Installing Windows XP on SATA drives. How can I connect an IDE hard drive before the new motherboard? Installing the sata driver from floppies

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Privit all blog readers. Often the pochatkіvtsіv koristuvachіv computer vinikє a problem with the robot hard disk, So as wrongly displaying the modes of the robots of Winchester.
Modern motherboards pay for the connection by the host controller for connecting the accumulators to the interface Serial ATA (SATA). At the same time, however, it is often a separate building controller with old hard drives and other types of storage in the interface Parallel ATA(PATA or IDE). Yak correctly displaying the mode is visible today. BIOS, Vaughn basic introduction system - vivedennya, I will secure a cob of secured computer and give the operating system the ability to work with it.
Zokrem, itself in BIOS Get ready vmikati abo vimikati bagatokh attachments - for example, hard drives.


1. When the hard disk is connected BIOS make a start on your own,
Any problems with tsim are not guilty.
If I’m looking at it, I’ll look at it as soon as possible. old IDE and new SATA, to reconfigure the settings and, if necessary, upgrade required. Yakshcho earlier bully vistavleni IDE Then drive SATA beat the computer, ale pratsyuvati winchester will be significant more, Nіzh is guilty.
2. Add SCHOB to settings BIOS be - like a change, in the basic system of introduction-delivery
a little bit of the need to escape. Call at the start of the computer there is a prompt - for example,
Press F2 to enter setup.

As there are no such tales, try the keyboard keys:
Del, Esc, F1, F2, F3, F10. In the form of victorious combinations of keys, for example: Ctrl + Alt + Esc,
Ctrl + Alt + Del, Ctrl + Alt + Ins, Fn + F1.
3. For the entrance to BIOS it is necessary to know the required line for the adjustment.
I will look at, sho version BIOS rattle різні.Shutter on the puzzle tabs SATA, IDE,AHCI. Know that oh, change e IDE on SATA by the way to the choice of the necessary value from the list. Required value can be designated as SATA AHCI MODE abo AHCI MODE.

For kids, you just need to see the point. IDE value disabled (Included),
and at SATA put enabled(Included).
4. To set the required values save snakes, pulling on F10.
At the end of the day Yes or introduce Yі natisnіt Enter.
The drive will be repaired in the required mode.
5. Inodi koristuvach get remembered in BIOS value SATA on IDE, so yak at
check install the OS the system is about those who are not known hard drive.
Cause scream outside on the installation disk SATA drivers.
One of the options for resolving the problem є time clock disc transfer in IDE - mode,
ale, it’s right, you’ll just know the new one Instalation disc from Windows.
On disks with Windows 7 and Windows XPSP3 given a problem no matter what.
6. If you do not go, then try on IDE put relocation in mode cable select,

a SATA in mode AUTO, todi the computer itself will set the priorities.
7. Do not forget about those who have SATA - disksіnshy rose'єm live,

Nіzh near disks z IDE - interface.

To connect you can know the live link.
8. Jumpers on SATA drives do not miss a date until position disk
(primari abo slave). Given a jumper є we will interconnect shvidkosti transmissions
tribute for the amount of money old men"Motherboards.
Yak optimally nalashtuvati BIOS, read
yak put down blue screen hour Windows installations read
Axis mabut і all about those who turn on the mode SATA in BIOS.

One of the main elements of any computer I will attach, like vidomo, є hard disk, On which information is available. It’s up to the Winchesters of any type to use such a term as AHCI. It’s not enough to know about those who turn on AHCI, but it’s not clear that it’s obvious. The meaning of the main term and design, necessary for the activation of this mode in Windows systems, is clear.

So also AHCI?

Modern hard drives that can be connected up to mother's pay through the robots you can choose two modes: IDE (simplicity from old possessions) and AHCI - a new standard, which is referred to as the Advanced Host Controller Interface, which allows the productivity of the attachment itself operating system for a rakhunok bilsh shvidkogo zchituvannya danih.

Practically all modern SSD-disks of increased productivity when they are turned up to them show themselves in the same way, if installed AHCI mode... Ale and not the best.

Why is AHCI mode required?

It’s too late to leave the food, I’ll turn on the AHCI mode in Windows, and we’re going to be overwhelmed, as we can reject the deadly computer when the mode is activated.

