A program for painting art on a tablet. Yak malyuvati on Android-extensions: best programs

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It’s unlikely that it’s good to be happy, having kicked the artistic creation, without the victorious traditional tools - farbs, penzels and easels. The order of them in our life has been improved by digital technologies. Tom we saw the razpovisti, like malyuvati on Android tablets and smartphones.

In a whole lot of materials, five programs for painting will be presented, like, for our thought, part of your respect.

Dodatok Autodesk SketchBook- A professional tool, which, however, with success can be victorious like the men and women of the city, as well as the artists-prints. The arsenal of programs is simple, intuitive intelligence interfaceі a magnificent set of functions, the ability to scale up to 2500%, so that you can choose to customize any other small parts.

SketchBook is available in two versions - cardless and paid. It is very important for professionals to have a different option, if they are allowed to generally you can use the whole range of obvious tools (for example, more than a hundred smart olivts, as well as penzels, pir'ya and іn. against ten non-nut options):

Directly in addition to the additional function of trusting zyomka, you can record on video the process of creating your masterpiece. I will also wonder about the video, from the glance of the action for the right, it’s just hard to see it. English, ale tse anіtrohi do not add to the process):

Malyuvannya FP sDraw Pro

Another program, as it is wonderful to go for the development of quick and easy sketches, as well as reference artists. Mittuviy access to key functions at FP sDraw Pro take care of the clavishey of guchnosti, do not occupy a special menu around the screen on the screen of the mobile annex.

In addition, a unique method has been implemented, since it is practically impossible to think of a line of an electronic baby as a small piece, crushed in a traditional way on the arch paper.

Zruchne functional menu With the easy adjustment of the tools, the ability to save your robots in automatic mode - a crazy plus, you can bring a drawing to the smallest programs for Android.

Check out the short video about the FP sDraw Pro robot:

MediBang Paint - gut art.

MediBang Paint- Vidminny supplement, which can be put in one row with the most beautiful programs for painting. The developers of cross-platform capabilities, having spent time painting their work on one attachment, continue the process of any work on the other (Windows, iOS, Android, Mac OS X). All robots will be saved in the cold, and the stench can last with the other koristuvachi. Android version includes all PC functions, great number creative tools, as they will be for artists, for illustrators, and for fans of comics.

We are surprised at a small video about MediBang Paint:

Clover Paint

Dodatok Clover Paint- An excellent graphic editor, who allows for professional analysis of images, repairing from the painting of simple objects and spheres, to the all-purpose detailed processing of pictures. You can create your masterpieces like a stylus with your fingers. Clover Paint has no tools. There is a significant arsenal of brushes of different sizes, textures, and overlay modes, and picture processing from a number of balls. Є Possibility of importing and exporting babies in different formats. And the magnificent functional at once we will think over the interface to relish not only creative people, how to start to master the art of painting, but professional artists and photographers.

Small cartoons on Android

Duzhe Tsikaviy Dodatok RoughAnimator... With this help, you can select a group of babies, for whom to immediately convert them to animation (on the view of all programs, if your baby is brought to animation, importing into them). The program is overloaded recruitment function is sufficient for professional robotics. At the same hour, the RoughAnimator will simply turn on the floor, just open it with the help of the animation to force the newcomers into action.

You can name the following features of the programs:

  • Timchasov scale for timing control.
  • Possibility of the frontal glance and visualization (both in the front and in the coming frames).
  • Nalashtuvannya penzliv for painting and frequency frames.
  • Saving projects, the ability to import just.

Surprise yak tse pratsyuє:

Obviously, the programs presented are not just a single software, for the help of which you can create art, well, I would like to get closer to the new one. And as long as you have a bazhania, you can just add it to the addon, and nutrition, as it can be done on Android by itself. Success!

Maluvannya - one of those found to borrow. People from the small cuts of the planet have taken care of it before, as history began to flicker around the letter dzherels. By that hour, less than an hour had passed. The first axis is now replacing the walls of the mother with its own ordered modern smartphones, tablets and computers.

