations were built with facsimiles. One more important element I will add to the electrical substation - the entry structure of the substation cable lines. Їhnє zavdannya - organize the reception of the input voltage, transferring it to the input of the transformer. After the conversion, the energy is transferred to the distribution plant (RU), the task of which is to accept and distribute the electricity.

The cream of the main components of the substation equipment includes a sprinkling of modules, which are designed for a specific plant.

  • Ros'dnuvachі

There is an operational change in the electric circuit of the RU and the creation of a visible opening of the lancet. Roz'dnuvachi can't be roz'dnuvati for vanity, shards of stench can't wash out arc-extinguishing elements. The roses are made from non-permanent (fixed on insulators) and non-permanent contacts.

  • Vimiruvalny components

Transformers that vimiryuyut electrical values ​​and live the attachment of relay protection. At the maximum value, the voltage and output jet do not exceed 100 V and 5 A.

Poednuyut okremi elements of RU. Made from midi and aluminium.

  • Regulating attachments

Reactors, batteries, phase-shifters surround the value of the struma.

  • Non-linear intermediate switch and arresters

Zdіysnyuyut zahist linіy types of switching and atmospheric overvoltages.

  • Grounding extensions

Rise from the earth, parts of possession, prepared from metal.

  • Powerful vimikachi

Switching components that are responsible for turning on that power switch in the mode of strum advancement, shifting, idling, short hum.

  • Automation systems and zahistu

These include a system of commercial and technical form of electrical energy, a system of management.

Classification of substations

Main view electrical substationsє rozpodіlnі and transformer pіdstantsії. Rozpodіlna pіdstantsіya є vzdіysnuє і zdіisnyuє priyom ta rozpodіl električnі ї energії. Transformer substation can change or increase the value of the voltage of the winding-up of the presence of a built-in transformer.

Fallow in the way of arrival to the yard, one can see a sprat of sight of the substations:

  • Vidgaluzhena

You can get up to two or one line with a deaf soldering line, which is installed behind the scheme of 2 blocks with short-circuits and water-kremlin. Come to lines 35-220 kV.

  • Prokhidna

To enter at the rozsіchennya two or one line with one or two-way living. Zastosovuyutsya pіdstantsіyu tsgogo in simple closed meshes. For a passing substation, a line may be transferred, which will come out of the rose. The transit of tension is established through a normally closed jumper with vimic.

  • Promizhna

Pіdstantsіya, nebhіdna kharchuvannya spozhivachіv. Intermediate substations can come up to two or one submarines, which pass, or join the way at the entrance of the submarine from one / two-sided eating.

  • transit

Vikoristovuetsya for zhivlennya spozhivachіv and transmission of streams of tension to the summіzhnye merezh suіdnіh energosistem.

  • Reworking

Station to serve for the reception and transmission of tension on the steady stream. It is characterized by great tension and a significant number of straight, parallel working aggregates.

  • Vuzlova

Type of substations, up to which more than 2 lines may be added, which may be suitable for a large number of electrical installations.

  • Tupikov

All kinds of substations take electricity from electrical installations along a number of lines. Follow the block diagram: the transformer is the line from the zapobіzhnik and the electric one.

Structurally, the switchgear of an electric substation can be of an open type (if the sky is simply roztasha) and a closed type (as a rule, in the minds of a city).

Vihodyachi z recognized as a substation are classified on the systemic basis. At the system substations, there is a connection between different power systems in other regions of the power system. Rozpodіl elektriė nії ї ї mizh spozhivachami zdіysnyuyut spozhivchi substation. The intensity and recognition of the taken substation depends on the configuration and the scheme of the measure, within the framework of the substation for the operation, as well as the nature of the navantage, taking away the arrival of the rescuers.

Designation of the voltage on the lower voltage of the substation

If it is necessary to calculate the voltage on the low voltage tires (PN) of the substations, then the calculation can be done in one more step. Responsible for the insurance of the loss of voltage at the supports of transformers and autotransformers and the presence of a magnetic link between their windings.

Let's show the sequence of the rozrahunka from the butt of the substation 1 of the forward scheme.