First for everything, if the AHCI regime is active, then you will Dodatkovі Winchester it is possible, to be called, "on the lotta" (to navigate without turning on the computer or reinstalling the operating system). The price is insane є a great plus for servers.

Another aspect of dressing is that, when such a mode is installed, the special technology of NCQ enters into action, as it allows the change of a number of changes to read the heads, which is quickened at once to the victorious beast before the winchester small supplements, Programs and services. Nareshty, how to get involved, the activation of AHCI pleasantly reflects on the productivity of all systems. Obviously, as to bring up the witnesses of the fakhivts and the koristuvachiv, in the home minds the increase in productivity will not be especially spared, protest for the mind rigorous SSD disk Such a mode is all one more beautiful to turn on.

What is it not varto robiti і on which I will be brutal with respect

But the axis of the most important is that the stench is fueled to activate the victorious system and the settings of the primary system BIOS (take into account, you can read it in more reviews on the most troublesome problems). Tse robiti categorically fenced off without a visitor to the front of the operating system.

You can activate the BIOS mode only when installing the OS on a "clean" hard disk. As soon as the viconati is the same procedure with the already obvious OS on board, Windows will see a pardon at the start and before the mode of continuous re-engagement. Then we can fix the addiction by moving, turning on the AHCI mode in Windows, but nothing good happened. What is the answer? It is possible, bullets have broken the basic rules, some speculations in newer modifications of systems, and it is necessary to live in new developments.

How to reconsider, why is the AHCI mode active?

Ale for the cob slid to change, the mode is switched on. But you may not be familiar with the additional activation.

The simplest problem when starting a computer terminal or a laptop needs to go to BIOS settings and expand to the SATA Mode connector.

At the most operating systems, you can choose to use the Attachments Manager, click from the Control Panel, or administer the Viconati console with the devmgmt.msc command and go to the IDE ATA / ATAPI controller distribution. AHCI controller will display the mode in standard attachments. As long as it’s not on the list, it’s okay to have a nutritional response to include AHCI in the system. Well, I know, the decision is to lay aside the fact that the version of Windows itself is installed on the computer.

Yak enable AHCI mode in Windows 7

Otzhe, for the cob, "smku" is visible. For both the tenth and the tenth versions of the series, they look pretty similar, and the axis for Windows 8 looks very strong.

  • Nasampered slid viclikati is the editor of the reєstru (regedit in the consoles “Vikonati”).
  • Horn HKLM.
  • Through the SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet and Services directories go to the msahci folder.
  • On the right, go to the menu for editing the Start parameter and set its value to zero.
  • Now, in the Services director, you need to know the IastorV catalog, in which for the Start parameter you can see analogous food descriptions.
  • Only after completing the nutritional procedures, like enabling AHCI in the BIOS without catastrophic inheritance for the system, will not be a problem.

Diji in Windows 8 / 8.1

For Windows 8, the method has not been introduced, but it is more simple to solve. In this context, it is necessary to set the mode of the minimum system lockup in ovenless mode... Yak turn on AHCI? It's easy to finish.

  • For many people wiklikє command line(Obov'yazkovo from the name of the administrator), and in it you should register bcdedit / set (current) safeboot minimal.
  • If you want to rewire, you need to go to the BOIS setup on the very first restart and switch the mode from IDE to AHCI.
  • We have saved the knowledge of the next re-engagement, wikipedia command console, And the row bcdedit / deletevalue (current) safeboot will be registered in n_y, so next one restart of the computer.

In principle, nutrition, as to include AHCI itself in the "visimtsi", you can be sure for the special utilization of Intel (naturally, with the presence of the processor of the male virobnik).

  • For a selection from the official resource, you need to add the driver to the f6flpy file and configure the SetupRST.exe file.
  • When you write in the "Attachments Dispatchers", a whispering hard disk is vibrated, the procedure for updating the driver is stuck, and in the driver itself in manual mode, the task of f6flpy is used.
  • The next step is to reboot, and after the system starts with the active AHCI mode to complete the computer setup, the SetupRST configuration file will be launched.

How to enable AHCI in Windows 10?

As already said, for the tenth version of the system, the diy is similar to those that can be played in Windows 7. There is one display for the selection of folders and parameters.