Adobe illustrator draw

Dotpict - assigned for pixel graphics. The working screen is displayed at the sieve, the leather square, which can be memorized with a ring color. So it is possible to open small cravids, images of people, little creatures.

Zoom in on other details - zoom in and zoom out again to see the whole picture. The program has the function of automatic saving of robot results. Dotpict is a wonderful supplement for those who love pixel graphics and those who want to create simple little ones without folding folding tools.

MediBang Paint

MediBang Paint works well for Android, Mac OS X, Windows, iOS. Є the opportunity to learn and to continue painting in any kind of outbuildings... The results of the robots are saved from the gloomy service, they can be exchanged with other people.

There is also a decent number of penzyls and other tools for painting, making comics. It’s also wonderful, that such a program can be done absolutely without any problems.


RoughAnimator allows you to capture a small piece, and then transform it into animation. In these programs, you need a lot of small things, instead of importing images to other programs, and also there is an animation. RoughAnimator got it all figured out.

Paint frame by frame, reimagining it on small cartoons. Є The function of adjusting the speed of production and a number of simple tools. Save robot results in GIF-animations, video in QuickTime format, or in the view of the last frame. Program kostu 300 rubles.

If you have come to the side of the street, then, obviously, you love little things. Price to end the tsіkave busy, ale the demanding material vitrates for papіr, farbi, penzliki. As long as you do not engage in the process professionally, you do not need to go to the stationery store in any way to see the information.

For painting it is not necessary to fit a graphical tablet

Ale in our rooted technological table can be painted on an Android tablet and an iPad. Great screen, at the reception of the stylus, in the sense of the need for a cup of malyuvalny attachment, the ability to quickly correct an element near the distance - all the trick is to speak the corny of an electronic attachment. Clear nice programs for painting on Android and iPad gadgets.

Malunki for Android


One of the most beautiful and most popular additions for painting on Android tablets... Before the retailers talked about adding annexes with an electronic pen. The stench will become popular in one hour. It is possible to paint with your fingers ale without a new one.

To take revenge on the arsenal of modern tools, to create a canvas of great designs, work with balls and to take creativity in PSD format. Singingly, with a head shortage є there is a strong interconnection of possibilities without a koshtovaya version.


  • pidtrimka hardware acceleration;
  • over 70 pennies and tools;
  • regulation of the power of the color (luster, abundance and subtlety);
  • up to 16 balls (to lay down for the device);
  • garnishing with intuitively roasting menu items;
  • sensitivity to force or pressure of an electronic pen;
  • geometric figurines.

Interchange without koshtovnoy version:

  • 20 basic tools;
  • two balls;
  • skasuvannya up to six remaining crocs;
  • Exports up to PSD.

Autodesk SketchBook

Vidminna program, one of the first, showed up in Play Market... The popularity of the author of the authority of the Autodesk company has increased. Lots of thoughtful interface, all tools, in a kind of hand-crafted design. The program can be as small as possible, to avenge the majesty of the number of tools.


  • more smoothly mulling over the re-crushed module;
  • Combined with the process of painting on video.

Functionality of the kostetless version:

  • 10 pennies, for the help of which you can paint on a be-yak basis;
  • sensitivity to force or onslaught;
  • increase up to 2500% for the production of other parts;
  • Sharіv editor; one-hour robot with three balls;
  • symmetry and proportional re-creation.

Paid version functionality:

  • over 100 instruments in a bibliotess penny;
  • synthetic brushes and penzels for brushes;
  • kvitiv;
  • 18 modes for changing balls;
  • gradient of filling figur.

Sketch Master

Alone I will bezel-less supplement for painting on Android gadgets. It is obvious that the functions are intertwined with competitors, but at the same time you can see the possibility of unlimited zoom and robot with an immeasurable number of balls.


  • tin with two fingers;
  • the maximum size of the visibility starts with the separate building of the screen;
  • the number of balls is surrounded by the size of the memory card;
  • 7 pennies;
  • overlay text;
  • manual correction of automatic tools;
  • import image from camera and gallery;
  • I can send it to the robot by e-mail or the program.