The small picture shows a diagram of the collection of elements, which were insured during the diagnosis of a rozrachunk vanishing of the substation 1 and the indication of tension, as if the fault was found in the calculation .

Since the voltage U 1 is in the house (assigned at the front stage of the expansion), then the loss of voltage in the transformer support Z t1 can be found by the magnitude of the voltage U 1 and tension , which flows through the support Z t1.

What is the loss of voltage


and inducing voltage on the low-voltage busbars of the substation


Shukana voltage on tires PN substation 1


It is possible to set up a method that transfers the given parameters of the scheme to the mode up to one stage of transformation. In our butt, it is possible to bring the opir line of the LF to the nominal voltage of 110 kV. In this case, an ideal transformer is turned off from the substitution circuit, points are united, and supports Z 4 are replaced by a support:

The voltage at point 3, when the expansion is taken, we will induce it to the third stage of transformation, so and so. rahuvati, sho . When offended, go to the rozrahunka rіvnotsіnі.

12.3. Razrahunki to the regime of lines with bilateral livelihoods at the voltage of the livelihood (by duration)

For rozrahunka schemes from kіlkom with independent dzherelami, eating is widely served overlay principle.

According to this principle, struma and tightness in the necks can be seen as the result of adding to a number of warehouses, the number of which is equal to the number of independent nerves.

The skin of these strums is shown to be less likely to have the voltage of the vents when the voltages of the other vents are equal to zero.

Lines with bilateral veins at different voltages can be seen up to electric lancers from the independent sweats. For її rozrahunka it is also possible to apply the overlay principle.

The voltage difference is set along the lines, for example U 1 >U 4 .

Vіdom_ potuzhennostі navantazhen S 2 і S 3 і support of the lines of the line Z kj de k - the vuzol of the cob of the line of the line, j - the vuzol of the end of the line of the line.

It is required to know the tension flows S kj.

According to the TOE principle of overlay, the line can be represented by two lines (figure b) and c)).

Flows of tension in the ventral lines can be taken away as a result of superposition (summation) of flows in these lines. Flows of sweating lines with equal stresses over the kintsy (U n.) of babies b) are indicated by the following virases:



At the line there is a little c) at the direct view of the dzherel zhivlennya with a greater tension to the dzherel with a lesser elastic flow of a sharp visual strum I ur. that visual tension S ur.

Obviously, as a result of the position of the flows assigned to the formulas (1), (2) and (3), the tension flows of the line from the bilateral vein to the baby are indicated a)

The purpose of the sweating loss DS kj is determined by the following formula:

de k - Vuzol on the cob of the line;

j – vuzol of the end of the line;

Then the voltages show up.

The point 3, figure 2, is permissible as a point of flow. Let's cut the line at node 3, fig. e)

Now you can change the voltage or drop the voltage
(DU nb) two separate lines, tobto. in lines 1-3 and 4-3 1 because U 1 > U 4, then DU 1-3 > DU 4-3 and DU nb \u003d DU 1-3


After emergency modes

B. The most important ones are the departure from the fret and the inclusion of the 1-2 and 3-4 plots (the closest to the living room). We analyze the qi modes and significantly increase the loss of voltage DU nb in the mode, if 4-3 babies are included. Significantly the largest loss of voltage DU 1-3 av.

Fahіvtsі z elektrotehnіkі know scho yavlyayut і іn elektrichі stantsії і pіdstantsії, wіth stink іѕ recognized і аk power. It seems that, as to expand their tension and all the necessary parameters, such as the number of turns, cut through the wire and expand the magnetic circuit. Why are students taught at technical universities and colleges. People with humanitarian illumination are guessing that they often stand apart from looking houses without windows (they love rozfarbovuvat lovers of graphite), it is necessary for the energy supply of houses and enterprises, and it’s not possible to penetrate them, it’s red to say fearfully glitter attached to unsafe objects. It is possible, rich and no longer necessary to know, but the information is not available.