  • The system registry knows the Services directory. Here, for the Start parameter, the director is storahci.
  • Dalny zero values ​​are set for parameter 0 in storahci / StartOverride and iaStorV / StartOverride directors.
  • You can start writing before activating the main value in the settings of the primary system and entering / entering the BIOS.

Prior to the speech, in the eighth version of the system, the editing of analogous parameters is also possible. Ale now, is it a simpler solution to the problem?

AHCI activation in BIOS

To enter the settings on stationary computers, it is most common to use the Del key, and for laptops - F2, F12, combinations of Esc and Fn keys or special buttons on the ASSIST panel in Sony VAIO.

Here it is necessary to know the distribution or to set the AHCI mode. How can I include a required parameter in BIOS? Just on the row of installation to the SATA mode, the key is entered, and the vibration of the parameter is valid for the additional arrows from the support for more than one onslaught of Enter. Do not forget to save the change (F10 + Y) and re-enable the system. When restarted, the system will automatically install the required drivers.

Any problems

It's a pity that sometimes when you switch to AHCI mode, there can be winnings and not transferred pardons. You can, the hard drive itself will not adapt to such a robotic mode. In this kind of year, the AHCI activates.

On the other hand, if the system is locked up, or if there are pardons, or if there is something wrong when switching from an IDE to AHCI, you can try to suspect a problem for the help of a specially broken utilization of Microsoft Fix it.

It’s not possible either, or even to know the BIOS settings and reduce the Winchester robot mode. Beastly respect: if AHCI activates without entering the system registry, if you describe it, such methods may not be successful. Vyhodom the camp, for the renewal of the system from the victories of the nobility, for reinstalling Windows... So be fine. However, I want to be encouraged, I don’t get it all the way up (surely, for me)

If you repeat it, it is possible to turn on the mode in the BIOS, so that you do not have to worry about the activation of the joke, or if you suspect any malfunctions and malfunctions in the computer's robots or the laptop.

replace the bag

At the end of the day, it’s too late to ask for something that isn’t known to those who do not know how to fine-tune the original BIOS and operating systems. Windows systems, Without special use of activation, the regime is not varied. All one on modern computers by pushing processorsі great obligations operational memory the increase in productivity will not be especially appreciated. On old terminals or laptops, this kind of mode is impossible for the senses. Basically, as it has already been said, such settings are more likely to go for servers, if up to a hard disk there are dozens of daughter terms that are processed in a local grid.

Not long ago I got rid of the food by consuming:

Privit Maxim. Write to you your pereplatnik with suggestions. Rozkazhіt, how to correctly connect the 2nd hard disk and 2-and write DVD. I think it's a good idea to trickle down to simple PCs.

On the right, it’s not a matter of describing all the ways and options for connecting in one connection, but for connecting interfaces and combinations on motherboards of the latest versions.

From one side, at a time the most widening of all two interfaces for connecting hard drives and optical drives: іde (IDE)і SATA (SATA) It’s easy to build and connect everything.

And from the side, the motherboard virobniks were breaking even great number boards with different configurations of their interfaces: 2/4 Ide that 1 SATA at the moment when the SATA interface enters the market until 1 Іde і 6/8 SATA v the present moment(Here, the given number in front of the interface means the maximum number of attachments that can be connected via the interface to the motherboard).

At the same time, there is such material payment, in which it is not a matter of one hour for a robot of all interfaces, for example, when one disk is connected to SATA included 3rd and 4th id.

Let's move on to the interface SATA everything will become simpler - one pritiy - one rose.

This means that the skin attachment can be connected to your roses, and you don’t need to configure the attachments and thoughts, which sideways the cable to connect to the motherboard, and which - to attach. And in times of problems, it is more beautiful to report on that option, if there are any problems.

My home PC (motherboard GigaByte GA-P35-DS3L) has two SATA hard disks, one SATA DVD-RW and one DVD Ide. I’ll show you at the next picture:

On a small one, approximately 1/6 part of the payment is shown. greenery- tse roz'єm for the idea of ​​outbuildings, before the new ones for DVD connections Іde. Zhovtі- tse roses for SATA attachments, before them I have connected two SATA hard disks and one DVD-RV SATA.

radiator pivdenny bridge And the PCI-Express rose fixer is shown for a great deal of roses. There is a large materiel for roses іde і SATA there is a handrail with a pivdenny bridge.