Baby kids for iPad

MyBrushes Pro

Finding a program for painting on the iPad. The artist has a great number of penzels in his own ordained majesty, so he takes on different technologies, styles and priyomy. It is possible to set up practically non-bridging sizes of the canvas and be able to use a number of balls.


  • Outside of the keruvannya in all rivnya: stem, copy, vivid;
  • import image from gallery;
  • alpha channel;
  • pidtrimka Retina displays, landscape and portrait modes;
  • saving automatically;
  • sensitiveness to the grip of the electronic stylus;
  • there is a great number of tools for painting; vibration of the line;
  • thinking over the interface;
  • skasuvannya that turn of uncoupled;
  • change of photos;
  • 50 background templates;
  • image publication in social fringes, transfer by e-mail.


The program is a simple notepad for painting on the iPad. It is hardly possible to covet the new artistic masterpieces with help, but for a sketchy sketch of a note, it is not enough.


  • shvidke branch of malunks and notatok;
  • adding photographs and text in one go;
  • photo editing, superimposed on top of her small and schematic;
  • saving video;
  • Presentations for PDF, Keynote and PowerPoint.


A wonderful program for painting on the iPad. I will increase the adoption of 64-bit processors and multi-nuclear graphics. The process of painting on your iPad gadgets will be light and smooth. The menu has been carefully thought out to allow newcomers and masters to join the supplement.


  • 70 high-quality pennants, subdivided into 7 sets: oil farbi, tin, graphite olivtsi, wax grade, markers and credit;
  • 60 additional pennies at the store;
  • mobility vikoristovuvati skin brush yak wet, dry that vitirayuchu;
  • adjusting the size, wrapping, the vice of the penzel, the number of vikoristovuvanoy farbi, zmіshuvannya;
  • new 3D Touch display;
  • Possibility of changing and turning up to 1000 last days;
  • tin with three fingers;
  • zoom 6400%;
  • export video;
  • saving in the gallery, transmission by e-mail, and social festoons.


Yak bachite, play the miraculous possibilities on the Android tablet or the iPad is richly rich. If you are a photo-amateur-cob, or else the artist will finish the advices, be sure to speed up as soon as possible.

We can’t overreach all the programs, they also guessed the right ones. You can use your Android device or iPad with the program for painting, share it in the comments.

I visit everyone!

Even earlier, paint a picture - if you need a penzel, easel, farbi, then create at once - you can not see from a computer! Moreover, I want to respect that the pictures are sent to the editor on the computer, and I also want to be more overwhelmed (like the picture on the canvas)!

Dodam, scho richly hto pomilkovo vvazhaє, scho paint a picture on a computer - easier, lower on canvas. Move with the cursor (or navigate the little ones behind the help of a graphical tablet).

Vlasne, tsya stattya is assigned to tools - to paint a picture, need special programs for trickery (Note: graphic editor)... Axis about them and go below (to the speech, to the dodam, to the program I have selected all the popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (32 | 64 bits)) ... And so ...

Until speech!At least one statty is assigned to a mumble. Є special a site that allows you to open pictures in online mode, get to know the other artists, know the ideas. About the div. in ts_y statty:

List of the best programs. Can you fix it?

Persh nіzh go to the program, if you want to use one important food- On a type of computer graphics. Vzagali isnu two main types - vector raster graphs.

Raster babies is a canvas, in which there are no lines of color dots (pixels). All at once all the points are watched by the human eye, like a picture (or a photo).

Vectorsbaby to be made up of the meanings: linia, vidrizok, square, elips and in, as all of them are knitted. All the days of the day can also be used for creative pictures.

Mainly overwhelming vector baby in front of the raster - the power, as a readily transformable (for example, zbіlshiti) without sacrificing quality. The computer, vlasne, needs to deprive you of pererahuvati your picture on the mat. formulas.