Trochs of physics

Electricity is a commodity, for which you need to pay, and even more covered, as if it were stained. And tse, as if for some kind of virobnitstv, inevitably, the manager thinks only in order to make a change. The energy of goodness, multiplied by the same hour, that in distant mirkuvannyah you can operate with understanding, shards of the hour flow fast, and turn it back, like sleeping in a song, it’s impossible. Electric tension, at a rough approach, without urahuvannya reactive tensions, dobutka napruga on the strum. As a way to look at the report, use the formula to use the cosine phi, which means the spivvіdnoshnja spozhitoї s korisnoy її warehouse, as it is called active. But this important pokaznik cannot be directly brought to food, it is necessary to have a substation. Electricity, in such a rank, is to lie in the presence of two main participants in the laws of Ohm and Joule-Lenz, voltage and struma. A small strum and a high voltage can make such a tightness, just like that, a great strum and a low voltage. It would be possible, what a difference? And the won is already great.

Heat up again? Call!

Later, as if to speed up the formula of active tension, then we will see this:

  • P = U x I, de:

    U - voltage, which is reduced by Volts;
    I - strum, which is measured in Amperes;
    P - pressure, which is reduced by Watts or Volt-Amps.

And yet there is another formula that describes the Joule-Lenz law, for which one sees the passing of a stream, which is equal to the square of its magnitude, multiplied by the explorer's opir. Heat up the extra power line again - it means waste energy for nothing. And you can theoretically change the amount spent in two ways. The first one is to change the support, so that the wires are spent. Chim big retin, tim smaller opir, і navpaki. Ale stained glass metal for nothing, you don’t want to, wine is expensive, honey. Until then, I’ve made it possible to increase the cost of the conductor’s material to a higher price, and even to a tighter one, which, with my own blackness, will cause an increase in labor costs for the installation of high-rise lines. І supports will be needed stronger. And waste less than twice.


To change the heating of the wires during the transmission of energy, it is necessary to reduce the size of the stream that passes through. Tse zrozumilo, even yogo reduction in the double amount was reduced to a fourfold change in costs. What about ten times? Zalezhnіst is quadratic, henceforth, churns will become a hundred times smaller! And it is the tension that is guilty of “swaying” itself, as it is necessary for the conglomeration of the spozhivachiv, as it is to check it on the other end of the LEP, which goes from the power station and one hundred kilometers away. Ask for whiskers about those that need to increase the voltage in the style and change, change the strum. on the cob of the line of transmission yakraz for which i is recognized. Darts come out of it under a great strain, which vibrates with tens of kilovolts. By extending the power of the city, which is in the territory of TES, GES and AES in that settlement, where it is addressed, the energy will rise in price with a small (schodo) strum. I need to take the pressure off with the given standard parameters, as in our country we supply 220 volts (or 380 V between phases). Now it is necessary not to move, like at the entrance of the power transmission line, but the substation, which is lowered. to go to the rozpodilchi outbuildings in order to keep the light burning at the booths, and the rotors of the mills were spinning at the factories.

What's next?

From what has been said above, it is clear that the most important part of the substation is the transformer, and therefore it is three-phase. You can have a sprat. For example, you can replace the tripod with single-phase ones. A greater number may be swayed by the high difficulty of life. The construction of which I will build will be different, but in any case, there may be significant differences. The more tension is introduced to the spontaneous, the more serious the dispute looks. Attachment of electrical substation, not less, foldable, and including not only a transformer. There is also a possession, recognized for commutation and protection of an expensive unit, and also most often for cooling. Another electrical part of the station and substations should be replaced by separate shields, provided with control and monitoring equipment.


The headline task of arguing is to convey energy to the helper. Before adjusting the voltage, it is necessary to increase it, and after that, reduce it to the standard level.