On the advancing little ones, cables for plugging are shown іde attachments Cables may be 80 alive, yak may begin "Cable IDE-100/133" abo "ATA-100/133 cable"... It’s still possible to live for 40 years, but it’s practical not to get stuck in the smell.

On the offensive little one shows the cables for the connection SATA attachments Wirobnik GIGABYTE is not easy to rob cables for connecting SATA, And "z vigodami".

Perche is a metal fixator with both ends of the cable. A quick fixer for connecting to the cable, for example, if you insert or insert a video card with system unit and securely fasten the cable.

Another - a tse kutovy rose on one cable. Such a cable is handy for short cases, in times, if the cable needs to be led straight down to the DVD or hard drive. I recommend using these cables.

At the present moment і іnshі virobniki have become a complete set of their motherboard cables with such "options". It is also possible to try the pribati їkh okremo.

If we got a new hard drive or a DVD with a rose SATA, and if your PC didn't reach 2 rockets, then connecting via SATA is much simpler.

persche- install the prism in the case. DVD - how do you do it manually, but hard drive - so, there is not much empty space from above and below from the bottom of the bulo for short ventilation.

Friend- get an informational rose on an attachment and a rose on the motherboard.

tertє - Connect the food to the annex. On the annex there can be a new type of rose (for SATA), it can be an old type (Molex), and there can be an offense of a rose.

On the next picture, the butt shows the back side of the hard disk and signs of roses: SATA storage, SATA information, Molex storage.

If there is one rose, then turn it on.

With the advent of SATA annexes, virobniki of living blocks began to equip their blocks with special living roses for connecting such annexes.

Most of the new additions are available without Molex roses. Yaksho roses for SATA in the block of your PC's life is dumb, because the stinks are already busy, so you can quickly use a special link to the harvest, which is indicative of the onset of pictures.

Biliy roz'єm with 4 styli - tse roz'єm Molex... Two black flat roses'єmu - tse roses'єmi for SATA outbuildings.

Yaksho rose'єmu live two, Then add the keys to the demand be one of them, ale not offending at once! I recommend vikoristovuvati ros'єm living for SATA outbuildings.

When you write, you can turn on the PC, go into the BIOS and reconfigure, you can see the settings. You can't see it, you need to switch all the SATA roses to AUTO mode. Let's save the need to save money in Bios and go. Writing from the annex can be done

I don't know how to connect correctly if you have any problems with the connections, to marvel at the bottom of the video tutorial or go through our extensive video course "Computing from A to Z".

At the statti of vicoristani materials on the site

Vista's hour passed quickly, Windows 7 got overwhelmed on the shelves even more, but "Visimka" was already making a purchase front version unnecessary. I don't have Windows XP, as soon as 12 rockies will come up, I will see myself singing through the bugs through the bugs. I, not in the least, through the stability of the robot, the "lightness" and the good reception of the helpless igor.

It is a pity that the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bvirobnikov computers on її rakhunok became zanadto suvorim. In our opinion, there is no way to find a merge of disk drives for dull disks, but now there are plenty of motherboards not to go to the IDE port, and the axis here needs to be installed old system to be thoughtful. SATA, SATA2 - not a vidminne solution, but the problem is that the original Windows version XP their hour, the nobility did not know about the price of the interface. Now, when installing the system on a disk, in a very common way, you can most often disclaim the information about those that you have a "daily hard drive". It’s not necessary to lyakatisya because the problem is easy to manage. To see the problem, it will take an hour to send Windows drivers SATA controller.

Installing Windows XP SATA Driver

For the standard instructions, the procedure is as follows: you need to know the drivers on the virobnik website. If there are no “old” drivers, then there’s a chance that the drivers are old versions or similar. Suppose you knew some drivers for the "RAID SATA" mode. Rewrite the drivers on a flexible disk, unpack if necessary. When installing the system in the text window at the bottom of the screen for a short hour, you will write about the attack on the F6, if you want to include in the installation special drivers for the disk system. At the same moment and it is necessary to pull F6. After a dozen hours, the system will ask for a floppy disk, which must be inserted into the drive. There won't be any problems. As a matter of fact, there is a big problem here - the visibility of the disk drive of nasty disks, but kupuvati call USB It is expensive to install a single installation in the country.