Raster graphics are handy for taking pictures and digital images. Most popular formats raster image JPEG and PNG. The raster graph itself is the most popular in our hour (and even so, in my article, the main look is given to programs for robots).

Vector editor at statti: Gravit, DrawPlus, Inkscape.

Raster editors for statistics: Paint, Gimp, ArtWeaver and інші ...


Raster editor

Basic program for Windows

Yak start: know in the START menu or press the Win + R buttons, enter the mspaint command in the line of display and press Enter.

An even simpler graphical editor, the signs are not for painting, but for the easy correction of pictures (add a letter, a line, do it, print one piece of a picture and insert it into the insha, save the damage the screen shot is too thin).

Professionally, vividly, in Paint it is unlikely that it’s worth it, but if you’re going to talk about being even more simple, then the program can be completely victorious. Take it, if you leave only on the cob of the road, why can't you try it? ☺


Raster editor (raster vector)

The GNU Image Manipulation Program (or GIMP is fast) is a tedious, paperless graphical editor. The whole editor is even more functional: you can use it for painting, or as a program for retouching digital photos, as a program for processing a batch of pictures and publishing (+ converting one format to another).

Krim tsyogo, є duzhe tsikavi possibilities for the establishment of specific commands (scripts), as to allow automatization of routine operations (and scripts can be really foldable)!

Main pass:

  • painting of pictures and posters;
  • support for graphic tablets (Wacom, Genius too);
  • small web designs for websites, editing ready layouts from Photoshop;
  • you can refresh your old photos, grow more juicy and bright;
  • for a poster;
  • see from the photographs take the elements (not far away, you can see it far away!);
  • the majestic collection of plugins before the GIMP allows you to make the most of your own business;
  • pidtrimka program Windows, Mac, Linux.


Raster editor (aka Photoshop analog)

The program will repeat the powerless tools of such popular editor, yak Adobe photoshop... For editing ready-made pictures and painting new ones, a set of ready-made penzels of all types and sizes, different modes, image editing, chornil pen, mastic penzlik and in.

Main pass:

  • pidtrimka of all popular graphic formats: GIF, JPEG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, PNG (zokrema PSD and AWD);
  • without tools for editing pictures: gradation, vidіlennya, zapovnennya and in;
  • add-in plugins;
  • frankness hand tools for painting: penzli, olivtsi and іn .;
  • pidtrimka graphic tablet (GREAT plus for lovers of malyuvati);
  • rich in flamboyant films: plyama, rozmittya, mosaic, masquerading tosho;
  • a robot with text balls;
  • Possibility of the last song of your deeds.
  • support for all the most popular versions of Windows.


Raster editor

MyPaint - painted portrait of a dvchini

Popular raster graphic editor, designations for digital artists (lovers of small). Є not interchangeable with a canvas (sheet) і forgivenly forgiven the interface on GTK +, not allowing the artist in the process of creativity - painting.

On the view of the same Gimp, MyPaint means less graph functionality. the editor, ah to your respect, the majesty bezorzmirne canvas; there is a large number of brushes, for development and for different functions (brushes are even more abundant, div. skrin vishche).

MyPaint is a great tool for painting with pencils on a PC screen. It’s practically so, as if it would be done on a real canvas. Krim penzlіv here є: і credit, і wugіlla, і olіvtsі, і etc. Vzhko vtrimatisya, yaksho є sip until you paint.

Main features:

  • the program is specially designed for painting, that is, there are fewer options for editing explicit pictures (that is, there are no such functions, like seeing, scaling too);
  • a magnificent set of penzels, as you can set up for yourself: set up that zmіnyuvati group, rozmivati, zmіshuvati colori too;
  • a program for a graphical tablet;
  • a blank canvas is even more transparent in the process of painting - I don’t stream anything for you for an hour of creativity;
  • pidtrimka balls: copying, inserting, adjusting the foresight and іn;
  • compatible with Windows, Mac OS, Linux.



Bezkoshtovna program for painting and lovers of painting from hands on a computer. The interface of the program is even simpler, vikonaniy so, be it only, if the artist is late, immediately start to creativity, do not wait for an hour to vivchennya.