Despite the fact that the circuit of the electrical substation includes anonymous elements, the main one of them is still a transformer. There is no fundamental difference between the construction of the chimney in the extraordinary block of living butt fittings and craftsmanship pieces of high tension. The transformer consists of windings (primary and secondary) and a magnetic circuit, a crushed ferromagnet, to the material (metal), which strengthens the magnetic field. Rozrahunok tsy I will build - a standard primary task for a student of technical education. The main power of the substation transformer is similar to that of lesser analogues, which are thrown into the eyes, the cream is expanded, it affects the visibility of the cooling system, which is a collection of oil pipelines, which operate the windings, which are warmed up. The design of electrical substations, prote, and tasks is not easy, the pieces of the necessary appearance of wealthy officials, starting from climatic minds and to the nature of vanity.

Traction strain

No less than living houses and subsidiaries save electricity. Everything is clear here, whether it is necessary to supply 220 Volts of a replacement stream along a neutral bus or 380 V between phases with a frequency of 50 Hertz. And then there is the Russian electric transport. Trams and trolleybuses require a constant voltage, not a change. Moreover, different. On the contact wire of the tram, you can have 750 Volts (where the earth, then the rails), and the trolleybus needs 600 Volts on one zero conductor fast strumu on the other hand, humic protectors with є insulators. Otzhe, you need a cream, you need a hard station. at the new one it transforms, it straightens up. The tension is already great, the strum at the lancius is reduced by thousands of amperes. Such attachment is called hard.

Defender of the substation

І transformer, and hard-wired direct attachment (at different draft dzherel elektrozhivlennya) costly. As a result of an emergency, a strum will appear in the lance of the secondary winding (and also, in the primary winding). Otzhe, retin provіdnikіv not razrahovany. The electrical transformer substation is heated up more often for the resistive thermal imaging chamber. If you don’t transfer such a scenario to the development of the underlay, then after a short flicker, the peripheral line wires of the windings will melt or burn. Sob what didn’t happen, zastosovitsya different methods. Tse differential, gas and maximum strumovy zakhist.

Differential alignment of the struma values ​​in the lance and secondary winding. Gas protection spratsovuє when appearing in the middle of the product in the furnace insulation, olії and іn. Strumov Zakhist the transformer is turned on when the jet has moved the maximum set value.

The transformer substation is automatically guilty of breaking even at the time of a blow of a glare.

See the substation

The stench is different for the exhaustion, for the recognition of that outbuilding. Ті, yakі serve as a lesser increase in the voltage drop, they are called transformers. If it is necessary to change other parameters (direction or frequency stabilization), then the substation is called a converting one.

Behind their architectural vicons, PSs are waking up, budding (adjacent to the main object), internal guilds (which are located in the middle of the virobnicheskoy occupancy), or they are a complementary budding. In some cases, if high pressure is not needed (during the organization of energy supply for small settlements), a solid construction of the substations is installed. In addition, for the placement of the transformer, there are vicorous poles of the power transmission line, on which all the necessary equipment is mounted (protectors, dischargers, rosettes and other).

Electrical barriers and substations are classified according to voltage (up to 1000 kV or more, so high-voltage) and intensity (for example, from 150 VA to 16 thousand kVA).

Behind the schematic sign of the current connection, the substations become junctions, dead-ends, passages and connections.

Inside the chamber

The space for the middle of the substation, in which the transformers, tires and equipment, which secures the work of the entire outbuilding, is called a camera. Vaughn can be fenced or closed. The difference between the ways of influencing and її in the same space is small. The chamber is closed for mostly insulated premises, and it is fenced to be found behind non-continuous (partial or short-part) walls. Stinks are prepared, as a rule, by means of undertakings typical projects. The maintenance of energy supply systems is carried out by trained personnel, who may have permission and the necessary qualifications, confirmed by an official document confirming that they have been allowed to work on high-voltage lines. Operatively guarding the work of the substation is the chergovy electrician or the power engineer, who is known to be the head of the rosy shield, which can be roztashovuvatsya far away from the substation.


There is one more important function, as a power substation. The electric energy is divided among the spontaneously up to their norms, and, for that matter, the involvement of the three phases can be equal. In order to ensure that the task was successfully completed, it was necessary to establish separate outbuildings. RU work on the same voltage and avenge the devices that cause switching and protection of the line redirection. Three switchgear transformers are connected by guards and relays (single-pole, one per skin phase). Outbuildings behind the place of accommodation are divided into vіdkrit (stashed on the open floor) and closed (which are the middle of the place).


