Ssd disk hour of life. Yak is the approximate hour of life of the SSD

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), I would like to talk about the term of the SSD storage service. Also, people are often afraid of changing the winners of the new generation, explaining how SSD can accumulate the terms of service. And why is it so good? Let's try to get a meal. Otzhe, skіlki live SSD storage?

Prior to the speech, it is often called SSD storage drives. Tse in the roots is wrong. Bo scho also a disk? The chain is round and flat. And in the SSD, there are no such details. At the newest є only chips and microcircuits. To that, let's call the speeches our names.

SSD storage types: SLC, MLC, TLC

Mabut, seemingly about the term of service of SSD storage, in the first place it is necessary to know about these types. Oh, in general, all three are SLC, MLC and TLC.

  • SLC- the best type of SSD storage. To grow up with a high hope and a road. The largest cycle resource for rewriting is 10,000.
  • MLC- a large, everyday option. The virobniks tried to reduce the bitness of the accumulation by the gentry to reduce the bitness of the skin in the middle of the memory to 2 bits. But at the same time, the price has decreased and the cycle life has been rewritten up to 3000 times.
  • TLC- 3 bits per page. The price has become more accessible. The resource of overwriting cycles has decreased up to 1000 times.

SLC, MLC, TLC (bit rate)

Of course, it’s possible to add MLC and TLC to the store all at once. Їх term of service of increasing the way in the introduction of new additional technologies. For example, now, in the accumulators, the rewriting of the given data is equal to each other, but it should not be possible for the intermediate ones to get out of order earlier than an hour. It is also active to pick up additional cache memory of the SLC type in MLC and TLC storage devices, although the term of the SSD storage service is also increased.

Yak rozrahuvati term of service SSD storage (formula)?

The formula is approximate to the term of the SSD storage service. It is necessary to know about it, however, it’s not entirely wrong, and I’ll be happy with it.

You need to take a number of cycles in rewriting, multiply by the amount of SSD storage and distribute the amount of information recorded per day.

At the same time, we take an MLC-type SSD, say, 120GB. Supposedly, I can write about 20GB per day per day (in what I, before speaking, am still very much in doubt). What to go in?

3000 cycles * 120GB / 20GB = 18000 days (49 years)

At the first glance, the rozrahunok can be absolutely blindfold. But do not lose sight of the fact that there is no need for new options on all the middle of the accumulator. How can you explain the price in an accessible language? Admittedly, purely theoretically, half of your disk is full of music and you don’t try to see, and the other half of the disk is hard to use by writing / seeing new files, time files, download file, etc. In such a rank, the information is constantly changing, so that it’s less wear and tear before often overwriting the file.

In this rank, I know theoretically, the day can be recorded up to 10 times (at the maximum). So, our formula is transformed into this:

3000 cycles * 120GB / (20GB * 10) = 1800 days (4.9 rocks)

I know I will repeat myself, to the maximum. First of all, you won’t be able to rewrite 20GB on the day for everything. In other words, the efficiency of the given day can be less than 10, and the amount of money needed is less.


The term of the service of your SSD is a lot of reasons why you will be able to use it.... For an average statistician, the term of service of such an accumulator will not be practically recognized by the term of the service of a fixed HDD. If your activity is tied to the continuous rewriting of information on the storage device, say more than 60-80GB per day, then for you the difference in the term of the SSD service of the storage device and HDD disk will be kept clean, repair the price.

One more important addition is:

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Read recent authoritative dzherels about the term of SSD service... The truth is, the resource is so short, and the officials are pouring it into the new one. Since the onset of solid-state flash drives (SSD disks) as an alternative to ordinary hard drives has grown on a large scale, the biggest problem (at the top of the price) has been the supply of power to the advanced devices. At a large number of hard drives, they were still present to hear about the hopes of hard drives, but "SSD drives" were still in full swing.


SSD technology

Ale through the rocky rink of solid accumulators, the viruses are in different ways, and we now have a special drive. Good news є those who "SSD disks" nadіynіshі, nіzh you think, і so good, like і hard drives from the point of view of saving tribute and winning pardons. The rotten novina polyagaє in that, as a solid accumulation, it seems that the tendency to pogirshuvati its propriety is simply due to the increase in quality, and not due to the interconnected cycles of reading / writing down the tribute, as it had been transferred earlier.

Tse means, scho vi, shvidshe for everything, do not spend more money, vikoristovuchi "SSD disk", Don't use a standard hard drive ... "Backup-copies" all important files.