I would like to point out that in the program there is a lot of penzels (pen, brush, aerograph, olivets, etc.), tools for retouching, robots with balls, you can change the brightness, contrast, color of the pictures, the date

Features of the programs:

  • a lot of types of penzels for painting: olivets, kreida, pen, aerography, brush, spray and in;
  • work with tablet PCs, adapt graphical tablets;
  • practical image formats: PNG, BMP, JPEG, JPG, TGA, JIF, GIF and TIFF;
  • є Tools for photo retouching;
  • a robot with balls;
  • Possibility of color correction;
  • Sumy with Windows 7, 8, 10.

Note! For SmoothDraw robots, you have a Windows NET Framework version not lower than v2.0.



Paint.NET - koshtovaya editor pictures and photos for Windows. The main idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bin these programs is that, how to visibly develop intuitively with intelligence and innovative interface with a small ball, a spaceless cloth, special effects, use tools that are simple and hard to use.

An active and growing online education is more helpful in dealing with non-standard problems. Before that, the programs have written a few instructions, dod. plugin for expanding features.


  • bezkoshtovna for the extension that vicoristannya;
  • Zruchny interface (which is similar to Photoshop);
  • you can do it without any documents in one hour;
  • picking up robots with balls;
  • a great number of instructions;
  • the program is optimized for robots with 2 and 4-core modern processors;
  • Accepts all popular Windows: XP, 7, 8, 10.



Livebrush(At the crossbar from English. "The brush is alive") is a tedious graphical editor who allows you to paint with penzels. And at once I want to mean that the "malyuvalnitsa" is not simple, with the help of others you can create pictures of pictures, decorate the art with beautiful strokes and lines.

In the process of robots, it is possible to change and adjust the penzlick so that, before the hour of the change, the line through the penzle changes your goods, color, insight, turn of the tip, all the way from your display of the bear's hand, in the face of

Before the speech, hto a great graphic tablet - you can see the Livebrush pass through the whole world, and even the power of the onslaught of that one was fucked up.

The set of programs has no brushes of different shapes: from simple lines to gothic high-rise ornaments. Before the speech, be-like a vіzerunok can be corrected independently, by switching over at the editorial board.

On top of that, you can customize it independently and save your template. The program can be imported and ready to collect penzels, projects, embellishments. Before the speech, you can know from the majestic copies at the official forum programs.

Zagalom, my verdict - the program is very good, tsikava, and will be honored with respect to all lovers of malyuvati!


Vector editor (one із nebagatokh)

Bezkoshtovnі analogs: Gravit, DrawPlus

Paid analogues: Corel DRAW and Adobe Illustrator

Inkscape is a non-stock vector editor, one of the non-magical ones, which can often replace such monsters, like Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator. The program has a standard interface: palette of colors, menus, tools. The program will adapt the main graphic formats: SVG, PDF, AI, PS, EPS, CorelDRAW.

Before the speech, in Inkscape іnstruments and from a bitmap editor, for example, there is a change of view. Surrounding the painting of geometric shapes, the program will adapt to a wide range of text: you can write the text along the curves of the lines. Viglyadaє is even great and innocent.

The supplement in the arsenal has a great number of filters, expansion and in. All prices are available at the office. site programs.


Vector editor (online version)

Gravit- Send ts_kaviy vector editor. Obviously, you can't replace Adobe Illustrator, but just check out the front program (Inkscape) - a whole lot.

With tools є all the best: pir'ya, lines, peretin and hanging figures one out of one, virivnyuvannya, shari, fonts, etc. Robots can be exported in SVG format, in raster format. The program can also display robots, viconories in Adobe Illustrator.

It’s easy to wonder - it’s like Gravit can see the help of the program, that’s how it’s done in the browser, and without the Flash victorian. The main shortcomings are the visibility of the Russian one.

Before the speech, Gravit has realized the vibrating of the canvas: you can vibrate both standard formats of sheets, visitoks, leaflets, as well as cover the covers of popular social hemlines, screens of telephones and inn. gadgets.