Mustache robots, as if they are hung up in an electric substation, are seen to be especially risky, which means that they should come over the top to ensure the safety of work. Basically, repairs and maintenance are carried out with a full or partial storm. After that, as the voltage is turned on (electricians say “cleared”), for the clarity of all the necessary tolerances, the strum-carrying busbars are grounded, so that the vipadkovy inclusion is avoided. For whom are the signs “People Pratsiyuyut” and “Don’t Vmikati!” recognized and protected. Personnel, who serve as high-voltage substations, are systematically trained, and the skills and knowledge gained are periodically monitored. Tolerance No. 4 grants the right to test robots at electrical installations over 1 kV.

Electric substation (PS) is a key vuzol, which allows organizing a power supply system at objects of various sizes, which is considered to be equal to the vitrimuvannogo navantazhennia of the installation itself. Fallow in the form of vikonannya possession of this kind can increase or decrease the voltage, but without intermediary signification of the status of the PS.

Basic straight lines

The substation is a rozpodіlna elektrichna vіdpovіdalna for the reception of that conversion of electricity. With this, the voltage can be reduced or raised, and if necessary, it can be straightened up, so that it can be squandered by the needs of the savior. At the approaching stage, one wins the rozpodil of the possessed energy. At peaks, if the voltage is transferred, electricity is received, for example, from a generator, and is transmitted further to the power transmission line.

Watching the video, the stars are taken by the electrician:

If electricity is supplied from power lines, then a further reduction in voltage is necessary. As objects that are serviced, there are brewing workshops, populated by settlement or small type, microdistrict and otherwise.


Electric stations and substations can be delivered to the installation site in a ready-made, fully assembled look, or with blocks and nodes, with which it will be called complete. Main elements and nodes:

  1. Chamber for installation in equipment, including a transformer, as well as a busbar. Zustrichayutsya two vykonannya: close it again without sіtchastih inserts and often close from the fence at the sight of the network.
  2. Select tires. The stench at once represents the whole system. Electric stations and substations can also be used as okremі sections, yakі є tі zh zbіrnі bus, vіdokremleі switching vuz.
  3. Strumoprovidna system that includes busbars or cables, which are connected with insulators. Raztashovuyutsya such constructions on supports that support. The transfer of electricity is carried out for the help of this node itself.
  4. Transformer at kіlkostі vіd odnієї to kіlkoh odinits.
  5. Rozpodіlny pristіy zabezpechuє priyom that distant rozpodіl energії. RU is made up of a number of connections: switching equipment, choice of tires, elements of maintenance and protection.

Electrical substation design

Such an electrically different type of possession of a substation, like a rose. outbuildings, which are recorded in dekilkoh vikonannyah: vіdkritі, closed, complete. The first and other names of the options are transferred to the alternative on the open floor or in the application. And the complete set of vikonannya, as if it were a technique with such a name, is a selective installation, which is made up of hubs ready for connection.

Overview of key views

We classify possession of this kind before us for recognition.

When you see:

  • Generating;
  • Spozhivchi;
  • Reworking-rozpodіlnі.

Electric generating stations and substations represent the technology that generates the most widely generated energy, as well as the ability to receive electricity from the power transmission line and ensure the consumption of objects of various purposes. Reworking-rozpodіlnі analogues win the function of the transformation of the voltage with the method of further rozpodіlu.

Razrіznyayut possession of this kind for a set of zavdan, yakі z yogo help vyrіshuyusya:

  • Transformer installations;
  • Converting analogues.

The electrical circuit of the transformer rozpodilnoy substation allows you to reduce or increase the voltage according to the needs of the rescuer, even as the reworking technique is vodpovidalna for change electrical parameters(Rid struma, frequency values).

The basis of such installations and for equal importance of the energy supply system:

  1. Main low;
  2. deep introduction;
  3. (to live electric transport of a different type, some transshipment trains, ground and underground facilities);
  4. Complete set - є sbіrnoy installation, scho skladєz z povnіstyu okremih vuzlіv ready to connect.