First we will go to the test, it is important to guess the technical terms, tied with the technology "SSD":

MLC, SLC and TLC: Happy "SSD drives" most often three types of memory are stagnated "NAND"

SLC"Single Level Cell"- one-room memorial committee. I am looking for speed and productivity, the lowest for electricity, I’m looking for speed, I write down the dates and the maximum number of cycles "Program / Erase"... The memory of such a rіvnya zvvyat vikoristovoyut for robots of a different kind of server systems, just to that, which is part "SSD-disks" on the basis of the whole technology is still great.

MLC"Multi Level Cell"- bagator_vneva middle of the memory. Varto is much less than SLC, but at the same time the mensh has shown it and SLC does the same for a number of cycles "Program / Erase"... Stasis everywhere, repairing from commercial, working machines and ending home PCs. yaksho block "Bedov" That is not available for read / write operations on your PC. It’s in my own heart to bring to a decrease the number of available space on the disk, and I’ll write down the reading / writing of the pardons.

eMLCEnterprise Multi Level Cell- midway, flashed on the basis of the MLC, ale її resource to the cycle "Program / Erase" significant improvement. The reliability of eMLC is at the level of SLC, and the price of three is lower than that of MLC. You can also use a variety of working stations and servers of the middle hand.

TLC"Three Level Cell"- three rіvneva in the middle of the memory. Yak plus - I’ll write down great proficiency, ale, yak minus - I’ll write more than a little bit of reading, I’ll write down the tribute. MA Menshu Cycliv "Program / Erase", Shodo SLC and MLC. The memory of the Vikorists has been greatly reduced in greatness. "Flash drives"(Memory cards and flash drives), and now it is also possible to be victorious and for virobnitting the wives "SSD-storage".

TBW(Recorded terabytes): A huge tribute exchange, such as the bullets recorded and rewritten to disk for the entire hour of its operation, rotated in terabytes.

So, are you ready to use SSD drives?

post-bosses "SSD-storage" assess the need for such discs for three factors: the term of the guarantee (hour, the vyrobnik sees on the guarantee of service), the total TWB, which can be written in the interruption of the guarantee term, and the number of discs for the hour Obviously, the results of both in and out of the three parameters will be absolutely acceptable for children. "SSD-disks"... But at the same hour, all three parameters are too busy to be averaged and I can’t show how I’m living a resource of that one’s accumulator. More precisely, the ratio of the hour to the specific "SSD disk", Zrobiti is simply ill-advised. We will try to name it, finish the foggy, the point of maximum possible writing down the tributes on the pristіy. If you pass the point, then the victorious disc is very uncomfortable, and you can not safely waste all the dues there.

Not long ago, a number of additional reports were carried out, directing them to a higher exact term of the service of solid-state accumulators.

I'll show you some results:

Posting "Google" to the University of Toronto

Spilne dosljennya company "Google" from the University of Toronto, as it has compiled the data about slaughter on the servers of the company for chotiri rock. Have a prescriptive breakdown about those who are very physical "SSD disk", And not a few, but the frequency of the recording of tributes, є the main factor of primary importance is the quality of the grants of the tribute to the new one. So the bulo is set, oh "SSD-storage" They were replaced in the Google data processing centers on the way, no more hard disks, approximately in the range of 1 to 4. If not all results were bullies "SSD attachments": With a stretch of the time-tested period of testing, in their robots, serious mischief, critical pardons and unreadable blocks of memory appeared from a lot of high speed, not on the hard hard disks. Worthy of vysnovok: in the middle of the city, with high preferences, and innocent animals for reading / writing down the tributes, it’s hard to accumulate to serve better, not to get more hard drives, but to be more difficult to drink them to the point of criticism Danih. old "SSD disks" great sickness in robots, just in view of the vicarious memory.

Doslidzhennya Tech Report

doslіdzhennya "Tech Report" about good fortune "SSD-storage" Umnistu 250 GB, which was carried out between the main svitovy virobniki and brands. In the midst of six protesting models of solid-state accumulators, there were only three vip tests: "Kingston", "Samsung"і "Corsair" For this purpose, they recorded 1000 terabytes of Danih (one petabyte) on them. The Іnshі disks were converted from 700 to 900 TBW (terabyte dani). Two "SSD disk", View of companies "Samsung"і Intel, Vikoristov took the cheaper MLC technology, at the same hour, a solid-state drive from the company "Kingston", Yakiy vikoristovuє the same technology, having appeared in the number of far away passed the viprobuvannya, at the same time testing the stench passed the same way. Visnovok: you can ochіkuvati, scho "SSD-storage", Rosemir 250 GB, "Pomre" before you write down one petabyte of money, if two models changed the symbol. All one will wisely take backup copies of important tributes, so that you can avoid unsettled situations, browse your disk, save memory, and use SLC technology.