Surely, you can experiment with flash drives, get rid of it, and the BIOS is backed up like USB-FDD, but not all BIOS can be adjusted like that. Another option is to change the regime controller hard disk in IDE mode. If you want to turn the AHCI mode through, if you install the driver, you will not expect to be a guarantee that the system will be locked up and pass without the "blue windows".

Happiness, є still ways. The simplest, but not unbearable - distributive shit from the "ZverDVD" series. Їх vipuskayut a lot of independent rozrobniki, alas, it's a pity, but here є problems. The system is easy to install, a little more ymovіrnіst, but the imbalance "imbalance" in the security and productivity of the system and to suffer. That is, inadvertently, it is possible to grow a virus. The same is true for the original distributions - licenses, corporate, etc. And here I know є two ways, tied with the integration of drivers. An easy way to go is to enable the driver from the floppy disk to the distribution kit. For many to know, the nLite utility is non-shielded. The Windows distribution will need to be rewritten into a directory on a disk, in order to start nLite, enter the programs to the entire folder. Then it will be necessary to last two menu items in the program - "Integrate drivers" and "Burn disc", for which - "Dali". Write down the path to the folder, de-write the driver. If the system is 32-bit, then select only required drivers If you are sure, then integrate everything that will be on the disk. If you only want to burn an image and burn it to a CD-RW, then you can play nLite for you.

You can eat in such a way that the version of the bigger new system was already on the distribution of Winchester. At the end of the installation time, you just see the necessary parts, and then open it again and re-format it. The XP installation went smoothly and smoothly. Do not forget only to enjoy yourself, but you have all the drivers for XP before your "zalizo", and the whole process is not matime sense.

Problems with hard drives can be divided into two types: incorrect connection to the annex and in the Winchester itself. First, if it is enough just to see, then with another point there may be problems. Yakshcho Winchester is not a good thing, it’s not going to ring the maestro, but to go to the service. It is just necessary for the nobility to instruct about those who can stand up hard IDE drive... About tse and pіde mova.

Zazvychay, problems with Winchester win, if you add a new possession or you want to add another disc. Often a hard disk is not working, if it was picked up for a victorian on a computer, then it was put back on a working place. All the tse is tied up with that, but Winchester has been incorrectly established.

All winsters may have their own interface, for the smell of what stench come to the mother's payment. In total there are three:

  • Integrated Device Electronics, released in 1986, and it is reputed to be. The name has been shortened: IDE.
  • Small Computer Systems Interface, which was also launched in 1986, and which is used for reproach and donation. Fast: SCSI.
  • Advanced Technology Attachment. In 2003 it was broken up and became very popular at once. Serial ATA.

Previously, such interfaces, like ST and ESDI, were also stalled, but they were completely forgotten about them. ST stopped vikoristovuvati in 1989, and ESDI did not exploit until 1991. IDE, in its own way, having often used the interface itself, was later refined and rebuilt into ATA, for which reason it was possible to add not only Winchesters, but also CDs and DVDs.

ATA developed from the skin rock and a few strong standards from ATA-1 to ATA-7, which were released from 1988 to 2001. With the dermal standard, the speed of transmissions of tribute gradually grew, even though the amount of money was 8.33 Mb / s, then up to 2000, the speed was up to 100 Mb / s. Nadal in 2004 rotsi interface ATA or IDE, buv replacements for modern SATA.

SCSI- the whole interface, for the help of which it is possible to connect not only accumulative systems, but also a different type of peripheral attachments. For example, having pulled out a SCSI scanner. Nadal, with the advent of USB, such an interface has become impractical. SCSI vikoristovutsya on servers, on very large PCs you will not install a motherboard with such an interface, so you will be expensive.

SATA- a very high-quality interface. Yogo is often called the last ATA or Serial ATA. If yak is an extraordinary ATA buv parallel to ATA. This modification makes it more productive. Ale varto vrahovuvati, so the speed of the disc can also be stored in the cache memory.

Connecting hard drives ATA (IDE) and SATA

Infected less and less motherboards to support IDE, to use in the main SATA. I behind the cim interface maybutn. Nypershe rule for connecting the gwent to the motherboard, but you need to connect your computer as a mesh.