We marvel at the video, which is a traction substation:

The second kind of classification, representing electrical stations and substations, controlled by the connection scheme:

  • Dead ends - they eat food in the form of one sudidny PS;
  • Passage - possession, which is a single line with bilateral living;
  • Vuzlovi - є key lankoy, so like a krim of installations, sho to live, zadnuyutsya sche і z transit;
  • Vіdgaluzhuvalni є part of the development of the energy supply system.

Krim relisted more vikonan is a special type of such equipment - an autonomous varietal electric substation. Її the peculiarity of the field near the building at once to work two important functions: the generation of electricity, and also її rozpodіl podіlі on measure, zvіdki won't come to the rescue.

Parameters and connection scheme

Іsnuє kіlka of the main vimog, which are presented before the folding of the schemes for the installation of the main nodes of the electric power, yakі vynovnі vkonuvatsya:

  1. Reliability of energy supply, safety of life.
  2. Minimum cost during operation and maintenance.
  3. The efficiency of robotics with technology.
  4. Minimum risk of a pardon in supra-extreme situations, if you need to switch modes in robotic possession.

The main diagram of the electrical substations can depict the main units of the installation (RU, power transformers, switching devices, storage of elements of the heating system).

There are two ways of folding schemes: rich and single-line. In the first view, all phases of the installation are shown, however, as another option, the inclusion of an image of only one phase is shown through identity.

Little 1 shows a single line electrical diagram rozpodіlchoї pіdstantsії, scho reveals the principle of robotic installation, scho zabepechuє consumer spozhivachіv ї ї ї ї kagії. As the main parameters are the values ​​of the voltage HV and PN (on the upper and lower sides), as well as the installation pressure and the type of transformer.

Normie roztashuvannya and vimogi

Head low substations due to roztashovuvatisya in uninterrupted proximity to the largest navantazhen, plant installations are always known to be closer to spozhivacha. A more shortening option is a complete substation, because in this case there is no strong fallow in the working part of the installation.

Okremi installations are allowed to add funds to the organization of measures, what to bring, and at the same time increase and spend. More shortening є vbudovaniya variant іz faulty transformer.

Іsnuyuet admissible mezhі rotashuvannya electrical installation this type schodo vibuhonotbezpechnyh ob'єktіv, scho serviced: from 0.8 to 100 m. The choice of the first value from this range is taken into account by the level of unsafety, as well as the option of roztashuvannya (vіdkritiya, zakritiy).

With the method of security safe operation, as well as a sufficient level of reliability of the functioning of the electrical installation by the Unit Russian Federation the protective zone of the electrical substation is designated. Tse means that on the land of the land, which lies before such installations, it is necessary to demarcate the land plots for direct recognition.

In this way, vrakhovuychi wide choice vikonan elektropidstantsii, їх vibіr may be grounded on the performance of the main parameters of the possession of the minds of exploitation. Only in this way it is possible to ensure the safe functioning of the installation, which is the key moment in the folding scheme for connecting such equipment. The complexity of the project how to organize the energy supply system depends on the need to choose great number setting up, and navіt organization of yogo healthy work. Therefore, often the shortest option is a complete substation.

Transformer electrical station is a special type of power plant, recognized for the withdrawal, transformation and differentiation of distribution of electricity according to the objects that require it. Іsnuyut different types transformer substations, which are designed with their own design, features of installation and operation.

From the middle of the 20th century, svetovi vcheni wines were found, perfected and tested for energy structures, which allow the supply of an electric jet of the necessary intensity to industrial facilities in settlements. So vinyl transformer substation. Electricity is transmitted at great cost and at a high cost from power plants to the month of recognition, wasting its voltage. In order for the costs to be spent were minimal, vicorist substations.

To know the stench sing on the open air, behind the dart fence. In densely populated areas, the station may be roztashovuvatisya in a closed area. The main element in the installation is a ce three-phase transformer or a single-phase one.