"SSD disks" a large number, through the manifestation of just a larger number of memory elements, guilty of pratsyuvati more, approximately the same rank. For example, a 250GB disk "Dead" at 900 TBW, then it would be reasonable to start it up, so that the accumulator in 1TB will last 4 times more, I will write it again in 3.6 petabytes.

doslіdzhennya Facebook

company "Facebook" published an internal report of the triviality of life of solid accumulators, vicarious in corporate centers for the processing of tributes. Vysnovka bouly focused on the minds of the midst of the centers themselves. Tobto, the stench came to finish the obvious visnovka about those who were too close to the annex to the high temperature of the speedy term of their service.

Ale vono also showed that "SSD disk" if the first major pardons are not "dead", then it’s a blame for everything, and we went ahead and continued. Also in the previous company "Facebook" It turned out that I would write down and read the tribute to the triviality of the disc, although it’s unclear, they controlled the stench of the physical wick of the accumulator himself. Visnovok: for a vinaigrette of early vidmovies, SSD-disk, hiring, to serve better, it is not meant in the software for testing such disks.

Why do we need it?

Otzhe, uzagalnyuchi all tsі dlіdzhennya, what kind of zagalny visnovok begging for? Be amazed at the results, you can stop, yours "SSD-storage" burn through the pik or two. Alemayte on uvaz, two previous sessions were held in the data centers of the majestic corporations, accumulating there for 24 years in order to win an unlimited number of operations to read / write down, continuously and stretch out a lot of rockets. And the order for the extravagant survivor was carried out specially in the stress test mode, with a permanent attachment. If a zychayy koristuvachev can reach the ossuary of reading / write it down in petabytes of tribute, with a zychayy mode of robots, then it is required "Gvaltuvati" sv_y PC, big-mensh without zupinok, stretching ten years. And maybe you can go for more than ten years. Navigate professional gamers or IT fakhivtsi, hire, do not reach the stated maximum amount of money, overwritten by one nose.

visnovok: Wee, shvidshe for everything, even upgrade your entire PC to another update "SSD disk".

#DWPD #EMLC #TBW Are TBW (DWPD) Skills in my new solid state storage device?

As it seems, the main shortcomings of solid-state drives SSD є an admittedly quick look from the fret of occasional flash memory in them. However, a lot of shortage is not a drive for productive, noiseless, light and energy efficient SSDs. Shvidshe, this is the reason for the search for the guarantor of the virobnik by the term of the service to the annex.

The first closest characteristic of the SSD service term is the number of write-erase cycles (P / E Cycles) that are stored in the accumulated NAND chips. With more rewrites, we admit the middle of the memory, so we have to do it. Moreover, a number of cycles of writing-erasing of visas start with the leading rank of the type of vicarists:

However, the development of SSD models is based on small controllers, in which, in their own capacity, the development of balancing circuits for new options is fixed (instead of "women" in the middle of memory, the controller is victorious in the middle of a small amount of "trying to feed"). To that, the moment is given by the key characteristics of the reliability of the SSD є a summarized exchange of tribute, which can be guaranteed to be written to a storage device, or TBW (it is encrypted as Total Bytes Written). DWPD (Disk Write per Day - permissible number of rewrites of the entire volume of the accumulator per day), which characterizes the way TBW is accumulated up to its limit and guarantee line, has become an even greater display characteristic.

appraisal Zasosuvannya areas Type of installation Number of cycles for reading / writing Chip type TBW DWPD stockpile stock
I’ve got a little bit of storage, which I’m going to get into a pair of HDDs, or I’ll replace HDD for a personal computer, or I’ll accumulate a laptop, or an ultrabook, or a tablet. For the booth, for the family 1K - 2K (one thousand - 2 thousand) cycles of erasing / writing; TLC, MLC abo less than 1
Home office computer Home office 2K - 3K (2k - 3k) erase / write cycles MLC 1-2
Іgrovy computer іgri MLC 2-3
Budget corporate systems Web server, file server, workstation Corporate; in the main operation of the reading, the operation to write down the trocha 3K - 5K (3k - 5k) erase / write cycles MLC 1
Corporate systems of average level Post server Corporate; several operations of reading and writing in one order 25K - 30K (25k - 30k) erase / write cycles MLC, eMLC 5-15
Productive corporate systems Database server, critical for the enterprise Corporate; I will not interfere with the number of operations to read and write down 100K - 200K (100k - 200k) erase / write cycles eMLC, SLC 15 and more