Zagalom, a tsikaviy editor, scho merit with respect.



An even more nasty and tedious graphic editor, who allows his koristuvachi to open up yakisnі іlustratsii. This program will allow you to open up your possibilities for painting.

DrawPlus has a powerless tool that allows you to easily allow you to quickly and easily create versatile figures, strokes, lines. Leather from the elements can be made with the help of the other and everything in the complex can be completed in a foldable, ale-colored illustration.

By the way, DrawPlus є has a 3D module that allows you to transform your creativity into 3D design elements. It is possible to register new logos, isometric projections, block diagrams.

The program can import a great number of formats: PDF, AI, SVG, SVGZ, EPS, PS, SMF and other. Vlasny format for projects - DPP.

Graffiti studio

Website: http://www.vandalsquad.com

Raster graphics

One of the most beautiful programs for painting graphite images on a surface realistically, as much as possible!

To see a little: you need to vibrate a piece of linen (carriage, wall, bus), that, vasne, start to create (ready-made options for a selection - just buy!). In the artist's arsenal there is a large palette of colors (100 pieces), a number of types of caps (skinny, regular and fat), a marker. I’ll get to the surface by hand, you can work with it. Zagalom, for lovers of some graphics - a great expanse!

I don't think that you can create masterpieces in the program, I recommend that you look at the official website and wonder beautiful robots- Look, change a lot!

PixBuilder Studio

Raster editor

Need a program for processing and editing graphic image that photos. Outside the editing, you can do little and create (however, the tools are here for less people, not in the previous analogous programs).

PixBuilder Studio can deliver tsikavi tools that allow you to subtly color, brightness, contrast, balls. Krim tsiogo є vbudovanі efekti (for example, dithering (when cutting digital signals is the input into the primary signal of pseudo-decay noise with a specially selected spectrum) ), size, thinness.


  • pidtrimka of popular raster formats: BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF and ін;
  • є Possibility of those tools for mulling (well, really, even if you are surrounded);
  • great possibilities for editing ready-made photos and pictures;
  • Possibility of robots with balls;
  • professional robot with color: adjusting the balance, brightness, contrast is thin;
  • nalashtuvannya "hot" keyboard;
  • the manifestation of ready-made effects (it is necessary to deprive them of stasis);
  • perepredn_y pereview (with the estimation of the result);
  • View the most popular Windows OS: 7, 8, 10.


Raster editor

A quick and easy raster graphic editor for artists (before the speech, at the time of writing, I’ll look around - the program is free to navigate for the commercial victorian). Krita works very well with Windows and Linux.

Of course, there is one: є a good stabilizer for penzlik, balls, masks, dynamical penzels, animation, a great number of overlay modes, imitations of paper and pastels, "endless" canvas and inn.

Before the speech, you can navigate a portable version of the programs, as you can run from a flash drive on any PC. The program was transferred to that number by Russian language.

PS: the article will be updated ...

For tips and guidance at the comments - a long time ago!

It’s not a good idea to get a little nicholas; One supplement to borrow the building from the art school. Pokrokove navchannya chi effective karakuli, painting on the photo chi stem eskizu for a ball - everything is in your hands.

ibis Paint X

Simple add-on with a manual interface. The main task- A set of creative entities. Koristuvachev available one hundred and forty two pennies per vibyr, thirty seven filters for image processing, twenty seven types of overlay balls and seven hundred fonts. The program allows you to use ready-made robots from social fringes and take pictures of their authors. You can record a video of the creative process and marvel at the tuneful mode or rewind. It’s about ten million years old. Rating - 4.6.

Adobe Photoshop Sketch

class = "img-responsive"> The origins of the Photoshop programs are from Adobe, they are straightforward on the swipe mullion. Not vimag of paperwork, the whole process depends on touch screen Stilus. Revenge virtual adjustment: olives, marker, brushes and chornilo, watercolor and acrylic farbi, gumka. Vikoristannya ready-made malunka yak ball of photo wrapping. Vibir editorial office Google play... Enter the TOP-30 in App Store at the "Productivity" distribution.