It is also a blessing for yogo zahistu that chilling. For cooling the transformers, special oils are used, which are put into the cooling mechanism, connected to the ground and by a lowering resistor.

Spread at the place where transformers, tires and control- vimiryuvalni accessories, is called a camera. Vaughn becomes closed, if it is taken, but fenced, as if it is spread behind a grid or grats. Maintain a professional electrical substation with access to work on high-voltage lines. Behind the robot, a chergovy power engineer was attached, which may be constantly found at the head rose shield.

Electricity comes from the power station, then it goes to the strum, which it transmits, de-voltage rises to the power transformer. There will be a decrease in the cost of the transmission of electricity at a great distance.

Let the electrician go to the substation, where the voltage drops to the required level, passing through the step-down transformers, and go to the center of the subfloor. Here the voltage is further reduced for the distribution through local measure, Electricity signals with a voltage of 220 volts are supplied to transformers in residential areas.

There are 19 types of transformer substations in the city, depending on the functions of the transformers found there. Axis of the most victorious:

Behind the sign of the nearness of the slowdown in the presence of the electric power supply, and for the number of slowed down tightness of the substation, one can see up to one of the following types:

For the purpose of roztashuvannya transformer stations are subdivided into open air and closed. Vіdkritі znahoditsya on vіdkritіy territorії, closed rozmіshchuyutsya at vyrobnicheskimi workshops and closed premises. The territory of the main transformer substations, which ensures the energy supply of the great substation, the energy system of the vicorist and small traction substations, as a service to the electric supply of trams and trolleybuses.

Schogtovі stantsії zvoditsya for elektroprostachannya vіddlenih settlements, cottage villages, garden cooperatives. Another name for them is stovpov, shards of stench to be placed on supports. The principle of robotic stench is clumsy. From the central branch of the center, the electric stream arrives at the substation, de vin transforms and disperses to the people. With regular cooling, the system automatically controls the increase and decrease in the required voltage.

There are two variants of these designs. Forgiveness complete for transformer for substation, the name is similar to the letter "A", as it is composed of discharge elements, zapobіzhnikov that power transformer block with a separate module. Another pidhіd, P-like, folded when running, but true to itself during operation.

Before the warehouse of the configuration, the components themselves are included, but with small dimensions. For example, the module rozpodіlu energy representations here we will attach a low voltage. Stovpne dzherelo zhivlennya can work with oil and dry transformers.

Sporuda is equipped automatic activation ta vimknennyam. The modern models transmit a zahist in the blink of an eye, as well as a different kind of blocking with a safety method. Stovpov_ pіdstantsії may have a lot of advantages, that is widely expanded. For them, it is not necessary to prepare a Maidanchik, but it is already richly lowering the time spent on installation. In addition, their installation is absolutely safe for dovkill that people. With a sharp decrease in temperature at the heating transfer unit.

One of the types of substations - a complete electric substation of a kiosk type - represents a folding electrical system, in which it turns out to be a transformation and a supply of electrical energy to the comforts. Sporudzhuetsya in places with a moderate climate at a temperature not lower than -40 degrees.

The structure warehouse includes a power transformer, rozpodіlny attachment, storage and additional elements (vimikachi, relay zahist, vimiryuvalni attach). At the station there are:

  • reception of a three-phase struma;
  • transmission of electrical energy;
  • transformation of energy;
  • її rozpodіl.

Also, the scheme can be cabled or boost communications for voltage generation, the side of the reduced voltage should be grounded. The kiosk systems are constructed from a selected body and divided into two parts. In one of them, there is a possession, in the other - low-voltage outbuildings. The spore hermetically protects the electric part from the snow and the board.

The installation of kiosks KP may be vikonana vydpovidno to the rules for improving electrical installations and fire safety:

  • vіlny pіd'їzd;
  • access to repair;
  • normalized to living quarters
  • noise insulation rіven;
  • ventilation open and air circulation.

The kiosks of the KTP are guilty of vikoristovuvatisya in the splendid middle, which is unacceptable in the outbuilding instead of vibro-unsafe speeches and aggressive couples. It is not possible to give blows and install on the surface, which vibrates.

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