TBW for a designated SSD for a corporate class and for an SSD of a corporate class characterize accumulators in other minds. The corporate SSD is guilty of not recording the claimed number of terabytes in 24/7 mode, with a higher temperature (in the case of an SSD), and a guarantee of an order of magnitude more low level of pardons. 2 class SSD (values ​​for a client - corporate - Enterprise), as defined by the JEDEC standard:

It is not possible to select an SSD, primed on TBW only; mutate the class with an attachment. For example, the characteristics of TBW for both the same and the storage are 290 Terabytes, but for budget servers it is not suitable, but just go.

Vibrating disk for your computer, more and more people see the pass not with an extra HDD attachment, but. The reasons for such a decision are the main challenges, and the very high speed of the robotics and the need. One important parameter, however, is the term of service. Let's take a detailed look and understand what the term of service for the SSD disk is and how to continue the hour of the week.

Rozrahovuєmo term of service

It’s for sure that the SSD drive is alive, it’s necessary to correctly develop the terms. It is impossible to use a solid-state storage device with a memory of the MLC type, so it’s the most common way to get used to it. Based on technical documentation, the average number of overwrite cycles is 3,000.

If you take an attachment with a volume of 120GB and if you have a medium-sized one, you will write down 15GB of money, then you can use the formula for the formulas 3000x120 / 15 = 24000 days or 65 rockets.

Even though it is theoretical in nature, it’s more on practice that the recorded information will be updated 10 times, and the estimate will be 6.5 before the beginning. Ale tse does not mean that in a whole hour the STO will come to non-patronage, and will not be successful. It’s possible to keep track of the intensity of the last week, through the copy of the term of the service to write an update of the written information.

It is also possible for rosrahunks to choose special programs, about one set of different rosters.

Utilita SSD Life

A special program, as it allows the criminals to reconvert the camp of a solid accumulator and know that they have lost their robots. Utility to carry out the retail analysis of the registration of the service, and using an additional special algorithm, the approximate term of the SSD service is added to the add-on. Relatively, according to the intensity of the test, there is a change in the transmission of robot terms.

If you are looking for additional programs, you can learn whether you are a dan, or be worth a hobbyist. Correcting from the background information about the model and the virobnik and finishing with the technical, for example, about the adjustment of the TRIM function. Everything will be displayed in the main utility window, like, before speech, there is a large number of current models of solid-state accumulators.

AHCI mode

Before the time, when starting to continue the term of life, it is necessary to change to the SSD mode in AHCI mode, inject some of the brown functions into the term of the service and productivity may not be available.

To reconvert the stream mode, go to the "IDE / ATA controllers" section. Guilty to stand for the meaning of "AHCI".

enable defragmentation

Defragmentation is designed to increase the accessibility to the specified number of changes in the mechanical head, and in the middle of the HDD. Ale, as it seems, the SSD has accumulated in a lot of tattered parts and the function is simply not needed. Moreover, it’s a world that’s awesome for these types of accumulations, so as in fact it’s possible to rewrite the data, through a number of run cycles.

In order to restore the term of your service, you need to enable defragmentation.

The price can be broken down in the following way:

In this way, you can quickly enable defragmentation and then by yourself continue the life of the SSD to the disk installed on your PC.

included TRIM

The TRIM technology is used as a controller for the SSD disk, so that any files can be seen in an hour, the storage area can be cleaned up. It’s more simple, if you see the data from an extravagant hard disk, then the stench will not be erased on the face of it, but it’s impossible to be recognized by a marker and in times of consumption can be updated until that moment, if the information is not recorded on this point. As long as we are talking about SSD, then the developers of TRIM technology, information is seen at once.

This technology is included for changes in Windows 7/8/10. To convert the country on a computer is required:

Writing it is necessary to make your respect for the explicit text. If you type "DisableDeleteNotify = 0", then it means that the technology is on, if you replace zero with value 1, then it is on.