Photo editing, malyunkiv stem, drawing, art - ob'ktyv. The Sony program is to take revenge on the great assortment of artistic tools. Adding quotes on the photo, replies, writing stickers and stickers to help you create your own memes. Prepared robots are easy to share with friends and platforms. One hundred million jumping. Vibir editorial in Google Play. Rating - 4.5. Enter the TOP-10 non-koshtovnyh on Google Play in the category "Art and design".

MediBang Paint

class = "img-responsive"> Program for folk comics and painting. Simple interface and individual adaptation of shortcuts for newbies. Thousands of tools for painting to revenge professionals and artists and artists. Material of breakdowns and adaptations for smartphones. To avenge the power gloomy hide... Vibir editorial at Google Play. Average rating - 4.4.


class = "img-responsive"> The program doesn’t start painting, but rather realizes creative potential. To revenge the most realistic pennies with an individual handwritten signature of the finished baby. You can import a photo or a picture and create a creative transformation on them. The scale allows you to clearly produce other details. The finished result is saved in good quality... Ten million installations. Google Play recommendations.

Autodesk SketchBook

class = "img-responsive"> Smart interface intuitively follow the criminals and give us a spectrum necessary tools for creativity. With the function of scaling and wrapping the picture, you can manually manipulate other objects. "Scanuvati eskiz" - re-transforming a photo from a paper nose into a digital form with the flexibility of filling, propping and rosefitting. Adapted from the attachment. Enter the TOP-50 additions on the App Store in the category "Rozvagi".

Learn to Draw Tutorial

class = "img-responsive"> Universalny dodatok nach on a little child that has grown up. To revenge the library of artistic material with a small degree of folding. The head of the warehouse is stored in a full-length way and to insert the little details behind the main lines. Pratsuє for the Internet, borrowing little money, mobile annexes... Five hundred thousand zavantazhen. Rating - 4.1.


class = "img-responsive"> Creative base for animation. Possibility of setting up eskizi, little ones, comics. Added function to import sound and record. Applying balls to the vibrational frame-by-frame team-hour line with the flexibility of the production of the object. Reveal artistic tools and text editors for making videos from animation. Allowing the publication of video in the social. fathoms. Vibir editorial in Google Play. Ponad two hundred and fifty thousand vidgukiv. Average rating - 4.4.

Yak malyuvati 3d malyunky

class = "img-responsive"> Poetapne navchannya to the little ones with the effective ob'mu. Methodology from the staff of the rising stage of folding. Pochatkіvtsyam are recommended to mаyuvati on clіtins. Smell vistupayut yak orintir for figur. Photo instructions to help you step by step, after seeing a 3D picture. Around a million installations. Average rating - 4.3.

PicsArt Color

class = "img-responsive"> A program for beginners and pros. We will forgive equipments with an ergonomic interface. Allowing to paint on balls, to form a palette of mixing colors. Individually adjust the texture of the penzel. Scribble in rows and text in a correct font and size. Shvydky way from the beginning of the simplest business to professional illustrations. Rating - 4.2. Forty thousand voices.

Cool Art Drawing Ideas

class = "img-responsive"> Artistic drawing with new ideas. On the other hand, comics, malunks, 3D images, graphics, doodles. To be honored by newcomers and adored artists. I proponate the stem of creative karakulіv for the help of the olivtsya, pens, markers, krady, farb. Fifty ideas for creative painting. Pratsyuє offline, will not rewriteє the memory of the phone.

Maluvati kroki is on the lookout

class = "img-responsive"> The art library has ninety covers for the modern age of children and grown-ups. The menu is divided into eight groups: creatures, birds, igrashki, cars, transport, kviti, їzha and kava. Koristuvachev will sound vibrate tsikava picture and vikonati algorithm go on the porch. The robot is ready to make up for bazhannyam. No re-creation is required. Rating - 4.5.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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