The motherboard has two IDE roses. This means that you can connect two hard drives at once. The Ale tsei controller is also available for CD / DVD drives. Prior to the head controller, a large number of pristines will be connected, and this will be called Master. Then you can set up another attachment, such as Slave. With such a rank, it is possible to go to the chotiriokh annexes. Imagine the stench in this way:

Під'єднані before the first controller:

  • primary master;
  • primary slave.

Під'єднані to another:

  • secondary master;
  • secondary slave.

If you see the cry of your personal computer and screw it up to the motherboard, then you can write IDE-0, the central controller, and IDE-1 - the central controller. The IDE interface is bigger, lower than SATA, the smell of stink is easy to grow.

It is so important, to brutalize respect, for the help of a train, there will be a day. If you have a 40-pin loop, then replace it with a 80-pin loop. A hard drive, connected through a zhovty train, will be pratsyuvati shvidshe. The BIOS system detects the loop. I 40-pin blue loop to complete the power supply. It’s more beautiful to go to the store, de sell more possession for computers and ask for an 80-pin loop. Your PC will never be replaced by a loop.

The cable is connected to the interface on the motherboard and a hard disk, if you change it up or wrongly jam the cable, you simply cannot see it. Having arrived at Winchester, it is necessary to start, in which mode it will be either master or slave, (head or pidlegliy).

The tsey mode will be set behind the auxiliary jumper, which is located not far from the rose for the train. I also call the jumper a jumper. You will need to switch it to master or slave. Tse lie in the mind of your outbuilding. On the hard disk on the deposit, either the etiquette is guilty, but the name of the master is numbered, or it is replaced by the device. If it says slave or device-1, then you will also need to vibrate the display mode.

It is important to understand that one controller cannot be assigned two masters or two slaves. Yakscho you go to another pristіy, to specify the cue, in which mode is pratsyuє perche. Do not change the mode of the already connected hard disk.

For example, you have a Windows Vista that starts Windows, Windows, apparently, installs in the mode of the head attachment. We connected another disk and put the master on a new one, so that the PC will start the operating system from the new disk, it will not be able to work on computers.

Є і third option, as you can install attachments on the IDE. Price for extra cable, so the titles are Cable Select. In this case, the hard drive will be the main one, or we will be able to lay it down from the fact that it is connected to the loop, in the middle of the loop, or in the end. It’s not recommended to be victorious, so it’s possible that you have two hard drives slave or two masters, which will be brought to the grave.

For that, as all the manipulations with the trail of the Vicon, it is necessary to get the Winchester from the stores. For all, it is necessary to install the hard drive from the storage unit. Pardon here can be finished smoothly. Often the cables are roztashovuyutsya on the other side of the burn.

De roztashuvati hard drive, no specific recommendations. So, like the corps, you can be good. Zzvichey, yogo roztashuyut there, de weyde. The price is tied to the time that PC accessories are installed in Taiwan. Often the size of the wires or the loop does not need to come. The best way to go is, a de hard disk will be cooled down for additional fans.

Install a hard drive with SATA interface

There is not a lot of folding, confusing SATA roses with those simply impossible, similar to the motherboard. The SATA interface has its own special features:
The cable for SATA є has two identical roses. Without a difference, like a kudi switch, smut one z'adnati z motherboard, The other is with the hard disk. Overwhelm or not so shrink the cable, there is no way.
On the view from IDE, SATA does not need to select the mode of the head and the easy attachment, but by no means will the manager be asked.
Before motherboard payment with one SATA rose, you can connect only one Winchester.
Regimes, like є on IDE-attachments, do not seem to be injected with SATA.
The hard drive has SATA interface special cable for living. Wine is guilty of being in the set with Winchester himself. For it is possible to be quicker as an interlocutor.

Oskіlki SATA hard drives are faster, less IDE, then you can install the operating system on them. In general, the PC will be more productive. For the whole, it is necessary at the moment, if Windows is banged up, press Del on the keyboard. Drink in the Setup menu, and then vibrate, either Boot Sequence, or Boot Device Priority, it is necessary to sign up for this, as the disk will be enchanted.

Also hard drives SATA may cause drivers, їх can be locked from the official site of the wyrobnik or install from the drive, which is responsible for it in the set with the Winchester. without installed drivers The operating system just won't beat your disk.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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