Be-like operations from TRIM to be victorious on the road to the following teams:

  1. To enable, enter "fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 0".
  2. For "fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 1"

If this technology is included in the life of the SSD storage installed on your attachment, there may be significant upgrades.

inclusion of indexes

The index is required in the system for the maximum quick sound of the files on the PC. Ale chi often do you use a joke on a computer? Moreover, the rate for shvidkodiya to become no more than 10%, during the whole operation, reading will be added gradually, but you certainly don’t need it.

Insure the fact that you don't have such a solid accumulation and 10 damages to fit into the robot, and you don’t remember any obvious changes.

This function can be easily included:

The entire index will be enabled, and even more than three times the SSD storage hour will be saved.

keshuvannya inclusion

A solid disc will not only be better, but rather shorter, if you allow keshuvannya.

Please check out our instructions:

With this rank, the managers of cesuvannya records in the future will increase the productivity of the system.

disk grabbing

Be careful not to accumulate unnecessary files, a kind of smitty, a great number of music, films, and then you will not get to know how to live solid discs and have more life for the cyme. So, to sound pricelessly simple, but most often the reason for the immediate departure from the harmony and general robotics is the same. More beautifully, if you can move all the files to the mechanical HDD.

It is not necessary to store the SSDs by 75% more, and even a lot of virobniks are accumulated, including Samsung and Intel, to talk about those that are pouring into the productivity of the system as a whole. Good afternoon, every month to clean the Windows operating system with the help of special programs, for example, CCleaner. Such utilities will help you to quickly enjoy yourself from the smitty and mottle, who will remember the memory of your Winchester.

Upload file

As for the first option, then the wine is even more spirne. I especially do not recommend that you turn on the keys, do not wonder at those computers that are equipped with 8 gigabytes or more operative memory, it can be easily done without a download file. If you just program everything, you just might not start, because in the process of these robots there will be pardons.

In case of another option, the cycles of rewriting are saved, productivity is less wasted, and the galvanized HDD will be used up. Tom is robiti, virishuvati only to you.

turn on a deep sleep

Continuing the life of an SSD disk can be done with an additional enable mode. In short, the hibernation is just one function of the system, when all of the occupied operational memory is transferred to the SSD, it should be sent to the file hiberfil.sys.

In addition, as a robot system and update, the data will be rewritten into the operational memory for the most accurate update of the PC machine. At the same time, in its turn, it is possible to start the system and improve the speed of the robot more quickly.

The Danish process is not shy for extravagant accumulators, however, it can be very much embedded in the term of life of your SSD disk. It’s tied to that, when you have a deep sleep, a great amount of information will be overwritten, as it was previously occupied by a large number of operational memory.

Suppose your computer equips 6GB of RAM. At the same time, there is such a possibility that all of the obvious communication will be overwritten and later on from the disc. So, for the improvement of the term of the robotics of the solid-state accumulator, it is not a matter of vikoristovuvati hybernation.

However, I would not like to directly recommend to enable the hypernation. So, as for the reason, the function is still correct, as it is necessary to save and update all the files over which they were viewed, in case of incorrect completion of the Windows robot.

Connecting to the system

Deyakі dzherela talk about those, for the continuation of the term of service SSD it is necessary to turn on the system lock, however, it is not recommended to work in any way. The whole thing is pretty cool, as if necessary, you can help you update the Windows OS in just a couple of quills. For example, the update points are set before installing the utility or carrying out the update.

If you do not know if you do it, you can do it in this way:

The best and simplest way to continue the life of an SSD disk.

Drivers and firmware

All firmwares are accumulated and BIOS needs to be trimmed in the current state, as well as the skin stench updates allow your attachment to be more efficient and effective. Krym, bazhano come to me with respect to the drivers and promptly їkh ovlyuvaty, so it is also possible to kill the robot of your SSD shvidshe.

Infected with all the more popularity among koristuvachіv fix koristuvatis solid accumulation. First of all, you can know a lot of reasons, among them you can guess noiselessness, hope and high speed of reading and write down. The set-ups, such as attachments, are ideal for victorian in the quality of system drives, as well as for recording on them programs that are capable of sharing information to the best of their ability.

Terms of service of solid state drives

However, krim perevag, such accumulators є і shortcomings... The stinks are not only more expensive than the extraordinary hard disks, but I will also write them down in the number of cycles. Itself through the interconnection of a lot of koristuvachіv and vvazhayut ssd unconvincing. However, it’s not really a good idea, the number of cycles is surrounded, but it doesn’t mean that we will see it out of the way. є kіlka important characteristics, Yaki to help you with the meaning of the term life. Resource TBW (Total Bytes Written), which shows how all data can be written to disk. І DWPD (Disk Write per Day), which shows the number of allowed rewrites per day.

Yak rosrahuvati SSD resource

For extravagant accumulators, the average number of cycles I will write down to three thousand. For old people there are more models, and for people less. Ale not on the tse varto beasts I respect, so DWPD can be calculated for the formula.

However, you can know the same tribute by simply looking at the side of the store.

Otzhe, here representations of a simple disk. Three characteristics can be changed, tbw 256, and dwpd 0.5. In fact, tse means, shho koristuvach everything can you write on the nose 256 terabytes of information, at the same time, a maximum of half a day is rewritten per day, that is 240 GB. Such a stock is to blame for the number of rockets, since the SSD is not used for continuous exchange of files, at any given time it will be replaced by the same data.

So it is possible to create a visnovka, how to finish the SSD to dovgov_chni. If a system is installed on them, if the program is igor, the stench will be good for 3-5 rockets (this is the guarantee of goodness and is given by virobniks). At the same time, it’s quite reasonable that for such an hour it’s stench to waste relevance not only physically, but morally. About those well, as if I knew the skil, I was too much to serve the same vikorovuvany disk, will be distant.

SSD Life

Zavanazhuvati utilitu is required from the official site The program is simple for the victorian, you need to add it and start it. dal won I will scan the disc, I will show you a threading mill (a row of health), as well as a run-down about the terms of the SSD disk service, there are obvious tributes.

Hard Disk Sentinel

Conduct an invoice from the website This program can evaluate the SSD robot and show all the problems and shortcomings, as well as the temperature. maybe let the term of service... The program is paid, protest, trial version is available.


You can book the program from the side of the store Dodatok will show you all the information about the disc. You can immediately marvel at Zagalna number in the already recorded information, and of course, from the value tbw, if the stench is approximately equal, then it is worth getting ready to replace the wear.

Yak pratsyuє nakakichuvach

A solid accumulator of practice for the same principle, below all hdd. At the newest, the recording is carried out in a special center of the memory, as well as on a flash drive. Number of reading unmetered, Protect resource is dropped by skin rewriting of the commercially. The most beautiful thing on such disks is to save files and programs, for those it is often necessary to have a quick access to the tribute, even though the stench itself cannot be rewritten. Such winches are ideal for the installation of systems and great programs that use a lot of resources, but it is not good to go for the collection of multimedia information.

Є a number of functions, which allow you to change the terms of service, for example, trim. Qia technology is allowed povidomlyaty nakuchuvach about those blocks, which are more dumb to consume, should be read when the information is visible. You can also enable defragmentation and disk cleaning, To that it won’t be a masseu for ssd. Until then, the current controllers of the building independently carry out the balancing of intervals, so that the information about the same will be approximately the same, allowing the continuation of the terms of service.

Mifi about SSD storage

Є kіlka mіfіv, talk about yakі varto okremo.

  1. Minimal term of service... Proceedings on the basis of all the statistics. If a victorious person of such a hobbyist has a correct rank, the term of his service should not give up on an extravagant disks.
  2. The party is great. Discs for a home victorian are not so much the same road, in any case, you don’t want to chase a lot of money, for that there’s a great deal of speed in the future for the children of the Igor’s program. Call the system disk from a koristuvach loan from 5 to 200 GB, the axis is on the whole and you can use it at the time of purchase.
  3. Foldable system optimization. Here, especially, say nothing about it, since installing the system on such a disk, you need to activate the trim and enable the planned defragmentation. Tim bigger in Windows 10 all settings are automatically processed.
  4. It is necessary to re-install the system and install the accumulator. As soon as it is in the quality of a pre-finished one, it will not be necessary. Until then, є utilities, as it is possible to transfer the system from one accumulator to the first one, which saves all the adjustments and programs.
  5. For accumulating it is necessary to constantly quest. Yak and іnshi accumulate, I don’t look after myself. The head of the quill, which didn’t fall, didn’t get warm, didn’t get any water or streaks. It should be carried out until all possession, and not only before the SSD.
  6. SSDs do not provide productivity gains. The stench gives prirost to those dodatkami, as vimagaє post-ijnu obmenu danimi. However, if you just sit on the Internet through a browser or type texts for documents, then it may not be especially important.
  7. Some disks are not valid. Chergovy myth, some of the attached attachments do not miss the tattered parts, but it is important to change the need and flexibility.
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